Graphing Motion Worksheet
Use the following scenario to answer the questions. Write your answers on the answer
sheet. Use standard units and round answers to the hundredth when necessary.
**Be sure to label your graph axes.
Imagine that you are walking to school from your house, which is 500 meters away from the
school. You leave at 7:25am and remember that your homework is still on your desk after you
have gone a quarter of the way! When you get home, you spend 5 minutes inside getting your
homework and talking to your parents. Then, you walk all the way back to school without any
more delays. You arrive at school at 7:40, having walking at a constant speed when outside.
Graph your location .
1. Draw the graph.
2. When is your velocity positive?
3. When is your velocity negative?
Graph your velocity.
4. Draw the graph.
5. What is your average velocity for the entire trip?
6. What is your average speed for the entire trip?
Graph your acceleration.
7. Draw the graph
Graphing Motion Worksheet
John Smith
Ms. Jones