University of Iowa College of Public Health
Department of Biostatistics
Performance, Promotion,
and Tenure Guidelines for
Tenure Track Faculty
Revised: August, 2020
Original Guidelines Approved: October 17, 2005
Revised Guidelines Approved: August 17, 2020
Note: This document is intended to be used as a set of guidelines only. It
supplements, and does not replace, the current University of Iowa Operations Manual.
Collegiate procedures for the promotion review process are detailed in the College of
Public Health Guidelines on Promotion and Tenure.
Department of Biostatistics Mission Statement
The overall mission of the Department of Biostatistics has four primary components.
The first component is to provide exemplary education, training, and mentoring for
students in the Department of Biostatistics, the College of Public Health, and the
University of Iowa. The second component is to conduct and disseminate outstanding
disciplinary methodological research that advances the practice of Biostatistics and
related fields. The third component is to collaborate with other investigators, especially
from the College of Public Health, the University of Iowa, and the State of Iowa, to
conduct and disseminate interdisciplinary applied research that has a meaningful impact
on the biomedical and public health sciences. The fourth component is to serve and
promote the Department of Biostatistics, the College of Public Health, the University of
Iowa, and the State of Iowa, as well as professional associations, organizations, and
communities both within and outside of the discipline.
General Principles
Biostatistics has evolved from the broader field of Statistics, and is properly viewed in the
general domain of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) disciplines.
Academic biostatisticians use their expertise to not only advance Biostatistics, Statistics,
and related fields, but also to advance other empirically oriented sciences, especially those in
biology, medicine and public health.
Faculty in Biostatistics are routinely involved in two kinds of teaching:
disciplinary teaching of biostatistical methods, concepts, computation,
programming. applications, and theory to Biostatistics graduate students;
cross-disciplinary teaching of biostatistical methods, concepts,
computation, and applications to non-Biostatistics graduate students,
undergraduate students, and others outside of the field, often referred to
as “service” teaching.
Faculty are expected to demonstrate excellence in either or both types of teaching,
depending on the nature of their course assignments. This expectation is elaborated
upon in the next section.
Faculty in Biostatistics are expected to demonstrate excellence in two kinds of research:
research that advances the discipline of Biostatistics or related fields
(Statistics, Data Science, etc.) through methodological, computational, or
theoretical innovation, often referred to as “methodological” research;
research that applies existing techniques for study design, data analysis, and
analytical interpretation in collaborative interdisciplinary investigations, often
referred to as “interdisciplinary research.
This expectation is also elaborated upon in the next section.
Several important differences should be noted between scholarship and research
activities in the Department of Biostatistics
and other departments in the College of
Public Health.
Methodological research endeavors generally involve fewer investigators
and necessitate a considerable investment of time and innovation. Such
contributions are therefore produced less frequently than those based
on interdisciplinary research.
Biostatistics faculty may develop esteemed scholarly reputations without
necessarily being the principal investigator on grants; however, evidence
of leadership is important for promotion.
Biostatistical interdisciplinary research occurs not only in public health, but also
across the health sciences and in other disciplines, such as psychology,
sociology, ecology, geography, law, engineering, etc.
The combination of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary teaching and research is important
to recognize in the promotion and tenure process.
Biostatistics faculty typically receive their doctoral degrees in Biostatistics or Statistics.
Some Biostatistics faculty may have moved to a Department of Biostatistics either from a
Department of Statistics or from a clinical department in a biomedical research
environment (e.g., a College of Medicine, a nonprofit academic medical center, etc.). In
either case, the academic record for such faculty may be very different from those who
were trained and started their careers in a Department of Biostatistics. For faculty
having made such a transition, a guiding
principle is that they should
not be penalized
for time spent in their previous professional environment when being considered for
promotion in the Department of Biostatistics. This principle is expanded upon at the
end of the document.
The University of Iowa Operations Manual and the College of Public Health Faculty
Handbook provide information on the criteria for promotion that are not
here. The following guidelines are to give specificity to these criteria and interpret
them in the context of the Department of Biostatistics.
Performance Expectations
Both disciplinary and cross-disciplinary teaching are an integral part of the mission of
Department of Biostatistics. Faculty are expected to demonstrate excellence in
either or both types of teaching, depending on the nature of their assignments.
The following provides the key indicators of teaching performance for Biostatistics
Student evaluations, based on both ratings and comments.
a. Student evaluations are important, but are subject to biases and other
shortcomings. For example, they tend to be less favorable for required versus
elective courses,
for larger versus smaller classes, and for service courses
versus disciplinary
courses. Moreover, evaluations completed via online
portals can be heavily impacted by nonresponse bias, and might primarily
reflect the perspectives of those with strong opinions about the course
(either favorable or unfavorable). Therefore, in interpreting student
evaluations, limitations should be taken into account. When possible,
evaluations for an instructor of a course should be compared to
of other instructors for the same course, taught during previous semesters.
However, given the long history of excellent teaching in the department,
scores below the mean do not always indicate poor teaching. The
evaluations of a candidate for promotion will also be compared with the
evaluations of faculty members at or above the rank to which promotion is
being considered, and should be similar to those of higher rank. Evaluations
are expected to be consistently
strong or to show a record of improvement
over time.
b. The distribution of ratings from student evaluations is more informative than
summary statistics such as medians or means. Comments are also helpful.
c. In service classes, especially those at the introductory level where the
audience is large, occasional negative ratings and/or comments are
commonplace and should not be unduly emphasized in the promotion
process unless they reflect a recurring issue or problem.
Peer evaluations of teaching.
For candidates for promotion, such assessments should be approximately
equivalent to those of faculty
at the rank to which promotion is being considered.
Evaluations should also be
consistently excellent or show a record of
improvement over time.
Teaching awards or other formal recognition of teaching excellence.
Professional development activities in teaching through participation in workshops
at the University of Iowa and at professional conferences and meetings.
Successful mentoring of student research.
a. Candidates for promotion from assistant to associate professor are expected
devote less effort to mentoring student research than faculty members
tenure. Establishing a research agenda in the first few years of the
career of a junior faculty member should be prioritized over advising
doctoral dissertations. Junior faculty, however, should contribute to
mentoring student research to the extent
appropriate, for example, by
serving as a member of a doctoral student’s dissertation
committee, by
supervising MS preceptorships, by supervising undergraduate research
projects, and/or by serving on exam and dissertation committees for non-
Biostatistics students.
b. For promotion from assistant to associate professor, serving as an adviser of
a PhD dissertation is not a requirement. However, a junior faculty member
should be in a position to start advising a doctoral student
towards the end
of the probationary period. Doctoral advising before that time is
and meritorious, but should be undertaken with caution.
c. Candidates for promotion from associate professor to full professor are
expected to participate in student research mentoring by supervising MS
preceptorships, serving on dissertation committees for Biostatistics students,
and serving on exam and dissertation committees for non-Biostatistics students.
However, candidates are also required to have successfully advised the
dissertation of at least one doctoral student (or co-advised as the primary
mentor) through the final acceptance of the document.
d. At the time of initial appointment to the University of Iowa, some temporary
reduction in teaching may be granted to facilitate the transition. Apart from
such initial reduction, candidates for consideration for tenure are expected
to have followed the collegiate and departmental norm of teaching two
semester-long courses per year. Once tenure has been granted, however,
post-tenure effort allocation policy allows for more flexibility, and a
associate professor being considered for promotion to full professor
may have deviated from the norm in teaching effort.
Faculty in Biostatistics are expected to maintain a scholarship agenda that involves both
disciplinary methodological research and interdisciplinary applied collaborative research.
As with other academic Biostatistics units at peer institutions, a record of substantive
and sustained contributions representing both types of research is required for the granting
of tenure in the Department of Biostatistics.
Methodological research advances the discipline of Biostatistics or Statistics through
methodological, computational, or theoretical innovation. Such research does not
generally need to involve the collection and primary analysis of data and is not necessarily
focused on the health sciences. Methodological research often involves the
development of novel statistical or computational techniques for the analysis or modeling
of data, or for the design of experimental or observational studies. It may also involve
the improvement of the practice of Biostatistics, such as the development of better
methods of teaching, consulting, or conducting clinical studies. Methodological
research is generally published in journals thematically focused on Biostatistics,
Statistics, and related fields, but may occasionally appear in more applied journals.
Published papers and/or software may take years to materialize. The peer-review
publication process for methodological papers tends to be slow relative to most applied
sciences, because refereeing such work may necessitate evaluating computing
algorithms, mathematical derivations and/or proofs, etc.
Methodological publications in journals focused on Biostatistics, Statistics, and related
fields generally have fewer coauthors than is the norm for many of the applied
disciplines represented in a College of Public
Health. Only investigators who have played
a substantive role in the research are listed. Authorship order is usually based on either
of the following conventions: (1) for projects involving a student collaborator (e.g., a
doctoral advisee or graduate research assistant), the student is often granted first
authorship with the faculty mentor appearing last; (2) for projects not involving a
student collaborator, the authors are often ordered in accordance to the extent of their
involvement. If there is potential for the order of authorship to be misleading with
respect to their contributions, a candidate for promotion is encouraged to provide an
explanation and description of the role that they played in such manuscripts.
Creative scholarship in Biostatistics can take several forms other than traditional peer-
reviewed papers. In particular, published software should be recognized and valued.
When distributed through an open source platform (such as R), statistical software has
the potential to meaningfully advance the discipline, especially if the software is heavily
used and well maintained. The combination of published software accompanied by a peer-
reviewed publication that describes the methodology and the use of the software can result
in widespread exposure for both contributions.
For candidates for promotion from assistant to associate professor, methodological
that go beyond the PhD thesis are required. A reasonable goal would be
4 to 6
such publications, depending on the quality and impact. These contributions could
be based on extensions of the dissertation research or on new directions. If the number
of contributions is minimal, the publications
would need to be of very high quality and
high impact. In general, at least some of the publications should be first authored,
unless independence and innovative leadership can be otherwise established.
Among associate professors, the number of additional methodological publications may
vary greatly, depending on the emphasis and leadership in interdisciplinary work.
Nevertheless, some minimal amount of methodological research (e.g., 3 or 4 peer-
reviewed publications since becoming an associate professor) would still be expected
for promotion to full professor.
Interdisciplinary research is applied research that arises through collaborations with
other fields. Determining the most appropriate statistical techniques to use in designing
a study and in analyzing or modeling data is a scientific research activity that requires
leadership, expertise, and innovation. Biostatistical leadership in collaborative research
does not typically lead to first authorship, but may lead to being second or third author
in many cases.
Leadership in interdisciplinary research can also facilitate national and international
recognition, which is often indicated by invitations to speak at non-statistical scientific
conferences and workshops, invitations to organize scientific sessions, refereeing and
editorship activities for non-statistical journals, and participation on peer-review panels
of non-statistical research
Because biostatistical leadership may not be readily apparent in a junior faculty
member’s dossier, the Departmental Executive Officer (DEO), in consultation with the
candidate and the Departmental Consulting Group (DCG),
may request reference
letters from collaborators that specifically focus on the candidate’s biostatistical
leadership. Ideally, these letters would be included in the dossier at the time of its
submission. Such collaborators may be asked to comment on the
contributions to the collaborative research endeavors (for example, their role in writing
proposals), the independence of their research contributions, and the impact of
their contributions to the field in which the collaboration occurs.
Junior faculty are encouraged to focus their interdisciplinary efforts in a small number
of areas so that they can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying science, which
should improve the quality and the relevance of their statistical contributions. This is
not required, however, and may not always be feasible or warranted.
For candidates for promotion to associate professor, a reasonable goal would be 6 to 10
interdisciplinary publications, depending on the level of leadership reflected by the
Summary and Key Indicators: The ultimate reflection of performance in research is a
national or international
reputation for advancing the state of knowledge in the field.
Different individuals possess
different strengths and weaknesses, and have different
focal areas of methodological and applied expertise. Such diversity is desirable.
In the promotion process, it should be recognized that the evaluation of research quality
and impact is highly subjective, even among those with expertise in the topic area.
Based on peer-review publications, the following may be viewed as key indicators of
performance for research and scholarship for Biostatistics faculty.
External reviews
a. The intent of external promotion and tenure reviews is to provide an
evaluation by individuals who are experts in the candidate’s
areas of research. These evaluations should play a major role in the
promotion and/or tenure process, especially if the candidate’s
methodological research expertise is not represented among the
departmental faculty involved in the decision.
b. As a general rule, evaluations by frequent coauthors, former thesis
advisors, former colleagues, or close friends are to be avoided. Evaluations
experts who have not had such relationships with the candidate should
c. Although external reviewers can and do comment on performance in the
of teaching and service, their assessments of the candidate’s
contributions to
knowledge in the field are primarily important.
Citation frequency
Although imperfect, one objective measure of research impact is citation
frequency. Given the lag between the publication of a paper and citation
accumulations, in general, it would be
inappropriate to set any specific
quantitative expectation for citation frequency
for candidates for promotion
from assistant to associate professor.
Nonetheless, some indication of increasing
citation frequency helps to
demonstrate scholarly achievement.
Journal reputation
The quality of a published paper should be
judged primarily by content, which is
sometimes reflected by the overall prestige of the journal where the publication
appears. However, certain caveats apply. First, highly selective journals are often
hesitant to publish work unless it pertains to a topic where the current level of
disciplinary interest is substantial. Second, quality publications may appear in
respected journals that are not broadly perceived to be in the top tier. Third,
truly innovative papers that challenge conventional practice are sometimes
difficult to publish in highly selective journals, but over time may have a large
Authorship order
a. For methodological publications, solo authored and first authored papers
serve as a reflection of independence and/or innovative leadership. First
authored papers from graduate advisees, where the faculty member served
as a mentor and helped to define and direct the research, should be given
comparable weight. Faculty who collaborate with graduate students on
methodological contributions are encouraged to allow the students to serve
as first author on the resulting publication, provided that the work invested
by the student warrants such recognition. Faculty are also strongly
encouraged to work with their doctoral advisees to publish at least one
paper based on the dissertation research.
b. For collaborative interdisciplinary publications, first authored papers (albeit
rare) generally demonstrate a mastery of the content area, as well as
leadership. Biostatisticians often serve as second authors on collaborative
papers where the statistical aspects of the research are substantive, and the
biostatistician played an essential role in designing the study and/or
analyzing the data. In disciplines where the last author is reserved for the
senior author, this role often reflects expertise and leadership in
conceptualizing and guiding the study. However, because interdisciplinary
publications often feature a large number of authors, biostatisticians who
play a crucial role in the research may appear virtually anywhere in the
author list.
Research funding
a. External research funding is an essential element of the fiscal health of the
Department of Biostatistics and the College of Public Health. Funding
methodological research is scarce (especially through the NIH or the CDC);
consequently, funding as a principal in or co-principal investigator is not
required for a biostatistician. However, the pursuit of such funding is quite
laudable and is strongly encouraged. The award of a grant that funds
methodological research indicates that the research is both novel and
important, and that it has been favorably reviewed by peers. Such awards
should therefore be highly valued in the promotion process. Most of the
funding that comprises the portfolio for a Biostatistics faculty member will
be based on serving as a co-investigator on collaborative research grants.
Biostatisticians should play a key scientific leadership role on research
projects. The most relevant quantitative measures of funding for
Biostatistics faculty relate to (i) the total faculty effort and (ii) funding
procured to support
Biostatistics graduate research assistantships.
Leadership roles on
funded research projects are required for promotion to
full professor and can
be demonstrated by serving as a biostatistical co-
investigator who is integrally involved in the research and serves as an
essential member of the team. Examples of substantive leadership roles
would be serving as a director of a biostatistical core for a major project, or
serving as the long-term biostatistician for an interdisciplinary team that has
a successful track record of procuring large grants.
b. Candidates applying for tenure and promotion from assistant to associate
professor should have met the expectation of offsetting 50% of their salary
through external research funding. Ideally, this should be done within the
first three years of the appointment. Once the 50% level is achieved, the
candidate should try to maintain this level for each fiscal year.
c. Candidates for promotion from associate to full professor should
consistently meet or exceed the departmental and collegiate expectation of
offsetting 50% of their salary through external research funding. Note,
however, that the post tenure
effort allocation policy allows for deviation
from the departmental norm for
tenured faculty. If funded effort is
increased then classroom teaching effort and
service expectations may be
decreased appropriately, or vice-versa.
d. Although funding as a principal or co-principal investigator on a grant is not
required for promotion to any rank, it
is noteworthy and supports the case
for promotion.
Invited presentations at meetings, conferences, or departmental colloquium /
seminar series.
Research awards or other formal recognition of research excellence.
Finally, as stated earlier, published software should be recognized and valued in the
assessment of methodological research contributions. A common avenue for
dissemination is to publish a package in an open source platform (with R being the most
widely known and used). Another avenue for distribution is to make the software
available for public use via a website or a development platform (such as GitHub). The
development and maintenance of a software package, a program, or an application is a
time-consuming process that requires innovation and skill, and such endeavors often
lead to substantive advancements in the discipline. However, since software is often
used without appropriate citation, other indicators of impact should also be taken into
Quantifying the impact of published statistical software can be challenging, but several
metrics are available. If accompanied by a publication, the best measure is typically the
number of times the publication has been cited. However, software is often used
without being cited, so other indicators of impact should also be taken into
consideration. In particular, the number of times the software has been downloaded
and the frequency with which the software is listed as a dependency by other packages
are both imperfect albeit useful measures (e.g., Depends/Imports/Suggests, for CRAN
packages). Likewise, other distribution platforms often provide their own measures of
software impact (e.g. "stars" on GitHub). Invited presentations or demonstrations to
discuss the software also serve as a meaningful reflection of impact and utility.
Because of the cross-disciplinary nature of Biostatistics, professional service for a
biostatistician is cross-disciplinary as well as disciplinary, and may include service to
public health, other health sciences, and related disciplines.
Candidates for promotion from assistant to associate professor with tenure are
expected to demonstrate effective service at the departmental and collegiate level. As
faculty members progress throughout their careers, an increasing commitment to
service should be evident at the university and the national/international level.
Candidates for promotion from associate to full professor are expected to demonstrate
service at the local level (i.e., departmental, collegiate, university) and at the
national/international level.
Service effectiveness is challenging to evaluate, but perhaps the best indicator is
demand: a faculty member who is asked to serve in several service capacities is likely
fulfilling the obligations of these roles responsibly and successfully.
The following
are key indicators of service performance for Biostatistics faculty.
Service on departmental, collegiate, or university committees.
Service as a peer reviewer for a disciplinary or cross-disciplinary journal.
Service as a reviewer of NIH/CDC/NSF/NSA/VA grant proposals.
Service on the editorial board of a scientific journal.
Service as a journal editor.
Service on committees for a scientific or professional organization.
Service as an officer of a scientific or professional organization.
Service as a session organizer at scientific meetings.
Participation on boards or task forces at the community, regional, national or
international level.
Service to the State of Iowa.
Tenure and Promotion
In general, the award of tenure is a much more momentous decision than the approval
of a promotion for a candidate with tenure. For candidates for promotion from
assistant to associate professor, the
tenure decision is tied to the promotion decision.
For faculty initially appointed as an
untenured associate or full professor, the
performance expectations for tenure at
that rank would be equivalent to the
expectations for promotion to that rank.
Specific performance criteria during the
candidate’s probationary period at the University of
Iowa are difficult to specify, as
individuals may vary greatly in their experience before their UI
appointment. An
individual who had been primarily in a clinical research position elsewhere may
have an
extensive record of interdisciplinary collaborative research, but may not have had the
opportunity to
demonstrate excellence in methodological research or teaching, which
would be required for the granting of tenure at the University of Iowa. In contrast, an
individual with a research record of
primarily methodological research and teaching
elsewhere may need to demonstrate
excellence in interdisciplinary collaborative
research at the University of Iowa for the granting of tenure. An individual who
held a position where the amount of funded effort is high is unlikely to have a prolific
record of methodological research.
Candidates with post-doctoral research experience prior to their appointment at the
University of Iowa,
either as a post-doctoral scholar or as a faculty member elsewhere,
will often have publications based on research that was conducted during that
appointment. While such prior publications add to the candidate’s overall body of
research and should be considered as part of the evaluation, additional publications
during the probationary
period at the University of Iowa typically would be necessary
to provide evidence of
an ongoing high level of research productivity, which is required
for promotion and tenure. An important exception would be if a candidate at the
associate professor level was being
considered for tenure alone, having been appointed
at the associate level for their initial University of Iowa appointment. In this case, the
time from appointment to promotion
might be very short, and the candidate’s research
record might be primarily based on research done
For candidates for promotion from associate professor to full professor, research done
since the appointment as associate professor provides evidence of an ongoing high
level of
research productivity and will serve as the primary basis for further promotion
to full professor. For promotion to full professor, the balance between methodological
and interdisciplinary research may vary widely among individuals. The majority
of the
research may be in either one or the other domain, or may be evenly balanced
between the
two. In either case, evidence of leadership is required. As explained
leadership in the discipline of Biostatistics may be demonstrated in several
ways, and not
only through first authorship of papers or being a principal investigator
on grants. First authorship on a substantial number of publications is
therefore not
required for the discipline of Biostatistics in order to demonstrate
“Continued artistic
or scholarly achievement of high quality, accompanied by
unmistakable evidence that
the candidate is a nationally and, where applicable,
internationally recognized scholar
or creative artist in the chosen field.” as articulated
in the University of Iowa
Operations Manual,
Section III.10.4 (as of June 2020).
Promotion to full professor does
require unmistakable evidence that the candidate is
a nationally recognized scholar in
the field of Biostatistics. Similarly, principal or co-principal investigator status on grants
is not required. If the candidate has pursued primarily interdisciplinary collaborative
research, then biostatistical leadership may be reflected in being the
biostatistician on grants.
Professional Transitions to Biostatistics
Biostatistics faculty are expected to be engaged in both collaborative interdisciplinary
research and methodological disciplinary research. As with other academic Biostatistics
units at peer institutions, a record of substantive and sustained contributions representing
both types of research is required for the granting of tenure in the Department of
Biostatistics at the University of Iowa.
Some Biostatistics faculty may have moved to a Department of Biostatistics either from a
Department of Statistics or from a clinical department in a biomedical research
environment (e.g., a College of Medicine, a nonprofit academic medical center, etc.). In
either case, the criteria for promotion may be very different from those in a
Department of Biostatistics. It is important to understand these
distinctions when
evaluating a candidate for promotion or tenure who has made such a transition.
Departments of Statistics (as well as Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics, and
Computer Science)
typically do not require collaborative interdisciplinary research, and
tenure and promotion is often granted entirely on
the basis of teaching and
methodological disciplinary research. In fact, some of these departments do not
value applied collaborative research and actively discourage faculty from undertaking it.
A faculty member in a clinical department or in a biomedical research environment will
likely have an extensive record of interdisciplinary collaborative research. Since
external funding expectations are generally high for such positions, the record of
research supported by grants or contracts will likely be substantial. However, such
faculty may have had limited opportunities to conduct methodological research or to
teach traditional classes.
For faculty having made a transition from another type of appointment, a guiding
principle is that they should
not be penalized for time spent in their previous
professional environment when being considered for promotion in the Department of
Biostatistics. Their record should be
evaluated bearing in mind the different activities
and expectations in their previous position.