A Field Guide to
A Field Guide to
Washington Archaeology
Sponsored by:
Washington State Department
of Transportation
Environmental Services Office
Point Plaza
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Olympia, WA 98504-7332
Columbia Gorge Discovery
5000 Discovery Drive
The Dalles, OR 97058
Washington State Parks and
Recreation Commission
7150 Cleanwater Lane
Olympia, WA 98504-2650
MaryHill Museum of Art
35 MaryHill Museum Drive
Goldendale, WA 98620
Office of Archaeology and
Historic Preservation
Office of Community
1063 S. Capitol Way
Olympia, WA 98501
Western Shore Heritage
8001 Day Road West, Suite B
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
M. Leland Stilson
Department of Natural Resources
Land Management Division
1111 Washington Street SE
PO Box 47027
Olympia, WA 98504-7027
(360) 902-1281
FAX (360) 902-1783
Dan Meatte
State Parks Archaeologist
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
7150 Cleanwater Lane
P.O. Box 42650
Olympia, WA 98504-2650
(360) 902-8637
FAX (360) 664-0280
Robert G. Whitlam
State Archaeologist
Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development
Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
111 21st Avenue SW
P.O. Box 48343
Olympia, WA 98504-8343
FAX 360/586-3067
We welcome all comments and suggestions for improvement. Please feel
free to contact the authors listed above.
Preface............................................................................................ i
Acknowledgments .................................................................... iii
1. What is Archaeology and
Why are Archaeological Sites Important? .............................. 1
2. The First People ............................................................................ 7
3. Archaeology of the West—
Saltwater Coasts, Rivers and Forests..................................... 13
4. Archaeology of the Mountains ................................................ 21
5. Archaeology of the East—
Rivers, Scabland and Plateau.................................................. 25
6. Historic Archaeology ................................................................. 35
7. Underwater Archaeology.......................................................... 45
8. What You Can Do....................................................................... 57
9. Folks Who Can Help You ......................................................... 61
Reading Lists and More.................................................................. 63
Glossary: Useful Terms .................................................................. 71
Appendix: (Related RCWs)
Chapter 27.34 RCW
Libraries, Museums, and Historical Activities ...................... A-1
Chapter 27.44 RCW
Indian Graves and Records ....................................................... A-3
Chapter 27.53 RCW
Archaeological Sites and Resources ........................................ A-7
Chapter 79.01 RCW
Public Lands Act ........................................................................ A-21
Archaeological sites are nonrenewable resources that contribute
to our sense of history and define our collective heritage. The
wise management of these resources is our responsibility.
This book provides an overview of the archaeological resources of
our state. It describes the discipline of archaeology, the kinds of
sites found in the state, and how to protect these important places
of our past. It was written as a field guide for personnel of the
Washington State Department of Transportation and State Parks
and Recreation Commission to help them address management
responsibilities for archaeological resources. It describes types of
sites that have been archaeologically investigated, offers
suggestions on site protection, and lists potential sources of help.
The reference section provides a list of books for further reading.
We hope you find this book useful and invite you to become a
steward of the past.
This book is the product of a cooperative effort among agency
staff of the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation,
Department of Transportation and the Washington State Parks
and Recreation Commission.
The authors extend their sincere appreciation to a number of
people whose efforts have made this project possible. Liz
Bradford, Project Manager, Forest Practices, Department of
Natural Resources, spearheaded this collaborative effort with Sara
Steel, Cultural Resource Information Director, Office of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation; Tom Robinson, Assistant
Manager, Forest Practices, Department of Natural Resources, kept
the original project schedule on track.
The Environmental Affairs Office of the Washington State
Department of Transportation joined the original training team as
a lead agency in 2000. Sandie Turner and her staff have provided
logistical, professional and financial support, as well as invaluable
management and coordination assistance.
The Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation’s College
Career Graduate, Amy Homan, has made all of the latest edits.
Nancy Charbonneau, Graphic Designer, Forest Practices,
Department of Natural Resources, designed and coordinated
publication. Drew Crooks of the Washington State Capitol
Museum provided historic photographs. Dan Meatte, State Parks
and Recreation Commission, provided many other photos. We
also appreciate the technical assistance of Luis Prado, Graphic
Designer, Mark Macleod, Graphic Designer, Communication
Product Development; Carol Miller, Computer Information
Consultant; Glenn Shepherd, Cartographer, Forest Practices; Jari
Roloff, Geologist, Geology and Earth Resources; and Gina
Wendler, Word Processing Specialist, Forest Resources; all from
the Department of Natural Resources. Sara Moore provided
illustrations of Clovis Points.
hat is Archaeology
Chapter 1
What is Archaeology and Why Are
Archaeological Sites Important?
rchaeologists study artifacts, features, and sites to
understand the human past. They borrow techniques
from sciences such as geology, biology, chemistry, and
physics to explain how human societies developed over time and
how they used their environment. Archaeology is a relatively
new field and is most commonly grouped with the social and
earth sciences.
There are three main goals of modern archaeology. The first goal
is to establish a chronological framework of the past. The basic
question is: How old is it? Archaeologists use a number of
techniques to establish the specific age of a site or the age of
specific types of artifacts.
The second goal of archaeology is to reconstruct the cultural
patterns and lifeways of a given culture in the past. The basic
question is: What did people do at this time and place in the past?
What were their lives and daily activities like?
The third goal of modern archaeology is to explain how cultures
have changed over time. The basic question is: What is the
character and cause of cultural change?
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 1 What is Archaeology
In working to achieve these goals, modern archaeology seeks to
contribute to the better understanding of how we as a
community, state, nation, and humanity as a whole came to be.
Archaeology, with other social and natural sciences, presents us
with a fuller understanding of who we are and where we came
Archaeology is not about the collection of artifacts for collecting’s
sake. Rather, archaeology is about the acquisition of information
about the past and applying that information to help understand
the human past. It provides long term insight to contemporary
problems such as the sustainability of different agricultural
techniques, the containment of toxic waste, and the impact of
environmental changes upon society.
Archaeologists identify and study archaeological sites. These
sites represent places on the landscape where people lived and
carried out daily routines, leaving artifacts and other material
remains that shed light on their activities.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
hat is Archaeology
Chapter 1
Archaeological sites can range in size and complexity from large
permanent village sites to smaller single use hunting camps.
Archaeological sites are found in every county in the state and in
every environment.
The ages of these sites date from 12,000 years ago to recent
historic time. The way the sites were created and preserved
varies widely. Some archaeological sites, such as alignments or
cairns, were purposely built out of permanent materials such as
stone. Other sites were preserved when they were rapidly buried
by landslides or flooded by water.
Despite the circumstances of their preservation, archaeological
sites and the artifacts they contain represent a fraction of past
cultures’ material and intellectual heritage. More importantly,
social behavior, ideas, and beliefs are not directly preserved and
can only be indirectly reconstructed by archaeologists.
By studying those artifacts that do remain, archaeologists can
construct a narrative of what people did in the past in very
specific terms at that locale. Like any proposed model, as more
information and knowledge is gained, a fuller picture emerges.
Archaeological sites also contain information on past
environments and the plant and animal life associated with those
ancient times. Archaeological sites are a repository of a wide
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 1 What is Archaeology
range of natural resource information ranging form biogeography
of specific animal and plant species to the climate and weather
patterns of the past.
Recent research in coastal Washington has focused upon
prehistoric earthquakes. Archaeologists are now working with
geologists to precisely date earthquakes based on archaeological
Archaeological sites are like ancient books. Reading those books
can educate us all. Old books are fragile, however, and can be
destroyed if they are not treated with care and respect.
How Archaeological Sites are Found
There are more than 14,000 site forms on file with the Office of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation, the earliest date from the
early 1950’s. Each month an average of 20 new sites are recorded
with the Office.
Archaeological sites can be found anywhere -- in forests,
orchards, or cities; on beaches or mountain tops, beneath
buildings, and even underwater. They can be on public land,
tribal reservations, or private property. They may be accidentally
uncovered during construction projects or discovered during
carefully planned systematic surveys by archaeologists.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
hat is Archaeology
Chapter 1
An archaeological survey involves several steps. In the first step,
before going into the field, we review existing information: site
records from the area, historic documents, and the results of
previous research. Other sources may include ethnographic
accounts of local tribes, land
records, and aerial
photographs. Topographic
maps can help us identify
land forms or locales in the
project area that should be
inspected. We also get
permission of the landowner
and contact concerned tribes
and other researchers
interested in the project.
The second step is the field
survey when archaeologist
physically inspect the project
area. The exact survey
methods are based on the
research design developed as
a result of the literature and
records review. Most
commonly, the ground
surface is carefully examined
in evenly spaced transects
over the entire area.
Using an auger to check for the presence of
subsurface archaeological materials.
Credit: Office of Archaeological and Historic
Chapter 1 What is Archaeology
Depending upon plant cover and soils, we may examine
subsurface soil cores or clear the forest litter from the surface to
check for evidence. If a site is found, we collect location and
descriptive information on a standardized form to register it with
the Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation.
The third step is writing the survey report which summarizes our
research and field efforts and offers recommendations. The report
is sent to the landowner or land manager and the Office of
Archaeology & Historic Preservation. Even when no sites are
found, we prepare a survey report to describe the inspected area
and the survey methods.
Our goal is to find and document these special places of our past
to protect them for future study and appreciation.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
The First People
Chapter 2
The First People
here are two main ideas on how people first came into the
western hemisphere, including that area now known as
Washington State. Both agree that the ancestors of the
historically known tribes came from northeast Asia.
The most accepted idea is that prehistoric hunters, following large
herd animals, crossed a massive coastal plain known as Beringia
which was exposed when sea levels dropped during the last great
Ice Age, 25,000 to 12,000 years
ago. As the continental ice
sheets receded and glaciers
retreated to alpine settings, a
pathway known as the Ice Free
Corridor, opened to the more
temperate regions of the south.
By 12,000 years ago, the
hunters were moving into
what is now the United States
and settling into a variety of
The competing idea is that people came down the shoreline. With
world sea levels as much as 100 meters below present levels, an
ice free corridor may have existed along the coast. People
traveling along this route would probably have depended on sea
and river resources rather than land animals.
East Wenatchee Clovis site excavation showing
Clovis Points. Credit: Office of Archaeology and
Historic Preservatio
Chapter 2 The First People
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Archaeologist in the laboratory cataloging artifacts. Credit: Julie Fields, University of Washington
The First People
Chapter 2
The first definitely dated culture in the New World is known as
Clovis. The large fluted projectile points of these people are
found throughout the lower 48 states. Until recently, only a
dozen or so isolated Clovis points had been found in the state.
However, in 1987 in East Wenatchee, a cache of beautiful,
translucent chalcedony and jasper Clovis points and other tools
were discovered by workers excavating an irrigation line in an
apple orchard.
Two seasons of archaeological work at the site revealed a feature
containing a distinctive assortment of 57 finished artifacts.
Nearby, a second, smaller feature was discovered which
contained several more artifacts of similar manufacture.
One interpretation is that the artifacts are part of a tool kit, stored
on a prominent hilltop overlooking a likely hunting spot,
suggesting that the hunting tactics of Clovis people involved
long-term planning. The positioning of necessary gear near
potential kill sites implies repeated visits and a predictable
seasonal round. Protein analysis of blood residues preserved on
the stone tools revealed the blood of human, deer, rabbit, and
possible an extinct form of bison.
Elsewhere in Washington, archaeologists discovered evidence of
everyday life of 10,000 years ago. At Lind Coulee, near Moses
Lake, they uncovered the butchered remains of bison along with
people’s everyday tools and personal effects. Several small,
delicate bone needles suggest that leather clothes were sewn for
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 2 The First People
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
warmth and protection. Small stone pallettes were stained with
red and yellow ochre. This indicates that colored pigments may
have been used for decorating clothing or skin.
Other information about the diet of the state’s early inhabitants
comes from discarded food remains preserved in large volcanic
caves common to the arid scablands of east-central Washington.
Excavations at one cave, Marmes Rockshelter, near Lyons Ferry,
Franklin County, revealed that a wide variety of game animals
were used for food or hunted for materials such as pelts, horn or
teeth. Many plants were used for food or medicinal purposes.
Such a diverse and varied diet implies that the early inhabitants
maintained a highly flexible lifestyle capable of adapting to the
changing conditions of climate and environment of prehistoric
eastern Washington.
The nature of the early
occupation in western
Washington is more difficult
to determine. To the north,
in British Columbia,
maritime shell midden sites
date to at least 10,000 years
ago. In Oregon, similar sites
are known to date to 8,000
years ago. In the early
levels of the Marmes site,
Excavations at Marmes Rockshelter. Credit: Office of
& Historic Preservatio
The First People
Chapter 2
Pacific seashells were found indicating that coastal and inland
inhabitants had established trade routes at least 7,000 years ago.
However, the oldest securely dated coastal shell midden site in
Washington is only approximately 4,000 years old.
Shell middens usually occur just above the mean high tide line.
Here they are vulnerable to sea levels that have been rising since
the end of the last ice age. This is the best explanation for the lack
of older shell midden sites.
The oldest known site in the state which demonstrates an
adaptation to river resources is Avey’s Orchard in Douglas
County, which dates to at least 10,300 years ago. The 5 Mile
Rapids site on the Oregon side of the Columbia River across from
Klickitat County dates to 9,785 years ago. The lower levels of this
site contained more than 200,000 salmon bones and some seal
The antiquity of the marine/riverine adaptation of the prehistoric
in habitants of the state must date back to at least 12,000 years.
Underwater work along the continental shelf and in Puget Sound
will provide exciting information on the initial peopling of the
New World.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 2 The First People
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts and Forests
Chapter 3
Archaeology of the West --
Saltwater Coasts and Forests
orthwest Coast societies broke the anthropological rule
that agriculture is necessary for large complex villages.
On the Washington coast and along major rivers, people
lived in large villages where monumental architecture and
elaborate art flourished. The economic basis for these societies
was the harvest and storage of salmon, coming in dense,
predictable runs.
The families of the coast and forests moved with the seasons.
Usually, they lived in a village during the winter. When
resources became seasonally available, families would leave the
village and camp near those resources to collect and process them
for storage. This type of residence and economic system is known
as a “seasonal round” and produces a large number and wide
variety of sites -- spring root camps, summer fishing camps, fall
hunting camps, and sheltered winter villages. Many activities
took place at these sites. There were also spots where only a
single activity occurred, such as logging or bark-stripping sites,
rock quarries, burial islands, or areas that had religious and
spiritual meaning such as pictographs and petroglyphs.
There are several implications of this seasonal round for
archaeological interpretation:
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 3 Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts, Rivers and Forests
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
1. No one site will contain all the tool types and materials used
by a people. Sites in differing environments will contain
different artifacts and animal and plant remains. By analogy,
the tools and materials you have at home are different from
those you have at your office.
2. To understand the archaeology of an area, archaeologists have
to identify all types of sites of a group. Sites from the same
time period, occupied by the same people, will vary in size,
artifact content, duration of use, and preservation qualities.
For example, to understand our present culture, we would
need to examine sites as diverse as primitive area campsites
and large metropolitan cities.
Typical archaeological sites of western
Washington include the following:
Shell Middens
Shell Middens are villages, camp sites, or
shellfish processing areas, composed of a
dark, organically rich soil with shell or
shell fragments, artifacts and fire-cracked
rock. These sites are found along the
saltwater shorelines of western
Washington. The village or residential
sites may have rectangular house
depressions and will be near a source of
fresh water. Most of the state’s marine
Exposed shell midden deposits
at Reid Harbor, Stuart Island
State Park. Credit: Dan Meatte.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts and Forests
Chapter 3
shell middens are less than 3.000 years old, the date when the
current sea level stabilized.
Old Man House State Park at Suquamish is an example of a
village site. People processed shellfish at the Manette site near the
Manette Bridge in Bremerton.
Open Sites or Campsites
These sites are mainly found along rivers and streams and inland.
They contain lithic artifacts and flakes of fire-altered rock. Some
have small amounts of shell and bone. They are seasonal living
sites or short-term camps where people fished, hunted or
gathered plants. Fishing sites such as Tualdad Altu in Renton
and Marymoor Park on the Sammamish River have high
percentages of blades or microblades (thin narrow flakes of stone)
used for filleting fish.
Pictographs and Petroglyphs
A pictograph is an image drawn
on a rock surface with a mixture
of pigments that can include
ochre, charcoal or other plant
and animal materials. A
petroglyph is an image pecked
into a rock surface. Images are
geometric, human or animal
forms. Many petroglyphs are
Rubbing from Petroglyph on beach boulder
at Wedding Rocks. Credit: M.L. Stilson
Chapter 3 Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts, Rivers and Forests
found on prominent boulders along the shoreline or on rock
There is a southern Puget Sound petroglyph complex
characterized by curvilinear faces and designs which occur on
beach boulders near or below the high tide line often near village
sites. Northern Puget Sound rock art sites are also found on
beach boulders. Easily accessible sites include Lime Kiln
Petroglyphs on San Juan Island and the Wedding Rock
petroglyphs near Cape Alava.
Caves or Rockshelters
Caves or rockshelters used as living areas or camping spots, are
rare in western Washington. They offer the potential for well-
preserved deposits. Judd Peak and Layser Cave have yielded
information on the use of the foothills of the Cascades from 6,700
years ago to 400 years B.P.
Wet Sites
These are rare sites in which normally perishable materials like
basketry, wooden artifacts, or wool and hair are preserved,
usually because they are saturated by water. Wet sites offer a
more complete picture of people’s artifacts, tools and materials.
On the Northwest Coast, an estimated 60 to 90 percent of artifacts
were made of wood or fiber. Wet sites offer us a glimpse of these
elements, which typically do not survive in other types of sites.
Wet sites can be sections of whole villages such as Ozette, over
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts and Forests
Chapter 3
bank refuse deposits such as Biderboost on the Snoqualmie River
or Hoko on the Hoko River, or fish weirs such as Wapato Creek
Fish Weir in Tacoma.
Culturally Modified Trees
(CMTs), Basket Trees or
Peeled Cedars
These are living cedar trees
from which bark has been
stripped or planks split off
their sides. The bark was used
for making baskets or clothing.
The planks were used in
buildings or making boxes.
CMTs are frequently found in
old growth stands of cedar.
The cultural modifications on
some CMTs have been dated
to 300 years ago. In a recent
study on the Makah Indian
Reservation, archaeologists
identified eight different types
of CMTs, including plank-
stripped logs, cut logs, notched
trees and chopped trees.
Partially finished canoes have
also been found.
Culturally Modified Tree. Deep notching is the
first step in removing a plank. Credit: Office of
Archaeology & Historic Preservation
Chapter 3 Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts, Rivers and Forests
Burial Sites, Islands, or Cemeteries
The locations of burial sites varied over time and among groups.
In some parts of western Washington, small off-shore islands or
wooded slopes adjacent to villages were cemetery areas. Isolated
burials are found in a variety of locations. Shortly after
Euroamerican contact, entire villages were decimated by disease
and thus became cemeteries. Please respect all these areas and do
not disturb them.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts and Forests
Chapter 3
Artifacts, Flora and Fauna
Native Americans made tools from stone, bone, antler
and wood. They made projectile points from the dark
basalts found along rocky beaches. Points, fish hooks
and harpoons were made from antler, bone and
Harpoon lines were fashioned from twisted cedar.
Clothing was made from woven cedar bark, spruce
roots and fur.
Northwest Coast societies did not make pottery.
People boiled water and cooked food in watertight
wooden boxes or baskets by heating rocks and
dropping them into the water. As a result, a major
component of site are fire-cracked rocks, reddened or
blackened by fire and then broken in the cooling
Besides artifacts and fire-altered rock, sites contain
much biological data. Shellfish remains can help
identify the species that were used for food,
materials or decoration and can provide evidence on
the local environmental setting. Archaeologists use
bird remains, fish and land mammal bones to
reconstruct the diet and time of year the site was
occupied and carbonized plant remains, pollen and
charcoal to reconstruct the local ve
etation. The
Chapter 3 Archaeology of the West -- Saltwater Coasts, Rivers and Forests
also use the new DNA techniques to analyze the amino acids
preserved on stone tools to identify the species of animals killed
and butchered by those tools.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the Mountains
Chapter 4
Archaeology of the Mountains
ost residents of Washington know that Native Americans
lived among and used the coast, rivers and forests, but
there is also evidence they used the mountains for more
than 8,000 years for a variety of resources that included game,
plants and raw materials such as stone, wood and wool. The
mountains were also places of spiritual renewal.
Research in the mountains has
documented a variety of site types.
Lithic Sites
Small scatters of stone artifacts on
the surface of the ground are
called lithic sites. They range from
short encampments to locations
where someone stopped
momentarily to resharpen or make
a stone tool. Lithic sites in the
Chester Mores Reservoir were
used for at least 8,000 years from
8,500-700 B.P.
Archaeologist holding rock hammer and
flake at stone quarry site. Credit: Office of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation.
Chapter 4 Archaeology of the Mountains
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Sites where stone for making tools could be procured are called
quarries. Quarries are usually stone outcrops that have evidence
of stone flaking and tool manufacture. Common artifacts are
cores and flakes. Some quarries were used for thousands of years.
Desolation Chert Quarry in Whatcom County was used from
7,640-290 B.P.
Camp and Village Sites
These are residential sites occupied for varying lengths of time --
temporary stopovers or longer seasonal encampments. Most are
found along major rivers and streams. They are characterized by
artifacts, fire-cracked rock, and associated hearth and storage
Rock Structures
Purposefully stacked or
aligned rocks are found in
a number of areas. Called
cairns, these structures
covered burials or were
used as a focus for the
vision quest experience.
Native Americans also
used rock features in
Prehistoric linear rock alignment found on DNR land
in the Columbia Gorge near Stevenson, Washington.
Credit: Office of Archaeology and Historic
Archaeology of the Mountains
Chapter 4
hunting or driving game, in storing of gathered food and for
marking trail or resource areas.
Huckleberry Trenches
The trenches are low swales and shallow rectangular depressions.
Berries were placed on mats in these depressions. A smoldering
fire in a log served as a source of radiant heat to dry out the
berries. Archaeologists have identified eleven huckleberry
processing sites in the Indian Heaven Wilderness of the Gifford
Pinchot National Forest. The elevations of these sites range from
3.000-5,000 feet.
Artifacts found in the mountains reflect the activities carried out
there. Projectile points were used in hunting. Lithic flakes and
cores are found at quarry sites, where stone tools were made.
Only recently have archaeologists studied the mountains of our
state. This information can help us understand the natural history
of the mountains. For example, Carbon 14 dates from
huckleberry trenches provide information on forest fire history
and tree species succession in the forested mountains of
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 4 Archaeology of the Mountains
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Exterior Surface
Artifact vs.
Archaeologists often rely on small
clues to locate prehistoric
archaeological sites. Easily
recognized items like arrowheads,
stone mortars,
or carved bone
tools are not
always present.
More often, only
a few small flakes
of stone mark the
presence of a site.
Small flakes of stone
are also produced
naturally. However,
archaeologists can
distinguish flakes
produced by humans
from those produced naturally.
When humans strike stone with a
direct blow, a bulb of percussion is
formed. This is one of the easiest
ways to tell an artifact from a
Point of Impact
Bulb of Percussion
Interior Surface
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the East - Rivers Scabland and Plateaus
Chapter 5
Archaeology of the East --
Rivers, Scabland and Plateau
he Channeled Scabland and surrounding hills were home
to many Native American groups whose ancestors had a
flexible lifestyle suitable to this arid setting
The Scabland is part of a lava plateau covered with sagebrush and
bunchgrass and broken into a mosaic of basalt outcrops,
intermittent streams, and playa lakes. The area is encircled by
two major rivers, the
Columbia and the
Snake. Before the
rivers were dammed,
they teemed with
salmon that
supported the
cultures of this
region. Fishermen
used spears, large dip
nets, and extensive
networks of wooden
platforms perched
over the river’s edge to harvest the fish. Fishermen hauled the
catch to the river bank to be cut, dried or smoked, and then
transported the preserved meat to the main villages to be eaten
during the long winters.
Fishing at Celio Falls in 1953. Credit: Oregon Historical Society
Chapter 5 Archaeology of the East -- Rivers, Scabland and Plateaus
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
The people hunted deer, antelope, mountain sheep, elk and bison
either individually or in groups. They collected food plants from
the prairies dotting the broad upland valleys of the surrounding
plateau. Camas, a brightly flowered plant with a large onion-like
bulb, was one of the most important foods. It was harvested in
the late spring with a simple digging stick. Using mortars and
pestles, the people crushed the starchy bulb and then cooked the
roots in earthen ovens. Plants also served as a living pharmacy of
medicinal compounds for curing a variety of ailments. Following
their elders’ teachings, many Native Americans continue to
harvest and use these healing plants today.
Thousands of
archaeological sites
spanning over
13,000 years have
been recorded in
the Scablands and
Plateau region.
They range from
simple flake
scatters to large
villages, and can be
grouped into
several categories.
Outline of housepit depression. Credit: Office of Archaeology &
Historic Preservatio
Archaeology of the East - Rivers Scabland and Plateaus
Chapter 5
Residential Sites
The typical house of the region was the pithouse, which was semi
subterranean. The builders dug a large oval or circular hole to a
depth of up to 12 feet, and then constructed a roof of poles, brush,
or mats and dirt. They left a hole in the center of the roof for an
entryway and to allow smoke to escape. Oval pithouses were up
to 156 feet long and 20 feet wide and were excavated to a depth of
three feet. Circular housepits were up to 50 feet in diameter and
12 feet in depth. Not all residential structures in the area were
housepits. Mat lodges and tipis were also used.
Complete pithouses are seldom preserved. Commonly, only the
debris left on the floor after the house is abandoned remains.
They are usually found on low river terraces where past flood
episodes have filled them with sediments leaving only shallow
depressions on the surface. Soil exposures or cuts into the
terraces expose long thick bands of dark stained soil containing
artifacts, bone, river mussel shell, and charcoal. A good example
of a pithouse village is the Rattlesnake Creek Site located on
Department of Natural Resources lands in Klickitat County
northeast of Husum.
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Chapter 5 Archaeology of the East -- Rivers, Scabland and Plateaus
Pithouse cross-sections
Possible locations of features that archaeologically may indicate the nature of the superstructure of
pithouses. A. cross section of subterranean excavated dwelling; B. cross section of dwelling within an
excavation. In B and C, post molds may or may not be present, depending on the method of
construction. If post molds are present, they probably will be found only at rafter/frame element
locations, not continuously along an entire “wall”.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the East - Rivers Scabland and Plateaus
Chapter 5
Typical projectile point. Credit: Dan Meatte
Hunting Sites
Ancient hunters sometimes
stalked one animal at a time
and sometimes chased entire
herds. They developed
hunting techniques for the
kind and number of game
sought. For example,
hunters might startle deer
into traps, using long fences
built of stacked rock to direct them. They killed mountain sheep
using systems of hunting blinds and pocket traps. Often the
hunters took advantage of the landscape, incorporating isolated
buttes, blind canyons and playa lakes into communal hunting
Lithic Scatters
When hunters stopped to rework a dart point, arrowhead or other
stone tool, they left small scatters of flaked stone. At these
scatters, archaeologists have found flakes of obsidian, chert,
chalcedony, petrified wood and jasper.
Fishing Sites
Archaeologists have recovered the remains of fish from many
archaeological sites along the region’s rivers. Because fishing
Chapter 5 Archaeology of the East -- Rivers, Scabland and Plateaus
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
camps were located on
riverbanks, many fishing
sites were washed away
during annual spring
floods. However
archaeologists have
recovered preserved
netting, fish hooks, bone
spear points, hafted knives
for cleaning fish, and other
equipment from dry caves
and rockshelters where
they were stored.
Remnants of stone fish weirs have been discovered in rivers and
streams. A series of sites from Kettle Falls in Stevens and Ferry
Counties were used for fishing, possibly as long as 9,000 years
ago. These sites continued to be used up to historic times.
Gathering Sites
The harvest and processing of plants for food and materials
required an assortment of tools: hafted knives, digging sticks,
and large burden baskets capable of holding large quantities of
roots, tubers and berries. Native Americans used several kinds of
ground-stone tools to crush roots and tubers into food pastes that
were cooked or mixed with other foods. Archaeologists find
stone mortars, pestles, grinding slabs and milling stones near
Stratigraphy of a fishing site with Mount St. Helen’s Y
Ash dated between 3,300 and 3,500 years ago. Credit:
Office of Archaeolo
& Historic Preservatio
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the East - Rivers Scabland and Plateaus
Chapter 5
popular harvesting grounds. Many earth ovens are also found
near some of the richest harvesting grounds. Archaeologists have
identified and excavated hundreds of camas ovens along the Pend
Oreille River. The dates on these sites range from 7,200 - 300 B.P.
Hopper mortar showing circular wear
area. Credit: Dan Meatte
Chapter 5 Archaeology of the East -- Rivers, Scabland and Plateaus
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Earth oven illustration.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Archaeology of the East - Rivers Scabland and Plateaus
Chapter 5
Pictographs and Petroglyphs
Pictographs and petroglyphs are
commonly found on rock out-
croppings along major river systems
and coastal areas in
Washington State.
This rock art encom-
passes a variety of
circles, lines, dots,
jumping mountain
sheep, running elk
and ghostly human
How Sites are
Sites are identified using a
system developed by the
Institution. Every
archaeological site in
the United States is
ned a distinctive
three-part identifier.
The first element
is the state identifi-
cation. Washington
is represented by the
number 45. Next
comes the abbrev-
iation for the county
the site is in: WH for
Whatcom, PI for
Pierce, SA for
SP for Spokane, AS for Asotin
and so on. Last comes an
individual site number. This
is assigned by the Office of
Archaeology and Historic
Preservation and is usually
sequential. Therefore
45CA24, the Ozette site, is the
site recorded in Clallam
County and Astor Fort
Okanogan is 45OK65 for the
site recorded in
Okanogan County.
lalal; “She who Watches” a
ph at Horsethief Lake State
Park. Credit: Dan Meatte,
Washington State Parks
Excavated Camas oven. Credit: Office of Archaeolo
& Historic Preservation
Chapter 5 Archaeology of the East -- Rivers, Scabland and Plateaus
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Necklace of dentallium shells, abalone and glass beads. Glass beads were one of the first
Euroamerican trade items in Washington State. Credit: State Capitol Museum, a division of the
ton State Historical Societ
Historic Archaeology
Chapter 6
Historic Archaeology
hen people think of archaeology, they usually relate the
term to ancient peoples and sites. However, more recent
peoples also have left traces of their lives. Telling the
story of the Euroamerican influence in Washington State is the
focus of historic archaeology.
The historic period has two major divisions -- protohistoric and
historic. The protohistoric period is that time between the
prehistoric and historic when native cultures and sites are affected
by Euroamerican influences but before they enter the stream of
written history.
Many prehistoric sites have a protohistoric or historic overlay.
This is because many sites continued to be occupied after
Euroamerican contact. Ozette on the Pacific coast, Old Man
House near Suquamish on Puget Sound, and 45SA11 on the
Columbia River near Skamania just down-stream from the
Bonneville Dam are examples of sites with prehistoric,
protohistoric and historic components. Other sites such as
Sba’badid in Renton were occupied only in the protohistoric
Historic archaeology utilizes most of the same tools as does
prehistoric archaeology, but additional resources area available
for interpreting sites. These include paintings, photographs,
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
pictures, journals, maps, sketches, census data, newspaper
accounts, company records and diary entries.
Sometimes these materials allow archaeologists to identify the
names of inhabitants of a specific house.
In historic archaeology the identification of artifacts and their
functions is less speculative. Categories of functions include
architecture (nails, window glass, bricks), personal items (buttons,
buckles, jewelry, beads, combs,
pocket knives), personal
indulgences (alcohol bottle glass,
tobacco pipes), domestic
(ceramics, tableware, culinary,
furnishings), commerce and
industry (coins, armaments, and
Historic sites include fur trade
camps, military forts, pioneer
homesteads, small towns, logging
and mining camps, railroad
camps, bridges, trestles, fords, and
religious centers such as missions.
These categories are not mutually
exclusive. Small villages or towns
grew up around military or fur
trade forts.
Base of 1833 Fort Nisqually stockade all
exposed during excavations. Credit: Office of
Archaeological & Historic Preservation.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Historic Archaeology
Chapter 6
Fur Trade
The initial Euroamerican occupations in the state were fure trade
establishments. Known as “forts”, these were not military but
commercial establishments. Initially, some did not even have
protective fortifications.
The fur trade has been the main focus
of historic archaeologists in the state.
This is reflected in the list of Pacific Fur
Company and Hidson’s Bay Company
forts that have been excavated. These
include Fort Spokane near Spokane,
two different Fort Okanogans where
the Okanogan River meets the
Columbia, Fort Nez Perce at the
junction of the Snake and Columbia
Rivers, Fort Colville near Kettle Falls on
the Columbia River, Fort Vancouver
and Kanaka Village in present-day
Vancouver, two Fort Nisquallys and
Nisqually Village near the present-day
town of DuPont, and Bellevue Farm on
San Juan Island.
The fur trade in the Pacific Northwest
was controlled by corporate giants,
especially the Hudson’s Bay Company.
Hudson’s Bay Company period
(1820-1860) ceramic ink bottle
from underwater trash deposits
at Fort Vancouver, Washington.
Credit: Aquatic Resources
Division, DNR.
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
The archaeology of the fur trade is divisible into at least two
categories, fort and village. The layout of Hudson’s Bay
Company forts is rigidly patterned and predictable. The building
styles and techniques are standardized. The inhabitants within
the forts were predominately Scottish or English, male and upper
middle class. In contrast, the villages outside the forts were much
less standardized and predictable. The socio-economic status of
the inhabitants tended towards the middle to lower classes.
Building styles and techniques were diverse, reflecting the widely
diverse ethnicity of the village inhabitants -- French Canadian,
Hawaiian, Iroquois, Scottish, and local Native American. Women
and children abounded.
Many early pioneer settlements were located no farther than a
day’s journey from the major Hudson’s Bay Company supply
centers. Examples include Tumwater, Yelm, and Steilacoom.
These, in a sense
were also outposts of
the Hudson’s Bay
Company where
inhabitants often
worked as day
laborers at various
Hudson’s Bay
Company forts.
Pioneer families
survived in part
because of the help
they received from
Historic ceramics on surface of forest floor. Credit: Office of
Archaeology & Historic Preservation.
Historic Archaeology
Chapter 6
Native Americans and the Hudson’s Bay Company. Pioneer
families sometimes operated as independent traders. An example
of freelance traders comes from the remains of a historic store or
trading post at 45SA11 in Skamania County along the Columbia
River, which was occupied during the 1850s and probably burned
in 1856.
As the fur trade faded and the number of pioneer families
increased, the emphasis of the Hudson’s Bay Company and the
smaller entrepreneurs changed. Instead of furs, they increasingly
dealt in consumer goods. Fort Nisqually and Cowlitz Farm were
pastoral and agricultural branches of the Puget Sound
Agricultural Company, a subsidiary of the Hudson’s Bay
Company that shipped wool, hides, tallow and salt beef to
London, supplied agricultural goods to various Hudson’s Bay
Company establishments and even maintained a herd of dairy
cows to supply butter to Russian America. Hudson’s Bay
Company trading establishments soon began supplying more
household goods -- such as clothing, dishes, pots and pans, and
building materials -- than the classic artifacts of the fur trade --
guns, beads, blankets, tobacco pipes and bottles of rum.
Religious organizations founded missions to minister to the
spiritual needs of pioneer families, Hudson’s Bay Company
employees and Native Americans. They often arrived only a few
years behind the fur trade forts. Archaeologists have investigated
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
the Richmond Mission near the original Fort Nisqually, Whitman
Mission near the present town of Walla Walla, and St. James
Mission, which was founded at Fort Vancouver.
Some missions drew their goods directly from fur forts, and these
artifacts are nearly indistinguishable from those of a fur trade
village family. Because many of these sites also functioned as
schools, there are many slate-writing implements -- slate tablets
and octagonal or round slate “pencils”. There is usually a “great
room” used for congregational meetings. These artifacts from the
American Methodist missions are characterized by the almost
complete absence of clay tobacco pipes and alcoholic beverage
With the resolution of the boundary between British and
American lands at the 49
parallel in 1846, U.S. military outposts
became necessary to protect settlers and to establish an American
presence. Early U.S. Army posts include Fort Lugenbeel on the
Columbia River near the town of Stevenson, Fort Steilacoom near
the town of Steilacoom, Fort Townsend south of Port Townsend,
and Fort Walla Walla, near the city of Walla Walla, all established
in the 1840s and 1850s. A U.S. Army post was also set up at Fort
Vancouver. Additional boundary disputes over the San Juan
Islands during the 1850s led to the establishment of American
Camp and British Camp on San Juan Island. The latter was a
military outpost of the British Marines. All of these sites have
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Historic Archaeology
Chapter 6
been excavated to some extent.
Military forts were built according to standardized military
protocol, even down to the number of nails used in a particular
joint. Ceramics tend to be white earthenware. Military
accouterments such as buttons and insignias are common.
Small Towns
As pioneer families and settlements proliferated, small towns
were formed. The towns that have been archaeologically
investigated range from those founded in the 1840s and 1850s,
Tumwater and San Juan Town on San Juan Island, to those
founded in eastern Washington in the 1880s, Riparia and Silcott.
Some small towns were set up for specific purposes. Joso Trestle
was a construction camp devoted to railroad construction.
Franklin, near the present town of Black Diamond, was
established to mine coal. A lumber mill complex including two
mills, a power house, barns, houses, a cook house, store and a
Japanese village is known from the Howard Hanson dam
reservoir in King County. Of all these communities, only the first,
Tumwater is still a living community.
Homesteads range from the mid-19
century to the early 20
century. They include a mid-19
century homestead at
Chamber’s Farm near Olympia and a number of homesteads from
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
the early 20
century mapped during the Chief Joseph Dam
project in Douglas and Okanogan Counties. Archaeologists have
investigated numerous single family homesteads. Typically,
homestead sites consist of single dwellings with barns, fences,
and outbuildings. At some homesteads more recent houses are
also present. because many different time periods are represented
in this group, artifacts range from fur-trade types of artifacts to
early 20
century Sears and Roebuck mail order items.
Logging, Mining, Railroad Features
Logging features can include road grades, landings, spring board-
cut trees, old logging donkeys, cables and other logging
equipment. Mining features include the mines themselves, spoils
piles and extractive machinery. Railroad features can include the
railroad grades and trestles.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Historic Archaeology
Chapter 6
How Archaeologists Tell Time
Radiocarbon dating is one of the most
important tools available for
establishing the age of buried sites
and objects. Yet it can only work on
ects derived from or
anic materials
such as plants and animals. Many
artifacts are inorganic (such as metal
or stone) and cannot e radiocarbon
Archaeologists developed a technique
for dating items based on the
changing styles of shape and
manufacture. The technique is called
seriation. Tools and techniques of
manufacturing those tools change
through time. By examining and
the artifacts found in lower
levels with those from the upper
levels of a site, we gain an idea of how
the style of a particular item, say a
projectile point, changed through
time. When similar objects are found
at another site, they can be compared
to the other style sequence to
determine a relative date. This is
essentially the same technique used
by car buffs who can identify a 1957
Chevy or a 1965 Ford.
You can use this tecnique yourself to
1962 - 1974
1972 - Present
1935 - 1962
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Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Underwater Archaeology
Chapter 7
Shipwreck “Austria” at Ozette village, circa 1880. Credit: State
Capitol Museum, a division of the Washington State Historical
Underwater Archaeology
rehistoric and early historic sites are usually found
adjacent to navigable waters. The economic systems of
Native Americans and early Euroamericans were oriented
to river, intertidal and marine resources. Boats were the
dominant mode of transportation in the state until World War II.
Since many prehistoric and historic settlements were near the
water, since economic activities occurred in water, and since most
prehistoric and historic transportation was by water, many items
of archaeological interest ended up under water.
Artifacts and features can be lost or intentionally placed in the
water. Sites can be flooded by water behind dams or covered by
naturally rising water.
Boats and ships are
among the most
complex sites or
features to end up
under the water.
Shipwrecks can be
separated into five
categories, ranging
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
from fully intact ships to scattered remnants of cargo on the sea
floor. Scattered remains may be indistinguishable from trash
dumps. Shipwrecks can occur in all acquatic settings, from deep
water to upper tidal zones, and even in upland situations. No one
knows how many shipwrecks exist. Archaeologists estimate more
than 1,000 shipwrecks lie on state-owned aquatic lands. The
earliest known shipwrecks that might be found, include the
Russian brig, St. Nicholai, which beached near the present
Quileute Reservation in 1808, and a Japanese junk, the Hojun
Maru, which wrecked on the Washington coast near Ozette in
1834. The remains of the famous clipper ship, Glory of the Seas,
was recently investigated. It rests in the Seattle Harbor area in
West Seattle. In 1991, two Native American dugout canoes were
recovered from the bottom of Angle Lake near SeaTac Airport.
Smaller objects found under water include prehistoric stone and
historic metal anchors. Prehistoric
fishing hooks and stone net anchors and
weights used to sink fishing lines and
nets are found in marine and freshwater
environments. These are either grooved
or perforated stones, or they may
simply be unmodified round or oval
rocks wrapped with cherry bark.
Credit: M. L. Stilson
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Underwater Archaeology
Chapter 7
The best example of bridge remains found underwater is the old
Tacoma Narrows Bridge, “Galloping Gertie,” which collapsed
into the dark waters of the Tacoma Narrows in 1940 during a
windstorm. The site has been placed on the national Register of
Historic Places. Many other bridge remnants many exist.
Railroad Cars and Locomotives
Locomotives and railroad cars slide into the water while being
transported on barges or slip off trestles or bridges while working
over water. Several railroad cars are known to be at the bottom of
Lake Washington. A steam locomotive lost ca. 1910 sits at the
bottom of Lake Stevens in Snohomish County.
Many planes have been lost off the coast or in the state’s lakes and
rivers. The bottom of Lake Washington next to the Sand Point
Naval Air Station is littered with aircraft.
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Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Cultural Resources
Intentionally Placed
In or Under Water
Canoe Runs
Native Americans removed
boulders and cobbles from sub-
and intertidal pathways to allow
canoes to reach shore without
damage. Such canoe runs can be
seen at the Ozette site and at
DNR’s Hat Island and Cypress
Island Natural Resource
Conservation Areas. They are
usually located at major village
sites where beaches are strewn
with rocks and boulders.
Petroglyphs and Pictographs
Almost all known petroglyphs and pictographs in Washington
are found along the shore, many in the intertidal area. There is a
southern Puget Sound petroglyph complex characterized by faces
and designs on beach boulders. They seem to be related to village
sites and may mark village territorial boundaries. Northern Puget
Sound petroglyphs are also found on beach boulders.
Canoe run at Doe Island State Park. Credit:
Dan Meatte, Washington State Parks
Underwater Archaeology
Chapter 7
Fish Weirs and Traps
Low stone walls or lines of
wooden posts and/or
stakes used to trap fish are
known as fish traps or
weirs. These are located at
or near the mouths of large
rivers and streams, across
small shallow lagoons,
across the heads of shallow
coves, or along open
shorelines. Wooden fish traps were commonly used with netting
or mats. A preserved fish weir was discovered and excavated in
1970 at the mouth of Wapato Creek in the Blair Waterway in
Fish weir on the Puyallup River, circa 1880. Credit:
State Capitol Museum, a division of the Washington
State Historical Societ
Reef Net Anchors
Reef net fishing was the most important economic activity of the
tribes in Whatcom and San Juan counties. Large rocks were used
to anchor an elaborate net system designed to simulate an
underwater reef to funnel salmon to waiting canoes.
Concentrations of reef net anchor stones have been mapped at
Legoe Bay on Lummi Island and at Point Roberts.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
Reef Net Illustration. Credit: Mark Macleod, Department of Natural Resources
Trash Dumps
People dump trash in low spots. Often the lowest spot is in the
water. Consequently, trash ends up under water. This has
exciting implications because normally perishable materials such
as basketry and wood are preserved underwater. Examples of
prehistoric trash dumps with preserved materials include the
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Underwater Archaeology
Chapter 7
3,000-year-old Hoko River wet site in Clallam County, the 2,000-
year-old Biderbost site in Snohomish County, and the 1,000-year-
old Munk Creek wet site in Skagit County.
Historic trash dumps often occur off the end of piers and in low
areas along the coast near historic occupations. These may
include bottle dumps, can dumps, discarded building materials,
generalized trash dumps, ballast, etc. Examples are known from
the Columbia River near the Fort Vancouver dock with artifacts
dating from the 1840s to WWII. Archaeologists consider trash
dumps as part of the associated upland sites.
Piers, Wharves, Docks, Bridges
The remnants of piers, wharves, or docks may be found under
water. Associated features may include wooden cribbings filled
with rocks which were used in dock construction.
The remnants of bridge abutments or supports may be found
under water typically near current or historic transportation
Splash dams were built to store water in order to float logs to the
booming grounds. Evidence of splash, hydroelectric, water
diversion and other dams may be found under water.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
Placer Mines
A placer is a glacial or alluvial deposit that contains eroded
particles of valuable minerals. Placer mines are places where
miners wash these deposits to recover valuable minerals, usually
aggrading sections of river beds. Some placer mines worked by
Chinese immigrants are on the middle Columbia River.
Marine Railways
Marine railways are track systems used to haul boats in and out
of the water and are associated with shipyards. A marine railway
on Bainbridge Island extends 500 feet into Eagle Harbor. Gig
Harbor has an active historic marine railway.
Inundated Sites
Inundated sites include prehistoric villages, campsites, and
locations of historic forts, homesteads, towns and waterfronts.
Many sites in Washington are under water behind dams. For
example, Fort Colville, Fort Okanogan and the Kettle Falls
prehistoric fishing sites are now inundated by reservoirs. In
addition, many western Washington sites have been covered or
destroyed by a worldwide rise in sea levels.
Between 13,000 and 15,000 years ago, the Puget Sound basin was
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Underwater Archaeology
Chapter 7
crushed beneath glacial ice. The ice was a mile thick at
Bellingham, 3,200 feet thick at Seattle, and 1,000+ feet thick at
Olympia. The glacier began melting and rapidly retreating about
14,000 years ago.
Water from the melting ice caused a rise in sea level. At the same
time, the earth’s crust, released from the weight of the ice, began
to rebound. The rebound was completed 12,000 years ago in
southern Puget Sound and 6,500 years ago in the northern part of
the state. However, the glaciers continued to melt and sea level to
rise. Sea level is still rising at a rate of more than a foot per
century in Tacoma and more than two inches a century in the San
Juan Islands. The rise in sea level also affects lakes and the lower
portions of rivers.
The rising levels of sea, rivers, and lakes have covered older
villages but not locations where resources were collected and
processed at some distance form the shore. These include
exploitation locations -- animal kill sites, quarries, plant-gathering
places, stone working workshops -- which were located away
from coastlines. Historically known Northwest Coast villages
were usually 5 to 20 feet above the high water mark, near the
mouths of rivers, at the meeting of waterways, or on sheltered
bays or inlets. Older sites in these locations have been destroyed
by wave action or are now under water.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Along Washington coastlines, there are no definitely dated village
or habitation sites older than 4,300 years. In British Columbia,
there are numerous coastal habitation sites with dates as old as
Chapter 6 Historic Archaeology
10,200 years ago The Canadian sites are still above water because
rebound continued later due to the greater weight and later
retreat of glaciers in the area. There are progressively older
radiocarbon dates from marine coastal sites from southern Puget
Sound to the central coast of British Columbia. These dates
indicate when sea level rise overcame post glacial rebound and
not when initial human occupation began.
Many areas in the state have conditions that could preserve sites
under water. These conditions include gently topography,
reduced wave action due to limited reaches, and rapid
Currently, only a few sites are known to be inundated as a result
of sea level rise. The West Point site in Seattle and the shell
midden at British Camp on San Juan Island extend below current
sea level. There is a possible submerged village at Felida Morrage
and in Lake Vancouver in Clark County. As more work is done
under water, more sites will be discovered
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
hat You Can Do
Chapter 8
What You Can Do
rchaeological sites are protected by state law on both
public and private lands. The Archaeological Sites and
Resources Act (ASRA) (RCW 27.53) proclaims that
archaeological resources in, on, or under state-owned land are the
property of the state. These resources are also protected by the
Public Lands Act (RCW 79.01) which states that a trespasser who
disturbs any “valuable materials” is guilty of larceny. A person
leasing public land may be guilty of a misdemeanor if the
disturbance is not expressly authorized.
On private lands, ASRA states that a permit is required before
knowingly disturbing any historic or prehistoric archaeological
resource or site on private or public land. The property owner or
manager must agree to the issuance of the permit. ASRA protects
archaeological sites, historic shipwrecks and submerged aircraft
from disturbance and loss. The Indian Graves and Records Act
(RCW 27.44) protects Native American burials, petroglyphs and
pictographs from intentional disturbance. These laws are
included in the Appendix.
Provisions in other statutes direct agencies to protect cultural
resources. Apart from the statutory requirments, many agencies
have developed policies addressing how archaeological site
information should be used for planning and development.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Chapter 8 What You Can Do
To carry out the above laws, field personnel should become
familiar with the following topics.
Theft and Vandalism
Theft and vandalism of cultural resources on state lands are
constant problems. Archaeological sites are fragile and
nonrenewable and, unlike many natural resources, archaeological
sites can not be restored or repaired. The damage caused by theft
or vandalism includes the costs of filling in the holes as well as
scientific, historic, and spiritual losses.
Vandalism at Horsethief Lake state Park. Credit: Office of Archaeology & Historic
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
hat You Can Do
Chapter 8
Scene of a Crime?
Archaeological sites are fragile and
subject to vandalism. Sites on all
lands in this state are protected by
law from looting, vandalism, and
theft. However, vandalism is a
common problem and in your land
management duties you may
happen upon a site that has been
or modern trash left
y the looters.
o these three things:
e area.
When you come upon a site that ha
been vandalized, you will obs
freshly dug holes, disturbed
vegetation, and flakes, bones and
fire-cracked rock discarded by th
vandals. You may also observe
shovels, screens
1. Be observant.
Note any
individuals or vehicles in th
Note all the details of your
environment, time, and
onditions. Take photographs.
e site area before you leave.
2. Do not disturb anything.
Remember this is a crime scene.
Footprints, fingerprints, and the
physical evidence of the looter’s
excavation can yield clues and the
evidence in a criminal case. Se
3. Get help immediately.
your cultural resource coordinato
and law enforcement personnel.
Plan carefully your next steps in
e, workin
enforcement, archae
Artifacts have a market value and
are seen by some as collectable art.
Theft is not limited to artifacts.
Entire panels of pictographs and
petroglyphs have been blasted
from cliff faces and removed from
public lands. Historic submerged
aircraft and preserved dugout
canoes have been removed from
lakes in Washington.
Professional archaeologists do not
approve of the personal acquisition
of artifacts or their sale. They stress
the protection of sites and the
curation of artifacts from public
land for the public good.
An archaeological site that has been
looted or vandalized is a crime
Promoting an Ethic of
We encourage you, as public
employees, to promote an ethic of
stewardship for archaeological
resources. Think of archaeological
sites as a collection of rare books
ologists and
bl l l ff
Chapter 8 What You Can Do
that are held in public trust for all to learn from and appreciate,
but not to damage. In your daily contact with the public please
help to instill a sense of respect and appreciation of these
ancestral places.
Educating the Public
The archaeological resources of Washington can provide a fuller
understanding of our history and our environment. In your daily
contact with the public, you can encourage respect for these
reminders of our common past, which will lead to their
We encourage you to learn about the archaeological resources on
the lands you manage. The attached reading list offers a variety
of archaeological topics. You may also want to participate in any
of the annual archaeological events such as Washington
Archaeology Week or discuss developing a project with the
person in your agency overseeing cultural resources.
Archaeological sites play a vital role in interpreting the past.
Seeing the physical products of past human labor or visiting the
location of important historic events brings us in direct contact
with the past.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Folks Who Can Help You
Chapter 9
Folks Who Can Help You
rotecting archaeological sites with their wealth of
knowledge and artifacts is an important job. Cultural
resources found on State lands are protected by several
state laws and, in some cases, federal law. These laws are
reproduced in the back of this book in the Appendix.
Your Agency Contacts
For general information about cultural resources in Washington
State, you can contact the Office of Archaeology and Historic
Preservation in Olympia, Washington. This office is responsible
for comprehensive historic preservation planning and maintains
records on more than 100,000 historic and prehistoric properties
recorded in Washington State.
Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
Rob Whitlam
State Archaeologist
Office of Archaeology & Historic Preservation
111 21st Ave SW
Olympia, WA 998504
(360) 753-4405
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Chapter 9 Folks Who Can Help You
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission
For general information about cultural resources or to report an
unanticipated discovery on Washington State Parks lands contact:
Daniel Meatte
State Parks Archaeologist
7150 Cleanwater Lane
P.O. Box 42668
Olympia, Washington-98504-2668
(360) 902-8637
Washington State Department of Transportation
For general information about cultural resources relating to transportation
subjects contact:
Sandie Turner
Cultural Resources Program Manager
P.O. Box 47332
Olympia, Washington 98504-7332
(360) 570-6637
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Reading Lists and More
Reading Lists and More
The magazine
is available at most libraries and
newsstands. Current topics and
recent discoveries in archaeology
can be found in the
National Geographic
Natural History
, or
Scientific American
. The
New York Times
, Science
section each Tuesday frequently has articles of archaeological
interest and the latest discoveries.
General Introductions
Ceram, C. W.
Gods, Graves and Scholars: the story of archaeology.
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Cox, Thomas R.
The Park Builders: A History of State Parks in the Pacific
University of Washington Press, Seattle.
Deetz, James
In Small Things Forgotten: The archaeology of early life.
Anchor Books.
Eccles, Christine
The Rose Theatre
. Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Reading Lists and More
Ferguson, Leland
Uncommon Ground: archaelogy and early African
America, 1650-1800
. Smithsonian Institution Press.
Gesner, Peter
Pandora: An archaeological perspective
. Queensland
Hume, Ivor Noel
Martin's Hundred: the discovery of a lost colonial
Virgina landscape.
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Reading Lists and More
Selected Readings on Washington Archaeology
Daugherty, Richard D.
Early Man in Washington.
Department of Natural
Resources, Olympia.
Grabert, Garland F.
North-central Washington Prehistory: A final report on
salvage archaeology in the Wells Reservoir - Part 1
Department of Anthropology, University of
Washington Reports in Archaeology 1, Seattle.
Kirk, Ruth with Richard Daugherty
Exploring Washington Archaeology
. University of
Washington Press, Seattle
Mierendorf, Robert R.
Peoples of the North Cascades
. National Park Service,
Pacific Northwest Region. Seattle.
Stewart, Hilary
Indian Artifacts of the Northwest Coast
. University of
Washington Press, Seattle
Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic
Built in Washington: 12,000 years of Pacific Northwest
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
archaeological sites and historic buildings.
State University Press, Pullman.
Reading Lists and More
Petroglyphs and Pictographs
Hill, Beth and Ray Hill
Indian Petroglyphs of the Pacific Northwest
University of Washington Press, Seattle
Keyser, James D.
Indian Rock Art of the Columbia Plateau
University of Washington Press, Seattle.
McClure, Rick
Archaeological survey of petroglyph and pictograph sites
in the State of Washington
. The Evergreen State
College, Archaeological Reports of Investigations No 1.
Wessen, Gary
The Makah Forest Utilization Study, Culturally-Modified
Trees on the Makah Indian Reservation.
The Makah
Cultural and Research Center.
Historic Archaeology
Stilson, M. Leland
1991 A Data Recovery Study of 45PI405 Nisqually Village,
at Northwest Landing, Pierce County, Washington.
Western Heritage, Olympia. 2 Volumes.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Reading Lists and More
Bryn Thomas, Charles Hibbs et al.
1984 Kanaka Village Vancouver Barracks, Washington
1980/1981. Eastern Washington University, Cheney.
Underwater Archaeology
Marx, Robert F.
The Underwater Dig: Introduction to Marine Archaeology.
Pisces Books, Houston Texas
Regional and County Archaeology
(These are available from the Office of Archaeology and
Historic Preservation)
Campbell, Sarah
1987 A Resource Protection Planning Process (RP3) Eastern
Washington Protohistoric Study Unit. Washington
State Department of Community Development, Office
of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Galm, Jerry, Glenn Hartmann, Ruth Masten and Leland Stilson
1987 A Resource Protection Planning Process (RP3)
Mid-Columbia Study Unit. Washington State
Department of Community Development, Office of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Reading Lists and More
Minor, Rick
1986 A Resource Protection Planning Process (RP3) Lower
Columbia Study Unit. Washington State Department
of Community Development, Office of Archaeology
and Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Miss, Christian and Sarah Campbell
1991 Prehistoric Cultural Resources of Snohomish County,
Washington. Washington State Department of
Community Development, Office of Archaeology and
Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Onat, Astrida R. Blukis
1987 (Draft) A Resource Protection Planning Process
Identification of Prehistoric Archaeological Resources
in the Northern Puget Sound Study Unit. Washington
State Department of Community Development, Office
of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Rice, David and Leland Stilson
1987 A Resource Protection Planning Process (RP3)
PaleoIndian Study Unit. Washington State
Department of Community Development, Office of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Stilson, M. Leland
1988 A Resource Protection Planning Process (RP3)
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Identification, Evaluation, and Protection Components
for the South Cascades Study Unit.
Reading Lists and More
Washington State Department of Community
Development, Office of Archaeology and Historic
Preservation, Olympia.
Wessen, Gary
1988 Prehistoric Cultural Resources of Island County,
Washington. Washington State Department of
Community Development, Office of Archaeology and
Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Wessen, Gary
1985 Prehistoric Cultural Resources of San Juan County,
Washington. Washington State Department of
Community Development, Office of Archaeology and
Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Wessen, Gary and Leland Stilson
1987 A Resource Protection Planning Process (RP3)
Southern Puget Sound Study Unit. Washington State
Department of Community Development, Office of
Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Olympia.
Archaeology on Line
Washington Archaeology Homepage URL:
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Reading Lists and More
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Reading Lists and More
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Glossary of Terms
Any object manufactured, modified or used by humans.
(Before Present) Used as a designation following
radiocarbon dates to express the point from which
radiocarbon years are measured. This measuring point is
arbitrarily taken to be 1950.
A date of 5,200+
200 B.P. means that it dates to 5,200 (plus or
minus 200) years before 1950.
A stone tool or implement shaped on both surfaces.
Depending on their size and shape, bifaces may represent an
artifact in a stage of manufacture or they may represent
finished tools such as knives, picks or scrapers.
A collection of tools, equipment or food stuffs which has
been deliberately stored for future use.
A heap of stones placed to serve as a marker. Cairns
ordinarily mark the location of graves, stored valuables,
important landmarks or orientation point.
Carbon 14 radiocarbon dating, main absolute dating tool
used by archaeologists.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
Cobble Choppers:
cobbles with flakes removed, usually along
one edge.
The study of contemporary or modern
native cultures documented during and after
Euroamerican contact.
European cultures or those primarily derived
from European cultures.
Experimental Archaeology
: The study of past processes through
experimental replication. By recreating former conditions or
reproducing past methodologies archaeologists can better
understand the processes that operated in once functioning
Non portable objects or relationships produced by
human activity.
Stone fragments (waste material) left over from the
process (flintknapping) of manufacturing stone tools. Flakes
can serve as tools themselves or are easily modified into
The technique of manufacturing stone tools.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
The technique of removing one or more flakes from the
base of lanceolate projectile points to thin the point base.
A reddish mineral derived from iron ore. It was
commonly ground to a powder and used as pigment for
coloring rock art and decorating clothing and tools.
Historic Archaeology:
Archaeology of sites of the historic period.
The most recent life period ca. 10,000 years ago to the
A term describing the physical position of an object or
objects when they are first discovered.
Kill site:
The initial location where an animal(s) has been killed
and initially processed. These sites are often characterized by
butchered bone, broken projectile points, stone tools used for
skinning hides.
Stone artifacts.
A small oblong stone used to crush seeds and grains. The
seeds were placed on a large flat stone, called a metate, and
then crushed with the mano using a rocking motion.
An unmodified rock that has been brought to a
prehistoric living area for use.
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
A large flat stone upon which seeds were placed and
then crushed with a mano.
Archaeological deposits consisting of refuse from
human activities. Middens are usually composed of a
mixture of soil, charcoal and various food remains such as
bone, shell and carbonized plant remains.
A stone bowl used for crushing seeds, roots, tubers or
pigments with a pestle.
Prehistoric cultures characterized by fluted
projectile points.
A long cylindrically shaped rock used with a mortar to
crush minerals and plants.
Glyphs and images pecked into rock surfaces.
Petroglyphs are formed by using a hard rock to trace shallow
grooves in a rock’s surface.
: Glyphs and images painted onto rock surfaces using
various pigments carefully mixed with water and/or organic
The time period before written records.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
A ceremony among many peoples on the Northwest
Coast and parts of the Interior that marks important
occasions, such as the naming of children, marriage,
transferring rights and privileges and mourning the dead.
Guests witnessing the event are given gifts. The more gifts
distributed, the higher the status achieved by the potlatch
The illegal collecting of artifacts or looting of
archaeological sites.
Projectile points:
Chipped stone artifacts used to tip arrows, dart
points or spears.
Native cultures and sites affected by Euroamerican
Shell Midden:
Midden deposits that contain high frequencies of
shell-fish remains.
The interpretation and ordering of geological or
cultural sediments.
Smithsonian Numbering System:
A national identification
system used to assign permanent catalogue numbers to
newly recorded archaeological sites. The system is composed
of an arbitrary state number, a county abbreviation, and an
Revised April, 2003 A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology
individual site number. For example, the Ozette Village site
number is 45-CA-24.
Wet Site:
Archaeological deposits that are presently inundated.
A Field Guide to Washington State Archaeology Revised April, 2003
Appendix - Applicable State Laws
Libraries, Museums and Historical Activities
Indian Graves and Records
Archaeological Sites and Resources
Public Lands Act
Chapter 27.34 RCW Libraries, Museums and Historical Activities
Chapter 27.34 RCW
Libraries, Museums, and Historical Activities
27.34.200 Archaeology and historic preservation -- Legislative declaration.
27.34.220 Director - Powers.
27.34.200 Archaeology and historic preservation -- Legislative declaration
The legislature hereby finds that the promotion, enhancement, perpetuation, and use
of structures, sites, districts, buildings, and objects of historic, archaeological,
architectural, and cultural significance is desirable in the interest of the public pride
and general welfare of the people of the state; and the legislature further finds that
the economic, cultural, and aesthetic standing of the state can be maintained and
enhanced by protecting the heritage of the state and by preventing the destruction or
defacement of these assets; therefore, it is hereby declared by the legislature to be the
public policy and in the public interest of the state to designate, preserve, protect,
enhance, and perpetuate those structures, sites, districts, buildings, and objects which
reflect outstanding elements of the state's historic, archaeological, architectural, or
cultural heritage, for the inspiration and enrichment of the citizens of the state. [1983
c 91 § 10.]
27.34.220 Director -- Powers
. The director or the director's designee is authorized:
(1) To promulgate and maintain the Washington heritage register of districts,
sites, buildings, structures, and objects significant in American or
Washington state history, architecture, archaeology, and culture, and to
prepare comprehensive statewide historic surveys and plans and research
and evaluation of surveyed resources for the preparation of nominations
to the Washington heritage register and the national register of historic
places, in accordance with criteria approved by the advisory council
established under RCW 27.34.250. Nominations to the national register
of historic places shall comply with any standards and regulations
Indian Graves and Records Chapter 27.44 RCW
promulgated by the United States secretary of the interior for the
preservation, acquisition, and development of such properties.
Nominations to the Washington heritage register shall comply with rules
adopted under this chapter.
(2) *
(3) To promote historic preservation efforts throughout the state, including
private efforts and those of city, county, and state agencies.
* Sections marked with an asterisk are not reproduced here since they are
not relevant to stewardship or cultural resource protection issues.
Chapter 27.44 RCW
27.44.020 Examination permitted -- Removal to archaeological repository.
27.44.030 Intent.
27.44.040 Protection of Indian graves -- Penalty.
27.44.050 Civil action by Indian tribe or member -- Time for commencing action --
Venue -- Damages -- Attorneys' fees.
27.44.900 Captions not law -- 1989 c 44.
27.44.901 Liberal construction -- 1989 c 44.
RCW 27.44.020 Examination permitted -- Removal to archaeological
Any archaeologist or interested person may copy and examine such
glyptic or painted records or examine the surface of any such cairn or grave, but no
such record or archaeological material from any such cairn or grave may be removed
unless the same shall be destined for reburial or perpetual preservation in a duly
recognized archaeological repository and permission for scientific research and
removal of specimens of such records and material has been granted by the state
Chapter 27.44 RCW Indian Graves and Records
historic preservation officer. Whenever a request for permission to remove records or
material is received, the state historic preservation officer shall notify the affected
Indian tribe or tribes. [1985 c 64 § 1; 1977 ex.s. c 169 § 6; 1941 c 216 § 2; Rem.
Supp. 1941 § 3207-11.]
Severability -- Nomenclature -- Savings -- 1977 ex.s. c 169:
See notes
following RCW 28B.10.016.
RCW 27.44.030 Intent.
The legislature hereby declares that:
1. Native Indian burial grounds and historic graves are acknowledged to be a
finite, irreplaceable, and nonrenewable cultural resource, and are an intrinsic
part of the cultural heritage of the people of Washington. The legislature
recognizes the value and importance of respecting all graves, and the spiritual
significance of such sites to the people of this state;
Indian Graves and Records Chapter 27.44 RCW
2. There have been reports and incidents of deliberate interference with native
Indian and historic graves for profit-making motives;
3. There has been careless indifference in cases of accidental disturbance of
sites, graves, and burial grounds;
4. Indian burial sites, cairns, glyptic markings, and historic graves located on
public and private land are to be protected and it is therefore the legislature's
intent to encourage voluntary reporting and respectful handling in cases of
accidental disturbance and provide enhanced penalties for deliberate
desecration. [1989 c 44 § 1.]
RCW 27.44.040
Protection of Indian graves -- Penalty.
(1) Any person who knowingly removes, mutilates, defaces, injures, or
destroys any cairn or grave of any native Indian, or any glyptic or painted
record of any tribe or peoples is guilty of a class C felony punishable
under chapter 9A.20 RCW. Persons disturbing native Indian graves
through inadvertence, including disturbance through construction,
mining, logging, agricultural activity, or any other activity, shall reinter
the human remains under the supervision of the appropriate Indian tribe.
The expenses of reinterment are to be paid by the office of archaeology
and historic preservation pursuant to RCW 27.34.220.
(2) Any person who sells any native Indian artifacts or any human remains
that are known to have been taken from an Indian cairn or grave, is guilty
of a class C felony punishable under chapter 9A.20 RCW.
(3) This section does not apply to:
(a) The possession or sale of native Indian artifacts discovered in or taken
from locations other than native Indian cairns or graves, or artifacts
Chapter 27.44 RCW Indian Graves and Records
that were removed from cairns or graves as may be authorized by
RCW 27.53.060 or by other than human action; or
(b) Actions taken in the performance of official law enforcement duties.
(4) It shall be a complete defense in the prosecution under this section if the
defendant can prove by a preponderance of evidence that the alleged acts
were accidental or inadvertent and that reasonable efforts were made to
preserve the remains, glyptic, or painted records, or artifacts accidentally
disturbed or discovered, and that the accidental discovery or disturbance
was properly reported. [1989 c 44 § 2.]
RCW 27.44.050
Civil action by Indian tribe or member -- Time for commencing action -- Venue
-- Damages -- Attorneys' fees.
(1) Apart from any criminal prosecution, an Indian tribe or enrolled member
thereof, shall have a civil action to secure an injunction, damages, or
other appropriate relief against any person who is alleged to have violated
RCW 27.44.040. The action must be brought within two years of the
discovery of the violation by the plaintiff. The action may be filed in the
superior or tribal court of the county in which the grave, cairn, remains,
or artifacts are located, or in the superior court of the county within which
the defendant resides.
(2) Any conviction pursuant to RCW 27.44.040 shall be prima facia evidence
in an action brought under this section.
(3) If the plaintiff prevails:
(a) The court may award reasonable attorneys' fees to the plaintiff;
(b) The court may grant injunctive or such other equitable relief as is
appropriate, including forfeiture of any artifacts or remains acquired or
Indian Graves and Records Chapter 27.44 RCW
equipment used in the violation. The court shall order the disposition of
any items forfeited as the court sees fit, including the reinterment of
human remains;
(c) The plaintiff shall recover imputed damages of five hundred dollars or
actual damages, whichever is greater. Actual damages include special and
general damages, which include damages for emotional distress;
(d) The plaintiff may recover punitive damages upon proof that the violation
was willful. Punitive damages may be recovered without proof of actual
damages. All punitive damages shall be paid by the defendant to the
office of archaeology and historic preservation for the purposes of
Indianhistoric preservation and to cover the cost of reinterment expenses
by the office; and
(e) An award of imputed or punitive damages may be made only once for a
particular violation by a particular person, but shall not preclude the
award of such damages based on violations by other persons or on other
(4) If the defendant prevails, the court may award reasonable attorneys' fees
to the defendant. [1989 c 44 § 3.]
RCW 27.44.900 Captions not law -- 1989 c 44.
Section captions used in this act do
not constitute any part of the law. [1989 c 44 § 10.]
RCW 27.44.901 Liberal construction -- 1989 c 44.
This act is to be liberally
construed to achieve the legislature's intent. [1989 c 44 § 11.]
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
Chapter 27.53 RCW
Archaeological resource preservation -- Designation of office of archaeology and
historic preservation -- Cooperation among agencies.
Archaeological resources -- Declaration.
Abandoned archaeological resources -- Declaration.
Disturbing archaeological resource or site -- Permit required -- Conditions --
Exceptions -- Penalty.
Field investigations -- Communication of site or resource location to research center.
Archaeological activities upon public lands -- Entry -- Agreement -- Approval of
activities -- Information regarding results of studies and activities.
Violations -- Penalty.
Knowing and willful failure to obtain or comply with permit -- Penalties.
Historic archaeological resources on state-owned aquatic lands -- Discovery and
report -- Right of first refusal.
Contracts for discovery and salvage of state-owned historic archaeological resources.
Recovery of property from historic archaeological sites -- Mitigation of damage --
Refusal to issue salvage permit to prevent destruction of resource.
List of areas requiring permits.
Rule-making authority.
Proceeds from state's property -- Deposit and use.
Severability -- 1975 1st ex.s. c 134.
Severability -- 1988 c 124.
RCW 27.53.010 Declaration.
The legislature hereby declares that the public has
an interest in the conservation, preservation, and protection of the state's
archaeological resources, and the knowledge to be derived and gained from the
scientific study of these resources.
[1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 1.]
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
RCW 27.53.020 Archaeological resource preservation -- Designation of office
of archaeology and historic preservation -- Cooperation among agencies.
discovery, identification, excavation, and study of the state's archaeological
resources, the providing of information on archaeological sites for their nomination
to the state and national registers of historic places, the maintaining of a complete
inventory of archaeological sites and collections, and the providing of information to
state, federal, and private construction agencies regarding the possible impact of
construction activities on the state's archaeological resources, are proper public
functions; and the office of archaeology and historic preservation, created under the
authority of chapter 39.34 RCW, is hereby designated as an appropriate agency to
carry out these functions. The director, in consultation with the office of archaeology
and historic preservation, shall provide guidelines for the selection of depositories
designated by the state for archaeological resources. The legislature directs that there
shall be full cooperation amongst the department, the office of archaeology and
historic preservation, and other agencies of the state.
[2002 c 211 § 2; 1986 c 266 § 16;
1977 ex.s. c 195 § 12; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 82 § 1; 1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 2.]
NOTES: Severability -- 1986 c 266:
See note following RCW 38.52.005.
Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 195:
"If any provision of this 1977 amendatory act, or its
application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or
the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected."
[1977 ex.s. c 195 § 20.]
RCW 27.53.030 Definitions.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the
definitions contained in this section shall apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Archaeology" means systematic, scientific study of man's past through
material remains.
(2) "Archaeological object" means an object that comprises the physical
evidence of an indigenous and subsequent culture including material
remains of past human life including monuments, symbols, tools,
facilities, and technological by-products.
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
(3) "Archaeological site" means a geographic locality in Washington,
including but not limited to, submerged and submersible lands and the
bed of the sea within the state's jurisdiction, that contains archaeological
(4) "Department" means the department of community, trade, and economic
(5) "Director" means the director of community, trade, and economic
development or the director's designee.
(6) "Historic" means peoples and cultures who are known through written
documents in their own or other languages. As applied to underwater
archaeological resources, the term historic shall include only those
properties which are listed in or eligible for listing in the Washington
State Register of Historic Places (RCW 27.34.220) or the National
Register of Historic Places as defined in the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 (Title 1, Sec. 101, Public Law 89-665; 80 Stat.
915; 16 U.S.C. Sec. 470) as now or hereafter amended.
(7) "Prehistoric" means peoples and cultures who are unknown through
contemporaneous written documents in any language.
(8) "Professional archaeologist" means a person who has met the educational,
training, and experience requirements of the society of professional
(9) "Qualified archaeologist" means a person who has had formal training
and/or experience in archaeology over a period of at least three years, and
has been certified in writing to be a qualified archaeologist by two
professional archaeologists.
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
(10) "Amateur society" means any organization composed primarily of
persons who are not professional archaeologists, whose primary interest
is in the
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
archaeological resources of the state, and which has been certified in
writing by two professional archaeologists.
(11) "Historic archaeological resources" means those properties which are
listed in or eligible for listing in the Washington State Register of
Historic Places (RCW 27.34.220) or the National Register of Historic
Places as defined in the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Title
1, Sec. 101, Public Law 89-665; 80 Stat. 915; 16 U.S.C. Sec. 470) as now
or hereafter amended.
[1995 c 399 § 16; 1989 c 44 § 6; 1988 c 124 § 2; 1986 c 266
§ 17; 1983 c 91 § 20; 1977 ex.s. c 195 § 13; 1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 3.]
Intent -- 1989 c 44:
See RCW 27.44.030.
Captions not law -- Liberal construction -- 1989 c 44:
See RCW 27.44.900 and
Intent -- 1988 c 124:
"It is the intent of the legislature that those historic
archaeological resources located on state-owned aquatic lands that are of importance
to the history of our state, or its communities, be protected for the people of the state.
At the same time, the legislature also recognizes that divers have long enjoyed the
recreation of diving near shipwrecks and picking up artifacts from the state-owned
aquatic lands, and it is not the intent of the legislature to regulate these occasional,
recreational activities except in areas where necessary to protect underwater historic
archaeological sites. The legislature also recognizes that salvors who invest in a
project to salvage underwater archaeological resources on state-owned aquatic lands
should be required to obtain a state permit for their operation in order to protect the
interest of the people of the state, as well as to protect the interest of the salvors who
have invested considerable time and money in the salvage expedition." [1988 c 124 §
Application -- 1988 c 124:
"This act shall not affect any ongoing salvage effort in
which the state has entered into separate contracts or agreements prior to March 18,
1988." [1988 c 124 § 13.]
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
Severability -- 1986 c 266:
See note following RCW 38.52.005.
Effective date -- 1983 c 91:
See RCW 27.34.910.
Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 195:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
RCW 27.53.040 Archaeological resources -- Declaration.
All sites, objects,
structures, artifacts, implements, and locations of prehistorical or archaeological
interest, whether previously recorded or still unrecognized, including, but not limited
to, those pertaining to prehistoric and historic American Indian or aboriginal burials,
campsites, dwellings, and habitation sites, including rock shelters and caves, their
artifacts and implements of culture such as projectile points, arrowheads, skeletal
remains, grave goods, basketry, pestles, mauls and grinding stones, knives, scrapers,
rock carvings and paintings, and other implements and artifacts of any material that
are located in, on, or under the surface of any lands or waters owned by or under the
possession, custody, or control of the state of Washington or any county, city, or
political subdivision of the state are hereby declared to be archaeological resources.
[1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 4.]
RCW 27.53.045 Abandoned archaeological resources -- Declaration.
All historic archaeological resources abandoned for thirty years or more in, on, or
under the surface of any public lands or waters owned by or under the possession,
custody, or control of the state of Washington, including, but not limited to all ships,
or aircraft, and any part or the contents thereof, and all treasure trove is hereby
declared to be the property of the state of Washington.
[1988 c 124 § 3.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.060 Disturbing archaeological resource or site -- Permit required --
Conditions -- Exceptions -- Penalty.
(1) On the private and public lands of this state it shall be unlawful for any
person, firm, corporation, or any agency or institution of the state or a
political subdivision thereof to knowingly remove, alter, dig into, or
excavate by use of any mechanical, hydraulic, or other means, or to
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
damage, deface, or destroy any historic or prehistoric archaeological
resource or site, or remove any archaeological object from such site,
except for Indian graves or cairns, or any glyptic or painted record of any
tribe or peoples, or historic graves as defined in chapter 68.05 RCW,
disturbances of which shall be a class C felony punishable under chapter
9A.20 RCW, without having obtained a written permit from the director
for such activities.
(2) The director must obtain the consent of the private or public property
owner or agency responsible for the management thereof, prior to
issuance of the permit. The property owner or agency responsible for the
management of such land may condition its consent on the execution of a
separate agreement, lease, or other real property conveyance with the
applicant as may be necessary to carry out the legal rights or duties of the
public property landowner or agency.
(3) The director, in consultation with the affected tribes, shall develop
guidelines for the issuance and processing of permits.
(4) Such written permit and any agreement or lease or other conveyance
required by any public property owner or agency responsible for
management of such land shall be physically present while any such
activity is being conducted.
(5) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the removal of artifacts
found exposed on the surface of the ground which are not historic
archaeological resources or sites.
(6) When determining whether to grant or condition a permit, the director
may give great weight to the final record of previous civil or criminal
penalties against either the applicant, the parties responsible for
conducting the work, or the parties responsible for carrying out the terms
and conditions of the permit, either under this chapter or under
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
comparable federal laws. If the director denies a permit, the applicant
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
request a hearing as provided for in chapter 34.05 RCW.
[2002 c 211 § 3;
1989 c 44 § 7; 1988 c 124 § 4; 1986 c 266 § 18; 1977 ex.s. c 195 § 14; 1975-'76 2nd
ex.s. c 82 § 2; 1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 6.]
Purpose -- 2002 c 211:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
Intent -- 1989 c 44:
See RCW 27.44.030.
Captions not law -- Liberal construction -- 1989 c 44:
See RCW 27.44.900 and
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
Severability -- 1986 c 266:
See note following RCW 38.52.005.
Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 195:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
RCW 27.53.070 Field investigations -- Communication of site or resource
location to research center.
It is the declared intention of the legislature that field investigations on privately
owned lands should be discouraged except in accordance with both the provisions
and spirit of this chapter and persons having knowledge of the location of
archaeological sites or resources are encouraged to communicate such information to
the Washington archaeological research center. Such information shall not constitute
a public record which requires disclosure pursuant to the exception authorized in
RCW 42.17.310, as now or hereafter amended, to avoid site depredation.
[1975-'76 2nd
ex.s. c 82 § 3; 1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 7.]
RCW 27.53.080 Archaeological activities upon public lands -- Entry --
Agreement -- Approval of activities -- Information regarding results of studies
and activities.
(1) Qualified or professional archaeologists, in performance of their duties,
may enter upon public lands of the state of Washington and its political
subdivisions after first notifying the entity responsible for managing those
public lands, at such times and in such manner as not to interfere with the
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
40normal management thereof, for the purposes of doing archaeological
resource location and evaluation studies, including site sampling
activities. The results of such studies shall be provided to the state agency
or political subdivision responsible for such lands and the office of
archaeology and historic preservation and are confidential unless the
director, in writing, declares otherwise. Scientific excavations are to be
carried out only after appropriate agreement has been made between a
professional archaeologist or an institution of higher education and the
agency or political subdivision responsible for such lands. A copy of such
agreement shall be filed with the office of archaeology and historic
preservation and by them to the department.
(2) Amateur societies may engage in such activities by submitting and having
approved by the responsible agency or political subdivision a written
proposal detailing the scope and duration of the activity. Before approval,
a proposal from an amateur society shall be submitted to the office of
archaeology and historic preservation for review and recommendation.
The approving agency or political subdivision shall impose conditions on
the scope and duration of the proposed activity necessary to protect the
archaeological resources and ensure compliance with applicable federal,
state, and local laws. The findings and results of activities authorized
under this section shall be made known to the approving agency or
political subdivision approving the activities and to the office of
archaeology and historic preservation.
[2002 c 211 § 5; 1986 c 266 § 19; 1977
ex.s. c 195 § 15; 1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 8.]
Purpose -- 2002 c 211:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
Severability -- 1986 c 266:
See note following RCW 38.52.005.
Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 195:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
RCW 27.53.090 Violations -- Penalty.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating
any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day of
continued violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a distinct and
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
separate offense. Offenses shall be reported to the appropriate law enforcement
agency or to the director.
[1986 c 266 § 20; 1977 ex.s. c 195 § 16; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 82 § 4;
1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 9.]
Severability -- 1986 c 266:
See note following RCW 38.52.005.
Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 195:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
RCW 27.53.095 Knowing and willful failure to obtain or comply with permit --
(1) Persons found to have violated this chapter, either by a knowing and
willful failure to obtain a permit where required under RCW 27.53.060 or
by a knowing and willful failure to comply with the provisions of a
permit issued by the director where required under RCW 27.53.060, in
addition to other remedies as provided for by law, may be subject to one
or more of the following:
(a) Reasonable investigative costs incurred by a mutually agreed upon
independent professional archaeologist investigating the alleged
(b) Reasonable site restoration costs; and
(c) Civil penalties, as determined by the director, in an amount of not
more than five thousand dollars per violation.
(2) Any person incurring the penalty may file an application for an adjudicative
proceeding and may pursue subsequent review as provided in chapter
34.05 RCW and applicable rules of the department of community, trade,
and economic development.
(3) Any penalty imposed by final order following an adjudicative proceeding
becomes due and payable upon service of the final order.
(4) The attorney general may bring an action in the name of the department in
the superior court of Thurston county or of any county in which the
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
violator may do business to collect any penalty imposed under this
chapter and to enforce subsection (5) of this section.
(5) Any and all artifacts in possession of a violator shall become the property
of the state until proper identification of artifact ownership may be
determined by the director.
(6) Penalties overturned on appeal entitle the appealing party to fees and other
expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, as provided in RCW
[2002 c 211 § 4.]
Purpose -- 2002 c 211:
See note following RCW 27.53.020.
RCW 27.53.100 Historic archaeological resources on state-owned aquatic lands --
Discovery and report -- Right of first refusal. Persons, firms, corporations,
institutions, or agencies which discover a previously unreported historic
archaeological resource on state-owned aquatic lands and report the site or location
of such resource to the department shall have a right of first refusal to future salvage
permits granted for the recovery of that resource, subject to the provisions of RCW
27.53.110. Such right of first refusal shall exist for five years from the date of the
report. Should another person, firm, corporation, institution, or agency apply for a
permit to salvage that resource, the reporting entity shall have sixty days to submit
its own permit application and exercise its first refusal right, or the right shall be
[1988 c 124 § 5.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.110 Contracts for discovery and salvage of state-owned historic
archaeological resources.
The director is hereby authorized to enter into contracts
with other state agencies or institutions and with qualified private institutions,
persons, firms, or corporations for the discovery and salvage of state-owned historic
archaeological resources. Such contracts shall include but are not limited to the
following terms and conditions:
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
(1) Historic shipwrecks:
(a) The contract shall provide for fair compensation to a salvor. "Fair
compensation" means an amount not less than ninety percent of the
appraised value of the objects recovered following successful completion
of the contract.
(b) The salvor may retain objects with a value of up to ninety percent of the
appraised value of the total objects recovered, or cash, or a combination
of objects and cash. In no event may the total of objects and cash exceed
ninety percent of the total appraised value of the objects recovered. A
salvor shall not be entitled to further compensation from any state
(c) The contract shall provide that the state will be given first choice of which
objects it may wish to retain for display purposes for the people of the
state from among all the objects recovered. The state may retain objects
with a value of up to ten percent of the appraised value of the total objects
recovered. If the state chooses not to retain recovered objects with a value
of up to ten percent of the appraised value, the state shall be entitled to
receive its share in cash or a combination of recovered objects and cash
so long as the state's total share does not exceed ten percent of the
appraised value of the objects recovered.
(d) The contract shall provide that both the state and the salvor shall have the
right to select a single appraiser or joint appraisers.
(e) The contract shall also provide that title to the objects shall pass to the
salvor when the permit is issued. However, should the salvor fail to fully
perform under the terms of the contract, title to all objects recovered shall
revert to the state.
Archaeological Sites and Resources Chapter 27.53 RCW
(2) Historic aircraft:
(a) The contract shall provide that historic aircraft belonging to the state of
Washington may only be recovered if the purpose of that salvage
operation is to recover the aircraft for a museum, historical society,
nonprofit organization, or governmental entity.
(b) Title to the aircraft may only be passed by the state to one of the entities
listed in (a) of this subsection.
(c) Compensation to the salvor shall only be derived from the sale or
exchange of the aircraft to one of the entities listed in (a) of this
subsection or such other compensation as one of the entities listed in (a)
of this subsection and the salvor may arrange. The salvor shall not have a
claim to compensation from state funds.
(3) Other historic archaeological resources: The director, in his or her
discretion, may negotiate the terms of such contracts.
[1988 c 124 § 6.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.120 Recovery of property from historic archaeological sites --
Mitigation of damage -- Refusal to issue salvage permit to prevent destruction
of resource.
The salvor shall agree to mitigate any archaeological damage which
occurs during the salvage operation. The department shall have access to all property
recovered from historic archaeological sites for purposes of scholarly research and
photographic documentation for a period to be agreed upon by the parties following
completion of the salvage operation. The department shall also have the right to
publish scientific papers concerning the results of all research conducted as project
The director has the right to refuse to issue a permit for salvaging an historic
archaeological resource if that resource would be destroyed beyond mitigation by the
proposed salvage operation. Any agency, institution, person, firm, or corporation
which has been denied a permit because the resource would be destroyed beyond
Chapter 27.53 RCW Archaeological Sites and Resources
mitigation by their method of salvage shall have a right of first refusal for that permit
at a future date should technology be found which would make salvage possible
without destroying the resource. Such right of first refusal shall be in effect for sixty
days after the director has determined that salvage can be accomplished by a
subsequent applicant without destroying the resource.
No person, firm, or corporation may conduct such salvage or recovery operation
herein described without first obtaining such contract.
[1988 c 124 § 7.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.130 List of areas requiring permits.
The department shall publish
annually and update as necessary a list of those areas where permits are required to
protect historic archaeological sites on aquatic lands.
[1995 c 399 § 17; 1988 c 124 § 10.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.140 Rule-making authority.
The department shall have such rule-making authority as is necessary to carry out the
provisions of this chapter.
[1995 c 399 § 18; 1988 c 124 § 11.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.150 Proceeds from state's property -- Deposit and use.
Any proceeds from the state's share of property under this chapter shall be
transmitted to the state treasurer for deposit in the general fund to be used only for
the purposes of historic preservation and underwater archaeology.
[1988 c 124 § 12.]
Intent -- Application -- 1988 c 124:
See notes following RCW 27.53.030.
RCW 27.53.900 Severability -- 1975 1st ex.s. c 134.
If any provision of this
chapter, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
remainder of the chapter, or the application of the provision to other persons or
circumstances is not affected.
[1975 1st ex.s. c 134 § 10.]
RCW 27.53.901 Severability -- 1988 c 124.
If any provision of this act or its
application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or
Public Lands Act Chapter 79.01 RCW
the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.
[1988 c 124 § 14.]
Chapter 79.01 RCW
NOTE: The following sections are excerpts from the entire Act.
RCW 79.01.748 Trespasser guilty of larceny, when.
Every person who wilfully
commits any trespass upon any public lands of the state and cuts down, destroys or
injures any timber, or any tree standing or growing thereon, or takes, or removes, or
causes to be taken, or removed, therefrom any wood or timber lying thereon, or
maliciously injures or severs anything attached thereto, or the produce thereof, or
digs, quarries, mines, takes or removes therefrom any earth, soil, stone, mineral,
clay, sand, gravel, or any valuable materials, shall be guilty of larceny.
[1927 c 255 §
197; RRS § 7797-197. Prior: 1889-90 pp 124-125 §§ 1, 4. Formerly RCW 79.40.010.]
RCW 79.01.752 Lessee or contract holder guilty of misdemeanor, when.
person being in lawful possession of any public lands of the state, under and by
virtue of any lease or contract of purchase from the state, cuts down, destroys or
injures, or causes to be cut down, destroyed or injured, any timber standing or
growing thereon, or takes or removes, or causes to be taken or removed, therefrom,
any wood or timber lying thereon, or maliciously injures or severs anything attached
thereto, or the produce thereof, or digs, quarries, mines, takes or removes therefrom,
any earth, soil, clay, sand, gravel, stone, mineral or other valuable material, or causes
the same to be done, or otherwise injures, defaces or damages, or causes to be
injured, defaced or damaged, any such lands unless expressly authorized so to do by
the lease or contract under which he holds possession of such lands, or by the
provisions of law under and by virtue of which such lease or contract was issued,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
[1927 c 255 § 198; RRS § 7797-198. Prior: 1899 c 34 §§ 1
through 3. Formerly RCW 79.40.020.]