Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers PDF | Xobin [Downloaded] 1
Content Writer Interview
Questions and Answers PDF |
Xobin [Downloaded]
We at Xobin reached out to over 60+ hiring teams to curate the best interview
questions. We didn't stop there.
We went ahead to understand what type of answers differentiated top candidates from
the rest. Here is what we've got you.
Role specific skills to look for - Keyword analysis, SEO.
Soft skills to look for: Written communication, adaptability.
Pro Tip : Always screen before you interview. Use Online
Assessment to screen applicants for a position of content writer
before blocking your time for an in-person interview.
Compilation of Content Writer Interview Questions
Role specific interview questions to ask a Content Writer
What do you understand about the readability score?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in understanding the depth of
knowledge of the candidate.
Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers PDF | Xobin [Downloaded] 2
What to listen for in the candidate response: Listen for specific terms which explain
the meaning of readability score.
What is CTA?
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to understand the scope of
knowledge of the candidate.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates explain the meaning of call
to action and its importance.
What are the different tools you use for keyword research?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in understanding if the candidate is
familiar with different keyword research tools.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates provide the names of
different tools they use and explain why they use certain tools.
How do you increase the SEO rankings of your blogs?
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to understand if the candidate has
the necessary knowledge of SEO, which is one of the key requirements in a content
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates explain how they go about
the process of using on page SEO to increase their SEO rankings. Some of the tips that
the candidate might mention are interlinking, meta tags, etc.
What is a meta description?
Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers PDF | Xobin [Downloaded] 3
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to measure the scope of skills of
the candidate.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidate explains the proper meaning of
meta description in simple terms.
How do you go about researching topics?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in analysing the approach of the
candidate towards writing content.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates explain their process and
explain how they get results from that process.
What according to you are the key elements for good content?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in understanding if the candidate has
the relevant knowledge for their job.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates give data driven answers
as to what type of content drives the audience.
What are the different content management systems that you’re familiar with?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in analysing the technical skills of the
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates usually explain their
technical knowledge and provide the names of different content management solutions
that they’re familiar with.
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How do you measure the success of your content:
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to see if the candidate has the
necessary skills to analyse their own content.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates explain different strategies
as to how they measure the success of their content such as engagement with their
content, etc.
How can you differentiate between content and copy?
Purpose of this question : The question helps in understanding if the candidate has
the relevant knowledge regarding their field.
What to listen for in candidate response: Candidate should thoroughly explain their
understanding of content and copy and explain the difference between them. Content is
used to narrate, provide information on a certain topic and copy is used to sell a product
or service using written communication.
Situational Judgement Questions
What process do you follow while writing your content?
Purpose of this question: The question is used to understand the approach of the
candidate with which they work.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates provide a broad overview of
how they go about their writing such as what is the first thing they do while writing or
before writing.
Have you ever written about something you didn’t understand? What did you
do in that situation?
Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers PDF | Xobin [Downloaded] 5
Purpose of this question: The question allows you to understand the scope of writing
skills of the candidate.
What to expect for a candidate response: Top candidates will tell you if they had
written something like that and will usually start with stating that they read about the
topic in complete detail before writing anything.
Tell us about your most successful piece of content.
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to understand the skill lee of the
candidate and it highlights the top most accomplishment of the candidate which helps in
easy decision making.
What to listen for in candidate response: Candidates should thoroughly explain what
their most successful piece of content was and why they think it got successful.
What is the one thing that sets you apart from other writers
Purpose of this question: The question helps in analysing the candidate in a better
manner and gives an idea as to the specialty of the candidate.
What to listen for in candidate response: Candidates should explain something
unique about themselves and should back those answers up with some data or
Tell us how you got into the field of content writing
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to understand the mindset of the
candidate regarding their work.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates provide a really well
detailed answer to this question, explaining the whole process which led them to this
Content Writer Interview Questions and Answers PDF | Xobin [Downloaded] 6
Have you ever been in a position where your superior asked you to indulge in
an unethical writing practice? What did you do?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in judging the ethical character of the
What to listen for in candidate response: Usual response to this question would be
no. Although if a candidate does say yes, it doesn’t mean you reject that candidate,
instead you actually listen to his story before making any decision.
How do you deal with the boredom of doing the same repeated tasks?
Purpose of this question: The question helps in testing the intellect of the candidate.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates usually shed light on their
writing format and show that they can beat boredom by being creative.
Tell us about a time when you managed to work under extreme deadlines
Purpose of this question: The question allows you to understand if the candidate
works well under pressure or not.
What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates explain how they work
under pressure by giving examples and show some evidence for their work as well.
If you were asked to write about something you didn’t believe in, would you
write it?
Purpose of this question: The question is designed to test the candidate on the basis
of their moral and ethical decision making.
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What to listen for in candidate response: Top candidates will give either yes or no but
back that answer with some straight up facts.
What would you do if you had to write SEO friendly content for a completely
new brand?
Purpose of this question: The question allows you to analyse the scope of skill of the
What to listen for in candidate response: Listen for some specific terms and
strategies that the candidate mentions in their answer.
Start Optimizing your Content Writer Hiring today
Find and hire talent with confidence. If your candidate doesn’t know the answer to the
above questions and you’re hiring for a content writing specific position, then they’re
obviously not a great fit.
Prepared and Curated by Xobin Team