Aspects of Technical Writing for
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Graduates
Subhashree N. Srinivasagan
, Sunoj Shajahan
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University, 1221 Albrecht Boulevard, Fargo, ND 58102, USA
Writing a good article is both an art and science. For most of the beginners of article writing, the structure and organi-
zation may not be clear and confusing. The skill of writing can be acquired with patience, learning, and practice. The
major goal of this course is to develop effective technical skills and to help the students to become accomplished writers. To
make the students understand the difficulties, ways to overcome them, and expectations in article writing, an interview
was arranged among the students and their advisor. Key questions were framed by the students and the responses were
obtained from the advisor. An elaborate discussion was held on specific issues to capture the details. Various aspects of
technical writing, such as initial struggle as a beginner and the ways to overcome, managing time, organizing ideas, and
overall solution strategies were discussed during the interview and presented and summarized in this assessment.
1. Introduction
This general informative article was based on the disciplinary
report submitted to the course ENGL 751, Spring 2016. The
background of the report is to help the students better un-
derstand the writing expectation and norms in the field of
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, for which an inter-
view was conducted with Dr. Igathinathane Cannayen, As-
sistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering (ABEN), NDSU. The interview was conducted to
obtain information on the following aspects:
Practice developing useful interview questions, as well
as conducting interviews
Understand writing and rhetorical conventions and ex-
pectations in the field of ABEN
Develop an understanding of the discipline from a writ-
ing standpoint
Practice reporting key information.
In the interview the following questions were asked:
1. What are the struggles that you encountered as a writer
during your initial days?
2. How did you overcome all these struggles mentioned
3. How do you organize your thoughts and ideas while you
start writing?
4. How to avoid framing complex and indirect sen-
tences/how to explain complex ideas?
5. How to do measure the completeness of a section in an
article/article as a whole?
Graduate and doctoral students, respectively, under Dr. Igathinathane
Cannayen, Associate Professor, ABEN, NDSU as their major advisor.
6. What are the fields from which students of ABEN can
learn from the articles published?
7. How to manage time while writing an article?
8. What are the articles that you consider as the best in
terms of technical content and writing?
9. What do you think are the common mistakes that stu-
dents make while writing an article?
10. How to keep the readers interested?
Responses obtained and the experience of the authors and
other graduate students were synthesized and presented in
this article.
2. Aspects of Technical Writing in ABEN
2.1. Struggles of a writer in 90’s
During earlier days, no formal training was given to the
students who aspired to write an article. There were also
very few resources for obtaining the published articles. Fur-
ther, there was no clear understanding of the structure of
a research article, for students starting on their own. Self-
understanding of the published article was not of much help.
Hence, the student had to struggle his/her way to publish an
Earlier, writers did not give much emphasis on the graph-
ical component of the publication and they relied mostly on
professional drafting services. But nowadays various soft-
ware like R Studio (R Core Team, 2015), SAS (Institute,
1985), MatLab (Guide, 1998) were available to produce
high-quality graphical outputs while doing the data analysis.
Now the authors are expected to produce their own graphical
However, the situation is not the same now, training on
technical writing is offered to students, and they are also pro-
vided access to many published articles online or print forms.
Students are now made aware of many graphical and statis-
tical software required for publishing a good quality article.
Students should consider the graphical elements as impor-
tant, as these offer the readers a quick overview of the re-
2.2. Ways to overcome the initial struggles of a writer
A good writing skill will develop only with years of experi-
ence. It may be compared to “learning to ride” a bicycle,
which obviously requires a lot of patience. Similarly, learn-
ing to write an article requires a lot of patience and perse-
verance. Students should realize that the article is “theirs”
and they should play the lead role, while the advisor pro-
vides guidance and review. Students committing themselves
to this lead role and “own” the article tend to learn more on
the writing aspect than others rely heavily on other supports.
Writing is a perfect example of “learning by doing.” Students
should be ready to learn from the mistakes and experiences.
Once the student is ready with the article draft, they should
realize that it will undergo several rounds of revisions. The
review comments and mistakes from each revision have to be
“documented” for by the students for their future reference.
This helps the student from not committing the same mis-
takes again. Also in a proactive way, the student can learn
from published articles and understand the basic rules and
way of presentation.
Students should get themselves familiarized with the “ex-
pectations” of the scientific articles in their field of special-
ization. Reading more technical articles and writing more
will help the students to improve their writing skills. For ex-
ample, if there is an equation to be inserted into an article
the student must look into other published articles to under-
stand the basic rule followed to write an equation. A similar
approach can be adopted for figures, tables, references, and
other elements of a technical writing. Good approaches fol-
lowed in articles of journals of repute can be adopted by the
students as well, while understanding clearly what plagia-
rism is and how to avoid it.
2.3. Organizing thoughts and ideas
Writing of an article should start with a good outline, where
students will demonstrate and capture the essence of the ar-
ticle. Such outlines should be discussed initially with the ad-
visor for directions and approval of the concept. With the
outline serving as the skeleton, the students will have a head
start in developing the article. Organization of ideas and
thoughts starts with deciding on the research need/problem
which the author (article) set out to address.
The standard framework for scientific paper include sec-
tions, such as introduction, methods, results, discussion
(sometimes these are combined as results and discussion),
suggestions for future research, conclusion, acknowledg-
ments, and references. One of the simple ways is: once
the outline is complete, the writers should fill each sec-
tion with a sketchy points (e.g., bulleted points) that comes
to their mind. These points should be further developed
into cohesive text paragraphs. Tables and figures (e.g., pic-
tures, graphs, flow charts, diagrams) supporting these points
should be included in the article. Sometimes these graphical
elements, generated from the analyzed results were inserted
first along outlined points.
Each section should convey the information clearly and
follow the standard exceptions. For example, in the intro-
duction, the importance of the problem/need should be dis-
cussed. The writer should synthesize and acknowledge the
past reported efforts for solving the same or similar prob-
lems. This will allow the readers to realize what was avail-
able knowledge and appreciate the “research gap” addressed
by the articles.
The writer should also discuss the novelty of the present
study’s approach to solving the problem and the overall sig-
nificance of the work. Usually, the introduction section ends
with a list of clear objectives of the study, which actually serve
as a guide the other sections of the paper, namely methods,
results, and discussion.
Each section should be divided in into subsections and
paragraphs, as appropriate, in such a way that each division
deals with only one overall idea. Paragraphs help to divide
different aspects of the overall idea and they also signal a
“jump” or “transition” of ideas. Every sentence in the para-
graph has to be paid attention to see if it is properly con-
nected. There should be a proper connection between sen-
tences and the paragraphs might start with thesis sentence.
A linear style of writing, that does not make the reader re-
fer back to the material presented earlier. This linear style of
writing will be easy on the readers and, if possible, should be
followed throughout or most parts of the paper. Overall, the
organization should follow the “story-telling” (what happens
next all sections tied together sections playing a definite
role in the story) concept to hold the readers’ attention.
2.4. Writing style and approach
If the writer feels that a sentence is complex, breaking the
sentence into two or three sentences must be done for better
understanding, as the aim of the article is to make it sim-
ple and understandable for the reader. In technical writing,
the motto should be “Not write to impress, but inform.” This
idea again ties with the “expectations” of technical reader-
ship. Sometimes breaking into smaller sentences may not
sound better, but it should be followed if it helps the reader
to understand better. The current trend is to use more di-
rect sentences (active voice), wherever possible then indirect
(passive voice). However, a balanced mixture is acceptable.
Earlier, the articles were “author-centric” where the writer
used convoluted ideas and complex sentences in the article
with no effort to simplify them for the readers. The readers
had to struggle to understand the ideas and concepts; am-
plified by the technical nature of the material, but the trend
has changed. Now, the author has to write “reader-centric”
article in such a manner that it is easy for the reader to un-
derstand and process the ideas quickly — in a linear fashion.
For the article to be published, it has to be approved by
several established reviewers and the editor. It will only be
published if the majority of the reviewers have accepted the
article, therefore the article has to be understandable and less
objectionable to all the reviewers. Furthermore, if the arti-
cle has to reach to a wide range of audience (e.g., extension
publications, local dispersal of scientific information) then
the writer should explain the concepts in a much simple lan-
2.5. General nature of article sections
An article in two-column format should ideally be six to seven
pages, and the reader will always appreciate an article of this
length. The time available to the writer and the suggested
page length in the journal also determines the length of the
article. For example, in the introduction section, the back-
ground need not be elaborate but has to cover the essential
information specific to the article’s topic.
For the review of the literature that also goes into the in-
troduction, as the availability of the literature corresponding
to a particular topic is a finite number, the text should also
be succinct. In materials and methods, all the instructions re-
quired to repeat the experiment should be presented so that
if the readers were to repeat the same experiment/research
they should able to do it. This addresses the concept of “re-
search repeatably.” This section should follow the order out-
lined in objectives.
The results and discussion section presents the results that
were described in the methods in the same order. Presented
results should be technically discussed using observation,
previous literature, and statistical analysis. Technical impli-
cations, recommendations, and suggestion for future work
may be outlined.
The conclusions should follow the similar order and be
based on the results. No new information that was not dis-
cussed before should not be included here. The reference sec-
tion has its unique format based on the journal and should be
strictly followed. Automatic software based formatting (e.g.,
BibTeX, EndNote) or manual method may be used following
the instructions are given or latest publications in the journal.
It should also be noted that the sections of the article can
be written in any random sequence based on the available in-
formation. Most often, after preparing the outline (skeleton
of the article), the authors find it easy to write the materi-
als and methods section. Also, the hypothesis and objectives
should be clear to the authors.
2.6. Avoiding redundancy
Redundant information should never be presented in the ar-
ticle. For example, a data can either be presented in a table
or graphical form, but not both, and this also goes into tex-
tual material. These constitute redundancy and should be
avoided. An article can be compared to a machine, where
every component (e.g., nuts, bolts, levers) in a machine has
its own purpose, similarly, every word should contribute to
the article and extra words/information should be removed
from the article. The journal space is always considered very
precious, hence should be filled with only relevant informa-
tion and redundancy should be eliminated.
2.7. Making the article interesting for readers
The article has to be written in the form of a story. The writer
should be well aware of the expectation of the reader. In this
aspect, the article can be compared to a “movie.” A movie
is successful only if it satisfies the expectation of the view-
ers. Similarly, the article should satisfy the expectation of
the targeted readership. For example, a reader will usually
have questions/concerns on the significance, impact, and ap-
plication of the research. The writer should have addressed
these questions in the introduction and provided answers in
the discussion section. In short, the expectation of the reader
should be met by the writer.
2.8. Managing time while writing an article
An article is an evolving document and highly involved un-
dertaking. Students should understand and accept that writ-
ing an article deserves quality time a lot of it. However, the
student should fix a target (period) to complete the article,
and such target help to assess the progress.
Students should start writing the article as early as the
commencement of the project, for writing is a continuous
process. They should realize that there is no good time to
start working on a paper, but anytime NOW is the one. When
the student gets an idea/ information regarding their research
that could be added to the article, it should be jotted down
immediately (bullet points should be fine) without worrying
about the format or the semantics, as there are chances that
these points will be forgotten soon enough. During the actual
writing process, the grammar and logical flow of the article
can be looked into at a later stage. Updates to the article and
review can be done at any time, without waiting for the draft
to be finalized.
2.9. Good example articles for ABEN students
Every year the American Society of Agricultural and Biologi-
cal Engineering (ASABE) awards the best papers (about 5-10
in number out of 1000 papers that has been submitted) in
different specializations. These awarded papers might have
been strong and attractive in areas such as novelty of the
concept, technical content, or presentation. Therefore, such
award-winning papers as well as papers from native speak-
ers of the language from reputed journals may serve students
as good examples for producing good quality papers. Nahar
et al. (2014) is one of the ASABE award-winning articles of
Agronomy and soil science articles can serve as better ex-
amples to the students as most of these writers are native
speakers of English. The way the writers structure the sen-
tences is something that the student can learn from for better
quality of writing.
3. General Comments
A good story is not written, it is rewritten.” Hence, soon
after writing the first draft, the students should review their
own article many times before submitting it to their advisor.
The students should always ask themselves "Is this my final
draft?" The student has to redraft several times until he/she
reaches a stage where they should be convinced that there
is no more scope for improvement from their side. The best
“final version” should be forwarded to the advisor for their
comments and review on the paper. A well-written paper,
even though takes a lot of effort and time, gives immense
satisfaction and highly rewarding to the students and helps
them to learn the art of technical writing, and goes a long
way in help shaping their career.
4. Conclusions
Aspects discussed in this article will serve as a guide to help
students understand the do’s and don’ts in writing a technical
article. Some take-home points are presented hereunder and
we feel these suggestions would be of great value for ABEN
graduates for writing a research article.
Have an outline before starting, which can be populated
with contents later
Students lead the writing effort and feel the article be-
longs to them
Writing can only be improved by practice and it takes
Break complex ideas into two to three sentences and ac-
tive voice must be used as much as possible
Learn from mistakes and document them for future use
Follow story-telling and linear style of writing
Avoid redundancy in writing and strive for smooth tran-
sition of ideas
Graphical elements are equally important as text
Know the expectations of the readers/reviewers/editor
on each section of the paper
Start writing earlier and allot time for revision
Award-winning papers and articles in reputed journals
by native speakers may serve as good examples
Always ask yourself "Is this my final draft?" before sub-
mitting or review
A well-written paper is highly rewarding and career
The authors would like to thank Dr. Igathinathane
Cannayen, Associate Professor, ABEN, NDSU for his
valuable time and inputs in the form of an interview,
discussion, and review. Thanks are also due to Dr. Enrico
Sassi, Director, Department of English, NDSU for providing
an opportunity to work on this subject.
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N. Nahar, R. E. Rorick, S. W. Pryor, Effects of enzyme and solids loading on
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