Name ____________ Date _________
BIO SOL Review 15 - Genetics & Evolution (28)
1. (2006-44) Albino individuals lack all pigmentation
so that their hair and skin are white. This family
tree shows that albinism
a. is carried only by females in this family
b. is a recessive genetic trait
c. is a sex-linked gene
d. requires both parents to be albinos
2. (2006-11) Which statement is best supported by
the phylogenetic tree shown?
a. Species W is still developing from a prior
b. Species W first came into existence 10
million years ago.
c. Species V is still alive today and is the
oldest species.
d. Species X, Y, and Z became extinct 20
million years ago.
3. (2006-10) In squash plants, yellow fruit (Y) is
dominant to white fruit (y). If two plants
heterozygous for yellow fruit are crossed, what are
the possible genotypes of the offspring?
a. YY, Yy, yy only
b. YY, yy only
c. Yy only
d. Yy, yy only
4. (2006-6) Two plants are crossed, and the traits of
height and color are assessed in the offspring. The
following cross was conducted: TTPP x ttpp.
Which of the following choices correctly describes
the offspring?
a. Three-quarters of the plants are tall and
b. All are tall and purple.
c. Three-quarters of the plants are short and
d. All are short and white.
5. (2006-4) After a culture of cells is allowed to
multiply and is viewed through a microscope, the
cells are x-rayed with high-energy radiation for
less than 1/100th of a second. After the radiation,
many newly reproduced cells appear different.
What has probably occurred?
a. Contamination
b. Mutation
c. Bacterial infection
d. Speciation
6. (2001-32) In pea plants, tall plants are dominant to
short plants. If two heterozygous tall plants are
crossed, what percent of the offspring will probably
be short?
a. 75%
b. 50%
c. 25%
d. 0%
7. (2001-20) Which of the following is an example of
a genetically engineered organism? (1 point)
a. Seedless fruits resulting from grafting of
one plant onto another
b. A plant that received external DNA to
produce natural insecticides
c. A plant that naturally possesses medicinal
d. A new plant variety created by cross-
8. (2001-15) In 1910, Thomas Morgan discovered
traits linked to sex chromosomes in the fruit fly.
The Punnett square above shows the cross
between red-eyed females and white-eyed males.
Fruit flies usually have red eyes. If a female and
male offspring from the cross shown above are
allowed to mate, what would the offspring probably
look like?
a. 2 white-eyed females; 1 white-eyed male
and 1 red-eyed male
b. 2 red-eyed females; 1 red-eyed male, 1
white-eyed male
c. 2 red-eyed females; 2 white-eyed males
d. 1 red-eyed female and 1 white-eyed
female; 2 red-eyed males
9. (2001-12) Wild cats such as cheetahs, lions, and
tigers experience decreased genetic diversity as
their populations decline and become fragmented
due to habitat destruction. Decreased genetic
diversity leads to populations with
a. increased birthrates
b. disproportionate gender ratios
c. increased immigration rates
d. decreased disease resistance
10. (2002-44) People who have been exposed to
excessive radiation often experience mutations. If
these mutations only occur in somatic (body) cells,
these people may
a. experience an increased risk of cancer
b. experience difficulties replicating RNA
c. develop entirely new DNA sequences in
all cells
d. pass on these mutations to their offspring
11. (2002-28) In cows, long hair is dominant to short
hair. In a cow that is heterozygous for long hair,
what percentage of the cells undergoing meiosis
will carry the dominant allele?
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
12. (2002-11) In rabbits, short fur (F) is dominant to
long fur (f). According to the Punnett square, what
is the chance of two heterozygous short-haired
rabbits having offspring with short fur?
a. One in four
b. Three in four
c. Two in four
d. Four in four
13. (2002-7) Which of the following statements
describes the process of natural selection?
a. Individuals survive that have inherited
traits adapted to their environment.
b. Farmers select animals with desirable
variations for breeding.
c. Populations sharing the same gene pool
interbreed and create new species.
d. New species are formed via genetic
14. (2002-3) DNA that is derived from the DNA of two
or more different species is called
a. recombinant DNA
b. mitochondrial DNA
c. plasmid
d. chloroplast DNA
15. (2003-31) Lamarck was an early scientist who
studied the development of characteristics in
organisms over time. Which of the following
choices best describes his views on how
organisms change over time?
a. Theory of acquired characteristics
b. Law of independent assortment
c. Theory of relative fossil-dating
d. Theory of artificial selection
16. (2003-48) The above chart shows vertebrate
embryo development. Which of these would be
least related to the others?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
17. (2003-42) The Human Genome Project was begun
in 1988 by scientists from 13 nations as a
worldwide effort to understand the sequencing of
all of the DNA in the human body. What is one
potential scientific benefit of this research?
a. It will create communication between
research centers.
b. It will help to explain human cultural
c. It helps to classify man most accurately in
the animal kingdom.
d. It will help find the genes responsible
for many diseases
18. (2003-13) In corn plants, green (G) is dominant to
albino (g). According to the Punnett square, what
is the chance of this heterozygous cross producing
albino corn plants?
a. Two in four
b. Three in four
c. Four in four
d. One in four
19. (2004-39) A genetic pedigree showing that only
males are affected by a certain disorder is
evidence of what type of inheritance?
a. Dominant
b. Sex-linked
c. Recessive
d. Passive
20. (2004-42) One way to increase the number of
organisms in an endangered species is to let the
few remaining individuals of that species breed.
However, this breeding may also lead to species
extinction because inbreeding over a short period
of time may
a. increase beneficial mutations
b. produce a different species
c. reduce genetic diversity
d. increase fertility
21. (2004-36) What conclusion can be drawn from the
genetic information above?
a. The white parent carried a dominant allele.
b. All the black rabbits in the F2 generation
are homozygous.
c. All the white rabbits are heterozygous.
d. All the F1 rabbits carried a recessive
22. (2005-48) The chances of developing cancer,
diabetes, or sickle-cell anemia are higher if a
family member also has the disorder because they
a. passed through blood contact
b. related to diet
c. highly infectious
d. genetically based
23. (2005-2) External sources, such as radiation or
chemicals, can cause mutations in genes or entire
chromosomes. For a mutation to pass on to
offspring, it must occur in a
a. sex cell
b. muscle cell
c. bone cell
d. brain cell
24. (2005-31) The differences in the above
characteristics of flower species most likely
resulted from parasitism, which did not harm the
host species
a. adaptations in response to different
selection pressures
b. defensive mutations allowing concealment
of species
c. mutualism between different plant species
25. (2005-30) Change in species is described as a
process that usually occurs over long periods of
time. Yet, even though antibiotics have only been
widely used for fifty years, scientists recognize that
overuse of antibiotics has led to antibiotic-resistant
strains of bacteria. The reason this can occur in a
relatively short span of time is that
a. there are many different types of bacteria
b. bacteria reproduce rapidly
c. travelers carry bacteria around the world
d. bacteria are very small
26. (2005-17) Over many generations, unrelated or
distantly related species may come to resemble
each other due to
a. similar environmental factors
b. competition with each other
c. homologous structural adaptations
d. similar genetic mutations
27. (2005-16) A student hypothesizes that thick leg
muscles are an inherited trait in dogs. The student
collects data on several dogs, and the data show
that dogs that live outdoors have thicker leg
muscles than dogs that live indoors. What should
the student conclude?
a. Inheritance alone may not account for
thick leg muscles in dogs.
b. Dogs that inherit thick leg muscles may
not survive indoors
c. Dogs with thick leg muscles may require
more exercise than dogs with thin leg
d. Inheritance of thick leg muscles may be
associated with coat thickness in dogs.
28. (2005-6) In snapdragons, the combined
expression of both alleles for flower color
produces a new phenotype that is pink. This
illustrates incomplete dominance. The Punnett
square above shows that both the white and red
snapdragons are homozygous. Which of the
following would be the correct product from a
cross between two heterozygous pink
a. 2 red, 2 white
b. 2 red, 1 pink, 1 white
c. 1 red, 2 pink, 1 white
d. 1 red, 1 pink, 2 white