Recent Scholarly Perspectives
on Genesis
Dr. Steven Ball
Professor of Physics
Photo by Shai Halevi, courtesy of Israel Antiquities Authority
Sabbatical – Time to Play
Sabbatical – Time to Sightsee
Sabbatical – Time to Work
Sabbatical – Time to Teach
Sabbatical – Time to Learn
Overview of Genesis
Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch, a
five-part collection on the birth of the nation of
Israel – from Creation to Israel entering Canaan
Authorship is traditionally attributed to Moses,
following the exodus of Israel from Egypt,
around 1400 BCE.
Most modern scholars accept that Genesis is a
redacted literary work, reaching its final version
as late as post-exilic Israel around 400 BCE.
Overview of Genesis
Genesis 1-11 is a brief outline of history
beginning with creation, the fall and the spread
of sin, to the origin of people groups and
languages, all in need of redemption.
Genesis 12-50 are the patriarchal stories: God
partners with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Joseph,
in establishing Israel and a plan of redemption.
Understanding the purpose and meaning of
Genesis has been a challenge for Bible scholars
long before the advent of modern science.
Genesis 1 – Creation
“In the beginning God created the heavens and
earth. And the earth was formless and void…”
The “formless void” is transformed by God over
6 days into an earth that is ordered and filled.
7 times “God saw that it was good”
Each “day” is described as “and there was
evening and there was morning”
Man is created “in the image of God”
God “rests” on the seventh day, blessing it
Pattern of each day
! 1. Announcement: “And God said”
! 2. Creative command: “Let there be…”
! 3. Fulfillment: “And there was”
! 4. Description: “And God [action]”
! 5. Blessing: “And he called/blessed”
! 6. Evaluation: “And it was good”
! 7. Concluding, temporal formula: “There was
evening and morning”
Overall Pattern of Week
Formless Void
Day 1 (light/darkness) -- Day 4 (sun/moon/stars)
Day 2 (sky/water) -- Day 5 (birds/fish)
Day 3 (land/plants) -- Day 6 (animals/man)
Day 7 - Rest (Sabbath)
Ordered Filled
Transition in Literary Styles
Contrasting texts within Genesis:
Name of God – “Elohim” (God) in Gen. 1-2:3
Name of God – “Yahweh Elohim” (LORD God)
in Gen. 2:4-3
Gen. 1 is an overview of the entire created
order; God speaks and it is so
Gen. 2 focuses on man; God formed man from
the dust of the Earth and places him in garden
Literary Genre
Historical assertions – God created all
Literary structures within Genesis 1
similar pattern for each day
overall pattern for entire week
Many figures of speech used in Genesis 2-3
Anthropomorphisms – God in human terms
Mythological elements
Identifying genre not a simple decision
A Divided Christian Community
Understanding the intended message of Scripture:
Protestant Tradition of “Sola Scriptura”
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in
righteousness; that the man of God may be
adequate, equipped for every good work.” IITim.
And how should we use sources external to Scripture
to help us understand Scripture?
Ancient Near East Myths
Archaeological Findings
Modern Science
Clash of Authority
Biblical Account of Origins
Genesis 1 – In the beginning, God
created the heavens and the earth.
God speaks things into existence in
a formal seven day format.
Scientific Account of Origins
Modern Cosmology reveals a
dramatic beginning to the universe
13.7 billion years ago with clear
evidence of its vast age (distant
starlight, expansion of universe,
cosmic microwave background)
The Concordists
Concordists expect agreement between the Biblical
and scientific accounts of origins.
Starting assumption is that the Bible was written with
literally scientifically accurate descriptions.
Concordists require ancient Hebrew not only be
translated into our modern languages, but also
expect meaning from their limited vocabulary to
correspond to our modern, scientific vocabulary.
Concordists range from those who give more validity
to their understanding of Scripture (Young-Earth
Creationists) to those who give equal validity to
understanding Scripture and modern science (Old-
Earth Creationists).
Young-Earth Creationists
Ken Ham – Australian Young-Earth Creationist (1951-present)
Co-founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum,
Petersburg, Kentucky
Young-Earth Creationists
Terry Mortenson (Answers in Genesis)
Ph.D. History of Geology, Coventry University
Insists that inerrancy of Scripture demands
literal view of the Genesis 1 creation account.
Creation days must represent the chronology
of God’s creation of the heavens and earth.
Co-editor of Coming to Grips with Genesis
“The authors of this book are convinced that
no properly interpreted scientific facts will
ultimately contradict a straightforward reading
of Genesis” p. 427
Use of terms “compromise” and “slippery slide”
to describe believers accepting an older earth.
Old-Earth Creationists
Hugh Ross – Canadian-American
Astronomer (1945-present)
Founder of Reasons to Believe Ministries
Author of many books: Fingerprint of God,
Creator & the Cosmos, A Matter of Days,
Creation as Science, etc.
Proposes a testable model based on
merging Scripture and science.
Promotes a day-age view of creation days
in Genesis 1 to accommodate an old earth
Accepts most mainstream science, but
rejects Darwinian evolution as explanation
for the unity and diversity of life.
Old-Earth Creationists
C. John “Jack” Collins – Old Testament Scholar
at Covenant Theological Seminary
B.S., M.S. in computer science and systems
Ph.D. in Biblical Hebrew linguistics, Univ. of
Wrote Science and Faith, Friend or Foes?,
Genesis 1-4, Did Adam & Eve really exist?
Has sought to harmonize Biblical account of
origins with valid science.
Contends for the historicity of Genesis 1-4
narratives, even allowing for evolutionary
development of life.
Exegesis vs. Eisegesis
While exegesis is the process of drawing out
the meaning from a text in accordance with the
context and discoverable meaning of its author,
eisegesis occurs when a reader imposes his or
her interpretation into and onto the text.
Concordism poses a big risk of eisegesis
Concordism increases the risk of imposing our
century perspectives onto an ancient text
The Non-Concordists
Non-Concordists do not expect the Bible and
science to give us similar information on origins.
Also, the two creation accounts (Genesis 1 & 2)
need not be concorded with each other.
How, when, and what order God created are not
the big idea. The authoritative messages are the
rich theological messages, not the “medium”.
No need to harmonize the Bible with science
beyond the overarching claim “In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth”.
No need to fear science, since the order of the
cosmos itself is testimony of the wisdom of God.
Ancient Near East View of Cosmos
Vault or Firmament in Sky on which Sun,
Moon, and Stars move
Augustinian Accommodation
Augustine – Early Christian Theologian
(354-430) Bishop of Hippo, Africa
Wrote Confessions, City of God, On Christian
“in the matter of the shape of heaven the sacred
writers knew the truth, but that the Spirit of God,
who spoke through them, did not wish to teach
men these facts that would be of no avail for their
salvation.” Literal Meaning of Genesis, Bk. II, ch. 9; 1:59.
Galileo Galilei – Italian Scientist and
Theologian (1564-1642)
passages of Scripture “were set down by the
sacred scribes in order to accommodate them to
the capacities of the common people, who are rude
and unlearned.” Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
Rediscovery of Ancient Near East
Historical – Cultural Context
Ancient Near East creation accounts
Mesopotamian (Akkadian, Sumerian)
myths: e.g. Enuma Elish, Altrahasis Epic,
Epic of Gilgamesh, Tale of Adapa
Egyptian myths: e.g. Heliopolis Pyramid
Text, Great Hymn Aten, Coffin Texts
contain many similarities to Genesis
accounts, strongly differ in description of
Deity (or deities)
Genesis in light of
Ancient Near East Mythologies
Gordon Wenham – Old Testament Scholar
(1943-present) Trinity College, Bristol
Hebrew author assumes a view of the cosmos
common to ANE world
The major difference is theological.
"Gen 1:1-2:3 is a polemic against the mythico-religious concepts of
the ancient Orient...The concept of man here is markedly different
from standard Near Eastern mythology: man was not created as the
lackey of the gods to keep them supplied with food; he was God's
representative and ruler on earth, endowed by his creator with an
abundant supply of food and expected to rest every seventh day
from his labors. Finally, the seventh day is not a day of ill omen as
in Mesopotamia, but a day of blessing and sanctity on which normal
work is laid aside. In contradicting the usual ideas of its time, Gen 1
is also setting out a positive alternative. It offers a picture of God,
the world, and's true nature. He is the apex of the
created order..." (p.37, Vol. 1, "Explanation," Gordon J. Wenham,
Genesis 1-15 [Word Biblical Commentary, 2 vols.], Word Books,
Waco, Texas)
Genesis in light of
Ancient Near East Mythologies
John Walton – Old Testament Scholar (1952-
present) Wheaton College
Ph.D. Hebrew and Cognate Studies, Hebrew
Union College
Wrote Lost World of Genesis One: An Ancient
Cosmology and the Origins Debate
Insists that we must view Genesis 1 as the original
audience would have understood it.
Claims creation account describes the functions,
not an account of material origins.
The seven day format represents the inauguration
of the heavens and earth as the temple of God.
Genesis in light of
Ancient Near East Mythologies
Peter Enns – Old Testament Scholar (1961–present)
Ph.D. Harvard in Near Eastern Languages
Points out that Adam is not a central figure in the
Old Testament, occurring early in Genesis, then no
mention until intertestament and New Testament.
The narrative of Adam & Eve mirrors the history of
Israel, from being in the promised land (“Eden”),
Israel’s sin of worshipping other gods (“the fall”), to
their exile to Babylon (expulsion from the garden).
The early chapters of Genesis reflect the national
identity of Israel during the crucial post-exilic period,
lacking the original temple worship to unify them.
Contrast with ANE Mythologies
God is not a part of creation, rather He is
transcendent of it
Creation is the result of God’s purpose and
primary role and represents something very
good, in contrast to a haphazard, after-thought
The heavens do not exercise control over
humans, are merely created objects
Man was created to have a special, unique
relationship with the Creator
Man was given dominion over creation and
expected to exercise responsible rule
Genesis viewed in light of its Ancient Near East
origins highlights the theological messages, not
the ones from concording with modern science.
While strong similarities can be found with the
creation myths of the Ancient Near East,
Genesis exhibits stark contrasts.
God is portrayed as all-powerful and creation as
the product of His design.
Man is portrayed as the apex and centerpiece of
creation, uniquely linked to God.
Resources on Science & Faith
(Listed on Resource page of Dept. of Chemistry & Physics Website)
American Scientific Affiliation (diverse views on science & faith)
Answers in Creation an old earth counter to the Answers in Genesis
Answers in Genesis (Ken Ham) a young-earth creationist view
BioLogos a theistic evolution site founded by Francis Collins
Discovery Institute the intelligent design think tank that promotes
views of notables: Bill Dembski, Michael Behe, Stephen Meyer, etc.
Reasons to Believe (Hugh Ross) an old-earth creationist view
Talk Origins a mainstream evolutionary science and Christian faith