Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
Available online 17 June 2021
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Research Paper
Effects of post-WWII forced displacements on long-term landscape
dynamics in the Polish Carpathians
Andrzej N. Affek
, Jacek Wolski
, Maria Zachwatowicz
, Krzysztof Ostan
, Volker
C. Radeloff
Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland
SILVIS Lab, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1630 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706, USA
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmie
scie 30, 00-927 Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, 30-387 Cracow, Poland
Post-WWII forced displacement caused major forest increase in Polish Carpathians.
115k of 181k (63%) of forest increase until 1970 due to displacement.
Land-use regime switched from agricultural to forest-dominated stable state.
Displacement caused more forest increase than post-socialist abandonment.
Displacement areas now one of the largest wilderness areas in Central Europe.
Land abandonment
Land-use change
Regime shift
Forest area
World War II
Armed conicts and major political changes can result in the forced displacement of thousands of people and
may have substantial effects on the environment. However, it is difcult to predict and mitigate long-term
consequences of such displacements, especially when they trigger abrupt land-use changes that result in a
regime shift of the land-use system. Our main goal was to determine the effects of post-WWII forced displace-
ments on long-term landscape dynamics in the Polish Carpathians. After World War II, 630,000 Ukrainians were
forcibly displaced from southeastern Poland, leading to permanent depopulation of mountain borderlands. We
conducted a village-level analysis of forest area change across the Polish Carpathians (1685 villages/cadastral
communities), and a detailed analyses of landscape change and land-cover trajectories in two highly depopulated
test sites. Our source data were pre-war (1850s1860s and 1930s) and post-war (1970s and 2010s) census data
and topographic maps. We found a substantial forest area increase after displacements, far outpacing the widely
reported forest increase due to the collapse of socialism in early 1990s, and a striking landscape simplication.
Astonishingly, almost two thirds of the post-war (1930s1970s) forest area increase in the entire Polish Car-
pathians (115,000 ha out of 181,000 ha) was due to the forced displacements. The land-use regimes shifted from
being agriculturally-dominated to being forest-dominated, and approached a stable alternative state. As a result,
a once densely populated rural region has become one of the largest ‘wilderness areas in Central Europe, with
vast areas void of human settlements and resurgent wildlife populations. This highlights that forced displace-
ments, which are common during and after armed conicts, can have substantial and long-lasting effects on land
* Corresponding author at: Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warsaw, Poland.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.N. Affek), [email protected] (J. Wolski), [email protected] (M. Zachwatowicz), krzysztof.ostan@uj. (K. Ostan), [email protected] (V.C. Radeloff).
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Received 27 July 2020; Received in revised form 1 June 2021; Accepted 2 June 2021
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
1. Introduction
About 41.3 million people worldwide were displaced as of 2019 due
to conicts and violence, with 10.8 million new displacements in 2018
only (IDMC, 2019). Displacement substantially affects the well-being
and socio-cultural identity of people and their relation with land (Pis-
korski, 2011). Furthermore, displacements can alter land use patterns
(Woube, 2005). There is strong evidence that environmental changes
can cause human migrations (see e.g., Abel, Brottrager, Crespo Cuar-
esma, & Muttarak, 2019). Conversely, the permanent displacement of
large populations can also have strong effects on the environment
(Ghimire, 1994; Kim, 1997; Ssekandi, Mburu, Wasonga, Macopiyo, &
Charles, 2017), both in the area where people settled, that is, the target
region, and in the area they left (Gorsevski, Kasischke, Dempewolf,
Loboda, & Grossmann, 2012).
Typically, displacements reduce pressures on the land left behind (e.
g., Baumann, Radeloff, Avedian, & Kuemmerle, 2015; Witmer, 2008;
Yin et al., 2019), but increase pressure in the area where people move.
For example, displacement can cause deforestation for agricultural and
settlement purposes (Ghimire, 1994; Hugo, 1996). The most common
land-use effects in the place of origin are agricultural land abandonment
(Baumann et al., 2015; Witmer, 2008; Yin et al., 2019), bush and forest
regrowth (Landholm, Pradhan, & Kropp, 2019), and sometimes the
complete cessation of any kind of human activity (Kim, 1997). There are
cases though of land use intensication following displacements,
particularly when armed groups use agriculture as an income source
(Eklund, Degerald, Brandt, Prishchepov, & Pilesj
o, 2017; Landholm
et al., 2019) or civilians expand agriculture due to food insecurity (Alix-
Garcia, Bartlett, & Saah, 2013). The exact post-displacement land-cover
trajectories depend on both the magnitude of displacement and on
subsequent population movements, both of which are determined by
political and economic conditions (Baumann et al., 2015; Witmer, 2008;
Yin et al., 2019). However, most of the studies that examine the effects
of armed conicts on land use do not explicitly address the effects of
displacements but rather the overall effects of the conicts, and most are
focused on immediate effects. Less is known about displacementslong-
lasting consequences, especially their environmental legacies and if the
resulting land-use changes are reversible or not.
Displacements can be considered through the lens of systems theory
as a trigger causing an abrupt change of the social-ecological system
(Ramankutty & Coomes, 2016; Walker et al., 2006). Such an abrupt
change may be reversible or not, depending on the strength of the self-
reinforcing processes. If the abrupt change is irreversible, it results in a
shift of the land-use regime and the establishment of an alternative
stable state (Müller et al., 2014). However, achieving fully stable states
in case of complex social-ecological systems is rare due to intrinsic
stochasticity and the multimodal, open character of these systems
(Ramankutty & Coomes, 2016; Walker et al., 2006). Irrespective of how
stable the alternative states are, there is a need to understand both the
potential risks and the consequences of regime shifts (Biggs, Peterson, &
Rocha, 2018). Insight into system dynamics before and after forced
displacements could help identify whether such displacement can
trigger abrupt changes and shifts toward alternative stable states. More
broadly, it could help recognize how vulnerable systems are to external
triggers and link land-use regime shifts with land cover changes (Ram-
ankutty & Coomes, 2016). Historical land-use regime shifts related to
displacement may thus complement the existing Regime Shifts Database
(Biggs et al., 2018) with abrupt systemic changes that are not yet rep-
resented there, thereby increasing the strength of meta-analyses of
current and future land-use regime shifts.
Studying the effects of post-war displacements, and capturing past
human-environment interactions, may shed new light on the possible
land-use effects of present day forced displacement, and on the effects of
other causes of migrations such as poverty, natural disasters, deserti-
cation, and climate change (MacDonald et al., 2000; Ssekandi et al.,
2017). A powerful example of such a legacy is World War II because of
its great magnitude, strong effects on land system, and widespread post-
war displacements (Machlis & Hanson, 2008).
In Central and Eastern Europe millions of people were forcibly dis-
placed after World War II (Rieber, 2000). These displacements were
mostly caused by post-war border and political shifts, policies aimed to
create ethnically homogenous nation-states, and in the case of German
communities by the notion of their collective responsibility for Nazi
war crimes (Eberhardt, 2011; Rieber, 2000). In many European regions,
particularly in the rural and marginalized mountainous borderlands,
forced displacements resulted in permanent depopulation, which greatly
changed land use (Affek, Zachwatowicz, & Solon, 2020; Bi
cík &
anek, 1994). The main change was forest expansion, both through
natural succession and active planting (e.g., Kozak, Estreguil, & Troll,
2007; Wolski, 2007). However, forest area increases related to politi-
cally driven forced displacements overlapped spatially and temporally
with the broader process of forest transition, i.e., the economically-
driven reversal from decreasing to expanding forest areas (Mather,
1992), which in the Carpathian region began in the Interwar period
(Kozak et al., 2007; Kozak, 2010; Munteanu et al., 2014). Furthermore,
the long-term effects of post-WWII displacements are potentially
confounded by widespread forest area increases due to land abandon-
ment after the collapse of socialism in the early 1990s (Grifths, Müller,
Kuemmerle, & Hostert, 2013; Kuemmerle et al., 2008). Therefore, it is
difcult to distinguish the effects of conict-related forced displace-
ments from other factors inuencing land use (Baumann & Kuemmerle,
2016; Baumann et al., 2015), and necessary to assess not only the
magnitude of reforestation, but also to identify potential changes in
pathways and the speed of reforestation, in order to differentiate abrupt
land-use changes from gradual changes (Ratajczak et al., 2018).
The main goal of our study was to determine the effects of forced
displacement on land cover. Specically, we examined the widespread
post-WWII forced and permanent displacement of the Ukrainian popu-
lation that had inhabited the Carpathians within the post-war Polish
borders. Our main research questions were: what were the short- and
long-term effects of displacements on (1) forest area, and (2) landscape
composition. To answer these questions we formulated the following
specic objectives:
1a. To determine village-level forest area change in the Polish Car-
pathians over two 40-year periods (1930s-1970s and 1970s-2010s);
1b. To quantify the independent effect of displacements on forest
area change and determine the share and area of new forests caused
by the displacements;
2. To determine landscape changes and trajectories of land-cover
change in depopulated, post-Ukrainian villages.
2. Methods
2.1. Study area
Our study area was the Carpathians within the current borders of
Poland, which we further limited for modeling purposes (i.e., to ensure
data availability and consistency) to the borders of the former Austrian
province of Galicia, and to whole villages according to their pre-WWII
extent (in total 1685 villages covering 17,000 km
, which corresponds
to 85% of the Polish Carpathians) (Fig. 1). Displacements were
concentrated in the south-eastern third of the study area, so that the
north-western part of the Polish Carpathians, where no displacement
took place, served as a control (Fig. 2A). The topography in the eastern
part ranges from 240 to 1346 m above sea level, and in the western from
210 to 2499 m a.s.l. The potential natural vegetation is temperate forest,
with spruce dominating above 1150 m a.s.l. (only in the western part),
beech (Fagus sylvatica) and r (Abies alba) from 600 to 1275 m a.s.l., and
oak (Quercus robur) and hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) dominating in the
lower parts. Only 0.6% of the study area is above timberline (Matusz-
kiewicz, 2008).
A.N. Affek et al.
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
Before World War II, the south-eastern part of todays Polish Car-
pathians was a Polish-Ukrainian ethnic borderland. Especially at the
turn of the 19th and 20th century, there was massive outmigration to the
USA and South America (Pollack, 2010), despite of which, the popula-
tion density in our study area continued to rise though due to the very
high birth rate until the late 1930s (ranging from < 30/km
at higher
elevations to > 120/km
in the foothills) (Soja, 2008). After the devel-
opment of railways at the end of the 19th century, the extensive Car-
pathian forests started to be heavily exploited, but due to complex
topography, limited access, and logging being selective and largely
focused on the most valuable trees, overall forest area remained rela-
tively stable up to WWII (Affek et al., 2020; Kozak, 2010; Munteanu
et al., 2014; Wolski, 2007). Concomitantly, a gradual shift away from
pastoralism, which was widespread both in the form of transhumance in
the upper parts and silvopastoralism in the lower parts, and toward crop-
based agriculture began, which resulted in the gradual abandonment of
high-elevation pastures (Kubijowicz, 1926). However, many local rural
communities were culturally conservative and did not adopt new tech-
nologies and cultural patterns coming from the Western world (Wolski,
In the 1940s the Polish Carpathians and their foothills experienced
one of the greatest forced displacements in the modern history of
Europe. First, from 1944 to 1946 a total of 480,000 Ukrainians were
displaced from the provinces of Rzesz
ow, Krak
ow, and Lublin to the
Fig. 1. A location of the study area in Europe, B study area with pre-war administrative village-level division (1685 villages) used for modeling (grey borders) and
test sites representing post-displacement Carpathian foothills (Przemy
sl Foothills) and middle mountains (Bieszczady Mountains) (orange borders). Background
layer: ArcGIS Basemap (World Hillshade). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 2. A % of Ukrainian population in 1939 (displaced in 1940s); B real forest area change in 1930s-1970s; C real forest area change in 1970s-2010s; D
modeled counterfactual forest area change for 1930s-1970s (as if there had been no displacements); C modeled forest area change for 1930s-1970s; F modeled
forest area change for 1970s-2010s. All data at the village level (N = 1685). Forest area changes in % of village area.
A.N. Affek et al.
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Eberhardt, 2011). This was part of a
larger population exchange between the post-war Poland and the Soviet
Union, aimed at ethnic consolidation after the delineation of the new
border along the Curzon Line (Eberhardt, 2011). The second wave of
displacements took place in 1947 (the so-called Operation Vistula),
when the remaining 140,000 Ukrainians including Poles from mixed
families, were displaced within the Polish post-war territory. The action
was carried out by the Soviet-installed Polish communist authorities
with the aim of removing material support and assistance to the
Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and bring an end to its guerilla activ-
ities (Motyka, 2011). However, the dispersion of Ukrainians throughout
the entire area of the Recovered Territories of northern and western
Poland, and later efforts to polonize them suggest that the creation of an
ethnically homogeneous nation-state was an additional goal (Snyder,
1999). The implementation and acceptance of such ethnic policy in
broader society was fostered by strong Polish-Ukrainian antagonism,
which developed already in the interwar period (Wolski, 2016), and
peaked after the Ukrainian Insurgent Army massacres of Poles in Vol-
hynia and Eastern Galicia in 1943 (Motyka, 2011; Snyder, 1999). As a
sidenote, the displaced Carpatho-Ruthenian ethnic groups belonging to
the East Slavs, that is Lemkos and Boykos peoples, are often regarded as
a subgroup of Ukrainian people. They were either Eastern Orthodox or
Greek-Catholic, while Poles were Roman-Catholic, thus religion was the
main determinant of national identity in the ethnic borderland up to
World War II, ahead of language and culture (Eberhardt, 2011).
Acknowledging the ethnic diversity of the East Slavs living in the Car-
pathian region, we retained the terminology used in the demographic
sources (Eberhardt, 2011; Kubìjovi
c, 1983) and call the entire displaced
population ‘Ukrainians.
As a result of displacements, 126 Carpathian villages were
completely depopulated, and in an additional 250 villages only a few
Polish families remained (Appendix A, Fig. A.1). Due to the policy of no-
return, destruction of settlements and often adverse natural conditions
these villages have for the most part not been resettled (Pudło, 1992),
and especially in remote mountain areas the depopulation was
In addition of our analyses of the entire Polish Carpathians, we
selected two test sites where before WWII>90% of population were
Ukrainians to analyze the detailed changes in landscape composition
and the trajectories of land-cover change after displacement. One test
site (Przemy
sl Foothills) represents the Carpathian foothills, and the
other (Bieszczady Mountains) the Carpathian middle mountains.
sl Foothillscovers 6096 ha and comprises 7 pre-war villages,
while Bieszczady Mountainscovers 6170 ha and comprises 3 pre-war
villages. Population dropped from 4830 and 1590 people (79 and 26/
) in 1939 to 58 and 77 (0.9 and 0.4/km
) people in 2011, in
sl Foothills and Bieszczady Mountains respectively
c, 1983; We selected those 10 villages,
because they are representative of post-displacement villages in the
foothills and middle mountains, where the depopulation resulting from
displacements was permanent.
2.2. Effects of displacement on forest area across the Polish Carpathians
To estimate the effect of the forced displacements on forest area, we
conducted a village-level analysis across the Polish Carpathians (in total
1685 villages/cadastral communities, Katastralgemeindenin German).
For this, we reconstructed the mid-19th century high-resolution village-
level administrative borders of the former province of Galicia (part of
Austro-Hungarian Empire) for the Carpathians within the current Polish
borders. Our map sources were the Administrativ Karte von den
onigreichen Galizien und Lodomerien of Kummersberg at a scale of ca.
1:115,000, published in 1855, current data from National Register of
Boundaries, and the second military survey of the Habsburg Empire
1:28,800 of 1860s. We calculated village-level forest area in the Car-
pathians in the 1930s and 1970s based on topographic maps
(Bednarczyk, Kaim, & Ostan, 2016; Ostan et al., 2017). Forest area in
the 2010s was derived from the national Database of Topographic Ob-
jects 1:10,000 (BDOT10k). By combining the data from the three time
points, we obtained two maps of village-level forest area change (in
percentages of village area) for the 1930s-1970s and the 1970s-2010s.
For each village, we also obtained past land use and ownership infor-
mation from the 1868 census (Skorowidz, 1868), and ethnic structure
from the 1939 census (Kubìjovi
c, 1983). Topography-related variables
were derived from the Digital Terrain Elevation Data for Poland (DTED
Level 2 with 30-m resolution).
In order to quantify the extent to which land-cover changes were
caused by the displacement of the Ukrainian population, we parame-
terized regression models of village-level forest area change from the
1930s to the 1970s, and from 1970s to 2010s. In these models, the share
of the population that was Ukrainian in 1939 served as a proxy measure
of displacement intensity, because the entire Ukrainian population was
displaced and forcibly re-settled elsewhere (Fig. 2A). We also included
other potential predictors related to environmental and socioeconomic
conditions, such as initial land use and ownership pattern, population
density, accessibility (distance to markets), soils and topography
(Table 1). We preselected those variables that in univariate models were
at least weakly correlated (Spearman rho < 0.15 or > 0.15) with forest
area change (Appendix B, Tables B.1 and B5). We identied seven vil-
lages as strong outliers (out of 1685), six of which were in the control
group, and removed them because they would have been sources of
potential bias. As a robustness check, we parameterized models with all
data points, and their results were similar (results not shown). To
quantify the relationship between each of our candidate predictors and
forest area change, we tted a series of linear models containing all
possible combinations of our covariates, using the ‘dredge()function in
R package MuMIn. We examined the scatterplots to see if there were
non-linear relationships, but found none that were obviously so, and
when we tested the squared terms of variables (e.g., we observed steeper
forest area increase in villages with > 90% Ukrainians), they explained
less variance than when they entered the model without the squared
term (results not shown). To identify the best model, we ranked them all
according to their Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), which penalizes
over-parameterized models. We assessed the total explanatory power of
models by calculating their adjusted R
, and checked for multi-
collinearity by calculating the Variance Ination Factor (VIF). Hair,
Black, Babin, and Anderson (2010) suggest that a VIF of 10 represents a
high degree of collinearity and recommend lower VIF thresholds. We
therefore employed a conservative VIF of 4 in our models, which was
also a natural break among our variables.
To assess the relative importance of the predictors included in the
best model, we applied hierarchical partitioning analysis to calculate the
independent, joint, and total contributions of each predictor to overall
explained variance (Chevan & Sutherland, 1991). We used the ‘hier.part
()function to apply hierarchical partitioning in R package hier.part.
We also assessed potential biases arising from spatial autocorrelation by
calculating and mapping Morans I of the model residuals (see Appendix
To assess the overall change in forest area due to the displacements,
we applied our regression model to calculate the counterfactual increase
in forest area that would be expected if a village had no Ukrainians, and
subtracted that from the prediction based on the actual ethnic compo-
sition, using the following formula:
(FAC FACr)/100 (1)
where OFAC overall forest area change only due to displacements (in
ha), N number of villages, A
area (in ha) of ith village, FAC modeled
forest area change (in % of village area), FACr modeled counterfactual
forest area change (in % of village area) if there had been no displace-
ments. We calculated and mapped FAC and FACr for each village, con-
verted the values from percentages of village area to hectares, and
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subtracted the latter from the former, which provided us with an esti-
mate of the portion of the forest area increase in the Polish Carpathians
due to the displacements (OFAC). To account for uncertainty of
modeling, we calculated the 95% condence interval (CI) of the esti-
mated overall forest area change. We calculated our CI by summing up
the intervals for predictions of the mean response of each villages
predicted difference in forest change (FAC-FACr). Lastly, to directly
compare the effect of displacement on forest area change between the
two periods, we selected a subset of relevant variables, that is variables
that were important in at least one period, and modeled again both time
periods, this time with the same set of variables.
2.3. Effects on the landscape in two test sites
To show the spatially-explicit landscape effects of forced displace-
ments we mapped land cover in detail in our two selected test sites
sl Foothillsand Bieszczady Mountains), where vast majority
of inhabitants were forcibly displaced (Affek et al., 2020; Wolski, 2007).
We compared the most detailed pre-war land-cover map (the Austrian
1:2880 cadastral map developed in the mid-19th century) with post-war
1:10,000 topographic map from the 1970s, and with BDOT10k for the
2010s. We assumed the 1970s and 2010s were appropriate time points
to capture immediate and long-term landscape effects of displacements
in the 1940s respectively. The pre-war map of 1930s that we used to
model forest area has a resolution that is too low (1:100,000) and land
cover classes that are too simplied to combine them with the detailed
post-war land-cover maps. That is why we compared the detailed post-
war land cover maps for our 10 selected villages with similarly
detailed maps for the mid-19th century instead. In prior in-depth
studies, we found that landscape pattern between the mid-19th cen-
tury and WWII was relatively stable in both test sites (<5% net change)
(Affek et al., 2020; Wolski, 2007), thus we assumed the older cadastral
maps, which are widely used in historical landscape research (Dolej
s &
Forejt, 2019), reect the pre-war state adequately. Furthermore, no
other high-resolution data sources (such as aerial photographs) were
available for that period. The map sources and how we analyzed them
are described in detail in Appendix D.
Resulting from our land-cover analyses were three high resolution
land-cover maps (1850s, 1970s, and 2010s) for Przemy
sl Foothillsand
Bieszczady Mountainswhich were consistent in the level of detail and
land-cover classes. We mapped six classes for each of the three dates:
built-up area, orchard, arable eld, grassland, transitional woodland-
shrub, and forest. Via land-cover transition matrices, we calculated
the trajectories of change from the 1850s to the 1970s, and then to the
2010s. We performed the spatial analyses of the vector data layers in
ArcMap 10.2.2 (ESRI ArcGIS Advanced).
3. Results
3.1. Effects of forced displacement on forest area
Between the 1930s and the 1970s, forest area increased from
617,600 to 798,700 ha (i.e., by 181,100 ha, 29.3% growth, 9.1 per-
centage points increase) across the Polish Carpathians, and from
534,700 ha to 702,900 ha (168,200 ha, 31.4%, 9.9 percentage points) in
the 1685 villages, which we included in our modeling. Our village-level
analysis showed substantial spatial variation in forest area change
though, with much larger forest area increases (>20 percentage points
per village) in the south-eastern part of the study area (Fig. 2C). The
pattern was strongly correlated to the distribution of pre-war Ukrainians
(Pearsons r = 0.802, p < 0.0001), (Table 2).
To determine the independent effect of displacements on forest area
change in the 1930s1970s we applied our highest-ranked model, which
included 5 covariates: Ukrainian population in 1939, slope, peasantry
pastures in 1860s, forest area in 1930s, and distance to towns with >
20,000 citizens (Appendix B, Table B.4). The selected model explained
70% of the observed variance (adjusted R
= 0.70) with a standard error
of the estimate of 7.25 percentage points and a maximum VIF of 2.9.
Hierarchical partitioning of the explained variance showed that the
Ukrainian population in 1939, i.e., our proxy for forced displacement,
was responsible for 75% of all independent effects (53% of the total
variance), far ahead of the second most important factor, which was
distance to markets (Fig. 3, Appendix B, Table B.4). Villages that had a
Table 1
Source data of variables considered in our modeling.
Variables Source
Source Model
1 Forest area change
1930s-1970s [% of
village area]
maps (Bednarczyk
et al., 2016;
Ostan et al.,
2 Forest area change
1970s-2010s [% of
village area]
Ostan et al.,
3 Forest area in
1860s [% of village
census (Skorowidz,
4 Forest area in
1930s [% of village
area] F
map (Bednarczyk
et al., 2016)
5 Forest area in
1970s [% of village
map (Ostan et al.,
6 Ukrainian
population in 1939
[% of village
population] U
census (Kubìjovi
7 Population density
in 1857 [persons/
census (Skorowidz,
8 Elevation [mean
for a village]
DEM DTEDlevel2 P P
9 Slope [mean for a
village] S
DEM DTEDlevel2 P P
10 Distance to town
with population
above 20,000 [km]
various sources P P
11 Soil agricultural
suitability [mean
for a village]
map (Skiba &
Drewnik, 2003)
12 Land owned by
landlords in 1860s
[% of village area]
census (Skorowidz,
13 Landlord forests in
1860s [% of village
census (Skorowidz,
14 Landlord arable
elds in 1860s [%
of village area]
census (Skorowidz,
15 Landlord pastures
in 1860s [% of
village area]
census (Skorowidz,
16 Landlord gardens
in 1860s [% of
village area]
census (Skorowidz,
17 Peasantry forests
in 1860s [% of
village area]
census (Skorowidz,
18 Peasantry arable
elds in 1860s [%
of village area]
census (Skorowidz,
19 Peasantry pastures
in 1860s [% of
village area] P
census (Skorowidz,
20 Peasantry gardens
in 1860s [% of
village area]
census (Skorowidz,
R response variable; P predictor variable
A.N. Affek et al.
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
higher share of Ukrainians prior to WWII, and those located further
away from towns, with steeper slopes, and higher share of initial forest
area and peasantry pastures had the highest post-war increases in forest
The unstandardized full regression equation used to calculate the
modeled forest area change was:
FAC = 3.434 + 0.255 U + 0.224 D + 0.721 S 0.181F + 0.119P, (2)
where FAC modeled forest area change 1930s1970s, U Ukrainian
population in 1939, D distance to town, S slope, F forest area in
1930s, P peasantry pastures in 1860s (see also Table 1). The map of
modeled forest area change for 1930s1970s closely resembles the
actual forest area change (Fig. 2C and E), while the map of counter-
factual forest area change indicates that some areas (less elevated and
closer to towns) would have had a decrease in forest area, instead of an
increase, if it had not been for the displacements (Fig. 2B and E). When
we applied Eq. (1) to calculate the forest area increase due to the forced
displacements (OFAC), we obtained an estimate of 114,700 ha (±4670
ha with 95% condence). In other words 63% of the overall forest area
increase (114,700 out of 181,000 ha) between 1930s and 1970s in the
entire Polish Carpathians was due to the forced displacement. Further-
more, in villages inhabited by 90% Ukrainian population in 1939 (260
villages), the displacement caused 73,100 ha of the 88,400 ha of total
forest area increase (83%).
In the 1970s2010s, the forest area in the Polish Carpathians
continued to expand, but generally at a slower pace (Fig. 2D). Inter-
estingly, the largest increases occurred then in the densely populated
foothills, where no post-war forced displacements took place, while
areas where earlier displacements were common had only moderate
forest area increase. Indeed, we found a weak but signicant negative
correlation between forest area change in the 1970s-2010s and pre-war
share of Ukrainian population (r = 0.137, p < 0.0001). The map of
modeled forest area change for that period shows the above-mentioned
regularities even more clearly (Fig. 2F). However, our explanatory
Table 2
Village-level forest area change (1930s-1970s, and 1970s-2010s) in percentage points in villages of different ethnic structure.
1930s-1970s 1970s-2010s
Share of Ukrainian population N of villages Min Max Mean SD Min Max Mean SD
<5% 1,180 21.21 23.47 2.46 3.97 13.04 28.23 7.54 4.92
590% 238 0.94 63.26 17.36 12.84 1.81 25.10 7.21 4.70
>90% 260 3.24 67.39 30.48 13.76 3.28 36.36 5.58 4.36
All differences signicant at p < 0.001
Fig. 3. Hierarchical partitioning results showing the independent effects of each variable in the models of forest area change in 1930s-1970s (top) and 1970s-2010s
(middle). In the bottom panel, only villages with Ukrainian population in 1939 > 0% were considered.
A.N. Affek et al.
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
variables only weekly predicted forest area change (adjusted R
= 0.28).
The independent effect of displacement constituted only 3% of all in-
dependent effects, and was far behind the independent effect for soil
agricultural suitability (30%), elevation (26%), slope (24%) and forest
area in 1970s (11%). The best model for that period included two
interaction effects (Ukrainian population × elevation, and Ukrainian
population × slope), which we did not include when we assessed the
independent effects of predictors. In villages with a higher share of
Ukrainians in 1939 (>90%) forest area increase was negatively corre-
lated with slope, but that correlation was positive for villages with a
lower share of Ukrainians (<5%). However, when we parametrized the
model only for the post-displacement villages (N = 523), the overall
model performance increased (adjusted R
= 0.32), as did the inde-
pendent effect of ethnicity (14%) and initial forest area (37%). Inter-
estingly, the forest area increase in 1970s2010s was signicantly
negatively correlated with elevation, slope, share of Ukrainians and the
initial forest area, and positively with soil agricultural suitability (see
Appendix B, Tables B.5 to B.8 for details). The comparison of the two
periods based on the models with the identical subset of seven variables
showed that the independent effect of displacement was 63 times larger
for the 1930s1970s than for the 1970s2010s (0.508 versus 0.008),
which is equivalent of 72.5% and 3.5% of all independent effects in each
model, respectively (see Appendix B, Table B.9). The relationship be-
tween the displacement and forest area change was positive in the rst
period, and negative in the second period.
3.2. Effects on the landscape
In Przemy
sl Foothills and Bieszczady Mountains, where we
conducted our detailed land-cover change analyses, each village had
90% Ukrainian population prior to WWII, and land cover changed
dramatically after the post-WWII displacements (Fig. 4). The direction of
change was similar in both areas (reforestation), but the magnitude was
much larger in the foothills, where some of the reforestation occurred
already before displacements. As a result, while the land cover was
substantially different between the Przemy
sl Foothills and Bieszc-
zady Mountainsin the pre-war period, they were already quite similar
in the 1970s, and almost identical in the 2010s (Fig. 4). From the 1850s
to the 1930s, forest area was essentially stable and changed only from
56% in the 1850s to 55% in 1930s in the Bieszczady Mountains and
from 33% in the 1850s to 37% in 1930s in the Przemy
sl Foothills. By
the 1970s, the forest area had increased substantially, to 75% and 77%
respectively, and continued to grow thereafter, reaching 84% in the
2010s in both areas. Built-up areas and arable elds disappeared almost
completely after WWII. This was particularly striking in the foothills,
where it resulted in the shift of the dominant land cover from arable
elds to forest.
The land-cover trajectories from the 1850s to the 2010s were similar
in both areas, with permanent forest being the most common sequence,
followed by post-war transitions from open farmland (either grassland
or arable land) to forest (Table 3). Whereas forests and grassland were
Fig. 4. Landscape pattern and composition in 3 decades in two test sites representing Carpathian foothills and middle mountains with population displacement
in 1940s.
A.N. Affek et al.
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
the main land-cover types in the mountains before displacements, and
the foothills used to be dominated by farmland, both areas were largely
void of arable land and built-up areas by the 2010s, and completely
covered by forest, bushes, and grassland. As a result of displacements,
markedly different pre-war landscapes of Carpathian middle mountains
and foothills became very similar by the end of our study period.
4. Discussion
We found that forced displacements in the Polish Carpathians after
WWII explained 63% of all the forest area increase from the 1930s to the
1970s, highlighting that displacements can trigger widespread and
permanent land use changes. In general, the trend of forest area increase
and agricultural land abandonment since WWII is common throughout
the Carpathians and many mountain regions of the world (Lasanta et al.,
2017; MacDonald et al., 2000). These processes are usually conse-
quences of a multitude of factors, which often operate at broad scales
and are interrelated, including long-ranged demographic changes,
technological advances, socio-economic and institutional reforms
launching new rules of land management, or external trends in land use
patterns (see also Baumann et al., 2015). However, the magnitude of
changes that took place in the eastern part of Polish Carpathians and
high correspondence with the distribution of displaced Ukrainian pop-
ulation clearly indicate that the displacement factor was the main cause
for agricultural abandonment and subsequent increases in forest area.
Similar landscape changes occurred after WWII in other post-
displacement borderland regions of Poland (Latocha, 2012) and other
European countries [e.g., in Czechia (Bi
cík &
anek, 1994) and
Slovenia (Hladnik, 2005)], and in other continents where armed con-
icts force people to leave their land (Baumann & Kuemmerle, 2016).
Forced displacements are widespread, and may have strong effects
on land cover (Hugo, 1996; Woube, 2005), but it is not clear how long
those effects persist. We found that the post-WWII forest area change in
the Polish Carpathians that resulted from the forced displacements,
persisted for 70 years, and were much more important than other factors
such as access to markets, topography, and pre-war land use and
ownership patterns. Indeed, we estimated that almost two-thirds of post-
war forest area increase was due to the forced displacements (see also
Kozak, 2010; Kozak et al., 2007; Munteanu et al., 2014).
Forest area increase continued after the 1970s, and especially the
collapse of socialism in early 1990s, which lead to agricultural aban-
donment, also fostered forest area increases (Kolecka et al., 2017; Kozak,
2010; Kuemmerle et al., 2008). In our study area, the only exception to
this general trend was a substantial forest area decrease in the Silesian
Beskids (Western Carpathians) due to massive bark beetle outbreak in
the 2000s (Grodzki, 2007), and that decrease is likely temporary.
However, much to our surprise, the post-socialist forest area increase
was considerably smaller than the increase after WWII. Furthermore, the
post-socialist forest area increase was lower in post-displacement areas
compared to the rest of the Polish Carpathians. The relative importance
of the different factors explaining forest area change 1970s-2010s in the
displaced areas and the direction of relationships indicated that the
legacy of the displacement continued, but the effect was much weaker
and opposite to that from the previous period. In 1970s-2010s, increases
in forest area in displaced areas were more common in villages at lower
elevations, and with better soils and less steep slopes, which is not the
common pattern of forest expansion. We suggest that this unusual
pattern of afforestation is due to a saturation effect (Schneeberger,
Bürgi, & Kienast, 2007), in that forest area increased so much in the
displacement areas after WWII that only small plots were still available
for the new forests to grow. The negative correlation (Spearmans rho =
0.398, p < 0.0001) between initial, 1970s, forest area and 1970s-
2010s forest area increase further supports this interpretation.
The major driving forces and patterns of change in the post-1990
period are common for the entire Carpathians, because all Carpathian
countries were under socialist governance between 1945 and 1991 and
all countries except Ukraine are now members of the EU (see e.g.,
Grifths et al., 2013; Munteanu et al., 2014). Across the Carpathians,
forest area increases was rapid after the 1990 because that is when
agricultural land was abandoned (Grifths et al., 2013; Kuemmerle
et al., 2008; Munteanu et al., 2014). However, the parts of Poland where
forced displacement took place followed different path. Here, the
magnitude and pace of land use change in the post-war period was much
higher than in the post-socialist era, and they were already abandoned
and underwent afforestation and succession 40 years earlier (Affek et al.,
2020; Wolski, 2007).
In addition to the increases in forest area, we found major declines in
landscape diversity after displacements. The pre-war small elds,
meadows and pastures were either afforested and taken over by State
Forests, underwent natural forest succession, or were converted to large-
scale agricultural monocultures managed by agricultural cooperatives
or State Farms. The majority of buildings were burned or demolished
and the cultural continuity and centuries-old landscape characteristics
were largely lost (Affek et al., 2020; Kozak et al., 2007; Soja, 2008).
Nonetheless, some traces of past cultural landscape are still visible in the
microtopography (e.g., hollow ways, agricultural terraces, and stone
mounds) and vegetation (e.g., post-grazing beeches, old fruit trees)
(Affek, 2016; Wolski, 2007). After the transition from the centrally-
planned to a market-driven economy in the 1990s, most of the collec-
tive farms collapsed and their agricultural land was either privatized or
afforested and added to the State Forests (Affek et al., 2020; Kuemmerle
et al., 2008). However, even the creation of strong individual property
rights was not sufcient to maintain agriculture, because limiting
availability of agricultural inputs combined with limited access to
markets prevented landowners from reaping the gains of specialization
and increasing agricultural productivity (Rozelle & Swinnen, 2004).
Agricultural land abandonment is a common immediate effect of
forced displacements during wars. For example, it occurred also in
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Witmer, 2008) and the Caucasus region
(Baumann et al., 2015; Yin et al., 2019). Our results highlight how long-
lasting forest area increase can be, because we analyzed land cover
changes up to 70 years after the displacement. Most prior analysis of the
effects of wars on land use examined on a decade or so afterwards (e.g.,
Witmer, 2008; Yin et al., 2019), except of some studies of post-WWII
displacements in Poland and Czechia, which also reported long-lasting
effects (e.g., Bi
cík &
anek, 1994; Latocha, 2012).
Table 3
Land-cover trajectories (1850s 1970s 2010s) for the two test sites
sl Foothillsand Bieszczady Mountains).
sl Foothills Bieszczady Mountains
% of the
test site*
Trajectory % of the
test site*
31.94 permanent forest 56.19 permanent forest
31.86 arable eld forest
8.65 grassland forest
8.64 grassland forest
6.66 arable eld forest
7.46 arable eld grassland
5.99 permanent grassland
3.09 arable eld grassland
5.90 arable eld grassland
2.31 trans forest forest 3.43 grassland trans
1.89 arable eld trans
2.60 trans forest forest
1.31 permanent grassland 1.73 arable eld trans
11.51 other 1.60 grassland grassland
1.26 arable eld grassland
5.98 other
* Only trajectories above 1% of the test site area are shown.
A.N. Affek et al.
Landscape and Urban Planning 214 (2021) 104164
A common problem, limiting the scope of land change assessments in
conict zones, is the restricted access to the areas of interest. Therefore,
models of land change in conict zones in Eastern Africa (Gorsevski
et al., 2012) and Caucasus (Baumann et al., 2015; Yin et al., 2019) were
based on satellite images and did not include local demographic data,
which means that they did not account for displacement explicitly. Our
approach made use of spatio-temporal land cover patterns derived from
historical and contemporary maps combined with a detailed village-
level demographic census. Accounting for land use and land owner-
ship legacies reaching back to the feudal system, while controlling for
other potential drivers (e.g., topography) enabled us to extract ethnicity
as the factor for displacement and quantify, for the rst time, forest area
change arising from post-war displacements, thereby substantiating
prior circumstantial evidence that displacements were the main cause
for the widespread forest cover increase in the Polish Carpathians (Affek
et al., 2020; Kozak et al., 2007).
The landscape change after Carpathian displacements can by inter-
preted in the theoretical framework proposed by Ramankutty and
Coomes (2016) as an abrupt change of a middle-scale land-use regime
observable at the regional level. The agriculturally-dominated pre-
displacement land-use regime, which had only minor forest area uc-
tuations related to legal, economic and ownership changes, was main-
tained by reinforcing forces including (1) sociocultural conservatism, (2)
very high birth rate balancing rural outmigration, (3) poor transport
infrastructure and (4) mountainous borderland location. Preconditions
(early-warning signals) that the pre-war land-use regime was potentially
susceptible to a future shift include tensions between neighboring ethnic
groups stemming from the emergence of nationalist movements and
ideologies in the 1920s and 1930s, World War II and its resulting border
changes, and the introduction of the new communist political system in
We found that the land-cover changes due to the forced displacement
were irreversible. This means that the displacement represents a shock
event (Baumann et al., 2015) or a catastrophic driver (Kozak et al.,
2007). Displacement belongs to the type-3 triggers of land-use regime
shifts (rapid demographic change) (Ramankutty & Coomes, 2016). The
distinguishing feature of ethnic displacements is the disappearance of a
culturally entrenched mode of land use in addition to demographic
change. We found that over time a new, forest-dominated land-use
regime was established, with forest cover complemented by a substan-
tial share of fallow land and a small number of collective animal farms.
Several self-reinforcing processes prevented a return to the old regime,
including the destruction of pre-war settlements, ownership and agri-
cultural reforms (i.e., nationalization and collectivization of farmland),
laws preventing the return of the displaced people, borderland location
combined with a long-held belief in the temporary nature of post-war
order, harsh living conditions in the mountains, poor infrastructure,
low protability of agricultural production and a centrally planned
economy. That is why only about 6000 (3%) of the displaced families
returned (Pudło, 1992), and a state campaign of settling Poles from
other regions during the late 1950s and 1960s had very limited success
(Wolski, 2016). We argue that what limited the resilience of the pre-war
land-use regime to the displacements were both the characteristics of the
pre-war land system and the strength of the post-displacement rein-
forcing processes. That is why land abandonment did not revert and
instead became permanent, even where environmental conditions were
favorable, and despite economic incentives for agriculture (Pudło,
1992). Irreversible shifts in land cover due to forced displacement may
be likely elsewhere too, especially if unregulated boundaries, uncertain
land tenure, landmines, and legal restrictions prevent displaced people
from returning or new settlers to replace them (Baumann et al., 2015;
Witmer, 2008; Yin et al., 2019).
Permanent shifts of the land system may trigger rewilding (Baumann
et al., 2015; Kim, 1997). In the Carpathians, the land-use change
following displacements entailed large-scale natural succession and
forest regeneration processes. Once densely populated rural region
became one of the largest wilderness areas in Central Europe, with vast
areas free from human settlements, and with resurgent wildlife. It is
currently the area with the lowest light pollution in Poland (
Kubala, & Kaszowski, 2012) and the largest mountain population of
purebred European bison in the world (Perzanowski & Olech, 2014).
Shock events such as displacements have the potential to shift the
land systems into an alternative stable state (Müller et al., 2014). The
forest saturation effect observed in the post-displacement areas from the
1970s to the 2010s suggests that the land system began to approach a
new stable state 30 years after the perturbation occurred. Nonetheless,
we share the view of Ramankutty and Coomes (2016) and Walker et al.
(2006) that land systems are unlikely to be fully stable and in the case of
post-displacement Carpathian areas the path towards stable state ended
with the end of socialist period and the emergence of new drivers.
5. Conclusions
We found that permanent and widespread land-cover changes took
place over both 30 and 70 years after forced displacement following
WWII. A new land-use regime was established, effectively maintained by
a diverse set of self-reinforcing processes, which means that displace-
ments triggered a land-use regime shift, from agriculturally-dominated
to forest-dominated. The observed forest saturation effect in the post-
displacement areas, when the collapse of socialism in the early 1990s
triggered widespread abandonment elsewhere, indicate that land-
system approached a new stable state and the new forces were further
strengthening the post-war land-use regime. Our result show that pol-
icies related to displacements, especially prohibitions to return to the
area, played a key role in shaping the post-displacement landscape. Our
ndings have important socioeconomic and environmental implications
because they highlight the strong land use legacies of the post-WWII
displacements on Carpathian landscapes for seventy years, which may
be relevant elsewhere when predicting the landscape consequences of
forced displacements.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Andrzej N. Affek: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal anal-
ysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project admin-
istration, Resources, Software, Validation, Visualization, Writing -
original draft, Writing - review & editing. Jacek Wolski: Investigation,
Resources, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Maria
Zachwatowicz: Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing.
Krzysztof Ostan: Resources, Writing - review & editing. Volker C.
Radeloff: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Re-
sources, Supervision, Writing - review & editing.
This work was supported by the Polish National Agency for Aca-
demic Exchange [Grant No. PPN/BEK/2018/1/00501], and NASAs
Land Cover and Land Use Change Program. We thank S. Skiba for
sharing the soil map of the Polish Carpathians and L. Farwell for sta-
tistical advice. We also thank C. Munteanu and two anonymous re-
viewers for their valuable suggestions and comments that helped greatly
to improve the manuscript.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
A.N. Affek et al.
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