Grayson Central Appraiasl District | 512 N. Travis Sherman, TX 75090
Business Personal Property Tax
in Texas
Most people know that property tax applies to real property. However, some people may not be
aware that property tax also applies to personal property unless specifically exempt by law. Real and
personal property are defined differently. The characteristic that distinguishes personal property
from real property is mobility. Personal property tax rates are the same as those for real property.
In general, real property includes land, improvements to land, structures and certain equipment
affixed to structures. Per Section 22.01(a) of the Texas Property Tax Code, taxable personal property
includes assets used for the production of income, such as inventories, machinery, equipment,
vehicles, furniture and supplies used in the business.
Renditions: Business owners are required to file an annual report (or rendition) of all taxable
personal property located in the county as of January 1 of the current year. As a courtesy, the
Appraisal District mails a rendition form each year. If not received one can be obtained from or (Form 50-144). Thecompletedformisduenolater
. Owners can render either a good faith estimate of market value or a list of business
assets, with each asset acquisition cost and year acquired, or both. The chief appraiser can require
documentation to support a good faith estimate of market value. A detailed list of assets with cost
and year acquired can be used as documentation. The appraiser determines the value for assessment
purposes based on this information, as well as on observations made during on-site inspections of
the business. If a business owner neglects to file an annual rendition with the Appraisal District,
accepted appraisal procedures will be utilized to place a value on the property.
orthesubmissionofalaterenditionwithout awrittenfilingextensionrequestwill
Identify each taxable category. For example, office furniture and equipment must be
separately identified as computers, desks, facsimile machines, copiers, etc. and include the
year in which each item was acquired.
Include the total purchase cost of each item. The total purchase cost of an item includes all
costs associated with making the property operational. For example, installation, freight and
engineering charges are costs that may be incurred while placing property into operation.
The value of any trade-in is to be included as part of the total purchase cost.
Include all supplies on hand as of January 1. This includes office, retail and manufacturing
supplies (computer paper, cash register tapes, shipping cartons, etc).
Include the cost of inventory on hand as of January 1. The total cost of inventory is the
amount the business owner paid to acquire the goods, including freight and handling
expenses, minus any discounts or returns.