BRIAN L. COTTER W: (719) 542-1984
GRAND MASTER 2009 H: (719) 584-2182
1632 Weatherby Lane eMail: [email protected]
Pueblo, CO 81008
Dated: October, 2009
Decision of the Grand Master
Inasmuch as there is a growing concern in regard to the use of various aprons used in and by the
lodges in the Grand Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of
Colorado, I, as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of
Colorado have rendered a decision. This issue has been addressed as early as 1892 and as
recently as 1994. There are clear and concise rules and accepted protocol on this issue.
Therefore, this decision of the Grand Master has much and varying support from the archives
and past practices of the brethren in this jurisdiction. The apron presentation ritual of the Entered
Apprentice Degree clearly describes the apron as approved for all Masons of this Jurisdiction.
The Book of Forms as last printed on April 8, 2009, approved by the Grand Lecturer with the
assistance and recommendations of the Custodians of the Work Committee, also clearly defines
the aprons approved for use by Colorado Masons on page 9, Clothing; Aprons.
Therefore, it is the decision of this Grand Master that only aprons as approved by the Grand
Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Colorado be worn by the Masons of this
Approved aprons include:
A. Those aprons worn by the officers of the Grand Lodge of Colorado, including past Grand
Lodge officers and District Lecturers whose aprons are (plain white aprons with the
Seal of the Grand Lodge attached to the center of the flap portion of the apron).
B. Past Master Aprons when approved for use by the lodge in which the Brother served as
Master (plain white apron with the emblem of a Past Master attached to the center of the
flap portion of the apron).
C. Plain white and unadorned aprons as described in the aforementioned Book of Forms.
Whereas no other aprons have been approved for use in the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Colorado, there are to be no other aprons in use by the
brethren of this jurisdiction until such time as the brethren of this jurisdiction take the necessary
action to change these rules, should they choose.
MWB Brian L. Cotter, Grand Master
Exceptions+to +the+rule:
Past+Masters+Apron:+Plain+white+apron+with+the+Past+Master+Ba dge+either+location+