A1 Domain and Range: Real World
Do Now
1. How do you feel? What do you need from Mr.
Stroshine and Ms. Walker to be successful today?
Standard: A1.A.CED.A.3: Create individual and systems of equations and/or inequalities to
represent constraints in a contextual situation, and interpret solutions as viable or
Objective: SWBAT identify the domain and range of functions IOT describes in real-world
Recall – Domain, Range, and Functions:
Part 1
1. What are the domain and range of the function on the graph? Use interval notation.
2. Write an example of a set of ordered pairs that is a function and one that is not a
3. Draw an example of a graph tht is a function and one that is not a function.
A1 Domain and Range: Real World
Partner Practice:
4. Evaluate the function for 𝑓 ( π‘₯ )=βˆ’ 4 π‘₯ βˆ’ 3 π‘₯ = 5 .
5. Evaluate the function for .
𝑔 ( π‘₯ )=
π‘₯ + 13 π‘₯ = 8
6. List the domain and range of the function {{7,2), (8,-3), (6,2), (3,2)}. Explain why this is
a function.
Part 2
1. To rent a bike, Max pays a flat rate plus an hourly rental fee. The graph shows the
amount, c dollars, he pays based on the number of hours, t, he uses the bike. Use
the graph to answer the following question:
What is the domain and range of the function?
A1 Domain and Range: Real World
2. The growth of two plant saplings A and B, were observed for a period of 6 months.
The graph shows the linear growth of the saplings, in centimeters.
What is the domain and range of
each sapling?
Partner Practice:
3. The graph shows the cost, C, of renting a concert hall for t hours.
What is the domain and range of the function?
4. A candle is 9 inches long. Nelson lights the candle and records the length of the
candle, y inches, for x hours.
What is the domain and range of the function?
A1 Domain and Range: Real World
5. When a new car is bought its value immediately begins to decrease. This
is called depreciation and can be modeled by an exponential function.
What is the domain and range of this particular exponential decay
function? Why?
Solo Practice:
A1 Domain and Range: Real World
List the domain and range for the functions below.
1. Suppose that the water level of a river is 34 feet and that it is receding at a rate of 0.5 foot
per day. The equation y= -0.5x + 34 represents this situation. What is the domain and range
of this function?
Partner Practice:
2. Seth’s father is thinking of buying his son a six-month movie pass for $40. Every time he uses
the pass, he saves $2. The equation y= 2x – 40 can be used to model the total amount of
money that Seth has saved overall in a given month by using the pass, where x is the number
of times he uses the pass. What is the domain and range of the function?
Solo Practice:
3. For babysitting, Nicole charges a flat fee of $3, plus $5 per hour. The equation y=5x+3
represents this situation. What is the domain and range of the function?