Spring 2024
About College Board
College Board reaches more than 7 million students a year, helping them navigate the path
from high school to college and career. Our not-for-prot membership organization was
founded more than 120 years ago. We pioneered programs like the SAT
and AP
to expand
opportunities for students and help them develop the skills they need. Our BigFuture
helps students plan for college, pay for college, and explore careers. Learn more at cb.org.
Contact Us
Educator Support
Michigan Educator Hotline: Customer support for the SAT and PSAT-related assessments
is available at 866-870-3127.
Email: michiganadministratorsupport@collegeboard.org
© 2024 College Board. College Board, AP, BigFuture, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks
of College Board. Bluebook, Connections, and PSAT are trademarks owned by College Board. PSAT/NMSQT
is a registered trademark of College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other marks are the
property of their respective owners. 2324-X-995-3
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
1 Introduction
1 How to Use This Manual
2 What’s Dierent About Digital
3 Test Coordinator Planning
3 Digital Testing Reminders
3 Technology
4 Overview of the Test
5 Space
7 Sta
8 Sta Qualications and Responsibilities
11 Room Assignments
12 Digital Readiness Check
12 What You’ll Learn from the Digital Readiness Check
13 Before the Digital Readiness Check
14 Preparation Checklist
17 During the Digital Readiness Check
18 Technical Troubleshooting
19 Test Day
19 On Test Day
19 Test Day Oversight
21 Technical Troubleshooting for Testing Room Sta
22 Responding to Problems
25 Student Accommodations
28 After the Test
28 Retesting and Irregularities
28 What to Do with Materials
28 Sharing Scores
31 Appendix
31 Acceptable Calculators
32 Bluebook Testing Tools
33 Proctor Essentials for Test Day
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Introduction How to Use This Manual
How to Use This Manual
Administering the SAT
Suite of Assessments in school involves numerous sta positions
and tasks. College Board wants this to be a seamless, intuitive, easy-to-follow process. In
response to feedback from educators who administered the digital SAT Suite in fall 2023,
we’ve combined a number of separate fall guides and documents into this single manual for
spring in-school testing.
Please note that you’ll no longer receive or need to manage printed manuals and
administration-related documents. This manual and other downloadable instructive texts,
found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat, will support you and your sta as
you administer the tests using Test Day Toolkit.
Who This Manual Is For
We’ve designed this manual for test coordinators so you can nd information in one place
for all the dierent processes you might be leading or participating in.
What You’ll Find in This Manual
Here’s a snapshot of the Test Coordinator Manual.
Test Coordinator Planning: Use this section to get a broad view of digital testing and
start developing plans for your testing site. Topics covered are digital testing requirements,
facilities planning, stang and sta ratios, planning for rooms, and introductory
information about Test Day Toolkit.
Digital Readiness Check: See how to ensure a smooth test day by holding a digital
readiness check with your test takers. During this session, students will complete exam
setup, which is required for testing.
Test Day: This section covers what test coordinators need to know about the ow and
sequence of tasks for completing a successful test day, from Test Day Toolkit access to
planning for accommodations.
After the Test: Learn about postadministration activities, such as receiving scores through
the K–12 Reporting Portal.
Appendix: At the back of this manual you’ll nd:
A list of acceptable calculators
A list of Bluebook
testing tools
A copy of Proctor Essentials for Test Day
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Introduction What’s Dierent About Digital
Supporting Your Sta
As noted, several separate guides and documents have been combined into this manual;
however, a few resources will remain available as separate documents, including
those listed below. All of these resources can be found at michigan.gov/mme and
michigan.gov/psat. Be sure to help your sta access the information they need, as follows:
Proctor Manual: This full-length manual covers roles and responsibilities, conducting
the digital readiness check, and using Test Day Toolkit to check students in, read the
opening scripts, monitor progress during testing, and dismiss students.
Hall Monitor Test Day Guide: This guide contains information about supporting the
proctors, monitoring students on break, and facilitating communications between
testing sta and the test coordinator.
Retesting and Irregularities Guide: Any testing sta who interacts with students
or oversees testing should have access to this information to know how to handle
situations that interfere with testing.
Accommodations Guide: You and the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
coordinator will use this guide to plan for and provide appropriate accommodations for
your students.
Paper Testing Guide: This guide provides instructions for administering the tests to
students who require a paper version of the test.
Technical Troubleshooting Guide: This guide provides the technology monitor with
guidance to troubleshoot issues students encounter with downloading Bluebook,
signing in with their credentials, starting the test, and submitting responses.
What’s Dierent About Digital
The digital test is a shorter, more secure test and one that’s easier to give.
Some digital test administration roles, tools, and procedures dier from paper testing, including:
Bluebook: The testing app installed on student devices provides most test day
instructions and times each student individually.
Test Day Toolkit: Digital test administration depends on Test Day Toolkit, a web
application. All sta need to access it on test day. Test coordinators will use Test Day
Toolkit for entering test day sta, creating rooms, pre-assigning students to rooms,
and submitting testing irregularities.
Help room and technology monitor: Proctors can send students to the help room,
where a technology monitor will assist them with simple troubleshooting.
Setting Up
Schools complete a digital readiness check to get students familiar with Bluebook,
conrm students’ personal information is correct, and verify that devices are ready for
test day.
Schools provide internet access in all testing rooms. Students need an internet
connection to begin testing and at the end of the test to submit responses. Students
who lose network connectivity momentarily during testing can continue without losing
testing time.
Nearly all materials for sta and students are digital. On rare occassions, College Board
will still ship paper test materials for students approved by College Board to use them,
but otherwise no printed materials will be shipped.
Because the test is shorter, most students will be able to test in 1 day.
Some accommodations are administered dierently than they are with paper testing.
For example, students approved for large print will use the zoom functionality on their
devices that’s available to all test takers to enlarge font size.
For more detailed information about administering accommodations, refer to the
Accommodations Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Digital Testing Reminders
Test Coordinator Planning
Digital Testing Reminders
If this is your rst experience with digital testing, the information in this chapter will help
you begin planning for a successful test day. If you have already administered the digital
test, use this chapter to refresh your understanding of the technological tools, sta roles,
and testing procedures that the digital test includes.
Bluebook and Test Day Toolkit work together to make digital testing possible.
Students use Bluebook to take exams on Mac and Windows devices, iPads, and school-
managed Chromebooks.
Test Day Toolkit
You and your sta will use Test Day Toolkit to administer the test. If your sta and testing
room information was submitted to us, we’ll create your initial room and sta lists in Test
Day Toolkit.
You’ll use Test Day Toolkit to complete these tasks:
View your roster.
Enter your room list as needed.
Assign students to rooms (optional).
Edit your sta list as needed.
Assign sta to roles and rooms.
Proctors use it on test day to take attendance, read the script, share the room and start codes
with students, monitor testing, and report irregularities.
Go to support.satsuite.collegeboard.org/state-testing/test-readiness /set-up-test-day-toolkit
for step-by-step instructions on Test Day Toolkit setup.
Test Day Toolkit Access
You and your testing sta will use College Board professional accounts to sign in to
Test Day Toolkit on any device that connects to the internet. However, in Michigan,
smartphones must not be used to access the Test Day Toolkit.
Start setting up your test administration when you get an email from College Board telling
you that Test Day Toolkit is available.
First-time access requires two-step verication. Start by clicking the link in your
personalized access email. Returning users can just go to testday.collegeboard.org.
When you add sta, they’ll receive an email with Test Day Toolkit access instructions, so
accurate contact information is critical.
IMPORTANT: Testing can’t happen without Test Day Toolkit.
Device Readiness
Students can take the test on personal devices, devices managed by your school and
assigned to students one-to-one, or shared devices managed by your school (from a laptop
cart, for example).
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Overview of the Test
School-Managed Devices
Work with school or district technology sta to make sure Bluebook is installed on testing
devices before the digital readiness check so students can become familiar with Bluebook
testing tools.
When students open Bluebook, it auto-updates if necessary. This can overwhelm your
network and delay testing if too many students do it at once, so ask students to open
Bluebook on their own before test day or any group readiness activities. They don’t have to
sign in.
If Students Testing on Personal Devices Are Unprepared
Students testing on personal devices must complete the digital readiness check just as
students testing on school-managed devices. When possible, test coordinators should
aim to complete the digital readiness check 1–2 weeks prior to test day. Whether testing
on school-managed or personal devices, MDE recommends that students who have not
completed the digital readiness check prior to test day be tested in a separate room from
students who have already completed the digital readiness check prior to test day. (See
Digital Readiness Check on page 12 for more information.)
Technical Troubleshooting
Technical troubleshooting starts with the student; might escalate to the proctor,
technology monitor, or test coordinator; and could require a call to College Board.
Students can often solve technical issues themselves by following the instructions in
Bluebook error messages.
Proctors can try the basic tips in their manual and on the Test Day Toolkit Help page or
send students to the technology monitor.
Technology monitors use the Technical Troubleshooting Guide to resolve problems that take
more time and attention so proctors can focus on their other responsibilities.
Test coordinators can sometimes use Test Day Toolkit to resolve an issue. In some cases,
they’ll report an irregularity to set up a retest. They can contact their technology coordinator
or call College Board for assistance.
For a complete understanding of technical troubleshooting on test day, review
the troubleshooting instructions in the Proctor Manual as well as the Technical
Troubleshooting Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Overview of the Test
Standard Section Timing and Breaks
The charts below represent the standard timing for all assessments in the SAT Suite.
The SAT with Essay has an additional section 3, which adds 50 minutes of testing and a
10-minute break to the total testing time.
Reading and Writing Math Essay
Module 1 Module 2 Module 1 Module 2
32 minutes 32 minutes 10-minute
35 minutes 35 minutes 10-minute
50 minutes
Reading and Writing Math
Module 1 Module 2 Module 1 Module 2
32 minutes 32 minutes 10-minute break 35 minutes 35 minutes
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Space
Bluebook automatically sets the applicable test time for students testing with extended time.
Students approved for extended time receive a break after the rst module in applicable sections.
See the Accommodations Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat,
for additional information about accommodated testing.
To ensure testing is fair, schools are expected to manage students so they resume testing
once the break between sections has elapsed. Since each student starts at a slightly
dierent time, break timing may be slightly staggered. Sta should use Test Day Toolkit and
active monitoring to be generally aware of student progress in the test, including breaks.
Once the break time elapses, students will be prompted to start the next section by a resume
testing button on their screen.
Due to the possibility of unexpected short delays, timed testing does not automatically
resume once the break has expired. Students running late due to delays beyond their control
may still proceed by clicking the prompt to resume testing.
For prolonged delays, students may return to nd that their test has resumed automatically.
If the student has lost more than 1 minute of test time according to the Bluebook clock and
feel the loss of time has aected their performance, sta should submit a retest request by
completing an Irregularity Report (IR) in Test Day Toolkit.
The testing room and seating guidelines for your school include some additions for
digital testing.
You’ll need to do the following to prepare for in-school testing:
Identify which rooms in your facility can be used for testing during the regular school day.
Choose rooms with optimal access to power; this is especially important for extended
time testing rooms. You can use power strips, surge protectors, and extension cords if
you have them.
Arrange to minimize distractions: no re drills or other disruptive events should be
scheduled for test day. Bells and announcements should be silenced while testing is
in progress.
Reschedule lunch for all participating students, if necessary. Some students approved
for extended time may receive a 20-minute nutrition break between the Reading and
Writing section and the Math section, which allows more time for students to eat.
Plan activities for students who won’t be testing.
Notify your school sta, students, and parents of modications to the normal school day.
Technology Considerations for Room Selection
Before you determine the seating capacity of each room, familiarize yourself with these
internet requirements and College Board electricity policies.
Although students can keep testing if their connection drops momentarily, they need the
internet at the start and end of the exam.
Because internet speed can vary from room to room, it’s critical for technology sta at your
school or district to check the rooms you chose, especially if they’ve never been used for
digital testing. Ask technology sta to check the device maximums of wireless access
points (WAPs) within range of each room. The IT professionals at your school can refer to
cb.org/bluebook-tech for detailed information on technical specications for Bluebook.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Space
Unless they’re testing with extended time, students are instructed to arrive with a fully
charged device that will last the length of the test; however, you may provide access to
power for students if it can be done fairly and without disrupting other students.
You must give students with extended time accommodations access to power, but it doesn’t
need to be continuous.
Keep in mind that students are prohibited from accessing other applications during the test,
which helps minimize the drain on their battery.
Testing Room Requirements
Choose rooms with optimal access to power and strong internet; this is especially important
for extended time testing rooms. You can use power strips, surge protectors, and extension
cords if you have them.
To ensure an eective and secure administration, testing rooms must meet these requirements:
Rooms must be located away from noisy areas and distracting activities.
Rooms must be near restrooms for use during breaks.
Rooms must be near the help room for students who need technical support during testing.
Rooms must have:
Internet access with enough bandwidth to support the expected number of test takers.
A working clock, visible to students.
Proper lighting.
Proper ventilation.
No displayed materials related to test content, such as charts, maps, or math
formulas. (Remove or cover them up during the test.)
An area to write or display Wi-Fi sign-in information and other test day instructions
for students.
Outlets or power strips. (These are required in rooms where students are testing
for more than 3 hours. Please be fair and use your judgment while providing power
access for students testing for less than 3 hours.)
Seating Requirements
Follow these seating requirements to prevent security problems and ensure student comfort.
Proctors will assign seats. Never allow students to choose their own seats. Students who
arrive together should be seated apart. Proctors can move students who lose power and
need to access a power outlet if it does not disrupt other students.
Make sure each testing room has enough seats and meets these requirements:
The chairs have backs.
Seats face the same direction.
Students are seated so they can’t easily see each other’s screens.
You have unimpeded access to every student and can easily see them.
Students are separated by at least 3 feet on the right and left (measured from center of
desk) to allow for the proctor’s freedom of movement during active monitoring and to
reduce distractions.
Seating is arranged to provide optimal access to electricity without overloading outlets
or creating unsafe conditions. Students with more than 3 hours of testing time should be
seated closest to power outlets.
Tables that seat more than 1 student have enough space for students to sit 3 feet apart.
Students have a large, smooth writing surface, such as a desk or table, so that students
can utilize scratch paper, when needed.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Sta
Tablet-arm chairs must have a minimum writing surface of 12 × 15 inches
(30 × 38 centimeters).
Students must not be seated around rectangular tables or at round tables (to prevent
lines of sight to screens around their table or neighboring tables), study carrels, seats
with lapboards, language laboratory booths, or tables with partitions or dividers.
(Partitions and dividers are allowed only if testing in a computer lab and they are low
enough so that proctors can see students’ testing devices.)
IMPORTANT: If digital testing is in a computer lab, seats can face dierent directions, 
but students must not have a direct line of sight to other screens.
Technology Help Room Requirements
Designate at least 1 room as the help room where students can go for technical support from
the technology monitor. Ensure there are adequate desks or tables, outlets, and that it’s near
the testing rooms.
Each testing site will have 1 test coordinator and at least 1 technology monitor.
Room Sta Ratios
One proctor will be assigned per room. Then add 1 room monitor for the following scenarios:
Standard rooms with more than 34 students.
Extended time rooms with more than 20 students.
Larger rooms with more than 50 students (1 room monitor for each additional
50 students).
Number of
Room monitors
Standard time 34 1 0
Standard time 45 1 1
Standard time
(large room)
145 1 3
Extended time 30 1 1
Hall Monitor Ratios
Test coordinators should plan to recruit at least 1 hall monitor for testing. If you have more
than 5 testing rooms, add 1 hall monitor for every 5 rooms.
Number of rooms Proctors Hall Monitors Test Coordinators
3 3 1 1
6 6 2 1
Stang a Small Administration
If there are fewer than 50 students testing at your school and fewer than 5 testing rooms,
the test coordinator may choose to serve as the hall monitor. No other hall monitor needs to
be recruited in this scenario.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Sta Qualications and Responsibilities
Sta Qualications and Responsibilities
Individuals must be high school graduates, at least 18 years old, speak English uently, and
possess the same level of integrity and maturity expected of a member of the school sta.
Testing sta may not be recruited if they have any of the following conicts of interest:
They’ve taken any College Board test within 180 days of the SAT School Day
They’re engaged in any paid, private SAT preparation. This doesn’t include teaching
course content and test familiarization as part of the regular school coursework.
Test coordinators and technology monitors may not serve as sta at the same
testing school that a member of their household or immediate family is testing. Test
coordinators and technology monitors may serve as testing sta at a dierent location
on the same day that a member of their household or immediate family is testing
elsewhere without violating the conict of interest agreement.
Proctors must never have a member of their household or immediate family member
testing in their assigned room. They may proctor a dierent room while the student is
testing in the same school on the same day.
Failure to comply with the conict of interest policies may result in cancellation of the
student’s score.
Check with your district testing sta to make sure you are aware of any additional district or
state requirements for testing sta, which are found on page 11 of the Michigan Department
of Education (MDE) Oce of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA)
Assessment Integrity Guide (AIG).
Testing sta should be selected from the following list: licensed teachers or licensed
educational administrators employed by the school district; paraprofessionals or non-
licensed administrative personnel employed by the school district; licensed substitute
teachers who are employed by the district for the purpose of administering the test.
All testing sta must review and agree to the conditions for participating in the SAT Suite
administration and complete training. They must also complete the required OEAA Test
Security Training. Requirements are in the AIG (see above) on page 12.
Adding Sta to Test Day Toolkit
For Michigan, the primary school test coordinator, backup school test coordinator,
and district test coordinator will be added to Test Day Toolkit based upon the most
recent entries in Michigan’s Educational Entity Master (EEM). The primary school
test coordinator will be responsible for adding proctors, room monitors, hall monitors,
and rooms to Test Day Toolkit or contacting College Board to request that we add the test
sta on their behalf.
Testing Roles
This section outlines the responsibilites associated with in-school testing roles.
The MDE requires that all roles that have access to test materials, student responses,
or other sensitive materials or information must complete the OEAA required security
training as outlined in the AIG.
IT Roles
Technology Coordinator
The technology coordinator can be a district- or school-level sta member, but must
be assigned at the building level in EEM and have the expertise and admin rights to
install Bluebook on managed devices and congure the network (or manage sta who
do). The IT professionals at your school can explore the list of relevant responsibilities
responsibilities available at cb.org/bluebook-tech.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Sta Qualications and Responsibilities
Readiness and Test Day Roles
Test Coordinator
As the test coordinator, you’re expected to be at the school to supervise all activities related
to the test administration. You are also responsible for ensuring student pre-identication
information in the OEAA Secure Site is complete and correct.
Complete the required College Board training.
Complete the MDE required test security training as outlined in the MDE Assessment
Integrity Guide.
Plan and implement assessment administration and test security training for all sta
participating in the administration of the assessment.
With SSD coordinator, validate that the Test Day Toolkit roster for your school is
accurate and includes all students testing at your school.
Recruit and train sta.
Plan ecient use of facilities.
Administer digital readiness check with school sta and students.
Consider retest/reschedule options with principal and let proctors know if a retest can be
supported. This will help proctors complete the correct irregularity form if they need to
submit an irregularity.
Use Test Day Toolkit to assign sta to rooms and print sign-in tickets for students.
Supervise all activities of the test administration.
Safeguard student registration data.
Supervise admission of students.
Plan for and handle emergencies and disruptions.
After testing ends, check Test Day Toolkit roster to make sure all students’ answers
were submitted.
SSD Coordinator
The SSD coordinator is responsible for supporting students who’ll be testing
with accommodations.
Responsibilities include:
Request student accommodations using College Board’s SSD Online.
Complete the required College Board training.
With the test coordinator, validate that the Test Day Toolkit roster for your school is
accurate and conrm student accommodations in SSD Online are appearing in each.
Manually add SSD IDs to any students missing their approved accommodations.
Work with the test coordinator to designate rooms required for testing students with
Ensure paper practice materials are obtained and implemented with students approved
for a paper accommodation.
Continuously monitor new and updated requests for student accommodations in SSD
Online. Conrm these updates are reected in Test Day Toolkit.
Work with the technology coordinator to ensure assistive technology is congured in
Bluebook for approved students.
Ensure approved students understand how their accommodations will work for digital tests.
Work with proctors to ensure student accommodations are administered correctly.
Supervise sta member(s) designated to transcribe answers on behalf of students
testing with paper accommodations.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Sta Qualications and Responsibilities
Technology Monitor
Test coordinators assign at least 1 technology monitor to help students with technical
issues on test day. The technology monitor must be on-site, but they don’t need technical
expertise. Technical troubleshooting tips can be round in the Technical Troubleshooting 
Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Proctors are responsible for conducting a secure, valid administration. They’re accountable
for everyone in the testing room and everything that takes place in their room.
They must follow all testing regulations and refrain from engaging in any tasks unrelated
to testing. Proctors should meet the following requirements: Licensed teachers or licensed
educational administrators employed by the school district; paraprofessionals or non-
licensed administrative personnel employed by the school district; licensed substitute
teachers who are employed by the district for the purpose of administering the test.
Complete the required College Board training and read the Proctor Manual (available at
michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat) before testing.
Complete the MDE required test security training as outlined in the MDE Assessment
Integrity Guide.
Before testing, sign in to Test Day Toolkit with a College Board professional account.
On test day:
Post check-in instructions, Wi-Fi name, password, and room code.
Distribute a sign-in ticket to each student.
Use Test Day Toolkit to take attendance, start testing, and monitor the test.
Read a short proctor script, check desks, and provide students with the start code.
Follow seating requirements when assigning and directing students to seats in the
testing room.
Actively monitor students throughout testing.
Immediately report any disruptions to the test coordinator.
Refer students who require technical support to the help room.
Submit irregularities in Test Day Toolkit.
IMPORTANT: Proctors administering paper testing will follow a dierent ow in Test Day Toolkit 
as instructed in the Paper Testing Guide for the assessment they’re administering (found at 
michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat).
Hall and Room Monitors
Hall and room monitors assist with test administration duties. Monitors don’t administer
the test, but they’ll have access to Test Day Toolkit. They can be a current professional or a
member of administrative, secretarial, or clerical sta.
Help set up the school for testing.
Direct students to their assigned rooms and to the restrooms.
Answer students’ questions.
Monitor the testing room, hallways, and restrooms for student misconduct such as using
prohibited devices, talking during breaks, or sharing information.
Ensure students in the school who are not participating in testing don’t interrupt or
distract testing rooms and students during their breaks.
Serve as liaison between testing rooms, the technology monitor, and the test coordinator.
Submit irregularities in Test Day Toolkit, if needed.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Coordinator Planning Room Assignments
Room Assignments
Testing Groups
Your roster will be available in Test Day Toolkit about 3 weeks before test day. Be sure to
review your roster for updates in Test Day Toolkit as you recruit and train your sta.
You might have students with accommodations who require testing in separate rooms. Test
Day Toolkit includes several group types, which involve combinations of timing and other
accommodations that can be tested together. For digital administrations, testing groups include:
S1: School (Standard Time)
S2: School (Time and One-half – Math only)
S3: School (Time and One-half)
S4: School (Double Time – Math only)
S5: School (Double Time)
S6: School (More than Double Time)
S7: School (Other)
S8: School (One-to-one)
S9: School (Double Time – Essay only)
S10: School (Time and One-half – Essay only)
S11: School (Double Time – Math and Essay)
S12: School (Time and One-half – Math and Essay)
P1: Paper (Standard Time)
P3: Paper (Time and One-half)
P5: Paper (Double Time)
P6: Paper (More than Double Time)
More information about testing students with accommodations, including accommodations
requiring paper or alternate test formats, is included in the Accommodations Guide, found at
michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Students approved for extended time for reading will receive that extended time on all
sections of the test. Students approved for extended time for math will receive that extended
time on the Math section only. Extra breaks after the rst module are included for sections
with extended time applied.
Students in the one-to-one testing group must test in their own room. If students approved
for one-to-one testing are assigned to the same room, move each of them to their own room.
For all testing groups, students can’t move to the next test module or submit their answers
until their time is up. They are also required to stay for their entire approved test time and
can’t be checked out before Bluebook ends the test. If students have time to spare, they
should use it to review their work.
All testing groups, including Standard Time, may include students with the
following accommodations.
Accommodated Breaks
Small-Group Testing
Medical Devices and Aids
Permission for Food/Medication During Testing
Preferential Seating
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals
Written Copy of Verbal Instructions
Assistive Technology
IMPORTANT: Students in the same group type (for example, S1) may be timed dierently if 
students have unlike break times. To minimize disruptions and students testing on varying 
schedules, you may want to work with the SSD coordinator to organize students in rooms with 
similar break times instead of relying only on group types.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check What You’ll Learn from the Digital Readiness Check
Digital Readiness Check
Schools administering the SAT and PSAT-related assessments will complete a digital
readiness check prior to testing. In these sessions, students will get familiar with the
Bluebook testing application, conrm their personal information is correct, and verify that
devices are ready for test day. During the digital readiness check, students will log in to
Bluebook with temporary credentials (like they will on test day), complete exam setup, and
try a test preview.
These sessions can be completed in 30 minutes or less and we suggest completing the
readiness check as soon as possible, but ideally no later than 1–2 weeks before you test.
This chapter covers everything you’ll need to know about digital readiness check
procedures. The test coordinator should ensure that anyone giving the digital readiness
check has this chapter. The test coordinator and sta involved with the readiness check
should read it ahead of time and use it on the day of the readiness check.
IMPORTANT: Schools that complete the digital readiness check early will have longer lead times 
for handling issues related to testing devices, network performance, and accommodations. 
Completing the digital readiness check in advance reduces the chance of errors on test
day that can lead to the need for a rescheduled test.
What You’ll Learn from the
Digital Readiness Check
The digital readiness check is a dry run that gives you a chance to check student
registration data and technical readiness.
Student and Sta Readiness
The readiness check will:
Familiarize students and sta with Bluebook prior to testing.
Allow students to conrm their registration information appears correctly in Bluebook
and that any approved accommodations are enabled and correct.
Save time on test day as students will be able to complete exam setup where they will
review and accept the testing rules, see what to bring on test day, and answer a few
optional questions unless their parents have opted their student out. They will also have
an opportunity to receive scores and other educational information on the BigFuture
School mobile application (if they’re eligible).
Technical Readiness
Consult with your technology sta to make the digital readiness check a useful technical
dry run and avoid delays on test day.
See Best Practices: Devices, Rooms, and Timing on page 13 for guidance on
approximating test day conditions.
When students sign in to Bluebook, the app checks their device to make sure it meets
operating system, memory, and space requirements. To take full advantage of the digital
readiness check, make sure students have a device that will be used on test day.
Students can test on these devices:
Personal and school-managed Windows and Mac laptops and desktops
School-managed Chromebooks
Personal and school-managed iPads and Windows tablets
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check Before the Digital Readiness Check
About Managed Devices
Use the digital readiness check to make sure Bluebook is installed on managed devices
properly. If it isn’t, ask technology sta to correct the problem.
Managed devices can be assigned to students one-to-one or shared (from a laptop cart or in
a computer lab, for example).
If students will test on school-managed devices, students should use those devices for the
digital readiness check. Note: Students don’t need to use the same shared device on test day.
Go to cb.org/bluebook-deployment for complete device specs and installation instructions.
Work with technology sta ahead of time so you can gauge network readiness during the
digital readiness check. You’ll be able to conrm:
How many students can be assigned to each testing room
If personal devices can access the internet
IMPORTANT: Proper network conguration and good room choices can prevent many test day 
issues that keep students from testing.
Send technology sta to cb.org/bluebook-networks for bandwidth and conguration
Before the Digital Readiness Check
Make your digital readiness check as useful as possible by thinking ahead about devices,
rooms, timing, stang, and activities.
Best Practices: Devices, Rooms, and Timing
To get the most accurate assessment of your technical readiness, work with technology sta
to simulate test day conditions.
Use the same devices students will use on test day.
If students will test on a personal device or a one-to-one managed device, make sure
they bring that device to the digital readiness check.
If students will test on shared, school-managed devices, make sure they’re given one
of the devices that will be used on test day.
Use the same rooms that will be used on test day.
Schedule sessions with as many simultaneous test takers as on test day.
Ask technology sta these questions about test day:
Should students take the test on personal devices, school-managed devices, or either?
When can Bluebook be deployed to school-managed devices (if applicable)?
Do we have a guest network students can use to access the internet on personal devices
(if applicable)?
Did I choose testing rooms with the best internet speed?
Do you have a plan to adjust network conguration before test day—including any
content lters or security applications used to control network trac?
It’s not always possible to schedule sessions in a way that mirrors your testing schedule.
Schools have exibility and can consider other options. For example, schools with many
test takers might choose to stagger sessions across days or during homeroom, English
classes, or free/reading periods.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check Preparation Checklist
The test coordinator should be available during the digital readiness check to assist with
any questions. Depending on when and how a school chooses to administer the readiness
check, the test coordinator may need to prepare sta to assist. Sta do not need access to
Test Day Toolkit to facilitate a digital readiness check. The sta administering the digital
readiness check do not have to be the same sta that serve as proctors on test day.
If the readiness check will occur in multiple rooms simultaneously, additional sta
will be needed to monitor student device readiness and to record any issues that will
require follow up.
If the readiness check will be staggered and groups of students can come to a
single room throughout the day, the test coordinator can manage the event and record
the issues for follow up.
Please see Technical Troubleshooting on page 18 for how to follow up on any issues
encountered during the readiness check.
IMPORTANT: If your school will be holding the digital readiness check in multiple rooms 
simultaneously, you may want to consider setting up a help room for students that encounter
persistent issues that keep them from advancing in the digital readiness check. This could be 
staed by the technology monitor (if this role has been assigned).
Two Ways to Practice: Test Preview or Full-Length Practice
As part of the digital readiness check, have your students complete either a test preview or
a full-length practice test.
If you want students to take a full-length practice test, budget 3 hours for the digital
readiness check.
Make sure students sign in to Bluebook with the info from their sign-in tickets (not with
a College Board account). They’ll nd test previews and full-length practice tests under
Practice and Prepare on the Bluebook homepage.
IMPORTANT: Students don’t need room codes or start codes for practice or preview. Proctors do 
not use Test Day Toolkit during the digital readiness check.
Test Preview: The test preview is a short set of questions that students can go through to
get a sense of how testing works in Bluebook. Students do not get a score or any feedback
on their answers.
Full-Length Practice: These tests are scored so students can see where they need to focus
their study. Full-length practice tests are timed just like real tests, except that users can
pause any time.
After they complete a practice test, students can use their sign-in tickets to access
My Practice where they can see their scores.
Preparation Checklist
The test coordinator is responsible for ensuring the digital readiness check runs as
smoothly as possible and will need to plan ahead to ensure the school and the sta
administering the readiness check are ready.
To prepare for the readiness check, the test coordinator will need to complete the steps
outlined in the checklist that follows.
¨ Work with the SSD coordinator to ensure accommodation requests are submitted by the
deadline. Any requests for new accommodations or accommodation changes need to be
submitted by February 16, 2024.
¨ Work with the SSD coordinator to conrm students are matched to their correct
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check Preparation Checklist
¨ The test coordinator and SSD coordinator must validate that the Test Day Toolkit roster for
your school is complete and correct, as well as contains each student’s accommodations
as approved in SSD Online.
Complete the device and network tasks that apply to your school:
¨ Ask technology sta to install Bluebook on school-managed devices before the digital
readiness check.
¨ Make sure the shared, school-managed devices students will use on test day are
available for the session.
¨ Tell students to bring the devices they’ll use on test day. Tip: To avoid potential delays
due to simultaneous Bluebook updates, ask students to open Bluebook on their own a
day or 2 before the digital readiness check so it can auto-update if needed. They don’t
need to sign in.
¨ Make sure accessibility features are enabled for students who need them.
¨ If your school is using Chromebooks and your students need accessibility
features or your students haven’t tested in kiosk mode before, make sure
you and your sta are prepared to help them. Guidance is available at
¨ Make sure the guest network is ready, and you know the password.
¨ Conrm technology sta congured the network to allow all necessary trac.
Schedule Sessions and Reserve Rooms
¨ Work with administration to reserve time before test day for the digital readiness check.
Conrm there are no conicting planned events at the school.
Decide what time of day students will complete the readiness check.
Work with sta on instructions for supporting the readiness check.
Make sure your technology monitor and proctors can attend.
If needed, reserve rooms you’ll use for the readiness check.
Due to the short length of the readiness check, students should not require access to
electricity unless you’re planning to have your students complete a full-length practice test.
Students and Parents/Guardians
¨ Notify students and parents/guardians about the digital readiness check. They’ll need to
know that:
If your students will test on personal devices or school-managed devices assigned to
them one-to-one, they need to bring those devices from home.
If students will use school-managed devices that are shared or remain at the school, they
may complete the readiness check with any of the devices that will be used for testing.
¨ Provide parents/guardians with the opportunity to opt their student out of providing optional
information during the digital readiness check. An Opt Out Form and accompanying
Guidance Document are located on michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
¨ Have students review the testing rules and student guide for the relevant assessment
with their parents/guardians. All student guides, which include the testing rules,
are found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check Preparation Checklist
¨ Print sign-in tickets for students. They use these tickets to access Bluebook during the
digital readiness check and on test day. Print two sets of tickets—one for the digital
readiness check that can be given to students to take home to complete practice in
Bluebook, if desired, and one for test day. A fresh sign-in ticket must be used for test
day to ensure students haven’t written notes or content on the tickets.
Follow these steps to print sign-in tickets:
1. Sign in to Test Day Toolkit.
2. Click Bluebook Sign-In Tickets and Data Export on the homepage.
3. Go to the Print Tickets tab to print the PDF.
The PDF will include a sign-in ticket with unique credentials for each student on
your roster.
There are 4 tickets per page.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the single-sided print option is selected.
4. Cut sign-in tickets, sort them by room, and add them to your room kits.
IMPORTANT:For SAT School Day, students are able to use their sign-in ticket credentials to update 
their free score send elections up to 3 days after test day. Students may take home their sign-in 
tickets after testing provided that the proctor has checked them for any test content. If a student 
wrote on the sign-in ticket they should not take it home. The proctor can copy the sign-in credentials 
for the student on a spare sheet of scratch paper or ask the test coordinator to print a new ticket.
Room Kits
¨ Assemble kits for sta. The kits are optional, but it is helpful for sta to be provided with:
A list of students assigned to each proctor’s testing room, if not taking place during
an existing class period.
Each student’s unique sign-in ticket.
Network information (with Wi-Fi and login for anyone bringing in outside devices or
who doesn’t normally access the school network).
Guidance to sta on managing the digital readiness check, including:
MDE’s recommendation that students whose parents opted them out of the
optional questions should complete their digital readiness check in a room
separate from other students
How to report issues to you and the technology sta so they can be resolved
prior to test day
Pages and sections from this guide related to the digital readiness check
IMPORTANT: Sta do not need access to Test Day Toolkit to facilitate a digital readiness 
check. No room codes or start codes are needed.
IMPORTANT: If your school is testing any homeschooled students, the test coordinator may 
want to provide sign-in tickets to the homeschooled students so they can complete digital 
readiness activities on their own (if they are not able to complete the digital readiness check 
when the school performs it prior to test day).
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check During the Digital Readiness Check
During the Digital Readiness Check
The test coordinator should be available during the digital readiness check to make sure
sta have what they need and to assist with any questions.
IMPORTANT: Do not use Test Day Toolkit or share codes during the digital readiness check.
1. Distribute Devices and Sign-In Tickets
As students arrive in the classroom, the proctor should direct them to their seats. As with
test day, students who arrive together should not be seated together. When all students are
seated, distribute testing devices and sign-in tickets.
2. Signing In to Bluebook
The sign-in tickets you distribute are unique to each student, and they’ll use them to
complete the digital readiness check.
How to sign in: When students open Bluebook, they’ll see 2 ways to sign in—with
a College Board account or using the sign-in ticket. Even if your students have
College Board accounts, they must sign in using the info on their sign-in ticket or they
won’t be able to access their test.
Once students sign in, they’ll nd their tests listed under Your Tests and any
accommodations will be listed there. Students should conrm their accommodations are
right and let the proctor know if they are incorrect.
3. Test Your Device
When students are signing in to Bluebook, they’ll see a button at the top right of their
screens that reads Test Your Device. Have them click this, and Bluebook will quickly check
that their device meets all requirements.
4. Exam Setup
After students sign in to Bluebook, they’ll complete a quick exam setup. Students will nd
their test listed under Your Tests, then select Start Exam Setup to go through the screens.
Students must complete exam setup before they can test.
Detailed information about the exam setup screens students in your state will see will be
posted on michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
5. Test Preview
After students complete exam setup, have them take a test preview. The test preview is a
short set of questions that students can go through to get a sense of how testing works
in Bluebook. On the Bluebook homepage, students can select Test Preview from under
Practice and Prepare.
Test previews are untimed. Ensure you leave enough time to allow students to try out all the
testing tools, and if they will use assistive technology to test, they should use it here, too.
Students do not get a score or any feedback on their answers.
Once all students have tested their device requirements, completed exam setup, and spent
some time exploring the test preview, the digital readiness check is complete.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Digital Readiness Check Technical Troubleshooting
Technical Troubleshooting
A Student’s Device Doesn’t Meet Requirements
If a problem is identied when a student clicks Test Your Device, Bluebook will suggest a
remedy. If it’s not possible for the technology coordinator or technology monitor to x the
issue during the session and other devices are available, give the student one.
A Student Cant Reach the Bluebook Sign-In Screen
If Bluebook doesn’t open properly, try the following xes in order:
1. Make sure the student opened the correct digital testing application. They should click
the Star icon to open Bluebook.
2. Check the student’s internet connection by opening a browser and navigating to
collegeboard.org. If they’re not connected, refer to A Student Can’t Connect to the
Internet below.
3. Switch to a backup device with Bluebook installed, if available.
4. Reinstall Bluebook if possible. Students using personal devices can download Bluebook
again at bluebook.app.collegeboard.org.
5. If students had trouble using Bluebook on their personal device or a managed device
assigned to them one-to-one, make sure they get help from technology sta before test day.
Bluebook Can’t Update to the Latest Version
If a student’s device can’t update to the latest version of Bluebook, try the following steps:
1. Make sure the student can access the internet by asking them to go to
collegeboard.org. If they can’t reach this site, refer to A Student Can’t Connect to the
Internet below.
2. If they’re using a personal Mac or iPad, ask them to check their device settings to
make sure automatic updates are turned on. After setting their device to auto-update,
they’ll need to go to Bluebook Exams in the app store at apps.apple.com/us/app/
bluebook-for-students-mac/id1645016851 and select Open.
3. If the student is using a school-managed device, your test coordinator should ask for
help from school or district technology sta. It’s possible auto-updates are prevented.
4. Switch to a backup device if available.
A Student Cant Connect to the Internet
If only some students have an issue, check their internet connection:
Make sure their device is not in airplane mode and has Wi-Fi turned on.
Make sure they’re signed in to the right network with the right password.
Give them a backup device with Bluebook installed, if available.
If no one in the room can connect, school or district technology sta should make sure
trac to and from the domains listed at cb.org/bluebook-networks can bypass any
security appliances and software.
A Student Cant Sign In or Their Test Isn’t Listed
Make sure the student clicked the rst sign-in button when they opened Bluebook and
entered the credentials on their sign-in ticket.
If students signed in with their College Board account instead, they should sign out, click
the rst button, and use the credentials on their ticket to sign in again.
If students made 10 failed attempts to sign in with the credentials on their sign-in ticket,
they’ll be locked out for 5 minutes. After another 10 failed attempts, they’ll be locked out for
25 minutes. Finally, if the student has 10 more failed attempts, they’ll be locked out until
their test coordinator contacts College Board.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day On Test Day
Test Day
On Test Day
This chapter covers everything you’ll need to know about test day procedures. Read it ahead
of time and use it on test day.
Test Security
To keep scores valid and provide a standardized testing experience, it is critical that all test
security policies and procedures are followed. Each section below provides new and revised
digital testing standardized procedures.
Test Day Timing
Assessments in the digital SAT Suite of Assessments have 2 sections—Reading and
Writing, and Math—with a break in between. For students testing with standard time,
each section is about an hour with a 10-minute break between sections.
Students taking the SAT with Essay in Michigan will also take the Essay, which adds an
additional hour to the total testing time.
If schools didn’t administer a digital readiness check for students before test day, proctors
should allow an additional 30 minutes to administer the digital readiness check to students
on test day before starting the test. Instructions for administering the digital readiness check
are included in Digital Readiness Check on page 12.
Test Day Oversight
Test coordinators supervise all test day activities, making sure sta have everything they need.
Sign In to Test Day Toolkit
Keep in mind the following:
You may grant full access to sta 1 day prior to the beginning of the testing window.
You don’t need to turn full access on and o during the testing window.
You should immediately remove access for any sta who don’t need it, including sta no
longer employed by your school or district.
Test Day Morning
If you haven’t already, organize these proctor supplies:
A copy of the Wi-Fi name and password for each proctor.
1 sheet of scratch paper per student (plus extra scratch paper for students who request
more during testing).
A sign-in ticket for each student.
Recommended: Power strips, surge protectors, extension cords, or laptop carts for
charging (prioritize extended time testing rooms).
Testing devices for students (if applicable).
Recommended: If provided, a printed seating chart. (The 2-page PDF is available to
download at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat. The rst page contains
important instructions for test coordinators. Proctors in large testing rooms may need
more than 1 chart.) Seating charts may be helpful if an irregularity occurs that requires
additional follow-up, but are not required due to the security of digital testing.
For some students taking the SAT School Day, PSAT
10, or PSAT
8/9 with
English learner (EL) supports, printed copies of translated test directions (available at
michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat) or approved word-to-word dictionaries.
IMPORTANT: If your school is providing testing devices, make sure Bluebook is installed and the 
devices are fully charged.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Test Day Oversight
Prepare your testing spaces and sta:
Post directional signs to the testing rooms, help room, break area,
and restrooms (if necessary).
Make sure all testing sta have a device with access to Test Day Toolkit.
If your school is supporting homeschooled students, make sure the local network is
accessible to them or there is a public network they can join.
Make sure outlets are available in rooms reserved for extended time testing in case
students need to charge their device(s).
If possible, reserve a room for students who arrive late, after the proctor reads the
script in their assigned testing room. If you don’t have a late room, late arrivals should
be rescheduled for another time in the testing window. Let proctors know if you have a
late room and what they should do in case of a late arrival.
Supporting Your Sta
For a successful test day, decide how to facilitate breaks and communication:
Plan a break schedule for sta as needed, making sure testing rooms and hallways are
always monitored.
Set up a signaling system so sta can communicate with each other quickly.
Hold a brief meeting with testing sta, before students arrive to share last-minute
instructions. Be sure to:
Let proctors know the test timing for the students in their room.
Distribute supplies.
Remind sta to use power strips, surge protectors, and extension cords safely.
Let sta know where the help room and late room (if you have one) are located.
Remind sta that all policies and procedures shared in this guide are required to be followed.
Remind sta that students are not to be left without adult supervision in the testing room.
Tell sta to connect to Wi-Fi and sign in to Test Day Toolkit.
Make sure proctors and hall monitors have access to all the resources they need and
have read the Proctor Manual and Hall Monitor Test Day Guide, respectively, available
at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat. Technology monitors should read the
Technical Troubleshooting Guide.
Monitoring Test Day Activity
To keep things running smoothly throughout test day:
Minimize distractions and limit access to the testing area.
Work with the technology monitor to troubleshoot technical issues covered in the
Technical Troubleshooting Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Watch for irregularities.
Only allow testing sta and students into the testing area.
When all testing is nished, make sure to collect all materials from your proctors, including
scratch paper, sign-in tickets (in cases of early dismissal or rule violations), and seating charts
(if used). Keep these on hand for 30 days as they may be needed for test security investigations.
Your school may encounter problems on test day. We are here to help.
Refer to the Retesting and Irregularities Guide (found at michigan.gov/mme and
michigan.gov/psat) for a comprehensive overview of the IR submission process.
Call us immediately if testing is interrupted for more than half of students for more than
10 minutes or you have any concerns about test security. If you need to close your school on
your intended test date, you can reschedule testing for another day in the window. Although
schools can use exible start times, sta should start early enough to allow students with
extended time to complete the test within standard school hours.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Technical Troubleshooting for Testing Room Sta
If sta members make a mistake that disrupts the students’ testing experience, students
violate the rules or leave early for any reason, or if technical problems occur, use Test Day
Toolkit to report an irregularity. See Responding to Problems on page 22 for details on
handling and reporting anything that goes wrong.
Technical Troubleshooting
for Testing Room Sta
You can send students with technical issues to the help room at any time, but we
recommend doing so in the following cases:
Helping the student takes too much of your time and attention.
You want to avoid distracting students who are testing successfully.
None of the troubleshooting steps listed below resolve the issue.
Students should be sent to the test coordinator or designated sta member to help in
these cases:
You don’t have a sign-in ticket for them or the credentials on their sign-in ticket don’t work.
The test isn’t listed on their homepage.
There’s an issue with their accommodations.
The student’s name or date of birth is incorrect in Bluebook.
IMPORTANT: Report an irregularity if you resolve the issue but a student’s testing was 
interrupted for more than 1 minute.
None of Your Students Can Start
If none of your students can start the exam, make sure you read the correct 6-digit start code and
wrote it on the board accurately. If that’s not the issue, contact the technology monitor or the test
coordinator. They may need to work with your school’s technology coordinator and tech support.
A Student Cant Reach the Bluebook Sign-In Screen
Make sure the student opened the right digital testing app. They should click the Star
icon to open Bluebook.
Check the student’s internet connection by opening a browser and navigating to
collegeboard.org. Make sure their device’s Wi-Fi is turned on and airplane mode is
turned o.
You can also switch to a backup device with Bluebook installed if one is available.
A Student Cant Sign In or Their Test Isn’t Listed
Make sure the student clicked the top sign-in button, labeled Use a sign-in ticket from your
school, when they opened Bluebook and that they used the credentials on their sign-in ticket.
If they signed in with their College Board account instead, they should sign out, click the
top sign-in button, and use their ticket to sign in again.
If students made 10 failed attempts to sign in with the credentials on their sign-in ticket,
they’ll be locked out for 5 minutes. After another 10 failed attempts, they’ll be locked out for
25 minutes. Finally, if the student has 10 more failed attempts, they’ll be locked out until
their test coordinator contacts College Board.
A Student Cant Start Timed Testing
Students who aren’t on the start code screen may just need to complete Bluebook check-in.
If the student is on the start code screen, try the following xes in order:
1. Reenter the start code.
2. Make sure the student is marked present on the Test Day Toolkit Attendance page.
3. Restart the device and open Bluebook again.
4. Switch to a backup device with Bluebook installed, if available.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Responding to Problems
If Most Students Are Ready to Start
Consider referring the student to the help room so testing can begin for everyone else without further
delay. The student can start testing in their testing room after their problem is resolved; if they need
to read the verbal instructions rst, they can open them on the Bluebook start code screen.
A Student’s Testing Is Interrupted
Try the following xes in order:
1. Exit Bluebook, close applications running in the background, and sign in again.
2. Restart the device.
3. Follow the instructions below to complete a device swap if backup devices are available.
IMPORTANT: Most issues are resolved by restarting Bluebook or the testing device—and since 
answers are saved to the testing device, students can pick up where they left o.
How to Complete a Device Swap
If the student has not entered the start code, you can give them a new device without
completing these steps.
IMPORTANT: Use a device swap during timed testing only. Never use it after a student completes the 
entire test—their answers could be lost.
If a backup device is available and a student can’t continue testing on their original device,
complete these steps:
1. Tell the student to open Bluebook on the new device, sign in, and click Resume Testing on
their homepage. A pop-up window will tell them their proctor must approve the device swap.
2. Open the student’s prole page by clicking the student’s name on the Test Day Toolkit
monitoring dashboard and then clicking the Approve Device Swap button.
3. When the student clicks Resume Testing Now, they’ll be returned to the question they
last viewed.
Responding to Problems
Use Test Day Toolkit to report irregularities. In a few cases, we want test coordinators to call us as
soon as possible. Testing sta may approach you on test day with issues related to irregularities.
The MDE indicates that parents of students under 18 should be informed if an irregularity occurs
that would require a retest. The retesting decision should be made in conjunction with the parent.
For detailed guidance and instructions for submission of IRs in Test Day Toolkit, refer to the
Retesting and Irregularities Guide found at michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Good to Know
If students are unable to start the test, make sure they signed in to Bluebook with the
information on their sign-in ticket.
Irregularity reports completed by the proctor or monitors are routed to the test coordinator
for review before submission to College Board.
Don’t report unscheduled student breaks unless they’re excessive and suspicious.
When students are dismissed, their scratch paper must be collected. Make sure students
return any sheets of scratch paper they were given with their name on each sheet. If a
student returns a ripped, torn, or partial sheet of scratch paper, ask them to return all pieces.
If the student refuses, report an irregularity. Test coordinators should keep all scratch paper
for 30 days in case of any test security investigations.
When proctors dismiss students, they should check their sign-in tickets for any writing
that could be copied test content. If a sign-in ticket contains test content, the proctor should
collect the ticket, submit an IR, and give the ticket to the test coordinator.
Test coordinators can call us when they need help resolving problems, even if a call is
not required.
Students can plug into available outlets if they need to.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Responding to Problems
How to Respond to Problems
When to Call Us
Test coordinators must call us as soon as possible if:
They have any concerns about test security.
Testing for more than half of students is interrupted for more than 10 minutes.
If a school closure prevents testing as planned, the test coordinator should reschedule
for another day within the testing window. All testing should be scheduled as early in
the window as possible to ensure that testing can be completed by April 26. Testing after
April 26 is not possible.
Rule Violations
Follow the instructions for early dismissal and reporting irregularities in Next Steps on
page 24 if students try to gain an unfair advantage, disturb others, talk during the break,
or refuse to follow instructions. If other students were disrupted and you want to retest
them, complete a separate IR for those students (see Disturbances and Interruptions below).
Proctors should collect any scratch paper, sign-in tickets, or other materials containing
copied test content and hand them over to the test coordinator.
If youre not sure a student deliberately violated a rule, you can give them a warning.
If a student takes excessive breaks, ask them why and where they’re going and make sure
they leave their testing device, scratch paper, and other items in the room. Provide this
information in the irregularity report.
Early Departure
Students should stay until their testing time is up, but if they need to leave early, follow the
instructions for early dismissal and reporting irregularities in Next Steps on page 24.
Technical Problems
For troubleshooting guidance, see Technical Troubleshooting for Testing Room Sta on
page 21. Follow the instructions for reporting irregularities in Next Steps on page 24.
Disturbances and Interruptions
In the event of any interruption, don’t let students talk or access the prohibited devices. If
students must leave the room, monitor them and secure their testing devices. If testing is
disrupted for more than half of students, call us.
Use Test Day Toolkit to report any disturbance or interruption that lasts longer than
1 minute or gives them a chance to discuss test content. Get instructions for reporting
irregularities in Next Steps on page 24.
Approved Accommodations Not Given
Ask the student if they want to continue testing without the approved accommodations or
stop testing. In either case, submit an IR. If the student stops testing, they may be eligible
for a retest with parental approval. Follow instructions for early dismissal in Next Steps on
page 24.
Unapproved Accommodations Given
Tell the student to stop testing. Follow the instructions for early dismissal and reporting
irregularities in Next Steps on page 24.
Test Question Issues
If a student thinks something’s wrong with a test question, note the section, module, and
question number. Tell them to continue testing, answering as best they can, and remind
them there’s no penalty for guessing.
Ask them to see you after the test so you can report the problem to College Board. Wait until
other students nish testing before talking to the student.
Get instructions for reporting irregularities in Next Steps on page 24.
These problem-solving 
tips are meant to help the
testing sta respond to 
problems in the testing
room on test day. Detailed 
guidance can be found 
in the Retesting and
Irregularities Guide found 
at michigan.gov/mme
and michigan.gov/psat.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Responding to Problems
Next Steps
Early Dismissal
All students must stay for their entire testing time except in cases of illness or rule
violations. To dismiss a student early, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the student’s page in Test Day Toolkit.
2. Check the student’s testing status and tell them to exit Bluebook if their status is not
Exited, Submission Pending, or Submitted.
3. Collect their scratch paper and check their sign-in ticket for test content.
4. Click Undo Check-In in Test Day Toolkit.
5. Submit an IR.
If a student leaves without talking to you rst, try to follow this procedure. If they left
belongings behind, give them to your test coordinator.
IMPORTANT:Students must stay until their testing time runs out unless they get sick or violate a rule.
Reporting Irregularities
To report irregularities, navigate to the Irregularities page in Test Day Toolkit and choose
between a retest form and a report-only form.
Select the students involved, answer the questions, and submit the report. Sta reports are
routed to the test coordinator before they’re submitted to College Board.
Additional Information
Unfair Advantage
Examples of violations that give students an unfair advantage include:
Accessing or using prohibited devices or aids
Viewing nontest content or accessing other applications on their device
Switching devices or seats without permission
Giving or receiving test content
Device and Aid Access During Testing
Students may not access other applications or programs on their testing device before
leaving the testing room. During testing, students can access the permitted items listed
below. Everything else is prohibited, unless a student has an approved accommodation that
requires it.
Items Permitted During Testing
1 testing device
1 calculator (calculator covers must be kept under students’ desks)
External mouse
Mouse pad
External keyboard for tablets (students taking the SAT Essay may also use an external
keyboard with laptops or Chromebooks)
Scratch paper and sign-in information provided by the proctor
Pen or pencil
For students taking the SAT, PSAT 10, or PSAT 8/9, translated test directions or
approved word-to-word dictionary, if applicable
Power cord (must be kept under students’ desks)
Portable chargers (must be kept under students’ desks)
Backup testing device (must be kept under students’ desks)
Backup calculator or batteries (must be kept under students’ desks)
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Student Accommodations
Items Permitted During Breaks
If students leave the room during the scheduled break, they can take their snack and drink
with them. They can also access hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies during breaks.
Prohibited Items
Unless students have a College Board–approved accommodation, they can’t access these
items during the test or breaks:
Phones, smartwatches, or other electronic devices (except their testing device)
Detachable privacy screens
External keyboards for use with laptops or Chromebooks (except for students taking the
SAT Essay)
Notes, books, or any other reference materials (translated test directions and word-to-
word dictionaries are permitted for SAT School Day, PSAT 10, and PSAT 8/9 test takers
using EL supports)
Scratch paper not provided by the proctor
Headphones, earbuds, or earplugs
Any camera, recording device, or separate timer
Student Accommodations
There may be students testing at your school with approved accommodations. Your Test
Day Toolkit student roster lists accommodation information for each student. While creating
testing rooms that include students with dierent timings is allowed, it is not recommended as
it can create classroom disruptions with students being on dierent break and time schedules.
IMPORTANT: The following policies for assigning students to testing rooms dier from those for 
paper testing.
For a comprehensive overview of accommodated testing, including how to administer
the test on paper to approved students, refer to the Accommodations Guide, found at
michigan.gov/mme and michigan.gov/psat.
Testing Groups
You might have students with accommodations who require testing in separate rooms. Test
Day Toolkit includes several dierent group types, which involve combinations of timing
and other accommodations that can be tested together.
In some cases where students were not preassigned to a testing room in Test Day
Toolkit, students in dierent testing groups may test in the same room, although this is
not recommended.
Students taking the SAT with Essay, PSAT 10, or PSAT 8/9 with an extended time EL
support may also test with students with a time and one-half extended time accommodation.
Students approved for extended time for reading will receive that extended time on all
sections of the test. Students with extended time also receive extra breaks between modules.
For all testing groups, students can’t move to the next test module or submit their answers
until their time is up. They are also required to stay for their entire approved test time and
can’t be checked out before Bluebook ends the test. If students have time to spare, they
should use it to review their work.
All testing groups may include students with the following accommodations.
Accommodated Breaks
Students with a break accommodation can take longer or additional breaks without losing
testing time (the clock stops). Extended and extra breaks, as well as nutrition breaks,
are automatically applied in Bluebook; students can’t shorten or skip the breaks they’re
approved for.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Student Accommodations
IMPORTANT: Students in the same group type (for example, S1) may be timed dierently if 
students have unlike break times. To minimize disruptions and students testing on varying 
schedules, you may want to work with the SSD coordinator to organize students in rooms with 
similar break times instead of relying only on group types.
Break accommodations include:
Extra breaks: Students are provided additional breaks at specied times.
Extended breaks: Students will have as many breaks as students with standard time but
breaks will be twice as long.
Breaks as needed: Students may break during a test section when they need to. They
click a button to pause their test in Bluebook.
Nutrition break: Students approved for some extended time accommodations will
also receive a 20-minute break instead of a 10-minute break between the Reading and
Writing and Math sections.
Small-Group Testing
If you have students approved for small-group testing, small-group rooms shouldn’t have
more than 15 students. If any student approved for small-group testing is assigned to a
room with more than 15 students, move them to a smaller room.
Test coordinators can adjust the number of students allowed, depending on student needs
and the size of the room.
Permission to Test Blood Sugar
Students approved to test blood sugar may do so at any time during the test. Approval to
test blood sugar doesn’t include permission to use a mobile phone.
Students who use a mobile phone to check their blood sugar must have College Board
approval to have their mobile phone in the testing room for use with a continuous glucose
monitor (CGM). Only students who are specically approved may do this. No other device
may be connected to the phone.
In no case may a student keep their phone with them. The phone should be kept at the
proctor’s desk. Before testing starts, they should conrm with the student what actions are
needed if theres a notication.
If the student is using an iPhone, the phone must be in guided access mode.
If the student is using an Android phone, the phone must be in airplane mode. (If
needed to check their blood sugar, the phone may be taken o airplane mode when
the student is accessing the share app, under direct supervision of the proctor, and
reengaged following use.)
In either case, the camera feature must be disabled. Bluetooth may be enabled, but only
to connect the phone’s share app to the CGM for blood glucose monitoring.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Test Day Student Accommodations
Digital Testing Features
Many students who use accommodations for paper testing will use digital testing features
instead. For example, students approved for large print or magnication will use keyboard
controls to zoom in and zoom out (e.g., Ctrl +/- or Command +/-). Those who use a color
overlay will use color contrast. These features are available to all students and don’t require
approval to use.
Permission for Food/Medication During Testing
Some students may have approval to eat, drink, or access medication during testing. Only
students with this approved accommodation can keep snacks, drinks, and medications on
their desks. All other students should keep these items under their desks. Students with
this accommodation can access these items at any point during the test, not just breaks.
Preferential Seating
Test Day Toolkit will indicate where students approved for preferential seating should sit
(e.g., “near door” or “front of room”).
Sign Language Interpreter
Students who are deaf or hard of hearing may be approved to have an interpreter translate
the spoken instructions. Seat these students so they can easily see the interpreter. Sign
language interpreters should only sign spoken instructions from the proctor; they are not
permitted to sign test questions. A sign language interpreter must be able to eectively sign
instructions to the student and voice the student’s signing to the proctor. They should not
have access to student testing devices at any time.
Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals
Schools should follow their district policies regarding service animals and emotional
support animals. If allowed by school/district policy, the SSD coordinator must request this
accommodation in SSD Online and receive approval for the student to be allowed to have the
animal in the testing room.
Written Copy of Verbal Instructions
Students may be approved for access to written instructions of the script the proctor reads
out loud. All students will be able to access these instructions in Bluebook by going to the
Help page and clicking Verbal Instructions. They are also available on the start code screen.
Assistive Technology
If you have students approved for testing with a screen reader, dictation, or other assistive
technology, go to satsuite.collegeboard.org/digital/accommodations-digital-testing/
assistive-technology. You’ll nd information about approved assistive technology that
students will use while testing with Bluebook. Some assistive technology may require
special conguration before test day. It’s important that students try a test preview or full-
length practice test using their assistive technology in Bluebook prior to taking the test.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
After the Test Retesting and Irregularities
After the Test
After you’ve successfully administered the test, there are still a few key tasks for you
to complete.
Retesting and Irregularities
After testing is completed, you and your sta may need to report irregularities and prepare
for retests. Please refer to the Retesting and Irregularities Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme
and michigan.gov/psat, for comprehensive instructions.
What to Do with Materials
For digital testing, you will have a small amount of materials to care for after your
administration is nished. Your proctors will return to you scratch paper, sign-in tickets (from
students suspected in rule violations), and seating charts (if used). Keep the scratch paper
and sign-in tickets on hand for 30 days in case they are needed for security investigations.
Keep any seating charts on hand for 3 years.
For students testing with paper or alternate test formats, follow the instructions for returning
materials to College Board in the Paper Testing Guide, found at michigan.gov/mme and
michigan.gov/psat. For any remaining materials, including any tracking information for
return shipments, keep them on hand for 3 years.
When you dispose of materials that are no longer required, use a paper shredder or another
secure disposal method.
Sharing Scores
When scores for the SAT Suite of Assessments are released, schools will need to let their
students know there are multiple ways to view their scores. As part of school day testing,
students will not be contacted by College Board directly unless they’re using the BigFuture
School mobile app to receive their scores.
A downloadable score report PDF called “Your Score Report” is provided for every test taker.
Schools have access to the downloadable score report PDFs for their students through the
online K–12 score reporting portal. Students can review their PDF score report with educators
at their school, and students who chose to participate in BigFuture School by providing a
mobile phone number during testing can also view their scores on the BigFuture School app.
In addition, all students may access score information through MDE’s MiLearn reporting
system through their school information system. If you are unfamiliar with MiLearn, contact
the MDE OEAA at [email protected]v.
As always, students age 13 and older may use their personal College Board student account
to view additional insights online.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
After the Test Sharing Scores
Introducing BigFuture School and Connections
BigFuture School is a free mobile app for students age 13 and older who take the SAT
School Day, PSAT 10, or PSAT/NMSQT
in the United States. It’s designed for students to
use to get their test scores quickly, get help on planning for college and career, and learn
about nancial aid and scholarships.
Students may also have the opportunity to opt in to Connections
—a feature that allows
them to hear from nonprot colleges and scholarship programs that may be a good match.
Connections puts privacy rst. No personal information is shared with institutions unless a
student directly chooses to do so.
Students will not be able to participate in BigFuture School or Connections if their parents
have opted out. Parents must be provided the opportunity to opt their student out of
providing optional information during the digital readiness check.
Students who choose not to download the BigFuture School app or who don’t have a mobile
phone can still access their scores and planning information. Educators will continue to
receive PDF score reports for all assessments they administer, which must be shared with
students. As always, students age 13 and older can log in to their personal College Board
accounts at studentscores.collegeboard.org to get additional insights about their scores
and explore BigFuture.
If your students provided a mobile phone number when they tested, they can download the
BigFuture School mobile app and they’ll get a notication in the app telling them when their
scores are available to view.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Appendix Acceptable Calculators
Acceptable Calculators
Students will have access to an embedded calculator in Bluebook for use on the Math
section, but they’re also allowed to bring their own handheld calculator on test day. The
following calculators are acceptable for use. This list doesn’t include every calculator model.
All scientic calculators, which can perform complex mathematical functions but don’t
have a graphing feature, are acceptable.
All 4-function calculators are acceptable but not recommended.
FX-6000 series
FX-6200 series
FX-6300 series
FX-6500 series
FX-7000 series
FX-7300 series
FX-7400 series
FX-7500 series
FX-7700 series
FX-7800 series
FX-8000 series
FX-8500 series
FX-8700 series
FX-8800 series
FX-9700 series
FX-9750 series
FX-9860 series
CFX-9800 series
CFX-9850 series
CFX-9950 series
CFX-9970 series
FX 1.0 series
Algebra FX 2.0 series
FX-CG-20 series
FX-CG-500 (Using the stylus
is not permitted.)
Graph25 series
Graph35 series
Graph75 series
Graph95 series
Graph100 series
HP-28 series
HP-39 series
HP-40 series
HP-48 series
HP-49 series
HP-50 series
HP Prime
EL-9200 series
EL-9300 series
EL-9600 series (Using the
stylus is not permitted.)
EL-9900 series
TI-83/TI-83 Plus
TI-83 Plus Silver
TI-84 Plus
TI-84 Plus CE
TI-84 Plus Silver
TI-84 Plus C Silver
TI-84 Plus CE-T
TI-84 Plus T
TI-84 Plus CE Python
TI-84 Plus CE-T Python
TI-89 Titanium
TI-Nspire CX
TI-Nspire CM-C
TI-Nspire CAS
TI-Nspire CX CAS
TI-Nspire CM-C CAS
TI-Nspire CX-C CAS
TI-Nspire CX II
TI-Nspire CX II-T
Datexx DS-883
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Appendix Bluebook Testing Tools
Bluebook Testing Tools
Bluebook makes the following tools available to all students, including those testing with or
without accommodations or supports:
Testing Timer: A timer will let students know how much time is remaining in each part
of the test. They can hide it until 5 minutes remain, then they’ll get an alert.
Calculator: For tests with math questions, the app has a built-in calculator. Students
can drag it anywhere on the screen.
Reference Sheet: A reference sheet with commonly used formulas will appear on all
tests with math questions.
Annotate: Students will use the annotate tool to highlight text from a question or leave
themselves a note.
Mark for Review: Students will use the bookmark icon to ag any question they want to
come back to.
Option Eliminator: Students can cross out answer choices they think are wrong. They
can undo this if they change their mind.
Question Menu: Students can see which questions they skipped or marked for review,
and navigate to any question in the section.
Zoom: Students can use keyboard shortcuts on laptops or pinch and zoom on tablets to
get a closer look at any part of the question.
Spring 2024 SAT Suite of Assessments Michigan Test Coordinator Manual
Proctor Essentials
for Test Day
At-a-glance info for the testing room.
Fast Facts
The Bluebook™ testing app times the
test so you don’t have to.
Students can keep testing during
momentary drops in connectivity.
Its okay to move back and forth
between screens in Test Day Toolkit.
Students must submit their answers
on the device they tested on.
Students take breaks and nish testing
at different times; do your best to keep
the room quiet.
Key Terms
2-step verication
When you rst access Test Day
Toolkit, we verify your identity.
Look for an access email, click
the link, and enter the code we
send you.
Every student needs their own
paper sign-in ticket to take the
Room and start codes
Students use the 5-letter room
code to start check-in and the
6-digit start code to start timed
testing. Both codes are for test
day only. You’ll nd them in
Test Day Toolkit.
© 2024 College Board. Page 1 of 2
Test Day Timeline
Getting Ready
Sign in to Test Day Toolkit at
testday.collegeboard.org or click the link in
your access email if it’s your rst time.
Make sure you have 1 sign-in ticket per
Write the 5-letter room code and check-in
instructions on the board. They’re in step 6
of the room readiness section.
Taking Attendance
Tell students to follow the check-in steps you posted.
Go to the Attendance page in Test Day Toolkit.
Mark students present when you see their name
listed under Entered Room Code.
When students nish checking in, they reach the
start code screen and their name moves to the
Ready to Test list.
Reading the Script
Click Next Step to read the rst part of the
Check desks as instructed in step 5.
Continue reading the script.
Read the 6-digit start code aloud.
Students start their test when they enter the
start code.
Monitoring the Test
Click Next Step to go to the Monitoring Dashboard.
Use the lters to see which students are in each part
of the test.
Spend most of your time watching students, not
looking at your screen.
The Break
Bluebook ends each section and times the
Follow coordinator guidance when students
ask to leave the room.
When the break ends, students click a button
to start the next section without waiting for
instruction from you.
Make sure students on break don’t disturb
those who are still testing.
Dismissing Students
Start dismissal when time runs out for all students
(unless some are too far behind).
Collect scratch paper.
Use the lters on the Monitoring Dashboard to make
sure each student’s answers were submitted.
Students see a Congratulations screen when their
answers are submitted.
If a student’s answers weren’t submitted, refer to the
dismissal instructions in your manual.
Tech Troubleshooting
Try the troubleshooting steps in your manual
or send students to the help room to avoid
distractions and keep everyone else on track.
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