Electronic Official Personnel Folder
eOPF Tips & Techniques Search, View, Print and Save Documents Using My eOPF
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eOPF Tips & Techniques
Search, View, Print, and Save Documents Using My eOPF
Your electronic Official Personnel Folder, or eOPF, manages all of your personnel
documents, organized by virtual folders. The Permanent and Temporary virtual folders
contain documents in accordance with OPM’s Guide to Personnel Recording Keeping
(located at: http://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/data-analysis-documentation/
My eOPF provides flexibility when searching for documents in your eOPF. From the My
eOPF button on the main menu, you can access subject tabs which will appear at the top of
the screen. The My eOPF page lists the details associated with your eOPF and the
documents residing on the folder sides to which you have access.
My eOPF Search page contains the selection criteria you may use to search for a specific
document or a group of documents in your eOPF. Available search fields include:
Form radio buttons
o Common Forms - frequently used forms found in eOPF
o All Forms - all forms found in eOPF (this button is pre-selected)
o Agency Forms - forms used only in your agency
Form drop-down list
Select a particular form to further filter your search. To locate a particular form
quickly, enter the first letter of the form number in the drop-down box. For
example, if looking for an SF 50, enter “SF” in the Form drop-down box to jump
directly to the forms beginning with “SF.”
Type drop-down list
Select the specific document type related to the form. Types vary depending on
the form selected.
Folder Sides check box
Select the folder or folders for which you want to search. You may also check
the Select All box to search on all folders to which you have access.
Date fields
Allow you to search for documents created on a specific date or with a specific
effective date range. Select from:
o Create Date is the date that a document is added to eOPF.
Electronic Official Personnel Folder
o Start Effective Date and End Effective Date limits the number of returned
documents to those within the specified effective date range.
My eOPF Print Folder page enables you to select a folder side(s) and create a printable file.
This function compiles all of the individual documents saved to the selected folder side(s) to
a consolidated PDF file. You have the option of printing single or double sided
My eOPF Print Status page provides a list of submitted print requests, displaying in the
order in which they were submitted. Each print request is assigned a Request Identification
number (Request ID). Depending on the size of a request, a print job may be broken into
two or more parts. The Request ID is displayed first followed by the part number.
The following sections detail the steps to view, search, sort, print, and save your documents.
Part 1: View, Print, and Save a Single Document
Part 2: Sort your Documents
Part 3: Search for Specific Documents
Part 4: Select a Group of Documents
Part 5: Use Print Status
Part 6: Print your entire eOPF
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Part 1: View, Print, and Save a Single Document
Step Action Screen Shot
From the eOPF main menu,
select My eOPF button.
The My eOPF page
displays by default. This
page lists documents in
your eOPF, in chronological
order with the most recent
Effective Date first.
Depending on your My
Profile General
Preferences settings, your
screen may display
differently than shown here.
Please refer to the “eOPF
User Guide” for details.
To view a document, either
click the Form Number or
click the View icon.
You can add a watermark
to a document by selecting
the “View with watermark
The watermark displays at
the bottom of each page
and states that the
document is an official
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
A browser download prompt
displays. This example is
from Internet Explorer 10.
Your browser may use a
different prompt.
To view, click the Open
A new window opens in
Adobe Reader. The
selected document is
To View: Use the + and
signs to change the size of
the document for better
To Print: From the File
menu, click the Print
function to print the
document to your local
To Save: From the File
menu, use the Save or
Save As feature to save the
document on your
Note: This is only
recommended on a private
computer. Most eOPF
documents contain
personally identifiable
information and should be
protected at all times.
When you are finished, click
the red X’ icon to close the
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Part 2: Sort your Documents
Step Action Screen Shot
From the My eOPF page,
you can change the sort
order in any column. Click
on a column header to sort
in descending order. Click
again for ascending order.
The sort order remains in
effect until you either sort by
another field or log out of
To sort documents
alphabetically, click on the
headers for Form Number,
Form Description, Type, or
Side (which is the virtual
folder side where the
document is assigned).
To sort by date, click on the
headers for Effective Date
or Create Date (which is the
date the document was
added to eOPF).
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Part 3: Search for Specific Documents
Step Action Screen Shot
To search for a specific
document, click the My
eOPF Search tab at the top
of the page.
The Search My eOPF page
Enter search criteria in the
available fields to retrieve
specific documents. The
more specific your entered
search criteria, the more
targeted your search
Selecting All Forms radio
button in the Form section
and selecting Select All in
the Folder Sides check box
returns all of the documents
in your folder.
Narrow the search by
selecting a specific Form
and/or a specific document
Type from the drop-down
To find your form or type
more quickly, you can begin
to type the name or number
of a Form or a Type into the
drop-down text boxes. This
will bring up forms
beginning with that letter or
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
You can search using a
Create Date (the date the
document was added to
eOPF). Or, use Start
Effective Date and End
Effective Date to target
forms with an Effective Date
falling within a specified
To start all over with new
search criteria, use the
Clear button.
Once all your criteria are
entered, click the Search
button at either the top or
the bottom of the page.
The My eOPF page
displays with the search
results. The documents
meeting the entered search
criteria are listed.
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Part 4: Select a Group of Documents
Step Action Screen Shot
From the My eOPF page,
you can compile a group of
selected documents. For
example, you may want to
compile all your SF 50
forms for viewing or
First, click the Show All
Docs button.
The page refreshes, with
check boxes displayed in
the far right column. The
documents can be sorted
by clicking on the column
headers (see Part 2).
Place check marks in the
boxes for those documents
you would like to view or
print. Identify print
preferences by clicking
either the Print Single
Sided or Print Double
Sided button.
Note: Clicking Print
Single Sided or Print
Double Sided does not
send the document to your
local printer, but rather
compiles the selected
documents into a
consolidated PDF. You
can then print to your local
printer using the navigation
menu in Adobe Reader.
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
The page refreshes and a
message displays
indicating, “Your print
request has been
submitted for processing.”
Click the My eOPF Print
Status tab from the top of
the page to view the
consolidated documents.
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Part 5: Use Print Status
Step Action Screen Shot
Click on the My eOPF Print
Status tab to display the
My eOPF Print Status
page. The results list the
print requests you have
Note: If you do not see
your request, wait a few
minutes and click the
Refresh button.
Click the View link to open
the documents in Adobe
A file download prompt
displays. This browser
prompt example is from
Internet Explorer 10. Your
browser may use a different
To view, click the Open
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
A new window opens in
Adobe Reader.
To View: Use the + and
signs to change the size.
To Print: From the File
menu, choose Print.
To Save: From the File
menu, use the Save or
Save As feature to save
the document(s) on your
Note: This is only
recommended on a private
computer. Most eOPF
documents contain
personally identifiable
information and should be
protected at all times.
Click the ‘X’ icon to close
the document.
When you are done using
this print request, delete it
from the printing queue.
Click the Delete link in the
row of the request you wish
to delete.
Note The print requests
remain on the My eOPF
Print Status for a period of
7 days at which time they
are automatically deleted.
A confirmation displays
asking, “Do you want to
DELETE this request?”
Click the OK button.
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
A confirmation displays
stating “Print Request has
successfully.” The request
no longer displays in the
My eOPF Print Status
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Part 6: Print your Entire eOPF
Step Action Screen Shot
Click the My eOPF Print
Folder tab to print your
entire eOPF or print only
selected virtual folder sides
within the eOPF.
The My eOPF Print
Folder page displays.
Select the one or more
virtual folders from the
Select Folder Side(s)
window. Or, click the
Select All checkbox to
select all folder sides you
have access to and print
the entire eOPF.
Identify print preferences by
clicking either the Print
Single Sided or Print
Double Sided button.
Note: Clicking Print Single
Sided or Print Double
Sided does not send the
document to your local
printer, but rather compiles
the selected documents
into a consolidated PDF.
You can then print to your
local printer using the
navigation menu in Adobe
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
The page refreshes and a
message displays
indicating, “Your request
has been submitted for
Click the My eOPF Print
Status tab to view your
The My eOPF Print Status
page displays.
When a request exceeds
the size threshold, the
request is broken out into
two or more parts, as
shown in this example.
Click on the View link in the
far right hand column.
Note: The parts are
identified in the Request ID
/ Part Number column.
This example shows
Request ID 105, Parts 1
and 2.
Parts of Print Folder request:
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Electronic Official Personnel Folder
Step Action Screen Shot
A file download prompt
displays. This browser
prompt example is from
Internet Explorer 10. Your
browser may use a different
To view, click the Open
A new window opens in
Adobe Reader.
To View: Use the + and
signs to change the size.
To Print: From the File
menu, choose the Print
function to print the
document to your local
To Save: From the File
menu, use the Save or
Save As feature to save
the document on your
When you are finished,
click the X’ icon to close
the document.
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