Multistate Professional
Responsibility Examination
MPRE Sample Test Questions
The following sample questions are examples of test questions similar to those on
the MPRE. While these sample questions illustrate the kinds of questions that will
appear on the MPRE, they do not represent all the material covered. Examinees are
advised to review the information on MPRE content, including the subject matter
outline. An answer key is provided on page 5.
1. An attorney was representing a nonprofit organization in
merger negotiations with another nonprofit entity. During
a review of the client organization’s financial records, the
attorney discovered that the organization had engaged in
activities that jeopardized its nonprofit status. The attorney
reasonably concluded that the organization’s failure to
report these activities to the other nonprofit entity would
constitute a fraud. The attorney had not represented the
organization at the time of the activities and had not made
any false representations to the other nonprofit entity during
the negotiations.
The attorney met with the organization’s board of directors
and informed it that he would withdraw from representing the
organization in the merger negotiations unless it disclosed
to the other nonprofit entity the activities that jeopardized
the organization’s nonprofit status. The board refused to
disclose the activities and insisted that the attorney continue
to represent the organization. The attorney declined and
promptly withdrew from the representation without making
any disclosures to the other nonprofit entity or to the state
tax authorities.
Is the attorney subject to discipline for his conduct in this
(A) Yes, because the attorney did not inform the other non-
profit entity that the organization had failed to report the
activities that jeopardized the organization’s nonprofit
(B) Yes, because the attorney withdrew from representing
the organization in the merger negotiations without the
board’s permission.
(C) No, because the attorney withdrew from the represen-
tation after informing the board of directors about the
need to disclose the activities to the other nonprofit
(D) No, because the attorney was permitted to withdraw
regardless of whether he informed the board of direc-
tors of the need to disclose the activities to the other
nonprofit entity.
2. A state prosecutor was assigned to a murder case in which
the defendant had confessed to committing the crime. In
the same confession, the defendant had also confessed to
committing many other crimes over many years, including
the murder of a young woman in another jurisdiction. In
investigating the defendant’s confession, which the prose-
cutor knew to be credible, the prosecutor discovered that
another individual had been convicted and sentenced to
prison for the murder of the young woman. Based on the
defendant’s confession, for which there was corroboration,
the prosecutor knew that it was reasonably likely that the
individual convicted of murdering the young woman was
innocent. The prosecutor did not tell anyone about the
defendant’s confession to the murder of the young woman.
Was the prosecutor’s conduct proper?
(A) No, because the prosecutor failed to promptly disclose
the information regarding the defendant’s confession to
a court or the chief prosecutor in the other jurisdiction.
(B) No, because the prosecutor failed to investigate to
determine whether the individual convicted of murder-
ing the young woman was innocent.
(C) Yes, because the defendant’s confession was informa-
tion relating to the prosecutor’s representation of the
(D) Yes, because the prosecution of the other individual for
murdering the young woman was final.
3. An attorney represented a company that produces chemical
products. Some of the waste products of the company’s
manufacturing processes are highly toxic and are reason-
ably certain to cause substantial bodily harm if disposed of
improperly. The president of the company recently informed
the attorney that a new employee had mistakenly disposed
of the waste products in the ground behind the company
plant, an area that is part of the source of the city’s water
supply. The attorney advised the president that the com-
pany could be civilly and criminally liable for negligence
in lawsuits brought by any persons harmed by the waste
products. The attorney advised the president to immediately
report the problem to city authorities. Fearful of adverse
publicity, the president declined to do so. The attorney
further advised the president that she believed the presi-
dent’s decision was immoral. The president continued to
decline to report the matter. The attorney then informed the
president that she was withdrawing from the representation
and would inform the authorities herself. Immediately after
withdrawing, the attorney reported the company’s conduct
to the authorities.
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the attorney received the information in
confidence and was not permitted to reveal the informa-
tion without the company’s consent.
(B) Yes, because the company’s conduct was not
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MPRE Sample Test Questions | 1
(C) No, because the attorney reasonably believed that
the president was pursuing an imprudent and immoral
course of conduct.
(D) No, because the attorney reasonably believed that the
company’s disposal of the waste products was reason-
ably certain to cause substantial bodily harm.
4. A state trial court judge was assigned an action that sought
to invalidate a testamentary trust as violating the rule against
perpetuities. The judge had no experience in estate matters
and did not find the briefs submitted by the parties to be help-
ful. Without prior notice to the parties, the judge consulted
another trial judge with extensive experience in estate plan-
ning concerning the essential aspects of the rule. The judge
was careful during the consultation to avoid identifying the
parties or receiving any factual information that was not part
of the record. The judge then personally decided the matter.
She neither informed the parties about her consultation with
the other judge nor gave them the opportunity to object or
Was the judge’s conduct proper?
(A) Yes, because the judge did not identify the parties.
(B) Yes, because the judge personally decided the matter.
(C) No, because the judge did not give the parties prior
notice that she planned to consult ex parte with the other
judge concerning the matter.
(D) No, because the judge neither informed the parties about
her consultation with the other judge nor gave them the
opportunity to object or respond.
5. An attorney represented a mother in a child custody dispute.
The father of the child was not represented by a lawyer. The
mother told the attorney that she wanted to resolve the cus-
tody dispute amicably and asked the attorney to meet with
the father to see if an agreement could be reached before the
upcoming court date.
The attorney met with the father, presented the mother’s
proposed custody arrangement, and asked the father to
agree to it. The father asked the attorney whether the custody
arrangement was fair. The attorney advised the father to hire
his own lawyer if he wanted advice regarding the fairness of
the arrangement. The attorney did not offer any other advice.
The father hired a lawyer, and the matter turned into an
antagonistic negotiation that had to be resolved in court.
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the attorney asked the father to agree to
the proposed custody arrangement.
(B) Yes, because the attorney advised the father to hire his
own lawyer.
(C) No, because the attorney offered the father no advice
other than to hire his own lawyer.
(D) No, because a lawyer may give legal advice to an unrep-
resented opposing party.
6. An attorney represented a client who was the plaintiff in a per-
sonal injury action. After the action had settled, the attorney
received a check in the amount of $10,000 payable to the
attorney, which she deposited in her client trust account.
The next day, the attorney received a letter from a bank. The
bank informed the attorney that the client had failed to make
mortgage payments on a residential building for the last three
months and demanded that the attorney immediately release
$3,000 of the settlement proceeds to the bank to avert imme-
diate foreclosure proceedings against the client. When the
attorney, who did not represent the client in the mortgage
matter, informed the client of the bank’s letter, the client did
not dispute the $3,000 debt but expressed no concern for
what the bank might do. The client believed that the build-
ing was essentially worthless, so he assumed that the bank
would never foreclose. The client instructed the attorney to
take her legal fees from the settlement and turn the rest of
the proceeds over to him. The attorney followed the client’s
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the client did not dispute the $3,000 debt
to the bank.
(B) Yes, because the attorney knew that the client was plan-
ning to force the bank to foreclose the mortgage.
(C) No, because the attorney did not represent the client in
the mortgage matter.
(D) No, because the bank had no established right to the spe-
cific proceeds of the client’s personal injury settlement.
7. An attorney in a five-lawyer firm learned that one of her
partners had charged personal expenses to a client and
had fraudulently represented that the expenses were related
to the client’s representation. After being confronted with
evidence of the fraud, the partner resigned. The attorney
disclosed the fraud to the client and directed the law firm’s
billing department to refund the fraudulent charges to the cli-
ent. The attorney asked the client whether the client wanted
to disclose the partner’s conduct to the disciplinary authority.
The client did not object to the disclosure but left the decision
to the attorney.
Is the attorney required to report the partner’s conduct to the
disciplinary authority?
(A) Yes, because lawyers must report all violations of the
rules of professional conduct to disciplinary authorities.
(B) Yes, because the conduct raised a substantial question
as to the partner’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as
a lawyer.
(C) No, because the attorney acted promptly to rectify any
damage to the client caused by the partner’s conduct.
(D) No, because the attorney owes a continuing fiduciary
duty to the partner with respect to matters that occurred
during the course of their partnership.
8. An attorney represented the wife in an acrimonious divorce
proceeding involving issues of property division and child cus-
tody. After one day of trial, the husband, through his lawyer,
made a settlement offer. The proposed settlement required
that the wife’s attorney agree not to represent the wife in any
subsequent proceeding, brought by either party, to modify
2 | MPRE Sample Test Questions
or enforce the provisions of the decree. The wife wanted to
accept the offer, and her attorney reasonably believed that it
was in the wife’s best interest to do so because the settlement
offer was better than any potential award to the wife resulting
from the case going to judgment. Consequently, the attorney
recommended to the wife that she accept the offer.
Was it proper for the wife’s attorney to recommend that the
wife accept the settlement offer?
(A) No, because the attorney did not obtain the wife’s
informed consent to the conflict of interest created by the
proposed settlement.
(B) No, because the proposed settlement restricted the attor-
ney’s right to represent the wife in the future.
(C) Yes, because the restriction on the attorney was limited
to subsequent proceedings in the same matter.
(D) Yes, because the attorney reasonably believed that it
was in the wife’s best interest to accept the proposed
9. A man asked an attorney to represent him pro bono in an
appeal from the denial of unemployment benefits. The attor-
ney agreed but missed the deadline to file the appeal.
When the attorney discovered his error, he met with the man
and presented a proposed settlement of the man’s potential
malpractice claim against the attorney. The attorney proposed
to pay the man an amount equal to the unemployment bene-
fits he would have received had his appeal been successful;
in exchange, the man would agree to waive any malpractice
claim. The attorney memorialized this proposed settlement
in a written document that included a statement advising the
man to seek independent legal counsel before accepting the
settlement and stating that the man could take as long as he
needed to do this. However, without consulting independent
legal counsel, the man agreed to and signed the proposed
settlement the next week. The attorney subsequently paid the
man the money he would have received from a successful
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the attorney made an agreement with the
man to waive a potential claim for malpractice.
(B) Yes, because the man did not consult independent coun-
sel before he agreed to the proposed settlement.
(C) No, because the attorney advised the man in writing to
seek independent legal counsel before agreeing to the
proposed settlement.
(D) No, because the attorney agreed to fully compensate the
man for his losses.
10. An attorney represented a client in a breach of contract action
against the client’s former business partner. During the rep-
resentation, the client presented the attorney with incontro-
vertible proof that the former partner had committed perjury
in unrelated litigation several years earlier. The prior litigation
had been resolved in the former partner’s favor. Neither the
attorney nor the client had been involved in any way in the
prior litigation. However, at the time of the prior litigation, the
client and the former partner had had a close personal and
business relationship. The attorney believed that it would be
detrimental to the client’s best interests to reveal the former
partner’s perjury because the court might draw negative
inferences about the client from the former partner’s behavior.
As a result, the attorney did not disclose the former partner’s
prior perjury to the court.
Was the attorney’s conduct proper?
(A) Yes, because the attorney believed that the disclosure
would be detrimental to the client’s best interests.
(B) Yes, because neither the client nor the attorney had been
involved in any way in the prior litigation.
(C) No, because the attorney possessed knowledge that the
former partner had perpetrated a fraud on a tribunal.
(D) No, because the information regarding the prior perjury
was not privileged.
11. An experienced plaintiffs’ attorney purchased advertising
space on a consumer advocate’s blog. The advertisement
included the attorney’s name and contact information along
with the following accurate statement: “In the last three
years, I have obtained five jury verdicts that awarded over
one million dollars each in medical malpractice cases.” The
advertisement also included the following disclaimer: “The
merit of claims and amount of damages vary depending on
the individual circumstances of each medical malpractice
case. Past results do not guarantee the amount of any future
recovery.” After running the advertisement for six months, the
attorney asked all prospective clients who had contacted him
during that time period if they had seen the advertisement. No
prospective client reported seeing the advertisement.
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the advertisement may have misled poten-
tial clients by creating unjustified expectations based on
the attorney’s past record.
(B) No, because even without the disclaimer, no reasonable
potential client would believe that past results guarantee
similar outcomes in the future.
(C) No, because the advertisement included a disclaimer
to avoid creating unjustified expectations based on the
attorney’s past record.
(D) No, because no prospective client reported seeing the
12. An attorney was engaged under a general retainer agreement
to represent a corporation involved in the uranium industry.
Under the agreement, the attorney handled all of the cor-
poration’s legal work, which typically involved regulatory
issues and litigation. The corporation told the attorney that a
congressional committee was holding hearings concerning
the extent of regulation in the copper industry. Because the
corporation was considering buying a copper mine during
the next fiscal year, the corporation asked the attorney to
appear and testify that the industry was overregulated. The
attorney subsequently testified to that effect before the rel-
evant congressional committee. The attorney registered his
appearance under his own name and did not disclose that he
MPRE Sample Test Questions | 3
was appearing on behalf of a client. Afterward, the attorney
billed the corporation for fees and expenses related to his
testimony. The attorney’s testimony was truthful.
Was the attorney’s conduct proper?
(A) Yes, because the duty of confidentiality prevented the
attorney from disclosing the identity of his client.
(B) Yes, because the attorney-client evidentiary privilege
prevented disclosure of the identity of his client in this
(C) No, because the attorney waived the attorney-client priv-
ilege by testifying.
(D) No, because the attorney failed to disclose that he was
appearing and testifying in a representative capacity.
13. A state attorney general notified a privately held health-care
corporation that it was under investigation for fraud in con-
nection with state Medicaid benefits. The corporation retained
an attorney to investigate the alleged violations, advise it on
how to proceed, and, if necessary, defend it in civil or criminal
The attorney interviewed an employee of the corporation who
told the attorney that the corporation routinely inflated the bills
it submitted to the state at the direction of the corporation’s
president. The employee said that the billing fraud was ongo-
ing. Based on a subsequent review of the records, the attor-
ney knew that the employee’s statement about the inflated
bills was truthful. The attorney reported this information to the
corporation’s general counsel and also to the board of direc-
tors. A week later, the general counsel notified the attorney
that the board of directors had considered the information and
had declined to take any further action.
The attorney knew that the billing fraud would continue and
was reasonably certain to result in substantial injury to the
corporation. Without first obtaining the informed consent of
the employee, the attorney disclosed the information to the
state attorney general.
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) Yes, because the attorney did not obtain the informed
consent of the employee to disclose the information.
(B) Yes, because the attorney was retained to investigate the
alleged violations of law and to defend the corporation in
litigation arising out of any alleged violations of law.
(C) No, because the attorney first reported the information
to the board of directors and only reported to the state
attorney general when the board refused to take action.
(D) No, because the information pertained to violations of law
that the attorney knew were reasonably certain to result
in substantial injury to the corporation.
14. An attorney who had represented a client for many years pre-
pared the client’s will and acted as one of the two subscribing
witnesses to its execution. The will gave 10% of the client’s
estate to the client’s housekeeper, 10% to the client’s son
and sole heir, and the residue to charity. Upon the client’s
death one year later, the executor named in the will asked
the attorney to represent him in probating the will and admin-
istering the estate. At that time, the executor informed the
attorney that the son had notified him that he would contest
the probate of the will on the grounds that the client lacked the
required mental capacity at the time the will was executed.
The attorney believes that the client was fully competent at all
times and will so testify at trial. The other subscribing witness
to the client’s will predeceased the client.
Would it be proper for the attorney to represent the executor
in the probate of the will?
(A) No, because the attorney will be called to testify on a
contested issue of fact.
(B) No, because the attorney would be representing an inter-
est adverse to the interests of the client’s heir.
(C) Yes, because the attorney is the sole surviving witness to
the execution of the will.
(D) Yes, because the attorney’s testimony will support the
validity of the will.
15. A prosecutor who had graduated from law school two years
earlier became a candidate to serve as a judge on a state trial
court. In that state, trial court judges are chosen in nonparti-
san elections. A newspaper reporter interviewed a prominent
local attorney who gave his general impressions about each
candidate, although he had not conducted any investigation
into the candidates’ backgrounds or qualifications. When
asked about the prosecutor, the attorney said, “It takes many
years of experience to develop the wisdom necessary to
serve as a judge. Given that he has only been in practice for
two years, I do not believe this prosecutor is ready to become
a judge.”
Is the attorney subject to discipline?
(A) No, because the attorney expressed an honest and
candid opinion concerning the professional fitness of a
candidate for judicial office.
(B) No, because the First Amendment immunizes lawyers
from discipline for making statements impugning the
integrity of judges.
(C) Yes, because the attorney publicly criticized the qualifica-
tions of a candidate for judicial office.
(D) Yes, because the attorney did not conduct a reasonable
investigation to determine whether the prosecutor was
qualified to serve as a judge.
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MPRE Sample Test Questions Answer Key
Answer Key
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. A
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Bar Examiners
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