February 2020
A Guide to California’s
Clean Air Regulations for
Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles
DMV Compliance
Began in 2020
Gear Up, Breathe Easy
CARB is actively enforcing heavy-duty diesel vehicle regulations in
support of California’s clean air goals. Enforcement of clean diesel
vehicle rules also provides a level playing eld for those who have
already done their part and are in compliance.
This booklet provides basic information and resources to help take the
guesswork out of California’s clean truck and bus requirements. If your
vehicle does not meet state clean air laws, you could be subject to
nes or temporarily lose the ability to operate in California.
While this booklet is intended to assist vehicle owners with their
compliance efforts, it is the sole responsibility of eets to ensure
compliance with all applicable regulations.
Visit CARB’s comprehensive website for more detailed information
regarding diesel vehicles and compliance options at arb.ca.gov/truckstop
Para obtener más informacíon en español, por favor visite
8666 DIESEL@arb.ca.gov 1-866-6DIESEL (1-866-634-3735)
What diesel rules apply to you? 3
Trucks & Buses 4
Truck & Bus Regulation Compliance Options 5
DMV Compliance Verication Begins in 2020 6
Drayage Trucks 7
Transportation Refrigeration Units 8
Tractors & Box-Type Trailers 9
Other Diesel Programs 10
Diesel Particulate Filter Care & Maintenance 11-12
Funding Assistance 13
Quick Tips 14
What diesel rules apply to you?
Check all diesel rules that apply to you.
Does your vehicle have a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
of 14,000+ lbs.?
See Trucks and Buses (private and federal eets): page 4
Other rules may apply, see below.
Is your eet publicly owned, a solid waste collection vehicle,
or a transit agency or utility?
See Public Fleets and Others: page 10
Do you visit ports or intermodal rail yards?
See Drayage Trucks: page 7
Do you own or operate a reefer (transport refrigeration unit)?
See Transport Refrigeration Units: page 8
Do you own or pull 53-foot or longer box-type trailers?
See Tractors and Box-Type Trailers: page 9
Do you own a vehicle with a GVWR of 6,000+ lbs.?
See Idling Limits: page 10
See Emission Control Labels: page 10
See Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection Program: page 10
See Periodic Smoke Inspection Program: page 10
Truck & Bus Regulation
On-road diesel vehicles with a GVWR that is 14,001+ lbs. must
reduce exhaust emissions by meeting particulate matter (PM) lter
requirements and upgrading to newer engines. Vehicles with 2010
engine model year (EMY) or newer are fully compliant.
Heavier Vehicles with a GVWR greater than 26,000 lbs. must upgrade
as shown in the table. Reporting is optional when exclusively using the
Engine Model Year schedule for heavier vehicles below.
EMY Schedule for Heavier Vehicles (>26,000 lbs. GVWR)
EMY Level 3 PM Filter 2010 EMY by
Pre-1994 Not required January 1, 2015
1994-1995 Not required January 1, 2016
1996-1999 January 1, 2012 January 1, 2020
2000-2004 January 1, 2013 January 1, 2021
2005 or newer January 1, 2014 January 1, 2022
2007-2009 If already equipped January 1, 2023
Lighter Vehicles with a GVW
between 14,001 and 26,000
lbs. need to be upgraded wit
2010 or newer EMY. Check
the table to determine your
replacement date. Older
vehicles may be upgraded to
newer used equipment that
is still in compliance with the
schedule. No retrot PM lter
or reporting is required for
lighter vehicles.
For more information call
1-866-6DIESEL (866-634-3735)
or visit arb.ca.gov/truckstop
EMY Schedule for Lighter Vehicles
(14,001-26,000 lbs. GVWR)
EMY 2010 EMY by
1995 and older January 1, 2015
1996 January 1, 2016
1997 January 1, 2017
1998 January 1, 2018
1999 January 1, 2019
2003 and older January 1, 2020
2004-2006 January 1, 2021
2007-2009 January 1, 2023
her compliance options may help you comply with the regulation
(see page 5). Reporting is required by January 31 of the compliance
year to claim any available options.
Compliance Options
Requires reporting in CARB's TRUCRS system
Listed below are the remaining compliance options available for 2019
and future compliance years. If you do not qualify for these options, you
must follow the Engine Model Year (EMY) schedule found on page 4.
Low-Use Exemption
The mileage limit is 1,000 miles per year in California. If you have
vehicles designed to power other equipment while stationary, the limit
is 100 hours per year in California.
Low Mileage Construction Truck Option
Eligible vehicles with a particulate matter lter that don't meet the
EMY schedule may operate up to 15,000 miles per year, and up to
20,000 miles for dump trucks. Lighter vehicles can no longer claim this
exibility option. No longer available for opt-in.
Agricultural Vehicle Extension for Replacement Vehicles
Agricultural vehicles that reported for this exibility option cannot
operate more than 10,000 miles per year until January 1, 2023. No
longer available for opt-in.
Exempt Area Extension
The counties that were added to the list of NO
Exempt Areas under
the 2014 amendments have been removed, and a PM lter must
already be installed to claim the NO
Exempt Area Extension.
Retrofit by 2014 and Additional Time for Engine Replacement
Lighter vehicles with pre-2000 model year engines and heavier vehicles
with pre-1996 model year engines that were retrot by January 1,
2014 and reported to use this compliance option have until January 1,
2020 to delay engine replacement. If all the vehicles in your eet had
a diesel particulate lter by January 1, 2014, they may operate until
January 1, 2023. No longer available for opt-in.
Options No Longer Available
Heavy Cranes Phase-In Option.
The twenty-ve percent annual vehicle upgrade limit.
Cattle livestock trucks are no longer eligible for Specialty Ag Extension.
Note that the 2017 Lawson Lawsuit impacted many of the previously
xisting options and deadlines, and many are no longer available or
have expired.
DMV Compliance Verification
Began in 2020
A new enforcement tool ensure that vehicles subject to CARB’s Truck
and Bus Regulation must meet the health-based requirements of that
rule prior to obtaining registration through the California DMV. As of
January 1, 2020, the DMV cannot register any vehicle that does not
meet the requirements of the Truck and Bus Regulation.
2020 DMV Registration Requirements
You must be in compliance with the Truck and Bus Regulation in one
of the following ways in order to register your vehicle with the DMV:
The vehicle is using an allowable compliance option
and is reported into the TRUCRS reporting system
The vehicle is compliant with the Engine
Model Year Schedule (see page 4)
The vehicle is equipped with a 2010 or newer model year
engine (usually a 2011 or newer model year vehicle) OR
is repowered with 2010 or newer model year engine
Currently out of compliance?
CARB can issue DMV registration blocks now if your vehicle does not
meet air quality requirements.
Drayage Trucks
Diesel-fueled trucks transporting cargo destined for or coming from
California’s ports and intermodal rail yards (including bobtails and
transporting chassis) must be registered in the statewide Drayage Truck
Registry prior to entry. Drayage eets must comply with requirements
by operating only vehicles with 2007 MY engines or newer.
Drayage Compliance Schedule (GVWR 26,001 lbs. or more)
Truck Engine Model Year Emission Requirements
2006 and older Not allowed
2007-2009 Compliant through 2022
2010 and newer Fully compliant
By January 1, 2023, all class 7 and 8
diesel-fueled drayage trucks must
have 2010 or newer engines. Trucks
with 2010 or newer engines are fully
compliant with both the Truck and
Bus and Drayage regulations.
The exchange of marine or rail cargo
(e.g. containers) between compliant
and noncompliant drayage trucks is
not allowed anywhere in California.
Note: If you are considered exempt from the Drayage Truck
Regulation, you are currently subject to the Truck and Bus Regulation.
Drayage Truck Regulation
1-888-247-4821 | arb.ca.go v/drayagetruck
Transport Refrigeration Units (Reefers)
All transport refrigeration units
(TRU) and TRU generator sets that
operate in California must meet the
in-use performance standards (see
compliance table below).
Every California-based TRU and TRU
generator set must be registered
in Air Resources Board Equipment
Registration (ARBER) and be labeled
with a CARB Identication Number.
All terminals that are located in California where TRUs are based must
submit operator reports to CARB at arber.arb.ca.gov.
TRU and TRU Generator Set Compliance Schedule
Engine Model
Low-Emission TRU
(50% PM Reduction)
Ultra-Low-Emission TRU
(85% PM Reduction)
2001 or older December 31, 2009 December 31, 2015
2002 December 31, 2009 December 31, 2016
2003 December 31, 2010 December 31, 2017
2004 (<25 hp) December 31, 2011 December 31, 2018
2004 (>25 hp) Not Applicable December 31, 2011
2005 and newer Not Applicable
December 31
of the model
year plus 7 years
Fleets may comply by using Alternative Technologies (e.g. hybrid-
electric TRUs or TRUs equipped with electric standby) or retrotting
with a veried diesel particulate lter. For guidance on using electric
standby and hybrid-electric TRUs as an Alternative Technology
compliance option, visit arb.ca.gov/diesel/tru/documents/guidance_
All businesses that hire carriers (e.g. brokers, shippers and receivers)
must only use carriers that supply compliant TRUs.
Transport Refrigeration Unit Regulation Helpline
1-888-TRU-ATCM (1-888-878-2826) | arb.ca.gov/diesel/tru/tru.htm
Tractors & Box-type Trailers
The Tractor-Trailer Greenhouse Gas Regulation applies to 53-foot or
longer box-type trailers and 2013 MY or older heavy-duty tractors that
pull these trailers.
Low-Rolling Resistance Tire Requirements*
Tractors Trailers
2013 and
older MY
Required Required
2014 and
newer MY
N/A Required
* Must be SmartWay™-certied.
Tractor Requirements
All 2011 through 2013 MY sleeper-cab
tractors must be SmartWay™ designated
models. 2014 MY or newer tractors are
covered by a federal regulation and are
exempt from this rule.
Trailer Aerodynamic Requirements
All trailers must be either SmartWay™-
certied or aerodynamically retrotted
to a minimum standard.
Delays and Exemptions
Certain trucks subject to the Transportation Refrigeration Unit (TRU)
rule can phase in tire and aerodynamic requirements from 2018 to
2020. This only applies to TRUs with 2003 to 2009 MY reefer trailers
equipped with 2003 or newer TRU engines.
Fleets must register to take advantage of short haul, local haul or
storage trailer exemptions, and to apply for temporary use passes.
For more information, visit arb.ca.gov/tractortrailer_ghg
For a listing of SmartWay™-certied technologies, visit
Other Diesel Programs
CARB continues to actively enforce long-standing requirements
for diesel vehicles including:
Idling Limits
Idling Limits restrict diesel vehicles from
idling more than ve minutes. Idling in school
zones is not allowed, with limited exceptions.
Emission Control Labels
Emission Control Labels must be afxed to
engines of all commercial heavy-duty diesel
vehicles, and must be legible as proof the
engine, at minimum, meets U.S. federal
emissions standards for the engine model year.
Periodic Smoke Inspection Program
The Periodic Smoke Inspection Program
requires owners of California-based eets of
two or more diesel vehicles to perform annual
smoke opacity tests and to keep records
for at least two years for each vehicle. The
requirement does not apply to cars or trucks
that must undergo a Smog Check.
Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection Program
The Heavy-Duty Vehicle Inspection Program
uses random roadside inspections to verify
that diesel engines do not smoke excessively
and are tamper-free.
Public Fleets and Others
Vehicles with a GVWR of 14,001+ lbs. that are
owned by state and local government eets,
private utilities, and solid waste collection
vehicles, must already have particulate matter
(PM) lters (retrot or originally equipped).
Use only CARB-verified soot filters!
Soot Filter: Buyer Beware
Selecting and installing the right CARB-veried diesel particulate lter
(DPF), also known as a soot lter, for your truck takes time. If your lter
is not installed by January 1
of the applicable compliance year, or
ordered four months prior to the deadline, then you may be in violation.
Visit arb.ca.gov/truckstop and select “Engine Filters” for details.
Be aware, lters must be veried for use on your vehicle. Used lters
are not compliant and may damage your engine.
Compliance options that utilize new lter installation are limited.
Therefore, installation of a lter without being aware of the available
options may result in a non-compliant vehicle. Make sure you
understand your compliance options.
The emissions performance of every DPF technology has been veried
by CARB through rigorous testing. Keep in mind that a DPF is not a “t
and forget” device. Protect your DPF and engine by paying attention to
a few simple but important maintenance requirements.
Resolving DPF-Related Problems
While a DPF undergoes a rigorous verication process prior to sale,
occasional problems may arise. Use the following three-step protocol
to resolve DPF-related performance or reliability problems:
Contact your installer (most problems are resolved in this manner)
Contact the device manufacturer (if the installer
cannot resolve your complaint)
Contact CARB at 866-6DIESEL or 8666DIESEL@arb.ca.g ov
(if the installer or manufacturer cannot resolve your complaint).
Diesel Particulate Filter
Care & Maintenance
Vehicle Maintenance is Critical
Top-notch vehicle engine maintenance is required. Remember to check
fuel injectors, air lters, turbo chargers, fuel lter, fuel, coolant and
lube oil. Failure to maintain the engine can void the DPF warranty!
Don’t Ignore the DPF Monitoring System
The cab of the truck features a monitoring system for the DPF that
includes several indicator lights that give important feedback on
DPF operation. The operator must understand and observe the DPF
indicator lights on a regular basis and respond accordingly.
Maintain the Proper Engine Duty Cycle
The duty cycle is the daily pattern of engine use. If the duty cycle of
a truck is changed, it may affect how the lter works, and can lead
to plugging. Notify your installer if you change the way you use your
vehicle and be aware that it may affect the way your lter functions.
Understand Your DPF’s Regeneration System
The soot collected by the DPF must eventually be removed to keep
the lter from clogging. The process of burning the soot in the lter is
called regeneration and is done using high temperatures for a specied
amount of time. Your truck is equipped with either a passive system
that cleans the DPF automatically or an active system that may work
automatically or require driver intervention to start a regeneration cycle.
Handle the Filter with Care
DPFs are commonly made of ceramic, so do not bang or tap on your
lter. A cracked or damaged lter may not be compliant with the Truck
and Bus Regulation and could be a citable violation.
DPF Cleaning Basics
The DPF is a maintenance item. It must be removed and cleaned
periodically to get rid of accumulated noncombustible ash from
the lter. Ash removal is separate from regeneration. Only use lter
cleaning procedures approved by the DPF manufacturer.
A guide to operating your DPF is available at arb.ca.gov/truckstop or
by contacting (866) 6DIESEL or 8666DIESEL@arb.ca.gov.
Funding Assistance
Grant funding is very limited but may be available to help eets
and individuals comply with California regulations earlier than
is required.
Funding is available for vehicle replacements, retrots, and
zero-emission technologies. Please contact the local air district where
you are based to determine if you are eligible for funding
or if an opportunity may become available in the future. One example
is the Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures for Emission
Reductions (FARMER) Program, which provides funding through local
air districts for agricultural harvesting equipment, heavy-duty trucks,
agricultural pump engines, tractors, and other equipment used in
agricultural operations.
CARB’s loan assistance program (PLACE) helps small businesses with
vehicles that operate at least 50 percent of the time in California. The
program connects truckers to participating lenders to help purchase
trucks, PM lters, aerodynamic retrots or low-rolling resistance tires.
More information is available at arb.ca.gov/loanassist
Equipment owners are encouraged to apply as early as possible to
maximize potential funding options. See the Financial Assistance
section on the TruckStop website for more funding information.
Quick Tips
All eet owners who use compliance options must report
information about all eligible vehicles in the California
eet into the Truck Regulation Up-load, Compliance, and
Reporting System (TRUCRS). The reporting period is open
from January 1
to January 31
of the compliance year.
Records must be kept and provided upon request to demonstrate
compliance with exibility options claimed in the reporting system.
The Truck and Bus Regulation is based on the model year
of the engine. Generally, the model year of an engine is
one year older than the vehicle model year. For example, a
2007 truck is likely to have a 2006 engine model year.
Vehicles that operate less than 1,000 annual miles within
California can qualify for the low-mileage usage exemption.
Odometer readings must be reported annually to CARB.
Selecting and installing a diesel particulate lter (DPF),
also known as a soot lter, for your truck takes time.
Make sure to use only CARB-verified soot lters.
The gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) is assigned by the vehicle
manufacturer and represents the maximum weight of the vehicle
and what it can carry when fully loaded. Check the driver’s door
jam for the GVWR label. The GVWR is not the same as the unladen
weight, gross combined weight rating, or registered weight rating.
The Engine (Emission) Family Name (EFN) can be found on the
emission control label located on the engine. The EFN
is typically 10 to 12 characters, however very old engines
may have an EFN only a few characters long.
Be aware that tampering with your engine odometer
can put you out of compliance with engine certication
requirements and the Truck and Bus Regulation.
Not sure if your diesel truck, bus or
equipment complies with California
air quality regulations?
Register & Report
Use the TruckStop to find out what you
need to do to comply and avoid penalties.
Sign up for free
live training
See questions and
answers from our diesel
hotline generated by
truckers like you.
View short videos Find out about diesel
that explain diesel particulate lters.
requirements and
reporting systems.
Funding Answers
Financial assistance Visit the TruckStop at
may be available to arb.ca.gov/truckstop
help clean up your
trucks, buses and