Economics of Self-Measured Blood Pressure
Monitoring: A Community Guide Systematic Review
Verughese Jacob, PhD, MPH,
Sajal K. Chattopadhyay, PhD,
Krista K. Proia, MPH,
David P. Hopkins, MD, MPH,
Jeffrey Reynolds, MPH,
Anilkrishna B. Thota, MBBS, MPH,
Christopher D. Jones, PhD, MSW,
Daniel T. Lackland, DrPH,
Kimberly J. Rask, MD, PhD,
Nicolaas P. Pronk, PhD, MA,
John M. Clymer, BA,
Ron Z. Goetzel, PhD, MA
and the Community Preventive Services Task Force
Context: The health and economic burden of hypertension, a major risk factor for cardiovascular
disease, is substantial. This systematic review evaluated the economic evidence of self-measured
blood pressure (SMBP) monitoring interventions to control hypertension.
Evidence acquisition: The literature search from database inception to March 2015 identied 22
studies for inclusion with three types of interventions: SMBP used alone, SMBP with additional
support, and SMBP within team-based care (TBC). Two formulae were used to convert reductions in
systolic BP (SBP) to quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) to produce cost per QALY saved. All
analyses were conducted in 2015, with estimates adjusted to 2014 U.S. dollars.
Evidence synthesis: Median costs of intervention were $60 and $174 per person for SMBP alone and
SMBP with additional support, respectively, and $732 per person per year for SMBP wit hin TBC. SMBP
alone and SMBP with additional support reduced healthcare cost per person per year from outpatient
visits and medication (medians $148 and $3, respectively; median follow-up, 1213 months). SMBP
within TBC exhibited an increase in healthcare cost (median, $369 per person per year; median follow-
up, 18 months). SMBP alone varied from cost saving to a maximum cost of $144,000 per QALY saved,
with two studies reporting an increase in SBP. The two translated median costs per QALY saved were
$2,800 and $4,000 for SMBP with additional support and $7,500 and $10,800 for SMBP within TBC.
Conclusions: SMBP monitoring interventions with additional support or within TBC are cost
effective. Cost effectiveness of SMBP used alone could not be determined.
Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive
igh blood pressure (BP) is an important risk
factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and
stroke in the U.S., accounting annually for more
than $193 billion in medical care and about $123 billion
in lost productivity in 20112012.
The control of high
BP with medication and other treatments can prevent
and avert a substantial part of this societal burden,
From the
Community Guide Branch, Division of Public Health Informa-
tion Dissemination, Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory
Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Atlanta,
Division of Diabetes Translation, National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC, Atlanta, Georgia;
Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, Ofce of Noncommu-
nicable Diseases, Injury, and Environmental Health, CDC, Atlanta,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South
Emory University, Alliant Health Solutions, Atlanta, Georgia;
HealthPartners Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota;
Harvard T.H. Chan
School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts;
National Forum for Heart
Disease and Stroke Prevention, Washington, District of Columbia;
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland; and
Truven Health Analytics, Bethesda, Maryland
Names and affıliations of Task Force members are available at: www. ventive-services-task-
Address correspondence to: Verughese Jacob, PhD, MPH, Community
Guide Branch, CDC, 1600 Clifton Road, Mailstop E69, Atlanta GA 30329.
Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Journal of Preventive Medicine Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113 e105
as costs are projected to increase with hypertension-
related outcomes, such as stroke, in a growing and aging
For example, hypertension control efforts
have contributed to the decline in stroke mortality because
distributions of population systolic BP (SBP) have shifted.
Self-measured blood pressure (SMBP) monitoring
interventions use BP monitoring devices operated by
patients to improve the management of high BP. This
process provides clinicians with accurate and frequent
measurements, increases patient engagement in their own
care, and prompts patients to adopt healthful lifestyles.
A recent systematic review
conducted for the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality showed that SMBP
monitoring interventions, typically in the home, were
effective in improving BP outcomes in patients with high
BP, reducing SBP by 3.24.6 mmHg and diastolic BP by
1.32.3 mmHg.
However, there has been no published
review of the economics of these interventions.
The objective of the present paper is to assess the cost
and economic benet of SMBP monitoring interventions
based on a systematic review of the literature.
Concepts and Methods
This study was conducted using Community Guide methods for
systematic economic reviews, available at www.thecommunity A review team (the team)
was constituted, including subject matter experts on CVD and
hypertension from various agencies, organizations, and academic
institutions together with experts in systematic reviews from the
Community Guide Branch at the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. The team worked under the oversight of the Com-
munity Preventive Services Task Force.
Interventions with SMBP monitoring involve use of personal BP
measurement devices to improve the treatment of high BP.
Patients are trained to use these devices in familiar settings, such
as their homes. Readings are shared with their healthcare providers
during clinic visits, by telephone, or electronically, and are
monitored and used in treatment decisions to improve BP control.
These interventions also may involve support such as medication
and lifestyle counseling, patient education for self-management,
and telephone or web-based tools.
Such SMBP interventions often are delivered within team-based
care (TBC) for BP control, in which primary care providers and
patients work together with other providers to improve the
efciency of care delivery and self-management support for patients.
A novel feature of the present review is the categorization of
SMBP monitoring interventions into interventions implementing
SMBP alone, SMBP with additional support, and SMBP within
TBC. Distinction is drawn between additional support and team-
based care because the latter is far more comprehensive and
resource intensive than SMBP interventions that add web- or
phone-enabled patient support. Further, SMBP alone and SMBP
with additional support are both capital intensive, whereas SMBP
within TBC is more labor intensive.
Although the focus of the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality effectiveness review
of SMBP interventions was on
treatment and management of high BP, this economic review also
recognizes the diagnostic function of home BP monitors because
identication of white coat hypertension and masked hyper-
in a population can have substantial implications for
healthcare resource use.
Figure 1 depicts the intervention, the population, and transi-
tions in health status ascribed to the intervention (Intervention
Effectiveness), below which appear associated resource use and
Figure 1. Economics of SMBP monitoring interventions to improve BP control.
BP, blood pressure; CVD, cardiovascular disease; LY, life years; QALY, quality-adjusted life years; SMBP, self-measured blood pressure; TBC, team-
based care.
Patients with isolated high blood pressure in the medical setting and in the
presence of medical personnel are said to have white coat hypertension.
Patients with controlled blood pressure measured in the clinic and
uncontrolled blood pressure when measured outside the clinic are said to
have masked hypertension.
Jacob et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113e106
economic benets (Economic Outcomes). This economic review
takes a societal perspective, which means costs and economic
benets are aggregated regardless of who pays and who benets.
The following research questions are considered based on the
economic effects of the intervention illustrated in Figure 1:
What is the cost to implement the intervention?
What is the effect of the intervention on healthcare cost?
What is the effect of the intervention on productivity of patients
at their workplaces?
What is the net economic benet of the intervention?
What is the cost effectiveness of the intervention? In particular,
what is cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) saved?
The target population of the interventions for this review are
patients diagnosed with hypertension in primary care. Studies
focused on patients with established CVD, gestational hyper-
tension, and those receiving dialysis were excluded as were those
focused on patients with illnesses that prevent them from using the
home BP devices. Only published studies of interventions imple-
mented in high-income countries were included. No restrictions
were placed on study design. Studies included in the economic
review had to contain information that would address one or more
of the reviews research questions. The measurement and estima-
tion of economic effects associated with each of the research
questions are described in detail below.
Intervention Cost. SMBP interventions require devices, mate-
rials, and labor to implement, which are captured in estimates for
intervention cost (Figure 1). The components of intervention cost
for SMBP-alone interventions are the BP monitoring device,
patient training on correct use of the device, any telemetry device
to transmit the BP readings, and the cost of generating summary
reports for the care provider. SMBP with additional support adds
the cost of other devices (e.g., smartphones); staff; development of
interactive software; and other information technology necessary
to support patient self-care in addition to providers time to review
patients BP reports to aid counseling and treatment. SMBP within
TBC adds the cost of administrative and medical staff engaged in
TBC activities. Estimates of intervention cost are considered
reasonably complete if they include these components that are
cost drivers: the BP device in the case of SMBP-alone interven-
tions; the BP device and patient support in the case of SMBP with
additional support; and the BP device, patient support, and TBC
activities for SMBP within TBC.
Healthcare Cost. Figure 1 shows the changes in healthcare
resource use expected from the intervention, leading to change in
healthcare cost. The components of healthcare cost are outpatient
visits; medications; labs; emergency room (ER) visits; and inpatient
stays. The effect of SMBP interventions on healthcare cost likely
occurs through several channels. Identication of white coat and
masked hypertension can alter the number of patients who need
treatment. Changes in medication adherence, lifestyle, and BP
control related to the intervention have effects on medication
utilization, outpatient visits, and labs in the short term and on
inpatient and ER visits in the longer term. The directions these
changes take are empirical questions. For example, improved
adherence to medication may increase rells and medication cost.
On the other hand, improved BP control may prompt the provider
to reduce medication. In the case of outpatient visits, the expect-
ation is that home-based BP monitoring will reduce clinic visits
solely for BP checks. Or it could be that home readings that exceed
the threshold may alarm patients and increase contact with the
clinic. In the long term, however, the expectation is that these
interventions improve BP control and hence avert CVD events,
resulting in averted inpatient and ER visits. Therefore, this
economic review addresses the interventions net effect on health-
care cost, both in the short and long term. Based on completeness
of reporting in the included studies, estimates of healthcare cost for
SMBP alone and for SMBP with additional support interventions
were considered reasonable if they included outpatient visits and
medication; those for SMBP within TBC interventions were
considered reasonable if they included outpatient visits, medica-
tion, and inpatient stays.
Total Cost and Cost Effectiveness. The quantity and quality
of years lived increase when CVD morbidity and mortality are
averted by effective SMBP interventions. Cost-effectiveness anal-
ysis seeks estimates for cost per QALY saved, where cost (total
cost) is the sum of intervention cost and change in healthcare cost.
An intervention is considered cost effective if the cost per QALY
saved is less than a conservative threshold of $50,000.
present review translated reductions in SBP to QALYs saved
assess cost effectiveness for studies that reported the change in BP
resulting from intervention. Two translations from the published
literature were used: Translation (1), for which a reduction of 1
mmHg of SBP¼0.009 QALY saved
; and Translation (2), for
which a reduction of 1 mmHg of SBP¼0.093 QALY saved.
Estimates based on both translations were evaluated, as a
sensitivity measure, because the two equations relating change in
SBP to QALYs were based on trial populations that differed in age
and in the method used to derive QALY weights. The 20-year cost
per QALY saved was based on total cost and increase in QALY per
person per year summed over 20 years at a 3% discount rate. For
the second formula, the increase in QALY was already reected
over life time of patients.
Productivity in the Workplace. Finally, reduced morbidity
and mortality related to SMBP interventions translate to higher
productivity of patients at their jobs as a consequence of reduced
illness and absences, better performance when at work, and
increased working years. A complete costbenet assessment, as
in a costbenet ratio, considers changes needed in resources to
carry out the intervention, as well as the changes in healthcare cost
and worksite productivity.
Economic results and conclusions are presented separately for
SMBP alone, SMBP with additional support, and SMBP within
TBC. All monetary values are in 2014 U.S. dollars, adjusted for
ination using the Consumer Price Index,
and converted from
foreign currency denominations using purchasing power par-
All analyses were conducted in 2015.
Search Strategy
The original search strategy from the review of effectiveness,
available at
port, was extended for the economic review. In addition to the
original search in MEDLINE and Cochrane, new sources were
EconLit and databases maintained at the Centre for Reviews and
Dissemination at the University of York. The search period was
extended to March 2015 from February 2013, the end of the
original search. Studies of interventions that met the denition,
Jacob et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113 e107
September 2017
were conducted in high-income countries,
and contained informa-
tion on economic cost or economic benet of intervention were
included in the review. Reference lists of included studies were also
searched, as were action guides from the Million Hearts Initiative
and studies recommended for inclusion by subject matter experts.
A total of 1,246 papers were screened, yielding 22 studies
in 29 papers
for inclusion (Figure 2). Appendix
Table 1 (available online) provides a summary of the
study characteristics in terms of design, intervention
group size and age, length of intervention, comparison
group, setting, and what economic outcomes were actu-
ally measured within the study and which were modeled.
The substantial majority of the studies were RCTs with
usual care as the comparison group, and patient care took
place in the primary care setting. The average age of the
study patients was about 57 years. Papers that covered
the same population and intervention are considered
single studies and are identied in Appendix Tables 36
(available online). Eight studies from 11 papers
provided economic evidence for SMBP alone, eight
for SMBP with additional support, and eight
for SMBP within TBC. Although
several studies reported intervention cost and effects on
healthcare cost, none reported productivity effects. No
studies performed a costbenet analysis that included
productivity effects. Only one
study modeled the out-
comes to cost per QALY saved. Translated cost
per QALY saved estimates were derived for the 11
that provided both
change in SBP and the total cost of the intervention.
Studies used BP devices as a tool to guide treatment, as a
diagnostic tool, or both. Appendix Table 2 (available
online) provides additional details on how the home BP
devices were used in the interventions and how that may
have affected economic outcomes considered in this review.
Most studies were of patients with high BP, based on usual
clinic measurements. Most of the SMBP-alone studies
included the diagnostic impact in addition to treatment
impact, based on home BP readings. No studies of SMBP
with additional support and only one study of SMBP within
TBC reported economic outcomes that included the impact
of home BP devices used as a diagnostic tool.
Table 1 provides estimates of intervention cost and
change in healthcare cost following the intervention. The
median cost to implement the intervention increased
from $60 per person for SMBP alone, to $174 per person
with the addition of patient support, and to $732 per
person per year implemented within TBC. A substantial
part of intervention cost for both SMBP alone and SMBP
with additional support was the cost of the BP monitor.
One study
of SMBP within TBC was excluded as an
outlier for intervention cost because it reported a very
high cost of intervention that included diabetes case
management and telemedicine hardware and software
developed specically for the study. The change in all-
cause healthcare cost reported for this study was included
in median estimates because hypertension is a major risk
factor for CVD and subsequent healthcare utilization for
those with diabetes. Individual study details along with
components of intervention cost included in the estimate
are presented in Appendix Table 3 (available online).
Detailed estimates for change in healthcare cost related
to intervention are shown in Appendix Table 4 (available
online). Most studies on SMBP alone, and SMBP with
Figure 2. Economic evidence search yield.
AHRQ, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; SME, subject matter expert.
Jacob et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113e108
additional support, included costs of outpatient visits and
medication when estimating the change in healthcare
cost. Most studies of SMBP within TBC included out-
patient visits, medication, and inpatient stays. The
median change in healthcare cost from SMBP alone
was a decrease of $148 per person per year (Table 1). All
but one
of the eight estimates
decreases, indicating SMBP alone was healthcare cost
saving, with some of the savings likely from identication
of white coat hypertension. The median change in
healthcare cost from SMBP with additional support was a
reduction of $3 per person per year, based on six
; individual estimates were mixed, with
three estimates
indicating healthcare cost
decreased and three indicating healthcare cost increased
or was unchanged. For SMBP within TBC,
of eight estimates
reported a positive change in healthcare cost, indicating
the intervention was healthcare cost increasing with a
median increase of $369 per person per year.
The summary of estimates for intervention cost plus
change in healthcare cost attributable to intervention (total
cost) is presented in Table 2. Details for individual studies are
in Appendix Table 5 (available online). For SMBP-alone
interventions, the median total cost was $72. Five
21,23,24,29 31
of six estimates
were negative, indicating the
intervention was cost saving, with savings likely to include
the use of home BP monitors as a diagnostic tool. The
median total cost for SMBP with additional support was $44,
with ve
of six estimates
being positive,
indicating the intervention increased costs. In the case of
SMBP within TBC interventions, median total cost was $430,
with all seven estimates
positive and, therefore,
cost increasing.
Table 2 also summarizes the 20-year cost per QALY
saved (based on two methods
described previously
for translating reductions in SBP to QALYs saved).
Details for individual studies are shown in Appendix
Table 6 (available online). Two studies
alone showed that SBP decreased following intervention
and that averted healthcare cost exceeded intervention
cost, whereas three studies
indicated SMBP
alone was not cost effective. Of these three studies, SBP
was higher at the end of the intervention in two
and the third study
had a cost per
QALY saved 4$50,000. For SMBP with additional
support, the median costs per QALY saved, based on
the two translation methods, were $2,800 and $4,000,
with every individual estimate
o$50,000, indi-
cating cost effectiveness. Median cost per QALY saved
for SMBP within TBC was $7,500 and $10,800, respec-
tively, for the two translation methods, based on six
estimates from four
studies. Of the six
estimates, four estimates from the four stud-
were o$50,000 and two estimates
from one study
were 4$50,000; the weight of
evidence indicates cost effectiveness.
The review of effectiveness found that SMBP monitoring
interventions improved BP outcomes based on studies
that used the devices as a tool to manage the treatment of
high BP.
This economic review included economic
outcomes from the use of home BP devices as a
diagnostic tool in addition to their use in guiding
treatment. This diagnostic feature was prominent only
in the SMBP-alone studies.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends
conrmation of high BP before beginning treatment,
with measurements taken outside the clinic setting using
ambulatory or home BP monitoring.
blood pressure devices could, in practice, be distributed
to primary care patients identied with elevated BP by
Table 1. Intervention Cost and Change in Healthcare Cost
Intervention cost,
Median (IQI) No. of
Change in healthcare
cost, Median (IQI) No. of
No. of
Studies with comparison
to other than usual care
SMBP alone $60 ($55 to $74)
$148 ($316 to $89)
12 2
Clinic plus ambulatory BP
SMBP with
$174 ($63 to $362)
$3 ($58 to $62)
SMBP within
$732 ($279 to $946)
$369 ($57 to $548)
18 None None
Per person.
Per person per year.
BP, blood pressure; IQI, interquartile interval; SMBP, self-measured blood pressure.
Jacob et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113 e109
September 2017
clinic readings and not yet conrmed with ambulatory
BP monitoring. In this scenario, the ability of these
devices to identify patients with white coat and masked
hypertension would have important implications for the
economics of SMBP interventions, potentially reducing
treatment cost for white coat and increasing treatment
cost for masked hypertension. The diagnostic and treat-
ment features of the devices were captured in the
subgroup analysis by Arietta et al.,
who modeled an
SMBP intervention for adult members of a health plan.
The savings from the diagnostic and treatment features
of SMBP were reected in a favorable return on invest-
ment for young adults, driven by savings from correct
diagnosis of hypertension, and favorable return on
investment for Medicare members, driven by treatment
A relatively large body of evidence for SMBP alone
showed that averted healthcare cost exceeded the cost to
implement these interventions. However, healthcare cost
in most of the studies did not include inpatient stays or
ER visits, and the change in healthcare cost was measured
over a relatively short period of about 12 months and also
included the use of BP devices as a diagnostic tool.
Longer-term outcomes from using SMBP for hyper-
tension treatment, which account for all components of
healthcare, are necessary to determine benets from
improved BP control and averted CVD outcomes.
Further, two studies
reported increased SBP
following the intervention. The unfavorable BP outcomes
have been ascribed to identical BP thresholds chosen for
both intervention and usual care groups instead of
a lower threshold for home measurements, as currently
The change in healthcare cost also
included savings from identifying patients with
white coat hypertension and taking some patients off
medication, even as benets of treating white coat
hypertension are still debated.
These cost savings
were therefore not highlighted for SMBP-alone
The translation of reduced SBP to QALYs saved was
based on two published formulae that are in turn drawn
from large longitudinal trials within diabetic populations.
Even though it is possible that the overall QALYs may be
lower for diabetic patients than hypertensive patients, the
relative impact of SBP reduction on the QALYs of
diabetic patients compared with that of hypertensive
patients is uncertain. Appendix Table 1 (available online)
also includes the percentage of the study population that
were identied as diabetic, where reported. It may be
noted that three included studies explicitly excluded
diabetic patients, and 11 did not report any information.
For the remaining seven studies, the median and mean
percentages of diabetics included in their interventions
were 24% and 30%, respectively.
The direct translation of reduced SBP to QALYs saved
used in the present review may yet be an oversimpli-
cation of the complex processes by which reduced SBP
averts CVD outcomes. A related issue is whether there is
Table 2. Summary Economic Estimates: Total Cost and 20-Year Total Cost per QALY Saved
Total cost (intervention
cost plus healthcare cost),
Median (IQI) No. of studies
No. of
Studies with
comparison to
other than usual
Total cost per QALY saved;
summed over 20 years, Mean
or Median (IQI) No. of studies
SMBP alone $72 ($257 to $142)
12 1
Clinic plus
ambulatory BP
Translation (1):
Mean $100,000
Translation (2): Mean $144,000
Cost-saving 2
Ineffective (SBP increased)
SMBP with
$44 ($6 to $250)
None Translation (1):
$2,800 ($525 to
Translation (2): $4,000 ($756 to
$7,400) 4
SMBP within
$430 ($244 to $1,112)
18 None Usual care with
home BP device
Translation (1):
$7,500 ($4,600
to $79,100)
Translation (2): $10,800 ($6,600
to $113,900) 4
Per person.
Translation (1): 1 mmHg of SBP=0.009 QALY saved per year
; Translation (2): 1 mmHg of SBP¼0.093 QALY saved over patients lifetime.
Per person per year.
BP, blood pressure; IQI, interquartile interval; QALY, quality-adjusted life year; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SMBP, self-measured blood pressure
Jacob et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(3):e105e113e110
a lower limit for SBP below which reductions do not
produce health benets
nor save QALYs. Current
stipulate a target SBP o140 mmHg for the
general hypertensive population, with no consensus
about the net benets of more aggressive treatment to
reach a lower target. However, it is likely patients with BP
at 160/100 will derive benet from treatment in moving
their BP to 130/80, but might not obtain additional
benet in moving BP to 120/60.
Of nine studies where
reduction in SBP was translated to QALYs saved, the
mean SBP after the effect of intervention was 4140 in
ve studies,
135140 in two studies,
125 in two studies,
and o120 in no studies.
Based on these means, it is likely that reductions achieved
in SBP from the interventions in this review fell within
the benecial range and increased QALYs.
The Community Preventive Services Task Force recom-
mended TBC based on its effectiveness in improving BP
and it also was found to be cost effective.
Studies of SMBP within TBC included in the present review
do not provide evidence for the contribution of SMBP to
the effectiveness or cost effectiveness of TBC because the
studies compared SMBP within TBC to usual care. How-
ever, SMBP is a common component of TBC for BP
control, as it provides a regular and ongoing activity to
engage patients in their own care. SMBP also allows the
team of providers to monitor patient response to treatment.
No studies in the present review performed a complete
costbenet analysis that included improvements in
productivity. However, this was partly compensated by
cost per QALY estimates computed by the team from
translations of reductions in SBP to QALYs saved.
Evidence Gaps
Studies that use SMBP monitoring as a diagnostic tool in
addition to treatment should try to separate out their
contributing effects on economic outcomes. Although it
may be difcult to do this analytically, the diagnostic
effect may be approximated, for example, in terms of
discontinued or newly initiated treatments. More studies
are needed for estimating return on investment for
SMBP-alone interventions, capturing longer-term
changes in healthcare cost because of changes in morbid-
ity and mortality. There is stronger evidence and greater
effectiveness when patient support or TBC is added to
SMBP monitoring, but there is no cost-effectiveness
evidence for adding various levels of such support,
indicating another item for future research.
When used with additional patient support or within
TBC, SMBP monitoring interventions are cost effective.
Though short-term healthcare costs averted were greater
than cost of intervention, the evidence for cost effective-
ness of SMBP interventions when used alone was mixed
and inconsistent.
The ndings of this economic review, together with
the conclusions of the review on effectiveness,
the recommendations for use of SMBP interventions
presented by the Community Preventive Services Task
Force elsewhere in this issue.
These results and ndings
can contribute to the evidence for SMBP for improved
BP management and control as clinical guidelines for the
prevention and treatment of hypertension are updated.
The authors acknowledge the Division for Heart Disease and
Stroke Prevention, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), for support and subject matter expertise. We thank
members of our coordination team in the Community Guide
Branch at CDC and from other areas of CDC, and our external
partners. The authors also thank Randy W. Elder, PhD, and Kate
W. Harris, BA, from the Community Guide Branch, and Onnalee
Gomez, MS, from the Library Services Branch, at CDC for their
assistance throughout the review.
The work of Jeffrey Reynolds was supported with funds from
the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education.
No nancial disclosures were reported by the authors of
this paper.
Supplemental materials associated with this article can
be found in the online version at
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