Dear Homeowner,
Thank you for requesting assistance for foreclosure prevention by RIHousing.
To complete your request, you must first fill out our Financial Information Package and send us the
required documents which are needed to process your request for assistance. Please use the
required documents checklist attached. Please do not send original documents. You can send the
completed application and required documents packet to us by facsimile, mail, or e-mail.
You may also simply drop them off at our office:
RIHousing HelpCenter
44 Washington Street
Providence, RI 02903
Fax: 401-450-1373
Please return your financial information packet as soon as possible, as this is a time-sensitive
Once we have received your application packet, you will be assigned to a HUD Counselor. The HUD
Counselor will follow up with you to review your options and/or discuss additional information that
may be needed.
If you have any questions or need any assistance with the application, please contact us at:
(401) 457-1130.
TTY: (401) 450-1394.
Thank you for reaching out to the RIHousing HelpCenter.
RIHousing HelpCenter
NOTE: If you have an impairment, disability, language barrier, or otherwise require an alternative means of
completing this form or accessing information about our housing counseling program, please inform our
housing counselor program staff so alternative accommodations may be arranged.
Please DO NOT Send Originals
Single-sided Copies Please
1. Most recent pay stubs 30 consecutive days of pay stubs for all borrowers/ contributors (person
other than mortgage holder). Contributors must send signed and dated contribution amount letter.
2. Proof of all other sources of income for borrowers/contributors (SSI, SSDI, child support, rental
income etc.) Most recent benefit award letter for all SSI, SSDI, TDI and/or Unemployment income
being received. If receiving Government Assistance (ex. SNAP), please include the Quarterly Benefit
Statement. Rental income leases.
3. Two years of recent Federal Tax Returns signed tax returns for the last two years (personal and
business) with all schedules and W-2’s. If no tax returns, then a letter, signed and dates, explaining
why no taxes were filed.
4. Two months of recent bank statements from all saving & checking accounts, allpages, front and
back, for the last two months (personal and business). Transaction history is not acceptable.
5. Self-employed borrowers must provide most recent quarterly or year-to-date Profit & Loss
Statement. Statement must be signed and dated.
6. Most recent utility bill at least one gas, electric, or cable bill.
7. Most recent mortgage statement with loan number and lender/servicer contact information.
8. Delinquency letters/notices mediation, conciliation, tax sale, or foreclosure notices, if applicable.
9. Property tax bill – only if current mortgage payment does not include an escrow payment.
10. Homeowners Insurance Policy declaration page(s). Only if current mortgage payment does not
include and escrow payment.
11. Bankruptcy discharge notice, if applicable.
12. Court Orders Final Divorce Decree, Alimony, and Child support payments, if applicable
13. Homeowners Association Fee Statement, if applicable.
14. HUD Approved Counseling Program Authorization, Disclosure, Housing Stability Counseling
Program Authorization, Dodd Frank, Homeowner/Counselor Agreement, and Consent to the Use
of Tax Return Information Forms signed and dated by all borrowers (pgs. 7-13).
15. Hardship Letter signed and dated by all borrowers (pg. 6).
16. Copy of Drivers License or State ID
Borrower Information
Financial Information
Number of people in household.
Relationship to Applicant
Page 1/13
Borrower’s Name
Co-Borrower’s Name
Social Security Number
Social Security Number
Date of Birth (month/day/year)
Primary Phone Number With Area Code
Primary Phone Number With Area Code
Secondary Phone Number
Secondary Phone Number
Email Address
Email Address
Mailing Address
Mailing Address
Present Address (If Same As Mailing Address, Write Same)
Present Address (If Same As Mailing Address, Write Same)
Married Unmarried (includes single, divorced, widowed) Separated Married Unmarried (includes single, divorced, widowed) Separated
Yrs School Yrs School
Military Status: N/A Active Veteran
Military Status: N/A Active Veteran
Are you a US Citizen? Yes No Are you a US Citizen? Yes No
Are you a Permanent Resident Alien? Yes No Are you a Permanent Resident Alien? Yes No
Employment Information
Employed Unemployed Self-employed Employed Unemployed Self-employed
Work Phone Number With Area Code
Work Phone Number With Area Code
# Of Years at Current or Most Recent Job # Of Years at Current or Most Recent Job
Property Information
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Single Family Multi-family (1-4 Units) Condo Property Purchase Date
Property Condition: Excellent Good Fair Poor Estimated Property Value
I want to: Keep the Property Sell the Property This property is my: Primary Residence Second Home Investment
Is the property listed for sale? Yes No
For Sale by Owner? Yes
Agent’s Name:
Agent’s Phone Number:
Have you received an offer on the property? Yes No
Date of Offer Amount of Offer $
Have you contacted a credit-counseling agency for help? Yes No
If yes, please complete counselor contact information below.
Counselor’s Name:
Counselor’s Phone Number:
Counselor’s Email:
Have you received a foreclosure sale date?
Yes Foreclosure Date
Have you received a notice of Mediation or Conciliation? Yes No
Have you filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If yes: Chapter 7 Chapter 13 Filing Date:
Has your bankruptcy been discharged?
No Bankruptcy Case Number: Attorney:
Mortgage Information
First Mortgage Lender/Servicer Name
First Mortgage Loan Number
Interest Rate
Monthly Payment Amount (Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance)
Monthly Mortgage Insurance Payment (If Applicable)
Are you current on your First Mortgage? Yes No
If yes, are you in danger of falling delinquent? Yes No
Has your mortgage ever been modified or have you entered into aforbearance plan? Yes
Have you received Hardest Hit Funds in the past: Yes No
Who pays the real estate tax bill on your property?
Who pays hazard insurance policy for your property?
Are the taxes current? Yes No
Is the policy current? Yes No
Condominium or HOA Fee: Yes $ No
Paid to:
Do you have a second mortgage/ Home Equity Loan? Yes No If yes, provide detail below.
Second Mortgage Lender/Servicer Name
Second Mortgage Loan Number
Interest Rate
Monthly Payment Amount (Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance)
Monthly Mortgage Insurance Payment (If Applicable)
List other Liens/Mortgages or Judgments on this property, please name the person(s), company or firm and their telephone numbers.
Lien Holder’s Name/Servicer Balance
Contact Number Loan Number
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Information for Government Monitoring Purposes
The following information is requested by the federal government in order to monitor compliance with federal statutes that prohibit discrimination in housing. You are not
required to furnish this information, but are encouraged to do so. The law provides that a lender or servicer may not discriminate either on the basis
of this information, or on whether you choose to furnish it.
If you furnish the information, please provide both ethnicity and race. For race, you may check more than one
designation. If you do not furnish ethnicity, race, or sex, the lender or servicer is required to note the information on the basis of visual observation or surname if you have made
this request for a loan or grant in person.
If you do not wish to furnish the information, please check the box below.
I do not wish to furnish this information
I do not wish to furnish this information
Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino
Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Female Male
Female Male
Page 4/13
Monthly Income/Expenses For Household
Page 5/13
Hardship Affidavit
Explanation (Required):
If additional space is needed for Explanation, please include an additional page.
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HUD-Approved Counseling Agency
Note: if you have an impairment, disability, language barrier, or otherwise require an alternative means of
reviewing and completing this Authorization, please talk to us about arranging alternative accommodations.
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation’s (“RIHousing”) HelpCenter is a HUD-approved
counseling agency that provides foreclosure prevention counseling services (the “Counseling Services”) to
homeowners in the State of Rhode Island. As a participant in our counseling program, please read this
Authorization and indicate your understanding and consent by signing below.
1. I have provided RIHousing information regarding my personal finances (the “Financial Information”). I
understand that RIHousing will use the Financial Information to provide me with the Counseling Services,
evaluate any options that may be available to me regarding my mortgage loan (the “Loan”), and develop
an action plan consisting of recommendations for managing my finances. An overview of my counselor’s
and my roles and responsibilities is set forth at Attachment A.
I authorize RIHousing to obtain a consumer credit report on me and to use the report to provide me with the
Counseling Services. I understand that credit inquiries have the ability to impact my credit score.
3. I give RIHousing permission to contact my mortgage lender/servicer, ,
(the "Mortgagee") and to obtain from the Mortgagee any information regarding the Loan that RIHousing
deems necessary in order to provide the Counseling Services.
4. I authorize RIHousing to share the Financial Information with the Mortgagee and to discuss the Loan
and the Financial Information with the Mortgagee. I understand that I may or may not be present during
these discussions.
5. RIHousing’s HelpCenter is a HUD-approved counseling agency and may receive funding from the
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”). Due to the nature of these
relationships, RIHousing may be required to share information about me with HUD for program
monitoring, compliance, and evaluation purposes. I authorize RIHousing to make information relating to
the Loan, the Financial Information, and other information in my counseling file (including, but not limited
to, my social security number, date of birth, account numbers, and income information) available to HUD
and/or HUD’s agents and/or representatives for program monitoring and compliance purposes. Further, I
authorize RIHousing, HUD, and HUD’s agents and/or representatives to contact me for program evaluation
Name (printed)
Signature Date _
Name (printed)
Signature Date _
Property Address:
Page 7/13
Attachment A
Client Roles and Responsibilities
Counselor Roles and Responsibilities
Providing RIHousing with accurate and
complete information regarding your income,
assets, debts, and credit history in the
Financial Package.
Compiling all documents listed on the
“Required Document” checklist.
Completing the steps assigned to you in your
Action Plan.
Attending meetings, returning telephone
calls, and providing paperwork and
information in a timely manner.
Notifying RIHousing or your counselor in the
event that you change your housing goals.
As and where appropriate, seeking the
advice of an attorney, accountant, or financial
Reviewing your Financial Package and your
credit report and analyzing your financial
capacity. If mortgage fraud is suspected, we
may notify the appropriate authorities.
Developing an Action Plan to assist you in
achieving your housing goals. Your counselor
is not responsible for achieving your housing
goal, but will only provide support and
Determining your potential eligibility for loss
mitigation options.
If appropriate, assisting you in preparing a
hardship letter for submission to the
Maintaining communication with you and/or,
as necessary, the Mortgagee.
Reviewing any loss mitigation proposals you
receive from the Mortgagee.
Assisting you in preparing a household
budget to help you manage your debt,
expenses, and savings.
As appropriate, providing you with
recommendations and referrals to housing,
financial, utility, or legal aid services.
Page 8/13
Note: if you have an impairment, disability, language barrier, or otherwise require an alternative means of
reviewing and completing this Disclosure, please talk to us about arranging alternative accommodations.
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation’s (“RIHousing”) HelpCenter is a HUD-approved
counseling agency that provides foreclosure prevention counseling services (the “Counseling Services”) to
homeowners in the State of Rhode Island. We serve all clients regardless of income, race, color,
religion/creed, sex, national origin, age, family status, disability, or sexual orientation/gender identity. We
administer our programs in conformance with local, state, and federal anti-discrimination laws. As a
participant in our counseling program, please read this Disclosure and indicate your understanding
and consent by signing and dating.
Privacy Policy. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of RIHousing's Privacy Policy.
Referrals. In the course of providing me with Counseling Services my counselor may recommend or refer to
me other housing, financial, utility, or legal services. These services may be provided by RIHousing or other
organizations. I understand that I am not obligated to use any of the services that are referred or
recommended to me. I understand that RIHousing offers a variety of lending and mortgage products and loans,
and that some of these loans may also be originated by participating lenders or third-party brokers who are
compensated by RIHousing for their origination services. I further understand that I am not obligated to use or
receive any other products or services from RIHousing, its participating lenders and brokers, or any other
organization and that information on alternative services, programs, and products will be provided to me.
Legal/Financial Disclaimer. I understand that the recommendations and information that will be provided to
me as part of the Counseling Services are for educational and informational purposes only and are not a
substitute for legal or financial advice that can be provided by my own attorney, accountant, and/or financial
advisor. I understand that my counselor may answer questions and provide information, but not provide legal
advice. I acknowledge that RIHousing recommends that I consult with my tax consultant, accountant, financial
advisor, or lawyer for any and all questions and concerns that I have, may have, or hereafter have regarding
my income and taxes and specific financial and/or legal situation.
Disclaimer of Liability. I, with the intention of binding my heirs, executors, and administrators (collectively,
the “Releasing Parties”) agree that RIHousing, its employees, directors, officers, commissioners, agents,
successors, and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) are not liable for any claims or causes of action
arising from errors or omissions in connection with the Counseling Services and hereby release, waive,
discharge, and covenant not to sue the Released Parties for any and all claims or liabilities relating in any way
to the Counseling Services. I understand and agree that the purpose and intent of this disclaimer of liability is
to release and fully and forever extinguish each and every claim, demand, and cause of action that the
Releasing Parties may have against Released Parties with respect to the Counseling Services.
Capacity and Duress. I acknowledge that I have read this Disclosure and represent that I have the legal
capacity to understand it and to be fully bound thereby. I further acknowledge that I am executing this
Disclosure by my own free will and not under duress. My decision to receive the Counseling Services and
execute this Disclosure is a fully formed decision and I am aware of all legal and other ramifications of such
decision. If any provision of this Disclosure is held to be unenforceable or invalid under any applicable law or
by any court or competent governmental authority having jurisdiction thereover, I agree that the remaining
provisions of this Disclosure shall continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any
Name (printed)
Signature Date _
Name (printed)
Signature Date _ Page 9/13
Housing Stability Counseling Program
Note: if you have an impairment, disability, language barrier, or otherwise require an alternative means of
reviewing and completing this Authorization, please talk to us about arranging alternative accommodations.
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation’s (“RIHousing”) HelpCenter is a HUD-approved
counseling agency that provides foreclosure prevention and housing stability counseling services to
homeowners in the State of Rhode Island. RIHousing’s HelpCenter is also a subgrantee and participant in the
Housing Stability Counseling Program (“HSCP”), a federally funded program established by the American
Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and administered by NeighborWorks America. As a participant in the HSCP,
please read this Authorization and indicate your understanding and consent by signing below.
1. Through the HSCP, RIHousing will provide me with housing stability counseling and a written action
plan consisting of recommendations for handling my situation. This action plan may include referrals for
other housing services, as appropriate. These services may be provided by RIHousing or other agencies.
I understand that I am not obligated to use any of the services that may be referred to me.
2. I authorize RIHousing to pull my credit report.
I Choose to Opt Out.*
*I understand and agree that if I opt out I must provide RIHousing with a copy of my
credit report, and that this credit report must be dated within thirty (30) days of the HSCP
intake date.
3. I understand that RIHousing receives federal funding through the HSCP and, as such, is required to
submit information about me to the HSCP online reporting system and share information about me with
HSCP administrators or their agents for purposes of HSCP monitoring, compliance, and evaluation. The
information about me that will be submitted and shared may include, but may not be limited to, my social
security number, date of birth, and any information contained in the documents that I provide to
RIHousing regarding my personal finances and my mortgage loan(s).
I Choose to Opt Out
4. I give permission for HSCP administrators and/or their agents to contact me between now and June
30, 2026, for the purposes of HSCP evaluation.
I Choose to Opt Out
Name (printed) Name (printed)
Signature Signature
Date Date
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Homeowner/Counselor Agreement
The RIHo
using Help Center and its counselors agree to provide the following services:
Development of a financial budget to determine homeowner’s income, expenses and affordability
Analysis of the mortgage default, including the amount and cause of default
Presentation and explanation of reasonable options available to the homeowner
Submit homeowner’s file to the lender for review for all retention and/or liquidation options available, based on
the homeowner’s eligibility and needs
Communicate with the mortgage servicer and/or investor and provide the homeowner with requests for any
additional/updated information as needed
Timely completion of action plan
Explanation of collection and foreclosure process
Identify and provide homeowner with information on additional resources that may be available
Confidentiality, honesty, respect and professionalism in all services
The HelpCenter cannot control the lender’s processing time or decision
The HelpCenter cannot and does not provide legal advice or representation. The informational services provided
by the HelpCenter are not a substitute for legal advice. The HelpCenter encourages homeowners to contact an
attorney if they feel they need legal advice or services
I/We agree to the following terms of service:
I/We will always provide honest and complete information to my/our counselor, whether verbally or in writing.
I/We will be on time for appointments and understand that if I/we are late for an appointment, the appointment may have
to be rescheduled
I/We will call within 24 hours of any future scheduled appointment(s) if I/we will be unable to attend an appointment.
I/We will follow up with our mortgage servicer and/or investor, on a bi-weekly basis, and provide the counselor with any
updates as well as provide the counselor with any correspondence or requests for any additional documentation.
I/We will provide all necessary documentation and follow-up information within 72 hours from the time requested.
I/We will contact the counselor about any changes in my/our situation immediately.
I/We will make an appointment with my/our counselor should any follow up face to face meeting be needed.
I/We understand that RIHousing will provide one counseling session per calendar year.
I/We understand that breaking this agreement may cause the HelpCenter to terminate its service assistance to me/us.
I/We understand that the HelpCenter is not providing legal advice or representation, and that the informational services
provided by the HelpCenter are not a substitute for legal advice. I/We understand that I/we should contact an attorney if
we wish to receive legal advice or services.
Homeowner Date
Homeowner Date
Homeowner Date
Counselor Date
Counselor Date
RIHousing Help Center | 44 Washington Street Providence, RI 02903 | 401 457-1130
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Consent to the Use of Tax Return Information
I understand, acknowledge, and agree that Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation and its
affiliates, agents, service providers, successors and assigns (collectively, “RIHousing”) can obtain, use, and share my
tax return information with the Loan Participants for the purpose of providing me with foreclosure prevention
counseling or as otherwise permitted by applicable law, including state and federal privacy and data security laws.
The Loan Participants include any actual or potential owners of my loan, or acquirers of any beneficial or other
interest in my loan, any mortgage insurer, guarantor, any servicers or service providers for these parties and any of
the aforementioned parties’ successors and assigns.
I understand that RIHousing’s HelpCenter is a housing counseling agency that is approved by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”). I acknowledge and agree that RIHousing can share
my tax return information with HUD for its program monitoring and compliance purposes.
Acknowledgment: By signing below I hereby acknowledge and agree that I have read and understood the
information that is set forth above.
Borrower Signature Date
Co-Borrower Signature Date
© 2019 The Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization. All rights reserved
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Rev. Jan-19
Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives
customers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also gives customers the right to
view personal records, and to correct a record that is inaccurate or incomplete. Federal law
requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information.
We provide this notice to customers at the time of application for RIHousing programs, products,
or services, and annually thereafter. From time to time, we may revise this notice to reflect
changes in the law or changes in our policies. Please read this notice carefully to understand what
we do.
The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have
with us. This information can include:
Social Security Number
Account balance
Payment history
Credit history
Credit score
Date of birth
Medical information and blood lead level test results (for lead hazard reduction programs)
When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this
All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday
business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their customers’
personal information; the reason RIHousing chooses to share; and whether you can limit this
Reasons we can share your personal information
Does RIHousing share?
Can you limit this
For our everyday business purposes such as to process
your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court
orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus
Yes No
For our marketing purposes – to offer our products and
services to you
Yes No
For joint marketing with other financial companies
No N/A
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information
about your transactions and experiences
No N/A
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information
about your creditworthiness
No N/A
For nonaffiliates to market to you
No N/A
*If N/A, RIHousing does not share your personal information so your ability to limit is not applicable.
Call (800) 854-1180 or (401) 457-1180
Who we are
Who is providing
this notice?
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation (“RIHousing”)
What we do
How does
RIHousing protect
my personal
To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures
that comply with federal and state law and regulation. These measures include computer
safeguards and secured files and buildings.
How does
RIHousing collect
my personal
We collect your personal information, for example, when you:
Apply for financing
Give us your contact information
Give us your employment history
Give us your income information
Show us your driver’s license
We also collect your personal information from government agencies, public sources, and others,
such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.
Why can’t I limit all
Federal law gives you the right to limit only:
Sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes information about your
Affiliates from using your information to market to you
Sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you
Companies related by common ownership and control. They can be financial and nonfinancial
Our affiliates include Rhode Island Housing Development Corporation, Rhode Island Housing
Equity Corporation, Rhode Island Housing Equity Pool, L.P., and Rhode Island Housing Equity
Pool-I, L.P.
Companies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial or nonfinancial
RIHousing does not share your personal information with nonaffiliates so they can
market to you.
Joint marketing
A formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial
products or services to you.
RIHousing does not jointly market.
Service providers with whom we share information for everyday business purposes may include coupon or statement
printers, billing services, payment processing companies, mail, print, and telephone service companies, insurers, property
inspection firms, government agencies, attorneys, laboratories, community action programs, auditors, quality control
vendors, consultants, or other service providers.
Other important information
In the context of carrying out certain residential lead hazard reduction programs, RIHousing may receive certain medical
information. A customer’s rights with respect to protected medical information include (a) the right to request
restrictions on certain uses and disclosures, subject to denial by RIHousing; (b) the right to receive confidential
communications of the information; (c) the right to inspect and copy the information; (d) the right to amend the
information; (e) the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of the information; and (f) the right to obtain a paper
copy of this notice upon request. A customer may complain to RIHousing if they believe their privacy rights have been
violated by writing a letter addressed to RIHousing, 44 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903,
ATTN: Lead Program. A customer will not be retaliated against for filing a complaint.
Provisions pertaining to protected medical information
To: HelpCenter
Fax: 401-450-1373
Re: HelpCenter Financial Information Package