Classroom Audio Recording Agreement for Student and Instructor
Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended and Section 504 of the
1973 Rehabilitation Act, Southern Adventist University must provide reasonable
accommodations to a student’s known disability and may not deny equal access to the
University’s programs, courses and activities. Section 504 specifically identifies a tape
recorder an auxiliary aid, as stated in 34 C.F.R. 104.44(b):“A recipient … may not
impose upon handicapped students other rules, such as the prohibition of tape recorders
in classrooms …, that have the effect of limiting the participation of handicapped
students in the recipient’s education program or activity.” Audio recorders are therefore
a legitimate auxiliary aid to supplement or substitute note taking for some students with
At the same time, faculty have the right to require a student who uses a tape or other
audio device as an accommodation, to sign an agreement regarding the use of the
recordings. For the purposes of this Agreement, a recording shall consist of: an audio
replication recorded on devices including, but not limited to: audio recorders, tape
recorders, cellular phones, MP3 players, computers, Smartpens® and other handheld
devices that record sound.
Student Agreement
I , state that I have been
permitted, as a reasonable accommodation to audio record lectures and discussions in the
following course:
Course Number Course Name
I understand that faculty has an intellectual property interest in class lectures and I agree
not to infringe this right in any way. I agree that I will use these audio recordings only
for my own academic use during this course, and that I will not copy, reproduce,
broadcast, upload, transcribe, share, or release any part of these recordings, or use the
recordings for any purpose other than my academic work in this course. I also
understand that the faculty member and students have privacy rights and I agree that I
will not violate those rights by using audio recording in any manner other than for my
own personal study in this course. I also understand that any other use, commercial or
otherwise, may subject me to disciplinary action by the University and/or subject me to
liability under copyright laws and/or civil litigation. At the conclusion of the semester, I
agree to destroy all recordings.
Student Date
Instructor Permission
The undersigned professor has given permission for the enrolled student named above to
make an audio recording of portions or all of the class session from the date stated above
until the end of the course.
A note about classes that involve self-disclosure from students:
In some cases, instructors may object to the use of an audio-recording device in classes
(or portions of classes) that involve personal discussion and self-disclosure by students,
fearing that audio recorders will inhibit the free exchange of information and potentially
violate students’ right to privacy. Because, however, the use of a recording device is
necessary as a substitute for note-taking by the accommodated student, it would be unfair
to require the accommodated student to stop recording while allowing other students to
continue taking notes. Therefore at the discretion of the instructor both note taking and
audio recording may be prohibited during classes or portions of classes which involve
personal discussion and self-disclosure. As an alternative in such cases, the
accommodated student may need to be provided with copies of notes made by a
designated note taker. Such notes should refer only to principles, theories, and
techniques demonstrated within the context of those discussions, and not to specific
content or personal details that may have been shared in such a forum.
Student Date
Faculty Date
Course Number Course Name
Please return this original signed form to Disability Support Services