© 2013 IBM Corporation
Perceptions of Risk in Mobile Transactions
Shari Trewin, Cal Swart, Larry Koved and Kapil Singh
This work is supported in part by a grant from the Department of Homeland Security under contract FA8750-12-C-0265.
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2016
© 2013 IBM Corporation
More and More, We Use Mobile Devices for Sensitive Transactions
What are the Risks?
Smartphone theft accounted for 30-40% of all crime in major US Cities in 2012.
3.1 million smartphones stolen in 2013 in the US
Average American consumer loses their phone once every year
90% of people picking up lost smartphones will try to access sensitive data
Shoulder surfing
2/3 (Europe) – 3/4 (UK) of commuters look at what others are doing on their
Malware attacks – 10% of Android devices every 3 months in the US [SophosLabs
Network snooping
Insider attack
12% of participants in one study
© 2013 IBM Corporation
“the risk involved in an undertaking
may be grossly underestimated if
some possible dangers are either
difficult to conceive of, or simply do
not come to mind.”
Tversky and Kahneman, Judgment Under Uncertainty, 1974
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Research Questions
1. Does the location have an effect on perceived information safety?
2. What risks do come to people’s minds, when performing sensitive transactions
on a mobile device?
3. What information do people use to decide whether it is safe?
4. What factors influence the decision to perform a sensitive transaction on a
mobile device?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Three User Groups
(IT) Information Technology workers
(PB) Personal banking consumers
(Amazon Mechanical Turk)
(D) Doctors
Reference group:
IT Security Experts
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Six locations
At home by yourself
In a crowded local street
On a quiet train at night with no-one nearby
In your office at your desk
In a very busy café in an unfamiliar neighborhood
In a Beijing hotel room
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Three mobile tasks
For IT Workers & Security Experts
Use company app to look up information about an unannounced
Look up your personal retirement benefit information on a trusted
party web site
Make a $100 emergency purchase using the web site of an
unfamiliar retailer entering your companys credit card information
For Personal Banking – using your mobile device:
Look up your account balance using the banks app
Look up your account balance on the banks web site
Make a $100 emergency purchase using the web site of an
unfamiliar retailer entering your credit card information
Use a standards compliant (HIPAA) medical app to access your
patients medical record
© 2013 IBM Corporation
18 Combinations of Task and Location
Would [your / the] information be
safe if you did that in these places?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Method – Open Questions
What else would you want to know about the situations described in this
study to decide whether it is safe to access or enter sensitive information
on your smartphone there?
Responses to this question reveal factors that the individual
would consider when evaluating risk, such as the type of network
connection or presence of other people.
What, if any, are the security risks you see in these situations?
Responses here indicate the specific threats that the individuals
are aware of, such as device theft or network eavesdropping.
What factors affect your decision whether to access sensitive
information in a given situation?
This question goes beyond risk perception to reveal other factors
that people will take into account when deciding whether to
accept the perceived risk, such as the urgency of the need to
access the information, and ability to go to a safer place.
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Method – Open Questions Analysis
An initial set of codes was derived for each question by starting from the responses
given by the IT security experts, and adding or subdividing codes as necessary to
cover themes emerging from the remainder of the data.
The three open questions were analyzed by post-coding all responses from IT Workers
and Individuals.
Two independent coders.
After the independent coding, for each question, an inter-rater reliability analysis using
the Kappa statistic was performed to determine consistency between the coders. After
two iterations of coding, the Kappa values achieved were:
what else
question, Kappa = 0.875 (p <.0.001);
security risks
question, Kappa = 0.917 (p <.0.001);
what factors
question, Kappa = 0.879 (p <.0.001).
Items coded inconsistently were discarded from further analysis.
For the
what else
question we threw out 20% (51 out of 258 comments).
For the
security risks
question we threw out 8% (24 out of 297 separate
comments) of the data.
For the
what factors
question we threw out 11% (30 of 261 separate comments).
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Method and Participants - IT Workers
Questionnaire distributed on paper and web form at a tech company
Distributed shortly after annual certification of business conduct
Protection of company data was fresh in their minds
Limited to participants who owned a smartphone > 6 months
46 male, 7 female. Mean age = 44.7, (Range 23-67, Std dev. = 12.4).
Self reported security expertise:
1=minimal, 26=average, 24=knowledgeable, 2=expert
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Method and Participants - Personal Banking
Questionnaire on Amazon Mechanical
Limited to Turkers who had at least 1000 completed tasks with at
least 95% tasks accepted as quality work
US-based workers (for legal reasons)
Three test questions to ensure Turkers had read and understood the
Limited to participants who owned a smartphone > 6 months
54 of 76 respondents qualified (owned a smartphone > 6 months)
38 male, 16 female
Device ownership: 34 Android, 20 iPhone, 2 Blackberry, 1 other
Device unlock: 12 4-digit PIN, 5 gesture, 22 swipe, 10 no lock, 5
(unspecified length)
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Method and Participants – Doctors
Paper questionnaire
Included risk perception questions
11 hospital-affiliated doctors (10 male)
A range of different specializations
All were smartphone users
Identified needs and current practices
*Not funded by the Department of Homeland Security
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Method and Participants - Security Experts
Group discussion using the same materials as the IT workers
Participants – IT Security Experts
11 security researchers
all male
10 with over 10 years of IT security research experience, one with
5 years of experience
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Contrasting the user groups
Self-reported security expertise for IT Workers and Personal Banking
Personal Banking
IT Workers
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Mobile Devices Owned
IT Workers Personal Banking Doctors
Android iPhone
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Locations for Mobile Access
Percentage of respondents mentioning a location
IT Workers:
restaurant, café,
sports event,
Personal Banking:
accessing personal
mall, grocery store,
restaurant, car
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Use of Phone Lock
Overall, 54% locked their phones
IT Workers: 68%
57% of women
70% of men
63% if corporate data users are excluded
Personal Banking: 41%
53% of women
37% of men
Doctors: 55%
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Security Expertise and Phone Locking
No strong expertise effect
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Research Questions
1. Does the location have an effect on perceived information
2. What risks do come to people’s minds, when performing sensitive transactions
on a mobile device?
3. What information do people use to decide whether it is safe?
4. What factors influence the decision to perform a sensitive transaction on a
mobile device?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Significant effect of location on perceived information safety
Using a trusted app (company info, personal banking, medical records)
Kruskal-Wallis Chi-Square=329, df=5, p<0.001
Perception of information safety in different locations when using a trusted app
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Risk Assessments – Information Safety by Task when Home Alone
Significant effect on assessments of safety
Kruskal-Wallis test, Chi-square = 67.995, p<0.001.
Pairwise comparisons with Bonferroni correction to adjust for multiple tests indicate
that the unfamiliar retailer is significantly different from all other tasks
Mann-Whitney test, p<0.001
No other differences are significant (p>0.4 in all cases)
Summary of responses indicating safety of different transaction types
performed from home
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Research Questions
1. Does the location have an effect on perceived information safety?
2. What risks do come to people’s minds, when performing
sensitive transactions on a mobile device?
3. What information do people use to decide whether it is safe?
4. What factors influence the decision to perform a sensitive transaction on a
mobile device?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
What risks come to mind?
What, if any, are the security risks you see in these situations?
IT Security Experts identified the following security risks in the
Risks are presented in the order they were provided:
Shoulder surfing – direct observation of either sensitive information or
passwords, potentially using a camera from a distance
Man in the middle attack – where communications are routed through an
Network snooping – leaking information from Bluetooth, WiFi or NFC
Automatic backup of sensitive data to a cloud owned by an external
Data left on the device – vulnerable if the device is compromised, stolen,
or used by another person.
Loss or theft of the device
© 2013 IBM Corporation
What risks come to mind?
What, if any, are the security risks you see in these situations?
Type of Risk Description IT PB D
Network Risks
Risks encompassing ways that information could be
captured en route to a destination.
62 51 20
Observation Risks
Information or passwords being observed while a device is
being used.
60 28 30
Device Risks
Loss, theft, or otherwise obtaining data or login credentials
directly from the device itself.
52 13 30
Remote Service Risks
Risks related to the service being accessed (specifically
referencing the unknown retailer).
26 23 0
Loss of Information
Risk of information being lost or account access credentials
being obtained by a third party
19 21 50
Situational Risks Risks associated with the personal safety of the situation. 10 6 0
Percentage of each group mentioning a type of risk
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Perceived Risk
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Perceived Risk - Risks perceived by IT Workers accessing company information
Direct Observation
Theft of
Insecure data
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Perceived Risks –
Risks perceived in Personal Banking accessing financial information
Direct Observation
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Perceived Risk: Risks Perceived by Doctors Accessing Medical Information
Direct Observation
Loss of
Loss of
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Research Questions
1. Does the location have an effect on perceived information safety?
2. What risks do come to people’s minds, when performing sensitive transactions
on a mobile device?
3. What information do people use to decide whether it is safe?
4. What factors influence the decision to perform a sensitive transaction on a
mobile device?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
What information do people use to decide whether it is safe?
What else would you want to know about these situations, to decide whether it is
safe to access or enter sensitive information on your smartphone there?
Percentages of respondents from each group who wanted to know each kind of additional information, in
order to decide whether to perform a mobile transaction
Information Wanted IT PB D
Trust in the network connection 36 39 55
Trust in the remote service 30 37 0
Whether data is encrypted over the network 40 19 9
Possibility of being observed 17 0 18
Information about the situation 0 13 0
Security of the device 8 4 18
Legal recourse or protection 0 4 0
Value/sensitivity of information being accessed 6 0 0
Other people’s e xperiences 0 4 0
Time and attention the task will take 0 4 0
Security of the application being used 4 0 9
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Experts Wanted to know
1. Who owns the network?
2. Is VPN being used?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Research Questions
1. Does the location have an effect on perceived information safety?
2. What risks do come to people’s minds, when performing sensitive transactions
on a mobile device?
3. What information do people use to decide whether it is safe?
4. What factors influence the decision to perform a sensitive
transaction on a mobile device?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Factors Reported to Influence Decision
Factor IT (%) PB (%) D (%)
Network risk 36 39
Network protection 17 6 9
Observation risk 34 28 9
Time constraints 15 7 45
Sensitivity of data 15 7
Physical location 13 26
Digital d evice risk 11 17
Need for the data 9 11 27
Physical device risk 9
Magnitude of the Risk / Probability of data loss 8 18
Unknown retailer trust 6 15 n/a
Transaction time 27
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Factors Reported to Influence Decision
Factor IT (%) PB (%) D (%)
Network risk 36 39
Network protection 17 6 9
Observation risk 34 28 9
Time constraints 15 7 45
Sensitivity of data 15 7
Physical location 13 26
Digital d evice risk 11 17
Need for the data 9 11 27
Physical device risk 9
Magnitude of the Risk / Probability of data loss 8 18
Unknown retailer trust 6 15 n/a
Transaction time 27
“can I enable VPN?”,
“approved company security
protections in place”
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Factors Reported to Influence Decision
Factor IT (%) PB (%) D (%)
Network risk 36 39
Network protection 17 6 9
Observation risk 34 28 9
Time constraints 15 7 45
Sensitivity of data 15 7
Physical location 13 26
Digital d evice risk 11 17
Need for the data 9 11 27
Physical device risk 9
Magnitude of the Risk / Probability of data loss 8 18
Unknown retailer trust 6 15 n/a
Transaction time 27
“Need access to critical
test results anytime”
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Factors Reported to Influence Decision
Factor IT (%) PB (%) D (%)
Network risk 36 39
Network protection 17 6 9
Observation risk 34 28 9
Time constraints 15 7 45
Sensitivity of data 15 7
Physical location 13 26
Digital d evice risk 11 17
Need for the data 9 11 27
Physical device risk 9
Magnitude of the Risk / Probability of data loss 8 18
Unknown retailer trust 6 15 n/a
Transaction time 27
“is the device free
of viruses”
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Factors Reported to Influence Decision
Factor IT (%) PB (%) D (%)
Network risk 36 39
Network protection 17 6 9
Observation risk 34 28 9
Time constraints 15 7 45
Sensitivity of data 15 7
Physical location 13 26
Digital d evice risk 11 17
Need for the data 9 11 27
Physical device risk 9
Magnitude of the Risk / Probability of data loss 8 18
Unknown retailer trust 6 15 n/a
Transaction time 27
“How likely is it my device
could be stolen while unlocked ”
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Factors Influencing Mobile Access Decisions –
What factors affect your decision whether to access
sensitive information in a given situation?
Experts considered the following three factors:
1. The consequences of the data being compromised
2. The urgency of the need to access the data
3. Whether they can protect the information
(for example by hiding the screen from observers or cameras).
© 2013 IBM Corporation
For many people, the dangers of mobile transactions do not easily
come to mind.
Digital device security mentioned by < 15%.
Low concern about device theft or loss
Perceived safety is affected by the close proximity of other people.
2/3 are aware of this risk, but only 1/3 said it would influence their decision
Some users reported taking steps to reduce shoulder surfing risk
Seen as a controllable risk (more so than with laptop).
People typically trust both app and web sites, in general, if they are
familiar with the service provider.
Trust in the network is a key factor in assessing risk.
Expertise affects what people want to know about the network
Peoples’ perception of risk does not extend to locking their mobile
Difference in behavior between IT Worker vs. Personal Banking men.
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Further Work
Investigate actual decisions – potentially very different
Explore contextual factors that impact perceived risk (people, network,
personal safety, public access)
Ask about real locations in each participant’s life
Explore personal safety, as opposed to information safety
Other use cases may surface new risks
How does this differ from laptop use?
To what extent is behavior influenced by prior experience?
© 2013 IBM Corporation
We studied perceived information security risk for
IT Workers accessing company information
Personal banking consumers accessing their bank account, and
Doctors accessing medical records
Location impacts perceived safety through the presence of potential
observers, and through network security concerns.
IT Workers had higher overall awareness of risk, and were more likely to
lock their phones
Information security risks did not easily come to mind in our scenarios,
which may mean that people consistently underestimate the risks.
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Related IT security work
People believe they can protect against phone loss or theft, and it is unlikely to happen [Huang, Rau,
Salvency, Shang, Lui, Wang, 2008]
Online risks that can be related to known risks in the physical world are considered more serious
[Garg & Camp, 2012]
Non-experts may have a false sense of security in the setup of their home networks [Wash, 2010]
Much security advice offers little benefit over the investment required to understand and act on it
[Herley, 2009]
People don’t think they are likely to be victims of fraud, and don’t feel responsible for negative
outcomes [Davinson & Sillence]
Online risk assessment (eg viruses, phishing, ID theft) is driven by familiarity of the risk and degree
of dread [Garg & Camp ’12]
Willingness to perform sensitive activities on a phone vs. laptop [Chin, Felt, Sekar & Wagner 12]
Greater concern about smartphone as compared to laptop (network, no anti-virus, loss)
Smartphone app risks [Felt, Egelman & Wagner 12]
Greater concern about apps with greater perceived impact (e.g., financial vs. social)
Age was a significant factor
© 2013 IBM Corporation
Why look at risk perception?
Willingness to perform security actions is a tradeoff between cost to the individual and
perceived benefit [SBW01]
Mismatch of perceived risk and system determined risk leads to poor user acceptance
of technology [BSW08]
Experts and non-experts respond differently [KST82]
Experts use statistical reasoning to assess risk; non-experts rely on affect [ECH08]
Characteristics that influence perception of risk [L76]:
voluntariness, immediacy of effect, knowledge about
the risk, available alternatives, and consequences