Accommodations and Accessibility Services
Rev. 05/06/2022
Students with disabilities who are found eligible by Accommodations and Accessibility
Services have the right to audio record class lectures for their personal use only (84.44 of
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 P.L. 93-112, amended P.L. 93-516). For the
purposes of this accommodation, recording may include lectures, discussions, presentations,
and other classroom activities.
Students may use a recording device including, but not limited to, audio recorders,
cellphones, laptops/computers, and other handheld devices that record sound.
Student Responsibilities
Students are required to present the Memorandum of Accommodation (MOA) and initiate a
conversation with the instructor before using this accommodation. Students should contact
their assigned Counselor if they have concerns with the implementation of this
Key points:
The recordings are for the sole academic use of the student and may not be shared at
any point during or after the course with other individual.
Recorded lectures may not be used against the faculty member, other lecturers, other
students, or any other classroom visitors whose comments are recorded as part of the
classroom lecture/class activity, etc.
Information contained in recorded lectures is protected under federal copyright laws,
and may not be reproduced, published, posted, or quoted without the expressed
consent of the lecturer and without giving proper identity and credits to the lecturer.
Recordings may not be shared, exchanged, or sold for compensation, or any other
reason than the academic use by the student who is recording.
All recordings must be destroyed at the end of the semester once the exam for the
course has been given or by the last date of scheduled exams for the semester if no
exam is to be held for the course.
Non-compliance with these responsibilities will be a violation of the Student Code of
Conduct and subject to further disciplinary action by the institution.
Instructor Responsibilities
Instructors who have questions or concerns about implementation of the accommodation
are asked to consult with Accommodations and Accessibility Services.
Key points:
Allow the student to record.
Accommodations and Accessibility Services
Rev. 05/06/2022
If deemed necessary, may inform other students and any guest speakers that
permission has been granted for audio recording in the classroom. The student using
the accommodation may not be identified or singled out.
May request the recording device be turned off during class if the classroom discussion
is of a personal nature and involves self-disclosure. Faculty must also ensure non-
disabled students are also not allowed to take notes during that time.