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Requesting Access to Secure Site
To request access to the OEAA Secure Site, you will need a MEIS account. If you do not have a MEIS
account or are not sure what your MEIS login and/or password is, you can get it at
If you are requesting District Administrator level access, the District Administrator Level Access form
must be completed by you and the district superintendent. If you are requesting Nonpublic School
Administrator level access, the Nonpublic School Administrator Level Access form must be completed
by you and the nonpublic school principal or administrator. The form will be required to be uploaded
with the request using the Attach Documents section at the bottom of the page.
1. Log into the Secure Site at with your MEIS login and password.
Either the My Profile page or the Request Access page will come up. If the My Profile page comes up,
scroll, down to the bottom right and click on Request Additional Access button.
2. From the Entity Access Level drop down menu, select District, Public School or Nonpublic
school based on access to entities that you need.
3. From the ISD drop down, select the ISD, from the District drop down, select the District. If you
are requesting access to a school or to a nonpublic school (based on what you selected in #2, you
will be required to select a school from the School drop down. Note that at the top of each of the
drop down options, you can select the option to request access to multiple ISDs, multiple
districts and multiple schools.
4. Click on the Search button at the bottom right.
5. A list of roles with descriptions will open. Select one or more roles based on your need.
6. Under the Assessment(s) section, select the assessments that you will need access to in the
Secure Site. You may notice when you select one, other assessments that apply may also be
automatically selected.
7. In the Additional Information text box, you may wish to include some additional information as
to why you need the access, what your responsibilities on the Secure Site may entail or if you are
with the ISD or a data warehouse and the person receiving the request may not recognize your
8. If you already have a profile, under the Profile section you can chose to have the access you are
requesting added to an existing profile by selecting “Add access to one of my existing profiles”
and then select the profile it should be added to from the Existing Profile Name drop down.
Secure Site
Michigan Department of Education
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If you do not want it added to an existing profile, select “Create new profile with this access
request” and then type in the profile name you would like the profile to be named. For example,
Queen of M-STEP. Please do not use social security numbers or any sensitive information as a
profile name.
9. Click the Submit button at the bottom right after making all selections.
10. The request for access is sent to the District Administrator, School Administrator, or Nonpublic
School Administrator level user for the district or school depending on your request. If there is
no administrator level user active for the school, a failure message will appear that an
administrator must be set up before you can request access. Please work with your district
assessment coordinator and district superintendent to have one identified and submit access.
Once there is a district, school, or nonpublic school administrator in the Secure Site, you will
need to resubmit your request.
11. All access requests that have not been processed within 30 days will be deleted.
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