Asset Description
Accellion Kiteworks (Kiteworks)
A file transfer tool used to send and receive encrypted information and share
content via secure folders for document collaboration.
Acceptance Facility System (AFS)
An application used to track facility contact information, hours of operation,
training, and potential fraud cases at each facility.
Accountable Items (AI)
A component that tracks the dispatch, receipt, and destruction of consular items
used at Foreign Service Posts, such as U.S. passports, reports of birth, and visa
Adoptions Tracking Service (ATS)
A system used to track, monitor, and report on all emigration and immigration
adoption cases, as mandated by the Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000 (IAA).
Alumni Contact Engagement System (ACES)
A database containing privacy data that works with other contact relationship
management tools to provide contact information and facilitate networking.
American Citizen Services (OCSA-ACS)
An application that tracks, monitors, and reports on services provided to U.S.
citizens traveling or living abroad.
Automated Cash Register System (ACRS)
A system that is used to record consular services fees, receipts, and credit card
transactions, and create daily and monthly reports.
Automated Classification and Recruitment Solution
A system that aids in assigning classifications to position descriptions and
provides integrated automated position management functionality. It is also used
as a search tool for all open positions.
Azure Cloud (incl SQL database)
An enterprise-wide suite of service offerings such as computing, storage,
networking, and identity management.
Batch Router (BR)
An application that queues batch jobs received and generated from other
applications and processes data files in batch sequences.
Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)
An application that provides learning management services such as course
scheduling, student registration, and record management.
Board Maintenance Application (BMA) An application used to process and manage employee promotion lists.
U.S. Department of State
Major Information Systems
Asset Description
Board of Examiners (BEX)
A system that tracks oral assessment testing scores for Foreign Service career
professionals and provides information that assists talent management
professionals with making career-altering decisions.
Budget Allocation Tracking System (BATS)
A system that assists with tracking and controlling budgets, commitments,
obligations, and expenditures.
Budget Formulation Planning System (BFPS)
A system used for data sharing and collaboration to determine budgeting and
planning needs.
Building Information Modeling Applications
A system that is used to plan, design, construct, and operate facilities.
Building Management Information System (BMIS)
An integrated workplace management system that focuses on real estate and
facilities management.
An application that feeds travel advisories to Smart Traveler, a mobile application
available to users via Apple and Google app stores.
Career Tracker
An application that employees use to record early and mid-level career
A document management platform used to assign, track, draft, review, clear, and
archive documents.
Center for Analytics (CfA)
An enterprise-wide data management and analytics capability that transforms
data into insights that help employees make better management and foreign
policy decisions.
CGI Atlas360 GSS Support System (CGI Atlas360 GSS)
A system that outsources the complex processes that occur before and after visa
Compliance and Identity Management System
A system that is used to apply for access to financial applications.
Conduct Suitability and Discipline Division Case
Tracker (CSD)
A web-based application that helps human resources staff track employee
conduct, suitability, discipline, and administrative cases.
Connect Direct Application (Connect:Direct)
A system that provides a secure method of data exchange between the
Department of State and other U.S. government agencies/offices.
Consolidated Appointment System (CAS)
A system used for scheduling and managing in-person appointments at domestic
passport agencies and collecting reportable information on appointment
Asset Description
Consolidated Overseas Accountability Support
Toolbox (COAST)
A system that is used for financial reporting, data encryption, and cashiering.
Consolidated Reconciliation System (CRS)
An application that facilitates, on a monthly cycle, the reconciliation of cash
account funds.
Consular Affairs Cloud Microsoft Azure Commercial
An application is used to deploy applications and services.
Consular Affairs Cloud SalesForce (CACSF) A Salesforce implementation used by the Department.
Consular Affairs Domestic Support Suite (CADSS)
A collection of application modules that provide automated office support and
tracking for financial, human, and asset resources.
Consular Consolidated Database (CCD)
A data warehouse that provides a near real-time aggregate of consular
transaction activity collected domestically and at Posts worldwide.
Consular Data Information Transfer System (CDITS) A communication system used to exchange data and information.
Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC)
A full-service visa application center used to submit visa applications, make
payments, schedule appointments, attach photos and documents, link to
fingerprints, and check application status.
Consular Foreign & Domestic Post Infrastructure
A system that assists with creating clear lines of responsibility between the
various teams that develop and maintain the systems that use its infrastructure
for security control implementation and risk mitigation.
Consular Launchpad for Enterprise Analytics and
Reporting (CLEAR)
A portal that provides access to dashboards, reports, and analysis tools.
Consular Lookout & Support System (CLASS)
An application that checks names on visa and passport applications to identify
ineligible applicants or applicants that require special action.
Consular Shared Tables (CST) An application that is used to maintain and manage visa and passport processes.
ConsularOne Application and Data
A system used to request passports, visas, and overseas services; adjudicate
travel documents; and perform budget planning, execution, and contract
A system that automates production batch job streams for applications and
operational processes.
Asset Description
Cost Estimating System AWS (CESAWS)
A system that supports overseas construction contracts by providing labor rates,
material costs, and cost estimates.
Customer & Executive Information System (CEIS)
An IT Service Management (ITSM) system and repository that is used to add,
modify, or delete infrastructure configuration items and provide and record
services such as monitoring, outage reporting, data backup, and encryption.
An internal site that provides access to shared data, analytics products, and data
science tools to all Department of State employees.
Defeat Disinfo (Disinformation)
An application used to identify and learn about technologies that counter
adversarial propaganda and disinformation. Its core mission is to provide
information to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-
state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing
the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies and partner
Defense Export Control and Compliance System
A portal used to register entities involved with exporting, importing,
manufacturing, or brokering defense articles and services on the U.S. Munitions
List (USML); support commodity jurisdiction (CJ) determinations; issue requests
for advisory opinions (AO); and submit, process, reference, analyze, and distribute
registration and license applications.
Department of State Adobe Sign (DOS-AdobeSign)
A platform that is used to facilitate the distribution of information that requires
validated signature.
Department of State - Office 365 (DOS-O365)
A suite of applications that provides enterprise business productivity services and
Diplomatic Clearance Application System (DCAS)
A system that supports joint efforts between the Department of State and the
Department of Defense, such as military exercises, humanitarian operations,
operational issues, and other administrative functions.
Diplomatic Security - Training Management System
A system that aids in managing training-related activities, such as training
development and execution, budgeting, resource management, logistics and
inventory, and workflows.
Diplomatic Security Federal Bureau of Investigations
Connectivity (DS FBIC)
A suite of applications that collects biometric and identity data to support
cybersecurity case investigation activities.
Diplomatic Security General Support System
Platform-as-a-Service (DS G-PaaS)
A system that is used to organize and manage IT assets and provides a baseline
for configuration and maintenance of applications.
Diversity Visa Information System (DVIS)
A system that processes Diversity Lottery applications and allocates cases based
on cut-off numbers. The system allows users to record beneficiary data,
duplicates, and fraudulent applications.
Asset Description
Document Authentication Review Tracking System
A system that authenticates documents by issuing an authentication certificate
certifying that the document adheres to international laws.
Document Imaging System (DIS)
A web-based document management system with that is used to index, store,
search for, and retrieve documents.
A tool that is used to improve driver behavior and reduce injuries and fatalities
related to operating motor vehicles.
DS-1552 Leave Data
A web-based application that automates the "Leave Data - Departure for Post"
An application used to report leave, travel, and consultation status of employees
transferring into new positions.
DSS Crime Tips A website that provides tips for addressing passport and visa fraud.
eBoards - FSSB and Senior Foreign Service Review
Program Boards
A human resources application that is used to manage and vote on Foreign
Service Selection Board (FSSB) advisor members and create board sessions.
ECA Program Management and Outreach System
A system that supports international education and training programs involved
with the exchange of persons between the United States and other countries.
Users track and manage the life cycle of programs supporting public diplomacy
goals, which includes planning, solicitations, proposals, grants, funding, projects,
itineraries, participants, results, and outreach to exchange alumni.
Electronic Consular Report of Birth Abroad
A web-based solution that enables customers to submit, process, access, and
share information regarding overseas births.
Electronic Diversity Visa (eDV)
A web-based application used to submit information electronically for possible
selection via lottery for the Diversity Visa program.
electronic Document Processing (eDP)
An application that is used to upload and store immigrant visa supporting
documents to make them accessible to users at consulates, embassies, and the
Electronic FS Bidding Process (FSBID)
A system that is used to publish available assignment lists and to bid, collect bids,
and select bidders on open assignments.
Electronic Medical Records System (EMED)
A system that provides patient healthcare records such as medical evaluations
and hospitalizations, medical clearance decisions, medical record release actions,
and immunization history.
Asset Description
Electronic Model Lease (eML)
An application used to manage leases for residential, offices, structures, lands,
and functional properties at Posts.
Electronic Official Personnel File (eOPF) An application that enables employees to access their official personnel folders.
Electronic Passport Application Form Internet
Website (2DB)
An application that is used to apply for a passport or report a lost or stolen
Electronic Visa Application Form (EVAF)
An online visa application form that once complete is printed with a 2D barcode
containing the applicant's data that the Post scans during the data entry process.
Employee Profile (EP)
A reporting tool that provides a view of data maintained in the human resource
management system (HRMS).
Employee Profile Plus (EP+)
A feature that allows employees to document career skills, interests, and personal
Enterprise Application Integration Services (EAIS)
A framework for sharing enterprise data that integrates applications, data, and
processes and leverages cloud technologies to extend the capabilities of existing
Enterprise Appointment Management System
A tool that allows Immigrant Visa (IV) applicants to schedule appointments based
on the Post's calendar availability.
Enterprise Architecture Resource Planning System
A resource planning system that tracks official positions, new hires,
attrition/retention trends, and training.
Enterprise Payment Service (EPS) A system that collects fees from consumers for using application services.
eRecords Management System (eRecords)
An archiving system that stores all e-mails and attachments in a repository,
allowing for searching, retrieval, and viewing when necessary.
A system that is used to electronically submit retirement requests and generate
Retirement Annuity Estimates.
Evacuation Management System (EMS)
A system that is used to track and manage the departure of evacuees and assist
with contacting evacuee family members.
Executive Agency Personnel Support (EAPS)
A system that is used to review, validate, audit, and manage individual agencies'
overseas personnel, assignment, and position data.
Asset Description
Express Route Bandwidth
A service that aids in managing network connections and in improving network
security, reliability, and speed.
External System Reference Tables (ESRT) A set of tables that stores data shared with external organizations.
Facilities Applications (FACApps)
A system that is used to gather and display environmental data from Posts around
the world on topics such as building materials and asbestos management.
Family Member Employment Report (FAMER)
A tool that is used to collect and report on Eligible Family Member (EFM)
employment information from Posts around the world, such as positions internal
and external to the mission, work permits, and the employment atmosphere.
File Folder System (FOLDER)
An application that stores and tracks information on employee folders logged in
and out of the office.
Foreign Affairs Network (FAN)
A portfolio of cloud-based services that support the rapid deployment of the
digital productivity tools that enable a mobile and global workforce.
Foreign Affairs Personnel Register (FAPR)
An application that provides biographic information on domestic and foreign
Foreign Assistance Coordination and Tracking
System Information (FACTS Info)
A system that supports budgeting and performance reporting for foreign
assistance funding.
Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT)
A system that is used during the Foreign Service Officer (FSO) recruiting process
to administer the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT).
Furlough Confirmation (FC) A system that verifies receipt of furlough communication.
Gateway to State (GTS)
A tool accessible via the USA Jobs site that is used to apply to Department of
State Civil Service and Foreign Service jobs.
GDIT Yatri GSS Support System
A system that outsources the complex processes that occur before and after visa
General Service Request (HR GSR) A system used to track all domestic goods and services requests.
Asset Description
Gift Registry An application used to enter and report gifts into an official gift registry.
Global Employment Management System (GEMS)
A human resource management information system that provides comprehensive
employment data for all direct-hire employees.
Global Financial Management System (GFMS)
A financial system of record used for maintaining the budget for goods and
services, tracking vendor payments, validating data, and recording, clearing, and
closing ledger and journal entries.
Global Foreign Affairs Compensation System
A system used to process employee payroll and annuity pay domestically and
Global Maintenance Management System (GMMS)
A system that supports facilities maintenance activities by improving the
management of shop resources, warranties, and work order processes, and
tracking hazardous materials.
Grievance, Appeals and Disciplinary Actions Tracking
System (GADTRK)
A system that tracks Civil Service and Foreign Service employee grievances,
appeals, and disciplinary actions.
Haver Analytics Data Link Express (HA DLX)
A system that is used to provide market analysis and support risk management
Holocaust Deportation Claims Tracking System
A system that tracks the processing of claims under the claims program
established by the U.S.-France Agreement for Deportation Claims.
HR Grievance (HRG)
An application that tracks grievance cases for Foreign Service and Civil Service
HR Kofax
An application that provides high-speed scanning capabilities for Official
Personnel File (OPF) documents.
HR System Access Request (HR SAR)
A system that automates application access requests and the application approval
Human Resources Network (HRnet)
An online portal that provides access to career networking functions, such as
enrolling in mailing lists, completing employee profiles, viewing employment
opportunities, and receiving information about the Standby Response Corps.
Human Resources On Line (HRONLINE)
The primary intranet portal that provides employee access to self-service
applications with functions such as creating profiles, bidding for jobs, and
applying for student loans. It is also the point of entry for human resource
specialists to access corporate business solutions.
Asset Description
ILMS AV Maintenance Mobile Application
An application that allows viewing and completing work orders for armored
vehicles via a mobile device.
ILMS Driver
An application that enables viewing, editing, reassigning and dispatching trip
tickets remotely via a Department-issued mobile device.
ILMS Expendables
An application that streamlines stocking process functions by providing them on a
mobile device, including picking, delivery, express issue, return requests, and
signing for receipt.
Immigrant Visa Allocation Management System
A system that receives immigrant visa authorization requests and controls
immigrant visa number allocation per rules specified in the Immigration and
Nationality Act.
Immigrant Visa Information System (IVIS)
A system that is used to prioritize and process immigrant visa petitions, record
petitioner and beneficiary data, and correspond with beneficiaries.
Immigrant Visa Overseas (IVO)
A system used for recording and maintaining visa petition cases and completing
visa adjudication. This system handles the final processing of Immigrant Visas and
Diversity Immigrant Visas.
Independent Namecheck System (INK) A system used to conduct namecheck queries on foreigners applying for a visa.
INR/AO Collection on FAN
A system that enables collaboration with contractors to identify and assess
potential participants in intelligence analysis exchanges.
Integrated Biometric System (IBS)
A facial-recognition matching service that supports issuing visas to foreign
nationals and passports to U.S. citizens.
Integrated Budget Intelligence System (IBIS)
A holistic solution that addresses the budgeting needs for Congress, the Office of
Management and Budget, and the Department of State from a business process
and software perspective.
Integrated Logistics Management System (ILMS)
An integrated system that improves operations in supply chain functions such as
purchasing, procurement, warehousing, transportation, property management,
and personal effects.
Integrated Personnel Management System (IPMS)
A software suite for human resource professionals comprised of four major
components: Global Employment Management Systems (GEMS), HR Online, Post
Personnel System (PS), and the HR Knowledge Center (KC).
Integrated Security and Suitability System (IS3)
A system that improves the timeliness of processing security clearances and
communicating with applicants and hiring authorities.
International Currency Exchange (ICE)
A system that supports financial management and compensation lines of business
by containing the official exchange rate of currencies.
Asset Description
International Parental Child Abduction System (IPCA)
A system that tracks all information regarding child abduction cases, such as
documents, correspondence, and legal proceedings.
A system that automates system security-related tasks, such as separation of
duties, security account management, and account recertification.
Jefferson PAS
A component of the HROnline portal that is used to track and manage Title and
Rank; Foreign Service, Consular, and Presidential Commissions; and Presidential
Joint Financial Management System (JFMS)
A financial management system that manages annual appropriations and
provides critical accounting, budgeting program operation, and reporting
A project management information system (PMIS) that facilitates the exchange of
data and documents, streamlines workflow between business partners, and is
used to create portfolio reports for project stakeholders.
Knowledge Center (KC) A consolidated repository of human resource information used for reporting.
Local Compensation Questionnaire (LCQ)
An application that is used to electronically complete, submit, and approve the
annual country compensation questionnaire.
Management Information System (MIS)
A system that is used for generating reports on agencies' productivity and
passport issuance workload.
Manager Support Unit Trend Tracker (MSU)
An application that is used to track trends in information provided by managers
on employee conduct and performance.
MED Secure Messaging Portal (MED-SMP)
A portal that securely transmits emails containing confidential patient health
information between applicants, employees, medical providers, and other
government agencies.
MeterNet 2.0
A platform that collects, integrates, and disseminates water, gas, heating, and
cooling meters for government-owned and residential properties.
Mission Classification (MClass) A system that compares jobs to determine grading and pay structure.
Monster Government Solutions Data Processor for
Extensible Markup Language Application (MDP)
An online service that automates human resource management and recruitment
Museum Website for the Diplomatic Reception
Rooms (DRR)
A website that provides visitors with information about the Diplomatic Reception
Rooms and links to donate and sign up for a tour and other educational programs.
Asset Description
A platform that provides various automated services such as processing work
orders, booking conference rooms, and other utilities.
myGrants A system that is used to monitor and issue federal assistance to award recipients.
A centralized platform for customers and service providers used for submitting,
fielding, and managing service requests, and tracking operational health.
National Security Decision Directive (NSDD38)
An application that enables an external U.S. Government agency (USG) or non-
government agency (NGO) to request the establishment of a position at Post. The
Department provides workspace and a variety of services to individuals at Posts
who work for USGs or NGOs. NSDD38 documents this relationship.
Non-Immigrant Visa System (OCSA-NIV)
A system that automates and streamlines processing of non-immigrant visa
applications, records officers' decisions, distributes refusal and issuance
information to the Consular Lookout and Support System (CLASS), and tracks visa
inquiries received from government agencies and Congress.
OBO Data Lake
A centralized data repository that is used to support the development of
A software tool that meets federally mandated reporting requirements and
provides, via a memo messaging system, actions that need to be taken to resolve
utility billing and energy management related issues.
OBO Geospatial Information System (OBO GIS)
A system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present
spatial or geographic data.
OBO Real Property Application (OBO RPA)
An application that provides Posts with the ability to manage all aspects of its real
property holdings in an automated environment.
OBO Smart Buildings Solutions (OBOSS)
A system that enables remote facility monitoring, analytics, control, and
management reporting.
Office of Casualty Assistance Tracking System
A platform that is used during a crisis, such as a terrorist attack or mass casualty
incident, to track calls related to causalities, and offer ongoing support to victims
and their family members.
Online Auction (OA)
A reporting tool used at auctions to validate winners and payments at the time of
pickup. The reports show auction winners, items sold, and sold amounts.
Asset Description
Online Passport Renewal (OPR) A system that enables U.S. citizens to apply for passport renewals.
Online Passport Status Service (OPSS)
A website that enables passport applicants to check their passport application
A system that supports the scheduling, registration, administration, and scoring of
the Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT).
Organizational Chart (OrgChart)
An application that graphically displays a dynamic version of the Department's
organizational chart based on personnel/position data.
Over the Counter Channel Application (OTCnet)
An application that enables federal agencies to integrate check capture and
deposit reporting activities and converts paper checks into electronic debits to
the check writer's account.
Overseas Buildings Operation Link (OBOLINK) A system used to store, share, manage, and control access to documents.
Overseas Personnel System (OPS)
A system used to manage overseas positions and staffing information for locally
employed (LE) staff and American employees assigned abroad.
Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)
A website that enables Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) members, the
Department, the Diplomatic Security Bureau, other government agencies, and the
private sector to access and exchange vital security-related information.
PAE Fusion GSS Support System
A general support system (GSS) that outsources the complex processes before
and after an interview with a consular officer. Support services include call center
operation, webpages in foreign languages, fee collection services, appointment
setting systems document delivery tracking, auditability, oversight, reporting, and
data archiving.
Passport Data Interchange Transfer System (PDITS)
A system that provides project management support to critical passport systems
and serves as the system of record for passport issuance and post-issuance record
Passport Information Electronic Records System
Internet Website (PIERS)
A web portal that provides access to all passport data.
Passport Lookout Tracking System (PLOTS) A system that tracks passport fraud and the issuance of lookouts.
Passport Records Imaging Systems Management
A system that is used to scan, archive, and retrieve passport-related images and
Asset Description
Payroll Audit Tracking Program for Payroll Users
(Payroll Audit Tracking)
A system used to record, update, and report on Payroll Audit Tracking.
PCS Travel Voucher (PCS TV)
A system used to file Permanent Change of Station (PCS)-related travel vouchers
so that requests can be processed without rekeying information.
PD Tools
A tool that integrates public diplomacy information such as audience analysis,
strategic planning, activity tracking, and reporting capabilities.
PEPFAR Events and Meetings (PEPFAREM)
A list that can be sorted by technical expertise and country affiliation into groups
to determine attendees of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief
(PEPFAR) meetings and conferences.
Permanent Change of Station Travel Processing
A system used to prepare Post Assignment travel orders for Foreign Service
Personnel Accounting Integrated Reporting System
A system that generates reports used to determine the whereabouts of Outside
the Continental United States (OCONUS) Chief of Mission (COM) personnel who
have been evacuated due to a crisis.
Personnel Reporting and Statistics (PRAS)
A system that provides a complete list of all Foreign Service and Civil Service
employees and all domestic and overseas U.S. Federal government full-time
equivalent (FTE) positions.
Post Position Management (PPM)
A system that supports overseas facilities management by tracking current and
forecasted positions to determine space requirements.
Pre IVO Technology (PIVOT)
A system that enables paperless pre-processing of Immigrant Visa (IV)
applications and includes functions such as IV case creation, IV package review,
and support/inquiries.
Predictive Analytics (PA)
A platform used by data scientists to build, train, and deploy predictive models of
non-immigrant visa applicants overstaying their visas.
Presidential Appointments Tracking System (PATS) A system that tracks and manages Presidential appointments.
Primavera P6
A software system used for project planning and managing that intelligently
scales according to project roles, functions, and skill levels, and adapts to project
PRM RPC AWS GovCloud Instance
A system that supports the global case management of U.S. refugees, providing
greater flexibility, connectivity, and accountability.
A system that enables users to exchange information regarding facility
Asset Description
Proposed Itinerary (TMTWO)
A system that enables employees to electronically initiate, view, and submit
proposed travel itineraries.
Purchase Card Management and Reporting System
A software application used to perform Purchase Card-related administrative
tasks and manage the Purchase Card program.
Qualifications Evaluation Panel (QEP)
An application used to evaluate and provide a rating on Foreign Service
candidates' electronic files, which contain information such as test scores,
narratives, and essays.
Recruitment, Examination, and Employment
Tracking Application (REETA)
A system used to track Foreign Service job candidates, interns, and students,
through the various stages of the recruitment process.
Refugee Processing Center General Support System
A computing and network infrastructure that supports refugee admissions
processing applications and office support systems such as e-mail, phone, and fax.
Refugee Processing Center START (START) A system that is used to manage U.S. refugee admissions cases.
Regional Financial Management System (RFMS)
A global accounting and payment system used for funds management and
processing obligations and vouchers.
Regional Security Office Local Vetting (RESOLVE)
A tool used to collect, track, and manage information from the background
investigations of staff who receive security certifications.
Resume Builder (RB)
A tool that enables Foreign Service employees to build and update resumes to
reflect career progression and other personal changes in circumstance.
RFMS Year-End (RYE) A tool used to plan and schedule annual financial closing activities.
An application that is used to determine current and projected staffing needs and
align staffing with strategic goals.
Risk Analysis Management (RAM)
A system that is used to vet key employees of organizations, entities, or
individuals, who apply to the Department of State for contracts, grants, or other
RM/FM Database (RM/FM)
A database that supports building operations by providing accounting, budgeting,
and financial management services.
Safety and Accountability For Everyone (SAFE)
An enterprise system used to collect employee and employee family member
contact information and send mass notifications during emergencies.
Asset Description
Safety Health and Environmental Management
(SHEM) Risk Management System (SRMS)
A system that allows users at Post to report incidents and accidents they have
witnessed or were directly involved in.
Safety Health and Environmental Management
Assessment Tracking System (SMARTS)
A system that tracks compliance with recent assessment visits to document and
analyze mishap data and identify trends and preventative measures.
Salesforce Enterprise (SF_DOS)
A centralized contact management database that enables staff to engage with
members of the public domestically and abroad and maintain a history of those
Salesforce Knowledgebase Cloud Application (CGFS
A searchable information database that enables staff to view responses to
questions on various topics, such as applications and software programs,
accounting, payroll, and policy.
An application that reports each Foreign Service Officer's history of their
promotion board rankings.
SearchState An enterprise-wide, online, search service.
Secref Administrator (SecRef)
A system that is used to maintain the security roles for human resource
Secretary’s Phone Book (SPB)
A teleconferencing system used to maintain contact information for foreign and
domestic individuals, as well as some Department employees.
Secure HTTP Internet File Transfer System (SHIFTS)
A tool that delivers payroll, disbursing, and accounting data files for processing
financial transactions.
Security Incident Management and Analysis II
An application that serves as a repository for all suspicious activity, crime, and
incident reporting domestically and abroad.
Security Records Tracking System (SRTS)
A collection of specialized server components engineered specifically for use
within government agency environments that support secure, accessible web
applications and web services.
Service Computation Date (SCD)
An application used to calculate employee service computation dates for leave
and retirement purposes.
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)
A system used by American citizens to register overseas travel and overseas
residence with the Department of State.
Asset Description
SmartTraveler (ST)
A mobile application for U.S. travelers that provides access to country
information, travel alerts and warnings, maps, embassy locations, subscriptions to
feeds, and a link to enroll in the Department's free Smart Traveler Enrollment
Program (STEP).
Space Requirements Planning (SRP)
An application that aids in planning space requirements for new construction or
refurbishment projects at Posts.
Specialist Board of Examiners (SBEX)
A system used to track and calculate the oral assessment testing scores for
Foreign Service Specialist career professionals.
Specialist Tracking and Reporting (STAR)
An application used to prepare and fulfill online candidate paneling assessments
for Foreign Service Specialists and Career Appointment/Limited Non-Career
State Alumni Extranet Website (ALUMNI)
A networking website for participants of U.S. government-sponsored exchange
State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolkit
A Microsoft Outlook-based messaging system that manages working emails,
record emails, and cables. The system enables users to control the archiving and
retrieval of messages by adding internal sensitivity labels to messages.
Student Loan Repayment Program (SLRP)
An application that is used to electronically submit, track, and approve student
loan requests.
Tactical High Threat Operational Response (THOR)
A system used to collect and maintain employee records related to crime and non-
criminal identification for the purpose of vetting existing and potentially new
Talent Database for the Office of Accessibility and
Accommodation (Talent Database)
A database used to manage, track, and report job candidates with severe
Schedule A physical, psychiatric, or intellectual disabilities.
TalentMAP An application used to search, curate, publish, and bid on open assignments.
Ten Print Live Scan System (TPLS)
A system used during the visa issuing process to capture, view, and verify
Tenure eBoards
A human resources application that is used to manage and vote on Tenure Board
advisor members and create board sessions.
The Museum System - Cultural Heritage (TMS-CH)
An application used for collecting historically, culturally, or architecturally
significant assets located on the Department of State's properties.
Asset Description
The Museum System (TMS)
A system designed for museums to assist with all aspects of collections
management, including exhibitions, shipments, publications, outreach, and
customized reporting.
The Office of Foreign Missions Information System
An application that supports the accreditation and management of privileges and
immunities for foreign diplomatic community members.
Time-in-Class / Time-in-Service (TIC/TIS)
An application that is used to manage a Foreign Service Officer's eligibility for
Tracking Responses and Inquiries for Passports
An application used during passport inquiries to keep track of customer calls,
reference and maintain customer application history, and create emails. It also
enables each user to reference a knowledge base.
Travel Document Issuance System (TDIS)
A system that ensures passport processing and issuance for domestic citizens is
prompt and meets Department-established rules and regulations.
Travel Leave and Transfer (TLT)
A system used to report leave, travel, and consultation status of employees
transferring to new positions.
Tririga Out of Box
A system used to manage real property.
User Manager WebSecurity (UMWS)
A single sign-on application that assigns users role-based privileges to access
systems to perform tasks.
Virtual Student Foreign Service System
A system used during the student internship application process to input tasks for
student applicants to complete.
Visa Request System (VRS)
A system that generates formal letters to request issuance of diplomatic or
government official visas.
Voucher Tracking Application (VTA)
An application used to track and route vouchers and invoices related to building
operation and maintenance.
A system used to manage all travel involving the Secretary. Functions include
providing travel information, expediting the customs clearance process, and
preparing manifests and other trip-related documentation.
A system used to capture metrics on vehicles in the Department's fleet, such as
mileage, fuel consumption, engine status, and usage patterns.
W-2.Web An application that processes employee W-2 forms.
Asset Description
Waiver Review System (WRS)
A system that is used to process waiver requests for exchange visitors to waive
the two-year foreign residency requirement in the Immigration and Nationality
Web Time and Attendance Telecommunications
A system used to record employee time and attendance data, submit for payroll
processing, and generate reports.
Windows Time and Attendance System (WINT&A)
A system used to record employee time and attendance for payroll generation
and leave accounting.
Worldwide Property Accountability System (WPAS
PC Version)
A system that uses scanning technology to conduct inventory collection of
program property assets located domestically and overseas.