WishList Member
Application Programming Interface 2.0
for WishList Member 2.61.1022 or higher
Table of Contents
What's Needed............................................................................................................................................3
Technology Used........................................................................................................................................3
Talking to the API..................................................................................................................................3
Data Return Format............................................................................................................................... 3
System Requirements............................................................................................................................ 3
REST Methods...................................................................................................................................... 4
Quick Example Using GET...................................................................................................................4
wlmapiclass.php: Making Things Easier...............................................................................................5
Support for Other Programming Languages......................................................................................... 5
API Class Methods.....................................................................................................................................6
POST: Creating New Data.................................................................................................................... 6
GET: Retrieving Data............................................................................................................................7
PUT: Updating Data.............................................................................................................................. 8
DELETE: Deleting Data....................................................................................................................... 8
Checking for a Successful Request............................................................................................................ 9
Checking for Supported Verbs................................................................................................................... 9
API Resources..........................................................................................................................................10
Membership Levels............................................................................................................................. 10
Resource: /levels.............................................................................................................................10
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}......................................................................................................... 11
Level Members....................................................................................................................................12
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/members......................................................................................... 12
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/members/{$member_id}................................................................ 13
Level Content...................................................................................................................................... 14
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/posts................................................................................................14
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/posts/{$post_id}............................................................................. 14
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/pages...............................................................................................15
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/pages/{$page_id}........................................................................... 15
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/comments....................................................................................... 16
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/comments/{$post_id}.....................................................................16
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/categories........................................................................................17
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/categories/{$category_id}..............................................................17
Content Protection...............................................................................................................................18
Resource: /protected/posts.............................................................................................................. 18
Resource: /protected/posts/{$post_id}........................................................................................... 18
Resource: /protected/pages............................................................................................................. 19
Resource: /protected/pages/{$page_id}......................................................................................... 19
Resource: /protected/categories...................................................................................................... 20
Resource: /protected/categories/{$category_id}............................................................................ 20
Resource: /members........................................................................................................................21
Resource: /members/{$member_id}.............................................................................................. 22
Old API Access....................................................................................................................................23
Resource: /api1/{$api1function}.................................................................................................... 23
Page 2 of 23 WishList Member API 2.0 Documentation
The WishList Member Application Programming Interface (API) version 2.0 provides an easy way for
third-party developers to create applications that interact with some of the functionalities of WishList
If is this document's goal to provide developers with as much as information as possible about the API.
Examples will be provided using the PHP scripting language.
What's Needed
In order to make the API work, a developer must have access to the following:
A copy of WishList Member 2.61.1022 or later installed and activated on a WordPress install.
cURL if using PHP or an equivalent library that allows transferring of HTTP data and cookie
handling if using a different language
Average programming skills
Technology Used
Talking to the API
Applications must make use of Representational State Transfer or REST to communicate with the
WishList Member API. Any programming language that supports REST (which is pretty much
everything) can be used.
The reason for choosing REST over other transfer protocols is its simplicity. One simply needs to
construct a valid URL to call the API and send data using the regular HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT
Data Return Format
To make it simple, the WishList Member API returns data in three different and widely used formats,
Serialized PHP Data
This makes it easy to write web applications and desktop applications alike.
System Requirements
This API requires WishList Member 2.61.1022 installed on a server running Apache, PHP 5.2.4 or
higher, PHP cURL 7.19.7 or higher, and MySQL 5.0 or higher
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REST Methods
The API makes use of four HTTP methods which we call verbs. Each method is equivalent to an action
that is to be performed by the API. They are:
Method (Verb) Equivalent Action
POST Create
GET Read
PUT Update
Quick Example Using GET
Let's get started.
The WishList Member API 2.0 can be accessed by going to:
yourblog.com URL where you installed WordPress that's running WishList
Can be xml, php or json
The resource you wish to access
Give it a try by going to any of the following URLs in your web browser (be sure to replace
yourblog.com with the correct URL):
Return Format URL
XML http://yourblog.com/?/wlmapi/2.0/xml/resources
PHP Serialized http://yourblog.com/?/wlmapi/2.0/php/resources
JSON http://yourblog.com/?/wlmapi/2.0/json/resources
If you chose XML, then you should get output similar to the following:
What we just did was made a GET request to the API using your browser and yes, it's that easy.
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wlmapiclass.php: Making Things Easier
To make things easier for third-party developers, we developed a PHP class to handle most of the hard
stuff in using the API. This class makes use of the cURL library to handle HTTP communication with
the WishList Member API as well as all authentication requirements.
You can download the API Class for free at:
To use the API class, you will need to put the following code at the top of your application.
$api = new wlmapiclass('http://yourblog.com/', 'yourAPIKey');
$api->return_format = 'php'; // <- value can also be xml or json
http://yourblog.com/ with the full URL of your WordPress installation.
yourAPIKey with the WishList Member API key found under the settings tab
Yup, that easy. Initializing the class handles all authentication requirements between your application
and the WishList Member API.
It's best to put those 3 lines of code in a separate config file and include it on top of your application.
Support for Other Programming Languages
WishList Member only provides a PHP version of wlmapiclass at the moment and will only support
official versions of this class. You are however allowed and encouraged to translate the class to any
language of your choice if you need to.
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API Class Methods
The WishList Member API makes use of the Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) model in
managing data. To complement this, the API Class has four (4) methods that you can use to
communicate with the WishList Member API. Each method represents one of the four (4) HTTP verbs
that the API supports, namely:
API Method HTTP Verb Action
$api->post POST Create
$api->get GET Retrieve
$api->put PUT Update
$api->delete DELETE Delete
With this four methods/verbs, it is possible to manipulate all data that is exposed by WishList Member
through its API.
POST: Creating New Data
Where possible, WishList Member allows you to create new data through the API by making am HTTP
POST request to a specific resource.
$response = $api->post($resource , $data);
$resource - an API resource (i.e. /levels)
$data - an associative array of data to pass to the API
$response - string: can be either serialized PHP data, JSON or XML
To create a new Membership Level using the API.
$data = array('name' => 'Silver Level');
$response = $api->post('/levels', $data);
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GET: Retrieving Data
The GET method is most probably going to be the most used method when using the API. It allows you
to retrieve data specific to a resource.
$response = $api->get($resource [, $data]);
$resource - an API resource (i.e. /levels)
$data - (optional) an associative array of data to pass to the API
$response - string: can be either serialized PHP data, JSON or XML
To retrieve a list of all membership levels
$response = $api->get('/levels');
// we unserialize the response because we're using PHP as return format
$response = unserialize($response);
// dump the response to output
To retrieve details of a particular membership level
$level_id = 1234567890;
$response = $api->get('/levels/'.$level_id);
// we unserialize the response because we're using PHP as return format
$response = unserialize($response);
// dump the response to output
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PUT: Updating Data
The PUT method allows you to update the data in resources that support it.
$response = $api->put($resource , $data);
$resource - an API resource (i.e. /levels)
$data - an associative array of data to pass to the API
$response - string: can be either serialized PHP data, JSON or XML
To change the name of a membership level
$level_id = 1234567890;
$data = array('name' => 'New Level Name');
$response = $api->put('/levels/'.$level_id, $data);
DELETE: Deleting Data
The DELETE method will let you delete specific resources such as members, membership levels, etc.
Note that this action cannot be reversed so use it with care.
$response = $api->delete($resource);
$resource - an API resource (i.e. /levels)
$response - string: can be either serialized PHP data, JSON or XML
To delete a membership level
$level_id = 1234567890;
$response = $api->delete('/levels/'.$level_id);
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Checking for a Successful Request
An API request can either by successful or not. The best way to explain how to check for this is
through code so let's go through it.
$response = $api->get('/levels');
$response = unserialize($response);
echo 'Request successful';
// do stuff here
} else {
echo 'Request failed';
echo '<br />';
echo 'Error Code:' . $response['ERROR_CODE'];
echo '<br />';
echo 'Error Description:' . $response['ERROR'];
Checking for Supported Verbs
Each request to an API Resource except for the /resources and /auth resources will also return a
list of supported verbs. This information is returned in the supported_verbs array. This is helpful
if you want to make a quick check on what kind of actions you can do with a resource.
$response = $api->get('/levels');
$response = unserialize($response);
TIP: You can also just call /resources and get a full list of available resources and their supported
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API Resources
Membership Levels
This set of resources allows remote management of membership levels
Resource: /levels
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all membership levels. Each entry contains the following:
Variable Name Type Description
$id integer Membership Level ID
$name string Membership Level Name
Creates a new membership level
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$id integer READ-ONLY
Membership Level ID
$name string REQUIRED
Membership Level Name
$registration_url string Registration URL slug. Auto-generated if not specified on creation auto-generated
$after_login_redirect mixed After login redirect page
Possible values are "global" - default global settings; "homepage" -
homepage; $page_id - specific page
$after_registration_redirect mixed After registration redirect page
Possible values are "global" - default global settings; "homepage" -
homepage; $page_id - specific page
$access_all_pages boolean FALSE
$access_all_categories boolean FALSE
$access_all_posts boolean FALSE
$access_all_comments boolean FALSE
$no_expiry boolean TRUE
$expiry integer Expiration schedule (ignored if $no_expiry is TRUE)
$expiry_period string The period relating to $expiry
Possible values are Days; Weeks; Months; Years
$sequential_upgrade_to integer Membership Level ID to upgrade to. Leave blank to disable
sequential upgrade for level
$sequential_upgrade_after integer Sequential upgrade schedule in days
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$sequential_upgrade_method string Sequential upgrade method
Possible values are ADD; MOVE
Note: Zero-day moves are not allowed
$member_count integer READ-ONLY
Total number of members in the level
$require_captcha boolean FALSE
$require_email_confirmation boolean FALSE
$require_admin_approval boolean FALSE
$grant_continued_access boolean FALSE
$disable_existing_users_link boolean FALSE
$registration_date_reset boolean FALSE
$uncancel_on_registration boolean FALSE
$wordpress_role string WordPress role subscriber
$level_order integer
$remove_from_levels[remove_from_level] array An array of membership level Ids to remove a user from when a user
is added to this level.
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}
Supported Verbs: GET, PUT, DELETE
Retrieves full information about an individual membership level.
Updates the membership level specified by $level_id in the resource URL
Refer to Resource: /levels → POST → Accepted Variables for a list of editable variables.
Deletes the membership level specified by $level_id in the resource URL
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Level Members
This set of resources allows remote management of the members in each membership level
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/members
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all members in a membership. Each entry contains the following:
Variable Name Type Description
$id integer Member ID
$user_login string User Login (username)
$user_email String User's email address
Adds a member to a membership level
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$Users array REQUIRED
An array of Member Ids to add to the membership level
$Cancelled boolean Cancellation status FALSE
$CancelDate integer Unix timestamp of a scheduled cancellation date
$Pending boolean Require Admin Approval FALSE
$UnConfirmed boolean Email address confirmation status FALSE
$Expired boolean READ-ONLY
$ExpiryDate integer READ-ONLY
Date when membership level will expire. Dynamically computed
based on the $Timestamp and the membership level's expiry settings
$Active boolean READ-ONLY
$Status string READ-ONLY
Possible values are "Active", "Unconfirmed", "For Approval",
"Cancelled", "Expired"
$Timestamp integer Unix timestamp of when the member was added to the membership
Current Date
$TxnID string The transaction ID Auto-generated
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Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/members/{$member_id}
Supported Verbs: GET, PUT, DELETE
Retrieves membership level information for an individual member
Updates membership level information for an individual member
Refer to Resource: /levels → POST → Accepted Variables for a list of editable variables.
Removes the member from the membership level
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Level Content
This set of resources allows remote management of content; posts, pages, comments and categories; in
each membership level
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/posts
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all posts in a membership level. Each entry contains the following:
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Post ID
$name string Post Title
Adds a post to a membership level
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Post Ids to add to the membership level
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/posts/{$post_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Removes a post from a membership level
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Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/pages
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all pages in a membership level. Each entry contains the following:
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Page ID
$name string Page Title
Adds a page to a membership level
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Page Ids to add to the membership level
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/pages/{$page_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Removes a page from a membership level
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Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/comments
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all posts with comments in a membership level. Each entry contains the
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Post ID
$name string Post Title
Adds a post's comments to a membership level
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Post Ids to add to the membership level
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/comments/{$post_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Removes a post's comments from a membership level
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Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/categories
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all categories in a membership level. Each entry contains the following:
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Category ID
$name string Category Name
Adds a category to a membership level
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Category Ids to add to the membership level
Resource: /levels/{$level_id}/categories/{$category_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Removes a category from a membership level
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Content Protection
This set of resources allows remote management of the protection settings for posts, pages and
Resource: /protected/posts
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all posts that are protected
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Post ID
$name string Post Title
Protects a post
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Post Ids to Protect
Resource: /protected/posts/{$post_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Unprotects a post
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Resource: /protected/pages
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all pages that are protected
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Page ID
$name string Page Title
Protects a page
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Page Ids to Protect
Resource: /protected/pages/{$page_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Unprotects a page
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Resource: /protected/categories
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all categories that are protected
Variable Name Type Description
$ID integer Category ID
$name string Category Name
Protects a category
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$ContentIds array REQUIRED
An array of Category Ids to Protect
Resource: /protected/categories/{$category_id}
Supported Verbs: DELETE
Unprotects a category
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This set of resources allows remote management of users
Resource: /members
Supported Verbs: GET, POST
Retrieves an array list of all members from the database. Each entry contains the following:
Variable Name Type Description
$id integer Member ID
$user_login string User Login (username)
$user_email String User's email address
Adds a new member to the database.
Accepted Variables:
Variable Name Type Description Default Values
$user_login string REQUIRED
User login (username)
$user_email string REQUIRED
User's email address
$user_pass string Password. Auto-generated if not specified on user creation. auto-generated
$company string Company name
$address1 string Address Line #1
$address2 string Address Line #2
$city string City
$state string State
$zip string Zip Code
$country string Country
$wpm_login_limit integer Number of concurrent logins to allow per IP
$wpm_registration_ip string IP address during user registration
$custom_{field} string Custom member fields. Custom fields can be added by prepending a
variable name with "custom_" (i.e. $custom_phone)
$Sequential boolean Enables/Disables Sequential upgrade for user
$Levels array Array of Membership Level Ids to add the user to
$RemoveLevels array Array of Membership Level Ids to remove the user from.
Note: Also accepts any other variable supported by the WordPress wp_update_user function.
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Resource: /members/{$member_id}
Supported Verbs: GET, PUT, DELETE
Retrieves membership details from the database
Updates a member's details
Refer to Resource: /members → POSTAccepted Variables for a list of editable variables.
Deletes a member from the database
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Old API Access
This allows access to the old WishList Member API methods
Resource: /api1/{$api1function}
Supported Verbs: GET
Makes a call to the old API by passing function parameters in the Params[] array as query variables.
The sequence of each element in the $Params array matches the sequence of parameters in the called
To call WLMAPI::GetUserLevels via for user ID 123, the request would be:
Sample Code:
Click here for a list of all old API methods.
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