NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 086
noaa National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Ocean Service
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
Photo: New York City Harbor
Silver Spring, Maryland
February 2018
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
National Ocean Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
The National Ocean Service (NOS) Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-
OPS) provides the National infrastructure, science, and technical expertise to collect and distribute
observations and predictions of water levels and currents to ensure safe, efficient and environmentally
sound maritime commerce. The Center provides the set of water level and tidal current products required to
support NOS’ Strategic Plan mission requirements, and to assist in providing operational oceanographic
data/products required by NOAA’s other Strategic Plan themes. For example, CO-OPS provides data and
products required by the National Weather Service to meet its flood and tsunami warning responsibilities.
The Center manages the National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON), a national network of
Physical Oceanographic Real-Time Systems (PORTS
) in major U. S. harbors, and the National Current
Observation Program consisting of current surveys in near shore and coastal areas utilizing bottom mounted
platforms, subsurface buoys, and horizontal sensors. The Center: establishes standards for the collection and
processing of water level and current data; collects and documents user requirements, which serve as the
foundation for all resulting program activities; designs new and/or improved oceanographic observing
systems; designs software to improve CO-OPS’ data processing capabilities; maintains and operates
oceanographic observing systems; performs operational data analysis/quality control; and
produces/disseminates oceanographic products.
NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 086
Wilbur Ross, Secretary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
RDML Tim Gallaudet, Ph.D., USN Ret.
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and
Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
National Ocean Service
Dr. Russell Callender, Assistant Administrator
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
Richard Edwing, Director
Patterns and Projections of High Tide
Flooding Along the U.S. Coastline
Using a Common Impact Threshold
William V. Sweet
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Center for
Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Greg Dusek
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Center for
Operational Oceanographic Products and Services, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Jayantha Obeysekera
South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL
John J. Marra
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and
Information Services, National Centers for Environmental Information, Honolulu, HI, USA
February 2018
Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an
endorsement by NOAA. Use of information from this publication for
publicity or advertising purposes concerning proprietary products or
the tests of such products is not authorized.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................... III
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................. IV
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................................... VI
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................... VII
1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1
3.0 HISTORICAL PATTERNS OF HIGH TIDE FLOODING ................................................................... 13
TRENDS IN HIGH TIDE FLOODING ............................................................................................................................... 13
YEAR-TO-YEAR VARIABILITY IN HIGH TIDE FLOODING DUE TO ENSO ............................................................... 17
SEASONAL CYCLES IN HIGH TIDE FLOODING ............................................................................................................ 20
4.0 FUTURE PROJECTIONS OF HIGH TIDE FLOODING ...................................................................... 23
5.0 SUMMARY REMARKS ............................................................................................................................ 31
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 35
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
APPENDIX 1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX 2 .......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 1. a) Long-term (>30 years record) RSL trends around the U.S. coastline measured
and/or computed by NOAA (Zervas, 2009), b) multi-year empirical (smoothed)
distributions for daily highest water levels in Norfolk, Virginia for the 1960s and 2010s,
showing extent that local RSL rise has increased the flood probability relative to impact
thresholds defined locally by the NOAA NWS for minor (~0.5 m: nuisance level),
moderate (~0.8 m) and major (~1.2 m: local level of Hurricane Sandy in 2012) impacts,
relative to mean higher high water (MHHW) tidal datum and in c) are annual flood
frequencies (based upon 5-year averages) in Norfolk for high tide floods with minor
impacts shown as accelerating by the quadratic trend fit (goodness of fit [R2]=0.84).
Figure from Sweet et al. (2017a). ..................................................................................... 3
Figure 2. a) Long-term tide gauges with official NOAA flood thresholds for minor (high tide)
flooding with exposed topography (red) mapped by the NOAA SLR Viewer and b) the
annual summation of days with high tide flooding at locations shown in a) during 2016
as monitored by NOAA (Sweet et al., 2017b). ................................................................. 4
Figure 3. Scatter plot of NOAA tide gauge locations with official NOAA coastal flood
thresholds (y-axis) shown relative to MLLW tidal datum for minor, moderate and major
impacts and the diurnal tide range (GT). There are 66 tide gauges with minor (high
tide), 48 with moderate and 46 with major flood thresholds. Locations in the continental
U.S. are shown as circles, whereas those in Alaska are designated by triangles. No
official NOAA coastal flood thresholds exist for island states or territories. Linear
regression fits (black line and boxed equation) and the 90% confidence interval (5% and
95% as red dashed lines) are also shown. Derived thresholds are obtained by solving the
regression equations for a particular location. For example, y (the minor derived flood
threshold for a location) = 1.04 * x (the local GT tidal datum) + 0.50 m. All NOAA
official flood thresholds were obtained in July 2017. ...................................................... 8
Figure 4. The official NOAA and derived elevation thresholds for high tide/minor (a, b),
moderate (c, d) and major (e, f) flooding. Note that the legend scales increase by 0.3 m
(about 1 foot) between minor, moderate and major flooding threshold elevations. Black
dots denote locations without an official NOAA flood threshold. ................................. 10
Figure 5. Recurrence intervals for the NOAA and derived elevation thresholds for high
tide/minor (a, b), moderate (c, d) and major (e, f) flooding adjusted to year 2000 sea
levels. Black dots denote locations without a NOAA flood threshold. .......................... 12
Figure 6. Annual number of high tide floods (days per year) at NOAA tide gauge locations. A
year is defined in terms of a meteorological year (MayApril). Note: White squares
indicate no data or that hourly data was less than 80% complete within a year. ........... 14
Figure 7. Number of days per year with a high tide flood at a) Atlantic City, New Jersey, b)
Norfolk, Virginia, c) San Diego, California and d) Seattle, Washington. San Diego and
Seattle are fit with a linear least-squares fit, whereas Atlantic City and Norfolk are fit
with a quadratic. Note: the annual series is shown here as compared to a 5-year average
series in Figure 1c. .......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8. a) Number of days in 2015 with a high tide flood derived by trend (linear or quadratic
fits above the 90% significance level) or 19-year average (1998–2016) where no
significant trend exists. Black dots denote locations with no floods over the 1998–2016
period and b) is the percent change since 2000 based upon trend fits also used in a).
Black dots denote locations as in a) or where no significant trend exists. ..................... 16
Figure 9. a) Variance of 1998–2016 daily highest water levels, b) the ratio between variances of
daily highest predicted tidal component of water level to observed water levels and
examples at c) Norfolk, Virginia and d) San Diego, California showing daily highest
waters (red), contribution from daily highest predicted tide (blue); both are shown
relative to their minor derived flood threshold (green), and the ratio is listed in
parentheses. .................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 10. Parametric probability distribution (normal) fit for 3 years characterized by stronger
El Niño, stronger La Niña and ENSO-neutral conditions. In parentheses are the mean
and standard deviation (or square of the variance) of the distributions shown in the
figures. Water levels have been detrended to enable multi-year comparisons. Not shown
are the 95% confidence intervals for the distribution parameters which suggest a
significant change of conditions during El Niño along both of these (and other) West
and East Coast locations. ................................................................................................ 18
Figure 11. Trends in annual frequencies of high tide flooding (black line) are fit to observed
annual flood frequencies (black line-dots) over the 1950–2016 period (or beginning of
record) as shown in Figure 6. Predictions of high tide flooding based on both trend and
annual averaged ENSO effects (ONI) are also shown (red line-dots) for a) Atlantic City,
b) Norfolk, c) San Diego and D) Seattle. ....................................................................... 19
Figure 12. a) Characterization of regression trend estimates of increasing decadal annual high
tide flood frequencies: accelerating (quadratic) or linear increasing or no trend (black
dot) and b) locations whose high tide flood frequencies change on an interannual basis
due to phases of ENSO as illustrated in Figure 11. Specifically, in b) are predictions for
days in 2015 (May 2015–April 2016) with high tide flooding considering the predicted
strength of El Niño (based upon ONI) relative to values based on the trend-derived or
19-year average value as shown in Figure 8a. Kwajalein Island (blue dot) in Figure 12b
is opposite the other locations—flood frequencies drop during El Niño and rise during
La Niña. .......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 13. a) Percentage of high tide floods caused solely by tidal forcing over latest 19-year
tidal epoch (1998–2016), with black dots designating locations with no high tide floods
caused by tides alone or for locations with no high tide flooding during this period. For
instance, 20% of San Diego’s high tide floods are caused by tides alone, whereas in
New York City, the tide alone is insufficient to cause flooding, b) and c) high tide
flooding in San Diego and New York City (NYC) since 1980 distributed by month and
d) is the percentage of high tide flood days experienced over 1998–2016 by month at 99
NOAA tide gauges. ........................................................................................................ 21
Figure 14. Projected annual frequencies of high tide flooding in response to scenarios of global
sea level rise (Sweet et al., 2017) estimated at NOAA tide gauges in a) New York City
(The Battery), b) Miami (Virginia Key), Florida and c) San Francisco, California
considering observed patterns (combined tidal and nontidal water level components)
and d), e) and f) at the same locations but assuming predicted tide forcing only. Derived
high tide flood levels are 0.56 m, 0.53 m and 0.57 m, respectively. .............................. 24
Figure 15. Projected annual frequencies of high tide flooding by 2050 (average over the 2041–
2050 period) in response to the a) Intermediate Low and c) Intermediate Scenarios of
global sea level rise (Sweet et al., 2017a) estimated at 99 NOAA tide gauges based
upon historical patterns and percentage of floods caused by tide forcing alone in b) and
d), respectively. Black dots in b) denote locations where tide alone does not exceed the
minor derived flood threshold. ....................................................................................... 25
Figure 16. As in Figure 15, but for projected annual frequencies of high tide flooding by 2100
(average over the 2091–2100 period). ............................................................................ 26
Figure 17. a) Empirical probability densities for daily highest water levels over 1998-2016 at
Miami, Florida and New York City showing differences in variance (color-coded in box
and in units of m
), b) locations with linear trends (significant above 90% level) in
variance computed for daily high water levels per year and relative comparison between
annual mean sea level and standard deviation (variance
) and fitted linear trends of
daily highest levels per year at c) Bergen Point, New York and d) Beaufort, North
Carolina where significant trends in annual variance occur. .......................................... 27
Figure 18. a) Daily exceedance probabilities (1-cumulative distribution) within a year for New
York City (The Battery), Norfolk (Sewells Point), Virginia and Miami (Virginia Key),
Florida based upon daily highest water levels over the 1998–2016 period with their
average high tide/minor, moderate and major flood thresholds labeled. The decade
when MHHW reaches the b) high tide/minor threshold, c) moderate threshold and d)
major threshold levels for coastal flooding for local RSL projections under the
Intermediate Scenario developed by the Federal Interagency Sea Level Rise and Coastal
Flood Hazard Task Force (Sweet et al., 2017a). ............................................................ 29
Table 1. Processes affecting water levels and their temporal scales. Tide gauges, whose samples
are composed of multi-minutes averages, generally do not include wave contributions or
their effects. Modification of Table 1 of Sweet et al. (2017a). ........................................ 2
For forecasting purposes to ensure public safety, NOAA has established three coastal flood severity
thresholds. The thresholds are based upon water level heights empirically calibrated to NOAA tide gauge
measurements from years of impact monitoring by its Weather Forecast Offices (WFO) and emergency
managers. When minor (more disruptive than damaging), moderate (damaging) or major (destructive)
coastal flooding is anticipated (not associated with tropical storms), NOAA issues either a flood advisory
(for minor) or warning (for moderate or major). Less than half of NOAA tide gauges located along the
U.S. coastline have such ‘official’ NOAA flood thresholds, and where they exist, the heights can vary
substantially (e.g., 0.30.6 meter within minor category). They differ due to the extent of infrastructure
vulnerabilities, which vary by topography and relief, land-cover types or existing flood defenses.
We find that all official NOAA coastal flood thresholds share a common pattern based upon the local tide
range (possibly in response to systematic development ordinances). Minor, moderate and major coastal
flooding typically begin about 0.5 m, 0.8 m and 1.2 m above a height slightly higher than the multi-year
average of the daily highest water levels measured by NOAA tide gauges. Based upon this statistical
(regression-based) relationship, a ‘derived’ set of flood threshold proxies for minor, moderate or major
impacts are permissible for almost any location along the U.S. coastline.
The intent of this report is not to supplant knowledge about local flood risk. Rather, the intention is to
provide an objective and nationally consistent set of impact thresholds for minor/moderate/major coastal
flooding. Such definitions are currently lacking, which limits the ability to deliver new products as well as
the effectiveness of existing coastal flood products. Coastal communities along all U.S. coastlines need
consistent guidance about flooding, which is 1) forecasted in the near future (e.g., severity/depth of 4-day
predictions of storm surge heights ‘above ground level’), 2) likely in the coming season or year (e.g.,
probabilistic outlooks) or 3) possible over the longer term (e.g., decadal to end-of-century scenarios). Our
primary emphasis is to use the derived threshold for minor flooding, which we refer to as ‘high tide’
flooding (also known as ‘nuisance’, ‘sunny day’ and ‘recurrent tidal’ flooding), to assess nationally how
exposureand potential vulnerabilityto high tide flooding has and will continue to change with
changing sea levels.
High tide flooding today mostly affects low-lying and exposed assets or infrastructure, such as roads,
harbors, beaches, public storm-, waste- and fresh-water systems and private and commercial properties.
Due to rising relative sea level (RSL), more and more cities are becoming increasingly exposed and
evermore vulnerable to high tide flooding, which is rapidly increasing in frequency, depth and extent
along many U.S. coastlines. Today, high tide flooding is likely more disruptive (a nuisance) than
damaging. The cumulative effects, however, are becoming a serious problem in several locations
including many with strategic importance to national security such as Norfolk, Virginia, San Diego,
California and Kwajalein Island in the U.S. Marshall Islands.
Over the last several decades, annual frequencies of high tide flooding are found to be linearly increasing
in 31 locations (out of 99 tide gauges examined outside Alaska) mostly along the coasts of the
Northeast/Southeast Atlantic and the Eastern/Western Gulf of Mexico, and to a lesser extent, along the
Northwest and Southwest Pacific coasts. Annual frequencies are accelerating (nonlinearly increasing) in
30 locations mostly along the Northeast and Southeast Atlantic Coasts. Currently, high tide flood
frequencies are increasing at the highest overall rates (and likely becoming most problematic) along the
coasts of the Southeast Atlantic and to a lesser extent along the Northeast Atlantic and the Western Gulf.
Between 2000 and 2015, annual frequencies increased (median values) by about 125% (from 1.3 days to
3.0 days/year) along the Southeast Atlantic, by 75% (from 3.4 days to 6.0 days/year) along the Northeast
Atlantic and by 75% (from 1.4 days to 2.5 days/year) along the Western Gulf.
High tide flooding is currently less problematic along the coasts of the Northwest and Southwest Pacific
and the U.S. Pacific (Kwajalein Island being an exception) and Caribbean Islands for two main reasons:
1) the local height of the high tide flood threshold is above the reach of all or most of the annual highest
water levels due to a combination of generally calmer weather conditions or bathymetric constraints that
limit storm surge potential and 2) regionally RSL rise rates have been relatively low over the last several
decades. In these locations, however, large waves (swells) and their high-frequency dynamical effects,
which are generally not inherent to NOAA tide gauge measurements, can override high tides and cause
dune overwash, coastal erosion and flooding.
High tide flooding regionally occurs more often in certain seasons and during certain years, which is
important for awareness and preparedness purposes. The seasonality in flood frequency occurs in
response to a spatially varying mixture of rhythmic astronomical tides (‘tidal forcing’), repetitive seasonal
mean sea level cycles and less-predictable episodic changes in wind and ocean currents that are nontidal
in origin. Frequencies are relatively high during SeptemberApril along the Northeast Atlantic Coast and
generally peak in OctoberNovember. Along the Southeast Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, frequencies are
highest during SeptemberNovember with a secondary peak in JuneJuly. Along both the Northwest and
Southwest Pacific, frequencies are highest during NovemberFebruary with a secondary peak in June
July along the Southwest Pacific.
High tide flood frequencies vary year-to-year due to large-scale changes in weather and ocean circulation
patterns, such as during the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). During the El Niño phase, high tide
flood frequencies are amplified at 49 (about half of examined) locations along the U.S. West and East
Coasts beyond underlying RSL rise-forced trend increases. This predictable ENSO response may better
inform annual budgeting in some flood-prone locations for emergency mobilizations and proactive
responses. For example, during 2015, high tide flood frequencies were predicted to be 70% and 170%
higher than normally would be expected (e.g., above trend values) along the East and West Coasts,
respectively, based upon the predicted El Niño strength about a year in advance. Subsequent monitoring
the following year verified that a strong El Niño formed, and flood frequencies occurred at or above the
trend/ENSO predicted values at many locations.
With continued RSL rise, high tide flood frequencies will continue to rapidly increase and more so simply
from tidal forcing, which today is very rare. We assess future changes locally projected under a subset of
the global rise scenarios of the U.S. Federal Interagency Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Hazard Task
Force, specifically the Intermediate Low (0.5 m global rise by 2100) and Intermediate (1.0 m global rise)
scenarios. Under these two scenarios, by 2050, annual high tide flood frequencies along the Western Gulf
(80 and 185 days/year, respectively) and Northeast Atlantic (45 and 130 days/year) are higher largely
because RSL rise is projected to be higher. Along coasts of the Southeast Atlantic (25 and 85 days/year),
the Eastern Gulf (25 and 80 days/year), the Southwest (15 and 35 days/year) and Northwest Pacific (15
and 30 days/year), the Pacific (5 and 45 days/year) and Caribbean Islands (0 and 5 days/year), high tide
flooding occurs less often because RSL rise projections are lower or weather conditions are typically
calmer; however, the rate of increase in annual flood frequencies will eventually increase at very rapid
rates. On average across all regions, high tide flooding by 2050 will occur about 35% and 60% of the
times solely from tidal forcing under the Intermediate Low and Intermediate Scenarios, respectively.
By 2100, high tide flooding will occur ‘every other day’ (182 days/year) or more often under the
Intermediate Low Scenario within the Northeast and Southeast Atlantic, the Eastern and Western Gulf,
and the Pacific Islands with tidal forcing causing all (100%) of the floods except within the Eastern Gulf
(80% caused by tides). By definition, ‘every other day’ high tide flooding would bring to fruition the
saying championed by NOAA’s (late) Margaret Davidson: Today’s flood will become tomorrow’s high
tide.” Under the Intermediate Scenario, high tide flooding will become ‘daily’ flooding (365 days/year
with high tide flooding) within nearly all regions with tide forcing alone, causing 100% of flooding.
Lastly, these results illustrate how close U.S. coastal cities are to a tipping point with respect to flood
frequency, as only 0.3m to 0.7 m separates infrequent damaging-to-destructive flooding from a regime of
high tide floodingor minor floods from moderate and major floods. This suggests a particular
interpretation for ‘freeboard’ and other engineering adaptive methods as the desired level of protection in
terms of flood type, in both the present and future. This recognition may in turn facilitate a more
systematic implementation of freeboard guidelines nationally.
Tide gauges of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service
(NOS) have been measuring water levels along U.S coastlines for more than a century
. Their real-time
data resolve a range of motion and variability associated with a variety of processes (Table 1). Their
observations resolve the rhythmic nature of the astronomical tides (‘tidal forcing’), seasonal changes in
local mean sea level and episodic, often-damaging, storm surges (Table 1); both the tidal and seasonal
cycles are included in NOAA tide predictions
and provide highly accurate (non-storm-related) forecasts
about water levels at any time and place along the U.S. coastline. As such, NOAA’s national tide gauge
network is key to supporting maritime safety and commerce, defining the country’s maritime-economic
boundaries and preparing for emergencies during coastal storms. Tide gauge data also reveal that relative
sea levels (RSL) have been increasing by about 25 mm/year (0.8–2.0 inches/decade) or more over the
last several decades around much of the continental U.S., Hawai'i and island territories (Figure 1a)
due to
a variety of factors affecting regional sea surface height and land elevations (Table 1: Zervas, 2009;
Church and White, 2011; Hay et al., 2015; Kopp et al., 2015; Sweet et al., 2017a, Hsu and Velicogna,
2017). As the vertical gap between coastal infrastructure and the ocean decreases, the risk of flooding
increases (Figure 1b). Decades ago, powerful storms typically caused coastal flooding, but due to RSL
rise, rather common wind events and seasonally high tides now more often cause the ocean to spill into
communities (Sweet et al., 2014). Other impacts include infiltration and degradation of stormwater
(Obeysekera et al., 2011) and wastewater (Flood and Cahoon, 2011) systems and saltwater intrusion that
raises coastal groundwater tables (Sukop et al., 2018. Flood severity becomes further compounded if
large swells (Serafin et al., 2017), heavy rainfall (Wahl et al., 2015) or high river flows occur (Moftakhari
et al., 2017a) concurrently, the effects of which, however, are not generally measured by tide gauges
(Table 1).
Table 1. Processes affecting water levels and their temporal scales. Tide gauges, whose samples are composed of
multi-minutes averages, generally do not include wave contributions or their effects. Modification of Table 1 of
Sweet et al. (2017a).
Over the last several decades, a rapidaccelerating in many locationschange in the annual frequencies
of tidal flooding has been documented at NOAA tide gauges along the U.S. coastline (Figure 1c). The
cause for the increase is RSL rise (Ezer and Atkinson, 2014; Sweet et al., 2014; Sweet et al., 2017a, c),
with annual flood frequencies in several U.S. East and West Coast cities further influenced on a year-to-
year basis by the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) (Sweet and Park, 2014). In many coastal cities,
‘minor’ tidal flooding now occurs several times a year and is often referred to as ‘recurrent’, ‘sunny-day’,
‘shallow coastal’ or ‘nuisance’ flooding. More-severe (deeper, more widespread and typically storm-
driven) ‘moderate’ and ‘major’ flooding has become and will continue to become more probable (e.g.,
Tebaldi et al., 2012; Salas and Obeysekera, 2014; Sweet et al., 2013, 2017a; Kopp et al., 2014; Buchanan
et al., 2016, 2017; Vitousek et al., 2017). Flood heights are operationally forecasted by NOAA’s National
Weather Service (NWS) Weather Forecast Offices (WFO). If flooding above the minor, moderate or
major impact categories (not associated with tropical cyclones) is likely or imminent, NOAA issues
guidance to inform the public of potential risks and assist local emergency managers (NOAA, 2017)
Figure 1. a) Long-term (>30 years record) RSL trends around the U.S. coastline measured and/or computed by
NOAA (Zervas, 2009), b) multi-year empirical (smoothed) distributions for daily highest water levels in Norfolk,
Virginia for the 1960s and 2010s, showing extent that local RSL rise has increased the flood probability relative to
impact thresholds defined locally by the NOAA NWS for minor (~0.5 m: nuisance level), moderate (~0.8 m) and
major (~1.2 m: local level of Hurricane Sandy in 2012) impacts, relative to mean higher high water (MHHW) tidal
datum and in c) are annual flood frequencies (based upon 5-year averages) in Norfolk for high tide floods with
minor impacts shown as accelerating by the quadratic trend fit (goodness of fit [R2]=0.84). Figure from Sweet et al.
The extent and severity of impacts under the three flood categories have been empirically calibrated to
somebut not allNOAA tide gauge levels through years of impact monitoring by NOAA NWS WFOs
and local city emergency managers. Periodically, the thresholds are adjusted to reflect a change in
infrastructure vulnerabilities or for communication purposes (e.g., minimize ‘warning fatigue’). NOAA
coastal flood elevation thresholds (henceforth referred to as ‘official NOAA’ thresholds) vary by location
as shown for a subset of tide gauges recently analyzed by Sweet et al. (2017b) (Figure 2). According to
WFOs around the U.S., differences reflect the location and extent of exposed infrastructure in a given
region of emphasis (e.g., a particular roadway or an entire city section), which are a function of
topography, land use and existing flood mitigation strategies (e.g., hurricane floodwalls). For instance, in
Wilmington, North Carolina, the official NOAA minor flood threshold is 0.25 m above the mean higher
high water (MHHW) tidal datum, whereas it is about 0.5 m and 0.75 m above MHHW in Norfolk,
Virginia and Galveston, Texas, respectively. When minor (henceforth referred to as ‘high tide’) flooding
is likely, NOAA typically issues a coastal flood ‘advisory’, whereas when more-severe moderate and
major flooding is imminentusually due to localized storm effectsa coastal flood ‘warning’ of serious
risks to life and property is issued (NOAA, 2017).
As sea levels continue to rise, not only will the frequency, depth, and extent of coastal flooding continue
to rapidly increase, but they will do so largely in response to repetitive astronomical and seasonal forcing
alone (Ray and Foster, 2016). The U.S. military recognizes that changes in RSL rise-related flooding pose
a serious risk to their efforts and have developed tools for their engineers to estimate future sea levels and
flood risk (Moritz et al., 2015; Hall et al., 2016)
. It is important for planning purposes that U.S. coastal
cities become better informed about the extent that high tide flooding is increasing and will likely increase
in the coming decades. Of concern is that the cumulative flood toll and response costs of many lesser
floods will overtake that of major, but much rarer, events (Moftakhari et al., 2017b). This concern arises
because annual flood frequencies of lesser extremes are projected to (or continue to) accelerate at a faster
pace (Sweet and Park, 2014; Dahl et al., 2017; Moftakhari et al., 2015; Sweet et al., 2017a) as has been
observed over the last several decades at a set of actively monitored U.S. tide gauge locations (Figure 2b).
Figure 2. a) Long-term tide gauges with official NOAA flood thresholds for minor (high tide) flooding with
exposed topography (red) mapped by the NOAA SLR Viewer
and b) the annual summation of days with high tide
flooding at locations shown in a) during 2016 as monitored by NOAA (Sweet et al., 2017b).
The intent of this report is not to supplant knowledge about local flood risk. Rather, the goal is to use the
set of NOAA flood heightswhere they existto derive a nationally consistent definition of coastal
flooding and impacts used in quantifying and communicating risk
. Such a set of spatially consistent
coastal flood thresholds (henceforth referred to as ‘derived’ flood thresholds) is currently lacking, which
limits the ability to develop new products or the effectiveness of existing products that provide national
coverage. A few examples include describing flood severity associated with an anticipated storm surge or
coastal flood (e.g., relative to ‘ground level’), seasonal/annual monitoring and predictions of flood
frequency changes (Sweet and Marra, 2015, 2016; Sweet et al., 2017b; Widlansky et al., 2017) and multi-
decadal vulnerability assessments considering current and future possible sea level rise (Hall et al., 2016;
Sweet et al., 2017a, c).
After presenting the derived set of flood elevation thresholds, the remainder of the report utilizes these
derived thresholds for high-tide flooding (unless otherwise noted) to examine flood-frequency changes
See also
and patterns at 99 NOAA tide gauge locations with >20 years of hourly data. In many instances the
results are presented by geographic region (listed in Appendix 1), which are defined as tide gauge
locations within the 1) Northeast Atlantic (Maine to Virginia), Southeast Atlantic (North Carolina to
Florida), Caribbean Islands (Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico), Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Florida to
Mississippi), Western Gulf (Louisiana to Texas), Southwest Pacific (San Diego to Arena Cove,
California), Northwest Pacific (Humboldt Bay, California to Washington State) and the Pacific Islands
(Hawai’i, Guam, American Samoa, Kwajalein, Midway and Wake Islands).
Flood frequency changes are documented in terms of past patterns, current conditions and future
projections, specifically detailing:
current trends to raise awareness of where and to what depth and possible topographic extent
flood risks are rising and threatening coasts now due to RSL rise (Ezer and Atkinson, 2014;
Sweet et al., 2014; Sweet and Park, 2014; Karegar et al., 2017);
seasonal cycles to support preparedness efforts by identifying when during the year flooding is
most typical;
year-to-year changes from ENSO to support experimental ‘next-year’ predictions in response to
forecasted ENSO phases and historical trend continuation (Sweet and Marra, 2015, 2016; Sweet
et al., 2017b), which will become increasingly important for municipal budgeting purposes
(mobilization costs for closing streets, installing pumps, sandbags, in-flow stormwater preventers,
projections in response to future sea level rise scenarios (Sweet et al., 2017a) in terms of both
historical water level observations (tides + nontidal ‘weather’) and predictions based upon tidal
forcing alone to assist long-term planning concerned with flood risk reduction and freshwater
management (Sweet and Park, 2014; Moftakhari et al., 2015; Hughes and White, 2016; Ray and
Foster, 2016; Dahl et al., 2017; Habel et al., 2017; Sweet et al., 2017a).
Most, but not all, of the official NOAA coastal flood thresholds established locally by emergency
managers and NOAA WFOs are shown in the Advanced Hydrologic Prediction System
. This system
warns of possible, predicted or ongoing hydrologic threats across the U.S., though it is primarily focused
on inland flooding and tracks a vast array of national river gauges. It also tracks conditions along the
coast and currently includes (subject to change) about 75 flood-hazard definitions for minor (i.e., high
tide) and 50 for moderate and major coastal flooding that reference levels on NOAA tide gauges.
Previous efforts have attempted to broadly describe the official NOAA coastal flood thresholds based
upon statistical analysis of flood frequencies (e.g., Kriebel and Geiman, 2014; Sweet et al., 2017a).
However, such an approach assumes that all regions at some point in their (tide gauge) recorded history
likely experienced a water level consistent with such an empirically based flood definition (i.e., minor,
moderate or major), which is not necessarily a valid assumption. Here, we assess official NOAA coastal
flood thresholds based upon heights above the local tide range or more specifically, the great diurnal (GT)
tidal datum as defined by NOAA (Gill and Schultz, 2001), which is the height difference between the
MHHW tidal datum and the mean lower low water (MLLW) tidal datum. The GT datum can be closely
approximated as the average difference between daily highest and lowest water levels over a 19-year tidal
epoch (19832001 is the current NOAA epoch). The GT datum, which is based upon observed water
levels that form in response to tidal forcing, seasonal cycles in mean sea level and to a lesser degree storm
surge climatologies, is closely related to the variance/standard deviation in daily highest water levels
relative to mean sea level.
When discussing flooding, the preferred and more intuitive datum of reference should be MHHW
(exceeded about 182 days per year on average) since locally this height typically delineates perennial
. However, based upon holdover of historical precedents focused on maritime navigational
services, official NOAA coastal flood thresholds are typically established and reported using the local
low-water nautical-chart datum (i.e., MLLW). Following suit, when comparing the official NOAA
coastal flood thresholds (relative to MLLW) with diurnal tide range (GT, which is the height difference
between MHHW and MLLW tidal datums), we find a consistent pattern becomes evident through
statistical regression: minor, moderate and major flooding thresholds scale linearly and can be
approximated as being 0.50 m (±0.19 m: root mean square error of linear regression), 0.80 m (±0.25 m)
and 1.17 m (±0.39 m) above the local diurnal tide range with a small (34%) amplification factor (Figure
3). The tide gauges included in Figure 3 (66 with minor, 48 with moderate and 46 with major NOAA
flood thresholds) represent most NOAA tide gauges with >20 years of verified data.
The Alaskan tide gauges in Figure 3 (designated by triangles) are not included in the linear regression for
several reasons (personal communication with the Juneau, Alaska WFO; November, 2017): 1) Many
locations have extreme tide ranges that usually buffer any storm surge that might occur (i.e., probability
of joint concurrence of peak seasonal high tide and storm surge is quite low), and thus, storm surge
flooding mostly affects elevations below the seasonally high tide range; 2) topography is generally steep
with limited areas exposed to coastal flooding; 3) very few locations have tidal-to-geodetic elevation
connections used to empirically associate and map inland flood extent and severity; 4) due to remoteness
of Alaskan towns historically, infrastructure is not placed in exposed areas; and 5) the rapid drop in RSL
is making coastal flooding less likely in time. It is also important to note that currently there do not exist
any official NOAA coastal flood thresholds for U.S. islands, though coastal (‘King Tide’) flooding is
becoming increasingly problematic. Sweet et al. (2014) provide a flood threshold for Honolulu (0.22 m
above MHHW), but this value was not obtained via NOAA NWS; rather, it was a value obtained from the
Pacific Island Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS
) and therefore is not included in the regression
(Figure 3). Thus, the derived thresholds presented in this report, which are based upon regression fits to
official NOAA flood threshold values, are not necessarily reflective (and no subsequent analysis using
derived thresholds are provided) for locations 1) within Alaska, 2) where the tidal ranges are above about
4 m (e.g., Northern Maine) or 3) where RSL trends are decreasing (Figure 1a). Though no official NOAA
thresholds exist for any U.S. island states or territories, the derived thresholds are still considered valid
(and subsequent analysis is presented), since coastal flooding is an issue and island topographic
characteristics and tide ranges are represented by locations with official NOAA thresholds (e.g., South
Florida stations).
Figure 3. Scatter plot of NOAA tide gauge locations with official NOAA coastal flood thresholds (y-axis) shown
relative to MLLW tidal datum for minor, moderate and major impacts and the diurnal tide range (GT). There are 66
tide gauges with minor (high tide), 48 with moderate and 46 with major flood thresholds. Locations in the
continental U.S. are shown as circles, whereas those in Alaska are designated by triangles. No official NOAA
coastal flood thresholds exist for island states or territories. Linear regression fits (black line and boxed equation)
and the 90% confidence interval (5% and 95% as red dashed lines) are also shown. Derived thresholds are obtained
by solving the regression equations for a particular location. For example, y (the minor derived flood threshold for a
location) = 1.04 * x (the local GT tidal datum) + 0.50 m. All NOAA official flood thresholds were obtained in July
Comparison between the official NOAA and derived high tide flood thresholds (computed via the
statistical regression equations in Figure 3) reveal some similarities and discrepancies (Figure 4). For
instance, the derived thresholds (Figure 4b) are lower than some of the official NOAA thresholds (Figure
4a: Galveston, Texas, St. Petersburg, Florida, Alaskan locations), about the same (Norfolk, Virginia;
Seattle, Washington) or higher in other locations (Wilmington, North Carolina; Miami, Florida). Woods
Hole, Massachusetts is an outlier in Figure 3, whose official NOAA minor and moderate threshold is
statistically above the trend’s 95% confidence interval. Partial reasoning for the discrepancies reflects the
intended geographic extent of the flood elevation threshold (personal communication with WFOs
OctoberNovember 2017 and published location-specific information
). For instance, high tide flooding
in St. Petersburg, Florida, which has one of the highest official NOAA thresholds in the U.S. (0.84 m
above MHHW), and Wilmington, North Carolina, which has one of the lowest (0.25 m MHHW), have
very different consequences: high tide flooding impacts a major elevated thoroughfare along Tampa Bay
and in the other location, only a minor and relatively undeveloped highway along the low-lying Cape Fear
River floodplain is impacted, respectively. Accordingly, there have been no instances of high tide
flooding (above the official NOAA threshold) in the St. Petersburg region over the last several decades,
whereas Wilmington had 84 days of high tide flooding in 2016 (Sweet and Marra, 2015, 2016; Sweet et
al., 2017b). However, due to the lack of news reports or citizen science documentation in either location,
it is unclear which set of flood thresholds (official NOAA or the derived set) better align with impacts
noticeable to coastal residents. In both locations, though impacts might be spatially limited or not
necessarily observable, stormwater systems are reported to be degraded, which increases the risk of
compound flooding during heavy rains (Wahl et al., 2015).
Figure 4. The official NOAA and derived elevation thresholds for high tide/minor (a, b), moderate (c, d) and major
(e, f) flooding. Note that the legend scales increase by 0.3 m (about 1 foot) between minor, moderate and major
flooding threshold elevations. Black dots denote locations without an official NOAA flood threshold.
Extreme value analysis is used to estimate recurrence intervals (inverse of the probability of exceeding a
particular elevation) associated with the official NOAA and derived high tide/minor, moderate and major
flood thresholds in order to assess the frequency patterns by region and identify spatial outliers (Figure 5).
Intervals are estimated following methods of Sweet et al. (2014), who use a Peak Over Threshold
(POT)/Point Process approach with a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) (Coles, 2001) fit of events
(peak water level over a 3-day window) above the 97
percentile of daily maximum water levels to
characterize extreme exceedance properties. The recurrence intervals are ‘snapshots’ valid for a particular
time period, since their underlying probabilities continue to change as sea levels change. The recurrence
intervals in Figure 5 are shown relative to year 2000 local sea levels (instead of the middle [1992] of the
19832001 NOAA tidal epoch) as to align with the start date of the sea level rise scenarios (Sweet et al.,
2017a), which are discussed below in the ‘Projections’ section. For consistency, intervals are not
computed beyond a 20-year period since some of the tide gauge records are only 20 years long, and
NOAA typically does not compute extreme value statistics for tide gauges with <30 years of records
(Zervas, 2013)
Water levels exceeding the high tide/minor flood threshold for official NOAA thresholds (Figure 5a)
generally occur at a sub-annual frequency at most locations (median value of about 0.5 years), whereas
moderate and major flooding occur at about (median) 5- and 15-year intervals, respectively (Figure 5c, e).
Focusing solely on minor flooding (Figure 5a), we find several locations with official NOAA thresholds
with relatively long intervals (from 10 to >20 years), including Woods Hole, Massachusetts.; Vaca Key,
Florida; St. Petersburg, Florida; Rockport, Texas; South Beach, Oregon; and Port Townsend,
Washington. Also of note are the greater-than-20-year recurrence intervals for the official NOAA minor
flood thresholds at several Alaskan locations (Figure 5a) that exceed the 100-year recurrence interval
(e.g., Skagway and Ketchikan, Alaska) as estimated here (not shown) and by NOAA
. As noted earlier,
several Alaskan locations are experiencing very rapid rates of RSL fall (Zervas, 2009), which further
complicates efforts to define a contemporary definition for coastal flooding.
The recurrence intervals for the flood thresholds highlight the regional propensity of an extreme nontidal
water level component (i.e., as measured by tide gauges with frequencies from minutes to days like storm
surge) (Table 1) to contribute to observed high waters; patterns are clearer using the derived thresholds
(Figure 5b, d, f). For instance, relatively long recurrence intervals for the derived minor and/or moderate
levels (Figure 5b, d) are found along the coasts of the Southeast Atlantic, the Southwest Pacific, the
Caribbean and some of the Pacific Islands. In these regions, calmer weather conditions tend to prevail
and/or storm surge magnitudes are constrained due to narrow continental shelves (Tebaldi et al., 2012;
Zervas, 2013; Hall et al., 2016; Sweet et al., 2017a). For instance, a water level exceeding the derived
threshold for minor flooding in Honolulu, Hawai’i (0.52 m above MHHW) has never been measured in
its 100+ year record; however, there were 45 days during 2015 that did exceed the 0.22 m MHHW
(PacIOOS-derived) flood threshold as discussed earlier and which generated local media reports of inland
flooding (Sweet et al., 2017b).
Along regions with narrow continental shelves (e.g., the Southwest Pacific and the Pacific and Caribbean
Islands), dynamical wave effects like wave setup, runup/swash or harbor seiche are often a major
component of the observed ‘total water level’ that can cause flooding, erosion and dune overtopping
(Stockdon et al., 2006; Ruggiero, 2013; Moritz et al., 2015; Serafin et al., 2017; Rueda et al., 2017).
Wave effects, for the most part, do not affect ‘still’ water levels measured and reported by NOAA tide
gauges due to their sampling regime, protective wells and location mostly within protected harbors (Table
1). But their effects are significant when discussing impacts, as their vertical excursion can exceed the
other nontidal water level components (e.g., storm surge) at tide gauges several times per year within high
wave/low surge environments like those occurring along the California and U.S. island coasts (Sweet et
al., 2015). On the other hand, in regions with wide and shallow continental shelves whose coasts are
regularly exposed to extreme weather (e.g., Alaska, the Northwest Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic) or
tropical storms (e.g., Western Gulf), even the derived thresholds for major flooding are exceeded every
several years on average.
See also
Figure 5. Recurrence intervals for the NOAA and derived elevation thresholds for high tide/minor (a, b), moderate
(c, d) and major (e, f) flooding adjusted to year 2000 sea levels. Black dots denote locations without a NOAA flood
Coastal tide gauge records reveal regionally pronounced increases in minor (high tide) flood frequencies
over the last several decades (Ezer and Atkinson, 2014; Sweet et al., 2014; Sweet and Park, 2014). This
increase is mostly a response to increases in local RSL as changes in storm characteristics have remained
more consistent through time (Zhang et al., 2000; Sweet et al., 2017c). If RSL was not rising along most
of the U.S. coastline (outside of Alaska), significant trends in high tide flood frequencies would be rare,
as would changes in probabilities of more-severe moderate and major ocean-related flooding. But RSL is
rising, and it is important to know how a change in mean sea level affects the frequency of high tide and
storm surge-related flooding. This section documents how high tide flood frequencies have varied at 99
NOAA tide gauge locations scattered along most U.S. coastlines. Daily highest water levels are used to
estimate flood frequency changes per the derived high tide/minor flood threshold shown in Figure 4b 1)
over the course of decades, 2) on an interannual basis in response to ENSO forcing and 3) by season.
3.1 Trends in High Tide Flooding
Annual changes in high tide flood frequencies (henceforth referring to exceedances above the derived
threshold for minor flooding) are shown in Figure 6 for 99 NOAA tide gauges. All tide gauge locations
have greater than 20 years of hourly data, are outside Alaska, have tide ranges greater than 4 m and do not
have a decreasing RSL trend. A ‘year’ in this report is based on a meteorological year (MayApril) as to
not divide the winter season (important to account for ENSO variability). Along coasts of the Pacific and
Caribbean Islands, high tide flooding has been generally nonexistent as the derived high tide/minor flood
thresholds are relatively high as compared to even annual highest water levels (not considering wave-
related impacts). Along the coasts of the Northeast and Southeast Atlantic and the Western Gulf Coast,
high tide flood frequencies are becoming increasingly more frequent (orange-to-red colors in Figure 6).
Along the coasts of the Southwest and Northwest Pacific, high tide flood frequencies are growing more
slowly, but frequencies in both regions stand out during El Niño years (also seen along part of the East
Coast; examined in Section 3.2). Overall, frequencies are higher within the Northwest Pacific than along
the Southwest likely due to the increased frequency of winter storms and associated storm surges and
time-averaged wave effects (e.g., wave setup) during these events. Elevated water levels from dynamical
wave effects that persist for several minutes or longer during sampling at NOAA tide gauges is not
common (Aucan et al., 2012; Sweet et al., 2015). Typically, tide gauges are located within protected
harbors, and their protective wells attenuate wind wave effects as well (Park et al., 2014). One particular
outlier in this regard is the tide gauge at Toke Point, Washington, whose location on the northern end of a
semi-enclosed embayment leaves the gauge exposed to conditions that include setup from both breaking
waves and strong southerly wind forcing during winter storms (personal communications with Heidi
Moritz of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Peter Ruggiero of Oregon State University; November,
Figure 6. Annual number of high tide floods (days per year) at NOAA tide gauge locations. A year is defined in
terms of a meteorological year (MayApril). Note: White squares indicate no data or that hourly data was less than
80% complete within a year.
A few locations are shown in Figure 7 to illustrate the nature of change as assessed by linear or quadratic
fits (here and elsewhere, fits are always significant above 90% level [p value <0.1]) in annual flood
frequencies along different U.S. coastlines. In Atlantic City, New Jersey (Figure 7a), flood frequencies
are rapidly changing and are accelerating with a very similar response to Norfolk, Virginia (Figure 7b). At
San Diego, California (Figure 7c) and Seattle, Washington (Figure 7d), annual flood frequencies are
linearly increasing over time, largely due to punctuated increases in RSL during El Niño scattered
throughout the record (increasing RSL is less monotonic). The nonlinear (accelerating) response in annual
high tide flood frequencies occurs in response to a consistent rise of the annual distribution of daily
highest water levels, which are approximately Gaussian relative to the flood threshold (Sweet and Park,
2014) as illustrated in Figure 1b.
Figure 7. Number of days per year with a high tide flood at a) Atlantic City, New Jersey, b) Norfolk, Virginia, c)
San Diego, California and d) Seattle, Washington. San Diego and Seattle are fit with a linear least-squares fit,
whereas Atlantic City and Norfolk are fit with a quadratic. Note: the annual series is shown here as compared to a 5-
year average series in Figure 1c.
Contemporary annual frequencies (days per year) are estimated for high tide flooding based upon either
regression (linear or quadratic depending upon significance of fit) or a 19-year average (19982016)
where no statistically significant trend is present (Figure 8a). High tide flooding today occurs on average
6.0 ± 2.4 (1 sigma) days/year along the Northeast Atlantic, 3.0 ± 2.4 days/year along the Southeast
Atlantic, 2.4 ± 1.7 days/year along the Eastern Gulf, 4.8 ± 6.4 days/year along the Western Gulf, 1.4 ± 0.8
days/year along the Southwest Pacific, 5.4 ± 3.0 days/year along the Northwest Pacific and 1.1 ± 2.0
days/year along the Pacific Islands (Figure 8b). No high tide flooding (severity defined by tide gauge
water levels) occurs along the Caribbean Islands.
The extent that high tide flood frequencies have changed in the last decade or so is likely to be
informative as to which regions are becoming increasingly exposed and evermore vulnerable to impacts
(Figure 8b). From 2000 to 2015, frequencies have increased the most along the Atlantic Coast. Flood
frequencies rose on average by about 75% (from 3.4 days to 6.0 days/year) along the Northeast Atlantic
and 125% (from 1.3 days to 3.0 days/year) along the Southeast Atlantic where numerous news reports of
problematic high tide flooding anecdotally support this statistical metric (see Sweet et al., 2017b for
several news links). The Southeast Atlantic has been experiencing a sharp increase in RSL over the last
several years (Valle-Levinson et al., 2017), contributing to a rapid increase in the probability of high tide
and rainfall-related coastal flooding (Wdowinski et al., 2016). Along the Eastern and Western Gulf,
frequencies rose on average by about 45% and 155%, respectively, with the Western Gulf heavily skewed
by sharp increases measured at Eagle Point, Texas (median rise of 75% in the Western Gulf). Along the
entire West Coast, the frequency of high tide flooding has remained nearly constant (no trend) with only a
few locations, namely San Diego, La Jolla, Los Angeles, Humboldt Bay and Seattle, experiencing a 25%
to 50% increase. The relatively stagnant growth in high tide flood frequencies is partially related to the
less-than-global RSL rise along the U.S. West Coast between about 1980 and 2010 (Sweet et al., 2017c).
This is in contrast to the changes along Kwajalein Island, where frequencies have grown to more than 5
days/year on average from less than 1 day/year in 2000 because of extremely high rates of RSL rise over
the last several decades within the Western Equatorial Pacific; no other frequency increases occurred
within the Pacific Island region (see Appendix 1) except for a small frequency increase at Midway Island.
This cross-Pacific RSL rise rate differential stems largely from changes in wind forcing associated with
the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO; Bromirski et al., 2011; Merrifield, 2011) that appears to have
undergone a phase shift since about 2012 (Hamlington et al., 2016).
Figure 8. a) Number of days in 2015 with a high tide flood derived by trend (linear or quadratic fits above the 90%
significance level) or 19-year average (19982016) where no significant trend exists. Black dots denote locations
with no floods over the 19982016 period and b) is the percent change since 2000 based upon trend fits also used in
a). Black dots denote locations as in a) or where no significant trend exists.
In all cases, the local rates of RSL change (Figure 1a) primarily explain (R
=0.61 for quadratic fit, p value
<0.01) the changes in local high tide flood frequencies (Figure 8b and Sweet et al., 2014). However, the
average variance of daily highest water levels (19982016 average shown in Figure 9a) is a secondary
factor that when combined with RSL rise rates largely explains changes in high tide flood frequencies
=0.80 in a bivariate quadratic fit), similar to findings of Sweet and Park (2014). Or simplywhere
local RSL rates are higher, high tide flooding is increasing more so than where RSL rates are lower;
where RSL rates are similar, locations with higher water level variance generally have experienced more
high tide flooding. Variance is typically higher where tide ranges are higher or where storm surges are
larger and occur more often (e.g., along coasts of the Northwest Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic). A
simple ratio (Merrifield et al., 2013; Sweet et al., 2014) between the 19-year variances of the tidal-forced
and observed water level (tide + nontidal) contributions (Figure 9b) helps distinguish the underlying
mechanisms causing high water to form (though not necessarily causing high tide flooding). Where the
ratio is closer to zero, daily highest water levels are driven more by nontidal factors (e.g., storm surge and
sea level anomalies); where they are closer to one, storm surges typically are quite small and high waters
are more tidally dominated. The daily highest water levels (observations in red) and the contribution from
daily highest predicted tide level (blue) at Norfolk, Virginia and San Diego, California illustrate a
nontidally and a tidally dominated regime, respectively (Figures 9c and d).
Figure 9. a) Variance of 19982016 daily highest water levels, b) the ratio between variances of daily highest
predicted tidal component of water level to observed water levels and examples at c) Norfolk, Virginia and d) San
Diego, California showing daily highest waters (red), contribution from daily highest predicted tide (blue); both are
shown relative to their minor derived flood threshold (green), and the ratio is listed in parentheses.
3.2 Year-to-Year Variability in High Tide Flooding due to ENSO
Not only are annual frequencies of high tide flooding rapidly increasing in many regions due to trends in
RSL (Figure 8b), they can vary substantially on a year-to-year basis (Figures 6, 7) due to climatic modes
of variability affecting weather and ocean circulation patterns
. A major driver of interannual global
climate is ENSO, and both probabilities of high tide and more major coastal flooding have been
previously found to be especially sensitive to the El Niño phase along the U.S. West and East Coasts
(Menendez and Woodworth, 2010; Sweet and Park, 2014; Sweet and Marra, 2015, 2016). Other climatic
patterns besides ENSO also affect high tide frequencies as well as the probabilities of major, rarer
flooding (e.g., Menendez and Woodworth, 2010; Wahl and Chambers, 2016). We focus on ENSO, since
NOAA operationally tracks and predicts ENSO conditions (in terms of the Oceanic Niño Index [ONI]
See for a list of regional indices.
which allows for future predictions based upon historical response relationships. The increased high tide
flood frequencies during El Niño stem from a combination of higher sea level (from higher ocean
temperatures and deeper thermoclines) along the West Coast (Enfield and Allen, 1980; Chelton and
Davis, 1982). Along the East Coast, atmospheric patterns during El Niño typically favor a more coastally
oriented winter-storm track (Hirsch et al., 2001; Eichler and Higgins, 2006) and prevailing winds that
drive a combination of higher sea levels and a higher frequency of storm surges (Sweet and Zervas, 2011;
Thompson et al., 2013).
Two probability distributions (using parametric-normal distributions for illustrative purposes only) are fit
to daily highest water levels during the three years characterized by strong El Niño (1982/83, 1997/98 and
2009/10), by strong La Niña (1988/89, 1999/2000 and 2010/11) and by neutral conditions (1993/94,
2001/02 and 2012/13) at Norfolk, Virginia and San Francisco, California (Figure 10). The distributions
quantify and illustrate changes in both the mean and variance (storminess) associated with ENSO.
Figure 10. Parametric probability distribution (normal) fit for 3 years characterized by stronger El Niño, stronger La
Niña and ENSO-neutral conditions. In parentheses are the mean and standard deviation (or square of the variance)
of the distributions shown in the figures. Water levels have been detrended to enable multi-year comparisons. Not
shown are the 95% confidence intervals for the distribution parameters which suggest a significant change of
conditions during El Niño along both of these (and other) West and East Coast locations.
Considering this ENSO response, a substantial amount of year-to-year variability in high tide flooding
along the West and East Coasts is driven by ENSO-related conditions (Figure 11). For many locations
already experiencing an upward trend in high tide flooding due to changing RSL (as in Figure 7),
including annual-average ONI values in a bivariate regression significantly improves the historical
characterization of year-to-year flood frequencies (as in Sweet and Park, 2014). At Atlantic City, NJ and
Norfolk, VA, about one-half to two-thirds (R
=0.54, 0.63) of the year-to-year variability is explained
through the bivariate fit (quadratic and ENSO); at San Diego, CA and Seattle, WA about one-quarter to
one-half of the variability is explained (R
=0.45, 0.23). The probability of flooding is more likely during
El Niño even where no significant temporal trends exist in high tide flood frequencies such as along the
West Coast (e.g., San Francisco); moderate and major flooding become more probable as well in these
regions (Menendez and Woodworth, 2010).
Figure 11. Trends in annual frequencies of high tide flooding (black line) are fit to observed annual flood
frequencies (black line-dots) over the 19502016 period (or beginning of record) as shown in Figure 6. Predictions
of high tide flooding based on both trend and annual averaged ENSO effects (ONI
) are also shown (red line-dots)
for a) Atlantic City, b) Norfolk, c) San Diego and D) Seattle.
Locations whose annual frequencies of high tide flooding are increasing (Figure 12a) and/or reveal past
sensitivity to ENSO phases (Figure 12b) will be used to support NOAA’s experimental annual high tide
flood ‘outlooks’ (e.g., Sweet and Marra, 2015, 2016; Sweet et al., 2017b), which utilize ENSO phase
predictions for the coming year produced by an international modeling ensemble
. Specifically, Figure
12a shows how annual high tide flood frequencies are changing on a decadal basis, and Figure 12b shows
where they also change on a year-to-year basis with ENSO phase. Specifically, Figure 12b illustrates the
percent change relative to (above) the trend-based or 19-year average values (Figure 8a) expected a year
in advance in response to a strong El Niño that was predicted to occur. Along the East Coast, the average
percentage frequency increase above the trend-derived (or 19-year average where no trend exists) value
during 2015 was estimated to be about 70%; along the West Coast, it was about 170%. Subsequent
monitoring verified that higher frequencies of high tide flooding did occur in many of these locations
(Sweet and Marra, 2016).
In summary, of the 99 NOAA tide gauges examined, multi-decadal trends in high tide flood frequencies
are accelerating (nonlinearly increasing) at 30 locations mostly along the East Coast and linearly
increasing at 31 locations along the East and Gulf Coasts. On an interannual basis, flood frequencies are
higher than the trend values (e.g., linear or accelerating) during El Niño at 49 locations; at one location
(Kwajalein Island), frequencies are higher during La Niña.
Figure 12. a) Characterization of regression trend estimates of increasing decadal annual high tide flood
frequencies: accelerating (quadratic) or linear increasing or no trend (black dot) and b) locations whose high tide
flood frequencies change on an interannual basis due to phases of ENSO as illustrated in Figure 11. Specifically, in
b) are predictions for days in 2015 (May 2015April 2016) with high tide flooding considering the predicted
strength of El Niño (based upon ONI) relative to values based on the trend-derived or 19-year average value as
shown in Figure 8a. Kwajalein Island (blue dot) in Figure 12b is opposite the other locationsflood frequencies
drop during El Niño and rise during La Niña.
3.3 Seasonal Cycles in High Tide Flooding
For preparedness purposes (e.g., mobilization and budgeting reasons) it is advantageous to know when
during the year high tide flooding most often occurs. In some locations, high water formation (not
necessarily causing flooding) is largely driven by tidal forcing (Figure 9b). In these locations, high tide
flooding most likely occurs during times of highest full/new-moon spring (or perigean spring) tides in
months adjacent to the summer and winter solstices, when there is maximum declination in the earthsun
system (Merrifield et al., 2007). Such an example is shown for San Diego (Figure 9d), where the seasonal
cycles in spring tides, which are highest June/July and December/January, are evident in the tide
predictions and largely dictate when higher waters happen. There are actually few locations along the
Southwest and Northwest Pacific and the Northeast Atlantic where high tide floods can occur solely from
tidal forcing (Figure 13a). It should be noted that NOAA tide predictions do not incorporate long-term
RSL change (Figure 1a); the effects of RSL change (more so rise than fall) are reconciled during
subsequent 19-year datum updates.
Some locations are nontidally driven (tide range is small) or dependent upon both types of forcing (Figure
9b). In nontidally-driven locations, such as the Chesapeake Bay and Gulf of Mexico, high tide flooding
occurs in response to short-period events regardless of predicted tide level. An example is Norfolk,
Virginia (Figure 9c) where northeasterly windseither locally or regionally prevailingduring fall
through spring typically cause high tide flooding. In mixed locations (ratios about 0.30.7 in Figure 9b),
high tide flooding is more likely to occur during periods of highest spring (full/new moon) tides during
the year, which along the Southeast Atlantic, for instance, occurs in fall when the mean sea level cycle is
at its seasonal maximum. Seasonal mean sea level cycles form in response to regular changes in seasonal
ocean water temperature or density, prevailing winds and ocean currents (e.g., Figure 9d and further
discussed in Zervas, 2009 and Sweet et al., 2014). Since the periods of the seasonal mean sea level
response override an annual and semi-annual astronomical tidal constituent, they are incorporated into
NOAA tide predictions. But in mixed locations, a somewhat sizable (e.g., 2030 cm) nontidal water level
contribution is necessary for high tide flooding to occur. Nontidal contributions form in response to local
wind storms or high sea level ‘anomalies,’ which can persist for days to weeks in response to more-distant
wind forcing or transport slow-downs in ocean boundary currents like the Gulf Stream (Sweet et al.,
2009; Ezer and Atkinson, 2014; Sweet et al., 2016).
Figure 13. a) Percentage of high tide floods caused solely by tidal forcing over latest 19-year tidal epoch (1998
2016), with black dots designating locations with no high tide floods caused by tides alone or for locations with no
high tide flooding during this period. For instance, 20% of San Diego’s high tide floods are caused by tides alone,
whereas in New York City, the tide alone is insufficient to cause flooding, b) and c) high tide flooding in San Diego
and New York City (NYC) since 1980 distributed by month and d) is the percentage of high tide flood days
experienced over 19982016 by month at 99 NOAA tide gauges.
Within the Northeast Atlantic, daily highest water levels occur in response to a range of forcing types:
nontidally dominated, tidally forced or a mixed response (Figure 9b). There are three seasonal patterns
that emerge in terms of high tide flood frequencies; they are 1) generally highest from September to
October at the height of the mean sea level cycle (Figure 13 c and d), 2) higher near the winter solstice
(DecemberJanuary) in the northern tidally dominated sub-region and 3) relatively high across the whole
region throughout the cool season (SeptemberApril) due to higher incidence of storm surges from
northeasterly winds events (Sweet and Zervas, 2011). Along the Southeast Atlantic and the
Eastern/Western Gulf Coasts, where high water formation is tidally and nontidally mixed (ratio in Figure
9b between about 0.3 and 0.7), high tide flood frequencies are highest September–November when
seasonal mean sea level cycles are at their maximum. They are higher (secondary peak) JuneJuly as well
due to a combination of tide range increases near the summer solstice and the semi-annual peak in the
mean sea level cycle. Tropical cyclones are also a factor and can cause minor to major flooding
depending upon the storm track. Along the tidally forced West Coast (Figure 9b and d), high tide flooding
occurs more often during spring (or perigean spring) tides in months adjacent to the winter/summer
solstices (JuneJuly and DecemberJanuary) in the Southwest Pacific (Figure 13b and d); along the coast
of the Northwest Pacific, the concurrence of fall/winter extratropical coastal storms reinforces highest
frequencies more broadly over the NovemberFebruary period (Figure 13d). Within the Caribbean and
Pacific Islands, daily high-water variability is very low (Figure 9a), is mostly tidally forced (Figure 9b)
and where high tide flooding has occurred, the seasonality tends to follow patterns of the Southeast
Atlantic and West Coast, respectively.
The seasonality described above for each region assumes that on an interannual basis, high tide flood
frequency is relatively consistent. Inspection of monthly high tide flood distributions for the last 35 years
at San Diego (Figures 13b) and New York City (Figure 13c) mostly support this assumption. However, it
is recognized that annual frequencies are influenced by ENSO (Figure 12a) and long-period lunar cycles
affecting tide ranges as well (e.g., 4.4-year and 18.6-year cycles; Haigh et al., 2011; Sweet et al., 2016).
Due to increasing RSL along most of the U.S. coastline (Figure 1a), high tide flood frequencies will
continue to rapidly increase (Sweet and Park, 2014; Dahl et al., 2017; Moftakhari et al., 2015; Sweet et
al., 2017a, c). Here, we use the new federal interagency global sea level rise scenarios for the U.S. (Sweet
et al., 2017a), which are projected onto a 1-degree grid for the entire U.S. shoreline and include additional
RSL changes that result from changes in land elevation, Earth’s gravitational field and rotation, and ocean
circulation to project changes in high tide flood frequencies. Following methods of Sweet and Park
(2014), flood frequencies are estimated through the year 2100 by projecting forward in time two separate
empirical (kernel) probability estimates for the most recent 19-year period (19982016). The first
distribution is fit to the daily highest water levels, and the second is fit to only the tidally forced
component composed of official NOAA tide predictions. Separating the predicted tide component
provides an approximation of the ratio of future high tide flooding likely to be forced solely by tides.
The flood frequency projections originate in the year 2000 (water level data inherent to the distribution
have been detrended to year 2000) as to align with the start of the RSL projections of the global scenarios
of Sweet et al. (2017a). An empirical distribution is utilized (instead of an extreme value distribution or
GPD) to enable the estimation of recurrence intervals 1 year. Though the probability of floods with a
recurrence interval 1 year are very well resolved with >20 years of observations (the median of the
upper 95% confidence intervals is about 2.5 cm or less; not shown), year-to-year fluctuations in flood
frequencies do occur due to changes in ENSO (Figure 12; Menendez and Woodworth, 2010; Sweet and
Park, 2014), long-period tide cycles (Menendez et al., 2009; Haigh et al., 2011) and Gulf Stream transport
(Sweet et al., 2009; Ezer and Atkinson, 2014; Sweet et al., 2016). To compensate for interannual
variability (e.g., Figure 11), future frequency changes estimated only on a decadal basis are provided as to
also align with the resolution of the RSL projections (Sweet et al., 2017a).
With future RSL rise, high tide flood frequencies willor continue toundergo an accelerated increase
as illustrated for New York City, Miami, Florida and San Francisco, California (Figure 14). The annual
number of high tide flood days is projected to increase fastest at New York City, with a slower rate
increase in Miami (Virginia Key) and slower still in San Francisco due to a combination of higher RSL
projected under the scenarios (see Figure 14 in Sweet et al., 2017a), exposure to more frequent storms
and/or higher propensity for larger storm surges (Figure 9). In all three locations, daily flooding (365 days
per year) occurs by the end of the century under the Intermediate (1 m global mean sea level rise by
2100), the Intermediate High (1.5 m), the High (2.0 m) and the Extreme Scenario (2.5 m) due strictly
from tide forcing alone, which implies that when considering nontidal effects, high tide flooding will
become deeper and more severecausing more than minor impacts (as would be expected). If global
mean sea level rise continues to follow the current trend of about 3 mm/year
or the Low Scenario (0.3-m
rise between 2000 and 2100), New York City, Miami and San Francisco will experience about 130, 60
and 30 days of high tide flooding by 2100, respectively, with about 80% from tidal forcing.
Figure 14. Projected annual frequencies of high tide flooding in response to scenarios of global sea level rise (Sweet
et al., 2017) estimated at NOAA tide gauges in a) New York City (The Battery), b) Miami (Virginia Key), Florida
and c) San Francisco, California considering observed patterns (combined tidal and nontidal water level
components) and d), e) and f) at the same locations but assuming predicted tide forcing only. Derived high tide flood
levels are 0.56 m, 0.53 m and 0.57 m, respectively.
Estimates of high tide flood frequencies by 2050 (average of 2041–2050) and the percentage caused
solely by tidal forcing projected for local RSL rise under the Intermediate Low and Intermediate
Scenarios for global mean sea level rise (Sweet et al., 2017a, c) are shown in Figure 15. These scenarios
bound rise associated with the low-end and high-end ‘likely’ (about a 66% chance of occurrence) ranges
for the representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 emissions scenarios for future global
temperatures, respectively. By 2050, flood frequencies on average (spatial average) will reach about
(rounded to a multiple of 5) 45 and 130 days/year (with 30 and 45% from tidal forcing) along the
Northeast Atlantic and 25 and 85 days/year (35 and 65% from tides) along the Southeast Atlantic,
respectively (regional values listed in Appendix 2). Along the Eastern Gulf, frequencies will reach about
25 and 80 days/year (0 and 55% from tides) and 80 and 185 days/year (45 and 80% from tides) along the
Western Gulf, respectively. Along the Northwest Pacific, frequencies will reach about 15 and 30
days/year (25 and 65% from tides) and 15 and 35 days/year (75 and 85% from tides) along the Southwest
Pacific coasts, respectively. Along the Caribbean, frequencies will reach about 0 and 5 days/year (0 and
10% from tides) and 5 and 45 days/year (40 and 65% from tides) along the Pacific Islands, respectively.
igure 15. Projected annual frequencies of high tide flooding by 2050 (average over the 20412050 period) in
response to the a) Intermediate Low and c) Intermediate Scenarios of global sea level rise (Sweet et al., 2017a)
estimated at 99 NOAA tide gauges based upon historical patterns and percentage of floods caused by tide forcing
alone in b) and d), respectively. Black dots in b) denote locations where tide alone does not exceed the minor
derived flood threshold.
By 2100, along the Northeast Atlantic flood frequencies will reach on average about 235 and 365
days/year (with 95 and 100% from tides) and 195 and 365 days/year (100% under both scenarios from
tides) along the Southeast Atlantic, respectively. Along the Eastern Gulf, frequencies will reach about 200
and 365 days/year (80 and 100% from tides) and 350 and 365 days/year (100% from tides) along the
Western Gulf, respectively. Along the Northwest Pacific, frequencies will reach about 65 and 280
days/year (45 and 100% from tides) and 85 and 345 days/year (100% from tides) along the Southwest
Pacific coasts, respectively. Along the Caribbean, frequencies will reach about 140 and 365 days/year (65
and 100% from tides) and 185 and 365 days/year (100% from tides) along the Pacific Islands,
igure 16. As in Figure 15, but for projected annual frequencies of high tide flooding by 2100 (average over the
20912100 period).
There is a general pattern inherent to changes in both future (Figures 14 ac, 15a and c, 16 a and c) and
historical high tide flood frequencies (Figure 8b). Namely, the rate of increase in high tide flood
frequencies is primarily a function of the rate/amount of future RSL rise, which is prescribed by scenarios
of Sweet et al. (2017a). Another factor is the variance in daily highest water levels (Figures 9a, 17a),
which is assumed to be stationary over relatively long periods. For instance, under the Intermediate Low
and Intermediate Scenarios (Figure 15a, c), spatial differences in high tide flood days in 2050 are largely
explained (R
=0.94 and 0.91, respectively, by a bivariate quadratic fit significant above the 95% level)
considering both the RSL amount through 2050 and a location’s high-water variance as defined over the
most recent 19-year period (19982016) shown in Figure 9a. Or simply, high tide flood frequencies will
increase in the future sooner where RSL rise rates and high-water variances are higher (Figure 14). Where
variance is less (Figures 9a) and RSL rates are similar, a lagged but more-rapid rate of increase in high
tide flooding will occur. On the other hand, in terms of how the percentage of high tide flooding
explained by tides alone (Figure 13a) will change in the future (Figures 15b, d and 16b, d), the variance
ratio between the tidal component and the daily highest observed water levels (Figure 9b) is the more
informative factor.
These projections of future high tide flood frequencies are entirely dependent upon the amount of RSL
rise under a particular scenario and assume that variance in local daily highest water levels (as defined
over 19982016) will not undergo any substantial changes this century. Such an assumption may not
necessarily be valid by the end of this century. As discussed above, there is year-to-year variability;
conditions typical during ENSO phases (Figure 10) affect the mean and variance of highest daily water
levels and long-period tidal cycles (e.g., 18.6-year nodal cycle) alter annual tide ranges. However, there is
some evidence that annual high-water variances have experienced long-term changes (albeit small) with
trends evident at several U.S. locations (Figure 17b). Past variance changes are associated with both
increased tidal range and storm surge magnitudes, which have been shown to be related to harbor-channel
dredging activities (e.g., Talke et al., 2014; Familkhalili and Talke, 2016). Comparison between trends in
annual RSL and daily high-water variance for two locations (Bergen Point, New York and Beaufort,
North Carolina) whose channels have been deepened over the last century (Figure 17 c and d),
nevertheless, confirm that changing RSL is the primary factor in flood frequency changes (as quantified
by Sweet and Park, 2014). We note that 1) future channel deepening or other morphological changes, and
possibly RSL itself, may alter high-water variance characteristics in some locations, and 2) in some
regions, storm intensities (e.g., more intense hurricanes) are projected to increase, though such changes
would likely be more of a factor to lower probability events with recurrence intervals >1 year (USGCRP,
2017) and are not particularly relevant to this analysis. Since this is still an active research question, the
assumption of long-term stationarity of high-water variances is considered reasonable in this assessment
of future exposure to high tide flooding this century.
Figure 17. a) Empirical probability densities for daily highest water levels over 1998-2016 at Miami, Florida and
New York City showing differences in variance (color-coded in box and in units of m
), b) locations with linear
trends (significant above 90% level) in variance computed for daily high water levels per year and relative
comparison between annual mean sea level and standard deviation (variance
) and fitted linear trends of daily
highest levels per year at c) Bergen Point, New York and d) Beaufort, North Carolina where significant trends in
annual variance occur.
Lastly, though flood frequencies are presented through the year 2100, which causes many locations to
reach saturation or ‘daily’ high tide flooding (365 days a year with a flood, e.g., Figures 14 and 16), in
reality, current flood defenses will likely be updated in many locations as to prevent daily or even every-
other-day impacts. Recognizing that the MHHW tidal datum represents a height that is exceeded by water
levels approximately 50 ± 5% of the days per year at a location (Figure 18a;), flood-frequency ‘tipping
points’ could be considered to exist sometime prior to when a particular (minor, moderate or major) flood
threshold (e.g., Figure 4b, d, e) becomes the new MHHW. Or put another way, using the phrase
championed by NOAA’s (late) Margaret Davidson, there will be a time in the coming future when
Today’s flood will become tomorrow’s high tide.” Using the Intermediate Scenario of the U.S. Federal
Interagency Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Hazard Task Force (Sweet et al., 2017a) as an example, the
decade when the current NOAA MHHW tidal datum reaches the high tide/minor (Figure 18b), moderate
(Figure 18c) and major (Figure 18d) flood elevations would be considered a likely upper bound to a
frequency-based tipping point for these flood regimes. Using this scenario and approach (MHHW tidal
datum instead of 50% days per year with flood), today’s daily highest tide on average reaches the high
tide/minor, moderate and major flood threshold on average by or before 2060, 2080 and 2100 within the
Northeast and Southeast Atlantic, the Eastern and Western Gulf and the Pacific Islands with the other
regions following behind by a few decades or so.
While the rate and overall amount of RSL rise over this century (and beyond) is uncertain, as it is linked
to future amounts of emissions and global temperature rise (USGCRP, 2017), it is nearly certain that high
tide flooding will become increasingly chronic within coastal communities over the next several decades
simply under current rates of local RSL rise. In some locations, the derived flood thresholds presented in
this report may or may not necessarily reflect current vulnerabilities (Figure 4); in some locations, they
may be higher or lower than the official NOAA thresholds, which are set for emergency response
purposes. In addition, future enhancements to a location’s flood defenses may change its
exposure/vulnerability to high tide flooding. Incremental changes in flood height thresholds can
substantially change associated annual flood frequencies and their trend characterizations (Sweet and
Park, 2014; Sweet et al., 2017b). For instance, there is a 10-fold increase in annual flood frequencies
associated with arbitrary flood thresholds of 0.6 m and 0.3 m MHHW in Norfolk, Virginia (Figure 18a).
As such, it would be advantageous if sea levels and a range of informative coastal flood metrics (e.g.,
various flood heights) for locations to be operationally tracked and monitored relative to historical
climatologies and scenarios that bound future possible conditions to keep community planners informed
of the changing nature of coastal flood risks.
Figure 18. a) Daily exceedance probabilities (1-cumulative distribution) within a year for New York City (The
Battery), Norfolk (Sewells Point), Virginia and Miami (Virginia Key), Florida based upon daily highest water levels
over the 19982016 period with their average high tide/minor, moderate and major flood thresholds labeled. The
decade when MHHW reaches the b) high tide/minor threshold, c) moderate threshold and d) major threshold levels
for coastal flooding for local RSL projections under the Intermediate Scenario developed by the Federal Interagency
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Hazard Task Force (Sweet et al., 2017a).
There exists a remarkable consistency along the U.S. coastline in terms of the elevations that define
impact severities (ranging from disruptive to destructive) to coastal flooding. Using the existing ‘official
NOAA’ flood elevation impact thresholds (they exist only at several dozen U.S. coastal locations), which
have been empirically calibrated to NOAA tide gauges by the NWS WFOs and local emergency
managers, we find that when water levels exceed about 0.5 m, 0.8 m and 1.17 m above a height slightly
higher (34%) than the local tide range, minor, moderate and major flooding will occur (Figure 3). With
such a tide-range-based flood definition, a spatially continuous set of thresholds can be estimated for most
U.S. coastlines. NOAA coastal flood thresholdslike inland river flood thresholdsare used to alert the
general public of forecasted impacts (NOAA, 2017); coastal flood ‘advisories’ and ‘warnings’ are issued
when minor flooding is likely (referred to as ‘high tide’ flooding that is mostly disruptive or a nuisance)
and when more severe moderate or major flooding (not associated with tropical cyclones) is imminent or
occurring (which pose a significant risk to life and property), respectively.
The derived flood thresholds are not intended to supplant local knowledge or existing products
concerning flood risk but rather provide spatial insights about national infrastructure vulnerabilities along
the coast where such information is lacking. In some instances, locations may be less susceptible to
impacts at the derived levels, the extent of which is likely due to differences in topography, land use and
existing flood defenses. Unfortunately, due to continued RSL rise (Figure 1a), the remaining ‘freeboard’
or difference between average highest tide (MHHW) and flood thresholds (i.e., derived or official NOAA
minor, moderate or major) is decreasing along most U.S. coastlines outside Alaska. In response, the risk
of coastal flooding is rapidly increasing; in fact, annual high tide flood frequencies are already linearly
increasing or accelerating at most locations examined (Figure 12a). In this report, we provide a method to
derive three coastal flood height impact thresholds. What is lacking is an analogous frequencyduration
impact threshold for coastal flooding. Such a flood-frequency ‘tipping point’ is becoming more apparent
as several coastal cities with infrastructure increasingly vulnerable to high tide flooding undertake large-
scale and costly upgrades to combat effects of high tide flooding. For instance, within Norfolk, Virginia,
Charleston, South Carolina and Miami Beach, Florida (among others), large-scale engineering solutions
are being planned or implemented when only about 510 days of flooding per year are being experienced
(per 2015 trend values).
For community planning and preparedness purposes, the lesser-extreme/more-probable flood instances
(high tide flooding) appear to be a telling indicator of RSL rise-related impacts that should be tracked and
monitored. Using the derived thresholds for minor (high tide) flooding, we find that several flood
frequency characteristics are important to explaining regional differences and temporal patterns.
Currently, high tide flood frequencies are increasing at faster rates (and therefore likely most
problematic) along the coasts of the Southeast Atlantic and to a lesser extent along the Northeast
Atlantic and Western Gulf of Mexico. Between 2000 and 2015, annual frequencies have
increased on average by about 125% (1.3 to 3.0 days/year) along the Southeast Atlantic, by 75%
(3.4 to 6.0 days/year) along the Northeast Atlantic and by (median values) 75% (1.4 to 2.5
days/year) along the Western Gulf (Figure 8b).
Decadal trends in annual flood frequencies are accelerating (nonlinearly increasing) at 30
locations mostly along the East Coast and linearly increasing at 31 locations along the East, Gulf
and Pacific Coasts. This implies that once flooding becomes problematic locally,
frequencies/impacts are likely to become chronic rather quickly (e.g., Figure 14).
At 50 East and West Coast locations, high tide flood frequencies change with ENSO phase. At 49
locations, they are higher on a year-to-year basis during El Niño and one location is higher during
La Niña (Figure 12b), which is especially problematic since the underlying trends are already
increasing or accelerating in many locations (Figure 11). The coastal-flood frequency response to
El Niño can be significant. For example, during 2015, high tide flood frequencies were predicted
to increase on average by about 70% at dozens of East Coast locations and 170% along West
Coast locations. Subsequent monitoring the following year verified that indeed several of these
cities experienced high tide flood frequencies in-line with predictions produced the year prior.
Along the Northeast Atlantic, high tide flooding occurs in response to both tidal forcing (i.e.,
during spring tides) and episodic nontidal effects (e.g., storm surges). It is most frequent in the
fall when the mean sea level cycle is at its highest, but it is relatively frequent throughout the cool
season (SeptemberApril) when northeasterly winds and nor’easters prevail (Figure 13d). Along
the coasts of the Southeast Atlantic (tidally driven) and the Gulf of Mexico (nontidally driven),
high tide flooding is most frequent in the fall but with a secondary emphasis in early summer.
Along the West Coast (tidally driven), high tide flooding occurs most during the winter
extratropical storm season (NovemberFebruary) with emphasis in the months adjacent to the
winter (Northwest Pacific) as well as the summer (Southwest Pacific) solstices when tide ranges
are highest in response to maximum earth–sun declination.
High tide flood frequencies are expected to rapidly increase along the U.S. coastline and
increasingly due to tidal forcing alone (Figures 15 and 16), which currently is very rare (Figure
13a). We highlight changes associated with RSL rise projected under the Intermediate Low and
Intermediate scenarios for global sea level rise (Sweet et al., 2017a). These scenarios are chosen
because they bound the ‘likely’ range (66% contingent probability) of global sea level rise for a
range of (steadily rising) global temperature futuresthe RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 emissions
scenarios. By 2050, high tide flooding will occur on average about
45 and 130 days/year (30 and 45% from tidal forcing alone) along the Northeast Atlantic
and 25 and 85 days/year (35 and 65% from tides) along the Southeast Atlantic,
25 and 80 days/year (0 and 55% from tides) along the Eastern Gulf and 80 and 185
days/year (45 and 80% from tides) along the Western Gulf, respectively;
15 and 30 days/year (25 and 65% from tides) along the Northwest Pacific and 15 and 35
days/year (75 and 85% from tides) along the Southwest Pacific, respectively;
0 and 5 days/year (0 and 40% from tides) along the Caribbean and 5 and 45 days/year (40
and 65% from tides) along the Pacific Islands, respectively.
By 2100, high tide flooding will become or exceed on average ‘every other day’ flooding under
the Intermediate Low scenario within the Northeast and Southeast Atlantic, the Eastern and
Western Gulf, and the Pacific Islands with tidal forcing causing all (100%) of the floods except
within the Eastern Gulf (80% by tides).
By 2100, high tide flooding will become ‘daily’ flooding under the Intermediate scenarios within
all regions (Figure 18b) except for Southwest (345 days/year) and Northwest (280 days/year)
Pacific coasts; tides will cause all (100%) flooding in all regions.
In general, high tide flood frequencies will continue to increase soonerbut more gradually
where RSL rise rates are higher and within high-energy environments with frequent storm surges
and other nontidal-related high waters (Figure 9b) such as along the Western Gulf and Northeast
Atlantic Coasts (Figures 14, 15 and 16). On the other hand, where RSL rise rates are lower,
weather conditions are typically calmer and water levels are more tidally dominated (e.g., the
Southeast Atlantic, Southwest Pacific and Caribbean and Pacific Island Coasts), high tide flood
frequencies will experience (eventually) the fastest rate of increase, which may be especially
problematic as impacts will transition from mild to chronic very rapidly.
In closing, the derived thresholds for high tide flooding provide a more consistent national coastal flood
metric that likely reflects current development patterns/regulations. Such consistency in flood definition
could help inform NOAA and other agency/commercial products and services such as those 1) estimating
the depth of an anticipated storm surge recognizable by a local population, 2) providing seasonal-to-
annual outlooks of flood frequencies (Sweet and Marra, 2015, 2016; Sweet et al., 2017b; Widlansky et al.,
2017) for preparedness and resource budgeting or 3) assessing coastal-flood vulnerabilities due to
increasing sea levels this century (Hall et al., 2016; Sweet et al., 2017a, c). It is important to note that
coastal flooding in this report strictly refers to the phenomenon as measured by the tide gauge (still water
level; Moritz et al., 2015; Hall et al., 2016); in reality, coastal flooding occurs for a variety of reasons,
which varies by location. Often coastal flooding is influenced by other dynamical processes, such as from
waves and their effects (Stockdon et al., 2006; Sweet et al., 2015; Serafin et al., 2017), local rainfall
(Wahl et al., 2015), elevated groundwater tables (Sukop et al., 2018) or river runoff (Moftakhari et al.,
2017a). Ultimately, joint investigations of water level/wave/rainfall/groundwater/discharge-driven total
water levels together with local-to-regional elevation distributions are needed to quantify exposure of
local infrastructure/elevations and assess contemporary and future vulnerabilities. As with all types of
assessments (e.g., U.S. National Climate Assessments), a review is suggested every five years or as
warranted to best reflect improvements or changes in measures taken to adapt to or mitigate against the
impacts of flooding, such as changes in impervious surfaces and upgrades in tidal-flood defenses and
stormwater systems.
We thank Heidi Moritz of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Richard Ray of the U.S. National
Aeronautics and Space Administration and Doug Marcy of NOAA’s Office of Coastal Management for
their reviews* of this manuscript and constructive comments (*a review does not necessarily indicate
agreement on all points of the final version). We also thank Brooke Stewart of NOAA’s National Centers
for Environmental Information for manuscript editing assistance.
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