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Summer 8-6-2013
Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp on Android Smartphones Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp on Android Smartphones
Neha S. Thakur
University Of New Orleans
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Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp on Android Smartphones
A Thesis
Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the
University of New Orleans
in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Computer Science
Information Assurance
Neha S Thakur
B.S University of Pune, 2003
M.S University of Pune,2006
August 2013
The research and writing of this thesis has been one of the most significant academic challenges I
ever had to face. Without the support and guidance of the following people, this study would not
have been completed. It is to them that I owe my deepest gratitude.
I would sincerely like to thank my advisor, Dr. Golden G. Richard III for giving me an
opportunity to conduct this thesis research under his excellent guidance. His exceptional
knowledge, wisdom and understanding have inspired and motivated me. My professors, Dr.
Shengru Tu and Dr. Adlai DePano for being on my thesis committee and mentoring me during
my Masters degree in Computer Science at University of New Orleans.
I am thankful to my friend Thomas Sires, for initiating my interest in Linux, making sure I keep
it up and help me solve technical issues. I appreciate the help from Aisha Ali-Gombe, Joe Sylve
and Andrew Case who are on our Information Assurance group, for their contributions in the
Information Assurance field and answering my questions.
Finally, I would like to thank my Parents and each member in my family and friends for their
unconditional love and support. I specially want to thank my husband Mr. Naveen Singh, who
has been my core source of strength through every phase of this effort and constantly encouraged
me to do my best. His systematic approach and kind feedback towards my thesis has helped me
improve. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you.
My heartfelt gratitude to my precious daughter Navya Singh, who was born during my Masters
program and has spent many days without my complete attention. With her never give up attitude
she has taught me perseverance to work around a problem until I succeed. Thank you for all your
love my little girl, it kept me going.
Table of Contents
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... iv
Abstract ................................................................................................................................v
1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................1
2. Why WhatsApp Forensics ...............................................................................................2
3. Related Work ....................................................................................................................3
3.1 WhatsApp Database - Hardware Acquisition ................................................................3
3.2 WhatsApp Database - Software Acquisition and Analysis ............................................3
4. Android Applications .......................................................................................................6
4.1 Memory Management ....................................................................................................6
4.2 Data Storage ...................................................................................................................6
5. Methodology ....................................................................................................................9
6. Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp - Our Approach...........................................................10
6.1 Data Acquisition and Analysis - Non-Volatile Memory ..............................................10
6.2 Data Acquisition and Analysis - Volatile Memory(RAM) ...........................................13
6.2.1 Memfetch - Data Acquisition ....................................................................................15
6.2.2 WhatsApp Data Analysis and Presentation ...............................................................17
7. Experimental Setup ........................................................................................................19
8. Testing and Results ........................................................................................................19
9. Research Findings ..........................................................................................................22
10. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................24
References ..........................................................................................................................25
Vita .....................................................................................................................................26
List of Figures
Figure 1. WhatsApp Xtract Tool output
Figure 2. Android Application Data Storage Options
Figure 3. WhatsApp Database Structure
Figure 4. SQLite Browser output
Figure 5. Software Used
Sample Result – 1
Sample Result – 2
Sample Result – 3
Figure 6. Artifacts Found
Android forensics has evolved over time offering significant opportunities and exciting
challenges. On one hand, being an open source platform Android is giving developers the
freedom to contribute to the rapid growth of the Android market whereas on the other hand
Android users may not be aware of the security and privacy implications of installing these
applications on their phones. Users may assume that a password-locked device protects their
personal information, but applications may retain private information on devices, in ways that
users might not anticipate. In this thesis we will be concentrating on one such application called
'WhatsApp', a popular social networking application. We will be forming an outline on how
forensic investigators can extract useful information from WhatsApp and from similar
applications installed on an Android platform. Our area of focus is extraction and analysis of
application user data from non-volatile external storage and the volatile memory (RAM) of an
Android device.
Android, WhatsApp, Volatile Memory, Mobile Forensics, Information Assurance, Application
Security, Data Security, Computer Science
1. Introduction
According to Wikipedia[1] “WhatsApp Messenger is a proprietary, cross-platform instant
messaging application for smart-phones. In addition to text messaging, users can send each other
images, video, and audio media messages. The client software is available for Android,
Blackberry OS, Blackberry 10, iOS, Series 40, Symbian (S60), and Windows Phone. WhatsApp
Inc. was founded in 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum, both veterans of Yahoo!, and is based in
Santa Clara, California. Competing with a number of Asian-based messaging services (like
LINE, KakaoTalk, and WeChat), WhatsApp was handling ten billion messages per day as of
August 2012, growing from two billion in April 2012”
“According to the Financial Times, WhatsApp has done to SMS on mobile phones what Skype
did to international calling on landlines.”
WhatsApp has gained lights' speed in terms of a social networking application. The number of
downloads for WhatsApp on Android, exceeds one hundred million. In only three years it is
among the top 30 free applications and among the top five free communication applications on
Google Play.
WhatsApp uses your 3G or Wi-Fi (when available) to message with friends and family. It is a
lightweight around 10M sized application with an option to send and receive unlimited messages
for free. In all its features, WhatsApp can be used as a complete solution to easy and cost
effective networking on a phone. In order to use the services of 'WhatsApp', a user must provide
a phone number using which internally a user account is created with user-id such as ([phone
WhatsApp is a cross-platform mobile messaging service which can auto sync to the address
book, automatically showing all the contacts using WhatsApp. There is no restriction on the
length and number of messages one can exchange and no carrier IM fees apply. One does not
need to install a sim-card to use WhatsApp; the only requirements are a supported phone,
internet connection and storage space on the phone to download the application.
WhatsApp uses a customized version of the open standard Extensible Messaging and Presence
Protocol (XMPP) to exchange data over the internet. Messages can be in the form of plain text,
multimedia message like photos, audio, video, location, address book contact cards and icons.
The plethora of personal information that can be exchanged gives us a reason to look at
WhatsApp through a forensic glass.
2. Why WhatsApp forensics?
WhatsApp is a cross platform application with versions available for Android, BlackBerry,
iPhone and Symbian operating systems. It is a widely used and universal application.
WhatsApp as an application is not phone dependent, like certain applications that are only
supported by certain phones e.g. Motoblur intended for specific Motorola phones. WhatsApp is
not carrier dependent, like certain applications supported only by certain service providers, e.g.
The 'Verizon Cloud' application that is intended only for users with Verizon Wireless phone
service. WhatsApp is not operating system dependent, like certain apps that can be installed only
on certain platforms, e.g. Symbian or iOS specific applications. WhatsApp is not factory
installed (inbuilt into the phone) and hopefully in the future may not be device dependent (as of
now it can only be installed on smart-phones and not on tablets/pc's). On most smart-phones the
WhatsApp application charges an initial installation amount but it is free for the android
platform. This gives us one more reason to test the security of the application on the android
platform in particular.
The main purpose of this research is to identify various data security issues in instant messaging
applications on the Android platform which aid in forensic investigations. Information is stored
in different formats at varied locations on the phone. Our aim is to summarize a general
methodology to gather valuable information, so a standard investigation process can be followed
for all similar applications. The goal and aim of this research was achieved successfully.
3. Related Work
The open source nature of the Android platform has tempted developers, hackers, and forensic
analysts to dig into the fundamentals of the system. Before we discuss our research let us see
some of the work done in this area.
3.1 WhatsApp Database - Hardware Acquisition
"Forensic Analysis of Instant Messenger Applications on Android Devices." Mahajan, Aditya, M.
S. Dahiya, and H. P. Sanghvi. (2013) [3]
A UFED physical analyzer was used to analyze instant messenger applications (WhatsApp and
Viber) on Android devices. In the case of WhatsApp, chat message artifacts, timestamps and
names of files sent and received were found however the storage locations of those files were not
found. In manual examination of “WhatsApp” application after the File System Extraction,
database files (msgstore.db and wa.db) were found with details of chat sessions.
Mainly the database extraction and a good detailed analysis was done for existing messages.
Analysis of RAM for the WhatsApp application data remnants was not considered and retrieval
of deleted data was mentioned as a future project. We considered extracting deleted messages
from RAM and have been able to do so.
Also, database extraction was done using the UFED physical analyzer, whereas an un-encrypted
version can be obtained if we root the phone.
3.2 WhatsApp Database - Software Acquisition and Analysis
Whatsapp Xtract 2.0 -Zena Forensics [4]
Another contribution to WhatsApp forensics was made by Francesco Picasso who wrote a tool to
decrypt and organize SQLite database files in an organized HTML form. The tool works for both
encrypted and decrypted database files.
The WhatsApp Database Encryption Project [5], has made known a vulnerability in the Android
implementation of the AES cypher: the 192-bit key can be detected performing both static or
active analysis on the software package. And the result is:
A python script uses this key to decrypt and encrypted db file and presents the result in an HTML
page. The paper implies that the same encryption key is used for all WhatsApp installations on
Android. We used the Python tool to decrypt and interpret our encrypted database and it was
done successfully. A snapshot of our output is presented in Figure.1
We can alternately read the database files through the 'SQLite browser' but the timestamps and
representation of data is not straightforward. Another advantage of the tool is that the media
content exchanged is displayed on the HTML page itself , one does not have to look into the
media folder separately. The tool can be useful in comparing the data we analyze.
All the features of the tool sums it up into a useful one but once the messages are deleted from
the database, the tool will not be able to retrieve and represent them. The tool can represent only
static information that is present in the database. The databases on the external storage(usually
SD card) is updated only periodically, leading to old data representation.
We wanted to find a way to retrieve deleted messages so we decided on Volatile memory
acquisition and Analysis. Also, in order to acquire updated user information we must do live
analysis on the device and acquire volatile memory for further analysis.
Section 4. gives details of Android Memory Management and Data Storage for Android
Applications. On getting a general outlook of how applications process and store data on
Android we carved a path for our research in terms of data acquisition strategies and analysis.
Figure 1. WhatsApp Xtract Tool output
4. Android Applications
Android applications are written in the Java programming language. The Android SDK tools
compile the code into a .apk archive file. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one
application and is the file that Android-powered devices use to install the application.
Once installed on a device, each Android application lives in its own security sandbox. The
Android operating system is a multi-user Linux system in which each application is a different
user. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process
when any of the application's components need to be executed, then shuts down the process
when it's no longer needed or when the system must recover memory for other applications.
4.1 Memory Management
The two primary types to memory present in Android devices are volatile (RAM) and non-
volatile (NAND flash) memory. RAM is used to load and run the important parts of the OS,
applications and data. RAM being volatile does not maintain its state once the phone is powered
down. However, NAND flash memory is non-volatile and data is preserved even if the device is
powered down.
Android has a unique mechanism to manage application memory. Android uses its own runtime
environment and Dalvik virtual machine to create an efficient and secure application
Android ensures application responsiveness by stopping and killing processes as necessary to
free resources for higher-priority applications. In other words, all Android applications will
remain running and in memory until the system needs its resources for other applications. This
security feature has proven to be beneficial for our research.
4.2 Data Storage
A key part of the Android security model is that at installation, each application is assigned a
unique Linux user and group ID and runs in its own process and Dalvik VM.
During installation, the operating system creates a specific directory for the application and
allows only that application to access all the data stored in that directory. These mechanisms
ensure data security at the low level as applications do not share memory, permissions or disk
However, forensic analysts are primarily concerned with data pertaining to human interaction
which can be extracted and analyzed by scrutinizing different data storage mediums through a
forensic glass.
Android applications store data mainly in two locations, external storage and internal storage. On
the external storage (SD card), the data can be stored and managed at any location whereas on
the internal storage data storage is controlled by the Android APIs.
Persistent data is stored either to the NAND flash, the SD card or the network. A standard data
storage structure for Applications is shown in Figure 2.
When an application is installed the data pertaining to the application is stored in
e.g. /data/data/com.whatsapp
Inside this subdirectory there are a number of standard subdirectories found in many
applications. Application developers usually control data that is stored in this directory. The most
common subdirectories are lib, files, cache and databases.
Among the five methods of storing data on a device mentioned in Figure 2. Android Application
Data Storage Options, analysts can uncover data from four of the five possible formats. Beyond
the above formats, the Linux kernel and Android stack provide good information through logs,
debugging, reverse engineering and other tools.
The remainder of this work is organized as follows: Section 5 presents the Methodology of our
approach. Section 6 describes Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp - Our Approach. Experimental
Setup and Testing is covered in Sections 7 and Section 8 and finally Section9 and Section 10
shows our Research Findings and Conclusion.
Figure 2. Android Application Data Storage Options
4.SQLite 5.Network
File Type
Key-Value pairs
of primitive
data stored in
XML format
Files of
based, no
Files of
formats. No
SQLite db
format .db
compact single
Config and
network based
files mainly. No
Data Type
boolean, float,
int, long, strings
Data Structures
supported data
Data Structures
Usually in
/mnt/sdcard or
emulated SD
Usually on
Depends on
network settings,
info from log
Owner can
unless Owner
has root
Owner can
access M.S
FAT32 fs, no
May be
unless Owner
has root access
Network level
Rich source of
forensic data
Rich source
of forensic
data if root
Rich source of
forensic data
Rich source of
forensic data
Forensic data
5. Methodology
The primary goal of this research was to test the WhatsApp application from the forensic point of
view on an Android phone. The basic approach to Android memory acquisition was kept in mind
during our research and steps were taken to minimize any human footprints on the acquired data.
WhatsApp 2.9 [1] was first installed on more than one Android phone using the Google Play
store. The application gets stored in the Internal Memory of the phone. Automatically the app
syncs with the phone's contacts showing people already using WhatsApp.
When a phone with WhatsApp installed is turned on, the “com.whatsapp” process receives a
signal to start the 'ExternalMediaManage' and 'MessageService' services which run in the
background as long as the phone is on. Any messages exchanged are stored in the 'msgstore.db'
and 'wa.db' which are SQLite databases. The databases are loaded into RAM for faster access of
data. Typically all the content may not persist or may be overwritten due to swapping in RAM
but this may not be true for Android.
Based on the Android process lifecycle, an application executes for as long as possible.[7]
Android performs garbage collection on application-by- application basis and is based on the
priority of a process. Unless a higher priority process needs more memory resources and RAM is
full, the data may persist in memory for an extended period of time. This feature proves to be
useful for us to extract WhatsApp contents from memory.
The WhatsApp application is an instant messenger service so users get notified about messages
through the push-mechanism, as soon as any messages are received thus WhatsApp maintains a
high priority in memory, mainly a visible process. This gives the user the convenience of
continuously receiving messages in the background without having to download them from a
typical web server like an email service.
6. Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp - Our Approach
Our approach is performing live analysis on an Android smartphone to extract user interaction
information from the WhatsApp application.
We mainly concentrate on two areas of evidence collection:
1.WhatsApp Data acquisition and analysis from non-volatile memory
2.WhatsApp Data acquisition and analysis from Volatile Memory
6.1 Data Acquisition and Analysis - Non-Volatile Memory
WhatsApp stores its user data in a SQLite database (msgstore.db and wa.db). The location and
structure of the database varies from platform to platform. Here we are concentrating on devices
with the Android platform.
If one chooses not to root the device one can gain access to the backed up WhatsApp folder on
the SD card. This folder mainly contains three sub-folders such as:
The database is present in the form of an encrypted file on the SD card at:
The WhatsApp Database Encryption Project [5], implies that the same AES with a 192-bit
encryption key (346a23652a46392b4d73257c67317e352e3372482177652c) is being used for all
WhatsApp installations on the Android platform.
WhatsApp Xtract [4] has introduced a basic Python script that takes an encrypted db
file(msgstore.db.crypt) as input and gives a decrypted db file(msgstore.plain.db) as output.
The output file can be read using the sqlitebrowser software. We used an open source tool -
WhatsAppXtract [4], in order to be able to read the information in a more human readable form
and compare our results in the sqlitebrowser. With this tool one can open the media files and see
the messages directly from the output HTML file shown in Figure 1.
The tool does not describe the complete WhatsApp database structure that one can see in the
sqlitebrowser software. Please refer to Figure 3. for the msgstore.db structure. [4] In addition to
the structure the SQL statements and data types can also be seen in the sqlitebrowser software.
Other than the encrypted database file one can also gain access to other sub-folders in the
WhatsApp folder on the SD card like :
The data in these folders is not encrypted. The Media folder contains all the media files such as
Audios, Videos and Images exchanged during a chat session with the current user.
Backup of the files from the device to the SD card is made every day around 4:00 a.m. Absence
of the most recent data from the decrypted database or the media folder only means that the
application has not backed up the latest data into the database on the SD card for today yet.
On the other hand if one roots the device we see that the plain database files wa.db and
msgstore.db , which can be found directly on the SD card at :
/data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/ msgstore.db and wa.db
Figure 3. WhatsApp Database Structure
On looking into the files using 'sqlitebrowser' software, we noticed the structure of the database.
Please refer to Figure 4. SQLite Browser – msgstore.db -messages table.
The wa.db file contains the wa_contacts table which mainly consists of the contact list of users.
The msgstore.db file mainly consists of the chat_list table and messages table. The chat_list table
contains the list of users that have been contacted using WhatsApp and the number of messages
exchanged with them and the messages table contains the messages in plain text including the
timestamps ,size of message, type of media file exchanged, size of media_file and status of
We found that on rooting the device one gains access to all files in the following directory.
Useful forensic evidence can be extracted and analyzed from this folder on the external storage:
e.g. /data/data/com.whatsapp/files
This directory contains information about the current user's WhatsApp account. It contains sub-
directories such as , Logs- giving device memory and network connection information and
Avatars - containing profile pictures of all users with whom the current device has interacted
These files can be backed on a local machine in order avoid any footprints on the original data.
Our research shows that on gaining access to a device through USB debugging enabled, personal
information of a user can be compromised.
On gaining root access to a device almost all of the application data stored on the internal storage
becomes public. One can obtain forensic evidence from the phone whether the device under
investigation is rooted or not.
6.2 Data Acquisition and Analysis - Volatile Memory(RAM)
We saw that most of the Android Forensic research for the WhatsApp application was
concentrated on contents of the internal flash NAND memory or external SD card. No research
has been done related to volatile memory acquisition and analysis for WhatsApp.
Figure 4. SQLite Browser
The volatile memory contains important information for any investigator as it has the most recent
information accessed
IM application (like WhatsApp) on it speaks a lot about what a person has been doing lately. We
need to get hold of all that information to do live analysis on the device, before it i
that information is lost. Now we will see how that information can be collected and analyzed in
We started with volatile memory extraction using LiME
(LKM), that allows the acquisition of volatile memory from Linux and Linux
Figure 4. SQLite Browser
output – msgstore.db -
messages table
The volatile memory contains important information for any investigator as it has the most recent
through the phone. A phone has become the lifeline of most humans and an
IM application (like WhatsApp) on it speaks a lot about what a person has been doing lately. We
need to get hold of all that information to do live analysis on the device, before it i
that information is lost. Now we will see how that information can be collected and analyzed in
We started with volatile memory extraction using LiME
which is a Loadable Kernel Module
(LKM), that allows the acquisition of volatile memory from Linux and Linux
based devices,
messages table
The volatile memory contains important information for any investigator as it has the most recent
through the phone. A phone has become the lifeline of most humans and an
IM application (like WhatsApp) on it speaks a lot about what a person has been doing lately. We
need to get hold of all that information to do live analysis on the device, before it i
s rebooted and
that information is lost. Now we will see how that information can be collected and analyzed in
which is a Loadable Kernel Module
based devices,
such as those powered by Android. LiME is a complete tool for getting all the contents from the
memory. When we used the tool to extract memory, we realized it gives a huge binary dump file
of around the size of 512mb-1 GB containing all physical RAM contents. The binary dump
obtained from LiME can be analyzed using 'The Volatility Framework'[10] ,which is an open
source collection of tools to extract useful information from RAM dumps pertaining to
For further research we opted to use a different approach for extraction of memory since we
knew the target process (here WhatsApp) we are looking to investigate and did not need data
related to all other processes in memory. Looking through a huge file with all RAM contents,
could yield numerous false positives. Moreover, installation and extraction of data using
Volatility could become cumbersome for only one specific process, here WhatsApp.
We decided to take a simpler approach for extraction of volatile memory as we did not need data
related to all other processes, so we used 'Memfetch' [12]
6.2.1 Memfetch - Data Acquisition
Memfetch is a simple yet powerful open source utility that can dump all the memory of a
running process, either immediately or when a fault condition is discovered and does not disrupt
the operation of the running process. In order to run 'memfetch' on an Android device, some
changes need to be made to it. [11][12]
Memfetch is lightweight and can be easily pushed to the phone's SD card using the Android
Debug Bridge (adb).The following steps can aid in getting a forensic sound memory capture:
$adb push memfetch /sdcard/memfetch
Once the file is copied to the SD card we check for the process id of WhatsApp using 'ps'. The
'ps' command ps displays information about a selection of the active processes. For this we
obtain a shell on the phone and get super user access to it.
We can gain super user access by rooting the phone. Further details about rooting are mentioned
in Section 8.Testing and Results
$adb shell
On obtaining the process-id (pid) of the com.whatsapp process, we can extract its process
memory using memfetch for android.
When we tried to execute memfetch directly on the SD card we realized that the SD card was
mounted with 'noexec' option so we moved memfetch to another executable mount point. To
create the mount point inside SD card we did the following:
#cd /sdcard
#mkdir -p tmp
#mount -t tmpfs tmpfs tmp
#cp memfetch tmp/
#cd tmp
#./memfetch pid of com.whatsapp
The above turns to be useful in two ways, one we have an executable mount point tmpfs and
second all the result files that memfetch will output will be in one folder(here tmp).
Memory is dumped in a set of files - mfetch.lst describes all files, including their mapping
addresses and source, map*.bin files are a copy of all non-anonymous maps (shared libraries,
mostly) and mem*.bin files are anonymous memory blocks, most likely code, stack and heap
From these output files we are interested in the heap of the application (WhatsApp) so we note
the start and end address of the heap from mfetch.lst file and search a matching mem/map file.
Usually it is the second memory region (mem-002.bin).
Our next target is to copy the heap dump (mem-002.bin) to the local machine to avoid any
forensic footprints on the phone's SD card. So we copy it to the SD card from our local mount
point and then pull it using adb on the phone.
$adb pull /sdcard/mem-002.bin
The heap (mem-002.bin) a binary file, gives us a complete memory capture for the WhatsApp
process which we need to further analysis. Memfetch is a safe method to acquire volatile
memory of a process. Based on the way Android handles process memory described in section
4.1 we can assume that all our application data is present in the RAM when we acquire it.
Further analysis of the heap has proved our assumption to be true.
6.2.2 WhatsApp Data Analysis and Presentation
Once we had the heap dump on our machine we analyzed the file with different tools and
methods. Our aim was to find WhatsApp messages and user data.
We looked into the .binary file by creating a hex dump using 'xxd' and analyzing it manually. We
also executed 'strings' to search for phone numbers, messages or user specific data. This process
can be time consuming when one is unsure what data to look for but works well for targeted
messages or phone numbers.
To make it simpler to display basic evidence we have made a tool namely 'whatsappRamXtract'.
It is mainly used to extract information from the heap dump (mem-002.bin) and show it to the
user in a readable format instead of having to search a huge file manually.
Our tool 'whatsappRamXtract' is a bash script which carves the useful evidence from a binary
file. As of now we have covered three primary areas of focus in our tool but it is fully open
source and customizable as per need. Options available are to output numbers (-num option),
messages (-mess option) and SQL statements (-sql option).
Our tool takes the .binary file as input with the option of displaying numbers used in the current
device through WhatsApp, Messages exchanged and SQL statements giving database evidence.
We will see more details of its usage in section 8.
In addition to the text messages we retrieved, images were also carved out from the .binary file
using Scalpel. [15] This tool is a powerful one that can carve various file formats from a huge
binary file. It gives us the ease of configuring the file type we want to carve from our binary in
turn displaying the completed result files in a folder. The good part is, RAM may contain deleted
media which Scalpel can carve out efficiently, without us having to interpret a binary file.
Our take on Deleted Messages:
We want to make a special mention about this area because the user may think that a message
that they deleted is out-of-sight so out-of-mind. In case of WhatsApp, if a message is deleted
from the application it is removed from the database but not immediately from RAM (volatile
Let’s consider a scenario of a crime where the criminal is aware of the consequences, if his/her
WhatsApp messages were to be read during an investigation. In an attempt to be proved innocent
the criminal deletes all the chats from the application that can give any evidence. With the help
of our work an investigator can perform live analysis on the device and retrieve any deleted
message. The information is deleted from the database to maintain the integrity of the application
but the way Android manages its memory, the information still lurks in the volatile memory.
7. Experimental Setup
In terms of hardware used for our research we used two Motorola Droid2 phones, a USB cable
and a computer for analysis of data retrieved.
In terms of software and versions used please refer Figure 5. Software Used for more details.
Figure 5. Software Used
Software Version
Android 2.2
WhatsApp 2.9
MemFetch (customized for Android) 0.05b
Universal Androot 1.6.2
Ubuntu 11.10
Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.2.12
Extension Pack 4.2.12
Guest additions 4.2.12
Android adt-bundle-linux x86_64
SQliteBrowser 2.0
WhatsApp Xtract 2.0 tool) 1.1
Scalpel 2.0
8. Testing and Results
In this section we apply our approach towards actual tests to show samples of output we
retrieved during volatile memory acquisition and analysis.
First the phone has to be rooted. Universal Androot [14] is a good rooting kit and it doesn’t
disrupt most of the user processes. Also it does not require a reboot of the device so one can be
sure the memory is not wiped off.
it works well with Motor
ola phones.
The phone should then be connected via USB, ensuring that USB debugging is turned on. A
compiled memfetch is copied into the phone using the adb br
card. The pid for com.whatsapp,
Execution of memfetch will return the mfetch.lst, and some *.mem and *.map files.
The file mem-
002.bin is then copied using the adb bridge from the phone and
is run on it. Our tool takes three options to carve out
database data (SQL statements)
from the file.
Following are our sample output
file mem-002.bin.
Note : The numbers have been purposely grayed out to ensure privacy of the owner.
sure the memory is not wiped off.
Universal Androot includes the
su binary (superuser.apk), and
ola phones.
The phone should then be connected via USB, ensuring that USB debugging is turned on. A
compiled memfetch is copied into the phone using the adb br
idge and data is saved in the SD
returned from ps is provided to
memfetch as an argument.
Execution of memfetch will return the mfetch.lst, and some *.mem and *.map files.
002.bin is then copied using the adb bridge from the phone and
is run on it. Our tool takes three options to carve out
numbers, messages
from the file.
s on executing the tool, w
hatsappRamXtract against our binary
RamXtract -num mem-002.bin
Sample Result – 1
Note : The numbers have been purposely grayed out to ensure privacy of the owner.
su binary (superuser.apk), and
The phone should then be connected via USB, ensuring that USB debugging is turned on. A
idge and data is saved in the SD
memfetch as an argument.
Execution of memfetch will return the mfetch.lst, and some *.mem and *.map files.
numbers, messages
hatsappRamXtract against our binary
Note : The numbers have been purposely grayed out to ensure privacy of the owner.
-mess mem-002.bin
Sample Result – 2
9. Research Findings
Our research on v
olatile memory
and can it can be extracted for further analysis.
shown that all similar
applications that load data from a SQLite database can be tested for
recovery using non-
volatile memory forensics. To get easy access to data in the database, the
device memory also caches it in the volatile memory.
We saw that data is stored in various forms by the developer and each location can become a
treasure for an investigator. Rooting the device
knowledge of the directory structure of files and the
-sql mem-002.bin
Sample Result – 3
olatile memory
has proved that critical application data is present in the RAM
and can it can be extracted for further analysis.
Our non-
volatile external storage analysis has
applications that load data from a SQLite database can be tested for
volatile memory forensics. To get easy access to data in the database, the
device memory also caches it in the volatile memory.
Please refer Figure 6. for more det
We saw that data is stored in various forms by the developer and each location can become a
treasure for an investigator. Rooting the device
did not affect our results, in
fact it gave us deeper
knowledge of the directory structure of files and the
data stored in them.
has proved that critical application data is present in the RAM
volatile external storage analysis has
applications that load data from a SQLite database can be tested for
volatile memory forensics. To get easy access to data in the database, the
Please refer Figure 6. for more det
We saw that data is stored in various forms by the developer and each location can become a
fact it gave us deeper
Figure 6. Artifacts Found
Non-Volatile Memory
(SD Card) + No
Rooting device
Non-Volatile Memory
(SD Card) + Rooting
Volatile Memory
(RAM) + Rooting
Found Encrypted Found Decrypted Contents Found
Not Found Found Contents Found
Phone Numbers
Found if db decrypted* Found Found
Found if db decrypted* Found Found
Media Files
Found if db decrypted* Found Found
Contact Cards
Found if db decrypted* Found Found
Found if db decrypted* Found Found
SQL queries
Found if db decrypted* Found Found
Profile Pictures
Not Found Found Found
Not Found Found Contents Found
Directory Structure
Not Found Found Found
Deleted Messages
Not Found Not Found Found
Deleted Media Files
Not Found Not Found Found
Android Api’s
Not Found Not Found Found
* indicates data that can be retrieved from ‘msgstore.db’ on decrypting it using the “WhatsApp
Database Encryption Project Report." [5]
We were able to tap the internal storage folders, external SD card storage and RAM for
constructive evidence from the WhatsApp application. Due to the process priority feature of the
Android platform, application data can be retrieved from the heap. Both deleted and undeleted
messages were retrieved. One thing we realized was that most of the application data gets stored
on the SD card because internal storage is very small to accommodate the growing usage of
social networking applications like WhatsApp. This seems to be a trend in particularly Android
Here are some points to be noted that we learned during our research. It is a good idea to clear
data from market app and services from the 'Manage Applications'
settings before one downloads an application to the phone. This will ensure the cache is cleared
and the market app will start successfully for application downloads.
We performed all our research inside a virtual machine which gave us an advantage to download
or run executable files without having to worry about any executable affecting the host machine.
Other than that all our forensic data was not leaked to the outside world and a separate
environment was provided to hold all our files in one place.
USB debugging is handled differently when a virtual machine has to detect the USB attached to
your system. In order to use Android Debug Bridge we had to connect our device to our machine
and it needed to show up on our Virtual machine. Initially we faced the challenge that our USB
connection was not getting detected.
In our case we used VirtualBox as the Virtual Machine and followed the guidelines mentioned in
the VirtualBox manual [16] to 'Add USB Filter' for our Motorola phone. In addition to that we
also made sure that a filter was added for every USB port of our machine by connecting the
device from each port and adding it. If one happens to use a different port next time, it will not
show up in the virtual machine because explicitly a filter is not added for it. After a filter was
added, we logged into the Virtual Machine and made sure that 'adb devices' shows our Motorola
phone listed.
We also resized our VirtualBox image to 40 GB to be able to accommodate all our research. By
default only a small partition of the disk is given to the virtual machine which did not seem
sufficient for all our research.
10. Conclusion
WhatsApp has become a popular application for social networking on which people may be
exchanging their personal and business related information. Our research has shown that one can
gain complete access to all that information in WhatsApp and in similar social networking
applications, such as ‘ Viber’. Most chat applications follow a similar pattern of storing messages
in a database and updating the database periodically.
The approach we took gave a general outline for all similar applications that run on Android
devices. We were able to successfully complete the aim of our research. One should be aware
that a password-locked phone is not a black box and one can extract valuable application user
information from the database and volatile memory.
Our research can be useful for Live Forensic Analysis on Android smart-phones. Databases are
updated only once every day thus the content acquired may not be current at the time of an
investigation, whereas live acquisition and analysis of the volatile memory will give us current
information. When doing a forensic investigation, having the most recent messages for analysis
can play a vital role. In addition to the recent messages one can look into deleted messages as
In the future more work can be done on interpretation of RAM data in a human readable form.
Our tool can be customized to display user specific information based on one’s requirement. As
of now the tool highlights three important aspects of user data namely phone numbers of users,
messages they exchanged and database queries giving the basic database structure for WhatsApp.
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Neha Singh Thakur was born in Indore, India. After she completed her work at St. Mary's school
and N.Wadia College High School, Pune in 2000 she entered University of Pune in Pune, India.
She received her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in May, 2003 and her Master's degree in
Computer Science in May, 2006 from University of Pune. From 2006 to 2009, she was employed
as a Software Engineer with Sutra pvt. ltd. and later on as a Senior Software Engineer with
Vertex Software Ltd. She got married in December 2009 in India and moved to United States
with her husband. In January, 2011, she entered the Graduate School at the University of New
Orleans at New Orleans LA, to pursue a Master's degree in computer science with concentration
in Information Assurance. This research work was done under the guidance of Professor Golden
G. Richard III in 2013.