Bundled Auto Secure - Private Car Policy
(1 Year Term for Own Damage & 3 Years for Third Party) Brochure Page 1 of 12
Bundled Auto Secure - Private Car Policy
(1 Year Term for Own Damage & 3 Years for Third Party)
Arranging insurance every year for your private car may be a tedious & stressful task. In the hectic &
busy schedule of modern world the chances that you forget to renew is also there which will not
only be a violation of law but may land you up in huge loss & liability in case of any accident.
To relieve you from the stress of buying policy every year TATA AIG has brought Bundled Auto
Secure - Private Car Policy (1 Year Term for Own Damage & 3 years for Third Party) for your brand
new vehicle which will have the following additional advantages
1. Protection from increase in third party premium.
2. Relieving you from remembering the renewal dates.
Product Description
This policy will be covering the vehicle while it is being used
1. Against loss/damages by perils such as fire, lighting, accident, burglary & house breaking, flood,
Earthquake, Riot, strike & Malicious damages etc.
2. Against the legal liability to death & bodily injury to any person including the occupant (carried
as per the provision of M V Act), property damage of maximum of Rs.7.5 lakhs unless lower
amount selected by you along with cost & expenses incurred with the consent of the company
3. The policy will also cover the risk of Personal accident for Rs.15 lakhs for the owner driver if the
vehicle is registered in the name of an individual who holds an effective & valid driving license.
Major exclusions of the policy are
If the vehicle is used for hire or reward, racing, speed testing, reliability trials etc.
If the vehicle is used outside the geographical area i.e. outside India
Any consequential loss, wear & tear, Mechanical & electrical breakdown
Nuclear perils, war & war like operations
Bundled Auto Secure - Private Car Policy (1 Year Term for Own Damage & 3 Years for Third Party)
Add On covers
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This policy will also be available with the following add-on covers which, if opted, will enhance the
coverage under the policy:
1. Depreciation Reimbursement Private Car Bundled
In this coverage, the amount of deprecation deducted on the value of parts replaced is covered
under own damages claim, under section 1 (own damage) of the policy. However claims under
depreciation Cover will be limited to first 2 claims per year during the policy period. However
customer has option to select more than 2 claims per year on payment of additional premium.
Depreciation Reimbursement offers full claim without any deduction for depreciation, on the value
of replaced parts which otherwise have to be borne by you.
Special Conditions applicable to this cover in addition to the General Conditions:
A claim where replacement of any part is not involved and no depreciation is deducted
under own damage claim, will not be considered as claim under this cover.
Vehicle is repaired at any of our Authorised Garage/Authorised workshop/Authorised
service station
2. Daily Allowance - Private Car Bundled
This cover is applicable if it is shown on the Policy Schedule
If insured Vehicle is damaged by a covered peril mentioned in section 1 (Own damage) of the policy,
We will allow compensation in form of
A) Daily Allowance
B) Courtesy Hire/Car
A) Daily Allowance
We will pay You Daily Allowance to enable you to meet the cost of hired transport to reduce Your
Your entitlement of Daily Allowance will start from the following calendar day of Your Vehicle
reaching the garage for repair or the day of survey, whichever is later and shall end on the day
garage intimates you to take delivery of the Vehicle.
The cover will be available for maximum number of days as mentioned in policy schedule for repair
claim. The cover is available in option of 4 days, 6 days, 8 days & 10 days. In case of total loss/ theft
of entire vehicle claims, cover limit is up to maximum of 15 days.
Limits of allowance: (IN INR)
Vehicle Segment
Daily Allowance Limit per day
Mid Size
High End
B) Courtesy Hire/Car
We will arrange for the Courtesy/Hire car to reduce Your inconvenience if insured Vehicle is
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damaged by a covered peril mentioned in section 1 (Own damage) of the policy.
A Courtesy/Hire car is not intended to be an exact replacement of the insured vehicle in terms of
its size, segment, type, value or status.
Courtesy/Hire car will be made available within 24 hours of the insured Vehicle reaching the
garage or the time of intimation of claim to us, whichever is later excluding weekends/national
holidays, provided time required for repair of vehicle is greater than 24 hrs. If it is a claim for theft
of entire vehicle/Constructive total loss/total loss. Company will pay for the Courtesy/Hire car for a
maximum period of days as mentioned in policy schedule in case of repair claim and 15 days in
case of theft of entire vehicle/total loss claim during the Period of insurance.
Courtesy/Hire Car will be available in 3 options:
i. 8 hrs or 80 kms per day, whichever is less
ii. 10 hrs or 100 kms per day, whichever is less
iii. 12 hrs or 120 kms per day, whichever is less
If You do not want to avail Daily Allowance or Courtesy/Hire Car benefit then We will pay Your
cost of travel expenses Rs <*> per day as per daily allowance cover for the period determined as
above. In case You opt for travel expenses, terms and conditions of the Company providing it will
What is not covered:
We will not provide You with a Courtesy/Hire car
1. If You are only claiming for windscreen or any other glass damage under section 1 (Own damage)
of the policy.
2. If Vehicle is not repaired at our Authorised Garage/Authorised workshop/Authorised service
3. If claim under section 1 (Own damage) is not valid and admissible.
4. If time taken for repair is in respect of damages not admissible under section 1 (Own damage) of
the policy.
5. Period for which vehicle is stuck for repair for non availability of any part and/or material at
garage would be excluded for the purpose of computation of duration for the claim.
6. Time excess if any voluntarily selected by you.
3. Return to Invoice Private Car Bundled
We will pay the difference between the Insured's Declared Value (IDV) of the insured vehicle and on-
road price (including electronic/electrical/non electrical/electronic accessories/bi-fuel kit provided
by manufacturer/dealer) of a new vehicle of similar make and model published by
manufacturer/dealer in case of total loss/constructive total loss/theft of your vehicle. On-road price
shall include registration fees, road tax & Insurance charges. Insurance charges will be limited to the
amount arrived at by multiplying the prevailing own damage rate on the date of accident with
Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) & applicable basic third party premium. For obsolete models, on-road
price shall mean last on road price listed by manufacturer/dealer.
The Total Loss/CTL and theft claim is not valid and admissible under section 1 of the policy.
Final investigation report of police confirming the theft of the vehicle in case of theft claim is
not submitted to us.
4. No Claim Bonus Protection Cover - Private Car Bundled
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If you file for a claim you forego on your No Claim Bonus. But with no claim bonus protection you get
to benet from certain claims even while you get to keep your No Claim bonus, if bonus
accumulated by you is for 2 or more than 2 claim free years and there being no claim in 2 preceding
years. So you stay double protected.
Special conditions applicable to this benefit in addition to the general conditions:
The claim made for damages only to the windscreen glass/rear glass/door glasses sun roof
glass, will not be considered as a claim under this benefit.
The claim only partial theft of accessories/parts will not be considered as a claim under this
A claim for theft of entire motor vehicle will not be considered as a Total Loss/Constructive
Total Loss for this purpose provided a new motor vehicle is purchased and insured with Us
within 90 days of the theft, in which case, We will allow same No claim bonus on New motor
vehicle as is shown in the schedule of the policy wording.
5. Repair of Glass, Fibre, Plastic & Rubber Parts - Private Car Bundled
A claim for only Glass/plastic/rubber/fiber part where You opt for repairs rather than replacement,
at our authorised workshops/authorised dealers/authorised service stations will not affect Your No
Claim Bonus eligibility at the time renewal with Us provided number of such claim does not exceed
one and there is no other claim for damage to the vehicle during the period of insurance.
Exclusions: Only painting of parts without any repair involved
6. Loss of personal belongings - Private Car Bundled
Loss of personal belonging covers the loss or damage to your and your family member’s personal
belongings in the vehicle at the time of loss or damage to the vehicle in excess of Rs. 250. Cover is
available for all vehicle age.
Exclusions: Deductible- Rs. 250; Personal belongings for the purpose of this section means items
such as clothes and other articles of personal nature likely to be worn, used or carried and includes
audio/video tapes, CDs but excludes money, securities, cheques, bank drafts, credit or debit cards,
jewellery, lens, glasses, travel tickets, watches, valuables, manuscripts, paintings and items of similar
7. Emergency Transport & Hotel Expenses - Private Car Bundled
If your insured vehicle is immobilized after an accident, Emergency Transport & Medical Expenses
offers to pay for the cost of overnight stay and taxi charges for returning back to the place of
residence or the nearest city you were travelling to. Cover is available for all vehicle age.
Any claim under this section will be admissible only when there is a valid & admissible claim in
respect of the vehicle arising out of the same accident.
8. Key Replacement - Private Car Bundled
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It will cover for the cost of replacing your vehicle keys which are lost or stolen.
Break-in Protection: We will reimburse you for the cost of replacing your locks and keys if Your
vehicle is broken into. The covered costs include the labor cost for replacing the lock.
Exclusions: Cost to replace keys to vehicles that is not owned for personal use
9. Engine Secure - Private Car Bundled
This covers repair and replacement expenses for the loss or damage to internal parts of the engine
and gear box, transmission or differential assembly provided loss or damage is due to ingress of
water in the engine or leakage of lubricating oil from engine /respective assembly i.e. material,
which is used up and needs continuous replenishment such as engine oil, gear box oil etc but
excluding fuel.
This cover is available for vehicle age upto 5 yrs.
Loss or damage covered under manufacturer warranty; recall campaign or forming part of
Any aggravation of loss or damage including corrosion due to delay in intimation to us
and/or retrieving the vehicle from water logged area
Ageing, depreciation, wear and tear.
10. Tyre Secure - Private Car Bundled
This covers repair & replacement expenses arising out of accidental loss or damage to tyres & tubes
only, without any damage to the insured vehicle, resulting into bulge, puncture, burst, cut, or
damage as specified below. Unused tread depth will be the basis of indemnity under this coverage as
specified in the policy.
This cover is available for vehicle age upto 5 yrs.
Loss or damage arising out of natural wear & tear including unevenly worn tyres caused by
defective steering geometry outside manufacturer’s recommended limits or wheel balance,
failure of suspension component, wheel bearing or shock absorber.
Any loss or damage within first 15 days of inception of the policy.
Any loss or damage occurred prior to inception of the policy.
Any loss or damage resulting in to total loss of vehicle
Routine maintenance including adjustment, alignment, balancing or rotation of
wheels/tyres/tubes, theft of tyre(s)/tube(s) or its parts accessories without vehicle being
stolen or theft of entire vehicle.
Loss or damage to wheel accessories, any other part or rim.
If vehicle is not repaired at Authorised garage
11. Consumable Expenses - Private Car Bundled
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This addon covers cost of consumables required to be replaced/replenished arising from the
accident to the insured vehicle. Consumable for the purpose of this cover shall include engine oil,
gear box oil, lubricants, nut & bolt, screw, distilled water grease, oil filter, bearings, washers, clip,
break oil, air conditioner gas and items of similar nature excluding fuel. Cover is subject to
deductible as mentioned in policy schedule.
Any consumable not associated with admissible Own Damage claim under section I (Own
Damage) of the policy
If there is no valid and admissible claim under section I (Own Damage) of the policy.
12. Road Side Assistance - Private Car Bundled
This addon will cover the repair & towing assistance like service for flat tyre, flat battery, repair on
the spot, spare key Key Retrieval / Service for Keys Locked Inside, Fuel Support (Emergency Fuel
Delivery), arrangement of alternate vehicle and emergency towing assistance.
13. Additional Third-party Property Damage Cover
We will pay for damage to property other than the property belonging to you or held in your trust,
custody and control up to the limit specified in your schedule, provided that damage to property is
solely and directly caused by accident by the insured vehicle.
The above limit is in respect of any one claim or series of claims arising out of one event/occurrence
in excess of maximum limit of liability covered under Section II of the policy.
14. Misfuelling
The cost of flushing out the wrong/adulterated fuel filled at fuel filling station including replacement
of parts damaged due to wrong fueling will be paid. In addition to this the cost of wrong/adulterated
fuel up to maximum of Rs.2000/- on submission of bill will also be paid.
Maximum number of claims permissible in a policy period is restricted to one (1).
15. Additional Towing Charges:
It provides additional protection against vehicle towing charges which is over and above what is
covered under the policy. This additional Towing Charges can be opted for any amount between Rs.
5,000 to Rs.50,000 in a multiple of Rs 5,000/-. This cover is available maximum limit of Rs. 50,000.
16. Emergency Medical Expenses
We will pay for Emergency Medical Expenses incurred by you for treatment of bodily injury/ies
sustained by you/driver/occupant in the vehicle in direct connection with the insured vehicle whilst
mounting and dismounting from or driving or travelling in the insured vehicle and caused by violent,
accidental external and visible means and required treatment is taken in a hospital/nursing Home.
Any expenses related to a sickness, disease or medical disorder not directly consequential
to accident.
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Any physiotherapy treatment.
17. Electric Surge Secure
We will pay you for partial or total or constructive total loss, destruction or damage to electric
vehicle including charging equipment arising out of arcing, self heating, leakage of electricity or short
circuiting including due to ingress of water. Our maximum liability will be limited to Insured Declared
Value (IDV) mentioned in the policy schedule.
What is not Covered:
Loss or damage due to any manufacturing defect.
Loss arising as a result of failure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Use of batteries, charger and/or accessories not approved specification by the
When battery is charged not in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction.
Loss or damage to the battery fitted in the vehicle unless cost of the battery is included in
IDV or
endorsed in the policy.
Conventional SLI (Starting, Lighting and Ignition) battery will not be covered under this Add
Special Condition:
In the event of an accident, we will indemnify under this Add On only if sufficient evidence of under
carriage damage to battery.
Subject otherwise to terms, conditions, limitations and exceptions of the policy.
18. Depreciation Reimbursement Battery
We will pay you the amount of depreciation deducted on the value of the battery replaced under
Own Damage claim, lodged under section 1 (Loss of or damage to the insured vehicle) of the policy.
We will pay the number of claims as mentioned in the Policy Schedule during the policy period.
Deductible is in the form of two options
Zero deductible
5% of claim amount and minimum of Rs. 500 for each and every claim
What is not covered:
Loss or damage to the battery fitted in the vehicle unless cost of the battery is included in
IDV or
endorsed on the policy.
Special Conditions applicable to this cover in addition to the General Conditions:
Vehicle is repaired at any of our Authorised Garage/Authorised workshop/Authorised
service station.
Subject otherwise to terms, conditions, limitations and exceptions of the policy.
19. Vehicle Loan Protector
In the unfortunate event of death or permanent total disability sustained by Owner-Driver, we will
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(1 Year Term for Own Damage & 3 Years for Third Party) Brochure Page 8 of 12
pay the outstanding vehicle loan amount which is payable by you to financial institution.
No compensation shall be payable in respect of death or injury/permanent total disability
directly or indirectly wholly or in part arising or resulting from traceable to
a) Intentional self injury, suicide or attempted suicide physical defect or infirmity
b) An accident happening whilst such person is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs
If the vehicle is a total loss/constructive total loss or theft is reported.
For more than one covered incident during the policy period.
20. Reinstate Cover - Private Car Bundled
This cover is applicable if it is shown on Your Policy schedule.
What is Covered:
We will pay you for the cost of repair to any one Panel of your vehicle provided that,
the accidental damage to the Panel has occurred during the policy period caused by perils
specified under section 1 of the base policy but could not be reported as per base policy
condition immediately after the damage to the Panel for any reason.
such earlier damage to the Panel is being reported later along with the subsequent Own
damage claim under section I of the base policy which is admissible under the base policy.
such damage to the Panel can be repaired without replacement of any part.
Our liability is restricted to repair of one Panel only and upto the sum insured of this add on
Special Condition:
Compulsory deductible and depreciation shall not be applied on claims under this add on
Damages covered under this add-on shall be payable independent of Own Damage claim
under the base Policy.
Only one claim will be payable under this add on cover during the policy period.
the panel is repaired at any of our Authorized Garage/Authorized workshop/Authorized
service station.
What is not Covered:
Cost of replacement of parts and stickers, logo, emblems and similar such items.
If vehicle is not repaired at Authorized Garage/ Authorized workshop/ Authorized service
Subject otherwise to terms, conditions, limitations and exceptions of the base policy.
* Please refer policy for detail coverage, terms, conditions and exclusions.
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Sum insured Insured Declared Value (IDV)
The Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) of the vehicle will be deemed to be the ‘SUM INSURED’ for the
purpose of this Policy which is fixed at the commencement of each Period of insurance, for the
insured vehicle.
The IDV of the vehicle (and accessories if any fitted to the vehicle) is to be fixed on the basis of the
manufacturer’s listed selling price of the brand and model as the vehicle insured at the
commencement of insurance/renewal and adjusted for depreciation (as per scheduled below):
The schedule of age-wise depreciation as shown below is applicable for the purpose of Total
Loss/Constructive Total Loss (TL/CTL) claims only.
Age of The Vehicle
% of Depreciation For Fixing IDV
Not exceeding 6 months
Exceeding 6 months but not exceeding 1 year
Exceeding 1 year but not exceeding 2 years
Exceeding 2 years but not exceeding 3 years
Exceeding 3 years but not exceeding 4 years
Exceeding 4 years but not exceeding 5 years
IDV of vehicles beyond 5 years of age and of obsolete models of vehicles (i.e. models which the
manufacturers have discontinued to manufacture) is to be determined on the basis of an
understanding between the insurer and the insured.
IDV shall be treated as the ‘Market Value’ throughout the Period of insurance, without any further
depreciation for the purpose of Total Loss (TL) / Constructive Total Loss (CTL) claims.
The insured vehicle shall be treated as a CTL if the aggregate cost of retrieval and/or repair of the
vehicle, subject to terms and conditions of the policy, exceeds 75% of the IDV of the vehicle.
No Claim Bonus:
a) No Claim Bonus (NCB) can be earned only in the Own Damage section of Policies. For
policies covering Liability with Fire and/or Theft Risks, the NCB will be applicable only on the
Fire and / or Theft components of the premium. An insured becomes entitled to NCB only at
the renewal of a policy after the expiry of the full duration of 12 months.
b) No Claim Bonus, wherever applicable, will be as per the following table.
No claim made or pending during the preceding full year of
No claim made or pending during the preceding 2
consecutive years of insurance
No claim made or pending during the preceding 3
consecutive years of insurance
No claim made or pending during the preceding 4
consecutive years of insurance
No claim made or pending during the preceding 5
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consecutive years of insurance
The entire premium shall be paid in one installment on or before the date of inception of risk to
comply the requirements of Section 64VB of Insurance Act, 1938. Premium payable will depend
upon the age of your vehicle, segment such as mini, mid size, compact, MPV SUV, high end etc.
The discounts in premium can be availed for the following features-
If you are member of Recognized Automobile Association of India.
If the vehicle is fitted with Anti theft device which is recognized by ARAI.
If any voluntary excess (self claim bearing limit) has been opted by you.
If no claim has been lodged under policy in the expiring policy period.
Cancellation of Policy:
I. Cancellation by Insurer
The Company may cancel the policy on the grounds of established fraud, subject to clause III
mentioned under this section, by sending seven days notice by recorded delivery to the
insured at insured's last known address and in which case the policy will be cancelled ‘ab-initio’
with forfeiture of premium and non-consideration of claim, if any.
II. Cancellation by Insured
The policy may be cancelled at any time by the insured without assigning any reason provided
no claim has arisen during the Period of Insurance. The insured shall be entitled to a refund of
proportionate premium for the unexpired period in the running year and full refund of
premium for remaining full policy years (where period of insurance exceeds one year) subject
to submission of proof that vehicle is insured elsewhere at least for Liability Only cover and
original certificate of insurance.
III. Liability to Third party section of the policy may be cancelled either by the Company or the
Insured only on the following grounds:
a. Double Insurance
b. Vehicle not in use anymore because of Total Loss or Constructive Total Loss
on submission of original cancelled Registration Certificate or on providing evidence that the
vehicle is insured elsewhere, at least for Liability Only cover on submission of original proof of
such insurance. The Company will refund proportionate premium for unexpired period of
Double Insurance:
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When the insured vehicle is covered under another policy with identical cover, then the policy
commencing later may be cancelled by the insured subject to the following.
If a vehicle is insured at any time with two different offices of the same insurer, 100% refund of
premium of one policy shall be allowed by cancelling the later of the two policies. However, if
the two policies are issued by two different insurers, the policy commencing later shall be
cancelled by the insurer concerned and pro-rata refund of premium thereon shall be allowed.
If however, due to requirements of Banks/Financial Institutions, intimated to the insurer in
writing, the earlier dated policy is required to be cancelled, then refund of premium will be
allowed after retaining premium on pro-rate basis for the period the policy was in force prior to
In either case, no refund of premium shall be allowed for such cancellation if any claim has
arisen on either of the policies during the period when both the policies were in operation, but
prior to cancellation of one of the policies.
Compulsory Deductible (applicable for each & every claim):
CC Band
Compulsory Deductible
Private Car with CC <=1500
Private Car with >1500
How do you lodge a claim with US?
The insured / claimant will intimate claim to TATA AIG via -
I. Call Centre:
Toll Free Number 18002667780
Email - general.claims@tataaig.com
Website www.tataaig.com
II. Insured or claimant shall furnish immediate loss details, which shall include details of the
loss event, location of the loss, location of the damaged vehicle, and names and telephone
numbers of contact personnel
III. If the claim is for theft, insured should report to the Police as well as insurer within 48 hrs
from theft and obtain an FIR or a written acknowledgement from the Police authorities.
Notice of claim must be given by you to us immediately after an actual or potential loss begins or as
soon as reasonably possible after actual or potential loss begins.
In case of vehicle theft, a police complaint has to be filed immediately after the loss. Please keep the
following information ready when you call the call centre:
1. Your Contact Numbers
2. Policy Number
3. Name of Insured
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4. Date & Time of loss
5. Location of loss
6. Nature of Loss
7. Place & Contact Details of the person at the loss location
Note: The above list is only indicative. You may be asked for additional documents. For more details,
please refer to the intimation cum preliminary claim form.
Note: Above mentioned documents are primary documents which need to be provided at the time
of claim. Other documents can be called for as per the treatment undergone
This Policy is subject to IRDAI (protection of Policyholder’s Interests, Operations and Allied Matters
of Insurers) Regulations, 2024
Disclaimer: INSURANCE ACT 1938 Section 41 Prohibition of Rebates
1. No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any
person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to
lives or property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any
rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or
continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with
the published prospectus or tables of the Insurer.
2. Any Person Making Default In Complying With The Provisions Of This Section Shall Be Punished
With A Fine Which May Extend To Ten Lakhs Rupees.
“Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation”. This is a summary of the product features,
exclusions, limitations and conditions For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms &
conditions, please refer sales brochure/ policy wordings carefully, before concluding a sale.
“Commencement of risk cover under the policy is subject to receipt of payable premium by Tata AIG
General Insurance Company Limited”.
Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited
Registered Office: Peninsula Business Park, Tower- A, 15th Floor, G.K. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai
24X7 Toll Free No: 1800 266 7780; E-mail: customersu[email protected]m Website: www.tataaig.com
IRDA of India Registration No: 108; CIN: U85110MH2000PLC128425;
UIN: IRDAN108RP0006V02201819