What is the Tennessee Master Gardener Program?
The Master Gardener is a volunteer service program for the University of Tennessee Extension (UTE).
Extension professionals train local members of the community as volunteers to help provide sound,
practical, research-based information to educate the public about home horticulture. Master Gardeners
also help to solve other home gardening problems.
Master Gardeners provide great gardening information in many different ways. They may hold
gardening workshops, lectures, plant clinics and demonstrations in their local community. Master
Gardener programs offer home horticulture information to the general public with an educational and
non-biased approach. Master Gardeners may write articles for the local newspaper or answer their
neighbors’ gardening questions. They are a terric resource for their local communities.
Achievement Communication Beatification Quality of Life Pride Excitement Fulfilling Fun Education Community Service
Tennessee Master Gardener Program Application
Volunteering Community Service Achievement Excitement Beatification Education Fulfilling
Achievement Communication Beatification Quality of Life Pride Excitement Fulfilling Fun Education Community Service
Volunteering Community Service Achievement Excitement Beatification Education Fulfilling
What are the goals of the Master Gardener?
A Tennessee Master Gardeners goal is to educate the general public about horticulture in an appropriate
and unbiased manner. Any request for information beyond the scope of a Master Gardeners training may be
referred to the county Extension agent. Remember: Master Gardeners are not required to know everything!
All pesticide recommendations made by a Master Gardener must be from a University of Tennessee Extension
publication for home gardeners. Master Gardeners are encouraged to attend pesticide certication training
courses offered in each county. Master Gardeners may not make recommendations to commercial industries.
How do I become a Master Gardener?
To become a Tennessee Master Gardener, you must rst complete an application to be accepted into the
program. Then you will begin your training as a Master Gardener Intern. After completing the intern
requirements, you will then complete your volunteer service and continuing education to become a certied
Master Gardener.
To become a Master Gardener Intern, you must:
Attend 40 hours of basic horticulture classes.
Pass the Master Gardener examination administered by your local Extension agent.
To become a certied Master Gardener, you must:
Complete the requirements of the intern and 40 hours of required community service.
Service hours must be reported to become certied.
Complete eight hours of continuing education by attending local meetings or Extension educational
programs. Continuing education hours must be reported to become certied.
As a certied Master Gardener, you must have consented to the Tennessee Master Gardener Volunteer
Guidelines (http://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/specialpubs/MGvolguide.pdf) and have been approved
by University
of Tennessee Extension to provide home gardening educational programs and information to your community.
What will I learn in Master Gardener training?
The training program includes a core curriculum of basic horticultural information appropriate to gardening in
Tennessee. Your Extension agent may add additional classes as a part of your training. These classes are usually
topics you need to know as you respond to questions in your community. Courses are taught by University
of Tennessee Extension experts and local professionals. Your Extension agent will supply you with a specic
course syllabus.
Will there be a test?
Quizzes and homework are assigned at the direction of the Extension agent. Master Gardeners may be tested
with a nal exam or a mid-term and nal. A score of 70 percent or better is necessary to be certied as a
Master Gardener. Anyone scoring less than 70 percent may take one retest at the date and time arranged by the
Extension agent and the intern. At the request of the intern, oral examinations may be administered instead of a
written examination. Certication will not be granted until all of the requirements are fullled.
What is the cost?
Program fees are necessary to pay for educational materials, literature and speaker travel. The Master Gardener
intern may keep all materials and literature. Your Extension agent will inform you of the costs associated with
the program.
Are there advanced training opportunities?
Tennessee Master Gardeners are required to update their training with continuing education (CEU)
opportunities. Continuing education requirements may be satised by attending educational programs from state
or local Extension groups, or any other approved educational meetings that might be benecial to your service
as a Master Gardener volunteer.
Master Gardeners who continue to serve the program for three or more years will be invited to advanced
trainings sponsored by University of Tennessee Extension.
Master Gardeners who wish to be trained in a specic Master Gardener training topic may apply to become a
Master Gardener Educator. Educator training opportunities will be provided by state specialists.
How do I remain a certified Master Gardener?
Master Gardener certication is awarded after completing the three requirements:
• Pass the training course,
• Turn in volunteer service hours, and
Attend educational meetings for CEU credits.
The initial certication is valid for one year from becoming a certied Tennessee Master Gardener. Master
Gardeners may recertify annually by completing the required number of volunteer hours in their county. To
recertify, Master Gardeners must:
• Update their member prole,
• Perform and report the county standards for a minimum of volunteer hours, and
• Obtain eight hours of county-approved continuing education.
Reporting and prole updates may be completed on the Tennessee Master Gardener Web site or hard copies
may be turned in to the county Master Gardener record keeper.
How may the title of Master Gardener be used?
The title Tennessee Master Gardener is strictly reserved for certied Master Gardeners when volunteering for
University of Tennessee Extension and may not be used for any commercial purposes. Master Gardeners should
always identify themselves while volunteering for University of Tennessee Extension.
It is inappropriate to wear or display Master Gardener name badges, tee shirts, logos or certicates while
working for any commercial industry, since it incorrectly implies an afliation between the University of
Tennessee and that industry. However, the horticulture training and volunteer service you have performed as a
Master Gardener is valuable and worthy of mention on a resume.
Horticulture industry professionals may nd the Master Gardener training valuable and useful for career
development. These individuals are encouraged to enroll. Due to their career duties, it may be difcult to
complete the Master Gardener certication.
What are the benefits of being a Master Gardener?
The service and information that Master Gardeners provide for local Tennessee residents is invaluable. Your
work as a Master Gardener is much appreciated and can extend the resources of UT Extension. The faculty and
staff of the University of Tennessee welcome you and wish you success in the program. We look forward to
working with you in sharing our home horticulture information and expertise with all Tennesseans.
I understand the title Master Gardener is conditional upon receiving training, performing 40 service hours
and reporting those hours. Master Gardeners are expected to use only University of Tennessee-approved
recommendations. The Master Gardener name badge and title may not be used for commercial gain or to
promote commercial products or businesses.
Applicant’s Signature
Name Date
Mailing Address
City Zip Code
Telephone E-Mail
Social Security Number* (required) Drivers License Number (optional)
*Social Security number or personal tax identication number is required by UT Risk Management for any volunteer or friends of UT. Your Social Security number will
be used only once for the assignment of a special UT personnel number. Your Social Security number will not be released and will remain condential.
Please list any times you would not be available for volunteer work (work schedules, anticipated trips, other commitments)
Training and education completed
High school
Technical/trade school
2-year community college (major studies)
4-year college (major studies)
Horticulture degrees, certication or training
Practical gardening experience (personal, volunteer or work experience)
Years of gardening experience?
Which of these do you consider to be your areas of expertise?
Vegetable gardening
Flower gardening
Herb gardening
Native plants
Wildlife gardening
Ornamental ponds
Lawns & turfgrass
Community gardens
Landscape design
Water-conservation gardening
Other volunteer experience in your community
What are your volunteer activity interests (check all that apply)?
Telephone/ofce work at county Extension ofce
Teaching/public speaking
Writing/publishing/ proofreading
Web development
Artwork, displays
Research/data collection
Why do you wish to become a Master Gardener volunteer?
Do you have a health or medical condition that we need to accommodate for training?
If so, please explain required accommodations.
Are you able to speak or write in a language other than English?
Please list (including American Sign Language).
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If yes, please give the date, nature and disposition of the offense.
Please note: A criminal record will be considered as it specically relates to the volunteer position. A criminal record may
prevent an individual from volunteering on specic projects, depending on the nature of the offense.
Reference: Please list a non-family member who has knowledge of your skills, abilities and qualications. This
individual should have worked with you on projects and activities and/or have direct experience with knowledge of your
qualications. Please provide a complete address and phone number.
Name Relationship Phone
Address City State Zip
I authorize the Extension ofce to contact my listed reference. I understand that a criminal background check may be
completed prior to nal acceptance of this application. I understand that misrepresentation or omission of required
information may disqualify my application to volunteer for University of Tennessee Extension. I understand that I serve
at the satisfaction of University of Tennessee Extension and agree to abide by the policies of UT Extension and the
Tennessee Master Gardener Program to the best of my abilities.
Applicant’s Signature Date
Check all that apply. I would like to work with:
Senior citizens
Those with disabilities
Home gardeners
Visit the UT Extension Web site at
Programs in agriculture and natural resources, 4-H youth development, family and consumer sciences, and resource development.
University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture and county governments cooperating.
UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
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Copyright 2004 The University of Tennessee. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced and distributed for nonprofit educational purposes
providing that credit is given to University of Tennessee Extension.