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ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:10(4), October: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
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Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4
Publication Date:30
October 2021
Ajith Kumar. K
Research Scholar,
College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Srinivas University
Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
The community development programme is hallmark of every developing nation. In India community development is started
after independence in order to uplift the standard of living of rural poor and empowering them economically and socially through
organized efforts. Community development is government sponsored process but community organization is approach of collective
social action for need assessment and achievement of community or group. The community development is achieved through the
organizing community in a democratic way. The social work profession is entitled to social up-gradation and thereby facilitating
overall development of a nation. So social work subject devised various principles and code of ethics in delivering unbiased
community organizing activity for practicing social workers, similarly the practitioners need to be mentally equipped for the job to be
executed. The abilities and qualities of social workers in the field of community development programme is highly important. In this
short review paper, contribution of social work in community development field, some of the essential attribute required for social
workers and role of social workers in community development setting is discussed in concise manner.
Keywords: independence, empowering, sponsored.
1. Introduction
The term ‘community’ is used in different contexts like religious community, business community, LGBTQ community, etc.
and it may be defined as group of people living in a common geographical area, sharing common interests and having a sense of
belonging. The community organization is type of intervention or method through which social worker identifies or make aware the
community about their felt needs and through various interventional programme to achieve that social need. It is understood that
community work was even heralded social work education. In England and USA, community work in social work field began in the
century in the name of Charity organization movement and the settlement house movement. During the preliminary phase in
England, community work was principally seen as a process of social work, benefiting individuals to improve their social conditions
The key thrust was to act as an intermediary to coordinate the work of charitable agencies. In Western countries Community
organizing aims to effective co-ordination of existing welfare services, fund raising, helping to organize new services and collecting
public opinion about social problem and create awareness and sensitizing public.
In our Constitution it is envisaged that “The states shall endeavor to encourage the well-being of the citizen by assuring and
safeguarding as efficaciously as it may, a social order in which righteousness, social, economic and political shall conform all the
institution of national life” In India, community development activities are started for developing healthy leadership from the grass
root level of a growing democratic society. It unites people living in villages and panchayaths by forming effective working groups
and initiate overall development of the village and thereby enabling national progress. Its main rationale is that developmental
programme must be initiated with the active support of people participation and community development programme developed the
importance of self-help and motivation among the group.
Community social work strives to achieve social justice through structural change. The governing relationships between
various structures and diverse communities are deeply studied in community social work field. Suppose in case of issue of poverty in a
community, community social worker may interfere by concentrating on the political economy that creates such a situation in order to
reduce poverty, the social worker may lobby decision makers for a change in existing policies or practice in social system.
A social worker strives to know the community wants and through collective effort of the community social worker fulfills
the need.He/She may find out the internal external resources for the benefit of the proper community functioning. An acclimatization
should be created between need and resources and He/She should diminish the fallacies develop co-operative attitude and practices in
the community
Cover Page
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:10(4), October: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4
Publication Date:30
October 2021
1.1 Community development and Community organization
The community development programme does not only refer to development in rural areas, it is sponsored mainly by
government for eradication of poverty and empowering the subalterns. The community development programme is implemented
through government run machinery and proper monitoring by government officials. but community organization is a technique which
can be successfully used in development of all types of communities, like rural community, urban community, tribal community, Slum
community etc. The principles of intervention are similar but programme may differ from needs or wants. The service of community
organizer is inevitable in motivating and democratization for the implementation of community development programme.
The member of a certain community is organized in a healthier way to act collectively for a common cause is called
community organizing. Saul Alinsky, an US based community activist propounded community organizing practice. Saul Alinsky
came forth as a community organizer in the last half of the 1930s. In community organization the adjustments are made between felt
needs of community and community resources. It includes all the functions that benefit’s economic development, social development,
Personality development and it develop co-operative and collaborative attitude among people in the community. A community
organizer may be an individual from the community or may be hired from external. It may or may not be a government sponsored
programme, it is planned and organized under the guidance of community organizer.
Net results of community organization and community development
2. Objectives
The prime objective of the article is to portray the I) qualities or skills required for social worker in Community development
activities, the other objectives are II) social work intervention in community development and III) role of social worker in community
development programme.
3. Review of Literature
Partnership or co-operative approach is idea of working together by community and government or any other agencies at a
desired level. The members of community gain knowledge, skills through this process. The empowerment of whole community and
increase strength is prime motive [1] The social worker involved in local or community development must assume different roles in
the setting like defender, mediator, coordinator, planner, motivator, agitator in order to vitalize the social capital which is innate in the
community [2] The community social work engages in two process one is participation and other is participatory decision-making
process. The simultaneous functioning of these process is called community development [3]. The main theme of empowerment is
raising consciousness, normalization and collectivism. The problem persists in a community is not because of the existence of
community members but the reality is defining the state of situation victimization is not a proper way to address a social problem. It is
through taking responsibility collectively and disclose cause and solution.[4]. Community development is fundamental constituent of
social work social work services focus on growth in literacy rate, find solution unemployment in society, poverty alleviation, and
extermination of hunger, gender equivalence and well-being of the marginalized sections of the society through different approaches
of social work practice[5] The community development continuum is a triggered process starts with developmental case work then
Cover Page
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:10(4), October: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4
Publication Date:30
October 2021
ensuring mutual support in the group and again through several rigorous campaign, identify the severe community issue then ensuring
participation of control in service delivery and last the social action which brings the desired change[6]
4. Methodology
This short review paper examined the existing knowledge on the subject. The researcher gathered information from
secondary data in websites, peer reviewed journals, publications, online books.
5. Social work and community development
Globalization created a structural transformation in economic, political and social interactions at grass-root level. The
development of technology revolutionized mass media, social media leading to decrease space of human relationships and acquiring
of knowledge. The community development is termed as economic development of a rural or urban community for the policy
formulating authorities. According to them it is set activities that preceded before attainment of self-sufficiency and enhancement of
living conditions of a community but according to social work community development is a broad concept that not only adheres to
economic and infrastructural development but also the enrichment of social capital in a community through psychological, social and
collective effort.
A new and popular approach in social work practice is strength based and asset-based community development. The latest
social work practice is intended to development of social energy and formation of social capital. The social work practice enables to
counter the negative forces against social capital accumulation in a community It is an approach from bottom to top, from ‘have nots’
to ‘haves. Community social work relies community and organization process are psychologically empowering and promising. It also
ensures a sustainable well-being and objective thoughts in a local system.
The major theory practiced by social work professionals in community development is social networking. It is the study how
the people, organizations or groups interact with each other inside their network, here network is community. The community
development is possible through community bonding, weaker the bonding weaker will be organization strength and inconsistent in
decision making capacity. Another theory incorporated in Community development is Tuckman’s Teamwork theory which includes
five stages like group/team forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The leadership theories like contingency theory,
situational leadership theory, and transformational leadership theory are major sub-themes that influence in the community
development activities
6. Role of Social worker in community development activities
The social worker to be performed a number of roles depending upon requirements of the situation prevailing in a
community. Some of the major roles are
6.1 The Enabler
A good social worker makes people to understand their wants and problems latent in a community setting and knowledge of
resources in the community. The social worker awakens in them the displeasure with the prevailing condition and build capacity to
overcome the present problem.
6.2 A Guide
An important aspect needed for a good social worker is guiding ability. He/She must lead the and pave right path for the
ignorant people and to attain the desired goal. The social worker enlightens the hidden resources of community and makes people to
good use of it.
6.3 The Advocate
The social worker implores for his clients against injustice in the distribution of benefits and services. Social worker may
discuss with designated authorities and contend against the unfair means taken by the concerned organizations. The social worker
brings changes to plans, policies and procedures of government in favorable to the clients and redress the peoples gradiences.
6.4 The Experts
The social worker delivers a professional guidance to people in time of need and makes analysis for operative working of the
programme. Social worker is mentor for the community development by providing expert opinion in executive level meeting of
officials representing the poor rural community.
Cover Page
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:10(4), October: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4
Publication Date:30
October 2021
6.5 The Therapists
A social worker understands the in-depth problems in the community and makes members aware of troublemaking forces
opposing in ones’s life. He/She takes every possible measure to build their self-image solid. A social worker can easily identify the
negative forces that clings back a community and can able to bring remedial measure to nullify the negative effects.
6.6 The Social Changer
The social worker changes the orthodox mentality of people and pessimistic attitude which hinders socio-economic progress
of community. A social worker can persuade and sometimes pressurizes the government to take up such measure immediately as may
be instrumental in controlling the loss to public being caused as a result if inadequacies of the developmental programme.
6.7 The Informer
Social worker can spread information concerning several progressive plans and real benefits existing in it and that can be
used for the community. The social worker studies the eligibility criteria, procedural requirements etc. of various governmental
schemes and also understand social welfare benefits, was pertaining to to protect and promoting the interests of weaker and vulnerable
sections of society.
6.8 The Helper
Social workers mentality should be helping the poor in getting the maximum benefits of the various developmental plans of
government/NGOs and other developmental agencies. He/She should advise them for its proper utilization. The social worker helps
the underprivileged in getting the full assistances from these developmental programmes without any share of the administrative
machinery or of the locally influential persons.
6.9 The Promoter
The social worker encourages the worth of self-employment and provides training facilities for the self-employment
programme and mobilizes required resources. A good social worker will promote the value of self-employment in place of service,
makes provision for their training and assists in mobilizing of required resources including credit for starting self-employment.
6.10. The Preacher
A social worker at all time preaches and pressurizes the public that the personal development is in their hands. The economic
and social development can be attained only through the self-intended efforts of the people and it is not mere destiny or curse of
Relationship between social worker, community and various service providing agencies
7. Qualities required for social worker in Community development programme
As social worker or a community organizer should have special skills to organize a group of people and work together for a
common objective. Some of the attributes are in personality aspect and some in behavioral aspect. So, the qualities of social worker in
community development setting can be classified into personality attribute and behavioral attribute.
Cover Page
ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2021); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286
Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:10, ISSUE:10(4), October: 2021
Online Copy of Article Publication Available:
Digital certificate of publication:
Scopus Review ID: A2B96D3ACF3FEA2A
Article Received: 4
Publication Date:30
October 2021
Personality level qualities
A good social worker should have good conscientiousness which denote how organized he/she be, and careful in dealings with
self-disciplined outlook. He/She must be agreeable ie the nature of interactions with others in social environment. The other attribute
is capability of dealing stress or any pressure from outside and his/her ability to regain the balance. He/She must be very imaginative,
creative and flexible in outward. He/She should have openness to experience. The social worker should very much energetic,
enthusiastic and sociable with extrovert in appearance. The community development worker must have ability to bear criticism from
surroundings and must be hold to perform tasks with indifference, and never be short-tempered in character. Another capability
required is quick decision-making skill in a crisis situation. He/She must have pleasant personality, which helps to gain heart of
members of group where he/she works. The personal attributes like truthfulness, scrupulousness, generosity and consistency are to be
well-maintained to last mile.
Another aspect of good social worker is leadership skills. Effective leaders will encourage, inspire, and test individuals and
groups to attain their maximum potential. He/She must make community members fit to take responsibilities and boost morality.
They will be a catalyst in group settings. They will be operative in serving groups and realize shared ideas and goals.
Behavioral level qualities
A good social worker should never be partial in behavior, He/She should not show any unnecessary interests in individuals and
never treat persons unequally. Social worker should inspire and motivate continuously group members even in failure and success also
give credit to their collective work. Every time he/she must think strategically in a community setting. Never boast about achievement.
He/She must earn from experience and clear ambiguity in the people. Social workers should be bold and active listener. He/She should
have everyday goal and proper planning for routine work. Another important behavioral aspect required is never procrastinate and
should have habit of budgeting time in a judicious way. The social worker should be readily available for any sort of assistance
required for the group, disinterest in group activities result in the disintegration of group cohesion. A social worker should understand
the social strata of the community he/she dealt with.
8. Conclusion
The community development and social work profession are entwined. Both related to human relationships and participating
or joining together for a common goal. Such a result-oriented relationships is achieved only through strong social capital and mutual
understanding and co-operation. The individualism is overpowered by collectivism or group effort is hall mark of community
development. There will be personal capacity building and knowledge sharing in the process, but final triumph is reached through
collective effort.
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