© 2021 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. This content is protected under US Copyright (17 U.S.C. §§ 201 et al.) and other federal law and shall not be published,
reproduced, displayed or otherwise utilized by any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Violation of Delta’s
intellectual property rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
A Service Sorority Founded in 1913
Note: The member letter of recommendation MUST be dated AFTER the date of the chapter’s RUSH activity
to be considered. To submit the required public service letter of recommendation chose one of the options
1) You may request that a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated to provide you with an
official written letter of recommendation that meets all requirements for you to upload with your
membership application.
a. You will choose the “I will upload my letter” option in the membership application.
2) You may request that a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated to upload their official
letter of recommendation that meets all requirements to your application.
a. You will choose the “I would like to request a letter” option in the membership application.
b. You will need to include the members name and email address in the required section of the
application. Note: You may change the email address once requested if needed.
c. The Delta member will receive an automatic email with the instructions below to upload the
letter to your application packet. Note: You will be able to view the letter prior to submission.
Please review the instructions for a list of required items to be included in the member recommendation letter
for the applicant.
One letter of recommendation must be from a member of the Sorority. (To be eligible to write a letter of
recommendation on behalf of an applicant, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
must be recorded in the Red Zone as financial for both her local and national dues for the previous
and current fiscal years).
The member of the Sorority’s letter MUST include (if the letter does not contain this information the applicant’s
application packet will be deemed ineligible and will not be scored) the following information:
Letter of recommendation from member MUST be written by persons who are not related to the
applicant. A relative is defined as a person connected to another by birth, marriage or adoption.
Letter of recommendation from member MUST include the Name of the Applicant, and the letter must be
typed, include signature (pen and ink-not digital), and dated (typed or pen and ink and in Month-Day-Year
format) AFTER the official RUSH date.
Letter of recommendation from member MUST include the name, and contact information (email and/or
phone) of the member writing the letter.
All applicants receiving a recommendation letter MUST include an uploaded copy of the Verification of
Membership letter, dated within the current sorority year, located in the Sister’s Portal (this is applicable
to alumnae members writing letter of recommendation for membership intake). Failure to upload a copy
of the Verification of Membership letter will make the applicant packet ineligible.
11I- Instructions for Required Content-Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Letter
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© 2021 Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. This content is protected under US Copyright (17 U.S.C. §§ 201 et al.) and other federal law and shall not be published,
reproduced, displayed or otherwise utilized by any party whatsoever without the express written consent of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Violation of Delta’s
intellectual property rights will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Additional components that may be included in the letter (omission of the items below will not cause an
applicant packet to be considered ineligible):
Member number, current affiliation (e.g., chapter name or member at large). Note: This information is
included on the Verification of Membership letter.
A statement explicitly stating the applicant’s primary residence is in the chapter’s service area (alumnae
applicants only)
When writing letters of recommendation for applicants seeking membership into Delta Sigma Theta Sorority,
Inc., members must ensure they adhere to the guidelines as to who is eligible to write these specific letters by
referencing the Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake.
Before agreeing to write letters of recommendation, it is strongly encouraged that the member revisits our
principles of Honesty and Justice. It should be the goal of every member only to recommend and bring forth
for consideration candidates that the member 1) has a relationship with, either professional or personal; and
2) sincerely believes would carry forth the mission of our organization and would serve for a lifetime. Be
reminded the inclusion of untrue statements are considered a violation of the Code of Conduct.
Sorors, we are living in a time when we must take into careful consideration those to whom we extend
membership. Given the value we place on our bond of sisterhood, we must ensure that each
recommendation is for a woman who embodies the true spirit and sustenance of sisterhood. When we are
asked to submit letters of recommendation, we are submitting a personal testament that says this woman
can and will continue our legacy. All members must put forth their best effort in ensuring letters of
recommendation are submitted in the spirit of honesty, justice, and dedicationall in which will sustain Delta
Sigma Theta for another 100 years.
1. In order to provide ample time for the submission/processing of dues by the chapter to National
Headquarters, and then by National Headquarters, it is advisable that you submit your dues 90 calendar
days prior to writing a Letter of Recommendation. Submission of a member's dues less than 90 calendar
days prior to the date the Letter of Recommendation is submitted may disqualify the letter. Sorors are not
considered financial until dues are received and receipted by National Headquarters.
2. If a member falsifies all or any part of her letter of recommendation, the member shall be subject
to Code of ConductSanction 7E.
ALUMNAE MEMBERS: The Verification of Membership letter located in the Sisters Only portal may be used
to verify your membership status and select member events that may be required for eligibility (e.g. attend
chapter meetings, membership intake verification, legacy certification requirements). The Verification of
Membership letter must be uploaded with your letter of recommendation. Failure to include the Verification of
Membership letter (dated within the current sorority year) will deem the applicant’s packet ineligible.