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Network and Device Forensic Analysis of Android Social-Network and Device Forensic Analysis of Android Social-
messaging Applications messaging Applications
Daniel Walnycky
University of New Haven
Ibrahim Baggili
University of New Haven
Andrew Marrington
Zayed University
Jason Moore
University of New Haven
Frank Breitinger
University of New Haven
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Walnycky, D., Baggili, I., Marrington, A., Moore, J., & Breitinger, F. (2015). Network and device forensic
analysis of Android social-messaging applications. The Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual DFRWS
Conference. Digital Investigation 14, Supplement 1, S77–S84.
The material published in the DFRWS Conference Proceedings is made available through a license under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Dr. Baggili was appointed to the University of New Haven's Elder Family Endowed Chair in 2015.
Network and device forensic analysis of Android
social-messaging applications
Daniel Walnycky
, Ibrahim Baggili
, Andrew Marrington
, Jason Moore
Frank Breitinger
University of New Haven Cyber Forensics Research and Education Group (UNHcFREG), ECECS Department,
Tagliatela College of Engineering, USA
Zayed University, Advanced Cyber Forensics Research Laboratory, College of Technological Innovation,
United Arab Emirates
Network forensics
Android forensics
Instant messaging
Privacy of messaging applications
Application security testing
In this research we forensically acquire and analyze the device-stored data and network
trafc of 20 popular instant messaging applications for Android. We were able to recon-
struct some or the entire message content from 16 of the 20 applications tested, which
reects poorly on the sec urity and privacy measures employed by these applications but
may be construed positively for evidence collection purposes by digital forensic practi-
tioners. This work shows which features of these instant messaging applications leave
evidentiary traces allowing for suspect data to be reconstructed or partially reconstructed,
and whether network forensics or device forensics permits the reconstruction of that
activity. We show that in most cases we were able to reconstruct or intercept data such as:
passwords, screenshots taken by applications, pictures, videos, audio sent, messages sent,
sketches, prole pictures and more.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of DFRWS. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Digital evidence from smartphone instant messaging
applications is potentially useful in many types of criminal
investigation and court proceedings. Text messages have
been an important component of the evidence presented in
numerous high prole cases in recent years, such as Ashby
v. Commonwealth of Australia (Ashby v Commonwealth of
Australia (No 4), 2012) and The State v. Oscar Pistorius (Sv
Oscar Pistorius (CC113/2013), 2014). In the latter, the mes-
sages concerned were not sent via Short Message Service
(SMS) but by the instant messaging application WhatsApp.
Applications like WhatsApp offer users a free or very low
cost alternative to SMS for text messaging purposes, and
frequently offer other additional features. It is therefore
unsurprising that such instant messaging applications have
become extremely popular, as a result of which, it is
reasonable to expect that more and more cases will involve
messages originally sent via such applications.
In this work we perform an experimental forensic study
on twenty social-messaging applications for the Android
mobile phone operating system. The sum total of the users
of the tested applications exceeds 1 billion. Our study il-
lustrates the potential for acquiring digital evidence from
the mobile device, data in transit, and data stored on servers.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
the Related work section, we discuss related work from
the digital forensics and security literature. In the
Methodology we discuss the research methodology and
experimental setup. In the Experimental results section
we provide an overview of our results, which we discuss in
the Discussion. We propose future work in Future work
and conclude in Conclusion.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Baggili).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Digital Investigation
journal homepage:
1742-2876/© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of DFRWS. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84
Related work
Smartphones are typically kept in close physical prox-
imity to their owners as compared to other potential
sources of digital evidence, like computers. This enhances
the potential value of digital evidence found on smart-
phones e suspects may interact with them continuously
throughout the day and may take them to the crime scene.
In addition to traces of the suspect's communications, a
suspect's phone may contain evidence pertaining to their
location, and with the advent of the smartphone, they may
contain the same rich variety of digital evidence which
might be found on computer systems (Lessard & Kessler,
2010). Mobile phones and their applications may be
involved in a huge variety of criminal cases, including fraud,
theft, money laundering, illicit distribution of copyrighted
material or child pornographic images, or even distribution
of malware in cybercrime cases (Taylor et al., 2012).
Even before modern smartphones, SMS text messages
stored in the GSM SIM card were an important target for
forensic examiners (Willassen, 2003). With modern
smartphones, mobile applications providing messaging
capability may supplement or even supplant SMS, meaning
that there may be multiple message repositories on the
phone for examiners to retrieve (Husain & Sridhar, 2010).
The majority of new smartphones are shipped with the
Android operating system. There have been many different
approaches to forensic acquisition of secondary storage of
Android devices in the literature since 2009, encompassing
both logical and physical acquisition, with some techniques
requiring more potential modication to the Android de-
vice under examination than others (Barmpatsalou et al.,
Generally speaking, logical acquisition can be per-
formed on an Android device through various backup
utilities, and requires no modication of the device or its
system software. Physical acquisition techniques described
in the literature, on the other hand, often require the
installation of a rootkit (modifying the device's system
partition) in order to facilitate full access to the device's
secondary storage for acquisition through a tool like dd,as
in Lessard and Kessler (Lessard & Kessler, 2010).
Since these rootkits are often of unknown provenance
(in fact, they are most easily sourced from the hacking
community), and since any modication to a device under
examination ought to be minimized if not outright avoided,
Vidas et al. proposed that the Android recovery partition
might be more safely overwritten with a known safe
forensic boot environment to facilitate physical acquisition
of the remaining partitions (Vidas et al., Aug. 2011). By
doing so, the system partition is not modied by the rootkit,
but full access to the device's secondary storage is obtained
by rebooting the device into a modied recovery mode
incorporating the necessary software to perform a physical
acquisition. This is similar to how a boot CD might be used
to facilitate forensic acquisition on a computer system.
From a completeness perspective, physical acquisition is
generally preferable to logical acquisition, as a physical
image will include any data which exists in unallocated
space, such as les that have been deleted but not yet
overwritten. Despite this, logical acquisition can still yield
signicant quantities of digital evidence (Lessard & Kessler,
and is still employed in many studies in the literature
(Barmpatsalou et al., 2013; Al Mutawa et al., Aug. 2012;
Grover, 2013).
Mobile applications for popular instant messaging or
social networking platforms have been the subject of
numerous studies in digital forensics literature. Early work
on instant messaging applications on smartphones, such as
Husain and Sridhar's study on the iPhone (Husain &
Sridhar, 2010), examined platforms which were originally
released for the Personal Computer (PC) either as a stand-
alone application or via the web. Computer forensic tech-
niques are described in the literature for the examination of
artifacts from AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) (Reust, 2006;
Dickson, 2006a), Yahoo! Messenger (Dickson, 2006b),
other installed instant messaging applications (Dickson,
2006c; Dickson, 2007), web clients for popular instant
messaging applications (Kiley et al., 2008), and instant
messaging features of social networking websites such as
Facebook (Al Mutawa et al., 2011).
As these instant messaging platforms from the PC world
migrated to the smartphone with their own mobile appli-
cations, so did the digital forensics community move on to
investigate activity traces left by these applications on
mobile devices (Husain & Sridhar, 2010; Al Mutawa et al.,
Aug. 2012). In addition to these imports from the PC,
instant messaging and social networking applications were
developed primarily for the smartphone.
An example of a mobile messaging application is What-
sApp. Anglano analyzed WhatsApp on sof tware-emulated
Android devices in recent work providing forensic exam-
iners with information about what data is stored on the
Android device by the WhatsApp application, facilitating
the reconstruction of contact lists and text conversations
(Anglano, 2014). Most of the applications examined in this
work fall into the same category as WhatsApp in that they
are rst and foremost smartphone applications, not PC port-
overs to Android.
Given the popularity of smartphones, it is not surprising
that they have become targets for cyber attacks. Smartphone
malware is a growing concern, and the sheer volume of mo-
bile applications brings with it a plethora of potential attack
vectors. For example, Damopoulos et al. developed malware
which performed DNS poisoning on the iPhone's tethering
(also known as personal hotspot) feature, and exposed
important user data (such as location and account creden-
tials) when the user employed the Siri service (Damopoulos
et al., 2013). In their work on Android inter-application
communication and its attendant attack vulnerabilities,
Chin et al. found 1414 vulnerabilities in the top 50 paid and
top 50 free applications then available for Android on what
was then called the Android Market (Chin et al., 2011).
Instant messaging smartphone applications are no
exception, as shown by Schrittwieser et al. who examined a
set of nine popular instant messaging applications for
Android and iPhone, and found vulnerabilities to account
hijacking, spoong, unrequested SMS, enumeration or
other attacks on all of them (Schrittwieser et al., 2012).
Especially given that smartphones contain so much per-
sonal information, it is clear that such threats to their se-
curity pose serious risks to user privacy.
D. Walnycky et al. / Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84S78
While some of these security aws may assist the dig-
ital forensics community to recover more digital eviden ce
from these devices, it is clear that the potential for
exploitation of these vulnerabil ities by malicious agents
will lead to higher incidents of cybercrime ta rgeting mo-
bile devices. Our work complements existing literature by
employing network forensics as well as device forensics to
provide a more holistic view of what evidence may be
obtained from messaging applications on Android devices.
Our work also sh eds a lig ht on the potential privacy issues
that arise from weak security implementations in the
tested applications.
We selected 20 instant messaging/social messaging
applications from the Google Play store based on two fac-
tors: keyword results and the number of downloads. The
keywords used when searching the Google Play Store were:
chat, chatting, date, dating, message, and
messaging to select the 20 applications. Within these
search results we wanted to pick a wide range of applica-
tions based on a spectrum of popularity. The applications
selected range from 500,000 downloads to over 20 0
million downloads. We would also like to note that we
focused on the sections of these applications with one on
one communication. For example, we only studied the
Instagram Direct Feature and not the Instagram feed
feature. Another example is that we only studied the direct
messages in Snapchat and not Snapchat Stories.
We performed network forensics to examine the
network trafc to and from the device while sending mes-
sages and using the various features of these applications.
This testing was performed in a controlled lab environment
to reduce network variability due to smartphone devices
often operating in changing network boundaries. We also
performed a forensic examination of the Android device
itself to retrieve information from the device pertaining to
our activities using each of the applications. Table 5 shows a
list of the tested applications in the order they were tested,
their version numbers, and the features they support. Video
demonstrations of these tests can be viewed at www.
Network analysis experimental setup
In our research we used an HTC One M8 (Model #:
HTC6525LVW, running Android 4.4.2) as well as an iPad 2
(Model #: MC954LL/A, running iOS 7.1.2). We created two
accounts for each application using the Android and iPad 2
a week prior to data collection. The Android device was the
target of our examination, and the iPad was used simply as
a communications partner to exchange messages with the
target device. We used a Windows 7 computer with WiFi
and an Ethernet connection to the Internet to set up a
wireless access point. This PC was used to capture network
trafc sent over WiFi to and from both mobile devices. This
set up is shown in Fig. 1.
In order to intercept the network trafc, we created a
wireless access point to which both mobile devices were
connected. This was established using the Windows 7
Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter feature. This feature allows
users to create a virtual network that can act as a wireless
access point for multiple devices. To do this, the host
computer was connected to the Internet via an Ethernet
cable so that the wireless card was not in use. The Ethernet
connection was set to share its Internet access with the
virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter. We executed the command
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode ¼ allow ssid ¼ test
key ¼ 1234567890 in order to setup the virtual network.
The network was then enabled using the command
netsh wlan start hostednetwork. Thus, we were now able to
see and connect to the network test from our target
Android device (the HTC One) and the iPad. Next, we
started to sniff the network trafc to and from the mobile
devices by capturing data sent over the virtual connection.
The number of packets dropped and the capture rate were
not recorded, as we did not view it as relevant to the goal of
this research. We were focusing solely on the monitoring of
real time, low-hanging, unencrypted trafc and whether
evidence was captured or not.
Wireshark was used to capture and save the network
trafc. These network trafc les (pcap les) can be
downloaded from our website ( under
Data & Tools upon request. After acquiring the trafc cap-
ture les, we examined them with Wireshark, Network-
Miner, and NetWitness Investigator. A full diagram of this
setup is shown in Fig. 1. We developed an application to
streamline this process, which is highlighted in 6.1.
User activity
Once the network had been setup and the trafc
capturing programs were started, we performed a series of
actions, which we would subsequently attempt to recon-
struct through forensic analysis of the Android device and
the captured network trafc. Since every application in our
test bank had different capabilities (as listed in Table 5), the
actions we performed varied between each application
because we wanted to examine all of the messaging types
supported. The actions we performed using each applica-
tion are listed in Table 5 .
The content of each message sent with each application
was different. We used a pool of evidence types to select
from: pictures, videos and plain text words. We pulled one
Fig. 1. Experimental network setup.
D. Walnycky et al. / Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84 S79
item randomly from each evidence type pool based on each
application's capabilities. Messages sent and received were
selected from this pool because they deal with the
communication aspect, which we advocate should be pri-
vate, and is a rich source of digital evidence. When a single
activity trace was found for an evidence type it was docu-
mented. We then proceeded to the next network trafc
evidence type on our list of application capabilities in Table
5 until all capabilities were tested.
Data storage experimental setup
After all network an alysis was completed, we imaged
the phone for data storage analysis. We used Micro-
systemation's. XRY to perform a l ogical acquisition of th e
Android device. XRY is trusted by law enf orcement,
military, and forensic labs in over 10 0 countries to assist
in digital forensic investigations. We c ross validated our
res ults using the free alternative: Helium backup to
retrieve application .db les, then using android backup
extractor and sqlite database browser to view contents of
the .db les. When a single activity trace was found for
an evidence type it was documented. We based our
storage evidence types on chat logs and clear text user
prole data within unencrypted database les. Evidence
documented for each application was found in a single
.db le that contained the chat logs and/or user
Before beginning our examinations, we installed the
entire l ist of instant messaging applic ations shown in
Table 5 on both of the mobile devices. Table 1 shows a list
of all software and hardware used during resea rch.
Experimental results
Four out of the twenty applications, namely Snapchat,
Tinder, Wickr, and BBM, encrypted their network trafc
using HTTPS encryption using SSL certicates. We were not
able to reconstruct any data from these applications
through trafc analysis, data storage analysis, and server
storage analysis due to encryption. The overall results are
shown in Table 2.
Packet inspection was not possible with these encrypted
applications. However, during our research we found that
16 of the 20 applications tested had unencrypted network
trafc and/or unencrypted data storage of some kind. The
lack of end-to-end encryption may be due to resources
available to developers or because companies deem this
data as non-privacy invasive. We posit that organizations
that do not expend resources to encrypt their trafc are
creating potential security/privacy holes.
No terms o f service or security/privacy policies were
read before the research. Application pages on the
Google Play Store either did not acknowledge security/
privacy or reference security/privacy as a key feature.
The only exception was Wickr, which emphasized secu-
We would also like to note that false positives
occurre d when advertisements and prole picture
thumbnails were unencrypted, but user content was
encrypted. These cases were not documented as evi-
dence. False negatives also occurred when we found ac-
tivity traces using one tool, but not in another. There fore,
for the trafc reconstruction, we made sure to cross-
validate our results using Wireshark, NetworkMiner,
and NetWitness Investigator.
Table 1
Devices and tools used for application testing.
Device/Tool Use Company Software/OS version
Laptop Create Test Network Using Virtual Mini Port Adapter Windows Windows 7 SP2
One M8 (UNHcFREGdroid) Connected to Test Network HTC Android 4.4.2
IPad 2 (UNHcFREGapple) Connected Outside Test Network Apple iOS 7.1.2
NetworkMiner Observe Live Network Trafc NETRESEC 1.6.1
Wireshark Observe Live Network Trafc Wireshark 1.10.8
NetWitness Investigator Analyze Network Trafc EMC
XRY Logical Image Creator/Viewer Micro Systemation 6.10.1
Helium Backup Create Android Backup ClockWorkMod
Android Backup Extractor View Android Backup dragomerlion 2014-06-30
SQLite Database Browser View Sqlite/DB les Erpe,tabuleiro,vapour 3.2.0
Table 2
Applications tested with no vulnerabilities found.
Applications Capabilities Performed activity Encrypted network trafc, data storage,
and server storage
Emphasized security
Tinder Text chat Sent/Received message Yes No
Wickr Text chat
Image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Yes Yes
Snapchat Audio, Video and image sharing Sent image
Sent video
Received video
Yes No
BBM Text chat
Image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Yes No
D. Walnycky et al. / Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84S80
Captured text messages
There were four instances where we were able to
recover the actual text messages that were exchanged be-
tween the two devices using network trafc analysis.
MessageMe, MeetMe, and ooVoo showed when messages
were both sent or received, while we were only able to
retrieve text from Okcupid from messages being sent (not
Captured multimedia content
We were able to reconstruct different types of media
les from the network trafc, including images, videos,
locations, sketches and audio.
We reconstructed images when testing Instagram,
ooVoo, Tango, Nimbuzz, MessageMe, textPlus, TextMe,
Viber, HeyWire, Grindr, and Facebook Messenger. The ap-
plications Instagram, ooVoo, Tango, Nimbuzz, MessageMe,
textPlus, TextMe, Viber and HeyWire did not encrypt im-
ages when they were being received, while Grindr failed to
encrypt images when they were being sent.
Some applications include a sketching feature, where
one can draw something on the screen and send it to the
other party in the communication. We were able to
reconstruct sketches from all of the applications listed in
Table 5 with sketching features. Furthermore, we were able
to reconstruct sketches that were received by our device via
Viber and MessageMe, and sketches sent by our device via
Many of the applications allow users to transmit their
location using Google Maps; however, most do not protect
this location from being reconstructed by an eavesdropper.
We were able to reconstruct location images from TextMe,
Viber, and MessageMe when a location was being sent or
received. We were also able to reconstruct location images
from WhatsApp, Nimbuzz, HeyWire, and Hike only when a
location was sent.
As noted in Table 5, numerous messaging applications
have the capability to share audio and video between users.
Out of all the 10 applications that allow video sharing, we
were able to fully reconstruct videos transmitted with
Viber, Tango, Nimbuzz, and MessageMe.
Out of all the applications tested that can send/receive
audio transmissions, we could only recover the audio les
from MessageMe when the audio was being sent from our
Beyond multimedia content sent in messages, we were
also able to reconstruct all of the images from Tango's
newsfeed from the network capture, as well as prole
pictures of other Tango users. Interestingly, these prole
pictures were not only of contacts we had on our device but
seemed to include the prole pictures of other users we
could not identify. This is shown in Fig. 2.
Captured URLs for server-side content
During our network traf c testing we combed pcap
le s using Wireshark to recover links to appli cation
servers. It was found that these links were still active and
led to the media that was sent/received during our testing.
This meant t hat these applications were stor ing the media
on servers in an unencrypted fashion and with no means
of user authentication. This allows for any investigato r
with access to thes e links to download the data. All these
lin ks were stil l active weeks after our testing. Table 3
shows some of the URLs foun d in network trafc from
Viber, Instagram, ooVoo, Tango, MessageMe, Grindr, Hey-
Wire, textPlus, an d Facebook Mes senger, which point to
user content stored on servers belonging to t hose
Chat logs from device storage
As discussed in Section Network analysis experimental
setup, we employed Microsystemation's.XRY to perform a
logical acquisition of our target Android device after the
Fig. 2. Captured prole images from Tango.
Table 3
Unencrypted user les on application servers.
Application URL for server-side media
D. Walnycky et al. / Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84 S81
activities described in the User activity section. A logical
acquisition of a mobile device, much like a logical acquisi-
tion of a computer hard drive, misses deleted les and
other remnants of data which might otherwise be found in
unallocated space. Despite this, we were able to locate the
database les that applications use to store data, and from
those les we were able to retrieve full chat logs in plain-
text of the text messages sent and received by 8 applica-
tions (listed in Table 4).
Other user data from device storage
Our examination of the Android device itself revealed
some additional user data that could be useful during an
investigation. During the examination of the databases that
the applications created on the device, we found that
TextMe and Nimbuzz stored sensitive user data, including
the user's username, email, phone number, birth date, and
password in plaintext. Fig. 3 shows user data obtained from
Most surprising was a discovery when analyzing the
database le for textPlus that the application took and
stored screenshots of user activity. When we retrieved
these screenshots from the device storage we became
concerned that they might be sent from the device to the
application's publisher or to a third-party, but we could
nd no trace of the images in the captured network trafc.
If the screenshots were being sent over the network (and
we have no reason to think that they were at the point of
writing this paper), then they were rst encrypted. We
posit that these screenshots could be useful for an inves-
tigator seeking to reconstruct user activity on the device.
Summary of results
A summary of all the results of our experiment is shown
in Table 5.
It is clear from the results shown in Table 5 that the
overwhelming majority of the applications in our experi-
ment have signicant problems from a user privacy
perspective. Users may believe that they are sending
messages only to their intended recipient, but in the ma-
jority of cases their messages or components of their
messages can easily be recovered by network snifng or by
a logical examination of the device itself.
Investigative signicance
From a user privacy perspective our results are obvi-
ously problematic, but from a lawful surveillance and fo-
rensics perspective, it is welcome. With the combination of
network trafc analysis and device storage analysis, we
created a 360
view of a user's interactions within these
applications through an observation of data.
Even though we did not create a new method for
analyzing trafc, we contend that our ndings are
extremely relevant to the forensics community. These
ndings serve as commentary specically on the state of
messaging applications on the android market today. We
aimed to increase user awareness by showing a layer of
transparency to the applications tested to eliminate as-
sumptions about security and privacy within them, but also
to show investigators how some digital evidence can be
easily reconstructed. This low hanging fruit that is
unencrypted network trafc and unencrypted data storage
has proven to be a rich source of digital evidence for po-
tential cases. Protocols used by these applications leave
users open to wiretapping because their developers do not
offer end-to-end encryption.
Notifying developers
We notied application developers of the vulnerabilities
in their software, which permitted us to retrieve so many
forensic artifacts. Our experience in attempting this taught
us that there is no standardized method to inform appli-
cation developers of these security issues. We found that
there was generally no way to truly notify developers of
security issues found from their websites. Even when we
sent the companies e-mails through their support contact
addresses we rarely ever received a response. This hints
towards future research in building a system that can
streamline the process of informing companies of security
Table 4
Unencrypted chat logs in App DB les.
Application Location of chat logs on android device
textPlus com.gogii.textplus.ab/textPlus.db
Nimbuzz com.nimbuzz.ab/Nimbuzz.db
TextMe com.textmeinc.textme.ab/Database.sql
MeetMe com.myyearbook.m.ab/Chats.db
ooVoo com.oovoo.ab/Core.db
HeyWire com.mediafriends.chime.ab/HWProvider.db
Hike com.bsb.hike.ab/chats.db
Fig. 3. TextMe's database with user data in plaintext.
D. Walnycky et al. / Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84S82
issues to ensure that decision makers receive these nd-
ings. Research like this is important to push both de-
velopers and users to care more about security and privacy.
A wide range of applications that we tested failed to
encrypt their data in one way or another.
Future work
Work still needs to be conducted in this area. For one,
these applications change constantly, they receive added
features, updated security, etc. An example of this is
Table 5
Application capabilities, actions, and traces.
Applications Capabilities Performed activity Network trafc traces Data storage
Server traces
WhatsApp (2.11) Text chat
Audio, video, image, location,
and V-card sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received voice note
Sent/Received image
Sent video
Sent V-card
Sent/Received GPS location
V-Card Location (Sent)
Viber ( Text chat
Voice call
Audio, video, image, sketch,
and location sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received sketch
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received voice note
Received voice call
Sent/Received GPS location
Images (Received)
Sketches (Received)
Video (Received)
Location (Sent/Received)
Instagram (6.3.1) Text chat
Video and image sharing
Sent/Received image Images (Sent/Received) Images
Okcupid (3.4.6) Text chat Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Text (Sent)
ooVoo (2.2.1) Text chat
Voice call
Video call
Video and image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Text (Sent/Received)
Images (Sent/Received)
Chat Log Images
Tango (3.8.95706) Text chat
Voice call
Video call
Audio, Video, and image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Images (Sent/Received) Videos
Kik (7.3.0) Text chat
Video, image, and sketch sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received sketch
Sketches (Sent) Chat Log
Text chat
Voice call
Audio, video, image, and location
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received GPS Location
Sent/Received Video
Location (Sent)
Images (Sent/Received)
Video (Sent)
Plain Text
Chat Log
MeetMe (8.6.1) Text chat
Image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Text (Sent/Received) Chat Log
MessageMe (1.7.3) Text chat
Audio, video, image, sketch,
and location sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received sketch
Sent/Received GPS Location
Sent/Received Video
Sent/Received Music
Location (Sent/Received)
Text (Sent/Received)
Images (Sent/Received)
Sketches (Received)
Music (Sent)
TextMe (2.5.2) Text chat
Voice call
Video call
Video and image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent Dropbox le
Received video
Location (Sent/Received)
Images (Received)
Plain Text
Chat Log
Grindr (2.1.1) Text Chat
Image and location sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Images (Sent) Images
HeyWire (4.5.10) Text chat
Voice call
Audio, image, and location sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received GPS Location
Location (Sent)
Images (Received)
Chat Log Images
Hike (3.1.0) Text chat
Voice call
Audio, video, image, location,
V-Card sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received GPS Location
Location (Sent) Chat Log
textPlus (5.9.8) Text chat
Voice call
Audio and image sharing
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Images (Sent/Received) App Taken
Chat Log
Facebook Messenger
Text chat
Voice call
Audio, video, image, location,
and stickers
Sent/Received message
Sent/Received image
Sent/Received video
Sent/Received audio
Sent/Received GPS location
Sent/Received stickers
Images (Sent/Received)
Video Thumbnails (Received)
D. Walnycky et al. / Digital Investigation 14 (2015) S77eS84 S83
Facebook Messenger's new in-app downloads. Applica-
tions, whether in Facebook Messenger or not, can store
data differently depending on user settings, OS version, and
manufacturer. Therefore, continuous testing needs to be
performed on new versions of these applications/OSs as
they are released to determine what has changed and how
much of the prior knowledge of these applications still
holds true.
Checking each version of an application for digital
forensic artifacts in the manner that this research was
conducted would take a long time. This is why the future of
testing needs to move towards a more automated process.
In our research group, we have been working on a project
to analyze the activity of applications installed on a device
to determine network trafc encryption and what services
the applications are communicating with (see Section
The 20 applications chosen are not the only messaging
applications on the Android market, and there is clearly
plenty of scope for similar testing to be conducted on other
messaging applications. As mentioned before, many of the
social media applications, such as Facebook, have their own
messenger systems, which also require network trafc
analysis. Furthermore, applications that could store and
send data securely on one operating system may not do so
on another, so testing needs to be performed across
different operating systems.
There is very little effort required to reconstruct the
discussed digital evidence; the tools we used automated
the process. Our results can be attained with free tools, and
by anyone with a laptop and two small scale digital devices.
After we completed our research, we developed our own
tool called Datapp to further automate the process to
make it even easier for anyone to conduct application se-
curity and privacy testing. Datapp leverages open source
projects like NetworkMiner. The tool automatically creates
a wireless network, and sets up packet capture on a system,
and displays the results in real-time. This tool was mostly
created for the laymen, so that in the future they can test
their own applications. Datapp is available for download
from our website ( under Data & Tools.
In this paper, we investigated 20 Android applications
through network trafc analysis and server/device storage
analysis. This was performed in order to examine the digital
evidence that could be of value to forensic examiners and
also to evaluate application security in sending/receiving
data and application privacy in storing data. Our work
showed a variety of results.
We were not able to retrieve any user related informa-
tion from Snapchat, Tinder, Wickr, or BBM. In the remaining
16 applications, we were able to reconstruct at least some
evidence of unencrypted data that was sent and/or
retrieved by our device. Despite the advantages for the
digital forensics community, these ndings are
troublesome from a user privacy perspective. It would be
quite easy for a nefarious user to sit in a public place with
free WiFi, like a caf
e, airport or library, and capture large
volumes of personal communications, both in the form of
text messages and shared photos. The fact that many of
these applications store sent/received media on their
servers in an unencrypted format with no user authenti-
cation method is also troublesome. It appears that the only
user privacy protection in place for such content is the
anonymity of the URL.
Overall our work shows that many popular messaging
applications have some major vulnerabilities in terms of
how they store and tran smit d ata. From a forensics
perspective this facilitates the potential reconstruction of
large parts of user instant messaging activity, but from a
privacy perspective it also exposes the personal co m-
munications of users to potentia lly malevolent thi rd
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