Your personal car is not only a high value possession but a necessity also. Apart from comfort & exclusiveness
it gives freedom to your movement whether for your day to day work or going for a long drive with your family.
Unforeseen accidents do lead to damage resulting in huge expenses. Why to worry about such expenses or
even the vehicle getting stolen, when you have the private car insurance policy from Tata AIG General Insurance
Company Limited.
To protect against such unpleasant situations you need a Insurance policy which covers the car against the losses
caused due to re, theft, explosions, burglary, riots, strikes, earthquake, ood, cyclones, accidental external means,
malicious acts and terrorist activities.
Product Description
The Company will indemnify the Insured against loss or damage to the vehicle insured hereunder and/or its
accessories whilst thereon:
(i) by re, explosion self-ignition or lightning;
(ii) by burglary, housebreaking or theft;
(iii) by riot and strike;
(iv) by earthquake (Fire and Shock Damage);
(v) by ood, typhoon, hurricane, storm, tempest, inundation, cyclone, hailstorm, frost;
(vi) by accidental external means;
(vii) by malicious act;
(viii) by terrorist activity;
(ix) whilst in transit by road rail inland - waterway lift elevator or air;
(x) by landslide, rockslide.
Subject to deduction for depreciation at the rates mentioned below in respect of parts replaced:
Subject to a deduction for depreciation at the rates mentioned below in respect of the parts replaced
1. For All Rubber/ Nylon/ Plastic Parts, tyres, tubes and batteries 50%
2. For Fibre glass components 30%
3. For All Parts made of Glass NIL
4. Rate of depreciation for all other parts including wooden parts will be as per
following schedule
Age of the vehicle % of Depreciation
Not Exceeding 6 months NIL
Exceeding 6 months but not exceeding 1 year 5%
Exceeding 1 year but not exceeding 2 years 10%
Exceeding 2 year but not exceeding 3 years 15%
Exceeding 3 years but not exceeding 4 years 25%
Exceeding 4 years but not exceeding 5 years 35%
Exceeding 5 years but not exceeding 10 years 40%
Exceeding 10 years 50%
Auto Secure – Standalone Own Damage Private Car Policy –
Add on covers
5. Rate of depreciation for painting: In the case of painting, depreciation rate of 50% shall be applied only on the
material cost of total painting charges. In case of a consolidated bill for painting charges, the material component
shall be considered as 25% of the total painting charges for the purpose of applying the depreciation.
2. The Company shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of:
(a) Consequential loss, depreciation, wear and tear, mechanical or electrical breakdown, failures or breakages;
(b) Damage to tyres and tubes unless the vehicle is damaged at the same time in which case the liability of
the Company shall be limited to 50% of the cost of replacement. And
(c) Any accidental loss or damage suered whilst the Insured or any person driving the vehicle with the
knowledge and consent of the Insured is under the inuence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.
3. In the event of the vehicle being disabled by reason of loss or damage covered under this Policy the Company
will bear the reasonable cost of protection and removal to the nearest repairer and redelivery to the insured
but not exceeding in all Rs. 1500/- in respect of any one accident.
4. The insured may authorise the repair of the vehicle necessitated by damage for which the Company may be
liable under this Policy provided that:
(a) the estimated cost of such repair including replacements, if any, does not exceed Rs. 500/-;
(b) the company is furnished forthwith with a detailed estimate of the cost of repairs; and
(c) the Insured shall give the Company every assistance to see that such repair is necessary and the charges
are reasonable.
The Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) of the vehicle will be deemed to be the ‘SUM INSURED’ for the purpose of this
Policy which is xed at the commencement of each policy period for the insured vehicle.
The IDV of the vehicle (and accessories if any tted to the vehicle) is to be xed on the basis of the manufacturer’s
listed selling price of the brand and model as the vehicle insured at the commencement of insurance/renewal and
adjusted for depreciation (as per scheduled below):
The schedule of age-wise depreciation as shown below is applicable for the purpose of Total Loss/Constructive
Total Loss (TL/CTL) claims only.
Age of The Vehicle
% of Depreciation
For Fixing IDV
Not exceeding 6 months 5%
Exceeding 6 months but not exceeding 1 year 15%
Exceeding 1 year but not exceeding 2 years 20%
Exceeding 2 years but not exceeding 3 years 30%
Exceeding 3 years but not exceeding 4 years 40%
Exceeding 4 years but not exceeding 5 years 50%
IDV of vehicles beyond 5 years of age and of obsolete models of vehicles (i.e. models which the manufacturers
have discontinued to manufacture) is to be determined on the basis of an understanding between the insurer
and the insured.
IDV shall be treated as the ‘Market Value’ throughout the policy period without any further depreciation for the
purpose of Total Loss (TL) / Constructive Total Loss (CTL) claims.
The insured vehicle shall be treated as a CTL if the aggregate cost of retrieval and/or repair of the vehicle, subject
to terms and conditions of the policy, exceeds 75% of the IDV of the vehicle.
The Company shall not be liable under this policy in respect of
1. Any accidental loss or damage and/or liability caused sustained or incurred outside the Geographical Area.
2. Any claim arising out of any contractual liability;
3. Any accidental loss or damage and/or liability caused sustained or incurred whilst the vehicle insured herein is
(a) being used otherwise than in accordance with the ‘Limitations as to Use’ or
(b) being driven by or is for the purpose of being driven by him/her in the charge of any person other than a
Driver as stated in the Driver’s Clause.
4. (a) any accidental loss or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting
or arising there from or any consequential loss.
(b) any liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste
from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self
sustaining process of nuclear ssion;
5. Any accidental loss or damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from
nuclear weapons material;
6. Any accidental loss or damage and/or liability directly or indirectly or proximately or remotely occasioned
by contributed to by or traceable to or arising out of or in connection with war, invasion, the act of foreign
enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether before or after declaration of war) civil war, mutiny
rebellion, military or usurped power or by any direct or indirect consequence of any of the said occurrences
and in the event of any claim hereunder the insured shall prove that the accidental loss or damage and/
or liability arose independently of and was in no way connected with or occasioned by or contributed to by
or traceable to any of the said occurrences or any consequences thereof and in default of such proof, the
Company shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of such a claim.
Auto Secure –Standalone Own Damage Private Car Policy
This policy will also be available with the following add-on covers which, if opted, will enhance the coverage under
the policy:
1. Depreciation Reimbursement -SAOD Private Car Policy
We will pay you the amount of depreciation deducted on the value of parts replaced under own damage
claim, lodged under own damage section of the policy. We will pay for the rst 2 claims reported to Us during
the Period of insurance.
Given are the special conditions applicable to this cover in addition to the General Conditions:
A claim where replacement of any part is not involved and no depreciation is deducted under own damage
claim, will not be considered as claim under this cover.
Vehicle is repaired at any of our Authorised Garage/Authorised workshop/Authorised service station.
2. Daily Allowance - SAOD Private Car Policy
Daily Allowance oers to pay a xed sum towards a hired transport which you may need to take while your
vehicle is under repair for a valid claim and repair time is more than 3 days. This will be available for maximum
10 days & in case of total loss/ theft claims upto 15 days. Period of daily allowance may extend beyond policy
period depending upon the date of loss.
Arising out of only windscreen or any other glass damage
If time required for repair of motor vehicle is up to 3 days.
3. Return to Invoice - SAOD Private Car Policy
In consideration of payment of additional premium, We will pay the dierence between Insured’s Declared
Value (IDV) of the insured vehicle and on-road price (including electronic/electrical/non-electrical/electronic
accessories/bi-fuel kit provided by manufacturer/dealer) of a new vehicle of similar make and model published
by manufacturer/dealer in case of Total Loss/Constructive Total Loss/Theft of your vehicle. Onroad price shall
include registration fees, road tax & Insurance charges.
Insurance charges will be limited to the amount arrived at by multiplying prevailing Own Damage Rate on the
date of accident with Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) & applicable Basic Third Party Premium.
For obsolete models, on road price shall mean last on road price listed by manufacturer/dealer.
For imported vehicles, we will pay the shortfall between the Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) of the insured
vehicle and the landed cost of a new vehicle of a similar make and model.
Special conditions applicable to this cover:
The nance company/bank whose interest is endorsed on the policy must agree in writing.
We will not pay if:
the Total Loss/CTL and theft claim is not valid and admissible under section 1 of the policy.
nal investigation report of police conrming the theft of the vehicle in case of theft claim is not submitted
to us.
4. No Claim Bonus Protection Cover - SAOD Private Car Policy
If you le for a claim you forego on your No Claim Bonus. But with no claim bonus protection you get to
benet from certain claims even while you get to keep your No Claim bonus, if bonus accumulated by you is
for 2 or more than 2 claim free years and there being no claim in 2 preceding years.
Special conditions applicable to this benet in addition to the general conditions:
The claim made for damages only to the windscreen glass/rear glass/door glasses sun roof glass, will not
be considered as a claim under this benet.
The claim only partial theft of accessories/parts will not be considered as a claim under this benet.
A claim for theft of entire motor vehicle will not be considered as a Total Loss/Constructive Total Loss for
this purpose provided a new motor vehicle is purchased and insured with Us within 90 days of the theft,
in which case, We will allow same No claim bonus on New motor vehicle as is shown in the schedule of
the policy wording.
5. Repair of Glass, Fibre, Plastic & Rubber Parts - SAOD Private Car Policy
A claim for only Glass/plastic/rubber/ber part where You opt for repairs rather than replacement, at our
authorised workshops/authorised dealers/authorised service stations will not aect Your No Claim Bonus
eligibility at the time renewal with Us provided number of such claim does not exceed one and there is no
other claim for damage to the vehicle during the period of insurance.
Cost of painting of parts without any other repair associated with these parts
6. Loss of personal belongings - SAOD Private Car Policy
Loss of personal belonging covers the loss or damage to you and your family member’s personal belongings
in the vehicle at the time of loss or damage to the vehicle in excess of Rs. 250.
money, securities, cheques, bank drafts, credit or debit cards, jewellery, lens, glasses, travel tickets, watches,
valuables, manuscripts, paintings, laptops and items of similar nature.
7. Emergency Transport & Hotel Expenses - SAOD Private Car Policy
If your vehicle is immobilized after an accident, Emergency Transport & Medical Expenses oers to pay for
the cost of overnight stay and taxi charges for returning back to the place of residence or the nearest city you
were travelling to.
Special conditions applicable to this benet in addition to the general conditions:
Any claim under this section will be admissible only when there is a valid & admissible claim in respect of the
vehicle arising out of the same accident.
8. Key Replacement - SAOD Private Car Policy
1. Key Replacement We will reimburse You for the cost of replacing your vehicle keys which are lost
or stolen.
2. Break-in Protection We will reimburse you for the cost of replacing your locks and keys if your vehicle is
broken into. The covered costs include the labor cost for replacing the lock.
Exclusions: Cost to replace keys to vehicles that is not owned for personal use
9. Courtesy/Hire Car - SAOD Private Car Policy
If the estimated time taken to repair your car is more than 24 hrs or it is a claim for total loss/theft of entire
vehicle, then with courtesy/hire car, you will not have to worry about your daily commute. It oers the
convenience of a replacement car while your vehicle is under repair for a valid claim. A Courtesy/Hire Car is
not intended to be an exact replacement of vehicle in terms of its size, segment, type, value or status.
Courtesy/Hire Car will be provided within 24 hrs. of vehicle reaching the garage or the time of intimation
of claim to us whichever is later excluding weekend/national holidays. We will pay for a maximum period
of 10 days in case of repair claim and 15 days in case of theft/total loss claim. In case of theft, if the vehicle
is recovered earlier then our liability to pay under this cover ends on the day police authority informs you
to take delivery of the vehicle plus 2 days subject to maximum 15 days. Duration for which courtesy car will
be provided may extend beyond policy period depending upon the date of loss. Courtesy/Hire Car will be
provided on 8 hrs or 80 km per day basis whichever is less. The terms and conditions of the Hire Car Company
will apply. You will be given a copy of the Hire Car Company’s terms and conditions when the hire car is
delivered to you.
If unable to arrange for a courtesy/hire car we will pay the xed travel cost for the period as stated in the policy.
10. Engine Secure - SAOD Private Car Policy
This covers repair and replacement expenses for the loss or damage to internal parts of the engine and
gear box, transmission or dierential assembly provided loss or damage is due to ingress of water in the
engine or leakage of lubricating oil from engine /respective assembly i.e. material, which is used up and needs
continuous replenishment such as engine oil, gear box oil etc but excluding fuel.
Loss or damage covered under manufacturer warranty; recall campaign or forming part of maintenance.
Any aggravation of loss or damage including corrosion due to delay in intimation to us and/or retrieving
the vehicle from water logged area
Ageing, depreciation, wear and tear.
11. Tyre Secure - SAOD Private Car Policy
This covers repair & replacement expenses arising out of accidental loss or damage to tyres & tubes only,
without any damage to the insured vehicle, resulting into bulge, puncture, burst, cut, or damage as specied
below. Unused tread depth will be the basis of indemnity under this coverage as specied in the policy.
Loss or damage arising out of natural wear & tear including unevenly worn tyres caused by defective
steering geometry outside manufacturer’s recommended limits or wheel balance, failure of suspension
component, wheel bearing or shock absorber
Any loss or damage within rst 15 days of inception of the policy
Any loss or damage occurred prior to inception of the policy
Any loss or damage resulting in to total loss of vehicle
Routine maintenance including adjustment, alignment, balancing or rotation of wheels/tyres/tubes, theft
of tyre(s)/tube(s) or its parts accessories without vehicle being stolen or theft of entire vehicle.
Loss or damage to wheel accessories, any other part or rim
If vehicle is not repaired at Authorised garage.
12. Consumable Expenses - SAOD Private Car Policy
This covers cost of consumables required to be replaced/replenished arising from the accident to the insured
vehicle. Consumable for the purpose of this cover shall include engine oil, gear box oil, lubricants, nut &
bolt, screw, distilled water grease, oil lter, bearings, washers, clip, break oil, air conditioner gas and items of
similar nature excluding fuel.
Any consumable not associated with admissible Own Damage claim under Own Damage section of
the policy
If there is no valid and admissible claim under Own Damage section of the policy.
13. Road Side Assistance - SAOD Private Car Policy
It’s a service facilitated to take care of your vehicle and your worries in an unfortunate event of your vehicle
meeting with an accident or breakdown. Under this, we provide wide range of services for your help within
the covered geographical territory.
* Please refer policy for detail coverage, terms, conditions and exclusions.
Auto Add-on Bundles
Customers are free to avail of individual add-on covers or any combination of add-ons with or without forming
part of bundles.
Following are the add-on bundles –
Gold Pearl Pearl Plus Titanium Platinum Sapphire Sapphire Plus
Repair of
Glass, Fibre,
Plastic &
Rubber Parts
Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold
Loss of
Transport &
Engine Secure
Return to
Tyre Secure Tyre Secure
Road Side
Engine Secure
No Claim Bonus:
a) No Claim Bonus (NCB) can be earned only in the Own Damage section of Policies.
An insured becomes entitled to NCB only at the renewal of a policy after the expiry of the full duration of 12
b) No Claim Bonus, wherever applicable, will be as per the following table.
No claim made or pending during the preceding full year of insurance 20%
No claim made or pending during the preceding 2 consecutive years
of insurance
No claim made or pending during the preceding 3 consecutive years
of insurance
No claim made or pending during the preceding 4 consecutive years
of insurance
No claim made or pending during the preceding 5 consecutive years
of insurance
The entire premium shall be paid in one installment on or before the date of inception of risk to comply the
requirements of Section 64VB of Insurance Act, 1938. Premium payable will depend upon the age of your vehicle,
segment such as Mini, Midsize, Compact, MPV/SUV, High end etc.
The discounts in premium can be availed for the following features-
If you are member of Recognized Automobile Association of India.
If the vehicle is tted with Anti theft device which is recognized by ARAI.
If any voluntary excess (self claim bearing limit) has been opted by you.
If no claim has been lodged under policy in the expiring policy period.
Cancellation of Policy:
a) The Company may cancel the policy by sending fteen days notice by recorded delivery to the insured at
insured’s last known address and in such event will return to the insured the premium paid less the pro rata
portion thereof for the period the policy has been in force unless the policy is cancelled on the grounds of
misrepresentation, fraud, non-disclosure of material facts or non-cooperation of the insured in which case
the policy will be cancelled on ‘ab-initio’ basis with forfeiture of premium and non consideration of claim, if any.
b) The policy may be cancelled at any time by the insured on fteen days notice by recorded delivery and
provided no claim has arisen during the currency of the policy, the insured shall be entitled to a return of
premium less premium at the company’s short period rates for the period the policy has been in force. Return
of the premium by the Company will be subject to retention of the minimum premium of Rs. 100/- (or Rs.
25/- in respect of vehicles specically designed/modied for use by blind/handicapped/ mentally challenged
Cancellation premium retention grid:
Not Exceeding 1 Month 20%
Exceeding 1 month but not exceeding 2 months 30%
Exceeding 2 months but not exceeding 3 months 40%
Exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 4 Months 50%
Exceeding 4 months but not exceeding 5 months 60%
Exceeding 5 months but not exceeding 6 months 70%
Exceeding 6 months but not exceeding 7 months 80%
Exceeding 7 months but not exceeding 8 Months 90%
Exceeding 8 months Full annual Premium/rate
The Company shall not be liable for each and every claim under Own Damage Section of this Policy in respect of
the deductible stated in the Schedule.
How do you lodge a claim with US?
The insured / claimant will intimate claim to TATA AIG via -
I. Call Centre:
Toll Free Number– 18002667780
Email - [email protected]
Website –
II. Insured or claimant shall furnish immediate loss details, which shall include details of the loss event, location
of the loss, location of the damaged vehicle, and names and telephone numbers of contact personnel If the
claim is for theft, insured should report to the Police as well as insurer within 48 hrs from theft and obtain an
FIR or a written acknowledgement from the Police authorities.
Notice of claim must be given by you to us immediately after an actual or potential loss begins or as soon as
reasonably possible after actual or potential loss begins.
In case of vehicle theft, a police complaint has to be led immediately after the loss. Please keep the following
information ready when you call the call centre:
1. Your Contact Numbers
2. Policy Number
3. Name of Insured
4. Date & Time of loss
5. Location of loss
6. Nature of Loss
7. Place & Contact Details of the person at the loss location
Note: The above list is only indicative. You may be asked for additional documents. For more details, please refer
to the intimation cum preliminary claim form.
Note: Above mentioned documents are primary documents which need to be provided at the time of
claim. Other documents can be called for as per the treatment undergone
This Policy is subject to IRDAI (Protection of Policyholder’s Interests) Regulation, 2017.
Disclaimer: INSURANCE ACT 1938 Section 41 Prohibition of Rebates
1. No person shall allow or oer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take
out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any
rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor
shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may
be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or tables of the Insurer.
2. Any Person Making Default In Complying With The Provisions Of This Section Shall Be Punished With A Fine
Which May Extend To Ten Lakhs Rupees.
“Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation”. This is a summary of the product features, exclusions,
limitations and conditions For more details on benets, exclusions, limitations, terms & conditions, please refer
policy wordings carefully, before concluding a sale.
Section 64VB of the Insurance Act, 1938-
“Commencement of risk cover under the policy is subject to receipt of payable premium by Tata AIG General
Insurance Company Limited”.
TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited
Registered Oce: Peninsula Business Park, Tower A, 15th Floor, G.K. Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400013
24x7 Toll Free No: 1800 266 7780 | Email: [email protected] | Website:
IRDA of India Registration No: 108 | CIN:U85110MH2000PLC128425
Auto Secure – Standalone Own Damage Private Car Policy – Add on covers UIN: IRDAN108RP0001V01201920