Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for
Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Please read this manual thoroughly before operang the applicaon, and keep it for further reference.
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Convoy Vue is an Android app for liveviewing video feeds from Convoy IP1910 series camer
as, which are designed specically for heavyduty vehicles, RVs, and buses. These high
resoluon video displays on your Android devices will deliver safe driving experiences with
scalable IoT integraon for easy deployment to your vehicles and to your enre eet.
Hardware Requirement:
Convoy Camera model IP1910IR / M1625REVB with rmware ver. V7.0.0.33 or above
Compable TypeC Ethernet Adapter (NIC chipset RTL8153, AX88179)
Androidbased tablet (See cered device for detail)
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Minimum System Requirement for AndroidBased Tablet:
For version v1.0 – 1.x
Android 4.4.2 (KitKat), 1GB RAM with 640 x 480 screen resoluon
For v2.0 or above
ARMv7 or above with dual Core Processor architecture
Android 4.4.2 (KitKat), 2GB RAM with 1280 x 720 screen resoluon or above
Recommended System Requirement for AndroidBased Tablet:
ARMv8A or above with dual Core Processor architecture
Android 6 (Marshmallow)or above, 3GB RAM with 1920 x 1080 screen resoluon
OS Permission: System Seng, Network Access
Cered Device with compable Ethernet adapter
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 (SMT820 SMT825)
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 8.0 2019 (SMT290 SMT295 )
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (SMN9500)
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Downloading and Installing the App
App Installaon
 Locate a copy of Convoy Vue app le with extension “.apk” and perform side load method
transfer to Android Device to prepare for installaon.
 Enable devices to accept installaon from unknown source. (Seng may vary across An
droid versions and device brands. Below steps apply for Samsung Galaxy Tab series with
Android 9.)
 Open the Sengs applicaon on your device.
 Tap on Apps & nocaons.
 Now tap on the 3dots icon located at the top right of the screen.
 Select Special access.
 Tap on install unknown apps.
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
From here you can enable the permission for individual apps to install unknown APK les.
(Example: My Files and set Allow from this source)
If the device is Samsung Galaxy Tab series, use “My Files” to locate the APK le and tap to
bring up app installaon screen.
Downloading and Installing the App
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Ethernet Adapter Installaon and Conguraon
 Connect compable Ethernet Adapter to your tablet’s typec port and follow screenshot to
locate conguraon page of your Ethernet Adapter.
Adapter is turned o by default. DO NOT turn it on at this stage. Tap “Congure Ethernet
Downloading and Installing the App
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Your Ethernet Adapter’s IP Address must belong to the same network as your Convoy Cam
 Click Stac IP, and input below informaon
IP address “192.168.128.X” (where X is available IP of your network)
Netmask “” (CAUTION: Samsung has reported a known bug that does not
allow certain subnet formats to be input. Use or 16 for subnet bit).
DNS (any value is acceptable)
Default Gateway (your router IP address, not required)
 Tap Save to exit page, then tap the switched on Ethernet buon to turn on the adapter.
Downloading and Installing the App
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Connecng the Cameras
The IP cameras have 2 cable connecons, one for power
and the other to connect to the device. Once both cables
are connected and the sengs are adjusted, the camera
can be found through the Convoy Vue applicaon.
4Pin M12 Male Ethernet
The applicaon can display images from up to 4 cameras simultaneously, but you can con
nect more cameras using an appropriate IP67 M12 Ethernet Switch.
5Port IP67 M12 Ethernet Switch
8Port IP67 M12 Ethernet Switch
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Geng Started
To launch the Convoy Vue app, tap the black C icon on the touchscreen.
The app is divided into 3 primary pages:
 Live View
 Manage Cameras
 Sengs
Launching the app brings you to the Live View page, where images from connected cameras
will appear. If no cameras are connected, the screen appears as black with the C icon in the
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Open Convoy Vue app and you will see above screen (when no cameras are connected). You
will need to grant system seng permissions for the app to funcon properly.
Inial sengs without permission granted will bring up the error message below.
Using the App — Geng Started
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Geng Started
Tap “UPDATE” and allow Convoy Vue access to the system sengs.
Once the IP cameras are connected, nd the gray menu bar at the boom of the screen and
tap the Manage Cameras buon in the center. This brings you to a white screen with a yellow
band across the top.
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Geng Started
In the black space above the yellow bar,
you’ll nd a search icon (a magnifying glass
lted to the le).
Tapping this icon brings up a window that
allows you to choose between searching
for new cameras to add to the exisng list
or clearing the exisng list and searching
for all currently connected cameras.
Tapping the Clear List and Search buon
brings up a selecon of all the cameras
connected to the tablet.
The list includes 2 columns:
 Camera Name
 IP Address
To view image feeds from any camera on
the list, check the box to its le (by tap
ping) and then tap the Live View buon on
the gray menu bar at the boom of the
screen. (Images from unchecked cameras
will not be accessible through the Live
View page).
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Basic Funcons
Acon Key for Live View page:
 Single tap clears or returns menu bar.
 Double tap enlarges individual image to full screen or shrinks fullscreen image while re
turning images from other cameras to the screen.
 Single tap on any menu buon takes you to the indicated page.
Acon Key for Manage Cameras page:
 Single tap on Search buon brings up opon to search for addional cameras or clear cur
rent list and search again.
 Single tap on boxes checks or unchecks them, acvang or deacvang indicated camera.
 Single tap on camera name or IP address brings up camera sengs menu:
Single tap on any of these opons allows you to adjust the relevant sengs. For in
stance, select Enable/Disable grid bar display to bring up a highlighted track for the
camera. (When this is enabled, you will see a grid bar symbol on the line to the right of
the checkbox.)
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Geng Started
Clicking the boxes for mulple cameras on the
Manage Cameras page before going to Live
View will allow you to view images from each
camera simultaneously (up to 4 cameras)
along with the menu. Singletapping any of
the images clears the menu.
Doubletapping any of the individual images
expands it to cover the enre image space.
Single tapping the enlarged image again elimi
nates the menu.
Another single tap on the fullscreen image
brings back the menu bar at the boom of
the screen.
Another double tap shrinks the image and
returns the images from the other cameras
to the screen.
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Advanced
The Sengs page is straighorward, allowing you to decide whether the screen turns o
aer a set period of me, whether the screen rotates to remain upright as the device is
moved, and how bright the screen will appear.
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Advanced
To nd more Sengs opons for each camera, go to the Manage Cameras page and tap the
line to select a camera. Tapping to select Modify Camera Display Sengs will bring up this
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
Using the App — Advanced
From the Manage Cameras page, you can select Modify Camera Network Sengs to adjust
IP address, mask, or gateway. But rst you’ll see a Cauon about potenal connecvity loss:
The Okay buon will appear aer a countdown. Tapping it brings up the Network Sengs
opons. Tapping on any line will bring up the keypad to type in new values.
Convoy Technologies 6409 Highview Drive | Fort Wayne, IN 46818 | Ph (888) 5652583
User Guide for Convoy Vue Tablet Applicaon
No image in Live View
Possible xes:
 Go to Manage Cameras page and make
sure cameras are connected and the
boxes next to them checked.
 If no cameras are found through searching,
check both the power cable and the cable
connecng the IP camera to the device.
Colored bars appear overlaying camera image
 Go to Manage Cameras page and tap to se
lect the camera
 Tap to Disable Grid Bar Display
 Tap in the space outside the menu box to
return to the Manage Cameras page.
 The grid icon should no longer appear in
the space between the camera name and
the selecon box on the far le.