GST: General Guide for Businesses
IRAS e-Tax Guide
GST: General Guide for Businesses
(Fifteenth Edition)
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Published by
Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
Published on 1 Jan 2024
First Edition on 8 Oct 2014
Second Edition on 1 Apr 2015
Third Edition on 15 Sep 2015
Fourth Edition on 1 April 2016
Fifth Edition on 25 May 2016
Sixth Edition on 5 Jul 2017
Seventh Edition on 13 Feb 2018
Eighth Edition on 3 Jan 2019
Ninth Edition on 10 Feb 2021
Tenth Edition on 29 Oct 2021
Eleventh Edition on 5 Aug 2022
Twelfth Edition on 21 Sep 2022
Thirteenth Edition on 1 Jan 2023
Fourteenth Edition on 31 Mar 2023
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all possible tax issues that may arise. While every effort has been made to ensure that this information
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© Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
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GST: General Guide for Businesses
Table of Contents
1 Aim ............................................................................................................ 1
2 At a glance ................................................................................................ 1
3 Scope of GST ............................................................................................ 2
3.1 GST on the Supply of Goods and Services in Singapore ................................. 2
3.2 GST on the Importation of Goods into Singapore (Import GST) ....................... 5
4 Types of Supply ........................................................................................ 8
4.1 Standard-rated Supply ................................................................................. 8
4.2 Zero-rated Supply........................................................................................ 8
4.3 Exempt Supply ............................................................................................ 9
4.4 Out-of-scope Supply .................................................................................... 9
4.5 Deemed Supply .......................................................................................... 9
5 Time of Supply and Value of Supply ........................................................ 12
5.1 Time of Supply .......................................................................................... 12
5.2 Determining Taxability of Supplies Straddling Registration Date .................... 13
5.3 Time of Supply for Supplies Spanning De-registration ................................... 14
5.4 Cash Accounting Scheme .......................................................................... 14
5.5 Value of Supply ......................................................................................... 14
5.6 Discounted Sale Price Scheme ................................................................... 15
5.7 Gross Margin Scheme ............................................................................... 16
6 Claiming of Input Tax .............................................................................. 16
6.1 Claiming of Input Tax after GST Registration ............................................... 16
6.2 Pre-registration Input Tax ........................................................................... 19
6.3 Partially Exempt Trader.............................................................................. 20
7 Tax Invoice, Simplified Tax Invoice and Receipt ...................................... 22
7.1 Tax Invoice ............................................................................................... 22
GST: General Guide for Businesses
7.2 Simplified Tax Invoice ................................................................................ 23
7.3 Receipt ..................................................................................................... 23
7.4 Invoicing in a Foreign Currency .................................................................. 24
7.5 Calculating GST on Invoice ........................................................................ 24
8 Price Display ........................................................................................... 25
9 Record Keeping ....................................................................................... 26
10 Offences and Penalties ............................................................................ 27
11 Objections and Appeal Procedure ........................................................... 29
11.1 Objection against the Comptroller’s Decision............................................... 30
11.2 The Board of Review ................................................................................ 30
11.3 The High Court ......................................................................................... 31
12 Major Exporter Scheme (MES) ................................................................. 31
13 Tourist Refund Scheme ........................................................................... 32
14 Other Schemes for Specific Industries .................................................... 32
14.1 Approved Third Party Logistics (3PL) Company Scheme .............................. 32
14.2 Import GST Deferment Scheme (IGDS) ...................................................... 33
14.3 Zero GST Warehouse Scheme .................................................................. 33
14.4 Specialised Warehouse Scheme (SWS) ..................................................... 33
14.5 Hand-Carried Exports Scheme (HCES) ...................................................... 33
14.6 Approved Import GST Suspension Scheme (AISS) ...................................... 34
14.7 Approved Marine Customer Scheme (AMCS) ............................................. 34
14.8 Approved Marine Fuel Trader (MFT) Scheme ............................................. 34
14.9 Approved Contract Manufacturer & Trader Scheme (ACMT)......................... 34
14.10 Approved Refiner and Consolidator Scheme (ARCS) ................................. 35
15 Contact Information ................................................................................. 35
16 Updates and amendments ....................................................................... 35
Annex A ......................................................................................................... 38
GST: General Guide for Businesses
GST is
charged on
Supply of goods
and services in
GST is collected by
the GST-registered
supplier and paid to
Comptroller of GST
Importation of
goods into
GST is collected by
Singapore Customs
at the point of
1 Aim
1.1 This guide provides an overview of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in
Singapore. It covers three broad categories: GST Concepts and Principles,
GST Administration and GST Schemes.
1.2 You should read this guide if you are new to the GST system or plan to register
for GST. If you are a supplier of low-value goods and remote services, you
should also read the e-Tax Guides, GST: Taxing imported low-value goods by
way of the overseas vendor registration regime (Second Edition) (PDF, 487KB)
and GST: Taxing imported remote services by way of the overseas vendor
registration regime (Second Edition) (PDF, 420KB)
1.3 For more information on GST, you may also access our free online e-learning
course “Overview of GST”, available at > Quick links > e-
Learning > GST Traders.
2 At a glance
2.1 GST was introduced in 1994 to allow Singapore to shift its reliance from direct
taxes to indirect taxes. Since 1 Jan 2024, the GST rate is 9%. Only GST-
registered businesses can charge GST
2.2 GST is a broad-based consumption tax levied on nearly all supplies of goods
and services in Singapore, as well as the importation of goods into Singapore
(refer to flowchart below). GST is paid whenever customers buy taxable goods
or services from GST-registered businesses. The suppliers effectively act as
GST collection agents.
2.3 Output tax is the GST that is charged and collected by GST-registered
businesses from their customers and is to be paid to IRAS. Input tax is the GST
that businesses incurred on their purchases from GST-registered suppliers or
when they import goods into Singapore. GST-registered businesses can claim
Whether a business is GST-registered can be verified via the IRAS webpage ( >
Digital Services > GST > GST-registered Business Search)
GST: General Guide for Businesses
the input tax if they are able to satisfy the input tax claiming conditions (refer to
paragraph 6 of this guide for more information). This credit mechanism ensures
that only the value-added amount is taxed at each stage of a supply chain.
(Refer to Annex A, Figure 1: Output and Input Tax for an illustration.)
2.4 To calculate the GST to be paid to or refunded from the Comptroller of GST:
2.5 In certain circumstances, the customer is responsible for paying the output tax
to IRAS instead (i.e. where ‘Customer Accounting’ applies). Hence no GST is
charged or collected by the GST registered business that makes the sale.
2.6 Customer Accounting currently applies to the local sales of mobile phones,
memory cards and off-the-shelf software (‘prescribed goods’) exceeding
$10,000 in value (a relevant supply) to a GST registered customer for his
business purpose. For more information, please refer to IRAS webpage
( > Taxes > GST > Charging GST (Output Tax) > When to
charge Goods and Services Tax (GST) > Customer accounting).
GST Concepts and Principles
3 Scope of GST
The scope of GST is provided for under Section 7 of the GST Act. GST is
imposed on: 1) the supply of goods and services in Singapore and 2) the
importation of goods into Singapore.
3.1 GST on the Supply of Goods and Services in Singapore
3.1.1 For GST to be chargeable on a supply of goods or services, the following four
conditions must be satisfied:
1) The supply must be made in Singapore;
2) The supply is a taxable supply;
* If net GST is positive (i.e. Output tax > Input tax), this will be the amount that
is payable by you to IRAS.
If net GST is negative (i.e. Output tax < Input tax), this will be the amount that
is to be refunded to you by IRAS.
GST collected
from customers
(Output Tax)
GST paid on
purchases and
expenses for the
(Input tax)
Net GST*
GST: General Guide for Businesses
3) The supply is made by a taxable person; and
4) The supply is made in the course or furtherance of any business carried
on by the taxable person.
A supply of goods or services
3.1.2 A “supply” includes anything done for a consideration. It can be in the form of
provision of tangible goods or the provision of services.
A restaurant makes a supply of goods and services when it provides food,
drinks and services to a customer.
A cinema makes a supply of services when it provides movie entertainment
to cinema-goers.
An entertainment club makes a supply of goods and services when it sells
liquor and provides karaoke facilities to its customers.
A hotel makes a supply of goods when it provides accommodation and food
to its guests.
A petrol station makes a supply of goods when it provides petrol to its
A manufacturer makes a supply of goods when he exports manufactured
goods to its overseas customer.
3.1.3 There are transactions that are treated as neither a supply of goods nor a supply
of services even though it is done for a consideration. For example, the transfer
of business as a going concern (refer to paragraph 7.8). These are treated as
excluded transactions for GST purposes.
3.1.4 However, there are “transactions” that are treated as supplies for GST purposes
even though there is no consideration involved. These supplies are known as
deemed supplies. Private use of goods and giving away of business goods as
gifts or samples are considered as deemed supplies. (Refer to paragraph 4.5
for more information.)
Supply is made in Singapore
3.1.5 For GST to be applicable, the place of supply must be in Singapore. If the place
of supply is outside Singapore, the supply will be an out-of-scope supply.
3.1.6 For goods, the place of supply is in Singapore when the goods are physically
located in Singapore when the ownership of the goods is being transferred.
Hence, for goods sold and delivered in Singapore, the place of supply is in
Singapore. Similarly, goods in Singapore that are exported, the place of supply
is in Singapore.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
A local GST-registered company (A) sells goods to an overseas company (B)
and is instructed to deliver the goods to B’s customer in Singapore. In this case,
although the goods are sold to an overseas customer, A has to charge GST to
B because the goods are located in Singapore when the ownership of the goods
is transferred to B.
A local GST-registered company (C) stores its goods in a warehouse in
Malaysia. Subsequently, it sells goods to an overseas company (D). The goods
are delivered from C’s Malaysian warehouse directly to a place outside
Singapore. In this case, C does not have to charge GST as the goods are
located outside Singapore when the ownership of the goods is transferred.
Hence the place of supply is outside Singapore. This supply is an out-of-scope
supply (i.e. sale of goods not brought into Singapore) which does not attract
3.1.7 Services will be treated as made in Singapore if the supplier “belongs” in
Singapore. A supplier will be considered to belong in Singapore if:
He has a business establishment (BE) or fixed establishment (FE) in
Singapore and no such establishment elsewhere;
He has BE or FE both in Singapore and elsewhere and the establishment
most directly concerned with this supply is in Singapore; or
He has no BE or FE but his usual place of residence (for company, it is the
place where it is legally constituted) is in Singapore.
3.1.8 A supplier shall be treated as having a business establishment (BE) in
Singapore if:
his main seat of economic activity is in Singapore;
he carries on his business through a branch in Singapore; or
he carries on his business through an agency in Singapore.
The main seat of economic activity refers to the place where the essential
decisions concerning the general management of the company are made and
where the functions of its central administration are carried out. It usually refers
to the head office, headquarters or principal place of business.
3.1.9 Fixed establishment (FE) is an establishment, other than a BE, that has both
the technical and human resources necessary to provide or receive services on
a permanent basis.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
A local GST-registered company (E) provides repair services on a building
located overseas for an overseas company (F). E does not have any BE or FE
overseas. The services are conducted wholly outside of Singapore. In this case,
although the services are conducted wholly outside Singapore, it is a taxable
supply provided by E as E belongs in Singapore. This taxable supply can be
zero-rated (GST charged at 0%) if it qualifies as an international service.
Supply is a taxable supply
3.1.10 Taxable supply includes all supply of goods and services except those that
have been specifically exempted under the GST Act (known as exempt
supplies). The main exempt items are the provision of financial services, the
sale or lease of residential properties and the supply of investment precious
. Paragraph 4 of this guide provides more explanation for each category
of supplies.
Supply is made by a taxable person
3.1.11 A taxable person refers to a GST-registered person or a person who is liable to
register for GST. This means that GST is only charged on taxable supplies
supplied by a GST-registered person or a person liable to register for GST.
Supply is made in the course or furtherance of his business
3.1.12 GST will be chargeable if the sale is carried on in the normal course of the
business of the taxable person. However, if the supply is made by the taxable
person in his personal capacity, GST is not chargeable on this personal
transaction. For example, if a GST-registered trader sells his personal stamp
collection, GST is not chargeable on this sale.
3.2 GST on the Importation of Goods into Singapore (Import GST)
3.2.1 GST is chargeable on all imported goods (whether for domestic consumption,
sale, or re-export), regardless of whether the importer is GST-registered or not.
The importer is required to take up the appropriate import permit and pay GST
upon importation of the goods into Singapore.
3.2.2 At the point of importation, GST is charged on the value of import. The value of
import will be the CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value, all duties payable
(as assessed by Singapore Customs), commission and other incidental
With effect from 1 Oct 2012, the supply of investment precious metals is exempt from GST. This is
provided for under paragraph 1A of Part I of the Fourth Schedule to the GST Act.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
$ 2,000.00
$ 3,600.00
$ 1,404.00
3.2.3 Import GST is not chargeable under the following circumstances:
1) Importation of investment precious metals
2) Importation of goods that are specifically given GST reliefs
under the GST
a) Imports by parcel post
GST need not be paid for goods imported by parcel post (except for
dutiable products) if the CIF value is not more than S$400. When the
CIF value is more than S$400, the entire sum is subjected to GST.
b) Temporary imports
You can apply to Singapore Customs for GST relief on goods (other than
liquor and tobacco) that are temporarily imported for repair, modification,
treatment or other approved purposes, subject to certain conditions.
For more information on the above GST reliefs, please visit Singapore
Customs' webpage ( or contact Singapore
Customs at (+65) 6355 2000.
3) Importation of goods into Zero-GST/Licensed warehouses administered by
Singapore Customs
4) Importation of goods by GST-registered businesses that are under Major
Exporter Scheme or other approved schemes. (Refer to paragraph 14 and
16 for the various GST schemes.)
3.2.4 If the imported goods are kept in the Free Trade Zones
, they are not treated
as having been imported into Singapore and therefore import GST will not be
Where the goods were supplied prior to being removed from customs control, import GST is calculated
based on the value of the last supply (also usually known as the last selling price) and all other costs,
charges and expenses incidental to the sale and delivery of the goods up to the port and place of
For more information on the importation of investment precious metals, please refer to the e-Tax Guide
“GST: Guide on Exemption of Investment Precious Metals (IPM)”, available at > Quick
links > e-Tax-Guides > GST.
A list of the GST Reliefs is available in the GST (Imports Relief) Order.
A list of Free Trade Zones (FTZ) is available in the Free Trade Zones Act.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
charged. (Refer to Annex A, Figure 2: GST Treatment on Imported Goods for
a diagrammatic summary.)
3.2.5 If import GST is charged and you are a taxable person, you may recover the
import GST in your GST F5 return provided all the conditions for claiming of tax
are met (refer to paragraph 6 for the conditions). The claiming of import GST in
the GST F5 return is similar to claiming on GST incurred on local purchases i.e.
the import value is to be included in Box 5: Total value of taxable purchases
and the import GST paid to be included in Box 7: Input tax and refunds claimed.
3.2.6 If you have over-declared the value of your imported goods and GST has been
overpaid, you can claim the higher amount of the GST paid as input tax from
3.2.7 If you have under-declared the value of your imported goods and GST has been
short-paid, you must take up a supplementary payment permit to make good
the shortfall. The supplementary payment permit will be used as a proof for
input tax claim.
3.2.8 For more information on rectifying mistakes in your import declarations, please
refer to IRAS webpage ( > Taxes > GST > Claiming GST
(Input Tax) > Importing of Goods).
Importing goods belonging to another person
3.2.9 As a GST-registered person, you may import and supply goods on behalf of a
non-GST registered overseas company (overseas principal) as its Section
33(2) agent. Under Section 33(2) of the GST Act, you will be deemed as the
principal of the goods and will be held responsible for all the goods imported.
You are entitled to claim the GST paid (subject to the conditions for claiming
input tax). Any subsequent supply of the goods is treated as made by you as if
you are the principal. If you sell the goods locally, you need to standard-rate the
supply (i.e. charge GST at the prevailing rate). If you export the goods and
maintain the required export documents, you may zero-rate the supply (i.e.
charge GST at 0%).
3.2.10 If you import goods belonging to a non-GST registered overseas company and
subsequently export the goods without making a subsequent supply of the
goods, you may claim the GST paid at importation on behalf of the overseas
person under section 33A of the GST Act as its Section 33A agent if certain
requirements are satisfied.
3.2.11 From 1 Jan 2015, you can also claim the full GST incurred on the re-import of
goods belonging to your local customers or GST-registered overseas
customers, which you have previously sent abroad for value-added activities
(such as testing, repair and manufacturing). This is provided for under section
33B of the GST Act.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
3.2.12 For more information on imports, you can refer to the e-Tax Guide “GST: Guide
on Imports” and IRAS webpage ( > Taxes > GST > Claiming
GST (Input Tax) > Importing of Goods).
4 Types of Supply
Supplies for GST purposes can be broadly classified into two categories:
taxable supply and non-taxable supply. Taxable supply can be further classified
into standard-rated supply and zero-rated supply. Non-taxable supply can be
classified into exempt supply and out-of-scope supply. It is necessary to
distinguish the different types of supply as it determines if a supply is subject to
GST and the rate at which GST is chargeable. (Refer to Annex A, Figure 3:
Types of Supply.) It also determines whether any input tax incurred to make
such supplies is claimable. There are also deemed supplies which are treated
as supplies even though there is no consideration involved.
4.1 Standard-rated Supply
GST is charged at the prevailing rate of 9% by GST-registered businesses
all sales of goods and services made in Singapore.
4.2 Zero-rated Supply
GST is charged at 0%. There are two categories of zero-rated supply: 1)
exports of goods; 2) provision of international services.
4.2.1 The general principle for zero-rating a supply of goods is that you must be
certain, at the point of supply (based on the time of supply rules in paragraph
5), that:
1) The goods supplied will be or has been exported, and
2) You have or will have the required documents to support zero-rating.
For more information on zero-rating of goods and the required supporting
documents, please refer to the e-tax guide “GST: Guide on Exports” and IRAS
webpage ( > Taxes > GST > Charging GST (Output Tax) >
When to Charge 0% GST (zero-rate) > Exporting of Goods).
4.2.2 You may zero-rate your supply of services if it falls within the description of
international services under Section 21(3) of the GST Act. It should be noted
that not all services provided to overseas customers can be zero-rated.
For more information, please refer to the IRAS webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Charging GST (Output Tax) > When to Charge 0% GST (zero-
rate) > Providing International Services).
Excluding sales of prescribed goods subject to customer accounting. Please refer to paragraphs 2.5
and 2.6 for more information.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
4.3 Exempt Supply
These are supplies that are specifically exempted from GST under the Fourth
Schedule to the GST Act. They include the provision of financial services, sale
and lease of residential properties and local supply of investment precious
metals (IPM). No GST needs to be charged on exempt supplies.
For more information, please refer to the IRAS webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Charging GST (Output Tax) > When is GST not charged >
Supplies Exempt from GST).
4.4 Out-of-scope Supply
4.4.1 Out-of-scope supplies refer to supplies which are outside the scope of the GST
Act. They also include supplies where the place of supply is outside of
Singapore (refer to paragraph 3.1.5). No GST needs to be charged on out-of-
scope supplies. You only need to report them in “Box 13: Revenue” of the GST
F5 return if they are part of your revenue. Otherwise, they need not be reported
in the GST return.
4.4.2 Examples of out-of-scope supplies:
Salaries paid to employees for their services
Sales where goods are delivered from a place outside Singapore to another
place outside Singapore, e.g. sale of goods not brought into Singapore
Sales of overseas goods within Free Trade Zone (FTZ)
Sales of overseas goods within Zero GST/Licensed warehouse
Private transactions
4.4.3 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Charging GST (Output Tax) > When is GST not charged > Out-
of-scope Supplies).
4.5 Deemed Supply
Goods which are assets of the GST-registered person are sometimes
permanently disposed of, transferred, or applied to non-business use. Although
there is no consideration received, for GST purposes, supplies are considered
to be made and hence such supplies are considered as “deemed supplies”. The
rationale behind this is that if supplies were not deemed, the goods are being
enjoyed by the recipient tax free, while input tax incurred on the purchase of the
goods would have been claimed by the business.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
The following are examples of deemed supplies:
4.5.1 Benefits provided to employees
Goods and services that are given free to employees are known as fringe
(i) Goods
Generally, you are required to account for output tax on the goods given to your
employees or for temporary use by employees except when it relates to:
Free food or beverage catered for employees or the provision of free
accommodation in a hotel, inn, boarding house or similar establishment;
Gifts with value of not more than $200 each (exclusive of GST); or
Goods for which no credit for input tax has been allowed on its purchase.
That is, if the taxable person chooses not to claim input tax credit for the
GST incurred on the goods, he needs not account for output tax when he
subsequently gives away those goods for free or lets his employees use
them temporarily.
A local GST-registered company (G) supplies his employees with free meals
on a regular basis. The cost of these supplies in one quarter is $2,600. In this
case, GST is to be accounted to the Comptroller of GST for providing free food
to the employees. However, as it relates to free food or beverage catered for
employees, no GST is to be accounted for on the free meals provided.
A local GST-registered company (H) purchased 2 hampers from a GST-
registered supplier on 3 Jan 2024 at $210 (exclusive of GST, inclusive of GST
price is $210 x 1.09 = $228.90). H chose not to claim input tax on its purchases.
H subsequently gave both hampers to one employee during a company
function for free to reward him for his good performance. Under the gift rule, H
is required to account for output tax on the hampers since the gift exclusive of
GST costs more than $200. However, since H did not claim input tax on its
purchase of the hampers, H is not required to account for output tax. If H has
claimed the input tax incurred on its purchase of the 2 hampers, H would need
to account for GST on these 2 hampers (i.e. output tax to be accounted for =
$18.90 ($210 x 0.09)).
Referring to the above paragraph, assuming that the scenario has changed
such that the 2 hampers cost $180 (exclusive of GST, inclusive of GST price is
$180 x 1.09 = $196.20) and H claimed the input tax of $16.20 incurred on its
purchases. Since H claimed the input tax, H is required to account for output
GST of $16.20. However, under the gift rule, as the gift exclusive of GST costs
GST: General Guide for Businesses
less than $200, H is not required to account for output tax on the hampers even
though it has claimed the input GST.
A local GST-registered company (I) lets its employee uses the company’s S-
plate registered vehicle for free for a period. The cost to the company for the
use of the car for that period is $1,000. In this case, GST is to be accounted to
the Comptroller of GST for this private usage of business car. However, as I is
not entitled to any input tax claims on the business asset (in this case an S-
plated motor car), I is not required to account for GST on the deemed supply
(private or non-business usage).
(ii) Services
The provision of free services by a taxable person to his employees is not
subject to GST as no supply is treated as being made by him. For example, if
a carpet cleaning company provides free carpet cleaning service to the homes
of his employees, this service is not subjected to GST.
When providing fringe benefits (goods or services), you can claim the GST
incurred in providing them if they have a close nexus to your business activities,
except in cases where:
1) The expense is a disallowed expense (refer to paragraph 6.1.6) listed under
Regulations 26 and 27 of the GST (General) Regulations.
2) The fringe benefit is given only to the sole proprietor, partners or directors
of the company. GST incurred on such expenses is not claimable.
For more information on fringe benefits, please refer to the e-tax guide “GST:
Fringe Benefits” and the IRAS webpage ( > Taxes > GST >
Charging GST (Output Tax) > Common scenarios - Do I charge GST >
Employee Benefits).
4.5.2 Gifts to customers
When you give away goods for free, you are treated as making a supply to the
recipient. You need not charge GST to the recipient since the goods are given
for free. However, you are required to account for output tax based on the Open
Market Value
(OMV) of the goods except when:
The cost of the gift is not more than $200 (exclusive of GST); or
No credit for input tax was claimed on the purchase or import of those goods.
That is, if you have purchased this gift from a non-GST registered business
Open market value is explained in Section 17(5) of the GST Act. Basically, the open market value is the
GST-exclusive price that the goods or services would fetch at that time if they were supplied between two
unrelated persons.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
or you choose not to claim input tax credit for the GST incurred on the goods,
you will not need to account for output tax when you give them to your
customers for free.
The GST treatment is similar to gifts given to employees under paragraph
4.5.1(i), e.g. the example on hampers.
4.5.3 Disposal of assets for free
Generally, you have to account for GST (i.e. output tax) when you sell or
dispose of your business assets. If your assets have market value and you
received consideration (e.g. money) for its sale or disposal, you have to account
for output tax based on the consideration you received. If your assets have
market value and you disposed or transfer (i.e. give) it for free, it will be
considered as a deemed supply. The GST treatment will follow that of
paragraph 4.5.1, and you are required to account for output tax based on the
OMV of the goods if you have claimed the input tax previously and the goods
were purchased at a cost of more than $200 (exclusive of GST). For disposal
or transfer of assets without consideration, you must account for GST on the
date you dispose of or transfer (i.e. give) the assets.
If your assets are obsolete with no market value and you disposed of them for
free, you need not account for output tax.
5 Time of Supply and Value of Supply
5.1 Time of Supply
5.1.1 For each transaction, you need to determine when the supply has been made
by applying the time of supply rules. You are required to report the supply and
account for GST (i.e. output tax) in your GST return based on the time of supply.
5.1.2 The time of supply for most transactions is triggered by the earlier of the
following two events:
1) When payment is received
2) When an invoice is issued
A local GST-registered company (J) sold toys to a retailer, delivered the goods
on 15 Aug 2023 and invoiced the customer on 1 Sep 2023. The customer made
payment on 12 Sep 2023. The time of supply is 1 Sep 2023. If J’s prescribed
accounting period is Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep and Oct-Dec, J should account
for GST in the period from Jul to Sep.
5.1.3 The issuance of any type of invoice will trigger the time of supply (if the invoice
is issued before payment is received). This includes a tax invoice as well as
GST: General Guide for Businesses
any document that serves as a bill for payment for supplies made by a GST-
registered supplier. An example of such a document is a debit note.
5.1.4 In general, documents such as sales order, pro-forma invoice, statement of
accounts and letter or statement of claims are not considered as invoices for
purposes of determining the time of supply. This is because these documents
are not billings for payments and would therefore not be treated as invoices
under normal commercial practices.
5.1.5 In the event that a tax invoice was not issued earlier, GST-registered
businesses are still required to issue a tax invoice within 30 days from the time
of supply for standard-rated supplies made to taxable persons. GST-registered
customers would require tax invoices to support their input tax claims.
5.1.6 For more information, please refer to the e-tax guide “GST: Time of Supply
Rules” and IRAS ( > Taxes > GST > Charging GST (Output
Tax) > When to report supplies in GST returns).
5.2 Determining Taxability of Supplies Straddling Registration Date
5.2.1 You may make supplies that straddle the GST registration date. In other words,
you may supply your service/goods before your GST registration date but issue
invoice and receive payment only after your GST registration date. As your
supply is treated as being made after the GST registration date based on the
time of supply rules, you have to charge and account for GST on such a supply.
5.2.2 However, upon request from your customer, you may determine the time of
supply based on the earliest of the following three events:
1) When an invoice is issued;
2) When payment is received; or
3) When goods are removed or made available or when services are
performed (known as the Basic Tax Point).
Therefore, if the Basic Tax Point is the earliest date, it will be taken as the time
of supply. Hence if the time of supply is before the GST registration date, you
do not need to charge GST to your customers.
5.2.3 However, this is only applicable if:
Your customer is not GST-registered; or
Where your customer is GST-registered, he is a partial exempt trader (refer
to paragraph 6.3) or he is unable to claim back the input tax as it is a
disallowed expense (refer to paragraph 6.1.6).
5.2.4 To seek for this relief, the qualifying customer and supplier must complete and
sign the “Request for relief of GST on goods or services supplied prior to
GST: General Guide for Businesses
supplier’s GST registration date” form. The form can be found at > Quick links > Forms > GST > Others > Request for relief of
GST on goods or services supplied prior to supplier’s GST registration date.
5.3 Time of Supply for Supplies Spanning De-registration
5.3.1 If you make supplies that straddle your GST de-registration date, that is, the
Basic Tax Point takes place before the business becomes de-registered and
the invoice is issued and payment is received after the de-registration date, the
supply will be treated as taking place on the day immediately before you cease
to be registered for GST and GST has to be accounted for on the whole supply.
5.3.2 For more information, please refer to the e-tax guide “GST: Time of Supply
Rules” and IRAS webpage ( > Taxes > GST > Charging GST
(Output Tax) > When to report supplies in GST returns).
5.4 Cash Accounting Scheme
5.4.1 The Cash Accounting Scheme is a scheme available to GST-registered
businesses whose annual sales do not exceed S$1 million. Businesses under
this scheme do not need to account for output and input tax based on the
normal time of supply rules. This helps to alleviate the cash flow of small
5.4.2 The Cash Accounting Scheme allows you to account for output tax upon receipt
of payment from your customers. Similarly, when you claim your input tax, you
will only do so upon payment to your suppliers. You only need to keep track of
when you receive and make payments for your GST reporting.
5.4.3 For more information on how to apply for this scheme, please refer to IRAS
webpage ( > Taxes > GST > General GST Schemes > Cash
Accounting Scheme).
5.5 Value of Supply
5.5.1 GST is charged on the value of the supply of goods and services at the time of
supply. The value of the supply may be for a consideration in money or the open
market value of the supply.
5.5.2 If the supply is for a consideration wholly in money, the equation of the value of
supply is as follows:
Value of Supply + GST = Money Consideration
A local GST-registered supermarket (K) sells a bottle of wine for $40 before the
addition of GST. The value of supply is $40. The GST will be 9% of the value of
supply, which is $3.60. The consideration in money will be the addition of the
value of supply and the GST which is $43.60.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
5.5.3 If the supply is not for a consideration or is for a consideration not wholly consisting
of money, then the value of supply is the Open Market Value (OMV) of the supply
i.e. Value of Supply = OMV.
5.5.4 You may choose to absorb GST payable by your customer to maintain
competitiveness or out of customer goodwill. In doing so, you have to treat the
sum of money received from your customer as inclusive of GST and account for
GST based on the tax fraction, 9/109.
Using the same example under paragraph 5.5.2, the local GST-registered
supermarket (K) decided to absorb the GST on the bottle of wine. Hence it will
need to account for output GST of $3.30 (i.e. $40 x 9/109) based on the tax
fraction 9/109. The value of supply will be $36.70 (i.e. $40 x 100/109).
The tax invoice should still show GST as a separate amount. If you issue receipts
or simplified tax invoices, you can state the GST-inclusive prices and indicate with
the wordsPrice payable is inclusive of GST”.
5.5.5 For a supply to a related person
, GST is to be accounted for based on the OMV
of the supply and not on the transaction price.
Mr Lee, a GST-registered person, owns a furniture shop and sells a table to his
sister for $545 (including GST of $45). The OMV of the table is $1000. In this case,
the GST that Mr Lee should account for should be based on the OMV of $1000,
and not the transaction price of $500. The amount payable to the Comptroller of
GST should be:
Output Tax = $1000 x 9/100
= $90
If Mr Lee chooses to absorb the GST, i.e. to treat the OMV as inclusive of GST,
the amount of GST to be accounted for will be:
Output Tax = $1000 x 9/109
= $82.57
5.6 Discounted Sale Price Scheme
5.6.1 When you sell a second-hand or used vehicle using the Discounted Sale Price
Scheme, you can charge GST on 50% of the selling price. You do not need to
seek prior approval from the Comptroller of GST to use the scheme.
Definition of a related person is available in the Third Schedule to the GST Act.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
You sell a motor vehicle for $25,000 (excluding GST). GST is chargeable at 50%
of the selling price.
GST = $25,000 x 50% x 9 % = $1,125
For GST reporting purposes
Value of standard-rated supply: $25,000
Output tax due: $1,125
5.6.2 For more information, please refer to IRAS webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > General GST Schemes > Discounted Sale Price Scheme).
5.7 Gross Margin Scheme
5.7.1 Under the Gross Margin Scheme (GMS), GST is accounted for on the gross
margin (i.e. selling price less purchase price) instead of full value of the goods
5.7.2 You will need to fulfil the following conditions to use the GMS:
1) You are in the business of selling used goods (e.g. second-hand motor
vehicles, electrical appliances, furniture and jewellery). You should not use the
scheme if you make once-off or occasional sale of used goods such as
disposal of business assets.
2) The used goods were purchased free of GST from:
a) Non-GST registered supplier (e.g. an individual); or
b) GST-registered supplier who had used GMS (and you have not been
issued with a tax invoice when you purchased the goods and have not
claimed any input tax).
5.7.3 For more information, please refer to IRAS webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > General GST Schemes > Gross Margin Scheme).
6 Claiming of Input Tax
6.1 Claiming of Input Tax after GST Registration
6.1.1 GST-registered businesses may incur GST on their purchases (i.e. input tax).
You can claim the GST incurred when you submit your GST return to the
Comptroller of GST by deducting the total input tax you have paid on your
business purchases from the total output tax you have collected from your
customers. The difference, called the net GST payable or net GST refundable,
is what you will either pay to or be refunded by the Comptroller of GST.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
6.1.2 Before making an input tax claim, you have to ensure that all the following
conditions for the claiming of input tax are satisfied:
1) You are GST-registered;
2) The goods or services must have been supplied to you or the goods have
been imported by you;
3) For local purchases: The input tax claims must be supported by tax
invoices/customer accounting tax invoices
addressed to you or simplified
tax invoices (refer to paragraph 6.1.3);
4) For imports: The input tax claims must be supported by import permits that
show you as the importer of the goods;
5) The goods or services are used or will be used for the purpose of your
6) The input tax is directly attributable to the making of taxable supplies (i.e.
standard-rated supplies and zero-rated supplies), or out-of-scope supplies
which would be taxable supplies if made in Singapore;
7) The input tax claims are not disallowed under Regulations 26 and 27 of the
GST (General) Regulations (refer to paragraph 6.1.6); and
8) You have taken reasonable steps to ascertain and concluded that the goods
or services were not part of a Missing Trader Fraud arrangement and the
conclusion is one that a reasonable person would have made.
6.1.3 To be eligible to claim input tax, you must maintain:
(a) a tax invoice/customer accounting tax invoice addressed to you; or
(b) a simplified tax invoice
(i) any purchase of value (including GST) of $1000 or below; and
(ii) entertainment expenses incurred on food and drinks, regardless of the
purchase value. You must also keep alternative evidence of payment
and information on the entertainment details (such as name of person
entertained, purpose of entertainment, person incurring the expenses,
This concession applies from 1 Feb 2014 and only on entertainment
expenses on food and drinks. If the expenses comprise items other than
Applies to the sales of prescribed goods subject to customer accounting. Please refer to the e-Tax
Guide ‘GST: Customer Accounting for Prescribed Goods’ available at > Quick links >
e-Tax-Guides > GST for more information on a customer accounting tax invoice.
A receipt or debit note can double up as a simplified tax invoice if it contains all the information
required in a simplified tax invoice.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
food and drinks (e.g. rental of yacht), a full tax invoice is still required to
support your input tax claim.
6.1.4 Input tax should be claimed in the accounting period corresponding to the date
shown in the tax invoice, customer accounting tax invoice, simplified tax invoice
or import permit. You can claim input tax for your purchases before you actually
make a sale or supply of such goods or services. In other words, it is not
necessary to match the input tax claim (for purchases) with output tax charged
(for the sale or supply) in the same prescribed accounting period.
For example, you imported a machine and will sell it to your customer three
months later. You can claim the input tax in the accounting period in which the
machine was imported.
6.1.5 Alternatively, you may claim input tax based on the date that you post or
process the tax invoice or import permit into your accounting system. However,
you should comply with the following:
1) Your basis of claiming input tax based on the date of posting or processing
of the suppliers’ tax invoices or import permits in the accounting system is
applied consistently in all your GST returns;
2) You have the original tax invoices and import permits at the time of claiming
your input tax; and
3) There are internal controls in place to ensure that there is no double claiming
of input tax.
6.1.6 The following are disallowed as input tax claims under Regulations 26 and 27
of the GST (General) Regulations:
1) Club subscription and membership fees (including transfer fees) charged by
sporting and recreational clubs;
2) Medical expenses incurred by your staff unless
a) they are mandatory under the Work Injury Compensation Act
under any collective agreement within the meaning of the Industrial
Relations Act;
b) the medical treatment in respect of expenses incurred on or after 1
Oct 2021 is provided in connection with any health risk or
requirement arising on account of the nature of the work required of
your staff or his work environment; and
i. the medical expenses are incurred pursuant to any written
law of Singapore concerning the medical treatment or the
provision of a medical facility or medical practitioner
; or
Please visit Ministry of Manpower (MOM) webpage at or contact MOM at (+65)
6438 5122 for more information. Alternatively, you may contact your insurance agent to determine if the
insurance is obligatory under WICA.
Examples of employee medical expenses incurred on or after 1 Oct 2021 for which input tax is
claimable include mandatory medical examinations for employees under the Workplace Safety and
GST: General Guide for Businesses
ii. the medical treatment is related to COVID-19 and the staff
undergoes such medical treatment pursuant to any written
advisory (including industry circular) issued by, or posted on
the website of, the Government or a public authority
3) Medical and accident insurance premiums incurred for your staff unless the
insurance or payment of compensation is mandatory under the Work Injury
Compensation Act or under any collective agreement within the meaning of
the Industrial Relations Act;
4) Benefits provided to the family members or relatives of your staff;
5) Costs and running expenses incurred on motor cars that are either:
registered under the business' or individual's name, or
hired for business or private use,
except where the car is excluded from the definition of a 'motor car' in
Regulation 25(1) of the GST (General) Regulations.
6) Any transaction involving betting, sweepstakes, lotteries, fruit machines or
games of chance.
6.1.7 For more information on input tax claiming conditions and the disallowed input
tax claims, please refer to IRAS webpage ( > Taxes > GST >
Claiming GST (Input Tax) > Conditions for Claiming Input Tax).
6.2 Pre-registration Input Tax
6.2.1 Pre-registration input tax is GST incurred by businesses on goods and services
acquired before they are registered for GST. Based on the general input tax
claiming conditions, such GST incurred before registration is not claimable
since the business is not GST-registered at the time of supply.
6.2.2 However, a special relief is available to allow businesses to claim pre-
registration input tax in their first GST F5 return. This is provided that all the
conditions in the Pre-registration GST: Checklist for Self-Review of Eligibility
of Claim” are satisfied
. The checklist includes a calculator feature to help you
compute the amount of Pre-registration GST claimable. If you are unfamiliar
Health (Medical Examinations) Regulations and the costs of providing a clinic and qualified medical
practitioner on board certain ships under the Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Manning)
Examples of COVID-19 related medical treatment incurred on or after 1 Oct 2021 for which input tax
is claimable include outbound travellers who are advised to get pre-departure COVID-19 swab tests (if
travel is for business purposes) and COVID-19 swab tests for specific high risk groups (i.e. workers at
hawker centres and markets, and food delivery personnel) where workers are strongly advised to get
You can retrieve the Pre-Registration GST: Checklist for Self-Review of Eligibility of Claim” via the
IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes > GST > Claiming GST (Input Tax) > Claiming GST incurred
before GST registration/incorporation)
GST: General Guide for Businesses
with the pre-registration GST rules, we strongly encourage you to use the
calculator feature.
6.2.3 If you are registered for GST on or after 1 July 2015, you can claim in full the
GST incurred on the following goods and services acquired within 6 months
before your GST registration date:
a) Goods held by your business at the point of GST registration; and
b) Property rental, utilities and services, which are not directly attributable to
any supply made by your business before GST registration.
6.2.4 For all other goods and services acquired before your GST registration date
which are partially consumed before registration or used to make supplies
straddling GST registration (i.e. supplies made before and after registration),
you need to apportion the GST incurred. Only the portion of GST that is
attributable to the supplies made after GST registration is claimable.
6.2.5 For more information on the pre-registration input tax rules and the
apportionment methods, please refer to the e-tax guide “GST: Pre-Registration
Claims on Goods and Services (For Businesses Registered for GST on or after
1 July 2015)” and IRAS webpage ( > Taxes > GST > Claiming
GST (Input Tax) > Claiming GST incurred before GST
6.3 Partially Exempt Trader
6.3.1 A GST registered person is a partially exempt trader if he makes both taxable
and exempt supplies. Based on the input tax recovery rule that input tax can
only be claimed if it is incurred for the making of taxable supplies, the input tax
attributable to the making of exempt supply cannot be claimed
6.3.2 However, it is recognized that most businesses carrying on a taxable business
will inevitably make some exempt supplies (e.g. interest from deposit of money
in a local bank, exchange gain/loss arising from transacting in foreign
currencies, issuance of shares to raise capital) in the ordinary course of
business. Therefore, concessions have been made to allow GST-registered
businesses making mostly taxable supplies to claim some input tax incurred on
exempt supplies.
6.3.3 Exempt supplies are classified into Regulation 33 exempt supplies and non-
Regulation 33 exempt supplies. Regulation 33 exempt supplies are supplies
listed under Regulation 33 of the GST (General) Regulations and are
considered to be necessary and integral to the making of taxable supplies. Any
exempt supply that is not a Regulation 33 exempt supply will be a non-
Regulation 33 exempt supply.
6.3.4 For a partially exempt trader, if the De Minimis Rule is satisfied, he may claim
all the input tax incurred, including input tax attributed to the making of exempt
A partially exempt trader is also subject to reverse charge on imported services (with effect from 1
Jan 2020) and low value goods (with effect from 1 Jan 2023). For more information, please refer to the
e-Tax guide GST: Reverse Charge (PDF, 0.9MB).
GST: General Guide for Businesses
supplies (both Regulation 33 and non-Regulation 33 exempt supplies). The De
Minimis Rule is as follows:
Value of exempt supplies is less than or equals to:
1) Average of $40,000 per month; and
2) 5% of the total value of all taxable and exempt supplies made in that
accounting period.
6.3.5 If a GST registered business does not satisfy the De Minimis Rule and only
makes Regulation 33 exempt supplies (i.e. does not make any non-Regulation
33 exempt supplies), he may still claim input tax that is attributed to the making
of Regulation 33 exempt supplies. This is not applicable to partially exempt
traders carrying on the business listed under Regulation 34 of the GST (General)
Regulations (referred to as “Regulation 34 businesses”).
6.3.6 If a business does not satisfy the De Minimis Rule and makes both Regulation
33 and non-Regulation 33 exempt supplies, input tax attributed to the making
of Regulation 33 exempt supplies will only be claimable if the test in Regulation
35 of the GST (General) Regulations (henceforth referred to as “Regulation 35
test”) is satisfied:
Value of non-Regulation 33 exempt supplies is less than or equals to 5% of
the total value of all taxable and exempt supplies (Regulation 33 and non-
Regulation 33 exempt supplies) made in that period.
If the Regulation 35 test is not satisfied, input tax attributed to the making of
Regulation 33 exempt supplies are not claimable.
Regardless of whether Regulation 35 test is satisfied, input tax attributed to the
making of non-Regulation 33 exempt supplies are not claimable except when
the De Minimis Rule is satisfied.
6.3.7 In cases where the input tax cannot be directly identified as incurred in the
making of either taxable or exempt supplies (for example, general business
overheads), this input tax, commonly called residual input tax, has to be
apportioned. This is known as Input Tax Apportionment.
6.3.8 As the input tax claims are only allowed provisionally at the end of each
prescribed accounting period, the partially exempt trader is required to perform
a Longer Period Adjustment in respect of the input tax that he has claimed
during the longer period.
6.3.9 Refer to Annex A, Figure 4: Input Tax Apportionment for a diagrammatic
summary of the above. For more details on Regulation 33 exempt supplies and
the input tax apportionment rules, please refer to the e-tax guide “GST: Partial
Exemption and Input Tax Recovery” and IRAS webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Claiming GST (Input Tax) > Claiming input tax incurred to make
exempt supplies).
GST: General Guide for Businesses
7 Tax Invoice, Simplified Tax Invoice and Receipt
7.1 Tax Invoice
7.1.1 Tax invoices must be issued by GST-registered businesses to their GST-
registered customers so that the customers can use them as supporting
documents to claim input tax on standard-rated purchases. A tax invoice has to
be issued within 30 days from the time of supply.
7.1.2 A tax invoice need not be issued for the making of zero-rated supplies, exempt
supplies, deemed supplies or to non-GST registered customers. However, if
you choose to issue a tax invoice for your zero-rated supplies, you need to
indicate all the information that is required on a tax invoice and that GST is
charged at 0%.
7.1.3 A tax invoice must not be issued if:
You are not registered for GST;
You are selling goods using the Gross Margin Scheme (GMS); or
You are the supplier in a self-billing arrangement where your customer
issues the tax invoice.
7.1.4 Below is the information required on a tax invoice. You may refer to Annex A,
Figure 5: Sample of a Tax Invoice.
a. The words “tax invoice” in a prominent place;
b. An identifying number (e.g. invoice number);
c. Date of issue of the invoice;
d. Your business name, address and GST registration number;
e. Your customer’s name and address;
f. A description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied and the
type of supply;
g. For each description of goods or services supplied, the quantity of goods
or the extent of services, and the amount payable, excluding GST;
h. Any cash discount offered;
i. The total amount payable (excluding GST), the GST rate and the total
amount of GST chargeable (shown as a separate amount);
j. The total amount payable (including the total amount of GST
chargeable); and
k. A breakdown of exempt, zero-rated or other supplies, stating separately
the gross total amount payable in respect of each type of supply.
7.1.5 It is not acceptable to omit the required particulars (e.g. indicating “Cash” in
place of your customer’s name and address) if you are issuing a tax invoice for
a total amount (inclusive of GST) exceeding $1,000. Your GST-registered
customer requires a valid tax invoice to support his input tax claim.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
7.1.6 You should issue only one original tax invoice for each sale transaction. If the
customer loses the original invoice or simplified tax invoice, you may issue a
duplicate copy marked “Copy” or “Duplicate”.
7.1.7 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Basics of GST > Invoicing, price display and record keeping >
Invoicing customers).
7.2 Simplified Tax Invoice
7.2.1 If the total amount (inclusive of GST) stated in the invoice does not exceed
$1,000, you may issue a simplified tax invoice. As compared to a tax invoice,
less information is required to be shown on a simplified tax invoice, e.g., your
customer’s name is not required.
7.2.2 Below is the information required on a simplified tax invoice. You may refer to
Annex A, Figure 6: Sample of a Simplified Tax Invoice.
Your name, address and GST registration number;
An identifying number, e.g. invoice number;
The date of issue of the invoice;
Description of the goods or services supplied;
The total amount payable including tax; and
The word “Price Payable includes GST”.
7.2.3 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Basics of GST > Invoicing, price display and record keeping >
Invoicing customers).
7.3 Receipt
7.3.1 You may choose to issue a receipt instead of a tax invoice to your non-GST
registered customer (e.g. an end consumer) for the payments received. You
must retain a duplicate of the receipt issued.
7.3.2 A receipt must be serially printed
and must show the following:
Your name and GST registration number;
Date of receipt;
Total amount payable including total GST; and
Both paper and electronic receipts that are serially numbered would fall within the meaning of “serially
printed receipts” under Section 44(1).
GST: General Guide for Businesses
The words "Price payable includes GST".
7.3.3 Businesses are not required to seek approval from IRAS for not issuing
receipts. You must however ensure complete and accurate recording of income
transactions even if you decide not to issue receipts. There must be a well-
documented audit trail to show that all income transactions are correctly
recorded and declared for tax purposes. Practices such as using a cash register
or accounting software should be maintained to help ensure the proper
recording of all income transactions. It should be noted that:
1) You must still issue receipts to customers (if requested); and
2) GST-registered businesses must continue to issue tax invoices for
purchases that exceeds $1000 as required under the GST legislation, as
the waiver of issuance of receipts is not the same as the waiver of issuance
of tax invoices.
7.3.4 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( >
Taxes > GST > Basics of GST > Invoicing, price display and record keeping >
Invoicing customers).
7.4 Invoicing in a Foreign Currency
7.4.1 For a local sale denominated in a foreign currency, the following items on the
tax invoice must be converted into Singapore dollars using approved exchange
rate for GST purposes:
Total amount payable excluding GST;
Total GST payable; and
Total amount payable including GST.
7.4.2 Examples of the approved exchange rates are exchange rates published by
local banks or locally circulated newspaper. This exchange rate must be
updated at least once every three months and be used consistently for internal
business reporting, accounting and GST purposes. The source must also be
used consistently for at least one year from the end of the accounting period in
which the method was first used.
7.4.3 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Charging GST (Output Tax) > Foreign currency transactions).
7.5 Calculating GST on Invoice
7.5.1 The total GST payable on all goods and services shown on a tax invoice may
be rounded off to the nearest whole cent (i.e. two decimal places). With the
discontinuation of 1 cent coins, some businesses may round their bills (i.e. total
amount payable including GST) to the nearest 5 cents to facilitate cash
GST: General Guide for Businesses
payment by their customers. Whether a bill should be rounded up or rounded
down to the nearest 5 cents is a business decision. However, this must be
applied consistently.
7.5.2 There are two ways to compute the total GST amount if your tax invoice
contains several line items of standard-rated supplies. You can either calculate
the GST amount for each line item and sum up the GST amounts for each line
item or calculate the GST on the total amount payable (i.e. summing all line
items before GST). The total GST amount computed may differ due to the
method used. Both methods of computing the total GST amount are acceptable
so long as you apply the chosen method consistently.
8 Price Display
8.1 As a GST registered person, you are required to show and quote the GST-
inclusive prices on all prices displayed, advertised, published or quoted for any
supply of goods or services made by you to the public. All written and verbal
quotations must include the GST component. Similarly, all prices published on
advertisement, price list and web pages should be inclusive of GST.
8.2 If you choose to display both GST-inclusive and GST-exclusive prices, the
GST-inclusive price must be at least as prominent as the GST-exclusive price.
8.3 These requirements are to ensure that the members of the public know upfront
the final price of goods and services that they have to pay. Failure to comply
with each of these requirements is an offence that can result in a fine of up to
8.4 The following illustrates the contrast between an acceptable price display
format and one that is not.
Price Display Format
Not Acceptable
$100 +
$109 w/GST
$109 (inclusive of GST)
$100 + GST
$100 + 9% GST
$100 + $9 GST
$109 w/GST ($100)
$109 w/GST ($100)
$109 w/GST ($100)
$109 w/GST ($100)
$100 ($109 w/GST)
8.5 In cases where the retail price is subject to bargaining, the price displayed or
quoted should still be the GST-inclusive price. The amount of GST to be
accounted by the retailer will be the tax fraction (i.e. 9/109) of the final price
paid by the customer.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
8.6 Where a GST-registered business intends to give a discount equal to the GST
amount (i.e. absorbing the GST refer to paragraph 5.5.4) to the consumer, it
is incorrect to advertise that there is 'no GST' for the goods or services. Such
advertising is misleading as there is a GST element in all goods and services
supplied by a GST-registered business.
8.7 An exception is granted to hotels and food & beverage (F&B) establishments
that impose service charge on their goods and services. These businesses are
not required to display GST-inclusive prices to ease their operations. Otherwise,
they may have to display separate price lists for dine-in and take-away items,
or to re-compute prices whenever the establishment reduces or waives the
service charge. However, they must still display a prominent statement
informing customers that prices displayed are subject to GST and service
8.8 Please note that the exception does not apply to hotels and F&B establishments
that do not impose a service charge. It is also not applicable to F&B
establishments that levy a nominal service charge without genuine business
reasons other than to avoid displaying GST-inclusive prices. Such businesses
are still required to display GST-inclusive prices. Those who do not comply with
the price display requirement could be subject to a fine.
8.9 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Basics of GST > Invoicing, price display and record keeping >
Displaying and quoting prices).
9 Record Keeping
9.1 It is the responsibility of a GST-registered business to keep proper records.
Under the Income Tax Act and GST Act, failure to keep and retain sufficient
records is an offence and may result in:
1) Expenses claimed being disallowed; and
2) Penalties being imposed.
9.2 The types of records that businesses need to keep include:
Source documents that substantiate all transactions in your business - e.g.
receipts, invoices, vouchers, and other relevant documents issued or
received from customers and suppliers;
Records of the steps taken to ascertain whether the supply made to you or
by you was part of a Missing Trader Fraud arrangement e.g. the risks
identified, the due diligence checks performed and the actions taken in
response to the results surfaced from the checks;
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Accounting records and schedules - manual or electronic records of assets
and liabilities, revenue and expenses, gains (profit) and losses;
Bank statements; and
Any other records of transactions connected with your business.
9.3 You are required to keep business records for at least five years.
9.4 You can keep records manually or electronically. Businesses do not need to
apply to IRAS for approval to issue tax invoices electronically. However, you
must comply with the guidelines set in the e-tax guide “Record Keeping Guide
for GST-Registered Businesses” available on IRAS’ webpage
( > Taxes > GST > Basics of GST > Invoicing, price display
and record keeping > Keeping records).
10 Offences and Penalties/Surcharge
10.1 Penalties provided in the Act are summarised in the table below:
Section of
Penalty for failure to keep records
Failure to keep records for
at least five years
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A fine not exceeding $5,000; or
2) An imprisonment for a term not
exceeding 6 months; or
3) Both fine and imprisonment.
For a second or subsequent conviction:
1) A fine not exceeding $10,000; or
2) An imprisonment for a term not
exceeding 3 years; or
3) Both fine and imprisonment.
General Penalties
Failure to submit GST
returns electronically
when required to, and
other general penalties in
respect of offences not
specified under the Act
You are liable to:
1) A fine not exceeding $5,000; and
2) An imprisonment term not exceeding 6
months in default of payment.
under S58
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Failure to display price
inclusive of GST, or
Failure to display GST-
inclusive price as
prominently as GST-
exclusive price, where
both prices are shown
For each offence:
1) A fine not exceeding $5,000; and
2) An imprisonment term not exceeding 6
months in default of payment.
under S58
Penalty for incorrect return
Submission of incorrect
return without reasonable
excuse or through
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A penalty equal to double the amount of
tax undercharged; and
2) A fine not exceeding $5,000 or an
imprisonment term not exceeding 3
years; or both fine and imprisonment.
Penalty for failure to pay or make returns within prescribed period
Failure to pay any
outstanding tax
You are liable to:
1) A penalty equal to 5% of tax payable; and
2) An additional penalty of 2% per month on
tax remaining unpaid after 60 days from
the due date of the prescribed accounting
period (subject to a maximum total
additional penalty of 50% of the
outstanding tax).
Failure to make returns
within prescribed periods
You are liable to:
A late submission penalty of $200 per month.
From 1 April 2018, the late submission
penalty of $200 is imposed immediately if the
GST return is not filed by the due date. A
penalty of $200 will continue to be imposed
for every completed month that the GST
F5/F8 return is outstanding, till the maximum
of $10,000 for each outstanding F5/F8 return.
Penalty for failure to register
For failure to register
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A fine not exceeding $10,000;
2) A penalty equal to 10% of the tax due in
respect of each year or part thereof
commencing from the date on which you
GST: General Guide for Businesses
are required to make the notification or to
apply for registration; and
3) A further penalty of $50 for every day
during which the offence continues after
Penalty provisions relating to fraud, etc.
For evasion cases, in
which you wilfully evade,
or assist other persons to
You are liable on conviction to:
1) 3 times the amount of tax evaded; and
2) A fine not exceeding $10,000 or an
imprisonment term not exceeding 7
years; or both fine and imprisonment.
Improperly obtaining refund
For fraudulently obtaining
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A penalty of 3 times the amount of excess
refund; and
2) A fine not exceeding $10,000 or an
imprisonment term not exceeding 3
years; or both fine and imprisonment.
Offences in relation to goods and invoices
For offences in
possessing or accepting
goods and services that
you know that tax on the
supplies has been or will
be evaded
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A fine not exceeding $5,000; and
2) A penalty of 3 times the amount of tax
For offences in relation to
invoices for which you
issue a tax invoice when
you are not authorised
under the Act
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A fine not exceeding to $10,000; and
2) A penalty of 3 times the amount of tax
shown on the invoice.
Penalty for obstructing Comptroller in carrying out his duties
For obstructing the
Comptroller of GST in
carrying out his duties
You are liable on conviction to:
1) A fine not exceeding $5,000; or
2) An imprisonment term not exceeding 6
months; or
3) Both fine and imprisonment.
10.2 Surcharge for claiming input tax on any supply that was part of a Missing
Trader Fraud Arrangement
You will be imposed a 10% surcharge of the amount of input tax denied on the
ground that you should have known that your purchases were part of a Missing
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Trader Fraud arrangement. Businesses who willfully engaged in a Missing
Trader Fraud arrangement may be dealt with more severely.
11 Objections and Appeal Procedure
11.1 Objection against the Comptroller’s Decision
If you have any objection against the decision of the Comptroller of GST, you
may apply to him in writing for a review within 30 days after the date that you
have been notified of the decision. The objection may involve any of the
following decisions:
Registration or deregistration of your business;
The tax on the supply of goods and services or on the importation of any of
your goods;
The amount of input tax credit or refund allowed;
The proportion of supplies liable for GST;
The claim for, or the amount of, refunds under Section 25;
The direction or supplementary direction made under Paragraph 2 of the
First Schedule to the Act to treat separate businesses as one for the
purposes of registration;
The declaration to be an agent of another person under Section 79; or
The requirement of any security under Section 81(3).
11.2 The Board of Review
If you disagree with the Comptroller's decision after you have lodged your
objection, you may make an appeal by lodging a written notice of appeal to the
GST Board of Review within 30 days of the Comptroller’s decision. Within the
next 30 days of the lodgement of your notice of appeal, a statement stating the
reasons for the appeal should be submitted to the Board.
The responsibility or burden of proving that the Comptroller's decision is wrong
is on you. The Board may confirm, vary or annul the decision of the Comptroller
of GST.
If the Board confirms the decision of the Comptroller of GST, your appeal might
be deemed unnecessary or frivolous. In such an instance, you will be ordered
to pay cost to the Board and any costs to the Comptroller of GST for a sum not
exceeding $1,000 plus the tax charged.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
11.3 The High Court
If you do not, or the Comptroller of GST does not agree with the decision of the
Board, either party may appeal to the High Court. The High Court may confirm,
vary or annul the decision of the Board. Further right of appeal to the Court of
Appeal may exist.
GST Schemes
This section describes the various GST schemes that are available to GST-
registered businesses.
12 Major Exporter Scheme (MES)
12.1 MES is designed to ease the cash flow of businesses that have substantial
import and export of goods. If you have been approved to use the MES, the
payment of GST is suspended at the point of importation of goods. That is, MES
businesses are allowed to import non-dutiable goods without paying GST to
Singapore Customs (SC).
12.2 To be eligible, your zero-rated supplies must account for more than 50% of the
total supplies, or the value of your zero-rated supplies is more than S$10 million
for the past 12 months. The relevant period for calculating the value of supply
will be the immediate past financial year or any 12 continuous calendar months
within the past 18 calendar months. Total supplies refer to the summation of
standard-rated supplies, zero-rated supplies and exempt supplies.
12.3 You can apply by submitting the GST F10 “Application for Major Exporter
Scheme” application form to the Comptroller of GST. A letter of guarantee may
be required for the granting of MES where the Comptroller of GST thinks fit.
You will be notified in writing if a letter of guarantee is required. The form can
be obtained from IRAS webpage at > Quick links > Forms >
GST > GST Schemes > Application for Major Exporter Scheme (MES).
12.4 You also need to perform a self-review using the Assisted Self-Help Kit (ASK)
and submit the certified ASK declaration form "ASK: Declaration Form on
Completing Annual Review & Voluntary Disclosure of Errors" when applying to
enjoy the benefits under MES.
12.5 The ASK Annual Review must be performed by either:
1) An individual accredited with Singapore Institute of Accredited Tax
Professionals ("SIATP") as Accredited Tax Advisor (GST) [ATA (GST)] or
Accredited Tax Practitioner (GST) [ATP (GST)]; or
2) The GST-registered business and certified by an individual accredited with
SIATP as ATA (GST) or ATP (GST), in adherence to the certification
procedures set out in the GST ASK Annual Review Guide.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
12.6 If your application is successful, your MES status will be valid until IRAS notifies
you in writing that your eligibility of MES status is due for review. This is usually
three years after the date of approval. At any time, if you fail to satisfy any of
the qualifying conditions, you are required to inform the Comptroller and your
MES status may be revoked.
12.7 For more information on the ASK declaration form and MES, please refer to
IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes > GST > General GST Schemes >
Major Exporter Scheme).
13 Tourist Refund Scheme
13.1 Under the electronic Tourist Refund Scheme (eTRS), tourists may receive a
refund of GST paid on goods purchased from retailers who participate in the
scheme. The tourist refund is only available to tourists who are bringing their
purchase out of Singapore via Changi International Airport or Seletar Airport
within two months from the date of purchase, subject to the eligibility and
conditions of the scheme.
13.2 For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > General GST Schemes > Tourist Refund Scheme).
13.3 As a retailer, you may participate in the eTRS either as an Independent Retailer
(“IR”) or through a Central Refund Agency (“CRA‟). Presently, there are three
CRAs in Singapore participating in the eTRS. They are Global Blue Singapore
Pte Ltd, Global Tax Free Pte Ltd and Tourego Pte Ltd.
13.4 For more information on participating in the TRS as a retailer, please refer to
the e-tax guide “GST Guide on the Electronic Tourist Refund Scheme (eTRS)”,
available at > Quick links > e-Tax-Guides > GST.
14 Other Schemes for Specific Industries
For lmporters and Exporters
14.1 Approved Third Party Logistics (3PL) Company Scheme
The Approved Third Party Logistics (3PL) Company Scheme is designed to
enhance the competitiveness of logistics companies that provide logistics
management services to overseas clients who use Singapore as a logistics hub.
In general, an approved 3PL company enjoys import GST suspension on goods
imported, thereby easing the cash flow of the company.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Approved Third Party Logistics (3PL)
Company Scheme).
GST: General Guide for Businesses
14.2 Import GST Deferment Scheme (IGDS)
Under IGDS, approved GST-registered businesses can defer their import GST
payments until their monthly GST returns are due. This means that they
account for the deferred import GST and claim it as input tax (subject to the
conditions of claiming input tax) in the same GST return. Businesses under
IGDS must file their GST returns on monthly basis. This allows importers to
enjoy a credit period of one to two months, easing their cash flow.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > General GST Schemes > Import GST Deferment Scheme (IGDS)).
14.3 Zero GST Warehouse Scheme
The Zero GST (ZG) Warehouse Scheme is administered by Singapore
Customs. If you operate a ZG warehouse under the scheme, you can import
non-dutiable overseas goods into the ZG Warehouse with GST suspended.
GST is only charged when the goods are removed from the warehouse for the
local market.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > General GST Schemes > Zero GST (ZG) Warehouse Scheme). You
may also contact Singapore Customs at 6355 2000 or visit their webpage at for the qualifying criteria and application procedures.
14.4 Specialised Warehouse Scheme (SWS)
The Specialised Warehouse Scheme (SWS) is for warehouses that are used
for providing specialised storage facilities to overseas persons and most of the
goods stored will eventually be exported. A warehouse approved under SWS
is known as an “Approved Specialised Warehouse” (ASW). Under the scheme,
qualifying services performed on qualifying goods and storage facilities can be
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Specialised Warehouse Scheme (SWS)).
14.5 Hand-Carried Exports Scheme (HCES)
The Hand-Carried Exports Scheme (HCES) is applicable if you wish to zero-
rate your supply to overseas customers for goods hand-carried out of
Singapore via Changi International Airport. Unlike Tourist Refund Scheme
which is only for bona fide tourist, HCES is for sales to an overseas company.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > General GST Schemes > Hand-Carried Exports Scheme (HCES).
GST: General Guide for Businesses
For Aerospace Industry
14.6 Approved Import GST Suspension Scheme (AISS)
The Approved Import GST Suspension Scheme (AISS) is designed to alleviate
the cash flow of businesses in the Aerospace industry by suspending the import
GST. These businesses are international airlines, players in the Maintenance,
Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry, Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEM) and distributors of qualifying aircraft parts.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Approved Import GST Suspension
Scheme (AISS)).
For Marine Industry
14.7 Approved Marine Customer Scheme (AMCS)
The Approved Marine Customer Scheme (AMCS) is designed to ease
compliance for businesses procuring goods for use or installation on
internationally bound commercial ships. Eligible GST-registered ship owners
and ship managers may apply for this scheme. Under the scheme, purchases
or rental of goods will be zero-rated.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Approved Marine Customer Scheme
14.8 Approved Marine Fuel Trader (MFT) Scheme
This scheme is designed to benefit businesses in the bunkering industry that
make local purchases of approved marine fuel oil (“MFO”). Under this scheme,
you do not need to pay GST when you make local purchases of approved
marine fuel oil (e.g. MFO 380cst) from any GST-registered suppliers. This
alleviates your cash flow by eliminating the need to pay GST upfront and to
subsequently claim it back by obtaining a refund from IRAS.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Approved Marine Fuel Trader (MFT)
For Local Contract Manufacturers
14.9 Approved Contract Manufacturer & Trader Scheme (ACMT)
The ACMT Scheme is a scheme designed to relieve businesses (e.g. local
contract manufacturers) that have substantial business with non-GST
registered overseas customers of the need to account for GST on value added
activities performed on the goods of such overseas customers.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Approved Contract Manufacturer and
Trader (ACMT) Scheme).
For Refiners and Consolidators of Investment Precious Metals (IPM)
14.10 Approved Refiner and Consolidator Scheme (ARCS)
The ARCS is designed to ease cash flow and compliance of qualifying refiners
and consolidators of investment precious metals (IPM) in their payment of GST
on import and purchase of raw materials and relieve input tax incurred in their
refining activities.
For more information, please refer to IRAS’ webpage ( > Taxes
> GST > Industry-Specific Schemes > Approved Refiner and Consolidator
Scheme (ARCS)).
15 Contact Information
15.1 For enquiries on this e-Tax Guide, please contact the Goods and Services
Tax Division at (select “Contact Us”).
16 Updates and amendments
Date of
Amendments made
1 Apr 2015
i) Amended paragraph 7.7 on De-registration.
ii) Revised paragraphs 10.2 to 10.4 in line with
amended Regulation 77 taking effect on 1 Apr
iii) Amended paragraph 15.4 to include information
on new CRA.
15 Sep 2015
i) Amended paragraph 7.3 on voluntary registration.
ii) Revised paragraph 7.4 on registration procedures.
01 Apr 2016
i) Inserted paragraph 3.2.11 on Section 33B
ii) Inserted paragraph 6.1.3 on input tax claiming
concession for food and drinks expenses
iii) Inserted paragraph 6.2.3 on pre-registration input
tax changes
iv) Amended the notes for the apportionment formula
in Annex A, Figure 4
GST: General Guide for Businesses
v) Amended paragraphs 7.10.2, 8.1.2, 8.3.5, and
deleted paragraph 8.1.5 on filing frequency
vi) Other editorial amendments
25 May 2016
Amended the definition of business establishment in
paragraph 3.1.8.
5 Jul 2017
i) Amended paragraph 6.1.6 to clarify on disallowed
input tax claims on motor cars.
ii) Removed the list of user guides from paragraph
iii) Removed paragraph 15.2 regarding the
application of GST refunds at cruise terminals.
iv) Other editorial amendments
13 Feb 2018
i) Amended paragraph 6.2.2 on pre-registration
input tax claims
ii) Removed paragraphs 7 and 8 of sixth edition on
GST administration and renumbered ensuing
iii) Amended paragraph 9.1.4 of sixth edition
(renumbered as paragraph 7.1.4 in seventh
edition) on invoicing requirements.
iv) Amended paragraph 12 of sixth edition
(renumbered as paragraph 10 in seventh edition)
on general penalties and late submission
v) Amended paragraph 17 in sixth edition
(renumbered as paragraph 15 in seventh edition)
on contact information.
3 Jan 2019
Inserted new paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 and amended
paragraphs 4.1 and 6.1.2 to 6.1.4 on customer
10 Feb 2021
i) Revised paragraph 6.1.2 to update input tax
claiming conditions.
ii) Inserted paragraph 9.2 on record keeping
requirements to ascertain whether the supply was
a part of a Missing Trader Fraud arrangement.
iii) Inserted paragraph 10.2 on imposition of 10%
surcharge of the amount of input tax denied on
ground that the business should have known that
their purchases of goods and/or services were part
of a Missing Trader Fraud arrangement.
iv) Revised paragraph 13.3 to update current list of
v) Editorial changes.
GST: General Guide for Businesses
29 Oct 2021
i) Revised Para 6.1.6 on medical expenses incurred
for employees
ii) Editorial changes
5 Aug 2022
i) Revised paragraph 1.2 to refer suppliers of low-
value goods and remote services to the relevant
e-Tax Guides
ii) Amended paragraphs 8.1, 8.7 and 8.8 to clarify the
price display requirements
iii) Added a footnote to paragraph 6.3.1 on reverse
charge for partially exempt traders
16 Sep 2022
Amended Para 6.1.6 on allowable input tax on motor
car expenses
1 Jan 2023
Updated the GST rate from 7% to 8%
31 Mar 2023
Added a footnote to paragraph 7.3.2 on serially
printed receipt
1 Jan 2024
Updated the GST rate from 8% to 9%
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Annex A
Figure 1: Output and Input Tax
Imports raw materials from overseas
-Pays GST to Singapore Customs for imports
-Import value = $100
-Import GST paid = 9 % X $100 = $9 (input tax to claim from IRAS)
Sells finished toy to retailers
-Charges and collects GST for sale of toys to retailer
-Selling price to retailer = $200
-GST charged to retailer = 9% X $200 = $18 (output tax to pay IRAS)
Net GST to be paid to IRAS is $9 ($18 - $9).
GST-Registered Manufacturer
Buys toy from Manufacturer
-Purchase value = $200
-GST paid = 9% X $200 = $18 (input tax to claim from IRAS)
Sells toys to end-consumers
-Charges and collects GST for sale of toys to end consumer
-Selling price to end consumer = $300
-GST charged to end consumer = 9% X $300 = $27 (output tax to pay
Net GST to be paid to IRAS is $9 ($27 - $18).
GST-Registered Retailer
Buy toy products from Retailer
-Pays GST to Retailer
-Purchase value = $300
-GST paid = 9% X $300 = $27
End consumer is not GST-registered. Therefore, he cannot claim GST
of $27 paid on his purchase from IRAS.
Non-GST Registered End Consumer
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Imported goods
Move to FTZ
GST not
Move to Zero-GST/
GST suspended
If subsequently
removed from
and move into
customs territory
Move into customs
Not under Major
Exporter Scheme
or other approved
GST is to be paid
to Singapore
Customs at the
point of importation
Under Major
Exporter Scheme
or other approved
GST suspended
even when goods
are imported into
customs territory
Figure 2: GST Treatment on Imported Goods
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Types of supply
Taxable supply
(Section 8 of the
GST Act)
- All supplies other
than Zero-rated,
Exempt and Out-
of-scope supply
Zero-rated (0%)
(Section 21 of the
GST Act)
- Export of goods
- International
(Fourth Schedule
of the GST Act)
- Sale and lease
of residential
- Provision of
financial services
- Local supply of
precious metals
- Transfer of
business as a
going concern
- Private
- Sale of goods
not brought into
- Sales made
within Zero GST
Warehouse /FTZ
Figure 3: Types of Supply
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Figure 4: Input Tax Apportionment for Partially Exempt Trader
Input tax is claimable in full
Step 1: Is the De
Minimis Rule
satisfied for all
exempt supplies?
Normal Input Tax Recovery Rules
1. Input tax attributable to taxable supplies
2. Input tax attributable to Regulation 33 exempt
supplies not claimable
3. Input tax attributable to non-Regulation 33
exempt supplies not claimable
4. Apportion residual input tax using the
following formula:
input tax
Value of taxable
Value of total
Step 3: Is the
Regulation 35
test satisfied?
1. Input tax attributable to taxable supplies
2. Input tax attributable to Regulation 33 exempt
supplies claimable
3. Input tax attributable to non-Regulation 33
exempt supplies not claimable
4. Apportion residual input tax using the following
input tax
Value of taxable supplies +
Value of Regulation 33 exempt
Value of total supplies
You may deduct exempt supplies that can be treated as incidental exempt supplies under regulation 29(3) of the GST
(General) Regulations from the value of total supplies. For more information on what constitute as incidental exempt
supplies, please refer to the e-Tax Guide “GST: Partial Exemption and Input Tax Recovery”.
Step 2: Is the
trader carrying
a Regulation
34 business?
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Gallery Photo Supplier
888 Jalan Ang Teng
Singapore 560009
GST Reg No: M2-1234567-K
(Customer’s Name)
(Customer's Address)
Invoice No: F012345
Type of Supply: Cash / Credit Sale
S/No Description Qty Unit Price Total Discount Total
($) ($) ($) ($)
1 Yashica MG2 10 90 900 45 855.00
2 Pentax Z-1 Body 20 1,000 20,000 1,000 19,000.00
3 Nikon W35 30 200 6,000 300 5,700.00
4 Canon Prima 5 40 220 8,800 440 8,360.00
Total 33,915.00
Add GST @ 9% 3,052.35
Amount Due: 36,967.35
Thank you. We look forward to being of service to you again.
Figure 5: Sample of a Tax Invoice
GST: General Guide for Businesses
Gallery Photo Supplier
888 Lorong Jalan
Singapore 560009
GST Reg No: M2-1234567-K Invoice No: 1234
Date: 05/01/2024
Description Subtotal
Fiji200 (3-pack) 12.00
Energy battery (AA 8-pack) 9.00
Grand Total 21.00*
Amount received 50.00
Change 29.00
*Amount payable includes GST
Thank You
Figure 6: Sample of a Simplified Tax Invoice