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Emergency Data Exchange Language (EDXL)
Distribution Element, v. 1.0
OASIS Standard EDXL-DE v1.0, 1 May 2006
Document Identifier:
OASIS Identifier:
{EMTC}-{EDXL-DE}-{1.0} (HTML) (Word) (PDF)
This Version: http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/EDXL-DE/V1.0
Technical Committee:
OASIS Emergency Management TC
Elysa Jones, Warning Systems, Inc. - <ejones@warningsystems.com>
Michelle Raymond, Individual
Sylvia Webb, Individual
Patti Iles Aymond, IEM, Inc.
Subject / Keywords:
distribution element, dissemination, routing, payload, alert, resource message, emergency,
information sharing, data exchange, emergency response, emergency management, geospatial,
political, target area, message delivery, message sender, message recipient, distribution status,
distribution type, sender role, recipient role, response type, event cause, confidentiality, circle,
polygon, location, content object, consumer role, notification, XML message, distribution type,
geography, incident, sender identification, sender id, recipient identification, recipient id, inter-agency,
emergency information, functional role, recipient address, hazard, distribution status, distribution type,
event type, event etiology, message processor, event stage, resource code and response type
Related Work:
This specification is related to:
CAP 1.1 - http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/emergency
The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) provides an open, non-proprietary digital message format
for all types of alerts and notifications. CAP messages are recommended as one of the
standardized forms for XML based message content, to be distributed by this Distribution
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This Distribution Element specification describes a standard message distribution framework for data
sharing among emergency information systems using the XML-based Emergency Data Exchange
Language (EDXL). This format may be used over any data transmission system, including but not
limited to the SOAP HTTP binding.
This document was last revised or approved by the Emergency Management Technical Committee
on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the current location noted above
for possible later revisions of this document. This document is updated periodically on no particular
Technical Committee members should send comments on this specification to the Technical
Committee’s email list. Others should send comments to the Technical Committee by using the
"Send A Comment" button on the Technical Committee’s web page at www.oasis-
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OASIS invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent
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Copyright © OASIS Open 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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This document and the information contained herein is provided on an “AS IS” basis and OASIS
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 PURPOSE..............................................................................................................................................................5
1.2 HISTORY ..............................................................................................................................................................5
1.3 STRUCTURE OF THE EDXL DISTRIBUTION ELEMENT...........................................................................................6
1.3.1 <EDXLDistribution>..................................................................................................................................6
1.3.2 <targetArea>..............................................................................................................................................6
1.3.3 <contentObject>.........................................................................................................................................6
1.4 APPLICATIONS OF THE EDXL DISTRIBUTION ELEMENT ......................................................................................6
1.5 TERMINOLOGY.....................................................................................................................................................6
1.6 NORMATIVE REFERENCES....................................................................................................................................7
1.7 NON-NORMATIVE REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................7
2. DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS (NON-NORMATIVE)....................................................................8
2.1 DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ...........................................................................................................................................8
2.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN ...............................................................................................................................8
2.3 EXAMPLE USAGE SCENARIOS ..............................................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Distribution of Emergency Message/s or Alerts Based on Geographic Delivery Area and Incident Type.9
2.3.2 Encapsulation and Distribution of One or More Emergency Messages or Alerts or Notifications............9
2.3.3 Distribution of Resource Messages or Reports...........................................................................................9
2.3.4 Distribution of Well-Formed XML Messages..............................................................................................9
3. EDXLDISTRIBUTION ELEMENT STRUCTURE (NORMATIVE)..............................................................10
3.1 DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL ..............................................................................................................................10
3.2 DATA DICTIONARY............................................................................................................................................11
3.2.1 EDXLDistribution Element and Sub-elements..........................................................................................11
3.2.2 targetArea Element and Sub-elements ......................................................................................................18
3.2.3 contentObject Element and Sub-elements.................................................................................................21
3.2.4 nonXMLContent Element and Sub-elements.............................................................................................26
3.2.5 xmlContent Element and Sub-elements.....................................................................................................28
3.2.6 List and Associated Value(s).....................................................................................................................30
3.2.7 Explicit Addressing ...................................................................................................................................31
APPENDIX A. XML SCHEMA FOR THE EDXLDISTRIBUTION ELEMENT..............................................32
APPENDIX B. EDXL-DE EXAMPLES..................................................................................................................35
B.1 EDXL-DE WITH CAP PAYLOAD......................................................................................................................35
B.2 EDXL-DE WITH MULTIPLE ENCRYPTED PAYLOADS .......................................................................................36
APPENDIX C. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...............................................................................................................41
C.1 OASIS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: ........................................................................41
APPENDIX D. REVISION HISTORY....................................................................................................................42
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1. Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 2
The primary purpose of the Distribution Element is to facilitate the routing of any properly formatted XML 3
emergency message to recipients. The Distribution Element may be thought of as a "container". It 4
provides the information to route "payload" message sets (such as Alerts or Resource Messages), by 5
including key routing information such as distribution type, geography, incident, and sender/recipient IDs. 6
1.2 History 7
The Disaster Management eGov Initiative of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) determined in 8
2004 to launch a project to develop interagency emergency data communications standards. It called 9
together a group of national emergency response practitioner leaders and sought their guidance on 10
requirements for such standards. In June, 2004 the first such meeting identified the need for a common 11
distribution element for all emergency messages. Subsequent meetings of a Standards Working Group 12
developed detailed requirements and a draft specification for such a distribution element (DE). 13
During the same period the DM Initiative was forming a partnership with industry members of the 14
Emergency Interoperability Consortium (EIC) to cooperate in the development of emergency standards. 15
EIC had been a leading sponsor of the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). Both organizations desired to 16
develop an expanded family of data formats for exchanging operational information beyond warning. 17
EIC members participated in the development of the DE, and in the broader design of the design of a 18
process for the development of additional standards. This was named Emergency Data Exchange 19
Language (EDXL). 20
The goal of the EDXL project is to facilitate emergency information sharing and data exchange across the 21
local, state, tribal, national and non-governmental organizations of different professions that provide 22
emergency response and management services. EDXL will accomplish this goal by focusing on the 23
standardization of specific messages (messaging interfaces) to facilitate emergency communication and 24
coordination particularly when more than one profession is involved. It is not just an "emergency 25
management" domain exercise. 26
It is a national effort including a diverse and representative group of local, state and federal emergency 27
response organizations and professionals, following a multi-step process. Just as a data-focused effort 28
targets shared data elements, the EDXL process looks for shared message needs, which are common 29
across a broad number of organizations. The objective is to rapidly deliver implementable standard 30
messages, in an incremental fashion, directly to emergency response agencies in the trenches, providing 31
seamless communication and coordination supporting each particular process. The effort first addresses 32
the most urgent needs and proceeds to subsequent message sets in a prioritized fashion. The goal is to 33
incrementally develop and deliver standards. 34
EDXL is intended as a suite of emergency data message types including resource queries and requests, 35
situation status, message routing instructions and the like, needed in the context of cross-disciplinary, 36
cross-jurisdictional communications related to emergency response. 37
The priorities and requirements are created by the DM EDXL Standards Working Group (SWG) which is a 38
formalized group of emergency response practitioners, technical experts, and industry. 39
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The draft DE specification was trialed by a number of EIC members starting in October, 2004. In 1
November, 2004, EIC formally submitted the draft to the OASIS Emergency Management Technical 2
Committee for standardization. 3
1.3 Structure of the EDXL Distribution Element 4
The EDXL Distribution Element (DE) comprises an <EDXLDistribution> element as described hereafter, 5
optional <targetArea> elements describing geospatial or political target area for message delivery, and a 6
set of <contentObject> elements each containing specific information regarding a particular item of 7
content. The included content may be any XML or other content type or a URI to access the content. 8
The <EDXLDistribution> block may be used without content to form the body of a routing query to, or 9
response from, a directory service. 10
1.3.1 <EDXLDistribution> 11
The <EDXLDistribution> element asserts the originator’s intent as to the dissemination of that particular 12
message or set of messages. 13
Note that use of the <EDXLDistribution> element does not guarantee that all network links and nodes will 14
implement the asserted dissemination policy or that unintended disclosure will not occur. Where sensitive 15
information is transmitted over distrusted networks, it should be encrypted in accordance with the Web 16
Services Security (WSS) standard http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-17
message-security-1.0.pdf with any updates and errata published by the OASIS Web Services Security 18
Technical Committee http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=wss, or some 19
other suitable encryption scheme. 20
1.3.2 <targetArea> 21
The <targetArea> is a container element for the geospatial or political area targeting of the recipient of the 22
message content. It contains data necessary to the originator's intent, based on location targeting, as to 23
the dissemination of that particular message or set of messages. 24
1.3.3 <contentObject> 25
The <contentObject> is a container element for specific messages. The <contentObject> element MUST 26
either contain an <xmlContent> content container or a <nonXMLContent> content container. Additional 27
elements (metadata) used for specific distribution of the <contentObject> payload or hints for processing 28
the payload are also present in the <contentObject> container element. 29
1.4 Applications of the EDXL Distribution Element 30
The primary use of the EDXL Distribution Element is to identify and provide information to enable the 31
routing of encapsulated payloads, called Content Objects. It is used to provide a common mechanism to 32
encapsulate content information. 33
1.5 Terminology 34
NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” are to be interpreted as described in Key words for 36
use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels [RFC2119]. 37
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In addition, within this Specification, the keyword “CONDITIONAL” should be interpreted as potentially 1
“REQUIRED” or “OPTIONAL” depending on the surrounding context. The term payload refers to some 2
body of information contained in the distribution element. 3
1.6 Normative References 4
[RFC2046] 5
N. Freed, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types, 6
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2046.txt, IETF RFC 2046, November 1996. 7
[RFC2119] 8
S. Bradner, Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, 9
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt, IETF RFC 2119, March 1997. 10
[RFC3066] 11
H. Alvestrand, Tags for the Identification of Languages, 12
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt, IETF RFC 3066, January 2001. 13
[WGS 84] 14
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense World Geodetic 15
System 1984, http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/tr8350_2.html, NGA Technical Report 16
TR8350.2, January 2000. 17
[XML 1.0] 18
T. Bray, Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Third Edition), 19
http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/, W3C REC-XML-20040204, February 2004. 20
[namespaces] 21
T. Bray, Namespaces in XML, http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/, W3C REC-22
xml-names-19990114, January 1999. 23
[dateTime] 24
N. Freed, XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition, 25
http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#dateTime, W3C REC-xmlschema-2, October 26
2004. 27
1.7 Non-Normative References 28
EDXL General Functional Requirements 29
EDXL General Functional Requirements, http://www.oasis-30
open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=10031&wg_abbrev=emergency, 31
November 2004. 32
EDXL Distribution Element Implementer's Guide 33
EDXL Distribution Element Implementer's Guide, http://www.oasis-34
open.org/committees/document.php?document_id=14120&wg_abbrev=emergency, 35
August 2005. 36
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2. Design Principles and Concepts (non-normative) 1
2.1 Design Philosophy 2
Below are some of the guiding principles of the Distribution Element: 3
Provide an Open Container Model to enable dissemination of one or more emergency messages 4
Provide flexible mechanisms to inform message routing and/or processing decisions 5
Enable dissemination of messages based on geographic delivery area 6
Use and re-use of data content and models developed by other initiatives 7
Business process-driven specific messaging needs across emergency professions 8
Supporting everyday events and incident preparedness, as well as disasters 9
Facilitate emergency information sharing and data exchange across the local, state, tribal, 10
national and non-governmental organizations of different professions that provide emergency 11
response and management services 12
Multi-use format - One message schema supports multiple message types (e.g., alert / update / 13
cancellations / acknowledgments / error messages) in various applications (actual / exercise / test 14
/ system message.) 15
2.2 Requirements for Design 16
The Distribution Element specification should: 17
1. Define a single compound XML structure (or an equivalent single structure if transcoded into 18
another format) including the required and optional elements defined below. 19
2. Specify a desired geographic delivery area, expressed in geospatial coordinates or using 20
political/administrative codes 21
3. Allow the ability to encapsulate a payload or set of payloads 22
4. Take a modular approach to the enumerations of element values which may evolve over time, 23
e.g. by referring to a separate schema for those enumerations. 24
5. Specify unique distribution and sender identifiers 25
6. Specify the date and time the distribution was sent 26
7. Specify the actionability of the distribution message (e.g., real-world, test, exercise) 27
8. Specify the functional type of the distribution message (e.g., report, request, update, cancellation, 28
etc.) 29
9. Specify that the following elements may be present in a valid payload: 30
a. A specification of the format of the distribution message (e.g., the URI of an XML Schema 31
for the message) 32
b. The functional role and/or type of the sender of the distribution message 33
c. One or more functional role and/or type of desired recipients of the distribution message 34
d. A reference to one or more previous distribution messages 35
e. One or more types of response activity involved 36
f. A reference to the type of incident 37
g. One or more characterization of the etiology of the subject event or incident (e.g., 38
terrorism, natural, under investigation, etc.) 39
h. The incident name or other identifier of one or more event or incident 40
i. A reference to one or more response types. 41
j. One or more specific recipient addresses (as a URI) 42
k. Specify an assertion of the confidentiality level of the combined payloads. 43
10. In addition, the Content Object element contained within the Distribution Element SHOULD: 44
a. Allow the encapsulation of one or more payloads in each of the Content Object elements. 45
b. Specify the functional role and/or type of the sender of each payload 46
c. Specify one or more functional roles and/or types of desired recipients of each payload 47
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d. Specify an assertion of the confidentiality level of each payload. 1
11. Provide or refer to specific lists (enumerations) of values and their definitions for: 2
a. Types of incidents 3
b. Types of hazards and/or events 4
c. Types of agencies 5
d. Types of response activity 6
e. The functional role and/or type of the sender 7
f. The functional roles and/or types of desired recipients 8
g. The incident name or other identifier of one or more event or incident. 9
2.3 Example Usage Scenarios 10
Note: The following examples of use scenarios were used as a basis for design and review of the EDXL 11
Distribution Element Message format. These scenarios are non-normative and not intended to be 12
exhaustive or to reflect actual practices. 13
2.3.1 Distribution of Emergency Message/s or Alerts Based on Geographic 14
Delivery Area and Incident Type 15
The terror alert level has been raised to RED. Credible intelligence indicates that terrorist groups in the 16
Mid-Atlantic region are seeking to conduct an attack in the next 48 hours. The Department of Homeland 17
Security sends an emergency alert message, and using the Distribution Element, distributes it to all 18
emergency agencies in the specified area. 19
2.3.2 Encapsulation and Distribution of One or More Emergency Messages or 20
Alerts or Notifications 21
A Radiological sensor triggered at a prominent Tunnel toll booth. Radiation alarm levels indicates 22
possible dirty bomb. Authorities decide to send multiple messages to a number of jurisdictions. They send 23
an EDXL Distribution Element with two encapsulated CAP messages. The first one notifies the area 24
where the sensor has been triggered. The second one is an alert to emergency response agencies that 25
the state Emergency Operation Center (EOC) has been activated, and requests the agencies to be on 26
alert. 27
2.3.3 Distribution of Resource Messages or Reports 28
The Local EOC has a need for additional resource/support, but is unsure what specifically to request. A 29
free-form request for information and resource availability is prepared, and is sent to the state EOC and 30
other organizations (person to person) using the Distribution Element. The Local EOC receives an 31
acknowledgment message from the State EOC, as well as a request for Information on additional details 32
of the requested resource. Both of these messages are contained within a single Distribution Element. 33
2.3.4 Distribution of Well-Formed XML Messages 34
A huge crash, involving a car and a HAZMAT truck, occurs at a busy junction on an inter-state freeway. 35
Separate automatic notifications of both the car crash and the HAZMAT carrier are sent using the 36
Vehicular Emergency Data Set (VEDS), contained in the Distribution Element. The Transportation 37
Management Center (TMC) shares information (related to the above incident) with the adjacent TMC, 38
using the IEEE 1512 Incident Management Message Set. These set of messages are exchanged using 39
the EDXL Distribution Element. 40
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3. EDXLDistribution Element Structure (normative) 1
3.1 Document Object Model 2
Bold indicates required element. 3
Italics indicates one or more optional unspecified elements 4
# indicates conditional requirement 5
* indicates multiple instances allowed 6
senderRole *
recipientRole *
keyword *
distributionReference * #
explicitAddress *
circle *
polygon *
country *
subdivision *
locCodeUN *
contentKeyword *
originatorRole *
consumerRole *
other *
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3.2 Data Dictionary 1
Note: Unless explicitly constrained within this Data Dictionary, EDXL-DE elements MAY have null values. 2
Implementers MUST check for this condition wherever it might affect application performance. 3
3.2.1 EDXLDistribution Element and Sub-elements 4
The Distribution Message element, <EDXLDistribution> is the container element for all data necessary to 5
the originator’s intent as to the dissemination of the contained message or set of messages. 6
Type XML Structure
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once, top level container
Definition The container of all of the elements related to the distribution of the content messages.
Comments 1. The <EDXLDistribution> element may include one or more <targetArea> and
<contentObject> blocks.
2. Use of the <EDXLDistribution> element does not guarantee that all network links
and nodes will implement the asserted dissemination policy or that unintended
disclosure will not occur. Where sensitive information is transmitted over untrusted
networks, it should be encrypted in accordance with the Web Services Security
(WSS) standard (<http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-
soap-message-security-1.0.pdf>) with any updates and errata published by the
OASIS Web Services Security Technical Committee (<http://www.oasis-
open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=wss>), or some other suitable
encryption scheme.
Used In top level element
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Type xsd:string
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition The unique identifier of this distribution message.
Comments 1. Uniqueness is assigned by the sender to be unique for that sender.
2. The identifier MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:string
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition The unique identifier of the sender.
Comments 1. Uniquely identifies human parties, systems, services, or devices that are all
potential senders of the distribution message.
2. In the form actor@domain-name.
3. Uniqueness of the domain-name is guaranteed through use of the Internet Domain
Name System, and uniqueness of the actor name enforced by the domain owner.
4. The identifier MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Examples: dispatcher@example.gov, 0006.0e39.ad80@example.com
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:dateTime
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition The date and time the distribution message was sent.
Comments 1. The Date Time combination must include the offset time for time zone.
2. Must be in the W3C format for the XML [dateTime]
data type.
Example: 2004-08-01T16:49:00-07:00
Used In EDXLDistribution
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Type xsd:string with restrictions
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition The actionability of the message.
Comments 1. Value must be one of:
a. Actual - "Real-world" information for action
b. Exercise - Simulated information for exercise participants
c. System - Messages regarding or supporting network functions
d. Test - Discardable messages for technical testing only.
2. The status MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:string with restrictions
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition The function of the message.
Comments 1. Value must be one of:
a. Report - New information regarding an incident or activity
b. Update - Updated information superseding a previous message
c. Cancel - A cancellation or revocation of a previous message
d. Request - A request for resources, information or action
e. Response - A response to a previous request
f. Dispatch - A commitment of resources or assistance
g. Ack - Acknowledgment of receipt of an earlier message
h. Error - Rejection of an earlier message (for technical reasons)
i. SensorConfiguration - These messages are for reporting configuration
during power up or after Installation or Maintenance.
j. SensorControl - These are messages used to control sensors/sensor
concentrator components behavior.
k. SensorStatus - These are concise messages which report sensors/sensor
concentrator component status or state of health.
l. SensorDetection - These are high priority messages which report sensor
2. The distribution type applies to the function of the content objects as a set. Those
cases where payloads have different distribution types should be clustered in
different distribution elements.
3. The type MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In EDXLDistribution
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Type xsd:string
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition Confidentiality of the combined distribution message’s content.
Comments 1. The <combindedConfidentiality> indicates the confidentiality of the combined
<contentObject> sub-elements. Generally the combined confidentiality is the most
restrictive of the <confidentiality> elements in the container <contentObject>
element, but it can be more restrictive than any of the individual <confidentiality>
2. The <combindedConfidentiality> element MUST be present if a <confidentiality>
element is present in any of the <contentObject> elements.
3. Application specific mechanisms will be required to determine the minimum
confidentiality level in cases where different confidentiality schemes are used in
the <contentObject>.
5. The confidentiality MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The primary language (but not necessarily exclusive) used in the payloads.
Comments 1. Valid language values are supplied in the ISO standard [RFC3066].
2. The language MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Examples: FR, EN
Used In EDXLDistribution
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Type List and Associated Value(s)
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The functional role of the sender, as it may determine message routing decisions.
Comments 1. The list and associated value(s) is in the form:
where the content of <valueListUrn> is the Uniform Resource Name of a published
list of values and definitions, and the content of <value> is a string (which may
represent a number) denoting the value itself.
2. Multiple instances of the <value>, MAY occur with a single <valueListUrn> within
the <senderRole> container.
3. Multiple instances of <senderRole> MAY occur within a single <EDXLDistribution>
Used In EDXLDistribution
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Type List and Associated Value(s)
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The functional role of the recipient, as it may determine message routing decisions.
Comments 1. The list and associated value(s) is in the form:
where the content of <valueListUrn> is the Uniform Resource Name of a published
list of values and definitions, and the content of <value> is a string (which may
represent a number) denoting the value itself.
2. Multiple instances of the <value>, MAY occur with a single <valueListUrn> within
the <recipientRole> container.
3. Multiple instances of <recipientRole> MAY occur within a single
<EDXLDistribution> container.
Used In EDXLDistribution
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Type List and Associated Value(s)
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The topic related to the distribution message, as it may determine message routing
Comments 1. The list and associated value(s) is in the form:
where the content of <valueListUrn> is the Uniform Resource Name of a published
list of values and definitions, and the content of <value> is a string (which may
represent a number) denoting the value itself.
2. Multiple instances of the <value>, MAY occur with a single <valueListUrn> within
the <keyword> container.
3. Multiple instances of <keyword> MAY occur within a single <EDXLDistribution>
4. Examples of things <keyword> might be used to describe include event type,
event etiology, incident ID and response type.
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:string
Usage CONDITIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition A reference to a previous distribution message.
Comments 1. The <distributionID> and <senderID> and <dateTimeSent> of the referenced
previous message, concatenated with a comma delimiter.
2. This element should appear at least once in any message which updates, cancels
or otherwise refers to another message.
3. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Example: msgID0074,actor@domain-name,2004-08-01T16:49:00-07:00
Used In EDXLDistribution
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Type XML Structure
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The identifier of an explicit recipient.
Comments 1. Identifies human parties, systems, services, or devices that are all potential
recipients of the distribution message.
2. The explicit address of a recipient in the form:
< explicitAddressScheme> explicitAddressScheme </ explicitAddressScheme>
<explicitAddressValue> explicitAddressValue </ explicitAddressValue>
</ explicitAddress >
where the content of <explicitAddressScheme> is the distribution addressing
scheme used, and the content of <explicitAddressValue> is a string denoting the
addressees value.
3. Multiple instances of the < explicitAddressValue >, MAY occur with a single <
explicitAddressScheme > within the < explicitAddress > container.
4. Multiple instances of < explicitAddress > MAY occur within a single
<EDXLDistribution> container.
Used In EDXLDistribution
3.2.2 targetArea Element and Sub-elements 2
The <targetArea> is a container element for the geospatial or political area targeting of the message 3
content. It indicates the originator’s intent based on location targeting as to the dissemination of that 4
particular message or set of messages. 5
Geospatial Note: 6
Values for latitude and longitude shall be expressed as decimal fractions of degrees. Whole 7
degrees of latitude shall be represented by a decimal number ranging from 0 through 90. Whole 8
degrees of longitude shall be represented by a decimal number ranging from 0 through 180. 9
When a decimal fraction of a degree is specified, it shall be separated from the whole number of 10
degrees by a decimal point (the period character, "."). Decimal fractions of a degree should be 11
expressed to the precision available, with trailing zeroes being used as placeholders if required. 12
A decimal point is optional where the precision is less than one degree. 13
Some effort should be made to preserve the apparent precision when converting from 14
another datum or representation, for example 41 degrees 13 minutes should be represented as 15
41.22 and not 41.21666, while 41 13' 11" may be represented as 41.2197. 16
Latitudes north of the equator MAY be specified by a plus sign (+), or by the absence of a minus 17
sign (-), preceding the designating degrees. Latitudes south of the Equator MUST be designated 18
by a minus sign (-) preceding the digits designating degrees. Latitudes on the Equator MUST be 19
designated by a latitude value of 0. 20
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Longitudes east of the prime meridian shall be specified by a plus sign (+), or by the absence of a 1
minus sign (-), preceding the designating degrees. Longitudes west of the prime meridian MUST 2
be designated by a minus sign (-) preceding the digits designating degrees. Longitudes on the 3
prime meridian MUST be designated by a longitude value of 0. A point on the 180th meridian 4
shall be taken as 180 degrees West, and shall include a minus sign. 5
Type XML Structure
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The container element for location information.
Comments 1. Multiple <targetArea> blocks may appear in a single <EDXLDistribution> element,
in which case the target area for the current message is the union of all areas
described in the various <targetArea> structures.
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition An enclosed geographic area within a given radius around a geographic point.
Comments 1. Represented in the form "latitude, longitude, radius". (See Geospatial Note above)
2. The central point is represented by lat-long values conforming to the WGS84
coordinate reference system. [WGS 84]
3. The radius value is expressed in kilometers.
4. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Example: 38.26295, -122.07454 15
Used In targetArea
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Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition An enclosed geographic area within a simple closed polygon defined by an ordered set of
Comments 1. Represented by a space-delimited series of latitude, longitude pairs, with the last
pair identical to the first. (See Geospatial Note above)
2. The lat-long values conform to the WGS84 coordinate reference system. [WGS
3. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Example: 42,-124.2102 42,-120.1 39,-120 35.0,-114.6328 34.35,- 120.4418 38.9383,-
123.817 42,-124.2102
Used In targetArea
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The code of the country.
Comments 1. The two-character ISO 3166-1 Country Code for the country concerned.
2. More specific target location information can be defined in the <subdivision>
3. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In targetArea
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Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The ISO 3166-2 designator for the administrative subdivision concerned.
Comments 1. The first two characters, before the hyphen, are the two character ISO 3166-1
Country Code for the country within which the designated subdivision is located.
2. The following one-to-three characters following the hyphen designate the particular
3. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Examples: US-TX (U.S. State of Texas), DK-025 (Danish county Roskilde), MG-T
(Antananarivo province, Madagascar)
Used In targetArea
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The UN/LOCODE designator for the location concerned.
Comments 1. The two first digits are the two character ISO3166-1 Country Code for the country
in which the place is located.
2. The following three characters are the UN/LOCODE designator for the particular
location within that country.
3. No spaces or punctuation are used within this designator.
4. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Example: USFFB (Fairfield, Alabama, USA), USSUU (Fairfield, California, USA), GBFFD
(Falfield, South Gloucestershire, UK)
Used In targetArea
3.2.3 contentObject Element and Sub-elements 4
The <contentObject> element is the container element for specific messages. The <contentObject> 5
element MUST either contain an <xmlContent> content container or a <nonXMLContent> content 6
container. Additional elements (metadata) used for specific distribution of the <contentObject> payload or 7
hints for processing the payload are also present in the <contentObject> container element. 8
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Type XML Structure
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The container element for message data and content.
Comments 1. The <contentObject> is the container element for specific messages.
2. The <contentObject> may have an optional attribute that defines a namespace
prefix which resolves ambiguous element names.
3. The <contentObject> element MUST contain exactly one of the two content
a. <xmlContent>, for valid namespaced XML content or
b. <nonXMLContent>, containing one or both of the elements <uri>, for
reference to the content’s location, and <contentData>, for data
encapsulated in the message.
Used In EDXLDistribution
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The human-readable text describing the content object.
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Examples: "CAP message from FEMA", "Map of affected area" or "Photo of missing child".
Used In contentObject
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Type List and Associated Value(s)
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The topic related to the message data and content, as it may determine message
distribution and presentation decisions.
Comments 1. The list and associated value(s) is in the form:
where the content of <valueListUrn> is the Uniform Resource Name of a published
list of values and definitions, and the content of <value> is a string (which may
represent a number) denoting the value itself.
2. Multiple instances of the <value>, MAY occur with a single <valueListUrn> within
the <contentKeyword> container.
3. Multiple instances of <contentKeyword> MAY occur within a single
<contentObject> container.
Examples of things <contentKeyword> might be used to describe include message
processor, event stage, resource code and response type.
Used In contentObject
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The human-readable text uniquely identifying the incident/event/situation associated with
the contentObject.
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In contentObject
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Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The human-readable text describing the incident/event/situation associated with the
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In contentObject
Type List and Associated Value(s)
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The functional role of the message originator, as it may determine message distribution
and presentation decisions.
Comments 1. The list and associated value(s) is in the form:
where the content of <valueListUrn> is the Uniform Resource Name of a published
list of values and definitions, and the content of <value> is a string (which may
represent a number) denoting the value itself.
2. Multiple instances of the <value>, MAY occur with a single <valueListUrn> within
the <originatorRole> container.
3. Multiple instances of <originatorRole> MAY occur within a single <contentObject>
Used In contentObject
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Type List and Associated Value(s)
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The functional role of the message consumer, as it may determine message distribution
and presentation decisions.
Comments 1. The list and associated value(s) is in the form:
where the content of <valueListUrn> is the Uniform Resource Name of a published
list of values and definitions, and the content of <value> is a string (which may
represent a number) denoting the value itself.
2. Multiple instances of the <value>, MAY occur with a single <valueListUrn> within
the <consumerRole> container.
3. Multiple instances of <consumerRole> MAY occur within a single <contentObject>
Example: <valueListUrn>"http://www.dhs.gov/NiemRoleType"</valueListUrn>, <value>ICS
Operations Branch</value>
Used In contentObject
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition Special requirements regarding confidentiality of the content of this <contentObject>.
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In contentObject
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Type xsd:other
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY be use to add an unlimited number of XML elements for enveloped
signing process.
Definition Special requirements allowing for signature of the content of a <contentObject>.
Comments 1. There is no mandatory validation of the elements if the namespace reference can
not be located.
2. MUST be a properly formed XML string – escaped, if necessary.
3. Element names cannot duplicate other element names in the contentObject. Such
duplication would prevent validation due to the ambiguity introduced.
4. This element may be used for signatures. If this element is used for experimental
extensions, such extensions may not be supported by all users or in future
versions of EDXL-DE.
Used In contentObject
3.2.4 nonXMLContent Element and Sub-elements 2
Type XML Structure
Usage CONDITIONAL, MUST use once if xmlContent is not used
Definition Container for content provided in a non-XML MIME type.
Comments 1. The <nonXMLContent> container MUST have one or both of the elements
<contentData> and <uri>.
2. If the <uri> element is used in conjunction with the <contentData> element, it must
reference a data location that contains the same data as is contained in the
<contentData> element.
Used In contentObject
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Type xsd:string
Usage REQUIRED, MUST be used once and only once
Definition The format of the payload.
Comments 1. MIME content type and sub-type as described in [RFC 2046].
2. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Examples: application/pdf, application/mp3
Used In nonXMLContent
Type xsd:integer
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The file size of the payload .
Comments 1. Value must be in bytes and represent the raw file size (not encoded or encrypted).
Used In nonXMLContent
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The digest value for the payload.
Comments 1. Used to ensure the integrity of the payload.
2. Calculated using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1)
3. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In nonXMLContent
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Type xsd:anyURI
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition A Uniform Resource Identifier that can be used to retrieve the identified resource.
Comments 1. May be a full absolute URI, typically a Uniform Resource Locator, that can be used
to retrieve the resource over the Internet.
2. May be a relative URI naming a file. This may be just a pointer to a file or
specifically to the file represented in the <contentData>.
Used In nonXMLContent
Type xsd:base64Binary
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The base-64 encoded data content.
Comments 1. MAY be used either with or instead of the <uri> element in contexts where retrieval
of a resource via a URI is not feasible.
2. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In nonXMLContent
3.2.5 xmlContent Element and Sub-elements 3
Type XML Structure
Usage CONDITIONAL, MUST use once if nonXMLContent is not used
Definition Container for valid-namespaced XML data.
1. keyXMLContent
2. embeddedXMLContent
3. An optional namespace attribute may be included.
Used In contentObject
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Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition A container element for collected fragments of valid XML.
Comments 1. Extracts must come from the XML document contained within the
<embeddedXMLContent> element within the current <contentObject> block.
2. All content within this element MUST be explicitly namespaced as defined in the
enclosing <contentObject> tag.
3. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In xmlContent
Type xsd:string
Usage OPTIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition The <embeddedXMLContent> element is an open container for valid XML from an explicit
namespaced XML Schema.
Comments 1. The content MUST be a separately-namespaced well-formed XML document.
2. The enclosed XML content MUST be explicitly namespaced as defined in the
enclosing <embeddedXMLContent> tag.
3. Enclosed XML content may be encrypted and/or signed within this element.
Used In xmlContent
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3.2.6 List and Associated Value(s) 1
Type xsd:string
Usage CONDITIONAL, MAY use once and only once
Definition The name of a certified list maintained by the Community of Interest (COI) for the value
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In
Type xsd:string
Usage CONDITIONAL, MAY use multiple
Definition A value from a certified list maintained by the Community of Interest (COI) for the
referenced element.
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In
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3.2.7 Explicit Addressing 1
Type xsd:string
Usage REQUIRED, MUST use once and only once
Definition Identifies the distribution addressing scheme used.
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Examples for this type of distribution includes - email, military USMTF, etc. . .
Used In explicitAddress
Type xsd:string
Usage REQUIRED, MAY use multiple
Definition A properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string denoting the addressees value.
Comments 1. MUST be a properly formed -escaped if necessary- XML string.
Used In explicitAddress
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Appendix A. XML Schema for the EDXLDistribution 1
Element 2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 3
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" 5
xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL:DE:1.0" 6
targetNamespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL:DE:1.0" 7
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.0CD"> 8
<xsd:element name="EDXLDistribution"> 10
<xsd:complexType> 11
<xsd:sequence> 12
<xsd:element name="distributionID" type="xsd:string"/> 13
<xsd:element name="senderID" type="xsd:string"/> 14
<xsd:element name="dateTimeSent" type="xsd:dateTime"/> 15
<xsd:element name="distributionStatus" type="statusValues"/> 16
<xsd:element name="distributionType" type="typeValues"/> 17
<xsd:element name="combinedConfidentiality" type="xsd:string"/> 18
<xsd:element name="language" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> 19
<xsd:element name="senderRole" type="valueListType" minOccurs="0" 20
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 21
<xsd:element name="recipientRole" type="valueListType" 22
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 23
<xsd:element name="keyword" type="valueListType" minOccurs="0" 24
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 25
<xsd:element name="distributionReference" type="xsd:string" 26
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 27
<xsd:element name="explicitAddress" type="valueSchemeType" 28
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 29
<xsd:element name="targetArea" type="targetAreaType" minOccurs="0" 30
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 31
<xsd:element name="contentObject" type="contentObjectType" 32
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 33
</xsd:sequence> 34
</xsd:complexType> 35
</xsd:element> 36
<xsd:annotation/> 37
<xsd:annotation/> 38
<xsd:complexType name="contentObjectType"> 40
<xsd:sequence> 41
<xsd:element name="contentDescription" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> 42
<xsd:element name="contentKeyword" type="valueListType" minOccurs="0" 43
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 44
<xsd:element name="incidentID" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> 45
<xsd:element name="incidentDescription" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> 46
<xsd:element name="originatorRole" type="valueListType" minOccurs="0" 47
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 48
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<xsd:element name="consumerRole" type="valueListType" minOccurs="0" 1
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 2
<xsd:element name="confidentiality" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> 3
<xsd:choice> 5
<xsd:element name="nonXMLContent" type="nonXMLContentType"/> 6
<xsd:element name="xmlContent" type="xmlContentType"/> 7
</xsd:choice> 8
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" 10
maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 11
</xsd:sequence> 13
</xsd:complexType> 14
<xsd:complexType name="nonXMLContentType"> 16
<xsd:sequence> 17
<xsd:element name="mimeType" type="xsd:string"/> 18
<xsd:element name="size" type="xsd:integer" minOccurs="0"/> 19
<xsd:element name="digest" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/> 20
<xsd:element name="uri" type="xsd:anyURI" minOccurs="0"/> 21
<xsd:element name="contentData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/> 22
</xsd:sequence> 23
</xsd:complexType> 24
<xsd:complexType name="xmlContentType"> 26
<xsd:sequence> 27
<xsd:element name="keyXMLContent" type="anyXMLType" minOccurs="0" 28
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 29
<xsd:element name="embeddedXMLContent" type="anyXMLType" minOccurs="0" 30
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 31
</xsd:sequence> 32
</xsd:complexType> 33
<xsd:complexType name="anyXMLType"> 35
<xsd:sequence> 36
<xsd:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 37
</xsd:sequence> 38
<xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/> 40
</xsd:complexType> 41
<xsd:complexType name="valueListType"> 43
<xsd:sequence> 44
<xsd:element name="valueListUrn" type="xsd:string" /> 45
<xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 46
</xsd:sequence> 47
</xsd:complexType> 48
<xsd:complexType name="valueSchemeType"> 50
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<xsd:sequence> 1
<xsd:element name="explicitAddressScheme" type="xsd:string"/> 2
<xsd:element name="explicitAddressValue" type="xsd:string" 3
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 4
</xsd:sequence> 5
</xsd:complexType> 6
<xsd:complexType name="targetAreaType"> 8
<xsd:sequence> 9
<xsd:element name="circle" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" 10
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 11
<xsd:element name="polygon" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" 12
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 13
<xsd:element name="country" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" 14
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 15
<xsd:element name="subdivision" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" 16
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 17
<xsd:element name="locCodeUN" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" 18
maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 19
</xsd:sequence> 20
</xsd:complexType> 21
<xsd:simpleType name="statusValues"> 23
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN"> 24
<xsd:enumeration value="Actual"/> 25
<xsd:enumeration value="Exercise"/> 26
<xsd:enumeration value="System"/> 27
<xsd:enumeration value="Test"/> 28
</xsd:restriction> 29
</xsd:simpleType> 30
<xsd:simpleType name="typeValues"> 32
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:NMTOKEN"> 33
<xsd:enumeration value="Report"/> 34
<xsd:enumeration value="Update"/> 35
<xsd:enumeration value="Cancel"/> 36
<xsd:enumeration value="Request"/> 37
<xsd:enumeration value="Response"/> 38
<xsd:enumeration value="Dispatch"/> 39
<xsd:enumeration value="Ack"/> 40
<xsd:enumeration value="Error"/> 41
<xsd:enumeration value="SensorConfiguration"/> 42
<xsd:enumeration value="SensorControl"/> 43
<xsd:enumeration value="SensorStatus"/> 44
<xsd:enumeration value="SensorDetection"/> 45
</xsd:restriction> 46
</xsd:simpleType> 47
</xsd:schema> 48
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Appendix B. EDXL-DE Examples 1
B.1 EDXL-DE With CAP Payload 2
The following is a speculative example in the form of an EDXL-DE XML message. 3
<EDXLDistribution xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL:DE:1.0"> 4
<distributionID>ieam_e3_2</distributionID> 5
<senderID>XML2005</senderID> 6
<dateTimeSent>2005-11-15T16:53:00-05:00</dateTimeSent> 7
<distributionStatus>Exercise</distributionStatus> 8
<distributionType>Update</distributionType> 9
<keyword> 10
<valueListUrn>http://www.niem.gov/EventTypeList</valueListUrn> 11
<value>Explosion</value> 12
</keyword> 13
<targetArea> 14
<polygon>33.4745,-112.1174 33.4745,-112.0238 33.4238,-112.0238 33.4238,-112.1174 33.4745,-15
112.1174 </polygon> 16
</targetArea> 17
<contentObject> 18
<contentDescription>CAP message from DOT advising best alternate Routes 19
</contentDescription> 20
<xmlContent> 21
<embeddedXMLContent> 22
<alert xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1"> 23
<identifier>Vendor generated</identifier> 24
<sender>AZ DOT</sender> 25
<sent>2005-11-15T16:58:00-05:00</sent> 26
<status>Exercise</status> 27
<msgType>Update</msgType> 28
<scope>Public</scope> 29
<info> 30
<category>Transport</category> 31
<event>Traffic Routes</event> 32
<urgency>Immediate</urgency> 33
<severity>Moderate</severity> 34
<certainty>Likely</certainty> 35
<description>Traffic adjustments ensure clear routes to St. Josephs Hospital 36
and Phoenix Childrens Hospital on Thomas Rd. </description> 37
<area> 38
<areaDesc>Best Routes</areaDesc> 39
<polygon>38.91655012246089,-77.02016267943407 38.91655012246089,-40
77.0117098391165 38.907662564641285,-77.0117098391165 38.907662564641285,-77.02016267943407 41
38.91655012246089,-77.02016267943407 </polygon> 42
</area> 43
</info> 44
</alert> 45
</embeddedXMLContent> 46
</xmlContent> 47
</contentObject> 48
</EDXLDistribution> 49
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B.2 EDXL-DE With Multiple Encrypted Payloads 1
The following is a speculative example in the form of an EDXL-DE XML message. 2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> 3
<EDXLDistribution xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:EDXL:DE:1.0"> 4
<distributionID>Sandia001</distributionID> 5
<senderID>[email protected]</senderID> 6
<dateTimeSent>2005-08-07T18:05:00-07:00</dateTimeSent> 7
<distributionStatus>Actual</distributionStatus> 8
<distributionType>Report</distributionType> 9
<senderRole> 10
<valueListUrn>urn:sandia:gov:sensors:senderRole</valueListUrn> 11
<value>SENTRY sensor managment system</value> 12
</senderRole> 13
<!-- 14
This demonstrates the provison to allow multiple values under the same 15
Value List. <value> is repeated three times, since Warning and reporting 16
systems want CAP content, Hazard Prediction systems want detailed sensor 17
outputs, and situational awareness systems want the location and type of event. 18
--> 19
<recipientRole> 20
<valueListUrn>urn:sandia:gov:sensors:reciepentRole</valueListUrn> 21
<value>Warning and Reporting Devices</value> 22
<value>Hazard Prediction applications</value> 23
<value>Situational Awarness applications</value> 24
</recipientRole> 25
<!-- 27
This key word can be used by subscribing systems or applications 28
to get distribution of one or more of the enclosed <contentObject> 29
container elements. 30
--> 31
<keyword> 33
<valueListUrn>urn:sandia:gov:sensors:keywords</valueListUrn> 34
<value>SNM Detection</value> 35
</keyword> 36
<!-- 38
The elements explicitAddress used in this example are DMIS COGs and e-mail. 39
Routing of EDXL Distribution is just being designed and there are no good 40
way to show real scheme in this example. 41
--> 42
<explicitAddress> 43
<scheme>DMIS COGs</scheme> 44
<value>1734</value> 45
<value>3520</value> 46
</explicitAddress> 47
<explicitAddress> 49
<scheme>e-mail</scheme> 50
<value>[email protected]</value> 51
</explicitAddress> 52
<!-- In a real messaging system this would probably be FOUO or higher 54
based on the sensitivity of a SNM detection. The current confidentiality 55
is all unclassified in this example for distribution purposes. 56
--> 57
<combinedConfidentiality>Unclassified</combinedConfidentiality> 58
<!-- In a real message more than one <targetArea> elements would be present.--> 60
<targetArea> 61
<!-- 62
These need to have the correct ISO 3166 codes added 63
--> 64
<country>US</country> 65
<subdivision>California</subdivision> 66
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<locCodeUN>USA-SF</locCodeUN> 1
</targetArea> 2
<!-- 4
This is a XLST transformed CAP 1.0 message for legacy systems. The message is used by 5
publish/subscription software like NuParadigm Foundation engine in the DoD Alerting Framework. 6
Legacy Warning and reporting systems would not be able to process a CAP 1.1 7
message and therefore a transform was accomplished. 8
Most recent information is added to the begining of the Distribution in this example to 10
allow rapid determination of most recent key <contentObject> container elements. 11
--> 12
<contentObject> 13
<!-- <contentKeyword> is added to allow referencing between <contentObject>s --> 14
<contentKeyword> 15
<valueListUrn>"urn:sandia:gov:sensor:detection.event.id"</valueListUrn> 16
<value></value> 17
</contentKeyword> 18
<!-- 19
This could be eliminated since it provides no distribution value but was retained 20
to demonstrate the <keyXMLContent> would have to be transformed in CAP 1.1 to CAP 1.0 21
Conversions 22
--> 23
<confidentiality>Unclassified</confidentiality> 24
<xmlContent> 25
<embeddedXMLContent xmlns:cap1.0="http://www.incident.com/cap/1.0"> 26
<EncryptedData xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" 27
Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element"> 28
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc"/> 29
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> 30
<KeyName>deskey.bin</KeyName> 31
</KeyInfo> 32
<CipherData> 33
<CipherValue>GSCinwYBtwJxp6kcZPGqE6rybCfsnvI6Lz+IZVPqnRfnI1hWq7cI2WT4BsjBBQCu 34
TE68pCQ/keOGtvYJ5yNVZEuAnIhOf37OEiqk1rcBARXb03LCYvlXYKA1zmEC5yFT 35
CUcyCMV146G4eNU1H7F+wbMjbSgHjOYgYe+rpjOVYAK9Gs4Uj+CWhijjxpr5Y/vX 36
1NEtHFhLsXC9cSfhXWVmi3veXwbDycC+QtcvQL/Rfr45bDwsJnCCutTzfmoqF1CS 37
BgYUi6osW+XhoRkAttzKbRADVZ6bG5SMkZN0SKiwSaCyKyMKjdpiQwYQhjUXUoAn 38
veBylXREqfmtOIm/pT7Y45pabWNG9l3aljil8P7qZ5Y26Q0X+i0U+eEGuafHrMVb 39
S/QBpAkNbP5/f9UR3B4t5t7hLOsvDXdR6CWFBNsrczLjZ7YC2O+g1HBl8YsQdREA 40
And3PKgoy8QlKv6ZLA+aJzQpSvzbSu3btgN6vyF3GGPqKprVIYRFouaJHYgL81zn 41
zZovnH4lubwa+YPgD0H48a/FM2LaA8euPzMFDWIki0fm5DoZZzYCmPKmfLJS10RG 42
lUKzW0svDw8I1AwX6LBssPm+hoBa7HzTnuM40FD+vsmET+p0bqBtaUSnDHrHXLzp 43
P6TrcNr5R5cxQ4C+shwezFQDNKbioyC6m5PaTH/6qhlTmE32vP8ySnMKvL74QCfP 44
w8hTZxwq9UVLPq2WKJcI0Phc1e3HoYkBTpVk9OUf/CVaxMXGOiXReeLXGPC1IQnn 45
a6xw7ImkgeCFcY+rcttq2fE3UqWtc5R6J16/Jv666K9fgCbXRVhaBdMDYpz0GKFa 46
gMJulUK6zTtah+bidtUrF31UWAX+wqIqmDFJ1ivJaRbLEiEVCrt0jKwOjuR41dDD 47
VS5j2BuvmZ5TILnOnHFU6H4GudnwjpL01eLrwELSfKmbQmUx2A0L6NBj9SRkXXHW 48
onZV6uX+c3CR46OekvxYyMi1rxE2zQPykfh/mELRhGgyDVqtdFQwhDx2Klu+Gh2z 49
3nC51yn37laIO5KSvL5Gkb6jxFVrcUvrcp4pX5czw7/VWbxWoRPY7Bus3akhPu+I 50
/jchv7SiVRP5mX4Ewh+yeduYX+UZLo07m5zhAMtmFdiLJV9tgHVTJf7ZJ3bGWP+h 51
fffBjdl8CzipzjE05JVKbyfbq9I33fkWMbda+Vo9ZMiDinOee6KxnDnxll9ca9Lg 53
+dl9J0qjJz5VwnWLRCeprsOXt+LlmeHC60NJgRarhidlrfuxmONM+QZTk4ZQGIPD 54
fsk5ftJtzvHgW5G/wN7fxyLh1AqQucW13IAsmfwuJS0+HntYZVoXqGjRg1sK6snx 55
zteJJm6a2OyG/M5RvLAEVhOKWyU2+9hjzts8ySg6Qb2+KrUTRQ8JBmVBeSjR2svv 56
2AWyBYj29JAdAikX9gfGDDvTG9GqJr+jFE9mfOBtg7lsdLezQKvvNMsntm6RdSpu 57
dA3vL8uBIliGBNJZSOOKr06BXp6PjbL6Ov47EbOfvP8Vm9vKQD7PmjPaIbN1bUr9 58
V9cHUQ5h6LSecnAy/FZQMLdcamNAIhpiEgoQcwEmaa+1/wTv7LppqxZkFVQQbI2m 59
nC9Ujcd08g2Qyh+0YCHP50SbCwDe2W+CYBi7QBDdF3qt45zaZnHyRm/yXhVWCJX1 60
+0WY/+OukquhaWJ8Y0fygA1yk7Jyqqpu2XU9X0Vu8oETQlL/+37mEzy/beL9VNnr 61
eU7bfQBAnYw1CkeXs5rAcc1vllZEU22Uqg3H5saOQlEHgV1NxL+0C+A9/Q2ZsaFI 62
BDDIiH+f6+6aUno6fotGUA==</CipherValue> 63
</CipherData> 64
</EncryptedData> 65
</embeddedXMLContent> 66
</xmlContent> 67
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> 68
<SignedInfo> 69
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/> 70
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> 71
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<Reference> 1
<Transforms> 2
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> 3
</Transforms> 4
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/> 5
<DigestValue>przigAg811cHIqSXpIrFg1BGx20=</DigestValue> 6
</Reference> 7
</SignedInfo> 8
<SignatureValue>BH8MGSS9QAlgq7a7I7PF5XjKsqaDumTt3cSWxBmwErByvQuaarOgH6MMflVLkG0Y 9
tv6zaOqR6Kis4giTqtZBo8QCkGukpre2gurdi3Ws0yO3Wt8nWrcH3QAUllhocXpV 10
gXahZ8MzHc9zuJq9+bl+S72czTjS0UdCvk/MMRV/xhwZ/1QSn+ffh0s3RU6Cn1Q0 11
aYSuDtX5mAGUWAzJghKgK/qSM5jF4c233g7M4m+Rul3C+QOFBOMGmp+NodnG9b0z 12
hycJGVdUpY0a+1r0quu2pmdLZnIQVY1stWNFS3wI9RzdslwzoGP9/nRARGS0kLf1 13
De+WB4Xdar48A9WJwng0iA==</SignatureValue> 14
<KeyInfo> 15
<KeyName>rsakey.pem</KeyName> 16
</KeyInfo> 17
</Signature></contentObject> 18
<!-- 19
This is the original CAP 1.1 message produced by the SENTRY system. 20
There was sufficent data to warrant the alert. 21
In reality the CAP messages would not be Public, however, It is used in this 22
for simplicity 23
--> 24
<contentObject> 25
<contentKeyword> 26
<valueListUrn>"urn:sandia:gov:sensor:detection.event.id"</valueListUrn> 27
<value></value> 28
</contentKeyword> 29
<confidentiality>Unclassified</confidentiality> 30
<xmlContent> 31
<embeddedXMLContent xmlns:cap1.1="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1"> 32
<EncryptedData xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#" 33
Type="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Element"> 34
<EncryptionMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc"/> 35
<KeyInfo xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> 36
<KeyName>deskey.bin</KeyName> 37
</KeyInfo> 38
<CipherData> 39
<CipherValue>MiKRUfL1Yb3Vw9JcewTAYVnYT3Zh2Tf9d0fhRyGreJW0FWoXr1/27AXFXBTmZC/2 40
hw9cMMFaGKeXNr1tK0Os1Lozx9uZZYoF5UiNH18KD/WnNbpwk+ttK3TwRcxBfowm 41
lzzClMn5suHeUM2PFiCll1Wup8cSfwAqptXVF3sZrLAMsQWJmGfyGYYCiaZ+P3NZ 42
hiVFamDB7D9id5HJ3qHLNcxucGNFA5TfOwe/euP7O1ah9Q7Rp2nxsXF9PaQYziSS 43
G4I/J+v+FwuJXhbLqU1PcbP4ofCLg+s6tph2kJxFArGSX9u3k7FHvp3tLZnskXCw 44
iYRGDqrSGrmLt7bTtMmF/IhFQc4x0aE4ldVEN999uQ6KnDyd22KdUJhupRH8UqZz 45
+sKVJF3+yatOsroCwOCjTe/GqnNRZNtG59dGC5D247LH2AVn/6WU+txFflZhUg0z 46
/CD8+v6YHGbKrgeJDnvJ5AqjZSU1NajOpCtbhWQm1D878OhjCN+T689PZPB2X2nz 48
f1kupkZ/Fq6Z6aF77j0xp4wB7bpFW5ssWUHySwdg5vYw4hS3Geg5wn3AQViqTGI8 49
oRaDa3wT9byHq+cq83WqA3aroJOXzD/HQCmKNhmPFqYj503JH3aZcWNrDxHyBQRr 50
Libv4o9v4LCGviaKT/2y0S25t5KkL/MJA2c6LIngmhHKQFr1sruWgSrjHn9KtagU 51
KeYqYlgKK6s56X+PHQvusXoxpgDLjXpVVhNpF/mRh+86J4zY3JAIcfIZJQ05DjvX 52
io2iZY/hstzkTfY5+CPvKH7FmuYqeoU7Nano7+EGSB4w0TnSoDfm9D/RIsAtwdpu 53
7WonmeguEK37u0bNuXQHi9LZTELD0L2HIkPVdo4BYq26WMe5vZdwVkW6up92AIQE 54
7KvADQZZUGDVoKA3Njt9O5s6g+a14wcHqxD+FS8veacDsYFrmhs+0WYlyWtDJERL 55
+y0qtHLmSi/kTdYoKRGx+/lyUl8FIfqOnk2dk3BicbQ3kyEbngV3qHBrYqrVITTB 56
eMUKxL3wB5OkcCn3u6Nqun14QFmf8O9KEZGXZZqdQs7jz6MV3yjPvzelmLs9nbCm 57
3eXFGrSlHbbwCLQBconzDWgfoN6W/lTRv3z8RmTg+Z+3CjK2MRt6x5XZTcDqk4JW 58
wozh2btLz4Yc2xUbclbtVd3muOhBq3eSsGXC6xX4fxW0cuqi6UsOZRA2kiKJHY+V 59
2KFO9/y3x4arscIsBwfmNVZYt6bCoy/Or0yva49yV/A//8JFN7aGLh530Dt53J4H 60
bcsQ1n3q7kxir5VLuNj0aZYHjtGu7gzPa1UpPAJ0trqro4qinspnkdRueW7SQYcd 61
ufF5OG4GMTI+VjX4MnOMOgnYiAaZqrBoH3B5t7bAKeszVPs6S9NPfkzx1nkqminG 62
/Z/hBpmsFlcUlS+qylXU7umHvssE2juap1NQUaL6IyHQ0tZzsQd0e6mYkDuzNNbH 63
4l9czPXXXfvcKRJnJ0Yho9j30YfBWyllF67SMewYhcNg35tAbstXe+Ghg+D/TVcd 64
SZ4r1Cmk49IQE3SNwIO6vGUtMhmCJGq+yJx89lfMLijZRBr18exdQ1hoVeQ+YzyY 65
HO28OimZg8QGhiSAAc8uXzwbtjVHIJTC27e6iqldNxnYDoNWDZxVjI3fccbvUwmz 67
702I+4Kb/n5M1X5RXeMZ12OvlRRnQi7nhZuTeTMEbRizHptWP5yse3LcNjRJ2Jr2</CipherValue> 68
</CipherData> 69
</EncryptedData> 70
</embeddedXMLContent> 71
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</xmlContent> 1
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> 2
<SignedInfo> 3
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/> 4
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> 5
<Reference> 6
<Transforms> 7
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> 8
</Transforms> 9
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/> 10
<DigestValue>N7NvgXfahdGZPjb9o0XvwejLI5o=</DigestValue> 11
</Reference> 12
</SignedInfo> 13
<SignatureValue>Tg8zP+/1Cg/3MR9iSareJb7snexQ3DjBxGSL3xH+Kf3Kh5NQq/Uwagw/fmI2wcxc 14
ac/2fz893HeTkXGn8mShg+wmdoRwNykp5uHPtAzcFBKlh3v7FemtM9M73XbX7KsY 15
fM0J+RTHUxp4tTMYUPogSEJWiSGSGVbp+MALtUH799fGqqqOREyuljfVIlLvvCog 16
wOd6n7J8S2sHjyRXEw5AVFnxL6k02TgjztbEuoLu+qvEZOIGXmj9yfy4nj41RNXe 17
HMOS1IAcOQgx5vNzju2slFIWzlmvjqq+7aVg5hy0yBiXJuljvigTOxrwHScaYW8o 18
HDpQHwM6EXbgW3uaWnf9Kg==</SignatureValue> 19
<KeyInfo> 20
<KeyName>rsakey.pem</KeyName> 21
</KeyInfo> 22
</Signature></contentObject> 23
<contentObject> 24
<contentDescription>Photo image from Sensor: RADDET-01, Site: Golden Gate Bridge, having a 25
Detection class of SNM</contentDescription> 26
<contentKeyword> 27
<valueListUrn>"urn:sandia:gov:sensor:detection.event.id"</valueListUrn> 28
<value></value> 29
</contentKeyword> 30
<confidentiality>Unclassified</confidentiality> 31
<nonXMLContent> 32
<mimeType>image/jpeg</mimeType> 33
<uri>http://sentry/photoCapture/</uri> 34
</nonXMLContent> 35
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> 36
<SignedInfo> 37
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/> 38
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> 39
<Reference> 40
<Transforms> 41
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> 42
</Transforms> 43
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/> 44
<DigestValue>io7Katgoo77YNfQYdZMB8taoeKg=</DigestValue> 45
</Reference> 46
</SignedInfo> 47
<SignatureValue>AjQXGgp9h5TC2D+bh9w59sbmtUpgE/IeZVdDQM+zi58XT2RPb7OXAAABni78WduA 48
uP6nxL6k+BBo4G+TgaqWvCQIqdlDO+qyMnM0ExPui5eg00jstbwiSeYxSt2VQqS2 49
RD2vR811at0XwIkMpugSftKNJBZgB9mhRqQgP+E0nDJJPNYDz0bLJjp0J/EDxn4H 50
6qx6GpDKgDc//53jVhOb4zZPIERsTLjPxpOOnBK31cs5Rf6vU9MyOOBTHZgpvoza 51
muhejW1CIJfYjd/OoKQ9Hiv4MCX4v/dX7n6ePHZaDxNeCccDIjoVYrAHEWxQ9hE6 52
rqriugNLZ3Lh8sUzhZLTyg==</SignatureValue> 53
<KeyInfo> 54
<KeyName>rsakey.pem</KeyName> 55
</KeyInfo> 56
</Signature></contentObject> 57
<!-- This is the based 64 encode image of the Suspect vehicle with SNM. 58
This data is provide for Law Enforcement senstive systems to redistribute 59
on private systems which do not have intenet access. 60
--> 61
<contentObject> 62
<contentDescription>Photo image from Sensor: RADDET-01, Site: Golden Gate Bridge, having a 63
Detection class of SNM</contentDescription> 64
<contentKeyword> 65
<valueListUrn>"urn:sandia:gov:sensor:detection.event.id"</valueListUrn> 66
<value></value> 67
</contentKeyword> 68
<confidentiality>Unclassified</confidentiality> 69
<nonXMLContent> 70
<mimeType>image/jpeg</mimeType> 71
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<contentData> 1
</contentData> 6
</nonXMLContent> 7
<Signature xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#"> 8
<SignedInfo> 9
<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#"/> 10
<SignatureMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"/> 11
<Reference> 12
<Transforms> 13
<Transform Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature"/> 14
</Transforms> 15
<DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1"/> 16
<DigestValue>PkrjafcKUd027EETVu5JwqlubcA=</DigestValue> 17
</Reference> 18
</SignedInfo> 19
<SignatureValue>NvqlkBLs4GpM+t+uoWQ53rmjNT43qdwbMsEoiB0a2BRwqkmynKQDbA2eIHmxfBfo 20
xe+q+15v/2IGQQw+5XmWtMx8QIQkGBElSdlybOKibxBqNuWH+J6yR1mIA6bOmBE+ 21
+F2zA9DuvKZVLa8El1pUGke6FeIzoMC7TdDcBtmSAkRMXxe8MjxjxApM3vnMSt9A 22
iCo2EUx4qYf82iJ9FX7vIFFfL2QW38RvZqY+rjXsHV5OK3fkTPFI+ZE5lIrHKjb3 23
gu409JrdNtSy/wLd/WLypiYFNDZXxT6i5wBbdAvBkQ0jHECOJjfN+h1bHkvT4wLX 24
Cpc26QQ6Ic3goSLojC3rjw==</SignatureValue> 25
<KeyInfo> 26
<KeyName>rsakey.pem</KeyName> 27
</KeyInfo> 28
</Signature></contentObject> 29
<!-- 30
The following content object contains the readings from a UNWD radiation Portal 31
The Detection ID is being used to correlate other contentObject container elements to 32
the data found in this detection 33
Because there is no provision for Location information in the current metadata situational 35
awareness systems would have to extract location for the contents of related CAP messges. 36
--> 37
</EDXLDistribution> 39
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Appendix C. Acknowledgments 1
C.1 OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee: 2
Patti Aymond, IEM 3
Art Botterell, Individual 4
Rex Brooks, HumanMarkup.org, Inc. 5
Len Bullard, Individual 6
Mark Carlson, Conneva, Inc. 7
Eliot Christian, US Department of the Interior 8
James Bryce Clark, OASIS 9
Robin Cover, OASIS 10
David Danko, ESRI 11
Sukumar Dwarkanath, Individual 12
David, Ellis, Individual 13
Jack Fox, US Department of Homeland Security 14
Tim Grapes, Science Applications International Corporation 15
Gary Ham, Disaster Management Interoperability Services 16
Adam Hocek, Individual 17
Travis Hubbard, Disaster Management Interoperability Services 18
Renato Iannella, NICTA 19
Elysa Jones, Warning Systems, Inc. 20
Jeff Kyser, Warning Systems, Inc. 21
Mary McRae, OASIS 22
Tom Merkle, Lockheed Martin 23
Gary Poindexter, Individual 24
Michelle Raymond, Individual 25
Carl Reed, Open GIS Consortium (OGC) 26
Julia Ridgely, Individual 27
Eleanor Robinson, Anteon Corporation 28
Kwasi Speede, Anteon Corporation 29
Aaron Temin, Individual 30
Lee Tincher, Science Applications International Corporation 31
Brett Trusko, OASIS 32
Richard Vandame, US Department of Homeland Security 33
Sylvia Webb, Individual 34
Konstantin Wilms, Individual 35
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Appendix D. Revision History 1
Revision Date Editor Changes Made