202 American Journal of Health Education —
July/August 2005, Volume 36, No. 4
There are several purposes to this article,
the first of which is an overview of power
analysis: what it is, why it is important, and
how to calculate it. The second purpose is
the relative importance of power analysis
to adequate survey return rates. While these
two issues could be learned elsewhere (e.g.,
various research methods texts and journal
articles), this article provides those readers
who are less familiar with power analysis a
summary of the key points as they relate to
health education survey research. The third
purpose of this article is to assess the use of
power analysis in seven leading health edu-
cation journals. This article is directed at
readers unfamiliar with power analysis, as
well as those who are better versed in its use,
with the intent being to increase the appro-
priate use of power analysis in health edu-
cation survey research.
Theory of Power Analysis
Anytime a researcher conducts a quan-
titative study, it is essential that the re-
searcher calculate the statistical power of a
study before any data are collected, with the
possible exception of pilot studies. In fact,
grant proposals to some federal agencies
require that a power analysis be conducted
before the proposal is submitted. A statisti-
cal power assessment tells us how likely it is
that a statistical significance test (e.g., t-test,
ANOVA, chi-square) will detect a signifi-
cant difference between two or more
groups, given that a difference actually ex-
ists. In other words, statistical tests attempt
to disprove the null hypothesis that there is
no difference or no association between or
among various samples.
Rejection of a null
hypothesis means that a difference or an
association may be inferred from the study
sample to the population.
Using statistical significance tests to as-
sess data from a study can result in several
different outcomes (Figure 1). In the first
cell (A), we see that the null hypothesis is
Power Analysis in Survey Research:
Importance and Use for Health Educators
James H. Price, Joseph A. Dake, Judy Murnan, Jaime Dimmig, and Sutoidem Akpanudo
James H. Price, PhD, MPH, is professor of
health education, Department of Public Health,
University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606; E-
mail: [email protected]. Joseph A.
Dake, PhD, MPH, is assistant professor of
health education, Division of Health, Wayne
State University, Detroit, MI 48202. Judy
Murnan, MPH, is a doctoral student at the De-
partment of Public Health, University of To-
ledo, Toledo, OH 43606. Jaime Dimmig, MPH,
is a doctoral student at the Department of Pub-
lic Health, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
43606. Sutoidem Akpanudo, MBBS, MPH, is
a doctoral student at the Department of Public
Health, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606.
This article has three purposes: to explain the two different uses of power analysis that can be used in health educa-
tion research; to examine the extent to which power analysis is being used in published health education research;
and to explain the implications of not using power analysis in research studies. Articles in seven leading health
education journals (American Journal of Health Behavior, American Journal of Health Education, American
Journal of Health Promotion, Health Education &Behavior, Health Education Research, Journal of American
College Health, and Journal of School Health) were analyzed for the years 2000–2003. For four of the seven
journals, less than 5% of their research articles reported a power analysis. Only two journals (American Journal of
Health Behavior and Health Education Research) had a modest number of research articles (14–35%) that re-
ported power analysis. This is the first reported examination of power analysis in health education journals. The
findings indicate a potential problem with the quality of health education research being reported.
Continuing Education
James H. Price, Joseph A. Dake, Judy Murnan, Jaime Dimmig, and Sutoidem Akpanudo
American Journal of Health Education —
July/August 2005, Volume 36, No. 4
false in the population and if our study re-
sults find the null hypothesis to be false, we
obtained a correct outcome. In this case, we
find support for a hypothesis that says there
is/are difference(s) between/among groups
or an association between the variable(s)
under study.
The second cell (B) indicates the null
hypothesis in the population is true but our
study findings reject the null hypothesis,
identifying the hypothesis as false. This is
called a Type I error, wrongly rejecting a real
null hypothesis. The probability of commit-
ting a Type I error is set by researchers when
they establish the level of statistical signifi-
cance or the p-value, also known as the al-
pha (α) level. By convention, researchers
usually use a p-value of 0.05, indicating they
have a 5% chance of committing a Type I
Thus, the example study findings
have incorrectly led to a rejection of the null
hypothesis. Researchers can reduce the
chance of committing a Type I error by in-
creasing the level of significance, as an ex-
ample, from 0.05 to 0.01. In so doing, the
researcher has reduced the statistical power
of the test (the ability to find a difference
should it exist) and increased the chance of
making a Type II error.
In the third cell (C), the null hypothesis
for the population is false but the study find-
ings indicate it is true (Figure 1). In other
words, a difference exists but the study did
not detect the difference, which is known as
a Type II error. The probability of making a
Type II error is usually denoted as beta (β).
The example study results are incorrect.
In contrast, statistical power is usually
denoted as 1-β, or the chance of not mak-
ing a Type II error when the population null
hypothesis is false (when a true difference
does exist). By convention, statistical power
is usually set at 0.80, meaning that four out
of five times (80%) a false null hypothesis
will be correctly rejected. A higher power
(e.g., 0.85, 0.90) would always be preferred,
if possible.
Both statistical significance and
statistical power are influenced by the size of
a sample. Under-powered studies (e.g., too
small sample size) are frequently the reason
for not detecting differences between/
among groups in a study. It is also possible
to have the power of a study so high that very
minor differences are detected as statistically
significantly different, but in which the dif-
ferences have no practical implications.
In the fourth cell (D), the example study
results correctly support the population null
hypothesis. Thus, there are two potentially
correct, but different, outcomes when con-
ducting a study (Figure 1): correct rejection
or correct acceptance of the null hypothesis.
Most studies in the health education
arena are more likely to be under-powered,
rather than over-powered.
In other words,
because of time and costs, more health edu-
cation researchers will use smaller samples
(i.e., a few hundred subjects) rather then
very large samples (i.e., 3,000 to 10,000
subjects). It should be noted that a case has
been made in the professional literature to
suggest that under-powered studies are
This is, in part, due to research
subjects being inadequately informed about
the potentially limited value of being part
of a study in which the research may not
be able to detect important statistically sig-
nificant effects.
Forms of Power Analysis
Statistical power is influenced by four
factors: the level of statistical significance
(α); the effect size—the magnitude of the
difference between the two sample groups
being examined on a specific outcome vari-
able; the variance of the responses to the
outcome variable; and the size of the
The only factor that logically can
be modified at the beginning of a study is
the size of the sample. Thus, researchers
need to focus their attention on sample size
to ensure adequate statistical power for the
analysis of their data.
The first and most common use of
power analysis seeks to determine what
sample size is needed to be able to reject a
null hypothesis at a particular p-value (e.g.,
0.05). The second component, effect size
(ES), is not known but needs to be esti-
mated. Effect size often can be estimated
from a review of the published literature, a
pilot study can give an estimate, and one
can use a guesstimate by using general
effect sizes proposed by well known research-
ers in this field (e.g., Jacob Cohen).
It is
recommended that collaboration with a
Population Score
(Null hypothesis is:)
Correct Rejection Type I Error
(A) (B)
Type II Error Correct Acceptance
(C) (D)
False True
Figure 1. Hypothesis Testing Using Statistical Significance Testing and Power Analysis
Study Score
(Null hypothesis is:)
James H. Price, Joseph A. Dake, Judy Murnan, Jaime Dimmig, and Sutoidem Akpanudo
204 American Journal of Health Education —
July/August 2005, Volume 36, No. 4
statistician with the technical skills to con-
duct such an analysis take place. For those
more comfortable with statistics, there is an
increasing amount of software for determin-
ing sample size, including nQuery Advisor,
PASS, UnifyPow, and Power and Precision.
The second form of power analysis is
when a researcher wants to be able to
generalize the results of his/her sample to
the population from which the sample
was drawn. To determine this sample size,
researchers need to know the following:
how much sampling error they will accept;
the size (n) of the population; how much
variation there is in the population with
respect to the outcome variable being stud-
ied; and the smallest subsample in the
sample for which sample size estimates are
needed. Table 1 provides sample sizes nec-
essary to be able to generalize the sample
results to the population given a variety of
sampling errors, population sizes, and
variation in the variable under study. For
example, if one wanted to survey a commu-
nity regarding firearm control and the re-
searcher knew that the population had
evenly split (50/50) perceptions regarding
support for a ban on the sale of handguns
to the general public, and the population
of the community was 50,000 people, and
one wanted the responses to the survey to
have only a +/- 3% sampling error, then one
would need a sample of 1,045 completed
surveys. However, if the researcher was will-
ing to have a larger sampling error, for ex-
ample 5%, then one would need only 381
completed surveys. In other words, using
the 5% sampling error column (and the
50,000 population row), this would mean
that if the gun control survey found that
63% of the population supported eliminat-
ing the sale of handguns to the public, then
one could be sure 95% of the time that, with
a random sample of 381 individuals, the
entire 50,000 adults believe the same results
within a +/- 5% range (58% to 68%).
From Table 1, it can be seen that in very
large populations (e.g., 100,000 or more)
the samples needed are about the same size
regardless of the size of the population.
However, when a researcher is examining a
population of 5,000 or less, then the sample
size needed is a much larger portion of the
total population. Also, it should be noted
that the more diverse the beliefs in a popu-
lation, the larger the sample size needed.
Power Analysis Versus
Survey Return Rates
The use of power analysis for determin-
ing sample size is needed for calculating sta-
tistical analyses and for appropriate gener-
alization to the population. The latter of
these, generalizing to the population (ex-
ternal validity), requires an additional con-
sideration: the survey return rate.
the concern is the ability to generalize to the
population, power analysis is important as
an initial step to determine the number of
completed and usable surveys needed. This
needs to be taken a step further, however.
Suppose that power analysis was con-
ducted to determine the number of usable
surveys needed to be returned to general-
ize to a population of 5,000 (with 95% con-
fidence, 50/50 split, and plus or minus 3%
error). The number of completed surveys
needed in this example is 880. If Survey A
were sent to a sampling frame of 3,000 (of
the 5,000) and 880 were returned, the
needed number of surveys was achieved
but with a return rate of 29.3% (880/3,000).
In another example, Survey B was sent to
a sampling frame of 1,500 (of the 5,000)
and 880 were returned for a rate of 58.7%
(880/1,500). Which situation is better?
The answer depends on two issues: poten-
tial for sampling bias and potential for
response bias.
Sampling bias occurs when the sample
is obtained in such a manner that the
sample is different from the population re-
garding characteristics important to the
study. Sampling bias can be investigated if
data are available from the population re-
lated to the subject matter being studied.
In most cases in the health education arena,
it may not be possible to have this informa-
tion. Thus, the investigation of sampling
bias is assessed based on the quality of the
methods used to obtain a representative
sample of the population. The quality of
these sampling methods can vary from
very good (random sample of the entire
Table 1. Sample Sizes For Three Levels of Sampling
Error at the 95 Percent Confidence Level
+ 1% + 3% + 5%
Sample error Sample error Sample error
50/50 80/20 50/50 80/20 50/50 80/20
split split split split split split
100 99 98 92 87 80 71
250 244 240 203 183 152 124
500 475 462 341 289 217 165
750 696 669 441 358 254 185
1,000 906 860 516 406 278 198
2,500 1,984 1,777 748 537 333 224
5,000 3,288 2,757 880 601 357 234
10,000 4,899 3,807 964 639 370 240
25,000 6,939 4,934 1,023 665 378 243
50,000 8,057 5,474 1,045 674 381 245
100,000 8,763 5,791 1,056 678 383 245
1,000,000 9,513 6,109 1,066 682 384 246
100,000,000 9,603 6,146 1,067 683 384 246
Source: Data were generated from Questa Research Associates.
Sample size standard calculator.
Note: Sampling error numbers refer to completed questionnaires returned.
James H. Price, Joseph A. Dake, Judy Murnan, Jaime Dimmig, and Sutoidem Akpanudo
American Journal of Health Education —
July/August 2005, Volume 36, No. 4
population) to very poor (volunteers, con-
venience samples, etc).
Response bias occurs when the people
responding to the survey are different from
those not responding to the survey in re-
gards to the subject of interest. In our pre-
vious handgun example, this could be a
situation where members of the National
Rifle Association (NRA), a conservative gun
ownership support group, responded to the
questionnaire more often than people who
are not members of the NRA. This can be
investigated by seeking out a sample of non-
respondents and trying to collect the infor-
mation originally sought. The extent to
which those who responded were different
from those who did not respond represents
the magnitude of the response bias.
In the aforementioned examples, if both
Survey A and Survey B were free from sam-
pling bias and response bias, then the ex-
ternal validity of the responses of Survey A
would be equal to the external validity of
the responses of Survey B. Thus, the differ-
ence in the survey return rates would not
be important when generalizing the results
to the population (e.g., both have good ex-
ternal validity).
If both surveys contained sampling bias
but were free from response bias, then Sur-
vey A would be better than Survey B. This
is because the sampling frame of Survey A
contained a larger portion of the entire
population [3,000/5,000 (60%)] than Sur-
vey B [1,500/5,000 (30%)]. A larger por-
tion of the population included in the sam-
pling frame increases the probability that
the varied perceptions in the population
are included in the responses of the sample.
Because response bias does not exist in ei-
ther survey in this example, the smaller
sampling frame in Survey B is more likely
to negatively impact the generalizability of
the responses of the sample.
If both surveys were free from sampling
bias (e.g., both were randomly selected) but
they each had a response bias, then Survey
B would be better than Survey A. Without
sampling bias, the sampling frames for each
survey were likely to be representative of the
population. Thus, the ability to generalize
the responses of the sample varies based on
how well the people who respond to the
survey represent the potential responses of
the subjects composing the sampling frame.
While both surveys have response bias, the
magnitude of the impact from the response
bias is greater in Survey A because two-
thirds of the sampling frame did not re-
spond. This is in contrast to Survey B where
only one-third of the sampling frame did
not respond. Thus, in this example, the sur-
vey return rate plays an important role in
the ability to generalize the sample results
to the population.
The importance of survey return rates
already has been examined.
However, of
equal importance in assessing the quality
of survey research is understanding the ap-
propriate use of the size of samples (power
analysis). Thus, another purpose of this
manuscript is to examine the use of power
analysis in health education research.
Seven leading journals in the field of
health education were studied to assess the
reporting of power analysis. Criteria for
journal selection included: health education
orientation, a general nature instead of
topic-specific (e.g., Journal of Drug Educa-
tion), and availability in at least 25% of col-
lege and university libraries.
The seven
journals included in the sample were (in
alphabetical order): American Journal of
Health Behavior, American Journal of Health
Education, American Journal of Health Pro-
motion, Health Education & Behavior,
Health Education Research, Journal of
American College Health, and Journal of
School Health. Power analysis deficiencies in
articles in these journals potentially would
have a major impact on health education
research. Data were collected from the jour-
nals for the years 2000 through 2003, rep-
resenting a span of four years.
The selected journals were reviewed for
articles meeting the criteria of a quantita-
tive research article. These articles included
Likert-type surveys, tallies, and other sur-
veys containing data that could contain
quantitative statistical analyses. Excluded
articles included qualitative articles, review
articles, editorials, and column articles that
were not main articles (i.e., book reviews,
letters from the editor, etc.).
The reviewers examined the methods
sections of the selected articles, which were
then recorded on a simple scoring sheet
developed specifically for this project. The
data recorded included: journal name and
year, total number of main articles, total
number of quantitative articles, and per-
centage of quantitative articles in which a
power analysis was performed. Power analy-
sis included any author self-reports of a
priori power analysis to detect a statistical
difference or to generalize the study find-
ings to the population. In the event that the
author of an article did not state that a
power analysis was performed, the review-
ers instead searched for key words and
phrases indicating the potential use of a
power analysis. These words included
“sample size calculation, “Cohens effect
size, and formulas and diagrams with
power calculations. If the author of the ar-
ticle did not perform a power analysis prior
to the study, but mentioned it in the limita-
tions section, the article was not counted as
containing a power analysis.
Analysis of the data consisted of descrip-
tive data, namely, frequencies, percents, and
means. To assess accuracy of identifying
reported survey return rates, a sample of
two different journals was used and a Kappa
coefficient was calculated to assess inter-
rater reliability among the three journal re-
viewers. The Kappa coefficient was used to
compensate for chance agreement of the
“yes or “no assessments. The mean Kappa
coefficient was 0.905.
Power analyses were rare in the seven
health education journals (Table 2). Over
the years 2000 through 2003, the average
power analysis ranged from a high of 25%
James H. Price, Joseph A. Dake, Judy Murnan, Jaime Dimmig, and Sutoidem Akpanudo
206 American Journal of Health Education —
July/August 2005, Volume 36, No. 4
of the quantitative research articles in the
American Journal of Health Behavior to a low
of 1% in the Journal of American College
Health. Four (American Journal of Health
Promotion, Health Education & Behavior,
Journal of American College Health, and
Journal of School Health) of the seven jour-
nals had power analyses of less than 5% of
Table 2. Power Analysis Assessment of Research Articles in Leading Health Education Journals, 2000–2003
Journal Year Total Articles Quantitative Articles Power Analysis N (%)
American Journal of Health Behavior
2000 44 28 6 (21.4)
2001 53 29 10 (34.5)
2002 45 28 8 (28.5)
2003 55 50 10 (20)
Total 197 135 34 (25)
American Journal of Health Education
2000 45 22 3 (13.6)
2001 39 19 2 (10.5)
2002 44 24 1 (4.2)
2003 47 20 4 (20)
Total 175 85 10 (12)
American Journal of Health Promotion
2000 39 90 0 (0)
2001 32 23 0 (0)
2002 25 20 1 (5)
2003 41 24 1 (4.2)
Total 137 67 2 (3)
Health Education & Behavior
2000 45 29 0 (0)
2001 40 23 1 (4.3)
2002 40 27 2 (7.4)
2003 39 26 1 (3.8)
Total 164 105 4 (4)
Health Education Research
2000 58 32 10 (31.3)
2001 52 31 2 (6.5)
2002 56 28 4 (14.3)
2003 57 36 8 (22.2)
Total 223 127 24 (19)
Journal of American College Health
2000 28 19 1 (5.2)
2001 27 21 0 (0)
2002 22 20 0 (0)
2003 22 21 0 (0)
Total 99 81 1 (1)
Journal of School Health
2000 58 27 1 (3.7)
2001 52 33 2 (6.1)
2002 53 40 0 (0)
2003 52 38 1 (2.6)
Total 215 138 4 (3)
their quantitative research articles.
The current study has confirmed in
James H. Price, Joseph A. Dake, Judy Murnan, Jaime Dimmig, and Sutoidem Akpanudo
American Journal of Health Education —
July/August 2005, Volume 36, No. 4
health education what has been found in
other research fields, such as nursing and
health psychology
: that few researchers
are using a priori statistical power analysis.
While it is not evident from this study why
health education researchers, manuscript
reviewers, and journal editors continue to
discount this important attribute of qual-
ity research, it is likely that there are mul-
tiple reasons. One reason may be that many
researchers are unfamiliar with the impor-
tance and appropriate use of power analy-
sis in survey research. This would indicate
a lack of training in health education pro-
grams pertaining to power analysis. Gradu-
ate programs in health education could help
to remedy this issue by including units on
power analysis into their research methods
courses. Most health education researchers
engage in research for altruistic reasons,
such as to advance the field of health edu-
cation and/or to advance the skills of gradu-
ate students. Thus, it is critically important
to the quality of health education research
that both graduate students (our future re-
searchers) and our peers be better informed
about power analysis.
Another reason for the lack of power
analyses done in health education research
could be that sample sizes based on appro-
priate power analysis would sometimes re-
quire larger samples than are seen in pub-
lished health education research. This
would require greater financial investment
and/or time investment. These researchers
may not consider power analysis to be es-
sential when compared to tradeoffs for time
and financial investment due to larger
sample sizes. However, not to use power
analysis can result in important hypotheses
not being supported by underpowered re-
search. For example, suppose a health edu-
cation researcher investigated the effective-
ness of a curriculum to increase the physical
activity of students. In the evaluation, the
researcher surveyed 150 students when 250
students would have been required, based
on an appropriate power analysis calcula-
tion. The results of the evaluation conclude
that there were no statistically significant
differences between the intervention and
control group. Because a power analysis was
not conducted, one would be less confident
in the findings. Due to the greater possibil-
ity of a Type II error, the curriculum may
indeed be effective at increasing physical
activity. By not conducting a power analy-
sis and using the appropriate sample size,
the evaluator/researcher may have wasted
limited resources on an evaluation that has
little to offer. Furthermore, the evaluator
may be reporting a curriculum as ineffec-
tive when, in fact, it may have been very
effective. In other words, underpowered
studies can result in important research
findings not being found. Effective inter-
ventions overlooked due to underpowered
assessments could result in a serious prob-
lem for the health education field. To help
reduce this problem in health education, re-
searchers need to calculate power analysis
before conducting studies or evaluations
and then include the information on how
sample size decisions were made when they
report their findings.
Finally, the limitations of this study
should be explored before accepting the re-
sults. First, it may have been that more pub-
lished research studies than found in the
current study actually were based on a priori
power analysis, but the authors of the stud-
ies failed to report the analysis. Second, the
authors of some studies may intuitively
have used large enough samples such that
power analysis would not have changed the
sample size. However, guessing at adequate
size samples could have led to overpowered
studies and statistically significant trivial
results. Third, the current analysis of sta-
tistical power simply examined whether a
power analysis was reported; it did not
attempt to assess if the power analysis was
adequately conducted. Fourth, it may be
that health education research published in
journals with higher-impact factors may be
reporting power analyses. Even if this were
so, it would not appear to justify the lim-
ited use of power analysis in the majority
of health education journals.
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