Cluster Creation on Websphere Application Server
Oracle Banking Enterprise Limits and Collateral
[June] [2021]
Table of Contents
1. PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2. INTRODUCTION TO WEBSPHERE ......................................................................................................................... 2-1
3. PRE-REQUISITES: ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
4. STEPS INVOLVED FOR CLUSTERING .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1 CREATE PROFILE ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 Create Deployment Manager Profile ............................................................................................................... 4-5
4.2 CREATE NODE ........................................................................................................................................................ 4-13
4.2.1 Start Node Agents .......................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.3 CREATE CLUSTER ................................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.3.1 Add Cluster Members .................................................................................................................................... 4-18
4.3.2 Start Cluster ................................................................................................................................................... 4-20
4.4 CREATE PROXY SERVER ......................................................................................................................................... 4-21
4.4.1 Start Proxy Server .......................................................................................................................................... 4-24
4.5 CONFIGURE VIRTUAL HOST .................................................................................................................................... 4-25
4.5.1 Virtual Host Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 4-26
5. CREATE RESOURCES IN CLUSTER SCOPE ........................................................................................................ 5-1
6. DEPLOY APPLICATION TO CLUSTER ................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 Test the application .......................................................................................................................................... 6-2
This document explains steps to create Cluster on Websphere Application Server 8.5 and also setup the
2.Introduction to Websphere
IBM websphere application server cluster deployment contains the below key elements
o Deployment Manager Node- “DMGR”
o Node- “NodeXX”
o Node Agent- “NAXX”
Cluster Members
Data Sources
Cell: A cell is a grouping of nodes into a single administrative domain. In a Network Deployment environment,
a cell can consist of multiple nodes (and node groups), which are all administered from a single point, the
deployment manager.
Node: A node is an administrative grouping of application servers for configuration and operational
management within one operating system instance
Node Agent: In distributed server configurations, each node has a node agent that works with the deployment
manager to manage administration processes. A node agent is created automatically when you add
(federate) a stand-alone node to a cell.
Cluster: A cluster is a logical collection of application server processes that provides workload balancing and
high availability. Application servers that belong to a cluster are members of that cluster and must all have
identical application components deployed on them.
A profile is a Websphere runtime environment formed by collection of User data and Product files. Product
Files are shared application binaries for Websphere. User data is set of user customizations for a specific
runtime environment.
Prominent profile types are:
o Stand-alone Application Server: An application server environment runs Enterprise Application.
Application server is managed from its own administrative console and functions independently from
other application server.
o Deployment Manager: A Deployment Manager manages operations for a logical group or cell of other
servers. It is the central administration point of a cell that consists of multiple nodes and node groups
in a distributed server configuration. The deployment manager uses the node agent to manage the
application servers within one node. A deployment manager provides management capability for
multiple federated nodes and can manage nodes that span multiple systems and platforms. A node
can only be managed by a single deployment manager and must be federated to the cell of that
deployment manager.
Note ** Deployment Manager is part of Network Deployment Edition of Websphere.
3. Pre-requisites:
Before proceeding with the cluster setup ensure that the below resources are created
JDBC Provider
Queue Connection Factory
JMS Queue
The instructions for resource creation are available in document
For SSL configuration in Websphere, refer to the document SSL_Configuration_WAS.doc
For application deployment, refer to document FCUBS_Application_WAS.doc
For deployment of Gateway applications, refer to document GATEWAY_Applications_WAS.doc
4. Steps involved for Clustering
4.1 Create Profile
Go to Profile Management Tool
Navigation: IBM WebSphere > IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 > Tools > Profile Management
Navigation : Profile Management Tool > Create
Navigation : Application Server > Next
Navigation : Typical profile creation > Next
Navigation: Enable administrative security > Next
Navigation : Create Summary
Navigation : Finish
4.1.1 Create Deployment Manager Profile
Navigation : Profile Management Tool > Create
Navigation : Management >Next
Navigation : Deployment Manager > Next
Navigation: Typical profile creation > Next
Navigation: Enable administrative security > Next
Navigation : Create
Start Deployment Manager & Open Administrative Console
Navigation : IBM WebSphere > IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 > Profiles > Dmgr[i]>Start the
deployment manager > Administrative console
Log into Deployment Manger Console
Navigation : System administration > Nodes > Add Node
4.2 Create Node
Navigation : System administration > Nodes > Add Node
Provide the following field information and Click ‘OK’
Host : Host Machine with running Application Server
JMX Connector type : SOAP
JMX Connector Port : SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS of Application Server
Application server user name : Application server user id
Application server password : Application server password
Deployment manager user name : Deployment manager user id
Deployment manager password : Deployment manager password
Create necessary number of nodes following same instructions above:
4.2.1 Start Node Agents
Navigation : System administration> Node agents>Restart
4.3 Create Cluster
Navigation: Servers>Clusters> WebSphere application server clusters > New
Navigation : Uncheck [Prefer Local] > Next
4.3.1 Add Cluster Members
Add required number of cluster members
Navigation : Add Member > Next
Navigation : Next
Navigation : Finish
4.3.2 Start Cluster
4.4 Create Proxy Server
Navigation : Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > New
Navigation : [Select appropriate Node] > Next
4.4.1 Start Proxy Server
4.5 Configure Virtual Host
Make a note of “WC_defaulthost”/”WS_defaulthost_secure” port for server MS1 : 9081/9444
Make a note of “WC_defaulthost”/”WS_defaulthost_secure” for MS2 : 9082/9445
4.5.1 Virtual Host Setup
Navigation : Environment>Virtual hosts>proxy_host
Navigation : Host Aliases
Navigation : Environment>Virtual hosts>proxy_host>Host Aliases > New
Create New Alias for default port in managed server <<9081>>:
Similarly create proxy alias for all cluster related server default ports
5. Create Resources in Cluster Scope
JDBC Provider :
Datasource :
Queue Connection Factory
JMS Queue:
Create Message Listeners for individual Servers in Cluster
Navigation : Middleware servers > MS_1 > Message listener service > Listener Ports
Navigation : Middleware servers > MS_2 > Message listener service > Listener Ports
6. Deploy Application to Cluster
While deploying ensure the application is installed to Cluster
Start FCUBS application
6.1.1 Test the application
Make a note of the ports PROXY_HTTPS_ADDRESS/ PROXY_HTTP_ADDRESS to access the application.
Navigation : Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers > [proxy_server_1] > Ports
Launch Application:
URL : http://<host>:<PROXY_HTTP_ADDRESS>/FCJNeoWeb or
Cluster Creation on Websphere
[June] [2021]
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