Executive Deputy Commissioner
Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower, Albany, NY
DATE: November 3, 2020
FROM: Office of the Commissioner
This updates the previously issued October 8, 2020 guidance for Interim Guidance for Quarantine
Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York State Following Out of State Travel. Updates include:
New testing and quarantine criteria for travelers to New York from non-contiguous states and
other countries
In response to increased rates of COVID-19 transmission in certain states and countries, and
to protect New York’s successful containment of COVID-19, New York State has issued a
travel advisory for anyone coming to New York after travel to states that are not contiguous
to New York, or after travel to any CDC Level 2 or Level 3 Travel Health Notice country.
Under Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s leadership, New York State has successfully slowed the
transmission of COVID-19 to a rate that is unprecedented within the country. New York
contracted COVID-19 from Europe, with over 2.2 million travelers coming in between the end of
January and March 16, 2020, when the federal government finally implemented a full European
travel ban. During that period of time, 2.2 million travelers landed in the New York metropolitan
area and entered our communities. This, combined with the density and crowding of our
population, caused New York to have the highest infection rate in the country.
After more than 8 months of strict adherence to data-driven, evidence-based protocols, including
required social distancing and mandatory face coverings, and after the closure of our economy,
New Yorkers have successfully reduced the spread of COVID-19 to one of the lowest rates in the
nation. Other states and nations have taken a more haphazard, less data-driven, less cautious
approach, and are now experiencing a rapidly increasing rate of transmission of this deadly virus.
Any non-essential travel continues to be strongly discouraged.
Quarantine Criteria for Travel
All travelers entering New York from a state that is not a contiguous state, or from a CDC Level 2 or 3
Travel Health Notice country, shall quarantine for a period of 14 days, consistent with Department of
Health regulations for quarantine, unless:
Interim Guidance for Quarantine Restrictions on Travelers Arriving in New York
State Following Out of State Travel
1. For travelers who traveled outside of New York for more than 24 hours, such travelers must
obtain testing within 72 hours prior to arrival in New York, AND
2. Such travelers must, upon arrival in New York, quarantine according to Department of Health
guidelines, for a minimum of three days, measured from time of arrival, and on day 4 may seek a
diagnostic test to exit quarantine.
For travelers that meet the criteria above, the traveler may exit quarantine upon receipt of the second
negative test result.
Contiguous states are Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont. Travelers
from these states are not subject to this guidance.
Travelers who leave New York State for less than 24 hours do not need to obtain a diagnostic test
before departing and do not need to quarantine upon return. However, such travelers must fill out the
traveler form upon entry and must obtain a diagnostic test on the fourth day after arrival in New York.
Guidance for Travel
All individuals coming into New York from either a non-contiguous state or US territory, or any CDC
Level 2 or Level 3 Health Notice country, whether or not such person is a New York resident, are
required to complete the traveler health form upon entering New York. Significant penalties will be
imposed on any individual who fails to complete the traveler health form.
The travel advisory issued pursuant to Executive Order 205.2, requires all New Yorkers, as well as
those visiting from out of state and out of country, to comply with the advisory in the best interest of
public health and safety. However, the Department of Health retains the ability to enforce quarantine
requirements and impose significant penalties for non-compliance, as such non-compliance can result
in significant harm to public health. Primary enforcement is carried out through local departments of
health. To file a report of an individual failing to adhere to the quarantine pursuant to the travel advisory,
please call 1-833-789-0470 or visit this website: Individuals
may also contact their local department of health.
Quarantine Requirements
If you are coming to New York from travel to a non-contiguous state or designated country, and if
such travel was for longer than 24 hours outlined above, you are required to quarantine pursuant
to the below requirements until you test out or for the full 14 days, unless you are an essential
worker traveling from a non-contiguous state, as identified below. The requirements to safely
quarantine include:
The individual must not be in public or otherwise leave the quarters that they have
identified as suitable for their quarantine.
The individual must be situated in separate quarters with a separate bathroom facility
for each individual or family group. Access to a sink with soap, water, and paper towels
is necessary. Cleaning supplies (e.g. household cleaning wipes, bleach) must be
provided in any shared bathroom.
The individual must have a way to self-quarantine from household members as soon as
fever or other symptoms develop, in a separate room(s) with a separate door. Given that
an exposed person might become ill while sleeping, the exposed person must sleep in a
separate bedroom from household members.
Food must be delivered to the person’s quarters.
Quarters must have a supply of face masks for individuals to put on if they
become symptomatic.
Garbage must be bagged and left outside for routine pick up. Special handling is not
A system for temperature and symptom monitoring must be implemented to
provide assessment in-place for the quarantined persons in their separate
Nearby medical facilities must be notified, if the individual begins to experience more
than mild symptoms and may require medical assistance.
The quarters must be secure against unauthorized access.
Travel Advisory Exceptions for First Responders and Essential Workers
Exceptions to the travel advisory are permitted for essential workers traveling from a non-
contiguous state or Level 2 or Level 3 country and are limited based on the duration of time in
New York.
Short Term for first responders and essential workers traveling to New York State for a
period of less than 12 hours.
This includes instances such as an essential worker passing through New York,
delivering goods, awaiting flight layovers, and other short duration activities.
Essential workers must stay in their vehicle and/or limit personal exposure by avoiding
public spaces as much as possible.
Essential workers must monitor temperature and signs of symptoms, wear a face
covering when in public, maintain social distance, and clean and disinfect workspaces.
Essential workers are required, to the extent possible, to avoid extended periods in
public, contact with strangers, and large congregate settings.
Medium Term for first responders and essential workers traveling to New York State for a
period of less than 36 hours, requiring them to stay overnight.
This includes instances such as an essential worker delivering multiple goods in New
York, awaiting longer flight layover, and other medium duration activities.
Essential workers must monitor temperature and signs of symptoms, wear a face
covering when in public, maintain social distance, and clean and disinfect workspaces.
Essential workers are required, to the extent possible, to avoid extended periods in
public, contact with strangers, and large congregate settings.
Long Term for first responders and essential workers traveling to New York State for a period
of greater than 36 hours, requiring them to stay several days.
This includes instances such as an essential worker working on longer projects,
fulfilling extended employment obligations, and other longer duration activities.
Essential workers must seek diagnostic testing for COVID-19 on day 4 after
First responders and essential workers and their employers are expected to comply with
previously issued DOH guidance regarding return to work after a suspected or confirmed case
of COVID-19 or after the employee had close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-
19. Additionally, this guidance may be superseded by more specific industry guidance for a
particular industry (e.g., for nursing home and adult care facility staff, a negative PCR test result
is required before returning to work). Teachers, school employees, and child care workers must
quarantine for a minimum of 3 days after returning to New York from a designated state or
country due to the nature of education and child care services and the risk and difficulty of
adherence to the guidelines that govern such exemptions, and must be tested on day 4 after
arriving, pursuant to EO 205.2. Although such workers are essential, the travel advisory
exemption for essential workers does not apply to teachers, school employees, or child care
workers, due to the sensitivity of these congregate settings.
Consult with your employer regarding whether there is any applicable industry-specific guidance
that may apply to you.
Please consult the DOH website and resources for additional details and information regarding
isolation procedures for when a person under quarantine is diagnosed with COVID-19 or
develops symptoms.
For reference, except as stated above, an “essential worker” is (1) any individual employed by
an entity included on the Empire State Development (ESD) Essential Business list; or (2) any
individual who meets the COVID-19 testing criteria, pursuant to their status as either an
individual who is employed as a health care worker, first responder, or in any position within a
nursing home, long-term care facility, or other congregate care setting, or an individual who is
employed as an essential employee who directly interacts with the public while working,
pursuant to DOH Protocol for COVID-19 Testing, issued May 31, 2020, or (3) any other worker
deemed such by the Commissioner of Health.
Medical Appointments or Procedures
If you have a health care procedure or appointment scheduled in New York that cannot be postponed,
you (and your support person/companion) may travel to the extent necessary to maintain that
appointment but must otherwise remain quarantined. For further information, see the Department’s
guidance on this topic.
Additional Questions and Answers
How will my quarantine be enforced?
The NYS Department of Health expects all travelers to comply and protect public health by adhering to
the quarantine. However, the NYS Department of Health and the local health departments reserve the
right to issue a mandatory quarantine order, if needed. Pursuant to Executive Orders 205.1 and 205.2,
anyone who violates a quarantine order may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000, or
imprisonment up to 15 days per PHL 229.
If I am not an essential worker, can I travel to a non-contiguous for vacation or to see family?
Non-essential travel is strongly discouraged. Upon your return from any travel to a non-contiguous state,
you will be required to quarantine when you enter New York, pursuant to the criteria above. In addition,
pursuant to Executive Order 202.45, as extended, any New York State resident who voluntarily travels
to a non-contiguous state for travel that was not taken as part of the person’s employment or at the
direction of the person’s employer, will not be eligible benefits under New York’s COVID-19 paid sick
leave law.
Additional Travel Advisory Exemptions:
The Commissioner of Health may additionally grant an exemption to the travel advisory based upon
extraordinary circumstances, which do not warrant quarantine, but may be subject to the terms and
conditions applied to essential workers or terms and conditions otherwise imposed by the Commissioner
in the interest of public health. Exemption requests should be sent to
Travel restrictions will help to contain the rates of COVID-19 transmission in New York State
and will work to protect others from serious illness. All New Yorkers must take these travel
directives seriously. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. For further information, please
DOH COVID-19 Website
NYS Local Health Department Directory
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Website
World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 Website