Accident Report
Safety Board
Notation 8061B
Adopted April 6, 2010
Aircraft Accident Report
Runway Overrun During Rejected Takeoff
Global Exec Aviation
Bombardier Learjet 60, N999LJ
Columbia, South Carolina
September 19, 2008
Safety Board
490 L’Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20594
National Transportation Safety Board. 2010. Runway Overrun During Rejected Takeoff, Global Exec
Aviation, Bombardier Learjet 60, N999LJ, Columbia, South Carolina, September 19, 2008. Aircraft
Accident Report NTSB/AAR-10/02. Washington, DC.
Abstract: This report describes the September 19, 2008, accident involving a Bombardier Learjet
Model 60 (Learjet 60), N999LJ, which overran runway 11 during a rejected takeoff at Columbia
Metropolitan Airport, Columbia, South Carolina, while operating as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations
Part 135 unscheduled passenger flight. The captain, the first officer, and two passengers were killed; two
other passengers were seriously injured.
The safety issues discussed in this report include the criticality of proper aircraft tire
inflation; maintenance requirements and manual revisions for tire pressure check intervals; tire
pressure monitoring systems; airplane thrust reverser system design deficiencies; inadequate
system safety analyses by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Learjet; inadequate
level of safety in the certification of changed aeronautical products; flight crew training for tire
failure events; flight crew performance, including the captain’s action to initiate an rejected
takeoff after V
, the captain’s experience, and crew resource management techniques; and
considerations for tire certification criteria. Safety recommendations concerning these issues are
addressed to the FAA.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an independent federal agency dedicated to promoting
aviation, railroad, highway, marine, pipeline, and hazardous materials safety. Established in 1967, the agency is
mandated by Congress through the Independent Safety Board Act of 1974 to investigate transportation accidents,
determine the probable causes of the accidents, issue safety recommendations, study transportation safety issues, and
evaluate the safety effectiveness of government agencies involved in transportation. The NTSB makes public its
actions and decisions through accident reports, safety studies, special investigation reports, safety recommendations,
and statistical reviews.
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NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Contents .......................................................................................................................................... i
Figures ........................................................................................................................................... iv
Acronyms and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................v
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... viii
1. Factual Information ...................................................................................................................1
1.1 History of Flight .........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Injuries to Persons ......................................................................................................................3
1.3 Damage to Airplane ...................................................................................................................3
1.4 Other Damage ............................................................................................................................3
1.5 Personnel Information ................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 Captain .............................................................................................................................4
1.5.2 First Officer .....................................................................................................................5
1.5.3 Flight Crew’s 72-Hour History ........................................................................................6
1.6 Airplane Information .................................................................................................................7
1.6.1 Main Landing Gear Tires .................................................................................................7
1.6.2 Engine Power Control and Thrust Reverser System Control ..........................................9 Commanding Forward Thrust ..........................................................................11 Commanding Reverse Thrust ..........................................................................11 Thrust Reverser System Logic Criteria............................................................12
1.7 Meteorological Information .....................................................................................................12
1.8 Aids to Navigation ...................................................................................................................12
1.9 Communications ......................................................................................................................13
1.10 Airport Information ................................................................................................................13
1.11 Flight Recorders .....................................................................................................................13
1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information ........................................................................................14
1.13 Medical and Pathological Information ...................................................................................14
1.14 Fire .........................................................................................................................................15
1.15 Survival Aspects ....................................................................................................................15
1.15.1 Survivors’ Descriptions of Crew-Provided Safety Information ..................................16
1.15.2 Survivors’ Descriptions of Exiting the Airplane .........................................................16
1.15.3 Postaccident Examination of Airplane Exits ...............................................................17
1.16 Tests and Research .................................................................................................................17
1.16.1 Sound Spectrum Study ................................................................................................17 Engine N1 ......................................................................................................17 Airplane Ground Speed..................................................................................18
1.16.2 Airplane Performance Study and Map Overlay ...........................................................19
1.16.3 Main Landing Gear Tires .............................................................................................21 Basic Design and Function ............................................................................21
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report Reconstruction and Examination of Accident Airplane’s Main Landing Gear
Tires and Wheels ............................................................................................21 Tire Pressure Data Collected from In-Service Airplanes ..............................23
1.16.4 Thrust Reverser System ...............................................................................................24 Ground Tests and Engineering Review .........................................................24 Accidents and Incident Involving Thrust Reverser System Anomalies ........25 Approved Modifications After 2001 Landing Accident ................................26
1.16.5 Certification of the Learjet 60 as a Changed Aeronautical Product ............................27 Thrust Reverser Control Design ....................................................................28 Protection of Equipment in Wheel Wells ......................................................29
1.16.6 Comparison of Certification Criteria for Learjet 45 and Learjet 60 ............................29 Thrust Reverser System Design .....................................................................30 Protection of Equipment in Wheel Wells ......................................................30
1.17 Organizational and Management Information .......................................................................30
1.17.1 Main Landing Gear Tire Maintenance and Checks .....................................................31
1.17.2 Pilot Training and Standard Operating Procedures .....................................................31 Rejected Takeoff ............................................................................................32 Pretakeoff Passenger Briefing ........................................................................33 Airplane Weight and Balance Calculations ...................................................34
1.17.3 Federal Aviation Administration Oversight ................................................................34
1.18 Additional Information ..........................................................................................................35
1.18.1 Takeoff Safety Training Aid ........................................................................................35
1.18.2 Postaccident Safety Action ..........................................................................................36 Learjet Tire Servicing Advisory Wire ...........................................................36 Federal Aviation Administration Safety Alert for Operators ........................36 Learjet Revisions to Flight and Maintenance Manuals ..................................37 Temporary Flight Manual Change, Revised Procedures ..................... 37 Temporary Revision to Maintenance Manual ...................................... 37 Federal Aviation Administration Legal Interpretation That Learjet 60 Tire
Pressure Checks Are Preventive Maintenance ...............................................38
1.18.3 Previously Issued Safety Recommendations ...............................................................38 Learjet 60 Thrust Reverser System Recommendations Resulting From This
Accident Investigation ....................................................................................38 Ongoing Assessment of Safety-Critical Systems ..........................................40 Crew Resource Management .........................................................................41 Onboard Flight Recorder Systems .................................................................42
1.18.4 Current Airworthiness Requirements and Guidance for the Certification of Changed
Aeronautical Products .................................................................................................43
1.18.5 Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems in Aircraft Applications .......................................43
1.18.6 Tire Load Certification Requirements .........................................................................44 Learjet 60 Tire Selection ................................................................................45 Effect of Tire Camber Angle on Tire Sidewall Loads ...................................45
1.18.7 Takeoff Accident and Incident Data ............................................................................46 High-Speed Rejected Takeoffs ......................................................................46 Airplane Types Involved in Tire-Related Events ..........................................46 Pilot Accounts of Real and Simulated Tire Failure Events ...........................46
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
2. Analysis .....................................................................................................................................48
2.1 General .....................................................................................................................................48
2.2 Accident Sequence ...................................................................................................................49
2.2.1 Captain’s Initiation of Rejected Takeoff After V
2.2.2 Uncommanded Forward Thrust Emergency ..................................................................51
2.3 Airplane Issues .........................................................................................................................53
2.3.1 Tire Failures ...................................................................................................................53 Operator’s Tire Maintenance Practices ............................................................54 Maintenance Manual References to Tire Pressure Check Intervals ................54 Lack of Tire Pressure Information for Flight Crews .......................................56
2.3.2 Thrust Reverser System Deficiencies ............................................................................56
2.3.3 Safety of Changed Aeronautical Products .....................................................................60
2.4 Flight Crew Performance .........................................................................................................62
2.4.1 Lack of Training for Tire-Related Events .....................................................................62
2.4.2 Captain’s Experience in the Learjet 60 and as Pilot-in-Command ................................63
2.4.3 Crew Resource Management .........................................................................................65
2.4.4 Medication Use and Rest Opportunities ........................................................................66
2.5 Occupant Survivability ............................................................................................................67
2.6 Other Safety Issues ..................................................................................................................68
2.6.1 Tire Certification and Testing Considerations ...............................................................68
2.6.2 Flight Recorders .............................................................................................................69
3. Conclusions ...............................................................................................................................71
3.1 Findings....................................................................................................................................71
3.2 Probable Cause.........................................................................................................................73
4. Recommendations ....................................................................................................................74
4.1 New Recommendations ...........................................................................................................74
4.2 Previously Issued Recommendations Resulting From This Accident Investigation and
Classified in This Report ........................................................................................................76
5. Appendixes ...............................................................................................................................78
Appendix A: Investigation and Hearing ........................................................................................78
Appendix B: Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript ..........................................................................79
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 1. Learjet factory technician checking inboard tire pressure (left image) and outboard tire
pressure (right image). .....................................................................................................................9
Figure 2. Captain's side view of Learjet 60 thrust levers (at idle) and thrust reverser (piggyback)
levers. To illustrate lever movement, one thrust reverser lever is in the stowed position, and the
other is lifted to command reverse thrust (arrow shows direction lever moves when lifted from
the stowed position). ........................................................................................................................9
Figure 3. Learjet 60 with thrust reversers deployed. The dotted yellow lines show the stowed
position for the doors. ....................................................................................................................10
Figure 4. Engine N
calculated as a function of elapsed time into the takeoff roll (time of the
start of the loud rumbling sound is shown). ...................................................................................18
Figure 5. Airplane ground speed calculated as a function of elapsed time into the takeoff roll
(time of the start of the loud rumbling sound is shown). ...............................................................19
Figure 6. Map of Columbia Metropolitan Airport showing integrated sound spectrum data,
cockpit voice recorder comments, and wreckage locations plotted. ..............................................20
Figure 7. Reconstruction of the right outboard main landing gear tire showing outboard sidewall
damage. Arrows depict the generally uniform location of the damage. ........................................22
Figure 8. Inboard aft corner of the left main landing gear wheel well for the Learjet 45 (left) and
the inboard after corner of the right main landing gear wheel well for the Learjet 60 (right). ......30
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AC advisory circular
AFM airplane flight manual
AMM aircraft maintenance manual
ARFF aircraft rescue and firefighting
ARP aerospace recommended practice
ASRS Aviation Safety Reporting System
ATIS automatic terminal information service
ATP airline transport pilot
AW advisory wire
CAE Columbia Metropolitan Airport
CAM cockpit area microphone
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CRM crew resource management
CSN cycles since new
CVR cockpit voice recorder
DER designated engineering representative
EEC electronic engine control
EUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
FADEC full authority digital electronic control
FBO fixed-base operator
FDR flight data recorder
FR Federal Register
FSI FlightSafety International
KIAS knots indicated airspeed
kts knots
MLG main landing gear
msl mean sea level
engine fan speed
NPRM notice of proposed rulemaking
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
P/N part number
PIC pilot-in-command
POI principal operations inspector
psi pounds per square inch
QRH quick reference handbook
QTR qualification test report
RSA runway safety area
RTO rejected takeoff
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
RVDT rotary variable differential transformer
S/N serial number
SAFO safety alert for operators
SB service bulletin
SIC second-in-command
SIR special investigation report
SMS safety management system
TC type certificate
TCDS type certificate data sheet
TEB Teterboro Airport
TFM temporary flight manual
TLA thrust lever angle
TPMS tire pressure monitoring system
TR temporary revision
TSO technical standard order
takeoff decision speed
takeoff safety speed
rotation speed
VOR very high frequency omnidirectional radio range
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Executive Summary
On September 19, 2008, about 2353 eastern daylight time, a Bombardier Learjet
Model 60, N999LJ, owned by Inter Travel and Services, Inc., and operated by Global Exec
Aviation, overran runway 11 during a rejected takeoff at Columbia Metropolitan Airport,
Columbia, South Carolina. The captain, the first officer, and two passengers were killed; two
other passengers were seriously injured. The nonscheduled domestic passenger flight to Van
Nuys, California, was operated under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135. Visual
meteorological conditions prevailed, and an instrument flight rules flight plan was filed.
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this
accident was the operator’s inadequate maintenance of the airplane’s tires, which resulted in
multiple tire failures during takeoff roll due to severe underinflation, and the captain’s execution
of a rejected takeoff (RTO) after V
, which was inconsistent with her training and standard
operating procedures.
Contributing to the accident were (1) deficiencies in Learjet’s design of and the Federal
Aviation Administration’s (FAA) certification of the Learjet Model 60’s thrust reverser system,
which permitted the failure of critical systems in the wheel well area to result in uncommanded
forward thrust that increased the severity of the accident; (2) the inadequacy of Learjet’s safety
analysis and the FAA’s review of it, which failed to detect and correct the thrust reverser and
wheel well design deficiencies after a 2001 uncommanded forward thrust accident;
(3) inadequate industry training standards for flight crews in tire failure scenarios; and (4) the
flight crew’s poor crew resource management (CRM).
The safety issues discussed in this report focus on criticality of proper aircraft tire
inflation; maintenance requirements and manual revisions for tire pressure check intervals; tire
pressure monitoring systems; airplane thrust reverser system design deficiencies; inadequate
system safety analyses by the FAA and Learjet; inadequate level of safety in the certification of
changed aeronautical products; flight crew training for tire failure events; flight crew
performance, including the captain’s action to initiate an RTO after V
, the captain’s experience,
and CRM; and considerations for tire certification criteria. Safety recommendations concerning
these issues are addressed to the FAA.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1. Factual Information
1.1 History of Flight
On September 19, 2008, about 2353 eastern daylight time,
a Bombardier Learjet
Model 60 (Learjet 60),
N999LJ, owned by Inter Travel and Services, Inc., and operated by
Global Exec Aviation, overran runway 11 during a rejected takeoff (RTO)
at Columbia
Metropolitan Airport (CAE), Columbia, South Carolina. The captain, the first officer, and two
passengers were killed; two other passengers were seriously injured. The nonscheduled domestic
passenger flight to Van Nuys, California, was operated under 14 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Part 135. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed, and an instrument flight rules flight
plan was filed.
Review of the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) transcript revealed that the flight crew
received clearance instructions from the CAE ground controller at 2347:04 to taxi from the
northeast fixed-base operator’s (FBO) parking ramp to runway 11. After a short discussion with
the first officer about which way to turn,
the captain, who was the pilot flying, turned the
airplane left onto taxiway U. The controller provided an amended taxi clearance after noticing
that the airplane had turned the wrong way.
The flight crew followed the amended taxi
clearance, which involved back-taxiing the airplane on runway 11 and performing a 180° turn on
the runway to position the airplane for takeoff.
At 2351:22, the captain briefed the RTO procedure and stated, “we’ve got plenty of
runway so we’ll abort for anything below eighty knots [kts] after V-one and before V-two
engine failure fire malfunction loss of directional control all the big things after V-two we’ll go
All times in this report are eastern daylight time unless otherwise noted and based on a 24-hour clock.
Learjet engineering and certification documents refer to the airplane as Learjet Model 60 or L60. For brevity
and consistency, this report refers to the Learjet Model 60 as “Learjet 60.”
An RTO may also be referred to as an aborted takeoff in some publications.
The clearance was to taxi via taxiway U and cross the approach end of runway 23 to taxiway N, then taxiway
A. The first officer replied to the controller, “okay Uniform November Alpha ah to one one.” The captain stated to
the first officer, “and hold short of two two I think it was,” and the first officer replied, “I think he said…we could
cross it.” The captain stated, “oh did he?” and then asked, “and we’re going right outta here, correct?” The first
officer replied, “ah well I think we have to go left outta here don’t we?”
The controller stated that construction at the airport made it confusing for pilots to taxi. He indicated that the
accident flight crew’s initial taxi clearance would have required the crew to turn the airplane away from the takeoff
runway, which the controller stated went “against normal.”
According to 14 CFR 1.2, V
is the maximum speed in the takeoff at which the pilot must take the first action
(such as applying brakes, reducing thrust, or deploying speed brakes) to stop the airplane within the accelerate-stop
distance, which is a calculated distance defined in 14 CFR 25.109. V
is also the minimum speed in the takeoff at
which, after a failure of an airplane’s critical engine, the pilot can continue the takeoff and achieve the required
height above the takeoff surface within the takeoff distance. According to 14 CFR 25.107, V
is the takeoff safety
speed that must provide at least a minimum specified climb gradient in the event of a loss of power in one engine.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
ahead and take it into the air treat it as an in-flight emergency.”
The first officer replied,
“correct.” The captain asked if the first officer had any questions, and the first officer asked,
“reference the ah between eighty and ah V-one you’re only ah aborting for the fire failure loss of
directional control?” The captain replied, “yes,” then added, “or an inadvertent thrust-, ah, T-R
[thrust reverser] deployment.” The first officer then stated, “that will ah cause the loss of
directional control I guess,” to which the captain replied, “exactly hah they go together.” The
first officer later stated, “well eh if the runway is long I abort but if it’s short I kinda do different
briefing depending on what the length of the runway is but we’re pretty heavy so it’s probably
not a bad idea.” The CVR transcript indicated that the flight crew continued performing
pretakeoff checklist items and that the captain requested wind information.
The captain initiated the takeoff roll, and, at 2355:00.1,
the first officer stated, “eighty
knots. Crosscheck,” to which the captain replied, “check.” At 2355:10.5, the first officer
reported, “V-one.” About 1.5 seconds later, the CVR captured the beginning of a loud rumbling
sound. Postaccident sound spectrum and airplane performance studies
indicated that the
airplane’s position on the runway at the onset of the loud rumbling sound corresponded with the
location where the first main landing gear (MLG) tire fragments were found. Four-tenths second
after the beginning of the loud rumbling sound, the first officer stated, “go,” the captain stated
something unintelligible, and, at 2355:13.0, the first officer stated, “go go go.” The CVR
recorded a sound similar to a metallic click, and, at 2355:14.0, the captain stated, “go?”
Postaccident sound spectrum and airplane performance studies estimated that, about this time,
the airplane’s ground speed reached a peak of about 144 kts. The first officer then stated, “no?
ar- alright. Get ah what the [expletive] was that?” The CVR recorded another metallic click
sound, and, at 2355:17.0, the captain stated, “I don’t know. We’re not goin’ though.”
At 2355:18.4, another metallic click sound was recorded, and, at 2355:19.5, the captain
stated, “full out.” Postaccident performance studies indicated that the airplane was decelerating.
Within 1 second, the CVR captured a sound consistent with the application of wheel braking,
and, at 2355:21.6, the CVR captured a sound consistent with the nosewheel steering disconnect
warning tone. Postaccident performance studies indicated that the airplane had then accelerated.
About 7 seconds later, the first officer stated, “shut ’em off,” and, at 2355:32.4, the first officer
stated, “they’re shut off they’re shut off.” At 2355:36.0, the first officer made a radio
transmission on the CAE tower control frequency, saying, “roll the equipment we’re goin’ off
the end.” The CVR recording ended at 2355:41.1.
A controller in the CAE tower who observed the airplane’s takeoff roll reported that the
beginning of the takeoff roll appeared normal but that, when the airplane was part way down the
runway, sparks appeared that seemed to be coming from the airplane’s right MLG. One of the
The captain’s briefing of the RTO criteria was inconsistent with Global Exec Aviation’s training manual,
which is discussed in section
At 2354:27, the captain asked the first officer to request a wind check from the controller. The controller
stated, “wind zero seven zero at eight gust one four.” The captain asked the first officer, “zero one zero at eight?”
The first officer replied, “ah huh.” The captain then stated, “’kay so pretty much straight down.” Runway 11 has a
magnetic heading of 110°.
Times related to the takeoff sequence are reported to tenths of 1 second because of the speed at which events
For further information, see sections 1.16.1 and 1.16.2.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
two surviving passengers stated that, during the takeoff roll, the airplane was shifting and
swaying back and forth all the way down the runway and that the airplane felt “out of control”
from the start. The other surviving passenger reported that the airplane felt as if it blew a tire and
that the airplane leaned to the right “almost like a wing had touched the ground.”
The controller observed that the airplane went straight off the end of the runway. The
airplane passed through the 1,000-foot runway safety area (RSA), struck airport lighting and
navigation antennas, and descended a steep downhill slope before striking a lighting pole and the
perimeter fence. The airplane then struck a concrete highway marker post, crossed a five-lane
road, and struck a second concrete post and an embankment on the far side of the road. The
controller stated that, when the airplane struck the hill, the airplane stopped and exploded into a
fireball. Both passengers stated that the nose of the airplane went up and down at least twice
before final impact. Debris from all four MLG tires was found on the runway.
1.2 Injuries to Persons
Table. Injury Chart
Injuries Flight Crew Cabin Crew Passengers Other Total
2 0 2 0 4
0 0 2 0 2
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
2 0 4 0 6
1.3 Damage to Airplane
The airplane was destroyed by impact forces and the postcrash fire.
1.4 Other Damage
Damage to airport property included some of the runway approach lighting, a localizer
antenna array, and the airport perimeter fence. Concrete roadway right-of-way markers and a
five-lane asphalt road were also damaged.
1.5 Personnel Information
The captain was hired by Global Exec Aviation on January 4, 2008, and the first officer
was hired on August 8, 2008. According to Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations, the
accident flight was the crewmembers’ second flight of the day, and they had previously flown
together twice.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1.5.1 Captain
The captain, age 31, held an airline transport pilot (ATP) certificate for multiengine land
airplanes with type ratings for Cessna CE-500 (issued on June 18, 2005), Learjet 60 (issued on
October 25, 2007), and Cessna CE-650 (issued on January 19, 2008) airplanes.
She held a
first-class airman medical certificate issued April 29, 2008, with the limitation, “holder shall
wear corrective lenses.”
According to Global Exec Aviation employment records, the captain had accumulated
about 3,140 hours total flight time, including about 2,040 hours pilot-in-command (PIC) time.
She had accumulated about 35 hours in the Learjet 60 (about 8 hours of which were as PIC) and
about 118 hours in the Cessna CE-650 (which were accumulated at Global Exec Aviation).
Before the 2-day trip pairing that included the accident flight, the captain’s most recent
experience as PIC of a Learjet 60 was on August 16, 2008. In the 30 days before the accident, the
captain had accumulated about 19 hours as second-in-command (SIC) in the Learjet 60 and
about 15 hours as PIC in the Cessna CE-650. In the 90 days, 30 days, and 24 hours preceding the
accident, the captain had logged about 67, 36, and 1.5 hours, respectively.
The captain completed Global Exec Aviation’s initial new-hire training on January 4,
2008. Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations stated that the captain came to the company
with excellent references and had flown with and been recommended by a previous Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) principal operations inspector (POI) for the company. The
director of operations stated that, because of the captain’s references, the company did not give
the captain a checkride in a simulator, even though the company typically gave a checkride to
other potential new hires.
The captain’s most recent recurrent simulator training was completed at a FlightSafety
International (FSI) training facility on August 13, 2008, and her most recent recurrent ground
training was completed on August 16, 2008. The captain’s most recent line check was completed
on May 6, 2008, and her most recent Learjet 60 proficiency check was completed on August 14,
2008. The evaluator who conducted the Learjet 60 proficiency check stated that the captain
performed “very much” within standards and that the outcome of the checkride was never in
doubt. He stated that the captain displayed good crew resource management (CRM) skills and
had good command of the airplane.
Another Learjet 60 instructor who provided recurrent ground and simulator training to the
captain at FSI described her as meticulous with good organizational skills. He recalled that,
during training, the captain told him that she had not been in the Learjet 60 for some time; he
stated that her first day of simulator training was a little rough during basic air work but that, by
the end of that session, the captain was doing well. The instructor reported that the captain’s
second and third day of training went very well. He stated that his notes for the second day
indicated “excellent CRM” and that he does not give that rating to many people. He stated that
She also held second-in-command privileges for Cessna CE-560XL airplanes; a flight instructor certificate
for instrument, single-engine, and multiengine land airplanes; commercial privileges for single-engine land
airplanes; private privileges for single-engine seaplanes; and an aircraft dispatcher certificate.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
the training included such abnormal scenarios as V
cuts and RTOs with an engine failure or a
thrust reverser unlock.
Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations, who had trained with the captain and had
flown about 30 hours with her, described the captain as “laid back,” which he considered
“typical of a less experienced captain.” He described her decision-making skills as excellent and
conservative. He stated that he would work with her on being more vocal in her command
authority but that she was “above normal” for a new captain.
A review of FAA records found no previous accidents, incidents, or enforcement actions.
FAA records indicated that the captain received a notice of disapproval on August 11, 2006, for a
practical test for the ATP certificate because of unsatisfactory performance in the nonprecision
approach and circle-to-land procedures. She retested the same day and passed. On April 11,
1997, when the captain was a private pilot with about 192 total flight hours, she received a notice
of disapproval for the practical test for the airplane instrument rating because of unsatisfactory
performance of partial-panel very high frequency omnidirectional radio range (VOR) instrument
approach procedures and instrument landing system instrument approach procedures. She was
retested on April 14, 1997, and received a second notice of disapproval because of unsatisfactory
performance of partial-panel VOR instrument approach procedures. She was retested on May 28,
1997, and passed. On November 14, 1997, when the captain had accrued about 252 total flight
hours, she received a notice of disapproval for a practical test for the commercial airplane
multiengine land certificate because of unsatisfactory knowledge of the national airspace system
and airplane performance and limitations. (She subsequently passed the checkride for private
pilot privileges for multiengine land airplanes on December 6, 1997, and she passed the
checkride for the commercial certificate for multiengine land airplanes on September 1, 2004.
1.5.2 First Officer
The first officer, age 52, held an ATP certificate for multiengine land airplanes with type
ratings for Learjet 60 (issued on March 1, 2007) and Cessna CE-500 airplanes.
He held a
first-class airman medical certificate issued July 18, 2008, with the limitations “must wear
corrective lenses” and “possess glasses for near/intermediate vision.” According to employment
records from Global Exec Aviation and estimates from another employer
and a previous
employer, the first officer had accumulated about 8,200 hours total flight time, including about
7,500 hours PIC time and about 300 hours in Learjet 60 airplanes (about 108 hours of which
were as SIC). In the 90 days, 30 days, and 24 hours preceding the accident, the first officer
logged about 42, 34, and 1.5 hours, respectively.
According to the captain’s résumé, in 1997, she was attending college and was not working in an aviation
field that would require a commercial multiengine certificate. She subsequently gained flight experience and worked
as a flight instructor in the years before her successful retest in 2004.
He also held commercial privileges for single-engine land airplanes, rotorcraft/helicopters, and instrument
The first officer also began flying for another operator in August 2008. Global Exec Aviation’s director of
operations stated that he thought that the first officer had accepted a full-time position with another operator but that
he was unsure of which one.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The first officer completed Global Exec Aviation’s initial new-hire training on August 8,
2008. His previous employer, also a Part 135 operator, provided him with Learjet 60 flight
training and his most recent Learjet 60 proficiency check, which was completed on March 13,
Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations stated that the first officer was hired as a
part-time pilot. A review of FAA records found no previous accidents, incidents, enforcement
actions, or notices of disapproval.
Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations had flown about 5 hours with the first
officer and described him as a well-experienced pilot with excellent piloting skills. He stated that
the first officer had good CRM skills and had no problem speaking up but that he was not overly
1.5.3 Flight Crew’s 72-Hour History
Review of airline travel, cellular telephone, hotel, and company records provided
information about the captain’s and the first officer’s nonwork activities during the 72 hours
before the accident. These records revealed that, on Wednesday, September 17, 2008, both the
captain and the first officer were passengers aboard a commercial flight that departed Long
Beach, California, about 1238 Pacific daylight time en route to New York. They checked into
hotel rooms in Secaucus, New Jersey, about 2200, and each requested hotel wake-up calls for
about 0800 the next morning. Based on their respective telephone records, the captain had the
potential for 6 hours of sleep, and the first officer had the potential for 7 hours of sleep, that
night. The first officer’s wife, who had communicated with him via telephone and text
messaging, recalled that he had told her that noise at the hotel made it difficult to sleep.
On Thursday, September 18, 2008, both pilots left the hotel about 1000, taking the hotel
shuttle to Teterboro Airport (TEB), Teterboro, New Jersey, where the accident airplane was
parked. About 1200, they conducted a 48-minute test flight in the accident airplane to ensure that
maintenance on a high-pressure bleed valve was effective.
About 1400, both the captain and
the first officer checked into their rooms at a different hotel in Secaucus and were off duty until
the next day. Based on their respective cellular telephone records, the captain had the potential
for 7.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep, and the first officer had the potential for 9.75 hours of sleep, during
the night before the accident.
On Friday, September 19, 2008 (the day of the accident), telephone activity for the
captain showed numerous telephone calls and text messages, leaving three 1-hour uninterrupted
periods. Telephone activity for the first officer indicated that he had one 1-hour and one 2-hour
periods of uninterrupted time. Both the captain and the first officer checked out of the hotel
about 2018 and traveled to TEB. They departed TEB in the accident airplane about 2142 and
arrived at the Columbia Aviation ramp at CAE about 2310 to pick up the passengers.
Global Exec Aviation and the FAA accepted the training performed under his previous employer because
both companies used the same training program and facility. The FAA can accept such training instead of training
provided by the current employer if the FAA determines that the previous training was sufficient.
The accident airplane had been at TEB since September 12, 2008, for maintenance after the valve became
stuck in the open position during a flight.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1.6 Airplane Information
The accident airplane was powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PW305A
high-bypass turbofan engines, each of which was rated at a maximum 4,600 pounds of thrust
with a maximum nontransient forward engine fan speed (N
) of 10,820 rpm, or 102 percent. The
airplane’s initial airworthiness certificate was dated December 14, 2006, and the airplane was
configured with a seating capacity for two crewmembers and eight passengers. The accident
airplane’s empty weight was 14,755 pounds, its maximum ramp weight was 23,750 pounds, and
its maximum takeoff weight was 23,500 pounds. According to performance calculations
provided by Bombardier Learjet, given the accident flight conditions, V
would have been
136 kts indicated airspeed (KIAS),
(rotation speed) would have been 145 KIAS, and V
would have been 153 KIAS.
According to logbook information dated September 16, 2008, the airplane had
accumulated 106 hours and 121 cycles since new (CSN). At the time of the accident, the airplane
had accumulated an estimated 108.5 hours and 123 CSN.
1.6.1 Main Landing Gear Tires
The airplane was equipped with dual wheel and tire assemblies at each MLG position.
Each MLG tire was a Goodyear Flight Eagle, part number (P/N) 178K43-1, size 17.5 x 5.75-8.
For use on the Learjet 60, the rated tire inflation pressure
was 220 pounds per square inch (psi).
Applicable tire certification requirements are specified in 14 CFR 25.733 and FAA Technical
Standard Order (TSO) TSO-C62c.
TSO-C62c specified various tire performance criteria, one
of which was a maximum allowable air pressure loss of 5 percent per day for an airplane tire
under normal operating circumstances. According to the Goodyear Qualification Test Report
(QTR) 461B-3044-TL, the Goodyear Flight Eagle tire documented a daily pressure loss of about
2.2 percent.
Maintenance logs indicated that all four MLG tires were new when installed in
December 2007 and had accumulated a total of 20 landings at the time of the accident. Flight
history records showed that the airplane had flown 5 days during the 12-day period that preceded
the accident. Interviews with personnel from all facilities that handled the accident airplane
during that time period revealed that none had serviced or received a request to service the MLG
tires. Global Exec Aviation’s director of maintenance estimated that the tire pressures may not
have been checked for about 3 weeks before the accident.
KIAS refers to the airplane’s speed as shown on the airspeed indicator.
For the purpose of this report, “Goodyear Flight Eagle tire” refers to tire P/N 178K43-1, size 17.5 x 5.75-8,
as specified for the Learjet 60.
Rated pressure is the maximum inflation pressure to match the tire’s load rating. Aircraft tire pressures are
given for an unloaded tire; when the rated load is applied to the tire, the pressure increases by 4 percent as a result of
a reduction in air volume. According to Learjet data, the allowable MLG tire pressure range for the Learjet 60
(based on its maximum takeoff weight of 23,500 pounds) would be 209 to 219 pounds per square inch gauge (gauge
TSO-C62c was in effect at the time of certification; the current version is TSO-C62e, issued on September
29, 2006.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The Learjet 60 Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) contained the minimum
maintenance requirements for continued airworthiness in accordance with applicable regulations.
Chapter 5 of the AMM, the contents of which related to the intervals for scheduled inspections,
stated that the Learjet inspection program “also contains other inspections and individual
stand-alone inspection checks, which must be accomplished at the specified intervals.” Chapter 5
referenced tire pressure inspections under “Inspection Phase A5.” The A5 inspection, which is
due at 300-hour intervals, included Inspection Reference Number P1210055, which stated,
“Nose and Main Tires – Check for proper inflation. (Refer to [chapter] 12-10-05).”
The contents of chapter 12 of the AMM related to technical specifications and
descriptions of how to perform various maintenance tasks. Chapter 12-10-05, pages 301 and 302,
contained the following guidance:
Important inflation practices and tips are as follows: … Measure the cold tire
pressure before the first flight of every day or every 10 day[s] on in-service tires
[that] are not in use.… Do not underinflate the tire. An underinflated tire
generally cannot be detected visually.
The AMM indicated that a tire should be replaced if found to have operated at an inflation
pressure loss of 15 percent.
Other guidance calling for daily or regular checks of tire pressure was contained in a
Learjet maintenance publication, Aircraft Tire Care and Maintenance, dated September 2001; a
Learjet product support publication, Everyday Maintenance of Tires and Brakes, dated April 10,
2007; FAA Advisory Circular (AC) AC 20-97B, Aircraft Tire Maintenance and Operational
Practices; and several Goodyear publications, including Goodyear Information Report 97001,
Learjet Tire Maintenance, dated January 9, 1997, and an operator letter dated March 1999
referring to the availability of Goodyear’s Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Tire Care and
As shown in figure 1 below, to check tire pressures on the Learjet 60, the person
performing the check must crouch or crawl under the wing of the airplane to gain access to the
MLG tire pressure valves. The landing gear doors may conceal the valves for the outboard tires,
requiring a person to lie on the ground to gain access.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 1. Learjet factory technician checking inboard tire pressure (left image) and
outboard tire pressure (right image).
1.6.2 Engine Power Control and Thrust Reverser System Control
The Learjet 60’s control levers for commanding engine power for forward thrust are
located on the cockpit pedestal. The level of engine power (measured as N
) commanded by the
pilot’s positioning of the thrust levers for forward thrust is communicated electronically to the
engine control components mounted on
each engine. The Learjet 60 has no
mechanical or cable-actuated connection
between the cockpit thrust levers and the
The airplane’s thrust reverser
system, which is designed to help stop the
airplane on the ground, is also
electronically controlled. The thrust
reverser system responds to the pilot’s
positioning of the thrust reverser levers
(also known as “piggyback” levers because
they are located on top of the thrust levers)
by using electronic signals to command
reverse thrust functions. See figure 2 (at
right) for the captain’s side view of Learjet
60 thrust levers and thrust reverser levers.
reverser system responds to the pilot’s
positioning of the thrust reverser levers
(also known as “piggyback” levers because
they are located on top of the thrust levers)
by using electronic signals to command
reverse thrust functions. See figure 2 (at
right) for the captain’s side view of Learjet
60 thrust levers and thrust reverser levers.
The Learjet 60’s thrust reversers
are designed with two half-shell doors on
each engine that form the engine’s aft
nacelle when stowed (forward thrust
configuration). When deployed (reverse
thrust configuration), the thrust reverser
doors redirect the flow of engine fan air
and exhaust gases forward to provide a
The Learjet 60’s thrust reversers
are designed with two half-shell doors on
each engine that form the engine’s aft
nacelle when stowed (forward thrust
configuration). When deployed (reverse
thrust configuration), the thrust reverser
doors redirect the flow of engine fan air
and exhaust gases forward to provide a
Figure 2. Captain's side view of Learjet 60 thrust
levers (at idle) and thrust reverser (piggyback) levers.
To illustrate lever movement, one thrust reverser lever
is in the stowed position, and the other is lifted to
command reverse thrust (arrow shows direction lever
moves when lifted from the stowed position).
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
deceleration force to assist with ground braking. (See figure 3 below, which depicts a Learjet 60
with thrust reversers deployed.) Although the use of reverse thrust can reduce the distance
needed to stop the airplane, most of the stopping power is provided by the wheel brakes.
Both the thrust levers and the thrust reverser (piggyback) levers share some common
mechanical components in the cockpit pedestal that move whenever a pilot manipulates either
the thrust levers or the thrust reverser levers. The shared components depend on microswitches
to detect which levers the pilot is using for commanding either forward or reverse thrust. (The
following two sections describe the shared components and the basic system functions for
forward and reverse thrust during normal operations; section describes the fail-safe logic
criteria and system responses to detected anomalies.)
The FAA’s master minimum equipment list for the Learjet 60 (upon which operators’ minimum equipment
lists are based) allows an operator to fly the airplane with inoperative thrust reversers for up to 10 days, during
which time a maintenance lockout pin is installed in the reversers to prevent use.
Figure 3. Learjet 60 with thrust reversers deployed. The dotted yellow lines show the stowed
position for the doors.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
11 Commanding Forward Thrust
To command forward thrust, a pilot positions the cockpit thrust levers (one per engine) to
a desired engine power setting (such as takeoff, maximum continuous thrust, or cruise power).
As the pilot moves the thrust levers, a mechanical linkage on each thrust lever rotates the input
shaft on a rotary variable differential transformer (RVDT) in the cockpit pedestal for each lever.
As the RVDTs’ input shafts rotate, each RVDT electronically provides information about the
changing thrust lever angle (TLA) to the electronic engine control (EEC) computer for the
corresponding engine. The EECs interpret the TLA information and provide corresponding
electronic signals to each engine’s full authority digital electronic control (FADEC)
Based on the signals received from the EECs, the FADEC components, which
perform functions including thrust management and compressor surge control, regulate engine
output to provide the level of engine power commanded by the pilot. In the case in which the
EECs provide the logic signals that forward thrust has been commanded, the FADEC
components regulate engine power according to the forward thrust power schedule. Commanding Reverse Thrust
To command reverse thrust, a pilot positions the engine power levers to idle power, then
lifts the thrust reverser (piggyback) levers to the deploy position. When the thrust reverser levers
are lifted to the deploy position, a mechanical linkage on each lever (the same linkage used by
each thrust lever when forward thrust is commanded) rotates the input shaft on each respective
RVDT; microswitches (one for each thrust reverser lever) detect that the reverser levers are lifted
and send an electronic request for the thrust reversers to deploy.
While the thrust reverser doors on both engines begin to move from stowed toward the
deployed position, balk solenoids in the throttle quadrant (one for each lever) momentarily
prevent the pilot from moving the thrust reverser levers further until the thrust reversers fully
deploy. Once the doors are fully deployed, each balk solenoid releases, allowing the pilot to
further lift the thrust reverser levers to command increased reverse thrust.
The EECs respond to the pilot’s movement of the thrust reverser levers by signaling the
FADEC components to set engine power in accordance with the reverse thrust power schedule.
The reverse thrust power schedule is a function of both TLA (set by the pilot through positioning
of the reverse thrust levers to command any amount of reverse thrust up to full reverse thrust)
and the airplane’s indicated airspeed when less than 100 kts. Slower indicated airspeed will
result in less thrust.
According to Pratt & Whitney Canada, the FADEC is a dual-channel system made of several components to
control the engine’s thrust. The main control system components are the thrust lever, EEC, and the hydromechanical
fuel metering unit. The FADEC system regulates each engine’s high-pressure rotor speed (N
) and low-rotor (fan)
speed (N
) in response to the pilot-operated TLA, ambient conditions, other pilot-selected inputs, and aircraft
discrete inputs.
According to the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW305 Customer Training Manual, engine power provided for
reverse thrust for an airplane traveling at 100 kts would be about 85 percent of takeoff N
, whereas engine power for
an airplane traveling 0 to 40 kts would be about 50 percent of takeoff N
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
12 Thrust Reverser System Logic Criteria
The thrust reverser system requires specific input from various sensors on the airplane,
which provide input into the logic control functions that prevent certain operations when specific
criteria are not met. The thrust reverser system logic criteria are designed to protect against
inadvertent thrust reverser deployment during flight and to prevent the engines from producing
high levels of thrust while the reverser doors are in transit.
For the thrust reverser doors on each engine to fully deploy when commanded and to
remain deployed, the EECs must receive input from the squat switches, which are sensors
mounted on each MLG assembly, signaling that the airplane is on the ground.
In addition, each
engine’s thrust reverser doors must fully open to change the electrical state of the switches for
the balk solenoids to release the thrust reverser levers. In addition, the thrust reverser levers’
microswitches (located in the cockpit pedestal with each respective RVDT) must indicate that
the reverser levers are lifted before the EECs will signal the FADEC components to use the
reverse thrust engine power schedule.
In the event of a scenario in which almost any of the thrust reverser logic requirements
are not met, the thrust reversers are designed to stow. Learjet engineering personnel indicated
that the uncommanded stowage of the thrust reversers in the event of any system loss or
malfunction is part of a fail-safe design that ensures that a system anomaly cannot result in a
thrust reverser deployment in flight, which could adversely affect the airplane’s controllability.
The design is intended to reduce the pilot’s emergency procedures workload and prevent
potential mistakes that could exacerbate an abnormal situation.
1.7 Meteorological Information
Automatic terminal information service (ATIS) information V (victor) was current at the
time of the accident. According to the CVR transcript, the first officer advised the ground
controller before taxi that the crew had obtained ATIS V, which indicated that winds were from
060° at 10 kts, visibility was 10 miles with clear skies below 12,000 feet above mean sea level
(msl), the temperature was 21° C, the dew point was 13° C, and the altimeter setting was
30.23 inches of mercury.
1.8 Aids to Navigation
No deficiencies with navigational aids were noted.
The squat switches signal “ground mode” upon sensing that the MLG is partially compressed to support the
airplane’s weight.
Both Learjet and FAA personnel noted that designing the thrust reversers to fail to the stow position prevents
a pilot from having to perform the procedures of isolating which engine had a faulty thrust reverser, correctly
increasing thrust on the opposing engine to counteract the other’s reverse thrust, and then shutting down the engine
with the faulty thrust reverser. In multiengine airplanes, numerous accidents have occurred when pilots identified
and shut down the wrong engine.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1.9 Communications
No ground or airplane communications equipment deficiencies were noted.
1.10 Airport Information
CAE is located about 5 miles southwest of Columbia at an elevation of about 236 feet
msl. Runway 11/29, which has a grooved asphalt surface, is 8,601 feet long and 150 feet wide.
The RSA beyond the departure end of runway 11 is 1,000 feet long and 500 feet wide. At the
time of the accident, several taxiways and runway 5/23 were closed for construction. Runway
and taxiway closure information was available in Notice to Airmen 08-75 and was included in
the ATIS V broadcast.
CAE is certificated under 14 CFR Part 139 and maintains aircraft rescue and firefighting
(ARFF) capabilities at index C.
At the time of the accident, CAE had four firefighting
personnel on duty 24 hours a day and three ARFF vehicles (Redbird 6, 9, and 10). Each vehicle
was a 1500-series crash truck that carried at least 1,500 gallons of water and 200 gallons of foam
concentrate. Redbird 10 also carried 700 pounds of dry chemical agent.
1.11 Flight Recorders
The airplane was equipped with a Universal model 1603-02-12 CVR, which is a
solid-state unit that records 2 hours of digital audio information. Examination of the CVR
showed structural and fire damage on the outer case. Removal of the damaged outer case
exposed the inner crash-protected memory case, which showed no structural or fire damage.
Download of the digital information at the National Transportation Safety Board’s
(NTSB) laboratory in Washington, D.C., revealed that the CVR captured both a two-channel
recording of the last 2 hours of operation and a separate four-channel recording of the last
30 minutes of operation. The 2-hour recording captured one channel of poor-quality
information from the cockpit area microphone (CAM) and one channel of good-quality
information from the captain’s and the first officer’s audio panels combined. The 30-minute
recording captured good-quality audio information from the captain and the first officer and
CAE is an index C airport based on five or more average daily departures of aircraft having a length of at
least 126 feet but less than 159 feet. To meet index C capabilities, two or three ARFF vehicles are required that
contain a total of 3,000 gallons of water and commensurate quantities of aqueous film-forming foam. In addition,
ARFF apparatus must carry either 500 pounds of sodium-based dry chemical, halon 1211, clean agent, or 450
pounds of potassium-based dry chemical agent.
The NTSB uses five categories to classify the levels of CVR recording quality: excellent, good, fair, poor,
and unusable. A poor-quality recording is characterized by fragmented phrases and conversations, and extensive
passages of conversations may be missing or unintelligible.
A good-quality recording is characterized by crew conversations that are easily and accurately
understandable with only a few words that are unintelligible.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
poor-quality information from the CAM (each on separate channels).
The airplane was not
equipped with a flight data recorder (FDR).
1.12 Wreckage and Impact Information
Examination of the debris path from the runway to the main wreckage site revealed that
the initial wreckage debris on the runway consisted of fragments from the right outboard MLG
In immediate proximity following the initial tire debris (along the airplane’s direction of
travel), tire skid marks and gouging on the runway surface crossed the runway centerline at an
angle from left to right before generally realigning with the runway heading and continuing
straight off the departure end into a swath of ground scars and debris that extended to the main
The identified debris extended down the runway in the following order (with some
overlap): right outboard MLG tire (some fragments of which were found coated with hydraulic
fluid), airplane landing light, airplane pieces, right inboard MLG tire, left inboard MLG tire, and
left outboard MLG tire. Fragments of the MLG wheel sets were found strewn along the debris
path with few tire fragments attached; all four MLG wheel and brake assemblies showed
grinding and friction damage on the bottom, with the most severe damage evident on the right
outboard wheel. The left and right squat switches were found in the grass at the end of the
runway, separated from their respective MLG struts.
The airplane came to rest on a 25° to 30° embankment on the east side of a five-lane
road. The top and right side of the fuselage were burned away to about the level of the cabin
floor. The aft fuselage forward of the vertical stabilizer was mostly consumed by fire,
particularly beneath the fuselage fuel tank location. Both engines and their mounting structures
were fire damaged. The left engine’s thrust reverser doors were in the stowed position. Remnants
of the thrust reverser door actuating mechanism from the right engine (which sustained more fire
damage than the left) were in locations consistent with the stowed position. Postaccident
examination of the engines revealed that their combustor sections contained organic debris;
thermal damage to the airplane’s engine diagnostic system precluded memory data extraction.
1.13 Medical and Pathological Information
The Lexington County, South Carolina, Office of the Coroner performed autopsy
examinations on the captain, the first officer, and two passengers. The cause of death for both the
captain and the first officer was reported as smoke and fume inhalation and thermal injuries, and
a contributing factor for both was blunt force trauma. The cause of death for the two passengers
was reported as injuries resulting from blunt force trauma. The two survivors received second-
and third-degree burns.
The fourth channel did not contain (and was not required to contain) any audio information.
According to 14 CFR 135.152(a), the requirement for an FDR does not apply to multiengine,
turbine-powered airplanes configured with fewer than 10 passenger seats, excluding any required crewmember seat.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The FAA’s Civil Aerospace Medical Institute performed toxicology testing on samples
from the captain and the first officer. The toxicology reports for the captain and the first officer
indicated that the samples tested negative for ethanol and a wide range of drugs, including major
drugs of abuse (marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine, amphetamines, and opiates). Twenty percent
carboxyhemoglobin saturation (carbon monoxide), 1.8 (μg/mL) cyanide,
and 0.03 (μg/mL,
μg/g) diphenhydramine
were detected in the captain’s blood.
Diphenhydramine was also
detected in her liver. Twenty-five percent carboxyhemoglobin saturation, 2.07 (μg/mL) cyanide,
and 0.036 (μg/mL, μg/g) diphenhydramine were detected in the first officer’s blood.
Diphenhydramine was also detected in his liver and urine, and ibuprofen
was detected in his
1.14 Fire
According to statements from the passengers and witnesses, a fire erupted in and around
the airplane when it came to rest at final impact. CAE ARFF responders received the alert of the
accident via the crash phone and radio from the airport communication center. All three ARFF
vehicles and all four ARFF personnel on duty arrived at the scene within 5 minutes of
notification and found that the entire length of the airplane and sections of the highway were on
fire. The fire was under control about 10 minutes after the first ARFF crews arrived. Mutual aid
response was provided by Lexington County and the Town of Cayce. Burn lines consistent with
a fuel fire extended downhill from the wing and fuselage fuel tanks, across the road toward the
airport fence, and along the gutter of the road.
1.15 Survival Aspects
The captain was seated in the left cockpit seat, and the first officer was seated in the right
cockpit seat. According to the two surviving passengers, the two fatally injured passengers were
seated in the forward cabin, one in the forward-facing seat on the left and the other on the
side-facing divan on the right. The two survivors were seated in the aft forward-facing seats.
The captain’s seat five-point restraint system buckle was found with four of the five
buckles fastened; the crotch-strap buckle was not located in the wreckage. The first officer’s
five-point restraint system buckle was found with all five buckles fastened. None of the
identified seat belt buckles from the cabin were found fastened (not all buckle components from
the cabin were located).
Carbon monoxide and cyanide levels can result from smoke inhalation.
Diphenhydramine is an over-the-counter antihistamine with sedative effects that is often used to treat allergy
symptoms (commonly known by the trade name Benadryl®) or as a sleep aid (commonly known by the trade name
The condition and specific anatomical sources of the blood samples from both the captain and the first officer
were not reported.
Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter pain reliever and fever reducer commonly known by the trade name
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1.15.1 Survivors’ Descriptions of Crew-Provided Safety Information
The passenger who was seated in the aft forward-facing seat on the right recalled that,
before the airplane taxied, the captain asked the passengers if they knew where the seatbelts were
and told them that the fire extinguisher and the snacks were in the back. The passenger stated
that he did not hear the “usual” safety briefing but noted that the captain told them where the
exits were and stated, “you have all done this before.” He stated that he did not think that the
captain’s briefing sounded very professional. He recalled that he fastened his seatbelt but
indicated that he did not notice what the other passengers did with their seatbelts. He stated that
he assumed that they used them because he was familiar with their travel habits, and they
typically used their seatbelts on every flight.
The other surviving passenger, who was seated in the aft forward-facing seat on the left,
stated that the pilots did not provide a safety briefing and that he did not remember hearing any
specific language about the location of the exits. He recalled that one of the pilots made a
comment that he interpreted to mean that the pilot considered the passengers to be frequent fliers
who were familiar with safety briefings. He stated that he fastened his seatbelt but not very
1.15.2 Survivors’ Descriptions of Exiting the Airplane
The passenger in the aft right seat stated that, as soon as the airplane came to a stop, fire
erupted in the cabin. He stated that he remembered being told that there was an exit near him and
that he turned around went to the aft exit door (on the right) and “did what it said to do.” He
stated that he did not remember if there were instructions or arrows on the exit that showed how
to open it but stated that he opened it without difficulty and jumped out onto the wing of the
airplane. He recalled that he went through more fire outside the airplane; ran away from the
airplane; and saw, within 5 seconds, the airplane burst into bigger flames. He stated that, as he
ran, he pulled off his burning clothes.
The passenger in the aft left seat stated that the airplane went up and back down “hard”
and that, before the airplane’s final “very, very hard” impact, he saw something or someone fly
up and hit the ceiling in the forward cabin. He stated that he may have been unconscious for a
few seconds but that he saw the other passenger get up and yell, “we gotta go! We gotta go!” He
indicated that he did not know that there was an exit behind him but that the other passenger
“went right to it,” opened it, and leapt “straight out into a wall of flames.” He stated that he went
to the exit, stayed to the left to try to avoid the fire, and jumped out. He indicated that, when he
landed on the ground, he was on fire and began rolling to put out the fire himself.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1.15.3 Postaccident Examination of Airplane Exits
The airplane’s main passenger boarding door, a type I exit of a clamshell design with
upper and lower doors,
was located at the left forward cabin. The exterior handle and the
interior lower handle were found at the accident site in the closed/locked position, and the door
pins were found in the extended/locked position. The fuselage was deformed at the aft bottom
area of the door frame, and the lower door could not be opened; the upper door latch was
operable with effort.
A type III escape hatch was located in the lavatory area in the rear cabin on the right,
above the lavatory’s seat.
The lavatory and escape hatch area were separated from the cabin by
two wooden partitions (extending from floor to ceiling) on each side of the airplane with a
sliding, wooden “pocket” door in the middle that, when open, stowed into the left partition. The
charred remains of this pocket door were found consistent with it having been in the open
(stowed) position; the hatch and the surrounding fuselage were destroyed by fire. The escape
hatch handle and one pin-type latch were found in the debris in the open (unlatched) position.
1.16 Tests and Research
1.16.1 Sound Spectrum Study
The NTSB performed a sound spectrum study to examine a 50-second segment of audio
(from 2354:42 to 2355:32) captured on the CVR by the CAM in the near-final moments on the
recording. The sound spectrum study used the audio signals as a basis for calculating the
accident airplane’s engine N
and ground speed. Engine N1
The calculated engine N
values were used to plot a curve of the airplane’s N
as a
function of time, as shown in figure 4 on the following page. Breaks in the curve indicate times
during which clearly discernible engine sounds were absent, which likely resulted from other
sounds obscuring the engine sound signal.
A type I exit, according to 14 CFR 25.807(a)(1), is a floor-level exit with a rectangular opening of not less
than 24 inches wide by 48 inches high, with 8-inch maximum corner radii.
A type III exit, per 14 CFR 25.807(a)(3), is a rectangular opening of not less than 20 inches wide by
36 inches high, with 7-inch maximum corner radii and with a step-up inside the airplane of 20 inches or less. The
step-down outside the airplane may not exceed 27 inches for exits located over the wing.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Figure 4. Engine N
calculated as a function of elapsed time into the takeoff roll (time of the
start of the loud rumbling sound is shown).
As shown in figure 4, from 2354:42, the calculated engine N
increased to a peak within
10 seconds and then remained constant near that peak level (about 93 percent) for the next
20 seconds until 2355:12, when a distinct noise burst (corresponding with the beginning of a
loud rumbling sound) was recorded. After the noise burst, from 2355:14 to 2355:16, there was
noticeable wavering of engine N
; during this 2-second period, N
decreased from about
93 percent to about 84 percent and then increased back up to about 88 percent before finally
decreasing below about 76 percent, at which point engine noises became only intermittently
discernible. At 2355:19, engine N
was about 68 percent. In the final 4 seconds of analyzed audio
(beginning at 2355:28), discernible engine noises corresponded with an N
rising through about
86 percent to about 93 percent before decreasing again to about 83 percent. Airplane Ground Speed
The data derived from the sound spectrum analysis for the sound produced by the tires
rolling over the runway grooves (the spacing of which was measured) were used in calculating
airplane ground speed. These calculated ground speed values were used to plot a curve of the
airplane’s ground speed as a function of time, as shown in figure 5 on the following page. Breaks
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
in the curve indicate times during which clearly discernible tire-rolling sounds were absent,
which likely resulted from other sounds obscuring the tire sound signal.
Figure 5. Airplane ground speed calculated as a function of elapsed time into the takeoff roll
(time of the start of the loud rumbling sound is shown).
As shown in figure 5, the airplane’s ground speed increased from about 5 kts about
8 seconds into the recording (at 2454:50) to about 138 kts at the time that the rumbling sound
began at 2355:12. The sound spectrum analysis of airplane ground speed ends a few seconds
later; tire-rolling sounds beyond that time were not clearly discernible. The analysis indicated a
peak ground speed of about 144 kts.
1.16.2 Airplane Performance Study and Map Overlay
The airplane’s position on the runway at the time that the CVR began recording usable
sound spectrum data is not precisely known; however, radio communications and wreckage
debris locations on the runway provided a basis for estimating the airplane’s initial position.
Plotting this estimated position on a map of CAE provided an initiation point. Other
time-stamped information, such as calculated ground speed, engine N
values (in rpm), and flight
crew comments, was then correlated with the airplane’s position plots on the CAE map, and
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
mapped wreckage debris information was added. The result provided a graphical depiction of the
relative progression of events throughout the takeoff roll to impact, a segment of which is shown
in figure 6.
Figure 6. Map of Columbia Metropolitan Airport showing integrated sound spectrum data,
cockpit voice recorder comments, and wreckage locations plotted.
The sound spectrum study speed analysis ends at 2355:14 (when sound signatures are no
longer clearly discernible); information derived from the integration of that portion of the sound
spectrum is shown in pink. CVR comments, engine N
, and ground speed from the same
timeframe are shown in yellow text. For the purpose of positioning the remaining CVR
comments in the approximate locations where they occurred, the airplane performance study
further extrapolated the airplane’s ground speed to 2255:31 through a visual examination of the
sound spectrum illustration. This extrapolated information is shown in red text. Wreckage and
tire debris found on the runway are also shown as marked.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
1.16.3 Main Landing Gear Tires Basic Design and Function
Transport-category aircraft tires, such as those installed on the Learjet 60, operate at high
inflation pressures
and have a thick-walled construction made up of three main materials:
rubber, fabric (primarily the flexible nylon ply material that gives tires their strength), and the
steel bead wires. Transport-category aircraft tires are designed to withstand intermittent (taxi,
takeoff, and landing) operations in severe operating conditions, such as under the airplane’s
heavy load requirements and at high speeds. Each intermittent use of the tires is typically brief
and followed by lengthy periods of relief from the loads and/or high speeds while the aircraft is
in flight or parked. When an aircraft tire is in use, both heavy weight and high speed contribute
to the strong forces that act on it.
An aircraft tire in use can generate high temperatures within its structure in part because
of the amount that the materials can flex in response to inflation pressure and loading. Aircraft
tires perform properly only when they have the correct inflation pressure and are not overloaded.
Proper inflation and loading result in an acceptable amount of sidewall deflection. Sidewall
overdeflection occurs when a tire is operated while underinflated or overloaded. When a tire’s
sidewalls overdeflect at the bottom of each rotation, the excessive flexing of the rubber can result
in fatigue of the reinforcing fibers and the generation of higher internal temperatures at a faster
rate than would be generated in a properly inflated, properly loaded tire. High temperatures can
degrade the physical properties of the tire’s rubber compounds and melt the nylon threads in the
plies; such damage can lead to tire failure. Reconstruction and Examination of Accident Airplane’s Main Landing
Gear Tires and Wheels
Pieces of the right outboard tire, which were the first debris found on the runway, were
identified as fragments of the tire’s sidewall. About 80 percent of the tire was reconstructed.
Both sidewalls showed damage around the entire circumference of the tire; the damage had a
ragged appearance and was located at a generally uniform distance from the wheel rim, as shown
in figure 7 on the following page.
Both the inboard right tire and the inboard left tire showed similar sidewall damage (on
one sidewall each). The outboard left tire, fragments of which were the farthest down the
runway, had a more torn and shredded appearance than the other three tires and showed
extensive tearing through its layers. One fragment of this tire, about 19 inches in circumferential
length, showed sidewall damage.
In contrast, the tires used on many single-engine general aviation airplanes are not of a high-pressure tire
design; those tires carry a load that is about proportionate to what automotive tires carry and have inflation pressures
and wall thicknesses similar to the tires used in automotive applications.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The characteristics of the sidewall damage observed on all four of the accident airplane’s tires
were consistent with a photograph in a Goodyear publication showing typical heat damage
sustained from sidewall overdeflection and flexing fatigue.
Goodyear engineers and the
Goodyear publication noted that previous tire testing found that aircraft tire sidewall damage
from flexing fatigue is predominantly consistent with taxi-cycle operations while the tire is
Aircraft Tire Care and Maintenance, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Publication 700-862-931-538
(Akron, Ohio: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, 2002, rev. 10/2004),
<> (accessed February 15, 2010).
Figure 7. Reconstruction of the right outboard main landing gear tire showing outboard
sidewall damage. Arrows depict the generally uniform location of the damage.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
underinflated; Goodyear testing showed that as little as 5-percent underinflation greatly reduces
the fatigue life of transport-category aircraft tires.
Because either underinflation or overloading can result in tire sidewall overdeflection,
tire testing data for both scenarios were reviewed. According to estimated static load deflection
charts created during the investigation for the accident tires, the amount of underinflation needed
for a loaded tire to produce the type of overdeflection damage observed on the accident
airplane’s tires (specifically, the damage location on the sidewall) would be about 36-percent
underinflation. Alternatively, testing data showed that the amount of overload needed for a
properly inflated tire to produce the amount of overdeflection consistent with the sidewall
damage observed on each of the accident airplane’s tires would be about 12,200 pounds.
Other damage observed on fragments from each of the accident airplane’s tires included
blue to purple heat discoloration indicative of moderate to severe heat damage. According to the
Goodyear publication, blue tinting appears at temperatures from 210° to 230° F. Microscopic
examination of fragments from all four tires revealed that the tires’ nylon fibers (which are
generally soft and fabric-like when undamaged) had melted and resolidified into single strands
that had a stiffness resembling that of broom bristles. The Goodyear publication noted that the
melting point of nylon is greater than 400° F. Rubber reverts to an uncured state and loses
strength and adhesion at temperatures from 280° to 320° F, then becomes hard and dry at
temperatures from 355° to 390° F.
Fragments from all four tires showed abrasion and rub marks on the inner liner and heat
damage to the rubber and nylon fibrous cord materials. Goodyear engineering personnel and
investigators experienced in tire failure examinations noted that, although heat and rolling
distance could affect the start of wrinkling, they were not aware of wrinkling or liner damage
ever occurring in aircraft tires that had been properly inflated.
The tires showed no evidence of impact, puncture, or adhesive-separation damage.
Examination of the wheels and brakes showed no evidence of overheating or brake lock-up,
and none of the wheels’ eutectic fuse plugs, which are designed to melt if the wheel temperature
reaches about 390° F, leaked when tested. The right outboard wheel assembly had no flanges
remaining, and the left outboard wheel assembly retained nearly full height on the outboard
flange. The threaded tire inflation valve bodies on two of the wheels (left inboard and right
outboard) could be removed by finger torque (the specification for installation required 190
inches-pounds); the inflation valve bodies of the other two wheels were found more tightly
secured. The internal mechanisms of the four tire inflation valves did not leak when tested. Tire Pressure Data Collected from In-Service Airplanes
The average daily pressure loss for Learjet 60 tires reported in the QTR, which is within
the 5 percent allowed by TSO-C62c, is comparable to the daily loss rate for tires on many other
Evidence indicated that the wheel brakes stopped rotating after sustaining mechanical damage associated
with runway contact.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
transport-category airplanes. The NTSB reviewed tire pressure information collected from
various sources for the purpose of gaining insight into industry practices related to tire pressures
and maintenance for in-service transport-category airplanes. The information included historical
data from 2005 to 2009 and tire pressure and maintenance practice information collected from
two FBOs and eight commercial operators. The data collection was not intended (or sufficient)
for performing statistical analyses.
The collected data showed that most of the tires sampled were inflated to within
10 percent of their rated pressure, which was typically within maintenance limits. However,
some tires were operated at inflation values well below the limits that the respective AMMs
specified for tire replacement. During the data collection, nearly all maintenance providers
interviewed mentioned that use of the AMM was required by each operator’s FAA-approved
operations specifications. One FBO operator indicated that some AMMs do not call for
mandatory tire pressure checks as part of scheduled maintenance and that he believed that
weekly tire pressure checks were generally good practice.
A review of AMMs for the Cessna CE-650 and the Dassault Falcon 50 (airplane types
also operated by Global Exec Aviation) found that the AMMs were organized similar to the
Learjet 60 AMM; the reference to daily tire pressure checks was found in chapter 12 of each.
The Dassault airplane flight manual (AFM) for pilots also contained a reference to chapter 12 of
the AMM for tire pressure check information.
1.16.4 Thrust Reverser System Ground Tests and Engineering Review
The Learjet 60 is equipped with cockpit annunciator lights that indicate the status of the
thrust reverser system to the pilots. Ground tests were performed using a Learjet 60 that was
specially equipped to simulate possible anomalies that could affect the thrust reverser system’s
logic functions, and the test airplane’s cockpit annunciator lights were monitored throughout the
In the cockpit, the thrust reverser system has a total of six annunciators (two columns of
three annunciator lights each, with one column per engine). The annunciators for each engine
include the green TR ARM light, which illuminates when the thrust reverser system is armed and
available for use if commanded;
the amber TR UNLOCK light, which illuminates when the
thrust reverser doors are unlocked and in transit; and the white TR DEPLOY light, which
illuminates when the thrust reverser doors are in the fully deployed position. When the thrust
reverser doors on each engine are fully deployed, the amber TR UNLOCK lights extinguish.
The TR ARM lights remain illuminated when the airplane is on the ground at idle engine power and any time
that the TR UNLOCK or TR DEPLOY lights are illuminated. During taxi operations, the green TR ARM lights
extinguish when the engine power levers are moved to a position greater than the idle-thrust position.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
During one test, the airplane was on the ground (with squat switches in ground mode)
with the thrust reversers deployed and at idle thrust. While the airplane remained on the ground,
the test equipment switched the squat switch status to air mode, thus creating a situation in which
the logic requirements to maintain thrust reverser deployment were no longer being met. As a
result, the thrust reverser doors stowed, the TR DEPLOY light extinguished, the TR UNLOCK
light illuminated, and the TR ARM light flashed for less than 2 seconds before all thrust reverser
system annunciators extinguished. The EECs, upon receiving the input that the thrust reversers
were stowed and that the squat switches were signaling air mode, shifted logic and signaled the
FADEC components to change the engine thrust output from the reverse thrust power schedule
to the forward thrust power schedule. (In the test airplane’s configuration, the thrust changed
from ground idle speed to flight idle speed.)
In this situation, the EECs would transition from the reverse thrust power schedule to the
forward thrust power schedule during about a 2-second transition through idle power. During the
entire sequence, the thrust reverser levers in the cockpit would remain in the reverse thrust idle
position (as selected by the pilot) while the engines produced forward thrust. Because both the
thrust reverser levers and the forward thrust levers share common RVDTs (one for the left
engine and one for the right engine), the EECs, which receive TLA information from the
RVDTs, would signal the engines to produce a level of forward thrust that generally corresponds
with the level of reverse thrust commanded; that is, a pilot commanding full reverse thrust (for
maximum deceleration of the airplane) would instead receive high levels of forward thrust
(accelerating the airplane) according to the forward thrust power schedule.
To reduce the
forward thrust in such a situation in a Learjet 60, a pilot would need to move the thrust reverser
levers out of the commanded reverse thrust position and place them in the stowed position,
consistent with the “Inadvertent Stow of Thrust Reverser After a Crew-Commanded
Deployment” procedure described in section Accidents and Incident Involving Thrust Reverser System Anomalies
April 1994 accident during landing (Learjet 60 prototype test flight)
On April 6, 1994, a prototype Learjet 60 airplane (a modified Learjet 55) was involved in
a landing accident during a test flight. After the airplane landed with a suspected flat tire, the
pilot’s application of the thrust reversers produced no deceleration, and the airplane went off the
end of the runway. Postaccident examination found that both right MLG tires were flat and that
the right MLG strut was damaged.
June 1998 incident during rejected takeoff
In June 1998, a Learjet 60 was involved in an incident during an RTO at Washington
Dulles International Airport, Chantilly, Virginia. According to the pilot’s report submitted to the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS),
both right MLG tires failed during the takeoff roll, and tire and brake assembly damage led to
For any given TLA, the forward thrust power schedule results in higher engine power than the reverse thrust
schedule, and the maximum possible reverse TLA is less than full forward TLA.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
severed hydraulic brake lines and squat switch wiring. The airplane’s thrust reversers stowed
during the attempted RTO, and the airplane went off the left side of the 11,500-foot runway near
the end.
During interviews with Learjet 60 pilots, one pilot provided contact information for
another captain that he believed had experienced a thrust reverser incident; a 2009 interview with
that captain revealed that he was involved in the 1998 incident that was recorded in the ASRS.
During the interview, the captain recalled that the airplane had four new MLG tires just installed
and that he had completed two uneventful flights in the airplane on the day of the incident. He
recalled that, for the incident takeoff, the airplane was loaded to near maximum takeoff weight
and that the taxi route for takeoff was long. He stated that, fairly early in the takeoff roll and well
before V
, he heard a loud bang that he felt certain was a blown tire because he had experienced
a blown tire before. He described the event as a “very violent explosion” that created holes in the
flaps and damage to the right side of the fuselage.
January 2001 accident during landing
On January 14, 2001, a Learjet 60 went off the end of a runway after a collision with deer
during landing at Troy Municipal Airport, Troy, Alabama.
The pilots, who were critically
injured, reported that the thrust reversers failed to operate. The airplane’s thrust reversers were
found stowed, and the squat switch on the left MLG showed damage and evidence of deer
impact. An NTSB sound spectrum study performed on the airplane’s CVR recording revealed
that, after the airplane touched down, N
increased to a speed higher than what could be achieved
on the reverse thrust power schedule. Approved Modifications After 2001 Landing Accident
On November 20, 2003, Learjet issued an AFM revision that changed the name of the
“Inadvertent Stow of Thrust Reverser During Landing Rollout” abnormal procedure to
“Inadvertent Stow of Thrust Reverser After a Crew-Commanded Deployment” and moved it to
the emergency procedures section. In addition, on February 21, 2005, Learjet issued Service
Bulletin (SB) 60-78-7 (the latest revision of which was dated May 1, 2006), which advised
Learjet 60 owners and operators of a modification that Learjet was installing on in-production
airplanes (including the accident airplane) and that could be retrofitted to in-service airplanes.
The SB noted that the purpose of the modification, which incorporated the airplane’s existing
wheel speed detection system into the thrust reverser logic,
was “to reduce the possibility of
inadvertent stowing during thrust reverser operation.” The SB modification was not required by
the FAA.
The report for this accident, NTSB case number ATL01FA021, is available at the NTSB’s website at
The SB applied to airplanes with serial numbers (S/N) 60-002 through -276. New-production airplanes,
starting with S/N 60-277, were equipped with the modification. The accident airplane was S/N 60-314.
The wheel speed sensors were already installed on the airplane as part of the autospoiler system. The wiring
for both the wheel speed sensors and the squat switches is routed along the MLG struts.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The modification added the wheel speed sensor input to the thrust reverser logic, thus
providing a redundant ground signal intended to help ensure that the thrust reversers would
remain deployed in the event of the loss of a squat switch ground signal after landing. The wheel
speed sensor signal would provide redundancy after the airplane’s squat switches had been in air
mode for at least 2 minutes, beginning within 50 seconds of the ground/air transition.
1.16.5 Certification of the Learjet 60 as a Changed Aeronautical Product
The Learjet 60 was certificated on January 15, 1993, under 14 CFR Part 25 (the
airworthiness standards for transport-category airplanes). The Learjet 60 was added as the most
recent model in a series of derivative models (or “changed aeronautical products”) that were
approved and added to Learjet type certificate (TC) A10CE, which was originally issued for the
Learjet 24 on March 17, 1966. Performance and basic specifications for the models on TC
A10CE vary widely. The Learjet 24 has maximum gross takeoff weight of 13,000 pounds, can be
configured for up to 8 people (2 crew and 6 passengers), a maximum altitude of 41,000 feet, and
a maximum range of 1,266 miles; in comparison, the Learjet 60 has nearly twice the maximum
gross takeoff weight, a configuration option for up to 10 people (2 crew and 8 passengers), a
maximum altitude of 51,000 feet, and a maximum range of 2,768 miles. The Learjet 60 also has
a different wing and fuselage than earlier models and includes a large fuel tank in the aft
fuselage. All but two Learjet models (the Learjet 23 and the Learjet 45) were certificated using
The certification basis for changed aeronautical products allows an aircraft manufacturer
to introduce a derivative model as a design update on a previously certificated aircraft and add
the changed product onto an existing TC. The FAA approves such changes if it finds that the
changes are not significant enough to warrant application for a new TC. This process enables a
manufacturer to introduce derivative aircraft models without having to resubmit the entire
aircraft design for certification review. The manufacturer can use the results of some of the
analyses and testing from the original type certification to demonstrate compliance, in which
case the regulations that were in effect on the date of the original TC apply.
Title 14 CFR 21.101 specifies the requirements for demonstrating airworthiness
compliance for changed aeronautical products; the current revision of the regulation differs from
the one that applied to the certification of the Learjet 60.
According to the revision of 14 CFR
21.101, which became effective on September 16, 1991, the certification basis for the Learjet 60
required, at the discretion of the FAA, compliance with either the regulations cited in the original
TC (issued in 1966) or applicable regulations in effect on the date of the application. The
exceptions related to compliance with different versions of and amendments to the regulations
are specified on the Learjet 60’s type certificate data sheet (TCDS).
See section 1.18.4 for the current requirements.
Specifically, the Learjet 60 is certificated under 14 CFR Part 25, effective February 1, 1965, as amended by
amendments 25-1 through -73, with specified exceptions. The TCDS specifies sections of the regulation and
amendment levels that apply.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The Learjet 60’s certification basis did not require compliance with some of the
regulatory revisions for aircraft certification that were in effect in 1993 (when the Learjet 60 was
introduced), which would apply to new aircraft models certificated on new TCs. For example,
the Learjet 60’s compliance with 14 CFR 25.1309, which related to failures of equipment,
systems, and installations, was based primarily on the original version of the regulation.
revised and more extensive version of 14 CFR 25.1309, including amendment 25-41, (which
became effective September 1, 1977, for newly certificated aircraft) did not fully apply to the
Learjet 60.
According to Learjet and FAA personnel, during the changed product certification
process, Learjet informs the FAA about proposed design changes from the initial concept and
throughout the design’s progress. As Learjet develops the design change, company senior
engineers, recognized by the FAA as designated engineering representatives (DERs), review the
change. FAA certification engineers in Wichita, Kansas, meet regularly with Learjet engineering
staff, and the final design must be approved by the FAA.
During a 1981 certification review of the Learjet 25,
the FAA provided comments
about the practice of applying the original certification basis to derivative airplanes. The FAA
noted that the original certification basis for fail-safe criteria of flight critical systems, defined in
14 CFR 25.629, requires that the criteria address “only reasonably probable single failures and
malfunctions,” whereas the revised requirements of 14 CFR 25.629 and 25.1309 require the
analyses to address all single and other combinations of failures not shown to be “extremely
improbable.” The FAA concluded that “it is necessary that flight critical systems meet these
more stringent requirements to ensure safety.” The FAA stated that “the current regulations in
the system installation area (14 CFR 25.672, 25.1303, and 25.1309) should be applied to all new
model airplane certifications and derivative certification airplanes where equivalent safety is not
ensured by the application of the old regulations.” Thrust Reverser Control Design
The Learjet 60 was the first Learjet model to be equipped with a fully electronic thrust
reverser control. Learjet incorporated the electronic control system on the Learjet 60 to take
advantage of design improvements made possible by computer control of the engines. In this
design, the pilots could move the power levers to detents for specific modes of flight, such as
takeoff and cruise. The microprocessor controls could then make continual adjustments to reduce
fuel consumption and pilot workload.
The original version of 14 CFR 25.1309 states that equipment, systems, and installations must be designed
and installed to ensure that they perform their intended functions under any foreseeable operating conditions and to
prevent hazards to the airplane if they malfunction or fail.
According to the Learjet 60’s TCDS, only the airplane’s electronic flight instrument system was required to
comply with this revised version of the regulation.
None of the Learjet 25 design characteristics under FAA review were related to the systems examined in this
investigation. For more information, see FAA. Type Certification Decision Document, Learjet Special Certification
Review, Supplement 1, April 30, 1981 (Kansas City, Missouri: FAA Central Region, Office of the Regional
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The fail-safe concept for the Learjet 60 thrust reverser system design was intended to
protect against deployment of thrust reversers in flight. To achieve this protection, the logic
criteria were such that any system failures or anomalies would result in the stowage of the thrust
reversers. An uncommanded stowage of the thrust reversers in the Learjet 60 does not result in a
corresponding movement of the cockpit thrust reverser levers. Such lever movement is not a
regulatory requirement but was inherent in older Learjet models (also on TC A10CE) and most
other airplanes that are equipped with mechanical thrust reverser control systems. With
mechanical systems, cables physically connect the cockpit thrust reverser levers to the thrust
reversers and engine power control units; thus, any uncommanded stowage of the thrust reverser
doors would result in a corresponding movement of the levers in the cockpit and a corresponding
reduction in engine thrust. Certification and test flights for the Learjet 60 were conducted
without the use of thrust reversers (and without the reverser credit for calculating takeoff and
landing runway length). Protection of Equipment in Wheel Wells
According to 14 CFR 25.729, any equipment that is essential to safe operation of the
airplane and that is located in wheel wells “must be protected from the damaging effects of … a
bursting tire, unless it is shown that a tire cannot burst from overheat, and … a loose tire tread,
unless it is shown that a loose tire tread cannot cause damage.” The Learjet 60’s compliance with
this requirement is recorded on a checklist that referenced a report that had originated during
development of the Learjet 54. That report stated that two fuse plugs are installed in each main
wheel to prevent overheating explosions and that tire burst tests had been conducted to
demonstrate results for adjacent structure.
The investigation found that two hydraulic lines in each wheel well of the Learjet 60 did
not have the protection of a restrictor, making it possible to lose the hydraulic supply if those
tubes were breached. In addition, a review of Learjet service history found that tire bursts in
some airplanes resulted in extensive damage, both in the wheel well and beyond the MLG tires’
plane of rotation.
1.16.6 Comparison of Certification Criteria for Learjet 45 and Learjet 60
The Learjet 45 was certificated on a new TC (T00008WI) on September 22, 1997, under
14 CFR Part 25, as amended by amendments 25-1 through -77. The Learjet 45’s compliance
with 14 CFR 25.1309 is based on amendment 25-41, effective September 1, 1977 (unlike the
Learjet 60, for which compliance is based primarily on the original version of the regulation).
The more recent revision to the regulation, as applicable to the Learjet 45, states that airplane
equipment, systems, and installations must be designed to ensure that they perform their intended
functions under any foreseeable operating condition and that any failure that would prevent the
continued safe flight and landing of the airplane is extremely improbable. The regulation also
states that warning information must be provided to alert pilots to unsafe system operating
conditions and to enable them to take appropriate corrective action. Compliance with the design
criteria must be shown by analysis that considers possible modes of failure, including damage
from external sources and the probability of multiple or undetected failures.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
30 Thrust Reverser System Design
The Learjet 45 is equipped with a fully electronic thrust reverser control. The Learjet 45’s
system is designed to electronically duplicate the thrust reverser lever movement and engine
power reduction inherent in the older mechanical systems. Specifically, the Learjet 45’s thrust
reverser control electronically triggers the cockpit thrust reverser levers to move to the stowed
position and the engine thrust to idle if an abnormal condition results in the stowage of reverser
doors while the cockpit thrust reverser levers are raised. Protection of Equipment in Wheel Wells
With the exception of the Learjet 45, the MLG is similar throughout the series of Learjet
airplane models and is based on similarities to the initial 1960s models that had been certificated
before more stringent regulatory requirements existed. Components in the wheel wells of the
Learjet 45 have protective plating and revised routing that provide more protection. Differences
in the Learjet 45’s and the Learjet 60’s protection of system components in the MLG well, for
which 14 CFR 25.1309 applies, are illustrated in figure 8 below, which shows protection in the
inboard aft corner of the MLG wheel well for each airplane. Notable is the white shield that
protects the Learjet 45’s hydraulic and electrical system components, whereas components in the
Learjet 60 are more exposed.
1.17 Organizational and Management Information
Global Exec Aviation, based in Long Beach, California, was established in 2002 to
provide on-demand charter services using managed airplanes. At the time of the accident, the
company operated nine airplanes: two Gulfstream GIVs, three Gulfstream GIIIs, a Falcon 50, a
CE-650, the accident airplane, and a Cessna 441.
Global Exec Aviation began operating the
At the time of the accident, the Cessna 441 was grounded by a supplemental inspection document.
Figure 8. Inboard aft corner of the left main landing gear wheel well for the Learjet 45 (left)
and the inboard after corner of the right main landing gear wheel well for the Learjet 60 (right).
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
accident airplane, which was listed on the company’s operations specifications, under 14 CFR
Part 135 for on-demand charter flights in August 2008 after having previously managed the
airplane for its owner for 14 CFR Part 91 flights. Global Exec Aviation had 20 employees,
including 11 full-time pilots. The company also used part-time pilots for some flight operations.
1.17.1 Main Landing Gear Tire Maintenance and Checks
According to its operations specifications, Global Exec Aviation was required to comply
with the Learjet AMM, and the company’s director of maintenance stated that he referred to the
AMM when determining what scheduled maintenance needed to be performed and when. He
stated that he did not know how often the Learjet 60’s tire pressures were supposed to be
checked. He indicated that there is no requirement to record tire pressure checks and that the
company does not document them.
Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations stated that Learjets occasionally blow tires
just like any other jet and that Bombardier Challenger jets have a requirement for daily pressure
checks in the AFM but that the Learjet does not. He stated that the pilots never check the tire
pressures and are not trained to do so and that no such procedures are in place. At the time of the
accident, the exterior preflight procedure indicated that the flight crew should “check” the MLG
wheels, tires, and brakes. The airplane’s AFM indicated that the crew should check the
“condition” of those components. The director of maintenance indicated that, if pilots suspected
any problem with a tire while on a trip, they would call him as they would with any other
maintenance issue.
The Learjet 60 pilots and instructors interviewed stated that preflight tasks involved
visually inspecting the tires for general condition, such as excessive wear, sidewall bulges, or
visible tire cord. All but one pilot interviewed stated that tire underinflation would be difficult to
determine visually (one thought that “significant” underinflation could be visually detected). All
but one of the Learjet 60 pilots and instructors interviewed stated that checking tire pressure was
a maintenance function and that they were neither trained nor expected to check tire pressure at
any time.
1.17.2 Pilot Training and Standard Operating Procedures
Global Exec Aviation provided its pilots with company indoctrination training; all other
ground training, simulator training, and checks were provided by FSI in Tucson, Arizona. Global
Exec Aviation pilots received the same FAA-approved Basic Bombardier Learjet 60 Training
Program that FSI provided to other operators; Global Exec Aviation did not have any additional
operator-specific training.
Flight crew procedure checklists for the Learjet 60 are published in the Bombardier
Learjet 60 AFM, which is an FAA-approved manual that contains the normal, abnormal, and
emergency procedures for the airplane. The Learjet 60 Crew Checklist and the Quick Reference
Handbook (QRH) list the procedures in a cockpit-ready reference checklist format.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report Rejected Takeoff
According to Global Exec Aviation’s operations manual, the pilot flying is responsible
for conducting a takeoff briefing before each takeoff. The manual stated, in part, that the briefing
may be “full” or “abbreviated” at the discretion of the pilot in command:
Generally, a full briefing will be conducted for the first flight of the day for a
particular crew pairing. A full briefing will include the following:
a. abort procedure prior to V
b. procedure to be followed in case of a problem after V
c. minimum safe altitude for flap retraction / running checklists,
d. emergency return plan,
e. and the normal takeoff plan (initial departure procedure, altitude,
squawk, and departure frequency).
An abbreviated briefing will include the words “standard brief” and will include
letters c through e above.
Global Exec Aviation’s operations manual, the Learjet 60 AFM, the Learjet Pilot
Manual, the Learjet Training Manual, and the FSI Learjet 60 Pilot Training Manual all contained
guidance for pilots to determine if an RTO was necessary. All of the guidance was based on
engine failure scenarios. The Global Exec Aviation training program manual and the FSI
Learjet 60 Pilot Training Manual contained illustrations depicting the procedures for rejecting a
takeoff due to engine failure below V
and for continuing a takeoff due to engine failure at or
above V
. The Bombardier Learjet 60 Pilot Training Guide stated that the pilot flying should
reject the takeoff “for any abnormality observed” before the airplane reaches 90 kts and that,
between 90 kts and V
, the takeoff should be rejected for “engine failure, engine fire, loss of
directional control, thrust reverser deployment, [or] catastrophic failures.” The guide further
stated that, if an engine fails above V
speed, “the takeoff will normally be continued.” The
Global Exec Aviation Part 135 Training Program Manual (Appendix Learjet 60) indicates that
the pilot flying is to remove his/her hand from the thrust levers at the time of the V
callout by
the pilot not flying.
Interviews with Global Exec Aviation pilots, other Learjet 60 pilots, and instructors
indicated that all used nearly identical criteria to determine whether to reject a takeoff. Generally,
they stated that, during the low-speed regime up to 80 kts, takeoff would be rejected for any
abnormal or emergency event and that, during the high-speed regime up to V
, takeoff would be
rejected for only an engine fire, engine failure, thrust reverser deployment, or loss of directional
control (which, according to some, included abnormal acceleration or deceleration). The
consensus was that, at speeds above V
, the takeoff would be continued.
Global Exec Aviation’s director of operations stated that the company used a Boeing
video that discussed statistical safety on high-speed RTOs. He stated that the message
communicated by the video was “do not do high-speed aborts.” Boeing’s video, Takeoff Safety,
states that an RTO beyond V
should only be attempted if the ability of the airplane to fly is in
serious doubt. The video notes that taking the airplane into the air to deal with the problem offers
pilots several advantages over an RTO, including reduction of airplane gross weight, ability to
use landing flaps, more time to analyze the situation, ability to prepare for vibration and
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
directional control problems on landing, and the availability of more runway on landing to allow
the airplane to stop, increasing the margin of safety. The video further indicated that, if an RTO
is initiated 2 seconds after V
, an airplane will exit the end of the runway (based on a balanced
field length)
at 50 to 70 kts.
At the time of the accident, the abnormal procedures section of the QRH contained the
checklist for use in the event of an RTO. The “Aborted Takeoff” procedure checklist included
the following: “1. Brakes – APPLY, 2. Thrust Levers – IDLE, 3. Spoilers – EXT [extend], 4.
Thrust Reversers – AS REQ’D [as required].”
At the time of the accident, the Bombardier Learjet 60 Crew Checklist and the QRH
contained the emergency procedure, “Inadvertent Stow of Thrust Reverser After a
Crew-Commanded Deployment,” to be used in the event of an uncommanded stowage
of the
engine thrust reversers. The first two steps of the procedure’s checklist were enclosed in a box to
indicate that the procedures “should be memorized for crew accomplishment without reference
to the procedure.” These two steps were the following: “1. Maintain control with rudder, aileron,
nosewheel steering, and brakes, [and] 2. Both Thrust Reverser Levers – STOW.” The checklist
also included the note that “failure to move the thrust reverser levers to stow will result in
forward thrust ranging from idle to near takeoff power, depending on the position of the thrust
reverser levers.” Pretakeoff Passenger Briefing
According to 14 CFR 135.117, before takeoff, passengers must be provided with an oral
briefing that includes the following: prohibition of smoking, use of safety belts, seatback position
for takeoff and landing, location and means for opening the passenger entry door and emergency
exits, location of survival equipment, use of overwater equipment and supplemental oxygen, and
the location and use of fire extinguishers. According to Global Exec Aviation’s operations
manual, the PIC is responsible for ensuring that all passengers receive the briefing as soon as
possible after passenger loading. Neither 14 CFR 135.117 nor Global Exec Aviation’s operations
manual require any particular verbatim briefing content.
The initial portion of the CVR recording was of insufficient quality to determine the
content of any briefing that may have been provided. At 2336:32, the CVR captured a sound
consistent with the cabin door closing, followed by a voice captured by the captain’s side CAM
that stated, “I briefed ’em all.” At 2340:39.6, the CVR captured a sound similar to a seatbelt
AC 120-62, Takeoff Safety Training Aid, defines balanced field length as the runway length (including the
RSA, if applicable) at which, for the airplane’s takeoff weight, the engine-out accelerate-go distance equals the
accelerate-stop distance. Critical field length is defined as the minimum runway length (including the RSA) required
for a specific takeoff weight, which may be the longer of the balanced field length, 115 percent of the all-engine
takeoff distance, or the length established by other limitations, such as ensuring that V
is less than or equal to V
See Boeing Takeoff Safety Video Appendix 3-E.
“Uncommanded stowage,” which is synonymous with the QRH term “inadvertent stow,” occurs when the
logic requirements to maintain thrust reverser deployment are lost, resulting in the stowage of the thrust reversers
after a crew-commanded deployment.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
chime, and, at 2345:14, the first officer called for the checklist item, “seatbelt, no smoking,” to
which the captain replied, “is, ah, on.” Airplane Weight and Balance Calculations
According to its operations specifications, Global Exec Aviation was authorized to use
only the actual passenger weights (or the solicited passenger weights plus 10 pounds for each
passenger) and the actual weight of all carry-on, checked, planeside-loaded, and heavy bags
when determining aircraft weight and balance. The company used Ultra-Nav software and an
American Aeronautics Plotter to calculate airplane loading and center of gravity. According to
14 CFR 135.63(d), the PIC of each flight must carry the weight and balance manifest on board
the airplane. (The manifest for the accident flight was not located.) One of the passengers stated
that neither pilot weighed any of the passengers or asked them their weight.
The weight and balance manifest for the accident flight was not identified in the
wreckage, and postcrash fire damage to the baggage precluded obtaining actual baggage weight.
Fueling records showed that the airplane received 835 gallons of fuel minutes before departing
on the accident flight; given the flight plan filed by the crew, about 7,800 pounds of fuel was on
board. This information, combined with an estimated weight for the baggage and catering
supplies and standard estimated adult weights for the two flight crewmembers and four
passengers, indicates that the airplane’s weight at takeoff may have ranged from about 23,590 to
about 23,800 pounds.
1.17.3 Federal Aviation Administration Oversight
The FAA flight standards district office in Long Beach, California, was responsible for
the oversight of Global Exec Aviation. The FAA POI assigned to the company had been its POI
since November 2007 and was previously the assistant POI.
A review of the FAA’s National Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem records
revealed that, in the 60 months before the accident, the FAA performed numerous inspections of
Global Exec Aviation, including the following: 17 aviation education and safety promotion
inspections, 44 organizational certification inspections, 2 aircraft and equipment inspections,
153 airmen certification oversight inspections, 38 surveillance inspections, and 5 investigation
inspections. Sixteen records for the accident captain and one for the first officer pertained to
routine oversight inspections and contained no remarkable comments. In 2007, the FAA
performed a special emphasis operational control inspection
of Global Exec Aviation with
This estimate includes a pretakeoff fuel burn of 150 pounds, as indicated in the airplane operating manual. As
referenced previously, the airplane’s maximum allowable ramp weight and takeoff weight were 23,750 and 23,500
pounds, respectively.
FAA Notice 8900.16, Special Emphasis Inspection: Operational Control (issued on August 17, 2007),
directed POIs to inspect all Part 135 certificate holders to ensure compliance with operational control policies,
procedures, and prohibitions. The inspections resulted from Safety Recommendation A-06-67, which stemmed from
the NTSB’s investigation of a February 2, 2005, accident in Teterboro, New Jersey, involving a Bombardier
Challenger CL-600-1A11 that was operated under a suspect charter arrangement. For more information, see
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
satisfactory results. A review of FAA safety performance analysis system records showed one
entry for Global Exec Aviation, which recorded that its operations specifications were amended
on August 15, 2007, to reflect the addition of a minimum equipment list for the Learjet 60.
1.18 Additional Information
1.18.1 Takeoff Safety Training Aid
In 1994, the FAA published AC 120-62, Takeoff Safety Training Aid, to provide guidance
to “minimize, to the greatest extent practical, the probability of RTO-related accidents and
incidents.” The AC, which applies to Part 121 operators, states that “many of the principles,
concepts, and procedures described apply to operations under [14 CFR] Parts 91, 129, and 135
for certain aircraft, and are recommended for use by those operators when applicable.”
The AC provides recommended elements for air carrier ground training programs that
state, in part, that the training should,
ensure thorough crew awareness in at least the following topics: (1) Proper RTO
and takeoff continuation procedures in the event of failures; (2) Potential effects
of improper procedures during an RTO, (3) Guidelines on rejecting or not
rejecting a takeoff in the low and high speed regimes; (4) Assigned crewmember
duties, use of comprehensive briefings, and proper crew coordination.
The AC also provides recommended elements for air carrier flight training programs and
pilot evaluations that state, in part, that simulator scenarios should include the following
conditions and procedures: “demonstration of the proper and appropriate crew responses for
engine failure, tire failure, nuisance alerts, and critical failures that affect the ability to safely
continue the takeoff in both the high and low speed regimes.”
Section 2 of AC 120-62, “Pilot Guide to Takeoff Safety,” addresses various aspects of the
go/no-go decision-making process in response to various anomalies and provides the following
The infrequency of RTO events may lead to complacency about maintaining
sharp decision making skills and procedural effectiveness. In spite of the
equipment reliability, every pilot must be prepared to make the correct Go/No Go
decision on every takeoff--just in case.
National Transportation Safety Board, Runway Overrun and Collision, Platinum Jet Management, LLC, Bombardier
Challenger CL-600-1A11, N370V, Teterboro, New Jersey, February 2, 2005, Aircraft Accident Report
NTSB/AAR-06/04 (Washington, DC: NTSB, 2006).
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Do not attempt an RTO once the airplane has passed V
unless the pilot has
reason to conclude the airplane is unsafe or unable to fly. This recommendation
should prevail no matter what runway length appears to remain after V
With respect to tire failures, section 2 includes the following guidance:
Tire failures may be difficult to identify from the flight deck and the related
Go/No Go decision is therefore not a simple task. A tire burst may … cause the
airplane to pull to one side, or can cause the entire airplane to shake and
shudder…. A pilot must be cautious not to inappropriately conclude, under such
circumstances, that another problem exists.… Degradation of control can occur,
however, as a result of heavy pieces of tire material being thrown at very high
velocities and causing damage to the exposed structure of the airplane and/or the
loss of hydraulic systems.
Section 2 also notes that rejecting a takeoff from high speeds with a failed tire is risky,
especially if the airplane is near maximum gross weight:
The chances of an overrun are increased simply due to the loss of braking force
from one wheel. If additional tires should fail during the stop attempt, the
available braking force is even further reduced. In this case, it is generally better
to continue the takeoff.
1.18.2 Postaccident Safety Action Learjet Tire Servicing Advisory Wire
On October 13, 2008, Bombardier Learjet issued advisory wire (AW) 32-045, Tire
Servicing, applicable to all Learjet airplanes. The AW advised maintenance and operations
personnel that proper tire inflation cannot be determined visually and that underinflation can
result in overload of the adjacent tire, as indicated in chapter 12 of the AMM. The AW noted that
proper tire servicing should be accomplished in accordance with the AMM and recommended
that cold tire pressure should be checked before the first flight of every day or every 10 days on
tires installed on airplanes that are not operated daily. Federal Aviation Administration Safety Alert for Operators
On February 24, 2009, the FAA issued safety alert for operators (SAFO) 09005,
“Dangers of Improperly Inflated Tires,” to emphasize to all aircraft operators, especially those
operating Learjet 60s, the importance of proper tire inflation. The SAFO referenced the accident,
stated that the operators’ personnel must understand the dangers of improper tire inflation, and
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
recommended that tire pressures be checked using the manufacturer’s recommended intervals
and procedures.
56 Learjet Revisions to Flight and Maintenance Manuals Temporary Flight Manual Change, Revised Procedures
On March 9, 2009, Bombardier Learjet issued an FAA-approved temporary flight manual
(TFM) change applicable for Learjet 60 and 60XR airplanes. TFM 2009-03 provided
amendments to the AFM that established the limitation that “nose and main tire pressures must
be checked within 96 hours (not flight hours) prior to takeoff” using the procedures listed in
chapter 12 the AMM. The revision included a note to check tire pressures on airplanes parked
more than 10 consecutive days and provided a table of allowable tire pressure ranges based on
maximum takeoff weight. The TFM change added tire pressure checks to the AFM’s normal
preflight procedures and provided expanded information for the abnormal procedures section to
help flight crews recognize that a malfunction of the thrust reverser system can result in forward
Specifically, the TFM revised the “Aborted Takeoff” procedure, amending step 4 to read
“Thrust Reversers – Deploy if necessary. Check for DEP [deploy] indications on the EIS [engine
indication system] page” and adding the following step: “If none of the [thrust reverser] lights
are illuminated, both Thrust Reverser Levers – Stow.” The TFM also added a note and a warning
to the “Aborted Takeoff” procedure and changed a note to a warning in the “Inadvertent Stow of
Thrust Reverser After a Crew-Commanded Deployment” procedure. The notes provided
information on the normal sequence of the thrust reverser annunciators, and both warnings stated
that “a damaged squat switch (or other failures) may cause the thrust reverser auto stow system
to activate … resulting in forward thrust, ranging from idle to takeoff power.… If this occurs,
thrust reverser levers must be stowed immediately.” The warnings detailed the effect of squat
switch failure on the thrust reverser annunciators and emphasized in bold text that “the absence
of any [thrust reverser annunciator] lights indicates forward thrust.” Temporary Revision to Maintenance Manual
On March 18, 2009, Learjet issued temporary revision (TR) 12-16 to the Learjet 60
AMM. TR 12-16 moved the preflight tire pressure check recommendation to the front of the
chapter and indicated that tire pressure checks must be taken per the revised AFM limitation
(within 96 hours before flight). TR 12-16 included the procedure to use when checking for
proper tire inflation and indicated that the checks must be documented. On May 29, 2009, the
FAA issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to adopt a new airworthiness directive to
require that the Learjet 60 AMM and AFM be revised as referenced in Learjet’s TFM change
and TR 12-16.
On July 30, 2009, the NTSB provided comments in support of the proposed rule
but indicated that the rule should be expanded to cover other airplanes.
On June 12, 2009, the FAA issued a revised version, SAFO 09012, which contained editorial revisions.
74 Federal Register (FR) 25682-25684 (May 29, 2009).
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
38 Federal Aviation Administration Legal Interpretation That Learjet 60 Tire
Pressure Checks Are Preventive Maintenance
In correspondence dated January 8, 2009, Learjet requested that the FAA provide a legal
interpretation of “applicable rules in 14 CFR Parts 43, 91, and 135 pertaining to whether a pilot
of a transport-category aircraft may check tire pressure during a normal preflight inspection.” On
February 26, 2009, the FAA’s assistant chief counsel for regulations responded that checking the
tire pressure on a Learjet 60
airplane is preventive maintenance and not a simple preflight task.
The FAA stated that such checks involve high air pressure and require a calibrated gauge that
must be used properly to ensure correct readings.
Title 14 CFR 43.3(g) allows pilots to perform preventive maintenance on an aircraft
operating under Part 91 but not aircraft operated under Parts 121, 129, or 135. The FAA noted
that, “accordingly, a pilot operating [a Learjet 60] under … Part 91 may, in accordance with the
provisions of 14 CFR 43.3(g), perform daily landing gear tire pressure checks. Under the same
regulation, however, a pilot of that aircraft operating under Part 135 may not perform that task.”
The FAA stated that any Part 135 Learjet 60 operator that may be adversely affected by the
maintenance requirement may petition the FAA for relief from the regulation.
1.18.3 Previously Issued Safety Recommendations Learjet 60 Thrust Reverser System Recommendations Resulting From This
Accident Investigation
As a result of this accident investigation, on July 17, 2009, the NTSB issued five safety
recommendations to the FAA related to the Learjet 60 thrust reverser system. (A sixth
recommendation addressed the Raytheon Hawker 1000 airplane, which has some thrust reverser
system failure modes similar to those of the Learjet 60.
) The NTSB’s letter to the FAA
described the NTSB’s concerns about safety issues involving inadvertent stowage of thrust
reversers, including the potential mismatch between the cockpit reverser lever positions and the
actual configuration of the thrust reversers, the lack of adequate aural or visual cues for pilots to
quickly recognize inadvertent thrust reverser stowage, and the need for improved pilot training
on various inadvertent thrust reverser stowage scenarios.
Safety Recommendation A-09-55 asked the FAA to do the following:
Require Learjet to change the design of the Learjet 60 thrust reverser system in
future-manufactured airplanes so that the reverse lever positions in the cockpit
In its reply, the FAA addressed only the Learjet 60, noting that Learjet’s question, although “framed in the
context of transport-category aircraft,” was specific to that airplane.
Safety Recommendation A-09-60 asked that the FAA do the following: “Evaluate the design of the thrust
reverser controls and indications in Raytheon Hawker 1000 business jets for potential thrust reverser failure modes
that are similar to those identified in Learjet 60 airplanes and implement necessary changes.”
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
match the positions of the thrust reverser mechanisms at the engines when the
thrust reversers stow.
Safety Recommendation A-09-56 asked the FAA to do the following:
Once design changes are developed per Safety Recommendation A-09-55, require
Learjet 60 operators to retrofit existing airplanes so that the reverse lever positions
in the cockpit match the positions of the thrust reverser mechanisms at the engines
when the thrust reversers stow.
During technical reviews conducted for this accident investigation (after the NTSB’s
safety recommendations were issued), FAA representatives indicated that there is no basic
certification requirement that the thrust reverser control lever position match that of the reverser
mechanisms; this implies that the FAA will need to pursue a lengthy rulemaking project to
amend the applicable certification regulations. However, an October 30, 2009, e-mail
correspondence from NTSB staff to FAA representatives indicated that the thrust reverser design
of the Learjet 60 does not appear to be in compliance with existing certification requirements,
including 14 CFR 25.777 and 25.779, which relate to cockpit controls, and 14 CFR 25.1309.
The NTSB’s safety recommendation letter also referenced Learjet’s March 2009 TFM
and stated that the NTSB is concerned that Learjet 60 airplanes do not provide sufficient cues for
pilots to be able to quickly recognize inadvertent reverser stowage. Safety Recommendation
A-09-57 asked the FAA to do the following:
Require Learjet to develop and install improved aural or visual cues on
future-manufactured Learjet 60 airplanes that would allow pilots to recognize an
inadvertent thrust reverser stowage in a timely manner.
Safety Recommendation A-09-58 asked the FAA to do the following:
Once improved aural or visual cues are developed per Safety Recommendation
A-09-57, require Learjet 60 operators to install those cues on existing Learjet 60
On September 23, 2009, the FAA responded that it had assembled a team of specialists
from various technical disciplines to review the recommendations and assess their underlying
safety issues. The FAA stated that it intends to develop a plan to address each recommendation
and will examine the adequacy of the regulatory standards associated with the recommendations.
Safety Recommendations A-09-55 through -58 (and Safety Recommendation A-09-60, which
applies to the Raytheon Hawker 1000 airplane) are classified “Open—Response Received.”
During interviews with several Learjet 60 pilots and instructors, the NTSB learned that,
although the “Inadvertent Stow of Thrust Reverser” procedure was included during initial
training, the inadvertent stowage scenario was usually taught during landing and not takeoff
situations. Safety Recommendation A-09-59 asked the FAA to do the following:
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Require that all Learjet 60 pilots receive training, for takeoff as well as landing
phases of flight, on recognizing an inadvertent thrust reverser stowage, including
the possibility that the stowage can occur when the requirements for deploying
thrust reversers are not fully met, such as when the air/ground sensor squat switch
circuits are damaged.
On November 5, 2009, the FAA issued a SAFO that referenced the circumstances of the
accident and recommended that directors of safety, directors of operations, training center
program managers, and individuals responsible for training programs review their programs to
ensure emphasis on recognizing inadvertent stowage of thrust reversers during takeoff and
landing. Safety Recommendation A-09-59 is classified “Open—Response Received.” Ongoing Assessment of Safety-Critical Systems
The safety assessment process required by 14 CFR 25.1309 and described in FAA
AC 25.1309-1A, System Design and Analysis, is used during aircraft certification to identify and
analyze safety-critical functions performed by the systems. Safety assessments are the primary
means by which the certification process identifies failure conditions,
evaluates the potential
severity of those failures, and determines their likelihood of occurrence.
In the NTSB’s 2006 safety report on the aircraft certification process,
the NTSB noted
that, once hazards
to safety of flight have been identified, assessed, and eliminated or
controlled during certification, a program must be in place to ensure continued airworthiness and
the ongoing assessment of risks to safety-critical systems.
The safety report stated that such a
program can recognize that the certification process can change throughout the life of an airplane
and can help ensure that ongoing decisions about design, operations, maintenance, and continued
airworthiness consider operational data, service history, lessons learned, and new knowledge.
In the safety report, the NTSB identified a need for the FAA to formalize a process for
monitoring and assessing safety-critical systems throughout the life cycle of an airplane and
stated that an ongoing safety assessment process could improve the FAA’s ability to evaluate
derivative designs that were certificated many years before changes in the certification process
occurred. The NTSB noted that the SAE International’s (formerly known as the Society of
Automotive Engineers) aerospace recommended practice (ARP) document, SAE ARP5150,
AC 25.1309-1A defines a failure condition as the “effects on the airplane and its occupants, both direct and
consequential, caused or contributed to by one or more failures, considering relevant adverse operational or
environment conditions.… [A failure is a] loss of function, or a malfunction, of a system or a part thereof.”
Safety Report on the Treatment of Safety-Critical Systems in Transport Airplanes, Safety Report
NTSB/SR-06/02 (Washington, DC: NTSB, 2006).
FAA Order 8040.4, Safety Risk Management, Appendix 1, defines “hazard” as a condition, event, or
circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or undesired event.
The safety report defines a safety-critical system as a system in which a failure condition would prevent the
safe flight of the airplane or would reduce the capability of the airplane or the ability of the flight crew to cope with
adverse operating conditions.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Safety Assessment of Transport Airplanes in Commercial Service,
provides an
industry-accepted process for the ongoing assessment of safety-critical systems
and describes
the guidelines, methods, and tools for conducting such assessments.
As a result of its findings, the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation A-06-38, which
asked the FAA to do the following:
Adopt [SAE International’s] SAE ARP5150 into 14 [CFR] Parts 21, 25, 33, and
121 to require a program for the monitoring and ongoing assessment of
safety-critical systems throughout the life cycle of the airplane. Safety-critical
systems will be identified as a result of A-06-36.
Once in place, use this
program to validate that the underlying assumptions made during design and type
certification about safety-critical systems are consistent with operational
experience, lessons learned, and new knowledge.
In response, the FAA indicated that it intended to formalize a process for monitoring and
assessing safety-critical systems. On September 12, 2007, the NTSB classified Safety
Recommendation A-06-38 “Open—Acceptable Response” pending the FAA’s related actions.
However, due to the FAA’s lack of progress in addressing this recommendation, the NTSB
reiterated the recommendation and reclassified it “Open—Unacceptable Response” in its
October 14, 2009, report on the accident involving a Cessna Citation 550 that crashed in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
67 Crew Resource Management
Between 1980 and 2003, the NTSB issued numerous recommendations for the FAA to
revise 14 CFR Part 135 requirements to include FAA-approved CRM training programs for
Part 135 on-demand flight crews. Most recently, on December 2, 2003, the NTSB issued Safety
Recommendation A-03-52, which superseded Safety Recommendation A-02-12
and asked the
FAA to do the following:
Safety Assessment of Transport Airplanes in Commercial Service, SAE ARP5150
(Warrendale, Pennsylvania: Society of Automotive Engineers, 2003).
SAE ARP4761, Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne
Systems and Equipment, describes industry practice for assessing the criticality of hazards to safety of flight.
Safety Recommendation A-06-36 asked the FAA to do the following: “compile a list of safety-critical
systems derived from the safety assessment process for each type certification project, and place in the official type
certification project file the documentation for the rationale, analysis methods, failure scenarios, supporting
evidence, and associated issue papers used to identify and assess safety-critical systems.” In response, the FAA has
indicated its plans to develop and implement a safety management system as part of each type certification project.
On September 12, 2007, the NTSB classified Safety Recommendation A-06-36 “Open—Acceptable Response.”
National Transportation Safety Board, Loss of Control and Crash, Marlin Air, Cessna Citation 550, N550BP,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 4, 2007, Aircraft Accident Report NTSB/AAR-09/06 (Washington, DC: NTSB, 2009).
On June 13, 2002, the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation A-02-12, which asked the FAA to do the
following: “revise 14 [CFR] Part 135 to require on-demand charter operators that conduct operations with aircraft
requiring two or more pilots to establish [an FAA]-approved crew resource management training program for their
flight crews in accordance with 14 CFR Part 121, sub parts N and O.”
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Require that 14 CFR Part 135 on-demand charter operators that conduct dual-pilot
operations establish and implement [an FAA]-approved crew resource
management training program for their flight crews in accordance with 14 CFR
Part 121, subparts N and O.
Safety Recommendation A-03-52 was added to the NTSB’s list of Most Wanted
Transportation Safety Improvements in November 2006.
On May 1, 2009, the FAA published an NPRM titled, “Crew Resource Management
Training for Crewmembers in Part 135 Operations,”
which responded to Safety
Recommendation A-03-52 by proposing to require Part 135 certificate holders to include CRM
training for pilots and flight attendants. On July 15, 2009, the NTSB provided comments in
general support of the proposed rule; however, the NTSB expressed concern about some aspects
of the NPRM and urged the FAA to withdraw a proposed provision to allow certificate holders to
give credit for initial CRM training received from another Part 135 operator. Pending issuance of
the final rule, the NTSB classified Safety Recommendation A-03-52 “Open—Acceptable
Response” on December 29, 2009. Onboard Flight Recorder Systems
The NTSB has issued previous safety recommendations addressing the need to record
information on all turbine-powered, nonexperimental airplanes that are not required to be
equipped with an FDR and are operating under Part 135 (such as the accident airplane).The
NTSB noted these issues in its January 28, 2009, report on the midair collision involving
electronic news gathering helicopters in Phoenix, Arizona,
and expressed concern about the
FAA’s lack of progress. In its report, the NTSB classified some of the previous safety
as “Closed—Unacceptable Action/Superseded,” superseding them with
updated recommendations, including Safety Recommendation A-09-11, which asked the FAA to
do the following:
Require all existing turbine-powered, nonexperimental, nonrestricted-category
aircraft that are not equipped with [an FDR] and are operating under 14 [CFR]
Parts 91, 121, or 135 to be retrofitted with a crash-resistant flight recorder system.
The crash-resistant flight recorder system should record cockpit audio (if a
cockpit voice recorder is not installed), a view of the cockpit environment to
include as much of the outside view as possible, and parametric data per aircraft
and system installation, all to be specified in European Organization for Civil
74 FR 20263-20279, May 1, 2009.
National Transportation Safety Board, Midair Collision of Electronic News Gathering Helicopters, KTVK-TV
Eurocopter AS350B2, N613TV, and U.S. Helicopters, Inc., Eurocopter AS350B2, N215TV, Phoenix, Arizona, July
27, 2007, Aircraft Accident Report NTSB/AAR-09/02 (Washington, DC; NTSB, 2009).
Among these previous recommendations was Safety Recommendation A-03-65, which asked the FAA to do
the following: “require all turbine-powered, nonexperimental, nonrestricted-category aircraft that are manufactured
prior to January 1, 2007, that are not equipped with [an FDR] and that are operating under … Parts 135 and 121 or
that are being used full-time or part-time for commercial or corporate purposes under Part 91 to be retrofitted with a
crash-protected image recording system by January 1, 2010.”
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Aviation Equipment document ED-155, “Minimum Operational Performance
Specification for Lightweight Flight Recorder Systems,” when the document is
finalized and issued.
On April 17, 2009, the FAA described its participation in two proof-of-concept studies
that evaluated the installation of image recorders on (1) an FAA airplane that was compliant with
European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE) document ED-112 and (2) a
transport-category Boeing 737 flight simulator. The findings that resulted from these studies
provided valuable information about the potential uses of cockpit image recording systems on
airplanes that are currently not required to carry any type of data-recording equipment. The
working group incorporated this information into EUROCAE document ED-155, “Minimum
Operational Performance Specification for Lightweight Flight Recorder Systems,” which was
published in August 2009. Safety Recommendation A-09-11 is classified “Open—Acceptable
Response” pending the FAA’s issuance of a TSO that includes the specifications of ED-155.
1.18.4 Current Airworthiness Requirements and Guidance for the Certification of
Changed Aeronautical Products
The revision to 14 CFR 21.101 that became effective on June 7, 2002, states that an
application for a changed aeronautical product to be added to a TC “must show that the changed
product complies with the airworthiness requirements applicable to the category of the product in
effect on the date of the application.” The current regulation is more specific than previous
revisions regarding what can be used from the original certification basis in an application for a
derivative model involving a major change.
Also, on April 25, 2003, the FAA issued FAA Order 8110.48, How to Establish the
Certification Basis for Changed Aeronautical Products, which provides the general procedures
for determining the certification basis for changes to aircraft on the same TC. The handbook
refers to AC 21.101-1, Establishing the Certification Basis of Changed Aeronautical Products,
which contains additional guidance.
1.18.5 Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems in Aircraft Applications
Tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) and related systems are available for aircraft
use. At least one such system may be installed on newly manufactured aircraft or as a retrofit.
According to product literature, the system consists of a wireless pressure and temperature sensor
built into the tire’s inflation stem to facilitate the ease, accuracy, and automatic documentation of
the aircraft daily tire pressure check. The system requires no batteries, power sources, or wires
and obtains its operating power from an external reader or interrogator.
Another manufacturer’s TPMS system takes local readings and sends data to the flight
deck for display. Abnormal readings trigger visual or aural warnings in the cockpit. At the end of
2007, this TPMS was in use on nearly 2,000 commercial airliners. The second generation of this
manufacturer’s TPMS technology is a wireless model that transmits data via radio frequency
from the wheel to the landing gear before being sent to the cockpit. The new design is lighter,
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
smaller, more reliable, and able to be installed on smaller wheels than the previous-generation
technology; further, the new design costs about 40 percent less than the earlier design. At least
one model of business jet is equipped with this system.
During the accident investigation, both Learjet and Global Exec Aviation personnel
stated that they were reviewing TPMS. Learjet personnel reported that one initial concern is the
possibility that, because the Learjet 60’s MLG wheel well is so confined, an external tire valve
stem system may strike components in the wheel well.
1.18.6 Tire Load Certification Requirements
The Goodyear Flight Eagle tire used on the Learjet 60 was originally approved on
April 3, 1982, by the FAA Chicago Aircraft Certification Office based on Goodyear
QTR 461B-3044-TL, dated January 27, 1982. Goodyear personnel noted that some airframe
manufacturers, including Boeing and Airbus, specify additional design requirements (beyond the
requirements in 14 CFR 25.733 and TSO-C62e) for the tires installed on their airplanes.
An airplane tire’s rated load is the maximum load that the tire is allowed to carry at a
rated inflation pressure; according to the QTR, the Goodyear Flight Eagle tire has a load rating
of 6,050 pounds. For airplanes with MLG axles fitted with dual wheel and tire assemblies
(including the Learjet 60), 14 CFR 25.733 requires that the maximum service load for each tire
(the actual load carried by each tire with the airplane at its maximum weight), when multiplied
by a factor of 1.07, may not be greater than the rated load of the tire. Thus, according to the
regulation, the maximum service load allowed for each Goodyear Flight Eagle tire used in a
dual-wheel installation is 5,654 pounds.
The airplane’s load is distributed primarily among the
four MLG tires; the load supported by the nosewheel tire is relatively small.
All FAA tire certification requirements and performance verification tests are based on
static loading and dynamometer
tests. For these tests, a properly inflated tire is mounted
perpendicular to a dynamometer during load, speed, endurance, and deceleration testing.
TSO-C62c also included an overload takeoff cycle testing requirement, which specified that the
tire must be able to withstand a takeoff cycle while overloaded to at least 1.5 times the load
required in the takeoff cycle tests and retain at least 90 percent of its initial test air pressure after
24 hours. The QTR for the Goodyear Flight Eagle tire indicated that, during the overload takeoff
test, a single tire inflated at 220 psi withstood a 34-second test with an initial load of
9,075 pounds (1.5 times the load rating for a single wheel/tire assembly) that reduced to
8,700 pounds as the speed increased to 210 mph. The tire also exhibited no sidewall wrinkles
after two 7-mile taxi tests at 40 mph with a 20-percent overload.
A service load of 5,654 pounds, multiplied by a factor of 1.07, equals the rated load of 6,050 pounds.
A dynamometer is a tire test system in which the tire is pressed against a large, motor-driven steel wheel
under various controlled conditions. The dynamometer test, a tool for applying loads and speeds for specific time
periods, includes extreme criteria and does not replicate other variables to which in-service tires are subjected.
The FAA requirements include other non-dynamic tests, such as allowable rates of air leakage.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
45 Learjet 60 Tire Selection
At the time of the Goodyear Flight Eagle tire’s testing and approval, the tire had been
developed for the Learjet 55. When the Learjet 60 was subsequently developed, the airplane
required use of the tire’s load and speed capabilities at the limits of the tire’s certification
criteria; that is, at the airplane’s maximum weight, the MLG tires are loaded at the maximum
service load permissible based on the tire’s rated load
A review of static tire load calculations indicated that, with the Learjet 60’s dual-axle
installation, four properly inflated MLG tires would each support 100 percent of their share of
the airplane’s load (about 1/4 of the airplane’s maximum gross weight). The calculations showed
that complete pressure loss on one tire can increase the load of the adjacent, properly inflated tire
on the axle to more than 120 percent. Further, changes in airplane angle also affect the load on
the remaining tires. Effect of Tire Camber Angle on Tire Sidewall Loads
The investigation collected data and photographs from a Learjet 25D (which has MLG
dimensions similar to the Learjet 60) that sustained damage during an RTO incident on August
19, 2009. In that incident, both of the left MLG tires were destroyed, and the right MLG tires
were flat. With the left side of the incident airplane resting on the wheel rims and the right side
resting on flat tires, the airplane’s roll angle was measured at 1.8° to 1.9°. Learjet ground testing
data showed that, if the MLG struts remained extended, an airplane with one side resting on
inflated tires and the other side resting on the outboard wheel rim would have a roll angle of
Tire loads are spread throughout cords in the footprint and sidewalls. When an airplane
has one wing lower than the opposite wing while on the ground, each tire on that airplane has a
resulting camber angle,
making one sidewall taller than the other. Goodyear load testing data
conducted for the investigation showed that, as tire camber increases, the load on one sidewall
increases, which is consistent with a Learjet ground test finding that a tire’s footprint and lateral
loading changes with respect to camber angle. For the investigation, Goodyear personnel also
performed load testing with various cambers on tires at reduced pressures; the data showed that,
with camber, as tire pressure decreases, the load on one sidewall increases (and the load in the
center of the tread decreases).
Camber is the angle between the vertical axis of the wheel and the vertical axis of the weight being applied to
the tire when viewed from the front or rear.
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1.18.7 Takeoff Accident and Incident Data High-Speed Rejected Takeoffs
In 1990, the NTSB issued a special investigation report (SIR), Runway Overruns
Following High Speed Rejected Takeoffs,
that examined high-speed RTOs involving
commercial jet airplanes. The SIR reviewed three studies, which included data from the NTSB,
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Boeing, related to the causes and
outcomes of RTOs. The SIR found that tire failures led to more high-speed RTOs than
engine-related anomalies.
The Boeing study reviewed in the SIR analyzed data on RTO-related incidents and
accidents from 1959 to 1988 and found that that many of the RTOs were initiated after V
that more than half of the RTOs were unwarranted. The study found that the airplanes should
have been able to continue the takeoff without incident. Since the time that the SIR was
published, Boeing updated its review to include a total of 94 RTO-related accidents or incidents
from 1959 to 1999.
The updated review found that just as many events were attributed to tire
or wheel failures and malfunctions as propulsion anomalies (21 percent each) and that more than
half of the RTOs were performed after V
. Airplane Types Involved in Tire-Related Events
A review of NTSB data for accidents and incidents involving tire problems during
takeoff identified 37 events involving corporate jets since 1982. These accidents and incidents
involved 10 business jet models, including four Learjet models (25B, 35, 35A, and 36), two
Beechjet/Hawker Siddeley models, and one model each for the Dassault Falcon, Raytheon
Hawker, Israeli Aircraft Industries (Model 1124), and Rockwell Sabreliner airplanes. Each of the
events included long taxi distances, RTOs, hot day conditions, suspected low tire pressures, or a
combination of these issues. Pilot Accounts of Real and Simulated Tire Failure Events
During the accident investigation, an FAA flight test manager (who had been part of the
certification process for the Learjet product line) recalled having once been involved in a
high-speed RTO in a Learjet 55. He stated that, at the time, he was in the first officer’s seat, and
a Learjet company pilot was in the captain’s seat. They were performing a takeoff at gross
weight in Orlando, Florida, and all four MLG tires came apart after the airplane was beyond V
He stated that both he and the other pilot heard the tires coming apart and that he saw through the
window that tire fragments were passing forward of the cockpit; he indicated that the takeoff was
National Transportation Safety Board, Runway Overruns Following High Speed Rejected Takeoffs. Special
Investigation Report SIR-90-02 (Washington, DC: NTSB, 1990).
This information was obtained from Boeing’s website
<> (accessed February 15,
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
rejected due to concern that the tire fragments could be ingested by an engine. The thrust
reversers were available, and he recalled that it took about 9,300 feet to stop the airplane on the
12,000-foot runway.
In addition, a pilot for the FAA’s Learjet 60 aircraft evaluation group stated that he
attempted to recreate the accident’s inadvertent stowage scenario in a simulator. He stated that
his first two attempted RTOs resulted in the simulated airplane going off the end of the runway
but that his third RTO attempt was successful. Another person, who had 8 years of experience
working with various Learjet-model simulators, stated that he had never performed the procedure
for uncommanded thrust reverser stowage. The FAA flight test manager stated that he had
trained extensively in simulators and believed that they are usually realistic but that he did not
think that they could accurately portray a tire failure event.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
2. Analysis
2.1 General
The captain and the first officer were certificated and qualified in accordance with
Federal regulations and the operator’s requirements for the Part 135 on-demand flight. Neither
pilot had any previous aviation accidents, incidents, or enforcement actions.
FAA records showed that the captain received a total of four notices of disapproval.
Although such disapprovals can be an indication of pilot competency problems, they must be
assessed in the context of the pilot’s career as a whole. In the case of the accident captain, three
of these disapproval notices were issued about 11 years before the accident (when the captain
had only about 200 to 250 total flight hours), and only one disapproval (for which the captain
successfully retested the same day) occurred during her Part 135 flying career. Interviews with
other pilots, a Learjet 60 proficiency check evaluator, and flight and ground training instructors
who were familiar with the captain’s flying and training in recent years revealed that none
expressed any concerns about the captain’s competence.
The accident airplane was properly certificated and equipped in accordance with the
regulations that applied to it as a changed aeronautical product.
The presence of organic debris within the engine’s gas path is consistent with the engines
running at the time of ground impact. There was no evidence of any preimpact anomalies or
distress that would have prevented the engines from producing power. In addition, there was no
evidence of any flight control anomalies.
The relatively new set of tires on the accident airplane showed no evidence of failures in
design, manufacturing flaws, or exterior damage, such as punctures or other damage from
striking foreign objects. Therefore, the NTSB concludes that the following were not factors in
this accident: tire design, tire manufacture, or damage to the exterior of any tire.
The flight crew failed to perform airplane weight and balance calculations in accordance
with the operator’s procedures. Although postaccident estimates indicated that the airplane’s
maximum gross takeoff weight may have been exceeded by up to 300 pounds, there is no
evidence that weight and balance issues contributed to the accident.
The following analysis describes the accident sequence, including the captain’s initiation
of an RTO after V
and the uncommanded forward thrust emergency that followed; airplane tire
failures and maintenance; Learjet 60 design deficiencies and certification issues; flight crew
performance; passenger survivability; and certification and testing considerations for aircraft
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
2.2 Accident Sequence
As reported by witnesses, the beginning of the accident airplane’s takeoff roll appeared
normal. According to the studies discussed in sections 1.16.1 and 1.16.2, the airplane accelerated
from about 12 kts at 2354:51 to about 131 kts at 2355:10.5, when the first officer stated, “V
During this timeframe, the airplane’s acceleration and engine operation were consistent with the
airplane’s expected performance during a normal takeoff.
Less than 2 seconds later, however, when the airplane was more than 2,500 feet down the
runway (with about 6,100 feet remaining), the CVR captured the beginning of a loud rumbling
noise. The airplane’s location on the runway at the onset of the noise correlated with the location
where the first pieces of right outboard MLG tire were found. Thus, the onset of the loud
rumbling noise likely resulted from pieces of the right outboard tire separating from the wheel
and striking the underside of the airplane and was likely accompanied by shaking and vibration
of the airframe. From this point forward, the accident sequence can be divided into two distinct
segments. The first segment involves the captain’s initiation of the high-speed RTO, which was a
high-risk event. The second segment of the accident sequence involves the uncommanded
forward thrust emergency related to the uncommanded stowage of the airplane’s thrust reversers.
2.2.1 Captain’s Initiation of Rejected Takeoff After V
The captain and the first officer were trained that rejecting a takeoff is acceptable for any
anomaly occurring before the airplane reaches 80 kts and that, for speeds between 80 kts and V
the takeoff could be rejected for major anomalies, such as catastrophic failure, engine fire,
engine failure, thrust reverser deployment, or loss of directional control. Their training and
standard operating procedures indicated that, because of the high risk of runway overrun and
other dangers, rejecting a takeoff at speeds greater than V
should be performed only when
airplane control is seriously in doubt.
During the captain’s pretakeoff briefing, she incorrectly stated that the takeoff could be
rejected for major anomalies occurring between V
and V
. None of the captain’s training
provided by FSI and Global Exec Aviation referenced any RTO criteria beyond V
, and no
evidence indicated that the captain was unfamiliar with the concept of V
as it related to
go/no-go decision-making. An instructor who provided the captain with recurrent ground and
simulator training, which included V
cuts and RTOs, described her as meticulous with good
organizational skills. As noted previously, V
for the accident flight conditions was about
136 KIAS. Given that V
(which is a takeoff safety speed that would provide a minimum climb
gradient after a loss of engine power [about 153 KIAS]) occurs after V
(which is the airplane’s
rotation speed [about 145 KIAS]), it is unlikely that the captain would have considered V
to be
part of the RTO criteria.
A pretakeoff briefing is fairly standard in that the RTO criteria rarely change from one
takeoff to the next. Thus, one explanation for the captain’s incorrect briefing may be the use of
automaticity in processing information, which is when a person uses low levels of attention to
recite routine or habitual information. Such an error was consistent with a number of other
information processing errors that the captain made during the taxi (including reading back wind
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
information incorrectly) that showed a lack of focus. Therefore, the NTSB concludes that there
was no indication that the captain’s understanding of the rejected takeoff criteria was deficient;
thus, the captain likely misspoke when she incorrectly stated the criteria in her pretakeoff
During the takeoff, when the first tire failed and the rumbling noise began, the first
officer stated, “go,” then “go, go, go.” The airplane’s ground speed at the time was about
137 kts, and, as shown by runway gouging and tire skid marks, the airplane veered to the right
and across the runway centerline. Only debris from the right outboard tire was found at the
runway location that coincided with the timing of this event; thus, the runway marks were likely
created by the right outboard wheel rim contacting the runway surface and the skidding of the
still-intact right inboard tire. (The airplane was initially left of the runway centerline before it
veered.) Hydraulic fluid, consistent with that found in at least one severed brake hose, was
present on some tire fragments.
In the next second (2 seconds after the onset of the rumbling sound), the captain asked,
“go?” At this point in the takeoff roll, the airplane neared its peak ground speed of about 144 kts
(extrapolated data show that it may have reached about 150 kts within the next second) and
began shedding fragments of a landing light and other pieces (which likely separated after having
been impacted by fragments of the right outboard tire). The timing of the captain’s question to
the first officer coincided with the captain reducing engine power for about 1 second, then
increasing it for about 1 second before decreasing it again, about which time the first officer
stated, “no? ar-right … what the [expletive] was that?” The entire RTO procedure, up to this
point, spanned about 5 seconds since the onset of the rumbling noise from tire fragments, first
from the right outboard tire and then from the right inboard tire.
Although there is no indication that either the captain or the first officer knew what type
of problem occurred, each reacted to it differently. The first officer’s statements to “go” suggest
that, despite being unaware of the type of failure that occurred, he relied on his training and
recognized that, once the airplane’s speed passes V
, the appropriate response is to continue the
takeoff for nearly all anomalies except when airplane controllability is in serious doubt. Both the
captain and the first officer were trained that continuing the takeoff under such circumstances
offers several safety advantages over an RTO, such as more time to analyze the situation, the
ability to reduce the airplane’s gross weight and to use landing flaps, the ability to prepare for
vibration and directional control problems on landing, and the availability of more runway on
which to stop the airplane.
The NTSB acknowledges that the first officer, as the pilot not flying, would not have
received the same airplane controllability cues that the captain received, particularly when the
airplane veered to the right after the first tire failure. Thus, the NTSB considered the possibility
that the captain rejected the takeoff because of a perceived loss of airplane control. However,
runway markings show that, after the airplane veered, it was realigned with the runway heading,
indicating that the captain was able to regain and maintain directional control. Further, although
the captain initially reduced engine power, she did not make an RTO callout, and her subsequent
increase in engine power, concurrent with her question “go?,” indicates that she briefly
considered continuing the takeoff before finally committing to the RTO. Therefore, the NTSB
concludes that the captain’s uncertainty as to whether to continue the takeoff suggests that her
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initial action to reject it did not result from a perception that the airplane was uncontrollable and
could not fly.
During about 4 seconds after the captain made the second engine power reduction, the
airplane’s engine N
decreased to about 7,300 rpm, the captain made the comment “full out”
(likely referring to full deployment of the thrust reversers), and wheel brakes were applied (as
indicated by CVR sound evidence). Extrapolated ground speed information estimated that the
airplane decelerated to about 128 kts. Debris evidence showed that, at this point, all of the MLG
tires had failed (within about 9 seconds of the first tire’s failure).
The captain’s action to reject the takeoff after the airplane had passed V
placed the flight
crew and passengers in a high-risk situation; accident and incident data show that high-speed
RTOs can result in runway overruns. During pilot training, V
is generally considered to be the
speed at which the pilot must be committed to transition the airplane to flight; to reinforce this
concept, pilot training programs and standard operating procedures (including those provided to
the captain) emphasize that the pilot flying should remove his/her hand from the throttles at the
time that the V
callout is made. The purpose of such training and reinforcement is to ensure that
the pilot responds immediately and correctly to any anomalies because the situation allows no
time for assessment after the problem occurs, and any delays or mistakes increase the chance of
an overrun (or the speed at which an overrun occurs). The NTSB concludes that, in the absence
of evidence that the airplane was uncontrollable, the captain’s execution of a rejected takeoff for
an unknown anomaly after the airplane’s speed had passed V
was inconsistent with her training
and standard operating procedures.
2.2.2 Uncommanded Forward Thrust Emergency
As supported by the airplane performance study discussed in section 1.16.2, after the
captain had committed to performing the high-speed RTO, the accident airplane’s thrust reverser
system initially performed as commanded. On the basis of the captain’s comment “full out,”
which coincided with a noticeable deceleration of the airplane, the study found that the thrust
reversers had fully deployed, and the system provided reverse engine thrust. However, about 7
seconds after the captain committed (about 10 seconds after the rumbling noise began), the CAM
captured the nosewheel steering disconnect warning tone. Because nosewheel steering is
typically engaged while the airplane is on the ground, the timing of this tone provides an
indication of when the system status changed to “air mode.” For this to occur, the circuit
associated with the MLG electrical components and wiring, which include the wheel speed
sensor and squat switch, must have sustained damage that affected the air-ground signal. Debris
found on the runway and other physical evidence show that the MLG area where system
components were mounted sustained damage from the shedding tire fragments.
As a result, because the
system logic requirements for maintaining thrust reverser
deployment were no longer being met,
the thrust reversers stowed.
Meanwhile, as indicated by
engineering and ground tests, the thrust reverser levers in the cockpit remained in the raised
The right landing light was mounted immediately above the squat switch, and the wiring was routed together.
Glass from the light was found on the runway near the fragments from the right outboard and inboard tires.
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full-reverse-thrust position, the TR DEPLOY annunciators extinguished, and the TR UNLOCK
annunciators momentarily illuminated (while the reverser doors were in transit toward stow);
then, the TR ARM annunciators flashed briefly before all TR annunciators extinguished
completely. During this sequence, the EECs shifted logic and signaled the FADEC components
to change to the forward thrust power schedule. Because the flight crew had commanded full
reverse thrust, the EECs (because of the shifted logic) interpreted the TLA and RDVT positions
and signaled the FADEC components to provide forward thrust at near takeoff power.
As a result, the flight crew was faced with an emergency in which the wheel braking
system was compromised due to tire and hydraulic system damage, and the airplane was
accelerating with high engine power toward obstacles beyond the end of the runway. There was
no warning annunciator in the cockpit to indicate any system anomaly; thus, initially, the captain
was expecting to have continued reverse thrust as commanded with the reverse thrust levers.
Under these abnormal circumstances, reducing the airplane’s uncommanded forward thrust
would require moving the thrust reverser levers to the stowed position. However, moving the
reverser levers to the stowed position (when maximum reverse thrust was needed and
commanded) during an RTO was likely counterintuitive to the captain. (The NTSB’s safety
recommendations to address this problem are discussed in sections and 2.3.2.)
As depicted in the airplane performance map overlay in section 1.16.2, the airplane was
about 2,500 feet from the end of the runway at a ground speed of about 123 kts when the
uncommanded forward thrust began, and the airplane accelerated for several seconds until the
first officer assessed the problem and reacted. By the time that the first officer stated, “shut ’em
off,” the engines’ N
had increased to about 9,165 rpm. Although the sound spectrum evidence
indicates that engine power subsequently began to decrease, the ground speed information,
ground witness marks, obstacle collision evidence, and the condition and location of the main
wreckage indicated that the airplane was traveling in excess of about 100 kts when it overran the
end of the RSA.
As mentioned previously, most of an airplane’s stopping power is provided by the wheel
braking system, and the flight crew applied the wheel brakes within 1 second of the captain’s
“full out” comment. However, there are no data that can be used to reliably estimate the braking
performance for an airplane that has a compromised hydraulic system and no intact MLG tires.
Thus, it is not possible to determine whether or not the flight crew could have safely stopped the
airplane on the runway (or within the RSA) had the airplane not developed the uncommanded
forward thrust. Although the captain lost seconds when delaying her commitment to the RTO,
had the airplane developed reverse thrust as the captain commanded or transitioned to idle thrust
with the uncommanded stowage of the thrust reversers, the airplane’s ground speed for the
overrun would have been slower. Therefore, the NTSB concludes that the accident airplane’s
uncommanded forward thrust, which accelerated the airplane at a time when the flight crew
commanded full reverse thrust to decelerate the airplane, increased the severity of the accident
because the uncommanded forward thrust substantially increased the airplane’s runway
excursion speed.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
2.3 Airplane Issues
Although the captain’s action to initiate a high-speed RTO and her delays in performing
the procedure placed the flight at risk for a runway overrun, issues related to the airplane played
a role in both setting up the chain of events that led to the accident and exacerbating the final
outcome. Of particular concern are the operator’s tire maintenance practices, Learjet’s design of
the airplane’s thrust reverser system, the inadequacy of both Learjet’s and the FAA’s review of
the Learjet 60 after the 2001 accident, and the safety of the FAA’s certification process for
changed aeronautical products. All of these issues combined to create a situation that was
unacceptably intolerant to the captain’s deviation from a standard operating procedure.
2.3.1 Tire Failures
Damage observed on fragments from all four MLG tires, such as abrasion marks on the
inner liner and heat damage to the rubber and nylon materials, was consistent with overdeflection
of the tires. Two tire operating conditions can result in such sidewall overdeflection: overloading
and underinflation. Under either condition, excessive flexing of the sidewall generates high
internal temperatures and weakening of the sidewall plies, leading directly to failure.
The location of the sidewall damage on each of the accident airplane’s tires was helpful
in determining which condition resulted in or contributed to the tire failures. Static test data show
that, if proper inflation of all four MLG tires is assumed, to achieve the amount of overdeflection
evident from the damage, each tire would need to be overloaded with about 12,200 pounds
(about twice as much weight as the accident airplane could have imposed on each tire). Such
overloading of four properly inflated tires is implausible (it would require an airplane gross
weight in excess of 48,800 pounds), and other evidence strongly supports that the tires were not
properly inflated.
As indicated by Global Exec Aviation’s director of maintenance, the airplane’s tire
pressures had not likely been checked in the 3 weeks before the accident. The QTR for the
Goodyear Flight Eagle tire indicated a 2.2-percent average daily pressure loss (the TSO for the
tire allows a loss of up to 5 percent per day). With the assumption that the accident airplane’s
tires were properly inflated at the beginning of the 3-week period and that the daily loss rate was
about 2 percent, the tires were likely operating while about 36-percent underinflated on the day
of the accident.
The Learjet AMM indicates that tires should be replaced after operating at
15-percent underinflation. (This replacement specification is due to the overdeflection and
damage that the tire sidewalls sustain from operation at such an underinflated pressure.)
As indicated in section, testing performed to determine what level of
underinflation would produce the type of damage observed on the accident airplane’s tires found
that the damage was consistent with tires operating while about 36-percent underinflated. Thus,
the underinflation value derived from the loss-rate calculation (based on the tire service history)
The calculation applies the loss rate to each day’s (decreasing) initial inflation value for the tire.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
corresponds with the value that testing showed would be needed to produce damage such as that
found on all four of the accident airplane’s tires. Therefore, the NTSB concludes that all four
MLG tires on the airplane were operating while severely underinflated during the takeoff roll,
which resulted in the tire failures. Operator’s Tire Maintenance Practices
Global Exec Aviation’s director of maintenance indicated that he did not know how often
the Learjet 60’s tire pressures should be checked but that he referred to the respective AMM for
each type of airplane operated by the company to know when to perform scheduled maintenance
items. Chapter 12 of the Learjet AMM suggested daily tire pressure checks, which is consistent
with the AMMs for other airplanes (Cessna CE-650 and Dassault Falcon 50) operated by Global
Exec Aviation. Learjet maintenance and product support publications, FAA AC 20-97B, and
several Goodyear publications also specified daily or regular tire pressure checks.
Although the daily tire pressure check interval referenced in the AMM was not specified
as a requirement, the director of maintenance is responsible for ensuring proper airplane tire
maintenance, including adequate tire pressures. Allowing the airplane to operate for weeks
without a tire pressure check is inconsistent with all available guidance. Further, the NTSB’s
informal survey to collect information about in-service tires found that most of the tires sampled
were inflated to within 10 percent of their rated pressure (typically within AMM limits), which
suggests that most, but not all, operators are ensuring adequate tire inflation.
Given the average expected daily pressure loss for the accident airplane’s tires, any
operations involving the accident airplane within the 2 weeks preceding the accident would have
been conducted while the tires were likely at inflation pressures below the replacement criteria
listed in the AMM. As indicated in the AMM, such underinflation of MLG tires cannot be
determined by a visual inspection; thus, the flight crewmembers (who typically do not perform
tire pressure checks) would have been unable to detect the underinflated condition of the tires.
Therefore, the NTSB concludes that the accident airplane’s insufficient tire air pressure was due
to Global Exec Aviation’s inadequate maintenance. Maintenance Manual References to Tire Pressure Check Intervals
As referenced, most of the tires reviewed in the NTSB’s informal survey were adequately
inflated; however, some were not. Although nearly all of the maintenance providers interviewed
indicated that use of the AMM is required by an operator’s operations specifications, one FBO
operator interviewed noted that some AMMs do not call for mandatory tire pressure checks and
that he believed that weekly pressure checks were generally good practice. Contrary to what this
FBO operator believed, a weekly check would not be sufficient for some tires (such as those
installed on the Learjet 60). Therefore, the NTSB concludes that some operators are not
sufficiently aware of the appropriate tire pressure check intervals for the airplanes in their fleets
and are operating their airplanes with tires inflated below the AMM replacement specifications.
Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the FAA provide pilots and maintenance personnel with
information that (1) transport-category aircraft tires can lose up to 5-percent pressure per day,
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
(2) it may take only a few days for such tires to reach an underinflation level below what the
AMM specifies for tire replacement, and (3) the underinflation level that would require tire
replacement is not visually detectable. The NTSB further recommends that the FAA require that
all 14 CFR Part 121, 135, and 91 subpart K operators perform tire pressure checks at a frequency
that will ensure that the tires remain inflated to within AMM-specified inflation pressures.
Although the Learjet 60 AMM contained information about tire pressure checks, the
information was not prominent in the manual. The only reference to tire pressure checks that
appeared in the section of the Learjet 60 AMM dedicated to inspection intervals (chapter 5) was
under a 300-hour interval phase inspection and indicated that the user should refer to chapter 12
for the information. Chapter 12 is a section of the AMM dedicated to descriptions of how to
perform maintenance tasks but not when they should be performed. Further, the daily tire
pressure check intervals listed in chapter 12 of the Learjet 60 AMM appeared under the heading
“Practices and Tips,” indicating that the information was discretionary rather than mandatory.
Although Learjet issued AMM TR 12-16 on March 18, 2009, to better define when and
how to check tire pressures (and to state that such checks “must” be performed), this clarifying
information remains in chapter 12. Other airplane manufacturers also list tire pressure check
interval information in chapter 12 of their respective AMMs; however, this format is not
consistent among all manufacturers’ FAA-approved manuals. The NTSB concludes that AMM
formats that refer to tire pressure checks as guidance information rather than required
maintenance intervals and the lack of standardization of AMM formats with respect to the
location of tire pressure check interval information do not provide sufficient emphasis on the
criticality of checking and maintaining tire pressure. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the
FAA require that AMMs specify, in a readily identifiable and standardized location, required
maintenance intervals for tire pressure checks (as applicable to each aircraft).
Other inconsistencies related to tire pressure checks were found in the FAA’s
February 26, 2009, response to Learjet regarding the Learjet 60. In the letter, the FAA stated that
checking the tires on a Learjet 60 is preventive maintenance, which pilots would not be permitted
to do as part of a preflight check. However, the FAA further explained that a pilot flying a
Learjet 60 under 14 CFR Part 91 may perform tire pressure checks but that a pilot flying a
Learjet 60 under 14 CFR Part 135 may not.
The NTSB notes that, according to the FAA’s interpretation, a pilot working for a
Part 135 on-demand operator would be allowed to check tire pressures on a Learjet 60 for Part
91 ferry or maintenance flights but that the same pilot would be prohibited from performing the
same checks on the same airplane for a Part 135 flight for revenue passengers or cargo. Because
of the nature of Part 135 on-demand operations (and as evidenced by this accident flight crew’s
trip pairings), it is not unusual for a flight crew to remain with an airplane away from the
operator’s base for several days while flying both revenue and positioning flights.
The NTSB acknowledges that the different rules that apply to Part 135 flights generally
represent a higher level of safety than those contained in Part 91. In this case, however, the
NTSB is concerned that the FAA’s interpretation may have an unintended negative effect on
safety because the interpretation arbitrarily prohibits personnel from performing a safety task.
Although the interpretation pertains only to the Learjet 60 (in direct response to questions from
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Bombardier Learjet) and allows operators to petition for exemption, pilots and operators of other
transport-category airplanes may be unsure if the interpretation applies to their operations.
Therefore, NTSB concludes that the FAA’s legal interpretation that checking tire
pressures on a Learjet 60 is preventive maintenance has an unintended negative effect on the
safety of Part 135 operations because, according to the provisions of 14 CFR 43.3, a Learjet 60
pilot who is allowed to perform preventive maintenance, such as tire pressure checks, on the
airplane for a flight operated under Part 91 is prohibited from performing the checks on the same
airplane for a Part 135 flight. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the FAA allow pilots to
perform tire pressure checks on aircraft, regardless of whether the aircraft is operating under
14 CFR Part 91, Part 91 subpart K, or Part 135. Lack of Tire Pressure Information for Flight Crews
Tires require proper inflation to perform as designed. TPMS, which is installed in some
new airplanes and can be retrofitted on others, provides flight crews with tire pressure
information at the tire inflation valve (or, with some systems, visual or aural alerts in the cockpit
to indicate abnormal conditions). Because the allowable daily pressure loss for aircraft tires can
result in tire pressures that are below acceptable operational values within only a few days,
providing tire pressure information to a flight crew helps ensure proper inflation and safe
operations, particularly when the airplane is away from the operator’s maintenance base for
multiday trips.
As previously mentioned, the accident pilots (who were not tasked with checking the tire
pressures) had no means by which to detect the accident airplane’s underinflated tires. Had the
pilots been aware of the airplane’s tire condition, they could have had the airplane’s tires
serviced by a maintenance facility. (The NTSB notes that the airplane was in a facility for other
maintenance before the airplane was repositioned for the accident flight.) Therefore, the NTSB
concludes that TPMS, which enable flight crews to easily verify tire pressures, provides safety
benefits because the pressure-loss rate of aircraft tires can result in tire pressures below
acceptable operational values within only a few days, and such underinflation cannot be visually
detected by flight crews. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the FAA require TPMS for all
transport-category airplanes.
2.3.2 Thrust Reverser System Deficiencies
The thrust reversers on the Learjet 60, as with those on other airplanes, are intended to
assist with ground braking. The Learjet 60 was the first Learjet model to be equipped with a fully
electronic thrust reverser control, and no other Learjet model has a similar system. To protect
against thrust reverser deployment in flight, the thrust reverser logic criteria are such that, in the
event of any system failures or anomalies, the thrust reversers will stow. This safety feature
ensures that a system anomaly cannot result in a thrust reverser deployment in flight, which
could affect the airplane’s controllability. Although the protection against in-flight deployment
provided by the stowage feature is necessary, the circumstances of this accident (and the other
events discussed in section highlight a system vulnerability in which the damage from a
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
single tire can result in an erroneous air/ground mode signal, inadvertently activating the
protection logic and leading to the acceleration of the airplane in response to a pilot’s control
commands for deceleration.
As previously discussed, the accident airplane’s thrust reverser system initially performed
as commanded until debris damage resulted in the loss of the “ground mode” signal and the logic
changed to “air mode.” As demonstrated by ground testing performed in a Learjet 60 equipped to
duplicate the accident airplane’s scenario (in which the logic requirements for maintaining thrust
reverser deployment were not longer being met), the sequence that followed was that the thrust
reverser doors stowed while the cockpit thrust reverser levers remained lifted in the reverse
thrust position (as had been selected by the captain) and the engines instead produced forward
thrust at near takeoff power. The only cockpit indication available to the captain and the first
officer about the nature of the emergency was the absence of thrust reverser annunciators.
In a July 17, 2009, safety recommendation letter to the FAA, the NTSB concluded that,
during an RTO, which requires quick and concentrated pilot actions, a pilot may have difficulties
recognizing the significance of the absence of reverse thrust indicator lights. As described in
section, the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation A-09-59 that asked the FAA to
require that Learjet 60 pilots receive training on recognizing inadvertent thrust reverser stowage.
On November 5, 2009, the FAA issued a SAFO that referenced the circumstances of the accident
and recommended that directors of safety, directors of operations, training center program
managers, and individuals responsible for training programs review their programs to ensure
emphasis on recognizing inadvertent stowage of thrust reversers during takeoff and landing. The
NTSB notes that, if the FAA can demonstrate that the issuance of the SAFO has achieved the
same effect as a requirement that all Learjet 60 operators and training centers include the
recommended training, the NTSB will consider the FAA’s action to be an acceptable alternative.
To complete the action recommended, the FAA needs to supply information documenting that all
Learjet 60 operators and training centers have incorporated the recommended training. Pending
receipt of that information, the NTSB classifies Safety Recommendation A-09-59, “Open—
Acceptable Alternate Response.”
Because the NTSB views this pilot training as an interim measure to help mitigate the
hazards associated with the identified thrust reverser design deficiencies until these deficiencies
are corrected, the NTSB also issued several safety recommendations (A-09-55 through -58 and
-60, referenced in section addressing the need for changes to the Learjet 60’s (and the
Raytheon Hawker 1000’s) thrust reverser system design. The recommended design changes
include modifications to ensure that the thrust reverser lever positions in the cockpit match the
positions of the thrust reverser mechanisms at the engines and to provide improved aural or
visual cues to allow pilots to recognize an inadvertent thrust reverser stowage in a timely
The NTSB is pleased that the FAA has assembled a team of technical specialists to
develop a plan for addressing each recommendation (as indicated in the FAA’s September 23,
2009, response). Although FAA representatives assisting with this accident investigation have
indicated that there is no basic certification requirement that the thrust reverser control lever
position match that of the reverser mechanisms, the NTSB notes that the thrust reverser design of
the Learjet 60 does not appear to be in compliance with existing certification requirements,
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including 14 CFR 25.777, 25.779, and 25.1309. Also, 14 CFR 25.933, which relates to thrust
reverser systems, requires a means to prevent the engine from producing more than idle forward
thrust in the event of a thrust reverser system malfunction. Because of these existing regulations,
the NTSB believes that the FAA should be able to take the recommended actions without any
lengthy rulemaking project to revise the certification standards. Pending the FAA’s completion
of the recommended actions, the NTSB classifies Safety Recommendations A-09-55 through -58
and -60, “Open—Acceptable Response.”
Although the NTSB is pleased that the FAA has initiated responsive action to address
these safety recommendations, the NTSB is concerned that many of these issues were not more
thoroughly addressed by Learjet and the FAA after the January 14, 2001, landing accident in
Troy, Alabama, in which a Learjet 60 accelerated off the end of the runway after an
uncommanded stowage of the thrust reversers. Although the 2001 accident occurred during
landing, it also involved an uncommanded forward thrust event after squat switch system
After the 2001 accident, the FAA did not require any modifications to the airplane’s
design. Although Learjet initiated a safety review of the circumstances of the accident, the
solutions it implemented (and that the FAA approved) did not adequately address the design
deficiencies. For example, Learjet’s AFM revision in 2003 (to include the “Inadvertent Stow of
Thrust Reverser After a Crew-Commanded Deployment” procedure as an emergency procedure)
inappropriately relied on a flight crew procedure to mitigate a hazard as serious as uncommanded
forward thrust. Use of a procedure, instead of a design change, is not an adequate corrective
action for such an emergency, especially when the airplane’s design makes performing the
procedure counterintuitive. Although Learjet subsequently introduced a design change to
supplement the procedure, the modification also failed to adequately address the problem.
According to SB 60-78-7, which specified the modification, the design change was
intended “to reduce the possibility of inadvertent stowing during thrust reverser operation.” The
modification incorporated the airplane’s existing wheel speed sensors into the thrust reverser
logic, but the redundant signal was designed to provide input only after the airplane’s squat
switches signaled air mode for at least 2 minutes, beginning within 50 seconds of the
ground-to-air transition. Although this restriction is consistent with the system’s original fail-safe
concept to protect against thrust reverser deployment in flight, the restriction prevents the wheel
speed sensor redundancy during RTO scenarios because the airplane never enters air mode
before thrust reverser deployment. Thus, the design change did not reduce the possibility of
uncommanded stowage of the thrust reversers during an RTO.
An effective safety assessment process should result in the creation of system-level
design requirements to ensure safe operation during abnormal or emergency conditions (such as
an RTO), including situations in which there are disagreements between commanded and actual
system states (as exhibited by the thrust reverser system in this accident). Guidance for
demonstrating compliance with the safety requirements contained in 14 CFR 25.1309 is
described in AC 25.1309-1A. This guidance directs the use of a structured process for
performing safety assessments on systems that have high levels of complexity, integration, and
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
safety-critical functionality (such as the Learjet 60 thrust reverser system). SAE ARP4761,
which is intended to be used with the regulatory guidance contained in AC 25.1309-1A, also
describes industry best practices for performing safety assessments for the certification of civil
The NTSB is concerned that neither Learjet’s safety analyses for the modification nor the
FAA’s review resulted in adequate design protection against uncommanded stowage of the thrust
reversers—and, more importantly, the associated uncommanded forward thrust—during RTO
scenarios. The NTSB finds these shortcomings particularly alarming because the type of
analyses used by Learjet and reviewed by the FAA represents a safety risk management
technique that the FAA has promoted as one of the four pillars of an effective safety
management system (SMS),
which the FAA has described as the most effective way to
improve safety and accomplish oversight.
Although the NTSB endorses SMS implementation
as a means to improve safety,
it is critical that the FAA use this accident as an opportunity to
examine why the processes that are essential to an effective SMS, hazard identification, and risk
analysis and assessment were not effective in preventing this accident despite the presence of
precursor in-service data.
Therefore, the NTSB concludes that Learjet’s system safety analysis for and the FAA’s
review of the Learjet 60’s thrust reverser system modification and revised crew procedure were
inadequate because they failed to effectively address an unsafe condition for all phases of flight,
specifically, uncommanded forward thrust during an RTO. Therefore, the NTSB recommends
that the FAA identify the deficiencies in Learjet’s system safety analyses, both for the original
Learjet 60 design and for the modifications after the 2001 accident, that failed to properly
address the thrust reverser system design flaws related to this accident, and require Learjet to
perform a system safety assessment in accordance with 14 CFR 25.1309 for all other systems
that also rely on air-ground signal integrity and ensure that hazards resulting from a loss of signal
integrity are appropriately mitigated to fully comply with this regulation. The NTSB further
recommends that the FAA revise available safety assessment guidance (such as AC 25.1309-1A)
for manufacturers to adequately address the deficiencies identified in Safety Recommendation
A-10-51, require that DERs and their FAA mentors are trained on this methodology, and modify
FAA design oversight procedures to ensure that manufacturers are performing system safety
analyses for all new or modified designs that effectively identify and properly mitigate hazards
for all phases of flight, including foreseeable events during those phases (such as an RTO).
Guidelines and Methods for Conducting the Safety Assessment Process on Civil Airborne Systems and
Equipment, SAE ARP4761 (Warrendale, Pennsylvania: Society of Automotive Engineers, 1996).
AC 120-92, Introduction to Safety Management Systems for Air Operators.
As noted in a statement by Nicholas A. Sabatini, FAA Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, before
the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Aviation, on September 20, 2006:
“SMS formalizes risk management, which is imperative as we move from a forensic, or after-the-fact accident
investigation approach, to a diagnostic and more prognostic, or predictive, approach. With the accident rate as low
as it is, we must get in front of information, analyze trends, and anticipate problems if we are to continue to improve
on an already remarkable record of achievement. Operating under [an SMS] will allow airlines, manufacturers, and
the FAA to do this better than before.”
Reference NTSB Safety Recommendations A-07-10, A-09-89, and A-09-99.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
In the NTSB’s 2006 safety report on the aircraft certification process, the NTSB noted
that a program must be in place to ensure continued airworthiness and the ongoing assessment of
risks to safety-critical systems. The safety report stated that such a program can recognize that
the certification process can change throughout the life of an airplane and can help ensure that
ongoing decisions about design, operations, maintenance, and continued airworthiness consider
operational data, service history, lessons learned, and new knowledge. The NTSB noted that
SAE ARP5150 provides a process that is accepted by industry for the ongoing assessment of
safety-critical systems.
As a result of its findings, the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation A-06-38, which
asked the FAA to do the following:
Adopt [SAE International’s] ARP5150 into 14 [CFR] Parts 21, 25, 33, and 121 to
require a program for the monitoring and ongoing assessment of safety-critical
systems throughout the life cycle of the airplane. Safety-critical systems will be
identified as a result of A-06-36.
Once in place, use this program to validate
that the underlying assumptions made during design and type certification about
safety-critical systems are consistent with operational experience, lessons learned,
and new knowledge.
Because of the FAA’s lack of progress in response to the recommendation, on
October 14, 2009, the NTSB reiterated Safety Recommendation A-06-38 and reclassified it
“Open—Unacceptable Response.”
The circumstances of this accident demonstrate the importance of an FAA program to
monitor and conduct ongoing assessments of safety-critical systems throughout the life cycle of
an airplane to detect indications of a problem and correct the problem before an accident results.
Therefore, the NTSB concludes that, had the FAA adopted the procedures described in SAE
International’s SAE ARP5150, Safety Assessment of Transport Airplanes in Commercial Service,
to require a program for the monitoring and ongoing assessment of safety-critical systems, the
FAA may have recognized, based on problems reported after previous incidents and an accident,
that the Learjet 60’s thrust reverser system design was deficient and thus may have
required appropriate modifications before this accident occurred.
2.3.3 Safety of Changed Aeronautical Products
The certification basis for changed aeronautical products allows an aircraft manufacturer
to use the results of some of the analyses and testing from the original type certification to
demonstrate compliance for derivative models, and some regulations that were in effect on the
date of the original TC apply (with exceptions specified in the TCDS). The Learjet 60 was
certificated in 1993 but was added to Learjet TC A10CE, which was originally issued for the
Learjet 24 in 1966. From a certification basis, the Learjet 24 and the Learjet 60 are the same type
of airplane; however, they share few similarities or structural components.
Safety Recommendation A-06-36 is discussed in section
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Since the certification of the Learjet 60, the FAA has made improvements in the
certification process for changed aeronautical products. The current version of 14 CFR 21.101
(which was issued in 2000) is more specific than the version of the regulation that applied to the
Learjet 60 with regard to the circumstances under which current airworthiness regulations must
be used and when earlier amendments of a regulation are acceptable. Also, FAA Order 8110.48,
issued in 2003, provides the general procedures for determining the certification basis for
changes to aircraft on the same TC and specifies that the FAA may require a manufacturer to
apply for a new TC for extensive changes. Although these more specific requirements and
improved guidelines have removed some of the subjectivity to the certification basis for
derivative model aircraft, the procedures still allow for inconsistencies and interpretation.
For example, the FAA has approved airplane designs for some manufacturers that are
sold as new products over production lives that span decades but are on one TC, whereas the
airplane designs from another manufacturer (or certain designs from the same manufacturer,
such as the Learjet 45) may have each been certificated on a new TC. As a result, airplane
models that may appear comparable based on criteria such as date of release and/or payload and
range specifications may actually be certificated to different safety standards. For example,
although the Learjet 45 and the Learjet 60 were both introduced in the 1990s, the Learjet 45 was
subject to the most updated, more stringent certification regulations at the time, whereas many of
the certification requirements that applied to the Learjet 60 were based on older, less stringent
requirements. (Manufacturers may electively exceed the certification requirements, and many,
including Learjet, have done so.) The Learjet 60’s compliance with 14 CFR 25.1309, which
relates to failures of equipment, systems, and installations, was required to be based on a
modification to the original version of the regulation, even though an extensively revised version
of the regulation, including amendment 25-41 (applicable to the Learjet 45), had been in effect
since 1977.
In 1981, during a certification review of a different Learjet derivative model, the FAA
noted that the revised requirements of 14 CFR 25.1309 provided a higher level of safety than
previous versions of the regulation and that “it is necessary that flight critical systems meet these
more stringent requirements to ensure safety.” A comparison of the protection for equipment in
the wheel wells of the Learjet 60 with that in the Learjet 45 illustrates the safety impact that the
revised regulations can have on aircraft designs. Although both airplanes were subject to the
same criteria specified in 14 CFR 25.729 for protecting equipment from the damage that could
be caused by fragments from a disintegrating tire, the Learjet 45 was also subject to the revised
version of 14 CFR 25.1309. As a result, the Learjet 45 has protective shielding and other design
improvements that protect hydraulic system components, wiring, and other equipment installed
in the wheel well, whereas some of the same system components in the Learjet 60 are
considerably more exposed.
Another improved safety feature on the Learjet 45 relates to the thrust reverser system. In
the event that an abnormal condition results in the stowage of reverser doors while the cockpit
levers are raised, the Learjet 45’s thrust reverser control electronically triggers the cockpit thrust
reverser levers to move to the stowed position and the engine thrust to idle power. The NTSB
notes that either of these Learjet 45 design features (the added wheel well protection or the
improved electronic thrust reverser control) would likely prevent the Learjet 45 from producing
uncommanded forward thrust after a chain of events stemming from a tire failure, which
occurred in this accident.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
The NTSB concludes that the FAA’s 1993 certification of the Learjet 60 as a changed
aeronautical product, which allowed the airplane’s equipment, systems, and installations to
conform to some regulations applicable to the original 1966 certification, did not ensure the
highest level of safety and allowed for deficiencies that would not likely have been present if the
current regulations had applied. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that the FAA revise FAA
Order 8110.48 to require that the most current airworthiness regulations related to equipment,
systems, and installations (14 CFR 25.1309) are applied to all derivative design aircraft
certificated as changed aeronautical products. The NTSB further recommends that the FAA
review the designs of existing derivative design aircraft that were certificated as changed
aeronautical products against the requirements of the current revision of 14 CFR 25.1309 and
require modification of the equipment, systems, and installations to fully comply with this
2.4 Flight Crew Performance
Section 2 of AC 120-62 acknowledges that tire failures may be difficult to identify from
the flight deck and stresses that flight crews must be cautious not to inappropriately conclude
that another problem exists. The accident airplane’s swerve, the onset of continuous noise from
tire fragments striking the fuselage, and the related airframe vibration could have startled the
captain. Further, the hydraulic fluid found on some tire fragments indicates that hydraulic
integrity was compromised early in the sequence. As a result, the hydraulic pressure
annunciators in the cockpit would have illuminated, providing the captain with additional cues
about problems that she might not have fully comprehended.
However, all of these cues occurred after the airplane had passed V
, and there was no
strong evidence that the airplane was uncontrollable. The captain’s action to reject the takeoff
and her lack of a callout, contrary to her training, may have been the result of the “startle factor,”
which is often lacking in training scenarios. In most V
training scenarios, pilots are in a
simulator, are aware that they will be receiving an anomaly (usually an engine failure) on
takeoff, and are prepared to respond. In the real world, the situation is more dynamic, the
consequences are greater, and the pilot is not aware that a failure will occur or what type of
failure it is. This “startle factor” can increase the stress level of the pilot, resulting in an incorrect
decision being made. The following analysis examines factors that may have influenced the
captain’s actions.
2.4.1 Lack of Training for Tire-Related Events
As indicated in the NTSB’s 1990 SIR related to runway overruns associated with
high-speed RTOs
and an updated review by Boeing that includes data up to 1999, accidents
and incidents related to RTOs initiated because of wheel or tire malfunctions are as common as
those related to RTOs performed in response to engine failures. The accidents and incidents
NTSB SIR-90-02.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
show that, like the accident captain, many other pilots have misinterpreted tire anomalies and
responded by initiating an unnecessary RTO after V
According to an FSI instructor, the training curriculum provided to the captain and the
first officer did not include any scenarios in which a tire failure occurred. Training materials
provided to flight crews about RTOs focus primarily on engine failures at or around V
. There
was no indication that wheel and tire failure scenarios are readily trained or that training
scenarios are conducted to assess a flight crew’s reactions to failures or malfunctions occurring
after V
The NTSB realizes that there are limits to the time operators can allocate to training to
prepare pilots to respond to all possible emergency and abnormal situations. However,
the data from
past accidents show that numerous flight crews were not prepared to respond appropriately, as
trained, to tire anomalies, which resulted in runway overrun accidents that might have been
avoided had the takeoff been continued. Although AC 120-62 is a useful training aid in that it
provides thorough guidance related to takeoff safety and cautions pilots about misinterpreting
tire events, as a textual training tool, its effectiveness is limited in preparing flight crews for the
startling cues, including loud noises and airframe shaking and vibration, associated with tire
failures when they occur. However, flight simulators are often used effectively to train flight
crews to recognize and respond properly to startling cues associated with various abnormal and
emergency flight situations.
The NTSB concludes that the accident pilots would have been better prepared to
recognize the tire failure and to continue the takeoff if they had received realistic training in a
flight simulator on the recognition of and proper response to tire failures occurring during
takeoff. The NTSB recommends that the FAA define and codify minimum simulator model
fidelity requirements for tire failure scenarios. These requirements should include tire failure
scenarios during takeoff that present the need for rapid evaluation and execution of procedures
and provide realistic sound and motion cueing. The NTSB further recommends that, once the
simulator model fidelity requirements requested in Safety Recommendation A-10-55 are
implemented, the FAA require that simulator training for pilots who conduct turbojet operations
include opportunities to practice responding to events other than engine failures occurring both
near V
and after V
, including, but not limited to, tire failures.
2.4.2 Captain’s Experience in the Learjet 60 and as Pilot-in-Command
A PIC who is not yet confident in commanding a new type of airplane may not respond
quickly enough or appropriately in an abnormal situation. The captain in this accident
demonstrated some uncertainty about her response to the anomalies during takeoff. Although the
RTO criteria and procedures for the Learjet 60 do not fundamentally differ from those of the
other airplane types flown by the captain, both her question to the more experienced first officer
(“go?”) and her wavering back and forth on engine power input indicate a lack of confidence in
commanding the airplane.
The captain was trained and qualified to fly both the Learjet 60 and the Cessna CE-650 in
Part 135 on-demand operations. The captain received a type rating for the Learjet 60 about 11
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
months before the accident and logged about 35 hours in the airplane, about 8 of which were
accumulated while acting as PIC. While accruing time in the Learjet 60, she also became type
rated in the Cessna CE-650 (about 9 months before the accident) and flew about 118 hours in
that airplane for Global Exec Aviation. Before the captain was assigned to the trip pairing on the
accident airplane (which includes the day before the accident), the captain had not flown as PIC
in the Learjet 60 for about 1 month. She had performed most of her flying duties (as PIC or SIC)
in the Cessna CE-650, with fewer hours in the Learjet 60, and had not accrued much PIC
experience in either airplane.
The NTSB is concerned that when a pilot switches between two types of airplanes before
the pilot has accrued much experience on either airplane, the pilot may lose proficiency in the
newly acquired knowledge and skills. Unlike Part 135 on-demand operations, Part 121
commercial operations require that a PIC who has completed initial or upgrade training on one
airplane must gain a minimum level of pilot operating experience under the supervision of a
check pilot and demonstrate that he or she is qualified to perform PIC duties in that type of
airplane. Also, according to 14 CFR 121.434(g), a pilot must gain 100 hours of experience in an
airplane type within 120 days of obtaining the type rating or proficiency check before that pilot
can act as PIC in that type of airplane without limitations.
According to 14 CFR 121.434(h)(3),
if the pilot performs flying duties for the air carrier in a different type of airplane before
completing 100 hours of flight time on the new airplane, the pilot must also complete approved
refresher training before he or she may serve as PIC on the newly qualified airplane. Part 135
on-demand operations have no such minimum operating flight time requirements.
Minimum levels of operating experience help ensure that, when a pilot transitions to a
new type of airplane, the pilot obtains the experience needed in that airplane to gain knowledge
of the airplane’s particular systems and handling characteristics and to develop skills in flying it.
The consolidation of knowledge and skills through operating experience helps the pilot build
confidence in flying the new airplane, which is particularly important for the PIC. The NTSB
notes that the cockpit environments and the duties of the dual-pilot flight crews of Part 135
on-demand operations are similar to those of Part 121 operations and often use comparably
sophisticated aircraft. The NTSB concludes that, because Part 135 does not require that pilots in
on-demand turbojet operations have a minimum level of experience in airplane type, the pilots
may lack adequate knowledge and skills in that airplane. Therefore, the NTSB recommends that
the FAA require that pilots who fly in Part 135 operations in aircraft that require a type rating
gain a minimum level of initial operating experience, similar to that specified in 14 CFR
121.434, taking into consideration the unique characteristics of Part 135 operations. The NTSB
further recommends that the FAA require that pilots who fly in Part 135 operations in an aircraft
that requires a type rating gain a minimum level of flight time in that aircraft type, similar to that
described in 14 CFR 121.434, taking into consideration the unique characteristics of Part 135
operations, to obtain consolidation of knowledge and skills.
For PICs who have not yet accumulated 100 hours in the airplane type, Part 121 specifies certain limitations,
such as increased landing weather minimums, that must be applied to those specified in the air carrier’s operations
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
2.4.3 Crew Resource Management
CRM includes skills and techniques for effective crew coordination, resource allocation,
and error management. When used effectively, CRM augments technical training and enhances
crew performance in the cockpit. One aspect of CRM includes the effective use of briefings,
which allow flight crews to think ahead and be prepared for abnormal or emergency situations
that may arise.
AC 120-62 notes that the pretakeoff briefing “should not be a meaningless repetition of
known facts, but rather a tool for improving team performance that addresses the specific factors
appropriate to that takeoff.” After the captain provided the incorrect RTO criteria in her briefing,
the first officer initially replied, “correct” but then questioned her briefing by stating the correct
criteria. The captain agreed with the first officer, but it is unclear from the exchange whether the
captain recognized that she had previously misspoken.
From the beginning, when the flight crew received the taxi clearance, there were
instances in which the captain and the first officer had disparate thoughts about the clearance yet
did not make effective use of available resources to verify the information. In one instance, the
captain indicated that she believed that they were instructed to hold short of the active runway
(of which she misspoke and stated was runway 22 instead of 23), but the first officer indicated,
“I think he said … that we could cross it.” In this instance, the first officer was correct, and the
captain went along with what the first officer stated. During a subsequent discussion (in which
the captain and the first officer had different ideas about which direction to taxi), the captain
again went along with what the first officer thought to be accurate; however, in this case, the first
officer was incorrect, which resulted in the captain making a wrong turn onto the taxiway. In
either case, because the crewmembers were not in agreement about the controller’s instructions,
they should have verified the correct clearance with the controller.
In addition, there were several instances during the taxi in which the captain or the first
officer read back incorrect information, and the mistake went uncorrected by the other
crewmember. Just before initiating the takeoff roll, the captain asked the first officer to request a
wind check. However, the captain repeated the winds back to the first officer incorrectly, and the
first officer agreed; thus, neither the captain nor the first officer was effectively listening to each
other or the controller. The captain’s next statement that the winds were “pretty much straight
down” the runway was also incorrect, and the first officer did not correct that error. Although
none of the incorrect information during the taxi related directly to the circumstances of the
accident, the exchanges are of concern in that, collectively, they provide evidence that neither
crewmember was particularly focused.
The CRM skills exhibited by the flight crew were inconsistent with the skills needed for
effective communication and the coordination of a professional flight crew. During the taxi, the
captain’s casual tone and lack of leadership and the flight crew’s inattention to details
foreshadowed elements of the crew’s subsequent performance in responding to the anomaly. The
captain’s lack of accuracy in her pretakeoff briefing and the first officer’s indirect questioning of
it were missed opportunities for the crew to make use of the briefing for its intended purpose as a
CRM tool for improving team performance. The NTSB concludes that the captain’s indecision in
responding to the anomaly and her failure to follow standard operating procedures was the result
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
of a combination of poor CRM skills, limited experience as a pilot-in-command in the Learjet
60, and, during the accident sequence in particular, her less than confident and assertive
leadership in the cockpit.
The NTSB has had longstanding concerns about the consequences of ineffective CRM
among Part 135 on-demand flight crews; such issues are included on the NTSB’s Most Wanted
List. On December 2, 2003, the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation A-03-52, which
superseded Safety Recommendation A-02-12 and asked the FAA to do the following:
Require that 14 CFR Part 135 on-demand charter operators that conduct dual-pilot
operations establish and implement [an FAA]-approved crew resource
management training program for their flight crews in accordance with 14 CFR
Part 121, subparts N and O.
On May 1, 2009, the FAA published an NPRM titled, “Crew Resource Management
Training for Crewmembers in Part 135 Operations,”
which responded to Safety
Recommendation A-03-52 in that it proposed to require Part 135 certificate holders to include
CRM training for pilots and flight attendants. On July 15, 2009, the NTSB provided comments in
general support of the proposed rule; however, the NTSB expressed concern about some aspects
of the NPRM and urged the FAA to withdraw a proposed provision to allow certificate holders to
give credit for initial CRM training received from another Part 135 operator. Pending issuance of
the final rule, the NTSB classified Safety Recommendation A-03-52 “Open—Acceptable
Response” on December 29, 2009..
The NTSB is encouraged by the FAA’s progress and looks forward to the timely issuance
of the final rule. In addition, the NTSB plans to hold a public forum in 2010 to address high
standards for both flight crews and air traffic controllers. The planned forum has resulted from
the NTSB’s investigation of a number of accidents and incidents in recent years involving air
transportation professionals who have deviated from expected levels of performance.
2.4.4 Medication Use and Rest Opportunities
Diphenhydramine, a medication that can result in drowsiness and performance deficits,
was detected in specimens from both the captain and the first officer. Diphenhydramine is
commonly used to treat allergy symptoms or as a sleep aid. However, the relevance of the
reported diphenhydramine levels is difficult to determine because it is not known when the pilots
last took the medication, why they took it, or in what dose.
In addition, the reliability of the
74 FR 20263-20279.
Diphenhydramine has been shown to have a measurable effect on performance of complex cognitive and
motor tasks during at least the first 4 hours after the use of a maximum over-the-counter dose. See R.C. Baselt, Drug
Effects on Psychomotor Performance (Foster City, California: Biomedical Publications, 2001).
Medical analysis suggests that the drug levels detected in each pilot’s blood samples could be consistent with
the ingestion of either the maximum over-the-counter dose about 6 to 12 hours before the accident or a lower dose
more recently (Baselt, 2001). Other research suggests a significant mental impairment and increased reaction time
(compared with those who took a placebo) within 2 hours of taking 50 mg of diphenhydramine, after which time no
significant differences were found. Subjective reporting of drowsiness effects was significantly different for up to 6
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
detected drug levels can be affected by the anatomical source and condition of the specimens
tested, neither of which were reported.
Based on cellular telephone records, the captain’s telephone activity on the day of the
accident left the potential for three 1-hour uninterrupted periods to take a nap. Cellular telephone
activity for the first officer afforded one 1-hour and one 2-hour time periods for rest.
each pilot’s actual sleep, supplemental sleep (naps), and awake times in the 72 hours before the
accident could not be determined.
Although both the captain and the first officer made errors before and during the takeoff,
these errors are consistent with the training, experience, and CRM deficiencies that are discussed
in sections 2.4.1 through 2.4.3 and are addressed by separate safety recommendations. Further,
both flight crewmembers were off duty for about 30 hours before reporting for work on the night
of the accident, which provided enough time for adequate rest. The NTSB concludes that,
although flight crew impairment related to diphenhydramine use or fatigue is possible, there is
insufficient evidence to determine to what extent, if any, diphenhydramine use or fatigue may
have affected the captain’s and the first officer’s performance.
2.5 Occupant Survivability
In this accident, two factors were critical for occupant survival: protection from traumatic
injury and the ability to quickly escape the fire. During the accident sequence, the captain and
first officer sustained immobilizing blunt force injuries and died of smoke inhalation, and two of
the passengers sustained fatal blunt force injuries. The fastened seatbelt buckles recovered from
the cockpit suggest that the captain and first officer were likely restrained; however, the available
wreckage showed evidence of cockpit crush intrusion and deformation, which may have
contributed to their impact injuries.
The reported cause of death for two of the passengers indicated that they succumbed to
their traumatic injuries and not the postcrash fire. Although none of the cabin seatbelt buckles
were found buckled, not all of the cabin buckles were located. In addition, seatbelt webbing and
seat structures in the cabin were destroyed by fire. Therefore, the restraint usage for the
passenger fatalities could not be determined. Both survivors, however, reported that they were
wearing their seatbelts, and neither sustained any immobilizing impact injuries.
hours after administration of the drug. The observed concentrations of diphenhydramine at the “off set” of
impairment ranged from 0.0582 to 0.0744 μg/mL and for drowsiness from 0.0304 to 0.0415 μg/mL. See F. Gengo,
C. Gabos, and J. K. Miller, “The Pharmacodynamics of Diphenhydramine-Induced Drowsiness and Changes in
Mental Performance.” Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, vol. 45, 15-2, January 1989.
If the captain and first officer were not able to nap during the day, their time awake at the time of the accident
would have been at least 12.75 hours and 14 hours, respectively. The NTSB’s 1994 study of flight crew-related
major aviation accidents indicated that fatigue related to lengthy periods of wakefulness can contribute to accidents.
Specifically, the study found that captains who had been awake for more than about 12 hours made significantly
more errors than those who had been awake for less than 12 hours; such errors included procedural and tactical
errors. The NTSB notes that careful adherence to standard operating procedures and CRM can help flight crews
mitigate the degrading effects of fatigue. See National Transportation Safety Board, A Review of
Flightcrew-Involved, Major Accidents of U.S. Air Carriers, 1978 through 1990, Safety Study NTSB/SS-94/01
(Washington, DC: NTSB, 1994).
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Global Exec Aviation’s operations manual states that the PIC is responsible for ensuring
that all passengers receive an oral briefing containing required safety information. One passenger
stated the captain’s briefing was not the “usual” safety briefing, and the other passenger did not
recall receiving a briefing. It is likely that the passenger’s perception was based on 14 CFR
Part 121 airline briefings, which are typically delivered by flight attendants or video systems and
use standardized phraseology. However, neither the regulations nor Global Exec Aviation policy
requires particular verbatim briefing language; thus, some variation in execution might be
expected based on a pilot’s individual style and preferences of delivery. The CVR did not
capture the content of the captain’s briefing; however, one passenger recalled that the captain
mentioned the seatbelts, fire extinguisher, and exits. Such topics are among those required by
14 CFR 135.117.
Although one passenger stated that he did not think that the safety briefing sounded very
professional, evidence suggests that his actions after the crash were influenced by the captain’s
briefing. This passenger had opened the aft escape hatch exit, and he stated that he remembered
being told about it by a crewmember. The location of the aft escape hatch exit, because it was on
the right side of the airplane in the lavatory area, was partially obscured by the lavatory partition
and was not conspicuously visible from the cabin. Thus, it is unlikely that the passenger would
have known about the escape hatch location had he not learned about it during the briefing. This
knowledge was critical for survival because of the rapid onset of the postcrash fire and the
crush-damage impingement on the other exit (the passenger boarding door), which would have
made it unusable for egress. In addition, although one passenger did not recall receiving a
briefing and did not know that there was an exit behind him, he benefited from the other
passenger’s knowledge of the briefing because the other passenger located and opened the exit,
enabling them both to escape. Therefore, the NTSB concludes that the captain’s passenger safety
briefing contributed to the survival of two passengers.
2.6 Other Safety Issues
2.6.1 Tire Certification and Testing Considerations
In this accident, after the first MLG tire failed, the remaining three tires failed in
sequence from right to left. The investigation found that the accident airplane’s tires were
subjected to internal heating damage from operating while severely underinflated, which made
each tire particularly susceptible to failure. However, the investigation also examined the
possibility that the effects of adjacent tire loading after the loss of one tire can overload and
potentially contribute to the failure of properly inflated tires. The investigation found that, after
the loss of one tire, the other tires could become subject to loads not specifically accounted for in
the tire’s certification.
All tire testing criteria are based on the performance of a new, optimally inflated tire.
This investigation’s review of a sampling of tires in service found that most airplanes were
operated with tire inflations within 10 percent of their rated pressure. However, although such
inflation values are acceptable per the AMMs, FAA tire testing criteria do not necessarily
account for tire pressure and wear that are at acceptable, but less than optimal, conditions. Tires
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
operated at acceptable but lower-than-rated pressure will experience more sidewall flexing and
heating than tires in the test condition. Aircraft tire manufacturers have provided historical
evidence to show that heating, such as that which accumulates in the tire sidewalls during long
taxi operations, can result in potentially harmful reductions in tire capability.
The FAA’s lack of testing criteria for tire operations with less-than-optimal inflation and
wear is not consistent with the conservative criteria that the FAA applies to other components
that require testing with more realistic operating scenarios. For example, 14 CFR 25.109 and
25.735, which are the regulations pertaining to braking performance, specify that braking
performance must be demonstrated with the brakes at the maximum wear limit. That rational
approach to braking performance was implemented after a series of airplane accidents.
According to 14 CFR 25.733, for airplanes with dual-wheel and tire assemblies, the
service load carried by each MLG tire, when multiplied by 1.07, may not be greater than the
rated load of the tire. Although requirements specify this minimum margin between service load
and rated load, the NTSB’s investigation found that this margin may easily be exceeded in the
normal operating environment, particularly for airplanes (such as the Learjet 60) that operate
with tires at the rated load. In a static situation, the Learjet 60’s load is distributed primarily
among the four MLG tires. However, on this dual-axle installation, the loss of one tire can
increase the load on the remaining properly inflated tire on that axle to a factor of about 1.2.
The FAA’s basic static load certification criteria also do not take into consideration the
additional dynamic loads, such as camber changes that could unevenly load the remaining tire’s
sidewalls. None of the tire testing criteria considers the dynamic forces imposed on the MLG
tires after the loss of one tire. These forces include compression of the adjacent tire when one tire
in an axle pair fails; sudden, unequal sidewall loading that is not uniform when camber is
created; and the side loading and other dynamics imposed up to the point of tire slippage when
friction is lost in a swerve that could follow the loss of the first tire. Other conditions are also not
represented, such as even greater camber attributed to uneven pressure in MLG struts.
The NTSB concludes that the tire design and testing requirements of 14 CFR 25.733 may
not adequately ensure tire integrity because they do not reflect the actual static and dynamic
loads that may be imposed on tires both during normal operating conditions and after the loss of
one tire, especially if the tires are operated at their load rating, and the requirements may not
adequately account for tires that are operated at less-than-optimal conditions. Therefore, the
NTSB recommends that the FAA require that tire testing criteria reflect the actual static and
dynamic loads that may be imposed on tires both during normal operating conditions and after
the loss of one tire and consider less-than-optimal allowable tire conditions, including, but not
limited to, the full range of allowable operating pressures and acceptable tread wear.
2.6.2 Flight Recorders
The accident airplane was not required by FAA regulation to have an FDR installed. In
the NTSB’s January 28, 2009, report on the midair collision involving electronic news gathering
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
helicopters in Phoenix, Arizona,
the NTSB issued Safety Recommendation A-09-11, which
asked the FAA to do the following:
Require all existing turbine-powered, nonexperimental, nonrestricted-category
aircraft that are not equipped with [an FDR] and are operating under 14 [CFR]
Parts 91, 121, or 135 to be retrofitted with a crash-resistant flight recorder system.
The crash-resistant flight recorder system should record cockpit audio (if a
cockpit voice recorder is not installed), a view of the cockpit environment to
include as much of the outside view as possible, and parametric data per aircraft
and system installation, all to be specified in [EUROCAE] document ED-155,
“Minimum Operational Performance Specification for Lightweight Flight
Recorder Systems,” when the document is finalized and issued.
Although the FAA is making progress in this area and Safety Recommendation A-09-11
is classified “Open—Acceptable Response,” the NTSB notes that, had the FAA implemented
previous NTSB recommendations (including A-03-65, now superseded by A-09-11), the
accident airplane would have been subject to the requirements for a cockpit image recording
system by January 1, 2010. The NTSB concludes that a cockpit image recorder would have
helped determine the precise speeds at which the accident airplane traveled and the flight crew’s
responses to the anomaly, including flight and engine control inputs.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
3. Conclusions
3.1 Findings
1. The captain and the first officer were certificated and qualified in accordance with Federal
regulations and the operator’s requirements for the 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135
on-demand flight. Neither pilot had any previous aviation accidents, incidents, or
enforcement actions.
2. The accident airplane was certificated and equipped in accordance with the regulations that
applied to it as a changed aeronautical product.
3. There was no evidence of any preimpact anomalies or distress that would have prevented the
engines from producing power.
4. There was no evidence of any flight control anomalies.
5. The following were not factors in this accident: tire design, tire manufacture, or damage to
the exterior of any tire.
6. Although postaccident estimates indicated that the airplane’s maximum gross weight may
have been exceeded by up to 300 pounds, there is no evidence that weight and balance issues
contributed to the accident.
7. There was no indication that the captain’s understanding of the rejected takeoff criteria was
deficient; thus, the captain likely misspoke when she incorrectly stated the criteria in her
pretakeoff briefing.
8. The captain’s uncertainty as to whether to continue the takeoff suggests that her initial action
to reject it did not result from a perception that the airplane was uncontrollable and could not
9. In the absence of evidence that the airplane was uncontrollable, the captain’s execution of a
rejected takeoff for an unknown anomaly after the airplane’s speed had passed V
inconsistent with her training and standard operating procedures.
10. The accident airplane’s uncommanded forward thrust, which accelerated the airplane at a
time when the flight crew commanded full reverse thrust to decelerate the airplane, increased
the severity of the accident because the uncommanded forward thrust substantially increased
the airplane’s runway excursion speed.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
11. All four main landing gear tires on the airplane were operating while severely underinflated
during the takeoff roll, which resulted in the tire failures.
12. The accident airplane’s insufficient tire air pressure was due to Global Exec Aviation’s
inadequate maintenance.
13. Some operators are not sufficiently aware of the appropriate tire pressure check intervals for
the airplanes in their fleets and are operating their airplanes with tires inflated below the
aircraft maintenance manual replacement specifications.
14. Aircraft maintenance manual (AMM) formats that refer to tire pressure checks as guidance
information rather than required maintenance intervals and the lack of standardization of
AMM formats with respect to the location of tire pressure check interval information do not
provide sufficient emphasis on the criticality of checking and maintaining tire pressure.
15. The Federal Aviation Administration’s legal interpretation that checking tire pressures on a
Learjet 60 is preventive maintenance has an unintended negative effect on the safety of
14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 135 operations because, according to the
provisions of 14 CFR 43.3, a Learjet 60 pilot who is allowed to perform preventive
maintenance, such as tire pressure checks, on the airplane for a flight operated under 14 CFR
Part 91 is prohibited from performing the checks on the same airplane for a Part 135 flight.
16. Tire pressure monitoring systems, which enable flight crews to easily verify tire pressures,
provide safety benefits because the pressure-loss rate of aircraft tires can result in tire
pressures below acceptable operational values within only a few days, and such
underinflation cannot be visually detected by flight crews.
17. Learjet’s system safety analysis for and the Federal Aviation Administration’s review of the
Learjet 60’s thrust reverser system modification and revised crew procedure were inadequate
because they failed to effectively address an unsafe condition for all phases of flight,
specifically, uncommanded forward thrust during a rejected takeoff.
18. Had the Federal Aviation Administration adopted the procedures described in SAE
International’s SAE ARP5150, Safety Assessment of Transport Airplanes in Commercial
Service, to require a program for the monitoring and ongoing assessment of safety-critical
systems, the FAA may have recognized, based on problems reported after previous incidents
and an accident, that the Learjet 60’s thrust reverser system design was deficient and thus
may have required appropriate modifications before this accident occurred.
19. The Federal Aviation Administration’s 1993 certification of the Learjet 60 as a changed
aeronautical product, which allowed the airplane’s equipment, systems, and installations to
conform to some regulations applicable to the original 1966 certification, did not ensure the
highest level of safety and allowed for deficiencies that would not likely have been present if
the current regulations had applied.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
20. The accident pilots would have been better prepared to recognize the tire failure and to
continue the takeoff if they had received realistic training in a flight simulator on the
recognition of and proper response to tire failures occurring during takeoff.
21. Because 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 135 does not require that pilots in on-demand
turbojet operations have a minimum level of experience in airplane type, the pilots may lack
adequate knowledge and skills in that airplane.
22. The captain’s indecision in responding to the anomaly and her failure to follow standard
operating procedures was the result of a combination of poor crew resource management
skills, limited experience as a pilot-in-command in the Learjet 60, and, during the accident
sequence in particular, her less than confident and assertive leadership in the cockpit.
23. Although flight crew impairment related to diphenhydramine use or fatigue is possible, there
is insufficient evidence to determine to what extent, if any, diphenhydramine use or fatigue
may have affected the captain’s and the first officer’s performance.
24. The captain’s passenger safety briefing contributed to the survival of two passengers.
25. The tire design and testing requirements of 14 Code of Federal Regulations 25.733 may not
adequately ensure tire integrity because they do not reflect the actual static and dynamic
loads that may be imposed on tires both during normal operating conditions and after the loss
of one tire, especially if the tires are operated at their load rating, and the requirements may
not adequately account for tires that are operated at less-than-optimal conditions.
26. A cockpit image recorder would have helped determine the precise speeds at which the
accident airplane traveled and the flight crew’s responses to the anomaly, including flight and
engine control inputs.
3.2 Probable Cause
The National Transportation Safety Board determines that the probable cause of this
accident was the operator’s inadequate maintenance of the airplane’s tires, which resulted in
multiple tire failures during takeoff roll due to severe underinflation, and the captain’s execution
of a rejected takeoff after V
, which was inconsistent with her training and standard operating
Contributing to the accident were (1) deficiencies in Learjet’s design of and the Federal
Aviation Administration’s (FAA) certification of the Learjet Model 60’s thrust reverser system,
which permitted the failure of critical systems in the wheel well area to result in uncommanded
forward thrust that increased the severity of the accident; (2) the inadequacy of Learjet’s safety
analysis and the FAA’s review of it, which failed to detect and correct the thrust reverser and
wheel well design deficiencies after a 2001 uncommanded forward thrust accident;
(3) inadequate industry training standards for flight crews in tire failure scenarios; and (4) the
flight crew’s poor crew resource management.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
4. Recommendations
4.1 New Recommendations
The National Transportation Safety Board makes the following recommendations to the
Federal Aviation Administration:
Provide pilots and maintenance personnel with information that
(1) transport-category aircraft tires can lose up to 5-percent pressure per day, (2) it
may take only a few days for such tires to reach an underinflation level below
what the aircraft maintenance manual specifies for tire replacement, and (3) the
underinflation level that would require tire replacement is not visually detectable.
Require that all 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121, 135, and 91 subpart K
operators perform tire pressure checks at a frequency that will ensure that the tires
remain inflated to within aircraft maintenance manual-specified inflation
pressures. (A-10-47)
Require that aircraft maintenance manuals specify, in a readily identifiable and
standardized location, required maintenance intervals for tire pressure checks (as
applicable to each aircraft). (A-10-48)
Allow pilots to perform tire pressure checks on aircraft, regardless of whether the
aircraft is operating under 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91, Part 91
subpart K, or Part 135. (A-10-49)
Require tire pressure monitoring systems for all transport-category airplanes.
Identify the deficiencies in Learjet’s system safety analyses, both for the original
Learjet 60 design and for the modifications after the 2001 accident, that failed to
properly address the thrust reverser system design flaws related to this accident,
and require Learjet to perform a system safety assessment in accordance with
14 Code of Federal Regulations 25.1309 for all other systems that also rely on
air-ground signal integrity and ensure that hazards resulting from a loss of signal
integrity are appropriately mitigated to fully comply with this regulation.
Revise available safety assessment guidance (such as Advisory
Circular 25.1309-1A) for manufacturers to adequately address the deficiencies
identified in Safety Recommendation A-10-51, require that designated
engineering representatives and their Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
mentors are trained on this methodology, and modify FAA design oversight
procedures to ensure that manufacturers are performing system safety analyses for
all new or modified designs that effectively identify and properly mitigate hazards
for all phases of flight, including foreseeable events during those phases (such as
a rejected takeoff). (A-10-52)
Revise Federal Aviation Administration Order 8110.48 to require that the most
current airworthiness regulations related to equipment, systems, and installations
(14 Code of Federal Regulations 25.1309) are applied to all derivative design
aircraft certificated as changed aeronautical products. (A-10-53)
Review the designs of existing derivative design aircraft that were certificated as
changed aeronautical products against the requirements of the current revision of
14 Code of Federal Regulations 25.1309 and require modification of the
equipment, systems, and installations to fully comply with this regulation.
Define and codify minimum simulator model fidelity requirements for tire failure
scenarios. These requirements should include tire failure scenarios during takeoff
that present the need for rapid evaluation and execution of procedures and provide
realistic sound and motion cueing. (A-10-55)
Once the simulator model fidelity requirements requested in Safety
Recommendation A-10-55 are implemented, require that simulator training for
pilots who conduct turbojet operations include opportunities to practice
responding to events other than engine failures occurring both near V
and after
, including, but not limited to, tire failures. (A-10-56)
Require that pilots who fly in 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 135
operations in aircraft that require a type rating gain a minimum level of initial
operating experience, similar to that specified in 14 CFR 121.434, taking into
consideration the unique characteristics of Part 135 operations. (A-10-57)
Require that pilots who fly in 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 135
operations in an aircraft that requires a type rating gain a minimum level of flight
time in that aircraft type, similar to that described in 14 CFR 121.434, taking into
consideration the unique characteristics of Part 135 operations, to obtain
consolidation of knowledge and skills. (A-10-58)
Require that tire testing criteria reflect the actual static and dynamic loads that
may be imposed on tires both during normal operating conditions and after the
loss of one tire and consider less-than-optimal allowable tire conditions,
including, but not limited to, the full range of allowable operating pressures and
acceptable tread wear. (A-10-59)
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
4.2 Previously Issued Recommendations Resulting From This
Accident Investigation and Classified in This Report
As a result of this investigation, the NTSB issued the following safety recommendations
to the Federal Aviation Administration on July 17, 2009:
Require Learjet to change the design of the Learjet 60 thrust reverser system in
future-manufactured airplanes so that the reverse lever positions in the cockpit
match the positions of the thrust reverser mechanisms at the engines when the
thrust reversers stow. (A-09-55)
Once design changes are developed per Safety Recommendation A-09-55, require
Learjet 60 operators to retrofit existing airplanes so that the reverse lever positions
in the cockpit match the positions of the thrust reverser mechanisms at the engines
when the thrust reversers stow. (A-09-56)
Require Learjet to develop and install improved aural or visual cues on
future-manufactured Learjet 60 airplanes that would allow pilots to recognize an
inadvertent thrust reverser stowage in a timely manner. (A-09-57)
Once improved aural or visual cues are developed per Safety Recommendation
A-09-57, require Learjet 60 operators to install those cues on existing Learjet 60
airplanes. (A-09-58)
Require that all Learjet 60 pilots receive training, for takeoff as well as landing
phases of flight, on recognizing an inadvertent thrust reverser stowage, including
the possibility that the stowage can occur when the requirements for deploying
thrust reversers are not fully met, such as when the air/ground sensor squat switch
circuits are damaged. (A-09-59)
Evaluate the design of the thrust reverser controls and indications in Raytheon
Hawker 1000 business jets for potential thrust reverser failure modes that are
similar to those identified in Learjet 60 airplanes and implement necessary
changes. (A-09-60)
Safety Recommendations A-09-55 through -58 and -60 (previously classified “Open—
Response Received”) are classified “Open—Acceptable Response” in this report. Safety
Recommendation A-09-59 (previously classified “Open—Response Received”) is classified
“Open—Acceptable Alternate Response” in this report. These classifications are discussed in
section 2.3.2 of this report.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Chairman Member
Vice Chairman
Adopted: April 6, 2010
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
5. Appendixes
Appendix A
Investigation and Hearing
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was notified of this accident early on
the morning of September 20, 2008. Staff from the NTSB arrived on scene on September 20,
remaining there until September 25, to conduct the field portion of the investigation. Board
Member Deborah A.P. Hersman accompanied the team.
Parties to the investigation were the Federal Aviation Administration, Learjet, Global
Exec Aviation, Columbia Metropolitan Airport, and The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. In
accordance with the provisions of Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation,
the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) participated in the investigation as the
representative of the State of Design and Manufacture (Powerplants). Pratt & Whitney Canada
participated in the investigation as a technical advisor to the TSB.
Public Hearing
No public hearing was held for this accident.
Board Member Hersman is now Chairman of the NTSB.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
Appendix B
Cockpit Voice Recorder Transcript
Following is the transcript of a Universal 1603-02-12 solid-state cockpit voice recorder, serial
number 1629, installed on an Inter Travel & Services LearJet 60 (N999LJ), which crashed while
attempting to abort a takeoff at Columbia Airport in Columbia, South Carolina.
CAM Cockpit area microphone voice or sound source
HOT Flight crew audio panel voice or sound source
RDO Radio transmissions from N999LJ
GND Radio transmission from the Columbia Airport ground controller
-1 Voice identified as the captain
-2 Voice identified as the first officer
-? Voice unidentified
* Unintelligible word
# Expletive
@ Non-pertinent word
( ) Questionable insertion
[ ] Editorial insertion
Note 1: Times are expressed in eastern daylight time (EDT).
Note 2: Generally, only radio transmissions to and from the accident aircraft were transcribed.
Note 3: Words shown with excess vowels, letters, or drawn out syllables are a phonetic representation of the words as spoken.
Note 4: A nonpertinent word, where noted, refers to a word not directly related to the operation, control or condition of the
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
TIME and
[start of recording]
[start of transcript]
[sound consistent with cabin door closing].
I briefed 'em all.
did you tell them about the temperature?
ah no I didn't.
let let let us know * *.
[unintelligible vocalizations].
hey we're startin' engines.
okay I'll call you when we get in.
I'm gonna wake you up.
yeah I talked to @ I think we may just check into the
Airtel for a little while.
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okay. thanks talk to you in a bit.
okay perfect appreciate it. okay should only be a
little over five hours so.
I appreciate that. talk to you later. bye.
* *?
yeah * *.
[unintelligible vocalizations].
so I think. (that's the wrong).
there's beer in there there's beer the bottom drawer
and then there's a bunch in there (that we're) putting
on ice.
alright and do you have the ah checklist?
do you want do you want me to get something?
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it's no it's no problem its easier to do it now, are you
sure? okay.
I wonder if they should, want those lights on?
no they didn't they- I asked 'em they said no but I
don't know why they're on.
unless they turn on on the ground.
* * (armed) * in an emergency * *?
I don't know the answer to that.
ahm do you have the checklist over there?
* * * (no) * * *. *(I think) yeah there ya go.
let's go ah before start right? pilot side window?
is ahhh doesn't open.
I'm sorry?
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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one more question do you have water?
water yeah.
shou- should be one in each armrest already in your
cup holders.
there should be some water bottles-
oh okay just leave it for me there that's fine thank
yeah there's some there and then if you need more-
if you open this there's some in the back. and then
anything else just let me know we'll get it for you
when we get up.
(no problem).
pilot side window?
ahh doesn't open.
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parking ah yeah this one doesn't right? parking ah
brake chocks?
our brakes are pulled right? parking brake's set.
* ah beacon nav light?
beacon nav lights we've got the nav light on throw
the beacon on now.
* * * * logo on now I'm gonna turn on this * *
anything * cockpit set up.
[sound similar to seatbelt chime].
cockpit set up a it's good for now.
air conditioning they said they're warm but I'll get it
back on after start.
aux heat is off EFIS avionics masters?
are comin' off.
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off right.
okay we're up to starting the engines.
ah beacon's on.
okay I'm gonna start the left one first.
it's clear on the left.
[sound of decreasing background noise].
[sound of increasing background noise].
(comin') up two lights.
we're ah pretty heavy so I'm gonna re-bug for flaps
eight if you don't object.
no that's fine.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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we got plenty of runway.
'kay that looks good generator's comin' on and ready
on the right?
clear right.
[sound of decreasing background noise].
two lights.
[sound of increasing background noise].
[unintelligible vocalizations].
that side is a little hotter. lights are out.
two five five and two back on. kill the APU.
okay you ready?
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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master caution inhibited.
GPU is off.
EFIS avionics masters.
are back on.
engine instruments.
engine instruments are two five five and two look
generators E-P-M.
ah as expected twenty eight.
windshield ah heat anti-ice ah you can pass on it if
you want now.
ah yeah I'm gonna skip those I'm not.
spoilers (systems) auto spoilers.
ah I'm gonna skip that * too.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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flight controls.
flight controls are.
excuse me I'm sorry.
that's alright.
(alright) good.
let's stop a second at flight instruments and I'm
gonna re-s bug us for ahm-
for eight?
yeah ah.
'kay yeah I agree with that.
okay flaps eight now.
thirty six forty five fifty three.
fifty three.
flaps up speed changes to one seventy three if you
wanna set it I don't know if you do that or not but?
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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I usually do the two fifty for the climb.
okay that'll work.
long as you tell me when to put 'em up.
ahm flight instruments?
flight instruments I've got zero on the airspeed one
thirty six forty five fifty three two fifty on the
speed-bug and I'm in go-around and heading ah
three zero two one on the altimeter's giving me two
hundred feet zero on the VSI and I'm heading three
three five one times two times three times four and
'kay. ah standby horizon?
is up and erect.
anti-skid is on and the lights out.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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TCAS let's see put it up on mine.
traffic I think I was up wasn't I? ah I just turned it
I think you were you were already up yeah.
traffic and display we're good.
hydraulic pressure gear and brake air?
ah three green.
emergency pressurization?
tested earlier.
ah that is tested.
'kay I'm gonna get the AC on for a little bit ah fuel
indicator fuel panel?
is balanced as expected and plenty for the flight.
and flaps are goin' to eight?
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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I agree.
indicating eight.
trims are one two and three and primary and the
light's out.
door's closed lights are out.
seatbelt no smoking?
is ah on.
parking brake?
parking brake is released.
okay let me see here.
* don't know what time the tower close(es) ah it's
still open.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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and ah nineteen.
thinkin' I wanna go out this way still or can I go
straight out here?
I think we can go straight nineteen five and twenty
one nine.
ah * which way do you use?
I w- I use two.
yeah then I * put the departure frequency over here
so I can see it. and.
see I do it just the opposite or we do it yeah.
* [sound of laugh] I don't care what you do just tell
I don't either. * let me just get the ah what did you
do with the flight plan?
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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it's on the board there's a clipboard on your side
let me just double check the frequency for that.
thirty three four.
and was that squawk right?
yes it's ah huh thirty three four and ten oh three so
I'm sorry okay.
oh oops thirty three four we'll leave it there and ten
zero three. one zero zero three.
* *.
okay initial altitude is ah four thousand expect forty
in ten.
okay perfect.
okay well that's good.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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so here we go you ready?
I'm ready.
what's the name of this joint?
oh # I f- Columbia.
* I keep forgetting where we are on the way in.
Columbia ground Lear triple nine Lima Juliet
Columbia aviation with the ATIS taxi.
calling ground say it again please?
it's Lear ah triple nine Lima Juliet Columbia aviation
Victor taxi.
Lear triple nine Lima Juliet Columbia ground ah
roger taxi to runway two niner via taxiway Uniform
actually the wind zero seven zero at seven gust one
six altimeter three zero two one you wanna go out to
runway one one?
whaddya want?
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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gust to two one?
yeah we better do that.
roger taxi to runway one one via Uniform cross the
approach end of two three to taxiway November to
taxiway Alpha and ah taxi runway one one via
okay Uniform November Alpha ah to one one ah
triple nine Lima Juliet.
and hold short of two two I think it was.
I think he said * we could cross it Uniform
November Alpha to one one.
oh did he?
and we're going right outta here, correct?
ah well I think we have to go left outta here don't
oh if we're going back over the end of that runway
yeah, yeah.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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we're go- we're gonna go back to the runway we
landed on.
so. alright where'd it go here it is.
alright. let's go ah.
ah huh.
so we go straight out here into Uniform and make a
my head's down here.
okay. doin' left on Uniform here.
this is Uniform.
Uniform November Alpha.
[sound similar to thrust reverse lever actuation].
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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(two unlocks) two deploys.
Learjet ah I think did you ah oh I think you're on
Uniform there you need to go the other way on
Uniform ah and cross the approach end of two three
actually ah yeah you'll need to you'll need to make a
ah hundred and eighty degree turn looks like you're
on Uniform goin' out towards two nine.
yeah we are on Uniform so one eighty on Uniform
and back Uniform November Alpha right?
and I'll tell ya what just hold your position there I'm
gonna see if I can back-taxi on ah runway two nine
to one one actually we can ah you ready to ready to
stop here.
ah that's affirmative.
alright you can back taxi the whole way down
runway one one and once you get ah to the west ah
end of runway one one then make a hundred and
eighty degree turn ah turn right heading one five
zero and runway one one you're cleared for takeoff.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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okay we'll back taxi ah the full length one one then
cleared for takeoff ah one five zero d- degree
heading on departure ah nine Lima Juliet.
alright light me up please.
we are as much as we can with this thing.
okay right turn all the way down one eighty and
back cleared for takeoff at the other end you have
brakes and steering I see.
yup (I'm gonna).
reversers you did.
stay off the lights right here yeah reversers are done.
[unidentified mechanical noise].
'kay one one eighty six hundred feet long.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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okay so brake steering reversers you did just a crew
okay ah we've got plenty of runway so we'll abort
for anything below eighty knots after V-one and
before V-two engine failure fire malfunction loss of
directional control all the big things after V-two
we'll go ahead and take it into the air treat it as an
in-flight emergency I think this is probably a pretty
good option to come back to unless we have like a
complete a hydraulic failure or something and ah
then we'll look for a longer runway nearby probably
Charleston ahm after takeoff it was heading one five
zero up to four thousand.
correct? any questions comments concerns?
ah just it's ah wha- reference the ah between eighty
and ah V-one you're only ah aborting for the fire
failure loss of directional control?
'kay ah alrighty we're ah.
or an inadvertent thrust- ah T-R deployment.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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that will reverse in the rev- that will ah cause the
loss of directional control I guess.
exactly hah they go together.
which I think kinda like what you're talking about *
any red light that can be so many things ya know?
well eh if the runway is long I abort but if it's short I
kinda do different briefing depending on the what
the length of the runway is but we're pretty heavy so
it's probably not a bad idea.
you know what I mean?
* here we are.
do your brakes squeak like this?
it's not the brakes it's the, the air being released so
yes most- they all do.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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I'm gonna reach over here and do this for ya.
thanks I appreciate it.
okay we're cleared for takeoff cabin air is on
transponder on anti-collision rec lights on and on
ignitions pitot heats auto-spoilers on on armed ah
anti-ice not required warning panels are normal for
the conditions APR on the roll cleared for takeoff.
okay would you get me a wind check again real
nine Lima Juliet wind check?
do you remember what it was?
guys all set?
wind zero seven zero at eight gust one four.
thank you sir.
zero one zero at eight?
ah huh.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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'kay. so pretty much straight down.
'kay ah takeoff detent.
[sound of increasing background noise].
power's set.
two good engines airspeed's alive both sides APR is
eighty knots. crosscheck.
[beginning of loud broadband rumbling].
go go go.
[sound similar to metallic click].
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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no? ar- alright. get ah what the # was that?
[sound similar to metallic click].
I don't know. we're not goin' though.
[sound similar to metallic click].
full out.
[high frequency sound consistent with brake pedal
[sound similar to nose-wheel steering disconnect
warning tone].
shut 'em off.
what is goin' on here?
[unintelligible vocalizations].
they're shut off they're shut off.
NTSB Aircraft Accident Report
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roll the equipment we're goin' off the end.
how many?
[end of transcript]
[end of recording]