1. IEP Team Membership
 The student
 The parents
 The special education teacher(s)
 The general education teacher(s)
or may be, participating in the regular education environment
 The School Representative
 
 
 
 A person who can interpret instructional implications
 Others
 Representatives of any other agencies
 Representative of Part C services
 Multiple roles.
K.S.A. 72-3404. Denitions.
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan.
  
K.S.A. 72-3431. Rights of child with disability upon reaching 18 years of age.
K.A.R. 91-40-17. IEP team meetings and participants.
 
 
2. IEP Team Attendance and Excusals
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan; development.
 
IEP Meeting for
Annual Review
IEP Meeting for any
other purpose
Amend an IEP
without Meeting
 
 
 
1. Content of Notice of IEP Meeting
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
 
2. Methods to Ensure Parent Participation
3. Conducting the IEP Team Meeting Without a Parent
For Children Transitioning from Part C Infant Toddler Services to Part B Preschool Services
34 C.F.R. 300.323. When IEPs must be in eect.
IEP or IFSP for children aged three through ve.
34 C.F.R. 303.13. Early intervention services.
General. Early intervention services 
34 C.F.R. 303.26 Natural environments.
Natural environments 
34 C.F.R. 303.344. Content of an IFSP
Early intervention services 
 
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan; contents; development; duties of IEP team.
 
 
K.A.R. 91-40-2. FAPE
 
K.A.R. 91-40-8. Evaluations.
K.A.R. 91-40-16. IEP requirements.
 
1. IEP Team Considerations
 Strengths of the Child
 Concerns of the Parents for Enhancing the Education of Their Child
 Results of the Initial Evaluation or Most Recent Reevaluation
 The Academic, Developmental and Functional Needs of the Child
 Behavioral Concerns
 Limited English Prociency
 Braille (only for Children with Disabilities)
 Communication Needs
 
 
 Assistive Technology (only for Children with Disabilities)
 Extended School Year Services (only for Children with Disabilities)
 Notication to Kansas Department for Children and Families(DCF) Rehabilitation Services (only for
Students with Disabilities)
 Physical Education Needs (only for Children with Disabilities)
 Potential Harmful Eects (only for Children with Disabilities)
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan; contents; development; duties of IEP team.
K.S.A. 75-53,101. Transition planning services for individuals with disabilities; compilation of background information.
K.A.R. 91-40-18. IEP development and content.
2. Content of the IEP
 Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance
 
 
 
 Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:
 Impact of Exceptionality
 Baseline
 Local school districts have a variety of places to document these components
 For preschool children
 For children ages 14 and older
Examples of PLAAFP Statements:
Example of Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:
Example of Impact of Exceptionality:
Example of Baseline Data:
Other Examples of PLAAFP Statements:
Example of Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:
Example of Impact of Exceptionality:
Example of Baseline Data:
Example of Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance:
Example of Impact of Exceptionality:
Example of Baseline Data:
 Measurable Annual Goals
o 
o 
o 
Identified Need from
Todd, a 4th grader,
is reading at the
5th percentile
based on district
4th grade norms.
Baseline Data from
Currently reads 85
words per minute
with 5 errors when
given a first
semester, a second
Measurable Annual
In 36 weeks.Todd
will read 120 words
per minute with 0
errors when given
a second semester,
second grade level
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
o 
 Benchmarks or Short-Term Objectives (disabilities only)
i. Benchmarks (Milestones or Major Milestones)
Example PLAAFP Statement, Measurable Annual Goal, and Benchmarks for Student taking the
Kansas Alternate Assessment(Dynamic Learning Maps)
Measurable Annual Goal 1:
 
 
 
ii. Short-Term Objectives (Intermediate Steps)
Example PLAAFP Statement, Measurable Annual Goal, and Benchmarks for Student taking the
Kansas Alternate Assessment (Dynamic Learning Maps)
Measurable Annual Goal 2:
Short-Term Objectives:
 
 
 
d. Measuring and Reporting Progress on Annual Goals
e. Participation in State Assessments and District-Wide Assessments (disabilities only)
 
 
 
 
 
f. Secondary Transition (ONLY for students with disabilities)
1. Transition Assessment
 
 
 
2. Measurable Postsecondary Goals
Independent living
Examples of Measurable Postsecondary Goals:
3. Transition Services, including Courses of Study
 
Example of Frequency, Location, and Duration for a Transition Service:
o 
o 
o 
4. Transition Services, including Interagency Responsibilities and Linkages
 
 
g. Age of Majority
h. Statement of Special Education and Related Services
o 
o 
o 
i. Least Restrictive Environment
34 C.F.R. 300.320. Denition of individualized education program.
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan; contents.
 
 
We note that K.S.A. 72-3429(c)(1)(C) incorrectly used the word “objections.We cite to the federal regulation, 34 C.F.R. 300.320, in order to use the correct
language, “short-term objectives.
K.S.A. 72-3431. Rights of child with disability upon reaching 18 years of age
K.A.R. 91-40-1. Denitions.
K.A.R. 91-40-18. IEP development and content.
K.A.R. 91-40-21. Educational placement.
 
1. Annual Review of the Individualized Education Program
2. Amend the IEP
3. Request by Parent or School Sta for IEP Meeting
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan; contents; development; duties of IEP team.
  
K.A.R. 91-40-16. IEP requirements.
1. Within State
2. Out-of-State
K.S.A. 72-3429. Individualized education program or family service plan; contents; development; duties of IEP team.
 
 
 
K.A.R. 91-40-8. Evaluations.
1. May an individualized education program (IEP) be written with no measurable annual goals?
2. When using short-term objectives for children who take an alternate assessment aligned to alternate
achievement standards, can they be demonstrated through the use of graphs, or by simply stating the
criteria for progress reporting periods without restating the entire goal multiple times?
3. May a teacher develop their own assessments, including rubrics and informal probes, as criteria for the
measurable annual goals?
4. What happens when the IEP team cannot reach an agreement?
5. What should the school do if the childs only parent is in jail and will not be released before the IEP annual
review date?
6. Are IEP Team members required to sign the IEP?
7. May parents refuse consent for their child with a disability to participate in state and district-wide
assessments, regardless of any decisions the IEP team may have made regarding the childs
8. Must students incarcerated in adult prisons take state and district-wide assessments?
9. If a child has many general education teachers or special education teachers and related services personnel,
which one must be a member of the IEP team?
10. May parents sign a waiver stating that they do not wish to receive additional copies of the Parent Rights
Notice this year?
 
 
 
 
 
 
11. What should the IEP team do if a child moves to the district with no records or IEP, or an unusable IEP?
12. Is it necessary to have the parent's signature to document that the parent received the 10-day written
Notice of IEP team meetings?
13. If the IEP team does not have adequate information at the time of the IEP team meeting to determine
what Extended School Year (ESY) services will be necessary for the child during the summer, what
should be written on the IEP?
14. If a child turns 21 during the school year, must ESY services be provided the summer after the student's
final year of school?
15. After the child is age 14 or older, is the school required to provide the child with the child’s own separate
10-day IEP meeting notice?
16. What if the child does not want the parent to attend the IEP meeting? Is it mandatory to send the notice
to both?
17. What happens if the parent does not show up for the IEP meeting?
18. What should the remaining IEP team members do if any required member of the IEP team who is invited
to attend, and is not excused, does not show up for the meeting?
19. Can the IEP team develop a draft IEP prior to the IEP team meeting?
20. May occupational therapy or physical therapy stand alone on the IEP as a special education service?
21. May other related services stand alone in the IEP as a special education service?
22. If someone is listed on the Notice of IEP Team Meeting do they have to come?
23. Can IEP team meetings be recorded with audio or video recorders?
24. Who is the general education teacher invited to the IEP team meeting of a three-year old that is in a home
25. Can a required IEP team member be excused from more than one IEP meeting at a time?
26. Can a district choose to not allow the excusal of required IEP team members?
27. Do the Notice of the IEP team meeting, evaluation reports and progress reports have to be translated into
the parents native language?
28. What is a consultation only IEP?
29. Can an attorney come to an IEP team meeting on behalf of the parent or school?
30. If a child was found eligible for special education under emotional disturbance (ED) must they have a
behavioral goal or may they have only an academic goal?
31. Can a teacher or a principal keep a child from attending special education services in an IEP because they
have not completed their general education assignments or do not have passing grades?
32. Can an IEP Team or parent decide that a child doesn’t need postsecondary goals for education/training and
employment due to the nature or severity of the child’s disability?