Carrie Castañeda-Sound, PhD Kathleen Wenger, MA, LMFT
Associate Professor of Psychology Manager, M.A. Clinical Training and
Director, MACLP Program Professional Development
Evening Format Irvine Graduate Campus
Rebecca Reed, MA Alice Richardson, MA, LMFT
M.A. Clinical Training and Professional M.A. Clinical Training and Professional
Development Coordinator Development Coordinator
West Los Angeles Graduate Campus Encino Graduate Campus
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy
(MACLP Degree)
Evening Format
What Do LMFTs Do? 1
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors and the MACLP Program 1-2
The MACLP Program at Pepperdine 2
Program Administration 3
Where Do Program Requirements Originate? 3
MACLP Program Accreditation Status 3
Questions About This Document: Resources 4
M.A. Clinical Training and Professional Development (CTPD) Staff 5
Program Administrators 5
Program Director 6
Deviation from Policy 6
Statutes and Regulations 6
Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) 6
California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists (CAMFT) 7-8
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) 8
California Association of Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors 9
What’s in a Name? “Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist” 9
What’s in a Name? “Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor” 10
Are LMFTs or LPCCs Psychologists? 10
Becoming Licensed in another State 11
“MFT/PCC Trainee” 12
No Private Practice for Trainees 12
“MFT/PCC Associate 13
“Marriage and Family Therapist” (LMFT) or “Licensed Professional Clinical
Counselor” (LPCC) 13
Program Levels 14
Length of Time to Complete the Program 14
Continuous Enrollment and Leave of Absence 15
Prerequisites and Course Scheduling 17
Waiving a Course 17
Transferring a Course 17
Semester vs. Quarter Units 18
Challenging a Course 18
Transfer/Challenge Limits 18
Need Additional Units for the Degree? 18
MACLP Degree Needed for the MFT License 18
MAP Student Transfers to the MACLP Program 19
MAP Transfer Students Do Take PSY 603 19
Can MFTs Conduct Psychological Testing? 19
Grade Point Average 20
Incomplete (I) and In Progress (IP) 21
Academic/Grading Standards 21
Behavioral Standards 21
Evaluation of Students’ Suitability to Become Therapists 21-22
MACLP Faculty Panel 22
Personal Therapy: Should You Become a Client? 22-23
Collecting BBS LMFT Hours: Required and Allowed Activities 23
Collecting BBS LMFT Hours: Overview of the Process 23
Collecting BBS LPCC Hours: Overview of the Process 24
Clinical Practicum Experience: Pepperdine’s Legal Responsibility 24-25
What is Clinical Practicum? 26
Why Must You Be Enrolled in PSY 662, Clinical Practicum to Have Your Experience
Approved? 27
Does Pepperdine Actually Approve Hours? 28
When to Take Practicum: It Depends 28
Practicum Prerequisites 28
PSY 661 - Preparation for Practicum 28
Where to Find a Clinical Practicum Site 29
“Un-Approved” Sites: How to Get Them Approved 29
Out-of-State Sites 29
Step 1: Learn about the process 30
Step 2: Select and gather data on clinical practicum sites (before…) 31
Step 3: Prepare a resume and cover letter 31
Resume Outline 32
Step 4: Create a cover letter 33
Step 5: Arrange for an interview 34
Step 6: Follow-up with your contacts 34
Step 7: Go to your interview 34
Questions to ask during your interview 34
Step 8: Considerations in deciding to work at a site 35-36
Step 9: You did it! 36
Procedure for Investigating Problems at the Site 37
“Losing Hours”: The Trainee’s Nightmare 38
Legal Definition of Practicum 39
Training in Diversity Encouraged by BBS 39
What is Practicum at Pepperdine? 39-40
Practicum Course Objectives 40
Overview of Requirements for Hours 40-41
Grades for Practicum 41-42
“Credit” 41
“No Credit” 42
“In Progress” 42
Making Up Hours 42
Earning Hours during Academic Breaks 43
Planning to Graduate? A Word of Caution: 43
Terminology: What’s in a Name? 43
Consecutive Terms 44
Sequential Terms 44
Number of Sites 44
How Many Practicum Instructors to Take? 44
Practicum and Financial Aid 44
Reminder Practicum Requires Two Activities 44
Working at a Site After Completing 6 Units 45
Concerns? See Your Practicum Instructor First 45
Overview 47
Pepperdine Forms Used in Practicum 47
1. “Supervisor’s Responsibility Statement” 48
2. “Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience” (“Weekly Logs”): 48-49
3. MFT Experience Verification 49
Workshops Attended 50
Your BBS Files: Who Maintains Them? 50
Supervision Defined 51
Specific Requirements for Supervision 51
How to Calculate Supervision Ratios 52
Specific Requirements of Supervisors 53
How to verify the status of your supervisor’s license 53
Supervisor Training 53
“Interim” Supervisor 54
Paying for Supervision 54
Problems with Sites/Supervisors: 55
The “Six-Year” Rule: 55
1. Recent hours 55
2 The “LMFT clock” 55
3. Associate Renewal 56
Steps to Register as an Associate. 56
How to Submit Documents to the BBS 57
Appendix II: Aliento Program 62-63
Appendix III: Acknowledgement of BBS/MACLP Requirements 64-65
Appendix IIV
: Pepperdine University Supervisor Evaluation of MFT Trainee 66-72
Appendix V: MFT Student’s Evaluation of Supervision and Agency 73-76
Appendix VI: Pepperdine Verification of Hours 77-78
Appendix VII: BBS MFT Experience Verification 79-80
Appendix VIII: BBS MFT Weekly Summary of Hours 81
Appendix IX: CAMFT “Master Checklist for MFT Licensure 82-92
Pepperdine University
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology
with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy
(MACLP Degree or LMFT/LPCC Program)
LMFT/LPCC Handbook
Welcome to Pepperdine and to the Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in
Marriage and Family Therapy (MACLP) degree program, also known as the LMFT/LPCC Program.
Here you will have an opportunity to learn clinical psychology, marriage and family therapy and
clinical counseling. With the MACLP degree, and 3,000 hours of approved supervised clinical
experience, you will be eligible to sit for the license exam to practice independently as a Licensed
Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and/or a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
(LPCC) in California.
What Do LMFTs Do?
Marriage and Family Therapists are mental health practitioners who are specifically trained to help
individuals, couples and families improve and maintain healthy relationships. With the LMFT license,
you can help children, adolescents and adults with a variety of problems. You can treat individuals,
couples, families, groups and larger systems; work in private practice by yourself or with a group;
work in community clinics, residential treatment centers and hospitals or you can consult, develop
and manage programs. As an LMFT, you will be a psychotherapist by law and may be paid for your
services directly.
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors (LPCC) and the MACLP Program
In October of 2009, the Governor of California signed legislation creating another psychotherapy
profession in this state Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (California is the last state in
the nation to approve this professional category). The bill went into effect on January 1, 2010 and
is regulated by the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS). According to the legislation,
“’Professional clinical counseling’ means the application of counseling interventions and
psychotherapeutic techniques to identify and remediate cognitive, mental, and emotional issues,
including personal growth, adjustment to disability, crisis intervention and psychosocial and
environmental problems. Professional clinical counseling includes conducting assessments for
the purpose of establishing counseling goals and objectives to empower individuals to deal
adequately with life situations, reduce stress, experience growth, change behavior and make well-
informed rational decisions”. [Business and Professions Code (BPC) 4999.20].
The legislation suggests that the scope of practice may permit greater individually-oriented mental
health practices as well as specialized qualifications as career development counselors,
rehabilitation counselors, art and dance therapists, couple and family counselors, etc. There may
also be the promise of greater inter-state portability with this license.
As the Pepperdine GSEP Administration gathers more clarity about this new license, its full
requirements and the advantages to pursuing the LPCC degree, we will keep all students informed
via the GSEP website, email blasts and community meetings.
Important: As of August 1, 2012, Pepperdine University’s MACLP Program enables students
to simultaneously satisfy the curriculum requirements for both the LMFT and LPCC
professional licenses in the State of California.
In addition, the specialized training in couple and family counseling will permit LPCC’s to
provide family counseling services.
The MACLP Program at Pepperdine
In the MACLP program, you will learn how to use a variety of psychotherapeutic and counseling
theories in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of individuals and their relationships. You
will also learn models of individual and family therapy including, but not limited to,
psychodynamic, object-relations, humanistic, cognitive-behavioral, strategic, structural,
narrative, solution-focused models and models emphasizing recovery-oriented mental
healthcare. Courses will be didactic, experiential and practical, including both theory and
technique. In your three-term clinical practicum Traineeship, you will see clients under the
supervision of licensed professionals at approved sites while concurrently enrolled in a clinical
practicum class (PSY 662). The clinical site experience, in conjunction with the clinical
practicum class, provides the opportunity to integrate theory and therapy skills and earn hours
towards the LMFT license. Note: For students intending to qualify for the LPCC license as
well, practicum hours earned as a graduate student satisfy Pepperdine’s and the BBS’
requirements for graduation but do not apply to the 3,000 hour requirement. Hours
fulfilling LPCC pre-license requirement can only be accrued after graduation.
The LMFT/LPCC Handbook contains the policies and procedures for the MACLP degree program
and is a contract for your performance in the program. It will also guide you through the academic and
experiential requirements for the MFT license and will address questions you may have about the
exam process. READ THIS HANDBOOK THOROUGHLY and become familiar with its contents.
In addition, please read these publications that contain useful information for your success in the
graduate program:
1. The GSEP Catalog for your year of entry or transfer to the MACLP Program
(available on the Pepperdine website);
2. Psychology Division Policies & Procedures handbook, distributed at New Student
3. Focus on Clinical Training, a newsletter published by the Clinical Training and
Professional Development Department (found online at
4. Laws and Regulations Relating to the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy,
published by the Board of Behavioral Sciences (see page 6).
5. CAMFT Code of Ethics Part I (2010).
Program Administration
The MACLP Program is administered by the MACLP Committee. This committee is currently chaired
by the MACLP Evening Format Director and consists of faculty, the Directors of the Irvine Graduate
Campus and Encino Graduate Campus Community Counseling Centers, the clinical training staff and
program administrators. The Associate Dean of Psychology sits ex officio.
Where Do Program Requirements Originate?
Some of the requirements for your MACLP degree have been designed by Pepperdine Graduate
School of Education and Psychology; others originate in state law. The Board of Behavioral Sciences
(BBS), a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs, regulates the LMFT and LPCC
licenses. The Board provides forms, verifies applicants’ educational and clinical experiences,
administers the licensing exams and issues the LMFT and LPCC license.
MACLP Program Accreditation Status
Pepperdine University is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC),
the regional accrediting agency for higher education. The Pepperdine PsyD program is accredited by
the American Psychological Association; APA does not accredit master’s degrees. The MACLP
Program is not accredited by AAMFT through its Commission on Accreditation of Marriage and
Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE).
Applicants seeking the LMFT or the LPCC license must graduate with a qualifying degree that has
been approved by the BBS. At Pepperdine, that program is the MACLP degree. We are required by
law to notify you that:
Please note: The LMFT/LPCC Handbook is designed to supplement the information distributed by the
BBS. As licensing requirements change, academic requirements follow suit. Pepperdine makes every
effort to inform students of changes that impact their programs.
However, it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to understand the effects of legal and regulatory
changes on license eligibility as well as to keep original BBS and Practicum documents safe and
secure after graduation (to stay informed, join CAMFT see page 7).
To obtain licensure as an LMFT or an LPCC, applicants must fulfill specific educational and
experiential requirements, in addition to passing written exams. In general, applicants must have
completed an appropriate graduate degree and 3,000 hours of experience under the direct
supervision of qualified supervisors. To qualify for licensure as an LMFT up to 1,300 hours may be
completed while enrolled in the master’s program. All 3,000 hours must be completed in the six years
immediately preceding the filing date for the exam, although up to 500 hours gained during practicum
are exempt from this time limit (and are secure to be used toward licensure).
As stated previously, to qualify for licensure as an LPCC, all 3,000 hours of experience must be
earned after graduation with the master’s degree.
Applicants are eligible to take the written exams when all academic and experiential requirements
have been completed. In order for hours to be counted as supervised experience, students in master’s
programs must comply with the specifications of their educational institutions for appropriate
experience. To earn ANY hours in private practice, one must have already graduated and registered
with the BBS as an MFT Associate or an LPCC Associate and have received an Associate
Registration Number from the Board (the LMFT/LPCC Handbook provides a full discussion of these
and other requirements).
Questions about this Document: Resources
The LMFT/LPCC Handbook was written for the specific purpose of providing information about the
LMFT/LPCC program. We are happy to answer questions, but we have a favor to ask: PLEASE
The Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in
Marriage and Family Therapy (MACLP) degree is designed to meet the
education requirements of Sections 4980.36 of the Business and
Professions Code of the State of California, leading to licensure as a
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. In addition, the MACLP
degree is designed to meet the education requirements of Sections
4999.33, 34, 36 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of
California for licensure as a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor.
M.A. Clinical Training and Professional Development (CTPD) Staff
Your first resource! - Kathleen Wenger, Manager of Clinical Training and Professional
Development, oversees the clinical training for the MACLP program and professional development
for both the MAP and the MACLP program. She also plans, develops and implements special
services and events for students such as the E newsletter, Clinical Connections and alumni private
practice tours. Her office is at the Irvine Graduate Campus.
Rebecca Reed is the CTPD Coordinator for students at the West Los Angeles Graduate Campus and
Alice Richardson is the CTPD Coordinator for students at the Encino Graduate Campus.
Kathleen, Rebecca and Alice provide program assistance to the MACLP Program Directors and can
answer questions about practicum, counting hours, supervision, practicum sites, obtaining an MFT
Associate number, and much, much more. They conduct new LMFT/LPCC student meetings,
meetings to help students prepare for practicum, and meetings to assist prospective graduates in
registering for their Associate numbers; in addition, they organize practicum fairs and other MACLP
student events as well as professional development events.
Kathleen Wenger (Irvine Grad. Campus) (949) 223-2580 kathleen.wenger@pepperdine.edu
Rebecca Reed (WLA Grad. Campus) (310) 568-5776 rebecca.reed@pepperdine.edu
Alice Richardson (SFV Grad. Campus) (818) 501-1619 alice.richardson@pepperdine.edu
Note: For the sake of simplicity, Kathleen, Rebecca and Alice are referred to as “Clinical Training
Program Administrators
At this time, the MACLP Program has two Program Administrators: Marissa Spruiell (Senior
Academic Advisor - Psychology) and Nazanein Vazira-Bhullar (Academic Advisor Psychology).
Marissa and Nazanein work with enrolled students and handle questions about classes, enrollment,
registration, add/drop, challenge exams, enrolled student course waivers and other academic matters,
including transfers between the MAP and MACLP programs. Marissa also has office hours at the
Encino Graduate Campus, usually on Mondays and Nazanein has office hours at the Irvine Graduate
Campus, usually on Wednesday. You may contact either of them by phone or email:
Marissa Spruiell
(310) 568-5503
Nazanein Vazira-Bhullar
(310) 568-5618
Note: For questions about Program Certifications (not transcripts) please contact Summer O’Neal at (310)
568-5608. For questions about academic verifications (not transcripts), please contact Marissa Spruiell or
Nazanein Vazira-Bhullar. For questions about transcripts, please call the Malibu Registrar’s Office (310)
Program Director
The Clinical Training/Professional Development staff and Program Administrators work directly
with Carrie Castaneda-Sound, PhD, MACLP Program Evening Format Director. If further
consultation is needed, you may reach her at (818) 501-1636,
Deviation from Policy
Even if they’d like to, the friendly staff of the BBS has no discretionary authority to deviate from the
statutes and regulations governing the LMFT/LPCC license. Therefore, they can make no exceptions
to LMFT or LPCC requirements. We have a bit more flexibility at Pepperdine, but would like to
request that you follow the policies and procedures for successful completion of your degree
program. We hold firmly to the MACLP clinical training procedures as these policies adhere to state
regulations and have refined our program over time to ensure, to the best of our ability, that our
MACLP students receive the most meaningful practicum experience possible.
Legal and Professional Boards and Associations
Statutes and Regulations
As therapists licensed to practice independently, LMFTs and LPCCs must know the legal parameters
of their profession. Statutes typically originate with the legislators or their lobbyists and go through
the standard legislative channels. The legal code most relevant to the LMFT and LPCC license is the
Business and Professions Code. Regulations carry out the law and, in the case of the LMFT and
LPCC licenses, are written by the Board of Behavioral Sciences and adopted after public hearings.
The Board of Behavioral Sciences issues the “Laws and Regulations Relating to the Practice of
Professional Clinical Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, Licensed Clinical Social Work, and
Licensed Educational Psychology.”
Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS)
The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) is a group of licensed professionals and members of the
public who are charged by the Department of Consumer Affairs to protect the consumer by carrying
out the statutes and regulations which assure minimum standards for education and training as well
as ethical practice by the professionals under its jurisdiction. In essence, the BBS issues the
professional licenses that legally permit therapists to provide mental health services.
Members of the Board are appointed by the governor to represent the licenses that it regulates:
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists (LMFTs), Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs),
Licensed Educational Psychologists (LEPs), and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors
(LPCCs). Two public members also serve on the Board. (For more Board history visit their website,
The Executive Officer of the BBS assists the Board in carrying out its motions, as well as overseeing
the evaluative and research functions of the license analysts (BBS staff members who determine
eligibility for the various licenses and registered positions). Board meetings are held in both Northern
and Southern California and are attended regularly by a few hardy souls from the academic
community as well as by members of CAMFT, AAMFT and other organizations. We encourage you to
attend a meetingyou’ll learn about the legislative body that oversees your professional activities and
you may even have an opportunity to influence the direction of the LMFT and/or LPCC profession
through your testimony.
The BBS’s voicemail system handles many questions. For recorded messages, call (916) 574- 7830.
The board may also be reached through e-mail at BBSW[email protected].gov
or on its homepage
www.bbs.ca.gov. BBS forms are available through the BBS homepage’s forms and publications link,
although you will receive most of what you need from the Clinical Training Coordinators when you go
through the preparing for practicum and information meetings.
In addition to this aforementioned regulatory body, there are two state professional organizations that
licensed LMFTs frequently join. One is CAMFT, the California Association of Marriage and Family
Therapists, a free-standing organization that claims a membership of about 29,000 combined
licensed and pre-licensed MFTs and functions more or less as a “professional union” for LMFTs in
the state.
The professional advocacy group for LPCC’s in California is the California Association for Licensed
Professional Clinical Counselors (CALPCC). They can be contacted at www.calpcc.org.
The national
organization for professional counselors is the American Counseling Association (ACA) which has
been established since 1952. They can be contacted at
Each of these organizations offers student-members the opportunity to learn about the field of
marriage and family therapy and professional clinical counseling and to receive certain professional
benefits. CAMFT, AAMFT and CALPCC offer impressive annual conferences and have an active
interest in the training and professional development of their members.
The California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT)
CAMFT has been a long-standing advocate for LMFTs in California, working tirelessly with
legislators and with the BBS to ensure professional parity for LMFTs. We highly recommend that
you join CAMFT now, as a pre-licensed member. You will receive CAMFT’s bi-monthly magazine,
The Therapist, the pages of which are full of information about such topics as the latest BBS
actions, new statutes and regulations and their effects on LMFTs, ethical and practical issues,
insurance information, workshops on professional issues and exam preparation, a classified
section, information on disciplinary actions against licensed and pre- licensed practitioners, job
listings and much, much more. CAMFT members get an added bonusfree advice from
CAMFT’s legal counsel. If you ever have legal or ethical concerns regarding your clinical work as a
student/Associate or a licensed MFT, CAMFT legal staff is available for consultation. To be able to
speak with them, however, you’ll need to be a CAMFT member.
CAMFT publishes a two-part pamphlet on professional ethics for LMFTs that is required reading for
students in PSY 623, Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals. Students enrolled in PSY 623
will need to acquire this free pamphlet through CAMFT.
While you’re in school, we will inform you of changes in BBS requirements. Once you graduate,
however, it will be more difficult to stay informed. Joining CAMFT is an excellent way to learn about
changes in the statutes or regulations that might affect your practice as both an Associate and as a
licensed LMFT. You may request an application for membership from CAMFT by calling and
requesting an application packet or by using the application on CAMFT’s homepage. You are a
Pre-licensed Member and your current status is “Student enrolled in a degree program leading toward
licensure.” CAMFT’s address is:
CAMFT has a number of local chapters that welcome student members. By affiliating with established
professionals in your geographical area, you can develop valuable contacts and learn from those who
are more experienced. For information on local chapters and their contact persons, check CAMFT’s
website, email or call CAMFT.
IMPORTANT: Those who work in clinical settings should carry professional liability insurance
this includes student MFT and PCC Trainees, LMFT and LPCC Associates and licensed
LMFTs and LPCCs!
By joining CAMFT, you are eligible for a free professional liability policy with your Graduate Student
Membership. Contact CAMFT directly for information on insurance policies.
The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)
AAMFT is the national professional organization for marriage and family therapists, equivalent to the
American Psychological Association for psychologists. AAMFT puts on an excellent annual
conference and provides its members with considerable information on the practice of marriage and
family therapy as well as the research
upon which it is based. AAMFT is also working to create parity for LMFTs with other mental health
professionals on the national level, as well as to educate the public about the value of marriage and
family therapy. The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy and its other publications are excellent; we
California Association of Marriage and Family
Therapists 7901 Raytheon Road
San Diego, CA 92111-1606
(858) 29-CAMFT (292-2638)
encourage you to join this excellent organization for both professional benefits and for continuing
knowledge about the practice of therapy.
The California Association of Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors (CALPCC)
As stated previously, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors became a legal profession in
California in 2010. Under the guidance of CALPCC, this relatively new profession in California is
working hard to establish itself as a viable addition to other master’s-level clinical profession. In
theory, the professional status of LPCC’s should have a broader scope of practice, comparable to
other states. Again, there is the possibility of greater interstate portability of this license.
CALPCC is a relatively new organization, and is striving to provide visibility and political viability of the
profession in this state.
CALPCC is eager to encourage student membership and participation in the organization. Students
can become members for $30/yr (Associates, $55/yr).
For further information, contact CALPCC at calpcc.org.
What’s in a Name? - “Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist”
As used by family therapists, the term “family” is generic; it includes individuals, couples (unmarried,
married or divorced), children, adolescents, siblings, single parents and children, adults and older
parents, blended families, step-families or any social unit where there is a relationship by blood,
marriage or domestic partnership.
Where does helping children fit in? To an LMFT, it is understood that family therapy includes children.
And if a child is presented as the troubled member of the family, it is understood that the parents,
guardians or caretakers will be somehow involved in the assessment and treatment of the child’s
problems. In fact, many family therapists believe that the best way to help troubled children is to
increase the competence of their parents. This is often best accomplished by seeing parents and
children together, whenever possible.
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
112 S. Alfred St.
Alexandria, VA 22134
Tel: (703) 838-9808
Fax: (703) 838-9805
1-800-66AAMFT (Toll Free)
Website: http://www.aamft.org
Why “therapist”? Family therapists have an eclectic heritage that includes psychiatrists, psychologists,
counselors, social workers, engineers and anthropologists. Because therapists work with clinical
populations and are required to be trained in the assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders, it is
appropriate that LMFTs refer to their work as therapy. LMFTs are defined in the California Evidence
Code as “psychotherapists” and are governed by the same laws as psychologists and other mental
health professionals in the state.
The Business and Professions Code applying to LMFT’s states, “…the practice of marriage and
family therapy shall mean that service performed with individuals, couples or groups wherein
interpersonal relationships are examined for the purpose of achieving more adequate, satisfying and
productive marriage and family adjustments.” While the regulations emphasize the improvement of
relationships, the actual practice of Marriage and Family Therapy has been broadly defined,
permitting any number of emotional and psychological difficulties to be approached from a relational
What’s in a Name? “Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor”
It has proven to be a most challenging task to differentiate the clinical practices between LMFTs and
LPCC’s. Some clarity can be achieved by describing what clinical practices LPCC’s are not permitted
to do under current regulations. According to Business and Professions Code applicable to LPCC’s,
“’Professional clinical counseling’ does not include the assessment or treatment of couples or families
unless the professional clinical counselor has completed…additional training and education, beyond
the minimum training and education required for licensure.” (Note: Current Pepperdine MACLP
education provides the additional education qualifying for this specialization). Furthermore, the
Business and Professions Code states that “professional counseling does not include the provision of
clinical social work services”. In addition, the administration of assessment services, “…shall not
include the use of projective techniques in the assessment of personality, individually administered
intelligence tests, neuropsychological testing, or utilization of a battery of three or more tests to
determine the presence of psychosis, dementia, amnesia, cognitive impairment, or criminal behavior”
apparently this is the domain of clinical psychology”.
Are LMFTs or LPCC’s Psychologists?
Only those who have passed the licensing exam for psychology may call themselves psychologists.
LMFTs and LPCCs may NOT call themselves “psychologists,” may not refer to their services in any
form as “psychological,” nor advertise in any medium holding themselves out to be “psychologists.”
You may refer to your practice as “psychotherapy” or “counseling” and refer to yourself as a
“psychotherapist” or a “counselor” on business cards and written materials as long as you also write
out the full name of your license status e.g. Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee, Associate or
Therapist or Professional Clinical Counselor Trainee, Associate - at the same time. (See also the
discussion about the use of psychological tests, page 19). The Board of Behavioral Science’s main
interest is the protection of the consumer, and in this case, the consumer must not be confused into
thinking that the LMFT or the LPCC holds a different license.
Becoming Licensed in another State
As of 2010, all 50 states currently regulate LMFTs and LPCCs, either by license or certification.
Requirements are not identical across states, but there are some similar requirements for education
and training.
Historically, Pepperdine University LMFT graduates have been very successful in acquiring licensure
in other states. MACLP program administrators will be glad to assist those who desire to seek out-of-
state licensure.
To find out about out-of-state requirements for licensure or certification, contact the appropriate state
licensing board for the requirements to practice at the master’s level. It is important to find out about
licensure requirements in another state in which you are interested in as early as possible so that we
can assist you in determining if our curriculum will meet this other state’s requirements or if there are
additional experiences you must complete. While we will do our best to aid you in the process, please
remember that or program is, first and foremost, designed to meet the LMFT and LPCC licensure
requirements in California. Ultimately, if you wish to become licensed in another state, it is your
responsibility to ensure that you meet the qualifications to be licensed in that state. CAMFT and
AAMFT list the various state regulatory agency contact information on their websites. Although you
will need to complete the required forms on your own, we will do our best to help you in your efforts.
Review of the terms:
The title of my profession is Marriage and Family Therapy and/or Professional
Clinical Counselor.
The title of my license is Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and/or Licensed
Professional Clinical Counselor.
The title of my degree is Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in
Marriage and Family Therapy.
Have I done the following?
Read the remainder of the MFT Handbook.
Read the GSEP Catalog.
Read the Psychology Division Policies & Procedures.”
Send completed membership application to CAMFT, AAMFT,
Consider joining other professional organizations.
MFT/PCC Trainee, MFT/PCC Associate, Licensed MFT & PCC
The following definitions are taken from the California Business and Professions Code specifying the
legal parameters and scope of practice, both before and after licensure as an LMFT (see
13, Sections 4980.02, 4980.03, 4980.43 and 4980.44). The legal parameters and scope both before
and after licensure as an LPCC are designated in Sections 4999.12-51).
“MFT Trainee” & “PCC Trainee”
An unlicensed person who is currently enrolled in a state-approved graduate degree program,
has completed at least 12 semester units of coursework in that program, fulfilled practicum
course prerequisites and who performs MFT and PCC services under supervision and who has
a written “4-Way Agreement” on file in the Clinical Training Department. (See page 40 for details
about gaining hours.)
What this means:
You are still in school and have completed 12 units of coursework at Pepperdine.
You have signed the “Acknowledgment of BBS Requirements.”
You may NOT gain any hours in private practice, even as a volunteer (see below).
You may be paid a salary by a non-profit or charitable corporation, school, college or university,
government entity or licensed health facility but you may NOT be paid directly by your clients.
You may also work in additional settings in the manner defined by law and as defined in Business and
Professions Code:
A. Lawfully and regularly provides mental health counseling or psychotherapy.
B. Provides oversight to ensure that the trainee’s work at the setting meets the experience and
supervision requirements set forth in this chapter and is within the scope of practice for the
C. Is not a private practice owned by a licensed marriage and family therapist, a licensed
professional clinical counselor, a licensed psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, a
licensed physician and surgeon, or a professional corporation of any of those licensed
You must inform your clients before starting therapy that you are unlicensed and are working under the
supervision of (your supervisor’s name).
As an MFT Trainee, you may count up to 1,300 hours of pre-degree experience. As a PCC Trainee,
you must complete at least 280 hours of face-to-face counseling with clients to graduate, but no
counseling hours gained as a Trainee count towards licensure.
The office of Clinical Training must approve the practicum experience for every
MACLP student.
No Private Practice for Trainees?
The regulations that restrict MFT and PCC Trainees from working in private practice were adopted
to protect Trainees. It is believed that a private practice is vulnerable to economic and other
pressures that a public, non-profit agency is not. Although it is an obvious generalization, private
practitioners are responsible only to themselves and have the freedom to move about more or less
at will. The Board is concerned that a Trainee in private practice could be left “high and dry” if the
supervisor were to suddenly abandon his or her office.
In addition, the Board is concerned that the economic pressures upon a private, for-profit venture
might be placed upon the Trainee, who would then be required to perform duties beyond those
appropriate for his or her level of education and ability. LMFT and LPCC Associates, with their
M.A. degrees and practicum experience, are thought to be more knowledgeable about the
possibility of exploitation.
“MFT and PCC Associate
An unlicensed person, who has earned a qualifying masters or doctoral degree, is registered with
the BBS and performs MFT or PCC services under supervision.
What this means:
You have graduated with your M.A. in Clinical Psychology (MACLP degree).
You have registered with the BBS as an MFT or PCC Associate (see page 56 for instructions).
You may work, under supervision, either in private practice or in a non-profit venue.
You may be paid by your supervisor or employer, but NOT paid directly by your clients.
You must inform your clients before starting therapy that you are “unlicensed and are working under the
supervision of (your supervisor’s name).
You must earn at least 1,700 hours post-M.A. as an MFT Associate and at least 3,000 hours post-
degree as a PCC Associate.
While working on Associate hours, you must renew your registration annually. Five renewals are allowed, for a
total of six years in which to gain hours as an Associate.
You must furnish your new supervisor with your previous supervisor’s name and address.
Important: Upon graduation, you may register with the BBS as either a MFT
Associate or PCC Associate or both if you have satisfied the practicum
requirements of the respective professions.
“Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist” (LMFT) or “Licensed Professional Clinical
Counselor (LPCC)
What it means to be a licensed LMFT or LPCC:
You have fulfilled all of the academic and experiential requirements for the license, and have
passed all required examinations for Licensure.
You may work independently in private practice.
You may get paid directly by your clients or their health care providers.
You may call yourself a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist or a Licensed Professional
Clinical Counselor.
After two years of practice, you may begin to supervise your own Trainees and Associates, following
the requirements for supervisors in effect at the time.
You are eligible to join CAMFT and AAMFT as full Clinical Members. As an LPCC you are
eligible to join CALPCC as a full Clinical Member.
Program Levels
The MACLP curriculum has two levels: foundation and core.
Effective Fall of 2014, students who have an undergraduate degree in psychology or a
closely-related field, will not have to take foundation courses.
Since many of our students have not had academic backgrounds in psychology, we offer courses at
the graduate level that are usually part of an undergraduate degree in Psychology. These foundation
courses prepare you for advanced study and should be taken first in your program.
However, you are encouraged to enroll in a core course, PSY 606 Interpersonal Skills and Group
Therapy, early in your course of study. The experiential nature of this course can provide a good
introduction to your graduate program.
Some students delay the inevitable by waiting until the end of their programs to take courses that
they think will be difficult (perhaps they are saving the best for last!). Don’t be tempted; it is wise
to take the foundation courses first as they will better prepare you for the core courses.
Length of Time to Complete the Program
How long it takes to complete the master’s degree depends on a variety of factors. Even with an
undergraduate background in psychology, students rarely finish the required 60 units in fewer than
still in school
no private practice
must be supervised
completed qualifying MA degree
can work in private practice
must be supervised
completed M.A. + 3,000 hours + passed licensing exams
can work independently
Read, sign and file “Acknowledgment of BBS Requirements” with
your CTC staff.
Follow your academic degree program.
two years. To complete all foundation, core, and clinical practicum, a total of 66 units, will probably
take a bit more than two years.
The BBS doesn’t care how long you take to complete your degree, but Pepperdine does: The GSEP
Catalog gives a seven-year limit for finishing a master’s degree. If you need an extension on this
limit, please put your request in writing to Robert de Mayo, PhD, Associate Dean, Psychology.
Continuous Enrollment and Leave of Absence
Students who temporarily drop out of school may find that degree requirements have changed
during their absence. To keep curricular modifications to a minimum, it is a good idea to remain
continuously enrolled until you graduate. This means that you must enroll in at least one course
during each of the Fall and Spring semesters. (Enrollment in the Summer Sessions is optional,
although students in practicum settings may need to take Practicum during the summer.) Students
who are absent for two or more years must reapply to the program and comply with admissions and
program requirements in effect at the time.
The above notwithstanding, we understand that choice and chance do not always create
manageable situations. If there are circumstances in your life that require you to suspend your
academic progress temporarily, please do not hesitate to contact us. We want you to succeed and
will do our best to assist you in maintaining continuity in your program.
IMPORTANT: If you are going to take a temporary break from school, including the summer sessions,
please call or email Senior Academic Advisor Psychology, Marissa Spruiell, at (310) 568-5503. She
needs to make sure that you receive the necessary paperwork for pre-registration upon your return.
FOUNDATION LEVEL (eligible for waiver or transfer):
657 Psychopathology 3
659 Principles and Theories of Learning 3
(IMPORTANT: Foundation courses should be completed before core courses.)
CORE CURRICULUM (eligible for transfer only):
Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders
Assessment of Individuals, Couples and Families
Interpersonal Skills and Group Therapy
Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Multicultural Counseling
Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals
606, 612
Individual and Family Treatment of Substance Abuse
600, 606, 612
Research and Evaluation Methods for Mental Health
Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Professionals
600, 656
Human Sexuality and Intimacy
Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy
600, 606, 612
Couple and Family Therapy I
600, 606, 612
Couple and Family Therapy II
Mental Health Systems, Practice and Advocacy
622, 639, 640
+1 semester 662
Individual, Couple & Family Development: A Life
Cycle Approach
Preparation for Practicum
600, 606, 612, 623
Clinical Practicum
Clinical Practicum
same as above + 662
Clinical Practicum
same as above + 662
Clinical Interventions with Children & Adolescents
Trauma in Diverse Populations
Career Development Theories and Techniques
*Although they are not prerequisites, PSY 600, 612 and 639 are useful courses to take before PSY 603.
Prerequisites and Course Scheduling
Prerequisites represent the faculty’s attempts to ensure student readiness for new course content. In
planning your schedule, you must attend to prerequisites. Attempts to enroll in a class without
having taken its prerequisite will be blocked by the computer registration.
(Please note that
concurrent enrollment in a course and its prerequisite is not permitted.)
If you have taken psychology courses before entering Pepperdine, you may be able to waive,
transfer, or challenge a required course.
Waiving a Course
If you have taken one or more courses at the undergraduate or graduate level that are equivalent to
courses in the foundation level, you may be able to use them in lieu of foundation courses. (Note that
you must still complete a minimum of 60 units to graduate). Courses used as waivers must be recent
(taken within the past seven years), must have been earned at an accredited college or university
and must have a grade of “B” or better on your transcript.
The curriculum sheet that you received at admission will inform you of any foundation courses that
have been waived based on your previous coursework. If it is not clear whether or not a course is
equivalent, you will be asked to provide supporting documentation such as syllabi, texts, exams, and
class notes. Only foundation level courses can be waived; in the MACLP program these are: PSY 657
and 659.
Transferring a Course
If you have previously taken a graduate-level course that is equivalent to either a foundation level or
core course, you may petition to have that course transferred, rather than take the equivalent course
at Pepperdine. Up to six (6) semester units may be transferred and/or challenged. (See discussion
under “Total Unit Limits” below.) Courses eligible for transfer credit must be recent (taken within the
past seven years), must have been earned at an accredited college or university and must have a
grade of “B” or better on transcript.
If you believe that a previous graduate course is equivalent to an existing MACLP course, you may
file a “Petition to Transfer Coursework” with the program administrator for admissions and provide
supporting documentation as requested. A transferred course becomes part of your Pepperdine
transcript and counts toward degree requirements. The grade recorded on the transcript will be “CR
for credit; letter grades are not awarded for transfers.
Again, whenever possible, verify with specific out-of-state licensing boards that a transferred course
will be acceptable to them.
Semester vs. Quarter Units
Schools offer courses in semester or quarter units, depending on contact hours and number of weeks
of class. A semester is 15 weeks long and a quarter is 10 weeks long. The difference in course length
means that the units differ in value: 5 quarter units = 3 semester units. Pepperdine
courses are offered in semester units. Courses that are used for waiver or transfer must not only be
equivalent in content, but they must also have equivalent unit value.
Challenging a Course
If previous coursework is unsuitable for waiver or transfer but you think that you know the subject
matter well enough to take an exam, you might want to challenge the Pepperdine course in question.
To challenge a course, file a petition with the Senior Academic Advisor - Psychology, Marissa Spruiell,
who will forward it to the appropriate faculty. If the petition is approved and if the exam is passed,
credit for that course (“CR”) appears on the Pepperdine transcript. Please note that there must be
evidence of prior study; challenge exams and course credits are NOT given for life experience.
Transfer/Challenge Limits
Although you may waive as many of the foundation courses for which you are
eligible, the number of units you may challenge and/or transfer is limited to six (6) units total. Limits
on transfers and challenges function as a residency requirement, in which schools maintain control of
the quality of most of the academic experience required for their degrees (accrediting bodies prefer
this). Please refer to the Psychology Division’s Policies and Procedures for more information.
Need Additional Units for the Degree?
The MACLP degree must contain at least 60 units. Transferred/challenged courses (see above)
count toward this total. If additional units are needed to fulfill the 60-unit requirement for graduation,
students may enroll in seminars, electives or independent study. Check the course schedules or see
Marissa Spruiell, Senior Academic Advisor - Psychology, for assistance.
MACLP Degree Needed for the LMFT and LPCC License
Students in the Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) program often plan to enter a doctoral program
or work in the field when they graduate. If these plans don’t work out, MAP program graduates may
decide to pursue the LMFT or LPCC license instead. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add MACLP
courses to the MAP degree. It would be necessary to transfer programs. California law specifies that
all coursework must be taken within a program that is approved by the BBS and meets state
regulation for licensure. The MAP degree is not acceptable for the LMFT or LPCC license.
MAP Student Transfers to the MACLP Program
Students in the Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) program who wish to transfer to the MACLP
program must file a formal request. The application will be evaluated by the MACLP Admissions
Committee; admission is not guaranteed. Here is the procedure to follow:
1. Submit a “Change of Program Request,” available from Marissa Spruiell, Senior Academic
Advisor - Psychology. Include the fee.
2. Follow the admission procedures described on the form. (An updated personal statement
describing the applicant’s reasons for changing programs is required.)
3. Upon acceptance into the MACLP program, read the LMFT/LPCC Handbook in its entirety.
4. Complete and sign an “Acknowledgment of BBS Requirements.” (See Appendix III, pg 62).
5. Follow the curriculum listed for the MACLP program, page 16 (See also the discussion of
PSY 603, Assessment for Marriage and Family Therapists, below.)
6. Be sure NOT to graduate until you have completed all MACLP degree requirements. If you have
already applied to graduate, notify the Manager of Records and Enrollment at the West Los
Angeles Campus that you have changed programs and wish to postpone graduation. Once
issued, a degree cannot be rescinded.
MAP Transfer Students DO take PSY 603
The instruments covered in PSY 601, Assessment of Intelligence, and PSY 602, Personality
Assessment, focus on the individual, not the relationship. The emphasis of PSY 603 is on the
assessment of relationships, although individual testing is covered as well. (See description that
follows.) To avoid repetition of material already studied (and to save money), students who have
already taken both PSY 601 and 602 may, with program approval and consent of the instructor,
enroll in PSY 680, a one-unit Independent Study in “Assessment of Relationships.” The student
fulfills this course by attending the PSY 603 classes as required by the instructor and by completing
required class assignments and exams. The combination of PSY 601, 602 and PSY 680 fulfills the
requirement for PSY 603. For further information, please consult Marissa Spruiell.
Can MFTs Conduct Psychological Testing?
This is a controversial and often misunderstood area involving arguments of restriction of trade, scope
of practice, competence, and similar issues. Under the licensing act, an LMFT or LPCC may
administer, score and interpret tests of intelligence, aptitude, and personality (traditionally referred to
as “psychological tests”) ONLY if each of the following conditions is met:
The LMFT or LPCC has received adequate training in the instruments used for assessment and is
competent in their use. (Competence is defined by general standards for the profession, based on
education and supervised training.)
The tests are used for the purpose of assessment and treatment of the licensee’s own clients.
MFTs cannot hire out their services to test people who are not their clients.
The activity is not called psychological testing.
Do you have questions regarding your future as a professional and the opportunities that exist in
professional practice? (Who doesn’t?) Do you wonder how to work within the current health
environment? Where are the jobs for LMFTs and LPCCs? These and similar questions are
addressed in PSY 642, Mental Health Systems, Practice and Advocacy.
The results of CAMFT’s 2015 Member Practice Demographic Survey available from CAMFT in the
September/October 2015 issue of The Therapist lends empirical support for an optimistic view of
practice patterns. Here is one important highlight: 20% of licensed therapists surveyed earned between
$65,000 to $80,000 annually. Appendix I of this MFT Handbook and the September/October 2015
issue of The Therapist lists a sampling of findings from the CAMFT survey.
The office of Career Development offers support services and resources to help students and alumni
of the Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP) explore career possibilities, develop
skills for successful employment searches and secure full-time employment. The focus of the Career
Development staff is on individual consultation and interactive workshops designed to provide
students and alumni with the strategies necessary to market their skills in a competitive environment
and establish themselves as competent professionals. Career services include career counseling and
assessment, résumé and curriculum vitae writing, job search tips, interview preparation, and
employment listings on monstertrak.com. For an overview of services offered or to schedule an
appointment at the West LA, Irvine, or Encino campus, please visit the Career Services Website at
http://gsep.careerservices@pepperdine.edu., or call directly to (310) 568-5666.
The MACLP program is designed to prepare students to become entry-level psychotherapists who
are licensed as MFTs and PCCs. The assessment, diagnosis and treatment of people in crisis or with
ongoing problems require considerable knowledge and skill. But in addition to competence, the
practice of psychotherapy (as well as BBS regulations!) requires the personal qualities of maturity,
integrity, judgment, compassion and flexibility on the part of the therapist. Thus, there are two sets of
criteria for continuation in the MACLP program: academic and behavioral.
Grade Point Average
Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average. If the G.P.A. falls below 3.0, the student has only
one term to raise it to 3.0. Grades of “C” or lower will lead to a review of the student’s academic
record and possible remediation.
Incomplete (I) and In Progress (IP)
Life’s emergencies do not respect final exams; at times, they seem perversely drawn to the end of the
term! A grade of Incomplete” is a temporary grade that is given to a student who is passing the
course and who, at the end of the term, cannot complete all course requirements due to factors
beyond their control. A grade of “In Progress” is used for students enrolled in PSY 662, Clinical
Practicum, who cannot complete all course requirements by the end of the term. “Incompletes” are
not to be used to “buy” extra time to bring up a low grade. Please be aware that if it is not
completed by the end of the following term, an “Incompletegrade will automatically convert
to an “F ”or “No Credit”. You will not be able to receive credit towards practicum if you are on
a leave of absence. If you are having difficulty in your academic program and/or personal life and
cannot finish your coursework on time, please speak with your instructor. If you
find that you must
temporarily suspend your education, you may apply for a temporary withdrawal (Leave of Absence).
In most cases, if you re-enroll within six months, your financial aid repayment schedule will not be
affected. Call Financial Aid for details.
Academic/Grading Standards
Many students feel that they MUST get an “A” in each course. For these students, an “A- will not do
and a grade of “B” or “B+” is thought of, mistakenly, as “failing.” We wish to encourage you to do
excellent work, to study very hard and to learn all that you can the profession of marriage and
family therapy is difficult and demands your level best. Please don’t let the pursuit of a letter grade
become more important than the level of knowledge that it implies.
A grade of “A” should indicate exemplary accomplishment in a course. A grade of “B” should indicate
satisfactory class work. A grade of “C” should indicate substandard work, and is to alert the student to
deficiencies in academic performance. Plus and minus grades may be assigned for intermediate
grade achievement.
Behavioral Standards
The GSEP Catalog addresses nonacademic matters, thus:
In addition to meeting academic standards for graduation, students are expected to meet generally
accepted behavioral criteria for a mental health professional. Relevant areas include following
appropriate ethical-legal standards, demonstrating reasonable maturity in professional
interpersonal contacts, and remaining relatively free of personal-emotional behaviors that could
constitute a potential threat to the welfare of the public to be served. (GSEP Catalog, 2016-17,
page 174).
Evaluation of Students’ Suitability to Become Therapists
The BBS has given the educational institutions the responsibility to ensure that their graduates
demonstrate personal characteristics and interpersonal skills appropriate to the practice of
psychotherapy. Supervisors, agency directors and the BBS strongly request that the schools screen
their students for obvious psychopathology, severe emotional immaturity or questionable ethics and
they not send these students on to clinical sites.
Please note that on an ongoing basis or by request of the MACLP Program Director (either Daytime
or Evening Format), faculty who teach MACLP students are asked to communicate with the MACLP
Program Director and Clinical Training staff about any student whose behavior in or around class or
practicum sites may lead them to question the student’s suitability to work with the public as a
psychotherapist. Program and GSEP staff are also asked to provide their impressions of students
based on their interactions with them.
Because it is the goal of the MACLP Program faculty and staff to maintain the integrity of the program,
aspire to ensure the wellbeing of mental health consumers receiving services from their students and
facilitate students’ successful completion of the program, evaluations of student conduct and
academic performance are taken very seriously. The MACLP Program Director, in concert with
Clinical Training staff and/or faculty members, may require discussions with a student who has
presented significant emotional, behavioral, or academic concerns to the faculty and staff. These
discussions may result in requirements of student rehabilitation to include faculty or peer-mentoring
and specific evidence of rehabilitation in order for the student to
continue in the program. There may
also be requirements for ongoing monitoring of the student’s rehabilitation to ensure the successful
resolution of the problems.
The student may choose to concur with these requirements or decide that they do not agree with the
decisions. If there is no consensus between the Program Director, staff or faculty and the student, the
matter can be referred to the MACLP Faculty Panel.
MACLP Faculty Panel
The MACLP Faculty Panel, a sub-committee of the MACLP Committee, will request information about
the situation from faculty, staff, clinical supervisors and other professionals, where relevant. The
student will also be invited to share his or her own experience. The Faculty Panel will assess the
situation and make its recommendations to the Associate Dean and to the student. If it is decided that
there is a problem that should be addressed, a variety of remediation plans are possible. In extreme
cases of an ethical or legal violation, a student may be put on probation or dismissed from school.
*Note: Information disclosed during the “group therapy” portion of PSY 606, Interpersonal Skills
and Group Therapy, is confidential. Faculty who teach this course may not reveal this information
to the MACLP Program, but are encouraged to discuss their concerns directly with the student.
Personal Therapy: Should You Become a Client?
The BBS encourages those who apply for an LMFT or LPCC license to undergo their own personal
therapy. Pepperdine does not require its MACLP students to undergo personal therapy, but we solidly
recommend it. Page 174 of the 2016-17 GSEP Catalog states:
The psychology faculty and administration recommend personal
therapy for all students training to be psychotherapists since it is
believed that personal therapy is a vital component of the training
and growth of the psychotherapist, and that it is the professional
responsibility of every therapist to identify, address and work through
personal and relational issues which may have an impact on clinical
interactions with future clients.
Personal therapy may increase your chances of securing a practicum site when it comes time to find
a site for practicum and/or your post-degree Associateship. There are some top-notch agencies that
will only consider applicants of their trainee or Associate positions who have already been in therapy or
who are currently involved in psychotherapy. If you are planning on continued study in a doctoral
program, or even if you are not, personal therapy may demonstrate your sensitivity to the issues of
being a client in therapy.
The members of the Clinical Training staff have a list and of Pepperdine graduates who are licensed
therapists and Associates offering to see students at lower fees. Or, ask your fellow students or faculty
for referrals. Just remember that your therapist cannot be your clinical supervisor - now, in the past, or
in the future.
In addition to earning a qualifying master’s degree, applicants for the LMFT/LPCC license must learn
how to do therapy. This training occurs when pre-licensed individuals, both trainees and Associates,
see clients and receive supervision on therapy performed with those clients. For LMFTs a complete
list of requirements may be found in BPC Section 4980.36. For LPCCs, a complete list of
requirements may be found in BPC Section 4999.30-64.
Collecting BBS LMFT Hours: Required and Allowed Activities
Current BBS requirements include 1,750 hours of direct clinical counseling (500
of those must be experience in diagnosing and treating couples, families, and
children). The remaining 1,250 hours may be a maximum of non-clinical
experience (direct supervisor contact, writing reports, or attending workshops or
Collecting BBS/LMFT Hours: Overview of the Process
You must take at least two years (104 weeks) to gain your hours; 52 weeks must occur post
You may credit no more than 40 hours of experience (except for “workshop hours”) for any week. This
includes categories: client contact, supervision, workshops, and progress notes.
For any week in which you wish to count experience, you must have at least one (1) hour of individual or two
(2) hours of group supervision. No supervision, no hours!
For every five (5) hours of client contact you gain as a trainee, you need either one hour of individual or two
hours of group supervision. (As an Associate, you may work ten client hours for the same amount of
supervision). Note: see “How to Calculate Supervision Ratios” on page 51.
During practicum, you must gain a minimum of 225 supervised hours of which 150 must be direct client
contact hours. The 75 additional hours can be credited for direct client contact and/or client centered
Practicum class time is NOT counted as part of your supervised experience; it is counted as part of your 60
academic units.
You may count up to 1,300 hours before graduation (of the 1,300 hours, a maximum 750 can be Client Contact
AND Supervision hours).
After graduation, you must gain at least 1,700 hours.
All hours that you wish the board to evaluate for license requirements must have been earned within the six
(6) years preceding the date you apply for the exam. (See “LMFT Clock,” page 55). However, the Board will
evaluate up to 500 hours gained during practicum (excluding personal therapy), even if they were earned
more than six years before filing for the exam.
LMFT/LPCC student Trainees can fulfill practicum requirements for training at sites only after
Pepperdine GSEP, Office of Clinical Training and Professional Development, has approved the site
and signed a 4-Way Agreement with the site.
Collecting BBS/LPCC Hours: Overview of the Process
The requirements for LPCC licensure are the same for LMFT licensure, therefore, for students
interested in qualifying for both the LPCC license and the LMFT license, hours gained can be
“double-counted”, except for the following:
1. The 280 hours of PCC Traineeship do not count toward licensure, therefore
2. All 3,000 hours must be gained as a PCC Associate (post degree).
3. There is no credit for client centered advocacy for PCC Trainees
4. PCC Associates need to accrue at least 150 hours of clinical experience in a hospital or
community mental health setting.
(See additional information on the BBS website regarding PCCI hours,
Clinical Practicum Experience: Pepperdine’s Legal Responsibility
Students are often curious about how soon they can begin to earn their 3,000 hours but for clinical
hours to count, the LMFT/LPCC student must have Pepperdine’s formal approval of the supervised
experience, as follows:
On and after January 1, 1995, all hours of experience gained as a trainee shall be
coordinated between the school and the site where the hours are being accrued. The
school shall approve each site and shall have a written agreement with each site
that details each party’s responsibilities, including the methods by which supervision
shall be provided. The agreement shall provide for regular process reports and
evaluations of the student’s performance at the site.
Section 4980.42 (b) of Business and Professions Code
For an LPCC Clinical Counselor Trainee, BPC 4999.34: “A clinical counselor trainee
may be credited with pre-degree supervised practicum and field study experience
completed in a setting that meets all of the following requirements:
(a) Lawfully and regularly provides mental health counseling and psychotherapy.
(b) Provides oversight to ensure that the clinical counselor trainee’s work at the
setting meets the practicum and field study experience and requirements set forth
in this chapter and is within the scope of practice for licensed professional clinical
(c) Is not a private practice
(d) Experience may be gained by the clinical counselor trainee solely as part of the
position for which the clinical counselor trainee volunteers or is employed."
4999.36. (a) A clinical counselor trainee may perform activities and services provided
that the activities and services constitute part of the clinical counselor trainee's
supervised course of study and that the person is designated by the title "clinical
counselor trainee."
(b) All practicum and field study hours gained as a clinical counselor trainee shall
be coordinated between the school and the site where hours are being accrued. The
school shall approve each site and shall have a written agreement with each site that
details each party's responsibilities, including the methods by which supervision shall
be provided. The agreement shall provide for regular progress reports and
evaluations of the student's performance at the site.
(c) If an applicant has gained practicum and field study hours while enrolled in an
institution other than the one that confers the qualifying degree, it shall be the
applicant's responsibility to provide to the board satisfactory evidence that those
practicum and field study hours were gained in compliance with this section.
(d) A clinical counselor trainee shall inform each client or patient, prior to
performing any professional services, that he or she is unlicensed and under
(e) No hours earned while a clinical counselor trainee may count toward the
3,000 hours of post-degree Associateship hours.
(f) A clinical counselor trainee shall receive an average of at least one hour of direct
supervisor contact for every five hours of client contact in each setting. For purposes
of this subdivision, "one hour of direct supervisor contact" means one hour of face-to-
face contact on an individual basis or two hours of face-to-face contact in a group of
not more than eight persons in segments lasting no less than one continuous hour.
4999.40. (a) Each educational institution preparing applicants to qualify for licensure
shall notify each of its students by means of its public documents or otherwise in
writing that its degree program is designed to meet the requirements of Section
4999.32 or 4999.33 and shall certify to the board that it has so notified its students.
(b) An applicant trained at an educational institution outside the United States shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that he or she possesses a qualifying
degree that is equivalent to a degree earned from an institution of higher education
that is accredited or approved. These applicants shall provide the board with a
comprehensive evaluation of the degree performed by a foreign credential evaluation
service that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation
Services and shall provide any other documentation the board deems necessary.
Remember, that for the LPCC license, hours earned at a practicum site count towards the
degree only!...BUT do not count towards satisfying the 3,000 hours of clinical experience
required for licensure those 3,000 hours must be earned post-degree!
Before these laws were passed, Trainees were pretty much on their own in finding good
supervision and reputable sites. LMFT/LPCC programs could either take a great deal of interest in
their students’ training or none at all. Although most agencies employed conscientious
supervisors, there were far too many examples of trainees with considerable responsibility for
client welfare working under inadequate supervision. Understandably, Trainees may be reluctant
to challenge the status quo with their sites or supervisors; the schools are in a far better position
to ensure quality training by approving the practicum experience of each student. Clearly, this law
benefits both student and consumer alike.
What is Clinical Practicum?
Clinical Practicum is a structured three-course sequence (two of the three terms must be 15-week
semesters) in which LMFT/LPCC students gain clinical hours by working under supervision at
approved clinical sites, while attending a practicum class concurrently. Students have on-site
supervisors who assume both legal and ethical responsibility for students’ clinical work; the practicum
class is similar to a case management seminar during which students discuss their clinical cases and
receive feedback from both the practicum instructor and their classmates regarding clinical issues and
Practicum also allows us to “encourage students to develop those personal qualities that are
intimately related to the counseling situation such as integrity, sensitivity, flexibility, insight,
compassion, and personal presence.” Business & Professions Code, Section 4980.37(4).
Note: The Program Director, in concert with faculty and/or clinical training and
professional development staff members, may require a student, who has
presented to University faculty or staff or practicum site personnel significant
emotional, behavioral, or academic concerns that could adversely impact the
student’s ability to provide clinical services to the public, to engage in
discussions with the Program Director regarding the student’s continuation in
the program. These discussions may result in the Program Director requiring
that the student meet certain conditions to continue in the program, including,
but not limited to, ongoing faculty or peer monitoring, delayed entry into or
temporary suspension of clinical work, and/or audit (e.g. attend and participate
in class without receiving course credit) a practicum course prior to entry into
a clinic site
Why Must You Be Enrolled in PSY 662 Clinical Practicum, to Have Your Experience
Get the “scoop” on your hours with our “journalist’s questions”:
Students in the MACLP program,
Gain supervised hours,
While enrolled in Clinical Practicum (PSY 662),
At a site which meets the BBS requirements
With a written agreement (the “4-Way Agreement”),
To comply with state law.
Students are legally defined as “Trainees” after completing 12 semester units in the MACLP
program and have a written agreement (4-Way Agreement) on file in the Clinical Training
Department. Pepperdine does not sanction the acquisition of clinical experience until students
have enrolled in PSY 662 Clinical Practicum. The MACLP Committee believes that the most
effective way to carry out the coordination and approval function mandated by state law is to use
the Clinical Practicum class to monitor the clinical training experience of our students and to
encourage their growth as therapists. The course structure also allows us to collect evaluations
from supervisors, students and practicum instructors, serving as the “regular progress reports”
required by law.
As of August 1, 2012, the BBS requires that LMFT students are concurrently enrolled in
Clinical Practicum (PSY 662) while earning clinical hours. Therefore, if you have additional
practicum requirements to complete beyond your third practicum class, you will need to
enroll in a 4th practicum class if you have not completed the minimum clinical hour
requirements for graduation.
If you enroll in your third term of Practicum in Summer Session I and plan to graduate in
Summer Session II, then MFT hours may count towards licensure and LPCC hours may count
towards the 280 hours required to graduate. If you have completed 225 hours for MFT and wish
to continue earning LPCC hours only, you do not need to enroll in a 4
practicum class.
Most malpractice insurance carriers will enroll pre-licensed persons only when their work in clinical
settings is part of their educational requirements. You are not required to work in a clinical setting until
you take Clinical Practicum. Thus, you may not be able to get insurance if you are not formally
enrolled in this course (see page 7 and 34 for additional details on insurance.)
Does Pepperdine Actually Approve Hours?
By law, only the Board of Behavioral Sciences has the authority to approve hours and does so at the
time you file your application for the license exam. However, the board has given considerable
responsibility to both supervisors and graduate schools for guiding and evaluating students’ clinical
experience. Supervisors verify the hours of their Associates and trainees by signing both weekly logs
and Experience Verification forms. Schools attempt to ensure that their students’ clinical sites will
provide supervision and clinical experience that is consistent with statutes and regulations.
Thus, Pepperdine approves each trainee’s clinical experience in general, but not his or her hours per
se. However, only those hours gained in an approved site with a written agreement
between the school and the site will count toward LMFT licensing requirements and/or practicum
class. Again, the 280 hours of direct client contact required for LPCC Practicum are not counted
towards the 3000 hours. It is imperative that your 4-Way Agreement is turned into the Clinical Training
Department at your campus, for hours to begin accruing.
When to Take Practicum: It Depends
Students may receive conflicting advice about when to take Practicum - as soon as humanly
possible or during their final three terms. Each plan has its relative merits. Students who first take all
practicum prerequisites may start gaining hours sooner but they will probably have “leftover”
academic classes. In addition, if students planning to become an MFT Associate wish to keep
hours at their clinical sites after completing their third practicum course, they must be
concurrently enrolled in a 4
or 5
practicum class. (As a reminder, PCC Associates only need to be
enrolled in 6 units of practicum.)
On the other hand, students who wait until the last year of their program to take Practicum may be
better prepared academically but they won’t get exposure to clinical issues as soon. Given these
considerations, we recommend that students take practicum during their final three terms.
As a reminder, the LMFT requirement for pre-degree client hours is a minimum 150 client contact
hours plus 75 additional contact hours and/or client centered advocacy hours. The LPCC requirement
for pre-degree hours is 280 client contact hours (client centered advocacy hours do not count).
Practicum Prerequisites
We also want to give our students a head start when they go out into the field. Prerequisite courses
for Practicum help make the first clinical experience a positive one. From most reports, Pepperdine
LMFT Trainees have a very good reputation throughout the training sites and are academically well
prepared when they go out into the field. Competence at the student level is important for client
welfare and for the maintenance of good professional relationships with our supervisors and agency
Before taking Practicum, students must have completed the following prerequisite
courses in assessment, diagnosis, case management, law and ethics, interpersonal
communication and therapy with individuals, couples and families that provide the foundation
for competent practice as a training therapist:
PSY 600 (Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders)
PSY 606 (Interpersonal Skills and Group Therapy)
PSY 612 (Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy)
PSY 623 (Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals)
PSY 637 (Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy)
PSY 639 (Couple and Family Therapy I)
PSY 661 (Preparation for Practicum)
PSY 661 Preparation for Practicum
This course addresses common questions and concerns students have prior to beginning clinical work
at their practicum sites. Students are taught how to prepare for beginning stages of therapy, how to
effectively utilize consultation and supervision, how to deal with clients in crisis, advocacy practices,
and other practical skills such as completing case notes and other forms of treatment documentation.
Special attention is given to recovery-oriented practices and intervention with diverse individuals,
couples, families and communities, and those who experience severe mental illness. Students must
register for PSY 661 one term before beginning Clinical Practicum (PSY 662). Prerequisites: PSY
600, 606, 612, and 623.
In order to remain enrolled in practicum class, students must have secured an approved
practicum site and have a 4-Way Agreement signed and submitted to your CTC by
Thursday of the first week of their practicum class.
Where to Find a Clinical Practicum Site
To gain countable hours, students must be approved to work in sites that have been screened by the
MFT Clinical Training staff. Information on sites where students have earned LMFT/LPCC Trainee
hours is accessible on Handshake, the web based Practicum Site Directory. By searching
Handshake, LMFT/LPCC students can view descriptions of sites throughout Pepperdine’s four
campuses WLA, IGC, EGC and Malibu. Sites listed in the Handshake Site Directory have been
visited by phone and/or in person by the Clinical Training staff, who have judged that the agency and
its supervisors provide an experience consistent with Pepperdine’s philosophy of training, BBS law,
and level of student skills. Students can access their Handshake account through Wavenet
For a clear explanation of what the Office of MACLP Clinical Training and Professional
Development can do for you, visit: http://gsep.pepperdine.edu/masters-clinical-psychology-
mft-evening/ . You will find links to the required Clinical Practicum paperwork and the Practicum
resources and events available to MFT students, as well as a list of important events (from
Quick Meets to Practicum Mentor Fairs) that you will need to attend throughout the program.
Additionally, the BBS website has necessary forms (
Students are eligible for Practicum credit and Pepperdine approval of hours when they are working in
sites that have been evaluated by the Clinical Training staff. It is
possible to gain hours in a setting
that is not yet listed in Handshake, but the site must first be evaluated.
“Un-approved” Sites How To Get Them Evaluated
To gain hours at an agency that is not listed in Handshake, you will first need to get it evaluated.
Before going through the time and trouble to fill out the necessary forms, interview at the site or accept
a position, please discuss the potential site with the Clinical Training staff! There may be a good
reason why the site does not appear in Handshake. It may have never been included because of
some aspect of the site that would make it ineligible for our trainees.
If there are no problems with the potential site that we are aware of, you will be given the
following site approval forms with instructions:
New Practicum Site Affiliation Agreement”
“Supervisor Responsibility Statement”
To allow for adequate time to review the site, return the completed forms to your CT staff no later
than 4 weeks before the start of the term in which you wish to enroll in practicum. The process of
approving a site may take several weeks and does not guarantee that the site will be approved.
Note: Hours worked at a non-approved site will not count toward BBS requirements, nor will
they fulfill the requirement for Practicum course credit.
Out-Of-State Sites
To date, our attempts to accommodate students who have moved out of state before finishing their
degrees have largely failed. One requirement of the BBS is that a student graduate from a single
“integrated” program, not a program that has been pieced together between two or more programs.
However, the BBS has recently cleared the way for students to gain their practicum experience
outside of California. But challenges remain. The BBS will evaluate hours earned out of state, but it
has been difficult for students to find approved sites as well as supervisors who would agree to
supervise them and sign the required paperwork for both California and Pepperdine. Until recently, it
has been impossible to find a university that would allow an out-of- state student to enroll in a
practicum class. All things considered, it’s probably more prudent to wait until you have completed
your practicum requirement to relocate.
Although the prospect of locating a practicum site may seem intimidating, in actuality the steps to
follow are relatively straight-forward. They are as follows:
STEP 1: Learn about the process
Begin your search for a site before enrolling in PSY 661, Clinical Practicum by researching
possible practicum sites on Handshake, seeking volunteer experience and attending Clinical
Training and Professional Development events (Remember that all practicum prerequisites
must be completed before enrolling in PSY 662).
Please note that we do not “place” you at a clinical site, rather, as a graduate student, you
are expected to research the information about approved clinical settings and consider
which sites may be the “best fit” for your clinical interests.
The CT staff will discuss important steps you should take to secure your practicum site and
will answer questions on meeting practicum and BBS requirements via individual
appointments and during Psy 661 presentations. At these informative sessions, you will
receive up-to-date BBS forms that you will need during your practicum experience. You will
be using these forms to document your 3,000 hours, so make multiple copies.
The “Practicum Tips” presentation, Practicum Site Powerpoint presentations and the Practicum
Mentor Fairs will be held during your PSY 661 course (Preparation for Practicum). You are also
encouraged to attend the Professional Development events offered each semester, such as field
trips, Alumni Panels and Clinical Connections events as offered. These events are useful to
identify clinical training interest areas and available agencies. Network with your fellow students
via our “Practicum Mentor Program, as they are often the best sources of feedback on the Clinical
Practicum settings. Additionally, each campus keeps a copy of our sites’ “Strengths and
Challenges”, compiled from anonymous students’ feedback on their practicum experiences.
Career/Practicum Fairs are held in the spring term at the WLA, EGC, and IGC campuses, and in
collaboration with OC and Long Beach CAMFT Chapters.
STEP 2: Select and gather data on practicum sites (before and/or during PSY 661)
Look through the Handshake MACLP database and select at least five (5) potential sites. It is
often useful to hear what other students have said about a particular site. Drawing from our
database of site-specific evaluative comments made by Pepperdine Trainees over the years, we
can suggest practicum sites that are a good match for your personal training needs. For example,
sites that offer considerable structure may be ideal for beginning Trainees, while sites that tend to
provide more Trainee autonomy may be better for Trainees in their third term of practicum. (Keep
in mind, however, that the majority of students stay at the same site throughout their
Review site strengths and weaknesses of various training sites on Handshake under the
subheading “Student Feedback, or make an appointment with Kathleen, Rebecca, Alice or their
Graduate Assistants depending on the geographical area in which the sites are located. Find out
how students have reviewed the sites that interest you, as well as hear the recommendations of
the CT staff for your practicum experience.
Many sites have a web page, so you can learn more about a site by reviewing the information
available online.
CAUTION: If you are interested in a particular site but don’t see it listed in the directory, don’t
assume that we don’t know about it and go for an interview! Our CT staff is aware of just about every
appropriate practicum site in the greater Southern California area. Before contacting a site that is
not listed in Handshake, please consult the CT staff first!
To continue your search for a practicum site you will need the name of the contact person and the
email address and/or telephone number of the agency. You will find that the initial steps for almost
all of the sites are to email or telephone the contact person, send a résumé, and arrange an
interview. It also helps expedite the possible approval of a new setting when the student facilitates
the paperwork process with the CTC and the prospective site.
STEP 3: Prepare a résumé and cover letter that are personalized for each site.
A résumé is a summary of your professional and educational history. The headings suggested on the
next page represent a composite from a sample résumé. If you need assistance with your résumé or
cover letter, please contact our Psychology Career Services Department at (310) 568- 5780 or
As a person entering the mental health field, your background should
indicate interpersonal skills and potential strengths as a therapist. (On to the next page for a
“sample” outline of a résumé …)
CAREER PROFILE: One sentence stating your skills and what you want. Start with attributes
that describe your skills, such as the ability to multitask and/or experience working with a
diverse population.
Example: “Experienced professional with strong communication skills and an understanding of
conflict resolution seeks to obtain supervised experience in marriage and family therapy that will
meet BBS requirements for MFT licensure”.
EDUCATION: List educational degrees in reverse chronological order, most recent first. Write
out degree. Example:
Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education & Psychology, Los Angeles, CA. Master
of Arts in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, Anticipated date
of graduation (month/year).
Any University, Los Angeles, CA
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, (date is optional month/year)
Graduated with Honors
LANGUAGE: If bilingual or conversational…also include Sign-Language (if applicable)
EXPERIENCE: (can be full-time, part-time, research, or volunteer)…include title, agency name,
city/state and dates of employment (month/year)
“MFT Trainee
ABC Agency, Los Angeles, CA”
Use bullets to describe your job responsibilities
Write each in the “Action+Results” format (for description, see below)
Write current position in present tense and former positions in past tense
Under recent or related position, list 4-5 bullets. Use 2-3 bullets for older jobs and jobs
not related to the position you are seeking
Be concise and to the point
Write a paraphrase; do not end each with a period.
Related to job you are seeking (such as CAMFT or Psi Chi)
Computer skills or other special skills (such as CPR or PART Trained)
References available upon request
(Optional, list references on a separate sheet of paper)
“Action + Results”
Begin with an action verb to describe the type of work you did. Include a word that
describes the results or intended results of your work.
Example: “Coached parents on discipline techniques, communication, and boundary setting to
foster responsibility in home, academic and social settings”
Sample “results” words “resulting in”, “to foster”, “in order to…”, “to ensure”
“Action” words “facilitated”, “coordinated”, “assessed” (go to the Career Services
website: http://gsep.pepperdine.edu/career-services/students-alumni/psychology/)
STEP 4: Create a cover letter.
Taking the time to craft a cover letter now will definitely pay off. A cover letter shows the agency
directors and employers that you have the skills and characteristics they are looking for. The cover
letter should have the same heading as the résumé and reference page and should be about 3/4 of
a page long. Guidelines in creating a cover letter follow:
In the first paragraph, you should let the employer know specifically for which job/traineeship
you are applying. Also, it is helpful to the employer if you reveal how you heard about this
In the second paragraph, you should detail your skills, qualifications and responsibilities that
are directly related to the LMFT/LPCC traineeship you are seeking. In a modest, yet assertive
way, you may continue to point out the reasons why you are qualified for this agency’s
In the third paragraph, respectfully and cautiously show your appreciation for the opportunity
to interview and let the employer know that you are flexible in your schedule and are available
to meet him or her at his or her convenience. Also, include your phone number before
It helps the prospective employer if your résumé, cover letter and reference match in color, style and
STEP 5: Arrange for an interview.
Email your résumé and cover letter to the site contact person listed on Handshake. The contact
person will then contact you to arrange an interview, if a position is open. Ask this person what you
should bring to the interview and follow her or his instructions exactly. Be aware that some agencies
conduct the initial interview over the phone.
STEP 6: Follow-up with your contacts.
Be diligent and follow through after your first contact. After sending your résumé, call sites back and
make and keep your appointment for an interview, as needed.
STEP 7: Go to your interview.
During the interview, the agency contact person will attempt to assess your potential as a trainee
therapist and to determine the match between your interests and abilities and those needed by the
agency. Some agencies need Trainees with some prior clinical experience; others are quite satisfied
to use therapists who are just starting out. In addition to seeing clients, some sites want Trainees to
work the desk and help with clinic management. Others want Trainees to have had personal therapy;
still others require Trainees to pay for supervision.
Look at Handshake MACLP Practicum Site information and agency websites to find out what an
agency requires and/or prefers in terms of Trainee skills, availability and requirements. Whenever
possible, demonstrate your interest in a particular site by showing your knowledge of its requirements
for Trainees, its clinical orientations, populations served, and so forth. Be prepared to describe a
therapeutic approach you would use in a clinical setting. Feel free to ask the CT staff about agency
interviews: we have excellent resource material and can share with you our experiencesfor
example, some agencies screen their applicants more intensely than
others. After each interview, follow up with a “Thank You” note.
*You should set a goal to interview with at least 3 sites. You will be at your practicum site from 9
months one year. You will want to ensure that you have selected the best site to match your needs.
Questions to ask during your interview:
Insurance companies who underwrite professional liability coverage to mental health agencies
usually sell an umbrella policy that covers both licensed and unlicensed personnel. Ask your
potential supervisor or the director of the agency about its coverage of trainees.
In addition to agency coverage, students in practicum should obtain their own professional
liability policies. Remember that graduate student membership in CAMFT or AAMFT
entitles students to low cost professional liability insurance!
Inquire about your supervisor’s experience and approach to supervision. Good clinical
supervision is of the utmost importance for your clinical training experience. We ask that you meet
with your clinical supervisor prior to accepting a Traineeship.
Excellent articles on clinical supervision can be found on our professional associations’
websites: www.aamft.org and www.camft.org.
Inquire about your supervisor’s completion of mandated training in supervision (see
discussion, pg. 49).
Inquire about matching your personal weekly schedule with their weekly training schedule in the
best interest of the agency and their clientele.
STEP 8: Considerations in deciding to work at a site.
By offering a large number of sites, we hope to provide a variety of experiences for our students. But
each site is different in its ability to fit your interests and needs. If you get an offer from a site, you might
want to consider these factors in your decision to accept:
Don’t Limit Your Experience. Ideally, the 3,000 hours of pre-licensed experience should contain
both breadth and depth. Even if you plan to specialize, learning to work with a variety of clients
and problems and using a variety of therapeutic modalities may enhance your versatility and your
therapeutic effectiveness. If your caseload is restricted by the specificity of one site or one
population, we encourage you to find additional sites before taking the licensing exam, as long as
you are not breaking any contractual agreements by so doing.
The MFT license is a generalist license, and the BBS needs to know that your knowledge, skills
and abilities apply to a general clinical population, not just to people with one particular clinical
problem or syndrome. We have no history regarding the LPCC licensing exam to date as this is
a new profession in California.
Don’t Do Therapy in the Dark. Another thing to consider prior to accepting a position is whether
or not you will have access to enough information about your clients. In the Practicum course,
students are encouraged to conceptualize clients systemically, considering biological,
psychological, relationship, social, cultural and other systems in which clients are living and which
give meaning to their experience. Clearly, this contextual information is relevant even for clients
who present individually.
Gathering this information may be a difficult task if your contact with a client’s family is either
limited or forbidden or occurs outside the therapeutic context. Assessing relationships may be
difficult or impossible if you are not allowed to interview the couple or family and observe their
interaction. Before you agree to work at a site, find out if you will have the freedom and flexibility
to work with the members of the relationship conjointly. Can you see children and parents
together? Can you see spouses or domestic partners together? And how about adultscan you
invite their families to therapy?
And You Have to Conduct Therapy. Please keep in mind that the hours countable as
“counseling performed by you” refers to the use of applied psychotherapeutic techniques to
achieve therapeutic goals. A site that only allows you to do intakes, for example, would not be
an appropriate practicum site for Practicum. (Please let us know if this is all that you are being
offered from a prospective site.)
Family Members in the Same Room. Before you apply for the LMFT license exam, you will
need a minimum of 500 hours counseling couples, families, and children. These hours can be
gained either as a Trainee or Associate or both. A Trainee who works at an agency that
restricts the practice of Trainees to individuals (adults or children) would need an
Associateship that would guarantee work with couples and families. To keep your options
open, discuss whether or not you can treat couples, families, and children at your potential
Countertransference? Please also consider the population with whom you would be
working and the presenting problems. A therapist’s life experiences can greatly influence
her or his
ability to be objective with certain clients. Students may find themselves drawn to
clients who present similar problems to those of their parents or families of origin. However,
unless they have also had the opportunity to resolve their family of origin issues, students
may find it difficult to view these clients impartially.
What to do? Be very honest with yourself about your motivation for selecting a particular site and
clientele. Be honest with your potential supervisor about your motivation. Most importantly,
consider entering therapy yourself, so that you can use the “training” you received growing up in
your family of origin to help, rather than hinder your abilities as a therapist.
STEP 9: You did it!
As soon as you have secured an appropriate practicum site, take all completed documents
(Acknowledgement Statement, 4-Way Agreement and Supervisor Responsibility Statement) to
Kathleen Wenger, Rebecca Reed, or Alice Richardson for signature. Students keep all original
documentation while CTC’s only keep a copy. Practicum hours towards graduation do not begin
accruing until the start of practicum class. You may begin earlier at your site for training purposes;
however, hours towards licensure or graduation requirements will not count.
Note: Most students will sail through their practicum sequence with relatively few, if any,
problems. The selection below is provided FYI, in the unlikely event that problems do arise.
Pepperdine’s initial approval of your clinical practicum site is based on both verbal and written
information provided to us by the site’s director and/or the prospective supervisor(s) during the site
screening process. The continuing approval of students at practicum sites is largely based on the end-
of-term site evaluations that we receive from students at the sites, as well as our own ongoing
Although we do our best to select sites that meet BBS and Pepperdine requirements, challenges
occasionally occur. Changes at the site, such as changes in management, loss of operating license,
changes in supervisors, supervision practices, clients and operating policies may affect either the
quality of training or the legality of trainee hours. Although we may notice problems ourselves, we
often rely upon student feedback to identify problematic situations.
If you have concerns about your practicum, supervisor or site, please let us know sooner rather than
later. If we can get involved early on, the chances of correcting the situation are usually much better.
Please discuss the situation with your practicum instructor and with your CT staff.
Please note that you may not terminate at a site without seeking consultation with your
PSY662 Clinical Practicum instructor and the Clinical Training staff. You must have a
Supervisor’s Evaluation (available from your CTC) completed by your clinical supervisor,
whenever you terminate at a practicum site. If you were dismissed from a practicum site or
choose to leave a site, you must meet with the LMFT/LPCC Program Director before
searching for another site and/or continuing in the MACLP Program. You cannot begin
earning hours at another site until you have received approval from your Clinical Training
Coordinator and signed a new 4-Way Agreement.
Procedure for Investigating Problems at the Site
We attempt to conduct a fair and even handed inquiry into the situation, making a preliminary
assessment of the potential problem’s nature and severity from the trainee(s) involved.
Depending upon the circumstances, the Clinical Training staff may recommend one of the following
1. If the problem appears to be one of a minor misunderstanding or miscommunication between the
Trainee and the Supervisor or Site Director, we may encourage the Trainee to go to the person(s)
in question and attempt to resolve the problem without the direct intervention of the Practicum
Instructor. If requested, we can help the Trainee identify relevant interpersonal issues and provide
coaching on how to approach the situation. This procedure can be useful for enhancing students’
sense of personal competence and often resolves the problem.
2. If the above procedure fails, or if the problem appears to be one that is seriously questionable in
terms of legal or ethical practice, we may contact the supervisor or site director ourselves with the
assistance of the student, who will provide data on the situation. This is sometimes a deterrent to
students, since they believe that if they remain anonymous, the problem will be handled and they
won’t need to get involved. However, it is very difficult to promise anonymity to studentseven if
we don’t mention names, supervisors usually can figure out which trainee raised the concern.
More important, anonymous complaints tend to be disrespectful to all parties concerned. We will
support Trainees who have legitimate complaints but in the spirit of fairness, will seek to determine
the facts on all sides before taking action, and will share those facts only with those who need to
“Losing Hours”: The Trainee’s Nightmare
Although schools approve students at practicum sites, the persons legally responsible for the practice
of pre-licensed therapists are the supervisors. Under penalty of perjury, supervisors attest that they
are both suitable to supervise LMFT/LPCC Trainees and those they will ensure that their Trainees
practice within the law. The supervisor is responsible for making sure all of the conditions are met that
would allow the Trainee’s hours to be approved by the Board.
Supervisors are required to complete training as part of their legal and ethical responsibilities to
Trainees and Associates. Even so, we want to empower our students to take responsibility for
becoming informed about the elements of both the site and their supervisors that are critical to legal
practice and to the acceptability of hours by the Board. These elements are spelled out in
considerable detail in the “4-Way Agreement” that we use to coordinate students’ clinical experience.
If your supervisor’s license is not current, you will lose hours worked during its lapse. Also, if you do not
have supervisor sign your "Weekly Logs" you are at risk of losing hours.
Given the large number of students that have gained clinical experience in training sites over the years,
we have had surprisingly few situations in which supervisors or agency directors have not been in
compliance with the law and Trainee hours have been lost. We do our best to make sure that all aspects
of the practicum site are appropriate for our students.
Be aware that if Pepperdine, in good faith, has approved you
to earn clinical hours at a site in which hours counted by the
Trainee and signed by the supervisor are subsequently denied
by the Board due to misrepresentation of qualifications on the
part of the supervisor and/or agency director, Pepperdine cannot
be held liable for loss of hours or income or for expenses
incurred by the student or in any other way held liable. This
makes it especially important that you consult with your Clinical
Practicum instructor and/or the Clinical Training staff if you have
any questions about your site, your supervision, or issues
regarding the earning of hours.
Legal Definition of Practicum
The scope of clinical experience sanctioned by the BBS for LMFT pre-Associates is quite broad.
According to Section 4980.37(c) of the BPC, the master’s degree must contain “not less than six
semester units… of supervised practicum… in applied psychotherapeutic techniques, assessment,
diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of premarital, couple, family, and child relationships, including
dysfunctions, healthy functioning, health promotion, and illness prevention, in a supervised clinical
placement that provides supervised fieldwork experience within the scope of practice of a marriage
and family therapist.”
PCC Trainees can fulfill practicum requirements in the same settings and the hours can be “double-
counted”. However, these hours do not count towards licensure.
Training in Diversity Encouraged by BBS
As you can see, the law permits Trainees to learn, under supervision, a wide variety of skills with a
wide variety of client populations and issues. MACLP students are to become familiar with the “wide
range of racial and ethnic backgrounds common among California’s population”.
Educational institutions are required by the BBS to design practica that will “include marriage and
family therapy experience in low-income and multicultural mental health settings”. Practicum provides
an ideal opportunity for students to appreciate, first-hand, how factors of diversity such as age,
gender, culture, ethnicity, racial background, religion, sexual orientation, SES and other similar factors
contribute to an individual’s uniqueness and identity.
What is Practicum at Pepperdine?
First and foremost, Practicum is a COURSE PSY 662. It has unit value (2 units per course taken
over three terms), an instructor, required attendance, requirements for number of hours worked at the
practicum site, in-class activities and “homework” (seeing clients). Students may have assigned
and/or recommended readings and present their cases orally in class. Typically, instructors require
written and/or oral reports and many require assigned reading. Students are evaluated both by their
supervisors and their practicum instructors.
Note: Students are required to complete two 15-week semester practicum courses and
one Summer Session I practicum course (p. 39).
Students receive dual credit for their practicum activities: academic and experiential. The
Practicum courses count for 6 of the total units needed for the MACLP degree. For LMFT
licensure, the hours earned in sites count toward Practicum credit, the graduation requirement,
and the 3,000 hours needed for the license. For those students who may be seeking licensure
as an LPCC, hours gained do not count towards licensure but do fulfill graduation
requirements. Consistent attendance and participation are key in receiving a credit in each
section of practicum.
Practicum Course Objectives
The primary goals of the Practicum course are twofold: (1) to help students learn to integrate
theory and practice, and 2) to develop interpersonal skills that are associated with effective
therapy. At the clinical practicum sites, Trainees provide therapeutic services under
supervision. In the Practicum class, students present cases, share assessment and treatment
strategies, and discuss problems and issues relevant to case management.
In their presentation of cases, students are expected to examine and evaluate clients using
models of family therapy, individual counseling models and recovery oriented healthcare
models. The instructor assists students in conceptualizing the problems from both individual and
relational points of view. Students are encouraged to reflect upon their preferred therapeutic
models and modalities and the rationale for their use, and to develop the skills of critical
The Board of Behavioral Sciences [B & P Code, Section 4980.37(4) expects degree programs
to “encourage students to develop those personal qualities that are intimately related to the
counseling situation such as integrity, sensitivity, flexibility, insight, compassion, and personal
presence.The three-term Practicum course sequence at Pepperdine gives us the opportunity
to assist students in the development of these personal qualities through feedback from
fieldwork supervisors, practicum instructors, the Clinical Training staff, and the MACLP faculty.
Overview of Requirements for Hours
When it is time to apply for the LMFT license exam, you may submit to the Board for evaluation ALL
of the hours that you gained while enrolled in Practicum, including direct client contact, supervision,
workshops, paperwork hours, and client-centered advocacy.
For Practicum course credit at Pepperdine, we will evaluate only HOURS of DIRECT
HOURS of DIRECT CLIENT CONTACT: The minimum hours of direct client contact required for
6 units of practicum is 225 of which a minimum of 150 hours must be direct client contact. PCC
Trainees are required to complete a minimum of 280 hours of direct client contact (These hours
fulfill graduation requirements but do not count towards the 3,000-hour requirement for licensure).
For both MFT and PCC Trainees these hours must be supervised during the week they are
gained and must fall within the 5:1 ratio. This ratio is averaged over the duration of the
MINIMUM CLIENT CONTACT PER COURSE: Students need cases to present. Given the
increase in requirements for hours of clinical experience, the minimum number of client contact
hours for the Fall, Spring and Summer terms is 30, 30, and 14. If these minimums are not met,
the student receives a grade of “In Progress” (or, IP) until the client contact hour requirement is
Further information provided later on this issue.
FLEXIBLE HOURS: As long as 150 client contact plus 75 client centered advocacy hours for
LMFT licensure and 280 hours of direct client contact for LPCC licensure are gained by the end of
the three practicum courses, and as long as the course minimums for supervision are met,
students may accumulate hours in a flexible pattern that suits both their experience and the
specifics of their sites. Students pursuing PCC licensure can earn hours after completing 3 terms
of practicum and NOT need to enroll in a 4th practicum for 280 hours to count for graduation.
WEEKS OF SUPERVISION: The minimum number of weeks of supervision is 10 weeks for the
Fall and Spring semesters and 5 weeks in the 7-week Summer terms. These limits allow for a
variety of non-scheduled events involving supervisor vacations, client no-shows, illnesses, and so
forth. (Even though these are fairly relaxed standards, please recall that no hours will count during
any week in which there was no supervision.)
Grades for Practicum
Practicum is graded on a “Credit/No Credit” basis.
“CREDIT” is given if ALL of the following criteria are met.
The student:
attended class regularly and to the standards of the instructor,
performed in class satisfactorily (for example: made accurate and effective case
presentations, contributed to discussions, showed knowledge and understanding of
MFT theory and techniques, demonstrated critical thinking, was flexible and open to
instructor feedback, showed knowledge of clinical issues, interacted appropriately with
earned the minimum number of direct client contact hours for the term
by the end of their final practicum, students are required to have earned a minimum total
of 225 hours for LMFT Trainees and a minimum total of 280 hours for LPCC Trainees.
received the minimum number of weeks of supervision for the term (10/5)
received a satisfactory evaluation from the clinical supervisor and brought the
signed supervisor evaluation to the practicum class.
received a satisfactory evaluation from the Practicum instructor,
demonstrated competence as a training therapist,
did not show any signs of behavioral or emotional issues that would affect his or her
clinical judgment and performance,
showed understanding of and compliance with legal and ethical issues, and
was directly observed (direct supervision of an actual session, or video, or audio-taped
session) by the supervisor at least twice during the fall, spring and once during the
summer term.
Student Evaluation of Site, Supervisor Evaluation, and Practicum Instructor Evaluation
need to be submitted in a timely fashion each semester.
Reminder: you will need to enroll in a 4
practicum class if you have not completed
the minimum clinical hour requirements for graduation.
“NO CREDIT” may be given if ANY of the following conditions occur.
The student:
did not file an approved “4-Way Agreement” with the Clinical Training staff.
failed to comply with the terms of the “4-Way Agreement.”
attended class sporadically with unexplained or unexcused absences.
performed in class poorly or did not meet instructor standards for adequate performance.
saw no clients.
received an unsatisfactory evaluation from the clinical supervisor.
received an unsatisfactory evaluation from the Practicum instructor.
demonstrated gross incompetence as a training therapist.
showed behavioral or emotional issues that raised questions about his or her clinical
judgment and performance and/or violated ethical principles or legal standards in work
with clients.
was dismissed from the practicum site.
failed to complete requirements of a previous semester’s “In-Progress” grade.
IN PROGRESS” Grade in Practicum:
A grade of “In Progress” (IP) is given to a student who successfully meets all of the
requirements for credit but does not have enough hours of direct client contact, enough weeks of
supervision or direct observations for credit at the end of the term. To be eligible to receive a
grade of IP, the student is still required to submit the supervisor evaluation and weekly logs to
the instructor. The student must discuss plans for submitting any missing paperwork or making
up missing hours with both the Practicum instructor and the Clinical Training staff. Otherwise, a
student is at-risk for receiving a “No-Credit” grade for that semester. Just a reminder
that a grade of “IP” is not a permanent “stain” on your record.
Were you at your site faithfully every week but still didn’t get enough hours?
Making up Hours
The student who does not have enough direct client contact or weeks of supervision may use
those gained during breaks in the academic schedule to count for the previous term’s IP. If there
is not sufficient time during the break to clear the IP, the student applies the additional clinical
experience of the next Practicum course toward the IP grade. If, after enrolling in Practicum for a
minimum of 6 semester units and the student lacks hours towards the minimum practicum hour
requirements (225 for LMFT Trainees or 280 for LPCC Trainees) the degree will be posted once
the student demonstrates completion of the hours. Note: degree posting occurs only once at
the end of each semester.
Reminder: you will need to enroll in a 4th practicum class if you have not completed the
minimum clinical hour requirements for graduation.
Earning Hours during Academic Breaks:
Once a student has enrolled in and started Practicum, hours earned during semester and summer
breaks will count toward the Practicum requirement, but minimum client contact hours are still required
for each Practicum course. The student should check the box on the Weekly Logs that says “Trainee.
These hours must be earned during breaks between Practicum courses, on the
condition that the
break does not exceed 90 days.
Planning to Graduate? A Word of Caution
Students in their final term of the program should be aware that an Incomplete (“I” or “IP”) received in
any course will not be changed on their transcripts until the end of the following term, even if a grade
change has been submitted early in the term. This delay in the posting of the degree may delay the
student’s application for the MFT Associate registration number. (See page 56). If this situation
applies to you, consult your CT staff.
Terminology: What’s in a Name?
The term “practicum” is used in several ways. One usage refers to the course or courses taken by the
MACLP students, as in, “I’m in my second term of practicum.” Another use refers to
the experience gained, as in, “How many practicum hours do I need to get credit for the course?” Still
another use refers to the site itself, as in, “I’m doing my practicum at the Community Counseling
Clinic at the graduate campus in Irvine. How about you?” Each of these uses is acceptable.
A student will sometimes refer to his or her practicum experience as anAssociateship,” which
legally, it is not. Some agencies, however, may refer to Trainees as Associates and to their work
there as Associateships. Don’t worry about it you know who you are! Students are “Trainees” while
in school; they become Associates after graduation, but only if they register with the BBS. (See
discussion, page 56).
Effective January 1, 2018, the titles for Marriage and Family Therapist Interns and Professional
Clinical Counselor Interns will change, as follows:
• Marriage and family therapist registrants must use the title “Associate Marriage and Family Therapist”
or “Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist.”
• Professional clinical counselor registrants must use the title “Associate Professional Clinical Counselor”
or “Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor.
Consecutive Terms
We recommend that you gain your practicum hours over three consecutive terms. If this is not
possible, you may skip a term of PSY 662/Clinical Practicum and résumé the following term, as long
as all other requirements are met and it is acceptable with the agency. Recall that students sign an
agreement that delineates the time commitment of the student to the agency. Breaking this
commitment should only be done for serious reasons. It is imperative that you consult your CT staff if
you want to skip a term of practicum. If you are taking a leave of absence from the University for a
semester or longer, it is your responsibility to notify the GSEP Registrar.
Sequential Terms
Practicum courses are to be taken one at a time, in sequence, allowing for a learning
experience of nine months to a year. They may not be taken simultaneously. Please note that
Practicum (PSY 662) is offered during the first summer session only and that it is required that
you complete two 15-week and one 7-week practicum semesters to graduate.
Number of Sites
The majority of our Clinical Practicum students gain all their required experience at one practicum site.
However, some students gain hours at additional sites. Remember that you cannot
count more than
750 hours of client contact and supervision as an MFT Trainee. Consult your CT staff for
recommendations. Note: To change practicum sites, you must first gain the approval of your
Practicum Instructor and the Clinical Training Coordinator at your campus.
How Many Practicum Instructors to Take?
We strongly encourage a varied Practicum course experience. What occurs in class is more or less
standardized, but each instructor offers something unique to the process. To take advantage of our
faculty’s diversity, consider taking at least two different instructors for your three courses.
Practicum and Financial Aid
Financial Aid views Practicum as an Associateship, a special status in the academic program.
Students whose only course is a 2-unit practicum are therefore considered to be half-time and may
continue to defer payment on student loans and remain eligible for certain types of financial support.
ReminderPracticum Requires Two Activities
To get credit for the Practicum course, students must both attend class for the entire length of the
course AND must work concurrently at an approved clinical site, doing psychotherapy under
supervision. Note: During the period of time that the student is enrolled in PSY 662,
class attendance without client hours will not earn Practicum credit. Conversely, acquiring hours at a
practicum site, but not attending or participating in the practicum class to the standards of the
instructor will not earn practicum credit.
Working at a Site after Completing 6 Units
Some students have successfully completed 6 units of practicum and wish to continue working at their
approved clinical sites while they take the final courses needed for the degree. The BBS requires a 4-
Way Agreement as well as written feedback to the school. Again, as a reminder, you must be
enrolled in a practicum course to count your clinical hours!
Concerns? See your Clinical Practicum Instructor First
Your faculty instructor has the responsibility of monitoring the academic course in which you are
enrolled. For Clinical Practicum, this includes not only case conceptualization and training, but also
those elements of the practicum experience that may be problematic or potentially so. If you think that
you may not earn enough hours or if you have any practicum-related concerns regarding your
supervisor, practicum site, or other training matters, please consult your Clinical Practicum instructor
as soon as possible. If you need further assistance, your instructor will refer you to the CT staff.
Please don’t wait for problems to get out of hand, especially those that may involve ethical or legal
issues consult your instructor, ASAP.
Complete ALL Seven prerequisites prior to enrolling in PSY 662, Clinical Practicum:
PSY 600 (Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders)
PSY 606 (Interpersonal Skills and Group Therapy)
PSY 612 (Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy),
PSY 623 (Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals)
PSY 637 (Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy)
PSY 639 (Couple and Family Therapy I)
PSY 661 (Preparation for Practicum)
1. Attend the Tips for Practicum meeting at your campus or in your PSY 661 class
2. Examine the MFT Agency Information online via Handshake.
3. Consult your Clinical Training staff for suggestions about
the match between your interests and abilities and the training
experience offered by the site you are pursuing
4. Contact Psychology Career Services in preparing your résumé (including cover
letter) for interviews: (310) 568-1580.
5. Telephone the contact person at each site and email/fax your résumé.
6. Be diligent about follow-through after sending your résumé.
7. Be prepared for interviews by working with the Psychology Career Services.
8. Review the considerations listed on pages 35-36 in agreeing to work at a site.
9. Plan to take Practicum in the fall, spring and first summer session
Term #1: From
/ to / /
Term #2: From
/ to / /
Term #3: From
/ to / /
Each time a student takes Clinical Practicum (PSY 662), changes sites, changes supervisors or
changes status from Trainee to Associate, his or her progress is accompanied by a paper trail of
substantial proportions. Some forms keep track of clinical hours and supervision; others are used to
evaluate the student’s progress as a therapist in training. Some forms go directly to the BBS once
3,000 hours are accrued, others are completed and returned to the Practicum instructor to be
subsequently evaluated by and filed with the Clinical Training staff. The grade for the Practicum course
is based, in part, upon the data contained in these forms.
Here is a partial list of the forms and documents that we provide for our students’ convenience:
BBS Responsibility Statement for Supervisor of an LMFT Trainee or Associate
BBS Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience
BBS Experience Verification
BBS Associate Registration Application and Instructions
BBS Program Certification and Instructions
Pepperdine 4-Way Agreement
Pepperdine Acknowledgment of BBS Requirements
Pepperdine Practicum Evaluation Forms (Student, Supervisor, Practicum Instructor)
Pepperdine Forms Used in Practicum
Pepperdine is required by law to oversee the evaluation of students enrolled in Practicum and to
“provide for regular progress reports and evaluations of the student’s performance at the site” [BPC,
Section 4980.42(b)]. Toward the end of each term, practicum students receive a Supervisor’s
Evaluation of MFT Trainee” to give to their supervisors and an MFT Student’s Evaluation of
Supervision and Agency” to fill out themselves (See Appendix V pages 64- 74).
The clinical supervisor’s evaluation is discussed with the student and is signed by the student.
The student’s evaluation of supervision/site is reviewed by the practicum instructor and by the
CT staff. The Practicum instructor provides feedback to each student regarding class
All evaluations are to be returned to the Practicum instructor during the last week of classes.
Evaluations of Trainees are kept in students’ clinical training files. Evaluations of supervision and
sites are kept in site files and are used to make recommendations about the appropriateness of
practicum settings for potential trainees. Students are not identified if and when we make
recommendations to the agency.
Note: Both evaluations of you and your supervisor are required for a grade. If they are not
completed and turned in at the appropriate time, the student will receive an “In Progress” (IP)
until both evaluations are received.
Most of the forms that you’ll need are available through Pepperdine. You may also download BBS
forms from the BBS homepage, www.bbs.ca.gov.
(Note: While descriptions of forms in this
section specify LMFT’s, the BBS has comparable forms for LPCCs).
The following forms are required to document your experience. They are distributed to students
during the “Preparing for Practicum” meeting and are also available from the CTPD staff.
1. “Responsibility Statement for Supervisors of a Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee or
Associatealso known as the “Supervisor’s Responsibility Statement” (SRS):
According to the BPC Section 1821 (b), any person who supervises a Trainee or Associate is
required to sign under penalty of perjury the “Responsibility Statement for Supervisors of a Marriage
and Family Therapist Trainee or Associate,” prior to the commencement of such supervision. This
form specifies the conditions that must be met for a person to supervise according to regulation and
for a Trainee’s or Associate’s hours to count.
How to use the SRS form: Ask your supervisor to sign the SRS before supervision begins. If you have
more than one supervisor, each must sign a separate SRS. At this time, you can request that your
supervisor read and sign the “4-Way Agreement”. You may verify the status of his/her license through
Online License Verification on the BBS homepage:
Note: Write down the supervisor’s license expiration date in your appointment book so that you will
have a reminder to check on whether or not the supervisor renewed her/his license. Do this for your
own protection; any hours you earn under a supervisor whose license has expired will not count.
File a copy of the SRS for each of your supervisors with your Clinical Training staff. Send your
originals to the BBS with your application for the license exam.
2. “Weekly Summary of Hours of Experience,” a.k.a. the “Weekly Log”:
You are required by law to maintain weekly logs of all experience gained toward licensure. Although
some supervisors prefer to sign several weeks at a time, the regulations specify that the logs “shall be
CAUTION: All forms that accompany applications (for both the
number and license exam) must have original signatures,
with no
“whiteout. If you make a mistake on a form, you’ll need to
your supervisor re-sign it. You are allowed to photocopy any
used by the Board. Make plenty of copies of blank forms.
signed by the supervisor on a weekly basis.” [B&P Code Section 1833 (e)]. This requirement is set up
in your best interest. If a supervisor leaves or becomes otherwise unavailable, weekly signatures can
prevent the loss of hard-earned hours. When you terminate at a clinical facility, change supervisors, or
become an Associate at the same site, your supervisor will transfer the hours from your weekly logs to
the “LMFT Experience Verification” form (described in
#3, below).
How to use the Weekly Logs: Enter into each week the number of hours - not minutes - of supervised
experience that you gained at your clinical site. Also enter the number of hours of supervision: group
and/or individual. After the first unit of supervision, partial hours may be entered. Client hours may be
partial numbers. Total your hours each week. If you have questions, please ask the Clinical Training
staff. Ask your supervisor to sign your log each week. If you make a mistake, have your supervisor
initial the correction (Remember: NO whiteout!).
Students and Associates have found that https://www.trackyourhours.com/ is an easy and safe
way to record weekly clinical and nonclinical hours.
At the final class session of each term, Practicum students bring to class a copy of their Weekly Log
with totals entered and with appropriate supervisor signatures. Students show their logs to their
instructors and to the Clinical Training staff person, who may attend the class. The logs are examined
for clerical accuracy and to verify that the student has completed the required number of hours for
practicum credit. Original weekly logs are not handed in but are kept by the student for the
supervisor’s use, as described next.
Retain all weekly logs until you are licensed. The BBS may require you to submit all or portions of
your logs to verify hours of experience. Note: Do NOT send your weekly logs to the BBS unless
requested to do so.
3. “Marriage and Family Therapist Experience Verification,” (or Experience Verification Form):
This form is used to document your supervised clinical experience. No corrections or erasures
are allowed. You may need to make many photocopies of this form.
How to use the Experience Verification form: Bring this form and your Weekly Logs to your
supervisor when you:
get ready to leave a practicum site,
change supervisors at the same site,
graduate and change your status from Trainee to Associate (even if you stay at a site and
have the same supervisor)
You and Your supervisor transfers the total hours in each category from the Weekly Logs to the
Experience Verification form, completes the appropriate sections, and signs the form. Keep your
signed verification forms until you have collected your 3,000 hours. When you apply for the license
exam, submit all original/signed Experience Verifications to document your 3,000 hours.
*A separate form should be used for pre-degree and post-degree hours for LMFT Trainees and
Workshops Attended are documented both on the Weekly Logs and the Experience Verification
form as Non-Clinical Experience, with the prior approval of your supervisor To count these hours
while you are in your master’s program, you need to be enrolled in Practicum or have a 4-Way
Agreement signed and on file at the CT Department and receive the minimum supervision at your
How to count workshops: On your Weekly Logs, under Non-Clinical Experience, enter the number of
hours spent at approved workshops on the date(s) you attended them. Have your Clinical
Supervisor sign for workshop hours at supervision that week.
Note: The Board does NOT require that you submit flyers, brochures or notices of workshops. Many
students find it helpful to keep an ongoing list of all workshops they attend. This list then becomes a
valuable attachment to the résumé!
Your BBS Files: Who Maintains Them?
Students should maintain their own BBS files, including their Weekly Logs, LMFT Experience
Verifications and original Supervisor Responsibility Statements. Also, it is a good idea to make a
copy of your “Supervisor’s Evaluation of the Student”. The documents that are regularly filed by the
CTC include:
Acknowledgements of BBS Requirements
4-Way Agreements
Photocopies of Supervisor Responsibility Statements
Supervisor, student, and instructor evaluations from the practicum course.
Practicum instructors verify hours differently: some request to see your original weekly logs while
others require that you make copies to be submitted. Do not leave original weekly logs with your
practicum instructor or with CT staff.
Pepperdine is not required by the BBS to hold onto MFT/Practicum student forms post-
graduation. You are responsible for the safe-keeping of all your BBS forms!
Don’t Forget This! Experience Verification forms call for certain documentation to
be attached. The BBS tells us that this item is most often overlooked:
For volunteer supervisors who are not employed by the agency at which you
work, a Volunteer Letter of Agreement completed by the agency must be
Supervision Defined
Section 1833 (b) of the BPC defines supervision as “ensuring that the extent, kind and quality of
counseling performed is consistent with the education, training and experience of the person being
supervised; reviewing client/patient records, monitoring and evaluating assessment, diagnosis and
treatment decisions of the Associate or trainee; monitoring and evaluating the ability of the
associate or trainee to provide services at the site(s) where he or she will be practicing and to the
particular clientele being served; and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations governing the
practice of marriage and family therapy. Supervision shall include that amount of direct
observation or review of audio or video tapes of therapy, as deemed appropriate by the
Specific Requirements for Receiving Supervision
You, the supervisee, must meet ALL of the following criteria:
For every week that you claim hours and at each setting you work (if more than one at a
time), you must have a minimum of one (1) hour of individual or two (2) hours of group
No more than eight (8) supervisees may attend group supervision.
A SUPERVISION UNIT is either one (1) hour of individual or two (2) hours of group
1 hour of supervision must be 60 minutes of supervision
For every five (5) hours of client contact, Trainees must receive on average over the
length of time at the site ONE UNIT of supervision. This is called the “five-to-one ratio”
and is discussed in greater detail below.
Post-degree Associates shall receive at least one hour of direct supervisor contact for the
first ten hours of client contact in each setting and one additional hour for any hours over
ten in a working week.
No more than 6 total clock hours of supervision may be counted in any one week (Be
sure to record all supervision hours on your logs for ratio purposes).
You must receive individual, face-to-face supervision for at least 52 weeks of your total pre-
licensed experience. Weeks do not have to be consecutive.
Your supervisor at the clinical practicum site, not the Pepperdine Clinical Training staff,
decides whether or not workshops, seminars and other training may be counted on the
weekly logs.
No supervision during a particular week? No hours may be counted for that week!
How to Calculate Supervision Ratios
Both supervised experience and supervision itself are recorded on the Weekly Summary of Hours of
Experience, also known as the “Weekly Logs.” However, when you document your hours to the BBS
with your license application, you will submit your Experience Verification forms. These forms contain
a summary of all hours recorded on the “Weekly Logs.” On these forms, Trainees must be able to
show at least one hour of individual supervision or two hours of group supervision for every five hours
of direct client counseling.
The BBS calculates allowable hours of client contact based on the total supervision received at each
setting in which the Trainee or Associate gained hours. The time period involved could be as little as
one week or as long as six years. For Pepperdine’s purposes, the ratio of client contact to supervision
will be calculated after 6 units of practicum and when the student has earned a minimum of 225 (a
combination of 150 of direct client contact combined with 75 client centered advocacy) hours client
contact with appropriate supervision. To determine your allowable client contact hours per setting,
first look to see that you have at least the minimum “unit” of supervision each week (one hour of
individual or two hours of group). Add any partial units of supervision to the sum. Then, multiply the
number of “supervision units” by five. “The product is the maximum number of client contact hours the
BBS will count for that particular setting.
This system is not so bad, once you understand the principles involved. Study these examples to see
how the ratios work in practice (Please note: these examples are intended for students who choose
to earn the minimum 225 hours of direct client contact by the LMFT Trainee. Please make sure that
all client contact is within the 5 to 1 supervision ratio):
Example 1: If you have 6 weeks of individual supervision (one hour) and 9 weeks of group
supervision (two hours), you have 15 “units” of supervision. Multiply 15 times 5 and you get
how many hours of client contact the board will allow, in this case 75 hours. If you had
recorded 80 hours of client contact on your experience verification form, the BBS would “lop
off” 5 of those hours.
Example 2: If you have 15 weeks of individual supervision (one hour) and 15 weeks of group
supervision (2 hours), you have 30 units of supervision and are allowed to count up to 150
hours of client contact (30 X 5) for that setting. If you had recorded 120 hours, of client contact
on your experience verification form, the BBS would count them all.
Example 3: If you have 15 weeks of individual supervision and during the same period of time
receive 30 hours of group supervision (2 hours/week), then you would have 30 units of
supervision, but still only 15 weeks. This distinction is important on the Experience Verification
form, where Item #11 asks how many weeks of supervised experience are being claimed.
As you can see, the actual number of countable client hours is limited by the maximum number of
allowable supervision hours. A maximum of five (6) clock hours of supervision may be credited
during any one week. Note that this is not “units” of supervision, but actual time spent, in either
individual or group supervision. If you need more than five hours of supervision to cover your hours of
client contact using the 5:1 ratio, be sure to obtain and record it. Otherwise, both you and your
supervisor will be acting in noncompliance with the regulations.
Specific Requirements of Supervisors
The BBS requires that supervisors sign a “Responsibility Statement for Supervisors of a
Marriage and Family Therapist Trainee or Associatebefore beginning supervision with a Trainee
or Associate. This form assures the Board, the school, and the Trainee/Associate that the supervisor
meets certain standards of experience, and knows and will follow BBS laws and regulations.
For Trainee hours to count toward BBS and practicum requirements, each supervisor:
must sign the “4-Way Agreement” and be approved to supervise the student by the CT
must be a California-licensed LMFT, licensed LPCC, Clinical Psychologist, LCSW, or Board
Certified Psychiatrist who has held a valid, unexpired California license for at least two years prior
to commencing supervision. (Note that Educational Psychologists do not qualify as clinical
may not be your spouse or relative by blood, marriage, domestic partnership or anyone with
whom you have or had a personal or business relationship that undermines the authority or
effectiveness of the supervisor.
must keep informed of developments in marriage, family and child counseling, as well as the
California laws and regulations governing Trainees and Associates.
shall ensure that the extent, kind, and quality of counseling performed is consistent with the
education, training and experience of the Trainee or Associate.
shall evaluate the site where a Trainee or Trainee will be gaining hours and shall make sure that
the site provides experience that is within the scope of marriage and family therapy and in
compliance with the specific regulations for supervision.
must notify the Trainee immediately of any event that affects the supervisor’s ability to
must give at least one (1) week’s written notice to an Trainee or Associate of the intent not to
certify any further hours of experience.
shall obtain from a future Trainee or Associate the name, address and phone number of the
Trainee’s/Associate’s most recent supervisor and employer.
Additional requirements may be found in Pepperdine’s “4-Way Agreement” and in Section
1833.1 of the BBS regulations.
Supervisor Training
BBS-licensed supervisors (LMFT or LCSW) must complete 6 hours of training in supervision
methods every two years. This training may be included in the 36 hours of continuing education
Make sure that the supervisors license is current. To verify that
your LMFT or LCSW supervisor’s license is current, you may visit
the BBS website at www.bbs.ca.gov. Click on “Online License
Verification”. For supervisors who are Psychologists, you may call
(916) 263-2699 or check on the Board of Psychology website
at www.psychboard.ca.gov/. Licensed Educational Psychologists
(LEP’s) do not qualify as supervisors for pre-licensed LMFTs.
required for license renewal every two years. Both AAMFT and CAMFT offer courses in
The regulations allow the supervisor to begin a supervisory relationship as long as the supervisor
meets the training requirement within 60 days of starting supervision.
Note: It is important that you ask your supervisor if he or she has taken this mandated training or
plans to take it in the time allotted.
“Interim” Supervisor
If your regular supervisor is on vacation, ill, or cannot supervise you during a particular week, you will
need a substitute in order to count your hours for that week. According to the BBS, if the interim
supervisor is supervising you less than 3 weeks, this interim supervisor must only:
sign a separate Supervisor Responsibility Statement prior to supervising you, and
sign your weekly log.
If the interim supervisor is supervising you for more than 3 weeks, the interim supervisor must:
sign a separate Supervisor Responsibility Statement prior to supervising you,
sign a separate weekly log, and
sign a separate Experience Verification form for the number of hours they supervised.
Paying for Supervision
BBS regulations apply to both Trainees and Associatespaying for supervision is allowable.
However, this may change and we will keep you posted.
Associates who work in nonprofit settings follow the same recommendation as that described for
Trainees. Associates working in private practice may not pay for supervision. Be careful how the
accounting is set up. You need a W-2 from your supervisor, who is your employer. Please be
aware that if the accounting is set up so that you give your supervisor/ agency a percentage of
your “fees,” this arrangement is actually illegal, since Associates cannot be paid directly for their
*According to the Department of Labor it is unlawful for an LMFT Associate or Trainee to pay his
or her employer for supervision. An associate or trainee may lawfully pay for off-site supervision at
any setting other than private practice. This may only be done where an appropriately executed
letter of agreement exists.
Problems with Sites/Supervisors
We do our best to cultivate a database of sites and supervisors who are competent and effective and
have found that problems with sites and supervisors are, fortunately, few and far between. Those that
do occur can usually be resolved fairly easily.
In general, unless it is one of those rare situations that requires our immediate intervention, we
encourage students to talk with their supervisors directly and honestly about problems and to find
solutions together. Most complaints are remediable with open and respectful discussion.
Students may use the Practicum class to discuss the situation with the instructor and even role- play
ways in which to approach the supervisor. Students with site or supervisor problems should also
consult the CT staff, who may have background information on the site that would change the course
of action required (for more information, see the section entitled, Problems at the Site?, pages 36-
The “Six-Year” Rule
Two different regulations provide parameters for LMFT pre-license experience. The first ensures
that applicants’ hours are recent and the second limits the length of time one may work as an
Associate. In actuality, the time period affected by these regulations may overlap.
1. Recent hours: Spreading supervised experience over too long a period of time dilutes the
learning experience; with the exception of up to 500 hours gained during practicum, all hours
must be gained during the six (6) years immediately preceding the date of filing for the license
exam. When you send in your application for the license exam, send the BBS your Experience
Verifications for all 3,000 hours. The LMFT analyst counts back six years from the date your
application is received and evaluates only those hours gained during that time, as well as the
maximum of 500 practicum hours, which may be older than six years.
2. The “LMFT Clock” starts whenever you log your first countable hour. However, you are not
required to submit to the board all of the hours that you have actually logged. You can simply hold
back your earliest hours, thus delaying the start of the “clock.”
3. Associate Renewal: An Associate may renew five times. This gives Associates six (6) years in
which to gain all of the hours they need for the exam, excluding up to 500 LMFT hours gained during
Practicum. Associates who have not gained all of their hours (less practicum) within six years need to
apply for a subsequent registration number. Only hours beyond the “six year maximum” will be
deducted. The subsequent Associate may not work in private practice and will need to qualify under
the academic requirements in effect at the time. Clearly, the Board wants Associates to finish their
hours within the allotted six years!
The story behind the time limits is this: as usual, some people were abusing the system. It
came to the attention of the Board that Associates working in private practice would renew
their registrations year after year, either never taking the exam or taking and failing it
repeatedly. But that didn’t matter: before supervision ratios, Associates could see up to 39
clients per week with only one hour of supervision and could renew their Associate numbers
indefinitely. It was a decent living for Associates and their unscrupulous supervisors, but it
wasn’t the intent of the law. This evasion of the license exam not only took away income for
legitimately licensed practitioners, but it also put clients at risk.
Important: Should you register as an Associate if you don’t want to gain hours
Don’t start your Associate clock until you are ready. If, after graduation, you plan to step
temporarily away from your career path for that ocean cruise or to have a family, we suggest that
you delay your Associate registration until you can be reasonably sure that you can earn the
required number of hours within six years.
(Applies to both LMFT and/or LPCC)
To count hours gained after you finish your degree, you must register with the BBS as an LMFT
and/or LPCC Associate. The Board requests that you allow up to 60 days for your application to
be processed. (Instructions for completing the LiveScan fingerprinting will be included in the
LMFT/LPCC Associate Registration Packet found on the BBS website). You may count hours
worked during the time period between graduation and receiving your Associate Registration (AR)
number as long as you:
Apply for an IR number within 90 days the date the degree was posted on transcript, and
Work in a setting defined by law for Trainees. To work in private practice, even as a
volunteer, you must have your AR number in hand.
NOTE: If you miss the 90-day window, don’t panic. The only result is that you won’t be able to count
post-MA hours until you receive your Associate Registration number.
Steps to Register as an Associate
Attend the Associate Registration Meeting held by the Clinical Training staff during your Psy 642
~ Professional Practices class. (Dates for alternate meetings may be found in flyers that are included
in school registration packets.
1. About 4 - 6 weeks after the end of the term, you will receive another letter (“Dear Recent
Graduate”) that includes your personalized Program Certification. This document is a required part
of your Associate application and is completed by the MACLP Program Director to verify to the BBS
that you have fulfilled the academic requirements stipulated by law.
2. Complete and sign the Associate application. Include a 2”x2” passport quality photo of
yourself, the second copy of the Request for Live Scan Service Applicant Submission form, the
fee and the two sealed envelopes containing your official transcript and your Program
Certification and send them to the Board. NOTE: Do not open envelopes. They must remain
sealed. For additional instructions, refer to “How to submit documents to the BBS”, on the next
3. Be patient. The BBS takes from one to three months to issue an Associate number. As long as you
have applied for your AR number within 90 days of your degree posting date and are working in a non-
profit or agency otherwise approvable for Trainees, these hours count as post-degree hours, any
paperwork hours may now count and your supervision ratio is 10:1.
How to Submit Documents to the BBS:
The Board requires TWO applicationsone for the Associate registration and the other for the
licensing exam. Each of these applications requires additional paperwork, such as transcripts,
program certifications, experience verification forms, documentation of sites and copies of forms
related to tax status. We recommend that you:
Always make photocopies of anything you send. Also, it’s a good idea to make your application packet
appear neat and professional: if possible, type the information required.
Never send any back-up materials such as transcripts by themselves to the BBS.
Whether you apply for an Associate Registration Number or for the exam, send everything required in the
same application packet. DO NOT submit materials under separate cover.
Any document for which no application has been filed will be returned to the sender after 90 days of its
The Board requests that you use the following procedure to verify that your documents have
been received:
Whenever you send documents to the BBS, include a self-
addressed, stamped postcard with the names of the documents
identified in writing. When BBS staff open the daily mail, they will
note the documents received, date-stamp your postcard, and mail it
back to you. This can be especially helpful if you are applying for a
position (post degree) that requires you to be a registered
You can show your potential employer that the Board has received
your registration information and application by showing the postcard
that the BBS has verified for you.
Test Ethics Disclaimer: The following information has been drawn from general knowledge of
licensing exams for psychotherapists, together with information about the LMFT exam published by
the BBS. Nothing written here has been gained from direct or indirect knowledge of any actual exam
used for the LMFT license.
Currently, the license exam has two parts California Law and Ethics Exam and the Clinical Exam
and is designed to assess the candidate’s readiness to practice independently as a marriage and
family therapist. This means that on her/his own, the therapist can be expected to handle critical
situations and emergencies those “red flags” you learn about in your law and ethics class. It also
means that the therapist can be relied upon to be generally helpful to clients, with sufficient skills in
the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of problems.
The content of the exams is based upon an occupational analysis that was conducted by the Board
in 2002. An Occupational Analysis is to be conducted every five years, however, the most recent
Occupational Analysis has yet to be released. In an occupational analysis, a survey is constructed
and sent out to a random sample of those in the occupation. Items on the survey typically ask the
respondent to indicate the frequency with which a certain activity is performed and to rate the
activity’s importance. (For example, a therapist may not need to arrange for the hospitalization of
clients very often, but it is essential that she or he know how to do so.)
The survey that went out to the sample of licensed LMFTs contained many items of a generic nature
and a minority of items specific to marriage and family therapy. Not surprisingly, the picture that
emerged was that LMFTs have a generic practice and do not do much work with couples and
families. (This is actually more often true than not.) As a result, the newly- standardized and revised
LMFT license exam tests for a generic, master’s-level psychotherapist, who may or may not
necessarily use systemic models of conceptualizing and treating clients.
However, since the regulations specify that the academic degree must contain at least 12 semester
units in marriage and family therapy, one would expect that the Board would examine this area in
some fashion.
The BBS will send you instructions when you apply for the exam. But, why wait??? Request it be
sent to you now or download it from their website (www.bbs.ca.gov). In our opinion, those who
use the BBS Handbook throughout their Associateships will be better prepared for the exams!
CA Law and Ethics Exam & CA Clinical Exam
California Law and Ethics Exam must be taken within the first year of registration. It
is designed to assess the applicant’s knowledge of the ability to apply legal and
ethical standards relating to clinical practice.
California Clinical Exam will be taken upon completion of supervised experience
hours. It is designed to assess an applicant’s knowledge of psychotherapeutic
principles and methods in treatment and their application and the ability to make
judgments about appropriate techniques, methods and objectives as applicable to
the profession’s scope of practice.
Additionally, “…Registrants must take the California Law and Ethics Exam within their first
year as an Associate, and before renewing their Associate number if not passed the first time.
If a registrant does not take the Law and Ethics Exam during a renewal period, he or she will
not be permitted to renew the registration until the exam has been taken. If a registrant does
not pass the Law and Ethics Exam during a renewal period, he or she will be required to take a
12-hour continuing education course on California Law and Ethics in order to be eligible to
retake the Law and Ethics Exam…” (California BBS).
Apply for the exam after you have completed your academic requirements and your 3,000 hours of
supervised experience. You do not need another Program Certification if one is already on file with
the BBS (presumably with your Associate application), unless the form has been changed while you
were an Associate. In this case, you will be instructed by the board to submit a new Program
Certification. If this situation applies to you, contact Summer O’Neal at the WLA Campus for
The LPCC License Exam
**Please check the BBS website for the latest licensing exam information**
Currently, the BBS is requiring two exams: (1) California Law and Ethics Exam and (2)
National Clinical Counselor Mental Health Examination. Information about LPCC exams
can be found at: http://www.bbs.ca.gov/lpcc_program/index.shtml
Dear Student:
We hope that this handbook has been helpful to you. If you have any comments or questions about the
handbook or about the MACLP program, please let us know we would enjoy hearing from you.
Thank you very much for your attention and diligence in reading this document completely.
We wish you the best in both your academic program and in your professional career.
Yours sincerely,
Carrie Castañeda-Sound, Kathleen Wenger, Rebecca Reed and Alice Richardson
June, 2018
Appendix I
In 2015, CAMFT conducted a survey to compile demographic data on its licensed clinical members.
There were 15,464 clinical and 10,930 pre-licensed surveys sent with a 16% composite return
rate. The following is a summary of the survey highlights in both categories of membership.
A Snapshot of the Typical California MFT:
· Over 50% of LMFT’s and Pre-Licensed LMFT’s live in LA or the greater Bay areas
· 80.7% Licensed and 83.2% Pre-Licensees are female
· The average age of LMFT’s is 57.6 years, the average pre-licensed age is 41
· 75.8% of LMFT’s have had a prior career
· 78% of LMFT’s are in Private Practice either full- or part-time
· 66.1% consider Private Practice to be their primary source of income
· Only 16.7% of pre-licensees work in a private practice setting
· Individuals and adults are the most commonly treated populations
· Most common disorders treated: Anxiety disorders (66%) and Depressive disorders (62%)
· The most commonly modality used is CBT (76%)
· LMFT’s spend between 13-24 sessions with a client before concluding treatment
· 86% of LMFTs identified 50-60 minutes as the average length of sessions
· 85% of LMFT’s have a 24-48 hour cancellation policy
· 77% of LMFT’s devote time to volunteer or pro bono therapy
· The average annual income earned in private practice is $50,948
· The average usual and customary fee charged by LMFTs is $146.86 per session
· The average fee paid is $108.05
· 20% of LMFTs are paid for services by a third party
· Approximately 40% of LMFTs are affiliated by a PPO, HMO, EAP or other managed care
· 55% of pre-licensees have paid Associateships, ranging from $15-$25/hour.
Marketing: Almost 83% of LMFTs and 73% of pre-licensees use professional or client referrals as
their primary marketing tool. 53.5% of LMFTs and 76% of pre-licensees use Psychology
Today to promote their services. The majority of LMFTs spend less than one hour per week
marketing/promoting their services.
CAMFT: In order of popularity, legal consultation, professional liability insurance, The Therapist
magazine, and CAMFT advocacy efforts were indicated as the most beneficial member
benefits by both clinical and pre-licensed members. Pre-licensees were almost twice as likely
to cite the CAMFT Community as a valuable member benefit: 32% of pre-licensees did,
compared to only 18% of LMFT’s.
*For further details, please see THE THERAPIST, September/October 2015.
Appendix II
Aliento Requirements For Practicum:
-If students enrolled in the ALIENTO program will be providing services in Spanish, then it is a
requirement that the student receives clinical supervision in Spanish.
-If students enrolled in the ALIENTO program will be providing services to Latina/o community
and the services will be provided entirely in English then there is no requirement for clinical
supervision in Spanish. (Only English clinical supervision will be required)
-Students enrolled in the ALIENTO program must have 50% of their total client contact hours met
by serving Latina/o communities.
Therapy services can be given in English or Spanish.
For students in the M.A. in Clinical Psychology Program with Latinas/os (ALIENTO) the following
prerequisite courses must be completed before enrolling in PSY 662 or 663:
Students enrolled in the ALIENTO program must enroll for PSY 663 if providing services in Spanish.
-If students enrolled in the ALIENTO program will be providing services to Latina/o communities
and the services will be provided entirely in English, then the student can choose to enroll in the
PSY 662 Clinical Practicum course OR the PSY 663
-Bilingual Clinical Practicum course.
-Enrollment in PSY 663 is based on availability, with priority given to students who provide
services in Spanish.
-PSY 663 is Intermediate/Advanced for students who are at an intermediate or proficient level of
Why Must You Be Enrolled in PSY 662 Clinical Practicum or PSY 663 - Bilingual Clinical
Practicum: Latina/o Emphasis for (ALIENTO program), to Have Your Experience Approved?
Students are legally defined as “Trainees” after completing 12 semester units in the MACLP
program and have a written agreement (4-Way Agreement) on file in the Clinical Training
Department. Pepperdine does not sanction the acquisition of clinical experience until
students have enrolled in PSY 662 Clinical Practicum or PSY 663 Bilingual Practicum
(ALIENTO program only).
PSY 606 Interpersonal Skills and Group Therapy
PSY 623 Ethics and Law for Mental Health Professionals
PSY 639 Couple and Family Therapy I
PSY 661 Preparation for Practicum
PSY 674 Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Health Disorders (Latina/o Emphasis)
PSY 676 Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Latina/o Emphasis)
PSY 678 Techniques of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Latina/o Emphasis)
1. True or False- Does every student in the Aliento program need to be
enrolled in 663 at some point in the program?
False: Only students providing Spanish-speaking services need to
enroll in the Bilingual practicum.
2. Do I have to have my supervision in Spanish?
False: You only need supervision in Spanish if you are providing
Spanish-speaking services.
3. What if I have 16 clients, 1 client that speaks Spanish and 15 speak English,
do I have to have Spanish supervision?
If you have 15-16 clients and only 1 or 2 clients speak Spanish, then your
supervision can be in English, but it would be preferred that you have someone on
site who you can consult with about these cases who is Spanish speaking, if possible.
4. True or False: Aliento program students need to have 40% of their hours with
clients from the Latina/o community.
False: 50 % of a student’s total client contact hours must be from serving Latina/o communities.
Appendix III
Pepperdine University
Graduate School of Education & Psychology
Acknowledgment of BBS/MACLP Requirements
For Students Enrolling during or after Fall 2012
Students who intend to pursue licensure as an LMFT/LPCC should know that certain conditions set by the Board of Behavioral
Sciences (BBS) may impact their eligibility to sit for the LMFT/LPCC license exams. These and other conditions specific to the
Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy (MACLP) Program appear below.
INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete and return this form to the Clinical Training Coordinator at your educational center as soon
as possible.
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle Initial
Number and Street Apt. No. City Zip
Phone (Daytime): _______________________________ Student ID#______________________________
Pepperdine E-Mail: _____________________________ Personal E-Mail:__________________________
Date first enrolled in (or transferred to) the MACLP Program: ______________________________________
Educational Center Attending (check one): WLA EGC IGC MAL
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the following:
A. The Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology with an Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy (MACLP) degree that I will
obtain through Pepperdine University is designed to meet the requirements of Sections 4980.37, 4980.40, and subdivisions
(a) and (d) of Section 4980.41 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California for the Marriage and Family
Therapist license.
B. The Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (MACLP) degree is the only Pepperdine degree that offers the academic
preparation for the LMFT/LPCC licenses. If I graduate with the general Masters (MAP) degree in psychology I will not be
eligible to take the LMFT or LPCC license exams.
C. My hours toward LMFT Licensure may begin accruing upon submission and approval of the 4-Way Agreement. I have been
informed that I must complete all seven prerequisite classes and attend the “Tips for a Successful Practicum” that is offered
within the Preparing for Practicum Class (Psy 661) prior to recording LMFT licensure hours. The state-required 4-Way
Agreement is used by Pepperdine's LMFT/LPCC Clinical Training Department to coordinate each MACLP student's
practicum experience. An MACLP student is not allowed to be a 1099 Independent Contractor or train in a private practice
setting. Even private types of settings put the MACLP student at risk of being exploited and/or losing valuable
graduation/licensure hours. Pepperdine assumes no responsibility for the loss of hours caused by misstatements, incorrect
information and/or negligence on the part of a supervisor and/or agency director. Approval of hours is, and always has
been, the purview of the state Board of Behavioral Sciences. LMFT licensure hours will begin accruing once an MACLP
student is enrolled in and attending their first practicum class (Psy 662 or Psy 663).
D. I am responsible for reading and abiding by the relevant BBS Laws and Regulations, the LMFT/LPCC Handbook, the GSEP
catalog, and the Psychology Division Policies & Procedures.
E. If I intend to pursue licensure outside of the State of California, I will correspond with out-of-state licensing boards to
ensure that the requirements of Pepperdine’s MACLP program are consistent with theirs.
F. I may not be able to qualify for state licensure if I have been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendre to, any
misdemeanor or felony. I will need to disclose convictions dismissed under Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code. I will not
need to disclose offenses prior to my 18th birthday or any traffic violations for which a fine of $500 or less was imposed. If
this section applies to me, I will contact the BBS at once to determine my eligibility for the L MFT/LPCC license.
G. I will need to disclose if I have ever been denied a professional license, or if my license privileges have ever been
suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined, or if I have ever voluntarily surrendered any such license.
H. My continuation in the program is based on maintaining both academic and behavioral standards (including the misuse of
chemicals, substances, medications, etc.). My suitability for the psychotherapy profession will be evaluated by faculty,
clinical training staff, practicum instructors, and clinical supervisors.
I. I am aware that it is my responsibility to retain important original practicum documentation (i.e. Weekly Summary of Hours,
Supervisor Responsibility Statements, etc.) for future verification of my clinical practicum experience by licensing agencies
or state boards.
J. I am aware that the majority of my clinical practicum experience is coordinated off campus, often requiring daytime
commitments and not evenings or weekends exclusively.
K. I am responsible for meeting requirements necessary for LMFT/LPCC licensing. I need to accrue 280 face-to-face client
contact hours pre-degree if I am going to pursue the LPCC license.
Student’s Signature
Appendix IV
Pepperdine University
Supervisor Evaluation of LMFT/LPCC Trainee Form
Student Name: Academic Program: ____
Evaluation Period: F a ll 20___ Spring 20___ Sum m er 20___ O th e r
Agency Name: City:
Clinical Supervisor’s Name: Phone: __
How Competency was Assessed. Check all that apply.
A. Direct Observation
B. Video
C. Audio
D. Supervisory Discussion
E. Review of Written Reports
F. Feedback from others
Other (specify):
3: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and
4: Meets Standard, appropriate to current level of training and
5: Meets standard, exceeds in some competencies
6: Exceeds performance standard in most competencies.
Note: If student Fails to Meet Standard or Needs Improvement, provide explanation
in the Comment box for that Competency.
Performance Levels:
Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student 1 thru 6
based on where majority of boxes are checked for that competency.
1: Fails to meet standard, requires further training
2: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training
COMPETENCY 1: Clinical Evaluation
Needs much guidance in
identifying presenting
problems, id e n tify in g c lie n t
strengths, and
identifying possible substance
abuse, and in connecting
presenting problem to DSM
Can identify treatment unit, presenting
problems, and patterns of behavior with
guidance. D o e s n o t a lw a y s id e n tify
risks and self-destructive behaviors.
Sometimes misses client strengths and
needs to be reminded to identify such
strengths. D oes n ot alw ay s assess for
substance abuse. N eeds help
connecting DSM criteria to presenting
problems. H a s little u n d e rs ta n d in g o f
prognostic indicators.
Generally good at identifying unit of
treatment, presenting problems, and patterns
of behavior. Id e n tifie s ris k s a n d se lf-
destructive behaviors and implements
prevention techniques and identifies
appropriate intervention resources.
Routinely assesses client strengths and
coping skills, and possible substance use.
Generally sufficient in using the DSM but
sometimes needs help in identifying
appropriate diagnoses. B eginning to
understand prognostic indicators.
Consistently good at identifying unit of
treatment, presenting problems, and
patterns of behavior. Id e n tifie s risk s
and self-destructive behaviors and
implements prevention techniques and
identifies appropriate intervention
resources. R o u tin ely assesses
client strengths and coping skills, and
possible substance use. C onnects
presenting problem with DSM diagnosis
and identifies possible comorbid
disorders. C a n id e n tify e le m e n ts
relevant to making proper prognosis.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management
Is inadequate in identifying
indicators of abuse, danger to self,
or danger to others. Sometimes
disputes supervisor’s identifications
of such indicators. Inadequate in
issues dealing with trauma.
Completely relies upon supervisor
to develop and implement a plan to
reduce the potential for danger and
to report these incidents.
Requires Comment.
Sometimes misses indicators of abuse,
danger to self, or danger to others, but
understands these signs after discussion
with supervisor. M o stly re lie s
upon supervisor to develop and
implement a plan to reduce the potential
for danger. Is u n c e rta in in id en tify in g
and treating trauma. F eels less
confident in reporting such crises and
defers to supervisor to complete
reporting requirements.
Generally good at observing and
assessing for indicators of abuse, danger
to self, or danger to others with support
from supervisor. H e lp s in th e
development and implementation of a
plan to reduce the potential for danger.
Generally good at identifying and
treating trauma with assistance from
supervisor. M anages reporting
requirements with assistance from
Consistently observes and assesses for
indications of abuse, danger to self, or
danger to others.
Develops/implements a plan to reduce
the potential for danger with appropriate
input from supervisor. E x c e lle n t
at identifying and treating trauma.
Manages reporting requirements
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 3: Treatment Planning
Inadequate knowledge of
principles of systems theory and/or
a clinically appropriate theory.
Difficulty in identifying stages of
treatment and imposes treatment
goals. D oes not understand the
differences between short- and
long-term treatment goals. D oes
not recognize the need for referral
and is not aware of appropriate
referrals. Requires Comment.
Often needs help demonstrating
knowledge of principles of systems
theory and/or a clinically appropriate
theory. N eeds help in identifying
stages of treatment and developing
mutually agreed upon, appropriate short-
and long-term goals. O ften needs help
recognizing the need for referral for
appropriate services and resources.
Generally good demonstration of
awareness of principles of systems theory
and/or a clinically appropriate theory.
Acceptable identification of stages of
treatment and mutually agreed upon,
appropriate short- and long-term
treatment goals.
Sometimes needs guidance on
recognizing the need for referral for
appropriate services and resources.
Consistent demonstration of awareness
of principles of systems theory and/or a
clinically appropriate theory. Id e n tifie s
stages of treatment and sets mutually
agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-
term goals for treatment. R ecognizes
the need for referral and identifies
appropriate services and resources.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building
Inadequate in developing
empathy and sometimes is not
aware of empathy’s importance.
Does not create a safe environment.
Is unaware of how one’s own
biases affect treatment outcomes.
Requires Comment.
Often does not develop empathy.
Needs help in creating a safe
environment and understanding the
problem from the client’s perspective.
Difficulty developing trust with clients
and often imposes one’s own biases.
Is not always aware of one’s emotions
and imposes treatment without much
regard to therapeutic working alliance.
Is not aware of impact of self on clients.
Generally good at developing
empathy. Is adequate in creating a safe
environment and attempts to understand
the problem from the client’s
perspective. Is adequate in developing
trust with clients but sometimes needs to
keep biases in check. Is developing the
ability to control one’s emotions.
Sometimes proceeds to treatment before
trust is fully developed. Is
appropriately aware of impact of self on
Consistent demonstration of empathy.
Creates a safe environment by
understanding the problem from the
client’s perspective. C o n siste n tly in
control of one’s emotions and assesses for
trust. Is aw are and uses im pact of self
on clients in treatment.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 5: Treatment
Unable to apply any therapeutic
Requires Comment.
Poor knowledge of theoretically
appropriate, evidence based treatment,
and client-specific clinical interventions.
Needs help in evaluating client’s
coping skills to determine timing of
interventions. N eeds guidance in
modifying the treatment process based
upon therapeutic progress. N eeds
assistance in understanding transference
and countertransference issues. Poor
at case management-related issues.
Needs help in identifying appropriate
termination and transition from
Generally good knowledge of
theoretically appropriate, evidence based
treatment, and client-specific clinical
interventions. Is adequate at
explaining treatments to clients.
Good in evaluating client’s coping skills
to determine timing of interventions.
Good in modifying the treatment process
by monitoring therapeutic progress. Is
gaining awareness of transference and
countertransference issues. A dequate
at case management-related issues.
Good in developing a plan for
termination with client to provide a
transition from treatment.
Demonstrates consistent knowledge of
theoretically appropriate, evidence based
treatment, and client-specific clinical
interventions. V ery good skills in
explaining treatments in ways clients can
understand. C onsistent in evaluating
client’s coping skills to determine timing
of interventions. C o n sis te n t in
modifying the treatment process by
monitoring therapeutic progress. H as
good awareness of transference and
countertransference issues. G ood at
case management-related issues.
Consistent in developing a plan for
termination with client to provide a
transition from treatment.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity
Unable to understand the
importance of issues of diversity.
Requires Comment.
Needs help in identifying issues of
diversity which impact the therapeutic
environment. S o m e tim e s is u n a b le to
disentangle one’s own values from
client’s values, which sometimes
interferes with treatment strategies.
Generally good at identifying issues
of diversity which impact the therapeutic
environment. Is able to provide an
unbiased therapeutic environment when
client’s values or beliefs are different
from one’s own views. C an apply
treatment strategies consistent with
client’s values, beliefs, and/or
Consistent at identifying issues of
diversity which impact the therapeutic
environment, including issues of gender,
sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age,
disability, and religious/faith beliefs on the
therapeutic process. C onsistent at
providing an unbiased therapeutic
environment when client’s values, beliefs,
and/or worldviews are different from one’s
own views.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
Poor understanding of legal
issues relevant to this clinical
Requires Comment.
Needs help in recognizing legal
issues, managing mandated reporting
requirements, and obtaining client’s (or
legal guardian’s) authorization for
release to disclose or obtain confidential
information. D o e s n o t a lw a y s
understand the reasoning behind the
need for legal requirements. N eeds to
be reminded of issues surrounding
security of therapy records. Is not very
knowledgeable of laws relevant to
Adequately knowledgeable of legal
issues relevant to this clinical setting.
Adheres to legal statutes, and generally
understands and appropriately manages
mandated reporting requirements with
some assistance from supervisor.
Obtains client’s (or legal guardian’s)
authorization for release to disclose or
obtain confidential information.
Maintains security of clinical records.
Is developing knowledge of and follows
law in clinical practice.
Consistent knowledge of legal issues
relevant to this clinical setting.
Adheres to legal statutes, and understands
and appropriately manages mandated
reporting requirements. O b ta in s a n d
understands the need for client’s (or legal
guardian’s) authorization for release to
disclose or obtain confidential
information. M a in ta in s s e c u rity o f c lie n t
therapy records. A w a re o f a n d
follows law in clinical practice.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
Poor understanding of ethical
issues relevant to this clinical
Requires Comment.
Needs help in recognizing ethical
issues arising in this clinical setting.
Needs reminders to inform clients of
parameters of confidentiality and
conditions of mandated reporting. Is
not aware of one’s scope of practice and
attempts to treat all problems.
Needs reminders of appropriate
therapeutic boundaries. H a s d iffic u lty
in identifying personal
reactions/countertransference issues that
could interfere with the therapeutic
process and sometimes denies or
disputes these issues when pointed out
by supervisor.
Generally good knowledge of ethical
issues arising in this clinical setting.
Is able to inform clients of parameters of
confidentiality and conditions of
mandated reporting. M a in ta in s
appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Is
not always aware of one’s scope of
practice. S om etim es needs help in
identifying personal
reactions/countertransference issues that
could interfere with the therapeutic
process, but can easily correct oversights
in this area. Together with
supervisor, identifies personal
limitations that require outside
Demonstrates excellent knowledge of
ethical issues arising in this clinical
setting. C o n sis te n tly in fo rm s c lie n ts o f
parameters of confidentiality and
conditions of mandated reporting.
Maintains appropriate therapeutic
boundaries. C o n sis te n t a t sta y in g w ith in
scope of practice. C o n sis te n t a b ility to
identify personal
reactions/countertransference issues that
could interfere with the therapeutic
process, and identifies personal limitations
that require outside consultation.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities
Has demonstrated lapses in
initiative, motivation, attitude, self-
awareness. H as dem onstrated
lapses in integrity, sensitivity,
flexibility, insight, compassion and
personal presence. H as
demonstrated lapses in oral and
written communication skills.
Requires Comment.
Needs improvement in demonstrating
initiative, motivation, attitude, self-
awareness. N eeds im provem ent in
integrity, sensitivity, flexibility, insight,
compassion and personal presence.
Needs improvement in oral and written
communication skills.
Generally acceptable demonstration of
initiative, motivation, attitude, self-
awareness. G enerally acceptable
demonstration of integrity, sensitivity,
flexibility, insight, compassion and
personal presence. G enerally
acceptable oral and written
communication skills.
Consistent demonstration of initiative,
motivation, attitude, self-awareness.
Consistent demonstration of integrity,
sensitivity, flexibility, insight, compassion
and personal presence. C o n siste n tly
demonstrated good oral and written
communication skills.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 10: Professional Documentation
Does not adhere to deadlines and
professional documentation
Requires Comment.
Does not always maintain timely and
orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts
agency policies.
Maintains timely and orderly
paperwork and adheres to agency
Consistent maintenance of timely and
orderly paperwork, and adherence to
agency policies.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism
Does not demonstrate
professionalism in the work setting.
Requires Comment.
Appearance and attire is frequently
inappropriate for agency setting.
Is inconsistent in punctuality and in
meeting responsibilities to agency and to
relationships with professional
colleagues. Is not very aw are of the
need for self care.
Appearance appropriate to agency
setting. A cceptable dem onstration of
punctuality and in meeting
responsibilities to agency and to
relationships with professional
colleagues. Is developing the
understanding of the importance of self
Consistently demonstrates proper
appearance appropriate to agency setting.
Consistently demonstrates punctuality
and responsibilities to agency and to
relationships with professional colleagues.
Has the ability to understand the need
for self care as it relates to effective
clinical practice.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism
Does not demonstrate
professionalism in the work setting.
Requires Comment.
Appearance and attire is frequently
inappropriate for agency setting.
Is inconsistent in punctuality and in
meeting responsibilities to agency and to
relationships with professional
colleagues. Is not very aw are of the
need for self care.
Appearance appropriate to agency
setting. A cceptable dem onstration of
punctuality and in meeting
responsibilities to agency and to
relationships with professional
colleagues. Is developing the
understanding of the importance of self
Consistently demonstrates proper
appearance appropriate to agency setting.
Consistently demonstrates punctuality
and responsibilities to agency and to
relationships with professional colleagues.
Has the ability to understand the need
for self care as it relates to effective
clinical practice.
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
Fails to Meet Standard
Meets Minimum Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Comments required if student ranks 1 or 2:
Areas of Strength:
Areas in Need of Further Development:
Plans for Development or Remediation:
Consultation with school requested by clinical supervisor: No
Y e s B e s t d a y /tim e : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Supervisor’s Comments (optional):
Student’s Comments (optional):
Hours of Supervised Experience During This Evaluation Period
Dates covered by this evaluation and reflected in the BBS Weekly Summary of Hours: ___/___/___ to ___/___/___
Total hours of clinical services provided during this academic term:
Individual Therapy:
Couple, Family & Child Therapy:
Group Therapy/Counseling:
Total Face-to-Face Client
______________ Hours
(Minimum of 30 hours)
*Do not double count conjoint couples and family therapy hours.
Total hours of supervision and training received during this academic term:
Individual Supervision:
Group Supervision:
Were direct observations completed (two direct observations for fall and spring semesters, one for summer term)
N o
Did the student meet for clinical supervision at least 10 weeks during the time stated above Yes
N o
The clinical supervisor met, reviewed and discussed this evaluation with the student. Yes
N o
If No, please explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature
Supervisor’s Signature
Pepperdine University Practicum Instructor Signature
Appendix V
Pepperdine University
MFT Clinical Training Program
Note: Please return this evaluation to your practicum instructor by the last week of class. Should
you have more than one practicum site or supervisor, please contact your Clinical Training
Coordinator to discuss the evaluation procedures. Please know that this evaluation (with your
private information blocked out) will be anonymously shared with other MFT students. This
information will not be shared with your practicum site or supervisor.
Student name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________
Student’s phone number: (______)___________________ Email:__________________
Primary Supervisor: ______________________________________________________
(Name) (Degree/Title) (License)
Practicum Site: __________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Agency Telephone: (______)_____________________________
In which semester of Practicum are you enrolled? 1st ___ 2nd ___ 3rd ___
Please note: If this is your third or final term of Practicum and you plan to graduate, you
must have received the following minimum hours of client contact coinciding with your date of
enrollment: For those enrolled prior to September of 2012, 150 hours of client contact is required.
For LMFT/LPCC students enrolled after 9/1/2012, a minimum of 225 hours (150 minimum client
contact and up to 75 client centered advocacy hours) are required. If a student is enrolled after
9/1/2012 and intends to become a PCC Associate, the student will need 280 hours of direct client
contact. If you have received any IP grades in Practicum, you must have them changed to a grade
of “credit” in order for your degree to post.
1. Type and amount of supervision received:
a. __________ hours per week of individual supervision
b. __________ hours per week of group supervision (with 8 unlicensed individuals or
2. Supervision approach: (Check all that apply) Please note: You will need 2 Direct
Observations for the term, however, they may be earned by completing one at each site
(preferable) or if one site does not permit Direct Observation, then both Direct Observations
are allowable at the same site.
a. __________ Case Report
b. __________ Audio Tape
c. __________ Video Tape
d. __________ One-way Mirror
e. __________ Supervisor in room
3. Did your supervisor utilize family therapy models in discussing clients? (Check One)
_____ always _____ most of the time _____sometimes _____seldom _____never
Please specify which systems orientation (s) ________________________________
4. Approximately what percentage of counseling did you do at this site?
____ Children ____ Couples ____ Families ____ Individuals ____ Group
5. What types of client issues did you work with at this site? _______________
6. Does this agency specialize in a specific type of client and/or problem?
_____ No _____ Yes (Specify: _______________________________)
(Circle one response for each item)
Outstanding Good Average Below Poor
1. Was open to my ideas & opinions 5 4 3 2 1
2. Related well to me interpersonally 5 4 3 2 1
3. Helped me better understand my 5 4 3 2 1
theoretical model(s)
4. Helped me better understand and 5 4 3 2 1
use family therapy models
5. Assisted me in assessing interactions 5 4 3 2 1
more skillfully
6. Helped me improve my therapy 5 4 3 2 1
skills and techniques
7. Assisted me in learning how to 5 4 3 2 1
develop better treatment plans
8. Made clear the expectations regarding 5 4 3 2 1
9. Provided me with freedom to develop 5 4 3 2 1
my own counseling style
10. Recognized & encouraged strengths 5 4 3 2 1
11. Recognized and assisted me with my 5 4 3 2 1
areas of improvement
12. Was responsible in regards to 5 4 3 2 1
supervision (on time, kept
appointments, etc.)
13. Demonstrated appropriate ethical 5 4 3 2 1
14. Was a positive role model 5 4 3 2 1
(Circle one response for each item)
Outstanding Good Average Below Poor
1. Knowledge and skill of 5 4 3 2 1
Professionals (administration,
General staff, other supervisors)
2. Ability of professionals to relate 5 4 3 2 1
to students
3. Amount of training provided 5 4 3 2 1
4. Quality of training provided 5 4 3 2 1
(other than regular supervision)
Please describe what you believe are the major strengths and major challenges of your practicum site
experience. This feedback is very important in the overall assessment of this site. Use the back of this form if
additional space is needed.
Appendix VI
Pepperdine University
This form must be signed by students who have completed 6 semester units of PSY 662.
(A) If you started the MACLP Program after 9.1.12, you will need for MFT Associate eligibility: 225 (minimum)
Direct Client Contact Hours for Degree Posting (75 can be Client Centered Advocacy)
(B) PCC Associate eligibility: 280 (minimum) Direct Client Contact Hours needed for Degree Posting (Only Post-Degree
Hours count toward LPCC Licensure)
(C) You will need to take an IP grade if you: 1) Did not meet the 225 minimum direct client contact hour requirement
to graduate or 2) If you did meet the 225 minimum client hour requirement to graduate and you completed your
courses during Summer Session I, but plan to continue accruing hours toward the 280 LPCC eligibility requirement
and/or plan to continue accruing hours toward MFT licensure prior to your degree posting at the end of Summer
Session II.
(D) If you are continuing on in the fall semester, you will need to email/contact your CTC.
Do you intend on registering as an MFT Associate? _________ Yes _______No
Do you intend on registering as a PCC Associate? _______Yes ______ No
Student Printed Name:
Student Signature:
Student CWID:
Practicum Instructor Printed Name:
Practicum Instructor Signature: _______________________________________________________________
(CTC may sign in lieu of Practicum Instructor).
Appendix VII
Appendix VIII
Appendix IX