Drug (Medication) Allergy Terms
This document has been developed by the ASCIA Drug Allergy Committee to assist clinical
immunology/allergy specialists and other health professionals who manage drug allergy.
It is based on expert consensus and references listed on page 9. ASCIA Drug Allergy Committee
members are listed on the ASCIA website www.allergy.org.au/members/committees#dac
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
Acute generalised
pustulosis (AGEP)
Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), also known as
pustular drug eruption and toxic pustuloderma, is a rare severe
cutaneous adverse skin reaction (SCAR), that is mostly related to
medication administration.
AGEP appears on average five days after a medication is started.
Adverse drug
reactions (ADRs)
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is a general term that includes all
unintended effects of a drug except for therapeutic failures, intentional
overdose, abuse of the drug or errors in administration. ADRs can be
classified into two types:
- Type A reactions are predictable reactions and are based on known
pharmacological properties of the drug.
- Type B reactions are unpredictable and include drug allergy, drug
intolerance and idiosyncratic reactions to drugs.
Anaphylaxis is a severe and immediate Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
mediated allergic reaction.
Anaphylaxis can affect breathing and/or the heart and blood pressure.
Anaphylaxis is potentially life threatening and requires urgent medical
Whist anaphylaxis is more likely when medication is given by intravenous
(IV) or intramuscular injection (IMI), anaphylaxis to oral medications can
also occur.
The most common causes of anaphylaxis are allergies to drugs
(medications), foods and insect bites or stings.
Angioedema is a swelling (oedema) of the structures of the skin (dermis,
subcutaneous tissue), mucosa and submucosal tissues.
Benign rash
In the context of drug allergy, a benign rash is a transient morbilliform or
maculopapular rash that may be mildly pruritic and is not associated with
other symptoms.
Beta-lactam antibiotics are antibiotics that contain a chemical structure
called a beta-lactam ring. They include:
- Penicillin derivatives (penams)
- Cephalosporins (cephems)
- Monobactams
- Carbapenems
- Carbacephems
Cephalosporins are a large group of beta-lactam antibiotics.
Some cephalosporins share side chains attached to the beta-lactam ring
with penicillins, which can lead to cross reactivity.
Cephalosporins bind to and block the activity of enzymes responsible for
making peptidoglycan, an important component of the bacterial cell wall.
Cephalosporins are effective against a wide range of bacteria.
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
Complementary and
alternative medicine
allergy (unproven
While so-called complementary and alternative medicines (CAM),
including herbal medicines, are often considered to be safe, ADRs
including allergic reactions can occur.
It is therefore important to include questions about CAM in the patient’s
clinical history.
Co-reactivity is rare and refers to if a patient reacts to structurally
unrelated drugs. This has been described for T-cell mediated reactions,
especially for drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
Cross-reactivity is an important clinical problem and may result in an
ADR in some patients who are allergic to structurally related drugs.
For example, some patients who are sensitised to penicillin may also
have allergic reactions to cephalosporins, due to side chain cross-
reactivity and rarely due to beta-lactam ring allergy.
Cutaneous (skin) symptoms of a mild or moderate allergic reaction to a
drug can include urticaria (hives) and angioedema.
Rashes due to infections can be mistaken as an allergic reaction to a
Non-immediate severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR) are life
threatening and are described on page 6.
Drug allergy de-labelling is the process of removing a drug allergy
diagnosis from the patient medical record, after assessment.
Assessment is achieved by allergy testing or subsequent safe exposure
to the drug.
The patient should receive a written and dated confirmation if their drug
allergy diagnosis ‘label’ is removed.
It is important that the updated drug allergy status is recorded in all
medical records for each patient.
Drug-induced liver
injury (DILI)
Drug-induced liver injury is a drug allergy and a leading cause of acute
liver failure.
Antibiotics are the most common cause for DILI worldwide.
DILI can clinically present with hepatocellular, cholestatic or mixed liver
Drug allergy
Drug allergies are immune mediated ADRs.
In drug allergies, IgE or other antibodies or activated T cells are directed
against the drug and its metabolite, which can be bound to serum
proteins (haptens).
Allergic reactions to pain killers, anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are
the most common drug allergies.
Symptoms range from mild rashes through to potentially life-threatening
anaphylaxis and SCAR.
Failure to accurately diagnose drug allergy, particularly to antibiotics,
may result in the unnecessary use of less effective medications, which is
associated with negative patient outcomes.
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
Drug challenge
(provocation test)
Drug challenges are medically supervised tests using protocols in which
a drug is administered (parenteral or oral), while the patient is being
monitored for adverse effects at each stage.
Drug challenges are also known as provocation tests and are considered
to be the gold standard for drug allergy assessment.
Location of challenges depends on the pre-existing risk profile of the
patient and should be performed in a suitably equipped hospital or clinic,
which can manage severe reactions.
If a true drug allergy is diagnosed after a drug challenge, the drug must
be avoided. Documentation of a diagnosed drug allergy should be in My
Health Record, GP and hospital records. People with a diagnosed drug
allergy should carry or wear medical identification jewellery or a card
listing their drug allergies.
Drug desensitisation is a medically supervised treatment, using protocols
for rapid administration of incremental does (parenteral or oral), of
allergenic drugs.
The aim is to induce temporary immune drug tolerance, by which effector
cells are rendered less reactive to allergic immune responses.
reactions (DHRs)
Drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) are unpredictable adverse effects
of drugs that are allergic (immune mediated) or non-allergic (non-immune
DHRs can be classified as immediate and non-immediate, based on the
timing when the reaction occurs.
Immediate allergic DHRs develop as a result of IgE production by
antigen-specific B lymphocytes after sensitisation, and occur typically
within one hour, or up to six hours following exposure.
Most non-immediate allergic DHRs are mediated through the actions of T
lymphocytes, and typically occur after six hours following exposure.
DHRs can be life-threatening, may require or prolong hospitalisation, and
may require changes in therapy.
Drug idiosyncrasy
Idiosyncratic reactions to drugs are abnormal and unexpected ADRs.
These reactions can be allergic or non-allergic and are often reproducible
on re-administration of the drug.
Drug intolerance
Drug intolerance is an undesirable pharmacologic effect that may occur
at low or usual doses of the drug.
Immune mechanisms are not thought to be involved, and a scientific
explanation has not yet been established.
Drug reaction with
eosinophilia and
systemic symptoms
Drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome
is a severe idiosyncratic drug reaction.
DRESS typically occurs two to eight weeks following exposure to the
DRESS has been linked to infection with human herpes virus 6 (HHV 6).
Drug tolerance
Drug tolerance is defined as a state in which a patient will tolerate a drug
without an adverse reaction.
Desensitisation can induce temporary, but not permanent drug tolerance.
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
Eosinophilia is a condition in which the eosinophil count in the peripheral
blood exceeds the laboratory reference range.
In drug allergy, eosinophilia is often accompanied by a skin rash.
Eosinophilia and skin rashes are common, whereas systemic DRESS is
Exanthema describes a skin eruption, which can be caused by a range of
reasons, including toxins, drugs, infections and autoimmune disease.
Viral exanthem is a widespread rash usually occurring in children.
symptoms (EPS)
Extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) are various movement disorders
(including acute dystonic reactions, pseudoparkinsonism and akathisia)
which can result from taking dopamine antagonists. These are usually
antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs, that are often used to control
EPS can also be symptoms of metabolic diseases.
Fixed drug eruption
A fixed drug eruption (FDE) is an allergic reaction to a medication that
usually recurs at the same site/s each time a particular drug is taken.
The number of involved sites may increase over time.
Generalised bullous
fixed drug eruption
Generalised bullous fixed drug eruption (GBFDE) is a bullous type of
fixed drug eruption (FDE), characterised by sharply defined bullae at the
same site following administration of offending drug.
Unlike FDE, GBFDE requires aggressive treatment.
Human Leucocyte
Antigen (HLA)
Certain non-immediate drug allergies are associated with the carriage of
defined HLA (e.g. ADR to abacavir with HLA B*57:01).
Immunoglobulin E
Immunoglobulin E (IgE) is one of the five subclasses of antibody related
to allergic reactions present in the blood, usually in very low
concentrations and bound to the surface of cells such as mast cells.
Cross linking of bound IgE on the surface of mast cells leads to the
release of allergic mediators, including histamine. This can trigger mild,
moderate or severe (anaphylaxis) allergic reactions.
These reactions are known as IgE-mediated allergies.
Allergen specific IgE can be measured using skin testing or blood tests.
Maculopapular rash
Maculopapular rash is a skin rash with a combination of macular (flat, red
areas) and papules (raised bumps).
Multiple drug
Multiple drug intolerance syndrome occurs in patients with intolerance to
three or more neither structurally nor pharmacologically related drugs,
with no confirmation of allergy after evaluation, and can possibly be
driven by patient anxiety.
Non-IgE mediated
In non-IgE -mediated allergic reactions a patient may have similar clinical
symptoms to IgE-mediated reactions, ranging from mild or moderate to
severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.
These reactions do not involve IgE antibodies against the allergens.
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
Non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug
(NSAID) allergy
Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can
cause reactions in some people. Symptoms include flushing, itchy
rashes, blocked/runny nose and sometimes severe asthma, usually
within an hour of taking a tablet.
Aspirin allergy (more correctly referred to as aspirin intolerance) is more
common in people with nasal polyps and asthma (AERD or Samter’s
Aspirin-induced respiratory disease (AERD) is characterised by aspirin or
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) induced respiratory
reactions in a patient with underlying asthma and/or rhinitis or sinusitis.
Penicillin antibiotic
Penicillin antibiotics were among the first medications to be effective
against many bacterial infections. They are still widely used today,
despite some bacteria developing resistance following extensive use.
Approximately 10% of people report that they are allergic to penicillin,
however, up to 90% of this group have an unconfirmed allergy and may
not actually be allergic to penicillin.
Penicillin allergy de-labelling is the process of removing an unconfirmed
allergy diagnosis from the patient medical record. This may be achieved
by allergy testing or subsequent safe exposure to the drug.
allergic reactions
Allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, can occur during surgical and
interventional procedures involving anaesthetics and antibiotics.
Allergic reactions to antiseptics, latex and anaesthetic drugs given during
operations are rare, but can be serious.
Allergic reactions to chlorhexidine antiseptics are increasing in frequency
and may be due to common usage of chlorhexidine-containing products.
interaction with
immune receptors
(P-i) concept
The p-i concept (pharmacologic interaction with immune receptors) is a
recently proposed drug hypersensitivity classification in which a drug
binds noncovalently to an immune receptor, such as a T cell receptor.
This may lead to an immune response via interaction with a major
histocompatibility complex molecule.
(drug safety)
Pharmacovigilance (also known as drug safety), is the pharmacological
science relating to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring and
prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products.
Pseudoallergic (anaphylactoid) reactions are immediate systemic
reactions that mimic anaphylaxis, but are caused by non IgE-mediated
reactions with the release of mediators from mast cells and basophils.
This term is rarely used and is incorrect as the anaphylaxis that results
has the same characteristics as an IgE-mediated reaction.
Severe cutaneous
adverse reaction
Non-immediate severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR) are rashes
that are associated with fever, flu-like and other systemic symptoms.
SCAR are potentially life-threatening, and require urgent specialist care.
SCAR often involve mucosal surfaces as well as the skin and include:
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis (SJS/TEN)
- Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS)
- Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP)
- Generalised bullous fixed drug eruptions (GBFDE)
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
Skin tests
Skin prick tests
Intradermal tests
A skin prick test (SPT) introduces a tiny amount of allergen into the skin,
via a prick into the skin.
Intradermal skin testing (IDT) injects a defined amount of allergen into
the dermal layer of the skin.
IDT is more sensitive than SPT as it delivers a larger amount of allergen
but can carry a risk of anaphylaxis in highly sensitised individuals.
SPT and IDT elicit a localised allergic response in the form of a wheal
(bump) and flare (redness) at the site of testing.
IDT can also elicit a delayed inflammatory reaction in the skin in non-
immediate drug reactions.
When drug allergy is uncertain, SPT or IDT or a medically supervised
drug challenge can be conducted by clinical immunology/allergy
syndrome (SJS)
StevensJohnson syndrome (SJS) is a life-threatening skin condition, in
which cell death causes the epidermis to separate from the dermis.
SJS is thought to be a hypersensitivity complex that affects the skin and
the mucous membranes.
The most well-known causes of SJS are certain medications, but it can
also be due to infections, or more rarely, cancers.
Symmetrical drug-
intertriginous and
flexural exanthema
Symmetrical drug-related intertriginous and flexural exanthema
(SDRIFE) is also known as Baboon syndrome because of its
resemblance to the distinctive red buttocks displayed by female baboons,
SDRIFE is a systemic contact dermatitis with well-demarcated patches of
erythema distributed symmetrically on the buttocks.
The cause of SDRIFE may be drug-related, induced by systemic
administration of drugs, including hydroxyzine, penicillin and iodinated
radio contrast media.
Toxic epidermal
necrolysis (TEN)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) is a type of severe skin reaction.
Symptoms include fever and flu-like symptoms, followed by blister and
Tryptase is a proteinase that is abundant in human mast cells and
Serum Tryptase is used as a marker for mast cell activation and rises in
anaphylaxis particularly when caused by drugs and stings.
Urticaria (hives)
Urticaria (also known as hives or welts) is a raised, itchy rash that
appears on the skin.
Urticaria can be limited to one part of the body or spread across large
areas of the body.
ASCIA Information for Health Professionals - Drug Allergy Terms
ADR Adverse drug reaction
AERD Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory
AGEP Acute generalized
exanthematous pustulosis
AMP Ampicillin
AX Amoxicillin
BAT Basophil activation test
BP Benzyl penicillin
COX-1 Cyclooxygenase 1
COX-2 Cyclooxygenase 2
DMARDS Disease modifying
anti-rheumatic drugs
DRESS Drug rash with eosinophilia and
systemic symptoms
DHR Drug hypersensitivity reactions
DIHS Drug-induced hypersensitivity
DILI Drug-induced liver injury
DPT Drug provocation (challenge)
DRESS Drug reaction with eosinophilia
and systemic symptoms
FDE Fixed drug eruption
GBFDE Generalised bullous fixed drug
HHV 6 Human herpes virus 6
HLA Human leukocyte antigen
HSS Hypersensitivity syndrome
iDILI Idiosyncratic drug-induced liver
IDT Intradermal test
IgE Immunoglobulin E
LTT Lymphocyte transformation test
MDH Multiple drug hypersensitivity
MDM Minor determinant mixture
MHC Major histocompatibility
complex (HLA in humans)
NMBA Neuromuscular blocking agent
NSAIDs Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
OPC Oral provocation challenge
RCM Radio contrast media
SCAR Severe cutaneous
adverse reaction
SDRIFE Symmetrical drug-related
intertriginous and flexural
SJS Stevens-Johnson syndrome
SPT Skin prick test
TEN Toxic epidermal necrolysis
ASCIA Drug Allergy Terms Consensus Statement
International Consensus (ICON) on Drug Allergy 2014
European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), the American Academy of Allergy,
Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
(ACAAI), and the World Allergy Organization (WAO).
Demoly, P., Adkinson, N.F., Brockow, K., …. Thong, B.Y-H. (2014) Allergy. European Journal of
Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Vol 69, pp 420-437.
Drug Allergy: An Updated Practice Parameter 2010
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI), and the American College of
Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI).
Solensky, R., and Khan, D.A. editors, (2010) Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Vol 105,
World Allergy Organisation (WAO) 2014
Thong, B., and Vervolet, D., https://www.worldallergy.org/education-and-programs/education/allergic-
Drug Allergy: Diagnosis and Management of Drug Allergy in Adults, Children and Young
People (2014)
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence UK, Clinical Guidelines, No. 183.
© ASCIA 2020
ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology/allergy specialists in Australia and New
ASCIA resources are based on published literature and expert review, however, they are not
intended to replace medical advice. The content of ASCIA resources is not influenced by any
commercial organisations.
For more information go to www.allergy.org.au
To donate to immunology/allergy research go to www.allergyimmunology.org.au