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Rental Property Registration Form
To complete your registration or renewal online, visit
Please use a separate application form for each rental property. Registration is valid for 2 years.
Make checks payable to City of Seattle.
Return the completed application along with the registration fee using one of the following options:
U.S. Postal Service:
City of Seattle—Rental Registration
P.O. Box 34234
Seattle, WA 98124-1234
Private Mailing Services:
City of Seattle—Rental Registration
700 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1900
Seattle, WA 98104
If you need additional assistance including translation services, contact the RRIO program at (206) 684-4110. Questions may be
submitted at
Type of Registration (Check the applicable box below)
Initial Registration (Complete all sections)
Registration Renewal (Complete all sections; section 3 required only if information has changed)
Update Property or Ownership Information
Select this box if updating property or owner information for a property already
registered with RRIO. Owner(s) are required to update any change in information
within 60 days. Complete section 2 and sections 3 and/or 5 (if information has
changed). If adding rental units, also complete section 6.
Relinquish ownership
Select this box if you wish to indicate that the owners currently listed on the
registration no longer own the property. By relinquishing ownership, you are
removing yourself and all other contacts from this rental property registration
record. Complete section 2 only.
Transfer Existing Registration to New Owners
Select this box if you are a new owner of a property already registered with RRIO.
Complete sections 2, 3 (if information has changed), 5, and 6.
Additional Information
Property registration is transferable to a
new owner.
A new owner does not need to re-register
the property and pay a new fee. Instead,
the new owner is required to update the
registration information within 60 days
after the sale is closed.
For property held in common with
multiple owners, the registration is
required to be updated when more than
50 percent of the ownership changes
Record No.
Rec’d Date Initials
Scan Date Initials
Data Entry Initials
Property Information
Registration/Pre-Registration Number (if you received a letter)
Property Name (if applicable)
Property Address City State Property ZIP Code
Seattle WA
Is this a newly-constructed or substantially altered property with the Certificate of Occupancy or final inspection completed within the
past 2 years?
Yes No
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Rental Unit Information
Complete for rental housing units that are or may be available for rent. Do not include non-residential units or those that are not for rent.
If more than 20 units, complete and attach Appendix A.
Since units on the highest or lowest floors usually have more problems with water damage, indicate if the unit is in either location. Leave
blank if the unit is not on either floor, or if this does not apply to your unit (like a row house or single family residence).
Unit identification number
Indicate if on TOP or LOWEST
residential floor
Unit identification number
Indicate if on TOP or LOWEST
residential floor
Single family house example:
SF or Single Family
Not applicable
Apartment example: 101 Top
Condo example: 18-C Lowest
Duplex example: 5061 Not applicable
1. 13.
2. 14.
3. 15.
4. 16.
5. 17.
6. 18.
7. 19.
8. 20.
Total number of rental units from above table
Total additional number of rental units from Appendix A (if any)
Total number of rental units on property
Fee Schedule (Make checks payable to City of Seattle)
Type of fee Price Quantity Total
Base registration fee (includes first rental unit) $115.50 1 $115.50
Additional units fee
$21.00 for each
additional unit
Box (A)
from above
minus 1
Late registration/renewal fee (if past due date)
RRIO Fees Total
Note: fees above include the RRIO fees and a 5% SDCI technology fee. The RRIO fees and technology fees are itemized separately on
invoices and receipts.
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Fee Schedule (Make checks payable to City of Seattle)
Single family house for rent as one housing unit = $115.50
Duplex with the owner living in one unit, second unit for rent = $115.50
Duplex with both units for rent: $115.50 + $21 = $136.50
4-unit building with the owner living in one unit, three units for rent:
$115.50 + ($21 x 2 units) =
20-unit building with 20 units for rent: $115.50 + ($21.00 x 19 units) = $514.50
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Contacts / Owner Information (If more than two owners and more space is needed, please complete and attach Appendix B)
You are required to provide the following 3 contacts for each property: Applicant, Owner, Tenant Contact for Repairs
Applicant (Person completing the registration information)
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
Tenant Contact for Repairs (Person the tenants contact to make repairs. Note: This contact information will be publicly available on the RRIO website.)
Business Relationship to Owner(s) (Check all that apply)
Owner Property Manager Attorney Accountant Employee Other
Check here if same as Applicant and continue to Owner
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
Owner (The legal owner of the property being registered. If your property has more than one owner, you must list all owners.)
Check here if more than two owners and more space is required. Then fill out and attach Appendix B.
Check here if same as Applicant and continue to next owner or Step 6
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
Owner 2
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
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Declaration of Compliance
Seattle’s Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) requires that all rental housing units meet basic maintenance standards
found in the RRIO Checklist. Owners must declare that their rental units meet or will meet those standards before being rented. For the
full RRIO Checklist, summarized below, refer to Seattle DCI Director’s Rule 15-2013 or
1. Exterior: Structure, Shelter, and Maintenance. Roof, chimney, foundation, stairs, and decks are reasonably free of decay (e.g.,
severe cracks, soft spots, loose pieces, deterioration, or other indications that repair is needed); maintained in a safe, sound, and
sanitary condition; and capable of withstanding normal loads and forces. The building and its components, including windows,
should be reasonably weather-proof and damp-free.
2. Interior: Structure, Shelter, and Maintenance. Walls, floors, stairs, and other structural components are reasonably free of decay,
maintained in a safe and sound condition, and capable of withstanding normal loads and forces. Natural and mechanical lighting
and ventilation is adequate and maintained in good working order for each habitable room in the unit.
3. Safety and Security. Every unit or building must be equipped to be safe and secure. This includes emergency escape windows or
doors, unit and building doors lock with deadbolt or deadlatch, and working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are installed and
functional. Multi-family buildings must also have proper emergency exit lighting and secure common areas.
4. Room Size and Condition. All rooms used as living or sleeping rooms must meet minimum requirements for square footage and
must not have dirt floors.
5. Heating System. Every bathroom and habitable room must have a functioning, properly ventilated, and permanently-installed heat
6. Electrical Standards. All electrical equipment and wiring must be approved and maintained in safe and sound condition and in
good working order.
7. Plumbing and Hot Water. Plumbing systems must be properly installed, functional, sanitary and maintained in good condition.
Water temperature reaches at least 100°F after running water for two minutes.
8. Sanitation Standards: Bathrooms. Every unit has at least one directly accessible bathroom (primary bathroom) that includes an
operable toilet, sink, and tub or shower, all in safe and sound condition and sanitary working order. Does not apply to a legally
established SRO/rooming house/micro-housing unit that does not have a bathroom, although any associated common or shared
bathroom must meet these standards.
9. Sanitation Standards: Kitchen. Every unit has a kitchen with a sink, counter, cabinets, cooking appliance, and refrigerator
maintained in safe, sound, and sanitary condition. This does not apply to units comprised of a single habitable room such as a
Single Room Occupancy, rooming house, or micro-housing unit when the unit does not have a kitchen. Common kitchen must meet
these standards.
10. Owners’ Obligations. Property owners are responsible for ensuring that the property is free of excess trash; insects and rodents
have been exterminated.
Who evaluated units for compliance with standards?
Owner or owner’s agent
Inspection by Qualified Rental Housing Inspector
(There is no requirement to use an inspector prior to registration. The choice is up to the owner.)
By signing below, I confirm that all units that are currently or may be available for rent meet the
requirements of the Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance as detailed in the RRIO Checklist.
Name (printed) Phone No.
Signature Date
I acknowledge and intend that a scanned copy of my hard-copy signature will be treated as an original signature for the purposes of this application and for any other matter related to
this application.
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Property Improvements
We want to learn how this program affects rental housing and whether you had to make any repairs in order to meet the program
Providing this information is voluntary and is not required for a complete registration.
Were changes or improvements made to this property in the past year in order to register for RRIO?
How much money did you spend to improve this property in the past year in order to register for RRIO?
$0 to $250
$251 to $1,000
$1,001 to $5,000
More than $5,000
In what area(s) did you spend time or money for improvements?
(Check all that apply)
Exterior Structure, Shelter, and Maintenance
Interior Structure, Shelter, and Maintenance
Emergency Escape Windows and Doors
Room and Size Conditions
Heating Systems
Plumbing and Hot Water
Electrical Standards
Sanitary Standards—Bathrooms
Sanitary Standards—Kitchen
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Please continue to Section 8.
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Code Compliance Demographic Data
The Seattle Code Compliance division and RRIO program are gathering demographic data to help us better understand our customers
and improve our education and outreach efforts. This information will be separated and tracked independently from the registration
Providing this information is voluntary and is not required for a complete registration.
Are you a:
Property Owner
Owner’s Agent or Representative
ZIP Code:
(for person filling out the application)
How do you access the Internet?
(Check all that apply)
Smartphone (e.g., iPhone, Galaxy, etc.)
Tablet (e.g., iPad, Surface, Kindle, etc.)
Computer (e.g., PC, Mac, laptops)
I do not use the Internet
What is the main language spoken in your home?
English Mandarin Cambodian Laotian
Spanish Somali Amharic Thai
Vietnamese Tagalog Oromo Russian
Cantonese Korean Tigrinya Other:
What is your race or ethnicity?
White Asian
Black or African-American Hispanic or Latino/a
American Indian or Alaskan Native More than one race
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Other:
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Appendix A
Additional Rental Unit Information
Complete for rental housing units that are or may be available for rent.
Since units on the highest or lowest floors usually have more problems with water damage, indicate if the unit is in either location.
Leave blank if the unit is not on either floor, or if this does not apply to your unit (like a row house).
Unit identification number
Indicate if on TOP or LOWEST
residential floor
Unit identification number
Indicate if on TOP or LOWEST
residential floor
1. 31.
2. 32.
3. 33.
4. 34.
5. 35.
6. 36.
7. 37.
8. 38.
9. 39.
10. 40.
11. 41.
12. 42.
13. 43.
14. 44.
15. 45.
16. 46.
17. 47.
18. 48.
19. 49.
20. 50.
21. 51.
22. 52.
23. 53.
24. 54.
25. 55.
26. 56.
27. 57.
28. 58.
29. 59.
30. 60.
Total number of rental units from Appendix A
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Appendix B
Additional Owners
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail
Check if you want to receive a copy of all communications regarding this rental registration
Preferred method of communication: E-mail Postal mail
Organization Name (if applicable)
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail