ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
ANU PhD Scholarship
Each year the Australian National University Colleges (“the Colleges”) may offer a number of
awards known as the ANU PhD Scholarship (“the award”).
The objective of the award is to support high achieving domestic and international PhD
students who are conducting research which aligns with the strategic directions of the
Funding for this award has been provided by the relevant ANU College.
Value: The value of the award will be stated in your letter of offer. The award will be paid in
fortnightly instalments unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.
The recipient is responsible for making payment of all tuition and/or administrative fees by
the prescribed date as set by the University each session. Recipients of this award are
responsible for the cost of books, study materials, accommodation and all other costs of
Duration: The duration of a full-time award will be three years in the first instance or such
shorter period as is stated in the letter of offer.
Periods of enrolment already undertaken for the PhD degree and periods of enrolment
undertaken for the PhD degree during suspension of the award will be deducted from the
duration of the award.
Periods of paid sick leave taken in accordance with Section 38 of the ANU Research Awards
Rule 2017, as well as maternity and parental leave are additional to the normal duration of
the award.
Extension: If eligible, a recipient may apply for an extension of the award by completing the
Manage my Degree - HDR form. The maximum period of extension is six months and an
extension may be sought only where the PhD program has been delayed by circumstances
beyond the recipient's control, and are not of a personal nature.
Dependent Child Allowance (International Students ONLY): International recipients may
receive an allowance in respect of a dependent child or children, where the dependent child
or children accompany the recipient to Canberra. A dependent child is a child under the age
of 16 wholly dependent on the recipient or, if aged between 16 and 24, who is a full-time
student and wholly dependent on the recipient.
The dependent child allowance is up to $3,000 per annum for each dependent child (to a
maximum of $9,000 per annum) and is paid in fortnightly instalments at the same time as the
stipend payments.
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
A recipient who pays maintenance in respect of a child or children may be paid the
dependent child allowance, or the amount of the maintenance payable, whichever is less.
Recipients advise the Student Administration and Records Office via email to within 20 working days if a child ceases to be dependent on
the recipient, or if the recipient ceases to be an international student.
Recipients apply for the allowance by completing an International Student Dependent Child
Allowance Claim Form, and submitting it to the Student Administration and Records Office by
email to
Relocation Reimbursement: A reimbursement may be claimed as a one-off payment to
recipients, to assist with relocation costs (including those in respect of the recipient’s spouse,
de facto partner, and dependent child or children) incurred in commencing their PhD
program. Where a claim for relocation reimbursement is in respect of a recipient’s spouse, de
facto partner, or dependent child or children, they must accompany the recipient to Canberra
(or join the recipient in Canberra within 12 months of the recipient commencing their PhD
Recipients who are resident outside the Australian Capital Territory or who are permanently
resident outside Australia at the time of application are eligible to receive the following one-
off relocation reimbursement, capped at a maximum of $1,000 for Domestic students, or
$2,500 for International students, towards the costs of moving to Canberra to take up their
eligible PhD program, on production of original tax invoice/receipts.
Insurance, accommodation and meal costs related to relocation cannot be claimed.
Applications for relocation reimbursement must be submitted within twelve months of the
recipient commencing their research program. No relocation reimbursement is payable after
this time or after the award ceases.
Thesis Reimbursement: Reimbursements are paid to recipients of the award to assist with
ancillary costs while undertaking an eligible PhD program.
Recipients receive a one-off reimbursement of up to $500 for printing and other services
associated with the production of their thesis.
Recipients apply for the allowance by submitting original tax invoice/receipts to the
Examination and Graduations Office in person or by email to:
The reimbursement must be claimed in accordance with the University’s thesis allowance
requirements and within 12 months of submission of the thesis and no more than 2 years
after the award ceases, unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated. A case
outlining the exceptional circumstances must be made before approval for reimbursement
can be considered.
Unpaid Program and Scholarship Leave: The University may approve unpaid program and
scholarship leave of absence on personal grounds, which does not exceed a total period of 12
months during the period of the award, after which the recipient may resume the award. If
the unpaid program and scholarship leave of absence exceeds 12 months, the recipient may
not be eligible for resumption of the award.
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
An application for unpaid program and scholarship leave of absence for more than 12 months
will only be considered if there are exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the
recipient and must be approved by the Delegated Authority in the College.
Unpaid program and scholarship Leave is aggregated and awarded only in one-week blocks
for a full-time recipient and two-week blocks for a part-time recipient.
Recipients may apply for unpaid program and scholarship leave by completing the relevant
section of the Manage my Degree - HDR form in ISIS.
Payments for this award will not continue during this type of leave.
Paid Recreation Leave: Recipients are entitled to a maximum of 20 working days paid
recreation leave for each year of the award. Leave entitlements may be accrued over the life
of the award but are forfeited when the award ceases.
Recipients may apply for paid recreational leave by notifying their Chair of Panel in writing.
Paid recreation leave does not extend the period of support for the award.
Paid Medical Leave: are entitled to a maximum of 10 working days paid medical leave for
each year of the award. Leave entitlements may be accrued over the life of the award but
are forfeited when the award ceases.
Recipients may apply for paid medical leave by notifying their Chair of Panel in writing.
Paid medical leave does not extend the period of support for the award.
Additional Paid Medical Leave: In addition to the maximum of 10 working days paid medical
leave for each year of the award, recipients are entitled to additional paid medical leave to a
maximum of 60 working days for the duration of the award for periods of illness where the
recipient has insufficient medical leave entitlements available, on provision of a medical
certificate. Medical certificates must:
(a) be signed by a registered medical practitioner;
(b) provide the likely duration of the recipient’s illness;
(c) certify that the recipient is unable to pursue the PhD program because of the illness.
Additional paid medical leave entitlements may be used to cover leave for recipients with
family caring responsibilities.
Additional paid medical leave is aggregated and awarded only in one-week blocks for a full-
time recipients and two-week blocks for a part-time recipients.
Recipients may apply for additional paid medical leave by completing the relevant section of
the Manage my Degree - HDR form in ISIS.
Additional paid leave extends the period of support for the award.
Paid Maternity Leave: Recipients who have completed 12 months of their award are entitled
to a maximum of 60 working days paid maternity leave over the duration of the award. This
also applies if the recipient is the legal parent and primary care-giver of an adopted child:
(a) less than five years of age;
(b) not a step-child of the recipient; and
(c) has not previously lived continuously with the recipient for 6 months or more.
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
Paid maternity Leave is aggregated and awarded only in one-week blocks for a full-time
recipients and two-week blocks for a part-time recipient.
Recipients may apply for paid maternity leave by completing the relevant section of the
Manage my Degree - HDR form in ISIS.
Paid Maternity leave extends the period of support for the award.
Paid Parental Leave: A recipient who is the partner of a woman giving birth may be entitled
to five days paid parental leave at the time of the birth provided the award has been held for
at least 12 months at the time of application. The application for paid parental leave must be
accompanied by a medical certificate confirming the date of birth.
Paid parental leave is aggregated and awarded only in one-week blocks for a full-time
recipients and two-week blocks for a part-time recipient.
Recipients may apply for paid parental leave by completing the relevant section of the
Manage my Degree - HDR form in ISIS.
Paid parental leave extends the period of support for the award.
The award will be available each year to a prospective or continuing student who:
(a) is a domestic or international student; and
(b) is enrolled in, or has been offered admission into, a program of study for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy at the Australian National University; and
(c) holds a Bachelor degree with first-class honours (some Colleges may consider
students with upper second-class honours), or a Master degree with a research
component or equivalent from a recognised university.
There is no application as students are automatically considered based on meeting the
eligibility criteria or conditions prescribed under the Eligibility section.
Selection will be made on the basis of academic merit and research potential.
The award will be offered to a student by a selection Committee chaired by Dean of the
College (or their nominee) which will also include at two other academic staff members from
the College.
The College reserves the right to make no award if it considers there is no applicant of
sufficient merit. The College may also vary the number of awards and/or offer the award at
other times in exceptional circumstances or based on the standard of applications or
students (where funds allow).
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
A recipient of the award is permitted to concurrently hold other scholarships, awards, grants
and bursaries subject to the terms of the corresponding section in the conditions of award of
the other scholarship/bursary/grant/award that they are holding.
During the tenure of the award, the recipient cannot be in receipt of another equivalent or
major living allowance award/scholarship or salary to undertake the proposed program,
providing a benefit greater than 75 per cent of the stipend of this award.
The award must be taken up no later than the date specified in the letter of offer, unless in
special circumstances another date has been approved by the Dean of the College (or
The recipient is required to remain enrolled full-time in a program of study for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy, at the Australian National University in the program for which the
award is offered.
A part-time award may be offered or approved if the recipient has reasons acceptable to the
University that preclude full-time study for part or all of the course of study. In such cases
the University must be satisfied that the reasons relate to caring commitments, a medical
condition, a disability or other circumstance which limits the recipient’s capacity to undertake
full-time study.
An award cannot be transferred to another institution or ANU College.
A recipient may apply for suspension of their award. The approval of a suspension will be at
the discretion of the recipient’s College. A suspension may be appropriate if a recipient is
studying at another institution and receives an award for that study. In these circumstances
the duration of the award will be reduced by the periods of study undertaken towards the
degree during suspension of the award (unless the study was undertaken overseas as part of
a Commonwealth Government financially supported international postgraduate research
scholarship or award).
The University may suspend an award where a recipient has:
a) outstanding fees;
b) an outstanding debt with the University; or
c) outstanding PhD milestone/s
The award will be suspended when at least five working days have passed since the
University advised the recipient in writing that the milestones, debt and/or fees are
outstanding, until the milestones have been met or the outstanding fees and/or debt have
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
been paid. Under these circumstances, the recipient will forfeit payment of the award for the
period of time that their award is suspended.
The award ceases:
(a) at the conclusion of the period outlined in section 2; or
(b) on submission of the thesis for examination; or
(c) on the date on which the recipient withdraws or ceases to attend the University
other than for approved absences; or
(d) if a recipient is no longer meeting or has breached the conditions of award; or
(e) if a recipient breaches academic or behavioural standards set by the University
under the Academic Misconduct & Discipline Rules.
A recipient who is taking leave from their program, or changing their enrolment intensity
from full-time to part-time, is expected to submit the prescribed Manage My Degree - HDR
form in a timely manner and, where possible, in advance in order to avoid receiving an
overpayment of their award. In circumstances where an overpayment does occur, the
overpayments will generally be recovered in line with the ANU Overpayments Procedure.
In the situation where a recipient is overpaid an amount in excess of a full fortnightly
disbursement, the University may recover the overpayment by withholding future award
payments at the same rate that the award was overpaid.
In cases of overpayment or outstanding financial debts to the University, service restrictions
are applied to students. Service restrictions include temporarily withholding students’ access
(a) enrol or re-enrol in a program or course;
(b) obtain a transcript of academic record;
(c) acquire results of any assessment in a course or program;
(d) receive a degree, diploma, certificate or other Award of the University.
The offer of an award is based on the information provided to the University. An award may
be withdrawn at any stage if incorrect, false or misleading information is provided or relevant
information is withheld. This includes circumstances where the false information is unrelated
to the assessment in offering the award.
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
In exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis section 6 and/or 7 of these
conditions of award may be varied by the Dean on the recommendation of the Chair of
Selection Committee.
Recipients are responsible for seeking taxation and Centrelink advice regarding their own
individual circumstances. Scholarships/grants/awards may be regarded as taxable income if
a recipient is enrolled on a part-time basis.
For information on how your award may affect your Centrelink benefits, please refer to this
It is the recipient’s responsibility to obtain residential accommodation. Information on
student accommodation and application forms are available from the University
Accommodation Services. Information may be found on the Web at:
The recipient may be requested to participate in publicity for the award from time to time.
This may include publicity in the state or territory of residence or of schooling. Recipients
may be contacted for an interview and photograph. The University may also publicise the
award by publishing the names of the recipients. Arrangements for such publicity will be
made through the ANU College or Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Office of the
All enquiries regarding the award and changes, issues, or further information after
acceptance should be made directly to your ANU College.
The recipient of this award is subject to The Australian National University Act 1991 as
amended, and to the Statutes, Rules, Policies and Procedures of the University.
The award of a scholarship/grant does not carry any commitment by the University for future
These conditions of award should be read in conjunction with the University’s Research
Awards Rule and Candidature and Supervision Policies.
ANU Research Awards Rule -
ANU PhD Scholarship (737/2018)
ANU Overpayments Procedure
ANU Academic Misconduct Rule -
ANU Discipline Rule -
Thesis Allowance Requirements -
Research Scholarship Information (including reimbursement and claim forms) -