The Effective Resume
The Easy Way
To Revise Your Resume
An online tutorial
Human Resources Department
Training and Development Unit
LEARNING OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………………………..………..4
RESUME SURGERY VS. RESUME CLINIC……………………………………………… …………5
WHAT’S THE PURPOSE OF THE RESUME?................................................................ .............5
HOW WILL I USE MY REVISED RESUME?.................................................................................6
WRITING AN EFFECTIVE RESUME…………………………………………………………………..8
WHAT INFORMATION SHOULD I INCLUDE IN MY RESUME?..................................................8
RESUME BLUNDERS…………………………………………………………………… ……………11
CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME…………………………………………………………………………12
FUNCTIONAL RESUME……………………………………………………………………………….14
HYBRID OR CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME………………………………………………………….16
HOW DO I CHOOSE AMONG THE THREE COMMON FORMATS?........................... .............18
WHERE DO I FIND THE KEYWORDS?.............................................................................. . 19
BUILD AN ONLINE RESUME………………………………………………………………………….19
This online tutorial is designed to help Miami-Dade County employees, who are seeking
advancement, refresh and revise their resumes. After completing this tutorial, you should feel
ready to revise your resume and know that you’ve learned some current trends in resume
writing. You should feel ready to apply for jobs by using Miami-Dade County’s online application
as a resume builder.
The traditional paper resume is still an important part of the job search. Like most prospective
employers, Miami-Dade County used to accept paper applications and paper resumes. Many
prospective employers are now using online application systems. Miami-Dade County has also
moved to an online system. That online system has merged the application and resume. Think
of it as an online resume builder and job application all-in-one.
If Miami-Dade County doesn’t accept paper resumes, why do you still need a resume? You
must have well-written material to post to the online application questions, and you’ll use your
resume for that material. You will simply copy and paste from your unformatted resume to the
County’s online application and resume builder. You’ll also want a traditional, formatted paper
resume to take to your job interviews. Many departments are requesting those paper resumes
for panelists to review during your departmental interview visit.
In this online tutorial you will explore different types of resumes and how to choose the right
format for you. You’ll also find some tips for revisions and resources to make it easier to use the
County’s online application and resume builder. This brief tutorial includes answers to some of
the most common questions posed by County employees. There is a brief quiz at the end of the
tutorial. This quiz will allow you to test your knowledge.
The learning objectives include the most common resume writing concepts that organizations
expect today. Ideally, you should understand the three common resume formats: the
chronological resume, the functional resume, and the
hybrid/combination resume. You’ll also learn the
extraordinary value of keywords, reasons for working
keywords into your resume, and ways to include
keywords. You’ll learn about current trends and be
able to incorporate those concepts into your old
resume. At the end of this online tutorial, you should
feel prepared to go online and enter your resume into
the County’s online application and resume builder
As you go through this tutorial, you might find that you need more of an overhaul than an online
tutorial provides. Perhaps your resume needs surgery rather than a walk-in clinic. Maybe it’s
just too outdated or too unfocused. You might need to start fresh. The good news is that you
can learn to perform your own resume surgery by using a resume writing guidebook. Visit the
Miami-Dade County Public Library web site for a listing of these resume guidebooks.
The purpose of a resume is to act as a personal sales tool. The resume is a summary of your
work and professional life. You use that summary as a sales tool. Think of the resume as a
printed advertisement. Some powerful print advertisements are effective because the advertiser
makes good use of graphics and photos. Since graphics and photos are usually not acceptable
in a resume, you have to sell using only the printed word. You are selling yourself as the right
employee. As a resume writer, you are trying to show the potential employer that you are the
perfect match to the job.
Using the job advertisement or the job description, align your skills and experience with the
needs of the potential employer. You can find County job descriptions through the Miami-Dade
County Pay Plan.
You must go through some traditional steps to complete the sale to the potential employer. You
don’t go directly from an applicant with a resume to new employee.
The first step in the sales process is to secure the interview. The resume’s primary purpose is
to help you to secure that interview. You want your resume to position you as one of the best
candidates. When you look like the best candidate, you have a better likelihood of being called
for an interview. As the first step, your resume must entice the reader to call you for an interview.
The second step is to use the interview to display and expand on your resume by fully
explaining your knowledge, skills, and abilities. During the interview, you can use your paper
resume to position your achievements and remind the panel that you are the best candidate.
With a well-positioned resume, your performance in the interview can then help you to land the
job. By presenting that paper resume in the interview, you have a chance to position your
knowledge, skills, and abilities in a way that is beneficial to you and aligned to the employer’s
needs. Soon we’ll discuss the different types of resumes and how to position your work history
and information.
You’ll use your revised resume for the online application and the interview. After you’ve revised
your resume, you’ll use the resume’s content to fill out the online application. Miami-Dade
County, as well as many employers, uses a computer program that acts as both a job
application and a resume builder. Before you apply online, you’ll want to revise your resume
using a word processing program or an online template. By writing your resume in a word
processing program, you’ll save time because you can quickly copy and paste information rather
than writing under pressure while the job application is open and running.
This process also has an advantage that you can have several people proof, edit, and comment
on your resume. Remember, as the writer, you tend to overlook your own errors. Having
friends, colleagues, and family look at your resume is an important part of the editing process.
Once you’ve completed your resume revisions, you can go online to copy and paste your text
into the County’s online application form. Be sure to write your resume without formatting,
graphics, bullets, and indentations. Your unformatted resume will transfer more easily into the
computer system.
After you’ve completed the Miami-Dade County online application, you can add formatting to
your resume. Thats when you add graphics, bullets, and indentations to make your paper
resume easy to read and visually appealing. You should take a formatted copy of your resume
to your job interview. Many departments ask that job candidates bring paper copies of their
resumes to interviews. This is your opportunity to display your knowledge, skills, and abilities in
the best light.
Most Important Basic Resume Tips:
Always Follow These Basic Standards...
Don't overcrowd your resume. Allow for plenty of white
Keep your resume to one page whenever possible.
Keep the number of fonts you use to a minimum -- two at the
Use a font that is easy to read. Arialworks well.
Do not justify the lines of type on your resume. Allow the right side of the page to "rag."
Do not overuse capitalization, italics, underlines, or other emphasizing features.
Make sure your name, current address, phone number, and email address appear on
your resume and all correspondence, preferably at the top of the page.
Print your resume on white or cream paper using a good-quality printer.
Second- and third-generation photocopies must be avoided.
Print on one side of the paper only.
An effective resume helps to get you in the door, to sell yourself and get the job. An effective
resume presents you, your knowledge, skills, and abilities in the best light.
Traditionally, paper resumes have been broken into sections. Those sections usually appear as
headers. On a paper resume, you have the option of adding formatting. The formatting will help
the eye to be drawn to those sections. From a distance, those formatted sections will stand out
making your resume easier to read.
Let’s explore some of these traditional sections, how they’ve changed, and what recruiters and
hiring managers are expecting to see in your resume.
Both your online resume/application and your paper resume should be divided into similar areas.
Some areas are vital and you should include those areas. Those are sections like experience,
education, and computer skills. Usually those sections have a formatted header like this,
EXPERIENCE, EDUCATION, and COMPUTER SKILLS. For the County’s online application
and resume builder, the computer program will prompt you to input that vital information. Many
people fail to scroll all the way down the computer page and miss adding some of this vital
information. Sometimes applicants submit only the current job. Be sure to write a full work
history. This full work history will help the recruiter or hiring manager to see what you’ve done
and how it can benefit them.
It’s vital that you:
●provide your current phone number, physical address, and e-mail address.
●include a listing of educational degrees, certifications, and relevant training seminars.
●describe your current and past work experience.
●outline relevant volunteer experience.
●describe memberships in professional associations.
Remember to create this as unformatted areas or sections. After you’ve applied for a County
job, you’ll add formatted headers like, EDUCATION, EXPERIENCE, and COMPUTER SKILLS.
The optional sections are secondary. You might have skills that fit into one of these areas. You
can use these areas to expand on your knowledge, skills, and abilities. Some of these areas,
however, are difficult to transfer from the paper or electronic resume to an online resume. The
objective, summary, and reference statement do not easily transfer to the County’s online
application and resume builder. Those areas simply do not exist on the County’s application.
You could include them in your paper resume if those areas help you to promote yourself and
your skills and experience.
Optional Sections:
an objective showing the kind of work you’re seeking
special skills and abilities
a reference statement similar to “References available upon request.”
a narrative summary of your experience and skills
Your resume should focus on job skills. Think about your accomplishments and what skills you
learned or used within your job. Show your prospective employer those skills by using strong
verbs or action words.
Start your bullets, phrases, or sentences with action words or strong verbs. You can search the
internet for these action words to find lists by profession or type of work. Add those verbs to
show the reader exactly what you have done in your job. Remember, you know yourself and
your work, but it’s all new to your reader. Strong verbs help your reader to understand. It’s like
painting a picture for your reader.
Make your resume easy to read by reducing jargon and increasing your use of commonly
understood words. Jargon is the language of a profession or organization. Don’t assume that
your reader understands that jargon. You’ll likely reach a larger audience if you use commonly
understood words. You show how smart you are not by stretching your vocabulary and that of
your reader. You show how smart you are by being readily understood. Remember to keep it
Continue to paint the picture by quantifying your results. Think back on your accomplishments
and add numbers to those accomplishments. We frequently track results in each County
department, so think about the things that you do that are tracked. Think about the number of
customers you serve each day, the number of inspections you perform, or the number of permits
issued. Always quantify your results by using numbers to show your accomplishments.
Example: Processed 200 Homestead Exemption applications each week using departmental
Your resume must always be truthful and accurate. Be sure to verify the information that you
include in your resume. You may need to call former supervisors and check personnel
documents. See your Departmental Personnel Representative to check your personnel file to
verify dates of employment, certificates, and performance appraisals.
After you’ve revised your resume, be sure to use your computer’s spell checker and have
several people proof your resume. As writers, we tend to overlook our mistakes simply because
we’re more familiar with the topic. Ask friends, family, and co-workers to proof and edit your
resume. Ask them to look for typos and grammatical errors. Provide those proofers and editors
a printed copy of your resume. Editing a
paper copy rather than a computer screen
tends to be more effective because we
catch more errors on the printed page.
Ask your readers if your resume makes
sense. Ask your readers if someone
who’s not in your job can understand what
your job is and what you do.
The chronological resume is perhaps the most common and most accepted resume form. The
chronological resume shows information arranged in reverse order of time. In your experience
section, list your current position, describe your duties, and then list the position immediately
preceding your current position. Similarly, in your education section, list your most recent
educational experience. This is frequently your highest level of education. Work your way
backward to the degree, certification, or educational experience that immediately preceded it.
Example if you are currently working toward your bachelor’s degree, and you’ve earned your
associate’s degree:
2008-present, working toward a BA in Sociology, Florida International University
2006-2008, AA, Business Administration, Miami Dade College
Of the three common types of resumes, the chronological is the easiest to transfer into Miami-
Dade County’s online application and resume builder. The chronological style is similar to the
formatting of the questions posed on the County’s online application and resume builder.
Example of a chronological resume:
Bernice Cognin
1922 Saddern Road
Forest Hills, NY 11218
Career Objective A position in which knowledge of graphic arts,
photography, printing production and purchasing would
enhance job performance.
May 2003 Present 625 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 19002
ESTIMATOR, New York Sales Office
Report to Sales Manager. Direct activities of assistant
estimator. Responsible for all estimates, contracts, quotes,
and commission for six salesmen in busy New York Sales
office processing over 12 million dollars in printing sales
per year.
84 Varick Street
New York, NY 10088
Reported directly to Director of Purchasing. Shared
department function in purchasing of paper, stock,
engravings, ink, and other necessary materials.
EDUCATION New York University
June 2000 New York, NY
BA, Business Administration
The functional resume is usually written as a narrative of career experience and skills. This
narrative de-emphasizes dates or completely eliminates dates of employment. It is, therefore,
more difficult to transfer information into the County’s online application and resume builder.
The functional resume usually lists positions held and de-emphasizes importance of specific
jobs. It also downplays dates of jobs. The functional resume might be the right one for you if
you’re trying to change careers because the reader is less focused on jobs and becomes more
focused on transferrable skills.
Example of a functional resume:
966 Rosewood Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 95616
Telephone: (916) 555-5555
A challenging position in the medical information or medical records field where
extensive experience and education may be utilized.
Diversified practical experience in the following disciplines. Research and compilation
of science/medical data. Abstracting and indexing medical and scientific documents.
Maintaining and updating storage and retrieval systems. Clinical laboratory techniques.
Quality control methods and procedures.
Demonstrated ability to accept increasing responsibility… Capable of initiating and
implementing major decisions.
October 2006 to present LANGSTON Pharmaceutical Corp.
Los Angeles, California
Assistant Medical Librarian
Responsibilities include abstracting and indexing articles from medical journals.
Research and compile literature for various company divisions, such as, legal and
marketing. Set up and maintain proper storage and retrieval systems.
The hybrid or combination resume combines chronological and functional styles. This resume
has traditional chronological resume features. For example, you can choose to include a
chronological feature like positioning your
educational information in reverse
chronological order. The hybrid/combination
also allows features from the functional
resume. Usually the functional features
narrative text that allows you to describe an
experience or skill that just doesn’t fit into the
chronological format, for example, extensive
job-related volunteer experience with many organizations. This narrative text is not easily
worked into the County’s online application and resume builder, but it might be a good addition
to your paper resume.
Example of a hybrid/combination resume:
Susan R. Snow
Route 2, Box 180
Dodgeville, Wisconsin 53533
Residence: (608) 935-4425 Cell Phone: (608) 395-4421
Keyboard 70 wpm with accuracy
Take symbol shorthand at 90 wpm with accurate transcription
Skilled in the production of legal documents and correspondence
Competent in producing copy from machine transcription software: Word, Lotus, and Excel
Word Processing Operator 1, Limited-term employee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May
2002 to present
Transcribed confidential letters, memos, reports, and other documents from machine dictation
to using Word Me
Proofread documents from other operators, marking grammar and content errors
Student Assistant
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, Fennimore, WI, June 2001 to August 2001
Typed memos and input financial aid data on terminal to mainframe; printed and verified
monthly report totals for $70,000 budget
Helped financial aid applicants understand and complete five page form
Screened incoming telephone calls for supervisor and three counselors
Part-Time Cook and Cashier
Super Subs, Fennimore, WI, May 2000 to May 2001
Prepared menu items, accepted customer payments, and balanced cash drawer
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College, Fennimore, WI
Major: Office Assistant and word processing specialist programs
A.A. degree expected May 2010. GPA in major: 3.6.
Received the Fennimore Times Southwest Award from Southwest Wisconsin Technical
Foundation for academic excellence and contribution to campus life.
Now that you know the three most common formats, you must choose the one that’s right for
you. Here’s a quick test to see if you should clearly use either a chronological or a functional
If you answer YES to any one of these questions, you should consider using the chronological
1. Are you a recent graduate with experience related to the job for which you’re applying?
2. Are you changing departments, but performing a similar function?
3. Are you seeking a promotional opportunity within the same job series?
If you answer YES to any one of these questions, you should consider using the functional
resume format.
1. Are you changing careers?
2. Do you have a lot of volunteer experience related to your chosen field?
3. Do you have an unconventional work history? Maybe you’ve moved or have gaps in
If neither the chronological nor the functional seems like perfect fit, consider the hybrid or
combination resume. Remember, you can blend your resume style to help position your
knowledge, skills, and abilities in the best light.
Now that you’ve chosen the right format, it’s time to revise your resume using keywords.
Keywords are words that are specific to the job, and keywords are simply part of the
computerized search to match applicants to jobs. Hiring managers and recruiters set computer
systems to search for certain words in your resume and online application. When a match is
made, your resume and application is set aside for further positive review. Applicants, who
include keywords in their resumes, have a greater likelihood of being selected for interviews.
You want to make a successful match by including keywords in your resume and online
Keywords change from job to job, but they’re things that hiring managers have identified as a
key to success in the job. Frequently, you can find those keywords in the job description,
advertisement, or announcement. As you revise your resume, refer back to these documents
and try to include specific keywords. The County Pay Plan outlines job descriptions. Look to the
Pay Plan through this link.
Once you’ve made revisions to your resume, you’re ready to begin. To begin the application
process, go to
This site allows you to copy and paste your resume from a word processing program into the
County’s online application and resume builder.
If you would like to see directions that show step-by-step instructions, go to
Visit the Miami-Dade County Public Library web site for a listing of resume guidebooks.
Find County job descriptions through the Miami-Dade County Pay Plan.
To complete the Miami-Dade County employment application, go to
For step-by-step instructions on how to complete a Miami-Dade County employment application,
go to
If you’re seeking access to the internet, you can visit a Miami-Dade County Library or the Miami-
Dade County Human Resources Computer Kiosk on the 21
Floor of the Stephen P. Clark
Center at 111 N.W. First Street, Miami. To find a Miami-Dade County Library branch closest to
you, go to:
Miami-Dade County Human Resources wishes you good luck in your job search!