Name and/or Social Security Number Change
University of Houston | Office of the University Registrar
Houston, Texas 77204-2027 | (713) 743-1010, option 7
myUH ID Number
*What are you requesting to add or update?
Update Name (Complete Section A)
Update/Add Social Security
Number (Complete Section B)
Section A: Student Name Change
The University of Houston record of your name was originally taken from your application for admission and may be changed if:
You have married, remarried, or divorced (a copy of marriage license or portion of divorce decree indicating new name must be
2. You have changed your name by court order (a copy of the court order must be provided)
Your legal name is listed incorrectly and satisfactory evidence exists for its correction (driver license, state ID, birth certificate,
valid passport, etc., must be provided)
NOTE: A request to omit a first or middle name or to reverse the order of the first and middle names cannot be honored unless
accompanied by appropriate documentation. All documents must also be submitted with a valid government-issued photo ID (such
as a driver license, passport, or military ID).
Please print and complete the following information:
I request that my legal name
be changed and reflected on University of Houston records as listed below:
Check reason for name change request:
Court order Correction of error
Section B: Student Social Security Number Change
The University of Houston record of your Social Security Number was
originally taken from your application for admission and
may be changed only
if the student has obtained a new social security number or an error was made. In either case, the student
must provide a copy of the Social Security Card. The Social Security card must include the student's signature and must be
submitted with a valid government-issued photo ID (such as a driver license, passport, or military ID).
Please print and complete the following information: I request that my Social Security Number be changed and reflected on
University of Houston records as listed below:
Check reason for Social Security Number change request:
Addition of SSN to university records
Correction of error
___________ - ________ - ___________
I authorize the University of Houston Main Campus to make the updates/changes to my student record as
requested above.
*SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) _______________________________________ Date __________________
"State law requires that you be informed of the following: (1) with few exceptions, you are entitled on request to be informed about the information the University collects about you by use of this form; (2) under
sections 552.021 and 552.023 of the Government Code, you are entitled to receive and review the information; and (3) under section 559.004 of the Government Code, y
ou are entitled to have the University correct
information about you that is incorrect.
Student Name (
as listed
n university
_____ - ________ - ___________
First name
Middle name
Last name
First name
Middle name
Last name
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________
Last name
Middle name
First name