Multithreaded Programming Guide
Part No: E61057
November 2020
Multithreaded Programming Guide
Part No: E61057
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Référence: E61057
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Using This Documentation ................................................................................ 21
1 Covering Multithreading Basics ....................................................................  23
Multithreading Terms .....................................................................................  23
Oracle Solaris Multithreading Libraries and Standards .........................................  25
Benefits From Multithreading ..........................................................................  25
Improving Application Responsiveness .....................................................  26
Using Multiprocessors Efficiently ............................................................. 26
Improving Program Structure ..................................................................  26
Using Fewer System Resources ...............................................................  27
Combining Threads and RPC ..................................................................  27
Multithreading Concepts .................................................................................  27
Concurrency and Parallelism ...................................................................  27
Multithreading Structure .........................................................................  28
Thread Scheduling .................................................................................  29
Thread Cancellation ...............................................................................  30
Thread Synchronization ..........................................................................  30
Using the 64-bit Architecture ..........................................................................  31
2 Basic Threads Programming ........................................................................  33
Lifecycle of a Thread ..................................................................................... 33
Pthreads Library ............................................................................................  33
Creating a Default Thread .......................................................................  35
Waiting for Thread Termination ...............................................................  36
Showing a Simple Threads Program .........................................................  38
Detaching a Thread ...............................................................................  39
Creating a Key for Thread-Specific Data ...................................................  40
Deleting the Thread-Specific Data Key .....................................................  41
Setting Thread-Specific Data ...................................................................  42
Getting Thread-Specific Data ..................................................................  43
Showing Global and Private Thread-Specific Data ....................................... 44
Getting the Thread Identifier ...................................................................  46
Comparing Thread IDs ...........................................................................  47
Calling an Initialization Routine for a Thread .............................................  47
Yielding Thread Execution ...................................................................... 48
Setting the Thread Name ........................................................................  49
Getting the Thread Name ........................................................................ 49
Setting the Thread Name Attribute ...........................................................  50
Getting the Thread Name Attribute ........................................................... 51
Setting the Thread Policy and Scheduling Parameters ................................... 51
Getting the Thread Policy and Scheduling Parameters ..................................  52
Setting the Thread Priority ......................................................................  53
Sending a Signal to a Thread ..................................................................  54
Accessing the Signal Mask of the Calling Thread ........................................  55
Forking Safely ......................................................................................  56
Terminating a Thread .............................................................................  57
Finishing Up a Thread ...........................................................................  57
Cancel a Thread ....................................................................................  58
Cancelling a Thread ...............................................................................  60
Enabling or Disabling Cancellation ........................................................... 60
Setting Cancellation Type .......................................................................  61
Creating a Cancellation Point ..................................................................  62
Pushing a Handler Onto the Stack ............................................................  63
Pulling a Handler Off the Stack ...............................................................  63
3 Thread Attributes ..........................................................................................  65
Attribute Object ............................................................................................  65
Initializing Attributes .............................................................................  66
Destroying Attributes .............................................................................  68
Setting Detach State ............................................................................... 68
Getting the Detach State .........................................................................  70
Setting the Stack Guard Size ...................................................................  71
Getting the Stack Guard Size ..................................................................  72
Setting the Scope ..................................................................................  72
Getting the Scope ..................................................................................  74
8 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Setting the Thread Concurrency Level ......................................................  74
Getting the Thread Concurrency Level ......................................................  75
Setting the Scheduling Policy ..................................................................  75
Getting the Scheduling Policy .................................................................. 77
Setting the Inherited Scheduling Policy .....................................................  77
Getting the Inherited Scheduling Policy ..................................................... 78
Setting the Scheduling Parameters ............................................................  79
Getting the Scheduling Parameters ...........................................................  80
About Stacks ........................................................................................  82
Setting the Stack Size ............................................................................  83
Getting the Stack Size ............................................................................  84
Setting the Stack Address and Size ...........................................................  85
Getting the Stack Address and Size ..........................................................  86
4 Programming with Synchronization Objects .................................................  89
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes ....................................................................  90
Initializing a Mutex Attribute Object ........................................................  91
Destroying a Mutex Attribute Object ........................................................  92
Setting the Scope of a Mutex ..................................................................  93
Getting the Scope of a Mutex ..................................................................  94
Setting the Mutex Type Attribute .............................................................  95
Getting the Mutex Type Attribute ............................................................. 96
Setting the Mutex Attribute's Protocol .......................................................  97
Getting the Mutex Attribute's Protocol ......................................................  98
Setting the Mutex Attribute's Priority Ceiling .............................................  99
Getting the Mutex Attribute's Priority Ceiling ...........................................  100
Setting the Mutex's Priority Ceiling ........................................................  101
Getting the Mutex's Priority Ceiling ........................................................  102
Setting the Mutex's Robust Attribute .......................................................  103
Getting the Mutex's Robust Attribute ......................................................  104
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks ......................................................................  105
Initializing a Mutex .............................................................................. 105
Making a Mutex Consistent ...................................................................  107
Locking a Mutex .................................................................................  108
Unlocking a Mutex ..............................................................................  110
Locking a Mutex Without Blocking ........................................................  111
Locking a Mutex Before a Specified Absolute Time ................................... 112
Locking a Mutex Within a Specified Time Interval ....................................  113
Destroying a Mutex .............................................................................  114
Code Examples of Mutex Locking .......................................................... 115
Using Spin Locks ........................................................................................  120
Initializing a Spin Lock ........................................................................  120
Acquiring a Spin Lock .........................................................................  122
Acquiring a Non-Blocking Spin Lock ...................................................... 122
Unlocking a Spin Lock .........................................................................  123
Destroying a Spin Lock ........................................................................  124
Condition Variable Attributes .........................................................................  125
Initializing a Condition Variable Attribute ................................................  126
Removing a Condition Variable Attribute .................................................  127
Setting the Scope of a Condition Variable ................................................  128
Getting the Scope of a Condition Variable ................................................  129
Setting the Clock Selection Condition Variable .........................................  129
Getting the Clock Selection Condition Variable .........................................  130
Using Condition Variables .............................................................................  131
Initializing a Condition Variable .............................................................  132
Blocking on a Condition Variable ...........................................................  133
Unblocking One Thread ........................................................................ 135
Blocking Until a Specified Time ............................................................  136
Blocking For a Specified Interval ...........................................................  138
Unblocking All Threads ........................................................................ 139
Destroying the Condition Variable State ................................................... 141
Lost Wake-Up Problem ......................................................................... 141
Producer and Consumer Problem ............................................................  142
Synchronization With Semaphores ..................................................................  145
Named and Unnamed Semaphores ..........................................................  146
Counting Semaphores Overview .............................................................  147
Initializing a Semaphore .......................................................................  148
Incrementing a Semaphore ....................................................................  149
Blocking on a Semaphore Count ............................................................  150
Decrementing a Semaphore Count ..........................................................  151
Destroying the Semaphore State .............................................................  152
Producer and Consumer Problem Using Semaphores ..................................  153
Read-Write Lock Attributes ...........................................................................  154
Initializing a Read-Write Lock Attribute ..................................................  155
10 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Destroying a Read-Write Lock Attribute ..................................................  155
Setting a Read-Write Lock Attribute .......................................................  156
Getting a Read-Write Lock Attribute .......................................................  157
Using Read-Write Locks ...............................................................................  158
Initializing a Read-Write Lock ...............................................................  158
Acquiring the Read Lock on Read-Write Lock ..........................................  159
Acquiring a Read Lock on a Read-Write Lock Before a Specified Absolute
Time ..................................................................................................  160
Acquiring a Non-Blocking Read Lock on a Read-Write Lock ....................... 162
Acquiring the Write Lock on a Read-Write Lock .......................................  162
Acquiring a Non-blocking Write Lock on a Read-Write Lock ....................... 163
Acquiring a Write Lock on a Read-Write Lock Before a Specified Absolute
Time ..................................................................................................  164
Unlocking a Read-Write Lock ................................................................ 165
Destroying a Read-Write Lock ...............................................................  166
Using Barrier Synchronization .......................................................................  167
Initializing a Synchronization Barrier ......................................................  167
Waiting for Threads to Synchronize at a Barrier ........................................  168
Destroying a Synchronization Barrier ......................................................  169
Initializing a Barrier Attributes Object .....................................................  170
Setting a Barrier Process-Shared Attribute ................................................  171
Getting a Barrier Process-Shared Attribute ...............................................  171
Destroying a Barrier Attributes Object ..................................................... 172
Synchronization Across Process Boundaries .....................................................  173
Synchronizing in the Producer and Consumer Problem ...............................  173
Comparing Primitives ...................................................................................  174
5 Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software .........................................  177
Forking Issues in Process Creation .................................................................  177
Fork-One Model ..................................................................................  178
Fork-All Model ...................................................................................  181
Choosing the Appropriate fork() Call ....................................................  181
Process Creation: exec() and exit() Issues .....................................................  181
Timers, Alarms, and Profiling ........................................................................  182
Using Timers ......................................................................................  182
Using Alarms ......................................................................................  182
Profiling a Multithreaded Program ..........................................................  183
Nonlocal Goto: setjmp() and longjmp() ......................................................... 183
Resource Limits ..........................................................................................  183
LWPs and Scheduling Classes ........................................................................ 183
Timeshare Scheduling ........................................................................... 184
Realtime Scheduling ............................................................................. 185
Fair Share Scheduling ........................................................................... 185
Fixed Priority Scheduling ......................................................................  186
Extending Traditional Signals ........................................................................  186
Synchronous Signals ............................................................................  187
Asynchronous Signals ..........................................................................  188
Continuation Semantics ........................................................................  188
Operations on Signals ........................................................................... 189
Thread-Directed Signals ........................................................................  191
Completion Semantics ..........................................................................  192
Signal Handlers and Async-Signal Safety ................................................. 193
Interrupted Waits on Condition Variables .................................................  195
I/O Issues ...................................................................................................  195
I/O as a Remote Procedure Call .............................................................  195
Tamed Asynchrony ..............................................................................  196
Asynchronous I/O ................................................................................  196
Shared I/O and New I/O System Calls ..................................................... 198
Alternatives to getc() and putc() .......................................................... 198
New System Calls for Reliable Multithreaded Programming ........................  199
6 Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads .................................................  201
Comparing APIs for Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX Threads ..........................  201
Major API Differences .........................................................................  202
Function Comparison Table ...................................................................  202
Unique Oracle Solaris Threads Functions .........................................................  205
Suspending Thread Execution ................................................................  205
Continuing a Suspended Thread .............................................................  206
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks ........................................ 207
Initialize a Read-Write Lock ..................................................................  208
Acquiring a Read Lock ......................................................................... 209
Trying to Acquire a Read Lock ..............................................................  210
Acquiring a Write Lock ........................................................................  211
Trying to Acquire a Write Lock .............................................................  212
12 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Unlock a Read-Write Lock ....................................................................  212
Destroying the Read-Write Lock State .....................................................  213
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions ...................................................... 215
Creating a Thread ................................................................................  215
Getting the Minimal Stack Size ..............................................................  217
Acquiring the Thread Identifier ..............................................................  219
Yield Thread Execution ........................................................................  219
Send a Signal to a Thread .....................................................................  220
Access the Signal Mask of the Calling Thread ..........................................  220
Terminate a Thread ..............................................................................  221
Wait for Thread Termination .................................................................. 222
Creating a Thread-Specific Data Key ......................................................  223
Setting the Thread-Specific Data Value ....................................................  224
Getting the Thread-Specific Data Value ...................................................  225
Set the Thread Priority .........................................................................  226
Get the Thread Priority .........................................................................  227
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks ...............................  228
Initialize a Mutex ................................................................................  228
Destroy a Mutex .................................................................................. 230
Acquiring a Mutex ...............................................................................  231
Releasing a Mutex ...............................................................................  231
Trying to Acquire a Mutex ....................................................................  232
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables .....................................  233
Initialize a Condition Variable ................................................................  233
Destroying a Condition Variable .............................................................  234
Waiting for a Condition ........................................................................  235
Wait for an Absolute Time ....................................................................  236
Waiting for a Time Interval ...................................................................  237
Unblock One Thread ............................................................................  237
Unblock All Threads ............................................................................  238
Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores ................................................ 239
Initialize a Semaphore ..........................................................................  239
Increment a Semaphore ........................................................................  240
Block on a Semaphore Count ................................................................  241
Decrement a Semaphore Count ..............................................................  242
Destroy the Semaphore State .................................................................  242
Synchronizing Across Process Boundaries ........................................................ 243
Producer and Consumer Problem ............................................................  243
Special Issues for fork() and Oracle Solaris Threads .........................................  245
7 Safe and Unsafe Interfaces .........................................................................  247
Thread Safety .............................................................................................. 247
MT Interface Safety Levels ...........................................................................  248
Reentrant Functions for Unsafe Interfaces ................................................  250
Async-Signal-Safe Functions in Oracle Solaris Threads ......................................  250
MT Safety Levels for Libraries ......................................................................  251
Unsafe Libraries ..................................................................................  251
8 Compiling and Debugging ...........................................................................  253
Setting Up the Oracle Solaris Environment for Developing Multithreaded
Applications ................................................................................................ 253
Compiling a Multithreaded Application ...........................................................  253
Preparing for Compilation .....................................................................  254
Choosing Oracle Solaris or POSIX Threads .............................................. 254
Including thread.h or pthread.h ...........................................................  254
Debugging a Multithreaded Program ...............................................................  255
Common Oversights in Multithreaded Programs ........................................ 255
Built-in Error Checking ........................................................................  256
Tracing and Debugging With DTrace ......................................................  257
Profiling With Performance Analyzer ......................................................  257
Detecting Data Races and Deadlocks Using Thread Analyzer ....................... 257
Using dbx ...........................................................................................  258
Using truss ........................................................................................ 260
Using mdb ...........................................................................................  260
9 Programming Guidelines .............................................................................  263
Rethinking Global Variables ..........................................................................  263
Providing for Static Local Variables ................................................................  264
Synchronizing Threads .................................................................................  265
Single-Threaded Strategy ......................................................................  266
Reentrant Function ...............................................................................  266
Avoiding Deadlock ......................................................................................  268
Deadlocks Related to Scheduling ............................................................  269
14 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Locking Guidelines ..............................................................................  270
Finding Deadlocks ...............................................................................  270
Some Basic Guidelines for Threaded Code ....................................................... 270
Creating and Using Threads ..........................................................................  271
Working With Multiprocessors .......................................................................  271
Underlying Architecture ........................................................................  272
Examples of Threads Programs ......................................................................  277
Further Reading ................................................................................... 277
A Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation ....................................  279
What Is a Thread Pool? ................................................................................  279
About the Thread Pool .................................................................................  280
Thread Pool Functions ..........................................................................  280
Thread Pool Code Examples ..................................................................  281
What the Thread Pool Example Shows ............................................................  292
Index ................................................................................................................  293
16 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Default Attribute Values for tattr ........................................................  67
Default Attribute Values for mattr ......................................................  92
Comparing POSIX and Oracle Solaris fork() Handling ........................  177
Unique Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX pthreads Features ................ 202
Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX pthreads Comparison .....................  202
Multithreaded Cooperation Through Barrier Synchronization .................  276
18 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Showing a Simple Threads Program .................................................... 38
Showing Thread-Specific Data Is Global But Private ..............................  44
Turning Global References Into Private References ................................  45
Initializing Thread-Specific Data ........................................................  45
Creating a Detached Thread ..............................................................  69
Creating a Prioritized Thread .............................................................  81
Setting Stack Size ............................................................................  84
Mutex Lock Code Fragments ...........................................................  115
Showing Two Deadlock Scenarios ....................................................  116
Showing Instances of Conditional Locking .........................................  117
Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List Structure .......................... 118
Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List With Nested Locking .......... 118
Showing Effect of Circular-Linked List Structure on Locks .................... 119
showing Circular Linked List With Nested Locking .............................. 119
Using pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal() ...................  135
Using a Timed Condition Wait .........................................................  137
Showing Condition Variable Broadcast ..............................................  140
Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables .................... 142
Producer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables .... 143
Consumer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition
Variables ....................................................................................... 144
Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores .............................. 153
Producer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores .............. 153
Consumer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores ............  154
Synchronization Across Process Boundaries ........................................ 173
Showing Continuation Semantics ......................................................  188
Using sigwait With Asynchronous Signals ........................................  191
Showing Completion Semantics ........................................................ 192
Showing a Read-Write Bank Account ................................................  214
Producer and Consumer Problem Using USYNC_PROCESS ........................  244
Showing Degrees of Thread Safety ...................................................  248
Showing Global Variables With errno ................................................  264
gethostbyname() Problem ............................................................... 265
printf() Problem ..........................................................................  265
Testing the Invariant With assert() ..................................................  268
Producer and Consumer Problem: Shared Memory Multiprocessors .........  273
Showing Mutual Exclusion for Two Threads .......................................  275
Using thr_pool.h ..........................................................................  282
Using thr_pool.c ..........................................................................  283
20 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using This Documentation
Overview – Provides information about the POSIX and the Oracle Solaris thread APIs,
programming with synchronization objects, and compiling multithreaded programs. This
guide shows application programmers how to create new multithreaded programs and how
to add multithreading to existing programs.
Although this guide covers both the POSIX and Oracle Solaris threads interfaces, most
topics assume a POSIX threads interest. Information applying to only Oracle Solaris threads
is covered in Chapter 6, “Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads”. The two sets of
interfaces share a common implementation and are fully compatible with one another. Calls
to POSIX threads interfaces can be freely intermixed with calls to Oracle Solaris threads
POSIX threads information can be found in the Single UNIX Specification Version 3 at
Note - This Oracle Solaris release supports systems that use the SPARC and x86 families of
processor architectures: UltraSPARC, SPARC64, AMD64, Pentium, and Xeon EM64T. For
a list of supported systems see the Oracle Solaris OS: Hardware Compatibility Lists. This
document cites any implementation differences between the platform types.
In this document the term "x86" refers to 64-bit and 32-bit systems manufactured using
processors compatible with the AMD64 or Intel Xeon/Pentium product families. For
supported systems, see the Oracle Solaris 11 Hardware Compatibility List.
Audience – This guide is for application developers who want to create new multithreaded
programs or add multithreading to existing programs.
Required knowledge
Developers that use this book should be familiar with and be able to use the following
A UNIX SVR4 system – preferably the current Oracle Solaris release.
The C programming language – multithreading interfaces are provided by the standard
C library.
Using This Documentation 21
Product Documentation Library
The principles of concurrent or parallel programming (as opposed to sequential
Product Documentation Library
Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at http://www.
Provide feedback about this documentation at
22 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 1
Covering Multithreading Basics
The word multithreading can be translated as multiple threads of control or multiple
flows of control. While a traditional UNIX process contains a single thread of control,
multithreading (MT) separates a process into many execution threads. Each of these threads
runs independently.
This chapter explains some multithreading terms, benefits, and concepts. If you are ready to
start using multithreading, skip to Chapter 2, “Basic Threads Programming”.
If you need in-depth information about multithreaded programming, see the following sections
in the guide.
“Multithreading Terms” on page 23
“Oracle Solaris Multithreading Libraries and Standards” on page 25
“Benefits From Multithreading” on page 25
“Multithreading Concepts” on page 27
Multithreading Terms
The following list introduces some of the terms that are used in this book.
Attribute object
Contains opaque data types and related manipulation functions. These
data types and functions standardize some of the configurable aspects
of POSIX threads, mutual exclusion locks (mutexes), and condition
A condition that exists when at least two threads are making progress. A
more generalized form of parallelism that can include time-slicing as a
form of virtual parallelism.
Condition variables
Objects used to block threads until a change of state.
Chapter 1 • Covering Multithreading Basics 23
Multithreading Terms
A memory-based synchronization mechanism in which a non-negative
integer count is used to coordinate access by multiple threads to shared
Kernel threads, also called LWPs, that execute kernel code and system
calls. LWPs are managed by the system thread scheduler, and cannot
be directly controlled by the application programmer. Beginning with
Solaris 9, every user-level thread has a dedicated LWP. This is known as
a 1:1 thread model.
Allows access to two or more threads. Execution occurs in more than one
thread of control, using parallel or concurrent processing.
Mutual exclusion
Objects used to lock and unlock access to shared data. Such objects are
also known as mutexes.
Oracle Solaris
An Oracle Solaris threads interface that is not POSIX threads compliant.
A predecessor of pthreads.
A condition that arises when at least two threads are executing
POSIX pthreads
A threads interface that is POSIX threads compliant. See “Oracle Solaris
Multithreading Libraries and Standards” on page 25 for more
The UNIX environment, such as file descriptors, user ID, and so on,
created with the fork(2) system call, which is set up to run a program.
Read-write locks
Objects used to allow multiple read-only access to shared data, but
exclusive access for modification of that data.
Restricts access to a single thread. Execution is through sequential
processing, limited to one thread of control.
A sequence of instructions executed within the context of a process.
User-level or
Threads managed by threads routines in user space, as opposed to kernel
space. The POSIX pthreads are used to create and handle user threads. In
this guide, and in general, a thread is a user-level thread.
Note - Because this guide is for application programmers, kernel thread programming is not
24 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Oracle Solaris Multithreading Libraries and Standards
Oracle Solaris Multithreading Libraries and Standards
The concept of multithreaded programming goes back to at least the 1960s. Multithreaded
programming development on UNIX systems began in the middle 1980s. While agreement
existed about what multithreading is and the features necessary to support multithreading, the
interfaces used to implement multithreading have varied greatly in the past.
For several years, POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) 1003.4a worked on standards
for multithreaded programming. The standard was eventually ratified and is now part of The
Single UNIX Specification (SUS). The latest specification is available at The Open Group
website. Beginning with the Oracle Solaris 10 release, the Oracle Solaris OS conforms to The
Open Group's UNIX 03 Product Standard, or SUSv3.
Before the POSIX standard was ratified, the Oracle Solaris multithreading API was
implemented in the Oracle Solaris libthread library, which was developed by Oracle and later
became the basis for the UNIX International (UI) threads standard. The libthread library
was introduced in the Solaris 2.2 release in 1993. Support for the POSIX standard was added
with the libpthread API in the Solaris 2.5 release in 1995, and both APIs have been available
since. The libthread and libpthread libraries were merged into the standard libc C library
beginning in the Oracle Solaris 10 release.
The libthread and libpthread libraries are maintained to provide backward compatibility
for both runtime and compilation environments. The and libpthread.
so.1 shared objects are implemented as filters on See the libthread(3LIB) and
libpthread(3LIB) man pages for more information.
While both thread libraries are supported, the POSIX library should be used in most cases. The
threads(7) man page documents the differences and similarities between POSIX threads and
Oracle Solaris threads.
This guide is based on the latest revision of the POSIX standard IEEE Std 1003.1:2001 (also
known as ISO/IEC 9945:2003 and as The Single UNIX Specification, Version 3).
Subjects specific to Oracle Solaris threads are covered in the Chapter 6, “Programming With
Oracle Solaris Threads”.
Benefits From Multithreading
Multithreading your code can help in the following areas:
“Improving Application Responsiveness” on page 26
Chapter 1 • Covering Multithreading Basics 25
Benefits From Multithreading
“Using Multiprocessors Efficiently” on page 26
“Improving Program Structure” on page 26
“Using Fewer System Resources” on page 27
Improving Application Responsiveness
Any program in which many activities are not dependent upon each other can be redesigned so
that each independent activity is defined as a thread. For example, the user of a multithreaded
GUI does not have to wait for one activity to complete before starting another activity.
Using Multiprocessors Efficiently
Typically, applications that express concurrency requirements with threads need not take into
account the number of available processors. The performance of the application improves
transparently with additional processors because the operating system takes care of scheduling
threads for the number of processors that are available. When multicore processors and
multithreaded processors are available, a multithreaded application's performance scales
appropriately because the cores and threads are viewed by the OS as processors.
Numerical algorithms and numerical applications with a high degree of parallelism,
such as matrix multiplications, can run much faster when implemented with threads on a
Note - In this guide, whenever multiprocessors are discussed, the context applies also to
multicore and multithreaded processors unless noted otherwise.
Improving Program Structure
Many programs are more efficiently structured as multiple independent or semi-independent
units of execution instead of as a single, monolithic thread. For example, a non-threaded
program that performs many different tasks might need to devote much of its code just to
coordinating the tasks. When the tasks are programmed as threads, the code can be simplified.
Multithreaded programs, especially programs that provide service to multiple concurrent users,
can be more adaptive to variations in user demands than single-threaded programs.
26 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Multithreading Concepts
Using Fewer System Resources
Programs that use two or more processes that access common data through shared memory are
applying more than one thread of control.
However, each process has a full address space and operating environment state. Cost of
creating and maintaining this large amount of state information makes each process much more
expensive than a thread in both time and space.
In addition, the inherent separation between processes can require a major effort by the
programmer. This effort includes handling communication between the threads in different
processes, or synchronizing their actions. When the threads are in the same process,
communication and synchronization becomes much easier.
Combining Threads and RPC
By combining threads and a remote procedure call (RPC) package, you can exploit nonshared-
memory multiprocessors, such as a collection of workstations. This combination distributes
your application relatively easily and treats the collection of workstations as a multiprocessor.
For example, one thread might create additional threads. Each of these children could then place
a remote procedure call, invoking a procedure on another workstation. Although the original
thread has merely created threads that are now running in parallel, this parallelism involves
other computers.
Note - The Message Processing Interface (MPI) might be a more effective approach to achieve
multithreading in applications that run across distributed systems.
Multithreading Concepts
This section introduces basic concepts of multithreading.
Concurrency and Parallelism
In a multithreaded process on a single processor, the processor can switch execution resources
between threads, resulting in concurrent execution. Concurrency indicates that more than
Chapter 1 • Covering Multithreading Basics 27
Multithreading Concepts
one thread is making progress, but the threads are not actually running simultaneously. The
switching between threads happens quickly enough that the threads might appear to run
In the same multithreaded process in a shared-memory multiprocessor environment, each thread
in the process can run concurrently on a separate processor, resulting in parallel execution,
which is true simultaneous execution. When the number of threads in a process is less than
or equal to the number of processors available, the operating system's thread support system
ensures that each thread runs on a different processor. For example, in a matrix multiplication
that is programmed with four threads, and runs on a system that has two dual-core processors,
each software thread can run simultaneously on the four processor cores to compute a row of
the result at the same time.
Multithreading Structure
Traditional UNIX already supports the concept of threads. Each process contains a single
thread, so programming with multiple processes is programming with multiple threads. But, a
process is also an address space, and creating a process involves creating a new address space.
Creating a thread is less expensive than creating a new process because the newly created
thread uses the current process address space. The time that is required to switch between
threads is less than the time required to switch between processes. A switch between threads is
faster because no switching between address spaces occurs.
Communication between the threads of one process is simple because the threads share
everything, most importantly address space. So, data produced by one thread is immediately
available to all the other threads in the process.
However, this sharing of data leads to a different set of challenges for the programmer. Care
must be taken to synchronize threads to protect data from being modified by more than one
thread at once, or from being read by some threads while being modified by another thread at
the same time. See “Thread Synchronization” on page 30 for more information.
User-Level Threads
Threads are the primary programming interface in multithreaded programming. Threads are
visible only from within the process, where the threads share all process resources like address
space, open files, and so on.
28 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Multithreading Concepts
User-Level Threads State
The following state is unique to each thread.
Thread ID
Register state, including program counter (PC) and stack pointer
Signal mask
Thread-private storage
Threads share the process instructions and most of the process data. For that reason, a change in
shared data by one thread can be seen by the other threads in the process. When a thread needs
to interact with other threads in the same process, the thread can do so without involving the
operating environment.
Note - User-level threads are so named to distinguish them from kernel-level threads, which are
the concern of systems programmers only. Because this book is for application programmers,
kernel-level threads are not discussed.
Thread Scheduling
The POSIX standard specifies three scheduling policies: first-in-first-out (SCHED_FIFO), round-
robin (SCHED_RR), and custom (SCHED_OTHER). SCHED_FIFO is a queue-based scheduler with
different queues for each priority level. SCHED_RR is like FIFO except that each thread has an
execution time quota.
Both SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR are POSIX Realtime extensions. Threads executing with
these policies are in the Oracle Solaris Real-Time (RT) scheduling class, normally requiring
special privilege. SCHED_OTHER is the default scheduling policy. Threads executing with the
SCHED_OTHER policy are in the traditional Oracle Solaris Time-Sharing (TS) scheduling class.
Oracle Solaris provides other scheduling classes, namely the Interactive timesharing (IA) class,
the Fair-Share (FSS) class, and the Fixed-Priority (FX) class. Such specialized classes are not
discussed here. See the Oracle Solaris priocntl(2) manual page for more information.
See “LWPs and Scheduling Classes” on page 183 for information about the SCHED_OTHER
Chapter 1 • Covering Multithreading Basics 29
Multithreading Concepts
Two scheduling scopes are available: process scope (PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS) and system
scope (PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM). Threads with differing scope states can coexist on the
same system and even in the same process. Process scope causes such threads to contend for
resources only with other such threads in the same process. System scope causes such threads
to contend with all other threads in the system. In practice, beginning with the Solaris 9 release,
the system makes no distinction between these two scopes.
Thread Cancellation
A thread can request the termination of any other thread in the process. The target thread, the
one being cancelled, can keep cancellation requests pending as well as perform application-
specific cleanup when the thread acts upon the cancellation request.
The pthreads cancellation feature permits either asynchronous or deferred termination of a
thread. Asynchronous cancellation can occur at any time. Deferred cancellation can occur only
at defined points. Deferred cancellation is the default type.
Thread Synchronization
Synchronization enables you to control program flow and access to shared data for concurrently
executing threads.
The four synchronization models are mutex locks, read/write locks, condition variables, and
Mutex locks allow only one thread at a time to execute a specific section of code, or to
access specific data.
Read/write locks permit concurrent reads and exclusive writes to a protected shared
resource. To modify a resource, a thread must first acquire the exclusive write lock. An
exclusive write lock is not permitted until all read locks have been released.
Condition variables block threads until a particular condition is true.
Counting semaphores typically coordinate access to resources. The count is the limit on
how many threads can have concurrent access to the data protected by the semaphore.
When the count is reached, the semaphore causes the calling thread to block until the count
changes. A binary semaphore (with a count of one) is similar in operation to a mutex lock.
30 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using the 64-bit Architecture
Using the 64-bit Architecture
For application developers, the major difference between the Oracle Solaris 64-bit and 32-
bit environments is the C-language data type model used. The 64-bit data type uses the LP64
model where longs and pointers are 64 bits wide. All other fundamental data types remain the
same as the data types of the 32-bit implementation. The 32-bit data type uses the ILP32 model
where ints, longs, and pointers are 32 bits.
The following summary briefly describes the major features and considerations for using the
64-bit environment:
Large Virtual Address Space
In the 64-bit environment, a process can have up to 64 bits of virtual address space, or 18
exabytes. The larger virtual address space is 4 billion times the current 4 Gbyte maximum
of a 32-bit process. Because of hardware restrictions, however, some platforms might not
support the full 64 bits of address space.
A large address space increases the number of threads that can be created with the default
stack size. The default stack size is 1 megabyte on 32 bits, 2 megabytes on 64 bits. The
number of threads with the default stack size is approximately 2000 threads on a 32-bit
system and 8000 billion on a 64-bit system.
Kernel Memory Readers
The kernel is an LP64 object that uses 64-bit data structures internally. This means that
existing 32-bit applications that use libkvm, /dev/mem, or /dev/kmem do not work properly
and must be converted to 64-bit programs.
/proc Restrictions
A 32-bit program that uses /proc is able to look at 32-bit processes but is unable to
understand a 64-bit process. The existing interfaces and data structures that describe the
process are not large enough to contain the 64-bit quantities. Such programs must be
recompiled as 64-bit programs to work for both 32-bit processes and 64-bit processes.
64-bit Libraries
32-bit applications are required to link with 32-bit libraries and 64-bit applications are
required to link with 64-bit libraries. With the exception of those libraries that have become
obsolete, all of the system libraries are provided in both 32-bit versions and 64-bit versions.
64-bit Arithmetic
64-bit arithmetic has long been available in previous 32-bit Oracle Solaris releases. The 64-
bit implementation now provides full 64-bit machine registers for integer operations and
parameter passing.
Large Files
Chapter 1 • Covering Multithreading Basics 31
Using the 64-bit Architecture
If an application requires only large file support, the application can remain 32-bit and use
the Large Files interface. To take full advantage of 64-bit capabilities, the application must
be converted to 64-bit.
32 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 2
Basic Threads Programming
This chapter introduces the basic threads programming routines for POSIX threads. This
chapter describes default threads, or threads with default attribute values, which are the kind of
threads that are most often used in multithreaded programming. This chapter explains how to
create and use threads with nondefault attributes.
“Lifecycle of a Thread” on page 33
“Pthreads Library” on page 33
Lifecycle of a Thread
When a thread is created, a new thread of control is added to the current process. Every process
has at least one thread of control, in the program's main() routine. Each thread in the process
runs simultaneously, and has access to the calling process's global data. In addition each thread
has its own private attributes and call stack.
To create a new thread, a running thread calls the pthread_create() function, and passes a
pointer to a function for the new thread to run. One argument for the new thread's function
can also be passed, along with thread attributes. The execution of a thread begins with the
successful return from the pthread_create() function. The thread ends when the function that
was called with the thread completes normally.
A thread can also be terminated if the thread calls a pthread_exit() routine, or if any other
thread calls pthread_cancel() to explicitly terminate that thread. A thread can also be
terminated by the exit of the process that called the thread.
Pthreads Library
The Pthreads API library consists of more than 100 functions. See the pthreads(7) man page
for a full list of the functions, grouped by their usage categories.
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 33
Pthreads Library
This section contains brief descriptions of the functions used for basic threads programming,
organized according to the task they perform, and includes links to the man pages of the
associated API functions. The following list directs you to the discussion of a particular task.
“Creating a Default Thread” on page 35
“Waiting for Thread Termination” on page 36
“Showing a Simple Threads Program” on page 38
“Detaching a Thread” on page 39
“Creating a Key for Thread-Specific Data” on page 40
“Deleting the Thread-Specific Data Key” on page 41
“Setting Thread-Specific Data” on page 42
“Getting Thread-Specific Data” on page 43
“Showing Global and Private Thread-Specific Data” on page 44
“Getting the Thread Identifier” on page 46
“Comparing Thread IDs” on page 47
“Calling an Initialization Routine for a Thread” on page 47
“Yielding Thread Execution” on page 48
“Setting the Thread Name” on page 49
“Getting the Thread Name” on page 49
“Setting the Thread Name Attribute” on page 50
“Getting the Thread Name Attribute” on page 51
“Setting the Thread Policy and Scheduling Parameters” on page 51
“Getting the Thread Policy and Scheduling Parameters” on page 52
“Setting the Thread Priority” on page 53
“Sending a Signal to a Thread” on page 54
“Accessing the Signal Mask of the Calling Thread” on page 55
“Forking Safely” on page 56
“Terminating a Thread” on page 57
“Finishing Up a Thread” on page 57
“Cancel a Thread” on page 58
“Cancelling a Thread” on page 60
“Enabling or Disabling Cancellation” on page 60
“Setting Cancellation Type” on page 61
“Creating a Cancellation Point” on page 62
“Pushing a Handler Onto the Stack” on page 63
“Pulling a Handler Off the Stack” on page 63
34 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
Creating a Default Thread
When an attribute object is not specified, the object is NULL, and the default thread is created
with the following attributes:
Process scope
A default stack and stack size
A priority of zero
You can also create a default attribute object with pthread_attr_init(), and
then use this attribute object to create a default thread. See the section “Initializing
Attributes” on page 66 for details.
pthread_create() Syntax
Use pthread_create(3C) to add a new thread of control to the current process.
int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict tid, const pthread_attr_t
*restrict tattr, void*(*start_routine)(void *), void *restrict arg);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t() tattr;
pthread_t tid;
extern void *start_routine(void *arg);
void *arg;
int ret;
/* default behavior*/
ret = pthread_create(&tid, NULL, start_routine, arg);
/* initialized with default attributes */
ret = pthread_attr_init(&tattr);
/* default behavior specified*/
ret = pthread_create(&tid, &tattr, start_routine, arg);
The pthread_create() function is called with attr that has the necessary state behavior.
start_routine is the function with which the new thread begins execution. When start_routine
returns, the thread exits with the exit status set to the value returned by start_routine. See
pthread_create() Syntax” on page 35.
When pthread_create() is successful, the ID of the created thread is stored in the location
referred to as tid.
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 35
Pthreads Library
When you call pthread_create() with either a NULL attribute argument or a default attribute,
pthread_create() creates a default thread. When tattr is initialized, the thread acquires the
default behavior.
pthread_create() Return Values
pthread_create() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions are detected,
pthread_create() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: A system limit is exceeded, such as when too many threads have been created.
Description: The value of tattr is invalid.
Description: The caller does not have appropriate permission to set the required scheduling
parameters or scheduling policy.
Waiting for Thread Termination
The pthread_join() function blocks the calling thread until the specified thread terminates.
pthread_join() Syntax
Use pthread_join(3C) to wait for a thread to terminate.
int pthread_join(pthread_t tid, void **status);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
36 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
void *status;
/* waiting to join thread "tid" with status */
ret = pthread_join(tid, &status);
/* waiting to join thread "tid" without status */
ret = pthread_join(tid, NULL);
The specified thread must be in the current process and must not be detached. For information
about thread detachment, see “Setting Detach State” on page 68.
When status is not NULL, status points to a location that is set to the exit status of the terminated
thread when pthread_join() returns successfully.
If multiple threads wait for the same thread to terminate, all the threads wait until the target
thread terminates. Then one waiting thread returns successfully. The other waiting threads fail
with an error of ESRCH.
After pthread_join() returns, any data storage associated with the terminated thread can be
reclaimed by the application.
pthread_join() Return Values
pthread_join() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions are detected,
pthread_join() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: No thread could be found corresponding to the given thread ID.
Description: A deadlock would exist, such as a thread waits for itself or thread A waits for
thread B and thread B waits for thread A.
Description: The thread corresponding to the given thread ID is a detached thread.
pthread_join() works only for target threads that are nondetached. When no reason exists to
synchronize with the termination of a particular thread, then that thread should be detached.
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 37
Pthreads Library
Showing a Simple Threads Program
In Example 1, “Showing a Simple Threads Program,” on page 38, one thread executes the
procedure at the top, creating a helper thread that executes the procedure fetch(). The fetch()
procedure executes a complicated database lookup and might take some time.
The main thread awaits the results of the lookup but has other work to do in the meantime. So,
the main thread perform those other activities and then waits for its helper to complete its job by
executing pthread_join().
An argument, pbe, to the new thread is passed as a stack parameter. The thread argument can be
passed as a stack parameter because the main thread waits for the spun-off thread to terminate.
However, the preferred method is to use malloc() to allocate storage from the heap instead
of passing an address to thread stack storage. If the argument is passed as an address to thread
stack storage, this address might be invalid or be reassigned if the thread terminates.
Showing a Simple Threads Program
void mainline (...)
struct phonebookentry *pbe;
pthread_attr_t tattr;
pthread_t helper;
void *status;
pthread_create(&helper, NULL, fetch, &pbe);
/* do something else for a while */
pthread_join(helper, &status);
/* it's now safe to use result */
void *fetch(struct phonebookentry *arg)
struct phonebookentry *npbe;
/* fetch value from a database */
npbe = search (prog_name)
if (npbe != NULL)
*arg = *npbe;
struct phonebookentry {
38 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
char name[64];
char phonenumber[32];
char flags[16];
Detaching a Thread
pthread_detach(3C) is an alternative to pthread_join(3C) to reclaim storage for a thread that
is created with a detachstate attribute set to PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE.
pthread_detach() Syntax
int pthread_detach(pthread_t tid);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
/* detach thread tid */
ret = pthread_detach(tid);
The pthread_detach() function is used to indicate to your application that storage for the
thread tid can be reclaimed when the thread terminates. Threads should be detached when they
are no longer needed. If tid has not terminated, pthread_detach() does not cause the thread to
pthread_detach() Return Values
pthread_detach() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions is detected,
pthread_detach() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: tid is a detached thread.
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 39
Pthreads Library
Description: tid is not a valid, undetached thread in the current process.
Creating a Key for Thread-Specific Data
Single-threaded C programs have two basic classes of data: local data and global data. For
multithreaded C programs a third class, thread-specific data, is added. Thread-specific data is
very much like global data, except that the data is private to a thread.
Note - The Oracle Solaris OS supports an alternative facility that allows a thread to have
a private copy of a global variable. This mechanism is referred to as thread local storage
(TLS). The keyword __thread is used to declare variables to be thread-local, and the compiler
automatically arranges for these variables to be allocated on a per-thread basis. See Chapter
16, “Thread-Local Storage” in Oracle Solaris 11.4 Linkers and Libraries Guide for more
Thread-specific data (TSD) is maintained on a per-thread basis. TSD is the only way to define
and refer to data that is private to a thread. Each thread-specific data item is associated with a
key that is global to all threads in the process. By using the key, a thread can access a pointer (
void *) maintained per-thread.
pthread_key_create() Syntax
int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *key,
void (*destructor) (void *));
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_key_t key;
int ret;
/* key create without destructor */
ret = pthread_key_create(&key, NULL);
/* key create with destructor */
ret = pthread_key_create(&key, destructor);
Use pthread_key_create(3C) to allocate a key that is used to identify thread-specific data in a
process. The key is global to all threads in the process. When the thread-specific data is created,
all threads initially have the value NULL associated with the key.
Call pthread_key_create() once for each key before using the key. No implicit
synchronization exists for the keys shared by all threads in a process.
40 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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Once a key has been created, each thread can bind a value to the key. The values are specific
to the threads and are maintained for each thread independently. The per-thread binding is
deallocated when a thread terminates if the key was created with a destructor function.
When pthread_key_create() returns successfully, the allocated key is stored in the location
pointed to by key. The caller must ensure that the storage and access to this key are properly
An optional destructor function, destructor, can be used to free stale storage. If a key has a
non-NULL destructor function and the thread has a non-NULL value associated with that key, the
destructor function is called with the current associated value when the thread exits. The order
in which the destructor functions are called is unspecified.
pthread_key_create() Return Values
pthread_key_create() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occur,
pthread_key_create() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The key name space is exhausted.
Description: Insufficient virtual memory is available in this process to create a new key.
Deleting the Thread-Specific Data Key
Use pthread_key_delete(3C) to destroy an existing thread-specific data key. Any memory
associated with the key can be freed because the key has been invalidated. Reference to an
invalid key returns an error.
pthread_key_delete() Syntax
int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key);
#include <pthread.h>
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 41
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pthread_key_t key;
int ret;
/* key previously created */
ret = pthread_key_delete(key);
If a key has been deleted, any reference to the key with the pthread_setspecific() or
pthread_getspecific() call yields undefined results.
The programmer must free any thread-specific resources before calling the
pthread_key_delete() function. This function does not invoke any of the destructors.
Repeated calls to pthread_key_create() and pthread_key_delete() can cause a problem.
The problem occurs because, in the Oracle Solaris implementation, a key value is never
reused after pthread_key_delete() marks it as invalid. Every pthread_key_create()
allocates a new key value and allocates more internal memory to hold the key information. An
infinite loop of pthread_key_create() ... pthread_key_delete() will eventually exhaust all
memory. If possible, call pthread_key_create() only once for each desired key and never call
pthread_key_delete() Return Values
pthread_key_delete() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, pthread_key_delete()
fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The key value is invalid.
Setting Thread-Specific Data
Use pthread_setspecific(3C) to set the thread-specific binding to the specified thread-
specific data key.
pthread_setspecific() Syntax
int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *value);
42 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_key_t key;
void *value;
int ret;
/* key previously created */
ret = pthread_setspecific(key, value);
pthread_setspecific() Return Values
pthread_setspecific() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occur,
pthread_setspecific() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: Insufficient virtual memory is available.
Description: key is invalid.
Note - pthread_setspecific() does not free its storage when a new binding is set. The
existing binding must be freed, otherwise a memory leak can occur.
Getting Thread-Specific Data
Use pthread_getspecific(3C) to get the calling thread's binding for key, and store the binding
in the location pointed to by value.
pthread_getspecific() Syntax
void *pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_key_t key;
void *value;
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 43
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/* key previously created */
value = pthread_getspecific(key);
pthread_getspecific() Return Values
pthread_getspecific() returns no errors.
Showing Global and Private Thread-Specific Data
Example 2, “Showing Thread-Specific Data Is Global But Private,” on page 44 shows an
excerpt from a multithreaded program. This code is execcuted by any number of threads, but
the code has references to two global variables, errno and mywindow. These global values
really should be references to items private to each thread.
Showing Thread-Specific Data Is Global But Private
body() {
while (write(fd, buffer, size) == -1) {
if (errno != EINTR) {
fprintf(mywindow, "%s\n", strerror(errno));
References to errno should get the system error code from the routine called by this thread,
not by some other thread. Including the header file errno.h causes a reference to errno to be a
reference to a thread-private instance of errno, so that references to errno by one thread refer
to a different storage location than references to errno by other threads.
The mywindow variable refers to a stdio stream that is connected to a window that is private
to the referring thread. So, as with errno, references to mywindow by one thread should refer
to a different storage location than references to mywindow by other threads. Ultimately, the
reference is to a different window. The only difference here is that the system takes care of
errno, but the programmer must handle references for mywindow.
44 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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The next example shows how the references to mywindow work. The preprocessor converts
references to mywindow into invocations of the _mywindow() procedure.
This routine in turn invokes pthread_getspecific(). pthread_getspecific() receives the
mywindow_key global variable and win an output parameter that receives the identity of this
thread's window.
Turning Global References Into Private References
thread_key_t mywin_key;
FILE *_mywindow(void) {
FILE *win;
win = pthread_getspecific(mywin_key);
#define mywindow _mywindow()
void routine_uses_win( FILE *win) {
void thread_start(...) {
routine_uses_win( mywindow )
The mywin_key variable identifies a class of variables for which each thread has its own private
copy. These variables are thread-specific data. Each thread calls make_mywin() to initialize its
window and to arrange for its instance of mywindow to refer to the thread-specific data.
Once this routine is called, the thread can safely refer to mywindow and, after _mywindow(),
the thread gets the reference to its private window. References to mywindow behave as if direct
references were made to data private to the thread.
Initializing Thread-Specific Data
This programs shows how to set up the reference to thread-specific data.
void make_mywindow(void) {
FILE **win;
static pthread_once_t mykeycreated = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
pthread_once(&mykeycreated, mykeycreate);
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 45
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win = malloc(sizeof(*win));
create_window(win, ...);
pthread_setspecific(mywindow_key, win);
void mykeycreate(void) {
pthread_key_create(&mywindow_key, free_key);
void free_key(void *win) {
First, get a unique value for the key, mywin_key. This key is used to identify the thread-specific
class of data. The first thread to call make_mywin() eventually calls pthread_key_create(),
which assigns to its first argument a unique key. The second argument is a destructor function
that is used to deallocate a thread's instance of this thread-specific data item once the thread
The next step is to allocate the storage for the caller's instance of this thread-specific
data item. Having allocated the storage, calling create_window() sets up a window for
the thread. win points to the storage allocated for the window. Finally, a call is made to
pthread_setspecific(), which associates win with the key.
Subsequently, whenever the thread calls pthread_getspecific() to pass the global key,
the thread gets the value that is associated with this key by this thread in an earlier call to
When a thread terminates, calls are made to the destructor functions that were set up in
pthread_key_create(). Each destructor function is called only if the terminating thread
established a value for the key by calling pthread_setspecific().
Getting the Thread Identifier
Use pthread_self(3C) to get the thread identifier of the calling thread.
pthread_self() Syntax
pthread_t pthread_self(void);
46 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid;
tid = pthread_self();
pthread_self() Return Values
pthread_self() returns the thread identifier of the calling thread.
Comparing Thread IDs
Use pthread_equal(3C) to compare the thread identification numbers of two threads.
pthread_equal() Syntax
int pthread_equal(pthread_t tid1, pthread_t tid2);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid1, tid2;
int ret;
ret = pthread_equal(tid1, tid2);
pthread_equal() Return Values
pthread_equal() returns a nonzero value when tid1 and tid2 are equal, otherwise, 0 is
returned. When either tid1 or tid2 is an invalid thread identification number, the result is
Calling an Initialization Routine for a Thread
Use pthread_once(3C) in a threaded process to call an initialization routine the first time
pthread_once is called. Subsequent calls to pthread_once() from any thread in the process
have no effect.
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 47
Pthreads Library
pthread_once() Syntax
int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once_control, void (*init_routine)(void));
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_once_t once_control = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
int ret;
ret = pthread_once(&once_control,
The once_control parameter determines whether the associated initialization routine has been
pthread_once() Return Values
pthread_once() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, pthread_once() fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: once_control or init_routine is NULL.
Yielding Thread Execution
Use sched_yield() to cause the current thread to yield its execution in favor of another
thread with the same or greater priority. If no such threads are ready to run, the calling thread
continues to run. The sched_yield() function is not part of the Pthread API, but is a function
in the Realtime Library Functions. You must include <sched.h> to use sched_yield().
sched_yield() Syntax
int sched_yield(void);
#include <sched.h>
int ret;
ret = sched_yield();
48 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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sched_yield() Return Values
sched_yield() returns zero after completing successfully. Otherwise, -1 is returned and errno
is set to indicate the error condition.
Setting the Thread Name
Use pthread_setname_np(3C) to associate a name to a thread.
pthread_setname_np() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_setname_np(pthread_t t, const char *name);
The pthread_setname_np() function associates a name with a thread t. The thread name is a
string of length 31 bytes or less.
pthread_setname_np() Return Values
pthread_setname_np() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error has occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function
fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The specified thread does not exist.
Getting the Thread Name
Use pthread_getname_np(3C) to get the name associated with the thread.
pthread_getname_np() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 49
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int pthread_getname_np(pthread_t t, char *buf, size_t len);
The pthread_getname_np() function returns the name of the specified thread t in buf.
pthread_getname_np() Return Values
pthread_getname_np() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error has occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function
fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The buf after the call pthread_getname_np() is NULL.
Setting the Thread Name Attribute
Use pthread_attr_setname_np(3C) to set the thread name attribute in the attr object.
pthread_attr_setname_np() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_attr_setname_np(pthread_attr_t *attr, const char *name);
The default value of thread name attribute is NULL. The maximum length of the thread name
attribute is 31 bytes. If the length of the thread name is greater than 31 bytes, the excess
characters are ignored.
pthread_attr_setname_np() Return Values
pthread_attr_setname_np() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other
return value indicates that an error has occurred. When the following condition occurs, the
function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The attr value is NULL.
50 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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Getting the Thread Name Attribute
Use pthread_attr_getname_np(3C) to get the thread name attribute in attr object.
pthread_attr_getname_np() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_attr_attr_getname_np(pthread_attr_t *attr, char *buf, size_t len);
pthread_attr_getname_np() Return Values
pthread_attr_getname_np() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other
return value indicates that an error has occurred. When the following condition occurs, the
function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The attr value is NULL.
Setting the Thread Policy and Scheduling
Use pthread_setschedparam(3C) to modify the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters
of an individual thread.
pthread_setschedparam() Syntax
int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t tid, int policy,
const struct sched_param *param);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
struct sched_param param;
int priority;
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 51
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/* sched_priority will be the priority of the thread */
sched_param.sched_priority = priority;
policy = SCHED_OTHER;
/* scheduling parameters of target thread */
ret = pthread_setschedparam(tid,
policy, &param);
Supported policies are SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR, and SCHED_OTHER.
pthread_setschedparam() Return Values
pthread_setschedparam() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, the
pthread_setschedparam() function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of the attribute being set is not valid.
Description: The caller does not have the appropriate permission to set either the scheduling
parameters or the scheduling policy of the specified thread.
Description: The value specified by tid does not refer to an existing thread.
Getting the Thread Policy and Scheduling
pthread_getschedparam(3C) gets the scheduling policy and scheduling parameters of an
individual thread.
pthread_getschedparam() Syntax
int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t tid, int *restrict policy,
52 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
struct sched_param *restrict param);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid;
sched_param param;
int priority;
int policy;
int ret;
/* scheduling parameters of target thread */
ret = pthread_getschedparam (tid, &policy, &param);
/* sched_priority contains the priority of the thread */
priority = param.sched_priority;
pthread_getschedparam() Return Values
pthread_getschedparam() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by tid does not refer to an existing thread.
Setting the Thread Priority
pthread_setschedprio(3C) sets the scheduling priority for the specified thread.
pthread_setschedprio() Syntax
int pthread_setschedprio(pthread_t tid, int prio);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t tid;
int prio;
int ret;
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 53
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pthread_setschedprio() Return Values
pthread_setschedprio() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of prio is invalid for the scheduling policy of the specified thread.
Description: An attempt was made to set the priority to an unsupported value.
Description: The caller does not have the appropriate permission to set the scheduling priority
of the specified thread.
Description: The value specified by tid does not refer to an existing thread.
Sending a Signal to a Thread
Use pthread_kill(3C) to send a signal to a thread.
pthread_kill() Syntax
int pthread_kill(pthread_t tid, int sig);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
int sig;
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
54 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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ret = pthread_kill(tid,
pthread_kill() sends the signal sig to the thread specified by tid. tid must be a thread within
the same process as the calling thread. Thesig argument must be from the list that is given in
When sig is zero, error checking is performed but no signal is actually sent. This error checking
can be used to check the validity of tid.
pthread_kill() Return Values
pthread_kill() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, pthread_kill() fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: sig is not a valid signal number.
Description: tid cannot be found in the current process.
Accessing the Signal Mask of the Calling Thread
Use pthread_sigmask(3C) to change or examine the signal mask of the calling thread.
pthread_sigmask() Syntax
int pthread_sigmask(int how, const sigset_t *new, sigset_t *old);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
int ret;
sigset_t old, new;
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 55
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ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &new, &old); /* set new mask */
ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new, &old); /* blocking mask */
ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &new, &old); /* unblocking */
how determines how the signal set is changed. how can have one of the following values:
SIG_BLOCK. Add new to the current signal mask, where new indicates the set of signals to
SIG_UNBLOCK. Delete new from the current signal mask, where new indicates the set of
signals to unblock.
SIG_SETMASK . Replace the current signal mask with new, where new indicates the new
signal mask.
When the value of new is NULL, the value of how is not significant. The signal mask of the
thread is unchanged. To inquire about currently blocked signals, assign a NULL value to the new
The old variable points to the space where the previous signal mask is stored, unless old is
pthread_sigmask() Return Values
pthread_sigmask() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, pthread_sigmask() fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of how is not defined and old is NULL.
Forking Safely
See the discussion about pthread_atfork(3C) in “Solution: pthread_atfork” on page 180.
pthread_atfork() Syntax
int pthread_atfork(void (*prepare) (void), void (*parent) (void),
void (*child) (void) );
56 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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pthread_atfork() Return Values
pthread_atfork() returns zero when the call completes successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, pthread_atfork() fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: Insufficient table space exists to record the fork handler addresses.
Terminating a Thread
Use pthread_exit(3C) to terminate a thread.
pthread_exit() Syntax
void pthread_exit(void *status);
#include <pthread.h>
void *status;
pthread_exit(status); /* exit with status */
The pthread_exit() function terminates the calling thread. All thread-specific data bindings
are released. If the calling thread is not detached, then the thread's ID and the exit status
specified by status are retained until your application calls pthread_join() to wait for the
thread. Otherwise, status is ignored. The thread's ID can be reclaimed immediately. For
information about thread detachment, see “Setting Detach State” on page 68.
pthread_exit() Return Values
The calling thread terminates with its exit status set to the contents of status.
Finishing Up a Thread
A thread can terminate its execution in the following ways:
By returning from its first (outermost) procedure, the threads start routine. See
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 57
Pthreads Library
By calling pthread_exit(), supplying an exit status.
By termination with POSIX cancel functions. See pthread_cancel() .
The default behavior of a thread is to linger until some other thread has acknowledged
its demise by "joining" with the lingering thread. This behavior is the same as the default
pthread_create() attribute that is nondetached, see pthread_detach. The result of the join is
that the joining thread picks up the exit status of the terminated thread and the terminated thread
An important special case arises when the initial thread, calling main(), returns from calling
main() or calls exit(). This action causes the entire process to be terminated, along with all its
threads. So, take care to ensure that the initial thread does not return from main() prematurely.
Note that when the main thread merely calls pthread_exit, the main thread terminates itself
only. The other threads in the process, as well as the process, continue to exist. The process
terminates when all threads terminate.
Cancel a Thread
Cancellation allows a thread to request the termination of any other thread in the process.
Cancellation is an option when all further operations of a related set of threads are undesirable
or unnecessary.
One example of thread cancellation is an asynchronously generated cancel condition, such
as, when a user requesting to close or exit a running application. Another example is the
completion of a task undertaken by a number of threads. One of the threads might ultimately
complete the task while the others continue to operate. Since the running threads serve no
purpose at that point, these threads should be cancelled.
Cancellation Points
Be careful to cancel a thread only when cancellation is safe. The pthreads standard specifies
several cancellation points, including:
Programmatically, establish a thread cancellation point through a pthread_testcancel()
Threads waiting for the occurrence of a particular condition in pthread_cond_wait() or
Threads blocked on sigwait().
58 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
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Some standard library calls. In general, these calls include functions in which threads can
block. See the cancellation(7) man page for a list.
Cancellation is enabled by default. At times, you might want an application to disable
cancellation. Disabled cancellation has the result of deferring all cancellation requests until
cancellation requests are enabled again.
See pthread_setcancelstate() Syntax” on page 61 for information about disabling
Placing Cancellation Points
Dangers exist in performing cancellations. Most deal with properly restoring invariants and
freeing shared resources. A thread that is cancelled without care might leave a mutex in a
locked state, leading to a deadlock. Or a cancelled thread might leave a region of allocated
memory with no way to identify the memory and therefore unable to free the memory.
The standard C library specifies a cancellation interface that permits or forbids cancellation
programmatically. The library defines cancellation points that are the set of points at which
cancellation can occur. The library also allows the scope of cancellation handlers to be defined
so that the handlers are sure to operate when and where intended. The cancellation handlers
provide clean up services to restore resources and state to a condition that is consistent with the
point of origin.
Placement of cancellation points and the effects of cancellation handlers must be based on an
understanding of the application. A mutex is explicitly not a cancellation point and should be
held only for the minimal essential time.
Limit regions of asynchronous cancellation to sequences with no external dependencies
that could result in dangling resources or unresolved state conditions. Take care to restore
cancellation state when returning from some alternate, nested cancellation state. The interface
provides features to facilitate restoration: pthread_setcancelstate(3C) preserves the current
cancel state in a referenced variable, pthread_setcanceltype(3C) preserves the current cancel
type in the same way.
Cancellations can occur under three different circumstances:
At various points in the execution sequence as defined by the standard
At a call to pthread_testcancel()
By default, cancellation can occur only at well-defined points as defined by the POSIX
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 59
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In all cases, take care that resources and state are restored to a condition consistent with the
point of origin.
Cancelling a Thread
Use pthread_cancel(3C) to cancel a thread.
pthread_cancel() Syntax
int pthread_cancel(pthread_t thread);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t thread;
int ret;
ret = pthread_cancel(thread);
How the cancellation request is treated depends on the state of the target thread. Two functions,
pthread_setcancelstate(3C) and pthread_setcanceltype(3C), determine that state.
pthread_cancel() Return Values
pthread_cancel() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: No thread could be found corresponding to that specified by the given thread ID.
Enabling or Disabling Cancellation
Use pthread_setcancelstate(3C) to enable or disable thread cancellation. When a thread is
created, thread cancellation is enabled by default.
60 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
pthread_setcancelstate() Syntax
int pthread_setcancelstate(int state, int *oldstate);
#include <pthread.h>
int oldstate;
int ret;
/* enabled */
ret = pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, &oldstate);
/* disabled */
ret = pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE, &oldstate);
pthread_setcancelstate() Return Values
pthread_setcancelstate() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other
return value indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the
pthread_setcancelstate() function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Setting Cancellation Type
Use pthread_setcanceltype(3C) to set the cancellation type to either deferred or
asynchronous mode.
pthread_testcancel() Syntax
int pthread_setcanceltype(int type, int *oldtype);
#include <pthread.h>
int oldtype;
int ret;
/* deferred mode */
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 61
Pthreads Library
ret = pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &oldtype);
/* async mode*/
ret = pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &oldtype);
When a thread is created, the cancellation type is set to deferred mode by default. In deferred
mode, the thread can be cancelled only at cancellation points. In asynchronous mode, a
thread can be cancelled at any point during its execution. The use of asynchronous mode is
pthread_setcanceltype() Return Values
pthread_setcanceltype() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Creating a Cancellation Point
Use pthread_testcancel(3C) to establish a cancellation point for a thread.
pthread_testcancel() Syntax
void pthread_testcancel(void);
#include <pthread.h>
The pthread_testcancel() function is effective when thread cancellation is enabled and in
deferred mode. pthread_testcancel() has no effect if called while cancellation is disabled.
Be careful to insert pthread_testcancel() only in sequences where thread cancellation
is safe. In addition to programmatically establishing cancellation points through the
pthread_testcancel() call, the pthreads standard specifies several cancellation points. See
“Cancellation Points” on page 58 for more details.
62 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Pthreads Library
pthread_testcancel() Return Values
pthread_testcancel() has no return value.
Pushing a Handler Onto the Stack
Use cleanup handlers to restore conditions to a state that is consistent with that state at the point
of origin. This consistent state includes cleaning up allocated resources and restoring invariants.
Use the pthread_cleanup_push() and pthread_cleanup_pop() functions to manage the
Cleanup handlers are pushed and popped in the same lexical scope of a program. The push and
pop should always match. Otherwise, compiler errors are generated.
pthread_cleanup_push() Syntax
Use pthread_cleanup_push(3C) to push a cleanup handler onto a cleanup stack (LIFO).
void pthread_cleanup_push(void(*routine)(void *), void *args);
#include <pthread.h>
/* push the handler "routine" on cleanup stack */
pthread_cleanup_push (routine, arg);
pthread_cleanup_push() Return Values
pthread_cleanup_push() has no return value.
Pulling a Handler Off the Stack
Use pthread_cleanup_pop(3C) to pull the cleanup handler off the cleanup stack.
pthread_cleanup_pop() Syntax
void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);
Chapter 2 • Basic Threads Programming 63
Pthreads Library
#include <pthread.h>
/* pop the "func" out of cleanup stack and execute "func" */
pthread_cleanup_pop (1);
/* pop the "func" and DONT execute "func" */
pthread_cleanup_pop (0);
A nonzero argument in the pop function removes the handler from the stack and executes the
handler. An argument of zero pops the handler without executing the handler.
pthread_cleanup_pop() is effectively called with a nonzero argument when a thread either
explicitly or implicitly calls pthread_exit() or when the thread accepts a cancel request.
pthread_cleanup_pop() Return Values
pthread_cleanup_pop() has no return values.
64 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 3
Thread Attributes
The previous chapter covered the basics of threads creation using default attributes. This
chapter discusses setting attributes at thread creation time.
Attribute Object
Attributes provide a way to specify behavior that is different from the default thread creation
behavior. When a thread is created with pthread_create() or when a synchronization variable
is initialized, an attribute object can be specified. The defaults are usually sufficient.
An attribute object is opaque, and cannot be directly modified by assignments. A set of
functions is provided to initialize, configure, and destroy each object type.
Once an attribute is initialized and configured, the attribute has process-wide scope. The
suggested method for using attributes is to configure all required state specifications at one time
in the early stages of program execution. The appropriate attribute object can then be referred to
as needed.
The use of attribute objects provides two primary advantages.
Using attribute objects adds to code portability.
Even though supported attributes might vary between implementations, you need not
modify function calls that create thread entities. These function calls do not require
modification because the attribute object is hidden from the interface.
If the target port supports attributes that are not found in the current port, provision must be
made to manage the new attributes. Management of these attributes is an easy porting task
because attribute objects need only be initialized once in a well-defined location.
State specification in an application is simplified.
As an example, consider that several sets of threads might exist within a process. Each set of
threads provides a separate service. Each set has its own state requirements.
At some point in the early stages of the application, a thread attribute object can be
initialized for each set. All future thread creations will then refer to the attribute object that
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 65
Attribute Object
is initialized for that type of thread. The initialization phase is simple and localized. Any
future modifications can be made quickly and reliably.
Attribute objects require attention at process exit time. When the object is initialized, memory
is allocated for the object. This memory must be returned to the system. The pthreads standard
provides function calls to destroy attribute objects.
Pthreads functions can be used to manipulate thread attribute objects. The functions are
described in the following sections.
“Initializing Attributes” on page 66
“Destroying Attributes” on page 68
“Setting Detach State” on page 68
“Getting the Detach State” on page 70
“Setting the Stack Guard Size” on page 71
“Getting the Stack Guard Size” on page 72
“Setting the Scope” on page 72
“Getting the Scope” on page 74
“Setting the Thread Concurrency Level” on page 74
“Getting the Thread Concurrency Level” on page 75
“Setting the Scheduling Policy” on page 75
“Getting the Scheduling Policy” on page 77
“Setting the Inherited Scheduling Policy” on page 77
“Getting the Inherited Scheduling Policy” on page 78
“Setting the Scheduling Parameters” on page 79
“Getting the Scheduling Parameters” on page 80
“About Stacks” on page 82
“Setting the Stack Size” on page 83
“Getting the Stack Size” on page 84
“Setting the Stack Address and Size” on page 85
“Getting the Stack Address and Size” on page 86
Initializing Attributes
Use pthread_attr_init(3C) to initialize object attributes to their default values. The storage is
allocated by the thread system during execution.
66 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_init() Syntax
int pthread_attr_init(pthread_attr_t *tattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int ret;
/* initialize an attribute to the default value */
ret = pthread_attr_init(&tattr);
Table 1, “Default Attribute Values for tattr,” on page 67 shows the default values for
attributes (tattr).
Default Attribute Values for tattr
Attribute Value Result
New thread contends with other threads in the process.
Completion status and thread ID are preserved after the thread
New thread has system-allocated stack address.
stacksize 0 New thread has system-defined stack size.
priority 0 New thread has priority 0.
New thread does not inherit parent thread scheduling priority.
New thread uses the traditional Oracle Solaris time-sharing (TS)
scheduling class.
Stack overflow protection.
Note - The default value for the inheritsched attribute might change from
PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED to PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED in a later release. To avoid any potential
problems caused by this change, call pthread_attr_setinheritsched() to set the inheritsched
attribute to the appropriate value.
pthread_attr_init() Return Values
pthread_attr_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 67
Attribute Object
Description: Returned when not enough memory is allocated to initialize the thread attributes
Destroying Attributes
Use pthread_attr_destroy(3C) to remove the storage that was allocated during initialization.
The attribute object becomes invalid.
pthread_attr_destroy() Syntax
int pthread_attr_destroy(pthread_attr_t *tattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int ret;
/* destroy an attribute */
ret = pthread_attr_destroy(&tattr);
pthread_attr_destroy() Return Values
pthread_attr_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: Indicates that the value of tattr was not valid.
Setting Detach State
When a thread is created detached (PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED), its thread ID and other
resources can be reused as soon as the thread exits. Use pthread_attr_setdetachstate(3C)
when the calling thread does not want to wait for the thread to exit.
68 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_setdetachstate() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setdetachstate(pthread_attr_t *tattr,int detachstate);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int ret;
/* set the thread detach state */
ret = pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
When a thread is created nondetached with PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE, the assumption is
that your application will wait for the thread to complete. That is, the program will execute a
pthread_join() on the thread.
Whether a thread is created detached or nondetached, the process does not exit until all threads
have exited. See “Finishing Up a Thread” on page 57 for a discussion of process termination
caused by premature exit from main().
Note - When no explicit synchronization prevents a newly created, detached thread from
exiting, its thread ID can be reassigned to another new thread before its creator returns from
Nondetached threads must have a thread join with the nondetached thread after the nondetached
thread terminates. Otherwise, the resources of that thread are not released for use by new
threads that commonly results in a memory leak. So, when you do not want a thread to be
joined, create the thread as a detached thread.
Creating a Detached Thread
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
pthread_t tid;
void *start_routine;
void arg
int ret;
/* initialized with default attributes */
ret = pthread_attr_init (&tattr);
ret = pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&tattr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
ret = pthread_create (&tid, &tattr, start_routine, arg);
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 69
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_setdetachstate() Return Values
pthread_attr_setdetachstate() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: Indicates that the value of detachstate or tattr was not valid.
Getting the Detach State
Use pthread_attr_getdetachstate(3C) to retrieve the thread create state, which can be either
detached or joined.
pthread_attr_getdetachstate() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getdetachstate(const pthread_attr_t *tattr, int *detachstate;
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int detachstate;
int ret;
/* get detachstate of thread */
ret = pthread_attr_getdetachstate (&tattr, &detachstate);
pthread_attr_getdetachstate() Return Values
pthread_attr_getdetachstate() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: Indicates that the value of detachstate is NULL or tattr is invalid.
70 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
Setting the Stack Guard Size
pthread_attr_setguardsize(3C) sets the guardsize of the attr object.
pthread_attr_setguardsize() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_attr_setguardsize(pthread_attr_t *attr, size_t guardsize);
The guardsize attribute is provided to the application for two reasons:
Overflow protection can potentially result in wasted system resources. When your
application creates a large number of threads, and you know that the threads will never
overflow their stack, you can turn off guard areas. By turning off guard areas, you can
conserve system resources.
When threads allocate large data structures on stack, a large guard area might be needed to
detect stack overflow.
The guardsize argument provides protection against overflow of the stack pointer. If a thread's
stack is created with guard protection, the implementation allocates extra memory at the
overflow end of the stack. This extra memory acts as a buffer against stack overflow of the
stack pointer. If an application overflows into this buffer an error results, possibly in a SIGSEGV
signal being delivered to the thread.
If guardsize is zero, a guard area is not provided for threads that are created with attr. If
guardsize is greater than zero, a guard area of at least size guardsize bytes is provided for each
thread created with attr. By default, a thread has an implementation-defined, nonzero guard
A conforming implementation is permitted to round up the value contained in guardsize
to a multiple of the configurable system variable PAGESIZE. See PAGESIZE in sys/mman.h.
If an implementation rounds up the value of guardsize to a multiple of PAGESIZE, a call to
pthread_attr_getguardsize() that specifies attr stores, in guardsize, the guard size specified
in the previous call to pthread_attr_setguardsize().
pthread_attr_setguardsize() Return Values
pthread_attr_setguardsize() fails if:
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 71
Attribute Object
Description: The argument attr is invalid, the argument guardsize is invalid, or the argument
guardsize contains an invalid value.
Getting the Stack Guard Size
pthread_attr_getguardsize(3C) gets the guardsize of the attr object.
pthread_attr_getguardsize() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_attr_getguardsize(const pthread_attr_t *restrict attr,
size_t *restrict guardsize);
A conforming implementation is permitted to round up the value contained in guardsize
to a multiple of the configurable system variable PAGESIZE . See PAGESIZE in sys/mman.h.
If an implementation rounds up the value of guardsize to a multiple of PAGESIZE, a call to
pthread_attr_getguardsize() that specifies attr stores, in guardsize, the guard size specified
in the previous call to pthread_attr_setguardsize().
pthread_attr_getguardsize() Return Values
pthread_attr_getguardsize() fails if:
Description: The argument attr is invalid, the argument guardsize is invalid, or the argument
guardsize contains an invalid value.
Setting the Scope
Use pthread_attr_setscope(3C) to establish the contention scope of a thread, either
contends with all threads in the system. With PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS, this thread contends
with other threads in the process.
72 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
Note - Both thread types are accessible only within a given process.
pthread_attr_setscope() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setscope(pthread_attr_t *tattr,int scope);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int ret;
/* bound thread */
ret = pthread_attr_setscope(&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
/* unbound thread */
ret = pthread_attr_setscope(&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS);
This example uses three function calls: a call to initialize the attributes, a call to set any
variations from the default attributes, and a call to create the pthreads.
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_t tid;
void *start_routine(void *);
void *arg;
int ret;
/* initialized with default attributes */
ret = pthread_attr_init (&tattr);
ret = pthread_attr_setscope(&tattr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM);
ret = pthread_create (&tid, &tattr, start_routine, arg);
pthread_attr_setscope() Return Values
pthread_attr_setscope() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following conditions occur, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: An attempt was made to set tattr to a value that is not valid.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 73
Attribute Object
Getting the Scope
Use pthread_attr_getscope(3C) to retrieve the thread scope.
pthread_attr_getscope() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getscope(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr, int *restrict scope);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int scope;
int ret;
/* get scope of thread */
ret = pthread_attr_getscope(&tattr, &scope);
pthread_attr_getscope() Return Values
pthread_attr_getscope() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: The value of scope is NULL or tattr is invalid.
Setting the Thread Concurrency Level
pthread_setconcurrency(3C) is provided for standards compliance.
pthread_setconcurrency() is used by an application to inform the system of the application's
desired concurrency level.
pthread_setconcurrency() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_setconcurrency(int new_level);
74 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
pthread_setconcurrency() Return Values
pthread_setconcurrency() fails if the following conditions occur:
Description: The value specified by new_level is negative.
Description: The value specified by new_level would cause a system resource to be exceeded.
Getting the Thread Concurrency Level
pthread_getconcurrency(3C) returns the value set by a previous call to
pthread_getconcurrency() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_getconcurrency(void);
If the pthread_setconcurrency() function was not previously called,
pthread_getconcurrency() returns zero.
pthread_getconcurrency() Return Values
pthread_getconcurrency() always returns the concurrency level set by a previous call
to pthread_setconcurrency(). If pthread_setconcurrency() has never been called,
pthread_getconcurrency() returns zero.
Setting the Scheduling Policy
Use pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(3C) to set the scheduling policy. The POSIX standard
specifies the scheduling policy values of SCHED_FIFO (first-in-first-out), SCHED_RR (round-
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 75
Attribute Object
robin), or SCHED_OTHER (an implementation-defined method). In the Oracle Solaris OS,
SCHED_OTHER threads run in the traditional time-sharing (TS) scheduling class.
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *tattr, int policy);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int policy;
int ret;
/* set the scheduling policy to SCHED_OTHER */
ret = pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&tattr, SCHED_OTHER);
A First-In-First-Out thread runs in the real-time (RT) scheduling class and require the
calling process to be privileged. Such a thread, if not preempted by a higher priority thread,
executes until it yields or blocks.
Round-Robin threads whose contention scope is system (PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM) are in
real-time (RT) scheduling class if the calling process has an effective user id of 0. These
threads, if not preempted by a higher priority thread, and if the threads do not yield or block,
will execute for the system-determined time period. Use SCHED_RR for threads that have a
contention scope of process (PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS) is based on the TS scheduling class.
Additionally, the calling process for these threads does not have an effective user id of 0.
A Round-Robin thread runs in the real-time (RT) scheduling class and requires the calling
process to be privileged. If a round robin thread is not preempted by a higher priority thread,
and does not yield or block, it will execute for a system-determined time period. The thread
is then forced to yield to another real time thread of equal priority.
SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR are optional in the POSIX standard, and are supported for real-time
threads only.
For a discussion of scheduling, see the section “Thread Scheduling” on page 29.
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() Return Values
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, the
function fails and returns the corresponding value.
76 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
Description: An attempt was made to set tattr to a value that is not valid.
Description: An attempt was made to set the attribute to an unsupported value.
Getting the Scheduling Policy
Use pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(3C) to retrieve the scheduling policy.
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr,
int *restrict policy);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int policy;
int ret;
/* get scheduling policy of thread */
ret = pthread_attr_getschedpolicy (&tattr, &policy);
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() Return Values
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The parameter policy is NULL or tattr is invalid.
Setting the Inherited Scheduling Policy
Use pthread_attr_setinheritsched(3C) to set the inherited scheduling policy.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 77
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_setinheritsched() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *tattr, int inheritsched);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int inheritsched;
int ret;
/* use creating thread's scheduling policy and priority*/
ret = pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&tattr, PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED);
An inheritsched value of PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED means that the scheduling policy
and priority of the creating thread are to be used for the created thread. The scheduling
policy and priority in the attribute structure are to be ignored. An inheritsched value of
PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED means that the scheduling policy and priority from the attribute
structure are to be used for the created thread. The caller must have sufficient privilege for
pthread_create() to succeed in this case.
pthread_attr_setinheritsched() Return Values
pthread_attr_setinheritsched() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, the
function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: An attempt was made to set tattr to a value that is not valid.
Getting the Inherited Scheduling Policy
pthread_attr_getinheritsched(3C) returns the inheritsched attribute contained in the
attribute structure.
pthread_attr_getinheritsched() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getinheritsched(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr
int *restrict inheritsched);
78 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int inheritsched;
int ret;
ret = pthread_attr_getinheritsched (&tattr, &inheritsched);
pthread_attr_getinheritsched() Return Values
pthread_attr_getinheritsched() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The parameter inherit is NULL or tattr is invalid.
Setting the Scheduling Parameters
pthread_attr_setschedparam(3C) sets the scheduling parameters.
pthread_attr_setschedparam() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setschedparam(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr,
const struct sched_param *restrict param);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
int ret;
int newprio;
sched_param param;
newprio = 30;
/* set the priority; others are unchanged */
param.sched_priority = newprio;
/* set the new scheduling param */
ret = pthread_attr_setschedparam (&tattr, &param);
Scheduling parameters are defined in the param structure. Only the priority parameter is
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 79
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_setschedparam() Return Values
pthread_attr_setschedparam() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following conditions occur, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of param is NULL or tattr is invalid.
You can manage pthreads priority in either of two ways:
You can set the priority attribute before creating a child thread
You can change the priority of the parent thread and then change the priority back
Getting the Scheduling Parameters
pthread_attr_getschedparam(3C) returns the scheduling parameters defined by
pthread_attr_getschedparam() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getschedparam(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr,
const struct sched_param *restrict param);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t attr;
struct sched_param param;
int ret;
/* get the existing scheduling param */
ret = pthread_attr_getschedparam (&tattr, &param);
Creating a Thread With a Specified Priority
You can set the priority attribute before creating the thread. The child thread is created with the
new priority that is specified in the sched_param structure. This structure also contains other
scheduling information.
80 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
Creating a Prioritized Thread
This example shows how to create a child thread with a priority that is different from its parent's
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sched.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
int newprio = 20;
sched_param param;
/* initialized with default attributes */
ret = pthread_attr_init (&tattr);
/* safe to get existing scheduling param */
ret = pthread_attr_getschedparam (&tattr, &param);
/* set the priority; others are unchanged */
param.sched_priority = newprio;
/* setting the new scheduling param */
ret = pthread_attr_setschedparam (&tattr, &param);
/* specify explicit scheduling */
ret = pthread_attr_setinheritsched (&tattr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
/* with new priority specified */
ret = pthread_create (&tid, &tattr, func, arg);
pthread_attr_getschedparam() Return Values
pthread_attr_getschedparam() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of param is NULL or tattr is invalid.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 81
Attribute Object
About Stacks
Typically, thread stacks begin on page boundaries. Any specified size is rounded up to the next
page boundary. A page with no access permission is appended to the overflow end of the stack.
Most stack overflows result in sending a SIGSEGV signal to the offending thread. Thread stacks
allocated by the caller are used without modification.
When a stack is specified, the thread should also be created with PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE.
That stack cannot be freed until the pthread_join() call for that thread has returned. The
thread's stack cannot be freed until the thread has terminated. The only reliable way to know if
such a thread has terminated is through pthread_join.
Allocating Stack Space for Threads
Generally, you do not need to allocate stack space for threads. The system allocates 1 megabyte
(for 32 bit systems) or 2 megabytes (for 64 bit systems) of virtual memory for each thread's
stack with no swap space reserved. The system uses the MAP_NORESERVE option of mmap() to
make the allocations.
Each thread stack created by the system has a red zone. The system creates the red zone by
appending a page to the overflow end of a stack to catch stack overflows. This page is invalid
and causes a memory fault if accessed. Red zones are appended to all automatically allocated
stacks whether the size is specified by the application or the default size is used.
Note - Runtime stack requirements vary for library calls and dynamic linking. You should be
absolutely certain that the specified stack satisfies the runtime requirements for library calls and
dynamic linking.
Very few occasions exist when specifying a stack, its size, or both, is appropriate. Even an
expert has a difficult time knowing whether the right size was specified. Even a program that
is compliant with ABI standards cannot determine its stack size statically. The stack size is
dependent on the needs of the particular runtime environment in execution.
Building Your Own Stack
When you specify the thread stack size, you must account for the allocations needed by the
invoked function and by each subsequent function called. The accounting should include calling
sequence needs, local variables, and information structures.
82 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
Occasionally, you want a stack that differs a bit from the default stack. An obvious situation
is when the thread needs more than the default stack size. A less obvious situation is when the
default stack is too large. You might be creating thousands of threads with insufficient virtual
memory to handle the gigabytes of stack space required by thousands of default stacks.
The limits on the maximum size of a stack are often obvious, but what about the limits on its
minimum size? Sufficient stack space must exist to handle all stack frames that are pushed onto
the stack, along with their local variables, and so on.
To get the absolute minimum limit on stack size, call the macro PTHREAD_STACK_MIN. The
PTHREAD_STACK_MIN macro returns the amount of required stack space for a thread that executes
a NULL procedure. Useful threads need more than the minimum stack size, so be very careful
when reducing the stack size.
Setting the Stack Size
pthread_attr_setstacksize(3C) sets the thread stack size.
pthread_attr_setstacksize() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setstacksize(pthread_attr_t *tattr, size_t size);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
size_t size;
int ret;
size = (PTHREAD_STACK_MIN + 0x4000);
/* setting a new size */
ret = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&tattr, size);
The size attribute defines the size of the stack (in bytes) that the system allocates.
The size should not be less than the system-defined minimum stack size. See “About
Stacks” on page 82 for more information.
size contains the number of bytes for the stack that the new thread uses. If size is zero, a default
size is used. In most cases, a zero value works best.
PTHREAD_STACK_MIN is the amount of stack space that is required to start a thread. This stack
space does not take into consideration the threads routine requirements that are needed to
execute application code.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 83
Attribute Object
Setting Stack Size
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
size_t size = PTHREAD_STACK_MIN + 0x4000;
/* initialized with default attributes */
ret = pthread_attr_init(&tattr);
/* setting the size of the stack also */
ret = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&tattr, size);
/* only size specified in tattr*/
ret = pthread_create(&tid, &tattr, start_routine, arg);
pthread_attr_setstacksize() Return Values
pthread_attr_setstacksize() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of size is less than PTHREAD_STACK_MIN, or exceeds a system-imposed
limit, or tattr is not valid.
Getting the Stack Size
pthread_attr_getstacksize(3C) returns the stack size set by
pthread_attr_getstacksize() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getstacksize(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr, size_t *restrict size);
#include <pthread.h>
84 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_t tattr;
size_t size;
int ret;
/* getting the stack size */
ret = pthread_attr_getstacksize(&tattr, &size);
pthread_attr_getstacksize() Return Values
pthread_attr_getstacksize() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: tattr or size is not valid.
Setting the Stack Address and Size
pthread_attr_setstack(3C) sets the thread stack address and size.
pthread_attr_setstack() Syntax
int pthread_attr_setstack(pthread_attr_t *tattr,void *stackaddr, size_t stacksize);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <limits.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
void *base;
size_t size;
int ret;
base = (void *) malloc(PTHREAD_STACK_MIN + 0x4000);
/* setting a new address and size */
ret = pthread_attr_setstack(&tattr, base,PTHREAD_STACK_MIN + 0x4000);
The stackaddr attribute defines the base (low address) of the thread's stack. The stacksize
attribute specifies the size of the stack. If stackaddr is set to non-null, rather than the NULL
default, the system initializes the stack at that address, assuming the size to be stacksize.
base contains the address for the stack that the new thread uses. If base is NULL, then
pthread_create allocates a stack for the new thread with at least stacksize bytes.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 85
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_setstack() Return Values
pthread_attr_setstack() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: The value of base or tattr is incorrect. The value of stacksize is less than
The following example shows how to create a thread with a custom stack address and size.
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_attr_t tattr;
pthread_t tid;
int ret;
void *stackbase;
size_t size;
/* initialized with default attributes */
ret = pthread_attr_init(&tattr);
/* setting the base address and size of the stack */
ret = pthread_attr_setstack(&tattr, stackbase,size);
/* address and size specified */
ret = pthread_create(&tid, &tattr, func, arg);
Getting the Stack Address and Size
pthread_attr_getstack(3C) returns the thread stack address and size set by
pthread_attr_getstack() Syntax
int pthread_attr_getstack(pthread_attr_t *restrict tattr,
void **restrict stackaddr, size_t *restrict stacksize);
#include <pthread.h>
86 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Attribute Object
pthread_attr_t tattr;
void *base;
size_t size;
int ret;
/* getting a stack address and size */
ret = pthread_attr_getstack (&tattr
, &base, &size);
pthread_attr_getstack() Return Values
pthread_attr_getstack() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: The value of tattr is incorrect.
Chapter 3 • Thread Attributes 87
88 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 4
Programming with Synchronization Objects
This chapter describes the synchronization types that are available with threads. The chapter
also discusses when and how to use synchronization.
“Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes” on page 90
“Using Mutual Exclusion Locks” on page 105
“Using Spin Locks” on page 120
“Condition Variable Attributes” on page 125
“Using Condition Variables” on page 131
“Synchronization With Semaphores” on page 145
“Read-Write Lock Attributes” on page 154
“Using Read-Write Locks” on page 158
“Using Barrier Synchronization” on page 167
“Synchronization Across Process Boundaries” on page 173
“Comparing Primitives” on page 174
Synchronization objects are variables in memory that you access just like data. Threads in
different processes can communicate with each other through synchronization objects that are
placed in threads-controlled shared memory. The threads can communicate with each other
even though the threads in different processes are generally invisible to each other.
Synchronization objects can also be placed in files. The synchronization objects can have
lifetimes beyond the life of the creating process.
The available types of synchronization objects are:
Mutex locks
Condition variables
Read-Write locks
Situations that can benefit from the use of synchronization include the following:
Synchronization is the only way to ensure consistency of shared data.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 89
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Threads in two or more processes can use a single synchronization object jointly.
Because reinitializing a synchronization object sets the object to the unlocked state, the
synchronization object should be initialized by only one of the cooperating processes.
Synchronization can ensure the safety of mutable data.
A process can map a file and direct a thread in this process get a record's lock. Once the
lock is acquired, any thread in any process mapping the file attempting to acquire the lock is
blocked until the lock is released.
Accessing a single primitive variable, such as an integer, can use more than one memory
cycle for a single memory load. More than one memory cycle is used where the integer
is not aligned to the bus data width or is larger than the data width. While integer
misalignment cannot happen on the SPARC architecture, portable programs cannot rely on
the proper alignment.
Note - On 32-bit architectures, a long long is not atomic. (An atomic operation cannot be
divided into smaller operations.) A long long is read and written as two 32-bit quantities. The
types int, char, float, and pointers are atomic on SPARC architecture machines and Intel
Architecture machines.
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Use mutual exclusion locks (mutexes) to serialize thread execution. Mutual exclusion locks
synchronize threads, usually by ensuring that only one thread at a time executes a critical
section of code. Mutex locks can also preserve single-threaded code.
To change the default mutex attributes, you can declare and initialize an attribute object. Often,
the mutex attributes are set in one place at the beginning of the application so the attributes
can be located quickly and modified easily. The following list points to the functions that
manipulate mutex attributes:
Initialize a mutex attribute object – pthread_mutexattr_init() Syntax” on page 91
Destroy a mutex attribute object – pthread_mutexattr_destroy()
Syntax” on page 92
Set the scope of a mutex – pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() Syntax” on page 93
Get the scope of a mutex – pthread_mutexattr_getpshared() Syntax” on page 94
Set the mutex type attribute pthread_mutexattr_settype() Syntax” on page 95
Get the mutex type attribute – pthread_mutexattr_gettype() Syntax” on page 96
Set mutex attribute's protocol – pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol()
Syntax” on page 97
90 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Get mutex attribute's protocol – pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol()
Syntax” on page 98
Set mutex attribute's priority ceiling – pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling()
Syntax” on page 99
Get mutex attribute's priority ceiling – pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling()
Syntax” on page 100
Set mutex's priority ceiling – pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() Syntax” on page 101
Get mutex's priority ceiling – pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() Syntax” on page 102
Set mutex's robust attribute – pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() Syntax” on page 103
Get mutex's robust attribute – pthread_mutexattr_init() Syntax” on page 104
Initializing a Mutex Attribute Object
Use pthread_mutexattr_init(3C) to initialize attributes that are associated with the mutex
object to their default values. Storage for each attribute object is allocated by the threads system
during execution.
pthread_mutexattr_init() Syntax
int pthread_mutexattr_init(pthread_mutexattr_t *mattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
int ret;
/* initialize an attribute to default value */
ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mattr);
mattr is an opaque type that contains a system-allocated attribute object. See Table 2, “Default
Attribute Values for mattr,” on page 92 for information about the attributes in the mattr
Before a mutex attribute object can be reinitialized, the object must first be destroyed by a
call to pthread_mutexattr_destroy(). The pthread_mutexattr_init() call results in the
allocation of an opaque object. If the object is not destroyed, a memory leak results.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 91
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Default Attribute Values for mattr
Attribute Value Result
The initialized mutex can be used within a process. Only those
threads created by the same process can operate on the mutex.
The Oracle Solaris Pthreads implementation maps
not detect deadlock.
Thread priority and scheduling are not affected by the priority of
the mutex owned by the thread.
prioceiling - The prioceiling value is drawn from the existing priority
range for the SCHED_FIFO policy, as returned by the
sched_get_priority_min() and sched_get_priority_max()
functions. This priority range is determined by the Oracle Solaris
version on which the mutex is created.
When the owner of a mutex dies, all future calls to
pthread_mutex_lock() for this mutex will be blocked from
pthread_mutexattr_init() Return Values
pthread_mutexattr_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: Insufficient memory exists to initialize the mutex attribute object.
Destroying a Mutex Attribute Object
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(3C) deallocates the storage space used to maintain the attribute
object created by pthread_mutexattr_init().
pthread_mutexattr_destroy() Syntax
int pthread_mutexattr_destroy(pthread_mutexattr_t *mattr)
#include <pthread.h>
92 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
int ret;
/* destroy an attribute */
ret = pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mattr);
pthread_mutexattr_destroy() Return Values
pthread_mutexattr_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by mattr is invalid.
Setting the Scope of a Mutex
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(3C) sets the scope of the mutex variable.
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() Syntax
int pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict mattr,
int *restrict pshared);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutexattr_init(&mattr);
/* * resetting to its default value: private */
ret = pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
The scope of a mutex variable can be either process private (intraprocess) or system wide
(interprocess). To share the mutex among threads from more than one process, create the mutex
in shared memory with the pshared attribute set to PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED.
If the mutex pshared attribute is set to PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE, only those threads created
by the same process can operate on the mutex.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 93
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() Return Values
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by mattr is invalid.
Getting the Scope of a Mutex
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(3C) returns the scope of the mutex variable defined by
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared() Syntax
int pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict mattr,
int *restrict pshared);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
int pshared, ret;
/* get pshared of mutex */
ret = pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(&mattr, &pshared);
Get the current value of pshared for the attribute object mattr. The value is either
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared Return Values
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by mattr is invalid.
94 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Setting the Mutex Type Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_settype(3C) sets the mutex type attribute.
pthread_mutexattr_settype() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_settype(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int type);
The default value of the type attribute is PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT.
The type argument specifies the type of mutex. The following list describes the valid mutex
Description: This type of mutex does not detect deadlock. A thread attempting to relock this
mutex without first unlocking the mutex deadlocks. Attempting to unlock a mutex locked
by a different thread results in undefined behavior. Attempting to unlock an unlocked mutex
results in undefined behavior.
Description: This type of mutex provides error checking. A thread attempting to relock this
mutex without first unlocking the mutex returns an error. A thread attempting to unlock
a mutex that another thread has locked returns an error. A thread attempting to unlock an
unlocked mutex returns an error.
Description: A thread attempting to relock this mutex without first unlocking the mutex
succeeds in locking the mutex. The relocking deadlock that can occur with mutexes of type
PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL cannot occur with this type of mutex. Multiple locks of this mutex
require the same number of unlocks to release the mutex before another thread can acquire
the mutex. A thread attempting to unlock a mutex that another thread has locked returns an
error. A thread attempting to unlock an unlocked mutex returns an error.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 95
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Description: An implementation is allowed to map this attribute to one of the other mutex
types. The Oracle Solaris implementation maps this attribute to PTHREAD_PROCESS_NORMAL.
pthread_mutexattr_settype() Return Values
If successful, the pthread_mutexattr_settype() function returns zero. Otherwise, an error
number is returned to indicate the error.
Description: The value type or attr is invalid.
Getting the Mutex Type Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_gettype(3C) gets the mutex type attribute set by
pthread_mutexattr_gettype() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_gettype(pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict attr,
int *restrict type);
The default value of the type attribute is PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT.
The type argument specifies the type of mutex. Valid mutex types include:
For a description of each type, see pthread_mutexattr_settype() Syntax” on page 95.
pthread_mutexattr_gettype() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_gettype() returns 0. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred.
96 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Description: The value specified by type is invalid.
Setting the Mutex Attribute's Protocol
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(3C) sets the protocol attribute of a mutex attribute object.
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr,
int protocol);
attr points to a mutex attribute object created by an earlier call to pthread_mutexattr_init().
protocol defines the protocol that is applied to the mutex attribute object.
The value of protocol that is defined in pthread.h can be one of the following values:
A thread's priority and scheduling are not affected by the mutex ownership.
This protocol value affects an owning thread's priority and scheduling. When higher-priority
threads block on one or more mutexes owned by thrd1 where those mutexes are initialized
with PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT, thrd1 runs with the higher of its priority or the highest
priority of any thread waiting on any of the mutexes owned by thrd1.
If thrd1 blocks on a mutex owned by another thread, thrd3, the same priority inheritance
effect recursively propagates to thrd3.
Use PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT to avoid priority inversion. Priority inversion occurs when a
low-priority thread holds a lock that a higher-priority thread requires. The higher-priority
thread cannot continue until the lower-priority thread releases the lock.
Without priority inheritance, the lower priority thread might not be scheduled to run for
a long time, causing the higher priority thread to block equally long. Priority inheritance
temporarily raises the priority of the lower priority thread so it will be scheduled to run
quickly and release the lock, allowing the higher priority thread to acquire it. The lower-
priority thread reverts to its lower priority when it releases the lock.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 97
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
This protocol value affects the priority and scheduling of a thread, such as thrd2, when the
thread owns one or more mutexes that are initialized with PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT. thrd2
runs with the higher of its priority or the highest-priority ceiling of all mutexes owned by
thrd2. Higher-priority threads blocked on any of the mutexes, owned by thrd2, have no
effect on the scheduling of thrd2.
The PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT and PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT mutex attributes are usable only by
privileged processes running in the realtime (RT) scheduling class SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR.
A thread can simultaneously own several mutexes initialized with a mix of
PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT and PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT. In this case, the thread executes at the
highest priority obtained by either of these protocols.
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() returns 0. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
If either of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() might fail and
return the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by attr or protocol is not valid.
Description: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
Getting the Mutex Attribute's Protocol
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(3C) gets the protocol attribute of a mutex attribute object.
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(const pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict attr,
int *restrict protocol);
98 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
attr points to a mutex attribute object created by an earlier call to pthread_mutexattr_init().
protocol contains one of the following protocol attributes: PTHREAD_PRIO_NONE,
PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT, or PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT which are defined by the header <pthread.
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol() returns 0. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
If either of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol() might fail and
return the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by attr is NULL, or the value specified by attr or protocol is
Description: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
Setting the Mutex Attribute's Priority Ceiling
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(3C) sets the priority ceiling attribute of a mutex attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(pthread_mutexatt_t *attr, int prioceiling);
attr points to a mutex attribute object created by an earlier call to pthread_mutexattr_init().
prioceiling specifies the priority ceiling of initialized mutexes. The ceiling defines the minimum
priority level at which the critical section guarded by the mutex is executed. prioceiling falls
within the maximum range of priorities defined by SCHED_FIFO. To avoid priority inversion, set
prioceiling to a priority higher than or equal to the highest priority of all threads that might lock
the particular mutex.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 99
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling() returns 0. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
If either of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling() might fail
and return the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by attr is NULL or invalid or prioceiling is invalid.
Description: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
Getting the Mutex Attribute's Priority Ceiling
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(3C) gets the priority ceiling attribute of a mutex attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(const pthread_mutexatt_t *restrict attr,
int *restrict prioceiling);
attr designates the attribute object created by an earlier call to pthread_mutexattr_init().
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling() returns the priority ceiling of initialized mutexes in
prioceiling. The ceiling defines the minimum priority level at which the critical section guarded
by the mutex is executed. prioceiling falls within the maximum range of priorities defined by
SCHED_FIFO. To avoid priority inversion, set prioceiling to a priority higher than or equal to the
highest priority of all threads that might lock the particular mutex.
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling() returns 0. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
100 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
If either of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling() might fail
and return the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by attr is NULL.
Description: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
Setting the Mutex's Priority Ceiling
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(3C) sets the priority ceiling of a mutex.
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutex_setprioceiling(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,
int prioceiling, int *restrict old_ceiling);
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() changes the priority ceiling, prioceiling, of a mutex,
mutex. pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() locks a mutex if unlocked, or blocks until
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() successfully locks the mutex, changes the priority ceiling
of the mutex and releases the mutex. The process of locking the mutex need not adhere to the
priority protect protocol.
If pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() succeeds, the previous value of the priority ceiling is
returned in old_ceiling. If pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() fails, the mutex priority ceiling
remains unchanged.
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() returns 0. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
If any of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() might fail and
return the corresponding value.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 101
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Description: The priority requested by prioceiling is out of range.
Description: The mutex was not initialized with its protocol attribute having the value of
Description: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
Getting the Mutex's Priority Ceiling
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(3C) gets the priority ceiling of a mutex.
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutex_getprioceiling(const pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,
int *restrict prioceiling);
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() returns the priority ceiling, prioceiling of a mutex.
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() returns 0. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
If any of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutexatt_getprioceiling() fails and
returns the corresponding value.
If any of the following conditions occurs, pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() might fail and
return the corresponding value.
102 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
Description: The value specified by mutex does not refer to a currently existing mutex.
Description: The caller does not have the privilege to perform the operation.
Setting the Mutex's Robust Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() sets the robust attribute of a mutex attribute object.
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_setrobust(pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int *robustness);
attr points to the mutex attribute object previously created by a call to
robustness defines the behavior when the owner of the mutex terminates without unlocking
the mutex, usually because its process terminated abnormally. The value of robustness that is
defined in pthread.h is PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST or PTHREAD_MUTEX_STALLED. The default value
When the owner of the mutex terminates without unlocking the mutex, all subsequent calls
to pthread_mutex_lock() are blocked from progress in an unspecified manner.
When the owner of the mutex terminates without unlocking the mutex, the mutex is
unlocked. The next owner of this mutex acquires the mutex with an error return of
Note - Your application must always check the return code from pthread_mutex_lock() for
a mutex initialized with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST attribute.
The new owner of this mutex should make the state protected by the mutex consistent.
This state might have been left inconsistent when the previous owner terminated.
If the new owner is able to make the state consistent, call
pthread_mutex_consistent() for the mutex before unlocking the mutex. This
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 103
Mutual Exclusion Lock Attributes
marks the mutex as consistent and subsequent calls to pthread_mutex_lock() and
pthread_mutex_unlock() will behave in the normal manner.
If the new owner is not able to make the state consistent, do not call
pthread_mutex_consistent() for the mutex, but unlock the mutex.
All waiters are awakened and all subsequent calls to pthread_mutex_lock() fail to
acquire the mutex. The return code is ENOTRECOVERABLE. The mutex can be made
consistent by calling pthread_mutex_destroy() to uninitialize the mutex, and calling
pthread_mutex_int() to reinitialize the mutex. However, the state that was protected
by the mutex remains inconsistent and some form of application recovery is required.
If the thread that acquires the lock with EOWNERDEAD terminates without unlocking the
mutex, the next owner acquires the lock with an EOWNERDEAD return code.
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() returns 0. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred.
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() might fail if the following condition occurs:
Description: The value specified by attr or robustness is invalid.
Getting the Mutex's Robust Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getrobust() gets the robust attribute of a mutex attribute object.
pthread_mutexattr_init() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutexattr_getrobust(const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int *robustness);
attr points to the mutex attribute object previously created by a call to
robustness is the value of the robust attribute of a mutex attribute object.
104 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
pthread_mutexattr_getrobust() Return Values
On successful completion, pthread_mutexattr_getrobust() returns 0. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred.
pthread_mutexattr_getrobust() might fail if the following condition occurs:
Description: The value specified by attr or robustness is invalid.
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
The following routines manipulate mutex locks:
Initialize a mutex – pthread_mutexattr_init() Syntax” on page 106
Make mutex consistent – pthread_mutex_consistent() Syntax” on page 107
Lock a mutex – pthread_mutex_lock() Syntax” on page 108
Unlock a mutex – pthread_mutex_unlock() Syntax” on page 110
Lock with a nonblocking mutex – pthread_mutex_trylock() Syntax” on page 111
Lock a mutex before a specified time – pthread_mutex_timedlock()
Syntax” on page 112
Lock a mutex within a specified time interval – pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np()
Syntax” on page 113
Destroy a mutex – pthread_mutex_destroy Syntax” on page 114
The default scheduling policy, SCHED_OTHER, does not specify the order in which threads can
acquire a lock. When multiple SCHED_OTHER threads are waiting for a mutex, the order of
acquisition is undefined. Under the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR real-time scheduling policies, the
behavior is to unblock waiting threads in priority order.
Initializing a Mutex
Use pthread_mutex_init(3C) to initialize the mutex pointed at by mp to its default value or
to specify mutex attributes that have already been set with pthread_mutexattr_init(). The
default value for mattr is NULL.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 105
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
pthread_mutexattr_init() Syntax
int pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mp,
const pthread_mutexattr_t *restrict mattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mp = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
int ret;
/* initialize a mutex to its default value */
ret = pthread_mutex_init(&mp, NULL);
/* initialize a mutex */
ret = pthread_mutex_init(&mp, &mattr);
When the mutex is initialized, the mutex is in an unlocked state. The mutex can be in memory
that is shared between processes or in memory private to a process.
Note - For a mutex that is being initialized with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST attribute, the mutex
memory must be cleared to zero before initialization.
The effect of mattr set to NULL is the same as passing the address of a default mutex attribute
object, but without the memory overhead.
Use the macro PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER to initialize statically defined mutexes to their
default attributes.
PTHREAD_ERRORCHECK_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP static initializers for recursive mutex and error
check mutex respectively.
Do not reinitialize or destroy a mutex lock while other threads are using the mutex. Program
failure results if either action is not done correctly. If a mutex is reinitialized or destroyed, the
application must be sure the mutex is not currently in use.
pthread_mutex_init() Return Values
pthread_mutex_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
106 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
Description: The implementation has detected an attempt to reinitialize the object referenced
by mp, a previously initialized but not yet destroyed mutex.
Description: The mattr attribute value is invalid. The mutex has not been modified.
Description: The address for the mutex pointed at by mp is invalid.
Making a Mutex Consistent
If the owner of a robust mutex terminates without unlocking the mutex, the mutex is unlocked
and marked inconsistent. The next owner acquires the lock with an EOWNERDEAD return code.
pthread_mutex_consistent() makes the mutex object, mutex, consistent after the death of its
pthread_mutex_consistent() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_mutex_consistent(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
Call pthread_mutex_lock() to acquire the inconsistent mutex. The EOWNWERDEAD return value
indicates an inconsistent mutex.
Call pthread_mutex_consistent() while holding the mutex acquired by a previous call to
The critical section protected by the mutex might have been left in an inconsistent state by a
failed owner. In this case, make the mutex consistent only if you can make the critical section
protected by the mutex consistent.
Calls to pthread_mutex_lock(), pthread_mutex_unlock(), and pthread_mutex_trylock()
for a consistent mutex behave in the normal manner.
The behavior of pthread_mutex_consistent() for a mutex that is not inconsistent, or is not
held, is undefined.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 107
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
pthread_mutex_consistent() Return Values
pthread_mutex_consistent() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred.
pthread_mutex_consistent() fails if the following condition occurs:
Description: The current thread does not own the mutex or the mutex is not a
PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST mutex having an inconsistent state.
Locking a Mutex
Use pthread_mutex_lock(3C) to lock the mutex pointed to by mutex.
pthread_mutex_lock() Syntax
int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int ret;
ret = pthread_ mutex_lock(&mp); /* acquire the mutex */
When pthread_mutex_lock() returns, the mutex is locked. The calling thread is the owner. If
the mutex is already locked and owned by another thread, the calling thread blocks until the
mutex becomes available.
If the mutex type is PTHREAD_MUTEX_NORMAL, deadlock detection is not provided. Attempting
to relock the mutex causes deadlock. If a thread attempts to unlock a mutex not locked by the
thread or a mutex that is unlocked, undefined behavior results.
If the mutex type is PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK, then error checking is provided. If a thread
attempts to relock a mutex that the thread has already locked, an error is returned. If a thread
attempts to unlock a mutex not locked by the thread or a mutex that is unlocked, an error is
If the mutex type is PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE, then the mutex maintains the concept of a lock
count. When a thread successfully acquires a mutex for the first time, the lock count is set to
108 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
1. Every time a thread relocks this mutex, the lock count is incremented by 1. Every time the
thread unlocks the mutex, the lock count is decremented by 1. When the lock count reaches 0,
the mutex becomes available for other threads to acquire. If a thread attempts to unlock a mutex
not locked by the thread or a mutex that is unlocked, an error is returned.
pthread_mutex_lock() Return Values
pthread_mutex_lock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The mutex could not be acquired because the maximum number of recursive
locks for mutex has been exceeded.
Description: The current thread already owns the mutex.
If the mutex was initialized with the PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUSTrobustness attribute,
pthread_mutex_lock() may return one of the following values:
Description: The last owner of this mutex terminated while holding the mutex. This mutex is
now owned by the caller. The caller must attempt to make the state protected by the mutex
If the caller is able to make the state consistent, call pthread_mutex_consistent() for the
mutex and unlock the mutex. Subsequent calls to pthread_mutex_lock() behave normally.
If the caller is unable to make the state consistent, do not call pthread_mutex_consistent()
for the mutex. Unlock the mutex instead. Subsequent calls to pthread_mutex_lock() fail to
acquire the mutex and return an ENOTRECOVERABLE error code.
If the owner that acquired the lock with EOWNERDEAD terminates while holding the mutex, the
next owner acquires the lock with EOWNERDEAD.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 109
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
Description: The mutex you are trying to acquire was protecting state left irrecoverable by the
mutex's previous owner. The mutex has not been acquired. This irrecoverable condition can
occur when:
The lock was previously acquired with EOWNERDEAD
The owner was unable to cleanup the state
The owner unlocked the mutex without making the mutex state consistent
Description: The limit on the number of simultaneously held mutexes has been exceeded.
Unlocking a Mutex
Use pthread_mutex_unlock(3C) to unlock the mutex pointed to by mutex.
pthread_mutex_unlock() Syntax
int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); /* release the mutex */
pthread_mutex_unlock() releases the mutex object referenced by mutex. The manner in which
a mutex is released is dependent upon the mutex's type attribute. If threads are blocked on the
mutex object when pthread_mutex_unlock() is called and the mutex becomes available, the
scheduling policy determines which thread acquires the mutex. For PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE
mutexes, the mutex becomes available when the count reaches zero and the calling thread no
longer has any locks on this mutex.
pthread_mutex_unlock() Return Values
pthread_mutex_unlock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
110 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
Description: The current thread does not own the mutex.
Locking a Mutex Without Blocking
Use pthread_mutex_trylock(3C) to attempt to lock the mutex pointed to by mutex, and return
immediately if the mutex is already locked.
pthread_mutex_trylock() Syntax
int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex); /* try to lock the mutex */
pthread_mutex_trylock() is a nonblocking version of pthread_mutex_lock(). If the mutex
object referenced by mutex is currently locked by any thread, including the current thread, the
call returns immediately. Otherwise, the mutex is locked and the calling thread is the owner.
pthread_mutex_trylock() Return Values
pthread_mutex_trylock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The mutex could not be acquired because the mutex pointed to by mutex was
already locked.
Description: The mutex could not be acquired because the maximum number of recursive
locks for mutex has been exceeded.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 111
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
If the symbol _POSIX_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT is defined, the mutex is initialized with the
protocol attribute value PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT . Additionally, if the robustness argument of
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() is PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST, the function fails and returns one
of the following values:
Description: See the discussion in pthread_mutex_lock() Return Values” on page 109.
Description: See the discussion in pthread_mutex_lock() Return Values” on page 109.
Description: The limit on the number of simultaneously held mutexes has been exceeded.
Locking a Mutex Before a Specified Absolute Time
Use the pthread_mutex_timedlock(3C) function to attempt until a specified time to lock a
mutex object.
This function works as the pthread_mutex_lock() function does, except that it does not
block indefinitely. If the mutex is already locked, the calling thread is blocked until the mutex
becomes available, but only until the timeout is reached. If the timeout occurs before the mutex
becomes available, the function returns.
pthread_mutex_timedlock() Syntax
int pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,
const struct timespec *restrict abs_timeout);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
timestruct_t abs_timeout;
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutex_timedlock(&mutex, &abs_timeout);
112 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
pthread_mutex_timedlock() Return Values
The pthread_mutex_timedlock() function return 0 if it locks the mutex successfully.
Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error.
Description: The mutex was created with the protocol attribute having the value
PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT and the calling thread's priority is higher than the mutex's current
priority ceiling.
The value specified by mutex does not refer to an initialized mutex object.
The process or thread would have blocked, and the abs_timeout parameter specified a
nanoseconds field value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1000 million.
Description: The mutex could not be locked before the specified timeout expired.
See the discussion in pthread_mutex_lock() Return Values” on page 109.
Locking a Mutex Within a Specified Time Interval
Use the pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np(3C) function to attempt until a specified amount of
time elapses to lock a mutex object.
The timeout expires when the time interval specified by rel_timeout passes, as measured by the
CLOCK_REALTIME clock, or if the time interval specified by rel_timeout is negative at the time of
the call.
pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np() Syntax
int pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np(pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex,
const struct timespec *restrict rel_timeout);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 113
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
timestruct_t rel_timeout;
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np(&mutex, &rel_timeout);
pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np() Return Values
The pthread_mutex_reltimedlock_np() function returns 0 if it locks the mutex successfully.
Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error.
Description: The mutex was created with the protocol attribute having the value
PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT and the calling thread's priority is higher than the mutex's current
priority ceiling.
Description: The value specified by mutex does not refer to an initialized mutex object.
Description: The process or thread would have blocked, and the abs_timeout parameter
specified a nanoseconds field value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1000 million.
Description: The mutex could not be locked before the specified timeout expired.
See the discussion in pthread_mutex_lock() Return Values” on page 109.
Destroying a Mutex
Use pthread_mutex_destroy(3C) to destroy any state that is associated with the mutex pointed
to by mp.
pthread_mutex_destroy Syntax
int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mp);
114 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t mp;
int ret;
ret = pthread_mutex_destroy(&mp); /* mutex is destroyed */
Note that the space for storing the mutex is not freed.
pthread_mutex_destroy Return Values
pthread_mutex_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occur, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by mp does not refer to an initialized mutex object.
Code Examples of Mutex Locking
The following example includes some code fragments with mutex locking.
Mutex Lock Code Fragments
This example includes some code fragments with mutex locking.
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_t count_mutex;
long long count;
count = count + 1;
long long
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 115
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
long long c;
c = count;
return (c);
The two functions in Example 8, “Mutex Lock Code Fragments,” on page 115 use the mutex
lock for different purposes. The increment_count() function uses the mutex lock to ensure
an atomic update of the shared variable. The get_count() function uses the mutex lock to
guarantee that the 64-bit quantity count is read atomically. On a 32-bit architecture, a long long
is really two 32-bit quantities.
When you read an integer value, the operation is atomic because an integer is the common word
size on most machines.
Examples of Using Lock Hierarchies
Occasionally, you might want to access two resources at once. Perhaps you are using one of the
resources, and then discover that the other resource is needed as well. A problem exists if two
threads attempt to claim both resources but lock the associated mutexes in different orders. For
example, if the two threads lock mutexes 1 and 2 respectively, a deadlock occurs when each
attempts to lock the other mutex. Example 9, “Showing Two Deadlock Scenarios,” on page
116 shows possible deadlock scenarios.
Showing Two Deadlock Scenarios
Thread 1 Thread 2
/* use resource 1 */
/* use resources 1 and 2 */
/* use resource 2 */
/* use resources 1 and 2 */
116 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure that when threads lock multiple mutexes, the
threads do so in the same order. When locks are always taken in a prescribed order, deadlock
should not occur. This technique, known as lock hierarchies, orders the mutexes by logically
assigning numbers to the mutexes.
Also, honor the restriction that you cannot take a mutex that is assigned n when you are holding
any mutex assigned a number that is greater than n.
However, this technique cannot always be used. Sometimes, you must take the
mutexes in an order other than prescribed. To prevent deadlock in such a situation, use
pthread_mutex_trylock(). One thread must release its mutexes when the thread discovers that
deadlock would otherwise be inevitable.
Showing Instances of Conditional Locking
thread1 thread2
pthread_mutex_lock(&m1); pthread_mutex_lock
/* no processing */
for (; ;)
{ pthread_mutex_lock(&m2);
/* got it */
/* didn't get it */
/* get locks; no processing */
In Example 10, “Showing Instances of Conditional Locking,” on page 117, thread1 locks
mutexes in the prescribed order, but thread2 takes the mutexes out of order. To make certain that
no deadlock occurs, thread2 has to take mutex1 very carefully. If thread2 blocks while waiting
for the mutex to be released, thread2 is likely to have just entered into a deadlock with thread1.
To ensure that thread2 does not enter into a deadlock, thread2 calls pthread_mutex_trylock(),
which takes the mutex if available. If the mutex is not available, thread2 returns immediately,
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 117
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
reporting failure. At this point, thread2 must release mutex2. Thread1 can now lock mutex2,
and then release both mutex1 and mutex2.
Examples of Using Nested Locking With a Singly-Linked List
Example 11, “Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List Structure,” on page 118 and
Example 12, “Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List With Nested Locking,” on page
118 show how to take three locks at once. Deadlock is prevented by taking the locks in a
prescribed order.
Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List Structure
typedef struct node1 {
int value;
struct node1 *link;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
} node1_t;
node1_t ListHead;
This example uses a singly linked list structure with each node that contains a mutex. To
remove a node from the list, first search the list starting at ListHead until the desired node is
found. ListHead is never removed.
To protect this search from the effects of concurrent deletions, lock each node before any of its
contents are accessed. Because all searches start at ListHead, a deadlock cannot occur because
the locks are always taken in list order.
When the desired node is found, lock both the node and its predecessor since the change
involves both nodes. Because the predecessor's lock is always taken first, you are again
protected from deadlock. Example 12, “Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List With
Nested Locking,” on page 118 shows the C code to remove an item from a singly-linked list.
Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List With Nested Locking
node1_t *delete(int value)
node1_t *prev, *current;
prev = &ListHead;
while ((current = prev->link) != NULL) {
if (current->value == value) {
118 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Mutual Exclusion Locks
prev->link = current->link;
current->link = NULL;
prev = current;
Showing Nested Locking With a Circularly-Linked List
Example 13, “Showing Effect of Circular-Linked List Structure on Locks,” on page 119
modifies the previous list structure by converting the list structure into a circular list. Because a
distinguished head node no longer exists, a thread can be associated with a particular node and
can perform operations on that node and its neighbor Lock hierarchies do not work easily here
because the obvious hierarchy, following the links, is circular.
Showing Effect of Circular-Linked List Structure on Locks
typedef struct node2 {
int value;
struct node2 *link;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
} node2_t;
Here is the C code that acquires the locks on two nodes and performs an operation that involves
both locks.
showing Circular Linked List With Nested Locking
void Hit Neighbor(node2_t *me) {
while (1) {
if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&me->link->lock)!= 0) {
/* failed to get lock */
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 119
Using Spin Locks
me->link->value += me->value;
me->value /=2;
Using Spin Locks
Spin locks are a low-level synchronization mechanism suitable primarily for use on shared
memory multiprocessors. When the calling thread requests a spin lock that is already held by
another thread, the second thread spins in a loop to test if the lock has become available. When
the lock is obtained, it should be held only for a short time, as the spinning wastes processor
cycles. Callers should unlock spin locks before calling sleep operations to enable other threads
to obtain the lock.
Spin locks can be implemented using mutexes and conditional variables, but the
pthread_spin_* functions are a standardized way to practice spin locking. The
pthread_spin_* functions require much lower overhead for locks of short duration.
When performing any lock, a trade-off is made between the processor resources consumed
while setting up to block the thread and the processor resources consumed by the thread while
it is blocked. Spin locks require few resources to set up the blocking of a thread and then do
a simple loop, repeating the atomic locking operation until the lock is available. The thread
continues to consume processor resources while it is waiting.
Compared to spin locks, mutexes consume a larger amount of processor resources to block
the thread. When a mutex lock is not available, the thread changes its scheduling state and
adds itself to the queue of waiting threads. When the lock becomes available, these steps must
be reversed before the thread obtains the lock. While the thread is blocked, it consumes no
processor resources.
Therefore, spin locks and mutexes can be useful for different purposes. Spin locks might have
lower overall overhead for very short-term blocking, and mutexes might have lower overall
overhead when a thread will be blocked for longer periods of time.
Initializing a Spin Lock
Use the pthread_spin_init(3C) function to allocate resources required to use a spin lock, and
initialize the lock to an unlocked state.
120 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Spin Locks
pthread_spin_init() Syntax
int pthread_spin_init(pthread_spinlock_t *lock, int pshared);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_spinlock_t lock;
int pshared;
int ret;
/* initialize a spin lock */
ret = pthread_spin_init(&lock, pshared);
The pshared attribute has one of the following values:
Description: Permits a spin lock to be operated on by any thread that has access to the
memory where the spin lock is allocated. Operation on the lock is permitted even if the lock
is allocated in memory that is shared by multiple processes.
Description: Permits a spin lock to be operated upon only by threads created within the same
process as the thread that initialized the spin lock. If threads of differing processes attempt
to operate on such a spin lock, the behavior is undefined. The default value of the process-
shared attribute is PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE.
pthread_spin_init() Return Values
Upon successful completion, the pthread_spin_init() function returns 0. Otherwise, one of
the following error codes is returned.
Description: The system lacks the necessary resources to initialize another spin lock.
Description: The system has detected an attempt to initialize or destroy a spin lock while the
lock is in use (for example, while being used in a pthread_spin_lock() call) by another
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 121
Using Spin Locks
Description: The value specified by lock is invalid.
Acquiring a Spin Lock
Use the pthread_spin_lock(3C) to lock a spin lock. The calling thread acquires the
lock if it is not held by another thread. Otherwise, the thread does not return from the
pthread_spin_lock() call until the lock becomes available. The results are undefined if the
calling thread holds the lock at the time the call is made.
pthread_spin_lock() Syntax
int pthread_spin_lock(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_spinlock_t lock;
int ret;
ret = pthread_ spin_lock(&lock); /* lock the spinlock */
pthread_spin_lock() Return Values
Upon successful completion, the pthread_spin_lock() function returns 0. Otherwise, one of
the following error codes is returned.
Description: The current thread already owns the spin lock.
Description: The value specified by lock does not refer to an initialized spin lock object.
Acquiring a Non-Blocking Spin Lock
Use the pthread_spin_trylock(3C) function to lock a spin lock and fail immediately if the
lock is held by another thread.
122 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Spin Locks
pthread_spin_trylock() Syntax
int pthread_spin_trylock(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_spinlock_t lock;
int ret;
ret = pthread_spin_trylock(&lock); /* try to lock the spin lock */
pthread_spin_trylock() Return Values
Upon successful completion, the pthread_spin_trylock() function returns 0. Otherwise, one
of the following error codes is returned.
Description: A thread currently owns the spin lock.
Description: The value specified by lock does not refer to an initialized spin lock object.
Unlocking a Spin Lock
Use the pthread_spin_unlock(3C) function to release a locked spin lock.
pthread_spin_unlock() Syntax
int pthread_spin_unlock(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_spinlock_t lock;
int ret;
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 123
Using Spin Locks
ret = pthread_spin_unlock(&lock); /* spinlock is unlocked */
pthread_spin_unlock() Return Values
Upon successful completion, the pthread_spin_unlock() function returns 0. Otherwise, one of
the following error codes is returned.
Description: The calling thread does not hold the lock.
Description: The value specified by lock does not refer to an initialized spin lock object.
Destroying a Spin Lock
Use the pthread_spin_destroy(3C) function to destroy a spin lock and release any resources
used by the lock.
pthread_spin_destroy() Syntax
int pthread_spin_destroy(pthread_spinlock_t *lock);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_spinlock_t lock;
int ret;
ret = pthread_spin_destroy(&lock); /* spinlock is destroyed */
The effect of subsequent use of the lock is undefined until the lock is reinitialized by another
call to pthread_spin_init(). The results are undefined if pthread_spin_destroy() is called
when a thread holds the lock, or if this function is called with an uninitialized thread spin lock.
pthread_spin_destroy() Return Values
124 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Condition Variable Attributes
Description: The system has detected an attempt to initialize or destroy a spin lock while the
lock is in use (for example, while being used in a pthread_spin_lock() call) by another
Description: The value specified by lock is invalid.
Condition Variable Attributes
Use condition variables to atomically block threads until a particular condition is true. Always
use condition variables together with a mutex lock.
With a condition variable, a thread can atomically block until a condition is satisfied. The
condition is tested under the protection of a mutual exclusion lock (mutex).
When the condition is false, a thread usually blocks on a condition variable and atomically
releases the mutex waiting for the condition to change. When another thread changes the
condition, that thread can signal the associated condition variable to cause one or more waiting
threads to perform the following actions:
Wake up
Acquire the mutex again
Re-evaluate the condition
Condition variables can be used to synchronize threads among processes in the following
The threads are allocated in memory that can be written to
The memory is shared by the cooperating processes
The scheduling policy determines how blocking threads are awakened. The default scheduling
policy, SCHED_OTHER, does not specify the order in which threads are awakened. Under the
SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR real-time scheduling policies, threads are awakened in priority order.
The attributes for condition variables must be set and initialized before the condition variables
can be used. The following functions manipulate condition variable attributes:
Initialize a condition variable attribute – pthread_condattr_init()
Syntax” on page 126
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 125
Condition Variable Attributes
Remove a condition variable attribute – pthread_condattr_destroy()
Syntax” on page 127
Set the scope of a condition variable – pthread_condattr_setpshared()
Syntax” on page 128
Get the scope of a condition variable – pthread_condattr_getpshared()
Syntax” on page 129
Get the clock selection condition variable attribute – pthread_condattr_getclock()
Syntax” on page 130
Set the clock selection condition variable attribute – pthread_condattr_setclock()
Syntax” on page 130
Initializing a Condition Variable Attribute
Use pthread_condattr_init(3C) to initialize attributes that are associated with this object to
their default values. Storage for each attribute object is allocated by the threads system during
pthread_condattr_init() Syntax
int pthread_condattr_init(pthread_condattr_t *cattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_condattr_t cattr;
int ret;
/* initialize an attribute to default value */
ret = pthread_condattr_init(&cattr);
The default value of the pshared attribute when this function is called is
PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE. This value of pshared means that the initialized condition variable
can be used within a process.
cattr is an opaque data type that contains a system-allocated attribute object. The possible
PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE is the default value.
Before a condition variable attribute can be reused, the attribute must first be reinitialized by
pthread_condattr_destroy(3C). The pthread_condattr_init() call returns a pointer to an
opaque object. If the object is not destroyed, a memory leak results.
126 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Condition Variable Attributes
pthread_condattr_init() Return Values
pthread_condattr_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, the function
fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: Insufficient memory allocated to initialize the thread attributes object.
Description: The value specified by cattr is invalid.
Removing a Condition Variable Attribute
Use pthread_condattr_destroy(3C) to remove storage and render the attribute object invalid.
pthread_condattr_destroy() Syntax
int pthread_condattr_destroy(pthread_condattr_t *cattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_condattr_t cattr;
int ret;
/* destroy an attribute */
= pthread_condattr_destroy(&cattr);
pthread_condattr_destroy() Return Values
pthread_condattr_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 127
Condition Variable Attributes
Description: The value specified by cattr is invalid.
Setting the Scope of a Condition Variable
pthread_condattr_setpshared(3C) sets the scope of a condition variable to either process
private (intraprocess) or system wide (interprocess).
pthread_condattr_setpshared() Syntax
int pthread_condattr_setpshared(pthread_condattr_t *cattr, int pshared);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_condattr_t cattr;
int ret;
/* all processes */
ret = pthread_condattr_setpshared(&cattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
/* within a process */
ret = pthread_condattr_setpshared(&cattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
A condition variable created with the pshared attribute set in shared memory to
PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED, can be shared among threads from more than one process.
If the mutex pshared attribute is set to PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE, only those threads created
by the same process can operate on the mutex. PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE is the default
value. PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE behaves like a local condition variable. The behavior of
PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED is equivalent to a global condition variable.
pthread_condattr_setpshared() Return Values
pthread_condattr_setpshared() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of cattr is invalid, or the pshared value is invalid.
128 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Condition Variable Attributes
Getting the Scope of a Condition Variable
pthread_condattr_getpshared(3C) gets the current value of pshared for the attribute object
pthread_condattr_getpshared() Syntax
int pthread_condattr_getpshared(const pthread_condattr_t *restrict cattr,
int *restrict pshared);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_condattr_t cattr;
int pshared;
int ret;
/* get pshared value of condition variable */
ret = pthread_condattr_getpshared(&cattr, &pshared);
The value of the attribute object is either PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED or
pthread_condattr_getpshared() Return Values
pthread_condattr_getpshared() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of cattr is invalid.
Setting the Clock Selection Condition Variable
Use the pthread_condattr_setclock(3C) function to set the clock attribute in an initialized
attributes object referenced by attr. If pthread_condattr_setclock() is called with a clock_id
argument that refers to a CPU-time clock, the call fails. The clock attribute is the clock ID
of the clock that is used to measure the timeout service of pthread_cond_timedwait(). The
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 129
Condition Variable Attributes
default value of the clock attribute refers to the system clock, CLOCK_REALTIME. At this time, the
only other possible value for the clock attribute is CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
pthread_condattr_setclock() Syntax
int pthread_condattr_setclock(pthread_condattr_t attr,
clockid_t clock_id);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_condattr_t attr
clockid_t clock_id
int ret
ret = pthread_condattr_setclock(&attr &clock_id
pthread_condattr_setclock() Return Values
pthread_condattr_setclock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by clock_id does not refer to a known clock, or is a CPU-
time clock.
Getting the Clock Selection Condition Variable
Use the pthread_condattr_getclock(3C) function to obtain the value of the clock attribute
from the attributes object referenced by attr. The clock attribute is the clock ID of the clock that
is used to measure the timeout service of pthread_cond_timedwait().
pthread_condattr_getclock() Syntax
int pthread_condattr_getclock(const pthread_condattr_t *restrict attr,
clockid_t *restrict clock_id);
130 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_condattr_t attr
clockid_t clock_id
int ret
ret = pthread_condattr_getclock(&attr &clock_id
pthread_condattr_getclock() Return Values
pthread_condattr_getclock() returns zero after completing successfully and stores the value
of the clock attribute of attr into the object referenced by the clock_id argument. Any other
return value indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function
fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value of attr is invalid.
Using Condition Variables
This section explains how to use condition variables.
The type argument specifies the type of mutex. Valid mutex types include:
The following functions use condition variables:
Initialize a condition variable – pthread_cond_init() Syntax” on page 132
Block on a condition variable – pthread_cond_wait() Syntax” on page 133
Unblock a specific thread – pthread_cond_signal() Syntax” on page 135
Block until a specified time – pthread_cond_timedwait() Syntax” on page 136
Block for a specified interval – pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np()
Syntax” on page 138
Unblock all threads – pthread_cond_broadcast() Syntax” on page 139
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 131
Using Condition Variables
Destroy condition variable state – pthread_cond_destroy() Syntax” on page 141
Initializing a Condition Variable
Use pthread_cond_init(3C) to initialize the condition variable pointed at by cv to
its default value, or to specify condition variable attributes that are already set with
pthread_cond_init() Syntax
int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *restrict cv,
const pthread_condattr_t *restrict cattr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
pthread_condattr_t cattr;
int ret;
/* initialize a condition variable to its default value */
ret = pthread_cond_init(&cv, NULL);
/* initialize a condition variable */
ret = pthread_cond_init(&cv, &cattr);
The effect of cattr set to NULL is the same as passing the address of a default condition variable
attribute object, but without the memory overhead.
Use the macro PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER to initialize statically defined condition variables
to their default attributes. The PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER macro has the same effect as
dynamically allocating pthread_cond_init() with null attributes. No error checking is done.
Multiple threads must not simultaneously initialize or reinitialize the same condition variable.
If a condition variable is reinitialized or is destroyed, the application must be sure that the
condition variable is not in use.
pthread_cond_init() Return Values
pthread_cond_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
132 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
Description: The value specified by cattr is invalid.
Description: The condition variable is being used.
Description: The necessary resources are not available.
Description: Insufficient memory exists to initialize the condition variable.
Blocking on a Condition Variable
Use pthread_cond_wait(3C) to atomically release the mutex pointed to by mp and to cause the
calling thread to block on the condition variable pointed to by cv.
pthread_cond_wait() Syntax
int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cv,pthread_mutex_t *restrict mutex);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
pthread_mutex_t mp;
int ret;
/* wait on condition variable */
ret = pthread_cond_wait(&cv, &
The blocked thread can be awakened by a pthread_cond_signal(), a
pthread_cond_broadcast(), or when interrupted by delivery of a signal.
Any change in the value of a condition that is associated with the condition variable cannot be
inferred by the return of pthread_cond_wait(). Such conditions must be reevaluated.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 133
Using Condition Variables
The pthread_cond_wait() routine always returns with the mutex locked and owned by the
calling thread, even when returning an error.
This function blocks until the condition is signaled. The function atomically releases the
associated mutex lock before blocking, and atomically acquires the mutex again before
In typical use, a condition expression is evaluated under the protection of a mutex lock. When
the condition expression is false, the thread blocks on the condition variable. The condition
variable is then signaled by another thread when the thread changes the condition value. The
change causes at least one thread that is waiting on the condition variable to unblock and to
reacquire the mutex.
The condition that caused the wait must be retested before continuing execution from the
point of the pthread_cond_wait(). The condition could change before an awakened thread
reacquires the mutes and returns from pthread_cond_wait(). A waiting thread could be
awakened spuriously. The recommended test method is to write the condition check as a
while() loop that calls pthread_cond_wait().
The scheduling policy determines the order in which blocked threads are awakened. The default
scheduling policy, SCHED_OTHER, does not specify the order in which threads are awakened.
Under the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR real-time scheduling policies, threads are awakened in
priority order.
Note - pthread_cond_wait() is a cancellation point. If a cancel is pending and the calling
thread has cancellation enabled, the thread terminates and begins executing its cleanup handlers
while continuing to hold the lock.
pthread_cond_wait() Return Values
pthread_cond_wait() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by cv or mp is invalid.
134 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
Unblocking One Thread
Use pthread_cond_signal(3C) to unblock one thread that is blocked on the condition variable
pointed to by cv.
pthread_cond_signal() Syntax
int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cv);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
int ret;
/* one condition variable is signaled */
ret = pthread_cond_signal(&cv);
Modify the associated condition under the protection of the same mutex used with the condition
variable being signaled. Otherwise, the condition could be modified between its test and
blocking in pthread_cond_wait(), which can cause an infinite wait.
The scheduling policy determines the order in which blocked threads are awakened. The default
scheduling policy, SCHED_OTHER, does not specify the order in which threads are awakened.
Under the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR real-time scheduling policies, threads are awakened in
priority order.
When no threads are blocked on the condition variable, calling pthread_cond_signal() has no
Using pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal()
pthread_mutex_t count_lock;
pthread_cond_t count_nonzero;
unsigned count;
while (count == 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&count_nonzero, &count_lock);
count = count - 1;
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 135
Using Condition Variables
if (count == 0)
count = count + 1;
pthread_cond_signal() Return Values
pthread_cond_signal() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Example 15, “Using pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal(),” on page 135
shows how to use pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_signal().
Blocking Until a Specified Time
Use pthread_cond_timedwait(3C) as you would use pthread_cond_wait(), except that
pthread_cond_timedwait() does not block past the time of day specified by abstime.
pthread_cond_timedwait() Syntax
int pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *restrict cv,
pthread_mutex_t *restrict mp,
const struct timespec *restrict abstime);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
136 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
pthread_mutex_t mp;
timestruct_t abstime;
int ret;
/* wait on condition variable */
ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&cv, &
mp, &abstime);
pthread_cond_timedwait() always returns with the mutex locked and owned by the calling
thread, even when pthread_cond_timedwait() is returning an error.
The pthread_cond_timedwait() function blocks until the condition is signaled or until the time
of day specified by the last argument has passed.
Note - pthread_cond_timedwait() is also a cancellation point.
Using a Timed Condition Wait
pthread_timestruc_t to;
pthread_mutex_t m;
pthread_cond_t c;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &to);
to.tv_sec += TIMEOUT;
while (cond == FALSE) {
err = pthread_cond_timedwait(&c, &m, &to);
if (err == ETIMEDOUT) {
/* timeout, do something */
pthread_cond_timedwait() Return Values
pthread_cond_timedwait() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, the function
fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv, mp, or abstime points to an illegal address.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 137
Using Condition Variables
Description: Different mutexes were supplied for concurrent pthread_cond_timedwait()
operations on the same condition variable.
Description: The time specified by abstime has passed.
Description: The mutex was not owned by the current thread at the time of the call.
The timeout is specified as a time of day so that the condition can be retested efficiently without
recomputing the value, as shown in Example 16, “Using a Timed Condition Wait,” on page
Blocking For a Specified Interval
Use pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np(3C) as you would use pthread_cond_timedwait() with
one exception. pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() takes a relative time interval rather than an
absolute future time of day as the value of its last argument.
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() Syntax
int pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np(pthread_cond_t *cv,
pthread_mutex_t *mp,
const struct timespec *reltime);
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
pthread_mutex_t mp;
timestruct_t reltime;
int ret;
/* wait on condition variable */
ret = pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np(&cv, &mp, &reltime);
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() always returns with the mutex locked and owned by
the calling thread, even when pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() is returning an error. The
138 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() function blocks until the condition is signaled or until the
time interval specified by the last argument has elapsed.
Note - pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() is also a cancellation point.
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() Return Values
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When either of the following conditions occurs, the
function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by reltime is invalid.
Description: The time interval specified by reltime has passed.
Unblocking All Threads
Use pthread_cond_broadcast(3C) to unblock all threads that are blocked on the condition
variable pointed to by cv, specified by pthread_cond_wait().
pthread_cond_broadcast() Syntax
int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cv);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
int ret;
/* all condition variables are signaled */
ret = pthread_cond_broadcast(&cv);
When no threads are blocked on the condition variable, pthread_cond_broadcast() has no
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 139
Using Condition Variables
Since pthread_cond_broadcast() causes all threads blocked on the condition to contend
again for the mutex lock, use pthread_cond_broadcast() with care. For example, use
pthread_cond_broadcast() to allow threads to contend for varying resource amounts when
resources are freed, as shown in Example 17, “Showing Condition Variable Broadcast,” on page
Showing Condition Variable Broadcast
pthread_mutex_t rsrc_lock;
pthread_cond_t rsrc_add;
unsigned int resources;
get_resources(int amount)
while (resources < amount) {
pthread_cond_wait(&rsrc_add, &rsrc_lock);
resources -= amount;
add_resources(int amount)
resources += amount;
Note that in add_resources() whether resources are updated first, or if
pthread_cond_broadcast() is called first inside the mutex lock does not matter.
Modify the associated condition under the protection of the same mutex that is used with the
condition variable being signaled. Otherwise, the condition could be modified between its test
and blocking in pthread_cond_wait(), which can cause an infinite wait.
pthread_cond_broadcast() Return Values
pthread_cond_broadcast() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
140 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Destroying the Condition Variable State
Use pthread_cond_destroy(3C) to destroy any state that is associated with the condition
variable pointed to by cv.
pthread_cond_destroy() Syntax
int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cv);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_cond_t cv;
int ret;
/* Condition variable is destroyed */
ret = pthread_cond_destroy(&cv);
Note that the space for storing the condition variable is not freed.
pthread_cond_destroy() Return Values
pthread_cond_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by cv is invalid.
Lost Wake-Up Problem
A call to pthread_cond_signal() or pthread_cond_broadcast() when the thread does not
hold the mutex lock associated with the condition can lead to lost wake-up bugs.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 141
Using Condition Variables
A lost wake-up occurs when all of the following conditions are in effect:
A thread calls pthread_cond_signal() or pthread_cond_broadcast()
Another thread is between the test of the condition and the call to pthread_cond_wait()
No threads are waiting
The signal has no effect, and therefore is lost
This can occur only if the condition being tested is modified without holding the mutex lock
associated with the condition. As long as the condition being tested is modified only while
holding the associated mutex, pthread_cond_signal() and pthread_cond_broadcast() can
be called regardless of whether they are holding the associated mutex.
Producer and Consumer Problem
The producer and consumer problem is one of the small collection of standard, well-known
problems in concurrent programming. A finite-size buffer and two classes of threads,
producers and consumers, put items into the buffer (producers) and take items out of the buffer
A producer cannot put something in the buffer until the buffer has space available. A consumer
cannot take something out of the buffer until the producer has written to the buffer.
A condition variable represents a queue of threads that wait for some condition to be signaled.
Example 18, “Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables,” on page 142 has
two such queues. One (less) queue for producers waits for a slot in the buffer. The other (more)
queue for consumers waits for a buffer slot containing information. The example also has a
mutex, as the data structure describing the buffer must be accessed by only one thread at a time.
Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables
typedef struct {
char buf[BSIZE];
int occupied;
int nextin;
int nextout;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t more;
pthread_cond_t less; }
buffer_t buffer;
142 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Condition Variables
As Example 19, “Producer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables,” on
page 143 shows, the producer thread acquires the mutex protecting the buffer data structure.
The producer thread then makes certain that space is available for the item produced. If space is
not available, the producer thread calls pthread_cond_wait() . pthread_cond_wait() causes
the producer thread to join the queue of threads that are waiting for the condition less to be
signaled. less represents available room in the buffer.
At the same time, as part of the call to pthread_cond_wait(), the thread releases its lock on the
mutex. The waiting producer threads depend on consumer threads to signal when the condition
is true, as shown in Example 19, “Producer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition
Variables,” on page 143. When the condition is signaled, the first thread waiting on less is
awakened. However, before the thread can return from pthread_cond_wait(), the thread must
acquire the lock on the mutex again.
Acquire the mutex to ensure that the thread again has mutually exclusive access to the buffer
data structure. The thread then must check that available room in the buffer actually exists. If
room is available, the thread writes into the next available slot.
At the same time, consumer threads might be waiting for items to appear in the buffer. These
threads are waiting on the condition variable more . A producer thread, having just deposited
something in the buffer, calls pthread_cond_signal() to wake up the next waiting consumer.
If no consumers are waiting, this call has no effect.
Finally, the producer thread unlocks the mutex, allowing other threads to operate on the buffer
data structure.
Producer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables
void producer(buffer_t *b, char item)
while (b->occupied >= BSIZE)
pthread_cond_wait(&b->less, &b->mutex);
assert(b->occupied < BSIZE);
b->buf[b->nextin++] = item;
b->nextin %= BSIZE;
/* now: either b->occupied < BSIZE and b->nextin is the index
of the next empty slot in the buffer, or
b->occupied == BSIZE and b->nextin is the index of the
next (occupied) slot that will be emptied by a consumer
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 143
Using Condition Variables
(such as b->nextin == b->nextout) */
Note the use of the assert() statement. Unless the code is compiled with NDEBUG defined,
assert() does nothing when its argument evaluates to true (nonzero). The program aborts if
the argument evaluates to false (zero). Such assertions are especially useful in multithreaded
programs. assert() immediately points out runtime problems if the assertion fails. assert()
has the additional effect of providing useful comments.
The comment that begins /* now: either b->occupied ... could better be expressed as an
assertion, but the statement is too complicated as a Boolean-valued expression and so is given
in English.
Both assertions and comments are examples of invariants. These invariants are logical
statements that should not be falsified by the execution of the program with the following
exception. The exception occurs during brief moments when a thread is modifying some of the
program variables mentioned in the invariant. An assertion, of course, should be true whenever
any thread executes the statement.
The use of invariants is an extremely useful technique. Even if the invariants are not stated in
the program text, think in terms of invariants when you analyze a program.
The invariant in the producer code that is expressed as a comment is always true whenever a
thread executes the code where the comment appears. If you move this comment to just after
the mutex_unlock(), the comment does not necessarily remain true. If you move this comment
to just after the assert(), the comment is still true.
This invariant therefore expresses a property that is true at all times with the following
exception. The exception occurs when either a producer or a consumer is changing the state of
the buffer. While a thread is operating on the buffer under the protection of a mutex, the thread
might temporarily falsify the invariant. However, once the thread is finished, the invariant
should be true again.
Example 20, “Consumer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables,” on
page 144 shows the code for the consumer. The logic flow is symmetric with the logic flow
of the producer.
Consumer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables
char consumer(buffer_t *b)
144 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronization With Semaphores
char item;
while(b->occupied <= 0)
pthread_cond_wait(&b->more, &b->mutex);
assert(b->occupied > 0);
item = b->buf[b->nextout++];
b->nextout %= BSIZE;
/* now: either b->occupied > 0 and b->nextout is the index
of the next occupied slot in the buffer, or
b->occupied == 0 and b->nextout is the index of the next
(empty) slot that will be filled by a producer (such as
b->nextout == b->nextin) */
Synchronization With Semaphores
A semaphore is a programming construct designed by E. W. Dijkstra in the late 1960s.
Dijkstra's model was the operation of railroads. Consider a stretch of railroad where a single
track is present over which only one train at a time is allowed.
A semaphore synchronizes travel on this track. A train must wait before entering the single
track until the semaphore is in a state that permits travel. When the train enters the track, the
semaphore changes state to prevent other trains from entering the track. A train that is leaving
this section of track must again change the state of the semaphore to allow another train to enter.
In the computer version, a semaphore appears to be a simple integer. A thread waits for
permission to proceed and then signals that the thread has proceeded by performing a P
operation on the semaphore.
The thread must wait until the semaphore's value is positive, then change the semaphore's
value by subtracting 1 from the value. When this operation is finished, the thread performs a
V operation, which changes the semaphore's value by adding 1 to the value. These operations
must take place atomically. These operations cannot be subdivided into pieces between which
other actions on the semaphore can take place. In the P operation, the semaphore's value must
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 145
Synchronization With Semaphores
be positive just before the value is decremented, resulting in a value that is guaranteed to be
nonnegative and 1 less than what it was before it was decremented.
In both P and V operations, the arithmetic must take place without interference. The net effect
of two V operations performed simultaneously on the same semaphore, should be that the
semaphore's new value is 2 greater than it was.
The mnemonic significance of P and V is unclear to most of the world, as Dijkstra is Dutch.
However, in the interest of true scholarship: P stands for prolagen, a made-up word derived
from "proberen te verlagen", which means try to decrease. V stands for verhogen, which means
increase. The mnemonic significance is discussed in one of Dijkstra's technical notes, EWD 74.
sem_wait(3RT) and sem_post(3RT) correspond to Dijkstra's P and V operations.
sem_trywait(3RT) is a conditional form of the P operation. If the calling thread cannot
decrement the value of the semaphore without waiting, the call to returns immediately with a
nonzero value.
The two basic sorts of semaphores are binary semaphores and counting semaphores. Binary
semaphores never take on values other than zero or one, and counting semaphores take on
arbitrary nonnegative values. A binary semaphore is logically just like a mutex.
However, although not always enforced, mutexes should be unlocked only by the thread that
holds the lock. Because no notion exists of "the thread that holds the semaphore", any thread
can perform a V or sem_post (3RT) operation.
Counting semaphores are nearly as powerful as conditional variables when used in conjunction
with mutexes. In many cases, the code might be simpler when implemented with counting
semaphores rather than with condition variables, as shown in Example 21, “Producer and
Consumer Problem With Semaphores,” on page 153, Example 22, “Producer in Producer
and Consumer Problem With Semaphores,” on page 153, and Example 23, “Consumer in
Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores,” on page 154.
However, when a mutex is used with condition variables, an implied bracketing is present.
The bracketing clearly delineates which part of the program is being protected. This behavior
is not necessarily the case for a semaphore, which might be called the go to of concurrent
programming. A semaphore is powerful but too easy to use in an unstructured, indeterminate
Named and Unnamed Semaphores
POSIX semaphores can be unnamed or named. Unnamed semaphores are allocated in process
memory and initialized. Unnamed semaphores might be usable by more than one process,
146 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronization With Semaphores
depending on how the semaphore is allocated and initialized. Unnamed semaphores are either
private, inherited through fork(), or are protected by access protections of the regular file in
which they are allocated and mapped.
Named semaphores are like process-shared semaphores, except that named semaphores are
referenced with a pathname rather than a pshared value. Named semaphores are sharable by
several processes. Named semaphores have an owner user-id, group-id, and a protection mode.
The functions sem_open, sem_getvalue, sem_close, and sem_unlink are available to open,
retrieve, close, and remove named semaphores. By using sem_open, you can create a named
semaphore that has a name defined in the file system name space.
For more information about named semaphores, see the sem_open, sem_getvalue, sem_close,
and sem_unlink man pages.
Counting Semaphores Overview
Conceptually, a semaphore is a nonnegative integer count. Semaphores are typically used
to coordinate access to resources, with the semaphore count initialized to the number of
free resources. Threads then atomically increment the count when resources are added and
atomically decrement the count when resources are removed.
When the semaphore count becomes zero, no more resources are present. Threads that try to
decrement the semaphore when the count is zero block until the count becomes greater than
The following functions handle semaphors:
Initialize a a semaphore – sem_init() Syntax” on page 148
Increment a semaphore – sem_post() Syntax” on page 150
Block on a semaphore count – sem_wait() Syntax” on page 150
Decrement a semaphore count – sem_trywait() Syntax” on page 151
Destroy the semaphore state – sem_destroy() Syntax” on page 152
Because semaphores need not be acquired and be released by the same thread, semaphores
can be used for asynchronous event notification, such as in signal handlers. And, because
semaphores contain state, semaphores can be used asynchronously without acquiring a mutex
lock as is required by condition variables. However, semaphores are not as efficient as mutex
The scheduling policy determines the order in which blocked threads are awakened. The default
scheduling policy, SCHED_OTHER, does not specify the order in which threads are awakened.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 147
Synchronization With Semaphores
Under the SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR real-time scheduling policies, threads are awakened in
priority order.
Semaphores must be initialized before use, however semaphores do not have attributes.
Initializing a Semaphore
Use sem_init() to initialize the unnamed semaphore variable pointed to by sem to value
sem_init() Syntax
int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int pshared;
int ret;
int value;
/* initialize a private semaphore */
pshared = 0;
value = 1;
ret = sem_init(&sem, pshared, value);
If the value of pshared is zero, then the semaphore cannot be shared between processes. If the
value of pshared is nonzero, then the semaphore can be shared between processes.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore.
A semaphore must not be reinitialized while other threads might be using the semaphore.
Initializing Semaphores With Intraprocess Scope
When pshared is 0, the semaphore can be used by all the threads in this process only.
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int ret;
int count = 4;
148 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronization With Semaphores
/* to be used within this process only */
ret = sem_init(&sem, 0, count);
Initializing Semaphores With Interprocess Scope
When pshared is nonzero, the semaphore can be shared by other processes.
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int ret;
int count = 4;
/* to be shared among processes */
ret = sem_init(&sem, 1, count);
sem_init() Return Values
sem_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an
error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: The value argument exceeds SEM_VALUE_MAX .
Description: A resource that is required to initialize the semaphore has been exhausted. The
limit on semaphores SEM_NSEMS_MAX has been reached.
Description: The process lacks the appropriate privileges to initialize the semaphore.
Incrementing a Semaphore
Use sem_post() to atomically increment the semaphore pointed to by sem.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 149
Synchronization With Semaphores
sem_post() Syntax
int sem_post(sem_t *sem);
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int ret;
ret = sem_post(&sem); /* semaphore is posted */
When any threads are blocked on the semaphore, one of the threads is unblocked.
sem_post() Return Values
sem_post() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that
an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: sem points to an illegal address.
Blocking on a Semaphore Count
Use sem_wait() to block the calling thread until the semaphore count pointed to by sem
becomes greater than zero, then atomically decrement the count.
sem_wait() Syntax
int sem_wait(sem_t *sem);
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int ret;
ret = sem_wait(&sem); /* wait for semaphore */
150 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronization With Semaphores
sem_wait() Return Values
sem_wait() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an
error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: sem points to an illegal address.
Description: A signal interrupted this function.
Decrementing a Semaphore Count
Use sem_trywait() to try to atomically decrement the count in the semaphore pointed to by
sem when the count is greater than zero.
sem_trywait() Syntax
int sem_trywait(sem_t *sem);
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int ret;
ret = sem_trywait(&sem); /* try to wait for semaphore*/
This function is a nonblocking version of sem_wait(). sem_trywait() returns immediately if
sem_trywait() Return Values
sem_trywait() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that
an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 151
Synchronization With Semaphores
Description: sem points to an illegal address.
Description: A signal interrupted this function.
Description: The semaphore was already locked, so the semaphore cannot be immediately
locked by the sem_trywait() operation.
Destroying the Semaphore State
Use sem_destroy() to destroy any state that is associated with the unnamed semaphore pointed
to by sem.
sem_destroy() Syntax
int sem_destroy(sem_t *sem);
#include <semaphore.h>
sem_t sem;
int ret;
ret = sem_destroy(&sem); /* the semaphore is destroyed */
The space for storing the semaphore is not freed.
sem_destroy() Return Values
sem_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: sem points to an illegal address.
152 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronization With Semaphores
Producer and Consumer Problem Using
The data structure in Example 21, “Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores,” on
page 153 is similar to the structure used for the condition variables example, shown in
Example 18, “Producer and Consumer Problem With Condition Variables,” on page 142.
Two semaphores represent the number of full and empty buffers. The semaphores ensure that
producers wait until buffers are empty and that consumers wait until buffers are full.
Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores
typedef struct {
char buf[BSIZE];
sem_t occupied;
sem_t empty;
int nextin;
int nextout;
sem_t pmut;
sem_t cmut;
} buffer_t;
buffer_t buffer;
sem_init(&buffer.occupied, 0, 0);
sem_init(&buffer.empty,0, BSIZE);
sem_init(&buffer.pmut, 0, 1);
sem_init(&buffer.cmut, 0, 1);
buffer.nextin = buffer.nextout = 0;
Another pair of binary semaphores plays the same role as mutexes. The semaphores control
access to the buffer when multiple producers use multiple empty buffer slots, and when multiple
consumers use multiple full buffer slots. Mutexes would work better here, but would not
provide as good an example of semaphore use.
Producer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores
void producer(buffer_t *b, char item) {
b->buf[b->nextin] = item;
b->nextin %= BSIZE;
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 153
Read-Write Lock Attributes
Consumer in Producer and Consumer Problem With Semaphores
char consumer(buffer_t *b) {
char item;
item = b->buf[b->nextout];
b->nextout %= BSIZE;
Read-Write Lock Attributes
Read-write locks permit concurrent reads and exclusive writes to a protected shared resource.
The read-write lock is a single entity that can be locked in read or write mode. To modify a
resource, a thread must first acquire the exclusive write lock. An exclusive write lock is not
permitted until all read locks have been released.
Database access can be synchronized with a read-write lock. Read-write locks support
concurrent reads of database records because the read operation does not change the record's
information. When the database is to be updated, the write operation must acquire an exclusive
write lock.
To change the default read-write lock attributes, you can declare and initialize an attribute
object. Often, the read-write lock attributes are set up in one place at the beginning of the
application. Set up at the beginning of the application makes the attributes easier to locate and
modify. The following list points to descriptions of read-write lock attributes:
Initialize a read-write lock attribute – pthread_rwlockattr_init()
Syntax” on page 155
154 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Read-Write Lock Attributes
Destroy a read-write lock attribute – pthread_rwlockattr_destroy()
Syntax” on page 156
Set a read-write lock attribute – pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared()
Syntax” on page 156
Get a read-write lock attribute – pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared()
Syntax” on page 157
Initializing a Read-Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_init(3C) initializes a read-write lock attributes object attr with the
default value for all of the attributes defined by the implementation.
pthread_rwlockattr_init() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlockattr_init(pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr);
Results are undefined if pthread_rwlockattr_init() is called specifying an already initialized
read-write lock attributes object. After a read-write lock attributes object initializes one or more
read-write locks, any function that affects the object, including destruction, does not affect
previously initialized read-write locks.
pthread_rwlockattr_init() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlockattr_init() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is
returned to indicate the error.
Description: Insufficient memory exists to initialize the read-write attributes object.
Destroying a Read-Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(3C) destroys a read-write lock attributes object.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 155
Read-Write Lock Attributes
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr);
The effect of subsequent use of the object is undefined until the object is re-initialized
by another call to pthread_rwlockattr_init(). An implementation can cause
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() to set the object referenced by attr to an invalid value.
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is
returned to indicate the error.
Description: The value specified by attr is invalid.
Setting a Read-Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(3C) sets the process-shared read-write lock attribute.
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(pthread_rwlockattr_t *attr, int pshared);
The pshared lock attribute has one of the following values:
Description: Permits a read-write lock to be operated on by any thread that has access to the
memory where the read-write lock is allocated. Operation on the read-write lock is permitted
even if the lock is allocated in memory that is shared by multiple processes.
156 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Read-Write Lock Attributes
Description: The read-write lock is only operated upon by threads created within the same
process as the thread that initialized the read-write lock. If threads of differing processes
attempt to operate on such a read-write lock, the behavior is undefined. The default value of
the process-shared attribute is PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE.
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is
returned to indicate the error.
Description: The value specified by attr or pshared is invalid.
Getting a Read-Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(3C) gets the process-shared read-write lock attribute.
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(const pthread_rwlockattr_t *restrict attr,
int *restrict pshared);
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() obtains the value of the process-shared attribute from the
initialized attributes object referenced by attr.
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is
returned to indicate the error.
Description: The value specified by attr or pshared is invalid.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 157
Using Read-Write Locks
Using Read-Write Locks
After the attributes for a read-write lock are configured, you initialize the read-write lock. The
following functions are used to initialize or destroy, lock or unlock, or try to lock a read-write
lock. The following list points to descriptions of read-write lock operations:
Initialize a read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_init() Syntax” on page 158
Read lock on read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_rdlock() Syntax” on page 159
Read lock with a nonblocking read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock()
Syntax” on page 162
Write lock on read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_wrlock() Syntax” on page 162
Write lock with a nonblocking read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_trywrlock()
Syntax” on page 163
Unlock a read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_unlock() Syntax” on page 165
Destroy a read-write lock – pthread_rwlock_destroy() Syntax” on page 166
Initializing a Read-Write Lock
Use pthread_rwlock_init(3C) to initialize the read-write lock referenced by rwlock with the
attributes referenced by attr.
pthread_rwlock_init() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,
const pthread_rwlockattr_t *restrict attr);
pthread_rwlock_t rwlock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
If attr is NULL, the default read-write lock attributes are used. The effect is the same as passing
the address of a default read-write lock attributes object. After the lock is initialized, the lock
can be used any number of times without being re-initialized. On successful initialization,
the state of the read-write lock becomes initialized and unlocked. Results are undefined if
pthread_rwlock_init() is called specifying an already initialized read-write lock. Results are
undefined if a read-write lock is used without first being initialized.
In cases where default read-write lock attributes are appropriate, the macro
PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER can initialize read-write locks that are statically allocated. The
158 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Read-Write Locks
effect is equivalent to dynamic initialization by a call to pthread_rwlock_init() with the
parameter attr specified as NULL, except that no error checks are performed.
pthread_rwlock_init() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlock_init() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is returned to
indicate the error.
If pthread_rwlock_init() fails, rwlock is not initialized and the contents of rwlock are
Description: The value specified by attr or rwlock is invalid.
Acquiring the Read Lock on Read-Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_rdlock(3C) applies a read lock to the read-write lock referenced by rwlock.
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock );
The calling thread acquires the read lock if a writer does not hold the lock and no writers are
blocked on the lock. Whether the calling thread acquires the lock when a writer does not hold
the lock and writers are waiting for the lock is unspecified. If a writer holds the lock, the calling
thread does not acquire the read lock. If the read lock is not acquired, the calling thread blocks.
The thread does not return from the pthread_rwlock_rdlock() until the thread can acquire the
lock. Results are undefined if the calling thread holds a write lock on rwlock at the time the call
is made.
Implementations are allowed to favor writers over readers to avoid writer starvation. The Oracle
Solaris implementation favors writers over readers.
A thread can hold multiple concurrent read locks on rwlock The thread can successfully call
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() n times. The thread must call pthread_rwlock_unlock() n times to
perform matching unlocks.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 159
Using Read-Write Locks
Results are undefined if pthread_rwlock_rdlock() is called with an uninitialized read-write
A thread signal handler processes a signal delivered to a thread waiting for a read-write lock.
On return from the signal handler, the thread resumes waiting for the read-write lock for reading
as if the thread was not interrupted.
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlock_rdlock() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is returned
to indicate the error.
Description: The value specified by attr or rwlock is invalid.
Acquiring a Read Lock on a Read-Write Lock
Before a Specified Absolute Time
The pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(3C) function applies a read lock to the read-write lock
referenced by rwlock as in the pthread_rwlock_rdlock() function.
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
int pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,
const struct timespec *restrict abs_timeout);
If the lock cannot be acquired without waiting for other threads to unlock the lock, this wait
will be terminated when the specified timeout expires. The timeout expires when the absolute
time specified by abs_timeout passes, as measured by the CLOCK_REALTIME clock (that is, when
the value of that clock equals or exceeds abs_timeout), or if the absolute time specified by
abs_timeout has already been passed at the time of the call.
The resolution of the timeout is the resolution of the CLOCK_REALTIME clock. The timespec data
type is defined in the <time.h> header. Under no circumstances does the function fail with a
160 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Read-Write Locks
timeout if the lock can be acquired immediately. The validity of the timeout parameter need not
be checked if the lock can be immediately acquired.
If a signal that causes a signal handler to be executed is delivered to a thread blocked on a read-
write lock with a call to pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(), upon return from the signal handler
the thread resumes waiting for the lock as if it was not interrupted.
The calling thread might deadlock if at the time the call is made it holds a write lock on rwlock.
The pthread_rwlock_reltimedrdlock_np() function is identical to the
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock() function, except that the timeout is specified as a relative time
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock() returns 0 if the lock for writing on the read-
write lock object referenced by rwlock is acquired. Otherwise, an error number is returned to
indicate the error.
Description: The lock could not be acquired before the specified timeout expired.
Description: The read lock could not be acquired because the maximum number of read locks
for lock would be exceeded.
Description: The calling thread already holds the rwlock.
Description: The value specified by rwlock does not refer to an initialized read-write lock
object, or the timeout nanosecond value is less than zero or greater than or equal to 1,000
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 161
Using Read-Write Locks
Acquiring a Non-Blocking Read Lock on a Read-
Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(3C) applies a read lock as in pthread_rwlock_rdlock() with
the exception that the function fails if any thread holds a write lock on rwlock or writers are
blocked on rwlock.
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() Return Values
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() returns zero if the lock for reading on the read-write lock object
referenced by rwlock is acquired. If the lock is not acquired, an error number is returned to
indicate the error.
Description: The read-write lock could not be acquired for reading because a writer holds the
lock or was blocked on it.
Acquiring the Write Lock on a Read-Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_wrlock(3C) applies a write lock to the read-write lock referenced by rwlock.
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock );
162 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Read-Write Locks
The calling thread acquires the write lock if no other reader thread or writer thread holds the
read-write lock rwlock. Otherwise, the thread blocks. The thread does not return from the
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() call until the thread can acquire the lock. Results are undefined if
the calling thread holds the read-write lock, either a read lock or write lock, at the time the call
is made.
Implementations are allowed to favor writers over readers to avoid writer starvation. The Oracle
Solaris implementation favors writers over readers.
Results are undefined if pthread_rwlock_wrlock() is called with an uninitialized read-write
The thread signal handler processes a signal delivered to a thread waiting for a read-write lock
for writing. Upon return from the signal handler, the thread resumes waiting for the read-write
lock for writing as if the thread was not interrupted.
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() Return Values
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() returns zero if the lock for writing on the read-write lock object
referenced by rwlock is acquired. If the lock is not acquired, an error number is returned to
indicate the error.
Acquiring a Non-blocking Write Lock on a Read-
Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(3C) applies a write lock like pthread_rwlock_wrlock(), with the
exception that the function fails if any thread currently holds rwlock, for reading or writing.
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
Results are undefined if pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() is called with an uninitialized read-
write lock.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 163
Using Read-Write Locks
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() returns zero if the lock for writing on the read-
write lock object referenced by rwlock is acquired. Otherwise, an error number is returned to
indicate the error.
Description: The read-write lock could not be acquired for writing because the read-write
lock is already locked for reading or writing.
Acquiring a Write Lock on a Read-Write Lock
Before a Specified Absolute Time
The pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(3C) function applies a write lock to the read-write lock
referenced by rwlock as in the pthread_rwlock_wrlock() function, but attempts to apply the
lock only until a specified absolute time.
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>
int pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *restrict rwlock,
const struct timespec *restrict abs_timeout);
The calling thread acquires the write lock if no other reader thread or writer thread holds
the read-write lock rwlock. If the lock cannot be acquired without waiting for other threads
to unlock the lock, this wait will be terminated when the specified timeout expires. The
timeout expires when the absolute time specified by abs_timeoutpasses, as measured
by the CLOCK_REALTIME clock (that is, when the value of that clock equals or exceeds
abs_timeout) or if the absolute time specified by abs_timeout has already been passed at the
time of the call. The pthread_rwlock_reltimedwrlock_np() function is identical to the
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock() function, except that the timeout is specified as a relative time
164 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Read-Write Locks
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock() Return Values
If successful, returns 0 if the lock for writing on the read-write lock object referenced by rwlock
is acquired. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error.
Description: The lock could not be acquired before the specified timeout expired.
Description: The calling thread already holds the rwlock.
Description: The value specified by rwlock does not refer to an initialized read-write lock
object, or the timeout nanosecond value is less than zero or greater than or equal to 1,000
Unlocking a Read-Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_unlock(3C) releases a lock held on the read-write lock object referenced by
pthread_rwlock_unlock() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_unlock (pthread_rwlock_t *rwlock);
Results are undefined if the read-write lock rwlock is not held by the calling thread.
If pthread_rwlock_unlock() is called to release a read lock from the read-write lock object,
and other read locks are currently held on this lock object, the object remains in the read locked
state. If pthread_rwlock_unlock() releases the calling thread's last read lock on this read-write
lock object, the calling thread is no longer an owner of the object. If pthread_rwlock_unlock()
releases the last read lock for this read-write lock object, the read-write lock object is put in the
unlocked state with no owners.
If pthread_rwlock_unlock() is called to release a write lock for this read-write lock object, the
lock object is put in the unlocked state with no owners.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 165
Using Read-Write Locks
If pthread_rwlock_unlock() unlocks the read-write lock object and multiple threads are
waiting to acquire the lock object for writing, the scheduling policy determines which thread
acquires the object for writing. If multiple threads are waiting to acquire the read-write lock
object for reading, the scheduling policy determines the order the waiting threads acquire the
object for reading. If multiple threads are blocked on rwlock for both read locks and write locks,
whether the readers or the writer acquire the lock first is unspecified.
Results are undefined if pthread_rwlock_unlock() is called with an uninitialized read-write
pthread_rwlock_unlock() Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlock_unlock() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is returned
to indicate the error.
Destroying a Read-Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_destroy(3C) destroys the read-write lock object referenced by rwlock and
releases any resources used by the lock.
pthread_rwlock_destroy() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t **rwlock);
The effect of subsequent use of the lock is undefined until the lock is re-initialized by another
call to pthread_rwlock_init(). An implementation can cause pthread_rwlock_destroy()
to set the object referenced by rwlock to an invalid value. Results are undefined if
pthread_rwlock_destroy() is called when any thread holds rwlock. Attempting to destroy an
uninitialized read-write lock results in undefined behavior. A destroyed read-write lock object
can be re-initialized using pthread_rwlock_init(). The results of otherwise referencing the
read-write lock object after the lock object has been destroyed are undefined.
pthread_rwlock_destroy Return Values
If successful, pthread_rwlock_destroy() returns zero. Otherwise, an error number is returned
to indicate the error.
166 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Barrier Synchronization
Description: The value specified by attr or rwlock is invalid.
Using Barrier Synchronization
In cases where you must wait for a number of tasks to be completed before an overall task can
proceed, barrier synchronization can be used. POSIX threads specifies a synchronization object
called a barrier, along with barrier functions. The functions create the barrier, specifying the
number of threads that are synchronizing on the barrier, and set up threads to perform tasks
and wait at the barrier until all the threads reach the barrier. When the last thread arrives at the
barrier, all the threads resume execution.
See “Parallelizing a Loop on a Shared-Memory Parallel Computer” on page 276 for more
about barrier synchronization.
Initializing a Synchronization Barrier
Use pthread_barrier_init(3C) to allocate resources for a barrier and initialize its attributes.
pthread_barrier_init() Syntax
int pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *barrier,
const pthread_barrierattr_t *restrict attr,
unsigned count);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_barrier_t barrier;
pthread_barrierattr_t attr;
unsigned count;
int ret;
ret = pthread_barrier_init(&barrier, &attr, count);
The pthread_barrier_init() function allocates any resources required to use the barrier
referenced by barrier and initializes the barrier with attributes referenced by attr. If attr is
NULL, the default barrier attributes are used; the effect is the same as passing the address of a
default barrier attributes object. The count argument specifies the number of threads that must
call pthread_barrier_wait() before any of them successfully return from the call. The value
specified by count must be greater than 0.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 167
Using Barrier Synchronization
pthread_barrier_init() Return Values
pthread_barrier_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by count is equal to 0, or the value specified by attr is
Description: The system lacks the necessary resources to initialize another barrier.
Description: Insufficient memory exists to initialize the barrier.
Description: There was an attempt to destroy a barrier while it is in use (for example, while
being used in a pthread_barrier_wait() call) by another thread.
Waiting for Threads to Synchronize at a Barrier
Use pthread_barrier_wait(3C) to synchronize threads at a specified barrier. The calling
thread blocks until the required number of threads have called pthread_barrier_wait()
specifying the barrier. The number of threads is specified in the pthread_barrier_init()
When the required number of threads have called pthread_barrier_wait() specifying the
barrier, the constant PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD is returned to one unspecified thread
and 0 is returned to each of the remaining threads. The barrier is then reset to the state it had as
a result of the most recent pthread_barrier_init() function that referenced it.
pthread_barrier_wait() Syntax
int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *barrier);
168 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Barrier Synchronization
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_barrier_t barrier;
int ret;
ret = pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier);
pthread_barrier_wait() Return Values
When pthread_barrier_wait() completes successfully, the function returns
PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD, which is defined in pthread.h, for one arbitrary thread
synchronized at the barrier. The function returns zero for each of the other threads. Otherwise
an error code is returned.
Description: The value specified by barrier does not refer to an initialized barrier object.
Destroying a Synchronization Barrier
When a barrier is no longer needed, it should be destroyed. Use the
pthread_barrier_destroy(3C) function to destroy the barrier referenced by barrier and
release any resources used by the barrier.
pthread_barrier_destroy() Syntax
int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *barrier);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_barrier_t barrier;
int ret;
ret = pthread_barrier_destroy(&barrier);
pthread_barrier_destroy Return Values
pthread_barrier_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value
indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 169
Using Barrier Synchronization
Description: Indicates that the value of barrier was not valid.
Description: An attempt was made to destroy a barrier while it is in use (for example, while
being used in a pthread_barrier_wait() by another thread.
Initializing a Barrier Attributes Object
The pthread_barrierattr_init(3C) function initializes a barrier attributes object attr with the
default values for the attributes defined for the object by the implementation. Currently, only
the process-shared attribute is provided, and the pthread_barrierattr_getpshared() and
pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() functions are used to get and set the attribute.
After a barrier attributes object has been used to initialize one or more barriers, any function
affecting the attributes object (including destruction) does not affect any previously initialized
pthread_barrierattr_init() Syntax
int pthread_barrierattr_init(pthread_barrierattr_t *attr);
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_barrierattr_t attr;
int ret;
ret = pthread_barrierattr_init(&attr);
pthread_barrierattr_init() Return Values
pthread_barrierattr_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: Insufficient memory exists to initialize the barrier attributes object.
170 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Using Barrier Synchronization
Setting a Barrier Process-Shared Attribute
The pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() function sets the process-shared attribute in an
initialized attributes object referenced by attr. The process-shared attribute can have the
following values:
The barrier can only be operated upon by threads created within the same
process as the thread that initialized the barrier. This is the default value
of the process-shared attribute.
The barrier can be operated upon by any thread that has access to the
memory where the barrier is allocated.
pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() Syntax
int pthread_barrierattr_setpshared(pthread_barrierattr_t *attr, int pshared);
pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() Return Values
pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other
return value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails
and returns the corresponding value.
Description: Indicates that the value of attr was not valid, or the new value specified for the
pshared is not valid.
Getting a Barrier Process-Shared Attribute
The pthread_barrierattr_getpshared(3C) function obtains the value of the process-
shared attribute from the attributes object referenced by attr. The value is set by the
pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() function.
pthread_barrierattr_getpshared() Syntax
int pthread_barrierattr_getpshared(const pthread_barrierattr_t *restrict attr,
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 171
Using Barrier Synchronization
int *restrict pshared);
pthread_barrierattr_getpshared() Return Values
pthread_barrierattr_getpshared() returns zero after completing successfully, and stores the
value of the process-shared attribute of attr into the object referenced by the pshared parameter.
Any other return value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the
function fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: Indicates that the value of attr was not valid.
Destroying a Barrier Attributes Object
The pthread_barrierattr_destroy() function destroys a barrier attributes object. A
destroyed attr attributes object can be reinitialized using pthread_barrierattr_init().
After a barrier attributes object has been used to initialize one or more barriers, destroying the
object does not affect any previously initialized barrier.
pthread_barrierattr_destroy() Syntax
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_barrierattr_destroy(pthread_barrierattr_t *attr);
pthread_barrierattr_destroy() Return Values
pthread_barrierattr_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. If the following condition occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: Indicates that the value of attr was not valid.
172 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronization Across Process Boundaries
Synchronization Across Process Boundaries
Each of the synchronization primitives can be used across process boundaries. The primitives
are set up by ensuring that the synchronization variable is located in a shared memory segment
and by calling the appropriate init() routine. The primitive must have been initialized with its
shared attribute set to interprocess.
Synchronizing in the Producer and Consumer
Example 24, “Synchronization Across Process Boundaries,” on page 173 shows the producer
and consumer problem with the producer and consumer in separate processes. The main routine
maps zero-filled memory shared with its child process into its address space.
A child process is created to run the consumer. The parent runs the producer.
This example also shows the drivers for the producer and consumer. The producer_driver()
reads characters from stdin and calls producer(). The consumer_driver() gets characters by
calling consumer() and writes them to stdout.
The data structure for Example 24, “Synchronization Across Process Boundaries,” on page
173 is the same as the structure used for the condition variables example, shown in Example
11, “Preventing Deadlock in a Singly-Linked List Structure,” on page 118. Two semaphores
represent the number of full and empty buffers. The semaphores ensure that producers wait for
empty buffers and that consumers wait until the buffers are full.
Synchronization Across Process Boundaries
main() {
int zfd;
buffer_t *buffer;
pthread_mutexattr_t mattr;
pthread_condattr_t cvattr_less, cvattr_more;
zfd = open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR);
buffer = (buffer_t *)mmap(NULL, sizeof(buffer_t),
buffer->occupied = buffer->nextin = buffer->nextout = 0;
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 173
Comparing Primitives
pthread_mutex_init(&buffer->lock, &mattr);
pthread_condattr_setpshared(&cvattr_less, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED);
pthread_cond_init(&buffer->less, &cvattr_less);
pthread_cond_init(&buffer->more, &cvattr_more);
if (fork() == 0)
void producer_driver(buffer_t *b) {
int item;
while (1) {
item = getchar();
if (item == EOF) {
producer(b, `\0');
} else
producer(b, (char)item);
void consumer_driver(buffer_t *b) {
char item;
while (1) {
if ((item = consumer(b)) == '\0')
Comparing Primitives
The most basic synchronization primitive in threads is the mutual exclusion lock. So, mutual
exclusion lock is the most efficient mechanism in both memory use and execution time. The
basic use of a mutual exclusion lock is to serialize access to a resource.
174 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Comparing Primitives
The next most efficient primitive in threads is the condition variable. The basic use of a
condition variable is to block on a change of state. The condition variable provides a thread
wait facility. Remember that a mutex lock must be acquired before blocking on a condition
variable and must be unlocked after returning from pthread_cond_wait(). The mutex lock
must also be held across the change of state that occurs before the corresponding call to
The semaphore uses more memory than the condition variable. The semaphore is easier to use
in some circumstances because a semaphore variable operates on state rather than on control.
Unlike a lock, a semaphore does not have an owner. Any thread can increment a semaphore that
has blocked.
The read-write lock permits concurrent reads and exclusive writes to a protected resource. The
read-write lock is a single entity that can be locked in read or write mode. To modify a resource,
a thread must first acquire the exclusive write lock. An exclusive write lock is not permitted
until all read locks have been released.
Chapter 4 • Programming with Synchronization Objects 175
176 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 5
Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software
This chapter describes how multithreading interacts with the Oracle Solaris software and how
the software has changed to support multithreading.
“Forking Issues in Process Creation” on page 177
“Process Creation: exec() and exit() Issues” on page 181
“Timers, Alarms, and Profiling” on page 182
“Nonlocal Goto: setjmp() and longjmp()” on page 183
“Resource Limits” on page 183
“LWPs and Scheduling Classes” on page 183
“Extending Traditional Signals” on page 186
“I/O Issues” on page 195
Forking Issues in Process Creation
Table 3, “Comparing POSIX and Oracle Solaris fork() Handling,” on page 177 compares
the differences and similarities of fork() handling in Oracle Solaris threads and pthreads.
When the comparable interface is not available either in POSIX threads or in Oracle Solaris
threads, the "-" character appears in the table column.
Comparing POSIX and Oracle Solaris fork() Handling
Fork Model Oracle Solaris Interface POSIX Threads Interface
Fork-One model
Fork-All model
forkall() forkall()
Fork Safety -
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 177
Forking Issues in Process Creation
Fork-One Model
As shown in Table 3, “Comparing POSIX and Oracle Solaris fork() Handling,” on page
177, the behavior of the pthreads fork() function is the same as the behavior of the Oracle
Solaris fork() function. Both the pthreads fork() function and the Oracle Solaris fork()
function create a new process, duplicating the complete address space in the child. However,
both functions duplicate only the calling thread in the child process.
Duplication of the calling thread in the child process is useful when the child process
immediately calls exec(), which is what happens after most calls to fork(). In this case, the
child process does not need a duplicate of any thread other than the thread that called fork().
In the child, do not call any library functions after calling fork() and before calling exec().
One of the library functions might use a lock that was held in the parent at the time of the
fork(). The child process may execute only Async-Signal-Safe operations until one of the
exec() handlers is called. See “Signal Handlers and Async-Signal Safety” on page 193 for
more information about Async-Signal-Safe functions.
Fork-One Safety Problem and Solution
Besides the usual concerns such as locking shared data, a library should be well behaved with
respect to forking a child process when only the thread that called fork() is running. The
problem is that the sole thread in the child process might try to grab a lock held by a thread not
duplicated in the child.
Most programs are not likely to encounter this problem. Most programs call exec() in the child
right after the return from fork(). However, if the program has to carry out actions in the child
before calling exec(), or never calls exec(), then the child could encounter deadlocks. Each
library writer should provide a safe solution, although not providing a fork-safe library is not a
large concern because this condition is rare.
For example, assume that T1 is in the middle of printing something and holds a lock for
printf(), when T2 forks a new process. In the child process, if the sole thread (T2) calls
printf(), T2 promptly deadlocks.
The POSIX fork() or the Oracle Solaris fork1() function duplicates only the thread that calls
fork() or fork1() . If you call Oracle Solaris forkall() to duplicate all threads, this issue is
not a concern.
However, forkall() can cause other problems and should be used with care. For example, if
a thread calls forkall(), the parent thread performing I/O to a file is replicated in the child
process. Both copies of the thread will continue performing I/O to the same file, one in the
parent and one in the child, leading to malfunctions or file corruption.
178 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Forking Issues in Process Creation
To prevent deadlock when calling fork1(), ensure that no locks are being held at the time of
forking. The most obvious way to prevent deadlock is to have the forking thread acquire all
the locks that could possibly be used by the child. Because you cannot acquire all locks for
printf() because printf() is owned by libc, you must ensure that printf() is not being used
at fork() time.
Tip - The Thread Analyzer utility included in the Oracle Developer Studio software enables you
to detect deadlocks in a running program. See the User's Guide in the Oracle Developer Studio
Library for more information.
To manage the locks in your library, you should perform the following actions:
Identify all the locks used by the library.
Identify the locking order for the locks used by the library. If a strict locking order is not
used, then lock acquisition must be managed carefully.
Arrange to acquire all locks at fork time.
In the following example, the list of locks used by the library is { L1,...Ln}. The locking order
for these locks is also L1...Ln.
When using either Oracle Solaris threads or POSIX threads, you can add a call to
pthread_atfork(f1, f2, f3) in your library's .init() section. The f1(), f2(), f3() are
defined as follows:
f1() /* This is executed just before the process forks. */
mutex_lock(L1); |
mutex_lock(...); | -- ordered in lock order
mutex_lock(Ln); |
} V
f2() /* This is executed in the child after the process forks. */
f3() /* This is executed in the parent after the process forks. */
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 179
Forking Issues in Process Creation
Virtual Forks – vfork()
The standard vfork() function is unsafe in multithreaded programs. vfork(), like fork1(),
copies only the calling thread in the child process. As in nonthreaded implementations, vfork()
does not copy the address space for the child process.
Be careful that the thread in the child process does not change memory before the thread calls
exec(). vfork() gives the parent address space to the child. The parent gets its address space
back after the child calls exec() or exits. The child must not change the state of the parent.
For example, disastrous problems occur if you create new threads between the call to vfork()
and the call to exec().
Solution: pthread_atfork
Use pthread_atfork() to prevent deadlocks whenever you use the fork-one model.
#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_atfork(void (*prepare) (void), void (*
parent) (void),
void (*child) (void) );
The pthread_atfork() function declares fork() handlers that are called before and after
fork() in the context of the thread that called fork().
The prepare handler is called before fork() starts.
The parent handler is called after fork() returns in the parent.
The child handler is called after fork() returns in the child.
Any handler argument can be set to NULL. The order in which successive calls to
pthread_atfork() are made is significant.
For example, a prepare handler could acquire all the mutexes needed. Then the parent and
child handlers could release the mutexes. The prepare handler acquiring all required mutexes
ensures that all relevant locks are held by the thread calling the fork function before the process
is forked. This technique prevents a deadlock in the child.
180 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Process Creation: exec() and exit() Issues
See the pthread_atfork(3C) man page for more information.
Fork-All Model
The Oracle Solaris forkall() function duplicates the address space and all the threads in the
child. Address space duplication is useful, for example, when the child process never calls
exec() but does use its copy of the parent address space.
When one thread in a process calls Oracle Solaris forkall(), threads that are blocked in an
interruptible system call will return EINTR.
Be careful not to create locks that are held by both the parent and child processes. Locks held
in both parent and child processes occur when locks are allocated in shared memory by calling
mmap() with the MAP_SHARED flag. This problem does not occur if the fork-one model is used.
Choosing the Appropriate fork() Call
Starting with the Oracle Solaris 10 release, a call to fork() is identical to a call to fork1().
Specifically, only the calling thread is replicated in the child process. The behavior is the same
as the POSIX fork().
In previous releases of the Oracle Solaris software, the behavior of fork() was dependent on
whether the application was linked with the POSIX threads library. When linked with -lthread
(Oracle Solaris threads) but not linked with -lpthread (POSIX threads), fork() was the same
as forkall(). When linked with -lpthread, regardless of whether fork() was also linked with
-lthread, fork() was the same as fork1().
Starting with the Oracle Solaris 10 release, neither -lthread nor -lpthread is required
for multithreaded applications. The -mt option is used to indicate that you are compiling a
multithreaded application. The standard C library provides all threading support for both sets of
application program interfaces. Applications that require replicate all fork semantics must call
Process Creation: exec() and exit() Issues
Both the exec() and exit() system calls work as these functions do in single-threaded
processes with the following exception. In a multithreaded application, the functions destroy
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 181
Timers, Alarms, and Profiling
all the threads in the address space. Both calls block until all the execution resources, and so all
active threads, are destroyed.
When exec() rebuilds the process, exec() creates a single lightweight process (LWP). The
process startup code builds the initial thread. As usual, if the initial thread returns, the thread
calls exit() and the process is destroyed.
When all the threads in a process exit, the process exits. A call to any exec() function from
a process with more than one thread terminates all threads, and loads and executes the new
executable image. No destructor functions are called.
Timers, Alarms, and Profiling
Over several releases, the Oracle Solaris OS has evolved to a per-process mode for alarms,
interval timers, and profiling.
Using Timers
All timers are per-process except for the real time profile interval timer, which is per_LWP. See
the setitimer(2) man page for a description of the ITIMER_REALPROF timer.
The timer IDs of per-process timers are usable from any LWP. The expiration signals are
generated for the process rather than directed to a specific LWP.
The per-process timers are deleted only by timer_delete()(3RT), or when the process
In the Oracle Solaris 11.1 release, the POSIX timer API was enhanced to provide a thread
(LWP) directed signal. The thread directed signal notification can be requested with the use of
the SIGEV_SIGNAL_THR sigevent type. You can effectively create per thread timers by using this
sigevent type. See the timer_create(3C) man page for more information.
Using Alarms
Alarms operate at the process level, not at the thread level. The alarm() function sends the
signal SIGALRM to the calling process rather than the calling thread.
182 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Nonlocal Goto: setjmp() and longjmp()
Profiling a Multithreaded Program
The profil() system call for multithreaded processes has global impact on all LWPs and
threads in the process. Threads cannot use profil() for individual thread profiling. See the
profil(2) man page for more information.
Tip - The Performance Analyzer tool, included in the Oracle Developer Studio software, can be
used for extensive profiling of multithreaded and single threaded programs. The tool enables
you to see in detail what a thread is doing at any given point. See the User's Guide in the Oracle
Developer Studio Library for more information about the cc command.
Nonlocal Goto: setjmp() and longjmp()
The scope of setjmp() and longjmp() is limited to one thread, which is acceptable most of the
time. However, the limited scope does mean that a thread that handles a signal can execute a
longjmp() only when a setjmp() is performed in the same thread.
Resource Limits
Resource limits are set on the entire process and are determined by adding the resource use of
all threads in the process. When a soft resource limit is exceeded, the offending thread is sent
the appropriate signal. The sum of the resources that are used in the process is available through
LWPs and Scheduling Classes
The Oracle Solaris kernel has three ranges of dispatching priority. The highest-priority range
(100 to 159) corresponds to the Realtime (RT) scheduling class. The middle-priority range (60
to 99) corresponds to the system (SYS) scheduling class. The system class cannot be applied to
a user process. The lowest-priority range (0 to 59) is shared by the timesharing (TS), interactive
(IA), fair-share (FSS), and fixed priority (FX) scheduling classes.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 183
LWPs and Scheduling Classes
A scheduling class is maintained for each LWP. When a process is created, the initial LWP
inherits the scheduling class and priority of the creating LWP in the parent process. As more
threads are created, their associated LWPs also inherit this scheduling class and priority.
Threads have the scheduling class and priority of their underlying LWPs. Each LWP in a
process can have a unique scheduling class and priority that are visible to the kernel.
Thread priorities regulate contention for synchronization objects. By default, LWPs are in the
timesharing class. For compute-bound multithreading, thread priorities are not very useful. For
multithreaded applications that use the MT libraries to do synchronization frequently, thread
priorities are more meaningful.
The scheduling class is set by priocntl(). How you specify the first two arguments determines
whether only the calling LWP or all the LWPs of one or more processes are affected. The third
argument of priocntl() is the command, which can be one of the following commands.
PC_GETCID – Get the class ID and class attributes for a specific class.
PC_GETCLINFO – Get the class name and class attributes for a specific class.
PC_GETPARMS – Get the class identifier and the class-specific scheduling parameters of a
process, an LWP with a process, or a group of processes.
PC_SETPARMS – Set the class identifier and the class-specific scheduling parameters of a
process, an LWP with a process, or a group of processes.
The user-level priority of an LWP is its priority within its class, not its dispatch priority. This
does not change over time except by the application of the priocntl() system call. The kernel
determines the dispatch priority of an LWP based on its scheduling class, its priority within that
class, and possibly other factors such as its recently-used CPU time.
Timeshare Scheduling
Timeshare scheduling attempts to distribute processor resources fairly among the LWPs in the
timesharing (TS) and interactive (IA) scheduling classes.
The priocntl() call sets the class priority of one or more processes or LWPs. The normal
range of timesharing class priorities is -60 to +60. The higher the value, the higher the kernel
dispatch priority. The default timesharing class priority is 0.
The old concept of a nice value for a process, where a lower nice value means a higher
priority, is maintained for all of the TS, IA, and FSS scheduling classes. The old nice-based
setpriority(3C) and nice(2) interfaces continue to work by mapping nice values into priority
values. Setting a nice value changes the priority and vice-versa. The range of nice values is -20
184 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
LWPs and Scheduling Classes
to +20. A nice value of 0 corresponds to a priority of 0. A nice value of -20 corresponds to a
priority of +60.
The dispatch priority of time-shared LWPs is calculated from the instantaneous CPU use rate of
the LWP and from its class priority. The class priority indicates the relative priority of the LWPs
to the timeshare scheduler.
LWPs with a smaller class priority value get a smaller, but nonzero, share of the total
processing. An LWP that has received a larger amount of processing is given lower dispatch
priority than an LWP that has received little or no processing.
Realtime Scheduling
The Realtime class (RT) can be applied to a whole process or to one or more LWPs in a process.
You must have superuser privilege to use the Realtime class.
The normal range of realtime class priorities is 0 to 59. The dispatch priority of an LWP in the
realtime class is fixed at its class priority plus 100.
The scheduler always dispatches the highest-priority Realtime LWP. The high-priority Realtime
LWP preempts a lower-priority LWP when a higher-priority LWP becomes runnable. A
preempted LWP is placed at the head of its level queue.
A Realtime LWP retains control of a processor until the LWP is preempted, the LWP suspends,
or its Realtime priority is changed. LWPs in the RT class have absolute priority over processes
in the TS class.
A new LWP inherits the scheduling class of the parent process or LWP. An RT class LWP
inherits the parent's time slice, whether finite or infinite.
A finite time slice LWP runs until the LWP terminates, blocks on an I/O event, gets preempted
by a higher-priority runnable Realtime process, or the time slice expires.
An LWP with an infinite time slice ceases execution only when the LWP terminates, blocks, or
is preempted.
Fair Share Scheduling
The fair share scheduler (FSS) scheduling class allows allocation of CPU time based on shares.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 185
Extending Traditional Signals
The normal range of fair share scheduler class priorities is -60 to 60, which get mapped by
the scheduler into dispatch priorities in the same range (0 to 59) as the TS and IA scheduling
classes. All LWPs in a process must run in the same scheduling class. The FSS class schedules
individual LWPs, not whole processes. Thus, a mix of processes in the FSS and TS/IA classes
could result in unexpected scheduling behavior in both cases.
The TS/IA or the FSS scheduling class processes do not compete for the same CPUs. Processor
sets enable mixing TS/IA with FSS in a system. However, all processes in each processor set
must be in either the TS/IA or the FSS scheduling class.
Fixed Priority Scheduling
The FX, fixed priority, scheduling class assigns fixed priorities and time quantum not adjusted
to accommodate resource consumption. Process priority can be changed only by the process
that assigned the priority or an appropriately privileged process. For more information about
FX, see the priocntl(1) and dispadmin(1M) man pages.
The normal range of fixed priority scheduler class priorities is 0 to 60, which get mapped by
the scheduler into dispatch priorities in the same range (0 to 59) as the TS and IA scheduling
Extending Traditional Signals
The traditional UNIX signal model is extended to threads in a fairly natural way. The key
characteristics are that the signal disposition is process-wide, but the signal mask is per-
thread. The process-wide disposition of signals is established using the traditional mechanisms
signal(3C), sigaction(2), and so on.
When a signal handler is marked SIG_DFL or SIG_IGN, the action on receipt of a signal is
performed on the entire receiving process. These signals include exit, core dump, stop,
continue, and ignore. The action on receipt of these signals is carried out on all threads in the
process. Therefore, the issue of which thread picks the signal is nonexistent. The exit, core
dump, stop, continue, and ignore signals have no handlers. See the signal.h(3HEAD) man
page for basic information about signals.
Each thread has its own signal mask. The signal mask lets a thread block some signals while
the thread uses memory or another state that is also used by a signal handler. All threads in a
process share the set of signal handlers that are set up by sigaction(2) and its variants.
186 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Extending Traditional Signals
A thread in one process cannot send a signal to a specific thread in another process. A signal
sent by kill(2), sigsend(2), or sigqueue(3RT) to a process is handled by any receptive threads
in the process.
Signals are divided into the following categories: traps, exceptions, and interrupts. Traps and
exceptions are synchronously generated signals. Interrupts are asynchronously generated
As in traditional UNIX, if a signal is pending, additional occurrences of that signal normally
have no additional effect. A pending signal is represented by a bit, not by a counter. However,
signals that are posted through the sigqueue(3RT) interface allow multiple instances of the
same signal to be queued to the process.
As is the case with single-threaded processes, when a thread receives a signal while blocked
in a system call, the thread might return early. When a thread returns early, the thread either
returns an EINTR error code, or, in the case of I/O calls, with fewer bytes transferred than
Of particular importance to multithreaded programs is the effect of signals on
pthread_cond_wait(3C). This call usually returns without error, a return value of zero, only in
response to a pthread_cond_signal(3C) or a pthread_cond_broadcast(3C). However, if the
waiting thread receives a traditional UNIX signal, pthread_cond_wait() returns with a return
value of zero even though the wakeup was spurious.
Synchronous Signals
Traps, such as SIGILL, SIGFPE, and SIGSEGV, result from an operation on the thread, such as
dividing by zero or making reference to nonexistent memory. A trap is handled only by the
thread that caused the trap. Several threads in a process can generate and handle the same type
of trap simultaneously.
The idea of signals to individual threads is easily extended for synchronously generated signals.
The handler is invoked on the thread that generated the synchronous signal.
However, if the process chooses not to establish an appropriate signal handler, the default action
is taken when a trap occurs. The default action occurs even if the offending thread is blocked
on the generated signal. The default action for such signals is to terminate the process, perhaps
with a core dump.
Such a synchronous signal usually means that something is seriously wrong with the whole
process, not just with a thread. In this case, terminating the process is often a good choice.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 187
Extending Traditional Signals
Asynchronous Signals
Interrupts, such as SIGINT and SIGIO, are asynchronous with any thread and result from some
action outside the process. These interrupts might be signals sent explicitly by another process,
or might represent external actions such as a user typing a Control-C.
An interrupt can be handled by any thread whose signal mask allows the interrupt. When more
than one thread is able to receive the interrupt, only one thread is chosen.
When multiple occurrences of the same signal are sent to a process, then each occurrence
can be handled by a separate thread. However, the available threads must not have the signal
masked. When all threads have the signal masked, then the signal is marked pending and the
first thread to unmask the signal handles the signal.
Continuation Semantics
Continuation semantics are the traditional way to deal with signals. When a signal handler
returns, control resumes where the process was at the time of the interruption. This control
resumption is well suited for asynchronous signals in single-threaded processes, as shown in
Example 25, “Showing Continuation Semantics,” on page 188.
This control resumption is also used as the exception-handling mechanism in other
programming languages, such as PL/1.
Showing Continuation Semantics
unsigned int nestcount;
unsigned int A(int i, int j) {
if (i==0)
else if (j==0)
return(A(i-1, 1));
return(A(i-1, A(i, j-1)));
void sig(int i) {
printf("nestcount = %d\n", nestcount);
188 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Extending Traditional Signals
main() {
sigset(SIGINT, sig);
Operations on Signals
This section describes the operations on signals.
“Setting the Thread's Signal Mask” on page 189
“Sending a Signal to a Specific Thread” on page 189
“Waiting for a Specified Signal” on page 190
“Waiting for Specified Signal Within a Given Time” on page 191
Setting the Thread's Signal Mask
pthread_sigmask(3C) does for a thread what sigprocmask() does for a process.
pthread_sigmask() sets the thread's signal mask. When a new thread is created, its initial mask
is inherited from its creator.
The call to sigprocmask() in a multithreaded process is equivalent to a call to
pthread_sigmask(). See the sigprocmask(2) man page for more information.
Sending a Signal to a Specific Thread
pthread_kill(3C) is the thread analog of kill(). A pthread_kill() call sends a signal to a
specific thread. A signal that is sent to a specified thread is different from a signal that is sent
to a process. When a signal is sent to a process, the signal can be handled by any thread in the
process. A signal sent by pthread_kill() can be handled only by the specified thread.
You can use pthread_kill() to send signals only to threads in the current process. Because the
thread identifier, type thread_t, is local in scope, you cannot name a thread outside the scope of
the current process.
On receipt of a signal by the target thread, the action invoked (handler, SIG_DFL, or SIG_IGN)
is global, as usual. If you send SIGXXX to a thread, and SIGXXX to kill a process, the whole
process is killed when the target thread receives the signal.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 189
Extending Traditional Signals
Waiting for a Specified Signal
For multithreaded programs, sigwait() is the preferred interface to use because sigwait()
deals well with asynchronously generated signals.
sigwait() causes the calling thread to wait until any signal identified by the sigwait()
function's set argument is delivered to the thread. While the thread is waiting, signals identified
by the set argument are unmasked, but the original mask is restored when the call returns.
All signals identified by the set argument must be blocked on all threads, including the calling
thread. Otherwise, sigwait() might not work correctly.
Use sigwait() to separate threads from asynchronous signals. You can create one thread that
listens for asynchronous signals while you create other threads to block any asynchronous
signals set to this process.
The following example shows the syntax of sigwait().
#include <signal.h>
int sigwait(const sigset_t *set, int *sig
When the signal is delivered, sigwait() clears the pending signal and places the signal number
in sig. Many threads can call sigwait() at the same time, but only one thread returns for each
signal that is received.
With sigwait(), you can treat asynchronous signals synchronously. A thread that deals with
such signals calls sigwait() and returns as soon as a signal arrives. By ensuring that all
threads, including the caller of sigwait(), mask asynchronous signals, ensures signals are
handled only by the intended handler and are handled safely.
By always masking all signals in all threads and calling sigwait() as necessary, your
application is much safer for threads that depend on signals.
Usually, you create one or more threads that call sigwait() to wait for signals. Because
sigwait() retrieves even masked signals, be sure to block the signals of interest in all other
threads so the signals are not accidentally delivered.
When a signal arrives, a signal-handling thread returns from sigwait(), handles the signal,
and calls sigwait() again to wait for more signals. The signal-handling thread is not restricted
to using Async-Signal-Safe functions. The signal-handling thread can synchronize with other
threads in the usual way. The Async-Signal-Safe category is defined in “MT Interface Safety
Levels” on page 248.
190 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Extending Traditional Signals
Note - sigwait() cannot receive synchronously generated signals.
Waiting for Specified Signal Within a Given Time
sigtimedwait(3RT) is similar to sigwait() except that sigtimedwait() fails and returns an
error when a signal is not received in the indicated amount of time. See the sigtimedwait(3C)
man page for more information.
Thread-Directed Signals
The UNIX signal mechanism is extended with the idea of thread-directed signals. Thread-
directed signals are just like ordinary asynchronous signals, except that thread-directed signals
are sent to a particular thread instead of to a process.
A separate thread that waits for asynchronous signals can be safer and easier than installing a
signal handler that processes the signals.
A better way to deal with asynchronous signals is to treat these signals synchronously. By
calling sigwait(), a thread can wait until a signal occurs. See “Waiting for a Specified
Signal” on page 190.
Using sigwait With Asynchronous Signals
main() {
sigset_t set;
void runA(void);
int sig;
sigaddset(&set, SIGINT);
pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL);
pthread_create(NULL, 0, runA, NULL, PTHREAD_DETACHED, NULL);
while (1) {
sigwait(&set, &sig);
printf("nestcount = %d\n", nestcount);
printf("received signal %d\n", sig);
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 191
Extending Traditional Signals
void runA() {
This example modifies the code of Example 25, “Showing Continuation Semantics,” on page
188. The main routine masks the SIGINT signal, creates a child thread that calls function A of
the previous example, and issues sigwait() to handle the SIGINT signal.
Note that the signal is masked in the compute thread because the compute thread inherits its
signal mask from the main thread. The main thread is protected from SIGINT while, and only
while, the thread is not blocked inside of sigwait().
Also, note that no danger exists of having system calls interrupted when you use sigwait().
Completion Semantics
Another way to deal with signals is with completion semantics.
Use completion semantics when a signal indicates that something so catastrophic has happened
that no reason exists to continue executing the current code block. The signal handler runs
instead of the remainder of the block that had the problem. In other words, the signal handler
completes the block.
In Example 27, “Showing Completion Semantics,” on page 192, the block in question is the
body of the then part of the if statement. The call to setjmp saves the current register state of
the program in jbuf and returns 0, thereby executing the block.
Showing Completion Semantics
sigjmp_buf jbuf;
void mult_divide(void) {
int a, b, c, d;
void problem();
sigset(SIGFPE, problem);
while (1) {
if (sigsetjmp(&jbuf) == 0) {
printf("Three numbers, please:\n");
scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
d = a*b/c;
printf("%d*%d/%d = %d\n", a, b, c, d);
192 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Extending Traditional Signals
void problem(int sig) {
printf("Couldn't deal with them, try again\n");
siglongjmp(&jbuf, 1);
If a SIGFPE floating-point exception occurs, the signal handler is invoked.
The signal handler calls siglongjmp, which restores the register state saved in jbuf, causing the
program to return from sigsetjmp() again. The registers that are saved include the program
counter and the stack pointer.
This time, however, sigsetjmp returns the second argument of siglongjmp(), which is 1.
Notice that the block is skipped over, only to be executed during the next iteration of the while
You can use sigsetjmp and siglongjmp in multithreaded programs. Be careful that a thread
never does a siglongjmp() that uses the results of another thread's sigsetjmp().
Also, sigsetjmp() and siglongjmp() restore as well as save the signal mask, but setjmp and
longjmp do not.
Use sigsetjmp() and siglongjmp() when you work with signal handlers.
Completion semantics are often used to deal with exceptions. In particular, the Oracle Ada
programming language uses this model.
Note - Remember, sigwait() should never be used with synchronous signals.
Signal Handlers and Async-Signal Safety
A concept that is similar to thread safety is Async-Signal safety. Async-Signal-Safe operations
are guaranteed not to interfere with operations that are being interrupted.
The problem of Async-Signal safety arises when the actions of a signal handler can interfere
with the operation that is being interrupted.
For example, suppose a program is in the middle of a call to printf, and a signal occurs whose
handler calls printf(). In this case, the output of the two printf() statements would be
intertwined. To avoid the intertwined output, the handler should not directly call printf()
when printf() might be interrupted by a signal.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 193
Extending Traditional Signals
This problem cannot be solved by using synchronization primitives. Any attempt to synchronize
between the signal handler and the operation being synchronized would produce an immediate
Suppose that printf() is to protect itself by using a mutex. Now, suppose that a thread that is
in a call to printf() and so holds the lock on the mutex is interrupted by a signal.
If the handler calls printf(), the thread that holds the lock on the mutex attempts to take the
mutex again. Attempting to take the mutex results in an instant deadlock.
To avoid interference between the handler and the operation, ensure that the situation never
arises. Perhaps you can mask off signals at critical moments, or invoke only Async-Signal-Safe
operations from inside signal handlers.
The only routines that POSIX guarantees to be Async-Signal-Safe are the following Any signal
handler can safely call in to one of these functions.
_Exit() fpathconf() read() sigset()
_exit() fstat() readlink() sigsuspend()
abort() fsync() recv() sockatmark()
accept() ftruncate() recvfrom() socket()
access() getegid() recvmsg() socketpair()
aio_error() geteuid() rename() stat()
aio_return() getgid() rmdir() symlink()
aio_suspend() getgroups() select() sysconf()
alarm() getpeername() sem_post() tcdrain()
bind() getpgrp() send() tcflow()
cfgetispeed() getpid() sendmsg() tcflush()
cfgetospeed() getppid() sendto() tcgetattr()
cfsetispeed() getsockname() setgid() tcsendbreak()
cfsetospeed() getsockopt() setpgid() tcsetattr()
chdir() getuid() setsid() tcsetpgrp()
chmod() kill() setsockopt() time()
chown() link() setuid() timer_getoverrun()
clock_gettime() listen() shutdown() timer_gettime()
close() lseek() sigaction() timer_settime()
connect() lstat() sigaddset() times()
creat() mkdir() sigdelset() ulink()
dup() mkfifo() sigemptyset() umask()
dup2() open() sigfillset() uname()
execle() pathconf() sigismember() utime()
execve() pause() signal() wait()
fchmod() pipe() sigpause() waitpid()
194 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
I/O Issues
fchown() poll() sigpending() write()
fcntl() posix_trace_event() sigprocmask()
fdatasync() pselect() sigqueue()
fork() raise() sleep()
Interrupted Waits on Condition Variables
When an unmasked caught signal is delivered to a thread waiting on a condition variable,
when the signal handler returns, the thread returns from the condition wait function with a
spurious wakeup: pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_timedwait() return 0 even though
no call to pthread_cond_signal() or pthread_cond_broadcast() was made by another
thread. Whether SA_RESTART has been specified as a flag to sigaction() has no effect here.
The pthread_cond_wait() and pthread_cond_timedwait() functions are not automatically
restarted. In all cases, the associated mutex lock is reacquired before returning from the
condition wait.
Re-acquisition of the associated mutex lock does not imply that the mutex is locked while the
thread is executing the signal handler. The state of the mutex in the signal handler is undefined.
I/O Issues
One of the attractions of multithreaded programming is I/O performance. The traditional UNIX
API gave you little assistance in this area. You either used the facilities of the file system or
bypassed the file system entirely.
This section shows how to use threads to get more flexibility through I/O concurrency and
multibuffering. This section also discusses the differences and similarities between the
approaches of synchronous I/O with threads, and asynchronous I/O with and without threads.
I/O as a Remote Procedure Call
In the traditional UNIX model, I/O appears to be synchronous, as if you were placing a remote
procedure call to the I/O device. Once the call returns, then the I/O has completed, or at least
appears to have completed. A write request, for example, might merely result in the transfer of
the data to a buffer in the operating environment.
The advantage of this model is familiar concept of procedure calls.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 195
I/O Issues
An alternative approach not found in traditional UNIX systems is the asynchronous model, in
which an I/O request merely starts an operation. The program must somehow discover when the
operation completes.
The asynchronous model is not as simple as the synchronous model. But, the asynchronous
model has the advantage of allowing concurrent I/O and processing in traditional, single-
threaded UNIX processes.
Tamed Asynchrony
You can get most of the benefits of asynchronous I/O by using synchronous I/O in a
multithreaded program. With asynchronous I/O, you would issue a request and check later to
determine when the I/O completes. You can instead have a separate thread perform the I/O
synchronously. The main thread can then check for the completion of the operation at some
later time perhaps by calling pthread_join().
Asynchronous I/O
In most situations, asynchronous I/O is not required because its effects can be achieved with the
use of threads, with each thread execution of synchronous I/O. However, in a few situations,
threads cannot achieve what asynchronous I/O can.
The most straightforward example is writing to a tape drive to make the tape drive stream.
Streaming prevents the tape drive from stopping while the drive is being written to. The tape
moves forward at high speed while supplying a constant stream of data that is written to tape.
To support streaming, the tape driver in the kernel should use threads. The tape driver in the
kernel must issue a queued write request when the tape driver responds to an interrupt. The
interrupt indicates that the previous tape-write operation has completed.
Threads cannot guarantee that asynchronous writes are ordered because the order in which
threads executed is indeterminate. You cannot, for example, specify the order of a write to a
Asynchronous I/O Operations
#include <aio.h>
196 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
I/O Issues
int aio_read(struct aiocb *aiocbp);
int aio_write(struct aiocb *aiocbp);
int aio_error(const struct aiocb *aiocbp);
ssize_t aio_return(struct aiocb *aiocbp);
int aio_suspend(struct aiocb *list[], int nent,
const struct timespec *timeout);
int aio_waitn(struct aiocb *list[], uint_t nent, uint_t *nwait,
const struct timespec *timeout);
int aio_cancel(int fildes, struct aiocb *aiocbp);
aio_read(3RT) and aio_write(3RT) are similar in concept to pread() and pwrite(), except
that the parameters of the I/O operation are stored in an asynchronous I/O control block
(aiocbp) that is passed to aio_read() or aio_write():
aiocbp->aio_fildes; /* file descriptor */
aiocbp->aio_buf; /* buffer */
aiocbp->aio_nbytes; /* I/O request size */
aiocbp->aio_offset; /* file offset */
In addition, if desired, an asynchronous notification type (most commonly a queued signal) can
be specified in the 'struct sigevent' member:
aiocbp->aio_sigevent; /* notification type */
A call to aio_read() or aio_write() results in the initiation or queueing of an I/O operation.
The call returns without blocking.
The aiocbp value may be used as an argument to aio_error() and aio_return() in order to
determine the error status and return status of the asynchronous operation while it is proceeding.
Waiting for I/O Operation to Complete
You can wait for one or more outstanding asynchronous I/O operations to complete by calling
aio_suspend() or aio_waitn(). Use aio_error() and aio_return() on the completed
asynchronous I/O control blocks to determine the success or failure of the I/O operation.
The aio_suspend() and aio_waitn() functions take a timeout argument, which indicates
how long the caller is willing to wait. A NULL pointer means that the caller is willing to wait
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 197
I/O Issues
indefinitely. A pointer to a structure containing a zero value means that the caller is unwilling to
wait at all.
You might start an asynchronous I/O operation, do some work, then call aio_suspend()
or aio_waitn() to wait for the request to complete. Or you can rely on the asynchronous
notification event specified in aio_sigevent() to occur to notify you when the operation
Finally, a pending asynchronous I/O operation can be cancelled by calling aio_cancel(). This
function is called with the address of the I/O control block that was used to initiate the I/O
Shared I/O and New I/O System Calls
When multiple threads perform concurrent I/O operations with the same file descriptor, you
might discover that the traditional UNIX I/O interface is not thread safe. The problem occurs
with nonsequential I/O where the lseek() system call sets the file offset. The file offset is then
used in the next read() or write() call to indicate where in the file the operation should start.
When two or more threads are issuing an lseek() to the same file descriptor, a conflict results.
To avoid this conflict, use the pread() and pwrite() system calls.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
ssize_t pread(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbyte, off_t offset);
ssize_t pwrite(int filedes, void *buf, size_t nbyte,
off_t offset);
pread() and pwrite() behave just like read() and write() except that pread() and pwrite()
take an additional argument, the file offset. With this argument, you specify the offset without
using lseek(), so multiple threads can use these routines safely for I/O on the same file
Alternatives to getc() and putc()
An additional problem occurs with standard I/O. Programmers are accustomed to routines, such
as getc() and putc(), that are implemented as macros, being very quick. Because of the speed
198 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
I/O Issues
of getc() and putc(), these macros can be used within the inner loop of a program with no
concerns about efficiency.
However, when getc() and putc() are made thread safe the macros suddenly become more
expensive. The macros now require at least two internal subroutine calls, to lock and unlock a
To get around this problem, alternative versions of these routines are supplied:
getc_unlocked() and putc_unlocked().
getc_unlocked() and putc_unlocked() do not acquire locks on a mutex. These
getc_unlocked() or putc_unlocked() macros are as quick as the original, nonthread-safe
versions of getc() and putc().
However, to use these macros in a thread-safe way, you must explicitly lock and release
the mutexes that protect the standard I/O streams, using flockfile() and funlockfile().
The calls to these latter routines are placed outside the loop. Calls to getc_unlocked() or
putc_unlocked() are placed inside the loop.
New System Calls for Reliable Multithreaded
In the Oracle Solaris 11 release, the following new APIs and flags have been added to make
multithreaded programs more reliable:
The following *at() functions are versions of file handling system calls which take the
working directory for relative pathnames as an argument, to avoid races with chdir() calls
between multiple threads.
Chapter 5 • Multithreading With the Oracle Solaris Software 199
I/O Issues
The following flags close a race condition between the open(), dup(), and dup2() calls and a
following call to the fcntl() function to set the FD_CLOEXEC flag by setting it atomically in the
creation system call.
O_CLOEXEC flag to open(2)
F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC and F_DUP2FD_CLOEXEC arguments to fcntl(2)
200 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 6
Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads
This chapter compares the application programming interface (API) for Oracle Solaris and
POSIX threads, and explains the Oracle Solaris features that are not found in POSIX threads.
The chapter discusses the following topics:
“Comparing APIs for Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX Threads” on page 201
“Unique Oracle Solaris Threads Functions” on page 205
“Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks” on page 207
“Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions” on page 215
“Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks” on page 228
“Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables” on page 233
“Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores” on page 239
“Special Issues for fork() and Oracle Solaris Threads” on page 245
Comparing APIs for Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX
The Oracle Solaris threads API and the POSIX pthreads API are two solutions to the same
problem: build parallelism into application software. Although each API is complete, you can
safely mix Oracle Solaris threads functions and pthread functions in the same program.
The two APIs do not match exactly, however. Oracle Solaris threads support functions that
are not found in pthreads, and pthreads include functions that are not supported in the Oracle
Solaris interface. For those functions that do match, the associated arguments might not,
although the information content is effectively the same.
By combining the two APIs, you can use features not found in one API to enhance the other
API. Similarly, you can run applications that use Oracle Solaris threads exclusively with
applications that use pthreads exclusively on the same system.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 201
Comparing APIs for Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX Threads
Major API Differences
Oracle Solaris threads and pthreads are very similar in both API action and syntax. The
major differences are listed in Table 4, “Unique Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX pthreads
Features,” on page 202.
Unique Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX pthreads Features
Oracle Solaris Threads Feature POSIX Threads Feature
thr_ prefix for threads function names, sema_
prefix for semaphore function names
pthread_ prefix for pthreads function names, sem_ prefix for
semaphore function names
Ability to create "daemon" threads Cancellation semantics
Suspending and continuing a thread Scheduling policies
Function Comparison Table
The following table compares Oracle Solaris threads functions with pthreads functions. Note
that even when Oracle Solaris threads and pthreads functions appear to be essentially the same,
the arguments to the functions can differ.
When a comparable interface is not available either in pthreads or Oracle Solaris threads, a
hyphen `-' appears in the column. Entries in the pthreads column that are followed by (3RT) are
functions in librt, the POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library, which is not part of pthreads.
Functions in this library provide most of the interfaces specified by the POSIX.1b Realtime
Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX pthreads Comparison
Oracle Solaris Thread Comparable POSIX pthread
thr_create() pthread_create()
thr_exit() pthread_exit()
thr_join() pthread_join()
thr_yield() sched_yield()(3RT)
thr_self() pthread_self()
thr_kill() pthread_kill()
thr_sigsetmask() pthread_sigmask()
thr_setprio() pthread_setschedparam()
thr_getprio() pthread_getschedparam()
thr_setconcurrency() pthread_setconcurrency()
thr_getconcurrency() pthread_getconcurrency()
202 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Comparing APIs for Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX Threads
Oracle Solaris Thread Comparable POSIX pthread
thr_keycreate() pthread_key_create()
thr_setspecific() pthread_setspecific()
thr_getspecific() pthread_getspecific()
mutex_lock() pthread_mutex_lock()
mutex_unlock() pthread_mutex_unlock()
mutex_trylock() pthread_mutex_trylock()
mutex_init() pthread_mutex_init()
mutex_destroy() pthread_mutex_destroy()
cond_wait() pthread_cond_wait()
cond_timedwait() pthread_cond_timedwait()
cond_reltimedwait() pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np()
cond_signal() pthread_cond_signal()
cond_broadcast() pthread_cond_broadcast()
cond_init() pthread_cond_init()
cond_destroy() pthread_cond_destroy()
rwlock_init() pthread_rwlock_init()
rwlock_destroy() pthread_rwlock_destroy()
rw_rdlock() pthread_rwlock_rdlock()
rw_wrlock() pthread_rwlock_wrlock()
rw_unlock() pthread_rwlock_unlock()
rw_tryrdlock() pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock()
rw_trywrlock() pthread_rwlock_trywrlock()
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 203
Comparing APIs for Oracle Solaris Threads and POSIX Threads
Oracle Solaris Thread Comparable POSIX pthread
sema_init() sem_init()(3RT)
sema_destroy() sem_destroy()(3RT)
sema_wait() sem_wait()(3RT)
sema_post() sem_post()(3RT)
sema_trywait() sem_trywait()(3RT)
fork1() fork()
forkall(), multiple thread copy
type argument in mutex_init() pthread_mutexattr_setpshared()
type argument in cond_init() pthread_condattr_setpshared()
THR_BOUND flag in thr_create() pthread_attr_setscope()
stack_size argument in thr_create() pthread_attr_setstacksize()
stack_addr argument in thr_create() pthread_attr_setstack()
THR_DETACH flag in thr_create() pthread_attr_setdetachstate()
204 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Unique Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Oracle Solaris Thread Comparable POSIX pthread
Operation is virtually the same for both Oracle Solaris threads and for pthreads, even though
the function names or arguments might differ. Only a brief example consisting of the correct
include file and the function prototype is presented. Where return values are not given for
the Oracle Solaris threads functions, see the appropriate pages in man pages section 3: Basic
Library Functions for the function return values.
For more information about Oracle Solaris related functions, see the related pthreads
documentation for the similarly named function.
Where Oracle Solaris threads functions offer capabilities that are not available in pthreads, a full
description of the functions is provided.
Unique Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
This section describes unique Oracle Solaris threads functions: suspending thread execution and
continuing a suspended thread.
Suspending Thread Execution
thr_suspend(3C) immediately suspends the execution of the thread specified by target_thread.
On successful return from thr_suspend(), the suspended thread is no longer executing.
Because thr_suspend() suspends the target thread with no regard to the locks that the thread
might be holding, you must use thr_suspend() with extreme care. If the suspending thread
calls a function that requires a lock held by the suspended target thread, deadlock will result.
thr_suspend() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_suspend(thread_t tid);
After a thread is suspended, subsequent calls to thr_suspend() have no effect. Signals cannot
awaken the suspended thread. The signals remain pending until the thread resumes execution.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 205
Unique Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
In the following synopsis, pthread_t tid as defined in pthreads is the same as thread_t tid in
Oracle Solaris threads. tid values can be used interchangeably either by assignment or through
the use of casts.
thread_t tid; /* tid from thr_create() */
/* pthreads equivalent of Oracle Solaris tid from thread created */
/* with pthread_create() */
pthread_t ptid;
int ret;
ret = thr_suspend(tid);
/* using pthreads ID variable with a cast */
ret = thr_suspend((thread_t) ptid);
thr_suspend() Return Values
thr_suspend() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that
an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, thr_suspend() fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: tid cannot be found in the current process.
Continuing a Suspended Thread
thr_continue(3C) resumes the execution of a suspended thread. Once a suspended thread is
continued, subsequent calls to thr_continue() have no effect.
thr_continue() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_continue(thread_t tid);
A suspended thread is not awakened by a signal. The signal remains pending until the execution
of the thread is resumed by thr_continue().
206 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
pthread_t tid as defined in pthreads is the same as thread_t tid in Oracle Solaris threads. tid
values can be used interchangeably either by assignment or through the use of casts.
thread_t tid; /* tid from thr_create()*/
/* pthreads equivalent of Oracle Solaris tid from thread created */
/* with pthread_create()*/
pthread_t ptid;
int ret;
ret = thr_continue(tid);
/* using pthreads ID variable with a cast */
ret = thr_continue((thread_t) ptid)
thr_continue() Return Values
thr_continue() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When the following condition occurs, thr_continue() fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: tid cannot be found in the current process.
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
Read-write locks allow simultaneous read access by many threads while restricting write access
to only one thread at a time. This section discusses the following topics:
Initializing a readers/writer lock
Acquiring a read lock
Trying to acquire a read lock
Acquiring a write lock
Trying to acquire a write
Unlocking a readers/writer lock
Destroying readers/writer lock state
When any thread holds the lock for reading, other threads can also acquire the lock for reading
but must wait to acquire the lock for writing. If one thread holds the lock for writing, or is
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 207
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
waiting to acquire the lock for writing, other threads must wait to acquire the lock for either
reading or writing.
Read-write locks are slower than mutexes. But read-write locks can improve performance when
the locks protect data not frequently written but are read by many concurrent threads.
Use read-write locks to synchronize threads in this process and other processes. Allocate
read-write locks in memory that is writable and shared among the cooperating processes. See
themmap(2) man page for information about mapping read-write locks for this behavior.
By default, the acquisition order is not defined when multiple threads are waiting for a read-
write lock. However, to avoid writer starvation, the Oracle Solaris threads package tends to
favor writers over readers of equal priority.
Read-write locks must be initialized before use.
Initialize a Read-Write Lock
Use rwlock_init(3C) to initialize the read-write lock pointed to by rwlp and to set the lock
state to unlocked.
rwlock_init() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rwlock_init(rwlock_t *rwlp, int type, void *
type can be one of the following values:
USYNC_PROCESS The read-write lock can be used to synchronize threads in this process and
other processes. arg is ignored.
USYNC_THREAD The read-write lock can be used to synchronize threads in this process only.
arg is ignored.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same read-write lock simultaneously. Read-write locks
can also be initialized by allocation in zeroed memory, in which case a type of USYNC_THREAD
is assumed. A read-write lock must not be reinitialized while other threads might be using the
For POSIX threads, see pthread_rwlock_init() Syntax” on page 158.
208 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
Initializing Read-Write Locks With Intraprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
rwlock_t rwlp;
int ret;
/* to be used within this process only */
ret = rwlock_init(&rwlp, USYNC_THREAD, 0);
Initializing Read-Write Locks With Interprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
rwlock_t rwlp;
int ret;
/* to be used among all processes */
ret = rwlock_init(&rwlp, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
rwlock_init() Return Values
rwlock_init() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that
an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns
the corresponding value.
Description: Invalid argument.
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Acquiring a Read Lock
Use rw_rdlock(3C) to acquire a read lock on the read-write lock pointed to by rwlp.
rw_rdlock() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rw_rdlock(rwlock_t *rwlp);
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 209
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
When the read-write lock is already locked for writing, the calling thread blocks until
the write lock is released. Otherwise, the read lock is acquired. For POSIX threads, see
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() Syntax” on page 159.
rw_rdlock() Return Values
rw_rdlock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an
error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: Invalid argument.
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Trying to Acquire a Read Lock
Use rw_tryrdlock(3C) to attempt to acquire a read lock on the read-write lock pointed to by
rw_tryrdlock() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rw_tryrdlock(rwlock_t *rwlp);
When the read-write lock is already locked for writing, rw_tryrdlock() returns an error.
Otherwise, the read lock is acquired. For POSIX threads, see pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock()
Syntax” on page 162.
rw_tryrdlock() Return Values
rw_tryrdlock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
210 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
Description: Invalid argument.
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Description: The read-write lock pointed to by rwlp was already locked.
Acquiring a Write Lock
Use rw_wrlock(3C) to acquire a write lock on the read-write lock pointed to by rwlp.
rw_wrlock() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rw_wrlock(rwlock_t *rwlp);
When the read-write lock is already locked for reading or writing, the calling thread blocks until
all read locks and write locks are released. Only one thread at a time can hold a write lock on a
read-write lock. For POSIX threads, see pthread_rwlock_wrlock() Syntax” on page 162.
rw_wrlock() Return Values
rw_wrlock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an
error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: Invalid argument.
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 211
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
Trying to Acquire a Write Lock
Use rw_trywrlock(3C) to attempt to acquire a write lock on the read-write lock pointed to by
rw_trywrlock() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rw_trywrlock(rwlock_t *rwlp);
When the read-write lock is already locked for reading or writing, rw_trywrlock() returns an
error. For POSIX threads, see pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() Syntax” on page 163.
rw_trywrlock() Return Values
rw_trywrlock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: Invalid argument.
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Description: The read-write lock pointed to by rwlp was already locked.
Unlock a Read-Write Lock
Use rw_unlock(3C) to unlock a read-write lock pointed to by rwlp.
212 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
rw_unlock() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rw_unlock(rwlock_t *rwlp);
The read-write lock must be locked, and the calling thread must hold the lock either for
reading or writing. When any other threads are waiting for the read-write lock to become
available, one of the threads is unblocked. For POSIX threads, see pthread_rwlock_unlock()
Syntax” on page 165.
rw_unlock() Return Values
rw_unlock() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an
error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the
corresponding value.
Description: Invalid argument.
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Destroying the Read-Write Lock State
Use rwlock_destroy(3C) to destroy any state that is associated with the read-write lock pointed
to by rlwp.
rwlock_destroy() Syntax
#include <synch.h> (or #include <thread.h>)
int rwlock_destroy(rwlock_t *rwlp);
The space for storing the read-write lock is not freed. For POSIX threads, see
pthread_rwlock_destroy() Syntax” on page 166.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 213
Similar Synchronization Functions: Read-Write Locks
Example 28, “Showing a Read-Write Bank Account,” on page 214 uses a bank account
to demonstrate read-write locks. While the program could allow multiple threads to have
concurrent read-only access to the account balance, only a single writer is allowed. Note that
the get_balance() function needs the lock to ensure that the addition of the checking and
saving balances occurs atomically.
Showing a Read-Write Bank Account
rwlock_t account_lock;
float checking_balance = 100.0;
float saving_balance = 100.0;
rwlock_init(&account_lock, 0, NULL);
get_balance() {
float bal;
bal = checking_balance + saving_balance;
transfer_checking_to_savings(float amount) {
checking_balance = checking_balance - amount;
saving_balance = saving_balance + amount;
rwlock_destroy() Return Values
rwlock_destroy() returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates
that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and
returns the corresponding value.
Description: Invalid argument.
214 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Description: rwlp points to an illegal address.
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
The following list points to descriptions of Oracle Solaris threads functions:
Create a thread – thr_create() Syntax” on page 215
Get the minimal stack size – thr_min_stack() Syntax” on page 218
Get the thread identifier – thr_self() Syntax” on page 219
Yield thread execution – thr_yield Syntax” on page 219
Send a signal to a thread – thr_kill() Syntax” on page 220
Access the signal mask of the calling thread – thr_sigsetmask() Syntax” on page 220
Terminate a thread – thr_exit() Syntax” on page 221
Wait for thread termination – thr_join() Syntax” on page 222
Create a thread-specific data key – thr_keycreate() Syntax” on page 224
Set thread-specific data – thr_setspecific() Syntax” on page 225
Get thread-specific data – thr_getspecific() Syntax” on page 225
Set the thread priority – thr_setprio() Syntax” on page 226
Get the thread priority – thr_getprio() Syntax” on page 227
Creating a Thread
The thr_create(3C) routine is one of the most elaborate of all routines in the Oracle Solaris
threads interface.
Use thr_create(3C) to add a new thread of control to the current process. For POSIX threads,
see pthread_create() Syntax” on page 35.
thr_create() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_create(void *stack_base, size_t stack_size,
void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg,
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 215
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
long flags,
thread_t *new_thread);
size_t thr_min_stack(void);
Note that the new thread does not inherit pending signals, but the thread does inherit priority
and signal masks.
stack_base. Contains the address for the stack that the new thread uses. If stack_base is NULL,
then thr_create() allocates a stack for the new thread with at least stack_size bytes.
stack_size. Contains the size, in number of bytes, for the stack that the new thread uses. If
stack_size is zero, a default size is used. In most cases, a zero value works best. If stack_size is
not zero, stack_size must be greater than the value returned by thr_min_stack().
In general, you do not need to allocate stack space for threads. The system allocates 1 megabyte
of virtual memory for each thread's stack with no reserved swap space. The system uses the
-MAP_NORESERVE option of mmap(2) to make the allocations.
start_routine. Contains the function with which the new thread begins execution. When
start_routine() returns, the thread exits with the exit status set to the value returned by
start_routine . See thr_exit() Syntax” on page 221.
arg. Can be any variable described by void, which is typically any 4-byte value. Any larger
value must be passed indirectly by having the argument point to the variable.
Note that you can supply only one argument. To get your procedure to take multiple arguments,
encode the multiple arguments as a single argument, such as by putting the arguments in a
flags. Specifies attributes for the created thread. In most cases a zero value works best.
The value in flags is constructed from the bitwise inclusive OR of the following arguments:
THR_SUSPENDED. Suspends the new thread, and does not execute start_routine until the
thread is started by thr_continue(). Use THR_SUSPENDED to operate on the thread, such as
changing its priority, before you run the thread.
THR_DETACHED. Detaches the new thread so that its thread ID and other resources can be
reused as soon as the thread terminates. Set THR_DETACHED when you do not want to wait for
the thread to terminate.
THR_BOUND. Permanently binds the new thread to an LWP. The new thread is a bound thread.
Starting with the Solaris 9 release, no distinction is made by the system between bound and
unbound threads. All threads are treated as bound threads.
216 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
THR_DAEMON. Marks the new thread as a daemon. A daemon thread is always detached.
THR_DAEMON implies THR_DETACHED. The process exits when all nondaemon threads exit.
Daemon threads do not affect the process exit status and are ignored when counting the
number of thread exits.
A process can exit either by calling exit() or by having every thread in the process that
was not created with the THR_DAEMON flag call thr_exit(3C). An application or a library
that the process calls can create one or more threads that should be ignored (not counted) in
the decision of whether to exit. The THR_DAEMON flag identifies threads that are not counted
in the process exit criterion.
new_thread. When new_thread is not NULL, it points to where the ID of the new thread is stored
when thr_create() is successful. The caller is responsible for supplying the storage pointed to
by this argument. The ID is valid only within the calling process.
If you are not interested in this identifier, supply a NULL value to new_thread.
thr_create() Return Values
thr_create() returns zero when the function completes successfully. Any other return
value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions is detected,
thr_create() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: A system limit is exceeded, such as when too many LWPs have been created.
Description: Insufficient memory was available to create the new thread.
Description: stack_base is not NULL and stack_size is less than the value returned by
Getting the Minimal Stack Size
Use thr_min_stack(3C) to get the minimum stack size for a thread.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 217
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Stack behavior in Oracle Solaris threads is generally the same as stack behavior in pthreads. For
more information about stack setup and operation, see “About Stacks” on page 82.
thr_min_stack() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
size_t thr_min_stack(void);
thr_min_stack() returns the amount of space that is needed to execute a null thread. A null
thread is a thread that is created to execute a null procedure. Useful threads need more than the
absolute minimum stack size, so be very careful when reducing the stack size.
A thread that executes more than a null procedure should allocate a stack size that is larger than
the size of thr_min_stack().
When a thread is created with a user-supplied stack, the user must reserve enough space to run
the thread. A dynamically linked execution environment increases the difficulty of determining
the thread minimal stack requirements.
You can specify a custom stack in two ways. The first is to supply a NULL for the stack location,
thereby asking the runtime library to allocate the space for the stack, but to supply the desired
size in the stacksize parameter to thr_create().
The other approach is to take overall aspects of stack management and supply a pointer to the
stack to thr_create(). This means that you are responsible not only for stack allocation but
also for stack deallocation. When the thread terminates, you must arrange for the disposal of the
thread's stack.
When you allocate your own stack, be sure to append a red zone to its end by calling mprotect
Most users should not create threads with user-supplied stacks. User-supplied stacks exist only
to support applications that require complete control over their execution environments.
Instead, users should let the system manage stack allocation. The system provides default stacks
that should meet the requirements of any created thread.
thr_min_stack() Return Values
No errors are defined.
218 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Acquiring the Thread Identifier
Use thr_self(3C) to get the ID of the calling thread. For POSIX threads, see pthread_self()
Syntax” on page 46.
thr_self() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
thread_t thr_self(void);
thr_self() Return Values
No errors are defined.
Yield Thread Execution
thr_yield(3C) causes the current thread to yield its execution in favor of another thread
with the same or greater priority. Otherwise, thr_yield() has no effect. However, calling
thr_yield() does not guarantee that the thread yields its execution.
thr_yield Syntax
#include <thread.h>
void thr_yield(void);
thr_yield() Return Values
thr_yield() returns nothing and does not set errno.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 219
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Send a Signal to a Thread
thr_kill(3C) sends a signal to a thread. For POSIX threads, see pthread_kill()
Syntax” on page 54.
thr_kill() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
#include <signal.h>
int thr_kill(thread_t target_thread, int sig);
thr_kill() Return Values
Upon successful completion, thr_kill() returns 0. When any of the following conditions
is detected, thr_kill() fails and returns the corresponding value. When a failure occurs, no
signal is sent.
Description: No thread was found associated with the thread designated by thread ID.
Description: The sig argument value is not zero. sig is an invalid or unsupported signal
Access the Signal Mask of the Calling Thread
Use thr_sigsetmask(3C) to change or examine the signal mask of the calling thread.
thr_sigsetmask() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
#include <signal.h>
int thr_sigsetmask(int how, const sigset_t *set,
sigset_t *oset);
220 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
thr_sigsetmask() changes or examines a calling thread's signal mask. Each thread has its
own signal mask. A new thread inherits the calling thread's signal mask and priority. However,
pending signals are not inherited. Pending signals for a new thread will be empty.
If the value of the argument set is not NULL, set points to a set of signals that can modify the
currently blocked set. If the value of set is NULL, the value of how is insignificant and the
thread's signal mask is unmodified. Use this behavior to inquire about the currently blocked
The value of how specifies the method in which the set is changed. how takes one of the
following values.
SIG_BLOCK. set corresponds to a set of signals to block. The signals are added to the current
signal mask.
SIG_UNBLOCK. set corresponds to a set of signals to unblock. These signals are deleted from
the current signal mask.
SIG_SETMASK. set corresponds to the new signal mask. The current signal mask is replaced
by set.
thr_sigsetmask() Return Values
Upon successful completion, thr_sigsetmask() returns 0. When any of the following
conditions is detected, thr_sigsetmask() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: set is not NULL and the value of how is not defined.
Terminate a Thread
Use thr_exit(3C) to terminate a thread. For POSIX threads, see pthread_exit()
Syntax” on page 57.
thr_exit() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
void thr_exit(void *status);
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 221
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
thr_exit() Return Values
thr_exit() does not return to its caller.
Wait for Thread Termination
Use thr_join(3C) to wait for a target thread to terminate. For POSIX threads, see
pthread_join() Syntax” on page 36.
thr_join() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_join(thread_t tid, thread_t *departedid, void **status);
The target thread must be a member of the current process. The target thread cannot be a
detached thread or a daemon thread.
Several threads cannot wait for the same thread to complete. One thread will complete
successfully. The others will terminate with an ESRCH error.
thr_join() will not block processing of the calling thread if the target thread has already
thr_join(), Join Specific
#include <thread.h>
thread_t tid;
thread_t departedid;
int ret;
void *status;
/* waiting to join thread "tid" with status */
ret = thr_join(tid, &departedid, &status);
/* waiting to join thread "tid" without status */
ret = thr_join(tid, &departedid, NULL);
/* waiting to join thread "tid" without return id and status */
ret = thr_join(tid, NULL, NULL);
222 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
When the tid is (thread_t)0, then thread_join() waits for any undetached thread in the
process to terminate. In other words, when no thread identifier is specified, any undetached
thread that exits causes thread_join() to return.
thr_join(), Join Any
#include <thread.h>
thread_t tid;
thread_t departedid;
int ret;
void *status;
/* waiting to join any non-detached thread with status */
ret = thr_join(0, &departedid, &status);
By indicating 0 as the thread ID in the Oracle Solaris thr_join(), a join takes place when any
non detached thread in the process exits. The departedid indicates the thread ID of the exiting
thr_join() Return Values
thr_join() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
thr_join() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: No undetached thread is found which corresponds to the target thread ID.
Description: A deadlock was detected or the value of the target thread specifies the calling
Creating a Thread-Specific Data Key
thr_keycreate(3C) allocates a key that is used to identify thread-specific data in a process. The
key is global to all threads in the process. Each thread binds a value to the key when the key
gets created.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 223
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Except for the function names and arguments, thread-specific data is the same in Oracle Solaris
threads and POSIX threads. The synopses for the Oracle Solaris functions are described in this
section. For POSIX threads, see pthread_key_create() Syntax” on page 40.
thr_keycreate() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_keycreate(thread_key_t *keyp,
void (*destructor) (void *value));
keyp independently maintains specific values for each binding thread. Each thread is initially
bound to a private element of keyp that allows access to its thread-specific data. Upon key
creation, a new key is assigned the value NULL for all active threads. Additionally, upon thread
creation, all previously created keys in the new thread are assigned the value NULL.
An optional destructor function can be associated with each keyp. Upon thread exit, if a keyp
has a non-NULL destructor and the thread has a non-NULL value associated with keyp, the
destructor is called with the currently associated value. If more than one destructor exists for a
thread when it exits, the order of destructor calls is unspecified.
thr_keycreate() Return Values
thr_keycreate() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
thr_keycreate() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The system does not have the resources to create another thread-specific data
key, or the number of keys exceeds the per-process limit for PTHREAD_KEYS_MAX.
Description: Insufficient memory is available to associate value with keyp.
Setting the Thread-Specific Data Value
thr_setspecific(3C) binds value to the thread-specific data key, key, for the calling thread.
For POSIX threads, see pthread_setspecific() Syntax” on page 42.
224 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
thr_setspecific() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_setspecific(thread_key_t key, void *value);
thr_setspecific() Return Values
thr_setspecific() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
thr_setspecific() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: Insufficient memory is available to associate value with keyp.
Description: keyp is invalid.
Getting the Thread-Specific Data Value
thr_getspecific(3C) stores the current value bound to key for the calling thread into
the location pointed to by valuep. For POSIX threads, see pthread_getspecific()
Syntax” on page 43.
thr_getspecific() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_getspecific(thread_key_t key, void **valuep);
thr_getspecific() Return Values
thr_getspecific() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
thr_getspecific() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 225
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
Description: Insufficient memory is available to associate value with keyp.
Description: keyp is invalid.
Set the Thread Priority
An Oracle Solaris thread that is created with a priority other than the priority of its parents
is created in SUSPEND mode. While suspended, the thread's priority is modified using the
thr_setprio(3C) function call. After thr_setprio() completes, the thread resumes execution.
A higher priority thread receives precedence over lower priority threads with respect to
synchronization object contention.
thr_setprio() Syntax
thr_setprio(3C) changes the priority of the thread, specified by tid, within the current process
to the priority specified by newprio. For POSIX threads, see pthread_setschedparam()
Syntax” on page 51.
#include <thread.h>
int thr_setprio(thread_t tid, int newprio)
The range of valid priorities for a thread depends on its scheduling policy.
thread_t tid;
int ret;
int newprio = 20;
/* suspended thread creation */
ret = thr_create(NULL, NULL, func, arg, THR_SUSPENDED, &tid);
/* set the new priority of suspended child thread */
ret = thr_setprio(tid, newprio);
/* suspended child thread starts executing with new priority */
ret = thr_continue(tid);
226 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Syntax of Oracle Solaris Threads Functions
thr_setprio() Return Values
thr_setprio() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
thr_setprio() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by tid does not refer to an existing thread.
Description: The value of priority is invalid for the scheduling policy of the specified thread.
Description: The caller does not have the appropriate permission to set the priority to the
value specified.
Get the Thread Priority
Use thr_getprio(3C) to get the current priority for the thread. Each thread inherits a priority
from its creator. thr_getprio() stores the current priority, tid, in the location pointed to by
newprio. For POSIX threads, see pthread_getschedparam() Syntax” on page 52.
thr_getprio() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int thr_getprio(thread_t tid, int *newprio)
thr_getprio() Return Values
thr_getprio() returns 0 if successful. When the following condition is detected,
thr_getprio() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: The value specified by tid does not refer to an existing thread.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 227
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks
Initializing a mutex
Destroying a mutex
Acquiring a mutex
Releasing a mutex
Trying to acquire a mutex
Initialize a Mutex
Use mutex_init(3C) to initialize the mutex pointed to by mp. For POSIX threads, see
“Initializing a Mutex” on page 105.
mutex_init() Syntax
#include <synch.h>
#include <thread.h>
int mutex_init(mutex_t *mp, int type, void *arg));
The type can be one of the following values.
USYNC_PROCESS. The mutex can be used to synchronize threads in this process and other
processes. arg is ignored.
USYNC_PROCESS_ROBUST. The mutex can be used to robustly synchronize threads in this
process and other processes. arg is ignored.
USYNC_THREAD. The mutex can be used to synchronize threads in this process only. arg is
When a process fails while holding a USYNC_PROCESS lock, subsequent requestors of that lock
hang. This behavior is a problem for systems that share locks with client processes because the
client processes can be abnormally killed. To avoid the problem of stalling on a lock held by a
dead process, use USYNC_PROCESS_ROBUST to lock the mutex. USYNC_PROCESS_ROBUST adds two
In the case of process death, all owned locks held by that process are unlocked.
The next requestor for any of the locks owned by the failed process receives the lock. But,
the lock is held with an error return indicating that the previous owner failed while holding
the lock.
228 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks
Mutexes can also be initialized by allocation in zeroed memory, in which case a type of
USYNC_THREAD is assumed.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same mutex simultaneously. A mutex lock must not be
reinitialized while other threads might be using the mutex.
Mutexes With Intraprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
mutex_t mp;
int ret;
/* to be used within this process only */
ret = mutex_init(&mp, USYNC_THREAD, 0);
Mutexes With Interprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
mutex_t mp;
int ret;
/* to be used among all processes */
ret = mutex_init(&mp, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
Mutexes With Interprocess Scope-Robust
#include <thread.h>
mutex_t mp;
int ret;
/* to be used among all processes */
ret = mutex_init(&mp, USYNC_PROCESS_ROBUST, 0);
mutex_init() Return Values
mutex_init() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
mutex_init() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 229
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks
Description: mp points to an illegal address.
Description: The value specified by mp is invalid.
Description: System has insufficient memory to initialize the mutex.
Description: System has insufficient resources to initialize the mutex.
Description: System detected an attempt to reinitialize an active mutex.
Destroy a Mutex
Use mutex_destroy(3C) to destroy any state that is associated with the mutex pointed
to by mp . The space for storing the mutex is not freed. For POSIX threads, see
pthread_mutex_destroy Syntax” on page 114.
mutex_destroy() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int mutex_destroy (mutex_t *mp);
mutex_destroy() Return Values
mutex_destroy() returns 0 if successful. When the following condition is detected,
mutex_destroy() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: mp points to an illegal address.
230 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks
Acquiring a Mutex
Use mutex_lock(3C) to lock the mutex pointed to by mp. When the mutex is already locked, the
calling thread blocks until the mutex becomes available. Blocked threads wait on a prioritized
queue. For POSIX threads, see pthread_mutex_lock() Syntax” on page 108.
mutex_lock() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int mutex_lock(mutex_t *mp);
mutex_lock() Return Values
mutex_lock() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
mutex_lock() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: mp points to an illegal address.
Description: The mutex is already locked and is owned by the calling thread.
Releasing a Mutex
Use mutex_unlock(3C) to unlock the mutex pointed to by mp. The mutex must be locked. The
calling thread must be the thread that last locked the mutex, the owner. For POSIX threads, see
pthread_mutex_unlock() Syntax” on page 110.
mutex_unlock() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int mutex_unlock(mutex_t *mp);
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 231
Similar Synchronization Functions: Mutual Exclusion Locks
mutex_unlock() Return Values
mutex_unlock() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
mutex_unlock() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: mp points to an illegal address.
Description: The calling thread does not own the mutex.
Trying to Acquire a Mutex
Use mutex_trylock(3C) to attempt to lock the mutex pointed to by mp. This function is a
nonblocking version of mutex_lock(). For POSIX threads, see pthread_mutex_trylock()
Syntax” on page 111.
mutex_trylock() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int mutex_trylock(mutex_t *mp);
mutex_trylock() Return Values
mutex_trylock() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
mutex_trylock() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: mp points to an illegal address.
Description: The system detected an attempt to reinitialize an active mutex.
232 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
Initializing a condition variable
Destroying a condition variable
Waiting for a condition
Waiting for an absolute time
Waiting for a time interval
Unblocking one thread
Unblocking all threads
Initialize a Condition Variable
Use cond_init(3C) to initialize the condition variable pointed to by cv.
cond_init() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int cond_init(cond_t *cv, int type, int arg);
The type can be one of the following values:
USYNC_PROCESS. The condition variable can be used to synchronize threads in this process
and other processes. arg is ignored.
USYNC_THREAD The condition variable can be used to synchronize threads in this process
only. arg is ignored.
Condition variables can also be initialized by allocation in zeroed memory, in which case a type
of USYNC_THREAD is assumed.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same condition variable simultaneously. A condition
variable must not be reinitialized while other threads might be using the condition variable.
For POSIX threads, see pthread_condattr_init() Syntax” on page 126.
Condition Variables With Intraprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 233
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
cond_t cv;
int ret;
/* to be used within this process only */
ret = cond_init(cv, USYNC_THREAD, 0);
Condition Variables With Interprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
cond_t cv;
int ret;
/* to be used among all processes */
ret = cond_init(&cv, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
cond_init() Return Values
cond_init() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
cond_init() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Description: type is not a recognized type.
Destroying a Condition Variable
Use cond_destroy(3C) to destroy state that is associated with the condition variable pointed
to by cv . The space for storing the condition variable is not freed. For POSIX threads, see
pthread_condattr_destroy() Syntax” on page 127.
cond_destroy() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
234 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
int cond_destroy(cond_t *cv);
cond_destroy() Return Values
cond_destroy() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
cond_destroy() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Description: The system detected an attempt to destroy an active condition variable.
Waiting for a Condition
Use cond_wait(3C) to atomically release the mutex pointed to by mp and cause the calling
thread to block on the condition variable pointed to by cv. The blocked thread can be awakened
by cond_signal(), cond_broadcast(), or when interrupted by delivery of a signal or a fork().
cond_wait() always returns with the mutex locked and owned by the calling thread, even when
returning an error.
cond_wait() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int cond_wait(cond_t *cv, mutex_t *mp);
cond_wait() Return Values
cond_wait() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
cond_wait() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 235
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Description: The wait was interrupted by a signal.
Wait for an Absolute Time
cond_timedwait(3C) is very similar to cond_wait(), except that cond_timedwait()
does not block past the time of day specified by abstime . For POSIX threads, see
pthread_cond_timedwait() Syntax” on page 136.
cond_timedwait() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int cond_timedwait(cond_t *cv, mutex_t *mp, timestruct_t abstime);
cond_timedwait() always returns with the mutex locked and owned by the calling thread, even
when returning an error.
The cond_timedwait() function blocks until the condition is signaled or until the time of day
specified by the last argument has passed. The timeout is specified as the time of day so the
condition can be retested efficiently without recomputing the time-out value.
cond_timedwait() Return Values
cond_timedwait() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
cond_timedwait() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Description: The time specified by abstime has expired.
236 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
Description: abstime is invalid.
Waiting for a Time Interval
cond_reltimedwait(3C) is very similar to cond_timedwait(), except for the value
for the third argument. cond_reltimedwait() takes a relative time interval value in its
third argument rather than an absolute time of day value. For POSIX threads, see the
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np(3C) man page.
cond_reltimedwait() always returns with the mutex locked and owned by the calling thread
even when returning an error. The cond_reltimedwait() function blocks until the condition is
signaled or until the time interval specified by the last argument has elapsed.
cond_reltimedwait() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int cond_reltimedwait(cond_t *cv, mutex_t *mp,
timestruct_t reltime);
cond_reltimedwait() Return Values
cond_reltimedwait() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is
detected, cond_reltimedwait() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Description: The time specified by reltime has expired.
Unblock One Thread
Use cond_signal(3C) to unblock one thread that is blocked on the condition variable pointed to
by cv . If no threads are blocked on the condition variable, cond_signal() has no effect.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 237
Similar Synchronization Functions: Condition Variables
cond_signal() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int cond_signal(cond_t *cv);
cond_signal() Return Values
cond_signal() returns 0 if successful. When the following condition is detected,
cond_signal() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
Unblock All Threads
Use cond_broadcast(3C) to unblock all threads that are blocked on the condition
variable pointed to by cv. When no threads are blocked on the condition variable, then
cond_broadcast() has no effect.
cond_broadcast() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int cond_broadcast(cond_t *cv);
cond_broadcast() Return Values
cond_broadcast() returns 0 if successful. When the following condition is detected,
cond_broadcast() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: cv points to an illegal address.
238 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores
Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores
Semaphore operations are the same in both the Oracle Solaris Operating Environment and the
POSIX environment. The function name changed from sema_ in the Oracle Solaris Operating
Environment to sem_ in pthreads. This section discusses the following topics:
Initializing a semaphore
Incrementing a semaphore
Blocking on a semaphore count
Decrementing a semaphore count
Destroying the semaphore state
Initialize a Semaphore
Use sema_init(3C) to initialize the semaphore variable pointed to by sp by count amount.
sema_init() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int sema_init(sema_t *sp, unsigned int count, int type,
void *arg);
type can be one of the following values:
USYNC_PROCESS. The semaphore can be used to synchronize threads in this process and other
processes. Only one process should initialize the semaphore. arg is ignored.
USYNC_THREAD. The semaphore can be used to synchronize threads in this process, only. arg
is ignored.
Multiple threads must not initialize the same semaphore simultaneously. A semaphore must not
be reinitialized while other threads might be using the semaphore.
Semaphores With Intraprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
sema_t sp;
int ret;
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 239
Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores
int count;
count = 4;
/* to be used within this process only */
ret = sema_init(&sp, count, USYNC_THREAD, 0);
Semaphores With Interprocess Scope
#include <thread.h>
sema_t sp;
int ret;
int count;
count = 4;
/* to be used among all the processes */
ret = sema_init (&sp, count, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
sema_init() Return Values
sema_init() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
sema_init() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: sp refers to an invalid semaphore.
Description: Either sp or arg point to an illegal address.
Increment a Semaphore
Use sema_post(3C) to atomically increment the semaphore pointed to by sp. When any threads
are blocked on the semaphore, one thread is unblocked.
sema_post() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
240 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores
int sema_post(sema_t *sp);
sema_post() Return Values
sema_post() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
sema_post() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: sp refers to an invalid semaphore.
Description: sp points to an illegal address.
Description: The semaphore value pointed to by sp exceeds SEM_VALUE_MAX.
Block on a Semaphore Count
Use sema_wait(3C) to block the calling thread until the count in the semaphore pointed to by
sp becomes greater than zero. When the count becomes greater than zero, atomically decrement
the count.
sema_wait() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int sema_wait(sema_t *sp);
sema_wait() Return Values
sema_wait() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
sema_wait() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 241
Similar Synchronization Functions: Semaphores
Description: sp refers to an invalid semaphore.
Description: The wait was interrupted by a signal.
Decrement a Semaphore Count
Use sema_trywait(3C) to atomically decrement the count in the semaphore pointed to by sp
when the count is greater than zero. This function is a nonblocking version of sema_wait().
sema_trywait() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int sema_trywait(sema_t *sp);
sema_trywait() Return Values
sema_trywait() returns 0 if successful. When any of the following conditions is detected,
sema_trywait() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: sp refers to an invalid semaphore.
Description: The semaphore pointed to by sp has a zero count.
Destroy the Semaphore State
Use sema_destroy(3C) to destroy any state that is associated with the semaphore pointed to by
sp. The space for storing the semaphore is not freed.
242 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronizing Across Process Boundaries
sema_destroy() Syntax
#include <thread.h>
int sema_destroy(sema_t *sp);
sema_destroy() Return Values
sema_destroy() returns 0 if successful. When the following condition is detected,
sema_destroy() fails and returns the corresponding value.
Description: sp refers to an invalid semaphore.
Synchronizing Across Process Boundaries
Each of the synchronization primitives can be set up to be used across process boundaries. This
cross-boundary setup is done by ensuring that the synchronization variable is located in a shared
memory segment and by calling the appropriate init routine with type set to USYNC_PROCESS.
If type is set to USYNC_PROCESS, then the operations on the synchronization variables work just
as the variables do when type is USYNC_THREAD.
mutex_init(&m, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
rwlock_init(&rw, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
cond_init(&cv, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
sema_init(&s, count, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
Producer and Consumer Problem
Example 29, “Producer and Consumer Problem Using USYNC_PROCESS,” on page 244 shows
the producer and consumer problem with the producer and consumer in separate processes.
The main routine maps zero-filled memory that main shares with its child process, into its
address space. Note that mutex_init() and cond_init() must be called because the type of the
synchronization variables is USYNC_PROCESS.
A child process is created to run the consumer. The parent runs the producer.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 243
Synchronizing Across Process Boundaries
This example also shows the drivers for the producer and consumer. The producer_driver
reads characters from stdin and calls the producer. The consumer_driver gets characters by
calling the consumer and writes them to stdout.
The data structure for Example 29, “Producer and Consumer Problem Using USYNC_PROCESS,”
on page 244 is the same as that used for the solution with condition variables. See “Examples
of Using Nested Locking With a Singly-Linked List” on page 118.
Producer and Consumer Problem Using USYNC_PROCESS
main() {
int zfd;
buffer_t *buffer;
zfd = open("/dev/zero", O_RDWR);
buffer = (buffer_t *)mmap(NULL, sizeof(buffer_t),
buffer->occupied = buffer->nextin = buffer->nextout = 0;
mutex_init(&buffer->lock, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
cond_init(&buffer->less, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
cond_init(&buffer->more, USYNC_PROCESS, 0);
if (fork() == 0)
void producer_driver(buffer_t *b) {
int item;
while (1) {
item = getchar();
if (item == EOF) {
producer(b, `\0');
} else
producer(b, (char)item);
void consumer_driver(buffer_t *b) {
char item;
while (1) {
if ((item = consumer(b)) == '\0')
244 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Special Issues for fork() and Oracle Solaris Threads
A child process is created to run the consumer. The parent runs the producer.
Special Issues for fork() and Oracle Solaris Threads
Prior to the Oracle Solaris 10 release, Oracle Solaris threads and POSIX threads defined the
behavior of fork() differently. See “Process Creation: exec() and exit() Issues” on page 181
for a thorough discussion of fork() issues.
Oracle Solaris libthread supported both fork() and fork1(). The fork() call has "fork-all"
semantics. fork() duplicated everything in the process, including threads and LWPs, creating a
true clone of the parent. The fork1() call created a clone that had only one thread. The process
state and address space are duplicated, but only the calling thread was cloned.
POSIX libpthread supported only fork(), which has the same semantics as fork1() in Oracle
Solaris threads.
Effective with the Oracle Solaris 10 release, you need not link against libthread or
libpthread. The fork() function has the same semantics in both Oracle Solaris threads and
POSIX threads. More specifically, fork1() semantics replicate only the caller. A new function,
forkall(), is provided for those applications that require replicate-all semantics.
Chapter 6 • Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads 245
246 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 7
Safe and Unsafe Interfaces
This chapter defines MT-safety levels for functions and libraries. This chapter discusses the
following topics:
“Thread Safety” on page 247
“MT Interface Safety Levels” on page 248
“Async-Signal-Safe Functions in Oracle Solaris Threads” on page 250
“MT Safety Levels for Libraries” on page 251
Thread Safety
Thread safety is the avoidance of data races. Data races occur when data are set to either correct
or incorrect values, depending upon the order in which multiple threads access and modify the
When no sharing is intended, give each thread a private copy of the data. When sharing is
important, provide explicit synchronization to make certain that the program behaves in a
deterministic manner.
A procedure is thread safe when the procedure is logically correct when executed
simultaneously by several threads. At a practical level, safety falls into the following recognized
Thread safe, Serializable
Thread safe, MT-Safe
An unsafe procedure can be made thread safe and able to be serialized by surrounding the
procedure with statements to lock and unlock a mutex. Example 30, “Showing Degrees of
Thread Safety,” on page 248 shows three simplified implementations of fputs(), initially
thread unsafe.
Chapter 7 • Safe and Unsafe Interfaces 247
MT Interface Safety Levels
Next is a serializable version of this routine with a single mutex protecting the procedure from
concurrent execution problems. Actually, the single mutex is stronger synchronization than is
usually necessary. When two threads are sending output to different files by using fputs(), one
thread need not wait for the other thread. The threads need synchronization only when sharing
an output file.
The last version is MT-safe. This version uses one lock for each file, allowing two threads to
print to different files at the same time. So, a routine is MT-safe when the routine is thread safe,
and the routine's execution does not negatively affect performance.
Showing Degrees of Thread Safety
/* not thread-safe */
fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream) {
char *p;
for (p=s; *p; p++)
putc((int)*p, stream);
/* serializable */
fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream) {
static mutex_t mut;
char *p;
for (p=s; *p; p++)
putc((int)*p, stream);
/* MT-Safe */
mutex_t m[NFILE];
fputs(const char *s, FILE *stream) {
char *p;
for (p=s; *p; p++)
putc((int)*p, stream);
MT Interface Safety Levels
The man pages for functions and interfaces indicate how well the function or interface supports
threads. The ATTRIBUTES section of each man page lists the MT-Level attribute, which is set
248 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
MT Interface Safety Levels
to one of the safety level categories in the following list. These categories are explained more
fully in the attributes(7) man page.
If a man page does not state explicitly that a function is MT-Safe, you must assume that the
function is unsafe.
This code can be called from a multithreaded application
Safe with
See the NOTES sections of the man page for a description of the
This interface is not safe to use with multithreaded applications unless
the application arranges for only one thread at a time to execute within
the library.
This interface is fully prepared for multithreaded access. The interface is
both safe and supports some concurrency.
MT-Safe with
See the NOTES sections of the man page for a description of the
This routine can safely be called from a signal handler. A thread that is
executing an Async-Signal-Safe routine does not deadlock with itself
when interrupted by a signal. See “Async-Signal-Safe Functions in
Oracle Solaris Threads” on page 250
This interface releases locks it has held whenever Oracle Solaris
fork1(2) or POSIX fork(2) is called.
Some functions have purposely not been made safe for the following reasons.
The interface made MT-Safe would have negatively affected the performance of single-
threaded applications.
The library has an unsafe interface. For example, a function might return a pointer to a
buffer in the stack. You can use re-entrant counterparts for some of these functions. The re-
entrant function name is the original function name with "_r" appended.
Note - The only way to be certain that a function with a name not ending in "_r" is MT-Safe
is to check the function's manual page. Use of a function identified as not MT-Safe must be
protected by a synchronizing device or by restriction to the initial thread.
Chapter 7 • Safe and Unsafe Interfaces 249
Async-Signal-Safe Functions in Oracle Solaris Threads
Reentrant Functions for Unsafe Interfaces
For most functions with unsafe interfaces, an MT-Safe version of the routine exists. The name
of the MT-Safe routine is the name of the Unsafe routine with "_r" appended. For example, the
MT-Safe version of asctime() is asctime_r(). The Oracle Solaris environment supplies the
following "_r" routines:
asctime_r(3C) getlogin_r(3C) getrpcent_r(3C)
ctermid_r(3C) getnetbyaddr_r(3C) getservbyname_r(3C)
ctime_r(3C) getnetbyname_r(3C) getservbyport_r(3C)
fgetgrent_r(3C) getnetent_r(3C) getservent_r(3C)
fgetpwent_r(3C) getnetgrent_r(3C) getspent_r(3C)
fgetspent_r(3C) getprotobyname_r(3C) getspnam_r(3C)
gamma_r(3M) getprotobynumber_r(3C) gmtime_r(3C)
getgrent_r(3C) getprotoent_r(3C) lgamma_r(3M)
getgrgid_r(3C) getpwent_r(3C) localtime_r(3C)
getgrnam_r(3C) getpwnam_r(3C) rand_r(3C)
gethostbyaddr_r(3C) getpwuid_r(3C) readdir_r(3C)
gethostbyname_r(3C) getrpcbyname_r(3C) tmpnam_r(3C)
gethostent_r(3C) getrpcbynumber_r(3C) ttyname_r(3C)
Async-Signal-Safe Functions in Oracle Solaris Threads
Functions that can safely be called from signal handlers are Async-Signal-Safe. The IEEE
Std 1003.1-2004 (POSIX) standard defines Async-Signal-Safe functions, which are listed in
“Signal Handlers and Async-Signal Safety” on page 193. In addition to these standard Async-
Signal-Safe functions, the following functions from the Oracle Solaris threads interface are also
thr_sigsetmask(3C), similar to pthread_sigmask(3C)
thr_kill(3C), similar to pthread_kill(3C)
250 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
MT Safety Levels for Libraries
MT Safety Levels for Libraries
All routines that can potentially be called by a thread from a multithreaded program should
be MT-Safe. Therefore, two or more activations of a routine must be able to correctly execute
concurrently. So, every library interface that a multithreaded program uses must be MT-Safe.
Not all libraries are now MT-Safe. The commonly used libraries that are MT-Safe are listed in
the following table. The libraries are accessed in the /usr/lib directory.
Interfaces that are not safe have thread-safe interfaces of the form *_r,
often with different semantics.
Math library that is compliant with System V Interface Definition,
Edition 3, X/Open, and ANSI C
Space-efficient memory allocation library, see malloc()
Alternative mmap-based memory allocation library, see mapmalloc()
Domain name server library routines
X11 Windows library routines
C++ runtime shared objects for Oracle C++ 5.0 compilers
C++ standard library for Oracle C++ 5.0 compilers
Classic iostream library for Oracle C++ 5.0 compilers
C++ runtime and iostream library for Oracle C++ 4.0 compilers
Unsafe Libraries
Routines in libraries that are not guaranteed to be MT-Safe can safely be called by
multithreaded programs only when such calls are single threaded.
Chapter 7 • Safe and Unsafe Interfaces 251
252 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 8
Compiling and Debugging
This chapter describes how to compile and debug multithreaded programs. This chapter
discusses the following topics:
“Setting Up the Oracle Solaris Environment for Developing Multithreaded
Applications” on page 253
“Compiling a Multithreaded Application” on page 253
“Debugging a Multithreaded Program” on page 255
Setting Up the Oracle Solaris Environment for Developing
Multithreaded Applications
To build software on the Oracle Solaris OS, you must install the tools you need on your
development system. Whether you want to use the standard tools that are bundled in Oracle
Solaris, or use the Oracle Developer Studio tools, you must first install the appropriate Oracle
Solaris software for a developer environment. For more information, see Setting Up the
Application Development Environment in Oracle Solaris 11.4.
Compiling a Multithreaded Application
This section explains how to compile a multithreaded program using the Oracle Developer
Studio C compiler. The Oracle Developer Studio C compiler is optimized for parallel
programming and includes many features that are not available in other C compilers. See
the User's Guide in the Oracle Developer Studio Library for more information about the C
Chapter 8 • Compiling and Debugging 253
Compiling a Multithreaded Application
Preparing for Compilation
Your application must include <thread.h> for Oracle Solaris threads and <pthread.h> for
POSIX threads. You should include the appropriate file for the API you are using, or both files
if your application uses both thread APIs. See the pthread.h(3HEAD) man page for more
information. The application must also include <errno.h>, <limits.h>, <signal.h>, <unistd.
h> files.
Choosing Oracle Solaris or POSIX Threads
The Oracle Solaris implementation of Pthreads is completely compatible with Oracle Solaris
threads. You can use both Oracle Solaris threads and Pthreads in the same application. See the
pthreads(7) man page for a discussion of the differences between the thread implementations.
See also Chapter 6, “Programming With Oracle Solaris Threads” in this guide for information
about differences.
One difference between the thread types is the behavior of the fork functions.
Starting in the Oracle Solaris 10 release, a call to the forkall() function replicates in the child
process all of the threads in the parent process. A call to fork1() replicates only the calling
thread in the child process. In the Oracle Solaris 10 release, a call to fork() is identical to a
call to fork1(); only the calling thread is replicated in the child process. This is the POSIX-
specified behavior for fork(). Applications that require replicate-all fork semantics must call
Including thread.h or pthread.h
The include file <thread.h> contains declarations for the Oracle Solaris threads functions. To
call any Oracle Solaris thread functions, your program needs to include <thread.h>. This file
enables you to produce compiled code that is compatible with earlier releases of the Oracle
Solaris software.
The include file <pthread.h> contains declarations for the Pthreads functions and is required if
your program uses Pthreads.
You can mix Oracle Solaris threads and POSIX threads in the same application by including
both <thread.h> and <pthread.h> in the application. When compiling multithreaded code, you
should specify the -mt option to the compiler.
254 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
The following discussion describes characteristics that can cause bugs in multithreaded
programs. Utilities that you can use to help debug your program are also described.
Common Oversights in Multithreaded Programs
The following list points out some of the more frequent oversights that can cause bugs in
multithreaded programs.
A pointer passed to the caller's stack as an argument to a new thread.
The shared changeable state of global memory accessed without the protection of a
synchronization mechanism leading to a data race. A data race occurs when two or more
threads in a single process access the same memory location concurrently, and at least
one of the threads tries to write to the location. When the threads do not use exclusive
locks to control their accesses to that memory, the order of accesses is non-deterministic,
and the computation may give different results from run to run depending on that order.
Some data races may be benign (for example, when the memory access is used for a
busy-wait), but many data races are bugs in the program. The Thread Analyzer tool is
useful for detecting data races. See “Detecting Data Races and Deadlocks Using Thread
Analyzer” on page 257.
Deadlocks caused by two threads trying to acquire rights to the same pair of global
resources in alternate order. One thread controls the first resource and the other controls the
second resource. Neither thread can proceed until the other gives up. The Thread Analyzer
tool is also useful for detecting deadlocks. See “Detecting Data Races and Deadlocks Using
Thread Analyzer” on page 257.
Trying to reacquire a lock already held (recursive deadlock).
Creating a hidden gap in synchronization protection. This gap in protection occurs when a
protected code segment contains a function that frees and reacquires the synchronization
mechanism before returning to the caller. The result is misleading. To the caller, the
appearance is that the global data has been protected when the data actually has not been
When mixing UNIX signals with threads, and not using the sigwait(2) model for handling
asynchronous signals.
Calling setjmp(3C) and longjmp(3C), and then long-jumping away without releasing the
mutex locks.
Failing to re-evaluate the conditions after returning from a call to *_cond_wait() or
Chapter 8 • Compiling and Debugging 255
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
Forgetting that default threads are created PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE and must be
reclaimed with pthread_join(3C). Note that pthread_exit(3C) does not free up its
storage space.
Making deeply nested, recursive calls and using large automatic arrays can cause problems
because multithreaded programs have a more limited stack size than single-threaded
Specifying an inadequate stack size, or using nondefault stacks.
Multithreaded programs, especially those containing bugs, often behave differently in two
successive runs, even with identical inputs. This behavior is caused by differences in the order
that threads are scheduled.
In general, multithreading bugs are statistical instead of deterministic. Tracing is usually a
more effective method of finding the order of execution problems than is breakpoint-based
Built-in Error Checking
The standard C library has built-in error checking code. To activate the error checking code, set
any one of the following environment variables.
If any one of the environment variables is set, libc detects and reports the lock usage errors
on the standard error output. The following types of errors are detected by libc for each of the
Calling thread already owns the lock
Calling thread does not own the lock
Calling thread does not own the lock
Recursive mutex in cond_wait()
condvar process-shared, mutex process-private
condvar process-private, mutex process-shared
Calling thread owns the writer lock
Calling thread owns the readers lock
Calling thread owns the writer lock
Writer lock held, but not by the calling thread
256 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
Readers lock held, but not by the calling thread
Lock not owned
An error message similar to the following is displayed on the standard error output:
*** _THREAD_ERROR_DETECTION: lock usage error detected ***
mutex_unlock(0x100763f50): calling thread does not own the lock
calling thread is 0x7d5a40bf2a40 thread-id 1
the lock is unowned
Note - If _THREAD_ERROR_DETECTION is set to 1, the program continues execution.
If _THREAD_ERROR_DETECTION is set to 2, the program is aborted with a core dump for later
Tracing and Debugging With DTrace
DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing facility that is built into the Oracle Solaris OS. The
DTrace facility can be used to examine the behavior of your multithreaded program. DTrace
inserts probes into running programs to collect data at points in the execution path that you
specify. The collected data can be examined to determine problem areas. See the Oracle Solaris
11.4 DTrace (Dynamic Tracing) Guide for more information about using DTrace.
Profiling With Performance Analyzer
The Performance Analyzer tool, included in the Oracle Developer Studio software, can be used
for extensive profiling of multithreaded and single threaded programs. The tool enables you
to see in detail what a thread is doing at any given point. See Oracle Developer Studio 12.6:
Performance Analyzer (
for more information.
Detecting Data Races and Deadlocks Using
Thread Analyzer
The Oracle Developer Studio software includes a tool called the Thread Analyzer. This tool
enables you to analyze the execution of a multithreaded program. It can detect multithreaded
Chapter 8 • Compiling and Debugging 257
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
programming errors such as data races or deadlocks in code that is written using the Pthread
API, the Oracle Solaris thread API, OpenMP directives, Oracle parallel directives, Cray parallel
directives, or a mix of these technologies.
See Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Thread Analyzer User's Guide for more information.
Using dbx
The dbx utility is a debugger included in the Oracle Developer Studio developer tools.
See Download Options for Oracle Developer Studio (
developerstudio/downloads/developer-studio-jsp.html). With the Oracle Developer
Studio dbx command-line debugger, you can debug and execute source programs that are
written in C, C++, and Fortran. You can use dbx by starting it in a terminal window and
interactively debugging your program with dbx commands. If you prefer a graphical interface,
you can use the same dbx functionality in the Debugging windows of the Oracle Developer
Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment). For a description of how to start dbx, see
the dbx(1) man page. See Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Debugging a Program With dbx for an
overview of dbx. The Debugging features in the Oracle Developer Studio IDE are described in
the IDE online help.
The Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Debugging a Program With dbx guide contains detailed
information about debugging multithreaded programs. The dbx debugger provides commands
to manipulate event handlers for thread events, which are described in the Event Management
appendix of Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Debugging a Program With dbx.
All the dbx options that are listed in “Using dbx” on page 258 can support multithreaded
cont at line [-sig signo id]
Continues execution at line with signal signo. The id, if present, specifies which thread or
LWP to continue. The default value is all.
lwp [lwpid]
Displays current LWP. Switches to given LWP [lwpid].
Lists all LWPs in the current process.
next ... tid
Steps the given thread. When a function call is skipped, all LWPs are implicitly resumed
for the duration of that function call. Nonactive threads cannot be stepped.
258 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
next ... lwpid
Steps the given LWP. Does not implicitly resume all LWPs when skipping a function.
The LWP on which the given thread is active. Does not implicitly resume all LWP when
skipping a function.
step... tid
Steps the given thread. When a function call is skipped, all LWPs are implicitly resumed
for the duration of that function call. Nonactive threads cannot be stepped.
step... lwpid
Steps the given LWP. Does not implicitly resume all LWPs when skipping a function.
stepi... lwpid
Steps machine instructions (stepping into calls) in the given LWP.
stepi... tid
Steps machine instructions in the LWP on which the given thread is active.
thread [ tid ]
Displays current thread, or switches to thread tid. In all the following variations, omitting
the l tid implies the current thread.
thread -info [ tid ]
Prints everything known about the given thread.
thread -blocks [ tid ]
Prints all locks held by the given thread blocking other threads.
thread -suspend [ tid ]
Puts the given thread into suspended state, which prevents it from running. A suspended
thread displays with an "S" in the threads listing.
thread -resume [ tid ]
Unsuspends the given thread so it resumes running.
thread -hide [ tid ]
Hides the given or current thread. The thread does not appear in the generic threads
thread -unhide [ tid ]
Unhides the given or current thread.
Chapter 8 • Compiling and Debugging 259
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
thread -unhide all
Unhides all threads.
Prints the list of all known threads.
threads -all
Prints threads that are not usually printed (zombies).
threads -mode all|filter
Controls whether threads prints all threads or filters threads by default. When filtering is
on, threads that have been hidden by the thread -hide command are not listed.
threads -mode auto|manual
Enables automatic updating of the thread listing.
threads -mode
Echoes the current modes. Any of the previous forms can be followed by a thread or LWP
ID to get the traceback for the specified entity.
Using truss
See the truss(1) man page for information about tracing system calls, signals and user-level
function calls.
Using mdb
For information about mdb, see the Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide.
The following mdb commands can be used to access the LWPs of a multithreaded program.
Prints the LWP ID of the representative thread if the target is a user
Prints the LWP IDs of each LWP in the target if the target is a user
Attaches to process # pid.
260 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Debugging a Multithreaded Program
Releases the previously attached process or core file. The process can
subsequently be continued by prun(1) or it can be resumed by applying
MDB or another debugger.
These commands to set conditional breakpoints are often useful.
[ addr ] ::bp [+/-dDestT] [-c cmd] [-n count] sym ...
Set a breakpoint at the specified locations.
addr ::delete [ id | all]
Delete the event specifiers with the given ID number.
Chapter 8 • Compiling and Debugging 261
262 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ C H A P T E R 9
Programming Guidelines
This chapter provides some pointers about programming with threads. Most pointers apply
to both Oracle Solaris and POSIX threads, but where utility differs, the behavior is noted. A
change from single-threaded thinking to multithreaded thinking is emphasized in this chapter.
The chapter discusses the following topics:
“Rethinking Global Variables” on page 263
“Providing for Static Local Variables” on page 264
“Synchronizing Threads” on page 265
“Avoiding Deadlock” on page 268
“Some Basic Guidelines for Threaded Code” on page 270
“Creating and Using Threads” on page 271
“Working With Multiprocessors” on page 271
“Examples of Threads Programs” on page 277
Rethinking Global Variables
Historically, most code has been designed for single-threaded programs. This code design is
especially true for most of the library routines that are called from C programs. The following
implicit assumptions were made for single-threaded code:
When you write into a global variable and then, a moment later, read from the variable,
what you read is exactly what you just wrote.
A write into nonglobal, static storage, and moment later, a read from the variable results in a
read of exactly what you just wrote.
You do not need synchronization because concurrent access to the variable is not invoked.
The following examples discuss some of the problems that arise in multithreaded programs
because of these assumptions, and how you can deal with the problems.
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 263
Providing for Static Local Variables
Traditional, single-threaded C and UNIX have a convention for handling errors detected in
system calls. System calls can return anything as a functional value. For example, write()
returns the number of bytes that were transferred. However, the value -1 is reserved to indicate
that something went wrong. So, when a system call returns -1, you know that the call failed.
Showing Global Variables With errno
extern int errno;
if (write(file_desc, buffer, size) == -1) {
/* the system call failed */
fprintf(stderr, "something went wrong, "
"error code = %d\n", errno);
Rather than returning the actual error code, which could be confused with normal return values,
the error code is placed into the global variable errno. When the system call fails, you can look
in errno to find out what went wrong.
Now, consider what happens in a multithreaded environment when two threads fail at about the
same time but with different errors. Both threads expect to find their error codes in errno, but
one copy of errno cannot hold both values. This global variable approach does not work for
multithreaded programs.
Threads solve this problem through a conceptually new storage class: thread-specific data. This
storage is similar to global storage. Thread-specific data can be accessed from any procedure in
which a thread might be running. However, thread-specific data is private to the thread. When
two threads refer to the thread-specific data location of the same name, the threads are referring
to two different areas of storage.
So, when using threads, each reference to errno is thread specific because each thread
has a private copy of errno. A reference to errno as thread-specific is achieved in this
implementation by making errno a macro that expands to a function call.
Providing for Static Local Variables
The following example shows a problem that is similar to the errno problem, but involving
static storage instead of global storage. The function gethostbyname() is called with the
computer name as its argument. The return value is a pointer to a structure that contains the
required information for contacting the computer through network communications.
264 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronizing Threads
gethostbyname() Problem
struct hostent *gethostbyname(char *name) {
static struct hostent result;
/* Lookup name in hosts database */
/* Put answer in result */
A pointer that is returned to a local variable is generally not a good idea. Using a pointer works
in this example because the variable is static. However, when two threads call this variable at
once with different computer names, the use of static storage conflicts.
Thread-specific data could be used as a replacement for static storage, as in the errno problem.
But, this replacement involves dynamic allocation of storage and adds to the expense of the call.
A better way to handle this kind of problem is to make the caller of gethostbyname() supply
the storage for the result of the call. An additional output argument to the routine enables the
caller to supply the storage. The additional output argument requires a new interface to the
gethostbyname() function.
This technique is used in threads to fix many of these problems. In most cases, the name of the
new interface is the old name with "_r" appended, as in gethostbyname_r().
Synchronizing Threads
The threads in an application must cooperate and synchronize when sharing the data and the
resources of the process.
A problem arises when multiple threads call functions that manipulate an object. In a single-
threaded world, synchronizing access to such objects is not a problem. However, as Example
33, “printf() Problem,” on page 265 illustrates, synchronization is a concern with
multithreaded code. Note that the printf() function is safe to call for a multithreaded program.
This example illustrates what could happen if printf() were not safe.
printf() Problem
/* thread 1: */
printf("go to statement reached");
/* thread 2: */
printf("hello world");
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 265
Synchronizing Threads
printed on display:
go to hello
Single-Threaded Strategy
One strategy is to have a single, application-wide mutex lock acquired whenever any thread in
the application is running and released before it must block. Because only one thread can be
accessing shared data at any one time, each thread has a consistent view of memory.
Because this strategy is effectively single-threaded, very little is gained by this strategy.
Reentrant Function
A better approach is to take advantage of the principles of modularity and data encapsulation.
A reentrant function behaves correctly if called simultaneously by several threads. To write
a reentrant function is a matter of understanding just what behaves correctly means for this
particular function.
Functions that are callable by several threads must be made reentrant. To make a function
reentrant might require changes to the function interface or to the implementation.
Functions that access global state, like memory or files, have reentrance problems. These
functions need to protect their use of global state with the appropriate synchronization
mechanisms provided by threads.
The two basic strategies for making functions in modules reentrant are code locking and data
Code Locking
Code locking is done at the function call level and guarantees that a function executes entirely
under the protection of a lock. The assumption is for all access to data to be done through
functions. Functions that share data should execute under the same lock.
Some parallel programming languages provide a construct called a monitor. The monitor
implicitly does code locking for functions that are defined within the scope of the monitor. A
monitor can also be implemented by a mutex lock.
266 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Synchronizing Threads
Functions under the protection of the same mutex lock or within the same monitor are
guaranteed to execute atomically with respect to other functions in the monitor.
Data Locking
Data locking guarantees that access to a collection of data is maintained consistently. For data
locking, the concept of locking code is still there, but code locking is around references to
shared (global) data, only. For mutual exclusion locking, only one thread can be in the critical
section for each collection of data.
Alternatively, in a multiple reader, single writer protocol, several readers can be allowed for
each collection of data or one writer. Multiple threads can execute in a single module when the
threads operate on different data collections. In particular, the threads do not conflict on a single
collection for the multiple readers, single writer protocol. So, data locking typically allows more
concurrency than does code locking.
What strategy should you use when using locks, whether implemented with mutexes, condition
variables, or semaphores, in a program? Should you try to achieve maximum parallelism by
locking only when necessary and unlocking as soon as possible, called fine-grained locking? Or
should you hold locks for long periods to minimize the overhead of taking and releasing locks,
called coarse-grained locking?
The granularity of the lock depends on the amount of data protected by the lock. A very coarse-
grained lock might be a single lock to protect all data. Dividing how the data is protected
by the appropriate number of locks is very important. Locking that is too fine-grained can
degrade performance. The overhead associated with acquiring and releasing locks can become
significant when your application contains too many locks.
The common wisdom is to start with a coarse-grained approach, identify bottlenecks, and add
finer-grained locking where necessary to alleviate the bottlenecks. This approach is reasonably
sound advice, but use your own judgment about finding the balance between maximizing
parallelism and minimizing lock overhead.
Invariants and Locks
For both code locking and data locking, invariants are important to control lock complexity. An
invariant is a condition or relation that is always true.
The definition is modified somewhat for concurrent execution: an invariant is a condition or
relation that is true when the associated lock is being set. Once the lock is set, the invariant can
be false. However, the code that holds the lock must reestablish the invariant before releasing
the lock.
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 267
Avoiding Deadlock
An invariant can also be a condition or relation that is true when a lock is being set. Condition
variables can be thought of as having an invariant that is the condition.
Testing the Invariant With assert()
The assert() statement is testing the invariant. The cond_wait() function does not preserve
the invariant, which is why the invariant must be reevaluated when the thread returns.
Another example is a module that manages a doubly linked list of elements. For each item on
the list, a good invariant is the forward pointer of the previous item on the list. The forward
pointer should also point to the same element as the backward pointer of the forward item.
Assume that this module uses code-based locking and therefore is protected by a single
global mutex lock. When an item is deleted or added, the mutex lock is acquired, the correct
manipulation of the pointers is made, and the mutex lock is released. Obviously, at some point
in the manipulation of the pointers the invariant is false, but the invariant is reestablished before
the mutex lock is released.
Avoiding Deadlock
Deadlock is a permanent blocking of a set of threads that are competing for a set of resources.
Just because some thread can make progress does not mean that a deadlock has not occurred
somewhere else.
The most common error that causes deadlock is self deadlock or recursive deadlock. In a self
deadlock or recursive deadlock, a thread tries to acquire a lock already held by the thread.
Recursive deadlock is very easy to program by mistake.
For example, assume that a code monitor has every module function grab the mutex lock for the
duration of the call. Then, any call between the functions within the module protected by the
mutex lock immediately deadlocks. If a function calls code outside the module that circuitously
calls back into any method protected by the same mutex lock, the function deadlocks too.
268 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Avoiding Deadlock
The solution for this kind of deadlock is to avoid calling functions outside the module that
might depend on this module through some path. In particular, avoid calling functions that call
back into the module without reestablishing invariants and do not drop all module locks before
making the call. Of course, after the call completes and the locks are reacquired, the state must
be verified to be sure the intended operation is still valid.
An example of another kind of deadlock is when two threads, thread 1 and thread 2, acquire
a mutex lock, A and B, respectively. Suppose that thread 1 tries to acquire mutex lock B and
thread 2 tries to acquire mutex lock A. Thread 1 cannot proceed while blocked waiting for
mutex lock B. Thread 2 cannot proceed while blocked waiting for mutex lock A. Nothing can
change. So, this condition is a permanent blocking of the threads, and a deadlock.
This kind of deadlock is avoided by establishing an order in which locks are acquired, a
lock hierarchy. When all threads always acquire locks in the specified order, this deadlock is
Adherence to a strict order of lock acquisition is not always optimal. For instance, thread 2
has many assumptions about the state of the module while holding mutex lock B. Giving up
mutex lock B to acquire mutex lock A and then reacquiring mutex lock B in that order causes
the thread to discard its assumptions. The state of the module must be reevaluated.
The blocking synchronization primitives usually have variants that attempt to get a lock and fail
if the variants cannot get the lock. An example is pthread_mutex_trylock() . This behavior of
primitive variants allows threads to violate the lock hierarchy when no contention occurs. When
contention occurs, the held locks must usually be discarded and the locks reacquired in order.
Deadlocks Related to Scheduling
Because the order in which locks are acquired is not guaranteed, a problem can occur where a
particular thread never acquires a lock.
This problem usually happens when the thread holding the lock releases the lock, lets a
small amount of time pass, and then reacquires the lock. Because the lock was released, the
appearance is that the other thread should acquire the lock. But, nothing blocks the thread
holding the lock. Consequently, that thread continues to run from the time the thread releases
the lock until the time the lock is reacquired. Thus, no other thread is run.
You can usually solve this type of problem by calling sched_yield() just before the call to
reacquire the lock. The sched_yield() function allows other threads to run and to acquire the
Because the time-slice requirements of applications are so variable, the system does not impose
any requirements. Use calls to sched_yield() to make threads share time as you require.
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 269
Some Basic Guidelines for Threaded Code
Locking Guidelines
Follow these simple guidelines for locking.
Try not to hold locks across long operations like I/O where performance can be adversely
Do not hold locks when calling a function that is outside the module and might reenter the
In general, start with a coarse-grained approach, identify bottlenecks, and add finer-grained
locking where necessary to alleviate the bottlenecks. Most locks are held for short amounts
of time and contention is rare. So, fix only those locks that have measured contention.
When using multiple locks, avoid deadlocks by making sure that all threads acquire the
locks in the same order.
Finding Deadlocks
The Oracle Developer Studio Thread Analyzer is a tool that you can use to find deadlocks in
your program. The Thread Analyzer can detect potential deadlocks as well as actual deadlocks.
A potential deadlock does not necessarily occur in a given run, but can occur in any execution
of the program depending on the scheduling of threads and the timing of lock requests by the
threads. An actual deadlock is one that occurs during the execution of a program, causing the
threads involved to hang, but may or may not cause the whole process to hang.
See the Oracle Developer Studio 12.6: Thread Analyzer User's Guide for more information.
Some Basic Guidelines for Threaded Code
Know what you are importing and know whether it is safe.
A threaded program cannot arbitrarily enter nonthreaded code.
Threaded code can safely refer to unsafe code only from the initial thread.
References to unsafe code in this way ensures that the static storage associated with the
initial thread is used only by that thread.
When making a library safe for multithreaded use, do not thread global process operations.
Do not change global operations, or actions with global side effects, to behave in a
threaded manner. For example, if file I/O is changed to per-thread operation, threads cannot
cooperate in accessing files.
270 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Creating and Using Threads
For thread-specific behavior, or thread cognizant behavior, use thread facilities. For
example, when the termination of main() should terminate only the thread that is exiting
Oracle-supplied libraries are assumed to be unsafe unless explicitly documented as safe.
If a reference manual entry does not explicitly state that an interface is MT-Safe, you should
assume that the interface is unsafe.
Use compilation flags to manage binary incompatible source changes. See Chapter 8,
“Compiling and Debugging” for complete instructions.
The -mt option enables multithreading.
Note - Starting with Oracle Solaris 10, you need not explicitly link the multithreaded code
against the libthread and libpthread libraries. These libraries exist for the benefit of the older
programs, but are not otherwise necessary.
Creating and Using Threads
The threads packages cache the threads data structure and stacks so that the repetitive creation
of threads can be reasonably inexpensive. However, creating and destroying threads as the
threads are required is usually more expensive than managing a pool of threads that wait for
independent work. A good example is an RPC server that creates a thread for each request and
destroys the thread when the reply is delivered.
Thread creation has less overhead than the overhead of process creation. However, thread
creation is not efficient when compared to the cost of creating a few instructions. Create threads
for processing that lasts at least a couple of thousand machine instructions.
Working With Multiprocessors
Multithreading enables you to take advantage of multiprocessors, including multicore and
multithreaded processors, primarily through parallelism and scalability. Programmers should be
aware of the differences between the memory models of a multiprocessor and a uniprocessor.
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 271
Working With Multiprocessors
Note - In this guide, whenever multiprocessors are discussed, the context applies also to
multicore and multithreaded processors unless noted otherwise.
Memory consistency is directly interrelated to the processor that interrogates memory. For
uniprocessors, memory is obviously consistent because only one processor is viewing memory.
To improve multiprocessor performance, memory consistency is relaxed. You cannot always
assume that changes made to memory by one processor are immediately reflected in the other
processors' views of that memory.
You can avoid this complexity by using synchronization variables when you use shared or
global variables.
Memory barrier synchronization is sometimes an efficient way to control parallelism on
Another multiprocessor issue is efficient synchronization when threads must wait until all
threads have reached a common point in their execution.
Note - The issues discussed here are not important when the threads synchronization primitives
are always used to access shared memory locations. See Chapter 4, “Programming with
Synchronization Objects”.
Underlying Architecture
Threads synchronize access to shared storage locations by using the threads synchronization
routines. With threads synchronization, running a program on a shared-memory multiprocessor
has the identical effect of running the program on a uniprocessor.
However, in many situations a programmer might be tempted to take advantage of the
multiprocessor and use "tricks" to avoid the synchronization routines. As Example 35,
“Producer and Consumer Problem: Shared Memory Multiprocessors,” on page 273 and
Example 36, “Showing Mutual Exclusion for Two Threads,” on page 275 show, such tricks
can be dangerous.
An understanding of the memory models supported by common multiprocessor architectures
helps to understand the dangers.
The major multiprocessor components are:
The processors, including cores and their threads, which run the programs
272 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Working With Multiprocessors
Store buffers, which connect the processors to their caches
Caches, which hold the contents of recently accessed or modified storage locations
Memory, which is the primary storage and is shared by all processors
In the simple traditional model, the multiprocessor behaves as if the processors are connected
directly to memory: when one processor stores into a location and another processor
immediately loads from the same location, the second processor loads what was stored by the
Caches can be used to speed the average memory access. The desired semantics can be
achieved when the caches are kept consistent with the other caches.
A problem with this simple approach is that the processor must often be delayed to make certain
that the desired semantics are achieved. Many modern multiprocessors use various techniques
to prevent such delays, which unfortunately change the semantics of the memory model.
Two of these techniques and their effects are explained in the next two examples.
Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Consider the purported solution to the producer and consumer problem that is shown in
Example 35, “Producer and Consumer Problem: Shared Memory Multiprocessors,” on page
Although this program works on current SPARC-based multiprocessors, the program assumes
that all multiprocessors have strongly ordered memory. This program is therefore not portable.
Producer and Consumer Problem: Shared Memory Multiprocessors
char buffer[BSIZE];
unsigned int in = 0;
unsigned int out = 0;
/* Thread 1 (producer) */ /* Thread 2 (consumer) */
producer(char item) {
;/* nothing */
((in - out) == BSIZE);
consumer(void) {
char item;
;/* nothing */
((in - out) == 0);
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 273
Working With Multiprocessors
buffer[in%BSIZE] = item;
item = buffer[out%BSIZE];
When this program has exactly one producer and exactly one consumer and is run on a shared-
memory multiprocessor, the program appears to be correct. The difference between in and out
is the number of items in the buffer.
The producer waits, by repeatedly computing this difference, until room is available in the
buffer for a new item. The consumer waits until an item is present in the buffer.
Strongly-ordered memory makes a modification to memory on one processor immediately
available to the other processors. For strongly ordered memory, the solution is correct even
taking into account that in and out will eventually overflow. The overflow occurs as long as
BSIZE is less than the largest integer that can be represented in a word.
Shared-memory multiprocessors do not necessarily have strongly ordered memory. A change to
memory by one processor is not necessarily available immediately to the other processors. See
what happens when two changes to different memory locations are made by one processor. The
other processors do not necessarily detect the changes in the order in which the changes were
made because memory modifications do not happen immediately.
First the changes are stored in store buffers that are not visible to the cache.
The processor checks these store buffers to ensure that a program has a consistent view. But,
because store buffers are not visible to other processors, a write by one processor does not
become visible until the processor writes to cache.
The synchronization primitives use special instructions that flush the store buffers to cache. See
Chapter 4, “Programming with Synchronization Objects”. So, using locks around your shared
data ensures memory consistency.
When memory ordering is very relaxed, Example 35, “Producer and Consumer Problem:
Shared Memory Multiprocessors,” on page 273 has a problem. The consumer might see
that in has been incremented by the producer before the consumer sees the change to the
corresponding buffer slot.
This memory ordering is called weak ordering because stores made by one processor can
appear to happen out of order by another processor. Memory, however, is always consistent
from the same processor. To fix this inconsistency, the code should use mutexes to flush the
Because the trend is toward relaxing memory order, programmers must be careful to use locks
around all global or shared data.
274 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Working With Multiprocessors
As demonstrated by Example 35, “Producer and Consumer Problem: Shared Memory
Multiprocessors,” on page 273 and Example 36, “Showing Mutual Exclusion for Two
Threads,” on page 275, locking is essential.
Peterson's Algorithm
The code in Example 36, “Showing Mutual Exclusion for Two Threads,” on page 275 is an
implementation of Peterson's Algorithm, which handles mutual exclusion between two threads.
This code tries to guarantee that only one thread is in the critical section. When a thread calls
mut_excl(), the thread enters the critical section sometime "soon".
An assumption here is that a thread exits fairly quickly after entering the critical section.
Showing Mutual Exclusion for Two Threads
void mut_excl(int me /* 0 or 1 */) {
static int loser;
static int interested[2] = {0, 0};
int other; /* local variable */
other = 1 - me;
interested[me] = 1;
loser = me;
while (loser == me && interested[other])
/* critical section */
interested[me] = 0;
This algorithm works some of the time when the multiprocessor has strongly ordered memory.
Some multiprocessors, including some SPARC multiprocessors, have store buffers. When
a thread issues a store instruction, the data is put into a store buffer. The buffer contents
are eventually sent to the cache, but not necessarily right away. The caches on each of the
processors maintain a consistent view of memory, but modified data does not reach the cache
right away.
When multiple memory locations are stored into, the changes reach the cache and memory in
the correct order, but possibly after a delay. SPARC multiprocessors with this property are said
to have total store order (TSO).
Suppose you have a situation where one processor stores into location A and loads from
location B. Another processor stores into location B and loads from location A. Either the first
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 275
Working With Multiprocessors
processor fetches the newly-modified value from location B, or the second processor fetches
the newly-modified value from location A, or both. However, the case in which both processors
load the old values cannot happen.
Moreover, with the delays caused by load and store buffers, the "impossible case" can happen.
What could happen with Peterson's algorithm is that two threads running on separate processors
both enter the critical section. Each thread stores into its own slot of the particular array and
then loads from the other slot. Both threads read the old values (0), each thread assumes that the
other party is not present, and both enter the critical section. This kind of problem might not be
detected when you test a program, but only occurs much later.
To avoid this problem use the threads synchronization primitives, whose implementations
issue special instructions, to force the writing of the store buffers to the cache. See Chapter 4,
“Programming with Synchronization Objects”.
Parallelizing a Loop on a Shared-Memory Parallel Computer
In many applications, and especially numerical applications, while part of the algorithm can
be parallelized, other parts are inherently sequential, as shown in the following table. The
algorithm can use barrier synchronization to coordinate the parallel and sequential portions.
Multithreaded Cooperation Through Barrier Synchronization
Sequential Execution Parallel Execution
Thread 1 Thread 2 through Thread n
while(many_iterations) {
--- Barrier ---
while(many_iterations) {
--- Barrier ---
For example, you might produce a set of matrixes with a strictly linear computation, and
perform operations on the matrixes that use a parallel algorithm. You then use the results of
these operations to produce another set of matrixes, operate on these matrixes in parallel, and so
The nature of the parallel algorithms for such a computation is that little synchronization is
required during the computation. But, synchronization of all the threads is required to ensure
that the sequential computation is finished before the parallel computation begins.
The barrier forces all the threads that are doing the parallel computation to wait until all
involved threads have reached the barrier. When the threads have reached the barrier, the
threads are released and begin computing together.
276 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Examples of Threads Programs
Examples of Threads Programs
This guide has covered a wide variety of important threads programming issues. Appendix A,
“Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation” provides a pthreads program example that
uses many of the features and styles that have been discussed.
Further Reading
For more in-depth information about multithreading, see Programming with Threads by Steve
Kleiman, Devang Shah, and Bart Smaalders (Prentice-Hall, published in 1995). The conceptual
information is still valid.
Chapter 9 • Programming Guidelines 277
278 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
♦ ♦ ♦ A P P E N D I X A
Extended Example: A Thread Pool
This appendix provides a sample implementation of a useful package of interfaces for
multithreaded programming: a thread pool.
“What Is a Thread Pool?” on page 279
“About the Thread Pool” on page 280
“What the Thread Pool Example Shows” on page 292
What Is a Thread Pool?
Threads provide a useful paradigm for an application to do many things at once: if you have
something to do, create a thread to do it. Using threads can simplify the logic of the application
and also take advantage of multiple processors, but creating too many threads can cause overall
application performance problems due to contention for resources. The application may end up
spending much of its time contending for resources, dealing with mutex locks for example, and
less of its time actually doing useful work. Also, creating a thread, though cheaper than creating
a process, is still an expense. Creating a thread to do a small amount of work is wasteful.
A thread pool manages a set of anonymous threads that perform work on request. The threads
do not terminate right away. When one of the threads completes a task, the thread becomes
idle, ready to be dispatched to another task. The overhead of creating and destroying threads
is limited to creating and destroying just the number of active worker threads in the pool. The
application can have more tasks than there are worker threads, and this is usually the case.
Processor utilization and throughput are improved by reducing contention for resources. The
submitted tasks are processed in order, usually faster than could be done by creating a thread
per task.
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 279
About the Thread Pool
About the Thread Pool
This section describes thread pool functions and provides an exam;ple.
Thread Pool Functions
The thr_pool.h header file declares the following functional interfaces:
thr_pool_create() Function” on page 280
thr_pool_queue() Function” on page 280
thr_pool_wait() Function” on page 281
thr_pool_destroy() Function” on page 281
thr_pool_create() Function
Creates a thread pool. More than one pool can be created.
typedef struct thr_pool thr_pool_t; /* opaque to clients */
thr_pool_t *thr_pool_create(uint_t min_threads, uint_t max_threads,
uint_t linger, pthread_attr_t *attr);
Minimum number of threads in the pool.
Maximum number of threads in the pool.
Number of seconds that idle threads can linger before exiting, when no
tasks come in. The idle threads can only exit if they are extra threads,
above the number of minimum threads.
Attributes of all worker threads. This can be NULL.
On error, thr_pool_create() returns NULL with errno set to the error code.
thr_pool_queue() Function
Enqueue a work request or task to the thread pool job queue.
int thr_pool_queue(thr_pool_t *pool, void *(*func)(void *), void *arg);
280 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
About the Thread Pool
A thread pool identifier returned from thr_pool_create().
The task function to be called.
The only argument passed to the task function.
On error, thr_pool_queue() returns -1 with errno set to the error code.
Notice the similarity of the func and arg arguments to the start_routine and arg arguments of
pthread_create() shown in pthread_create() Syntax” on page 35. The thr_pool_queue()
function can be used as a replacement for pthread_create() in existing applications. Note that
if you use thr_pool_queue() instead of pthread_create(), you cannot use pthread_join() to
wait for the task to complete.
thr_pool_wait() Function
Wait for all queued jobs to complete in the thread pool.
void thr_pool_wait(thr_pool_t *pool);
pool is a thread pool identifier that is returned from thr_pool_create().
thr_pool_destroy() Function
Cancel all queued jobs and destroy the pool. Worker threads that are actively processing tasks
are cancelled.
extern void thr_pool_destroy(thr_pool_t *pool);
pool is a thread pool identifier that is returned from thr_pool_create().
Thread Pool Code Examples
This section shows the code for the thr_pool.h File” on page 281 and the thr_pool.c
File” on page 283.
thr_pool.h File
This file declares the functions used in the example.
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 281
About the Thread Pool
Using thr_pool.h
* Declarations for the clients of a thread pool.
#include <pthread.h>
* The thr_pool_t type is opaque to the client.
* It is created by thr_pool_create() and must be passed
* unmodified to the remainder of the interfaces.
typedef struct thr_pool thr_pool_t;
* Create a thread pool.
* min_threads: the minimum number of threads kept in the pool,
* always available to perform work requests.
* max_threads: the maximum number of threads that can be
* in the pool, performing work requests.
* linger: the number of seconds excess idle worker threads
* (greater than min_threads) linger before exiting.
* attr: attributes of all worker threads (can be NULL);
* can be destroyed after calling thr_pool_create().
* On error, thr_pool_create() returns NULL with errno set to the error code.
extern thr_pool_t *thr_pool_create(uint_t min_threads, uint_t max_threads,
uint_t linger, pthread_attr_t *attr);
* Enqueue a work request to the thread pool job queue.
* If there are idle worker threads, awaken one to perform the job.
* Else if the maximum number of workers has not been reached,
* create a new worker thread to perform the job.
* Else just return after adding the job to the queue;
* an existing worker thread will perform the job when
* it finishes the job it is currently performing.
* The job is performed as if a new detached thread were created for it:
* pthread_create(NULL, attr, void *(*func)(void *), void *arg);
* On error, thr_pool_queue() returns -1 with errno set to the error code.
extern int thr_pool_queue(thr_pool_t *pool,
void *(*func)(void *), void *arg);
282 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
About the Thread Pool
* Wait for all queued jobs to complete.
extern void thr_pool_wait(thr_pool_t *pool);
* Cancel all queued jobs and destroy the pool.
extern void thr_pool_destroy(thr_pool_t *pool);
thr_pool.c File
This file implements the thread pool.
Using thr_pool.c
* Thread pool implementation.
* See <thr_pool.h> for interface declarations.
#include "thr_pool.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
* FIFO queued job
typedef struct job job_t;
struct job {
job_t *job_next; /* linked list of jobs */
void *(*job_func)(void *); /* function to call */
void *job_arg; /* its argument */
* List of active worker threads, linked through their stacks.
typedef struct active active_t;
struct active {
active_t *active_next; /* linked list of threads */
pthread_t active_tid; /* active thread id */
* The thread pool, opaque to the clients.
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 283
About the Thread Pool
struct thr_pool {
thr_pool_t *pool_forw; /* circular linked list */
thr_pool_t *pool_back; /* of all thread pools */
pthread_mutex_t pool_mutex; /* protects the pool data */
pthread_cond_t pool_busycv; /* synchronization in pool_queue */
pthread_cond_t pool_workcv; /* synchronization with workers */
pthread_cond_t pool_waitcv; /* synchronization in pool_wait() */
active_t *pool_active; /* list of threads performing work */
job_t *pool_head; /* head of FIFO job queue */
job_t *pool_tail; /* tail of FIFO job queue */
pthread_attr_t pool_attr; /* attributes of the workers */
int pool_flags; /* see below */
uint_t pool_linger; /* seconds before idle workers exit */
int pool_minimum; /* minimum number of worker threads */
int pool_maximum; /* maximum number of worker threads */
int pool_nthreads; /* current number of worker threads */
int pool_idle; /* number of idle workers */
/* pool_flags */
#define POOL_WAIT 0x01 /* waiting in thr_pool_wait() */
#define POOL_DESTROY 0x02 /* pool is being destroyed */
/* the list of all created and not yet destroyed thread pools */
static thr_pool_t *thr_pools = NULL;
/* protects thr_pools */
static pthread_mutex_t thr_pool_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
/* set of all signals */
static sigset_t fillset;
static void *worker_thread(void *);
static int
create_worker(thr_pool_t *pool)
sigset_t oset;
int error;
(void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &fillset, &oset);
error = pthread_create(NULL, &pool->pool_attr, worker_thread, pool);
(void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL);
return (error);
284 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
About the Thread Pool
* Worker thread is terminating. Possible reasons:
* - excess idle thread is terminating because there is no work.
* - thread was cancelled (pool is being destroyed).
* - the job function called pthread_exit().
* In the last case, create another worker thread
* if necessary to keep the pool populated.
static void
worker_cleanup(thr_pool_t *pool)
if (pool->pool_flags & POOL_DESTROY) {
if (pool->pool_nthreads == 0)
(void) pthread_cond_broadcast(&pool->pool_busycv);
} else if (pool->pool_head != NULL &&
pool->pool_nthreads < pool->pool_maximum &&
create_worker(pool) == 0) {
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->pool_mutex);
static void
notify_waiters(thr_pool_t *pool)
if (pool->pool_head == NULL && pool->pool_active == NULL) {
pool->pool_flags &= ~POOL_WAIT;
(void) pthread_cond_broadcast(&pool->pool_waitcv);
* Called by a worker thread on return from a job.
static void
job_cleanup(thr_pool_t *pool)
pthread_t my_tid = pthread_self();
active_t *activep;
active_t **activepp;
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->pool_mutex);
for (activepp = &pool->pool_active;
(activep = *activepp) != NULL;
activepp = &activep->active_next) {
if (activep->active_tid == my_tid) {
*activepp = activep->active_next;
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 285
About the Thread Pool
if (pool->pool_flags & POOL_WAIT)
static void *
worker_thread(void *arg)
thr_pool_t *pool = (thr_pool_t *)arg;
int timedout;
job_t *job;
void *(*func)(void *);
active_t active;
timestruc_t ts;
* This is the worker's main loop. It will only be left
* if a timeout occurs or if the pool is being destroyed.
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->pool_mutex);
pthread_cleanup_push(worker_cleanup, pool);
active.active_tid = pthread_self();
for (;;) {
* We don't know what this thread was doing during
* its last job, so we reset its signal mask and
* cancellation state back to the initial values.
(void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &fillset, NULL);
(void) pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, NULL);
(void) pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
timedout = 0;
if (pool->pool_flags & POOL_WAIT)
while (pool->pool_head == NULL &&
!(pool->pool_flags & POOL_DESTROY)) {
if (pool->pool_nthreads <= pool->pool_minimum) {
(void) pthread_cond_wait(&pool->pool_workcv,
} else {
(void) clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
ts.tv_sec += pool->pool_linger;
if (pool->pool_linger == 0 ||
&pool->pool_mutex, &ts) == ETIMEDOUT) {
286 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
About the Thread Pool
timedout = 1;
if (pool->pool_flags & POOL_DESTROY)
if ((job = pool->pool_head) != NULL) {
timedout = 0;
func = job->job_func;
arg = job->job_arg;
pool->pool_head = job->job_next;
if (job == pool->pool_tail)
pool->pool_tail = NULL;
active.active_next = pool->pool_active;
pool->pool_active = &active;
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->pool_mutex);
pthread_cleanup_push(job_cleanup, pool);
* Call the specified job function.
(void) func(arg);
* If the job function calls pthread_exit(), the thread
* calls job_cleanup(pool) and worker_cleanup(pool);
* the integrity of the pool is thereby maintained.
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* job_cleanup(pool) */
if (timedout && pool->pool_nthreads > pool->pool_minimum) {
* We timed out and there is no work to be done
* and the number of workers exceeds the minimum.
* Exit now to reduce the size of the pool.
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* worker_cleanup(pool) */
return (NULL);
static void
clone_attributes(pthread_attr_t *new_attr, pthread_attr_t *old_attr)
struct sched_param param;
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 287
About the Thread Pool
void *addr;
size_t size;
int value;
(void) pthread_attr_init(new_attr);
if (old_attr != NULL) {
(void) pthread_attr_getstack(old_attr, &addr, &size);
/* don't allow a non-NULL thread stack address */
(void) pthread_attr_setstack(new_attr, NULL, size);
(void) pthread_attr_getscope(old_attr, &value);
(void) pthread_attr_setscope(new_attr, value);
(void) pthread_attr_getinheritsched(old_attr, &value);
(void) pthread_attr_setinheritsched(new_attr, value);
(void) pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(old_attr, &value);
(void) pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(new_attr, value);
(void) pthread_attr_getschedparam(old_attr, &param);
(void) pthread_attr_setschedparam(new_attr, &param);
(void) pthread_attr_getguardsize(old_attr, &size);
(void) pthread_attr_setguardsize(new_attr, size);
/* make all pool threads be detached threads */
(void) pthread_attr_setdetachstate(new_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
thr_pool_t *
thr_pool_create(uint_t min_threads, uint_t max_threads, uint_t linger,
pthread_attr_t *attr)
thr_pool_t *pool;
(void) sigfillset(&fillset);
if (min_threads > max_threads || max_threads < 1) {
errno = EINVAL;
return (NULL);
if ((pool = malloc(sizeof (*pool))) == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return (NULL);
288 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
About the Thread Pool
(void) pthread_mutex_init(&pool->pool_mutex, NULL);
(void) pthread_cond_init(&pool->pool_busycv, NULL);
(void) pthread_cond_init(&pool->pool_workcv, NULL);
(void) pthread_cond_init(&pool->pool_waitcv, NULL);
pool->pool_active = NULL;
pool->pool_head = NULL;
pool->pool_tail = NULL;
pool->pool_flags = 0;
pool->pool_linger = linger;
pool->pool_minimum = min_threads;
pool->pool_maximum = max_threads;
pool->pool_nthreads = 0;
pool->pool_idle = 0;
* We cannot just copy the attribute pointer.
* We need to initialize a new pthread_attr_t structure using
* the values from the caller-supplied attribute structure.
* If the attribute pointer is NULL, we need to initialize
* the new pthread_attr_t structure with default values.
clone_attributes(&pool->pool_attr, attr);
/* insert into the global list of all thread pools */
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&thr_pool_lock);
if (thr_pools == NULL) {
pool->pool_forw = pool;
pool->pool_back = pool;
thr_pools = pool;
} else {
thr_pools->pool_back->pool_forw = pool;
pool->pool_forw = thr_pools;
pool->pool_back = thr_pools->pool_back;
thr_pools->pool_back = pool;
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&thr_pool_lock);
return (pool);
thr_pool_queue(thr_pool_t *pool, void *(*func)(void *), void *arg)
job_t *job;
if ((job = malloc(sizeof (*job))) == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return (-1);
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 289
About the Thread Pool
job->job_next = NULL;
job->job_func = func;
job->job_arg = arg;
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->pool_mutex);
if (pool->pool_head == NULL)
pool->pool_head = job;
pool->pool_tail->job_next = job;
pool->pool_tail = job;
if (pool->pool_idle > 0)
(void) pthread_cond_signal(&pool->pool_workcv);
else if (pool->pool_nthreads < pool->pool_maximum &&
create_worker(pool) == 0)
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->pool_mutex);
return (0);
thr_pool_wait(thr_pool_t *pool)
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->pool_mutex);
pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, &pool->pool_mutex);
while (pool->pool_head != NULL || pool->pool_active != NULL) {
pool->pool_flags |= POOL_WAIT;
(void) pthread_cond_wait(&pool->pool_waitcv, &pool->pool_mutex);
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->pool_mutex); */
thr_pool_destroy(thr_pool_t *pool)
active_t *activep;
job_t *job;
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&pool->pool_mutex);
pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, &pool->pool_mutex);
/* mark the pool as being destroyed; wakeup idle workers */
pool->pool_flags |= POOL_DESTROY;
(void) pthread_cond_broadcast(&pool->pool_workcv);
290 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
About the Thread Pool
/* cancel all active workers */
for (activep = pool->pool_active;
activep != NULL;
activep = activep->active_next)
(void) pthread_cancel(activep->active_tid);
/* wait for all active workers to finish */
while (pool->pool_active != NULL) {
pool->pool_flags |= POOL_WAIT;
(void) pthread_cond_wait(&pool->pool_waitcv, &pool->pool_mutex);
/* the last worker to terminate will wake us up */
while (pool->pool_nthreads != 0)
(void) pthread_cond_wait(&pool->pool_busycv, &pool->pool_mutex);
pthread_cleanup_pop(1); /* pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool->pool_mutex); */
* Unlink the pool from the global list of all pools.
(void) pthread_mutex_lock(&thr_pool_lock);
if (thr_pools == pool)
thr_pools = pool->pool_forw;
if (thr_pools == pool)
thr_pools = NULL;
else {
pool->pool_back->pool_forw = pool->pool_forw;
pool->pool_forw->pool_back = pool->pool_back;
(void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&thr_pool_lock);
* There should be no pending jobs, but just in case...
for (job = pool->pool_head; job != NULL; job = pool->pool_head) {
pool->pool_head = job->job_next;
(void) pthread_attr_destroy(&pool->pool_attr);
Appendix A • Extended Example: A Thread Pool Implementation 291
What the Thread Pool Example Shows
What the Thread Pool Example Shows
The example illustrates cancellation and unexpected thread termination, which is one of
the trickier aspects of programming with threads. A worker thread might exit by calling
pthread_exit() from within the task function passed to thr_pool_queue(), rather than just
returning from the task function as expected. The thread pool recovers from this by catching
the termination in a pthread_cleanup_push() function. The only harm done is that another
worker thread must then be created. Worker threads that are actively processing tasks are
cancelled in thr_pool_destroy(). A caller of thr_pool_wait() or thr_pool_destroy()
may be cancelled by the application while it is waiting. This is also dealt with by using
Although the example package is useful as it is, an application might require some features that
are missing here, such as:
fork() safety (with pthread_atfork()).
Ability to wait for completion of individual tasks.
Faster memory allocation (the sample code uses malloc()).
292 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
Numbers and Symbols
32-bit architectures, 90
64-bit environment
data type model, 31
/dev/kmem, 31
/dev/mem, 31
large file support, 32
large virtual address space, 31
libkvm library, 31
libraries, 31
/proc restrictions, 31
registers, 31
accessing the signal mask, 55
Ada programming language, 193
adding signals to mask, 56
aio_cancel() function, 198
aio_error() function, 197
aio_read() function, 196
aio_return() function, 197
aio_suspend() function, 197
aio_waitn() function, 197
aio_write() function, 196
aiocbp control block, 196
alarms, 182
faster with MT, 26
parallel, 276
sequential, 276
allocating storage from heap
malloc, 38
alternative mmap-based memory allocation
thread-safe form, 251
application-level threads, 24
multiprocessor, 272
SPARC, 90, 273, 275
assert statement, 144, 144, 268
Oracle Solaris, 250
POSIX, 194
signal handlers, 193
threads, 190
event notification, 147
I/O, 196
semaphore use, 147
signals, 187, 188, 191
asynchronous I/O
operations, 196
waiting for, 197
atomic, defined, 90
stack allocation, 82
barrier synchronization, 167, 276
binary semaphores, 146
threads to LWPs, 216
values to key, 224
bottlenecks, 270
cache defined, 273
threads data structure, 271
cancelling threads
cancellation points, 58
request, 58
requested, 30
changing the signal mask, 55, 220
circularly-linked list
example, 119
coarse-grained locking, 267
code lock, 266, 267
code monitor, 266, 268
compare thread identifiers, 47
compiling a multithreaded application, 253
completion semantics, 192
cond_broadcast() function, 238
cond_destroy() function, 234
cond_init() function, 233, 243
cond_reltimedwait() function, 237
cond_signal() function, 237
cond_timedwait() function, 236
cond_wait() function, 235
condition variables, 90, 125, 144
blocking for specified time, 138
blocking on, 133
blocking until specified time, 136
destroying state, 141
getting clock selection, 130
getting scope, 129
initializing, 132
intializing attributes, 126
removing attribute, 127
setting clock selection, 129
setting scope, 128
unblocking one thread, 135
unblocking threads, 139
condition wait
POSIX threads, 195
contention, 269, 270
continuing execution, 206
counting semaphores, 24, 146
stacks, 82, 85, 216, 218
threads, 271
creating a default thread, 35
critical section, 275
custom stack, 82, 218, 218
daemon threads, 217
lock, 266, 267
races, 247, 255, 257
shared, 29, 274
thread-specific, 40
dbx debugger, 217
dbx(1), 258
defined, 268
detecting, 257
recursive, 268
scheduling, 269
debugging, 255
asynchronous signals, 255
dbx, 217
dbx(1), 258
deadlocks, 255
dtrace, 257
hidden gap in synchronization, 255
inadequate stack size, 256
large automatic arrays, 256
long-jumping without releasing mutex lock, 255
mdb(1), 260
no synchronization of global memory, 255
passing pointer to caller's stack, 255
recursive deadlock, 255
reevaluate conditions after return from condition
wait, 255
deleting signals from mask, 56
destroying an existing thread-specific data key, 41
detached threads, 69, 216
Dijkstra, E. W., 145
294 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
dispatch priority
calculation, 185
ranges, 183
DTrace, 257
errno, 44, 264
global variables, 264
event notification, 147
examining the signal mask, 55, 220
thread pool, 279
exec() function, 178, 180, 181
exit() function, 181, 217
fair share scheduler (FSS) scheduling class, 185
finding thread priority, 227
fine-grained locking, 267
fixed priority scheduling class (FX), 186
flags to thr_create function, 216
flockfile() function, 199
fork() function, 181
fork1() function, 180, 181
funlockfile() function, 199
getc() function, 199
getc_unlocked() function, 199
gethostbyname() function, 264
gethostbyname_r() function, 265
getrusage() function, 183
getting thread-specific key binding, 43
data, 267
side effects, 270
state, 266
variables, 44, 263, 263
asynchronous, 196
asynchronous and synchronous, 196
nonsequential, 198
standard, 198
synchronous, 195
inheriting priority, 216
initializing the mutex, 105
interrupt, 187
invariants, 144, 267
joining threads, 36, 58, 69, 222
binding value to key, 224
storing value of, 225
kill() function, 187, 189
libC library, 251
libc library, 251
libCrun library, 251
libCstd library, 251
libiostream library, 251
libm library, 251
libmalloc library, 251
libmapmalloc library, 251
libpthread, 25
C routines, 263
MT-Safe, 251
libresolv library, 251
libthread, 25
libX11 library, 251
lightweight processes
debugging, 260
defined, 24
scheduling classes, 184
limits, resources, 183
local variable
pointers and, 265
lock hierarchy, 269
locking, 266
coarse grained, 267, 270
code, 266
conditional, 117
data, 267
fine-grained, 267, 270
guidelines, 270
invariants, 267
mutual exclusion, 90, 119
read-write, 214
readers/writer, 90
longjmp() function, 183, 193
lost wake-up, 141
lseek() function, 198
LWP defined, 24
malloc() function, 38
MAP_NORESERVE parameter, 82
MAP_SHARED flag, 181
math library
thread-safe form, 251
mdb(1), 260, 260
consistency, 272
ordering, relaxed, 274
strongly ordered, 274
memory allocation
thread-safe form, 251
mmap() function, 82, 181
monitor code, 266, 268
mprotect function, 218
MT-Safe libraries
C ++ runtime shared objects
for C++ 4.0 compiler, 251
C++ runtime shared objects
for C++ 5.0 compiler, 251
C++ standard library
for Oracle C++ 5.x compilers, 251
classic iostreams
for C++, 251
thread-safe form of unsafe interfaces, 251
thread-specific errno support, 251
X11 Windows routines, 251
multiple-readers, single-writer locks, 214
multiprocessors, 271
multithreading defined, 24
defined, 24
mutual exclusion locks, 268
scope, 93
mutex type
mutex_destroy() function, 230
mutex_init() function, 228, 243
mutex_lock() function, 231
mutex_trylock() function, 232
mutex_unlock() function, 231
mutual exclusion locks, 90, 119
attributes, 91
deadlock, 116
default attributes, 90
destroying mutex, 92
destroying mutex state, 114
getting mutex robust attribute, 104
getting mutex scope, 94
getting priority ceiling of mutex, 102
getting priority ceiling of mutex attribute, 100
getting protocol of mutex attribute, 98
initializing, 105
locking, 108
locking before specified time, 112
locking within time interval, 113
making consistent, 107
nonblock locking, 111
296 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
setting mutex robust attribute, 103
setting priority ceiling of mutex, 101
setting priority ceiling of mutex attribute, 99
setting protocol of mutex attribute, 97
setting type attribute, 95
unlocking, 110
NDEBUG defined, 144
nice value and class priority, 184
nonsequential I/O, 198
null threads, 83, 218, 218
parallel algorithms, 276
PC program counter, 29
PC_GETCID parameter, 184
PC_GETCLINFO parameter, 184
PC_GETPARMS parameter, 184
PC_SETPARMS parameter, 184
Performance Analyzer, 257
Peterson's Algorithm, 275
PL/1 programming language, 188
portability, 90
pread() function, 198
printf() function, 193
problem, 265
setting class priority, 184
priocntl() function
setting scheduling class, 184
priority, 29
and scheduling, 185
inheritance, 216, 227
range, 226
scheduling and, 226
setting for a thread, 226
priority inversion, 97
producer and consumer problem, 153, 173, 273
producer/consumer problem, 243
profiling, 257
multithreaded programs, 183
programmer-allocated stack, 82, 218, 218
decrease semaphore, P operation, 146
pthread_atfork() function, 56, 180
pthread_attr_destroy() function, 68
pthread_attr_getdetachstate() function, 70
pthread_attr_getguardsize() function, 72
pthread_attr_getinheritsched() function, 78
pthread_attr_getname_np() function, 51
pthread_attr_getschedparam() function, 80
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() function, 77
pthread_attr_getscope() function, 74
pthread_attr_getstack() function, 86
pthread_attr_getstacksize() function, 84
pthread_attr_init() function, 66
pthread_attr_setdetachstate() function, 68
pthread_attr_setguardsize() function, 71
pthread_attr_setinheritsched() function, 77
pthread_attr_setname_np() function, 50
pthread_attr_setschedparam() function, 79
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() function, 75
pthread_attr_setscope() function, 72
pthread_attr_setstack() function, 85
pthread_attr_setstacksize() function, 83
pthread_barrier_destroy() function, 169
pthread_barrier_init() function, 167
pthread_barrier_wait() function, 168, 168
pthread_barrierattr_destroy() function, 172
pthread_barrierattr_getpshared() function, 171
pthread_barrierattr_init() function, 170
pthread_barrierattr_setpshared() function, 171
pthread_cancel() function, 60
pthread_cleanup_pop() function, 63
pthread_cleanup_push() function, 63
pthread_cond_broadcast() function, 133, 139, 141,
pthread_cond_destroy() function, 141, 141
pthread_cond_init() function, 132
pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np() function, 138
pthread_cond_signal() function, 133, 135, 141,
143, 187
pthread_cond_timedwait() function, 136
pthread_cond_wait() function, 133, 135, 142, 143,
pthread_condattr_destroy() function, 127
pthread_condattr_getclock() function, 130
pthread_condattr_getpshared() function, 129
pthread_condattr_init() function, 126
pthread_condattr_setclock() function, 129
pthread_condattr_setpshared() function, 128
pthread_create() function, 35
pthread_detach() function, 39
pthread_equal() function, 47
pthread_exit() function, 57
pthread_getconcurrency() function, 75
pthread_getname_np() function, 49
pthread_getschedparam() function, 52
pthread_getspecific() function, 43
pthread_join() function, 36, 82, 196
pthread_key_create() function, 40
pthread_key_delete() function, 41
pthread_kill() function, 54, 189
pthread_mutex_consistent() function, 107
pthread_mutex_destroy function, 114, 115
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() function, 102
pthread_mutex_lock() function, 108, 115, 118, 119
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() function, 101
pthread_mutex_timedlock function, 112, 113, 113,
pthread_mutex_trylock() function, 111, 117, 269
pthread_mutex_unlock() function, 110, 115, 118,
pthread_mutexattr_destroy() function, 92
function, 100
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol() function, 98
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared() function, 94
pthread_mutexattr_getrobust() function, 104
pthread_mutexattr_gettype() function, 96
pthread_mutexattr_init() function, 91, 92, 105
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling() function, 99
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() function, 97
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() function, 93
pthread_mutexattr_setrobust() function, 103
pthread_mutexattr_settype() function, 95
pthread_once() function, 47
pthread_rwlock_destroy() function, 166
pthread_rwlock_init() function, 158
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() function, 159
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock() function, 160
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock() function, 164
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() function, 162, 162
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() function, 163, 163
pthread_rwlock_unlock() function, 165
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() function, 162
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() function, 155
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() function, 157
pthread_rwlockattr_init() function, 155
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared() function, 156
pthread_self() function, 46
pthread_setcancelstate() function, 60
pthread_setconcurrency() function, 74
pthread_setname_np() function, 49
pthread_setschedparam() function, 51
pthread_setschedprio() function, 53
pthread_setspecific() function, 42
pthread_sigmask() function, 55, 189
pthread_spin_destroy() function, 124
pthread_spin_init() function, 120
298 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
pthread_spin_lock() function, 122
pthread_spin_trylock() function, 122
pthread_spin_unlock() function, 123
pthread_testcancel() function, 61, 62
putc() read(), 199
putc_unlocked() function, 199
pwrite() function, 198
read() function, 198
read-write locks, 214
acquiring read lock, 159
acquiring write lock, 163
attributes, 154
destroying, 166
destroying lock attribute, 155
getting lock attribute, 157
initializing lock, 155, 158
locking read lock, 162
locking write lock, 163
releasing read lock, 165
setting lock attribute, 156
readers/writer locks, 90
scheduling, 185
red zone, 82, 218
reentrant, 266
described, 266
functions, 249, 250
strategies for making, 266
register state, 29
relaxed memory ordering, 274
remote procedure call RPC, 27
replacing signal mask, 56
resuming execution, 206
RPC, 27, 271
RT, See realtime
rw_rdlock() function, 209
rw_tryrdlock() function, 210
rw_trywrlock() function, 212
rw_unlock() function, 212
rw_wrlock() function, 211
rwlock_destroy() function, 213
rwlock_init() function, 208
safety, threads interfaces, 247, 251
sched_yield() function, 48, 269
classes, 29
policies, 29
scopes, 30
system class, 184
scheduling class
fair share scheduler (FSS), 185
fixed priority scheduler (FX), 186
priority, 184
realtime, 185
timeshare, 184
scope state, 30
sem_destroy() function, 152
sem_init() function, 148, 153
sem_post() function, 146, 149
sem_trywait() function, 146, 151
sem_wait() function, 146, 150
sema_destroy() function, 242
sema_init() function, 239
sema_post() function, 240, 250
sema_trywait() function, 242
sema_wait() function, 241
semaphores , 90, 145, 175
binary, 146
blocking calling thread, 150
counting, 146
counting, defined, 24
decrement semaphore value, 145
decrementing count, 151
destroying state, 152
increment semaphore value, 145
incrementing, 149
initializing, 148
interprocess, 149
intraprocess, 148
named, 147
unnamed, 146
sending signal to thread, 54
sequential algorithms, 276
setjmp() function, 183, 192, 193
setting thread-specific key binding, 42
shared data, 29, 267
shared-memory multiprocessor, 274
SIG_DFL flag, 186
SIG_IGN flag, 186
SIG_SETMASK signal, 56
sigaction() function, 186, 186
SIGFPE signal, 187, 193
SIGILL signal, 187
SIGINT signal, 188, 192
SIGIO signal, 188
siglongjmp() function, 193
handler, 186
signal() function, 186
signal handler, 191
signal.h file, 220
access mask, 220
adding to mask, 56
asynchronous, 187, 188, 191
deleting from mask, 56
inheritance, 216
masks, 29
pending, 206, 216
replacing current mask, 56
sending to a thread, 189
sending to thread, 54, 220
synchronous, 187
unmasked and caught, 195
sigprocmask() function, 189
sigqueue() function, 187
SIGSEGV signal, 82, 187
sigsend() function, 187
sigsetjmp() function, 193
sigtimedwait() function, 191
sigwait(), 191
sigwait() function, 190, 193
assumptions, 263
code, 90
defined, 24
processes, 181
singly-linked list
example, 118
singly-linked list with nested locking
example, 118
size of stack, 83, 83, 216, 217
spin locks
defined, 120
spurious wakeup, 195
stack, 271
address, 85, 216
boundaries, 82
creation, 85, 216
custom, 218
deallocation, 218
minimum size, 83
overflows, 82
pointer, 29
programmer-allocated, 82, 218, 218
red zone, 82, 218
returning a pointer to, 249
size, 83, 83, 216
stack size
finding minimum, 217
minimum, 218
stack_base, 85, 216
stack_size, 83, 216
standard I/O, 198
300 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020
UNIX, 25
start_routine() function, 216
static storage, 263
store buffer, 275
storing thread key value, 225
streaming a tape drive, 196
strongly ordered memory, 274
suspending a new thread, 216
swap space, 82
synchronization objects
condition variables, 90, 125, 144
mutex locks, 90, 119
read-write locks, 214
semaphores, 90, 145, 239, 244
synchronous I/O
asynchronous and, 196
synchronous signals, 187
system calls
handling errors, 264
system scheduling class, 184
tape drive, streaming, 196
THR_BOUND value, 216
thr_continue() function, 206, 216
thr_create() function, 215, 218
THR_DAEMON value, 217
THR_DETACHED value, 216
thr_exit function, 217, 221
thr_getprio() function, 227
thr_getspecific() function, 225
thr_join() function, 222
thr_keycreate() function, 223
thr_kill() function, 220, 250
thr_min_stack function, 216, 217
thr_self() function, 219
thr_setprio() function, 226
thr_setspecific() function, 224
thr_sigsetmask() function, 220, 250
thr_suspend() function, 205
thr_yield() function, 219
Thread Analyzer, 257
thread identifier, 46
thread lifecycle, 33
thread local storage, 40
thread pools
defined, 279
example, 279
thread synchronization
condition variables, 30
mutex locks, 30
mutual exclusion locks, 90
read-write locks, 154
read/write locks, 30
semaphores, 30, 145
thread-directed signal, 191
thread-private storage, 29
thread-specific data, 40
example, 44
getting, 225
global into private, 45
new storage class, 264
setting, 224
thread-specific keys
creating, 40, 223
acquiring identifiers, 219
cancelling, 30, 58, 60
creating, 215, 217, 271
daemon, 217
detached, 69, 216
identifiers, 217
joining, 222
keys, 224
null, 83, 218, 218
priority, 216
safety, 247, 251
sending signal to, 220
signals, 195
stack, 249
suspended, 206
suspending, 216
synchronization models, 30
synchronizing, 90, 175
terminating, 57, 221
thread-specific data, 264
user-level, 24, 28
yielding execution, 219
threads defined, 23
example, 138
per LWP, 182
timeshare scheduling class, 184
dbx, 217
dbx(1), 258
Dtrace, 257
mdb(1), 260
Performance Analyzer, 257
Thread Analyzer, 257
total store order, 275
default action, 187
handled by thread, 187
TS See timeshare scheduling class
unbound threads
caching, 271
unsafe interfaces
thread-safe form , 251
user-level threads, 24, 28
/usr/include/errno.h, 254
/usr/include/limits.h, 254
/usr/include/pthread.h, 254
/usr/include/signal.h, 254
/usr/include/thread.h, 254
/usr/include/unistd.h, 254
condition variable, 233
mutex, 228
read-write lock, 208
semaphore, 239
USYNC_PROCESS value, 243
mutex, 228
condition variable, 233
semaphore, 239
mutex, 228
read-write lock, 208
condition, 90, 125, 144, 175
global, 263
primitive, 90
increase semaphore, V operation, 146
vfork() function, 180
write() function, 198
302 Multithreaded Programming Guide • November 2020