Understanding Voice over Internet Protocol
This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using VoIP services, focusing
primarily on security issues that may affect those who are new to VoIP.
What is VoIP?
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a form of communication that allows you to make phone
calls over a broadband internet connection instead of typical analog telephone lines. Basic VoIP
access usually allows you to call others who are also receiving calls over the internet.
Interconnected VoIP services also allow you to make and receive calls to and from traditional
landline numbers, usually for a service fee. Some VoIP services require a computer or a
dedicated VoIP phone, while others allow you to use your landline phone to place VoIP calls
through a special adapter.
VoIP is becoming an attractive communications option for consumers. Given the trend towards
lower fees for basic broadband service and the brisk adoption of even faster internet offerings,
VoIP usage should only gain popularity with time. However, as VoIP usage increases, so will the
potential threats to the typical user. While VoIP vulnerabilities are typically similar to the ones
users face on the internet, new threats, scams, and attacks unique to IP telephony are now
VoIP configurations
Dedicated routers
These devices allow you to use your traditional phone to place VoIP calls. They are connected to
cable/DSL modems (or any high-speed internet source) and allow you to attach an ordinary
telephone. Once configured, and with an appropriate VoIP provider and service plan, these
devices require no special software or interaction with a computer. In fact, you only need to pick
up your phone and dial a number at the dial tone. You also may bring your adapter with you
when you travel and make calls wherever broadband internet access is available.
Produced 2006; updated 2008, by US-CERT, a government organization. 1
Adapters (USB)
These devices also allow you to use a traditional phone to place VoIP calls. They usually come
in the form of USB adapters that are slightly larger than the typical thumb drive. They feature a
standard modular phone jack to which you can attach an ordinary phone line. Once connected,
your phone behaves as if it were connected to standard phone service. Behind the scenes,
however, the included software is actually setting up a VoIP call.
Software-controlled VoIP applications: “softphones”
There are many software applications (“softphones”) that allow you to place VoIP phone calls
directly from an ordinary computer with a headset, microphone, and sound card. Internet
telephony service providers usually give away their softphones but require that you use their
service. Together, these applications and services enable users to talk to other people using the
same service at no cost, and to the rest of the world for a fee. Software-based VoIP applications
are quite attractive to consumers because they often already have most of the components
necessary to get started at little to no cost.
Dedicated VoIP phones
A VoIP phone looks like an ordinary corded or cordless telephone, but it connects directly to a
computer network rather than a traditional phone line. A dedicated VoIP phone may consist of a
phone and base station that connects to the internet or it may also operate on a local wireless
network. Like the VoIP adapters mentioned above, dedicated VoIP phones also require a
provider and service plan.
Requirements, Availability, and Service Limitations
When considering VoIP service, you should not assume that its features, functionality, and
options will equal those of traditional landlines; you should be familiar with the requirements,
availability, and possible service limitations of VoIP service before switching to VoIP as either a
primary means of communication or an enhancement to your current services.
VoIP requires a connection to the Internet through an ISP, a VoIP service to extend the reach to
traditional landlines, and VoIP software to actually place calls. Plain Old Telephone Service
(POTS) requires none of these prerequisites. It is important to note that Digital Subscriber Line
(DSL) internet service uses traditional phone lines for your internet connection; in this case, you
already have telephone service to begin with. You may wish to weigh the expected benefits of
VoIP against these costs given your current operating environment.
Produced 2006; updated 2008, by US-CERT, a government organization. 2
Availability due to power outages
During a typical power outage, VoIP becomes unavailable because VoIP devices (computers,
routers, adapters) usually rely on a power source to function. Traditional phone lines are usually
still available during such an outage, which is a major advantage in an emergency. Ultimately, it
may be necessary to use an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) with a VoIP installation if
connectivity is desired during a power outage or some other kind of emergency.
Availability due to bandwidth
VoIP communication nearly always requires a high-speed (broadband) internet connection for
reliable functionality. Even given typical broadband connection speeds, though, service
interruptions or degradation of quality is possible due to high internet traffic. For example, if you
are trying to place a VoIP call while other people are using a lot of bandwidth on the same
internet connection, the sound quality of your VoIP call or general VoIP availability may be
911 services
911 services are not guaranteed with a basic (VoIP to VoIP) setup. However, it is available with
many of the interconnected services that extend VoIP connectivity to traditional landlines. You
should not assume that 911 services are present and working (even with interconnected VoIP
services) but should consult with the terms of your service agreement. The FCC has described
some of the challenges of VoIP services and has provided tips for VoIP subscribers. For more
information, visit: http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/voip911.html.
Threats / Risks
Many of the threats associated with VoIP are similar to the threats inherent to any internet
application. Internet users are already familiar with the nuisance of email abuse in the form of
spam and phishing attempts. VoIP opens yet another pathway for these annoyances, which can
lead to spam over internet telephony (SPIT), spoofing, and identity theft. Additionally, the
confidentiality of VoIP conversations themselves has come into question, depending on service
type or VoIP configuration.
Spam over internet telephony (SPIT)
As VoIP usage increases, so will the pesky marketing strategies associated with it. Perennial
annoyances like telemarketing and spam have been plaguing consumers and internet users for
years. A new sort of hybrid of these two concepts is SPIT, or spam over internet telephony. Like
email spamming, sending commercial messages via VoIP is fast and cheap. Unlike traditional
telemarketing, though, VoIP offers the potential for large volumes of unsolicited calls, due to the
wide array of tools already available to attackers on the internet. Telemarketers could easily send
Produced 2006; updated 2008, by US-CERT, a government organization. 3
large amounts of messages to VoIP customers. Unlike traditional spam email messages, which
average only 10–20 kilobytes in file size, unwanted VoIP voicemails can require megabytes of
It is technically possible for an attacker to masquerade as another VoIP caller. For example, an
attacker could possibly inject a bogus caller ID into an ordinary VoIP call so that the receiver
believes the call to be coming from a known and trusted source (a bank, for example). The
receiver, fooled by the electronic identification of the caller, may place unwarranted trust in the
person at the other end. In such an exchange, the receiver may be tricked into disclosing personal
information like account numbers, social security numbers, or secondary authentication factor: a
mother’s maiden name, for example. This scheme is essentially the VoIP version of traditional
phishing, where a user follows links in an unsolicited email and is tricked into providing personal
information on a bogus web site. Attackers may use these bits and pieces of personal information
to complete partial identity records of victims of identity theft.
Confidentiality concerns
Many critics of VoIP question its confidentiality. The concern is that VoIP data sometimes
travels unencrypted over the internet. Therefore, it is technically possible for someone to collect
VoIP data and attempt to reconstruct a conversation. Although it is extremely difficult to
achieve, some software programs are designed to piece together bits and pieces of VoIP data in
an effort to reconstruct conversations. While such activity is currently rare, you should be aware
of this possibility as it may increase as VoIP becomes more widespread.
How to Protect Against Risks
Many of the principles and practices for safe VoIP usage are the same as those you may already
be practicing with other internet applications. Ignoring these general principles could allow
attackers to gain control of your computer operating system by means of an existing software
flaw or a misconfiguration unrelated to your VoIP application. It may then be possible for them
to exploit flaws in your VoIP configuration, thereby possibly gaining access to personal
information you share when using VoIP. Here are some of the key practices of good personal
Use and maintain anti-virus and anti-spyware programs.
Be cautious about opening files attached to email messages or instant messages.
Verify the authenticity and security of downloaded files and new software.
Configure your web browser(s) securely.
Use a firewall.
Identify, back-up, and secure your personal or financial data.
Create and use strong passwords.
Patch and update your application software.
Produced 2006; updated 2008, by US-CERT, a government organization. 4
Do not divulge personal information to people you don’t know.
If you are using a software VoIP application, consider using encryption software for both
your installation and for those you wish to talk to.
US-CERT has published a number of Cyber Security Tips that correspond to some of the items
in the list above. To view a complete list of tips, visit: http://www.us-cert.gov/cas/tips/.
Encryption: proprietary vs. open
Some VoIP applications use proprietary encryption methods. Security professionals have voiced
concern about these methods because they could contain backdoors for potential eavesdropping.
In response to this uncertainty, encryption solutions are being developed. For example, the
creator of PGP designed an open-source software program that encrypts VoIP calls. VoIP
encryption software is usually installed alongside the primary VoIP application and must be
configured properly in order to function correctly. Additionally, both parties in a given
conversation must have encryption software installed for encryption to occur. For more
information, visit: http://www.philzimmermann.com/zfoneproject/EN/home/index.html.
Further Reading
Computer Security Resources from US-CERT
Cyber Security Tips
Home Network Security
VoIP and 911 Service
Zfone Project Home Page
Produced 2006; updated 2008, by US-CERT, a government organization. 5