8.30am – Registration
9.00am Welcome remarks and opening plenary* | New Lecture Theatre
Chair: Dr Modowa T. Gumoi
Opening prayer, national anthem and national pledge
Rev. Koloma Makewin, Chaplain, University of Papua New Guinea
Welcome remarks
Robert Igara, Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea
Opening address
The Honourable Mr James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea (TBC)
Reections on Australia-PNG relations
His Excellency Mr John Feakes, Australian High Commissioner to PNG
Reections on UPNG-ANU relationship
Dr Cecilia Nembou, Acting Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea
Reections on UPNG-ANU relationship
Prof Paul Burke, Deputy Director, Crawford School of Public of Policy, Australian
National University
10.30am – Morning tea
11.00am Plenary session* | New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Panel: PNG’s economic outlook in the medium term
Mr Jeffrey Yabom, Deputy Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea; Mr Andrew
Oaeke, Secretary, Department of Treasury; Mr Anthony Smare, President,
Chamber of Resources and Energy; Dr Martin Davies, Professor, Washington
and Lee University / ANU
12.30pm – Lunch
1.30pm Parallel Session 1
1A: Family and sexual violence in PNG: learning from the experiences
of 7,000 survivors* | New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Estelle Stambolie, Research Ofcer, Development Policy Centre, ANU, Prof
Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU, Daisy Plana, CEO,
Femili PNG, Dr Judy Putt, Senior Researcher, Department of Pacic Affairs, ANU,
Minetta Kakarere, Tutor, Political Science Department, UPNG
1B: Banking and nance | SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)
The implementation of small and medium-sized enterprises credit enhancement loan
scheme: a case of Bank South Pacic, PNG
Theo Michael, Lecturer, PNG University of Technology
Tangled webs, elusive justice: low money laundering convictions in PNG
Michael Kabuni, PhD student, ANU
Corporate governance and ethics on the PNG banking industry: challenges and
Suresh Babu Nagarajan, PGS Convener, Senior Lecturer, SBPP, UPNG, Prof
Lekshmi Narayana Pillai Chidambara Thanu, Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor, UPNG,
Patricia Angopa, Head of Banking and Finance Division, Lecturer, SBPP, UPNG,
Kingtau Mambon, Tutor, SBPP, UPNG, Kepi Mato Yogomin, Tutor, SBPP, UPNG
1C: Teachers and the education sector | SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)
Teacher regulation for quality and quantity - Can it be done? -
PNG’s pathway to teacher registration reform
Paul Ainui, Acting Deputy Secretary, Curriculum and Standards, PNG National
Department of Education, Samson Wangihomie, Chairman, Teaching Service
Commission, Catherine Johnston, Lead Education Specialist, Abt Global, Grant
Selmes, Governance Advisor, Abt Global
How real-time evaluation can improve training practices and learning outcomes:
experimental data from PNG
Kabira Namit, Economist, Abt Global, Kathryn Lee, M&E Manager, Abt Global
Addressing social injustice and inequity through Critical Literacy Education: PNG
teacher education and critical literacy
Kele Yako, PhD Scholar, Rhonda Faragher, Professor, University of Queensland
Navigating education evaluations in fragile settings: measuring the impact and
sustainability of an in-service teacher development program in PNG
Kabira Namit, Economist, Abt Global, Kathryn Lee, M&E Manager, Abt Global
1D: Urban and rural development | SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)
Safeguarding Port Moresby: evaluating the Tourist Police Initiatives impact on
safety and condence in PNG’s capital
Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of Division and Imelda Atu, Lecturer and Ronald Raka,
Lecturer and Jason Eki Kundi, Lecturer and Joseph Kruman, Tutor, Tourism &
Hospitality Management Division, SBPP, UPNG
Hybridity and safety in an urban economic environment: experiences of Awagasi
Market vendors
Wilma Langa, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology
A credit guarantee facility for the development of customary land in PNG: prospects
and challenges
Logea Nao, Research Fellow, Sustainable Land Development Program, PNG
National Research Institute
1E: Development issues | SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)
Extent of decentralised recruitment in unlocking Papua New Guinea’s labour
mobility aspirations
Natasha Turia, PhD Candidate, ANU
Student attitudes towards national identity and progress
Kelly Samof, Lecturer, UPNG
1F: Agriculture and forestry | MBA Suite
The impacts of expanding oil palm industry in PNG: the Case of Kairak Community,
East New Britain Province
Melga Mevat, Post Graduate student, Pacic Adventist University, Hennah
Steven, PhD Lecturer, Waikato University, Patrick Pikacha, Environmental biologist
researcher, Pacic Adventist University
The roles of organic matter of varying nutrient content use as amendment in
composted mounds on sweet potato tissue accumulation of micronutrients
Topas Peter, MSc. Student, PNG University Of Technology, Patrick Michael,
Professor Associate, PNG University Of Technology
Social and cultural inuences on the Bulolo Wau Industrial Tree Plantation
Development in PNG: evidence from the three indigenous forest village communities
June Mandawali, Research Ofcer, PNG Forest Research Institute, Master of
Philosophy Candidate, PNG University of Technology, Principal Supervisor, Dr
Cossey Yosi, Head of School of Forestry, PNG University of Technology
Demarcation of suitable land for rice and wheat cultivation using Multi-Criteria
Decision making Approach (MCDA): A case study in Southern Highlands Province
Einstein Den, Post Graduate Candidate, PNG University of Technology, Sailesh
Samanta, Associate Professor, PNG University of Technology
3.00pm – Afternoon tea
3.30pm Parallel Session 2
2A: Politics and governance* | New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Reform needed to bring stability in PNG parliament
Michael Kabuni, PhD student, ANU
Are government ministers more likely to be re-elected? Evidence from PNG
Alyssa Leng, Research Ofcer, Development Policy Centre, ANU
Otonomi bilong wanem? Autonomy for what?: the interfaces of identity,
development, and decentralisation in Papua New Guinea
James Stiefvater, PhD Candidate, Massey University
2B: The Pacic Engagement Visa in Papua New Guinea: attitudes and issues |
SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)
Prof Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU, Natasha Turia,
PhD candidate, DPA, ANU, Dr Chakriya Bowman, Director and Senior Consultant,
2C: Climate change and sustainability | SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)
A climate SMART approach towards building resilience in PNG’s rural farming
Mawe Gonapa, PhD Candidate, Australian National University
Resettlement of Patnav clan families in Yaga Village on Umboi Island, Siassi,
Morobe Province, PNG
Lorna Saguba, Researcher, Mana Pacic Consultants Ltd
An investigation of sustainability reporting
Panditha Bandara, Senior Lecturer, SBPP, UPNG
PNG climate change and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC): its regulation,
the implementation and the importance of Article 4 of the Climate Change Paris
Agreement for PNG
Alfred Rungol, PNG’s UNFCCC Roster of Experts, UNFCCC PNG (Independent)
2D: Sorcery and Gender | SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)
Investigating the effects of sorcery related behaviour on student learning
in primary schools, Central Province, PNG
Ano Airoma, Lecturer, Sacred Heart Teachers College, Bomana
Addressing sorcery related violence and tribal ght through peace building
Dr Dick Witne Bomai, University of Goroka
Framing gender equality through the revitalised Pacic Leaders Gender Equality
Fiona Hukula, Policy Adviser-Gender Equality, Pacic Islands Forum Secretariat
2E: Education | SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)
Assessing quality of basic education in Enga Province, PNG: factors impacting
students’ learning experience
Hafford Norea, Research Ofcer, PNG National Research Institute
A two-level hierarchical linear modeling of factors affecting students’ examination
performance in secondary schools in Papua New Guinea
Michael Magury Peter, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
Effective student learning approaches and its relationship with academic
performance at the School of Business and Public Policy, University of PNG
David Mo, Lecturer, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, Patricia Angopa, Lecturer, Sharon
Niaga, Lecturer, Molly Yoko, Postgraduate Student, UPNG
2F: Media, technology and research and development | MBA Suite
Enabling or hindering growth and development: Mobile internet pricing in PNG
Dr Amanda HA Watson, Fellow, Department of Pacic Affairs, ANU, Moses Sakai,
Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute, Loretta Dilu, Tutor, UPNG,
Hafford Norea, Research Ofcer, PNG National Research Institute, Jonathan
Zureo, Lecturer, Divine Word University
A media environment for growth and development
Dr Amanda HA Watson, Fellow, Department of Pacic Affairs, ANU
Baseline survey of research capacity in Papua New Guinea’s research institutions
and universities
Paula Kaupa, PhD Candidate, PNG University of Technology, Kulala Mulung, CEO,
PNG Science & Technology Secretariat, Teatulohi Matainaho, Vice Chancellor,
Pacic Adventist University, Nick Tagep, Research Infrastructure Director and
George Rua, Research Ofcer, PNG Science and Technology Secretariat
Reimagining higher education in the age of generative AI
Raymond Kamb John, Lecturer and Head of HRM Division, UPNG
Presenting authors are bolded. *Session livestreamed via the UPNG Facebook page.
2024 PNG Update
2024 PNG Update
Securing a stable environment for growth and development
UPNG Waigani Campus
2024 PNG Update
2024 PNG Update
Securing a stable environment for growth and development
UPNG Waigani Campus
8.30am – Registration
9.00am Plenary session* | New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Chair: Associate Professor Michael Mel
Plenary address
The Honourable Allan Bird, East Sepik Governor
Plenary address
The Honourable Francesca Semoso OBE, MP, North Bougainville (TBC)
11.00am – Morning tea
11.30am – Plenary session* | New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Panel: Security and geopolitics in the region: implications for PNG
Ms Winnie Kiap CBE, former PNG High Commissioner to the UK; Dr Joanne
Loundes, Australian Deputy High Commissioner to PNG; Mr Oliver Nobetau,
FDC Pacic Fellow, Lowy Institute; Mr David Chen, Lecturer, PNG University of
12.30pm – Lunch
1.30pm Parallel Session 3
3A: Novel carbon opportunities in climate smart coffee production* |
New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Mawe Gonapa, PhD Candidate, ANU, Alex McClean, Chief Executive Ofcer,
Nakau, Almah Tararia, Senior Research Consultant, Sustineo, Ellis Mackenzie,
Senior Research Consultant, Sustineo
3B: PNG’s economy | SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.02)
How much of economic growth trickles down to the population in resource-rich
countries? Evidence from Papua New Guinea
Sharad Tandon, Senior Economist, The World Bank, Paripoorna Baxi, Consultant,
The World Bank, Darian Naidoo, Economist, The World Bank
Determinants of housing prices in PNG - An ARDL approach
Gordon Kapak, Senior Research Analyst, Bank of PNG, Meson Tumsok, Senior
Research Analyst, Bank of PNG
Determinants of governments’ scal resource revenue: evidence from a new
Martin Davies, Professor of Economics, Washington and Lee University / ANU,
Marcel Schroder, PNG Country Economist, Asian Development Bank
3C: Gender | SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)
Wok bung wantaim’ (working together): Women associations and foreign aid in
Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
Mary Fairio, PhD candidate, University of St. Andrews
The impact of Women’s Leadership Programs on return home: A pilot study in PNG
Geejay Milli, PhD candidate, Department of Pacic Affairs, ANU, Sonia Palmieri,
Associate Professor, Department of Pacic Affairs, ANU, Betty Lovai, Pro-Vice
Chancellor, UPNG
Leadership matters - Benchmarking women in business leadership in PNG and the
Sarah Boxall, Economic Empowerment of Women Specialist, Asian Development
Bank - Pacic Private Sector Development Initiative
3D: Health | SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)
Perceptions, acceptances, and attitudes towards COVID-19 Vaccines: A case in point
of PNG
Londari Yamarak, Lecturer, PNG University of Technology, Rex Junior, Master in
Philosophy Student, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Hoxchey Anton,
Student, PNG University of Technology
Implementation of tuberculosis infection prevention and control in rural PNG: an
evaluation using infection prevention & control assessment framework
Dr. Gigil Marme, Lecturer (PhD Candidate), Divine Word University (Grifth
University, Australia), Jerzy Kuzma, Professor of Surgery, HOD Medicine, Divine
Word University, Dr Peta-Anne Zimmerman, Director, Infection Control program,
Grifth University, Neil Harris, Professor, Director of Higher Degree, Health
Grifth University, Shannon Rutherford, Associate Professor, Public Health Team,
Grifth University
Factors affecting COVID-19 vaccination: a Morobe Province perspective
Jack Assa, Lecturer, UPNG, Moses Sakai, Research Fellow, PNG National
Research Institute, Albert Ayius, Lecturer, UPNG, Emmanuel Gorea, Lecturer,
3E: Infrastructure and development | SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)
Living without electricity in urban communities in PNG: the case of 8-Mile
Loretta Dilu, Tutor, UPNG
Overcoming Rural Electrication Challenges in PNG: A PMO Perspective
Sioni Sioni, Project Director, GHD
Role of district WASH committees in building bridges for improving water access,
quality, and equality
Safa Fanaian, Research Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, Grant
Walton, Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, Sonia Young,
WASH Portfolio Manager, World Vision, Simon Wanga, WASH Program Ofcer
and Technical Ofcer, WaterAid, Tim Davis, Technical Lead, WaterAid, Kolis Rua,
WASH project manager, World Vision
3F: Managing PNG’s institutions | MBA Suite
Public Financial Management practices at the University of Papua New Guinea:
a case study analysis
Dr Suresh Babu Nagarajan, PGS Convener and Senior Lecturer in Accounting,
SBPP, UPNG, Kepi Mato Yogomin, Accounting Tutor, SBPP, UPNG, Benedicta
Mellam, Lecturer in Accounting, SBPP, UPNG, Lucy Kerua, Lecturer, SBPP,
UPNG, Kingtau Mambon, Tutor, SBPP, UPNG
The role of leadership in ensuring academic quality assurance: challenges and
strategies in higher education institutions in PNG
Ponnusmay Manohar, Deputy Executive Dean (Academic) School of Business and
Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
Institutional sources of cooperation, competition and conict in developing
countries: the cases of civil service administration in PNG and Afghanistan
Nematullah Bizhan, Senior Lecturer, Development Policy Centre, ANU, William
Maley, Emeritus Professor, ANU
3.00pm – Afternoon tea
3.30pm Parallel Session 4
4A: Helping women and child victims of abuse and violence* |
New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Dr Judy Putt, Senior research fellow, ANU, Subrata Banerjee, PhD student,
ANU, Palu Ingram, PhD student, ANU, Loto Losenamo, Research ofcer, Somare
Institute of Leadership and Governance
4B: Macroeconomics | SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)
New trade-weighted currency and commodity-price indices for PNG
Bobby Kunda, Lecturer in Economics, UPNG, Prof Stephen Howes, Director,
Development Policy Centre, ANU
Optimal macroeconomic policy and the resource project lifecycle
Dr Martin Davies, Professor of Economics, Washington and Lee University / ANU,
Marcel Schroder, Country Economist for PNG, Asian Development Bank
Impact of excess liquidity on monetary policy transmission in Papua New Guinea
Dr Thomas Wangi, Senior Research Fellow, National Research Institute
4C: Land issues | SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)
Importance of geographical names and their effects on sustainable land
development in PNG
Charlotte Tia, Cartographer, Department of Lands & Physical Planning
Land as a palimpsest of inscriptions: Some preliminary thoughts on a study of a
Motu-Koita-Koiari clan genealogy and their claims of land ownership
Linus Digim’Rina, Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences,
UPNG, Foxie Kaeaka, Chairman, Board of Directors, Behori Limited, Canute Nidue,
Lecturer, School of Law, UPNG, David Kombako, Lecturer, School of Humanities
and Social Sciences, UPNG
Is social mapping a recipe for conicts? A conclusion
Yvonne Hani, Anthropologist, UPNG
4D: Gender-based violence | SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)
Do disasters always increase Intimate Partner Violence? Evidence from the 2018
Earthquake in PNG
Sharad Tandon, Senior Economist, The World Bank, Alyssa Leng, Research
Ofcer, Development Policy Centre, ANU
The impacts of gender-based violence against women in Hula community
Aiga Ian, Temporary Full-time Tutor, UPNG
Service Providers’ Role: Access to justice for women in domestic violence cases in
PNG & Bangladesh
Subrata Banarjee, PhD Candidate, ANU
4E: Security | SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)
The role of the law and order komiti in dispute resolution: case of Markham Bridge
Community, Morobe Province, PNG
Mary Fairio, PhD Candidate, University of St. Andrews
Political economy of security: enhancing economic security through regional
security cooperation
Dr Francis Hualupmomi, Advisor, National Security, PNG Department of Prime
Minister & NEC
The impacts of civil unrest and riots in Gerehu, Port Moresby on the economic
conditions of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
Jason Eki Kundi, Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, UPNG, McDonald
Jack, Tutor, School of Business and Public Policy, UPNG, Dr Joyce Rayel, Senior
Lecturer, School of Business & Public Policy, UPNG
5.00pm Closing Session* | New Lecture Theatre (NLT)
Concluding remarks
School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea;
Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
Supported by:
Presenting authors are bolded. *Session livestreamed via the UPNG Facebook page.