CA-18-721 1 March 21, 2018
Project Number
Project Name
Claremont Village Apartments
Site Address: 965 West Arrow Highway
Claremont, CA 91711 County: Los Angeles
Census Tract:
Tax Credit Amounts Federal/Annual State/Total
Applicant Information
Applicant: Claremont Village Venture LP
Contact: Cathy Coler
Address: 2711 N. Sepulveda Blvd #526
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
General Partner(s) or Principal Owner(s): Claremont Village DE GP LLC
AOF Claremont LLC
General Partner Type: Joint Venture
Parent Company(ies): MRK Partners
AOF/Pacific Affordable Housing Corporation
Developer: MRK Partners
Investor/Consultant: R4 Capital LLC
Management Agent: Apartment Management Consultants, LLC
Project Staff Report
Tax-Exempt Bond Project
March 21, 2018
Claremont Village Apartments, located at 965 West Arrow Highway in Claremont, requested and is being
recommended for a reservation of $2,364,557 in annual federal tax credits to finance the acquisition and
rehabilitation of 149 units of housing serving tenants with rents affordable to households earning 50-60%
of area median income (AMI). The project will be developed by MRK Partners and is located in Senate
District 25 and Assembly District 41.
Claremont Village Apartments is a re-syndication of an existing Low Income Housing Tax Credit
(LIHTC) project, Claremont Village Apartments (CA-2000-901). See Resyndication and
Resyndication Transfer Event below for additional information. The project will be receiving rental
assistance in the form of HUD Section 8 Project-based Contract.
(424) 999-4580
CA-18-721 2 March 21, 2018
Project Information
Construction Type:
otal # Residential Buildings: 15
Total # of Units:
No. / % of Low Income Units:
Federal Set-Aside Elected: 40%/60%
ederal Subsidy: Tax-Exempt
HUD Section 8 Project-based Contract (148 Units - 99%)
Bond Information
Expected Date of Issuance:
Housing Type:
Geographic Area:
TCAC Project Analyst:
55-Year Use / Affordability
50% AMI:
60% AMI:
Unit Mix
96 2-Bedroom Units
54 3-Bedroom Units
150 Total Units
35 2 Bedrooms
60 2 Bedrooms
20 3 Bedrooms
33 3 Bedrooms
1 2 Bedrooms
1 3 Bedrooms
TCAC-confirmed Projected Lifetime Rent Benefit:
Unit Type
Balance of Los Angeles County
April 30, 2018
2017 Rents Actual
% of Area Median
2017 Rents
Targeted % of
Area Median
Manager’s Unit
Manager’s Unit
Acquisition & Rehabilitation
California Statewide Communities Development Authority
Zhuo Chen
Aggregate Targeting
Number of Units
Percentage of
CA-18-721 3 March 21, 2018
Project Cost Summary at Application
Land and Acquisition
Construction Costs
Rehabilitation Costs
Construction Contingency
Const. Interest, Perm. Financing
Legal Fees, Appraisals
Other Costs
Developer Fee
Commercial Costs
Construction Cost Per Square Foot: $65
Per Unit Cost: $524,471
True Cash Per Unit Cost*: $466,561
Source Source
CBRE Capital Markets-T.E. Bonds CBRE - T.E. Bonds
Seller Carryback - T.E. Bonds Seller Carryback - T.E. Bonds
Net Operating Income Net Operating Income
Existing Replacement Reserve Existing Replacement Reserve
Deferred Developer Fee Deferred Developer Fee
Tax Credit Equity Tax Credit Equity
*Less Fee Waivers, Seller Carryback Loans, and Deferred Developer Fee
Determination of Credit Amount(s)
Requested Eligible Basis (Rehabilitation):
130% High Cost Adjustment:
Requested Eligible Basis (Acquisition):
Applicable Fraction:
Qualified Basis (Rehabilitation):
Qualified Basis (Acquisition):
Applicable Rate:
Maximum Annual Federal Credit, Rehabilitation:
Maximum Annual Federal Credit, Acquisition:
Total Maximum Annual Federal Credit:
Approved Developer Fee (in Project Cost & Eligible Basis):
Investor/Consultant: R4 Capital LLC
Federal Tax Credit Factor:
Permanent Financing
Construction Financing
CA-18-721 4 March 21, 2018
Eligible Basis and Basis Limit
Requested Unadjusted Eligible Basis:
Actual Eligible Basis:
Unadjusted Threshold Basis Limit:
Total Adjusted Threshold Basis Limit:
Adjustments to Basis Limit
55-Year Use/Affordability Restriction – 1% for Each 1% of Low-Income Units are Income Targeted
between 50% AMI & 36% AMI: 36%
Cost Analysis and Line Item Review
Per Regulation Section 10327(c)(2)(C), once established at the initial funded application, the developer
fee cannot be increased, but may be decreased, in the event of a modification in basis.
Staff analysis of project costs to determine reasonableness found all fees to be within TCAC’s
underwriting guidelines and TCAC limitations. Annual operating expenses meet the minimum operating
expenses established in the Regulations, and the project pro forma shows a positive cash flow from year
one. Staff has calculated federal tax credits based on 3.27% of the qualified basis. Applicants are
cautioned to consider the expected federal rate when negotiating with investors. TCAC's financial
evaluation at project completion will determine the final allocation.
Prior to closing, the applicant or its assignee shall obtain TCAC's consent to assign and assume the
existing Regulatory Agreement (CA-2000-901). To be eligible for a new award of tax credits, the owner
must provide documentation with the Form 8609 request (the placed in service submission) that the
acquisition date and the placed in service date both occurred after the existing federal 15 year compliance
period was completed.
The newly resyndicated project shall continue to meet the rents and income targeting levels in the existing
regulatory agreement(s) and any deeper targeting levels in the new regulatory agreement(s) for the
duration of the new regulatory agreement(s). Existing households determined to be income-qualified for
purposes of IRC §42 credit during the 15-year compliance period are concurrently income-qualified
households for purposes of the extended use agreement. As a result, any household determined to be
income qualified at the time of move-in under the existing regulatory agreement (CA-2000-901) is a
qualified low-income household for the subsequent allocation (existing household eligibility is
Resyndication and Resyndication Transfer Event
Per Regulation Section 10327(c)(6), the “as if vacant” land value and the existing improvement value
established at application, as well as the eligible basis amount derived from those values, will be used
during all subsequent reviews including the placed in service review, for the purpose of determining the
final award of Tax Credits.
Significant Information / Additional Conditions: None.
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Local Reviewing Agency
Standard Conditions
If applicant is receiving tax-exempt bond financing from other than CalHFA, the applicant shall apply for
a bond allocation from the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee’s next scheduled meeting, if not
previously granted an allocation; shall have received an allocation from CDLAC; and, shall issue bonds
within time limits specified by CDLAC.
The applicant anticipates financing more than 50% of the project aggregate basis with tax-exempt bond
proceeds as calculated by the project tax professional. Therefore, the federal credit reserved for this
project will not count against the annual ceiling.
The IRS has advised TCAC that the amount of tax-exempt bonds issued, equivalent to at least 50% of
aggregate basis, must remain in place through the first year of the credit period or until eligible basis is
finally determined.
As project costs are preliminary estimates only, staff recommends that a reservation be made in the
amount of federal credit and state credit shown above on condition that the final project costs be
supported by itemized lender approved costs and certified costs after the buildings are placed in service.
All fees charged to the project must be within TCAC limitations. Fees in excess of these limitations will
not be considered when determining the amount of credit when the project is placed-in-service.
TCAC makes the preliminary reservation only for the project specified above in the form presented, and
involving the parties referred to in the application. No changes in the development team or the project as
presented will be permitted without the express approval of TCAC.
The Local Reviewing Agency, the City of Claremont, has completed a site review of this project and
strongly supports this project.
The project is a resyndication occurring concurrently with a Transfer Event with distribution of Net
Project Equity. The rehabilitation scope of work shall include all of the Short Term Work in the amount
of $755,178. The purchase price of $53,800,000 is less than the appraised value of $55,200,000. The
$1,400,000 difference between the purchase price and the appraisal value is deemed a seller discount.
Since the seller discount is greater than the short term work amount, the project is allowed to receive
eligible basis for the entire Short Term Work amount of $755,178.
The applicant must pay TCAC a reservation fee calculated in accordance with regulation. Additionally,
TCAC requires the project owner to pay a monitoring fee before issuance of tax forms.
All unexpended funds in reserve accounts established for the project must remain with the project to be
used for the benefit of the property and/or its residents, except for the portion of any accounts funded with
deferred developer fees.
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Credit awards are contingent upon applicant's acceptance of any revised total project cost, qualified basis
and tax credit amount determined by TCAC in its final feasibility analysis.
The applicant/owner shall be subject to underwriting criteria set forth in Section 10327 of the regulations
through the final feasibility analysis performed by TCAC at placed-in-service.
The rehabilitation project commits to improve energy efficiency above the modeled energy
consumption of the building(s) by a 15% decrease, based on an estimated annual energy use, in the
buildings Home Energy Rating System II (HERS II) post rehabilitation.
The applicant/owner is required to complete the following sustainable building methods in accordance
with the bond allocation from CDLAC and provide the applicable certifications and documentation when
the TCAC placed-in-service application is submitted:
CDLAC Additional Conditions