Verbal Reasoning &
Quantitative Reasoning
Sample Questions with
Verbal Reasoning Question Types 3 ..........................................................................................................................
Reading Comprehension Questions 3
Text Completion Questions 6
Text Completion Sample Questions 7
Sentence Equivalence Questions 8
Sentence Equivalence Sample Questions 9
Quantitative Reasoning Question Types 11
Quantitative Comparison Questions 11
Quantitative Comparison Sample Questions 13
Multiple-choice Questions Select One Answer Choice 20
Multiple-choice Questions Select One Answer Choice Sample Questions 21
Multiple-choice Questions Select One or More Answer Choices 24
Multiple-choice Questions Select One or More Answer Choices Sample Questions 25
Numeric Entry Questions 28
Numeric Entry Sample Questions 28
Data Interpretation Sets 32
Data Interpretation Sample Questions 32
The Verbal Reasoning measure contains three types of questions: Reading Comprehension, Text
Completion and Sentence Equivalence. Click here to get a closer look at each, including sample
questions with explanations.
Reading Comprehension questions are designed to test a wide range of abilities that are required
in order to read and understand the kinds of prose commonly encountered in graduate school.
Those abilities include:
understanding the meaning of individual words and sentences
understanding the meaning of paragraphs and larger bodies of text
distinguishing between minor and major points
summarizing a passage
drawing conclusions from the information provided
reasoning from incomplete data to infer missing information
understanding the structure of a text in terms of how the parts relate to one another
identifying the authors assumptions and perspective
analyzing a text and reaching conclusions about it
identifying strengths and weaknesses of a position
developing and considering alternative explanations
As this list implies, reading and understanding a piece of text requires far more than a passive
understanding of the words and sentences it contains; it requires active engagement with the text,
asking questions, formulating and evaluating hypotheses and reflecting on the relationship of the
particular text to other texts and information.
Typically, about half of the questions on the test are based on passages; each passage has one to
six questions associated with it. Most passages are one paragraph long, and one or two are
several paragraphs long. Passages are drawn from the physical sciences, biological sciences, social
sciences, business, arts and humanities and everyday topics and are based on material found in
books and periodicals, both academic and nonacademic.
Questions can cover any of the topics listed above, from the meaning of a particular word to
assessing evidence that might support or weaken points made in the passage. Many, but not all,
of the questions are standard multiple-choice questions, in which you are required to select a
single correct answer; others ask you to select multiple correct answers; and still others ask you
to select a sentence from the passage.
These are traditional multiple-choice questions with five answer choices, of which you must select
Tips for Answering
Read all the answer choices before making your selection, even if you think you know
the correct answer in advance.
The correct answer is the one that most accurately and most completely answers the
question posed; be careful not to be misled by answer choices that are only partially true
or that only partially answer the question. Also, be careful not to pick an answer choice
simply because it is a true statement.
When the question asks about the meaning of a word in the passage, be sure the answer
choice you select correctly represents the way the word is being used in the passage.
Many words have different meanings when used in different contexts.
These questions provide three answer choices and ask you to select all that are correct; one, two
or all three of the answer choices may be correct. To gain credit for these questions, you must
select all the correct answers, and only those; there is no credit for partially correct answers.
Tips for Answering
Evaluate each answer choice separately on its own merits; when evaluating one answer
choice, do not take the others into account.
A correct answer choice accurately and completely answers the question posed; be careful
not to be misled by answer choices that are only partially true or that only partially answer
the question. Also, be careful not to pick an answer choice simply because it is a true
Do not be disturbed if you think all three answer choices are correct, since questions of this
type can have up to three correct answer choices.
These questions ask you to select the sentence in the passage that meets a certain description. To
select a sentence, click on any word in the sentence or select the sentence with the keyboard. In
longer passages, the question will usually apply to only one or two specified paragraphs; you will
not be able to select a sentence elsewhere in the passage.
Note: Because these questions depend on the use of the computer, they do not appear on the
paper-delivered, alternate-format test. Equivalent multiple-choice questions are used in their place.
Tips for Answering
Evaluate each of the relevant sentences in the passage separately before selecting your
answer. Do not evaluate any sentences that are outside the paragraphs under
A correct answer choice must accurately match the description given in the question; do
not select a sentence if any part of the description does not apply to it. However, note that
the question need not fully describe all aspects of the sentence.
Questions 1 to 3 are based on this passage.
Reviving the practice of using elements of popular music in classical composition, an approach
that had been in hibernation in the United States during the 1960s, composer Philip Glass (born
1937) embraced the ethos of popular music in his compositions. Glass based two symphonies
on music by rock musicians David Bowie and Brian Eno, but the symphonies sound is
distinctively his. Popular elements do not appear out of place in Glasss classical music, which
from its early days has shared certain harmonies and rhythms with rock music. Yet this use of
popular elements has not made Glass a composer of popular music. His music is not a version
of popular music packaged to attract classical listeners; it is high art for listeners steeped in rock
rather than the classics.
Select only one answer choice.
The passage addresses which of the following issues related to Glasss use of popular elements
in his classical compositions?
How it is regarded by listeners who prefer rock to the classics
How it has affected the commercial success of Glasss music
Whether it has contributed to a revival of interest among other composers in using
popular elements in their compositions
Whether it has had a detrimental effect on Glasss reputation as a composer of
classical music
Whether it has caused certain of Glasss works to be derivative in quality
Consider each of the three choices separately and select all that apply.
The passage suggests that Glasss work displays which of the following qualities?
A return to the use of popular music in classical compositions
An attempt to elevate rock music to an artistic status more closely approximating that of
classical music
A long-standing tendency to incorporate elements from two apparently
disparate musical styles
Select the sentence that distinguishes two ways of integrating rock and classical music.
The passage describes in general terms how Philip Glass uses popular music in his classical
compositions and explores how Glass can do this without being imitative. Note that there are
no opposing views discussed; the author is simply presenting his or her views.
Question 1: One of the important points that the passage makes is that when Glass uses
popular elements in his music, the result is very much his own creation (it is “distinctively his”).
In other words, the music is far from being derivative. Thus, one issue that the passage
addresses is the one referred to in answer choice E it answers it in the negative. The passage
does not discuss the impact of Glasss use of popular elements on listeners, on the commercial
success of his music, on other composers or on Glasss reputation, so none of Choices A
through D is correct. The correct answer is Choice E.
Question 2: To answer this question, it is important to assess each answer choice
independently. Since the passage says that Glass revived the use of popular music in classical
compositions, answer choice A is clearly correct. On the other hand, the passage also denies
that Glass composes popular music or packages it in a way to elevate its status, so answer
choice B is incorrect. Finally, since Glasss style has always mixed elements of rock with
classical elements, answer choice C is correct. Thus, the correct answer is Choice A and
Choice C.
Question 3: Almost every sentence in the passage refers to incorporating rock music in
classical compositions, but only the last sentence distinguishes two ways of doing so. It
distinguishes between writing rock music in a way that will make it attractive to classical
listeners and writing classical music that will be attractive to listeners familiar with rock. Thus,
the correct answer is the last sentence of the passage.
Skilled readers do not simply absorb the information presented on the page; instead, they
maintain a constant attitude of interpretation and evaluation, reasoning from what they have read
so far to create a picture of the whole and revising that picture as they go. Text Completion
questions test this ability by omitting crucial words from short passages and asking the test taker
to use the remaining information in the passage as a basis for selecting words or short phrases to
fill the blanks and create a coherent, meaningful whole.
Passage composed of one to five sentences
One to three blanks
Three answer choices per blank (five answer choices in the case of a single blank)
The answer choices for different blanks function independently; i.e., selecting one answer
choice for one blank does not affect what answer choices you can select for another blank
Single correct answer, consisting of one choice for each blank; no credit for partially
correct answers
Tips for Answering
Do not merely try to consider each possible combination of answers; doing so will take too long
and is open to error. Instead, try to analyze the passage in the following way:
Read through the passage to get an overall sense of it.
Identify words or phrases that seem particularly significant, either because they emphasize
the structure of the passage (words like although or moreover) or because they are central
to understanding what the passage is about.
Try to fill in the blanks with words or phrases that seem to complete the sentence, then see
if similar words are offered among the answer choices.
Do not assume that the first blank is the one that should be filled first; perhaps one of the
other blanks is easier to fill first. Select your choice for that blank, and then see whether you
can complete another blank. If none of the choices for the other blank seem to make sense,
go back and reconsider your first selection.
When you have made your selection for each blank, check to make sure the passage is
logically, grammatically and stylistically coherent.
For each blank select one entry from the corresponding column of choices.
Fill all blanks in the way that best completes the text.
It is refreshing to read a book about our planet by an author who does not allow facts to
be (i) by politics: well aware of the political disputes about the effects of human
activities on climate and biodiversity, this author does not permit them to (ii) his
comprehensive description of what we know about our biosphere. He emphasizes the
enormous gaps in our knowledge, the sparseness of our observations, and
the (iii) , calling attention to the many aspects of planetary evolution that must be
better understood before we can accurately diagnose the condition of our planet.
Sample Question 1 Answers
Blank (ii)
Blank (iii)
(D) enhance
(G) plausibility of our hypotheses
(E) obscure
(H) certainty of our entitlement
(F) underscore
(I) superficiality of our theories
The overall tone of the passage is clearly complimentary. To understand what the author of the
book is being complimented on, it is useful to focus on the second blank. Here, we must
determine what word would indicate something that the author is praised for not permitting.
The only answer choice that fits the case is obscure, since enhancing and underscoring are
generally good things to do, not things one should refrain from doing. Choosing obscure
clarifies the choice for the first blank; the only choice that fits well with obscure is
overshadowed. Notice that trying to fill the first blank before filling the second blank is hard
each choice has at least some initial plausibility. Since the third blank requires a phrase that
matches enormous gaps and sparseness of our observations, the best choice is
superficiality of our theories.
Thus, the correct answer is Choice A (overshadowed), Choice E (obscure) and Choice I
(superficiality of our theories).
In parts of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so
that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.
Sample Question 2 Answers
(A) permanently
(B) imperceptibly
(C) irregularly
(D) precariously
(E) relentlessly
The word that fills the blank has to characterize how the land grades into the ice in a way that
explains how you can walk off the coast and over the sea without knowing it. The word that
does that is imperceptibly if the land grades imperceptibly into the ice, you might well not
know that you had left the land. Describing the shift from land to ice as permanent, irregular,
precarious or relentless would not help to explain how you would fail to know.
Thus, the correct answer is Choice B (imperceptibly).
Like Text Completion questions, Sentence Equivalence questions test the ability to reach a
conclusion about how a passage should be completed on the basis of partial information, but to a
greater extent they focus on the meaning of the completed whole. Sentence Equivalence questions
consist of a single sentence with just one blank, and they ask you to find two choices that lead to a
complete, coherent sentence while producing sentences that mean the same thing.
Consists of:
o a single sentence
o one blank
o six answer choices
Requires you to select two of the answer choices; no credit for partially correct answers
Tips for Answering
Do not simply look among the answer choices for two words that mean the same thing. This can be
misleading for two reasons. First, the answer choices may contain pairs of words that mean the
same thing but do not fit coherently into the sentence. Second, the pair of words that do constitute
the correct answer may not mean exactly the same thing, since all that matters is that the resultant
sentences mean the same thing.
Read the sentence to get an overall sense of it.
Identify words or phrases that seem particularly significant, either because they emphasize
the structure of the sentence (words like although or moreover) or because they are central
to understanding what the sentence is about.
Try to fill in the blank with a word that seems appropriate to you and then see if two similar
words are offered among the answer choices. If you find some word that is similar to what
you are expecting but cannot find a second one, do not become fixated on your
interpretation; instead, see whether there are other words among the answer choices that
can be used to fill the blank coherently.
When you have selected your pair of answer choices, check to make sure that each one
produces a sentence that is logically, grammatically and stylistically coherent, and that
the two sentences mean the same thing.
Select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of
the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work
as .
The word Althoughis a crucial signpost here. The work contains some pioneering ideas, but
apparently it is not overall a pioneering work. Thus, the two words that could fill the blank
appropriately are originaland innovative. Note that orthodox and conventional are two
words that are very similar in meaning, but neither one completes the sentence sensibly.
Thus, the correct answer is Choice C (original) and Choice F (innovative).
It was her view that the countrys problems had been by foreign technocrats, so that
to ask for such assistance again would be counterproductive.
The sentence relates a piece of reasoning, as indicated by the presence of so that: asking for
the assistance of foreign technocrats would be counterproductive because of the effects such
technocrats have had already. This means that the technocrats must have bad effects; i.e., they
must have exacerbated or worsened the countrys problems.
Thus, the correct answer is Choice D (exacerbated) and Choice F (worsened).
The Quantitative Reasoning measure has four types of questions:
Quantitative Comparison Questions
Multiple-choice Questions Select One Answer Choice
Multiple-choice Questions Select One or More Answer Choices
Numeric Entry Questions
Click here to get a closer look at each, including sample questions with explanations.
Each question appears either independently as a discrete question or as part of a set of questions
called a Data Interpretation set. All of the questions in a Data Interpretation set are based on the
same data presented in tables, graphs or other displays of data.
You can find steps for solving quantitative problems, including useful strategies for answering
questions on the Quantitative Reasoning measure, in Problem-solving Steps. In addition, the pages
for each of the four Quantitative Reasoning question types and the Data Interpretation set page,
mentioned above, contain strategies specific to answering those types of questions.
You are allowed to use a basic calculator on the Quantitative Reasoning measure. For the
computer-delivered test, the calculator is provided on-screen. For the paper-delivered test, a
handheld calculator is provided at the test center. Read more about using the calculator.
Questions of this type ask you to compare two quantities Quantity A and Quantity B and then
determine which of the following statements describes the comparison:
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Tips for Answering
1. Become familiar with the answer choices. Quantitative Comparison questions always
have the same answer choices, so get to know them, especially the last choice, The
relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Never select this last
choice if it is clear that the values of the two quantities can be determined by computation.
Also, if you determine that one quantity is greater than the other, make sure you carefully
select the corresponding choice so as not to reverse the first two choices.
2. Avoid unnecessary computations. Dont waste time performing needless computations in
order to compare the two quantities. Simplify, transform or estimate one or both of the
given quantities only as much as is necessary to compare them.
3. Remember that geometric figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. If any aspect of a
given geometric figure is not fully determined, try to redraw the figure, keeping those
aspects that are completely determined by the given information fixed but changing the
aspects of the figure that are not determined. Examine the results. What variations are
possible in the relative lengths of line segments or measures of angles?
4. Plug in numbers. If one or both of the quantities are algebraic expressions, you can
substitute easy numbers for the variables and compare the resulting quantities in your
analysis. Consider all kinds of appropriate numbers before you give an answer: e.g., zero,
positive and negative numbers, small and large numbers, fractions and decimals. If you see
that Quantity A is greater than Quantity B in one case and Quantity B is greater than
Quantity A in another case, choose The relationship cannot be determined from the
information given.
5. Simplify the comparison. If both quantities are algebraic or arithmetic expressions and
you cannot easily see a relationship between them, you can try to simplify the comparison.
Try a step-by-step simplification that is similar to the steps involved when you solve the
equation for x, or similar to the steps involved when you determine that the
inequality is equivalent to the simpler inequality Begin by setting up
a comparison involving the two quantities, as follows:
where is a placeholder that could represent the relationship greater than (>), less than (<) or equal to
(=) or could represent the fact that the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Then try to simplify the comparison, step-by-step, until you can determine a relationship between
simplified quantities. For example, you may conclude after the last step that represents equal to (=).
Based on this conclusion, you may be able to compare Quantities A and B. To understand this strategy
more fully, see sample questions 6 to 9.
Compare Quantity A and Quantity B, using additional information centered above the two
quantities if such information is given, and select one of the following four answer choices:
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
A symbol that appears more than once in a question has the same meaning throughout the
Quantity A
Quantity B
The least prime number greater than 24 The greatest prime number less than 28
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
For the integers greater than 24, note that 25, 26, 27 and 28 are not prime numbers, but 29
is a prime number, as are 31 and many other greater integers. Thus, 29 is the least prime
number greater than 24, and Quantity A is 29. For the integers less than 28, note that 27,
26, 25 and 24 are not prime numbers, but 23 is a prime number, as are 19 and several
other lesser integers. Thus, 23 is the greatest prime number less than 28, and Quantity B is
23. The correct answer is Choice A, Quantity A is greater.
Lionel is younger than Maria.
Quantity A
Twice Lionels age
Quantity B
Marias age
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
If Lionels age is 6 years and Marias age is 10 years, then Quantity A is greater, but if
Lionels age is 4 years and Marias age is 10 years, then Quantity B is greater. Thus, the
relationship cannot be determined. The correct answer is Choice D, the relationship
cannot be determined from the information given.
Quantity A
54% of 360
Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Without doing the exact computation, you can see that 54% of 360 is greater than of 360,
which is 180, and 180 is greater than Quantity B, 150. Thus the correct answer is Choice A,
Quantity A is greater.
Figure 1
Quantity A
Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
From Figure 1, you know that PQR is a triangle and that point S is between points P and R,
so and You are also given that However, this information is
not sufficient to compare PS and SR. Furthermore, because the figure is not necessarily
drawn to scale, you cannot determine the relative sizes of PS and SR visually from the
figure, though they may appear to be equal. The position of S can vary along PR anywhere
between P and R. Following are two possible variations of Figure 1, each of which is drawn
to be consistent with the information
Figure 2 Figure 3
Note that Quantity A is greater in Figure 2 and Quantity B is greater in Figure 3. Thus, the correct
answer is Choice D, the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Quantity A
Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
then so in this case,
if then so in that case, Thus, the correct answer is Choice
D, the relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Note that plugging numbers into expressions may not be conclusive. It is conclusive,
however, if you get different results after plugging in different numbers: the conclusion is
that the relationship cannot be determined from the information given. It is also conclusive
if there are only a small number of possible numbers to plug in and all of them yield the
same result, say, that Quantity B is greater.
Now suppose there are an infinite number of possible numbers to plug in. If you plug many
of them in and each time the result is, for example, that Quantity A is greater, you still
cannot conclude that Quantity A is greater for every possible number that could be plugged
in. Further analysis would be necessary and should focus on whether Quantity A is greater
for all possible numbers or whether there are numbers for which Quantity A is not greater.
The following sample questions focus on simplifying the comparison.
Quantity A Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Set up the initial comparison:
Then simplify:
Step 1: Multiply both sides by 5 to get
Step 2: Subtract 3y from both sides to get
Step 3: Divide both sides by 2 to get
The comparison is now simplified as much as possible. In order to compare 1 and y, note
that you are given the information (above Quantities A and B). It follows
from that or so that in the comparison the
placeholder represents less than (<):
However, the problem asks for a comparison between Quantity A and Quantity B, not a
comparison between 1 and y. To go from the comparison between 1 and y to a
comparison between Quantities A and B, start with the last comparison, and carefully
consider each simplification step in reverse order to determine what each comparison
implies about the preceding comparison, all the way back to the comparison between
Quantities A and B if possible. Since Step 3 was divide both sides by 2, multiplying both
sides of the comparison by 2 implies the preceding comparison thus reversing
Step 3. Each simplification step can be reversed as follows:
Reverse Step 3: multiply both sides by 2.
Reverse Step 2: add 3y to both sides.
Reverse Step 1: divide both sides by 5.
When each step is reversed, the relationship remains less than (<), so Quantity A is less than
Quantity B. Thus, the correct answer is Choice B, Quantity B is greater.
While some simplification steps like subtracting 3 from both sides or dividing both sides by
10 are always reversible, it is important to note that some steps, like squaring both sides,
may not be reversible.
Also, note that when you simplify an inequality, the steps of multiplying or dividing both
sides by a negative number change the direction of the inequality; for example,
if then relationship in the final, simplified inequality may be the opposite of the
relationship between Quantities A and B. This is another reason to consider the impact of each
step carefully.
Quantity A
Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Set up the initial comparison:
Then simplify:
Step 1: Multiply both sides by 2 to get
Step 2: Add to both sides to get
Step 3: Simplify the right-hand side using the fact that to get
The resulting relationship is equal to (=). In reverse order, each simplification step
implies equal to in the preceding comparison. So Quantities A and B are also equal.
Thus, the correct answer is Choice C, the two quantities are equal.
Quantity A Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Set up the initial comparison:
Then simplify by noting that the quadratic polynomial can be factored:
Step 1: Subtract 2x from both sides to get
Step 2: Factor the left-hand side to get
The left-hand side of the comparison is the square of a number. Since the square of a
number is always greater than or equal to 0, and 0 is greater than the simplified
comparison is the inequality and the resulting relationship is greater than (>).
In reverse order, each simplification step implies the inequality greater than (>) in the
preceding comparison. Therefore, Quantity A is greater than Quantity B. The correct
answer is Choice A, Quantity A is greater.
Quantity A Quantity B
Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.
Set up the initial comparison:
Then simplify:
Step 1: Subtract 2w from both sides and add 4 to both sides to get
Step 2: Divide both sides by 5 to get
The comparison cannot be simplified any further. Although you are given that you still
dont know how w compares to or 1.8. For example, if then but if
then In other words, the relationship between w and cannot be
determined. Note that each of these simplification steps is reversible, so in reverse order,
each simplification step implies that the relationship cannot be determined in the
preceding comparison. Thus, the relationship between Quantities A and B cannot be
determined. The correct answer is Choice D, the relationship cannot be determined
from the information given.
The strategy of simplifying the comparison works most efficiently when you note that a
simplification step is reversible while actually taking the step. Here are some common steps
that are always reversible:
Adding any number or expression to both sides of a comparison
Subtracting any number or expression from both sides
Multiplying both sides by any nonzero number or expression
Dividing both sides by any nonzero number or expression
Remember that if the relationship is an inequality, multiplying or dividing both sides by
any negative number or expression will yield the opposite inequality. Be aware that some
common operations like squaring both sides are generally not reversible and may require
further analysis using other information given in the question in order to justify reversing
such steps.
These questions are multiple-choice questions that ask you to select only one answer choice from
a list of five choices.
Tips for Answering
1. Use the fact that the answer is there. If your answer is not one of the five answer choices
given, you should assume that your answer is incorrect and do the following:
Reread the question carefully you may have missed an important detail
or misinterpreted some information.
Check your computations you may have made a mistake, such as mis-keying
a number on the calculator.
Reevaluate your solution method you may have a flaw in your reasoning.
2. Examine the answer choices. In some questions you are asked explicitly which of the
choices has a certain property. You may have to consider each choice separately or you
may be able to see a relationship between the choices that will help you find the answer
more quickly. In other questions, it may be helpful to work backward from the choices, say,
by substituting the choices in an equation or inequality to see which one works. However,
be careful, as that method may take more time than using reasoning.
3. For questions that require approximations, scan the answer choices to see how close
an approximation is needed. In other questions, too, it may be helpful to scan the choices
briefly before solving the problem to get a better sense of what the question is asking. If
computations are involved in the solution, it may be necessary to carry out all computations
exactly and round only your final answer in order to get the required degree of
In other questions, you may find that estimation is sufficient and will help you avoid spending time
on long computations.
Select a single answer choice.
what is the value of x ?
Solving the equation for x, you get and so The correct answer is Choice
Which of the following numbers is farthest from the number 1 on the number line?
Circling each of the answer choices in a sketch of the number line (Figure 4) shows that of the
given numbers, is the greatest distance from 1.
Figure 4
Another way to answer the question is to remember that the distance between two
numbers on the number line is equal to the absolute value of the difference of the two
numbers. For example, the distance between and 1 is and the distance
between 10 and 1 is
The correct answer is Choice A,
Figure 5
The figure above shows the graph of the function f, defined by for all numbers x. For
which of the following functions g, defined for all numbers x, does the graph of g intersect the
graph of f ?
You can see that all five choices are linear functions whose graphs are lines with various slopes
and y-intercepts. The graph of Choice A is a line with slope 1 and y-intercept shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6
It is clear that this line will not intersect the graph of f to the left of the y-axis. To the right of
the y-axis, the graph of f is a line with slope 2, which is greater than slope 1. Consequently,
as the value of x increases, the value of y increases faster for f than for g, and therefore the
graphs do not intersect to the right of the y-axis. Choice B is similarly ruled out. Note that if
the y-intercept of either of the lines in Choices A and B were greater than or equal to 4
instead of less than 4, they would intersect the graph of f.
Choices C and D are lines with slope 2 and y-intercepts less than 4. Hence, they are parallel
to the graph of f (to the right of the y-axis) and therefore will not intersect it. Any line with a
slope greater than 2 and a y-intercept less than 4, like the line in Choice E, will intersect the
graph of f (to the right of the y-axis). The correct answer is Choice E,
A car got 33 miles per gallon using gasoline that cost $2.95 per gallon. Approximately what was
the cost, in dollars, of the gasoline used in driving the car 350 miles?
Scanning the answer choices indicates that you can do at least some estimation and still
answer confidently. The car used gallons of gasoline, so the cost was dollars.
You can estimate the product by estimating a little low, 10, and estimating
2.95 a little high, 3, to get approximately dollars. You can also use the calculator to
compute a more exact answer and then round the answer to the nearest 10 dollars, as
suggested by the answer choices. The calculator yields the decimal which rounds to
30 dollars. Thus, the correct answer is Choice C, $30.
A certain jar contains 60 jelly beans 22 white, 18 green, 11 yellow, 5 red, and 4 purple. If a
jelly bean is to be chosen at random, what is the probability that the jelly bean will be neither
red nor purple?
Since there are 5 red and 4 purple jelly beans in the jar, there are 51 that are neither red nor
purple and the probability of selecting one of these is Since all of the answer choices are
decimals, you must convert the fraction to its decimal equivalent, 0.85. Thus, the correct
answer is Choice D, 0.85.
These questions are multiple-choice questions that ask you to select one or more answer choices
from a list of choices. A question may or may not specify the number of choices to select.
Tips for Answering
1. Note whether you are asked to indicate a specific number of answer choices or all
choices that apply. In the latter case, be sure to consider all of the choices, determine
which ones are correct, and select all of those and only those choices. Note that there may
be only one correct choice.
2. In some questions that involve conditions that limit the possible values of the
numerical answer choices, it may be efficient to determine the least and/or the
greatest possible value. Knowing the least and/or greatest possible value may enable you
to quickly determine all of the choices that are correct.
3. Avoid lengthy calculations by recognizing and continuing numerical patterns.
Select one or more answer choices according to the specific question directions.
If the question does not specify how many answer choices to select, select all that apply.
The correct answer may be just one of the choices or as many as all of the choices,
depending on the question.
No credit is given unless you select all of the correct choices and no others.
If the question specifies how many answer choices to select, select exactly that number of choices.
1. Which two of the following numbers have a product that is between 1 and 0?
Indicate both of the numbers.
For this question, you must select a pair of answer choices. The product of the pair must be
negative, so the possible products are (20)(2
), (20)(3
), (10)(2
) and
). The product must also be greater than 1. The first product
, the
second product is and the third product is , so you can stop
there. The correct answer consists of Choices B (10) and C (2
2. Which of the following integers are multiples of both 2 and 3?
Indicate all such integers.
You can first identify the multiples of 2, which are 8, 12, 18 and 36, and then among the
multiples of 2 identify the multiples of 3, which are 12, 18 and 36. Alternatively, if you realize
that every number that is a multiple of 2 and 3 is also a multiple of 6, you can identify the
choices that are multiples of 6. The correct answer consists of Choices C (12), D (18) and F
3. Each employee of a certain company is in either Department X or Department Y, and there are
more than twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y. The average
(arithmetic mean) salary is $25,000 for the employees in Department X and $35,000 for the
employees in Department Y. Which of the following amounts could be the average salary for all
of the employees of the company?
Indicate all such amounts.
One strategy for answering this kind of question is to find the least and/or greatest possible
value. Clearly the average salary is between $25,000 and $35,000, and all of the answer choices
are in this interval. Since you are told that there are more employees with the lower average
salary, the average salary of all employees must be less than the average of $25,000 and
$35,000, which is $30,000. If there were exactly twice as many employees in Department X as
in Department Y, then the average salary for all employees would be, to the nearest dollar, the
following weighted mean,
where the weight for $25,000 is 2 and the weight for $35,000 is 1. Since there are more than
twice as many employees in Department X as in Department Y, the actual average salary must
be even closer to $25,000 because the weight for $25,000 is greater than 2. This means that
$28,333 is the greatest possible average. Among the choices given, the possible values of the
average are therefore $26,000 and $28,000. Thus, the correct answer consists of Choices A
($26,000) and B ($28,000).
Intuitively, you might expect that any amount between $25,000 and $28,333 is a possible value
of the average salary. To see that $26,000 is possible, in the weighted mean above, use the
respective weights 9 and 1 instead of 2 and 1. To see that $28,000 is possible, use the
respective weights 7 and 3.
4. Which of the following could be the units digit of where n is a positive integer?
Indicate all such digits.
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
F. 5
G. 6
H. 7
I. 8
J. 9
The units digit of is the same as the units digit of for all positive integers n. To see why
this is true for
by hand and observe how its units digit results from the
units digit of Because this is true for every positive integer n, you need to consider only
powers of 7. Beginning with and proceeding consecutively, the units digits of 7,
and are 7, 9, 3, 1 and 7, respectively. In this sequence, the first digit, 7, appears again, and
the pattern of four digits, 7, 9, 3, 1, repeats without end. Hence, these four digits are the only
possible units digits of and therefore of The correct answer consists of Choices B (1),
D (3), H (7) and J (9).
Questions of this type ask you either to enter your answer as an integer or a decimal in a single
answer box or to enter it as a fraction in two separate boxes one for the numerator and one for
the denominator. You will use the computer mouse and keyboard to enter your answer.
Tips for Answering
1. Make sure you answer the question that is asked. Since there are no answer choices to
guide you, read the question carefully and make sure you provide the type of answer
required. Sometimes there will be labels before or after the answer box to indicate the
appropriate type of answer. Pay special attention to units such as feet or miles, to orders of
magnitude such as millions or billions, and to percents as compared with decimals.
2. If you are asked to round your answer, make sure you round to the required degree
of accuracy. For example, if an answer of 46.7 is to be rounded to the nearest integer, you
need to enter the number 47. If your solution strategy involves intermediate computations,
you should carry out all computations exactly and round only your final answer in order to
get the required degree of accuracy. If no rounding instructions are given, enter the exact
3. Examine your answer to see if it is reasonable with respect to the information given.
You may want to use estimation or another solution path to double-check your answer.
Enter your answer as an integer or a decimal if there is a single answer box OR as a fraction if there
are two separate answer boxes one for the numerator and one for the denominator.
To enter an integer or a decimal, either type the number in the answer box using the keyboard or
use the Transfer Display button on the calculator.
First, select the answer box a cursor will appear in the box and then type the number.
For a negative sign, type a hyphen. For a decimal point, type a period.
The Transfer Display button on the calculator will transfer the calculator display to the
answer box.
Equivalent forms of the correct answer, such as 2.5 and 2.50, are all correct.
Enter the exact answer unless the question asks you to round your answer.
To enter a fraction, type the numerator and the denominator in their respective answer boxes
using the keyboard.
Select each answer box a cursor will appear in the box then type an integer. A decimal
point cannot be used in either box.
For a negative sign, type a hyphen in either box.
The Transfer Display button on the calculator cannot be used for a fraction.
Fractions do not need to be reduced to lowest terms, though you may need to reduce your
fraction to fit in the boxes.
1. One pen costs $0.25 and one marker costs $0.35. At those prices, what is the total cost of 18
pens and 100 markers?
Multiplying $0.25 by 18 yields $4.50, which is the cost of the 18 pens, and multiplying $0.35 by
100 yields $35.00, which is the cost of the 100 markers. The total cost is therefore
Equivalent decimals, such as $39.5 or $39.500, are considered correct.
Thus, the correct answer is $39.50 (or equivalent).
Note that the dollar symbol is in front of the answer box, so the symbol $ does not need to be
entered in the box. In fact, only numbers, a decimal point and a negative sign can be entered in
the answer box.
2. Rectangle R has length 30 and width 10, and square S has length 5. The perimeter of S is what
fraction of the perimeter of R?
The perimeter of R is and the perimeter of S is Therefore, the
perimeter of S is of the perimeter of R. To enter the answer you should enter the
20 in the top box and the denominator 80 in the bottom box. Because the fraction
does not need to be reduced to lowest terms, any fraction that is equivalent to is also
considered correct, as long as it fits in the boxes. For example, both of the
fractions and are considered correct. Thus, the correct answer is (or any equivalent
Figure 7
Results of a Used-Car Auction
Small Cars
Large Cars
Number of cars offered
Number of cars sold
Projected sales total for cars offered (in thousands)
Actual sales total (in thousands)
For the large cars sold at an auction that is summarized in the table above, what was the
average sale price per car?
From Figure 7, you see that the number of large cars sold was 20 and the sales total for large
cars was $120,000 (not $120). Thus, the average sale price per car was
The correct answer is $6,000 (or equivalent).
(In numbers that are 1,000 or greater, you do not need to enter commas in the answer box.)
4. A merchant made a profit of $5 on the sale of a sweater that cost the merchant $15. What is
the profit expressed as a percent of the merchants cost?
Give your answer to the nearest whole percent.
The percent profit is percent, which is 33%, to the nearest
whole percent. Thus, the correct answer is 33% (or equivalent).
If you use the calculator and the Transfer Display button, the number that will be transferred to
the answer box is 33.333333, which is incorrect since it is not given to the nearest whole
percent. You will need to adjust the number in the answer box by deleting all of the digits to the
right of the decimal point.
Also, since you are asked to give the answer as a percent, the decimal equivalent of 33%, which is
0.33, is incorrect. The percent symbol next to the answer box indicates that the form of the answer
must be a percent. Entering 0.33 in the box would give the erroneous answer 0.33%.
5. Working alone at its constant rate, machine A produces k liters of a chemical in 10 minutes.
Working alone at its constant rate, machine B produces k liters of the chemical in 15 minutes.
How many minutes does it take machines A and B, working simultaneously at their
respective constant rates, to produce k liters of the chemical?
Machine A produces liters per minute, and machine B produces liters per minute. So,
when the machines work simultaneously, the rate at which the chemical is produced is the sum
of these two rates, which is liters per minute. To compute the
time required to produce k liters at this rate, divide the amount k by the rate to
get Therefore, the correct answer is 6 minutes (or equivalent).
One way to check that the answer of 6 minutes is reasonable is to observe that if the slower
rate of machine B were the same as machine As faster rate of k liters in 10 minutes, then
the two machines, working simultaneously, would take half the time, or 5 minutes, to
produce the k liters. So the answer has to be greater than 5 minutes. Similarly, if the faster
rate of machine A were the same as machine Bs slower rate of k liters in 15 minutes, then
the two machines would take half the time, or 7.5 minutes, to produce the k liters. So the
answer has to be less than 7.5 minutes. Thus, the answer of 6 minutes is reasonable
compared to the lower estimate of 5 minutes and the upper estimate of 7.5 minutes.
Data Interpretation questions are grouped together and refer to the same table, graph or other
data presentation. These questions ask you to interpret or analyze the given data. The types of
questions may be Multiple-choice (both types) or Numeric Entry.
Tips for Answering
1. Scan the data presentation briefly to see what it is about, but do not spend time
studying all of the information in detail. Focus on those aspects of the data that are
necessary to answer the questions. Pay attention to the axes and scales of graphs; to the
units of measurement or orders of magnitude (such as billions) that are given in the
titles, labels and legends; and to any notes that clarify the data.
2. When graphical data presentations, such as bar graphs and line graphs, are shown
with scales, you should read, estimate or compare quantities by sight or by
measurement, according to the corresponding scales. For example, you can use the
relative sizes of bars or sectors to compare the quantities that they represent, but be aware
of broken scales and of bars that do not start at 0.
3. The questions are to be answered only on the basis of the data presented, everyday
facts (such as the number of days in a year) and your knowledge of mathematics. Do
not make use of specialized information you may recall from other sources about the
particular context on which the questions are based unless the information can be
derived from the data presented.
Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following data.
Figure 8
Annual Percent Change in Dollar Amount of Sales at Five Retail Stores from 2006 to 2008
Percent Change
from 2006 to 2007
Percent Change
from 2007 to 2008
1. If the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, what was the dollar amount of
sales at that store for 2008?
According to Figure 8, if the dollar amount of sales at Store P was $800,000 for 2006, then it was
10% greater for 2007, which is 110% of that amount, or $880,000. For 2008 the amount was 90%
of $880,000, which is $792,000. The correct answer is Choice B, $792,000.
Note that an increase of 10% for one year and a decrease of 10% for the following year
does not result in the same dollar amount as the original dollar amount because the base
that is used in computing the percents is $800,000 for the first change but $880,000 for the
second change.
2. At Store T, the dollar amount of sales for 2007 was what percent of the dollar amount of
sales for 2008?
Give your answer to the nearest 0.1%.
If A is the dollar amount of sales at Store T for 2007, then 8% of A, or is the amount
of decrease from 2007 to 2008. Thus is the dollar amount for 2008.
Therefore, the desired percent can be obtained by dividing A by
equals Expressed as a percent and rounded to the nearest
this number is 108.7%. Thus, the correct answer is 108.7% (or equivalent).
3. Based on the information given, which of the following statements must be true?
Indicate all such statements.
For 2008 the dollar amount of sales at Store R was greater than that at each of the other
four stores.
The dollar amount of sales at Store S for 2008 was 22% less than that for 2006.
The dollar amount of sales at Store R for 2008 was more than 17% greater than that for
For Choice A, since the only data given in Figure 8 are percent changes from year to year, there
is no way to compare the actual dollar amount of sales at the stores for 2008 or for any other
year. Even though Store R had the greatest percent increase from 2006 to 2008, its actual dollar
amount of sales for 2008 may have been much smaller than that for any of the other four
stores, and therefore Choice A is not necessarily true.
For Choice B, even though the sum of the 2% decreases would suggest a 22% decrease, the bases
of the percents are different. If B is the dollar amount of sales at Store S for 2006, then the dollar
amount for 2007 is 93% of B, or and the dollar amount for 2008 is given by
which is Note that this represents a percent decrease
%, which is not
equal to 22%, and so Choice B is not true.
For Choice C, if C is the dollar amount of sales at Store R for 2006, then the dollar amount for
2007 is given by and the dollar amount for 2008 is given by which
Note that this represents a 17.6% increase, which is greater than 17%, so Choice C
must be true.
Therefore, the correct answer consists of only Choice C (The dollar amount of sales at Store R
for 2008 was more than 17% greater than that for 2006).
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